the seattle post-intelligencer (seattle, wash.) …...1*- family of dr. e. b. morris last week. miss...

1* - family of Dr. E. B. Morris last week. Miss Busts Arney was attending the i wedding of Miss Christopher and Mr. Howard on Thursday evening. The cere- mony took place at the horns of tne bride's parents In Christopher. Mr. How- ard la from West Virginia. Mr. Mi Mrs. A P. Meredith celebrated <he twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar- riage on PrUbtr eventng, November 9. This was one of the moat pleasant social ?vents of ths season. The parlors ware tastefully decorated and a large number (Bf their friends were present. Mrs. J-.. fe. Morris. Mrs. J. Mylwln and Mrs. Etta Bherrard assisted in the reception of fuestt, and Miss Hodges, Miss SberrarH I and Miss Dllworth assisted In serving refreshments. About 200 Invitations were aent out, the older guests being received early In the evening and Ihe younger later. SOCIETY n FCYALIXP. PTYALLUP. Nov. IT.-Mra Hugh Har- rea Is visiting relatives in Cbehnll* for a few weeks before her departure for Phlladelphts, Pa., where she will spend tt Mlsa leon Crane ta visiting In Lester, the gusct of Mrs. M. C. Myers. Mai. and Mrs. W. L. Bartholomew, of Seattle, have taken the Herren cottage for the winter. ... . Mr. aad Mra. C. L. Stewart will leave Monday for New York city. They will be sbasat about a month. Mra. A. E. 1,ove*>y spent a few days In Tacoma last week, the guest of her sister, Mra. A. A. Honey Prof. R. It Cox and daughter, Miss Andora, of Tacotnu, were, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs M. J. Meeker Sun- dfty. * Mra. Logan and Mlas Joy Massev, of Tacoma. arera the guests of Mrs. Bflta- beth Baker Sunday. Mr. P. A. Parker, of Seattle, was a Puyallup visitor Thursday. Mra. Oeorge Atkinson. of Derrlnger. was t&N guest of her sister, Mra. George Aiken, last week. _ . Mlaa Minnie Campbell returned borne from Seattle Wednendar after several weeks' visit with her atster, Mrs. O. S. JOQM Misb Acnes Barry entertained her cousin. Miss I Aura Barry, of Tscorns, last week. Mr. E. P. Truedaon spent several days In Portland last week. . . Mra. A. B. Ixtvejoy entertained Mlaa Maud* Barrett, of Tacoma. Thursday and Friday. Miss Oertie Avery, of Seattle, vlelted her Barents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Avery, laat Sundar. Mra. B. C. LsFsvre entertained at din- ner Sunday Mr. and Mra. T. P. Cant well and Mra. Seem Cop?. gujs?oP'Mra! B. JR. CraSSSh^u^sy h * Mlas Torrana, of Taoema, visited with her cousin, Mrs. B. Knight laat weak. Mlsa Blanche Parsons vlelted with her pareata In Buckler Saturday and Sunday. Mra. WUi Parker, of Sumaer, visited her mother. Mia. F. M. Simmons, Wednesday. Mr. D. M. Snyder has returned home after eeveral months' absence in Repob- Wcl Mr. George W. Edgerton went M Che* was the hostess st a charming luncheon Thursday at her home en Park avenue. Those present were: Mlas Ma tide Barrett- of Tacoma; Mr*. A. B. Loveloy, Mrs. C. U Stewart and Miss Jeanctta Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred BoneU entertained the Nineteenth Century Progressive 'inch Club at their home on Pioneer ave- nue Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mra. T. H. Brew, Mra. C. C, Sweeney and Prof. D, A. Brodle were added to the club to fill vacancies cauaad by members leav- ing the city. U(ht refreshments were served. Times present were: Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Stuart, Mr. aad Mra. W. H. Hlvlns, Mr and Mrs. Walter R. Scott. Prof, and Mra. JT. M. I,ay hue, Mr. and Mrs. James Bonrll, Mr. and Mra. James MeKlm, Mr. and Mra. T. H. Brew. Mr. and Mra. A. K. Lovajoy, Mrs. C. C. Sweener and Prof. D. A. Brodle. Miss lva Caskln was the recipient ipf a delightful surprise party Saturday evening at her home on East Main atreat. The evening eras very pleasantly stent with fames and music. Those present were:*Mr,? and Mrs. M. C. Miner. Rev. M W. Miller, Mra. J. HI Hallsnbeek. Mrs. A. a. Campbell. Mlsa OracaWhit- man, Miss Sourwlne. Mra M. I. Brooks. Miss Mary Cos, Miss Ollle Stesrart. Miss Llasle Campbell, Miss Walte. Miss I.acy Kirk, Mrs. J. W. Winsett. Miss Edna Gregory. Mr. D. A. Brodle. Mr. Albert Sourwlne. Mr. Harry Sourwlne and Mr. Eara Meeker, Jr. CAPITAL OITV SOCIETY. OLYMPTA. Nov. 11?Last Monday being the twenty-third anniversary or tha wed- ding of Mr and Mrs. Allsn Weir, the oc- casion waa pleasantly celebrated by the assembling of a few friends of th* family at their home on tha West slda. Pro- gressive euchre was a feature of the evenlng'a enjoyment. During tha evening refreshments were served. Bafore dta- Serslng those present organised the West ide Club. The officers of tha naw club are: President, Oeorg? B. l.ane; secre- tary. Mra. Sheltenbach The club Is a social one, and will meet avary second Friday evening. The I Relief Society of thla city Is arranging the details for the annual charity ball givsn undsr ths auspices of the society. The bsll will be given at the Olympla hotel on tho evening of Wednesday, November J*, and It promlsaa to be the event of the season Mrs. C. H. llethcl Is visiting with frlendj at Elm*. Mr*. A. It Kuhn. of Aberdeen, la ths guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J Lord. Mr*. A K I«abercn and sister, Mrs Ma- bel Oaasey, aro Melting with friends at SentU*. Mr*. A Mayer, of lowa City, la., is the guest of her brother. Mr Aaron Hart- aock, on bstbay avenue. Mr GeArge A M Uowell and Mlsa Ferguson. lioth of Tseoma, wera WhTUZ"*"*'' r "- Miss Nina Kaufmann was the guest of honor at a most enjoyable euohra part* given Thursday afternoon l.y Mrs. Mi- chael Hoke, who entertained her guests 1(1 a Charming manner The house was lighted throughout with pretty red itun;vi and candles, and tastefully deeoiated with an abundance of clematis and Ivy Inlsr- twined with sweit briar, the latter great- ly heightening the color effect. Pu*e* were swardel Miss Kaufnunn and Mlas SKlllmati Mrs Hoku's guests wer»: Mi« M <d*e. Mis GUS Harris Mrs M 11 ir- ri«s Mlsa Cow lee, Mlsa IHiullne Hall Mlas Price, Miss Young Miss Scobey. Mist {klldman. Miss Rsese. Miss Barr, M'ss ladger. Miss Mitchell. Miss Weir, Miss dna It. sera. Miss Jones. \|lss Fisher Miss itr.'itner Miss Helen U «> rs Miss Jenkiiwi. Mlsa Hayes Mis* Zuia Jenkins. Ml** Hill. MUs Tartan Mis- Msr'St Ml»s Flots Chambar*. Mle« tda Cham- ber*. MISS MeMleken Mscleav Mis* Kaufmmn. who wll! shurtlj make her home In San Ktanri*-o leave* many t: ler.d* who regret her deiMri-ua dsepty t «THIU* *oi IKTV. OKNTRAt.IA. Nov. It-Mr E H P*l- Bi'-r has gone to n:*me M|"« t" >ra Carver and Mr Ooa Qrsu- nii» war* utUt»4 In marriage last Rim- rt.iv at the r»« true* of »h« hrdas parents. Mr and Hr« K tferver. Rev J M MlfVt. officiating n< !h nra well known In thi* ttty Mr K. T McCotmeU. of CtohaJls haa removad to tfc's ?*tv Mr McCru.-k n b*» gone to McCormlck f»r H law weak*. Mr M T furry has m >ved to CV.mte ? habatii owair, wbera ha will remain for a few mon'h.< \|r*. \\ T Hunkl' \u25a0 .tad son ara i ?cov- ering frnt & MVtrc lilne** Mis* Ada Rhode* ha* t*>a qu ta 111 at the home of her mother in -.Ma city. Mr William Vlrge*. of rv.a vtt % caller on friends hvre last w.-,k U«i Tur».Jav evening the Improved Or- drr of Red Men gave a supprr and social to m< tutor* and tnvtt <1 ft I* r.l* \ num- ber of* were present from <'h«>ha- lls and the evenlria tni pleasantly paase-1 tn v artoux imu»itunl<. \ pro- gramme wa* rendered which wa» well rocaivod Over wvanty ptnom R< . r« pnaent Tto WW4MM of th* W. rtd had an an- twtmlrmatu Tue*l«v svsbin* at which (fine Mr J M Me»kln. toad rami* tee- ter**. made att addrees up n fraternal ÜBea MoNltt hall ».u or> wd.d and ttiosa preseot report having nasard a \u25a0boat aojviyabla waning. \ prvgramma WU «W» rendered hv local ta »nt Wed- ??wdav avantng Mr M- .kin lured to tto taea of tha cuy to Odd »'.ihjwa hall. Itrfc Cot* MWMtchenn snd Mr John t Carey were united In marriage last Sat- urday evening at the home of Mr. H. Young, Rev. C. U. Spencer officiating-. Mrs. Glllett.ha* gone to Illinois, her former home, and Mr. Olllett will follow In the spring Mr. Arthur Browning, a prominent farmer of Fayette, is removing to thla city. Judge Hunter was In the city Monday from C'hehalls. Mr. Edward DesrrelW was in the city Wednesday. Ml 5!» Vena Melseniahl and Mr. Herbert Gay were united In marriage Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's parent<i. Mr. and Mra. K. Sfelzentahl. Rev. Achtergael officiated. The hanpv couple left on the night train for li- poma. The wedding Was witnessed by a few frien«i*. Mr. J. W. Schorer wis In Olympla thla week. * AVBTBM SOCIETY. AITBt'RN. Nov. IT.? Mr. a. W. T.ung a*! son. Mr. H. W. Lang, and Mr. H. P. Campbell, of Seattle, spent Sunday 111 town. day last, morning and evening. In the Congregational church. Mr. J. C. McFadden returned Tuesday from Portland. Mrs. C. H. Warren gave a party on Tuesday evening In honor of her guests. Miss Bertha Douglass and Miss Kate Douglass. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Warren. Mrs. W. J. Warren. Miss liaael White. Miss Grace Cox. Miss Florence Haslam. Miss Daisy Baker, Miss Marian Morrill, Miss Dora Haslam, Miss Mamie Cox, Miss Dottle NM«a. Miss Rose Olmstead, Miss Minnie Cooper, Miss Ber- tha Anstadt, Miss Emma Wagner. Miss Ella Hansen. Miss Alma Kent. Miss Hat- tie Nassa. Mr J. C. Ross. Mr. Clarence White, Mr. Guy Morrill. Mr. Alex Mc- Math. Mr. Theodore Nassa. Mr. Henry Hansen. Mr. Richard Nassa. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bales spent Wed- nesday In Portland. \u25a0SUnGHAM BAT SOCIETY. NEW WHATCOM. Nov. 17.-Mr and Mrs. John Hull visited Sinclair Island the tlrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. I>. Alvcrson have return- ed from a trip to Portland. Mr. George L. Morgan has gone to Che- lan to reside. Aboi t forty guests were preaent at a d'nner prrty given Wednesday evening at the of Mr. and Mrs. George Kort- hauer by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church. Mr. J B. Johnson, of Now Westmin- ster, wns the guest n f-w (lava this week of Mr. IT. L*. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mra. J. W. Reynolds, at O'Brien. Mrs. Charles Sherrlll. of White Willow, 111., who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Smith, for several weeks, left for her home on Monday. Mr. Charles Trultt, of Lowell, visited hla brother. Mr. Elmer Trultt, last week. Miss Ella Dolan and Mlsa Annie Dolan, of Seattle, visited their parsrns on Sun- * Mr. and Mrs. J. B Decker, of the Porks. Clallam county, have purchased tha Jor- dan farm, on Green river, and movad here laat week. Mr. 8. Phillips, of Sidney, spent several days with the family of Mr. F. H. Baker liii Wo#k. Mr. M. Dolan left on Friday last for San Pranolaco, where ha will spend tha winter wtth his son. Mr. and Mrs. Will Polly, of Saattls, have moved to the' Ray farm, on Oreen river. Mr. P. H. Walbridge spent Sunday with friends In Tacooa. Mr. Alfred Brannan waa In Seattle on Mrs. R. W. Rockwell and their daughter. Miss Eleanor Rockwell, went to Hfcattl* on last, where they will Mr. D. T. Tucker, of Kent, was In town m litordfty. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Klrkwood left on Friday last for their old home In Pttts- bm Kao. Mrs. F. W. Shaugbneaay, Mr*. J. B. Poind aad Mra. t. H. Wat-nock were Se- snd Mr B. B. Blnell were In laattle on Toes- jfc. 0. D. Berlin, af Slavs Fails, S.- D., M visiting hla brother, Mr. T. N. Berlin. Mrs. George Walker, of Plalsohle, waa In town on Tveamf. Mr. Beatt Raney, of Tacoma. sras the goal of Mr. aad Mrs. James Dotaa on last. Mr. and Mrs. WIIHam Chapman, of La SaMe, 111., are guests of Mr. and Mra. BronsonSmith. Mrs. Chester Harney, af Tacoma. Is visiting her mother. Mrs. B. Van Winkle. Mra. Heistrom, of Kent, visited friends la town on Saturday. Mr. A> H. Boyd, of Macltlas. visited relatlvea In town on Wednesday. Mr. b ft Griffin, of Seattle, waa in town a few days this week. Mra. B. B Kinlevslda returned from Friday harbor on (Saturday, where she kas spent several weeks with her mother. Mr. Robert Roy visited frlende In Se- attle en Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Richard Bushel 1, of Marysvlfie, have been visiting former friends at Christophsr. Mr. A. H. Meade and Mr. 11. N. Con- sett were In Sertitle on Tuesday. ar, I. B. B. Smith, who lately return- fd rraea pewßon, is seriously ill with Smith* or htt fa,h * r - Mr, W. A. Shauer. of Arllngtoa, is spending a few days in town. Mr. aad Mrs. F. Blair, of Seattle, wera guests of Mrs. Edward* and Mr. and Mra. E-O, W.?Bart a n Sunday and Manday. Mmv. Mr. McKenaie. of Vancouver, WCah., apent Sunday In town. Br. aad. Mra. Frank Bocher and Mr. Charles King left on their return to Tima, 0., their former home, on Friday. Mr. James Rnrd went to Kllennburg on Wednesday, where he will spend set- ifil Mlsa Emma Richmond is spending a few days with her sister. Mra. J. Car- michael, at Black Diamond. Mrs. J. W. Reynold', of O'Brl jn, visit- ed friends In town on Wednesday. Mr. J. Crabtrea, of Seattle, spent Sun- day with mends In town. Mlaa l,«lu Crisp visited friends In Se- attle last week. The members of Valley lodge No. fio, I. O. O. F., have Issued Invitations to their eleventh annual ball snd banquet on Thursday, November 29, Tlianksglv- Edltli Baker, of Everett, Is spend- ing a few days with relatives 1n town. Miss Katharine Richmond vtalted with friends iit Seattle on Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. Walter Knoell, of Tacoma, Is spend- ing a tew weeks In town. _Mlgs Leta Young spent Thursday tn TacotP*. Mr. and Mra. I. B. Knickerbocker have returned from an extended visit In East- ern cities. Mr. lleimon Plepfeh, of Seattle, spent Sunday wltli friends in town. The marriage of Mr Samuel Mallet, of Alamoosa. Cal. to Miss Juanlti Olive I'.tlirl Young, of this town, on Thursday at Tacoma. was a great surprise to their numerous friends when they received cards announcing the event. The groom Is a former buolne** man of this city, but Is now engaged In business In Ala- moosa The bride Is the daughter of Mr. end Mrs 1 F. Young, of Auburn, and a former teacher In the Seattle city schools. She has a vast circle of friends. After a pending a few weeks In coast cities, Mr and Mrs. Mallet will >*> st borne In Alamoos* after December 2D. Tho wedding of Miss klnora t'hrlMo. pher. daughter of Mr, Thomas Christo- pher, of Christopher. Wash., and Mr. Henry 11. Howard, of Hummervllle. W. Vs . took st the home of the bride. Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The ceremony was Performed by Rev. lU«h- -ard Bushel!, of Marysvllle. Miss l>»n» Christopher, sister of tha bride waa maid of honor, snd Mr, Oscar Christopher act- ed aa best man The wedding marvh fram "Lohengrin" was rendered by Mr. laro Arney. The bride waa gowned In i leant «llk trimmed with ducht-ss la. e «nd can' ed br de maea. The par.ors ware tastefully deiorated with palm*, chrys- anthemum.* and Ivy. The wedding srch was of white ribbons and Ivy. A refftp- tlon and supper followed. I-ater in the evening Mr and Mrs. Howard left for a short tonr of the Sound, and will tn * few days depart to their future home lu S'lmmervlHe. W Va. The Invited guests were: Mr nn i Mra. G. Traager. Mr and Mr*. E. P. Whitney, Key and Mra. RU hard Busbeil. Mr and Mra P Wold. Mr and Mrs W. Cole. Mr. and Mr*. K G Mcrrtfieid. Mr. acd Mr*. O Kredrlckson. Mr*. A Kswoelt, Mr?. N MrMahon Mrs. Mary Bayle, Mrs. M MldeUytng. Mr» A And- r«ui. Mrs It Perkins. Mr» a. T Hsrt. of Seattle. Mrs A Gove. Mies Margaret M!dely:ng. Mi«s Beeeie Aeney. Mi«s M<*:ta Treager. M(«* Annie Gove. Mr Wl Itam R,v. Bv*lney J Arney. Mr Walter Me**. Mr. K. J S'.taon. Mr V W Campell. Mr. Bailey Bevn Ids an 1 Mr. Hen: >? lA*. One of the let.dlt'K society events of the week was a reception given by Mrs. Hi- ram Elwood Hadley, In the parlors of the Sehome hotel Friday afternoon. In the evening, at the same place, Mr. and Mrs. Hadley entertained the members of the Bar Asaoclatlon and their families In honor of the tuchelor lawyers of the Bay. An entertaining programme was render- ed by several of the gueeta In the course of the eventng, and canclng followed. The Progrtr*lv<- Literary Fraternal Club gave an at home In tha I. O. O. F. hall Friday evening, which waa attended by a larg? number of guaats. Dancing followed a musical and literary pro- gramme. The ladles of the Eastern Btar gave an °»ater supper and dance at tha I. O. O. F. nail Wednesday evening. Tha Ben -Hur court gava a ball at Arm- ory hall Wednesday evening. A novel feature of tha entertainment' was the leading of tha grand march by members of the order in costume. Those who took part In costume were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Sanderson, Mra. A. Gannon, Mrs. L. Richendorfer. Mr«. C. W. Stone, Mr. H. G Aune, Mr. W. B. Blade. He. Ira Btaw- Mr. Adolph Egarth. Mr. George E. Mr. P. t : . Handschy visited Beat tie this week. Mr. B. A. Seaborn la vial ting In liwaeo. Mr. and Mra. Jo&jpt> Blethen, of Seat- tle, were the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. I* H. Darwin tha first of the week. Mr. Henry Newton has returned from Snohomish. * Mlas Ode!!. Mlas Hanson and Mlaa Wai- drip, of Falrhaven, and Mre. C. A. Dar- ling war* the guests of Mr. F. W. Botd- rlck, at Pralrhr Lodge, over Sunday. Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Alsop entertained at cards at their noma In Falrhaven Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Templln returned Tuesday from a visit In Ssattle. Mra. J. G. McbUmsra entertained a number of f: lends eventng In honor at Mr. McNamara'a birthday. The third of the series of dances given by &t. James Guild occurred at Guild hall, falrhaven, Tuesday evening. Mr. aiM Mra. 9'.ft. Brace-were In Seat- tle the first of the* week. Mrs. F.lraop Scott entertained delight- fully at hor l:ome on First street Thurs- day afternoon. Euchre was the diversion and prises were awarded to Mrs. J. R. Crltea. Mi's. Ooorge E Gage and Mrs. 8. J Craft. The following guests were pres- ent; Mts. Johr. T«mpllr, Mrs. F. J. Pet- tibone. Mrs. F. C. Pettibone, Mrs. W. M. Frlsell, Mrs. A. B. Clarifc Mrs. G. W. I.oßgie. Mrs. T. R. Kershaw, Mrs. Alice IDggs. Mra. Campbell, Mrs. J. J. Weia- tnburger, Mra. H. J. Blmey. Mrs. G. A. Cooper, Mra. J. H. Mason, Mrs. J. R. Mason, Mrs. J. J. Edens, Mrs. W. H. Woloott, Mra. 4, J. Donovan. Mrs. G. H. Greenbank, Mra. G. B. Burke. Mrs. Jo- seph Alaop Mra. C. W. Waldron. Mrs. R. A. Smith, Mrs. H. B. Deming. Mrs. Belle M Cole, Mra. E. 8. McCord. Mra. J. O. Hanthorn, Mrs. A. McKenzle, Mrs. R. Oulfray, Jr.. Mrs. J. L. Easton, Mrs. E T. Mathes. Mrs. S. C. Hlgglnpon. Mrs. S. B. Irish, Miss Nellie Lee, Mrs. C. W. Dorr, Mrs. K. T. Nobles. Mrs. Norman Tucker, Mrs. W. P. Sbanly, Mrs. J. T. Forrest. Mrs, D. I>. Fagan, Mrs. W. H. Axtell, Mrs. L. H. Hadley, Mra. H. E. Hadley. Mrs. J. P. Crttes. Mrs. if. E. Campbell, Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. W. H. Gordon, Mra. Carrie Dibble. Mrs. D. H Evans, Mrs. P. W. Eply, Mrs. G. C. Delllnger Mrs. H. M. Hug. Mrs. J. P. White, Mrs. L. H. Baldy. Mrs. L. ». P. Collins. Mrs. George Fisher. Mrs. S. M. Bruce. Mrs. Charles Wright. Mrs. Will- iam Tlmson. Mra. C. A. Darling, Mrs. A. Mansfield, Mrs. 8. N. KellJ-, Mrs. R. Onffroy, sr.. Mrs. F. C. Teck, Mrs. B. W. Purdy, Mrs. H. Eldridge, Mrs. H. H. Ells, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. O. H. Hurlbut, Mrs. Bacon. Mrs. B. H. Bacon. Miss Gllligan. Mlsa Huguenin. Mlaa May Glill- Kan. Miss Mansfield, Miss Fltahugh, Miss Pettibone. BVSRITT SOCIETY. EVERETT. Nov. 17.?The principal af- fair In Everett society thla week waa the marrluge an Wednesday, In Trinity church, of Ml*s Alice L. Nelson, of Ever- ett, and Mr. Walter Star Whlton, of Seat- tle. The church waa prettily daoorated for the affair with flowers and ferns, tha altar and chancel rail being; especially attractive. The ceremony took place at ? o'clock. Mi** Beun and Miss O r ßrlen. of Btlllwater. Minn., being bridesmaid*; Mian Olivia Nelson, sinter of the bride, being maid of honor. Minx Eva Bell and Mlaa Ruth McCheanev were flower girl* and Mr. Edward Agncw pillow bearer. Mr. Whlton was sttended by Mr. Robertsoa, of Heal tie. The ushers were Mr Taylor. Mr. Stuart Taylor. Mr. A. Oscar Jfelaon and Mr. Kugene llnran. The brlSe waa given away hy her father, and the cere- mony *«» performed by Rev J. p. D l.lwyd, of Seattle After the ceremony a wedding supper waa served at the Hotel Monte Crlsto. and Mr. and Mr* Whlton left for » short wedd'ng trip. They will reside In Seattle Tbe annual hospital bexaar will be held In Fraternal hall on Thursdav and Friday afternoons. On Thursday evening a dance will be given. Mr*. James B. Collin, of Ooupevillo, Is visiting her daughter, Mr* P. K. 1/ewl* Rev \V G. Jones and Mr. G. W. Adam- son apem the week near Spokane Kev. 11. P. Wetaler. of the American Bible Society. *»« In the city laat week. Mr. Get.rg« M <'a]ligan, recently from Alaska, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P K I<ewls on Sunday. rester entertained a party of friends at cards Refreshments were served and the guests departed at midnight, having en- joyed & very pleasant evening. Those Sesent were: Mr. and Mrs. Forrester, r. and Mrs. Rudebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs Hirst, Miss Ida Dumas. Mias Carrie Streams. Miss Eva Dumas. Mis* Millie Anderson. Miss Mary Dumas. Mias Alice Qilllland. Miss Lena Ledford. Miss Clara Dumas. Mr. Frank Clark. Mr. Frank Wright. Mr. Brown, Mr Ray Clock. Mr. Mcßm, Mr. Oscar LeGroa. Mr. Warnlc. Mr. Jack Zelfle. Mr. Van Ollnda. Mr. Wilson. Mr. Robert Cornell. Mr. Kirk. Mr. James Clock. Mr. Harry Rudebeck. SOTIBTY lit SNOHOMISH. SNOHOMISH. Nov. 17.