the pure vitality · 2016-05-13 ·...

The Pure Vitality Detox By Becky Mauldin N.D.

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Page 1: The Pure Vitality · 2016-05-13 · these toxins from their mother’s bodies during a critical developmental phase

The Pure Vitality Detox

By Becky Mauldin N.D.

Page 2: The Pure Vitality · 2016-05-13 · these toxins from their mother’s bodies during a critical developmental phase ©2014 by Becky Mauldin, N.D.

Table of Contents


Introduction 3

The Cumulative Effect 10

Toxicity Test 14

Can I Detox? 18

How to Detox 19

Sauna Detox 25

Detox Your Home 31


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There’s no shortage of information on how to detox, but with all of this information

comes overwhelm and confusion: What actually works? Should you do a juice fast? A

foot bath? Or a liver flush? Or a colon cleanse? Or use a sauna?

Well, that’s exactly the question I’m going to answer in this ebook. I’ve both ex-

perienced the power of detoxification firsthand and have seen it reverse chronic disease

at my wellness center: rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, chemical sensitivity, thyroid prob-

lems, heart disease, insomnia, joint pain, chronic fatigue, allergies, migraines, Fi-

bromyalgia, autism, and a host of other problems that doctors had yet to diagnose.

I want to let you in on a little secret….there is a lot more to detoxification and

cleansing than the books and websites would lead you to believe. As a practitioner, I

have the unique vantage point of being down in the trenches, in the clinic, where I am

helping people who are sick every single day, and I get to see what it really takes to re-

verse serious disease. So, in this ebook, I want to share with you how detoxification

really works and an easy way to incorporate it into your life.

So, why should you listen to me? Because 12 years ago, after my daughter was

born, my health was in crisis and I was struggling to survive. I had insomnia, thyroid

and adrenal problems, chemical sensitivity, migraines, food allergies, fatigue and depres-

sion. I spent 3 years and thousands of dollars searching for answers and was about to

give up when I found out about detoxification. After completing a sauna detox protocol,

I regained my health, became a Naturopath, and have helped thousands of people regain

their health too. I am excited to share with you what I had to learn the hard way.

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Why Detox?

It’s easy to think eating a clean, organic diet is enough to bring the body back to

health. While that is certainly important, it’s only one part of the puzzle. The truth is

there are so many things that can cause the body to break down: chronic infections, en-

vironmental toxins, mold exposure, dental problems, food sensitivities, emotional stress,

radiation, heavy metals, vaccine toxins, hormonal imbalances, and the list goes on.

Getting healthy is complicated these days, and to get well, it takes a health detec-

tive to find the underlying root causes of your health problems, which need to be identi-

fied and then dealt with so the body can heal.

Most people focus only on their diet, and then if they don’t get better, they mistak-

enly think alternative medicine is just not going to work for them. What they don’t know

is that there may be toxins lurking underneath the surface wreaking havoc in their fat

cells and tissues…

For example, one of my clients, Barbara, is a stay-at-home mom who is active in

her church and community. She has been eating a healthy, organic diet for a number of

years, but was still struggling with persistent fatigue, joint pain, depression, anxiety,

headaches and PMS. She came to see me for a health evaluation and said, “I just don’t

understand it... I’m doing everything right, so why do I feel so terrible?”

After doing a health evaluation, the energetic testing showed some indications of

mercury and candida in her body that were contributing to her symptoms. She said she

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remembered a time as a child when she broke a mercury thermometer and played with

the silver ball of mercury for a while before her parents cleaned it up. “But that was so

long ago,” she said. “Are you saying that could still be affecting me?”

I said, “Yes. Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals on the planet and it is

very hard for the body to detoxify it, so it will stay in our fat cells and continue to affect

the body even many years later.”

I explained to her that many times when people eat a healthy diet, but still strug-

gle with health problems, it is because there are still some underlying toxins that have

not been identified and addressed. And once those toxins are addressed, many symp-

toms go away for good.

After doing a 3-month protocol to remove those toxins from her body, Barbara’s

energy improved, her joint pain went away, her anxiety got significantly better, her hair

stopped falling out, her headaches went away, and even her libido came back.

Of course, she was still eating a healthy diet, but the main thing she learned is that

sometimes toxins block optimal health.

Bottom Line: There may be hidden toxins keeping you from experiencing optimal

health, and detoxification could be the key that unlocks your healing potential to another

level of energy and vitality.

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How Toxic Chemicals Affect Your Health

Do you feel fatigued, sluggish, lack mental clarity, have trouble sleeping,

crave junk foods, or just feel toxic? These are just a few of the most common indi-

cators of toxicity.

We are now living in a very toxic time. Our exposure to toxic substances has in-

creased due to environmental pollution, chemicals in our food supply (pesticides, plas-

tics, BPA, Teflon, etc..), and pharmaceutical and recreational drug use. 100,000 new

chemicals have been created since WWII. Of these, only a fraction have been tested for

their safety.

