the seattle post-intelligencer. iiblicaniiblican eg ssjzz? £ i? icojsmffihb li 1881. seattle,...

Eg SSJZZ? £ I? ICOJSMffIHB LI 1881. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERMTOET, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1888. iiblican Ticket ?SSWBi*. fat Bwail'er General. A.P. CURRY. ,t- --tor Joint Coati'llmaa JOHN B. ACLT. for Councilman, IOHS R. KISKEAR. For Representatives, T SLACEBURB. H. JOKES, v. RINEHAKT. For Sheriff, JOB* H. McOHAW. For Anditor, W. K fOKR&T. for Treasun r. W. fi. LATIMER for Probate Judge, RICHARD iHBORS. Count}' Comtaissioucr*. SEIi GABCH, ILUAM 11. TAYLOR. >HS WOODIN, For Asaessor. JCUIV HORTOS. School SnperintMidtnt, V. A. PLSEY. For Coroner, J. a »!. SMART. For Surveyor, C. M. ANDERHON. for Wreck master. P. SHOEMAKER. eefnet Officers. Justices of the Peace. JOHN F. MILLER, C. M RIVKKH. For Countable, S. O. THORNTON. CHARLES ROBINSON. Jepublican Meetings (TBI PEOPLE OF KINO COUNTY WILL 1 it addressed by the candidate* of tbe Kafeßeaa party and other able speakeni ; 5J* following times and places: M-Tborwl*', Oct. i'», 7:30 p. m. \u25a0jßs, Friday. Oct. », 7aO p. m. Sn valley, Saturday, Oct. tl, 7 Mtp. m. Km. Monday. Oct. 29, 7:30 p. m. \u25a0GNU, Tuesday, Oct. 90. 7"*t>. m. MgKavllie, Wednesday, Oct. si, 7:-0 p.m. lewder of the county neutral commit- I * R. B. ALBERTSON, Chairman. [ I, T. MrrcHitix. Secretary. MIBB THOBNTOX IT AS OPENED CLASSES IS PORCELAIN J1 Painting and Decorative Art. oa I Taeadays. * edacadays and Saturday. from to 4L at Itwm 7, Cokmial Block. F-.peciai attention given to order work. gliding and firing. eKOKGK r> BI^AKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW?BOOMS S asd X Union Hiock.Beattie, w**h. Bpoctal attention: Corporation, land and gmnßwt taw. P. P. CARROLL, ATTORNEY AND COCNffILLOR AT mm. Roonu 17 and 14. Poactn Build- ing. Front street. '\u25a0 *\u25a0 «LA*OOW. C. t nmura. Pattmon Ac Glaacow. A TTORNEYS AND COCNSELLORB-AT- XX law. OBce, 166 James street, oppo- site the Occidental. _ ISAAC M. HAI-L. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law, Solicitor In Chancery, Proctor la Admiralty, and Notary Pubfic Room a. Post Building. upstair*. Mill street, Seattle, W. T. Consultation tree. JOHN G. JANICKK, ATTORNEY, ROTARY AND SCRVEY or. Will practice in the raited State* land office. Content* initiated, con lacted and defended. Timber land cases a spec- ialty. Settlers located. Addrvm Kalis ' Sty. King "ounty. W. T. 1. J. LICHTKNBKKG 'Late of the Pennsylvania Bar.) pOUNgELLOR AT LAW-ROOMS 1 *x» 2. t'nion Block. Seattle. HENRY It. LOOMIB, ATTORNEY AT LAW-IUCN.HEY BLOC*, comer of front and Columbia street*, Seattle. i MASOLT) ruunos. KEKHY MCBRIDE, I. M. CAKE. Mcßride, CHIT AT Preaton, ATTORNEYS AND COPNSELLORS AT law. Office* at Laconner, Mount Ver- non and Seattle. Seattle office, Vealer- i l*ary block. Jfl7dw W. P. BOYD & CO, A VERY WEAK CASE forward toe eaat-bovad exjpre** daahed ia- ! to tbe wrrek and ent off the !e$ of Haw- kia*. who wa» lylnj on the track :n*e-.-<- hlc from iajarie* received la the firatcol- lirtoo. Twa engioe* and a dote a freight can were demoaahed. No pameager* were hurt. * TUB GRAVE STILL EMPTT. A Bound Murderer Kaeape* From Vigilante*. TiMWiM. .V. T. t>cL ai.?Word haa been receired of the eacaoe from tis swards of Feridico, the murderer at Ceaarlo Lacrrc. aad who is rappo»ed to be one of the Sonora train rubber. Failing to ob- tain a wofesaion from him. they ordered him to prepare for etetation. He wa» placed bound and blindfolded over a trench, and tfcnoch at this time he ac- knowledged the killingof Laccto. related a eoafesalon aa to the robbery. Thinking further to frighten him a vol lev wa* ordered lobe fired over hi* bead. Wbea the amoke cleared away it wa« ftiaad that ha had hia bond*, and thoagh a doten ahots were tired and por*ait inxitnted. ke made good hi* escape. THE UIUWINUTON SWVGOLERS. Pnraer Keyea and Touikml Held for the Grand Jury. SAX FaAHCiiiCo.Oet. 24. ?Theprelimiaary elaminailoa of Clarence T. Towayend and Hm. Keyes. charged with nmuggiiag opium ashore from the steamer Wiimtag- toa from Puget aooad, onjloaday last, was up before l ornmixuoncr Sawvcr yes- terday morning. Both werv beld to aa- *wer before the federal grand jary. bail be- ing fixed at »I«*W In each care. GAIiI»KE'B BONDS UEDI'CEO. Fiied at a Sam He Wilt ll* U>!e to Faraiah. CHICAOO, Oct as.?'The bail at K. A. iiardner, the opium imaegler. was rvdaced bv J udgc BloOKett to-day Irotn i x' *J t \u25a0 $1 o Hi* COUDM.I rrprc«awd that daleadaat was beld in 11-ViMO bail in Buffiilo oa tbe same charge aad found :t diffienlt to give bond* oi »jooo more here. A Lone Highwayman's Poor Haul. MERCED. Oct, 24.?The Merfcd aad Coul- lervltle stage held an by a louc high- wayman nine miles from Coultervi'.lcthis morclag. He was armed with a rifle, and as he commacded the driver to halt he THE UNION PACIFIC ! dilftrent branches throtsghoot the coantry to pat forth a*ery hooest cadeaeor poasi- | bl« to secure ia their rcapectiee Mate* tbe enactaaent of a federal reform bill j>r\>vid I ing for adoptiag the Australian system of voting, to the end that absolut* secrecy tnav be voach*afed each voter as he oa»U his ballot, aad to the end that local pri- mary machines aad political boaaes may be aboliahed. The convention adjoarnad to meet in Boston the third Wednesday in Jnne Iteaaioa After AO Yaara- X»w Toatt, Oct. St.?Just « years ago to-dav the sarr;vors of CoL Jonathan D. Stevenson's First regiment of New York volanteers were mastersd cot of the ser- vice by then First Ueat Wm.T. Sherman, of Moaterey, Cala. In measory of the event tha members of the rcgiment still living sat down to a reunion dinner at KarlisrlU's, oa Fifth avenue to-night Maay men of prominence throughout the country were at the banquet, and letters of regret were received from i.en. Wm. T. Sherman. Col Jonathan J. Stevenson and others. Addresses were made by Major Generals Stewart. Van VHet, l>ecnis strong and Ed. M. Kennedy The Papal Struggle Against Italy ROKK. Oct. 2t?A body of Neapolltaa pilsrims called upon the pone to-dav. The arx-hbiahop of Naples, who beaded the pi! grims. recounted to the pope all that oe- carretl in Naples den tig Emperor William s visit: The pope replied; "<Htr enemies are exerting their whole strennh to opp,»e us. Let us redouble our efforts and re.'urn antlriaily to the struggle. Action Isncc essary, for which I rely upon the clergy.' The "Times" Charges Van- ishing into Thin Air. PAKNELI.'* FRIENDS PLEASED A Bundle of Lattera, Fresh From the Forge. Which tha Paraallitea Waat to Look Over?Michael Da- Titt to Conduct Bla Oars Dafenae? Webder's Tedloaa Spaeth. U>Ktws, Oct. 34.?When the FanieTl com- mission resamed ita sitting today. Sir Charles Rowel, counsel for Parnell, de- manded the production ol certaia letters which tho TYam poweaaed and which were alieged to be written by Dillon, Biggar aad other member* of parliament. He ?aid that soamea. tbe Timet solicitor, had filed an affidavit affirming that the Timet received the documents from an American named Robert*, that some of them proved bogus, and that oa this account they bad not been used ia the O Doancll case. This admission that somebody wa* supplying the Time% with forged letters, said Sir Charles, had a direct bearing npon the I Paraell-Egan forgeries. The documents must therefore be produced. Attorney General WcUtcr held that the documents demanded were not a material issue. The affidavit of Soame* showed "leariy that somebody had been trying to : trick the Time*, and the knowledge of the trick had been communicated to Par | nell's solicitor. Tbe court ordered the documents to be produced W. H. Holcomb Matlf Chief Executive Officer. 621 and 623 street, Cloaks! Cloaks! NO CHANGS IS OTHER OFFICES. loleomib'* Saccessor ss the O. B. Jt N. Not Named ?A Big Mortgage si tke Southern Pacific Liast?Emi- ABB TAX OF FIKST INVOICE grant Ships Between Liverpool aad New Orljaa*. New K'all Styles. ROSTOS, Oct. St?At the fawn Pacific directors' meeting to-day W. U. Bolcomb of Portland. Or., was chosen director, vice Colgate HoyL resigned, subsequently Mr. Holramb was chosen vice-president to succeed the late Theodore ]. Potter as chief executive of the affitlrs of tha In lon Pacific system, refidect at Omaha T. J. Kimball «*- appointed general maaager. The prea?3ent stated that no changes in the organisation of the Caioa Pacific were contemplated. Mr. Dickinson will con- tinue as general superintendent, J. A. Mun- roc geaeral freight and J. S. Tebbcts gen- eral passenger agent. No change ia the organization of the St. Joe £ Grand Island was contemplated, or of the various I'tah reads. he unparalleled success of this department during the ast season warranted us in placing large orders early. Con- sequently we are In a position to offer this season the largest and choicest selection of the very latest styles of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CLOAKS I LADIES'WALKING JACKETS In'all the {Newest Shapes and Designs. A Large Variety of Children's Cloaks! In the very latest styles! and very low prices. Daily opening of SPECIALTIES in Staple and Fancy DryCoodt from Chicago !and New York. 621 and 623 Front Street, SEATTLE. W. T. Frost head Dreamed of the Crow*. ST. Put- Oct. 44.?1t la learned that the scare at Standing Rock agency over the re- Krted uprising of Crows acainst the Sioux s proves! groundless. Fno»the*>l, an oh- s«-nre medicine man and worthless Indian, claimed to have dreamed that the Crows were comlox. and got the young bucks to start out for them. A company of cavalry has returned the bucka to the ageucv No appointment of general latnujfr of the Oregon Kailway Navigation Compa- ny would be made at present, the presi dent said. Tbe duties of the rflco «oo!d be performed by Holeomb until other ar- rangements were made. Hoieomb is at present general manager of the Oregon Railway it Navigation Company, to which position be was appointed on the recom racndation of Mr Potter. He person- ally been connected with the Chicago. Burlington &quincy road, and later with the Chicago. Burlington & Northern. The question of advancing money ot the part of the Union Pacific to meeteou- pons on the Leaver, Southern Park Pacific, maturing Norember I, was con- Bidered. and vr itbout final action referred to the executive board with fqjl power*. Tbe ?mention of paying a dividend was not raised, nor was there any discussion as to toe resumption of dividends by the com- pany. either now or hereafter. The matter wan in no way alluded to. The company now has no floating debt for which provision in cash has not been made. Funds ($3,000,000) have also been provided to pay for a large amount of new equipment recently ordered, only a por- tion of which has yet beeu delivered. The company haa no work of construe tion now going on. The extension of the Sa- lina, Lincoln A Western to Colby, about 175 miles, was completed on the ixttU Inst. The money needed to pay for this work has been provided. During the four years between June 30, ISM. and June 30.135*, surplus income of the sygteir to the amount of has been put into the prop- erty. About 56.000 tons of steel has also, during the period named, been put into the tracks of tbe system in place oi iron A table showing the condition of the funded and tloatiug debt of the compauy, its mileage and its debt per mile, accorn panics the statement. From this it ap- pears thai the entire funded and floating debt has been reduced since June aO, from fLi~»,4-fc?,fc6 to 914h,6*J6,159, including all accrued interest to the government. Hloodjr Fight at a Circus. sir Charles Russell then asked for partie- ular* of the charges against Parnell and thoae involved with hiin. Locisv lLL*. Oct. -t.?At Mount Vernon t»-day John Proctor put on a marshal's badge and asked to be admitted free to the circua. An altercatiou folkiwed which grew into a fight. Wm Parker, tawn marshal, was fatally cut, James Jones, sheriff. >hot through the right shoulder, and John Brewer shot in the head. K. K. NICHOLS, \TTORXKV AT-LAW, NORTH YAKI- m». W T. RICHARD OBIIOKJf, AT I.AW. Rooms 17 and I*, Sew Yealer block. Take elevator. BBEN SMITH, VTTORNEY AT LAW, IT. 6. COMMIS- ?loner and Notary Public. Hoe land* bought and sold. Po»tofflce boi »7J, Scat- tlc. W. T. WOOD Ar OSBORNE ATTORNEYS AND COCSBKLLORS AT law. Attention given to land litiga- tion, laud title* and probate matter* onlr. Rooms ii ami 7. t'uion Block. r*»-att>. UK. KANMK H. ABBOTT, TTOMIEOPATHItiT, FORMERLY OF 12BS 11 Washington street, Boston, Massa- chusetts. iflve* ineclal attention to disease* ot K'orneu and children Those expecting confinement or suffering from menstrual Irregularities should especially consult her. Calls answered day or nifsht. Con- sultation free. Treatment free for those i suable to pay from s to 10 a. m. Wedne*- j days. Rooms. Kenny Blork, Seattle. MRS. DR. CROiWLKY f\ IVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DIS- - cases of women and children. Those expecting confinement, 006 James street. between Fifih and Hilth streets, Seattle. UK. IT. 11. COE, PHYSICIAN 4 SPROEON. ROOM 17. 