the power of cell vision

THE POWER OF A VISION GENESIS 12:2 I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a  blessing. When God created the world and made man in it, He did it guided by his incomparable and inimitable creating ability. He first had a vision of what he wanted to establish for creation; it helped him to reach the purpose of his heart: “We are God´s workmanship.” (Ephesians 2:10) God wants to make a great nation out of each individual, that they may multiply in all areas and win souls for his kingdom. The nation will be as big as each individual sees it. If I see a thousand people, I will have the anointing for a thousand; but if I see multitudes, I will get multitudes. Bless them: The  blessing is received first; then, it is shared so others might be blessed. 1. WHAT IS A VISION? It is God´s idea revealed to mankind´s mind so they may carry it out. On the way to success and through Bible history, we see that God chooses a man to whom he reveals his will and shows him his  plans so his purpose might be carried out. Then, God surrounds him with similar people who decide to support him in everything he sets about, becoming the strength that thrusts the vision. The concept of a vision has been dealt with since the beginning of creation: It is God´s own idea the one that caused everything to work, including his masterpiece: Mankind. “Then God said, ´Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.´” (Genesis 1:26) 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF A VISION GIVEN BY GOD Generally speaking, a vision given by God has several aspects: • A sound motivation • Purity • It contributes to the spiritual and social well-being of the community. • It does not bring glory to self, but to God • It leads us to glorifying Jesus Christ A. It is the motivating strength of great leaders God´s vision is what makes winners. A successful leader is concerned to know what is the Lord´s  plan for their lives and makes all their abilities available to carry it out. Success is obtained when an individual decides to be careful about their thoughts and strives to have the mind of Christ. (Philippians 4:8) B. Power that brings life A vision means staying in the spiritual realm, where one is to observe what is desired in the natural realm. That is the only way to see things through God´s eyes and confess what is not as if it were. Just like it happpened to the prophet Ezekiel when he had the vision of the valley of dry bones: It is required to understand that the only way to have a special change on somebody´s life and whatever they intend to do, it is through God´s intervention (Ezekiel 37:1-9) C. It could be reproduced by a successful leader 

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I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a


When God created the world and made man in it, He did it guided by his incomparable and inimitablecreating ability. He first had a vision of what he wanted to establish for creation; it helped him to

reach the purpose of his heart: “We are God´s workmanship.” (Ephesians 2:10)

God wants to make a great nation out of each individual, that they may multiply in all areas and win

souls for his kingdom. The nation will be as big as each individual sees it. If I see a thousand people,

I will have the anointing for a thousand; but if I see multitudes, I will get multitudes. Bless them: The

 blessing is received first; then, it is shared so others might be blessed.


It is God´s idea revealed to mankind´s mind so they may carry it out. On the way to success andthrough Bible history, we see that God chooses a man to whom he reveals his will and shows him his

 plans so his purpose might be carried out. Then, God surrounds him with similar people who decide

to support him in everything he sets about, becoming the strength that thrusts the vision.

The concept of a vision has been dealt with since the beginning of creation: It is God´s own idea the

one that caused everything to work, including his masterpiece: Mankind. “Then God said, ´Let us

make man in our image, in our likeness.´” (Genesis 1:26)


Generally speaking, a vision given by God has several aspects:• A sound motivation

• Purity

• It contributes to the spiritual and social well-being of the community.

• It does not bring glory to self, but to God

• It leads us to glorifying Jesus Christ

A. It is the motivating strength of great leaders

God´s vision is what makes winners. A successful leader is concerned to know what is the Lord´s

 plan for their lives and makes all their abilities available to carry it out.

Success is obtained when an individual decides to be careful about their thoughts and strives to have

the mind of Christ. (Philippians 4:8)

B. Power that brings life

A vision means staying in the spiritual realm, where one is to observe what is desired in the natural

realm. That is the only way to see things through God´s eyes and confess what is not as if it were.

Just like it happpened to the prophet Ezekiel when he had the vision of the valley of dry bones: It is

required to understand that the only way to have a special change on somebody´s life and whatever they intend to do, it is through God´s intervention (Ezekiel 37:1-9)

C. It could be reproduced by a successful leader 

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The vision Jesus Christ had was to redeem mankind from a definite condemnation. There is nor was

any other hope for mankind except through Him. Jesus had the vision to save us by paying a very

high price: the shedding of his blood and dying on the cross.

