the seattle post-intelligencer (seattle, wash.) (seattle ... · can tahlle op 13 beethoven mr* m a....

THE SEATTLE PO6T-IMTELLIGENOER. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. * I | In the year which j I are Aapeclally ob- JLI curved in a aocJal wty, This f*.;nt day In railed Ail Halloween. arid ft will be obaerved next Wed- RMiiltr, the Ja»t evening In October. The oheervance of Halloween da tea ba'-k to the 11m"* when fafrlea. gnomr* ?n-1 o»he mvmartou* f<>l *t I#> lookel upon «\u25a0 tangible reall- tl»'«. Rv«n now the aid of the apirlta 1* Invoked at at moat ?very Halloween entertain- ment The evening' givea a aplendid opportunity to vary the atyle of »nt<»rtalnmenta. A favorite kind of party for Halloween fa a maaked ball. Other affalra with many urlque ideaa of prophecy and fortune telling are alto pop- ular Halloween partfe*. In Seattle a number of par- flea are announced for thta w«*efc, among them one to be given Wednesday evening by Mlaa Plara Wing, another by Mra. K. H. flule and aeveral othera. All are being given !n honor of -the particular once- alon, and each will be marked with aom# unique char act erla- tic of tha evening. Heginnlng next weak there ( will be a aucceaalon of wed- dings of prominent eoclety people 1n Seattle A number of engagementa are announced \u2666hla morning, and the wedding* will take place before the end of next month. Tha greater number are to be church wed- nrnga, and It la expert *d that the decorg- tlona will be elaborate \an\ week was rather quiet In a eoclal way. A number of luncheona and din- ner* were given, but none of them waa particularly large. The Mualeal Club con- cart Monday waa well attended. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 The Joaeffy Musical Cluh began Its sec- ond rear a student's club Mmflif af- ternoon when a musicals wa* held In «ha club rooms of thr public library. A >ear of Interesting work has been plan- ned, which will Include a study of the history of mu«lo from lla earliest period. The rlub Interested In tha prospective coming of Kdward Baxter Parry, tha fa- mous blind pianist, and waa permitted tha choice of it programme for tha Seattle concert. Tha r'r'i(r«miM for the afier- noon was <m fallows: Calllrhoa Chamlnada SUM Ignore Bundy. flonata, c maj ..Motart Ml** Viola Roll Fugue No. M Barh t ngarlah MacDowell Mr* D, I Burkhart Adagio. Can tahlle Op 13 Beethoven Mr* M A. Ntblet. "For All Eternity" . Mascheronl Mn W J. Harnett. «"onver*atKm Llsxt by Mr*. T> I. Burkhart Op. No. *4 Chopin Mm Nellie Ptinlap. Invention No * Bach Mies M«na Raynor \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 0»« of the pretty eventa of tha past week was the luncheon given Tuesday afternoon by Mr*. Sherwood Glllespv at her home on Cherry etreet tn- honor of Mr*. McOllltcuddy. who ha* been visiting fn the city for aotne time The dining room and table were prettily decorated for the occasion In white and green, white rhryaantbemuma and green ribbon* being ueed. The decorations were In perfect tests and the luncheon menu wa< thor- oughly enjoyed The guests w<-re Mra r It Hamilton. Mra. C W Sharpie*. Mra. M r r»ewns. Mr* J C Halne* Mm O. P fttlmson, Mra D. W lturchard. Mr* A R. Stewart, Mra. A. W. Kngle. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Mr and Mr* Fdward F Wittier, of this rlty, announce the engagement of their daughter. Mis* Fdna F|prence Wittier. ? nil Mr Clare K Farn»w*rth. Ml** Wtt- -Iler Is well known In Seattle wvclety cir- cles Sh» hat been prominent among the mualiMil people of the lly, aa she the ?mssessor of a heautlful contralto vote*, sir Farnswnrth la alao well known imnnf the younger *«clety t-eople of the rlty tie ha* attended high s.nool and univer- sity In Seattle but for tha past two year* ha* been In b tslnes* In Portland Tha wedding will take place In Seattle In tha latter part of Nnwntbrr. \u2666 \u2666 to the proper observance of the holiday, and It !«» expected that a number of new and unique features will ho Introduced In the course of the evening. \u2666 \u2756 \u2756 Mrs. Frederick Karl Strive and her father, Mr. Jacob Furth, leave next week for New York, where they *0 to meet Miss Bldonla Furth, who expected to leave Paris for America on November 10. Mis* Furth has h>een throad for the past two years, and on her return to thif country will proceed direct to this city. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Mrs Charles D. fltimson jrave two pretty dinners last we»»k at her home on Minor avenue, one on Tuesday evening and the other on Friday On both oc- casion* the decoration* were very elab- orate and In perfect taste About ten peopla wers present at each dinner. \u2666 ?> \u2666 One of th* successful end largely at- tended affair*, of the pest week wae the complimentary concert given Monday alt- ernoon at tho Plymouth church by the Ladles' Mualeal Club. The feature of the occaalon waa the excellent programme given by the soloists of the Royal Marine band of Italy. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 A prelty m * is given yeaterdav afternoon hy Miss l.lly Kellogg at her hoiee on Fl'th avenue and Madlaoa alrest In honor of Miss tlrar* Al'en The -lining and t*hle war# de<-,. T tied In laven- der anl Ihc dining r m #i* lighted In nrdan.-s nil the I"- »em» After tha lun-heon a t* stu \u25a0 f t fc >e ifternonn «ss ? han *iier> hlef - Vi«» Al- lan who if n married November 14 Mia* a*'***" *«n> Mr* R a f \u25a0>*. |r Mr* Vfurahall Bond Misa lUilh Olen Ml*. tl.rrtet Allan, Ml«a Han- -9 *rd Ml** *'*ider Mis* Clancy an I Ml** **rsh*tft of Tit oma \u25a0» <> \u2756 Tl<e f r* f " a \<vmMr D«h rret la at weak to mak*- tha preliminary ar- rangement* for formally penlng tha win- ter Although the <?%* >, data for tha parte I* r. t *et It la thought that It will take place itt the latter pari of IV- oembsr probaM* In the week between fTtrlstmst and S'e* T-sr's day The A* ?erot ' *'nh i-srtle, »re the moat Imp rt ant #%tnlt if tha 'n Seattle and In tha ft I have lw well attends! Th'a *e*-- \u25a0y 1hrae will ha a van and ona * ' be ilorm'e lr> lha twa'ter of decor*. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 - . -~t la of Mtaa \t v i \u25a0* laughter of Mr* F.JIM fh>' . or ** ra"l*k* avenue and Or Frtnkiin li Vf<. != ?- of thla city Ml** FhlV * ' "?e prettlewr and m «t pe>»i!'tr > '\u25a0>",»« In 4aat(|e *>v-tek>- ngd >*. ? »ever»i Keen im>mtnant ?nt» - ? ? 'r. la* of the -Ity r \t I'Vr-g (n « a'lie only two ''" \u25a0 i ! * t itt Tout>g hiitrtnegia T>e »f it -J it take plar« about rt-Idi" if NVv mh. - \u2756 \u2756 T. rron- evi-nlrvr at Trinity TVrlah »u- -h Ml" * R.i'harSand aod Mr ahri Ci«*h I'. '-> ?»-. « ! t* uMtal In *< ? ?! H Ooifi Mr :w ' *»n fc« ft; l-.tnw ? n h - * '' if iin l ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* Mr r R 'ha ?