1 Colonial block, corner isc-ond and Columbia streets. OBco hour* 10 to 11,2 Ito 4 and night*. Telephone la*. C. K. CASK, M. D. ABDOMINAL SCRUEON AND «YNE- cologlst. TACOMA. W. T. Die. K. G. JOHNSON, |>H YHICIAN AND SCROEON ROOMS I and CO, Yesler block. Mill street Residence, SI" Mill street, between Eighth and Ninth street*. Telephone 2K. Michael Davitt claimed the right to ap- pear for himself. The court assented. Justice Hansen, president of of the com- mission. said the court was of the opinion all the particulars were being given which were required. The attorney-general informed the court that the other side continued to disobey the order for the production of the league's bank books. Justice Hannen intimated that if tbe refusal was final the court would have re- course to its power to compel their produc- tion. firvd into the stage, the ball passing through the dashboard aad through the maili-ag. aad lodging in the Wella-Fargo Company* treasure box. The robber then coaapelled the driver to open the box. which was found to be empty. The aniv patsengcr was robbed of |:;.i. after which the driver waa ordered to drive on. Aid for the Starving Dakotaaa. Ni'» YORK, Oct. JC?GOT Church, of Dakota, yesterday received over (.000 coa trlbntcd through the HrraH, for the relief of the starving Hebrew farmers of Ramsey county, Dakota. Attorney-General Webster then contin- ued the presentation of the Time*' case, making a further review of the articles on "Parneliism and Crime." He declared that evidence would be adduced proving that Parnell kuew Patrick Kgan had sup- plied Sheridan and Boyton with fnnds to enable them to promote outrage. The general impression is growing that the Timet* case is weaker thau even its en cmlcs imagined, and the ta*k confided to the attorney general is beyond his power. Should he continue at his present speed, another week will not see the end of his speech. A NIGHT OF TKSROB The Port au Prince Rebellion?.'lCO People Killed. PAN A Oct, 16 'via New York. Oct. 24). ?Advices by steamer Moselle, which has arrived at Aspinwall from Hayti, state that never before has Port au Prince passed such a night as that of September 28. The nixbt, to begin with, was dreadfully dark, with an occasional flash of lightning. Fir- ing commenced at 7:30 p. ra., and the can- non and Gatiing gun* of the palace did dreadful execution as did also the shot from the big guns on Fort Alexander, which crashed clear through buildings, de- stroying everything and everybody with which thev came in contact The firing continued up to 2 a. in. on the 29th. These advices say that as far as sscer tained :>OO persons were killed and over ">OO wounded, including many women and children. Among tbe notable persons killed, besides General Siede Telemaque. were Charles Borno and Ducass. AN ADVENTURESS KKXTENCEI). Mrs. Gordon Baillie, the "Friend of the Crofters." IOICDON, Oct 24.? The trial of Mary Ann Sutherlana. who represented herself as Mrs. Gordon Bailiie, a wealthy landowner of Scotland and a descendant of the great Earl of Moray, and who was arrested in July for fraud and obtaining money under false pretenses, was concluded to-day. The woman was found guilty and sentenced to five years' penal servitude. Her husband was also convicted on a charge of fraud, and senteuced to IS months' imprisonment at hard labor. Increased Austrian Expenditures. VIENNA, Oct 24.? The Austrian reich- srath reopened to-day. In the lower house the minister of finance presented the bud- get for The revenues are estimated at 53*,615.244 florins and the expenditures at 538,345,786 florins, showing an iucrcase in expenditures over 1888 of 21/44.NPJ flor- ins. AXWORTHY IN CANADA. RED RIVER CROSSING. Flt'eintr Toward England. Close Pressed by Detectives. Manitoba l itincus lN»'teriniiiwl to the Track. The ( anadUn Pacific Injunction Din* solved?An Army of Northern Pacific Constable*. WiNMPW., Mam., Oct. 24.?Chief Justice Taylor rendered a judgment this morning dissolving the injunction behind which the Canadian Pacific road ha* been en- trenched in its resistance to the provincial road creasing their line. The provincial road will now proceed,on Attorney General Martiii « advice, in advertising for good loyal citizens to report to-night to be sworn iu as special police to go to the scene of the trouble. The Canadian Pacific has de- termined to resist, notwithstanding that the injunction has been squashed. 1-aie tbi* afternoon the i anadiau Pacific obtained another injunction, setting forth that the Red River Valley road wan not a C vera men t 11 ne, bnt had been formally .nded over to the Northern Pacific. This second attempt to balk the Northern Pacific IEPUSUCAN ADDRESSES! HON. JOHN B. ALLEN, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR DIIR tgaie to Congress, will address the mic of Western Washington on the §Besr>f the day at the following times \u25a0J places PUCET SOUND. Ivysvllle, Oct. 26. It. n l«f«Il, Oct. Z'i, 5 p. m. iiatomisli, Oct. 25, 7 p. m. pawrlll". Oct. a;, 10 a. m. inwoo. I, Oct. 2fi. 2 p. tn. Kent Ve/non. Oct. 26,7 p. m. Imiiner, Oct. 27,1 p. in. Smj, Oct. 27, 8 p. in. \u25a0lien, Oct. 27,10 a. m. \u25a0Male. Oct. 29,1 p. m. CWcom. Oct. 29, 7:.8 p. in. Harbor, Oct 30,11 a. m nßTownsend, Oct. 31), 7:3j p. m ttt Discovery, Oct. 31.1 p in hrt Hadlock Oct. SI, 7 p. m 1M Ludlow. Nov. 1,1 p. m. ,|Kt Gamble, Nov. 1. 7 p. m. Part Madison. Nov. 2, I p. m. hit Blakelcv, Nov. 2, 7 p. ra. (hrbonado. Nov. 3,1 p. m. ' noma, Nov. 8, 7:30 p. m. tattle. Nov. h, 7 30 p. m. HON. R. O. DUNBAR VBI address the people on the Isaacs of fee day at Vaaeouver, October 29, at 7 W p. tn. TNh»U«. October 30. at 7:30 p. m. : tNjrawla, October 81, at 7:30 p. m. Seattle, November I, at 7:30 p. m. BleDiharch. November 2, at 7:90 p. m. Hiirth Yakima, November 3, at 7 :i» p. m. fiaMendsle. November 6. at 7 TO p. m nerespectise county committees are re- IMstH to famish suiuble halls and masic, \u25a0ml all Republican [Miners in Western Wntlnpon arc req Ilea tea to publish this Mb«. ly order «f the Territorial Central Com- mittee C. II HANFORD, Qatno&u Republican Territorial Central Committee UioßU* O. Ltom. Secretary REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. \l* W NEWUN, CANDIDATE FOR ? prom.*< uUnK ?tU»rncy; Samuel H. aud other vrotnineut will INISM the riticeuH of King county at the following timet and itlftoen: Celtr Mimutnin, Wednesday. Oct. SO, 7:SO KB Jjuiklin, tetarday, Oet. 27.7:10 a, m. Ktckl*i«mout|. satnnlay, Nov. 8,7 JM p. m. WNiiUe, Mrttulay, Nov. f», 7:30 p. m. llfirdcrcQuntT eommlttoe. REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. Ainaftmonig K«ve been atadc fordls of the political IMUCM of tbe day \u25a0 (n)l>owfi Uoa. E. P. Kerry and L. T. Turaer, at Jwt Elaktloy, on the evening: of Saturday twCih. Ron. Onng* Jacob* and L. T. Tttnk-r i *"» »t>e«lc at Port Madlmm ou the ereninc »h. n«i. Onniff Jaottta, Hon. C. M. Hra*i ! \u25a0?wftftd L B Andrew*. Kaq., will apvak *ys«B*lew ou the t'veuinc of the 90th. J JJJ** gamble on the evening of the Slat, «I «t Dißei>very on the evening of the lat. 1 wn. Orancre Jarot*. Hon. T. i. Ulßoa, Hyde. aud L. K Andrt-wa, E«i . j ?*"M»eak ai r«»rt Towna*>nd ou tbe even «fofa>e2d. ! Orange Ja<Mb* and Allen Weir. I \u25a0n.wlllipeak at I)unfcvtiei>!« at 1 p. m . and at port Angele* ou the the aaue day «'». T. J. Hunit's aud H.T, Hyde. Ka«j .1 »t l arlonado on the erenlui of «tßoohomUh City on the even the 29th, at Florence on the evening " " wCwnßfr on the evening cf the |2l at lwl^*v wu evening of 8.«. Ueoflte Turner and John L. Wilaou. «peak at Tacoina out he evening 2 at Vancouver ou the even lug JiwTiT? 14 ' ttt t»«»ldendale on the even the 3i*T c l|. HASrOKD. - rhalrmaii Kep'n Cent, t'oin NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. T H>: PARTNERSHII' HERKTI I FORK PtobPg U-tween K. i\ Slorah and Kiel under the uamc of Slorah «v fcu»iue«A at the Commercial »8 hereby diMoivtvt. Mr eiorah \u25a0ttHJtinne the at the will pay all the ludebtedneea of *** «e arm and collect all bill*due them K. C. SI.ORAH. . * VIAKUES KIRL. tiSEffIGTON COLLEGE. tiud Day School for Vobbu Men sail Boya. OPES FOB THE FALL TERX #EPT IS. 18S8 rrf^L 1 !? rh »»-" in the f,en!ty. D. «. WthSrS * M me t 011. K e. will rW"'", I by K. I*. YOPNO. * S "I K rintenden? of Public ?88, ' *' Tacoma. snd a corps sf other teacher*. ?\u25a0223215® l'!<-asaat hiwse life, SS, !!?' ' r,K'"" Buildin* h.ateii with wpplied with hoi and cold baths, eie. w fath.-r prrti. aJars s.!«ln-« D- «. *TI.KORI), Head Ma>ter, Hash. Cwiivgr. Tan>ma. W. T. OF THFROLYSAS. * Boarding and Day School tor Girls, Seattle. W, T. HKOIN.- Al l, .7 THttK- i n- , n In tbe Kn««rf. CIL KW»cutlou KM the For further Information a : >l.-rKK School ( >illoens Will nnd the VICTOR 2? I** Vh.v, t t P *k in nar »aJ f.»r cir- A. J. jgtVKNS. 11 The City of Cleveland Temporarily Citable to Meet Payments? Bondsmen Attach fund*. MONTREAL. Oct. 24.?Cleveland detectives arrived here this morning in search of Thomss Axworthy, the absconding city treasurer of Cleveland. It has beendis covered that Axworthy arrived here on the night of the 30th of September from New York and registered under his proper name at tbe st. Lawrence hotel. He left October 2, it is believed, by a western Can adian Pacific train. While here he con- suited Geoffrien. queen's counsel, who in- formed him his oftense was extraditable. He appeared to be laboring under great mental agony, and drank heavily while here. CLEVELAND TEMPORARILY BANKRUPT. CLEVELAND. Oct. 24 ?There is about 9645,000 belonging to tbe city deposited in half a dozen banks, but the bondsmen of Axworthy, the defaulting treasurer, have attached it, aad the rem;: is that the citv is bankrupt. Kaufman Hay. a member of the council, has been placed in charge of the office. At present only 98000 is in the city vaults. When that is paid out the treasurer's office will be closed for repairs. The board of aldermen, at a special meet- ing to-night, adopted*rcanlntlpudeclaring the office of treasurer vacant, and em- powering the mayor to issue notea of the city to the amount of 1200.000 to relieve financial embarrassment, Humors as to Axworthy's whereabout* are still rife, but It seems to be settled that he is in Canada. A. B. Corkey, Ax- worthy's business manager, declares pos- itivelythat Axworthy was not a specula- tor, as has beeu asseried. He saw all of Axworthy's correspondence, and knows the latter lost no money in wheat. BOSTON, Oct 24.?1n reran! to the report in Cleveland that Treasurer Axworthy ne gotiated 9175,000 worth of city of Cleveland bonds in Boston, receiving the cash and then going to Montreal, it is learned that the last Cleveland loan was issued previous to September 28. at which time Axworthv is reported to have visited New York. It is not believed he came to Boston. This last loan wan regularly made and taken by Blake Bros. A Co., and the bonds were not hypothecated, and if Axworthy had the proceeds the city will be a loser. SAILED POR LIVERPOOL MONTREAL, Oct 24.?Axworthy, the ab- sconding treasurer of Cleveland, left here by the mail steamer to-day. Detectives were too late to capture him, but have telegraphed the Quebt« authorities to ar rest him. The steamer .eaves there at 9 o'clock in the morning for Liverpool. ST. LOUIS WINS A GAME. The Browns Play Much Better nt Home. sr. Lot'is. Oct 24.?Hard hitting and a muif by Slattery in the eighth Inuing gave the Browns a victory to-day. King's pitch lug was effective throughout while franc was rather wlid. Score St. Louis 7, New York 1 National Jockey Club Ilares. WASHINGTON. Oct 34.?1n spite of the fact that the sun shone brightly ail morn- lug and a brisk wind swept over the Ivy City race course, the track was in wretched condition. Paragon broke his left fore-leg while exercising thia morning, bv stepping in a hole, and will have to be killed. First race. se\en furlongs? Eolo won in 1.24, Boccacio second. Hegulus third. Second race, one and one-eighth miles? Joe won in 2:<&>{, Specialty second. Tea Tray third. Third race, Anacostia stakes, one and one-eighth miles?Now or Never won in 2:00, Badge second. Bye and Bye third. Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile- Fordham won in 1:1* ! 2 , Brown Charlie second. Passport third. and that in this same time the mileage has been increased from 4419 to 4764. The debt per mile stands at 131.1*1. a* agaiust 935,170. There has been an increase m the debt since December 1,1887. The increase amounts to 11,436,937. The result of the financial operation of the whole Union Pacific system for the 12 months ended June 30, IMB, is; Gro*a earnings of the entire system, t'J9,(E£},4s3: surplus earnings, 911,1a®.886; total income, surplus earnings, 4i11.592,*&>: total income. total expeudl tures, 97,- r io*,U£; surplus, less United States requirements (approximated), 98,&8&^n9. MORTGAGED FOR ?A*, 000.000. The Southern Pacific Gives a Deed in Trmt to a Loan Company. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24.?The Southern Pacific Compauy filled in the recorder's sflce to-day a deed of trust to the Conti- nental Trust Company of Xew York, con- veying to the latter, for the purpose of se- curing the payment of a mortgage of ail the property of the railroad company and also all property of branch roads which have r>eeu amalgamated with it The deed of trust declares that the branch roads have turned over all their property to the Southern Pacific and that the latter assumes ail debts aud liabilities, and that to secure the payment of these debts the Southern Pacific will isaue 38,000 bonds of 91000 each, aud to secure these bonds the compauy will create a sinking fund, and after the vear 18:»8 will pay 930,000 per year out of the net income of the railroad, and continue till the debt is paid. IHA N FRANCISCO, Oct. 24.?Speaking of the Southern Pacific's mortgage of $. >,<«oo,odb and their popoeition to issue 50 year l»ond«, paying tbe amount of 92P,00j monthly or *.140.000 yearly till the mortgage if canceled, an official of the company said this even- ing that there were two roads recently built by the company on which no bonds had been issued, and the first bonds of the new series would doubtless be made to cover these- roads. One is the line from Tracy up the west side of tbe San Joaquiu valley. The other is the road from Fresno along the foothills 106 miles, joining tbe Southern Pacific uear Paso 4 , The company now has In hand the con- struction of 125 miles of rough mountain and seashore line between Templeton and Santa Barbara, and also contemplates other branch lines, the funds for which work will eome from floating the«e near bonds. It is not expected the last payment will be made until 1938. The deed of trust is ex- pected to add greatly to the commercial value of the bonds. FORGED "COWBOI TICKET*. Cattle Shipper* to Chicago Sell the Return l'aaaes. CHICAWO, Oct 24.?A1l railroad companies which receive stock for shipment allow transportation for a neeeaaary number of attendants to take care of the animals en route. This, it is said, has been made the basis of extensive forgeiles. if a lot of cat- tle is to be shipped from Omaha to Chica- go. for instance, several idlers tlad to get a ride to Chicago, are signed In an agree ment as the cattle drovers. When the cars reach Chicago the idlers, of course, do not want to return, and tbe people who obtained the transportation agreements then take them, sign false names to the pass receipts, theu turn a round sum Into their pockets bv selling re- turn parses to ticket scalpers. Wen. Kline, James Mack. Harry lx>mas and T. B. Hitch, of Wyoming Territory, wen? arrested this morning for forgery. THE NEW BROTHERHOOD. l s*iou Engineers Refuse to Work With "flcsb" Switchmen. Pl?W o, Col.. Oct 24.?The Rio Grand ? oritchffien » strike is still on The engi- neers and firemen to-day refused to pull freight :rains made up by non-union switchmen. A conference between the strikers aud the railroad official* will be held to-morrow and it is believed the mat- ter will tK- com prowised. only increased the determination of the citizens, and a monster indignation meet ing was held to night. The attorney-general expresses his deter- mination to effect a crossing to-morrow morning, at all hazards. Superintendent White, of the Canadian Pacific, says the company is still going to protect their prop- erty and resist the crnsaing, pending a de- cision of the supreme court. Their men bave been notified to hold themselves in readiness for trouble to morrow UK. GEO. A. KKICH, OCITUHT, ACIUST. UARYN*G©SCOPIBT, having returned from his trip to the Kast aud Europe, will be pleased to meet his former patmns and other* desiring hi* services, at his former olllce. in the Ycaler- Bloi k. Seattle. W. T. Residence, cor- ner Fourth and Mariott. j>l7dw UK. H. r>. liONOAKKR, Gi RADTATK OF THK CNIVKBSITT OF I Pennsylvania, makes a s|.eeialty of diseases of the eye, ear and throat. Treats private, chronic and skin diseases. Re- moves cancer, tnmors and alcers without pain ur use of the knife. OBlee, corner Third and Cherry streets. Honrs.» a. m. U) 4p. m. UK. A. B. KIIIHK. Oculist and Aurist. Rooms 12 and 13. Onion Block. Front Street. T. T. »TI*o«, *. n. li fc. «. DAWSOJC, *. ». L>KX. MINOK .V UAWUOM pHYSICIANS AND BL'KGKONg. orricas IN ONU ttorsa MOCK. Telephones Ofßce, No. C2; Dr. Minor's residence, No »3. 8. J. HOI-Mres. >l. u. IJIIYSIC'IAN AND SITROEON-OFFICE Colonial block. Second and Columbia streets Office Honrs: 10 30 to l'ia. m : to 4, ami *P»9p. m. Telephone No. 1-'- w. * SIIAS.VOX, x p. I. nuinos, *. r>. Urs. Shannon & Shannon, I3HYSICI ANDBCRGEONB?OFFICE I'nion Mock. Front street, first floor, upstairs, room 10. Office open at all honra. UK. K. K. SHAW. TJHYSICIAH AND SCROEON OFFICE. I Colonial block, corner Second and Columbia streets. Residence, SIT Third street. OBlee hour*. #to 10:30 a.m.. <to 6 and 7U) S p in. Telephone l'«- Fully MO eltlieua enrolled themselves a* special i enstabiea to act for the Northern Pacific. and will go out to the crossing in the morning if the weather admit* of track-laying. A Ulcli Man'* Son on Trial far Murder ST. Lone, Oet 21.?The trial of young Talinagc. (on of the late General Manager Talmsge of the Wsbash road, for the murder ef a telegraph operator named Tidd. at Brunswick. Mo., last January, be gau at Keyte*vllle yesterday. The cam? I* attracting Intereat, owing to the (.landing of the defendant An Kmpty Ship Capaises. Nsw YOBK, Oct. 24.? This afternoon the Spanish brig Almogavar, of Bavelon, wa* capsized by wind in Buttermilk channel. The vessel was overturned ou a passing tug, which waa seriously damaged. The brig tauk. She carried no ballast which caused her to capslse so easily No live* were loat. The German opposition in the reich*- rath. which hitherto has been divided in three parties, has decided to sink all dif- ferences in order to show a strong opposi- tion to Count von Tanfe. If the compact holds, the <>ermans will probably reject the government's military bill, which will tend to the dissolution of parliament and a change of ministry. California I>l*tillrryBurned. CaUOTMA, Oct 24.?A large new distil lcry aud contents were dcatroyed by Are here early this morning, the property be- longing to George lauge, of San Francisco. The fire prokablv originated from one of the stills. 1/xa about 110,000; Insurance, 17000. Boulanger Fnvora Dissolution. PARIS, Oct 24.?Boulaogcr, at a commit- tee meeting today, expressed himself highly in favor of the dissolution of the chamber of deputies and the convoking of the constitutional assembly, which should go independent of executive power and responsibility to the country. It should be the duty of the assembly to prevent mean* which misht lead to the establishment of dictatorship. Cnder Ground Four Mile* to the Theater. Virginia City Enterprise. In aoiae countries it would seem strange for a party going to *ee a theatrical enter- tainment to make a dive into mother earth, travel four mile* under the moan tain-. and then dart up to the surface within a atone s throw of the ticket office, but it is after such a fa*hioa that seme of our people go to their regular doae of drain*, comedy, ami tragedy Last night a party of ladies and gentle- men of the town of Sutro, whe wished to see tbe "Two Johns" at the opera bouse, took the subterranean cut Starting at the mouth of the Hutro tunnel, at tbelrown door*, they came np the tunnel to the ('. it C shaft ? distance ef a little over four miles. Dismounting from the cars they then boarded the cagea ID the shaft and were *hot upward to the anrfare. a vertical distaace of 1640 feet Till*way of going to the theater it a* much fun for our ladle* as going to a pic- nic It 1* really a pleasure, but until a lady has become somewhat accustomed to life in the mine* It require* a Uttle nerve It i* fine and cool the whole four mile* under ground. The car* will not Mil even the moat delicate dress silk and satin, therefore, there I*no trouble of changing clothing. In her room at the mouth o (the tunnel a lady may stain! before her mir- ror and give the finishing touch to flower or feather, and In just such a shape as *he turns from her glass she is shot up to tbe surface In the city, ready to take her seat In tbe bo* In tbe opera bonne. e It Fetches Them. Two teacher* of language* were <1 iseus- slug matters and things relative to their professions "lio your pupils pay up regularly on the first of each mouth"' aaked one of them. "So, they do not," wa* the reply. "I often have to wait for week* and weeks before I get mj pay, and sometimes i don't get it a! all. Yon can't welldun tbe parent* for tbe money." King Milan Obtains a Divorce. BELGRADE. l>ct. 24.?The official journal psbiishes a pastoral prepared by Metro politan Tbeodosius, iu which he says th at, in the exercise of his power as leader of the Servian chunk, by virtue of a right consecrated by precedents, he dissolves the marriage of King Milan and tjaeeu Natalie. The Yorkshire Strike Spreading. LoSDo.x, Oct. 24.?The strike of colliers is assuming alarming proportions, and it is feared the movement will become a gen- eral one. In Yorkshire 75,000 worker* went oul to-day. K. U SMITH. *. D. a «twi WttXABB, M. D. UKS. B.MITH .V WIIJuVRD IJHVSICtANS AND SI*R(iE<IN9?OFFICE l oacin's Block. Front street Offloe honrs?3 to 4 p. m. and 7toSp. m. TO FI SH CHINESE MISSIONS. Christians V««t Counteract the Work wf Politicians. E. R. 1., Oct. 24.?At the forty - second annnersary meeting of the Ameri- oaa Missionary Society to-day. Dr. Gilbert read a report on the missions of the associ ation among the Chinese of America It was necessary, he said, to push this work. The iujastice lately done this people made it very uecessary to push It. There was no more observant people in the world, nor one more sure to appreciate the difference betvceo the treatment they received from our missionaries am! that of politicians. Dr. Dana thought we had a golden oppor tamtr to give ali the Chinese, as they from time to time retnrn to China, a favorable rather than an unfavorable opinion of Christianity, and to many of then a vital experience of its power. Kev. Dr. Brand, of Oberlia, Ohio, made the closing address this afternoon, the sub- ject being, "The Charch and the Color Line.** Fifth race, one mile? Wahoo won in 1 4* 1 ,, My Own second. Pasha third. swift Stallion Stamhonl. SAN FRANCISCO. <>ct. 24.?*tamboul trotted a mile at tbe Bay district track to day In 2:l4*£, breaking his own record of 2:L> and establishing tbe coast stallion record. Christian Church Missions. ?bullion ELD, 111., On. 24.?The General Missionary «*ociety of the < hristian ehnrrh, l*egan its annual session today. The re- port of the hoard of manager* show* that over r»,000 penwu were added to the church through this branch of endeavor, and contributions for nlMiooi from the different stele* aggregated $281,7?». The foreign missionary society report show* 59 worker* ia foreign field" aeeelpts were $62,777. be<ja« sr* paid. $7402. The Sunday schools contributed on children'? dav. s!*.«?£. LIVERPOOL TO WEW ORLEANS. A Project for an Immigrant steam- skip Line. LOVISVILLK. Ky., Oct. 24.?The general pa*aeng*r agenulnterested in New Orleans traffic, met to-day to consider a project for running through tteamers between 1Jeer- pool and Kew Orleans with a view to building np a direct immigrant traffic. Virtoria-Kan frtaciftcv Mall Service OTTAWA. Ottt, Oct. 24?A petition ad dresaed to the governor-general in coun- cil haa been received by the department of Mate from the inhabitant* of Victoria. B. C. begging for an improvement in the mail service between Victoria and Han Francisco Petitioner* My the terms of the anion are not being compiled with and their rtxiairements are not met a* they shoa* Ibe __________________ E; ail road A sneaking la to Chicago. CMICAOO, Oct. 24 ?The report that the Caaadiaa Pacific and Northern Pacific are seeking to obtain terminal facilities under c*over of a franchise to be granted for elevated roads and to ostensibly locate the e<*m panic*, is receiving *ome at; eat ion froca the newspapers. THE KKITISH- IMKiiICANS. With Certain ( liaagst, They Will Like Our Osreramsat » SRIO", Oei. 2C?The Irtish American ask* -latkm b>-day ao. pted & report mat ing e.igibk* to sneroberabip an/ male p«sr- ?oa of good moral chararier who is aiready, or who ;nie .ids to become an American citizen. being not kas than lr> years of age, of British biru» or the *ort or grandson of sock a Tke British American National Asaocia mm hei-i a Sua] «eaioo this evening. <»®ee?s were elected an follows: Presi- dent, Geo. £. Geoefe of Chicago; secretary. y Henry WuiUmi ct Philadelphia. trraa- urer, (««o. B. Jones of Chicago. Tte eiee- tftoa of eke yiidfcrt dsfrind oatfl rrppesesbrd ia lb* watratit-a tkalt <kt a*t with the assoeiatius The talk of discrimination against the blacks and < retaliation by them was a feature of tonight's session Rev J. R. of Paris. Tex., a grad- uate of Taliadega eoiiege. Ala., said the ?'barge that the colored vote uaa vary efTerl&ai in defeating prohibition in Ten nesaee. A laUauia and Texas Is to a great extent true. ( HINESE CASKS I>ECIDEI>. Alleged Merrhaut* Itemanded Uound-trlp I'aaseagers Landed. PfcAßCisro. Oet. -4.?Twelve more of the Beigie ?* Chinese were remanded to China to-day at the request of their alter j n#vs. Judge Sawyer rendered a decision to-day th the case of i# Chines* sailors on tha Faaama steamgr Coiima. who were shipped from ht ry i#r a round pasnage and n fused landing by the collector i n the ground thai tije* tad been outride the l ulled Malt* tftntee tfavryer penults them to iand. A i: \4L ACROSS THE OC EA.S. I'nsr Steamera, Including tke !fta lark. Leave Togetktr. Ntv Yo*.x. i ships ii it thi«* p-»rt at aimoat the same bocr this isg. bhipfaing eirclea are aroused over a ps><'-k rare between tbe r»ty of New York,of tlic lursan Une. the Cunarder Galiia. the Narth (rfraua Uoyd steamer Trave and the White fe-tar liaer ortiann;c. The Trave was auder way at & o'clock, the oth?r* kaetag half an hoar earlier. Erie Kail read Aeeideat htx J A avis. N. Y? Oct. 34. ?A fast freighi train on the Erie ran inu> the rear of freight near cniaville this i morrvag. Rralciean George McMclien was kilkd. Ensmeer Wtiiard I Sector was badly sral£*d « onductor John t Uawkiaea U*t a loot, and toe kg of Fire- man A. A, Crank was severed Irwai his , kiwi; Before a Gagman couid lie seat Counterfeiter* Arretted "Why don't you do as 1 do' I always get my money regaiariy. "How do you manage it?" "It is very simple. For inxtaace, lam teacbinra bo? French, and on the first day of the isonth his folks don't pay the money for the lesson. In that event 1 give the l«oy the following sentence to translate aud write oat at home 'I have no money. Tbe month is up Hast thou got any money" Have not thy parent* got money" 1 need money very much" Why hast thou not thought of the money tbl* morning" Did toy father not give thee any money' Has be nomoner in thepoeketbook of hi* uncle'* * great aunt" That fetches them* Next morning you bet that hoy Mags the money."