Our task is adopting this vision and reproduce it into others, sharing the message of salvation

(Proverbs 24:11; Habakkuk 2:2,3)


a. We must accept the vision by faith: In God´s vision, human logic does not prevail; God´s does. It

will be fulfilled with the Holy Spirit´s intervention. (Luke 1:28-35)

 b. The leader is the key: The vision must become rhema in the leader; they must understand it. They

must deepen in it and must lead it. Whatever the leader does, the rest will follow after. A leader must

 be sensitive to God´s voice: Every leader must know how to learn to hear God´s voice. This means a

greater degree of commitment in prayer; a high level of holiness, and letting the Holy Spirit be the

one who takes control of their lives.

c. The individual must be totally and not partially obedient: “Come out of tradition”. He is not saying,

“leave 90% of tradition and stay with the rest. Genesis 12:1-5. Abraham did not fully obeyed: he left

all his family but took Lot along with him. The whole time Abraham was with him, he could not see

the vision because the veil would always cover his eyes. If you do not fully obey, that which you have

accepted has become a veil to your life and your ministry.

d. A leader must have a pure heart: By the power of the Holy Spirit they can heal the deep wounds

there are in the heart of people. That is why Abraham knew God as El Shaddai, “the Almighty”: its

root “Shad” means ´chest´, refering to a mother´s bosom. In this revelation, God is healing Abrahams

´s heart because he is saying, “Abraham, your father failed you, but I am the one who never fails:

there is nothing impossible for me.

“There is something more powerful that the armies of the world: An idea of which time has come”

(Victor Hugo)

Bibliography: Book, Doctrine 2 – First Lesson

Preach the Power of a Vision. Pastor Cesar Castellanos

Book, Ladder of Success


Habakkuk 2:2-3

“Then the Lord replied: ´Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may

run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.

Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.”

The Lord gives the prophet Habakkuk a prophetic word saying that for the end times, the vision

would become clear and run really quick. What vision is the Lord referring to? He is referring to the

vision of the governing of the twelve.

In the Bible, numbers have a very special meaning: Seven is the perfect number; six is the number of 

the adversary; five is the number of the universe and the world; four is the number of the earth; threetalks about the trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It also talks about the past, present,

and future. Ten talks about redemption; and twelve, talks about government: twelve months to rule

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over a year; twelve hours to rule over the two periods of a day; twelve tribes to rule the people of 


When the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world, he said something: “I will build my church.” The

Lord came to have a church with people, and he established that foundation with the twelve apostles.

Jesus focused himself on forming twelve men having as a mission reproducing his character into

them; and through his teachings, he cleased them. They became the pillars which most of the

Christian faith would rely on. Ephesians 2:20 says, “Built on the foundation of the apostles and

 prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”

Why is it important the concept of the governing of the twelve? Where there is leadership, there must

 be a successor. If the Lord´s life would had only focused on preaching to the multitudes and not on

what he did, he would not have reproduced his vision into other people. Christianty would possibly

have come to an end from the very beginning.

The book of Jeremiah 31:33 says that God was going to do something new. What would that be? “I

will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts”. The vision of the twelve is the law of 

God; it is something you grasp in the spirit. It goes farther than what is operational because it is a

spiritual concept where the finger of God must write the vision in our own hearts and not on anytablet.

What did the Lord do so the vision of the twelve might have some shape? The vision is in people, and

the Holy Spirit is the one giving its shape; He makes it beautiful and attractive, and have it unfolded

in an organized and strategic way. The same Holy Spirit would lead us to work on the following


1. The individual´s character: A leader knowledgeable of the word but lacking character, is as

dangerous as giving a fire arm to a child. The first thing one must do is to work out the foundation.

The building will stand with a good foundation; but if not, it will fall at any moment. We find leaders

who are knowledgeabe of the word, master the Old and New Testament, and master the differenttheological and eschatological concepts. But many of them have not worked on their character.

Before telling them to go and win the nations, the first thing the Lord did with his twelve was the

 building of character into them When did He give them responsabilities? When the Lord saw in them

that character was built. And he said to them “now go and make disciples of all nations”.