>.- !. waa ' M: Hra'.iflan and Mtaa « \u2666 \u2666 \ - . «? *HI bjr Mia* irty whlcs\ will to ' v \u25a0 " 1 Met gat tha home of ? w - i Mr. v a wing. " ' a--> About thirty young j .. '>ni. WrdnaeJay Mr*. F. A. Ball «r«ve g pretty dinner Friday night at har home on Boylaton «v- --«nuo. The dlnlnt room and tahle w»ra deoor*ted In red. carnation* being u*e.l, Mr*. Ilair* giiaata wefa Mr and Mm. Frederick Karl Htruye and Mr. and Mr*. R. S. Co*. Jr \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Mr and Mra. Frederick A Win* en- tertalneif at card* last night at their home on Summit avenue in honor of the twenty.fifth anniversary of their wedding The houae waa decorated with chrys- anthemum* Atxiut twenty-five guest* were preaent. \u2666 \u2666 Mra F C. Johnston entertained at cards Wedneadav afternoon at her hnme on Summit avenue and Columbia street. Cinch waa played the prl*<-« twin* won by Mlaa Jessie Tuttl* and Mrs Homer K Norton About thlrtv-flve guests were preaent. \u2756 \u2756 Invitation* have heen receive in So. attle for the wedding of M!*« Alice Mts- Naught and Mr Krnest K I.lng The ceremony will take pla.-e November 7 at All Angel* church. In New Tork city Mr and Mr* I.lng will reside In QueSwc. Canada. « « Mr* S 1. Crawford gave ,t dinner Frl- dav evening at her homo on Marlon street The tal.le was decorsied with nasturtiums Tha gue»'« were Mr and Mr« Hem* Fuhrman. Mlae Marlon Crawf.ird Warren and Dr Klttlesoti. recently from Cape Nome \u2756 Mr*. T T Mlii' r and Ml** Minor, who have been visiting frtend* In Portland for the pa«t month, are rgnected hack In the city this week M!« Minor hi* be»n In Tncoma fnr the past few days attending tha golf tournament and (Mil In lhal city. \u2666 \u2666 Miss R-ifh Alien 'l ighter of ev Sect tor and Mr* John n Allen arrived In the city la*t week after apen line the tva*' tw v year* In Rurope Mr* K r Hughe* with whom she hsl heen In K-rope. will remain o road for some months ye' \u2756 \u2756 « The wedding nf Ml-- Ora-e Cgrolltia Allen daochter t ei Sena'or and Mr« t-l»n P \i\en of this city and Mr H n-h Fhlpps of Southern Ollfnrnla win tnke Place Wednesday, November It. at FS> mouth chiirch \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Mr Herlnuld WMtSeid Kiytor Mr a r Sweeny and Mr Bruce Sweeny enter talne-1 a few friend* st a ehsSt * dish * r. t>er at their arw >t to th» rtty v - eyenln* At -t ten young rveonte were present. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Vl*a 1.*ora n C<<r*- gave a small ettptvr a week aim last night at her h -m* -n Terr* aven.te *i»4 ("h. irv street w I twelve ynttat p>eop!* were present and >h H \u2756 \u2756 \u2756 *»\u25a0 n Mr* K f-- r « 4anc)ivf r»*rti whlrh irfll b* Mir+n *A%r mfl'n'i AT LH» FTRLRT. H N )H U K#. tn# ttvfv tn f Mm y V fU»ln »' vn** R 'v («4>xmhl invllHtlnn* t <*? % rvftrtf to *+ Mrt. BU *r ? ham# *V4r'» Aav \u2756 \u2756 \u2756 Th# W»Bnn<Uy C m* *<» thj. At the roMi-«itM» of AR.I Mrt V T Ttn - r Tfrr» - *rv* \\ K HIMM.A Th# hom* of Mr *rn T«#!An4 Houfhton. At J*s2 fkoon.l iv*nai. w»* 'h«» rt \u2666hf» hAt»ftfiAt Rf- fAlrt rf th# (MNiAor rvtntnf wttuft Mr <%-*#« WltlUm IT<« ?* U ?*, MFTRR'AF AT ft RL . A UI«A H«nnA>* Rtvpsfn.' her r>!a/*- nt fh# pIAOO A:1 MKMB th« h<)+*t xk > - n th# Hww>ai«i of I>oh«n|prtn'A irMfl"! tnArv' The And »h# [Rt fiUnr vAU. Eev.«r E, ThtWLLAc*. tered the room on the arm of her brother, Mr. Leland Hotjgh ton They were pre- ceded by Miss Hazel Gulliver and Vivian Rice, who acted as bridesmaid*. The contracting parties took their place at the altar under a bow- er of autumn leave* and a wed- Ing bell of roses. A wedding supper followed the ceremony, after which the guests bade good-by to the young mar- ried couple, who are to spend a few days In California on a wedding trip. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs James D. Houghton. Mr Jo- seph Houghton, Mr. George A Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Zem- ro B. Gulliver, Miss Kdna Mtitison. Mr. and Mrt. A T. Friend, Mr. Edwin Lawes, Mrs Jen tile I.awes. Miss An- nie E. Blnkenev. Mr and Mrs William Ward. Mrs. Grace Devoe, Mr John Char- land, Mr. and Mrs. r>. W. Brown, Mr H. Slvestnd, Mr. and Mrs. O. Dodge, .Vitus S 3male, Rev. ami Mrs. Elmer K. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William IT. Rice, Mlss Hazel Gulliver. Miss Vivian RJc«. Miss Lillian Rice. Mr. John Sanderson. Mrs. C. H. Muß- son. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 The marriage of Mr. Mil- ton B I'odge and Miss Beswle C. Gilford took place at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Kllingwood, 527 Bcllevtie. ave- nue north, Saturday evening, October 20, in the presence of n.anv relatives and friends. At S o'clock the weddlnir i cxi w march, played by Mlas Helen MiacK. announced the approach of (he bridal procession. and a mo- ment later the bride and gmom, sup- ported by Miss Nellie r, Glfford and Mr. A. Dodge, took their places under a, canopy of ivy. Ilev. J. M Denlson. of t church, performed the ceremony. ? r L*f the customary congratulations, a number of musical selections by Mis* ill?. It" n " w''y "lade Mrs. Dodge entertained the company until the serving of the wedding supper Among those present were the following: Mr. and Mfs. J.? r rtjJ' 'llf M? I' aura E Glfford. Miss Dodge. MISS Nellie L. Glfford Mr. * Mr K ° aurora. Mr. i ' *arlp " E Glfford. Mr. and Mrs. Isaao A. | l.llingwood. Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Mary K. I Ur yer ' Bnd Mr »- K- J- Davis. | , Mr »\u25a0* Mrs W E. Dwyer. Mrs. I tV . . McC.ausland, Mr. and Mr*. McCaualand, Mr Leroy I McCauzlan*. Mr and Mr* Ross G. Mc- Causlsnd. Mrs. A 3. Smith, Miss Cecilia Grimes. Miss Helen Black. Miss Grace I.emont. Miss Edith Dearborn. Miss Mary McCausland, Ml** Ruth Elllngwooll I Mr Harry 8. Osborn. Mr. Edward J Slav- nard. Mr E p. Dearborn Mr William a Johnson Mr Homer E. Russell. Mr. i Ralph Kllingwood, Mr W Hlter Klllng- Mr George Elllngwood. Mr Don- I aid McCausSantl. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Carile have been received In Seattle an- nouncing the marriage of Ml** Jean C- I.eslle and Mr Qeorge Francis Rowe In I>e* Moines, la. The wedding took place October 17 at the home of (he 1.r1.1e - * s<s- ter. Ml** Leslie la a *l*ter of Mr John ' I-eslle. a well-known business man of Seattle. and haa visited here several times. Mr Rowe I* w<>ll known In Seattle, aa he occupies the position of advertising raan- nercr of the Bon Marche Mr. and Mrs. Howe will live In Seattle and will be at home tf> their friend* after November 22 at 2P09 Sixth avenue. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 Mr John Lawrence Johnson and Mlaa Jeeele Olllla were untted In marriage Tues- day evening at the home of Rev A. L. Hutchison, the officiating clergyman Mr George Hartley and Ml** Hilda Bteen *erved aa beet man and bridesmaid. Mr. Johneon ha* he«n a re*ldent of Seattle for a few ye»rs pest. The bride has been a resident of Detroit. Mich., until coming to Seattle. Thla city will he their future home. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 A pretty wediUng took plnce at the *tudy of the First Btptlst church Wednes- day eyenlnn, the contracting parties betßK Mr George F t>. Hushes. well known In this city, and Mis* Minnie rUppold. of Port Atigclc* Rev I.uuls S Bowerman ? ?metaled Mr sr»l Mr*. Hughes will make their home In thla cltv. \u2756 \u2756 Mr Charles August Godfrey He'.llund. of Kltsep county. married to Miss Addie Gertrude Stnrrett at the home of the bride's parent*, at Itavenna. Saturday. October J#, at noon The ortviatlruj min- ister was Rev. William Met calf, of La- trna. The couple left for Vlrtorla and a tour of the Sound cities \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 ».! nv, i.V ~>n * »i! out for ,h * wadding of Ml** Ellen,ira Christopher and Mr Henry II Howard, of S mm-i vllte. W. Vs.. which will t.ike place Wednesday No- vember 14. at the home of the lirlde' Ml»« Christopher 1* the eldest daughter of Mr /Thomas Christopher. of Christopher Wash. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 At the Study of tbe First Baptist church Thursday, by the pastor, Rev S n.werman. Mr Anthony Anderson and MiSe Amelia Teske, both of Seattle were united In marriage. « « \u2666 On We4needgy. at the residence of the om.-lcviin* clerrrman. Mr JAS.IV, }< I'rop.r and Mrs Ida S B Mumfea.h were united In marriage by Rev W H ,j « Op Thursday Octotmr R at o i? street Hev W H G Temple united In marriage Mr u-moat tMwnliif; of Port \ 'Wttff+na, Mr* Kvc<*ni« J»hmon of wirftltlt. \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 M'** Hardee Ga*cft. lanhter of Mr and Mrs Fred Gasch. will be married or. MME. VAN BEEK Millinery "\u25a0 Parlors PIONEER BUILDING, HAVIH WORKtD ALWAYS M Pattern and Order tldts. HATS TO ORDER MY SPtdALIY. tfaU PpfrimmAd Tuesday evening to Mr. Henry Shead, of San Jose, C»L PARTIE* *!ID OTIIEH AFFAIR*. The Merve elub gave a dancing party Friday evening at the Queen Anne Club house which was well attended. The club house was prettily decorated for the occasion In blue ajid white, the club color*. Festoons of blue and white bunt- ing were struntr around the wails of the room and meeting in the center of the celling a pretty center piece was formed. Along the sides were penants In the club s colors. At the entrance of the hall an immense American flag draped was over tbe doorway. Wagner's orchestra furnished, rauaic for the occasion. Aan.rng those invited were: Mr. and M* - *. Perry F. Smith. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Allen. Mr and Mrs. F P. Harlow. Mr and Mrs. Y. A. Harrington. Mr. anil Mrs. i? f. Hyrne, Mr. and Mrs H. H. Craven. Mr and Mrs. E. L. Drew, Mr and Mrs. J Forbes. Mr. and Slr< Fred Gillette. Mr and Mrs. F W. Hicks, Mr ami Mrs. A. M Hicks. Mr. and Mrs A. H. Hovey, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Hainsworth, «Mr and Mrs C W. Field, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Karrlck. Mr. and Mrs. \V. W Harder. Mr. and Mrs C. P. Stone. Mr and Mrs. M. l»onaldson; Mls« Clarice Rruns Miss Ethel Bagley. Miss Ola ire Hagley, Miss Winnie Abbott. Miss Amv Corey. Miss Ida < orey. Miss Reba Bell. Miss Leora ( onn. Miss Lillian Jnnes Miss Florence I arr. Miss Maude Cralne, Miss Lottie Haley. Miss I ula Dodge. MRs Mllllcent Fox, Miss Kate Haley. Miss Carrie Denny, Mis* Margaret Cardln, Miss Kthel < ardln, Miss Kthel Kllkins. Miss Bertha <' rr \u25a0 Miss Atnlee Farnsworth, Miss Ellsaheth Crane. Miss Julia Crane. Miss sjf.£'"?*' a "*' M ' ss Eula Croissant, Miss Edith Foy Miss Lulu Fay, Miss Howden, Mss Kthel Cuirrett. Mls s ileS, Graham, Miss Irene Graham. Ml mi' olive Jones. Miss Daisy Gooch, Miss Lillian Gillette. Ada Johnson. Mia* Mamie Johnson, Miss Blanche Kennedy. Miss Jessie Gard- »f r ' Mls " Kathnrlne Olen. Miss Martha Keating'. Mis* Keating. Ms* Oaunre. Miss Anita Kelly, Mia. Mamie Kelly, Miss Be«,le Kellv. Mt»s May Kellv. Miss I.lpiky Miss Clara Mla ?.. H«'«" Morse, Miss Irene MltchelV Miss Bessie Knlttle. Miss Donna Phelps, M|w* Ada Morgan, Miss Sadie Morgan. Miss Carrie Mor- gan. Miss Charlotte Preston, Miss Marvin. Miss Mae Perrv. Mlsa n< " M. Mullen, Mis* Agnes' Megrath. Miss Elinor Preston, Mis* Frances Me- grath. Mies Jenette Perry, Miss Blanche Reese, Miss Mamie Pklnner, Miss Mae Reed. Miss Thornlngton Sully. Miss Josephine Rideway. Miss Amv Slnti. Miss Frankle Smith Mi*. Jane Seaman. Mlsa llda Thedlnga. Miss Nan T'nderwood of Tacoma; Miss Minnie Mei'iaine. of Tacoma, Mlsa \«n Tassel, Miss Anna Tavlor. Miss M''ode ' Shaw Miss Blanche Shaw, Miss J. Vandewerker. Miss Walker. Mia* Alice Stetson. Mis* < ora Smith Miss M i Smith. Miss Mabel Webb, Mr. Gerald Frlnk. Mr A A Ava Mr. Jame* Ball. Mr Rav Abbott, Mr. Bert Austin. Mr Harrv Hicks, Mr Arthur Fowler. Mr William C. Tyler Mr. Robert Brlnker. Mr. Jay Austin, Mr Marrfatt Fnrr. Mr. C. Rennett, Mr. J C Bar rarer. Mr. Frank Brown Mr A M Franklin. Mr. Fred Fuller. Mr. r:r^ p . D' ,n n. Mr I-ane Dodge. Mr. W. W Blaine. Mr. Robert Royre. Mr George Boole Mr. Arthur D«val Mr. M Dodge Mr WIIHam Case. Mr R. p. Callahan. Mr. Lewis Btarr < 'rngln, Mr. C H Bacon, Mr l*wrenc« Bogle, Mr Scott Calhoun. Mr. Fred Cralnley, Mr. E Gil- man, Mr. R. R George, Mr. W ,1. Germalne, Mr. Charle* Gaffner, Mr N. A. niddlnffon. Mr Rr»v Oeorc*\ Mr Clayton Crawford. Mr. F C Case Mr George Graham. Mr Frank Gardner, Mr S CsrkoeV. Mr J, W Hsrtwlek Mr Edward Hammond. Mr W Tf Grout. Mr. H. L. Gulllxson. Mr. Fred Hammond Mr George Hood. Mr Harry Havden! Mr Charle* Gaelics. Mr H. L. (}eary, « r Si H Mr w <l. Johnson, Mr Edward Garrett Mr. Ralnh Johnson. Mr Bvlve*ter Harrington. Mr. E. B Johnson, Mr. A. TTawklns. Mr Reginald Kavlor, Mr A. H. Kenagn. Mr. Meade Johnson, Mr R E. t.unkev. Mr. F Kline. Mr. A, H. Kellogg Mr. Clifford 'amnlng. Mr Robert Lindsay. Mr Tf McDonald, Mr. Emerson Knoff Mr G u M Jr rr . M , r . F Mr WIL I'Am Kvle, Mr G 1. Moore, Mr U I Moore Mr J. W. Kellv Mr McCracken Mr Bert Kelly. Mr. Frank Oliver Mr PRESENTED A TRAGEDY. Timely informatjen firm Mr*. Grorf* Xe* StrafUTtlle, 0., »a«d two llm A mart had lons kepi her i«ii» erery nuM- »»« tad tned many lemedlei and doctor*, bu: ,rew won, until urfwl to try I»r Klb« a , corerr. one brittle wholly cored het; and jhe wrtrte. tbia Barreled toedhine atoo cured Mr um« "V 1 <ere-» attack «t pneumonia tiee proof of itt rant to car, ,11 throat, cbett and kmc trouble,. Only Me and »l «? Utttranteed. Trial bottler free at STEWART A HOLMES DRUG CO. IT HELPED WIN BATTLES. Twtaty