? Trio* ffflrngt. WiSMaro'A, Xev.. Oct. 24.?Last night Deputy Sheriff Nrfeinger ascertained that a counterfeit standard dollar tad been passed here by two strangers, and arrested them to-day. They had SI.V» in bogus coin in their possession and 992 in good money. They made some resistance before eurren dering. and gave the name« of August Kits and Joaepb Saron'., and aaj that they came frome Sacramento. They are hefd for the CnitedStatea author: ties^j Laborers Fatally Crashed. KANSAS CTTV. Mo.. <Vt. 24.?While live men were loading a car with hav presaes in the Misaourl Pacific yard* here this afternoon, a freight train barked up against the car with such violence an to cause one of the machines to tsaakover, burying ths workmen. Frank Hi"u and J. B. strath- bora were fatally injured and Waa. Foater retained itangeroua Internal injuries, while the other tv»o men escaped with se- rare bruise*. t nl»»rsali*t Convention. ( OICAOO, Oct. 34 ?The first regular ses- sion oi the CuivcrtaUst rharch general ro&Teauoa wt« he.d to-day. The euuvec- t.oo wa# for® '.> . -aaised by the elec- tion of Kou. h. W l'araer of New Hamp - thtre aa preaiding r*r. A eafieetkm was taken up foe the Gunn ministerial relief fund, and Rev. Charles H. Eaton of New York '.covered a aeraaoa. at the conclusion oi which a recess was taken. Foar Deatfcsfr-rtai Tsilsv Pever. JAC saesviLLg. Oct. 2A?U is that fever fcas existed ia since June. Nearly J? caae* are reported. w s tf« two or thrtv deaths Dv. Nea* XiicZtll re- ports il uw eases beta for Ibe -4 iwar* eodiag at ?p. m. tac were four deaths, local caara.»«; total dealt*. 287. FUSA-VMSA, ria.. Oct. iM.?New <««? of jeilow ftifd, 14 *jo dea:h< A Kansas Hitch lag-Poet. Time. Tocrisf?l should thl nk you would nave tbat tree cut down It* location in the middle of tbe street is an egtcemsly awk ward one May<>' "I t:h!ea*o, Kama*? W»l, yo» ran« r«e ml;hlf loaii at exerriw «trmn*er Why. It o- >ir»»t free It neve 3 mile* away! Tooritt?What o! that" Mayor- "iV'u«J »r it. rtrauf -j" It > * > pictue art!' tine yon wtut :\u25a0> aunt \u25a0 felier to bafter t-j <!iaj Ufa oil that iJitfanre, ?pectaliy If h* vf-te- baa?* hack Ti:*- lae t"* as' worn it frit* too Utter the »;reet w'f, weli mvrr the baSMing* hark' Tfce Girl Cried Iter. rtuOnmm?Joßj rl*ar-»*i»», The** ?\u25a0*\u25a0!- lumla forteo." IMekle Parrttf Kit! ia eofh package. too What** that queer HHMn eamrJy?l did a t hear tutor ?I ihinsftt KHUMI tpoke. - anMfar?it wea probata? the cirl crjiog «rht» ebe «f who had openea tbe pack- er:- THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. FLORIDA'S NEW PRVKR. VOL. XIV.?NO. 144. FIELD OF POLITICS. Why Ureshain iHws Not Stump Indiana. THIKMIN AGAIN C.ISUMr«B. Thf * wp>l(« Just Bt(n la Florida New Y.rk r.llt* Ostensibly Work In* for a Tar. Klwllo.- Clevelaods Political tllulsl la New Tori. IXDIASjiroUK, <Xt. 24. -Slare the aa nouueeraent in the public prints several weeks ago -if the return of Judge tliwtiun from atrip to Knrope, members of the Ka- pahi lean state ct ntral commitu-r antt other prominent Kepublican nsidents have received NMnu rojwests that Judge tirvsbam be auigned by the committee to speak <>B the political istaea el the cam- paign. To these reqocsta, » ben addressed to the mate commuter, » reply b»« been made calllnit attention to the high judicisl otfit* occupied by Judge limUm uiid.r the federal governmeut, which put. it ont nf liis power to take anv active part tn the ram paten, especially to appear on the ?tump. Kr<ji»ests. it is learned. bare lieen made U> JudKu'iresham. both tn writing and by friends in pemou A letter was received to-day by Hon. W. T. Atkins, from tbe jtidse, ravine "I cheerfully and in good faita *? isilescMl in Uve nomination of Hen Harrison and immediately informed him by t>-legrapb that he would receive my earnest support. Tbe proprieties of the position which I occupy forbid me taking an active part in politic*. It is gratifting 10 kuow, how- ever, that my friends are supporting tbe ticket In good faita, aud I do nat think any fair-minded penon doubt* that I earnestly desire It* success. 1 conld not actlveij participate in the campaign without ex- positor myself to Juat censure and lowering myself in tbe estimation of rithMhlnktnt persoua." THI KM AS ON ANOTHER Till X. lie Travels Front Home to < tncln- uall? Incidents Ks float*. CUR-IXKATI, o<t. 24.?J a. tire Thurman, with his son Allan W , a few frieuds aud a couple of newspaner men, started on an- other political tour from Columbus this afternoon. About too residents of Mount ! Sterling greeted the judge, who bowed »o i them from the window withont leavina ! his chair Sabina (ate a somewhat novel ! style of demonstration. fully luO school [ children were on the platform and they in- I dalged IU rivalry to see » hither Thurman or Harrison would be cheered moat heartily. At Wilmington upwards of 100 pentons save him a cordial greet! n ic. So speech i was made, tbe Jndfte simply explaining | that lark of time would not permit a I speech. On the arrival of the train in this city 300 i*-ruins cheered at the sight «f tbe "old Kouau." The Judge was at one« driven to a hotel, where be held au lnfor ma! reception during the evening. NEW YORK. KLBCTIUN KUAIDS. The Police Scrutinizing the Regis- tration Lists. New YORK, Oct. 24.?This mnrning Superintendent of Police Murray held a consultation with the police captains re- garding illegal registration and voting Ho instructed them tod« everything possiblo to brlug to justice all parties violating the election laws. The < aptoins will procure official copies of the regulation and verify their correctness by a house to house can- vass , including lodging houses, hotels and all places from which an onueual number of persons are registered. Inspector Bvrnes will communicate with the chiefs of police of other cities and keep a slo«e watch on colonisers. Ooaiautine Suspension Permit* Politics to Break Out. JACKSONVILLE, r la., Oct 24.?The rigid quarantine heretofore existing iu thin state has seriously interfered with the po- litical campaign In Florida, but now that the fever ia abating more activity Is no- ticablc. especially among Denocrais, wh* are preparing to make a vigorous canvass; The RepabUcans. however, except In the Second uistrirt, wbir-h will be very close, are making little cflbrt, and no system has been inaugurated. I'owderly'a Malllng-I.lsl Stolen. Philadsliiiu. Oct 24-Tbl* week* Journal */ I nilt'l tabor. Id the editorial coliibk, says positive information baa been received from a ukin tier of sources that the mail-liat of that paper for the but week lu Auguat la In the possession of the Republican national committee, and that It wan surreptitiously taken from the offlos of the Journal. Tfie editor announces that an investigation la now In progress, aud that by the time the next issue of ths paper K<H-« to pre** ho hope* to be able to make a complete rsposnre of the mean* employed to secure the list Ciii(rii«naii Keed In t'allfornta. HacBAMgMTO. Oct. 24 llOO. Thomgfltf lived of Maine ar ived to day. been the guest of ei Horernor N'e^lK Booth. Thin evening he appeared Clunle opera bouse, and largest audience of the season. speech was enthusiastically received.WEß Mr lllalao In ii.»"Tork. MtS Kkw Yogs, Oct It-Hon. Blaine arrived to day lie Uemorrow, when he will address aHB meeting to be held In Msdlsun Squafl^H den. The President's Daw York TB^*'" WiaHiacTOK. Oct 24 The will leave Washington Thursday After reviewing the business men's parade In New Tork Saturday he will return. COXDBDDKD DISPATCHED. The Newhurst plate at the Newmar- ket races waa won by Donovan John Scballer, a jealous < inclunatl laborer, cat bla wife'* th-oat and thea killed hlrnaelf last evening. The woman la dead. The bouse of Joaeph Whltaker (colored), at Blaekshear, (la , waa burned yesterday, during bla abaenre, and four una!) chil- dren perUhed. One man was killed, and three other* t>erhana fatally injured yesterday after- noon by the failing of an overloaded leaf- fold at the new soldier*' home, Miane ?polls Cf.RVKI.AND A FItKK TRADER. "drover Cleveland has done mors to advance the raane of free trade than any prime minister of England ha* ever done." famdoa bpniator. "The only time England can u*e aa Irishman I* when he emigrate* to Aiaenss and vote* for free trade. '?lstatin fay ; Timet. Nothing la American politic* it mora obvious than that Mr. Cleveland's message , has soaaded tbe death knell of protectioa. ! £e*dun natty Mrw*. \u25a0 If M r. Cleveland should be re-elected, the United State* tariff will be modified very I materially In tbe direction of free trade?a result which caa not, of course. fail to be beneficial to the trade of other countries, and especially of oar nn.-TV PtopU, Ijmrfon. An i*»ue t* involved which very closely concern* Europe, more particularly Great Britain. Mr Cleveland ha* taken big stand on free trade, and, and althoagh hi* party manager* have considerably planed down bis platform, be le universally rec- ognized la the State* as pledged to lultiats a new departure In fiscal policy And on tbat broad question Mr. Cleveland'* caadi dature naturally ami ncee*aarUy carries English sympathy fosrfva Ulobr A* matters are, th»; presidential coolest promises to be very class. Mr Cleveland ' stand* on free trade principles, while Ge»- i ? ral Harrison Sle* the protection flag. This Is a much broader aud better defined issue than those on which American pres- idents are nasally elected.? Ixmlon '.Mw. i-rsaideut Cleveland d;«-owes tbe prin- ciple* at laane la the struggle, and shows that be Is a free trade candidate In every- thing bnt the name The reservation Is an important one for American party pur- pose*. For ail that the elect/ml conflict now In pmgrr** I* a coaUrt between free trade and protection, and uatHaf ol**.? IjmuiM Daily Anw. Ret* oa Hsrrlsea*. Sew York Sws. A prominent business man, who worn tiojta> Lj C'laveJu. 1 four jean *«o, le betting freely on Harrison tbl* rear. He ka* already pi* i several hnadned dollars on the Ind aaa r.tan. sal is r- ady to meet Mbw*an eaaal teti-j* He said la a «sa reporter V>-aiXhU "ft »ba .m w{H send a cheek for nm te iagew»t*!i \u25a0 '-n- --land I*ll acree to wer it W448 ffarrlsrrti n»aey fcfore ««*'\u25a0 A yoaag bank at. ."'M u-t.'ng OS tlarrlnoa tills year He bw placed hall a ikum bets from to t&l on eveu tens*. J3> rvun for tnl S ack«l t JeveluMi to t«H Mr. and Mr*. K. J. Castle, Ht.IIJ.KS ANI> TKACHERa-CH*» l lUl Seicli.c, Mental Healin*. Na lots Second street, between Madison and Uprin*. SeatUe. Washiaetoa Territory. S. C. BI" HNi», » RCUITEt'T?ROOMS » AND 10. KEN NY block, corner Front and Coiumhia street*. KIHII Kit .V CI.AK K.. \ jtcttrraims - BITUKN SI'ILDINQ, Z\ James St.. Oppoaite Occidental Hotel. u~^ri^iS^vVN. » KCIUTXCT?ROOM S. RKINUi BUH'K. t\ Front and Marion streets WKIX7H & OIJ9KN'. f IVIi. ENGINKERS, COAfITAND I.AND \ surveyors. Room 14, Colonial block. Second street OAKDNKK A- HOGG. i irVIL AND MINING ENOINKKRS. i. Rootaa 3S a "id SI, I'nion Bloek. Take elevator. *j. o. B- *- ow*«ta. BCTKBY \ OWKNB, /-lIYII. KNUINEERS. RCRVKYORS ASD V I'oi.-tr*. tor*, nalhvavs and other pab- 11c works designed built Mans, spe- cJflrat ions and estimate* fttrn!sh<»d. Topcv rrapbica! surreys sn.l :r s|e »*ls for any porno*. Satisfaction «iarann-«»d. tiffltv-llMa It. Itßtler Block. Jain** st., opp.>*lte tVH v id* ntal. jeA IIIKU .V OOBNBACH. AIU tl IT ECTN inivKUx-k. R.xv-1 AJISESSOU. BEKTEASD * CO.. Ciric and Mialac En«i?*B*ad Draa^htnisß. I > MiSlNii. WATEK WOIKS, I\ lof»ei«Tas dsiral, bfldst*. and Jr*) vacv- nrftuwr -i special aiten t oa. 1 -!y pr,'i«r'.v or tar S -Hrveyedor 3la}*ft and 4raw- ! 'iC*. ctt* and a *pc?ialtT. ? ? «n<t jrajw oft hand K< t>K«%> aud fX YwOcA, . vv T -u* im FOR FaMELT USE Snowflake Flour W TKS BEST. TKY IT. . ... .. .- .. . « CAPITAL, SIOO 000 \ TRUSTEES J. PrrtH, Cashier Paget gonad Nat'nl Bank V 4% H. G. BTKCVK,Strove, Haines & McMickcn, _ Attorneys. a'A.V*' A. B. STIWA*T, Stewart A Holmes Drag Co. ? -«yCO»* Dit. T. T. Minur. Minor A Dawson, Physl J - P" HovT.Maug't D. Horton ACo..Baaker» % ? B. OiTxiaT.sehwabaeher Broa.4Co.,Mchts M. D. BALLARD, President Seattle Hardware \C A (Vv* * Company. H. H. Lewis, Turner. Kngle A Lewis. Ei-Gov. E. P. FERRV, Vice-President Paget Soand National Bank. JOHN P. HOYT. PamMDKKT. JAMES BOTHWELL, b«CR*TA»T ASD MAXAGER Removed to 629 Front Street, foot of Cherry. Attractions lor lit M 24-in. Plush reduced to $1 50 Former price 2 00 Also Plush at 50c. 75c, I 25 Reduced from 75c. sl. I 50 Satins at 25 Reduced from 50 SPECIAI 150 dozen fine embroidered Cashmere Cloves at 25c; worth 50c. Also a great many other articles which will be found equally as cheap. LATOUR Opera Itlook. Front street. FREE OK COST. Eshelman, Llewellyn & Co., THE REAL ESTATE AND MONEY BROKERS OF THE PACIFIC COAST, Kitcud a cordial INVITATION U> all VISITORS to SEATTLE, as well a* to all rcai- dents to call at tbelr office. POST BUILDING, MILL ST., SEATTLE, \1 id -i-cnd a few minutes ime in IJIKKCTINO I'RINTKI> lIKSCRII*nVK MATTKIt l»r sr.ATTI.K. AMI WASHINGTON to your friends and ac- quainlance# Kast. FREE OF C(CT TO YOU- And if yon should wish to plant some money to the Future Great City Pacific Coast THE ONLY SEATTLE IN AMERICA. We can *ell 500 lots In ROSS' SECOND ADDITION FOR $175 OR S2OO. This Is the manafactnrinir center of Seattle.) Or lots in other well located addition*: or tosmees and residence lots on the best streets iu battle: or snburban block* aad acre*. It will pay you to cail. This is vour one chance in a lifetime to sec ure fortune, contentment and happiness. l>*n't Is* too iat* to secure a sea: liiat will provide for your future, and that of your wife and chiSdreu. Seattle wtll double iii pot>Blatio»i in li months Railroads, capitalist* and population are comln* to Seattle. Become one of her prtvspercus citli.-u* bv a foottioid whlie ro«"have a chaace Wealth is now within yonr itrasp. h«ve lalth. Invest and ln'toata a titure to tbe New York of the Paciflc. COLLECT INSTEAD OF PAY RENTS. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD. El LOBE cfe CO, GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. Just Received. 50 Crates Crockery, direct from England, which wiil be sold cheap. !*