2. Developing Faith: Now, for somebody to work the vision they must enter the dimension of faith.

You may remember when the Lord takes the prophet Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones and says to him,

“Can these bones live?” Ezekiel looks disappointed and says, “Lord, you alone know; I do not”. How

many times do we look at our city, our nation, and the people and we see a valley of dry bones?

People who do not want to be commited; who are dead in their sins, and when the Lord says, “Can

these dry bones live?” you say,´Lord, you know; I leave this only to your will. When you win people,you must see them through the eyes of faith, as if the Lord would see them.

3. Reject your past life: Luke 14:26 says that even if people feel that affection bond and it has priority

over Jesus´ love, that individual is not worthy to follow Him. That is to say, discipleship has priority

over: Filial affection; the love of parents, children, and spouce. The commitment towards Jesus is

above them all.

4. Daily self-denial: Luke 14:27. Whoever wants to serve the Lord must take their cross and folllow

him daily. It is referred specifically that we must take our mind, feelings, desires, selves, and our 

flesh to the cross and crucify it together with Christ. Paul said, “I die daily”; we are living in a body

with desires and passions.

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5. Perseverance: Luke 14:28 talks about a man who wants to build a tower: he has to have a budget to

finish it. He must not start something without finishing it and then abandon the work. Every believer 

must know that their commitment with Christ is until the end.

6. Trained in spiritual warfare: People say that a king must examine the enemy´s counterattack: We

are kings and priests and must know that we are fighting against the prince of this world; the ruler of 

the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. It is important to

have an army of warriors that help and back us up in prayer. For that reason, it is essential that every

church has an interceding team protecting themselves in prayer.

I thought and said, “Well, this is something God gave us; it is our formula. Coca-cola has its formula

and it is not revealed to anyone. They expand it throughout the world. I have my formula and what

we are going to do with our own is expanding it throughout the world.” But God spoke to me and told

me, “Son, this is not Coca-cola; this is a vision that comes from my spirit and I want you to be

generous with it: teach it.” For that reason, you may notice that we teach with an open heart, as if you

were our own children; for we want the gospel of Christ to be spread and his Name be glorified.




Pastor Cesar Castellanos Dominguez



God speaks to us in his word about the birth of the early church, narrating the events that took place

at Cornelius´ home, a gentile who gathered all his relatives, friends, and acquaintances to hear the

gospel through Peter. From that moment on, homes became in propitious places for the spreading of 

the message of Christ and even for the working of miracles in the name of Jesus; strengthening the

 body of Christ and propagating his word into all the world.

God has given us a vision in which the work at homes(home cell vision) is emphasized as a basic

strategy to reach multitudes for Christ. This vision is part of the anointing of multiplication given to

the church today.


a. The church´s success is at home cells

Insofar as the church assumes the home cell vision and presses on to carry it out, success will become

obvious within the congregation, and it will be reflected on the spiritual and numerical growth. The

home cell vision makes easy the formation and training of disciples that would be in charge of 

spreading the message of Christ into all places of the earth.

 b. Home cells allow a one-to-one feeding of sound doctrine

Jesus was always concerned about getting to the need of each person and he developed his ministry

 by being with people; without limiting himself to a particular place (Mark 6:34). The cell vision

allows us to work in the same way Jesus did, even the most simple believer can gather his family; and

the home cell leader can carry out his ministrying directly with each person.

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The pastoral task is made easier when all the work does not fall under one person. When a pastor is

able to have the church involved in the home cell task, the results would be more effective and each

memeber of the congregation would always feel they are taken care of.

c. Home cells are little groups that strengthen the church

The evangelistic task is done within a home cell, since new people are invited weekly and are won for 

Christ. The new believer is edified through the teaching of the Word so they would become useful

instruments for the work of God.

d. Home cells are a way to supply everybody´s needs

The members of each congregation not only have spiritual and emotional needs in nature, but also

material. Home meetings contribute to their supplying of needs just as it happened in the early

church. (Acts 2:44-47)

e. Home cells are a source of information for the twelve

The multiplying strategy, which is done parallel to that of the home cells, is made up of groups of 

twelve people, and it is founded on the model of Jesus who chose twelve disciples to carry out hisministry.