nin, o#lr«, and Ben wrot, frm» tha froot to say th»t for BdlMn, HroSw, Cut®, " cnp<». Sorf Ft+t ADd Stiff Joint# Xtoclct«n < a Arak* i* the b«t in t)» world. Btm*, »«»« Krupffont and S9c a box. Cwr* gnnr«nt«ea. Sold tf STEWART A HOLMES DRUG CO Dally Parrlsh, Mr. D. Regan Mr Remington. Mr. J. W Sayr,. Mr Davld Oliver. Mr F. P Porter, Mr. P. I fndle- ton Mr Harry Page. M,r. Thotriaa Scott, Mr Saundera. Mr Stanley Feabody. Mr. Glen Sixer. Mr. W. Richardson, Mr. James Prentice. Mr A P. a»wy«r Mr. Lester Turner jr.. Mr. Louis Peeplea. Mr E D Hood. Mr. Thompson, Mr. Klbblit, Mr Harrv Pickering, Mr. Peterson. Mr J. W. Rumsey, Mr. George R. len- ant. Mr. Glen Frank. Mr. W Lpper, Mr. Raymond West. Mr. Clifford Warren. Mr T. J. Victor. Mr Harry Wyklaon. Mr. Morris Walker. Mr. William V»n Ihs Vanter, Mr. Harry Walthew Mr Wood. Mr F W Webb, Mr. W. H. Whlttan. Mr L. A. Wolf, Mr. Carl Brackebush, Mr H W. Marr. \u2756 \u2666 \u2666 Mr Frank Westerman waa delightfully surprised by his young friends at the home of his parents, on Friday evening. The evening waa apent In gamea. danc- ing and music. At II o'clock a delicious supper was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Compton, Mrs. Kent, Mlsa Florence Carney, Miss Hasen. Miss liunn Miss Agnes Wilson, Ml*s Hessy Wilson. Miss Stooth. Mlsa Gertie Stooth. Miss Cohn, MISS Erwln. Miss Svony. Miss Florence Stetson. Mlas Johnson, Miss Gilbert. Mr Frank Weaterman, Mr. Howard Kent. Mr. Lone Stetsort. Mr. Herald Stetson. Mr. Ollaon, Mr Lewis Alt, Mr. George Kuntz, Mr. Harry Cohn. Mr. Hayes Wlllson, Mr. Raymond Taylor, Mr. Charles Kegna. \u2756 \u2666 \u2666 A pleasant reception was given on Friday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gresham In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Compton by Mr. Compton'* Sunday school class. Mr. and Mrs. Compton have Just recently returned from an extended tour through the Eastern states. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs Compton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hull. Rev. and Mrs. L. J Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Gresham, Mr. Bruce Kayburn. Mr. Milton Hamlin, Mr. John Hull. Mr. Herbert Hull, Mr. Gilbert Duffy, Mr Edward Duffy. Mr. Ernest Sllllman, Mr. Robert Sllllnian, Mr. Roy Steven*. Mr. ljuidry Burn*. Mr. Oliver Abernethy, Mr. James Sherson. Mr. Wil- liam Klllen, Mr, Clarenoe Woods, Mr. Lynwood Gresham, Mr. Clyde Gresham. \u2756 \u2756 \u2666 Mis* Scarborough entertained very charmingly a number of her friends at her home on Fourth avenue last Friday ? \u25a0 \u25a0 ulng. Dancing and music were en- Joyed. after which refreshments were served. Those present were Miss Pendle- ton. Mis* Frlsberger. Miss Holland. Miss Maude Pendleton, Miss Adsit, Miss Madge Scarborough, Mr. Frank Boasch, Mr. Paul Richards, Mr. H. Scarborough, Mr. C. Heltt. Mr. Edward Hogsn. Mr. W. Kelly, Mr. M, P. O'Wry. Mr. N. J. Strasburg. « « « On Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. H. Lilly, assisted by Mrs, Adolph 1.. . Brand and Miss Mary V. Jahn, entertained about 50 ladies at her home IMS Fifth Avenue West. The afternoon was spent In whist, after which refreshments were served. \u2666 \u2666 ?> The second annual baxaar of Company D. N. G. W.. waa held at Company D rooms Armory Hall, on Thursday even- ing. Extensive preparation* were made for thl* affair, the rooms being decorated with bunting and large flsgs. Japanese lanterns were hung st Intervals around the rooms. The brigade and regimental staffs were In attendance and officers and in raiis,!i=' 4 0 SEATTLE. 4 ? 75 PAIRS White Wool Blankets, (Slightly Soiled) At Speciil Sile Tomorrow, Moirfiy. At special closing sale prices (tomorrow) Monday, about 75 pairs of FINE WOOL WHITE BLANKETS?sampIe pairs-soiled from handling, will be closed out at A Substantial Reduction From Regular Prices. One customer can buy the lot If so dis- posed. OUR HOLIDAY ANNEX. OLYMPIC HALL. Tickets fbr the Children's Free Entertain- ment at Olympic Hall, can be obtained by applying at cur store. Second avenue and Madison. tot) kiwfeu ik r**rs if 336 <cd 4.30. Srftmttys ton £3O tl i3fll An instructive and Interesting entertain- ment. E. W. NEWHALL & CO. SKATTLB. AT GRAHAM'S. SMART NEARSEAL JACKETS There is ao §to «ecu»^ very modcr- yffiff At jflA WO; Electric Seal Jsokets. umL after the best models. At »6SO ?Electric Seal Jackets, of a very desirtNe quality, trimmed with Lynx. At t C(|(l ?Fine Nearseal Jackets, trimmed with Pfc. VW pia n Lnmb. At * ?Swell Xearseal Jaeketa, trimmed with batter and mink ; very effective. Graham's Smart Walking Suits. The Tailor-Made Suit of today In ona of th# mn»t effective ever The new nnM >hnim here exclusively have h amart Kton coat or *???"- breasted jacket. The aklrt la bell-ahap«d. with ntltrhed nam. TImZI terta] la a beautiful coif milting, with all the new a Vide* anaVt to chooae from WAIjKIN'O HI'ITS of cam«l'a hair. In brown or blue. blotlae affect: trtmma with etltcbed velvet, aktrt haa the flare bottom, atrlctly ails u man tailored 1/xH vH^IIRPIP WALKING BUITB of cloth, making a very swell street suit, the aklrt It un> lined; this if* as effective as Graham's higher priced out- tttß A* fits and is the admiration of all IMPORT KD OOWNI from London and from costumers of Parts and Merlin; dashing effecta?nat tha ordinary conceptions?but r »wns have that indescribable individuality so thoroughly distinctive to htafc. 25~.. :...\u25a0 $50.00 to *22341 4 Silk Skirts. I Women will find a magnificent gath- ering here, made hv» forwiwat makers of Europe and Amerua. The prices have a wide each representing the very best quality of material that eta ba sold at the price. Tha nwwt novelties and the plainer affaaU.. $17.501 l I $75.00. Millinery From the Other Side. French effecta from the leading Paris shops ha»e been atajr successful feature of this season at Graham'*. "* n limadbl I on the Pacific coast haa there been such lavish displavaflU®- ! ported Millinery. Monday there will lie an entirely na»«lt lection of l>eooming Hats. Our own shop has nevasr turM(l out such charming creations. I'rioea $6, $7.50, $lO to $59 Downstairs sales this week will create a furor. Wmm should watch the papers for some extraordinary annouM*- menu. These J*low-the-«urface~of-the-*treet sale* are to made a r'-frular feature of the itore. And for real bargain* iriß have no competition on the Pacific coaat Cr 716 fSscesi Avenue CNfAPfSI nousf IR SUITU 901 SKORD AVWK, FOR rwt QOOOS. (Oft. HARM. AGAIN MONDAY. Egg a This magnificent Out Glaes Bonbon Diah, the same Everything else In distinctive put Ola .i i priced at popular prices?with on© of tho nioH col- lections to make selections from. Mi f£/%| |\|| AIJ 901 Second Ave., ? Aa UVLillflAilf Ger. Romb Burke BiH. 14