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?SSWBi*.fat Bwail'er General.



--tor Joint Coati'llmaaJOHN B. ACLT.

for Councilman,IOHS R. KISKEAR.For Representatives,


JOB* H. McOHAW.For Anditor,

W. K fOKR&T.for Treasun r.

W. fi. LATIMERfor Probate Judge,RICHARD iHBORS.Count}' Comtaissioucr*.SEIi GABCH,ILUAM 11. TAYLOR.>HS WOODIN,

For Asaessor.JCUIV HORTOS.

School SnperintMidtnt,V. A. PLSEY.For Coroner,

J. a »!. SMART.For Surveyor,

C. M. ANDERHON.for Wreck master.


eefnet Officers.

Justices of the Peace.JOHN F. MILLER,C. M RIVKKH.


Jepublican Meetings(TBI PEOPLE OF KINO COUNTY WILL1 it addressed by the candidate* of tbe

Kafeßeaa party and other able speakeni;5J* following times and places:M-Tborwl*', Oct. i'», 7:30 p. m.

\u25a0jßs, Friday. Oct. », 7aO p. m.Sn valley, Saturday, Oct. tl, 7 Mtp. m.Km. Monday. Oct. 29, 7:30 p. m.\u25a0GNU, Tuesday, Oct. 90. 7"*t>. m.MgKavllie, Wednesday, Oct. si, 7:-0 p.m.

lewder of the county neutral commit-I * R. B. ALBERTSON, Chairman.

[ I, T. MrrcHitix. Secretary.


I Taeadays. *edacadays and Saturday. fromI» to 4L at Itwm 7, Cokmial Block. F-.peciaiattention given to order work. gliding andfiring.


ATTORNEY AT LAW?BOOMS S asd XUnion Hiock.Beattie, w**h.

Bpoctal attention: Corporation, land andgmnßwt taw.


ATTORNEY AND COCNffILLOR ATmm. Roonu 17 and 14. Poactn Build-

ing. Front street.

'\u25a0 *\u25a0 «LA*OOW. C. t nmura.Pattmon Ac Glaacow.

A TTORNEYS AND COCNSELLORB-AT-XX law. OBce, 166 James street, oppo-site the Occidental.



ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLaw, Solicitor In Chancery, Proctor la

Admiralty, and Notary Pubfic Room a.Post Building. upstair*. Millstreet, Seattle,W. T. Consultation tree.


ATTORNEY, ROTARY AND SCRVEYor. Will practice in the raited State*

land office. Content* initiated, con lactedand defended. Timber land cases a spec-ialty. Settlers located. Addrvm Kalis ' Sty.King "ounty. W. T.

1. J. LICHTKNBKKG'Late of the Pennsylvania Bar.)

pOUNgELLOR AT LAW-ROOMS 1 *x»2. t'nion Block. Seattle.


ATTORNEY AT LAW-IUCN.HEY BLOC*,comer of front and Columbia street*,

Seattle. iMASOLT) ruunos. KEKHY MCBRIDE,


Mcßride, CHIT AT Preaton,

ATTORNEYS AND COPNSELLORS ATlaw. Office* at Laconner, Mount Ver-

non and Seattle. Seattle office, Vealer-i l*aryblock. Jfl7dw

W. P. BOYD & CO, A VERY WEAK CASE forward toe eaat-bovad exjpre** daahed ia-! to tbe wrrek and ent off the !e$ of Haw-kia*. who wa» lylnjon the track :n*e-.-<-hlc from iajarie* received la the firatcol-lirtoo. Twa engioe* and a dote a freightcan were demoaahed. No pameager*were hurt. *


A Bound Murderer Kaeape* FromVigilante*.

TiMWiM. .V. T. t>cL ai.?Word haabeen receired of the eacaoe from tisswards of Feridico, the murderer at CeaarloLacrrc. aad who is rappo»ed to be one ofthe Sonora train rubber. Failing to ob-tain a wofesaion from him. they orderedhim to prepare for etetation. He wa»placed bound and blindfolded over atrench, and tfcnoch at this time he ac-knowledged the killingof Laccto. relateda eoafesalon aa to the robbery. Thinkingfurther to frighten him a vol lev wa*ordered lobe fired over hi* bead. Wbeathe amoke cleared away it wa« ftiaad thatha had hia bond*, and thoagh a dotenahots were tired and por*ait inxitnted. kemade good hi* escape.


Pnraer Keyea and Touikml Heldfor the Grand Jury.

SAX FaAHCiiiCo.Oet. 24. ?Theprelimiaaryelaminailoa of Clarence T. Towayend andHm. Keyes. charged with nmuggiiagopium ashore from the steamer Wiimtag-toa from Puget aooad, onjloaday last,was up before l ornmixuoncr Sawvcr yes-terday morning. Both werv beld to aa-*werbefore the federal grand jary. bail be-ing fixed at »I«*W In each care.GAIiI»KE'B BONDS UEDI'CEO.

Fiied at a Sam He Wilt ll* U>!e toFaraiah.

CHICAOO, Oct as.?'The bail at K. A.iiardner, the opium imaegler. was rvdacedbv J udgc BloOKett to-day Irotn i x' *J t \u25a0 $1 oHi* COUDM.I rrprc«awd that daleadaatwas beld in 11-ViMO bail in Buffiilo oa tbesame charge aad found :t diffienlt to givebond* oi »jooo more here.

A Lone Highwayman's Poor Haul.MERCED. Oct, 24.?The Merfcd aad Coul-

lervltle stage held an by a louc high-wayman nine miles from Coultervi'.lcthismorclag. He was armed with a rifle, andas he commacded the driver to halt he

THE UNION PACIFIC ! dilftrent branches throtsghoot the coantryto pat forth a*ery hooest cadeaeor poasi-

| bl« to secure ia their rcapectiee Mate* tbeenactaaent of a federal reform bill j>r\>vid

I ing foradoptiag the Australian system ofvoting, to the end that absolut* secrecytnav be voach*afed each voter as he oa»Uhis ballot, aad to the end that local pri-mary machines aad political boaaes maybe aboliahed. The convention adjoarnadto meet in Boston the third Wednesday inJnne

Iteaaioa AfterAO Yaara-X»w Toatt, Oct. St.?Just « years ago

to-dav the sarr;vors of CoL Jonathan D.Stevenson's First regiment of New Yorkvolanteers were mastersd cot of the ser-vice by then First Ueat Wm.T. Sherman,of Moaterey, Cala. In measory of theevent tha members of the rcgiment stillliving sat down to a reunion dinner atKarlisrlU's, oa Fifth avenue to-nightMaay men of prominence throughout thecountry were at the banquet, and lettersof regret were received from i.en. Wm. T.Sherman. Col Jonathan J. Stevenson andothers. Addresses were made by MajorGenerals Stewart. Van VHet, l>ecnis strongand Ed. M. Kennedy

The Papal Struggle Against ItalyROKK. Oct. 2t?A body of Neapolltaa

pilsrims called upon the pone to-dav. Thearx-hbiahop of Naples, who beaded the pi!grims. recounted to the pope all that oe-carretl in Naples den tig Emperor William svisit: The pope replied; "<Htr enemiesare exerting their whole strennh to opp,»eus. Let us redouble our efforts and re.'urnantlriaily to the struggle. Action Isnccessary, for which I rely upon the clergy.'

The "Times" Charges Van-ishing into Thin Air.


A Bundle of Lattera, Fresh Fromthe Forge. Which tha Paraallitea

Waat to Look Over?Michael Da-Titt to Conduct Bla Oars Dafenae?Webder's Tedloaa Spaeth.

U>Ktws, Oct. 34.?When the FanieTl com-mission resamed ita sitting today. SirCharles Rowel, counsel for Parnell, de-manded the production ol certaia letterswhich tho TYam poweaaed and which werealieged to be written by Dillon, Biggar aadother member* of parliament. He?aid that soamea. tbe Timet solicitor, hadfiled an affidavit affirming that the Timetreceived the documents from an Americannamed Robert*, that some of them provedbogus, and that oa this account they badnot been used ia the O Doancll case. Thisadmission that somebody wa* supplyingthe Time% with forged letters, said SirCharles, had a direct bearing npon the

I Paraell-Egan forgeries. The documentsmust therefore be produced.

Attorney General WcUtcr held that thedocuments demanded were not a materialissue. The affidavit of Soame* showed"leariy that somebody had been trying to

: trick the Time*, and the knowledge ofthe trick had been communicated to Par

| nell's solicitor.Tbe court ordered the documents to beproduced

W. H. Holcomb Matlf ChiefExecutive Officer.621 and 623 street,


loleomib'* Saccessor ss the O. B. JtN. Not Named ?A Big Mortgage si

tke Southern Pacific Liast?Emi-

ABB TAX OF FIKST INVOICE grant Ships Between Liverpool

aad New Orljaa*.

New K'all Styles.ROSTOS, Oct. St?At the fawn Pacific

directors' meeting to-day W. U. Bolcombof Portland. Or., was chosen director, viceColgate HoyL resigned, subsequently Mr.Holramb was chosen vice-president tosucceed the late Theodore ]. Potter aschief executive of the affitlrs of tha InlonPacific system, refidect at Omaha T. J.Kimball «*- appointed general maaager.The prea?3ent stated that no changes inthe organisation of the Caioa Pacific werecontemplated. Mr. Dickinson will con-tinue as general superintendent, J. A. Mun-roc geaeral freight and J. S. Tebbcts gen-eral passenger agent. No change ia theorganization of the St. Joe £ Grand Islandwas contemplated, or of the various I'tahreads.

he unparalleled success of this department during theast season warranted us in placing large orders early. Con-

sequently we are In a position to offer this season the largestand choicest selection of the very latest styles ofLadies', Misses'and Children's


LADIES'WALKING JACKETSIn'all the {Newest Shapes and Designs.

A Large Variety of

Children's Cloaks!In the very latest styles! and very low prices.

Daily opening of SPECIALTIES in Staple and Fancy DryCoodtfrom Chicago !and New York.

621 and 623 Front Street,SEATTLE. W. T.

Frost head Dreamed of the Crow*.ST. Put- Oct. 44.?1t la learned that the

scare at Standing Rock agency over the re-

Krted uprising ofCrows acainst the Siouxs proves! groundless. Fno»the*>l, an oh-

s«-nre medicine man and worthless Indian,claimed to have dreamed that the Crowswere comlox. and got the young bucks tostart out for them. A company of cavalryhas returned the bucka to the ageucv

No appointment of general latnujfr ofthe Oregon Kailway Navigation Compa-ny would be made at present, the president said. Tbe duties of the rflco «oo!dbe performed by Holeomb until other ar-rangements were made. Hoieomb is atpresent general manager of the OregonRailway it Navigation Company, to whichposition be was appointed on the recomracndation of Mr Potter. He person-ally been connected with the Chicago.Burlington &quincy road, and later withthe Chicago. Burlington & Northern.

The question of advancing money otthe part of the Union Pacific to meeteou-pons on the Leaver, Southern ParkPacific, maturing Norember I, was con-Bidered. and vritbout final action referredto the executive board with fqjl power*.Tbe ?mention of paying a dividend was notraised, nor was there any discussion as totoe resumption of dividends by the com-pany. either now or hereafter. The matterwan in no way alluded to.

The company now has no floating debtfor which provision in cash has not beenmade. Funds ($3,000,000) have also beenprovided to pay fora large amount of newequipment recently ordered, only a por-tion of which has a« yet beeu delivered.The company haa no work of construe tionnow going on. The extension of the Sa-lina, Lincoln A Western to Colby, about175 miles, was completed on the ixttU Inst.The money needed to pay for this workhas been provided. During the four yearsbetween June 30, ISM. and June 30.135*,surplus income of the sygteir to the amountof has been put into the prop-erty. About 56.000 tons of steel has also,during the period named, been put intothe tracks of tbe system in place oi iron

A table showing the condition of thefunded and tloatiug debt of the compauy,its mileage and its debt per mile, accornpanics the statement. From this it ap-pears thai the entire funded and floatingdebt has been reduced since June aO,from fLi~»,4-fc?,fc6 to 914h,6*J6,159, includingall accrued interest to the government.

Hloodjr Fight at a Circus.sir Charles Russell then asked for partie-ular* of the charges against Parnell andthoae involved with hiin.

Locisv lLL*.Oct. -t.?At Mount Vernont»-day John Proctor put on a marshal'sbadge and asked to be admitted free to thecircua. An altercatiou folkiwed whichgrew into a fight. Wm Parker, tawnmarshal, was fatally cut, James Jones,sheriff. >hot through the right shoulder,and John Brewer shot in the head.





Rooms 17 and I*, Sew Yealer block.Take elevator.


VTTORNEY AT LAW, IT. 6. COMMIS-?loner and Notary Public. Hoe land*

bought and sold. Po»tofflce boi »7J, Scat-tlc. W. T.


ATTORNEYS AND COCSBKLLORS ATlaw. Attention given to land litiga-

tion, laud title* and probate matter* onlr.Rooms iiami 7. t'uion Block. r*»-att>.

UK.KANMKH. ABBOTT,TTOMIEOPATHItiT, FORMERLY OF 12BS11 Washington street, Boston, Massa-chusetts. iflve*ineclal attention to disease*ot K'orneu and children Those expectingconfinement or suffering from menstrualIrregularities should especially consulther. Calls answered day or nifsht. Con-sultation free. Treatment free for those

i suable to pay from s to 10 a. m. Wedne*-j days. Rooms. Kenny Blork, Seattle.

MRS. DR. CROiWLKYf\ IVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DIS-- cases of women and children. Thoseexpecting confinement, 006 James street.between Fifih and Hilth streets, Seattle.

UK. IT. 11. COE,

PHYSICIAN 4 SPROEON. ROOM 17.1 Colonial block, corner isc-ond andColumbia streets. OBco hour* 10 to 11,2

Ito 4 and night*. Telephone la*.

C. K. CASK, M. D.




|>H YHICIAN AND SCROEON ROOMSI and CO, Yesler block. Mill streetResidence, SI" Mill street, between Eighthand Ninth street*. Telephone 2K.