-.Mr F. C Grover \u25a0visited In 9eatt!e over Sunday. Mr. A. V. Gray, of Mahby, was In this city the first of the week. Sir. T. R. Cartyle. of Taeoma. spent Sunday In this cfty the guest of Miss Citshln. Miss Minnie Whitfield spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson, of Seattle, visited In Snohomish the fir« of the week. _ _ Mr G. B Deerlng came down from Ga- lena Mondav night. Mr. and Mrs. o. 0. Eastman and son arrived from Bralnerd. Minn., last Sat- urday. and will make this their home. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Buck went to Se- attle Saturday to visit their daughter. Mr. J. B. Ault, of Seattle, was In the clt,v Wednesday. ? Mr. H. Clay McCart went to Whatcom Wednesday. _ Mr John Thuerer. of Robe, waa In Sno- homish and Everett this week. At the home of Mr and Mra. O. B. Dickinson. Tuesday evening. November 13. Mr. John Dwyer and Mrs. Frances Harrington wer» married, Rev. G. A. Gray officiating. _ « Mr. Dan Burnslde went to Seattle Thurs- day for a rest of several weeka. Mr. and Mrs. Oram Wilson and child, of Aberdeen, are In the city visiting Mrs. Wilson's parents. Last Wednesday. November 14. Miss Ida Chueller was united in marriage with Mr. Ernest F. Dexter, of Snohomish. Rev. Stanley Wilson officiated. Mr E. A. Kelley. of Seattle, spent Monday with his niece, Mra. M. B. Hewitt. Mrs. F. C. Grover apern a few daya In Seattle this week. Mr. Charles Morath. of Seattle, waa In this clt.v the first of the week. Mlsa Gertrude B. Fenderaon, of Seattle, and Mr. Robert E. Wood, of Watervllle, were united In the bonds of matrimony last Sunday by Rev. Stanley B. Wilson. After * trip In the Earn they will go to Watervllle, Wash., and make their home there. Mr. Will Caaa returned Monday from Seattle, where he has been for some ttme. Miss Mable Hutehlna has returned from Whatcom normal, and has taken up school work here. Mr. and Mrs. John Klefer, of Spokane, were In town this week the gueata of Mra. William Browti. Mr. John Baxter and Miss Mary Eugene Getchell. both of Snohomish, were mar- ried by Rev. John F. Damon In Seattle on Wednesday. They returned Thursday evening and will make this their home. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs gave a reception to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell last Tuesday night at the Gem City hall. Mlaa Klla Meagber. formerly a student of our high school In Snohomish, has been elected superintendent of public In- struction In Island county. ? Wednesday morning, November 14. at 7 o'clock. Prof. Van Iloldsrbeke and Mrs. E. G. Dumas were united In wedlock at the Catholic church In Everett, the cere- mony being performed by the groom's brother. The Junior League of the M. E. church gave a social at the home t)f Miss Mabel Dickinson last Friday evening. The even- ing was spent in games and a musical programme, after which luncheon waa served. LA OONKBR SOCIETY. LA CONNER. New. 17.~-Mra. E. H. Coraoa, of North Yakima, la a guest of her daughter. Mrs. J. R. Frances, on Fourth street. Mrs. J. D. Esary Is visiting frienda In Seattle this week. Mrs' W. R. Wells visited friends at Whatcom a number of days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Poison spent the past week In Seattle. They will move to that city to reside. Mrs, M. Sullivan spent a few day* In Seattle the past week. Miss Laura Tingley, of Victoria. B. C., who has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. N. G. Turner, for some time, returned to her home the fore part of the week. Mrs. M. J. Stackpole is home from her extended visit to Boston and other East- ern cities. She is accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Elisabeth Conk. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williams spent a number of days In Whatcom last we*k. Mr. J. P. wisdom, of BlOckton, la., visited his fr'end Rev. H. Ferguson at this place a couple of days the past weo't. Mr. George Miller is home from Seattle for a short vacation. Mrs. H. S. Conner and son, Mr. Her- bert Conner, returned from Seattle Fri- day, where they had been visiting rela- tives. Mr. and Mr». M. C. Hugh**, of Roy. Wa*h., have moved to this place and will re*lde hare. Ml** Agnes Byrnes, of Mount Vernon, visited at tbe home of her uncle, Mr. J. P. Brewster. thla week. Mrs. <'arrfe Qrunkrants. of Seattle, I* a gueat at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Herbert Connor, at thla place. Mr. and Mra. R. B. Dow have gone to lesaquah to reside for the wtnter. Mr. John Morrow was in Whatcom the past week. Members of Snohomish Txwlge, No. 17, A. O. IT. W., entertained a Inrge number of friends at their rooms In Fraternal hall Tuesday evening. A very pleasant social time waa enjoyed. Refre'hmen's nod frulta were served by the Workmen snd the evening was spent In cards and games. soctKTT nr POUT TOWRIBRO. Early Tuesday morning Prof, von Hoi. d«rberk and Mr* E G Dumas were united In marriage at the Catholic church the ceremony being performed by the gro-'m"* brother The newly married couple will spend their honeymoon visit- ing the Sound cities, visiting Victoria, It. C., before returning to thla city, where they will reside Mra M. <" Shelton, of Ix>we)l. gave a dancing party last Monday evening at the Great Northern hotel In honor of the eighteenth birthday of her daughter. Miss Pearl. The hall was profusely decorated with evergreens and flower* Refresh- ment* were served at 1.30 a tn. PORT TOWNBEND. Nov. 17 -The event of the week In society waa th« enter- tainment given at the Townsend theaer on Monday and Tuesday evenings, under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. All the leading nmateur* of the ctf;v took part in "The Olrta' Vacation," a* the Hffalr was called. »nd all of them won new laurel*. On both evenings the thea- ter was crowded to the doors The man- agement of the nffsir wss In the hands of Mrs. Runcie Those wko took part in the entertainment were; Mrs. Turk. Mrs. Pragg*. Mra. lAnde*. Mia. I. D. O Ne'll, Mlaa Bash. Mlaa Greene. Mise Painter. Miss Hastings. Miss Matilda De Don, Miss Jeaaie De 1 Jon. Mir* Phillip*. -Miss Grace Flint. Mia* Anderson. Mise Ruth Anderson. Miss Shattuck. Miss Pitcher, Miss Maude Stratton, Ms.- <4*on Mist "IVrry Mies Jennie llflsnd. Mt*s Tlbbal*. Ml** !.iiiide*, MI*S K*lll» Hill. Miss Kate Iff land. Mlaa Gabrlfl. Mis* C.ara Oliver, Mis* Wood. Miss Payne. Mies Florence Griffltha, Mist Q Griffiths. Mlaa Terrv. Miss Sheehan. Mlaa Ailama. Mia* Hlr.k. man. Mia* I.j-n, M'ea H Anders ? Miss Davis, Mi** Horne. Miss French, Mis I. Griffiths. Ml*a Close Mies J Clos Mise Mffertv. Miss P. I-aflerty. Mis* <ir*- hard, Mies Sprague. Mis* liendlxon. Mr Pfeiffer, Mr Sheehan. Mr Con-«er, Mr Runcie. Mr. Tweedie, Master Weitasiey Runcie IIOCIKTV I* CtTHLAMBT Mr«. J. I. Buwen entertained a party of young folk* and pupil* from the Kverett high school In honor of the flftf>rth birth- day of her aon, Mr Frank Bow en. Tha evening »?» spent In games. Dainty re- fr»*hm«nt* were served. Mlv Maggie Rice, d*ugh;er of Mr. and Mr*. Thoma* Rice. entertained a party of friend* on the afternoon of November 10, tha vra«lon being her eighth birthday' The Invited guest* were. Miss Edith i "lark. MV»* Rtte Westover, Mlw Kthel Sherwo.*! Mm* Kthei Clark. Mia* Vivian Swalwell. Miss Vera Wentorer, Mi** Josl* Campbell, Miss Annie Moran. Ml** Katl* Cwtello, Ml** Almla Deflnboher MW« Maria walnwrhrtt. Mia* Rati* <~hurrh Ml** Margaret Aiink. Mi*a Bah- llnger Ml** lone Done. Mia* May Burn* Ml** Ix.rUi Ml** Millie Dolaruton Ml** Stella Larama. Miss Go Idle McArti" Mis* Alice Walsh. Mloa Gthal Metggtr' Ml** Helen Clear). Ml»* Isabel! Swalwell Mis* Mar Doner, Ml** Motile Tjkrklna" Ml*s Aulnell Bcdlund. Miaa May Fuller Ml*» May Hayes. Miss Maggie AKeefe' Mr. Wallace Snider. Mr Mania Ijirkln* Mr. <'lark. Mr, Borlund. Mr Swaiweu' Mr Qoldman. Mr. Graves Mr Ne«!er. Mr Snider Mr. Ctaary, Mr Moran, Mr. Metal ger, Mr Merrlfleld. Mr Mor*an. On Wednesday evanlnx Mrs. W M. far. Mr. William Bl*hnp. Jr and Mts* Me- llnda Ammeter were married las' Toes- day evening a: the residence of Mr. Will, lam Bishop *r.. In thta > ltv iSie gr .<tn I* one of Jefferson county's representa- tives In the sta'e legislature, sod Is * well-known business man In the bower Round country. The hrtde ha* for vesr« been a rewldent of iTilmsium. In this county. The couple are stlii sbeent r,n their wedding tour. and on thetr r»tum will take up their res'derce at Htdiock The home of Mr John 11. Petersen waa the wene of a rleaaant family reon on last week, tbto being the first time n i <~|. I that ail the axrober* of the family were at home. Five of the children of Mr Peterson arrived fr m their different place* of residence In the Northwest, Mr A. F Peterson coming fr<»m Cosmooolls Mr P C Pet<-r*on and Mr. A G Peer- *on coating from Vancouver tsl-nd. snd Mixs Helena and M*a Sophia from Se- attle. CATHt.AMKT. Nov 17 Mm. C. M. Whit* md son. Mr. Ro>. spent last weok in Portland. Ml** Hertha Douglaw and Ml*« Kate lX>ugla»«. of 9te la. were th« guests of Mr« C. H. Warren this week. Mr W J. Wirren l»ft Tuesday for Portland Mrs 801 Smith and daughter. Mlaa Min- nie. are visiting Mr*. XV. N Maserv* at Gray'* river. The cantata. "Jolly Picnic Party." which waa gtv<"n by Mrs John West. on Sat- urday evening, was a »ue<-ess Mis* Maude Kimball. teaching .at Kurrkn spent several days last we» k with her mother, Mr» Kimball. Mr. Royntrn and Robert Soon. e. of Wood burn, arrived hera -n Wedneeday mornir.K Mr Robert will attend school her* this winter. The I'athiatnet eamp of tha M>*t*m Woodaian of America itave a social and entertainment at their new hall on Thursday evening. Kev. lire*a. of Seattle, stat* Sunday a. hoot superintendent, preached on Sun- Mr Bealamln F Peterrann. of P.rt Flagler, <\nd Miss Msry Johnson, of Wis- consin, were married at th* parlors of the Central hotel early this week. Judce J. A. Kuan officiated Ms. Pete* Multy left on Mondav tar THE SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCE!*. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 190 °- the stat. of Ma.n ; to home Robert C. HWWW f° r a visit with fr U°j? f ,!^^sS P in the city Mrs. Jamrs McIBO re w»» t a short time last week, on her way San Francisco. uvsncl'CO. If- Mr. J. E. Bteliop. ofSan Franci co. » rived in the city Monday . for bUIf. SrAt? onSf. n">" formerly of this . inland Valley. 'ffijk Andrew* W??- wwk. the guest of Mrs. Andrew wey - Moore a»* daughter. Gertrude Moore, t 2|®JL y VWK with friends ? » guest oFMrs. D. II Hill during the past week. SOCIETY IS ABKSBBBS, ABERDEEN. Nov. 17-A delightful r«j, ception, and the chief aoclety event or the week, was that given b> Mrs. Marry B. Hayes at her ltome-Saturdav noon. In honor of Ml" v, oll «. lately arrived from the Bjat. The notw* wai beautifully decorated w foliage. Mrs. Hayes waa assisted in re celvtng by Mrs. W. B - Payne Mr .J ? Weatherwax. Mra. J. Perry. Mra. W W. Hart. Mrs J. K. Douglaa, Miss Ai en. Miss Patterson. The following ]"L r# present: Mrs Jay Wmtimjx Mrj. Carl Weatherwax. Mrv. J. Perr>. Mr. J B. Douglas, Mrs. Charles Drake MW- Frank l>rake, Mrs. B* m, 'tL. A n Mrs. H. W. Anderson, Jr.. Mrs B\u25a0 mm .IWon, Mrs. B. Reyes. Mr«. M- «'» \u25a0 Mrs. G. A Black. Mrs. E ElstonMrs F. Perry. Mrs. H. Keyes. Mrs. W. u- Mack. Mrs. U Hept-lnger, Mrs A. a. Wood. Mrs. r H. Green Mrs. C. K. Green. Mrs. H. C. Crawford Mrs A. K_ Lackey. Mrs J. A. Hood. Mrs. G. Kin nison. Mrs. C. H Plnckney. Mrs. J. H. Weatherwax. Mrs. J . W gcannell^Mrs. G. W. Overmeyer. Mra. W. Campb»»- Mrs. F. L. Carmen. Mrs. A. Ooates_Mrs. R. Tanner, Mrs R. Richer. J. Ounn. Mrs. H. L. Cook. Mn. W. B. Fetterman. Mra. P. F. Clark. Mra. B. Becker. l«ra. J. O. Lewts. Mrs. H.H.Carter. Mra. C. F. Wooding. Mra. N. Bush. Mrs N. McNamara. Mrs. F. Hart. Mr*- W. w. Hart, Mrs. W. ». Entrop Mr«W. Mc Kiniay, Mrs B. F. Wllley. Mra. «- » Bryan. Mrs. W. H Cochran, L. P. Dudley. Mrs. C. T. De Mrs. *? CrammAtte. Mrs. W. M. Ma«hn. Mra- 8. C. Maker, Mra. W. Wood Mrs. J. w. Carey. Mrs. C. Lewis. Mrs. M. R.Stapp. Mra. J. P. Sullivan. Mrf. J. C. **?!*"{? Mrs. O. Antrim. Mrs. E. Pfund.Mri.i- Beemer, Mrs. A. J- West, Mrs M. Coch- ran, Mrs. A. P. StoekweH. Mra. S. A. Heardsley. Mlsa May Becker. Mlaa L «£e Becker. Miss Florence Patterscn. Mra Lou Anderson. Mlas Vera Mlw Cassie Graham. Mlßj Ina Weatherwa*. Mlse R. Campbell, Mrts Carman. Miss Mav Jones Mlsa Mnnle Jon». Mjss Nellie Giles. Mlaa Burtl* Mlas Mary Abbott, Miss Mabel McKlnlay. MIM Mamie McKlnlay. MJaa ' 1h» Miss Schutt, Mlaa Arnette. Mlaa Knufl- son. Miss _- n ivHtt* Mr. J. H. Whltn«T Mr - f lK' ..51; ney, of Montlcello, Minn., are here | vWI'- ing their cousin. Mr. Charlea Whitney. Dr. H. C. Watklna has retired from practice and will locate in Coamopolla. Mr. J. C. Hegan has returned home af- ter an absence of two months In Mon- tana. whero he was visiting hls brother, who was a candidate for governor In that state. ? Mr. Grove Antrim has gone to San Francisco, to be absent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L P. Dudley. ettUrtalnad a few friends at dinner Tueadaye vening. Mr. J. D. Hutchison, of Montaaano, waa In town Saturday. _ . ? Dr. and Mrs. Seth Maker left Monday morning for Portland, whoro they will visit relatives. Mrs. W. B. Fetterman entertained a number of friends Friday afternoon ltt honor of Mrs M. R. Stapp. who laft Saturday for California. Those preaent were: Mrs. C. F. Wooding. Mra. B. B. Campbell. Mrs. Grant Klnnlson, Mra. Ross Plnckney. Mrs. Charles Plnckney. Mrs. O. P. Hurrotva. Mrs. Fred Miner, Mrs. William Austin, Mrs N. W. Buah. Mrs. F. L Carman. Mrs. J G. Lewis, Mra O. O. lleardalny. Mrs. Joseph Keith. Mrs J. Harrison. Mrs. J. W. Carey. The Link Club met with Mrs. Fred Th"Tipson Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Winters, of Hoqulam. Wer - Visitors In town Tuesday. .1 Phi I potts arrived in town Wednesday evening from Seattle and will remain here with his parents. Mr. B. Cooper, of Hoqulam, was In town Wednesday. Mr. Harry Prelss, of Baltimore. Md.. Is the guest of Mr. George J. Wolf, of this city. Mr. J. W. Gunn. a former resident of Aberdeen, was In the city for several days during the week. Mr. M. Harris, of Olympla, wee here Wednesday. Mr. Thomas Byles. of Omaha. Nab., ar- rived In town Wednesday night. Mr. Merrttt Wood, of Satenp, cele- brated his Tlst birthday at his home Sat- urday evening. A large number of neigh- bors were in attendance and a very pleaaant time was had. Refreshments were served and many different games played. Although Mr. Wood Is quite ad- vanced in years, he 1* yet ha'o and h*artv. Mr. Al. Dreyer haa gone to San Fran- cisco. Dr. R. M. Stapp and family left Thßra- il ay morning for Ban Jose, Cal., where they will remain during the winter. I.RAVKXWOHTH SOCIAL KOTM. LEAVENWORTH. Nov. 17.-On Sunday last Rev. J. W. If. I.ookwood married Mr. Jay Wyckoff and Miss Cora Farmer in the Congregational church. There waa a large company present. On Thursday thn ladles of the Congre- gational Church Guild assembled at the home of Mrs. Frank O. Hansell. The work for the propoked fair, to be held nbout the middle of December, wrss ad- vanced. The following memhera were present: Mr*, t-ockwood. Mrs. Zinkay. Mr* Mrs. English. Mrs. Hdxsey, Mrs. Christ* n*ett. Mr*. Wilkinson, Mra. Sugg. Mra. Con vera*. Mr*. Allen. Mra. Hansell. Mrs. Oeorge W. Heeton. of Bt. Paul; Mra. J. J. Hill and Mfas iholln. Mra. Oeorge W Heaton nd son. after a seven-weeks' visit with Mrs Hansell, have returned to St. Paul much benefited In health. Mrs. Heaton made a good many friends during her stay here. Mr*. Wilson, who haa not been In good health for some time, haa gone to Seattle Mr Elliott, after *l* weeks' Illness li about again. A Degree of Honor lodge, A. W.. Continued on Page" Eighteen. IDEAL LAMES' SMB Far thli fall and wfittr ri mad* of flat kkl upper Hack, with heavy tgu*. »«?" **l<t and Catwn ha* I. Th«y are partcct liltmg and ga«d wurteg ihata, aad cost only Ml) 4 FAIR. THE JENKINS SHOE (0.. 5# Sacoad Avan ji LOBE: AND M C CILL i SEE OUR AD. ?N PAGE 22. WiM Special Values la HU The imported pattern hate served their caw meet of them carried off. "I Thoee we offer today are pretty, feM|Mg|J9 our own milllnoro. Thoee of you who hats have saved money by doing so. PRETTY AND BTYLIBH TRIMMED HAfIL mAM with elegant materials, worth from $6J| CHENILLE HATS WITH VELVET CROI»*S. tZsl CHENILLE HATS WITH VELVET CROWM9, wZj VELVET HATS, reduced from 11.60 and FUR FELT TURBANS, in black, gray, red sad tm|j|m LADYSMITHS. in gray, tan, brown, red aad Mm j"JI LADIES' AND MISSES' ROUGH RIDERS. I* ta|9 CHILDREN'S AND MIBSEB' FLATS, in re^iifilia from MEXICAN HATS, in gray, **:£j|9 CHILDREN'S HATS, trimmed In silk corta, Mtfcjfl worth fI.BO, for MIMES' AND CHILDREN'S CAMEL'B-HA& ftS] blue and tan ?\u25a0^*3 ELEGANT OSTRICH FEATHER BOAS, tnm . Another week of special bargains in half of their worth. 4* opportunity for era would bo clad to bwy them at the prism. mm 9 rate they are going will aee the last of the* W OSTRICH TIPS In black and all rotors, Mfl(l FANCY FEATHERS AND POMPONS, «5|Q OSTRICH TIPS AND DEMI-PLUMES, W4mSM AND FANCY BIRDS, worth 85c, SLM S«|£EQ A tew of the ORAY SEA OULLS AND UIMMB worth $1.75, for Special Sale oT Ladles' TiNN The desire to sell while tho beat and gramfl la still before you to the reaaea for *hm MfMjjfl VALUE with ua means giving things of a at prloea that are unusual. : 9 Wo havta made VALUES in Salts Tha following are soma of thsm. 27 TAILOR-MADE SUITS, in tan, caster Ui |3i| cloth and Venetian, latest cut, sfitgto orMfiMM heavily braided, others tailor stltehedf MHH heavy satin or black taffeta; former MNgH and $lS.$O. For 'HH IS TAILOR-MADE SUITS, in brown, caatof.gWflß broadcloth and Venetian, silk and sdNrWVIH and double breaeted, tailor Btitchdd; fimjßM and 912.00. For ........ lutftt' liihiK ;1 33 LADIEB' JACKETS, In tan, castor, biOW|||fl and black, tailor and storm collars, ed; they are well lined and fit $7.60, SB.OO, 110.50. For >.|H 34 LADIES' JACKETS, In tan, black, navy HMBH storm and tailor collars, heavy satis noma of them have the collars and resMtg^H a satin underlining; some with paiM <*#>\u25a0 with tailor stitched applique rovers tm MM choose while the 34 last, from Jackals ftd MIMH and $16.60, tor ' TsMeUsna 'J Vou can count the hours now till TM|IH|M bird" will show up all tho bettor for MMMMM snowy linen. This stook oilers ImportoNMEMRH cal houaewlvea. All bear tho mark of M|MMH 62-Inch HEAVY CREAM UNION LINEN MQMPfI A 68-inch CREAM DAMASK, In several griWgH** CO-tnch ALL LINEN CREAM DAMASK, MiIMPB not be matched anywhere for Mo. 68-Inch ALL LINEN CREAM DAMASK 70-inch VERY HEAVY ALL LINEN center wlfh handsome floral borders ? 50-inch BLEACHED DAMASK, at 60-Inch BLEACHED DAMASK, at 60-lnch ALL LINEN BLEACHED DAMABX 'ggj 68-Inch ALL LINEN BLEACHED DOOBLIENHH 72-inch ALL LINEN BLEACHED DOUBUIIMMH 72-inch ALL LINEN BLEACHED DOUBUI Napkins to match. We give tho exaet sizes, as 6-i snd they are called. 18-inch BLEACHED LINEN NAPKINS, 22-inch BLEACHED UNEN NAPKINS, for \u25a0 23-inch BLEACHED NAPKINS, exta^vdjgH^^l 24-inch BLEACHED NAPKINS, S2JH, FRINGED DAMASK NAPKINS ftrkeylMNHH Some from the looms of AmerlsM made In the famoue "auid toon" of colors of all, the lowest priced ss well 60-lnch TURKEY RED DAMASK -"JSfI 62-inch GENUINE SCOTCH TURKEY SA> 68-inch GENUINE SCOTCH TURRET RSD Bariaku In LaWW*® BLACK ELASTIC JET BEADED BELTS, All the 6Sc, 6»c*and 76c ones for The SI.OO and $1.26 onea, In black and afiwfc Five dosen DOG COLLAR BELTS, worth New BeMh^l LADIES' NARROW BLACK REAL SEAL B#W9H entoc something like a glove clasp; NARROW PATENT LEATHER BELTS, altf JI^H