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Page 1: The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle ... · Can tahlle Op 13 Beethoven Mr* M A. Ntblet. "For All Eternity" . Mascheronl Mn W J. Harnett. «"onver*atKm Llsxt by



I | In the year whichj I are Aapeclally ob-JLI curved in a aocJal

wty, This f*.;nt dayIn railed Ail Halloween. aridft will be obaerved next Wed-RMiiltr, the Ja»t evening InOctober. The oheervance ofHalloween da tea ba'-k to the11m"* when fafrlea. gnomr*

?n-1 o»he mvmartou* f<>l *t I#>lookel upon «\u25a0 tangible reall-tl»'«. Rv«n now the aid of theapirlta 1* Invoked at at moat?very Halloween entertain-ment The evening' givea aaplendid opportunity to varythe atyle of »nt<»rtalnmenta.A favorite kind of party forHalloween fa a maaked ball.Other affalra with manyurlque ideaa of prophecy andfortune telling are alto pop-ular Halloween partfe*.

In Seattle a number of par-flea are announced for thtaw«*efc, among them one to begiven Wednesday evening byMlaa Plara Wing, another byMra. K. H. flule and aeveralothera. All are being given !nhonor of -the particular once-alon, and each will be markedwith aom# unique char act erla-tic of tha evening.Heginnlng next weak there

( will be a aucceaalon of wed-dings of prominent eocletypeople 1n Seattle A numberof engagementa are announced

\u2666hla morning, and the wedding* will takeplace before the end of next month. Thagreater number are to be church wed-nrnga, and It la expert *d that the decorg-tlona will be elaborate

\an\ week was rather quiet In a eoclalway. A number of luncheona and din-ner* were given, but none of them waaparticularly large. The Mualeal Club con-cart Monday waa well attended.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666The Joaeffy Musical Cluh began Its sec-

ond rear a student's club Mmflif af-ternoon when a musicals wa* held In«ha club rooms of thr public library. A>ear of Interesting work has been plan-ned, which will Include a study of thehistory of mu«lo from lla earliest period.The rlub 1« Interested In tha prospectivecoming of Kdward Baxter Parry, tha fa-mous blind pianist, and waa permitted thachoice of it programme for tha Seattleconcert. Tha r'r'i(r«miM for the afier-noon was <m fallows:Calllrhoa Chamlnada

SUM Ignore Bundy.flonata, c maj ..Motart

Ml** Viola RollFugue No. M Barht ngarlah MacDowell

Mr* D, I BurkhartAdagio. Can tahlle Op 13 Beethoven

Mr* M A. Ntblet."For All Eternity" . Mascheronl

Mn W J. Harnett.«"onver*atKm Llsxt

by Mr*. T> I. BurkhartOp. No. *4 Chopin

Mm Nellie Ptinlap.Invention No * Bach

Mies M«na Raynor\u2666 \u2666 \u2666

0»« of the pretty eventa of tha past

week was the luncheon given Tuesdayafternoon by Mr*. Sherwood Glllespv ather home on Cherry etreet tn- honor ofMr*. McOllltcuddy. who ha* been visitingfn the city for aotne time The diningroom and table were prettily decoratedfor the occasion In white and green, whiterhryaantbemuma and green ribbon* beingueed. The decorations were In perfecttests and the luncheon menu wa< thor-oughly enjoyed The guests w<-re Mrar It Hamilton. Mra. C W Sharpie*. Mra.M r r»ewns. Mr* J C Halne* Mm O.P fttlmson, Mra D. W lturchard. Mr*A R. Stewart, Mra. A. W. Kngle.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Mr and Mr* Fdward F Wittier, of this

rlty, announce the engagement of theirdaughter. Mis* Fdna F|prence Wittier.? nil Mr Clare K Farn»w*rth. Ml** Wtt--Iler Is well known In Seattle wvclety cir-cles Sh» hat been prominent among themualiMil people of the lly, aa she 1» the?mssessor of a heautlful contralto vote*,

sir Farnswnrth la alao well known imnnfthe younger *«clety t-eople of the rltytie ha* attended high s.nool and univer-sity In Seattle but for tha past two year*

ha* been In b tslnes* In Portland Thawedding will take place In Seattle In thalatter part of Nnwntbrr.

\u2666 \u2666

to the proper observance of the holiday,and It !«» expected that a number of newand unique features will ho Introduced Inthe course of the evening.

\u2666 \u2756 \u2756Mrs. Frederick Karl Strive and her

father, Mr. Jacob Furth, leave next weekfor New York, where they *0 to meetMiss Bldonla Furth, who i» expected toleave Paris for America on November10. Mis* Furth has h>een throad for thepast two years, and on her return tothif country will proceed direct to thiscity.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Mrs Charles D. fltimson jrave two pretty

dinners last we»»k at her home on Minoravenue, one on Tuesday evening and theother on Friday On both oc-casion* the decoration* were very elab-orate and In perfect taste About tenpeopla wers present at each dinner.

\u2666 ?> \u2666One of th* successful end largely at-

tended affair*, of the pest week wae thecomplimentary concert given Monday alt-ernoon at tho Plymouth church by theLadles' Mualeal Club. The feature of theoccaalon waa the excellent programmegiven by the soloists of the Royal Marineband of Italy.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666

A prelty m * is given yeaterdav

afternoon hy Miss l.lly Kellogg at herhoiee on Fl'th avenue and Madlaoa alrest

In honor of Miss tlrar* Al'en The -lining and t*hle war# de<-,. T tied In laven-der anl Ihc dining r m #i* lighted In

nrdan.-s nil the I"- »em» Aftertha lun-heon a t* stu \u25a0 f t fc>e ifternonn«ss ? han *iier> hlef - Vi«» Al-lan who if n h» married November 14Mia* a*'***" *«n> Mr* R af\u25a0>*. |r Mr* Vfurahall Bond Misa lUilhOlen Ml*. tl.rrtet Allan, Ml«a Han-

-9 *rd Ml** *'*ider Mis* Clancy an I Ml****rsh*tft of Tit oma

\u25a0» <> \u2756Tl<e f r* f " a \<vmMr D«h rret

la at weak to mak*- tha preliminary ar-rangement* for formally penlng tha win-ter Although the <?%* >, data fortha parte I* r. t *et It la thought that Itwill take place itt the latter pari of IV-oembsr probaM* In the week betweenfTtrlstmst and S'e* T-sr's day The A*?erot ' *'nh i-srtle, »re the moat Imp rtant #%tnlt if tha 'n Seattle and Intha ft I have lw well attends! Th'a*e*-- \u25a0y 1hrae will ha a van and ona* ' be ilorm'e lr> lha twa'ter of decor*.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666- . -~t la of Mtaa

\t v i \u25a0* laughter of Mr* F.JIMfh>' . or **ra"l*k* avenue and OrFrtnkiin li Vf<. != ?- of thla city Ml**FhlV *


"?e prettlewr and m «tpe>»i!'tr > '\u25a0>",»« In 4aat(|e *>v-tek>-ngd >*. ? »ever»i Keen im>mtnant?nt» - ? ? 'r. la* of the -Ity

r \t I'Vr-g (n « a'lie only two''" \u25a0 i ! * t itt Tout>g T>e »f it -J it take plar« about

rt-Idi" if NVv mh. -

\u2756 \u2756T. rron- evi-nlrvr at Trinity TVrlah

»u- -h Ml" * R.i'harSand aod Mrahri Ci«*h I'. ?« '-> ?»-. « ! t* uMtal In*<

? ?! H Ooifi Mr:w ' *»n fc« ft; l-.tnw ?

n h - * ' ' if iin l' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* Mr r R

'ha ?>.- !. waa

' M: Hra'.iflan and Mtaa

« \u2666 \u2666\

-. «? *HI bjr Mia*irty whlcs\ will to

' v \u25a0 " 1 Met gat tha home of? w - i Mr. v a wing.

" ' a--> ,« About thirty youngj .. '>ni. A« WrdnaeJay

Mr*. F. A. Ball «r«ve g pretty dinnerFriday night at har home on Boylaton «v---«nuo. The dlnlnt room and tahle w»radeoor*ted In red. carnation* being u*e.l,Mr*. Ilair* giiaata wefa Mr and Mm.Frederick Karl Htruye and Mr. and Mr*.R. S. Co*. Jr

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Mr and Mra. Frederick A Win* en-

tertalneif at card* last night at theirhome on Summit avenue in honor of thetwenty.fifth anniversary of their weddingThe houae waa decorated with chrys-anthemum* Atxiut twenty-five guest*were preaent.