Michael Davitt claimed the right to ap-pear for himself. The court assented.

Justice Hansen, president of of the com-mission. said the court was of the opinionall the particulars were being given whichwere required.

The attorney-general informed the courtthat the other side continued to disobeythe order for the production of theleague's bank books.

Justice Hannen intimated that if tberefusal was final the court would have re-course to its power to compel their produc-tion.

firvd into the stage, the ball passingthrough the dashboard aad through themaili-ag. aad lodging in the Wella-FargoCompany* treasure box. The robber thencoaapelled the driver to open the box.which was found to be empty. The anivpatsengcr was robbed of |:;.i. after whichthe driver waa ordered to drive on.

Aid for the Starving Dakotaaa.Ni'» YORK, Oct. JC?GOT Church, of

Dakota, yesterday received over (.000 coatrlbntcd through the HrraH, for the reliefof the starving Hebrew farmers of Ramseycounty, Dakota.

Attorney-General Webster then contin-ued the presentation of the Time*' case,making a further review of the articles on"Parneliism and Crime." He declaredthat evidence would be adduced provingthat Parnell kuew Patrick Kgan had sup-plied Sheridan and Boyton with fnnds toenable them to promote outrage.

The general impression is growing thatthe Timet* case is weaker thau even its encmlcs imagined, and the ta*k confided tothe attorney general is beyond his power.Should he continue at his present speed,another week will not see the end of hisspeech.


The Port au Prince Rebellion?.'lCOPeople Killed.

PAN A Oct, 16 'via New York.Oct. 24).?Advices by steamer Moselle, which hasarrived at Aspinwall from Hayti, state thatnever before has Port au Prince passedsuch a night as that of September 28. Thenixbt, to begin with, was dreadfully dark,with an occasional flash of lightning. Fir-ing commenced at 7:30 p. ra., and the can-non and Gatiing gun* of the palace diddreadful execution as did also the shotfrom the big guns on Fort Alexander,which crashed clear through buildings, de-stroying everything and everybody withwhich thev came in contact The firingcontinued up to 2 a. in. on the 29th.

These advices say that as far as sscertained :>OO persons were killed and over ">OOwounded, including many women andchildren. Among tbe notable personskilled, besides General Siede Telemaque.were Charles Borno and Ducass.


Mrs. Gordon Baillie, the "Friend ofthe Crofters."

IOICDON, Oct 24.? The trial of Mary AnnSutherlana. who represented herself asMrs. Gordon Bailiie, a wealthy landownerof Scotland and a descendant of the greatEarl of Moray, and who was arrested inJuly for fraud and obtaining money underfalse pretenses, was concluded to-day. Thewoman was found guilty and sentenced tofive years' penal servitude. Her husbandwas also convicted on a charge of fraud,and senteuced to IS months' imprisonmentat hard labor.

Increased Austrian Expenditures.VIENNA, Oct 24.? The Austrian reich-

srath reopened to-day. In the lower housethe minister of finance presented the bud-get for The revenues are estimatedat 53*,615.244 florins and the expendituresat 538,345,786 florins, showing an iucrcasein expenditures over 1888 of 21/44.NPJ flor-ins.


Flt'eintr Toward England. ClosePressed by Detectives.

Manitoba l itincus lN»'teriniiiwl to

the Track.

The ( anadUn Pacific Injunction Din*

solved?An Army of Northern

Pacific Constable*.

WiNMPW., Mam., Oct. 24.?Chief JusticeTaylor rendered a judgment this morningdissolving the injunction behind whichthe Canadian Pacific road ha* been en-trenched in its resistance to the provincialroad creasing their line. The provincialroad will now proceed,on Attorney GeneralMartiii « advice, in advertising for goodloyal citizens to report to-night to be sworniu as special police to go to the scene ofthe trouble. The Canadian Pacific has de-termined to resist, notwithstanding thatthe injunction has been squashed.

1-aie tbi* afternoon the i anadiau Pacificobtained another injunction, setting forththat the Red River Valley road wan not a

C vera men t 11ne, bnt had been formally.nded over to the Northern Pacific. This

second attempt to balk the Northern Pacific


REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR DIIRtgaie to Congress, will address the

mic of Western Washington on the§Besr>f the day at the following times

\u25a0J places

PUCET SOUND.Ivysvllle, Oct. 26. It. nl«f«Il, Oct. Z'i, 5 p. m.iiatomisli, Oct. 25, 7 p. m.pawrlll". Oct. a;, 10 a. m.inwoo. I, Oct. 2fi. 2 p. tn.Kent Ve/non. Oct. 26,7 p. m.Imiiner, Oct. 27,1 p. in.Smj, Oct. 27, 8 p. in.\u25a0lien, Oct. 27,10 a. m.\u25a0Male. Oct. 29,1 p. m.CWcom. Oct. 29, 7:.8 p. in.H« Harbor, Oct 30,11 a. mnßTownsend, Oct. 31), 7:3j p. mtttDiscovery, Oct. 31.1 p inhrt Hadlock Oct. SI, 7 p. m1MLudlow. Nov. 1,1 p. m.

,|KtGamble, Nov. 1. 7 p. m.Part Madison. Nov. 2, I p. m.hit Blakelcv, Nov. 2, 7 p. ra.(hrbonado. Nov. 3,1 p. m.

' noma, Nov. 8, 7:30 p. m.tattle. Nov. h, 7 30 p. m.

HON. R. O. DUNBARVBIaddress the people on the Isaacs offee day at

Vaaeouver, October 29, at 7 W p. tn.TNh»U«. October 30. at 7:30 p. m.

: tNjrawla, October 81, at 7:30 p. m.Seattle, November I, at 7:30 p. m.BleDiharch. November 2, at 7:90 p. m.Hiirth Yakima, November 3, at 7 :i» p. m.fiaMendsle. November 6. at 7 TO p. mnerespectise county committees are re-

IMstH to famish suiuble halls and masic,\u25a0ml all Republican [Miners in WesternWntlnpon arc req Ilea tea to publish thisMb«.lyorder «f the Territorial Central Com-

mittee C. II HANFORD,Qatno&u Republican Territorial Central

CommitteeUioßU* O. Ltom. Secretary


\l* W NEWUN, CANDIDATE FOR? prom.*< uUnK ?tU»rncy; Samuel H.aud other vrotnineut will

INISM the riticeuH of King county at thefollowing timet and itlftoen:Celtr Mimutnin, Wednesday. Oct. SO, 7:SOKB

Jjuiklin, tetarday, Oet. 27.7:10 a, m.Ktckl*i«mout|. satnnlay, Nov. 8,7 JM p. m.WNiiUe, Mrttulay, Nov. f», 7:30 p. m.llfirdcrcQuntT eommlttoe.

REPUBLICAN MEETINGS.Ainaftmonig K«ve been atadc fordls

of the political IMUCM of tbe day\u25a0 (n)l>owfi

Uoa. E. P. Kerry and L. T. Turaer, atJwt Elaktloy, on the evening: of SaturdaytwCih.

Ron. Onng* Jacob* and L. T. Tttnk-r i*"» »t>e«lc at Port Madlmm ou the ereninc

»h.n«i. Onniff Jaottta, Hon. C. M. Hra*i !

\u25a0?wftftd L B Andrew*. Kaq., will apvak*ys«B*lew ou the t'veuinc of the 90th.J JJJ** gamble on the evening of the Slat,«I «t Dißei>very on the evening of the lat. 1wn. Orancre Jarot*. Hon. T. i. Ulßoa,

Hyde. aud L. K Andrt-wa, E«i . j?*"M»eak ai r«»rt Towna*>nd ou tbe even«fofa>e2d. !

Orange Ja<Mb* and Allen Weir. I\u25a0n.wlllipeak at I)unfcvtiei>!« at 1 p. m .

and at port Angele* ou thethe aaue day

«'». T. J. Hunit's aud H.T, Hyde. Ka«j .1»t l arlonado on the erenlui of

«tßoohomUh City on the eventhe 29th, at Florence on the evening


"wCwnßfr on the evening cf the|2l at lwl^*v wu evening of

8.«. Ueoflte Turner and John L. Wilaou.«peak at Tacoina out he evening

2 at Vancouver ou the even lugJiwTiT? 14 ' ttt t»«»ldendale on the even

the 3i*T c l|. HASrOKD.-

rhalrmaii Kep'n Cent, t'oin


PtobPg U-tween K. i\ Slorah andKiel under the uamc of Slorah «v

fcu»iue«A at the Commercial»8 hereby diMoivtvt. Mr eiorah

\u25a0ttHJtinne the at thewill pay all the ludebtedneea of

***«e arm and collect all bill*due themK. C. SI.ORAH.


tiSEffIGTON COLLEGE.tiud Day School for

Vobbu Men sail Boya.


rrf^L 1!? rh»»-" in the f,en!ty. D. «.

WthSrS * M me t 011. Ke. willrW"'", I by K. I*. YOPNO.

* S "IK rintenden? of Public?88, ' *' Tacoma. snd a corps sf other

teacher*.?\u25a0223215® l'!<-asaat hiwse life,SS, !!?' ' r,K'"" Buildin* h.ateii with

wpplied with hoi and coldbaths, eie.w fath.-r prrti. aJars s.!«ln-«

D- «. *TI.KORI), Head Ma>ter,Hash. Cwiivgr. Tan>ma. W. T.

OF THFROLYSAS.* Boarding and Day School tor

Girls, Seattle. W, T.HKOIN.- Al l, .7 THttK-i l» n- , n In tbe Kn««rf.CIL KW»cutlou KM the

For further Information a :>l.-rKK

School ( >illoensWill nnd the

VICTOR2? I**Vh.v, ttP *k in nar »aJ f.»r cir-

A. J. jgtVKNS.11

The City of Cleveland Temporarily

Citable to Meet Payments?

Bondsmen Attach fund*.

MONTREAL. Oct. 24.?Cleveland detectivesarrived here this morning in search ofThomss Axworthy, the absconding citytreasurer of Cleveland. It has beendiscovered that Axworthy arrived here on thenight of the 30th of September from NewYork and registered under his propername at tbe st. Lawrence hotel. He leftOctober 2, it is believed, by a western Canadian Pacific train. While here he con-suited Geoffrien. queen's counsel, who in-formed him his oftense was extraditable.He appeared to be laboring under greatmental agony, and drank heavily whilehere.


9645,000 belonging to tbe city deposited inhalf a dozen banks, but the bondsmen ofAxworthy, the defaulting treasurer, haveattached it, aad the rem;: is that the citvis bankrupt. Kaufman Hay. a member ofthe council, has been placed in charge ofthe office. At present only 98000 is in thecity vaults. When that is paid out thetreasurer's office will be closed for repairs.

The board of aldermen, at a special meet-ing to-night, adopted*rcanlntlpudeclaringthe office of treasurer vacant, and em-powering the mayor to issue notea of thecity to the amount of 1200.000 to relievefinancial embarrassment,

Humors as to Axworthy's whereabout*are still rife, but It seems to be settledthat he is in Canada. A. B. Corkey, Ax-worthy's business manager, declares pos-itivelythat Axworthy was not a specula-tor, as has beeu asseried. He saw all ofAxworthy's correspondence, and knowsthe latter lost no money in wheat.

BOSTON, Oct 24.?1n reran! to the reportin Cleveland that Treasurer Axworthy negotiated 9175,000 worth of city of Clevelandbonds in Boston, receiving the cash andthen going to Montreal, it is learned thatthe last Cleveland loan was issued previousto September 28. at which time Axworthvis reported to have visited New York. It isnot believed he came to Boston. This lastloan wan regularly made and taken byBlake Bros. A Co., and the bonds were nothypothecated, and if Axworthy had theproceeds the city will be a loser.


sconding treasurer of Cleveland, left hereby the mail steamer to-day. Detectiveswere too late to capture him, but havetelegraphed the Quebt« authorities to arrest him. The steamer .eaves there at 9o'clock in the morning for Liverpool.


The Browns Play Much Better ntHome.

sr. Lot'is. Oct 24.?Hard hitting and amuif by Slattery in the eighth Inuing gavethe Browns a victory to-day. King's pitchlug was effective throughout while francwas rather wlid. Score St. Louis 7, NewYork 1

National Jockey Club Ilares.WASHINGTON. Oct 34.?1n spite of the

fact that the sun shone brightlyail morn-lug and a brisk wind swept over the IvyCity race course, the track was in wretchedcondition. Paragon broke his left fore-legwhile exercising thia morning, bv steppingin a hole, and will have to be killed.

First race. se\en furlongs? Eolo won in1.24, Boccacio second. Hegulus third.

Second race, one and one-eighth miles?Joe won in 2:<&>{, Specialty second.Tea Tray third.

Third race, Anacostia stakes, one andone-eighth miles?Now or Never won in2:00, Badge second. Bye and Bye third.

Fourth race, three-quarters of a mile-Fordham won in 1:1*!

2 , Brown Charliesecond. Passport third.

and that in this same time the mileage hasbeen increased from 4419 to 4764. Thedebt per mile stands at 131.1*1. a* agaiust935,170. There has been an increase m thedebt since December 1,1887. The increaseamounts to 11,436,937.

The result of the financial operation ofthe whole Union Pacific system for the 12months ended June 30, IMB, is; Gro*aearnings of the entire system, t'J9,(E£},4s3:surplus earnings, 911,1a®.886; total income,

surplus earnings, 4i11.592,*&>:total income. total expeudltures, 97,-r io*,U£; surplus, less United Statesrequirements (approximated), 98,&8&^n9.

MORTGAGED FOR ?A*, 000.000.

The Southern Pacific Gives a Deedin Trmt to a Loan Company.

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24.?The SouthernPacific Compauy filled in the recorder'ssflce to-day a deed of trust to the Conti-nental Trust Company of Xew York, con-veying to the latter, for the purpose of se-curing the payment of a mortgage of

ail the property of the railroadcompany and also all property of branchroads which have r>eeu amalgamatedwith it

The deed of trust declares that the branchroads have turned over all their propertyto the Southern Pacific and that the latterassumes ail debts aud liabilities, and thatto secure the payment of these debts theSouthern Pacific will isaue 38,000 bonds of91000 each, aud to secure these bonds thecompauy will create a sinking fund, andafter the vear 18:»8 will pay 930,000 peryear out of the net income of the railroad,and continue till the debt is paid.IHAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24.?Speaking of theSouthern Pacific's mortgage of $. >,<«oo,odband their popoeition to issue 50 year l»ond«,paying tbe amount of 92P,00j monthly or*.140.000 yearly till the mortgage if canceled,an official of the company said this even-ing that there were two roads recentlybuilt by the company on which no bondshad been issued, and the first bonds of thenew series would doubtless be made tocover these- roads. One is the line fromTracy up the west side of tbe San Joaquiuvalley. The other is the road ruun.ngfrom Fresno along the foothills 106 miles,joiningtbe Southern Pacific uear Paso 4 ,

The company now has In hand the con-struction of 125 miles of rough mountainand seashore line between Templeton andSanta Barbara, and also contemplates otherbranch lines, the funds for which workwill eome from floating the«e near bonds.It is not expected the last payment will bemade until 1938. The deed of trust is ex-pected to add greatly to the commercialvalue of the bonds.