Even in the most pristine places on earth, scientists have found disturbing levels of

man-made chemicals in the wildlife, plants, and water of these areas. They are released

from smokestacks, dumped into oceans, lakes, and rivers….sprayed on food crops, and

used in manufacturing. They are dispersed by the wind, rained down onto soil, taken up

by plants and animals who eat the plants, and then by humans who eat the plants and


There are more than 3,000 chemicals deliberately added to our food and the aver-

age home contains more than 1,000 chemicals (flame retardants on our furnishings,

chemical cleaners, new carpeting, formaldehyde in furniture, etc..).

Because these toxins permeate our air, water, and food, they make their way into

our bodies. The average American now carries a “body burden” of 700 or more synthetic

chemicals. In 2005, the Environmental Working Group tested the umbilical cord blood of


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newborn babies and found over 200 chemicals! The babies were not protected from

these toxins from their mother’s bodies during a critical developmental phase before

birth. They found flame retardants, pesticides, Teflon residues, plastics, chemicals from

fast food packaging, and many more. These chemicals have been linked to cancer, brain

and nervous system disorders, birth defects, and developmental problems.

Let’s look at some individual chemicals for a moment. Phthalates are the main

chemical in plastics that leech into our food from food and beverage packaging. When

you put food into plastic containers and especially when you heat the food in those con-

tainers, the chemicals leech from the plastic and get into our food. Once inside our bod-

ies, phthalates damage hormone receptors, which can cause loss of sex drive, learning

disabilities, hyperactivity, or even cancer.

Dioxins are another man-made compound that is created when we manufacture

plastics, pesticides, and other chemicals. They are a by-product of industrial manufac-

turing. They are one of the most potent causes of cancer known to man. Dioxins dam-

age the liver, thyroid, and the immune system. Studies show that nursing infants can

consume as much as 18 times more dioxin in one year than the maximum “safe” lifetime

dose as recommended by the CDC. Is it any wonder that childhood cancer is the number

one cause of death by disease in children?

Pesticides are one of the most harmful chemicals to the human body because of

the way they damage the nervous system. They are designed to damage the nervous

system of bugs, thereby killing them. That’s how they work. Pesticides are sprayed on

crops, used in schools, office buildings, restaurants, and churches.


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Pesticides are even used directly in homes! I know when I was young, my par-

ents had an exterminator come spray the inside of our home every few months. The bio-

logical half-life of these substances is not days or months, but years. They basically do

not break down, but slowly accumulate in our environment and also in our bodies.

And it is not just chemicals we are exposed to in our environment. Our homes

can be just as toxic! The average new carpet outgases over a dozen chemicals, all of

which can cause disease. Anderson Labs demonstrated just how toxic new carpeting can

be. They placed a little patch of carpet in the bottom of a glass jar with some mice. In

some of the samples, the mice actually died!

Construction materials like paints and wallboard, wallpaper, plywood, pressed

board, and furniture, contain formaldehyde and other toxic compounds. Sofas, mat-

tresses, insulation, and other home furnishings are coated with flame retardant chemi-

cals and pesticides. Air fresheners, cleaning chemicals, bug killers, bleach and fabric sof-

teners, are just a few of the chemicals you will find in your average home. Most people

don’t think that these are toxic. They don’t think they are being exposed to things at

home that are endangering their health.

Chemicals are called endocrine disruptors, meaning they damage the hormone re-

ceptors on our cells. These receptors are meant to receive the hormones produced by

the body, and then send the appropriate signal to the cell- telling it what to do. But the

chemicals have a similar structure to the hormones and can fit exactly in the hormone

receptors just like the hormone does. So what happens is that the hormone cannot get

to the cell receptor site because the chemical is in it’s place. That is why we have so


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hormonal issues nowadays. This can be why taking a supplemental hormone is often in-

effective because it cannot get into the damaged hormone receptor site. These chemi-

cals are hormone mimics that scramble messages and jam signals in our body. This is

one reason why hypothyroidism is rampant in our country. It’s not that we are deficient

in hormones, it’s that we have toxic chemicals blocking their ability to do their job.

By blocking the action of our hormones, these chemicals can cause infertility, fa-

tigue, depression, mood swings, low thyroid function, adrenal issues, memory loss, en-

dometriosis, and loss of libido.

Every chemical we inhale bypasses the liver and is taken directly to the blood-

stream where it has access to every organ of the body. If we put chemicals on our skin,

it goes right into our body and gets into our bloodstream.

Many times I have found certain chemicals to be the trigger in people suffering

from chronic disease. After asking several questions, such as “when did your symptoms

start?” “What was going on in your life at that time?”... they remember bombing their

house for fleas just a few months prior to the onset of their symptoms. Or how as kids

they ran behind a spray truck that sprayed for bugs that came down their street every

week. Suddenly they made the connection of what that truck was spraying and they

were able to understand why their health broke down.