\u2666 \u2666Mra F C. Johnston entertained at cards

Wedneadav afternoon at her hnme onSummit avenue and Columbia street.Cinch waa played the prl*<-« twin* wonby Mlaa Jessie Tuttl* and Mrs Homer KNorton About thlrtv-flve guests werepreaent.

\u2756 \u2756Invitation* have heen receive in So.

attle for the wedding of M!*« Alice Mts-Naught and Mr Krnest K I.lng Theceremony will take pla.-e November 7 atAll Angel* church. In New Tork cityMr and Mr* I.lng will reside In QueSwc.Canada.

?» « «

Mr* S 1. Crawford gave ,t dinner Frl-dav evening at her homo on Marlon streetThe tal.le was decorsied with nasturtiumsTha gue»'« were Mr and Mr« Hem*Fuhrman. Mlae Marlon Crawf.ird Warrenand Dr Klttlesoti. recently from CapeNome

\u2756Mr*. T T Mlii' r and Ml** Minor, who

have been visiting frtend* In Portland forthe pa«t month, are rgnected hack In thecity this week M!« Minor hi* be»n InTncoma fnr the past few days attendingtha golf tournament and (Mil In lhal city.

\u2666 \u2666Miss R-ifh Alien 'l ighter of ev Sect

tor and Mr* John n Allen arrived Inthe city la*t week after apen line the tva*'tw v year* In Rurope Mr* K r Hughe*with whom she hsl heen In K-rope. willremain o road for some months ye'

\u2756 \u2756 «

The wedding nf Ml-- Ora-e CgrolltiaAllen daochter t ei Sena'or and Mr«t-l»n P \i\en of this city and Mr H n-hFhlpps of Southern Ollfnrnla win tnkePlace Wednesday, November It. at FS>mouth chiirch

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Mr Herlnuld WMtSeid Kiytor Mr ar Sweeny and Mr Bruce Sweeny enter

talne-1 a few friend* st a ehsSt * dish * r.t>er at their arw>t to th» rtty v -

H» eyenln* At -t ten young rveontewere present.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Vl*a 1.*ora n C<<r*- gave a small ettptvr

a week aim last night at her h -m* -nTerr* aven.te *i»4 ("h. irv street w Itwelve ynttat p>eop!* were present and >h


\u2756 \u2756 \u2756*»\u25a0 n

Mr* K f--r « 4anc)ivf r»*rtiwhlrh irfll b* Mir+n *A%r mfl'n'iAT LH» FTRLRT. H N )H U ttvfv tn f

Mm y V fU»ln »' vn** R 'v(«4>xmhl invllHtlnn* t <*? % rvftrtfto *+ Mrt. BU *r ? ham# *V4r'»Aav

\u2756 \u2756 \u2756Th# W»Bnn<Uy C m* *<» thj.

At the roMi-«itM» of AR.I MrtV T Ttn - r Tfrr» - *rv*


Th# hom* of Mr *rn T«#!An4Houfhton. At J*s2 fkoon.l iv*nai.w»* 'h«» rt \u2666hf» hAt»ftfiAt Rf-fAlrt rf th# (MNiAor rvtntnfwttuft Mr <%-*#« WltlUmIT<« ?* U ?*,

MFTRR'AF AT ft RL . A UI«AH«nnA>* Rtvpsfn.' her r>!a/*- nt fh#pIAOO A:1 MKMB th« h<)+*t xk >

- nth# Hww>ai«i of I>oh«n|prtn'A irMfl"!tnArv' The And »h# [RtfiUnr vAU. Eev.«r E, ThtWLLAc*.

tered the room on the arm ofher brother, Mr. LelandHotjgh ton They were pre-ceded by Miss Hazel Gulliverand Vivian Rice, whoacted as bridesmaid*. Thecontracting parties took theirplace at the altar under a bow-er of autumn leave* and a wed-Ing bell of roses. A weddingsupper followed the ceremony,after which the guests badegood-by to the young mar-ried couple, who are to spenda few days In California ona wedding trip. The guestspresent were Mr. and MrsJames D. Houghton. Mr Jo-seph Houghton, Mr. George AHoughton. Mr. and Mrs. Zem-ro B. Gulliver, Miss KdnaMtitison. Mr. and Mrt. A T.Friend, Mr. Edwin Lawes,Mrs Jen tile I.awes. Miss An-nie E. Blnkenev. Mr andMrs William Ward. Mrs.Grace Devoe, Mr John Char-land, Mr. and Mrs. r>. W.Brown, Mr H. Slvestnd, Mr.and Mrs. O. Dodge, .VitusS 3male, Rev. ami Mrs. ElmerK. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.William IT. Rice, Mlss HazelGulliver. Miss Vivian RJc«.Miss Lillian Rice. Mr. JohnSanderson. Mrs. C. H. Muß-son.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666The marriage of Mr. Mil-

ton B I'odge and Miss BeswleC. Gilford took place at theheme of Mr. and Mrs. I. A.Kllingwood, 527 Bcllevtie. ave-nue north, Saturday evening,October 20, in the presence ofn.anv relatives and friends. At

S o'clock the weddlniri cxi w

march, played by Mlas HelenMiacK. announced the approach of(he bridal procession. and a mo-ment later the bride and gmom, sup-ported by Miss Nellie r, Glfford and Mr.

A. Dodge, took their places under a,canopy of ivy. Ilev. J. M Denlson. of

t church, performed the ceremony.?

r L*f the customary congratulations, anumber of musical selections by Mis*ill?. It" n"w''y "lade Mrs. Dodgeentertained the company until the servingof the wedding supper Among thosepresent were the following: Mr. and Mfs.J.? r rtjJ' 'llf M? I'aura E Glfford.Miss Dodge. MISS Nellie L. Glfford Mr.

*Mr K ° aurora. Mr.i ' *arlp " E Glfford. Mr. and Mrs. Isaao A.

| l.llingwood. Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Mary K.I Uryer ' Bnd Mr»- K- J- Davis.| ,

Mr »\u25a0* Mrs W E. Dwyer. Mrs.ItV . .

McC.ausland, Mr. and Mr*.McCaualand, Mr Leroy

I McCauzlan*. Mr and Mr* Ross G. Mc-Causlsnd. Mrs. A 3. Smith, Miss CeciliaGrimes. Miss Helen Black. Miss GraceI.emont. Miss Edith Dearborn. MissMary McCausland, Ml** Ruth Elllngwooll

I Mr Harry 8. Osborn. Mr. Edward J Slav-nard. Mr E p. Dearborn Mr William aJohnson Mr Homer E. Russell. Mr.i Ralph Kllingwood, Mr W Hlter Klllng-

Mr George Elllngwood. Mr Don-I aid McCausSantl.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Carile have been received In Seattle an-nouncing the marriage of Ml** Jean C-I.eslle and Mr Qeorge Francis Rowe In

I>e* Moines, la. The wedding took placeOctober 17 at the home of (he 1.r1.1e - * s<s-ter. Ml** Leslie la a *l*ter of Mr John' I-eslle. a well-known business man ofSeattle. and haa visited here several times.Mr Rowe I* w<>ll known In Seattle, aa heoccupies the position of advertising raan-nercr of the Bon Marche Mr. and Mrs.Howe will live In Seattle and will be athome tf> their friend* after November 22at 2P09 Sixth avenue.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666Mr John Lawrence Johnson and Mlaa

Jeeele Olllla were untted In marriage Tues-day evening at the home of Rev A. L.Hutchison, the officiating clergyman MrGeorge Hartley and Ml** Hilda Bteen*erved aa beet man and bridesmaid. Mr.Johneon ha* he«n a re*ldent of Seattlefor a few ye»rs pest. The bride has beena resident of Detroit. Mich., until comingto Seattle. Thla city will he their futurehome.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666A pretty wediUng took plnce at the

*tudy of the First Btptlst church Wednes-day eyenlnn, the contracting parties betßKMr George F t>. Hushes. well known Inthis city, and Mis* Minnie rUppold. ofPort Atigclc* Rev I.uuls S Bowerman? ?metaled Mr sr»l Mr*. Hughes willmake their home In thla cltv.