Cattle Shipper* to Chicago Sell theReturn l'aaaes.

CHICAWO, Oct 24.?A1l railroad companieswhich receive stock for shipment allowtransportation for a neeeaaary number ofattendants to take care of the animals enroute. This, it is said, has been made thebasis ofextensive forgeiles. if a lot of cat-tle is to be shipped from Omaha to Chica-go. for instance, several idlers tlad to get aride to Chicago, are signed In an agreement as the cattle drovers.

When the cars reach Chicago the idlers,of course, do not want to return, and tbepeople who obtained the transportationagreements then take them, sign falsenames to the pass receipts, theu turn around sum Into their pockets bv selling re-turn parses to ticket scalpers. Wen. Kline,James Mack. Harry lx>mas and T. B. Hitch,of Wyoming Territory, wen? arrested thismorning for forgery.


l s*iou Engineers Refuse to WorkWith "flcsb" Switchmen.

Pl?W o, Col.. Oct 24.?The Rio Grand? oritchffien » strike is still on The engi-neers and firemen to-day refused to pullfreight :rains made up by non-unionswitchmen. A conference between thestrikers aud the railroad official* will beheld to-morrow and it is believed the mat-ter will tK- com prowised.

only increased the determination of thecitizens, and a monster indignation meeting was held to night.

The attorney-general expresses his deter-mination to effect a crossing to-morrowmorning, at all hazards. SuperintendentWhite, of the Canadian Pacific, says thecompany is still going to protect their prop-erty and resist the crnsaing, pending a de-cision of the supreme court. Their menbave been notified to hold themselves inreadiness for trouble to morrow


OCITUHT, ACIUST. UARYN*G©SCOPIBT,having returned from his trip to the

Kast aud Europe, will be pleased to meethis former patmns and other* desiring hi*services, at his former olllce. in the Ycaler-

Bloi k. Seattle. W. T. Residence, cor-ner Fourth and Mariott. j>l7dw

UK. H. r>. liONOAKKR,

Gi RADTATK OF THK CNIVKBSITT OFI Pennsylvania, makes a s|.eeialty of

diseases of the eye, ear and throat. Treatsprivate, chronic and skin diseases. Re-moves cancer, tnmors and alcers withoutpain ur use of the knife.

OBlee, corner Third and Cherry streets.Honrs.» a. m. U) 4p. m.


Oculist and Aurist.Rooms 12 and 13.

Onion Block. Front Street.

T. T. »TI*o«, *. n. li fc. «. DAWSOJC, *. ».



orricas IN ONU ttorsa MOCK.

Telephones Ofßce, No. C2; Dr. Minor'sresidence, No »3.

8. J. HOI-Mres. >l. u.

IJIIYSIC'IAN AND SITROEON-OFFICEColonial block. Second and Columbia

streetsOffice Honrs: 10 30 to l'ia. m : to 4,

ami *P»9p. m. Telephone No. 1-'-

w. * SIIAS.VOX, x p. I. nuinos, *. r>.

Urs. Shannon & Shannon,

I3HYSICI ANDBCRGEONB?OFFICEI'nion Mock. Front street, first floor,

upstairs, room 10. Office open at all honra.

UK. K. K. SHAW.TJHYSICIAH AND SCROEON OFFICE.I Colonial block, corner Second and

Columbia streets. Residence, SIT Thirdstreet. OBlee hour*. #to 10:30 a.m.. <to 6and 7U) S p in. Telephone l'«-

Fully MO eltlieua enrolled themselves a*special i enstabiea to act for the NorthernPacific. and will go out to the crossing inthe morning if the weather admit* oftrack-laying.

A Ulcli Man'* Son on Trial far MurderST. Lone, Oet 21.?The trial of young

Talinagc. (on of the late General ManagerTalmsge of the Wsbash road, for themurder ef a telegraph operator namedTidd. at Brunswick. Mo., last January, begau at Keyte*vllle yesterday. The cam? I*attracting Intereat, owing to the (.landingof the defendant

An Kmpty Ship Capaises.Nsw YOBK, Oct. 24.? This afternoon the

Spanish brig Almogavar, of Bavelon, wa*capsized by wind in Buttermilk channel.The vessel was overturned ou a passingtug, which waa seriously damaged. Thebrig tauk. She carried no ballast whichcaused her to capslse so easily No live*were loat.

The German opposition in the reich*-rath. which hitherto has been divided inthree parties, has decided to sink all dif-ferences in order to show a strong opposi-tion to Count von Tanfe. If the compactholds, the <>ermans will probably rejectthe government's military bill, which willtend to the dissolution of parliament anda change of ministry.

California I>l*tillrryBurned.

CaUOTMA, Oct 24.?A large new distillcry aud contents were dcatroyed by Arehere early this morning, the property be-longing to George lauge, of San Francisco.The fire prokablv originated from one ofthe stills. 1/xa about 110,000; Insurance,17000.

Boulanger Fnvora Dissolution.PARIS, Oct 24.?Boulaogcr, at a commit-

tee meeting today, expressed himselfhighly in favor of the dissolution of thechamber of deputies and the convoking ofthe constitutional assembly, which shouldgo independent of executive power andresponsibility to the country. It should bethe duty of the assembly to prevent mean*which misht lead to the establishment ofdictatorship.

Cnder Ground Four Mile* to theTheater.

Virginia City Enterprise.In aoiae countries it would seem strange

for a party going to *ee a theatrical enter-tainment to make a dive into motherearth, travel four mile* under the moantain-. and then dart up to the surfacewithin a atone s throw of the ticket office,but it is after such a fa*hioa that seme ofour people go to their regular doae of drain*,comedy, ami tragedy

Last night a party of ladies and gentle-men of the town of Sutro, whe wished tosee tbe "Two Johns" at the opera bouse,took the subterranean cut Starting at themouth of the Hutro tunnel, at tbelrowndoor*, they came np the tunnel to the ('. itC shaft ? distance ef a little over fourmiles. Dismounting from the cars theythen boarded the cagea ID the shaft andwere *hot upward to the anrfare. a verticaldistaace of 1640 feet

Till*way of going to the theater it a*

much fun for our ladle* as going to a pic-nic It 1*really a pleasure, but until alady has become somewhat accustomed tolife in the mine* It require* a Uttle nerveIt i*fine and cool the whole four mile*under ground. The car* will not Mileventhe moat delicate dress silk and satin,therefore, there I*no trouble ofchangingclothing. In her room at the mouth o (thetunnel a lady may stain! before her mir-ror and give the finishing touch to floweror feather, and In just such a shape as *heturns from her glass she is shot up to tbesurface In the city, ready to take her seatIn tbe bo* In tbe opera bonne.

eIt Fetches Them.

Two teacher* of language* were <1 iseus-slug matters and things relative to theirprofessions

"lio your pupils pay up regularly on thefirst of each mouth"' aaked one of them.

"So, they do not," wa* the reply. "Ioften have to wait for week* and weeksbefore I get mj pay, and sometimes i don'tget it a! all. Yon can't welldun tbe parent*for tbe money."

King Milan Obtains a Divorce.BELGRADE. l>ct. 24.?The official journal

psbiishes a pastoral prepared by Metropolitan Tbeodosius, iu which he says th at,in the exercise of his power as leader ofthe Servian chunk, by virtue of a rightconsecrated by precedents, he dissolvesthe marriage of King Milan and tjaeeuNatalie.

The Yorkshire Strike Spreading.

LoSDo.x, Oct. 24.?The strike of colliers isassuming alarming proportions, and it isfeared the movement will become a gen-eral one. In Yorkshire 75,000 worker* wentoul to-day.

K. U SMITH. *. D. a «twi WttXABB, M. D.



l oacin's Block. Front street Offloehonrs?3 to 4 p. m. and 7toSp. m.


Christians V««t Counteract theWork wf Politicians.

E. R. 1., Oct. 24.?At the forty-

second annnersary meeting of the Ameri-oaa Missionary Society to-day. Dr. Gilbertread a report on the missions of the association among the Chinese of America Itwas necessary, he said, to push this work.The iujastice lately done this people madeit very uecessary to push It. There was nomore observant people in the world, norone more sure to appreciate the differencebetvceo the treatment they received fromour missionaries am! that of politicians.Dr. Dana thought we had a golden opportamtr to give ali the Chinese, as they fromtime to time retnrn to China, a favorablerather than an unfavorable opinion ofChristianity, and to many of then a vitalexperience of its power.

Kev. Dr. Brand, of Oberlia, Ohio, madethe closing address this afternoon, the sub-ject being, "The Charch and the ColorLine.**

Fifth race, one mile? Wahoo won in1 4*1

,, My Own second. Pasha third.

swift Stallion Stamhonl.

SAN FRANCISCO. <>ct. 24.?*tamboultrotted a mile at tbe Bay district track today In 2:l4*£, breaking his own record of2:L> and establishing tbe coast stallionrecord.

Christian Church Missions.

?bullion ELD, 111., On. 24.?The GeneralMissionary «*ociety of the < hristian ehnrrh,l*egan its annual session today. The re-port of the hoard of manager* show* thatover r»,000 penwu were added to thechurch through this branch of endeavor,and contributions for nlMiooi from thedifferent stele* aggregated $281,7?». Theforeign missionary society report show* 59worker* ia foreign field" aeeelpts were$62,777. be<ja« sr* paid. $7402. The Sundayschools contributed on children'? dav.s!*.«?£.

LIVERPOOL TO WEW ORLEANS.A Project for an Immigrant steam-

skip Line.LOVISVILLK.Ky., Oct. 24.?The general

pa*aeng*r agenulnterested in New Orleanstraffic, met to-day to consider a project forrunning through tteamers between 1Jeer-pool and Kew Orleans with a view tobuilding np a direct immigrant traffic.

Virtoria-Kan frtaciftcv Mall ServiceOTTAWA. Ottt, Oct. 24?A petition ad

dresaed to the governor-general in coun-cil haa been received by the department ofMate from the inhabitant* of Victoria. B.C. begging for an improvement in themail service between Victoria and HanFrancisco Petitioner* My the terms ofthe anion are not being compiled with andtheir rtxiairements are not met a* theyshoa* Ibe


E;ail road A sneaking la to Chicago.CMICAOO, Oct. 24 ?The report that the

Caaadiaa Pacific and Northern Pacific areseeking to obtain terminal facilities underc*over of a franchise to be granted forelevated roads and to ostensibly locate thee<*m panic*, is receiving *ome at; eat ionfroca the newspapers.


With Certain ( liaagst, They WillLike Our Osreramsat

» SRIO", Oei. 2C?The Irtish Americanask*-latkm b>-day ao. pted & report mating e.igibk* to sneroberabip an/ male p«sr-?oa ofgood moral chararier who is aiready,or who ;nie .ids to become an Americancitizen. being not kas than lr> years of age,of British biru» or the *ort or grandson ofsock a

Tke British American National Asaociamm hei-i a Sua] «eaioo this evening.<»®ee?s were elected an follows: Presi-dent, Geo. £. Geoefe of Chicago; secretary.y Henry WuiUmi ct Philadelphia. trraa-urer, (««o. B. Jones of Chicago. Tte eiee-tftoa of eke yiidfcrt *« dsfrind oatfl

rrppesesbrd ia lb* watratit-atkalt <kt a*twith the assoeiatius

The talk of discrimination against theblacks and < retaliation bythem was a feature of tonight's sessionRev J. R. of Paris. Tex., a grad-uate of Taliadega eoiiege. Ala., said the?'barge that the colored vote uaa varyefTerl&ai in defeating prohibition in Tennesaee. AlaUauia and Texas Is to a greatextent true.


Alleged Merrhaut* ItemandedUound-trlp I'aaseagers Landed.

PfcAßCisro. Oet. -4.?Twelve moreof the Beigie ?* Chinese were remanded toChina to-day at the request of their alter

j n#vs.Judge Sawyer rendered a decision to-day

th the case of i# Chines* sailors on thaFaaama steamgr Coiima. who were shippedfrom ht ry i#r a round pasnage and n fusedlanding by the collector i n the groundthai tije* tad been outride the l ulledMalt* tftntee tfavryer penults them toiand.


I'nsr Steamera, Including tke !ftalark. Leave Togetktr.

Ntv Yo*.x.i ships iiit thi«* p-»rt at aimoat the same bocr

this isg. bhipfaing eirclea are arousedover a ps><'-k rare between tbe r»ty ofNew York,of tlic lursan Une. the CunarderGaliia. the Narth (rfraua Uoyd steamerTrave and the White fe-tar liaer ortiann;c.The Trave was auder way at & o'clock, theoth?r* kaetag half an hoar earlier.

Erie Kail read Aeeideathtx J Aavis. N. Y? Oct. 34. ?A fast

freighi train on the Erie ran inu> the rearof freight near cniaville this

i morrvag. Rralciean George McMclienwas kilkd. Ensmeer Wtiiard

I Sector was badly sral£*d « onductor Johnt Uawkiaea U*t a loot, and toe kg of Fire-

man A. A, Crank was severed Irwai his, kiwi; Before a Gagman couid lie seat

Counterfeiter* Arretted

"Why don't you do as 1 do' I alwaysget my money regaiariy.

"How do you manage it?""It is very simple. For inxtaace, lam

teacbinra bo? French, and on the firstday of the isonth his folks don't pay themoney for the lesson. In that event 1give the l«oy the following sentence totranslate aud write oat at home 'I haveno money. Tbe month is up Hast thougot any money" Have not thyparent* got money" 1 need moneyvery much" Why hast thou notthought of the money tbl* morning"Did toy father not give thee any money'Has be nomoner in thepoeketbook of hi*uncle'*

* great aunt" That fetches them*Next morning you bet that hoy Mags themoney."? Trio* ffflrngt.