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The Cumulative Effect

Each toxin may not be much by itself …they are measured in parts per billion, and

the safe levels of each one are set by the EPA based on their harmful effects. But are

those levels really safe?

When EPA sets safety limits, they look at each contaminant separately. For ex-

ample, they look at mercury, and set a safe limit, then they look at dioxin, and set a safe

limit. Researchers know what mercury does in the body, and they know what dioxins do

in the body, but what they don’t know is what these chemicals do in combination with

each other in the body. This has not even been researched! So, while we are exposed

minute amounts of each chemical, we have exposure to so many of them, that it adds up

very quickly in reality. It is the grand total of all these in combination with each other

that cause the most damage.

So, in terms of it’s cumulative effect, in this case 1+1 does not equal 2, but more

like 10! Parts per billion of these compounds add up when you are exposed to so many

of them.

The human body was not designed to detoxify all of these foreign chemicals. The

result is that we slowly, stockpile these chemicals in our bodies. Our body detoxifies

what it can, but it can only handle so much.


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The Tipping Point

The body detoxifies these chemicals in our liver. Our liver is like the filter of our

body. It takes whatever we are exposed to and uses an antioxidant called glutathione,

to detoxify it. For each chemical molecule we are exposed to, we use up one molecule of

glutathione to destroy it. It is the most important antioxidant we can have to maintain

our health.

The problem is that when our body uses glutathione to detoxify a chemical mole-

cule, the glutathione used to detoxify it, is used up in the process. That means your

body has to make more, and more. Nowadays, the average person has to detoxify over

500 foreign chemicals a day! We are in an accelerated state of detoxification. This

means that the particular nutrients that the body uses for detoxification are being used

up at a faster rate.

Our liver is working much harder now to keep up with it. And many times it can-

not keep up. It’s just like when you have too much stuff to clean in your house and you

can’t get to it all….you put stuff in the closet, the attic, or the basement. You put stuff

there so you can get to it later when you are not so busy…Well, your liver does the same

thing. There is so much it has to detoxify, that it cannot get to it all, so it will have to

store the toxins in our body instead. It stores them in our fat cells, because they are fat

-soluble. Fat that is both beneath our skin and around our organs. The brain and nerv-

ous system are predominantly made up of fatty acids, so the toxins can also be stored

there, causing many effects from motor impairment to mental confusion. Chemicals that

are stored in our fat cells damage our cellular chemistry. When the body is under stress,

they move from the fat into the bloodstream and can be carried to any organ in the

body. As the toxins start accumulating in our fat cells and as they increase, the body be-


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ins to have symptoms. And eventually, when you are exposed to more than your body

can handle, there is a tipping point in which these toxins begin to cause symptoms and

therefore disease.

So, what happens when your body is low in glutathione or your liver cannot han-

dle the load? Let’s look at an example. If you wear your dry-cleaned clothes to work,

your body will use glutathione to detoxify the trichloroethylene you are exposed to, and

your body may fall behind on synthesizing enough glutathione for later on in the day.

For example, you might be the only person at work to get a headache from the new

paint or carpeting. Because you are low in glutathione, you are not able to detoxify the

fumes as well as your co-workers. You will not have enough to protect you from the

everyday chemicals that damage the body and cause disease.

Because these toxins are in such a high quantity now, they overwhelm our body’s

ability to detoxify them and they slowly accumulate. How high the total body burden

gets, determines how fast we go downhill with disease.

Three things determine how your body responds to this onslaught of toxins:

1. How many toxins you are exposed to

2. How protective your diet is in antioxidants and other nutrients

3. How well your detoxification system (Your liver) works


Page 13: The Pure Vitality · 2016-05-13 · these toxins from their mother’s bodies during a critical developmental phase ©2014 by Becky Mauldin, N.D.

What Can You Do?

I know it can be overwhelming thinking about how many chemicals we have no

control over, but I want you to know that there is a lot you can do to protect your body

and your health from the effect of chemicals. Here are the two things you can do to pro-

tect yourself.

First of all, detoxify your body. This is the first step to start with. The next few

sections of this eBook will give you specific information on exactly how to do that.

Secondly, reduce your exposure to the chemicals you have control over. For exam-

ple, avoid pesticides by eating organic foods, switch to less toxic personal care prod-

ucts, use more natural cleaners in your home, etc…

Before we begin, take the Toxicity Test on the next few pages to give you a gen-

eral idea of your own body burden. How toxic are you?


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Toxicity Test: How Toxic Are You?

Directions: Check the box to indicate YES to the questions that apply:

Do you use plastic containers to store food or drinking water?

Do you eat microwaved foods that come packaged with plastic wrap?

Do you eat mostly non-organic foods?

Do you use deodorants, shampoos, and soaps containing synthetic chemicals?