Home cells are an effective formation source and selection of our teams of twelve people; that is to

say, of people that get together weekly at a house, office, or any other place, choosing on those who

are more successful, bearing fruit, and propose them to be part of the basic team of leaders that would

support us in ministry. (Luke 6:12-17)


1. There must be excellence of life: The presence of God must be in it; it

must be a river of living water and the word must be sincerely and faithfullytransmitted (2 Corinthians 2:17).

2. It must be strength of transforming power: Every home cell must tend

toward the change of life for each one of its members. (Acts 26:16-18)

3. It must have power to enter any society group: Home cells must reach

thousands of people for Christ no matter their race, social, or intelectual

condition. God shows no partiality (Acts 10:4).

4. It must have influence for the change in values: Restate the present values in families. This means

going back to God´s essence itself and of his word as a source of life.

5. It must give service to the community: Service of basic needs: peace,

respect, harmony, healing, and deliverance.

6. It opens the door so our relatives be saved. (Acts 10)

7. It allows each person to be familiar with leadership: This way each

member of the home cell is involved in the congregation. (Matthew 9:10)

8. It gives the opportunity to receive the touch of God. (Luke 5:19-20)

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Doctrine 2 School of Leaders Book 

Ladder of Success book 

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“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every

nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were

wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”

Revelation 7:9

Faith, the Word, and the preaching are the greatest blessings given by the Lord so we could establish

the vision. The vision of the group of twelve is the tool God has given this world to bring revival.

God has been preparing his church for ages for this moment, and He has awaken the desire in the

hearts of pastors and Christian leaders to spread the Gospel. They are aware this must be done in a

diligent, strategic, and efficient way.

We have authority when we establish the group of twelve; but when we establish 144 disciples, we

have a conquest. The most difficult stage is that of establishing the group of twelve: it requires more

spiritual warfare, since we have to face enemy powers that are in the air. We know that upon

establishing the group of 144, we will grow in numbers. But we must start following the steps so thevision of the group of twelve be in our hearts and this way, we could grow in numbers.

This is why we must have in mind the following aspects to establish the vision:

1. WE MUST GIVE BIRTH TO THE VISION (Ecclesiastes 11:5)

In the same way a baby in their mother´s womb cannot be seen, eventhough that creature is being

formed, that is how the work of God works: in the natural realm, things are not seen apparently; but

in the spiritual realm, they are being formed.

When babies are born, they cannot see clearly during their first eight days. In other words, their sight

has not been developed. Think about this: First, we are born; then, we are able to see. It is not theopposite. When a baby open their eyes, the first thing they see is light. The same happens with the

vision: First, we see the light of revelation, where it becomes clear in our minds. The Scriptures are

revealed to us and we delight ourselves when we find out the vision is found all throughout the Bible.

Just like we had to make a confession to become Christians, we also need it for the vision. Whoever 

takes this step, God would start having communion with each one and He causes ministries to grow.


There have been revival breakthrough throughout history, but there has never been world revival after 

apostolic age. Why is this? Because there is a spirit of selfishness, and everyone worries about

 building their own kingdom instead of God´s. We have gone through leadership crisis for a long time

where priorities have been changed and we have not made an effort to establish the house of God

throughout the nations. This is why it stopped raining and there had not been any growth in the

ministry. We are going through revival times, but it is essential that we as pastors and leaders think 

about our priorities and work toward establishing God´s kingdom on earth.


Before we grasp the vision in our minds, it must be understood in our hearts; this breaks the

traditional style of leadership: to focus on one individual. When we understand the vision, an

opportunity is given to whoever has gone through a restoration and training process of being part of a

work team.

It all starts with giving birth to the vision, grow in it, and fall in love with it because we can see it. If 

you are able to understand the vision in your heart, you will be able to see it and love it; it is difficult

to love that which you have not seen.

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We must start an environment of growth so the vision unfolds and the winning and making of 

disciples become natural.


The Lord Jesus Christ gave us the best example of team work when he established a group of twelve

men who he trained, reproducing his character in them so they would be his helpers on earth.

Working as a team, specially within the church, makes growth easy; it allows a variety of tasks to be

done in the same body with the same objective.