\u2756 \u2756Mr Charles August Godfrey He'.llund. of

Kltsep county. married to Miss AddieGertrude Stnrrett at the home of thebride's parent*, at Itavenna. Saturday.October J#, at noon The ortviatlruj min-ister was Rev. William Met calf, of La-trna. The couple left for Vlrtorla and atour of the Sound cities

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666».!nv,i.V~>n * »i! out for ,h * wadding ofMl** Ellen,ira Christopher and Mr HenryII Howard, of S mm-i vllte. W. Vs..which will t.ike place Wednesday No-vember 14. at the home of the lirlde' Ml»«Christopher 1* the eldest daughter of Mr/Thomas Christopher. of ChristopherWash.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666At the Study of tbe First Baptist churchThursday, by the pastor, Rev Sn.werman. Mr Anthony Anderson and

MiSe Amelia Teske, both of Seattle wereunited In marriage.

« « \u2666On We4needgy. at the residence of the

om.-lcviin* clerrrman. Mr JAS.IV, }<I'rop.r and Mrs Ida S B Mumfea.h wereunited In marriage by Rev W H ,j


Op Thursday Octotmr R at i»o i?street Hev W H G Temple united Inmarriage Mr u-moat tMwnliif; of Port\ 'Wttff+na, Mr* Kvc<*ni« J»hmon ofwirftltlt.

\u2666 \u2666 \u2666M'** Hardee Ga*cft. lanhter of Mrand Mrs Fred Gasch. will be married or.

MME. VAN BEEKMillinery"\u25a0 Parlors



Pattern and Order tldts.HATS TO ORDER

MY SPtdALIY.tfaU PpfrimmAd

Tuesday evening to Mr. Henry Shead, ofSan Jose, C»L


The Merve elub gave a dancing partyFriday evening at the Queen Anne Clubhouse which was well attended. Theclub house was prettily decorated for theoccasion In blue ajid white, the clubcolor*. Festoons of blue and white bunt-ing were struntr around the wails of theroom and meeting in the center of thecelling a pretty center piece was formed.Along the sides were penants In theclub s colors. At the entrance of the hallan immense American flag draped wasover tbe doorway. Wagner's orchestrafurnished, rauaic for the occasion. Aan.rngthose invited were: Mr. and M*-*. PerryF. Smith. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Allen. Mrand Mrs. F P. Harlow. Mr and Mrs. Y.A. Harrington. Mr. anil Mrs. i? f.Hyrne, Mr. and Mrs H. H. Craven. Mrand Mrs. E. L. Drew, Mr and Mrs. JForbes. Mr. and Slr< Fred Gillette. Mrand Mrs. F W. Hicks, Mr ami Mrs. A.M Hicks. Mr. and Mrs A. H. Hovey, Mrand Mrs. J. W. Hainsworth, «Mr andMrs C W. Field, Mr. and Mrs. F. C.Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Karrlck.Mr. and Mrs. \V. W Harder. Mr. andMrs C. P. Stone. Mr and Mrs. M.l»onaldson; Mls« Clarice Rruns MissEthel Bagley. Miss Ola ire Hagley, MissWinnie Abbott. Miss Amv Corey. MissIda < orey. Miss Reba Bell. Miss Leora( onn. Miss Lillian Jnnes Miss FlorenceI arr. Miss Maude Cralne, Miss LottieHaley. Miss I ula Dodge. MRs MllllcentFox, Miss Kate Haley. Miss CarrieDenny, Mis* Margaret Cardln, Miss Kthel< ardln, Miss Kthel Kllkins. Miss Bertha

<'r r \u25a0 Miss Atnlee Farnsworth, MissEllsaheth Crane. Miss Julia Crane. Misssjf.£'"?*' a "*' M' ss Eula Croissant, MissEdith Foy Miss Lulu Fay, Miss Howden,Mss Kthel Cuirrett. Mls s ileS, Graham,Miss Irene Graham. Mlmi' olive Jones.Miss Daisy Gooch, Miss Lillian Gillette.Ada Johnson. Mia* Mamie Johnson,Miss Blanche Kennedy. Miss Jessie Gard-»fr ' Mls" Kathnrlne Olen. MissMartha Keating'. Mis* Keating.Ms* Oaunre. Miss Anita Kelly,Mia. Mamie Kelly, Miss Be«,le Kellv.Mt»s May Kellv. Miss I.lpiky Miss Clara

Mla ?.. H«'«" Morse, Miss IreneMltchelV Miss Bessie Knlttle. MissDonna Phelps, M|w* Ada Morgan, MissSadie Morgan. Miss Carrie Mor-gan. Miss Charlotte Preston, MissMarvin. Miss Mae Perrv. Mlsa

n< " M. Mullen, Mis* Agnes' Megrath.Miss Elinor Preston, Mis* Frances Me-grath. Mies Jenette Perry, Miss BlancheReese, Miss Mamie Pklnner, Miss MaeReed. Miss Thornlngton Sully. MissJosephine Rideway. Miss Amv Slnti.Miss Frankle Smith Mi*. Jane Seaman.Mlsa llda Thedlnga. Miss Nan T'nderwoodof Tacoma; Miss Minnie Mei'iaine. ofTacoma, Mlsa \«n Tassel, Miss AnnaTavlor. Miss M''ode ' Shaw MissBlanche Shaw, Miss J. Vandewerker.Miss Walker. Mia* Alice Stetson. Mis*< ora Smith Miss M i Smith. Miss MabelWebb, Mr. Gerald Frlnk. Mr A A AvaMr. Jame* Ball. Mr Rav Abbott, Mr.Bert Austin. Mr Harrv Hicks, MrArthur Fowler. Mr William C. TylerMr. Robert Brlnker. Mr. Jay Austin,Mr Marrfatt Fnrr. Mr. C. Rennett, Mr.J C Bar rarer. Mr. Frank Brown MrA M Franklin. Mr. Fred Fuller. Mr.r:r^ p . D' ,n n. Mr I-ane Dodge. Mr. W.W Blaine. Mr. Robert Royre. Mr GeorgeBoole Mr. Arthur D«val Mr. M DodgeMr WIIHam Case. Mr R. p. Callahan.Mr. Lewis Btarr < 'rngln, Mr. C HBacon, Mr l*wrenc« Bogle, Mr ScottCalhoun. Mr. Fred Cralnley, Mr. E Gil-man, Mr. R. R George, Mr. W ,1.Germalne, Mr. Charle* Gaffner, Mr N.A. niddlnffon. Mr Rr»v Oeorc*\ MrClayton Crawford. Mr. F C Case MrGeorge Graham. Mr Frank Gardner, MrS CsrkoeV. Mr J, W Hsrtwlek MrEdward Hammond. Mr W Tf Grout.Mr. H. L. Gulllxson. Mr. Fred HammondMr George Hood. Mr Harry Havden!Mr Charle* Gaelics. Mr H. L. (}eary,«

r Si H Mr w <l. Johnson,Mr Edward Garrett Mr. Ralnh Johnson.Mr Bvlve*ter Harrington. Mr. E. BJohnson, Mr. A. TTawklns. Mr ReginaldKavlor, Mr A. H. Kenagn. Mr. MeadeJohnson, Mr R E. t.unkev. Mr. FKline. Mr. A, H. Kellogg Mr. Clifford'amnlng. Mr Robert Lindsay. Mr TfMcDonald, Mr. Emerson Knoff Mr Gu

M Jrrr.



F Mr WILI'Am Kvle, Mr G 1. Moore, Mr U IMoore Mr J. W. Kellv Mr McCrackenMr Bert Kelly. Mr. Frank Oliver Mr

PRESENTED A TRAGEDY.Timely informatjen firm Mr*. Grorf*

Xe* StrafUTtlle, 0., »a«d two llm Amart had lons kepi her i«ii» erery nuM- »»«

tad tned many lemedlei and doctor*, bu:,rew won, until urfwl to try I»r Klb« a


corerr. one brittle wholly cored het; and jhe wrtrte.tbia Barreled toedhine atoo cured Mr um« "V 1

<ere-» attack «t pneumoniatiee proof of itt rant to car, ,11 throat, cbett and

kmc trouble,. Only Me and »l «? Utttranteed.Trial bottler free at


IT HELPED WIN BATTLES.Twtaty nin, o#lr«, and Ben wrot, frm» tha froot

to say th»t for BdlMn, HroSw, Cut®, " cnp<».