Do you use after shave lotions or perfumes containing synthetic chemicals?

Do you use cosmetics or hair colorings containing synthetic chemicals?

Do you live or work in an area that has recently installed new carpeting?

Do you use fabric softener?

Do you live or work near agricultural areas that use non-organic production methods?

Do you live or work in an area that has been recently painted?

Are you becoming more sensitive to chemicals or odors that didn’t use to cause you a

problem before?

Do you use artificial sweeteners, such as NutraSweet or Splenda?

Do you eat foods that contain hydrogenated fats such as margarine?

Do you eat “Fat Free” foods or snacks made with fat substitutes?

Do you regularly drink tap water at home or in restaurants?

Do you breathe polluted city air, rather than using air purifiers?

Have you owned several new cars and smelled the ‘new car’ smells?

Do you eat tuna fish more than once a week?

Do you dry clean your clothes at cleaners who use synthetic chemicals?


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Are you often irritable?

Are you a smoker, have you smoked in the past, or lived with smokers?

Do you have difficulty breathing when anxious?

Do you use bug killer products inside your home or have an exterminator spray for pests


Do you often have memory loss or the inability to concentrate?

Do you sometimes feel dizzy?

Do you sometimes have ringing in your ears?

Do you get skin rashes easily?

Do you often get a metallic taste in your mouth?

Is your menstrual cycle often erratic or interrupted?

Do you have hair loss?

Do you sometimes have unexplained numbness?

Do you often feel very fatigued or nauseous?

Does your speech sometimes become slurred, stuttered, or disordered?

Do you have learning disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorder?

Do you have headaches regularly?

Do you have chronic coughing?

Do you stutter or stammer?

Do you have heartburn?

Do you have mood swings regularly?

Do you get depressed for no reason regularly?

Do you have hayfever or seasonal allergies?

Do you have insomnia often?


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Have you been involved in one or more of the following professions or hobbies for more than

6 months? Check all that apply.

Do you eat less than three servings of fruits and vegetables daily?

Do you cook in aluminum cookware or use non-stick cookware?

Do you rarely drink several glasses of filtered water daily?

Are soft drinks one of the main beverages you drink?

Artist, Asbestos Abatement Technicians,

Auto Mechanics, Battery Manufacturers,

Ceramic Manufacturers,

Cosmetic Manufacturers,

Cosmetologists, Dental Assistant,

Dental Lab Workers,


Farmer (Conventional), Physicians,

Diesel Equipment Mechanics, Electronic Assembly Workers,

Electronic Component Manufacturing, Photographers,


Fertilizer Manufacturers, Firemen,

Foundry Workers,

Fiberglass Installers or Manufacturing, Hairdressers,

Hazardous Material Workers, Jewelers,

Laboratory Workers,

Landfill Workers,

Landscapers, Military Workers,


Nail Technicians,

Painters, Pharmaceutical Workers,

Plastic Product Manufacturers, Printers,

Search and Rescue Workers, Smelting Plant Workers,


Tanners, Tattoo Artists,

Truck Mechanics, Waste Handlers


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Do you clean your house with commercial cleaning products containing synthetic chemi-


Do you get less than 30 minutes of exercise daily?

Are your bowel movements irregular?

Do you use herbicides or pesticides on your lawn or garden?

Do you eat fast food, fried foods, or frozen convenience food at least twice a week?

Are you more than 20 pounds overweight?

Have you had cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, high blood pressure condi-

tions treated by pharmaceuticals?

Do you have more than 2 metal fillings in your teeth?

Do you take antibiotics twice or more per year?

Do you take more than one prescription drug per day?

Have you had surgery that used anesthesia?

Do you react to perfumes, smoke, or other chemicals that don’t seem to bother most

other people?

Do you use household air fresheners or plug-ins?

Total number of boxes checked: _______________

Your total number determines your relative toxicity level. Please note that this is not a sci-

entific test or health evaluation. It simply suggests the possible extent to which you carry

a body burden of chemicals.

Score: 1-15 Mildly Toxic

16-28 Generally Toxic

29-45 Very Toxic

46-65 Severely Toxic


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Can I Detox?

Now that you’ve gotten a good idea of your own body burden, it’s time to evaluate

your current level of health to see if you can detoxify your body. In the chart below, you

will see the 5 different levels of health.

People in levels 1-4 can detoxify their body with the methods in this program. For

those in levels 3 and 4, just know that the longer you have been chronically sick, and the

higher the level of toxins in your body, the more detoxification it will take to bring your

body back to health. People in level 4 should detox under the supervision of a practitioner.