When you work as a team, the following happens:

- It is a shared effort

- Continuation of God´s work is guaranteed

- Our labor will not stop

- Motivation lasts

- Growing in numbers is faster 

- People´s gifts and abilities are worthy of appraisal


God called and blessed the first married couple. He prepared a woman as a companion, and then

 joined them in marriage. Thanks to this, children were born. What happens in the natural realm so

does in the spiritual. If men do not involve women, there will not be growth; this is the result of team





MOLDED AND BROKEN LIVES”Pastor Cesar Castellanos DominguezBibliography: 144 Disciples: Key to Growing in Numbers. By Pastor Cesar 




The profetic word given on february 1983 for 45 minutes said: “Dream, because dreams are the

lenguage of the Spirit. The church that you will pastor will be so numerous as the starts of the sky, or 

the sand of the sea. You are not going to be able to count the multitudes.

(Genesis 12:2) “...”

THE VISION: To win souls and make disciples in Colombia and in all the world, through the celular 

sistem and the model of the twelve.

OBJETIVE/GOAL/TARGET: To make out of each believer a leader, applying the strategic process

that facilitates the solid and ..... multiplication

STRATEGIC PROCESS: The ladder of success. Four stages that each believers goes through. Four 

stages that guarantee the possitioning of the person as a leader, until he becomes some one thatmultuplies appliying this same steps with other people / until he becomes a multiplicator (no se si

existe esta palabra) that applies the same steps with other people/. This steps are: TO WIN, TO


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TO WIN: This is the evangelistic stage, wich is /concretado/ .. through the altar call made/done/ in

each congregation; also through personal contact and in the cells meetings.

"..." (Mathew 28: 18-20)

Jesus asked as to reach all the nations for Him. The success of the vision depends on that each

 persons that is involved will became and expert in the process of winning other, while they share the

gospel of Christ, fighting to win the souls of those who has been given the best option for their lifes.

Every one that received the salvation with out any cost, now should /take the time/have the interested/

to share it with others. All of us are called to fight for the salvation of one life.

The process of winning implies sharing the gospel with others: friends, family, relatavies, known

 people, etc. We speak out of our own experienced with the Lord, and how because of His love He

sent his Son, Jesus Christ to save us. Each time we shared the message of salvation we should try

eventually to make the person give his life to Jesus, wich is assured by guiding them in the prayer of 

the penitent and throught inviting them to one of our meetings. We also win those that we invited to

the meeting. At the end, all the new are invited to repit the prayer. This process is done in everymeeting, because this is the first step to obtain the victory in applying the Ladder of Success. In the

cells the same process is used with those that have been invited to the weekly meeting for the first

time. The vision offers /multiple/numerous/ oportunities to win souls for Christ.

Prayer model for the penitent (prayer of ....consagration) “Lord Jesus, I recognized that I´m a sinner,

 but I repent today, forgive all of my sinns and clean me of all my iniquity. I accepted your sacrifice at

the Cross of Calvary for my life. Write my name in the book of Life, and never erased it. Thank you

Jesus. Amén”. (Ilustration)

CONSOLIDATE: (Preserve/ Conserve/ Retain/...the fruit. Closing the back door). This process

consist in the care that is given to the new believer. The Lord requires us to take/good/adequately/fifly/ care of each person that He has trusted us with. So we can take

good/effective/ care of new we should not have more than twelve, just like Jesus did. The

consolidation concludes/finishes/ when the person has asisted/ gone to and Encounter with Jesús.

The success in the process of consolidation is founded in the love that is giving to the new believer as

soon as he get/arrived/reaches/ to the congregation or the cell. Any attitude of rejection could cause

hurts in their hearts. This love gives protection, trust, and the assurance to the new believer, making

him feel that he is at home

After the sinners prayer, the consolidator (existe esta palabra) or the leader should do:

El consolidador o líder de célula debe, una vez el nuevo hace la oración de entrega al Señor:

VERIFICACION DE LA ENTREGA....: (Acts 2:41) Is when you help the new believer to overcome

his prejudgements and to reafirm his decition for Christ. This is done in a hall, a room, or classroom

that has been set apart for this purpose minutes after they gave their heart to the Lord in the altar.

The purposes of this stage are: share the love of God with each person. Be sure that they have

received Christ and that they understand that he dwells in their hearts. Find out his needs and show

them that Christ can meet them. This stage finishes when the card/report/form of consolidation is

filled out. A person that consolidates should not take charge/ or take/ more than 4 persons during this process. It is necessary to have their personal information as phone number, address, prayer request,

to be able to get in touch with the new christian.