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Page 1: The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) …...1*- family of Dr. E. B. Morris last week. Miss Busts Arney was attending the i wedding of Miss Christopher and Mr. Howard on Thursday

1* -

family of Dr. E. B. Morris last week.Miss Busts Arney was attending the

i wedding of Miss Christopher and Mr.Howard on Thursday evening. The cere-mony took place at the horns of tnebride's parents In Christopher. Mr. How-ard la from West Virginia.

Mr. Mi Mrs. A P. Meredith celebrated<he twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar-riage on PrUbtr eventng, November 9.This was one of the moat pleasant social?vents of ths season. The parlors waretastefully decorated and a large number(Bf their friends were present. Mrs. J-..fe. Morris. Mrs. J. Mylwlnand Mrs. EttaBherrard assisted in the reception offuestt, and Miss Hodges, Miss SberrarH

I and Miss Dllworth assisted In servingrefreshments. About 200 Invitations were

aent out, the older guests being receivedearly In the evening and Ihe youngerlater.


PTYALLUP. Nov. IT.-Mra Hugh Har-

rea Is visiting relatives in Cbehnll* fora few weeks before her departure for

Phlladelphts, Pa., where she will spendtt

Mlsa leon Crane ta visiting In Lester,the gusct of Mrs. M. C. Myers.

Mai. and Mrs. W. L. Bartholomew, ofSeattle, have taken the Herren cottage

for the winter. ....Mr. aad Mra. C. L. Stewart will leave

Monday for New York city. They willbe sbasat about a month.

Mra. A. E. 1,ove*>y spent a few daysIn Tacoma last week, the guest of hersister, Mra. A. A. Honey

Prof. R. It Cox and daughter, MissAndora, of Tacotnu, were, guests at thehome of Mr. and Mrs M. J. Meeker Sun-dfty. *

Mra. Logan and Mlas Joy Massev, ofTacoma. arera the guests of Mrs. Bflta-beth Baker Sunday.

Mr. P. A. Parker, of Seattle, was aPuyallup visitor Thursday.

Mra. Oeorge Atkinson. of Derrlnger.was t&N guest of her sister, Mra. GeorgeAiken, last week. _


Mlaa Minnie Campbell returned bornefrom Seattle Wednendar after severalweeks' visit with her atster, Mrs. O. S.JOQM

Misb Acnes Barry entertained hercousin. Miss IAura Barry, of Tscorns,last week.

Mr. E. P. Truedaon spent several daysIn Portland last week.


Mra. A. B. Ixtvejoy entertained MlaaMaud* Barrett, of Tacoma. Thursday andFriday.

Miss Oertie Avery, of Seattle, vleltedher Barents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Avery, laatSundar.

Mra. B. C. LsFsvre entertained at din-ner Sunday Mr. and Mra. T. P. Cant welland Mra. Seem Cop?.

gujs?oP'Mra! B. JR. CraSSSh^u^sy h *

Mlas Torrana, of Taoema, visited withher cousin, Mrs. B. Knight laat weak.

Mlsa Blanche Parsons vlelted with herpareata In Buckler Saturday and Sunday.

Mra. WUi Parker, of Sumaer, visited hermother. Mia. F. M. Simmons, Wednesday.

Mr. D. M. Snyder has returned homeafter eeveral months' absence in Repob-Wcl

Mr. George W. Edgerton went M Che*

was the hostessst a charming luncheon Thursday at herhome en Park avenue. Those presentwere: Mlas Ma tide Barrett- of Tacoma;Mr*. A. B. Loveloy, Mrs. C. U Stewartand Miss Jeanctta Downey.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred BoneU entertainedthe Nineteenth Century Progressive'inch Club at their home on Pioneer ave-nue Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mra. T.H. Brew, Mra. C. C, Sweeney and Prof.D, A. Brodle were added to the club tofill vacancies cauaad by members leav-ing the city. U(ht refreshments wereserved. Times present were: Mr, andMrs. C. J. Stuart, Mr. aad Mra. W. H.Hlvlns, Mr and Mrs. Walter R. Scott.Prof, and Mra. JT. M. I,ay hue, Mr. andMrs. James Bonrll, Mr. and Mra. JamesMeKlm, Mr. and Mra. T. H. Brew. Mr.and Mra. A. K. Lovajoy, Mrs. C. C.Sweener and Prof. D. A. Brodle.

Miss lva Caskln was the recipient ipfa delightful surprise party Saturdayevening at her home on East Main atreat.The evening eras very pleasantly stentwith fames and music. Those presentwere:*Mr,? and Mrs. M. C. Miner. Rev.M W. Miller, Mra. J. HI Hallsnbeek.Mrs. A. a. Campbell. Mlsa OracaWhit-man, Miss Sourwlne. Mra M. I. Brooks.Miss Mary Cos, Miss Ollle Stesrart. MissLlasle Campbell, Miss Walte. Miss I.acyKirk, Mrs. J. W. Winsett. Miss EdnaGregory. Mr. D. A. Brodle. Mr. AlbertSourwlne. Mr. Harry Sourwlne and Mr.Eara Meeker, Jr.


OLYMPTA. Nov. 11?Last Monday beingthe twenty-third anniversary or tha wed-ding of Mr and Mrs. Allsn Weir, the oc-casion waa pleasantly celebrated by theassembling of a few friends of th* familyat their home on tha West slda. Pro-gressive euchre was a feature of theevenlng'a enjoyment. During tha eveningrefreshments were served. Bafore dta-Serslng those present organised the West

ide Club. The officers of tha naw clubare: President, Oeorg? B. l.ane; secre-tary. Mra. Sheltenbach The club Is asocial one, and will meet avary secondFriday evening.

The I Relief Society of thla cityIs arranging the details for the annualcharity ball givsn undsr ths auspices ofthe society. The bsll will be given atthe Olympla hotel on tho evening ofWednesday, November J*, and It promlsaato be the event of the season

Mrs. C. H. llethcl Is visiting withfrlendj at Elm*.Mr*. A. It Kuhn. of Aberdeen, la ths

guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J Lord.Mr*. A K I«abercn and sister, Mrs Ma-bel Oaasey, aro Melting with friends at

SentU*.Mr*. A Mayer, of lowa City, la., is

the guest of her brother. Mr Aaron Hart-aock, on bstbay avenue.Mr GeArge A M Uowell and Mlsa

Ferguson. lioth of Tseoma, weraWhTUZ"*"*'' r"-

Miss Nina Kaufmann was the guest ofhonor at a most enjoyable euohra part*given Thursday afternoon l.y Mrs. Mi-chael Hoke, who entertained her guests1(1 a Charming manner The house waslighted throughout with pretty red itun;viand candles, and tastefully deeoiated withan abundance of clematis and Ivy Inlsr-twined with sweit briar, the latter great-ly heightening the color effect. Pu*e*were swardel Miss Kaufnunn and MlasSKlllmati Mrs Hoku's guests wer»: Mi«M <d*e. Mis GUS Harris Mrs M 11 ir-ri«s Mlsa Cow lee, Mlsa IHiullne Hall MlasPrice, Miss Young Miss Scobey. Mist

{klldman. Miss Rsese. Miss Barr, M'ssladger. Miss Mitchell. Miss Weir, Missdna It. sera. Miss Jones. \|lss Fisher

Miss itr.'itner Miss Helen U «> rs MissJenkiiwi. Mlsa Hayes Mis* Zuia Jenkins.Ml** Hill. MUs Tartan Mis- Msr'StMl»s Flots Chambar*. Mle« tda Cham-ber*. MISS MeMleken Mscleav Mis*Kaufmmn. who wll! shurtlj make herhome In San Ktanri*-o leave* manyt: ler.d* who regret her deiMri-ua dsepty

t «THIU**oi IKTV.

OKNTRAt.IA. Nov. It-Mr E H P*l-Bi'-r has gone to n:*me

M|"« t" >ra Carver and Mr Ooa Qrsu-nii» war* utUt»4 In marriage last Rim-rt.iv at the r»« true* of »h«hrdas parents. Mr and Hr« K tferver.Rev J M MlfVt. officiating n< !h nrawell known In thi* ttty

Mr K. T McCotmeU. of CtohaJls haaremovad to tfc's ?*tv

Mr McCru.-k n b*» gone to McCormlckf»r H law weak*.

Mr M T furry has m >ved to CV.mte? habatii owair, wbera ha will remainfor a few mon'h.<

\|r*. \\ T Hunkl' \u25a0 .tad son ara i?cov-ering frnt & MVtrc lilne**Mis* Ada Rhode* ha* t*>a qu ta 111 at

the home of her mother in -.Ma city.Mr William Vlrge*. of rv.a vtt %

caller on friends hvre last w.-,kU«i Tur».Jav evening the Improved Or-

drr of Red Men gave a supprr and socialto m< tutor* and tnvtt <1 ft I* r.l* \ num-ber of* were present from <'h«>ha-lls and the evenlria tni pleasantlypaase-1 tn v artoux imu»itunl<. \ pro-gramme wa* rendered which wa» wellrocaivod Over wvanty ptnom R<. r«

pnaentTto WW4MM of th* W. rtd had an an-

twtmlrmatu Tue*l«v svsbin* at which(fine Mr J M Me»kln. toad rami* tee-ter**. made att addrees up n fraternalÜBea MoNltt hall ».u or> wd.d andttiosa preseot report having nasard a

\u25a0boat aojviyabla waning. \ prvgrammaWU «W» rendered hv local ta »nt Wed-??wdav avantng Mr M- .kin lured totto taea of tha cuy to Odd »'.ihjwa hall.

Itrfc Cot* MWMtchenn snd Mr John t

Carey were united In marriage last Sat-urday evening at the home of Mr. H.Young, Rev. C. U. Spencer officiating-.

Mrs. Glllett.ha* gone to Illinois, herformer home, and Mr. Olllett will followIn the spring

Mr. Arthur Browning, a prominentfarmer of Fayette, is removing to thlacity.

Judge Hunter was In the city Mondayfrom C'hehalls.

Mr. Edward DesrrelW was in the cityWednesday.

Ml5!» Vena Melseniahl and Mr. HerbertGay were united In marriage Wednesdayevening at the residence of the bride'sparent<i. Mr. and Mra. K. Sfelzentahl.Rev. Achtergael officiated. The hanpvcouple left on the night train for li-poma. The wedding Was witnessed by afew frien«i*.

Mr. J. W. Schorer wis In Olympla thlaweek. *


AITBt'RN. Nov. IT.? Mr. a. W. T.ung a*!son. Mr. H. W. Lang, and Mr. H. P.Campbell, of Seattle, spent Sunday 111town.

day last, morning and evening. In theCongregational church.

Mr. J. C. McFadden returned Tuesdayfrom Portland.

Mrs. C. H. Warren gave a party onTuesday evening In honor of her guests.Miss Bertha Douglass and Miss KateDouglass. Those present were: Mr. andMrs. C. H. Warren. Mrs. W. J. Warren.Miss liaael White. Miss Grace Cox. MissFlorence Haslam. Miss Daisy Baker, MissMarian Morrill, Miss Dora Haslam, MissMamie Cox, Miss Dottle NM«a. Miss RoseOlmstead, Miss Minnie Cooper, Miss Ber-tha Anstadt, Miss Emma Wagner. MissElla Hansen. Miss Alma Kent. Miss Hat-tie Nassa. Mr J. C. Ross. Mr. ClarenceWhite, Mr. Guy Morrill. Mr. Alex Mc-Math. Mr. Theodore Nassa. Mr. HenryHansen. Mr. Richard Nassa.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bales spent Wed-nesday In Portland.


NEW WHATCOM. Nov. 17.-Mr andMrs. John Hull visited Sinclair Island thetlrst of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. I>. Alvcrson have return-ed from a trip to Portland.

Mr. George L. Morgan has gone to Che-lan to reside.

Aboi t forty guests were preaent at ad'nner prrty given Wednesday evening atthe of Mr. and Mrs. George Kort-hauer by the Ladies' Aid Society of theCongregational church.

Mr. J B. Johnson, of Now Westmin-ster, wns the guest n f-w (lava this weekof Mr. IT. L*. Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brooks spent Sun-day with Mr. and Mra. J. W. Reynolds,at O'Brien.

Mrs. Charles Sherrlll. of White Willow,111., who has been visiting her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Smith, for severalweeks, left for her home on Monday.

Mr. Charles Trultt, of Lowell, visited hlabrother. Mr. Elmer Trultt, last week.