Health Indicators









Needs Help


Needs Medical




Robust health,

No symptoms

Good, some


Several symp-


Barely able to

get through day

System in


Energy Level Plenty Fair Some fatigue Fatigue most of


Cannot restore



Excellent Good Avoids physical


None Survival issues



Alert and


Good Some brain fog Severe brain fog Unaware



Balanced and


Good Others notice

emotional prob-


Focused mostly

on the negative





Mildly toxic Generally Toxic Moderately


Very toxic Severely toxic

The Five Levels of Health

Adapted from the Great Cleanse Lifestyle Journal by Dana Kuebler

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How to Detox

What is the best way to detoxify the body?


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Which Detox is Best? Juice fasting, colon cleansing, chelation therapy, raw food diets, the Master

Cleanse, Epsom salt baths, fasting, footbaths, etc…. There is a lot of different ways to

detox, so it’s no wonder people are confused! What’s really the best way to detox the

body? The truth is that some cleanses work and other don’t. Some are hard on the

body and others are gentle, yet effective. Let’s look at a few of them.

Some cleanses are only focused on certain areas of the body. For example, colon

cleanses are single organ cleanses and are great if you have had chronic constipation,

but they will not address toxins in your fatty tissues. In the same way, a liver flush will

only cleanse the liver. These cleanses have their place, but as you will see soon, they

are meant to be a part of a bigger detoxification of the entire body.

Unfortunately, water fasting and cleanses that involve maple syrup, lemon juice

and cayenne pepper do not provide enough nutrients to give the body the support it

needs to detox, and can actually cause more harm than good. Raw foods and juice

fasts are better because they provide more nutrients to support the body, while allowing

the body to start to release toxins. They improve the digestive system and immune

system and while they certainly detoxify the body to a certain extent, they are not as

good at pulling chemical toxins in our fat cells out of the body.

Ionic footbaths are a new fad in alternative health and only offer a limited detox, if

any, to the body. I’ve yet to see published research that supports the claims that are

made by the manufacturers of these units. I personally have tried them and have not

seen lasting benefits from these footbaths and do not recommend them to my clients.

Read on to discover the best way to detoxify the entire body!


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Step #1: Detox Your Colon

In order to detoxify your body successfully, the first you need to do is make sure

your body is able to move the toxins out effectively. It makes no sense to do a cleanse if

the toxins can’t get out! You would not believe how many people make this big mistake!

Why is this important? Imagine what would happen if you decided not to take

the garbage out of your house. Your house would fill up with garbage, things would start

to putrefy, and your house would become an unhealthy place to live!

If your large intestine is clogged with waste you are not eliminating, it is just like

you not taking the garbage out of your house: Your house/body will become unhealthy

and you will reabsorb toxins that were meant to be eliminated. There is no possible way

you can achieve good health if this first thing is not addressed. Every successful natural

healer focused on this area of the body before anything else! They knew if the bowel was

not healthy, the body COULDN’T be healthy. Nothing in your body can heal or rebuild you

are reabsorbing toxic waste through the colon.

Most people don’t really like talking about this subject, so you may not know what

good bowel habits are. You are supposed to have a bowel movement 2-3 x a day. If

you watch animals, that is what they do. And babies have their diapers changed after

every meal. But somewhere along the way, we got busy with other things that were

more important and didn’t recognize that good elimination is THE most important thing in

maintaining our health.

When we eat processed foods that are hard for the body to break down, they stay

in the digestive tract for a long time. What happens over a lifetime of eating processed,


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hard to digest foods? Because they take so long to be digested, a major backlog devel-

ops, turning a healthy digestive tract into an unhealthy system where bad bacteria can

thrive and all of your eliminative channels slow down. This leads straight to chronic con-


We put so much effort into cleaning the outside of our bodies, but what about the

inside? Our skin will never be healthy, our liver will never be healthy, our bloodstream

will never be clean until the large intestine is clean. Every cell in your body becomes as

toxic as the condition of the intestines.

A toxic, under-functioning bowel can also cause weight gain around your abdo-

men, which is right where the colon is. People have lost POUNDS of weight with just

cleaning out their bowel with colonics!! One client had an area in her abdomen that she

thought was just fat, but when she got up from the colonic table one day, it was gone!

Her stomach was flat in that area! She sure was happy about that!

You will do this for the first and second week of the program while on the juice flush.

How to Detox the Colon Choose the one YOU need:

A gentle nudge: Use Colon Clear by Energetix, take 1-2 at dinner

Gotta get things moving: OxyPowder, start with 4 at bedtime

Roto-Rooter: Colonics, start with a series of colonics


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Step #2: Support Your Liver

Why is this important? Your liver is working OVERTIME to help your body detox-

ify itself! Any support you give it will be much appreciated! Keeping your liver happy will

help keep the rest of your body happy!

How to Support the Liver

Take one of these:

Pure Body Clear by Energetix, take 3 twice a day

Phosphatidyl Choline, such as PPC by Nutrisal

Milk Thistle Extract (Silymarin) or Dandelion Root

R-Lipoic Acid

Avoid these things that harm the liver:

Pharmaceutical drugs

Recreational drugs


Fried Foods

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Aspartame and other food additives


Heavy Metals

Strong negative emotions


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Step #3: Full Body Detox

Now that your body is able to eliminate toxins from your colon, and your liver is

supported, the next step is to get those toxins out of your fat cells!