WiSMaro'A, Xev.. Oct. 24.?Last night

Deputy Sheriff Nrfeinger ascertained thata counterfeit standard dollar tad beenpassed here by two strangers, and arrestedthem to-day. They had SI.V» in bogus coinin their possession and 992 in good money.They made some resistance before eurrendering. and gave the name« of August Kitsand Joaepb Saron'., and aaj that they camefrome Sacramento. They are hefd for theCnitedStatea author: ties^j

Laborers Fatally Crashed.KANSAS CTTV. Mo.. <Vt. 24.?While live

men were loading a car with hav presaesin the Misaourl Pacific yard* here thisafternoon, a freight train barked up againstthe car with such violence an to cause oneof the machines to tsaakover, burying thsworkmen. Frank Hi"u and J. B. strath-bora were fatally injured and Waa. Foaterretained itangeroua Internal injuries,while the other tv»o men escaped with se-rare bruise*.

t nl»»rsali*t Convention.( OICAOO, Oct. 34 ?The first regular ses-

sion oi the CuivcrtaUst rharch generalro&Teauoa wt« he.d to-day. The euuvec-t.oo wa# for® '.> . -aaised by the elec-tion of Kou. h. W l'araer of New Hamp -thtre aa preaiding o® r*r. A eafieetkm wastaken up foe the Gunn ministerial relieffund, and Rev. Charles H. Eaton of NewYork '.covered a aeraaoa. at the conclusionoi which a recess was taken.

Foar Deatfcsfr-rtai Tsilsv Pever.JAC saesviLLg. Oct. 2A?U is

that fever fcas existed ia sinceJune. Nearly J? caae* are reported. w s tf«two or thrtv deaths Dv. Nea* XiicZtllre-ports il uw eases beta for Ibe -4 iwar*eodiag at ?p. m. tac were four deaths,local caara.»«; total dealt*. 287.

FUSA-VMSA, ria.. Oct. iM.?New <««?

of jeilowftifd, 14 *jo dea:h<

A Kansas Hitch lag-Poet.Time.

Tocrisf?l should thl nk you would navetbat tree cut down It* location in themiddle of tbe street is an egtcemsly awkward one

May<>' "I t:h!ea*o, Kama*? W»l,yo» ran« r«e ml;hlf loaii at exerriw«trmn*er Why. It o- >ir»»t free It neve 3mile* away!

Tooritt?What o! that"Mayor- "iV'u«J »r it. rtrauf -j" It> * >

pictue art!' tine yon wtut :\u25a0> aunt \u25a0 felierto bafter t-j <!iaj Ufa oil that iJitfanre,?pectaliy If h* vf-te- baa?* hack Ti:*-lae t"* as' worn itfrit*too Utterthe »;reet w'f, weli mvrr the baSMing*hark'

Tfce Girl CriedIter.

rtuOnmm?Joßj rl*ar-»*i»», The** ?\u25a0*\u25a0!-lumla forteo." IMekle Parrttf Kit! iaeofh package. too What** that queerHHMn

eamrJy?l did a t heartutor?I ihinsftt KHUMItpoke.

-anMfar?it wea probata? the cirl crjiog«rht» ebe «f who had openea tbe pack-er:-



VOL. XIV.?NO. 144.


Why Ureshain iHws NotStump Indiana.


Thf * wp>l(« Just Bt(n la Florida

New Y.rk r.llt* Ostensibly

Work In* for a Tar. Klwllo.-

Clevelaods Political tllulsl la

New Tori.

IXDIASjiroUK, <Xt. 24. -Slare the aanouueeraent in the public prints severalweeks ago -if the return of Judge tliwtiunfrom atrip to Knrope, members of the Ka-pahi lean state ct ntral commitu-r antt otherprominent Kepublican nsidents havereceived NMnu rojwests that Judgetirvsbam be auigned by the committee tospeak <>B the political istaea el the cam-paign. To these reqocsta, » ben addressedto the mate commuter, » reply b»« beenmade calllnit attention to the high judicislotfit*occupied by Judge limUm uiid.rthe federal governmeut, which put. it ontnf liis power to take anv active part tn theram paten, especially to appear on the?tump. Kr<ji»ests. itis learned. bare lieenmade U> JudKu'iresham. both tn writingand by friends in pemou

A letter was received to-day by Hon. W.T. Atkins, from tbe jtidse, ravine "Icheerfully and in good faita *? isilescMlin Uve nomination of Hen Harrison andimmediately informed him by t>-legrapbthat he would receive my earnest support.Tbe proprieties of the position which Ioccupy forbid me taking an active part inpolitic*. It is gratifting 10 kuow, how-ever, that my friends are supporting tbeticket In good faita, aud I do nat think anyfair-minded penon doubt* that I earnestlydesire It* success. 1 conld not actlveijparticipate in the campaign without ex-positor myself to Juat censure and loweringmyself in tbe estimation of rithMhlnktntpersoua."


lie Travels Front Home to < tncln-uall? Incidents Ks float*.

CUR-IXKATI, o<t. 24.?J a. tire Thurman,with his son Allan W , a few frieuds aud acouple of newspaner men, started on an-other political tour from Columbus thisafternoon. About too residents of Mount

! Sterling greeted the judge, who bowed »oi them from the window withont leavina! his chair Sabina (ate a somewhat novel! style of demonstration. fully luO school

[ children were on the platform and they in-I dalged IU rivalry to see » hither Thurmanor Harrison would be cheered moatheartily.

At Wilmington upwards of 100 pentonssave him a cordial greet! n ic. So speech

i was made, tbe Jndfte simply explaining| that lark of time would not permit aI speech. On the arrival of the train in thiscity 300 i*-ruins cheered at the sight «f tbe"old Kouau." The Judge was at one«driven to a hotel, where be held au lnforma! reception during the evening.


The Police Scrutinizing the Regis-tration Lists.

New YORK, Oct. 24.?This mnrningSuperintendent of Police Murray held aconsultation with the police captains re-garding illegal registration and voting Hoinstructed them tod« everything possibloto brlug to justice all parties violating theelection laws. The < aptoins will procureofficial copies of the regulation and verifytheir correctness by a house to house can-vass ,

including lodging houses, hotels andall places from which an onueual numberof persons are registered. InspectorBvrnes will communicate with the chiefsof police of other cities and keep a slo«ewatch on colonisers.

Ooaiautine Suspension Permit*Politics to Break Out.

JACKSONVILLE, r la., Oct 24.?The rigidquarantine heretofore existing iu thinstate has seriously interfered with the po-litical campaign In Florida, but now thatthe fever ia abating more activity Is no-ticablc. especially among Denocrais, wh*are preparing to make a vigorous canvass;The RepabUcans. however, except In theSecond uistrirt, wbir-h will be very close,are making little cflbrt, and no system hasbeen inaugurated.

I'owderly'a Malllng-I.lslStolen.Philadsliiiu. Oct 24-Tbl* week*

Journal */ I nilt'l tabor. Id the editorialcoliibk, says positive information baabeen received from a ukin tier of sourcesthat the mail-liat of that paper for the butweek lu Auguat la In the possession of theRepublican national committee, and thatIt wan surreptitiously taken from the offlosof the Journal. Tfie editor announcesthat an investigation la now In progress,aud that by the time the next issue of thspaper K<H-« to pre** ho hope* to be able tomake a complete rsposnre of the mean*employed to secure the list

Ciii(rii«naii Keed In t'allfornta.HacBAMgMTO. Oct. 24 llOO. Thomgfltf

lived of Maine ar ived to day.been the guest of ei Horernor N'e^lKBooth. Thin evening he appearedClunle opera bouse, andlargest audience of the season.speech was enthusiastically received.WEß

Mr lllalao In ii.»"Tork. MtSKkw Yogs, Oct It-Hon.

Blaine arrived to day lieUemorrow, when he will address aHBmeeting to be held In Msdlsun Squafl^Hden.

The President's Daw York TB^*'"WiaHiacTOK. Oct 24 Thewill leave Washington ThursdayAfter reviewing the business men's paradeIn New Tork Saturday he will return.


The Newhurst plate at the Newmar-ket races waa won by Donovan

John Scballer, a jealous < inclunatllaborer, cat bla wife'* th-oat and theakilled hlrnaelf last evening. The womanla dead.

The bouse of Joaeph Whltaker (colored),at Blaekshear, (la , waa burned yesterday,during bla abaenre, and four una!) chil-dren perUhed.

One man was killed, and three other*t>erhana fatally injured yesterday after-noon by the failing ofan overloaded leaf-fold at the new soldier*' home, Miane?polls


"drover Cleveland has done mors toadvance the raane of free trade than anyprime minister of England ha* ever done."

famdoa bpniator."The only time England can u*e aa

Irishman I* when he emigrate* to Aiaenssand vote* for free trade. '?lstatin fay

; Timet.Nothing la American politic* it mora

obvious than that Mr. Cleveland's message, has soaaded tbe death knell of protectioa.! £e*dun natty Mrw*. \u25a0

IfM r. Cleveland should be re-elected, theUnited State* tariff will be modified very

I materially In tbe direction of free trade?aresult which caa not, of course. fail to bebeneficial to the trade of other countries,and especially of oar nn.-TV PtopU,Ijmrfon.

An i*»ue t* involved which very closelyconcern* Europe, more particularly GreatBritain. Mr Cleveland ha* taken big

stand on free trade, and, and althoagh hi*party manager* have considerably planeddown bis platform, be le universally rec-ognized la the State* as pledged to lultiatsa new departure In fiscal policy And ontbat broad question Mr. Cleveland'* caadidature naturally ami ncee*aarUy carriesEnglish sympathy fosrfva Ulobr

A* matters are, th»; presidential coolestpromises to be very class. Mr Cleveland

' stand* on free trade principles, while Ge»-i ? ral Harrison Sle* the protection flag.This Is a much broader aud better definedissue than those on which American pres-idents are nasally elected.? Ixmlon '.Mw.

i-rsaideut Cleveland d;«-owes tbe prin-ciple* at laane la the struggle, and showsthat be Is a free trade candidate In every-thing bnt the name The reservation Is animportant one for American party pur-pose*. For ail that the elect/ml conflictnow In pmgrr** I*a coaUrt between freetrade and protection, and uatHaf ol**.?IjmuiM Daily Anw.

Ret* oa Hsrrlsea*.Sew York Sws.

A prominent business man, who worntiojta> Lj C'laveJu. 1 four jean*«o, le betting freely on Harrison tbl* rear.He ka* already pi* i several hnadneddollars on the Ind aaa r.tan. sal is r- adyto meet Mbw*an eaaal teti-j* He said laa «sa reporter V>-aiXhU "ft »ba .m w{Hsend a cheek fornm te iagew»t*!i \u25a0 '-n---land I*llacree to wer it W448 ffarrlsrrtin»aey fcfore ««*'\u25a0 A yoaag bank at.

."'M u-t.'ngOS tlarrlnoa tills year He bw placed halla ikum bets from to t&l on eveutens*. J3> rvun for tnl S ack«l t JeveluMito t«H

Mr. and Mr*. K. J. Castle,

Ht.IIJ.KS ANI> TKACHERa-CH*»l lUlSeicli.c, Mental Healin*. Na lots

Second street, between Madison and Uprin*.SeatUe. Washiaetoa Territory.

S. C. BI"HNi»,

» RCUITEt'T?ROOMS » AND 10.KEN NYblock, corner Front and Coiumhia



\ jtcttrraims - BITUKN SI'ILDINQ,Z\ James St.. Oppoaite Occidental Hotel.

u~^ri^iS^vVN.» KCIUTXCT?ROOM S. RKINUiBUH'K.t\ Front and Marion streets



Room 14, Colonial block. Second street

OAKDNKK A- HOGG.i irVIL AND MINING ENOINKKRS.i. Rootaa 3S a "idSI, I'nion Bloek. Takeelevator.*j.o. B- *- ow*«ta.


/-lIYII.KNUINEERS. RCRVKYORS ASDV I'oi.-tr*. tor*, nalhvavs and other pab-11c works designed built Mans, spe-cJflrat ions and estimate* fttrn!sh<»d. Topcvrrapbica! surreys sn.l :r s|e »*ls for anyporno*. Satisfaction «iarann-«»d.

tiffltv-llMaIt. Itßtler Block. Jain** st.,

opp.>*lte tVHv id* ntal. jeA


AIU tl ITECTNinivKUx-k. R.xv-1


Ciric and Mialac En«i?*B*adDraa^htnisß.

I > MiSlNii. WATEK WOIKS,I\ lof»ei«Tas dsiral, bfldst*. andJr*) vacv- nrftuwr -i special aiten

t oa. 1 -!y pr,'i«r'.v or tar S -Hrveyedor3la}*ft and 4raw-

! 'iC*. ctt* and a *pc?ialtT.? ? «n<t jrajw oft hand

K< t>K«%> aud fX YwOcA,. vv T -u* im


Snowflake FlourW TKS BEST. TKY IT.. ... .. .- .. .




J. PrrtH, Cashier Paget gonad Nat'nl BankV 4% H. G. BTKCVK,Strove, Haines & McMickcn,

_ Attorneys.

a'A.V*' A. B. STIWA*T, Stewart A Holmes Drag Co.? -«yCO»* Dit. T. T. Minur. Minor A Dawson, Physl

J - P" HovT.Maug't D. Horton ACo..Baaker»%

? B. OiTxiaT.sehwabaeher Broa.4Co.,MchtsM. D. BALLARD,President Seattle Hardware

\C A (Vv** Company.H. H. Lewis, Turner. Kngle A Lewis.Ei-Gov. E. P. FERRV, Vice-President Paget

Soand National Bank.


Removed to 629 Front Street, foot of Cherry.

Attractions lor litM24-in. Plush reduced to $1 50

Former price 2 00Also Plush at 50c. 75c, I 25

Reduced from 75c. sl. I 50

Satins at 25

Reduced from 50

SPECIAI 150 dozen fine embroidered CashmereCloves at 25c; worth 50c.

Also a great many other articles which will be foundequally as cheap.

LATOUROpera Itlook. Front street.




Kitcud a cordial INVITATION U> all VISITORS to SEATTLE, as well a* to all rcai-dents to call at tbelr office.

POST BUILDING, MILL ST., SEATTLE,\1id -i-cnd a few minutes ime in IJIKKCTINO I'RINTKI>lIKSCRII*nVKMATTKIt l»r sr.ATTI.K. AMI WASHINGTON to your friends and ac-quainlance# Kast. FREE OF C(CT TO YOU- And if yon should wish to plantsome money to the

Future Great City Pacific CoastTHE ONLY SEATTLE IN AMERICA.

We can *ell 500 lots In

ROSS' SECOND ADDITION FOR $175 OR S2OO.This Is the manafactnrinir center of Seattle.)

Or lots in other well located addition*: or tosmees and residence lots on the beststreets iu battle: or snburban block* aad acre*. It will pay you to cail. This isvour one chance in a lifetime to sec ure fortune, contentment and happiness.

l>*n't Is* too iat* to secure a sea: liiat will provide for your future, and that of yourwife and chiSdreu. Seattle wtll double iii pot>Blatio»i in li months Railroads,capitalist* and population are comln* to Seattle. Become one of her prtvspercus

citli.-u* bv a foottioid whlie ro«"have a chaace Wealth is now withinyonr itrasp. h«ve lalth. Invest and ln'toata a titure to tbe New York of the Paciflc.



Just Received. 50 Crates Crockery, direct from England,which wiil be sold cheap.