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PHONE-VISIT: This is a phone call that needs to be prepared first in prayer. Then we need to find to

 proper place, and the proper timing, because through this phone call we show our interest in the well

 being of the person, and how important it has been for the Church to had them at the meeting. You

also shared about their need/prayer request/ telling them that you have been praying for it. This makes

the person feels taken care off and important. The phone-visit should close/end/ living and open door 

to make/to do/ ... the visit in their home.

The phonecall should be done during the first 48hs of the convertion of the new believer.

THE VISIT: (Mathew 8:14-15) This is the first personal contact you have with the new christian,

after his conversion. This visit should be done prior finishing the first week of his conversion. The

 purposes of the visit are: find out the impression that the new believer had about the meeting that he

attended. Find out his needs; minister under the guidance of the Holy Spirit; try to link him to a cell

and motivate him to participate of the pre-encounter and the up coming encounter.

The visit also allows you to meet the rest of the family, and procurar that they are also wan for Christ.

To place/ to situate/ to located/ them in a cell: After this process, the one that does the consolidationshould /place, situate, located/ the person into a cell, in wich the strengthening of the christian life

 begins, and it also starts the pre-encounter.

Pre- encounter. This is the stage that prepares the person for the Encounter, /giving direction/

orientating / in the themes that are going to share and minister in the Encounter. This facilitates the

disposition / this gives you and open heart/ of the new, and it guarantees excelente result during the

encounter. This stage is made of 4 conferences: Assurange of salvation, knowing the power of prayer,

finding out the power in the Word of God; Principles of deliverance.

Encounter Is a spiritual retreat where everyone that has participated in the pre-encounter can assist. It

last three day / The duration is three days. The person gets away from his daily routine to fe reafirmen his personal encounter with Jesus Christ. During this time the new believer is minister in a

 personal way, according to five different areas:

1. Assurance of salvation. This is the true conversion, because the person cries and have a genuine

repentance of his sin.

2. Inner healing. The person is minister in a special way so he can overcome all the traumas that he

may have suffered/ lived/ during his childhool and teenager years.

3. Deliverance: Is this stage/period/ where all the generational curses and iniquities that may have

come/enter during their childhood, o through sins that were done deliberately o because of occult practices, are broken.

4. Filling of the Holy Spirit: Each one that received the assurance of salvation needs to be filll with

the Holy Spirit because the Spirit covers/fills all the emptiness that the person may have.

5. Teaching the vision: The encounter is one of the best times for the new believers to fall in love

with the vision of the church, and decide to commit with it.

(Ilustrations relating to the Encounter)

TO DISCIPLE: (Lucas 14:25-33) This is the process of training/capacitation/education and formation

of the new believer after he has been consolidated.

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After-encounter: A stage where the person that has gone to an Encounter is orientated/helped/ with

specific themes that would help him to keep his deliverance. They also received strategies to

counteract the attacks (temptation) of the enemy that usually comes after the encounter. One of the

most important conferences is: how to confront the world, now that I´m experiencing a new life. The

topics of the after encounter are the same that are registered/ written/ in the book “Afirming your 

steps” by the Pastor Claudia Fajardo.

School of leadership: It is and intitutional program through wich the believers are trained, in founding

 principles of the christian life, the vision of the church, so they can become new leaders preparing

them for the multiplication.

The basic training is done in 3 stages/levels, teaching topics like: seminary, doctrine, churchgroth,

 principles of leadership in association with the vision.

Through the school we try:

1. That the students will come to know the foundaments of christian life, and to experimented in their 


2. That they will know the Vision in detail and how to develop it trough their own cell.

3. Find out the potencial for leadership and develop it.

TO SEND: The reason for making a disciple is to send him. When somebody studies a carrier, is to

apply it. In this same way, the formation of a disciple implicates to reproduce the character of Christ

in him, so he can reproduce it in others. Everyone should have the desire in their heart to reach others

for Christ. God did not delegated this task to the angels, but to men.

There is not need to be a theologian to proclaim the truth of Jesus. The samaritain woman didn´tknow about theology, but she said: “ I meet a men that told me what I was could this be the Christ?”