There are two ways you can do that:


Far-Infrared Sauna

Because not everyone has access to or can use a sauna, there are certain supple-

ments that can remove toxins from the body simply and easily. This is a good option for

anyone who cannot handle the heat of a sauna.

The two supplements that I have seen work well for this are:



I’ve given you two options to use in case you cannot do one of them. Acetyl-

Glutathione is a unique form of glutathione that gets into your cells better than other

forms of glutathione and will help detoxify the body. I’ve seen dramatic results with this

form of glutathione!

Zeolite is a natural mineral that binds with toxins in your body and helps eliminate

them. This supplement is safe for babies and children and even pregnant women to take.

Just start out with a lower dosage for children (1-3 drops).

Taken for several months, these will help lower your body burden and restore health.


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Sauna Detoxification

My favorite way to detoxify the entire body of fat-soluble toxins is with a far-

infrared sauna. This type of sauna operates at a lower temperature than most other sau-

nas, so it is more comfortable and easier on the body. It has been proven to remove

more of the fat-soluble toxins from the body than other types of saunas.

Because it utilizes the skin as an organ to eliminate the toxins, it is a gentle way to

detoxify the body because it takes the stress off of the liver and kidneys, which are al-

ready overworked when someone is toxic.

A sauna is an incredible tool for health and has been used in many cultures around

the world for maintaining health. Using a sauna regularly will enable your body to stay

well amidst a toxic environment. Find a sauna in your area to use regularly, or invest in

your own sauna that you and your family can use for years to come.

There are many different brands of saunas, and you need to make sure you are not

using a sauna made from toxic materials. Far-infrared saunas are better than other

types of heating emitters and enable the body to release more fat soluble toxins.

Here are some brands to consider:

Heavenly Heat

High Tech Health

Vital Saunas


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Sauna Detox: What You Need

Because you sweat out the toxins along with the good minerals in your body, it is

important to replace the minerals that are lost in sweat. A good multivitamin and trace

mineral supplement is mandatory if you are using a sauna regularly.

Be sure to have:

Multivitamin/mineral: Food-based supplements are best. We like Life Essence

Multi by Pure Essence Labs, or RUSH liquid Multi by SunWarrior.

Trace Minerals: To make up what is lost in sweat, it’s important to take a trace

mineral supplement. We love Liquid Light by Sun Warrior.

Electrolytes: Sodium and Potassium are the first 2 minerals lost in sweat. If you

don’t replace them, you will get symptoms of a deficiency. Electromix with a pinch of

sea salt works well. Or you can use sea salt and potassium tablets.

Toxin Binders: While the toxins are being released, the last thing

you want is to reabsorb them! Taking chlorella or other green foods

will help bind with toxins and enable them to be eliminated rather than

reabsorbed. Activated charcoal is another thing you can use.

Antioxidants: Acetyl– Glutathione, Vitamin C, or R-Lipoic Acid are

great for supporting the body during a sauna detox.

Fresh Vegetable Juices: Drinking freshly made organic vegeta-

ble juice while in a sauna is a powerful way to enhance the detox while

in a sauna. Make it right before getting in the sauna and you will in-

fuse your cells with extra nutrition while your cells dump the toxins!


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The Healing Crisis As you move forward into detoxifying your body, you might find times when you

might feel temporarily worse. Don’t worry, it’s just temporary. When you start giving

your body the support it needs, it will start to clean out the old stuff that has accumulated

over the years and rebuild your body from a cellular level. And for some of us, it is not

just a deep cleaning, but more like a remodeling!! While this remodeling is happening,

you may feel some temporary symptoms which come from this cleaning out proc-

ess. Some healthcare practitioners call this a “healing crisis”.

A healing crisis is a short, temporary detoxification process that usually only lasts a

few hours or a few days. These symptoms don’t usually resemble sickness, such as a

sore throat or a fever, but rather will typically be a flare up of your typical symptoms that

you have experienced in the past. Your body is taking the time to deal with those areas

of your body that need to be healed. When it is over, you will feel even better than be-

fore it began. Your health will have reached a higher level. If your symptoms continue

and you do not start to feel better, it is not a healing crisis. You could just be sick or re-

acting to something. Stop and seek the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Just as it takes effort to renovate a house, so it is when you renovate your

body. You didn’t get this way overnight, so it will take several months to get better.

Botox and plastic surgery are just like painting over the same old walls, while the overall

structure is breaking down. It’s like putting a nice façade over the front of a house that

needs serious work. But detox renovates your body from the inside out. Arteries and

veins can become clear, the skin can become more youthful looking, excess weight can

drop off, and your energy level can increase. You will be transforming your body from the

inside out! You can even begin to look younger and reverse the aging process! How cool

is that!