Miss Ella Dolan and Mlsa Annie Dolan,of Seattle, visited their parsrns on Sun-

*Mr. and Mrs. J. B Decker, of the Porks.Clallam county, have purchased tha Jor-dan farm, on Green river, and movad herelaat week.

Mr. 8. Phillips, of Sidney, spent severaldays with the family of Mr. F. H. Bakerliii Wo#k.

Mr. M. Dolan left on Friday last forSan Pranolaco, where ha will spend thawinter wtth his son.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Polly, of Saattls, havemoved to the'Ray farm, on Oreen river.

Mr. P. H. Walbridge spent Sunday withfriends In Tacooa.

Mr. Alfred Brannan waa In Seattle onMrs. R. W. Rockwell and their

daughter. Miss Eleanor Rockwell, wentto Hfcattl* on last, where they will

Mr. D. T. Tucker, of Kent, was In townm litordfty.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Klrkwood left onFriday last for their old home In Pttts-bm Kao.

Mrs. F. W. Shaugbneaay, Mr*. J. B.Poind aad Mra. t. H. Wat-nock were Se-

B° snd MrB. B. Blnell were In laattle on Toes-jfc. 0. D. Berlin, af Slavs Fails, S.- D.,M visiting hla brother, Mr. T. N. Berlin.

Mrs. George Walker, of Plalsohle, waaIn town on Tveamf.

Mr. Beatt Raney, of Tacoma. sras thegoal of Mr. aad Mrs. James Dotaa on

last.Mr. and Mrs. WIIHam Chapman, of La

SaMe, 111., are guests of Mr. and Mra.BronsonSmith.

Mrs. Chester Harney, af Tacoma. Isvisiting her mother. Mrs. B. Van Winkle.

Mra. Heistrom, of Kent, visited friendsla town on Saturday.

Mr. A> H. Boyd, of Macltlas. visitedrelatlvea In town on Wednesday.

Mr. b ft Griffin, of Seattle, waa intown a few days this week.Mra. B. B Kinlevslda returned fromFriday harbor on (Saturday, where shekas spent several weeks with her mother.

Mr. Robert Roy visited frlende In Se-attle en Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. Richard Bushel 1, ofMarysvlfie, have been visiting formerfriends at Christophsr.

Mr. A. H. Meade and Mr. 11. N. Con-sett were In Sertitle on Tuesday.

ar, I. B. B. Smith, who lately return-fd rraea pewßon, is seriously ill with

Smith* or htt fa,h *r -

Mr, W. A. Shauer. of Arllngtoa, isspending a few days in town.

Mr. aad Mrs. F. Blair, of Seattle, weraguests of Mrs. Edward* and Mr. and Mra.E-O, W.?Bart an Sunday and Manday.

Mmv. Mr. McKenaie. of Vancouver,WCah., apent Sunday In town.

Br. aad. Mra. Frank Bocher and Mr.Charles King left on their return toTima, 0., their former home, on Friday.

Mr. James Rnrd went to Kllennburgon Wednesday, where he will spend set-ifil

Mlsa Emma Richmond is spending afew days with her sister. Mra. J. Car-michael, at Black Diamond.

Mrs. J. W. Reynold', of O'Brl jn, visit-ed friends In town on Wednesday.

Mr. J. Crabtrea, of Seattle, spent Sun-day with mends In town.

Mlaa l,«lu Crisp visited friends In Se-attle last week.

The members of Valley lodge No. fio,I. O. O. F., have Issued Invitations totheir eleventh annual ball snd banqueton Thursday, November 29, Tlianksglv- Edltli Baker, of Everett, Is spend-ing a few days with relatives 1n town.

Miss Katharine Richmond vtalted withfriends iit Seattle on Saturday and Sun-day.

Mr. Walter Knoell, of Tacoma, Is spend-ing a tew weeks In town._Mlgs Leta Young spent Thursday tnTacotP*.

Mr. and Mra. I. B. Knickerbocker havereturned from an extended visit In East-ern cities.

Mr. lleimon Plepfeh, of Seattle, spentSunday wltli friends in town.

The marriage of Mr Samuel Mallet, ofAlamoosa. Cal. to Miss Juanlti OliveI'.tlirl Young, of this town, on Thursdayat Tacoma. was a great surprise to theirnumerous friends when they receivedcards announcing the event. The groomIs a former buolne** man of this city,but Is now engaged In business In Ala-moosa The bride Is the daughter of Mr.end Mrs 1 F. Young, of Auburn, anda former teacher In the Seattle cityschools. She has a vast circle of friends.After a pending a few weeks In coastcities, Mr and Mrs. Mallet will >*> stborne In Alamoos* after December 2D.

Tho wedding of Miss klnora t'hrlMo.pher. daughter of Mr, Thomas Christo-pher, of Christopher. Wash., and Mr.Henry 11. Howard, of Hummervllle. W.Vs . took st the home of the bride.Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Theceremony was Performed by Rev. lU«h--ard Bushel!, of Marysvllle. Miss l>»n»Christopher, sister of tha bride waa maidof honor, snd Mr, Oscar Christopher act-ed aa best man The wedding marvh fram"Lohengrin" was rendered by Mr. Arney. The bride waa gowned Ini leant «llk trimmed with ducht-ss la. e«nd can' ed br de maea. The par.ors waretastefully deiorated with palm*, chrys-anthemum.* and Ivy. The wedding srchwas of white ribbons and Ivy. A refftp-tlon and supper followed. I-ater in theevening Mr and Mrs. Howard left fora short tonr of the Sound, and will tn *

few days depart to their future home luS'lmmervlHe. W Va.

The Invited guests were: Mr nn i Mra.G. Traager. Mr and Mr*. E. P. Whitney,Key and Mra. RU hard Busbeil. Mr andMra P Wold. Mr and Mrs W. Cole.Mr. and Mr*. K G Mcrrtfieid. Mr. acdMr*. O Kredrlckson. Mr*. A Kswoelt,Mr?. N MrMahon Mrs. Mary Bayle, Mrs.M MldeUytng. Mr» A And- r«ui. MrsIt Perkins. Mr» a. T Hsrt. of Seattle.Mrs A Gove. Mies Margaret M!dely:ng.Mi«s Beeeie Aeney. Mi«s M<*:ta Treager.M(«* Annie Gove. Mr Wl ItamR,v. Bv*lney J Arney. Mr Walter Me**.Mr. K. J S'.taon. Mr V W Campell.Mr. Bailey Bevn Ids an 1 Mr. Hen: >? lA*.

One of the let.dlt'K society events of theweek was a reception given by Mrs. Hi-ram Elwood Hadley, In the parlors of theSehome hotel Friday afternoon. In theevening, at the same place, Mr. and Mrs.Hadley entertained the members of theBar Asaoclatlon and their families Inhonor of the tuchelor lawyers of the Bay.An entertaining programme was render-ed by several of the gueeta In the courseof the eventng, and canclng followed.

The Progrtr*lv<- Literary FraternalClub gave an at home In tha I. O. O. F.hall Friday evening, which waa attendedby a larg? number of guaats. Dancingfollowed a musical and literary pro-gramme.

The ladles of the Eastern Btar gave an°»ater supper and dance at tha I. O. O. F.nail Wednesday evening.

Tha Ben -Hur court gava a ball at Arm-ory hall Wednesday evening. A novelfeature of tha entertainment' was theleading of tha grand march by membersof the order in costume. Those who tookpart In costume were: Mr. and Mrs. WillSanderson, Mra. A. Gannon, Mrs. L.Richendorfer. Mr«. C. W. Stone, Mr. H.G Aune, Mr. W. B. Blade. He. Ira Btaw-

Mr. Adolph Egarth. Mr. George E.

Mr. P. t :. Handschy visited Beat tie thisweek.

Mr. B. A. Seaborn la vial ting In liwaeo.Mr. and Mra. Jo&jpt> Blethen, of Seat-

tle, were the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. I*H. Darwin tha first of the week.

Mr. Henry Newton has returned fromSnohomish. *

Mlas Ode!!. Mlas Hanson and Mlaa Wai-drip, of Falrhaven, and Mre. C. A. Dar-ling war* the guests of Mr. F. W. Botd-rlck, at Pralrhr Lodge, over Sunday.

Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Alsop entertainedat cards at their noma In FalrhavenTuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Templln returnedTuesday from a visit In Ssattle.

Mra. J. G. McbUmsra entertained anumber of f: lends eventng Inhonor at Mr. McNamara'a birthday.

The third of the series of dances givenby &t. James Guild occurred at Guild hall,falrhaven, Tuesday evening.

Mr. aiM Mra. 9'.ft. Brace-were In Seat-tle the first of the* week.

Mrs. F.lraop Scott entertained delight-fully at hor l:ome on First street Thurs-day afternoon. Euchre was the diversionand prises were awarded to Mrs. J. R.Crltea. Mi's. Ooorge E Gage and Mrs. 8.J Craft. The following guests were pres-ent; Mts. Johr. T«mpllr, Mrs. F. J. Pet-tibone. Mrs. F. C. Pettibone, Mrs. W. M.Frlsell, Mrs. A. B. Clarifc Mrs. G. W.I.oßgie. Mrs. T. R. Kershaw, Mrs. AliceIDggs. Mra. Campbell, Mrs. J. J. Weia-tnburger, Mra. H. J. Blmey. Mrs. G. A.Cooper, Mra. J. H. Mason, Mrs. J. R.Mason, Mrs. J. J. Edens, Mrs. W. H.Woloott, Mra. 4, J. Donovan. Mrs. G. H.Greenbank, Mra. G. B. Burke. Mrs. Jo-seph Alaop Mra. C. W. Waldron. Mrs.R. A. Smith, Mrs. H. B. Deming. Mrs.Belle M Cole, Mra. E. 8. McCord. Mra.J. O. Hanthorn, Mrs. A. McKenzle, Mrs.R. Oulfray, Jr.. Mrs. J. L. Easton, Mrs.E T. Mathes. Mrs. S. C. Hlgglnpon. Mrs.S. B. Irish, Miss Nellie Lee, Mrs. C. W.Dorr, Mrs. K. T. Nobles. Mrs. NormanTucker, Mrs. W. P. Sbanly, Mrs. J. T.Forrest. Mrs, D. I>. Fagan, Mrs. W. H.Axtell, Mrs. L. H. Hadley, Mra. H. E.Hadley. Mrs. J. P. Crttes. Mrs. if. E.Campbell, Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. W.H. Gordon, Mra. Carrie Dibble. Mrs. D.H Evans, Mrs. P. W. Eply, Mrs. G. C.Delllnger Mrs. H. M. Hug. Mrs. J. P.White, Mrs. L. H. Baldy. Mrs. L. ». P.Collins. Mrs. George Fisher. Mrs. S. M.Bruce. Mrs. Charles Wright. Mrs. Will-iam Tlmson. Mra. C. A. Darling, Mrs. A.Mansfield, Mrs. 8. N. KellJ-, Mrs. R.Onffroy, sr.. Mrs. F. C. Teck, Mrs. B.W. Purdy, Mrs. H. Eldridge, Mrs. H. H.Ells, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. O. H. Hurlbut,Mrs. Bacon. Mrs. B. H. Bacon. MissGllligan. Mlsa Huguenin. Mlaa May Glill-Kan. Miss Mansfield, Miss Fltahugh, MissPettibone.


EVERETT. Nov. 17.?The principal af-fair In Everett society thla week waa themarrluge an Wednesday, In Trinitychurch, of Ml*s Alice L. Nelson, of Ever-ett, and Mr. Walter Star Whlton, of Seat-tle. The church waa prettily daooratedfor the affair with flowers and ferns, thaaltar and chancel rail being; especiallyattractive. The ceremony took place at ?o'clock. Mi** Beun and Miss O rßrlen. ofBtlllwater. Minn., being bridesmaid*; MianOlivia Nelson, sinter of the bride, beingmaid of honor. Minx Eva Bell and MlaaRuth McCheanev were flower girl* andMr. Edward Agncw pillow bearer. Mr.Whlton was sttended by Mr. Robertsoa,of Heal tie. The ushers were Mr Taylor.Mr. Stuart Taylor. Mr. A. Oscar Jfelaonand Mr. Kugene llnran. The brlSe waagiven away hy her father, and the cere-mony *«» performed by Rev J. p. Dl.lwyd, of Seattle After the ceremony awedding supper waa served at the HotelMonte Crlsto. and Mr. and Mr* Whltonleft for » short wedd'ng trip. They willreside In Seattle

Tbe annual hospital bexaar will be heldIn Fraternal hall on Thursdav and Fridayafternoons. On Thursday evening a dancewill be given.