Sorf Ft+t ADd Stiff Joint# Xtoclct«n <a Arak*i* the b«t in t)» world. Btm*, »«»«

Krupffont and S9c a box. Cwr* gnnr«nt«ea.


Dally Parrlsh, Mr. D. Regan MrRemington. Mr. J. W Sayr,. Mr DavldOliver. Mr F. P Porter, Mr. P. I fndle-ton Mr Harry Page. M,r. Thotriaa Scott,

Mr Saundera. Mr Stanley Feabody. Mr.Glen Sixer. Mr. W. Richardson, Mr.James Prentice. Mr A P. a»wy«r Mr.Lester Turner jr.. Mr. Louis Peeplea. MrE D Hood. Mr. Thompson, Mr. Klbblit,

Mr Harrv Pickering, Mr. Peterson.Mr J. W. Rumsey, Mr. George R. len-ant. Mr. Glen Frank. Mr. W Lpper, Mr.Raymond West. Mr. Clifford Warren. MrT. J. Victor. Mr Harry Wyklaon. Mr.Morris Walker. Mr. William V»n IhsVanter, Mr. Harry Walthew Mr Wood.Mr F W Webb, Mr. W. H. Whlttan.Mr L. A. Wolf, Mr. Carl Brackebush, MrH W. Marr.

\u2756 \u2666 \u2666Mr Frank Westerman waa delightfully

surprised by his young friends at thehome of his parents, on Friday evening.

The evening waa apent In gamea. danc-ing and music. At II o'clock a delicioussupper was served. Those present wereMr. and Mrs. Compton, Mrs. Kent, MlsaFlorence Carney, Miss Hasen. Missliunn Miss Agnes Wilson, Ml*s HessyWilson. Miss Stooth. Mlsa Gertie Stooth.Miss Cohn, MISS Erwln. Miss Svony. MissFlorence Stetson. Mlas Johnson, MissGilbert. Mr Frank Weaterman, Mr.Howard Kent. Mr. Lone Stetsort. Mr.Herald Stetson. Mr. Ollaon, Mr LewisAlt, Mr. George Kuntz, Mr. Harry Cohn.Mr. Hayes Wlllson, Mr. Raymond Taylor,Mr. Charles Kegna.

\u2756 \u2666 \u2666A pleasant reception was given on

Friday evening at the residence of Mr.and Mrs. Gresham In honor of Mr. andMrs. Compton by Mr. Compton'* Sundayschool class. Mr. and Mrs. Compton haveJust recently returned from an extendedtour through the Eastern states. Thosepresent were: Mr. and Mrs Compton,Mr. and Mrs. A. Hull. Rev. and Mrs. L.J Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Gresham, Mr.Bruce Kayburn. Mr. Milton Hamlin, Mr.John Hull. Mr. Herbert Hull, Mr. GilbertDuffy, Mr Edward Duffy. Mr. ErnestSllllman, Mr. Robert Sllllnian, Mr. RoySteven*. Mr. ljuidry Burn*. Mr. OliverAbernethy, Mr. James Sherson. Mr. Wil-liam Klllen, Mr, Clarenoe Woods, Mr.Lynwood Gresham, Mr. Clyde Gresham.

\u2756 \u2756 \u2666Mis* Scarborough entertained very

charmingly a number of her friends ather home on Fourth avenue last Friday

? \u25a0 \u25a0 ulng. Dancing and music were en-Joyed. after which refreshments wereserved. Those present were Miss Pendle-ton. Mis* Frlsberger. Miss Holland. MissMaude Pendleton, Miss Adsit, MissMadge Scarborough, Mr. Frank Boasch,Mr. Paul Richards, Mr. H. Scarborough,Mr. C. Heltt. Mr. Edward Hogsn. Mr. W.Kelly, Mr. M, P. O'Wry. Mr. N. J.Strasburg.

« « «

On Thursday afternoon Mrs. C. H. Lilly,assisted by Mrs, Adolph 1.. . Brand andMiss Mary V. Jahn, entertained about 50ladies at her home IMS Fifth AvenueWest. The afternoon was spent In whist,after which refreshments were served.

\u2666 \u2666 ?>

The second annual baxaar of CompanyD. N. G. W.. waa held at Company Drooms Armory Hall, on Thursday even-ing. Extensive preparation* were madefor thl* affair, the rooms being decoratedwith bunting and large flsgs. Japaneselanterns were hung st Intervals aroundthe rooms. The brigade and regimentalstaffs were In attendance and officers and

inraiis,!i='4 0 SEATTLE. 4 ?


White Wool Blankets,(Slightly Soiled)

At Speciil Sile Tomorrow, Moirfiy.

At special closing sale prices (tomorrow)Monday, about 75 pairs of FINE WOOLWHITE BLANKETS?sampIe pairs-soiled

from handling, willbe closed out at

A Substantial Reduction FromRegular Prices.

One customer can buy the lot If so dis-posed.


Tickets fbr the Children's Free Entertain-ment at Olympic Hall, can be obtained byapplying at cur store. Second avenue and


tot) kiwfeu ik r**rs if 336 <cd 4.30.Srftmttys ton £3O tl i3fll

An instructive and Interesting entertain-ment.




§to «ecu»^

very modcr- yffiffAt jflA WO; Electric Seal Jsokets. umL

after the best models.At »6SO ?Electric Seal Jackets, of a very desirtNe

quality, trimmed with Lynx.At

tC(|(l ?Fine Nearseal Jackets, trimmed with Pfc.VW pia n Lnmb.

At *?Swell Xearseal Jaeketa, trimmed with batterand mink ; very effective.

Graham's Smart Walking Suits.The Tailor-Made Suit of today In ona of th# mn»t effective everThe new nnM >hnim here exclusively have h amart Kton coat or *???"-

breasted jacket. The aklrt la bell-ahap«d. with ntltrhed nam. TImZIterta] la a beautiful coif milting, with all the new a Vide* anaVtto chooae from

WAIjKIN'O HI'ITS of cam«l'a hair. In brown or blue. blotlae affect: trtmmawith etltcbed velvet, aktrt haa the flare bottom, atrlctly ails uman tailored 1/xHvH^IIRPIP

WALKING BUITB of cloth, making a very swell street suit, the aklrt It un>lined; this if* as effective as Graham's higher priced out- tttß A*fits and is the admiration of all

IMPORTKD OOWNI from London and from costumers of Parts andMerlin; dashing effecta?nat tha ordinary conceptions?but r »wnshave that indescribable individuality so thoroughly distinctive to htafc.

25~.. :...\u25a0 $50.00 to *22341

4Silk Skirts. I

Women will find a magnificent gath-ering here, made hv» forwiwatmakers of Europe and Amerua.The prices have a wideeach representing the very bestquality of material that eta basold at the price. Tha nwwtnovelties and the plainer affaaU..

$17.501 l I$75.00.

Millinery From the Other Side.French effecta from the leading Paris shops ha»e been atajr

successful feature of this season at Graham'*. "*

n limadbl Ion the Pacific coast haa there been such lavish displavaflU®- !ported Millinery. Monday there will lie an entirely na»«ltlection of l>eooming Hats. Our own shop has nevasr turM(lout such charming creations. I'rioea $6, $7.50, $lO to $59Downstairs sales this week will create a furor. Wmm

should watch the papers for some extraordinary annouM*-menu. These J*low-the-«urface~of-the-*treet sale* are to b»made a r'-frular feature of the itore. And for real bargain* irißhave no competition on the Pacific coaat

Cr 716 fSscesi Avenue



This magnificent Out Glaes Bonbon Diah, the same

Everything else In distinctive put Ola .i i priced

at popular prices?with on© of tho nioH col-lections to make selections from.

Mi f£/%| |\|| AIJ 901 Second Ave.,

? Aa UVLillflAilfGer. Romb Burke BiH.