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How to Use a Sauna

Cautions: Before starting to cleanse in a sauna, you must have had 6 or more hours of sleep the night be-

fore. You must be eating well, a minimum of 3 healthy meals per day, not skipping meals. The sauna must

be in a clean, toxin-free, mold-free environment.

People with these conditions should NOT use a sauna: pregnancy, heart disease, high blood pressure, lym-

phoma, lupus, organ or bone marrow transplant recipients, anyone with a fever or an infection, people with

a history of heavy recreational drug use, or people with a heat intolerance.

Journal: You must be sure to document all physical and mental symptoms on your

form every day you use a sauna. See page 28 for your sauna journal.

Turn on sauna to preheat. Start out a lower temperature, then after a few times of

using it, you can slowly increase as you increase in tolerance.

Make 16-20 ounces of green vegetable juice or have it already made up and wait-

ing in the refrigerator. Have extra filtered water on hand.

Do light exercise if possible. This will help to mobilize toxins from the fat cells.

Get into the sauna with your juice and/or water in hand so you can drink it. And

take your multi-vitamin and trace minerals now.

Stay in sauna for about 25-30 minutes. ** If you get too hot, lightheaded, faint,

weakness, muscle cramps, or your heart starts beating hard, get out of the sauna and turn

down the temperature of the sauna. Drink water and take some electrolytes. If you get nau-

seous, take some cell salts. Lie down until this passes. Don’t get back in the sauna until the

next day or until approved to continue using the sauna by a practitioner. **

Take a 10-15 minute break. Notice how you feel.


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Get back into the sauna for another 25-30 minutes. You should be drinking at

least 20 ounces of water or vegetable juice each time you are in the sauna. Keep sip-

ping even if you are not thirsty.

Get out of the sauna, cool off, and take your electrolytes: sea salt and potassium

tablets- 2 of each or more if you sweat a lot. Or 1 packet of ElectroMix and sea salt in

a glass of water. Be sure to take extra calcium and magnesium if you sauna 2

times a week or more.

Cool down a bit and then take a cool shower before doing anything else. Even

though you cannot see it, there are toxins in your sweat that should be washed off of

your skin so that they are not reabsorbed.

Take your toxin binders now: Activated charcoal, bentonite clay or Chlorella to help

bind with any toxins in your digestive tract.

Write down any symptoms or feelings you noticed and if you feel better, the same, or

worse after you used the sauna today. Use the form on the next page for document-

ing your sauna experiences.

Sauna Mainteniance

Using a wet washcloth, wipe the interior of the sauna regularly to maintain cleanliness

and remove any residue of toxins.

Be sure to cover all surfaces of the sauna with clean towels that are laundered with

only natural, fragrance free detergents after each use of the sauna. Pillows can be

placed underneath the towels for a comfortable cushion to sit on.


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Sauna Cleanse Log Copy this page and use to document your progress Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: _____________ Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______ Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________ Sauna 1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________ 2nd cycle: _____ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________ After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today? Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: ______________ Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______ Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________ Sauna 1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________ 2nd cycle: _____ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________ After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today? Day #: ____ Date: _________ Current symptoms: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sleep: Hours slept last night: _____ Feel rested?: _______ Supplements taken?: ______________ Vitals: Weight: ______ Blood Pressure:________ Pulse: ______ Exercise: Type:_________________ How long? _______ Symptoms?_______________________ Sauna 1st cycle: ______ minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________ 2nd cycle: ______minutes. Symptoms noticed? __________________________________________ After sauna: Circle one: Do you feel: Better? The same? Worse? than when you started today?


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Detox Your Home

Is Your Home Healthy?


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Healthy Home Checklist

Your home should be a healthy place to live, but sometimes it is a source of toxic chemical

exposure. Use this checklist to check your house for possible sources of toxins and discover

safer, natural alternatives.


Do you cook with non-stick cookware?

The Teflon-coating on non-stick cookware releases toxic compounds when heated.

Solution: Replace it with stainless steel, enameled cast iron, or glass.

Do you use aluminum foil or aluminum pots or pans in contact with food

in cooking or food storage? Aluminum is a heavy metal that is toxic to the body. Solution: Use parchment paper or wax paper.

Do you use plastic containers to store food or water?

Food stored or heated in plastic contains toxic compounds that cause health prob- lems. Solution: Store food and water in glass containers instead.

Do you filter your tap water that you drink or use in cooking?

Tap water contains trace levels of heavy metals, environmental chemicals, drug

residues, etc. Solution: Use a water filter and replace the filter as necessary.

Any canned food in your pantry?

Fresh or frozen food is preferable to canned because most cans contain metal and/ or bisphenol-A, which leaches into the food. Solution: Use food canned in glass.

Do you eat tuna fish regularly?