Mr*. James B. Collin, of Ooupevillo, Isvisiting her daughter, Mr* P. K. 1/ewl*

Rev \V G. Jones and Mr. G. W. Adam-son apem the week near Spokane

Kev. 11. P. Wetaler. of the AmericanBible Society. *»« In the city laat week.

Mr. Get.rg« M <'a]ligan, recently fromAlaska, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.P K I<ewls on Sunday.

rester entertained a party of friends atcards Refreshments were served and theguests departed at midnight, having en-joyed & very pleasant evening. Those

Sesent were: Mr. and Mrs. Forrester,r. and Mrs. Rudebeck. Mr. and Mrs.

Johnson. Mrs Hirst, Miss Ida Dumas.Mias Carrie Streams. Miss Eva Dumas.Mis* Millie Anderson. Miss Mary Dumas.Mias Alice Qilllland. Miss Lena Ledford.Miss Clara Dumas. Mr. Frank Clark. Mr.Frank Wright. Mr. Brown, Mr Ray

Clock. Mr. Mcßm, Mr. Oscar LeGroa. Mr.Warnlc. Mr. Jack Zelfle. Mr. Van Ollnda.Mr. Wilson. Mr. Robert Cornell. Mr. Kirk.Mr. James Clock. Mr. Harry Rudebeck.


SNOHOMISH. Nov. 17.-.Mr F. C Grover\u25a0visited In 9eatt!e over Sunday.

Mr. A. V. Gray, of Mahby, was In thiscity the first of the week.

Sir. T. R. Cartyle. of Taeoma. spentSunday In this cfty the guest of MissCitshln.

Miss Minnie Whitfield spent Sunday withher parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson, of Seattle,

visited In Snohomish the fir« of theweek. _ _

Mr G. B Deerlng came down from Ga-lena Mondav night.

Mr. and Mrs. o. 0. Eastman and sonarrived from Bralnerd. Minn., last Sat-urday. and will make this their home.

Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Buck went to Se-attle Saturday to visit their daughter.

Mr. J. B. Ault, of Seattle, was In theclt,v Wednesday.


Mr. H. Clay McCart went to WhatcomWednesday.


Mr John Thuerer. of Robe, waa In Sno-homish and Everett this week.

At the home of Mr and Mra. O. B.Dickinson. Tuesday evening. November13. Mr. John Dwyer and Mrs. FrancesHarrington wer» married, Rev. G. A.Gray officiating. _ «

Mr. Dan Burnslde went to Seattle Thurs-day for a rest of several weeka.

Mr. and Mrs. Oram Wilson and child,of Aberdeen, are In the city visitingMrs. Wilson's parents.

Last Wednesday. November 14. MissIda Chueller was united in marriage withMr. Ernest F. Dexter, of Snohomish.Rev. Stanley Wilson officiated.

Mr E. A. Kelley. of Seattle, spentMonday with his niece, Mra. M. B. Hewitt.

Mrs. F. C. Grover apern a few dayaIn Seattle this week.

Mr. Charles Morath. of Seattle, waa Inthis clt.v the first of the week.

Mlsa Gertrude B. Fenderaon, of Seattle,and Mr. Robert E. Wood, of Watervllle,were united In the bonds of matrimony

last Sunday by Rev. Stanley B. Wilson.After * trip In the Earn they will goto Watervllle, Wash., and make theirhome there.

Mr. Will Caaa returned Monday fromSeattle, where he has been for somettme.

Miss Mable Hutehlna has returned fromWhatcom normal, and has taken upschool work here.

Mr. and Mrs. John Klefer, of Spokane,were In town this week the gueata ofMra. William Browti.

Mr. John Baxter and Miss Mary EugeneGetchell. both of Snohomish, were mar-ried by Rev. John F. Damon In Seattleon Wednesday. They returned Thursdayevening and will make this their home.

The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs gave areception to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbelllast Tuesday night at the Gem City hall.

Mlaa Klla Meagber. formerly a studentof our high school In Snohomish, hasbeen elected superintendent of public In-struction In Island county. ?

Wednesday morning, November 14. at7 o'clock. Prof. Van Iloldsrbeke and Mrs.E. G. Dumas were united In wedlock atthe Catholic church In Everett, the cere-mony being performed by the groom'sbrother.

The Junior League of the M. E. churchgave a social at the home t)f Miss MabelDickinson last Friday evening. The even-ing was spent in games and a musicalprogramme, after which luncheon waaserved.


LA CONNER. New. 17.~-Mra. E. H.Coraoa, of North Yakima, la a guest ofher daughter. Mrs. J. R. Frances, onFourth street.

Mrs. J. D. Esary Is visiting frienda InSeattle this week.Mrs' W. R. Wells visited friends at

Whatcom a number of days the pastweek.

Mr. and Mrs. John Poison spent thepast week In Seattle. They will move tothat city to reside.

Mrs, M. Sullivan spent a few day* InSeattle the past week.

Miss Laura Tingley, of Victoria. B. C.,who has been a guest of her sister, Mrs.N. G. Turner, for some time, returned toher home the fore part of the week.

Mrs. M. J. Stackpole is home from herextended visit to Boston and other East-ern cities. She is accompanied by hersister. Mrs. Elisabeth Conk.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williams spent anumber of days In Whatcom last we*k.

Mr. J. P. wisdom, of BlOckton, la.,visited his fr'end Rev. H. Ferguson atthis place a couple of days the past weo't.

Mr. George Miller is home from Seattlefor a short vacation.

Mrs. H. S. Conner and son, Mr. Her-bert Conner, returned from Seattle Fri-day, where they had been visiting rela-tives.

Mr. and Mr». M. C. Hugh**, of Roy.Wa*h., have moved to this place and willre*lde hare.

Ml** Agnes Byrnes, of Mount Vernon,visited at tbe home of her uncle, Mr. J.P. Brewster. thla week.

Mrs. <'arrfe Qrunkrants. of Seattle, I* agueat at the home of her daughter. Mrs.Herbert Connor, at thla place.

Mr. and Mra. R. B. Dow have gone tolesaquah to reside for the wtnter.

Mr. John Morrow was in Whatcom thepast week.

Members of Snohomish Txwlge, No. 17,A. O. IT. W., entertained a Inrge numberof friends at their rooms In Fraternalhall Tuesday evening. A very pleasantsocial time waa enjoyed. Refre'hmen'snod frulta were served by the Workmensnd the evening was spent In cards andgames.


Early Tuesday morning Prof, von Hoi.d«rberk and Mr* E G Dumas wereunited In marriage at the Catholic churchthe ceremony being performed by thegro-'m"* brother The newly marriedcouple will spend their honeymoon visit-ing the Sound cities, visiting Victoria,It. C., before returning to thla city, wherethey will reside

Mra M. <" Shelton, of Ix>we)l. gave adancing party last Monday evening at theGreat Northern hotel In honor of theeighteenth birthday of her daughter. MissPearl. The hall was profusely decoratedwith evergreens and flower* Refresh-ment* were served at 1.30 a tn.

PORT TOWNBEND. Nov. 17 -The eventof the week In society waa th« enter-tainment given at the Townsend theaeron Monday and Tuesday evenings, underthe auspices of the Presbyterian church.All the leading nmateur* of the ctf;v tookpart in "The Olrta' Vacation," a* theHffalr was called. »nd all of them wonnew laurel*. On both evenings the thea-ter was crowded to the doors The man-agement of the nffsir wss In the handsof Mrs. Runcie Those wko took part inthe entertainment were; Mrs. Turk. Mrs.Pragg*. Mra. lAnde*. Mia. I. D. O Ne'll,Mlaa Bash. Mlaa Greene. Mise Painter.Miss Hastings. Miss Matilda De Don,Miss Jeaaie De 1Jon. Mir* Phillip*. -MissGrace Flint. Mia* Anderson. Mise RuthAnderson. Miss Shattuck. Miss Pitcher,Miss Maude Stratton, Ms.- <4*on Mist"IVrry Mies Jennie llflsnd. Mt*s Tlbbal*.Ml** !.iiiide*, MI*S K*lll» Hill. Miss KateIffland. Mlaa Gabrlfl. Mis* C.ara Oliver,Mis* Wood. Miss Payne. Mies FlorenceGriffltha, Mist Q Griffiths. Mlaa Terrv.Miss Sheehan. Mlaa Ailama. Mia* Mia* D« I.j-n, M'ea H Anders ?Miss Davis, Mi**Horne. Miss French, MisI. Griffiths. Ml*a Close Mies J ClosMise Mffertv. Miss P. I-aflerty. Mis* <ir*-hard, Mies Sprague. Mis* liendlxon. MrPfeiffer, Mr Sheehan. Mr Con-«er, MrRuncie. Mr. Tweedie, Master WeitasieyRuncieIIOCIKTV I* CtTHLAMBT

Mr«. J. I. Buwen entertained a party ofyoung folk* and pupil* from the Kveretthigh school In honor of the flftf>rth birth-day of her aon, Mr Frank Bow en. Thaevening »?» spent In games. Dainty re-fr»*hm«nt* were served.

Mlv Maggie Rice, d*ugh;er of Mr. andMr*. Thoma* Rice. entertained a party offriend* on the afternoon of November 10,tha vra«lon being her eighth birthday'The Invited guest* were. Miss Edithi "lark. MV»* Rtte Westover, Mlw KthelSherwo.*! Mm* Kthei Clark. Mia* VivianSwalwell. Miss Vera Wentorer, Mi**Josl*Campbell, Miss Annie Moran. Ml** Katl*Cwtello, Ml** Almla Deflnboher MW«Maria walnwrhrtt. Mia* Rati* <~hurrhMl** Margaret Aiink. Mi*a Bah-llnger Ml** lone Done. Mia* May Burn*Ml** Ix.rUi Ml** Millie DolarutonMl** Stella Larama. Miss Go Idle McArti"Mis* Alice Walsh. Mloa Gthal Metggtr'Ml** Helen Clear). Ml»* Isabel! SwalwellMis* Mar Doner, Ml** Motile Tjkrklna"Ml*s Aulnell Bcdlund. Miaa May FullerMl*» May Hayes. Miss Maggie AKeefe'Mr. Wallace Snider. Mr Mania Ijirkln*Mr. <'lark. Mr, Borlund. Mr Swaiweu'Mr Qoldman. Mr. Graves Mr Ne«!er. MrSnider Mr. Ctaary, Mr Moran, Mr. Metalger, Mr Merrlfleld. Mr Mor*an.

On Wednesday evanlnx Mrs. W M. far.

Mr. William Bl*hnp. Jr and Mts* Me-llnda Ammeter were married las' Toes-day evening a: the residence of Mr. Will,lam Bishop *r.. In thta > ltv iSie gr .<tnI* one of Jefferson county's representa-tives In the sta'e legislature, sod Is *

well-known business man In the bowerRound country. The hrtde ha* for vesr«been a rewldent of iTilmsium. In thiscounty. The couple are stlii sbeent r,ntheir wedding tour. and on thetr r»tumwill take up their res'derce at Htdiock

The home of Mr John 11. Petersen waathe wene of a rleaaant family reon onlast week, tbto being the first time n i <~|. Ithat ail the axrober* of the family wereat home. Five of the children of MrPeterson arrived fr m their differentplace* of residence In the Northwest, MrA. F Peterson coming fr<»m CosmooollsMr P C Pet<-r*on and Mr. A G Peer-*on coating from Vancouver tsl-nd. sndMixs Helena and M*a Sophia from Se-attle.

CATHt.AMKT. Nov 17 Mm. C. M.Whit* md son. Mr. Ro>. spent last weokin Portland.

Ml** Hertha Douglaw and Ml*« KatelX>ugla»«. of 9te la. were th« guests ofMr« C. H. Warren this week.

Mr W J. Wirren l»ft Tuesday forPortland

Mrs 801 Smith and daughter. Mlaa Min-nie. are visiting Mr*. XV. N Maserv* atGray'* river.

The cantata. "Jolly Picnic Party." whichwaa gtv<"n by Mrs John West. on Sat-urday evening, was a »ue<-ess

Mis* Maude Kimball. teaching .atKurrkn spent several days last we» kwith her mother, Mr» Kimball.