Tuna is high in mercury, one of the most toxic compounds known to man. Solution: Eat salmon and other wild-caught fish instead.

Do you use a microwave?

Microwaves produce radiation and cause molecular changes in the food that is

harmful to the body. Solution: Use a toaster oven or the stovetop to reheat or cook foods.


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BATHROOM Ž Do you use air fresheners or scented candles?

Don’t!! Air fresheners contain many toxic chemicals that contaminate the air you breathe with man-made chemicals. Solution: Natural essential oils can be diffused for both a pleasant aroma as well as health benefits!

Do you use lotions, cosmetics, deodorants, shampoos, or soaps containing syn

thetic chemicals or fragrances? Solution: Use fragrance-free products that contain natural ingredients only.

Do you use toothpaste with fluoride?

Flouride is toxic if swallowed.

Solution: Buy fluoride-free toothpaste, especially for kids. LAUNDRY & CLEANING SUPPLIES Ž Are your cleaners safe?

Avoid the chemicals from cleaning supplies by switching to natural alternatives, such as Seventh Generation. Solution: Most things can be cleaned with non-toxic ingredients: vinegar, baking soda, a HEPA vacuum, and microfiber mops and cloths. Use hydrogen peroxide in stead of bleach.

Do you use static-free dryer sheets?

The fragrance and chemicals are very toxic. Solution: Use a non-toxic dryer ball instead.


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ALL AROUND THE HOUSE Ž Do you use pesticides or insecticides?

Pesticides are highly toxic and should not be used inside a home. Solution: non-toxic alternatives that use essential oils, boric acid, and herbs.

Do you have carpeting?

Carpet is not healthy for two reasons: First because of the large amount of toxic

chemicals that off-gas from new carpeting. And second, due to the fact that it har- bors dust, dander, and other potential allergens. It cannot be cleaned thoroughly. Solution: Hard floor surfaces are much healthier alternatives.

Do you have wireless devices or a wireless router or a Smart meter?

Wireless devices transmit radio frequency radiation continuously. This continual

exposure can cause health problems, such as insomnia, adrenal fatigue, etc. Solution: Switch to a wired router and use corded phones for the safest alterna- tive. Or turn off wireless devices at night for better sleep. Stay 15 feet from routers and other sources of wireless radiation. Smart meters transmit wifi as well and this radiation can be blocked with a shield. See our website for details.

Do you use compact fluorescent light bulbs?

They contain mercury and should be handled and disposed of safely. Broken bulbs can be a health hazard so be sure to clean up properly. Solution: Use incandescent or halogen bulbs instead.

Do any areas of your house have visible mold or a musty smell?

Mold can cause many, many health problems and can be a serious hazard. Base- ments, crawlspaces, hot water heaters, areas underneath sinks, and the HVAC system are all places to check for mold. Solution: Contact Pure Vitality for a safe mold remediation protocol.

Do you change the filter on your HVAC system regularly?

Change your filter every 4-6 months.


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The Pure Body Detox Course is the perfect deep dive training on the best detoxifica-

tion practices today. You will learn everything you need to know to become an expert.

See for more information.

The Great Cleanse Lifestyle Journal by Dana Kuebler, ND is an excellent book on

sauna detoxification by my mentor and friend. Dana’s book is helpful for journaling

your own cleanse and includes recipes to help support detox.

Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rodgers MD is one of the most detailed books on cleansing

and detoxification by a medical doctor. She documents how the toxins affect various

systems of the body, leading to disease.

The Detox Solution by Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald is a very good book on overall detoxifi-

cation and the need for a healthy lifestyle. She provides practical ways to help clean

up your own home and environment of toxic substances and includes detox from

stress and emotional toxins as well.

The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy by Nenah Sylver is one of the most com-

prehensive books on the therapeutic use of sauna. It explains various types of saunas,

how to best use a sauna, and is a wealth of knowledge on this topic.

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Want To Learn More?

I’m guessing you are ready to say goodbye to those toxins in your fat cells and

make detoxification part of your healthy routine. I’ve shared as much as I can with you

in this ebook, but there so much more you can learn about detoxification, such as how to

customize it for your health condition, how to detox children, etc.

The thing is...that I want you to have even more. If you are ready to master

detoxification to get yourself well, I want to tell you about the Pure Body Detox Course.

You will get to EXPERT level quickly, as you learn to:

Dive deeper with 7 online video lessons as I walk you through this information in much

more detail so you can become an expert in detoxification

Discover how toxins affect the body and where they are hiding

Customize your detox protocol to your unique health condition

Get the exact 5-step healing template I use in my wellness center to reverse disease

Learn which type of sauna is best in our Sauna Buying Guide

Get recipes for non-toxic skincare products you can make at home

Get a copy of the Vibrant Health cookbook for simple, tasty recipes

Are you ready to take control of your health and experience more energy and vital-

ity? Go to to learn more!

Be well,

Becky Mauldin, ND