Mr. Royntrn and Robert Soon. e. ofWood burn, arrived hera -n Wedneedaymornir.K Mr Robert will attend schoolher* this winter.

The I'athiatnet eamp of tha M>*t*mWoodaian of America itave a social andentertainment at their new hall onThursday evening.

Kev. lire*a. of Seattle, stat* Sundaya. hoot superintendent, preached on Sun-

Mr Bealamln F Peterrann. of P.rtFlagler, <\nd Miss Msry Johnson, of Wis-consin, were married at th* parlors ofthe Central hotel early this week. JudceJ. A. Kuan officiated

Ms. Pete* Multy left on Mondav tar


the stat. of Ma.n; tohome

Robert C. HWWW f°r

a visit with frU°j?f,!^^sS Pin the city

Mrs. Jamrs McIBO re w»»t

a short time last week, on her way

San Francisco. uvsncl'CO. If-Mr. J. E. Bteliop. ofSan Franci co. »

rived in the city Monday .


bUIf. SrAt? onSf. n">"formerly of this . inland Valley.

'ffijkAndrew* W??-wwk. the guest of Mrs. Andrew wey

-Moore a»* daughter.

Gertrude Moore, t2|®JL yVWK

with friends ? »

guest oFMrs. D. II Hill during the pastweek.


ABERDEEN. Nov. 17-A delightful r«j,ception, and the chief aoclety event orthe week, was that given b> Mrs. Marry

B. Hayes at her ltome-Saturdavnoon. In honor of Ml" v, oll«.

lately arrived from the Bjat. The notw*

wai beautifully decorated wfoliage. Mrs. Hayes waa assisted in re

celvtng by Mrs. W. B - Payne Mr .J ?Weatherwax. Mra. J. Perry. Mra. W W.

Hart. Mrs J. K. Douglaa, Miss Ai en.Miss Patterson. The following ]"Lr#

present: Mrs Jay Wmtimjx Mrj.Carl Weatherwax. Mrv. J. Perr>. Mr. J

B. Douglas, Mrs. Charles Drake MW-

Frank l>rake, Mrs. B*m, 'tL.A nMrs. H. W. Anderson, Jr.. Mrs B\u25a0 mm.IWon, Mrs. B. Reyes. Mr«. M- «'» \u25a0

Mrs. G. A Black. Mrs. E ElstonMrsF. Perry. Mrs. H. Keyes. Mrs. W. u-Mack. Mrs. U Hept-lnger, Mrs A. a.

Wood. Mrs. r H. Green Mrs. C. K.

Green. Mrs. H. C. Crawford Mrs A. K_Lackey. Mrs J. A. Hood. Mrs. G. Kin

nison. Mrs. C. H Plnckney. Mrs. J. H.

Weatherwax. Mrs. J . W gcannell^Mrs.G. W. Overmeyer. Mra. W. Campb»»-Mrs. F. L. Carmen. Mrs. A. Ooates_Mrs.R. Tanner, Mrs R. Richer. J. Ounn.

Mrs. H. L. Cook. Mn. W. B. Fetterman.Mra. P. F. Clark. Mra. B. Becker. l«ra.J. O. Lewts. Mrs. H.H.Carter. Mra.C. F. Wooding. Mra. N. Bush. MrsN. McNamara. Mrs. F. Hart. Mr*- W. w.

Hart, Mrs. W. ». Entrop Mr«W. McKiniay, Mrs B. F. Wllley. Mra. «- »

Bryan. Mrs. W. H Cochran, L. P.Dudley. Mrs. C. T. De Mrs. *?

CrammAtte. Mrs. W. M. Ma«hn. Mra-8. C. Maker, Mra. W. Wood Mrs. J. w.Carey. Mrs. C. Lewis. Mrs. M. R.Stapp.

Mra. J. P. Sullivan. Mrf. J. C. **?!*"{?Mrs. O. Antrim. Mrs. E. Pfund.Mri.i-Beemer, Mrs. A. J- West, Mrs M. Coch-ran, Mrs. A. P. StoekweH. Mra. S. A.Heardsley. Mlsa May Becker. Mlaa L «£eBecker. Miss Florence Patterscn. MraLou Anderson. Mlas Vera Mlw

Cassie Graham. Mlßj Ina Weatherwa*.Mlse R. Campbell, Mrts Carman.

Miss Mav Jones Mlsa Mnnle Jon». MjssNellie Giles. Mlaa Burtl* MlasMary Abbott, Miss Mabel McKlnlay. MIMMamie McKlnlay. MJaa ' 1h»

Miss Schutt, Mlaa Arnette. Mlaa Knufl-

son. Miss_- n ivHtt*

Mr. J. H. Whltn«T Mr- flK' ..51;ney, of Montlcello, Minn., are here


vWI'-ing their cousin. Mr. Charlea Whitney.

Dr. H. C. Watklna has retired frompractice and will locate in Coamopolla.

Mr. J. C. Hegan has returned home af-ter an absence of two months In Mon-

tana. whero he was visiting hls brother,who was a candidate for governor Inthat state. ?

Mr. Grove Antrim has gone to SanFrancisco, to be absent two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. L P. Dudley. ettUrtalnada few friends at dinner Tueadaye vening.

Mr. J. D. Hutchison, of Montaaano, waaIn town Saturday.

_ . ?

Dr. and Mrs. Seth Maker left Mondaymorning for Portland, whoro they willvisit relatives.

Mrs. W. B. Fetterman entertained anumber of friends Friday afternoon ltthonor of Mrs M. R. Stapp. who laftSaturday for California. Those preaentwere: Mrs. C. F. Wooding. Mra. B. B.Campbell. Mrs. Grant Klnnlson, Mra.Ross Plnckney. Mrs. Charles Plnckney.Mrs. O. P. Hurrotva. Mrs. Fred Miner,Mrs. William Austin, Mrs N. W. Buah.Mrs. F. L Carman. Mrs. J G. Lewis,Mra O. O. lleardalny. Mrs. Joseph Keith.Mrs J. Harrison. Mrs. J. W. Carey.

The Link Club met with Mrs. FredTh"Tipson Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Winters, of Hoqulam.Wer - Visitors In town Tuesday.

.1 Phi I potts arrived in town Wednesdayevening from Seattle and will remainhere with his parents.

Mr. B. Cooper, of Hoqulam, was In townWednesday.

Mr. Harry Prelss, of Baltimore. Md..Is the guest of Mr. George J. Wolf, ofthis city.

Mr. J. W. Gunn. a former resident ofAberdeen, was In the city for severaldays during the week.

Mr. M. Harris, of Olympla, wee hereWednesday.

Mr. Thomas Byles. of Omaha. Nab., ar-rived In town Wednesday night.

Mr. Merrttt Wood, of Satenp, cele-brated his Tlst birthday at his home Sat-urday evening. A large number of neigh-bors were in attendance and a verypleaaant time was had. Refreshmentswere served and many different gamesplayed. Although Mr. Wood Is quite ad-vanced in years, he 1* yet ha'o and h*artv.

Mr. Al. Dreyer haa gone to San Fran-cisco.

Dr. R. M. Stapp and family left Thßra-ilay morning for Ban Jose, Cal., wherethey will remain during the winter.


LEAVENWORTH. Nov. 17.-On Sundaylast Rev. J. W. If. I.ookwood marriedMr. Jay Wyckoff and Miss Cora Farmerin the Congregational church. There waaa large company present.

On Thursday thn ladles of the Congre-gational Church Guild assembled at thehome of Mrs. Frank O. Hansell. Thework for the propoked fair, to be heldnbout the middle of December, wrss ad-vanced. The following memhera werepresent: Mr*, t-ockwood. Mrs. Zinkay.Mr* Mrs. English. Mrs. Hdxsey,Mrs. Christ* n*ett. Mr*. Wilkinson, Mra.Sugg. Mra. Con vera*. Mr*. Allen. Mra.Hansell. Mrs. Oeorge W. Heeton. of Bt.Paul; Mra. J. J. Hill and Mfas iholln.

Mra. Oeorge W Heaton nd son. aftera seven-weeks' visit with Mrs Hansell,have returned to St. Paul much benefitedIn health. Mrs. Heaton made a goodmany friends during her stay here.

Mr*. Wilson, who haa not been In goodhealth for some time, haa gone to Seattle

Mr Elliott, after *l* weeks' Illness liabout again.

A Degree of Honor lodge, A. W..Continued on Page" Eighteen.

IDEAL LAMES' SMBFar thli fall and wfittr ri mad* offlat kkl upper Hack, with heavy tgu*.»«?" **l<t and Catwn ha* I. Th«y arepartcct liltmg and ga«d wurteg ihata,aad cost only

Ml) 4 FAIR.

THE JENKINS SHOE (0..5# Sacoad Avan ji




WiMSpecial Values la HU

The imported pattern hate served theircaw meet of them carried off. "I

Thoee we offer today are pretty, feM|Mg|J9our own milllnoro. Thoee of you whohats have saved money by doing so.PRETTY AND BTYLIBH TRIMMED HAfILmAM

with elegant materials, worth from $6J|

CHENILLE HATS WITH VELVET CROI»*S. tZslCHENILLE HATS WITH VELVET CROWM9, wZjVELVET HATS, reduced from 11.60 andFUR FELT TURBANS, in black, gray, red sad tm|j|mLADYSMITHS. in gray, tan, brown, red aad Mm j"JILADIES' AND MISSES' ROUGH RIDERS. I*ta|9CHILDREN'S AND MIBSEB' FLATS, inre^iifilia

fromMEXICAN HATS, in gray, **:£j|9

CHILDREN'S HATS, trimmed In silk corta, Mtfcjflworth fI.BO, for

MIMES' AND CHILDREN'S CAMEL'B-HA&ftS]blue and tan ?\u25a0^*3

ELEGANT OSTRICH FEATHER BOAS, tnm .Another week of special bargains in

half of their worth. 4* opportunity forera would bo clad to bwy them at the prism. mm9rate they are going will aee the last of the* WOSTRICH TIPS In black and all rotors, Mfl(l



worth $1.75, for

Special Sale oT Ladles' TiNNThe desire to sell while tho beat and gramfl

la still before you to the reaaea for *hm MfMjjflVALUE with ua means giving things of aat prloea that are unusual. : 9

Wo havta made VALUES in SaltsTha following are soma of thsm.

27 TAILOR-MADE SUITS, in tan, caster Ui|3i|cloth and Venetian, latest cut, sfitgto orMfiMMheavily braided, others tailor stltehedf MHHheavy satin or black taffeta; former MNgHand $lS.$O. For 'HH

IS TAILOR-MADE SUITS, in brown, caatof.gWflßbroadcloth and Venetian, silk and sdNrWVIHand double breaeted, tailor Btitchdd; fimjßMand 912.00. For ........

lutftt' liihiK ;133 LADIEB' JACKETS, In tan, castor, biOW|||fl

and black, tailor and storm collars,ed; they are well lined and fit$7.60, SB.OO, 110.50. For >.|H

34 LADIES' JACKETS, In tan, black, navy HMBHstorm and tailor collars, heavy satisnoma of them have the collars and resMtg^Ha satin underlining; some with paiM <*#>\u25a0with tailor stitched applique rovers tm MMchoose while the 34 last, from Jackals ftdMIMHand $16.60, tor '

TsMeUsna 'JVou can count the hours now tillTM|IH|M

bird" will show up all tho bettor for MMMMMsnowy linen. This stook oilers ImportoNMEMRHcal houaewlvea. All bear tho mark of M|MMH62-Inch HEAVY CREAM UNION LINEN MQMPfIA 68-inch CREAM DAMASK, In several griWgH**CO-tnch ALL LINEN CREAM DAMASK, MiIMPB

not be matched anywhere for Mo.


center wlfh handsome floral borders ?


Napkins to match.

We give tho exaet sizes, as 6-i sndthey are called.18-inch BLEACHED LINEN NAPKINS,

22-inch BLEACHED UNEN NAPKINS,for \u25a0

23-inch BLEACHED NAPKINS, exta^vdjgH^^l24-inch BLEACHED NAPKINS, S2JH,


ftrkeylMNHHSome from the looms of AmerlsM

made In the famoue "auid toon" ofcolors of all, the lowest priced ss well


Bariaku In LaWW*®BLACK ELASTIC JET BEADED BELTS,All the 6Sc, 6»c*and 76c ones forThe SI.OO and $1.26 onea, In black and afiwfcFive dosen DOG COLLAR BELTS, worth


entoc something like a glove clasp;