(no sé cómo se lo textual en la ibiblia en Inglés) On saying this she reached a whole city of Samaria

for the Lord

Everyone that goes through/ tha passed by/ all the prior steps, should be ready and desposed to be

sent to share his personal experience with Christ. This will bring other to the feet of Jesus

In this stage of sending, the Lord equips us to go and conquer the nations.


To obtain solid results in growing spiritualy and also in numers, the vision, in all the steps of the

 process, is done/ is developed/ through homegeneous grups, wich means, groups of people that gather 

under commons interests, seeking the same objetives and with the tendency of meeting the same

need, but always trying to develop the vision of the church.

The homegeneous group allow to placet the people in strategic places, in an atmosphere that

facilitates their spiritual edifying/grouth/ and his numeric multipliction, guaranteen the harmonized

and fast/soon/ grouth

The homegeneous groups that developed/ the vision are: men, women, couples, youth and children.The labour of multiplication is done when a men reaches another men; when a women reaches

another women; when a couple reaches anothe couple; when a youth reaches another youth; when a

child, reacheds another child.

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Every pastor, or leader of a Church should take advange of this process/ sistem. In conclution,

everybody is involved in the homegeneous group, but implementin the vision.


“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,

and he who wins souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30.

God’s burning desire is the salvation of the souls. Therefore this should become an art where God’s

time, divine anointing and sensitivity to the spirit should convey in order for us to move in the


The soul is eternal. We should ask God to make us experts in rescuing those souls from the power of 

darkness and bring them to the light of Christ. Jesus is the only way that can lead us to eternal life.

- Winning is a process where on one side, we announce the good news to people and on the other side

we help them be clean from all contamination from the past.

- God granted this privilege to those who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God. This is whyGod became man.

- A whole army is needed in order to communicate the Gospel. This army should be made out of men

and women that have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God. To win souls, should be its


” Saul also went to his home in Gibeah, accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched.”

1 Samuel 10:26.

God chooses those who will be by our side in the task he has entrusted us with.

Men of war: All of the members of the team should be men of war.

God had touched their hearts: People that are committed one hundred percent and that have great

compassion for the lost.

The Lord taught a great strategy on how to win with the Samaritan woman. Those who we are trying

to win for the Lord are full of problems and needs in their lives. Our message to them should be a

message of love, faith and hope.

Charles Spurgeon said: “If I was totally selfish and I would only care for my own happiness, even so,

I would win souls for Christ; for I have never experienced greater, more pure and overflowing joythan the one that filled my soul that day when I saw one who had found his Savior through my


R. A THORREY testified: I knew little about the joy of salvation until one accepted Christ for the

first time using me.

Paul said: “22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so

that by all possible means I might save some.” 1Corinthians 9:22.

The apostle Paul decides not to limit the gospel and use a great strategy in order to reach everyone in

an efficient way, no matter their social status, culture or race.

According to Proverbs 11:30 wisdom lays in winning souls.

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It doesn’t say that the one who makes money is wise, or the most persuading, or the one who studies

the most. No, the one who wins souls is the wise one.

“Who wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.”1Thimoty 2:4.

When you put fertilizer in the soil and you work there correctly and you plant the adequate seed, the

fruit will be seen.

D.L. Moody said: “The world has to see what God can do with a man that is totally surrendered to

Him, I am that man”. He stated this after hearing Henry Barley.

Paul said: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- -his good,

 pleasing and perfect will.” Rom.12:2.

¨Do not be afraid, for I am with you;

I will bring your children from the east

and gather you from the west.I will say to the north, 'Give them up!'

and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.'

Bring my sons from afar 

and my daughters from the ends of the earth- ¨ Isaiah 43:5, 6

Let us, the church, take authority over demonic powers, binding them in the Name of Jesus for the

sake of the deliverance of the souls.

How to implement the vision

"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men whowill also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2)

In order to implement the cellular vision you need a very well prepared leadership. The vision breaks

the standard structure of leadership focused on just one person, and after going through the process of 

 being restored and prepared, it gives everyone the opportunity to be part of a team.

Jesus showed the best example of teamwork; he gathered 12 men whom he prepared shedding his

 personality in them in order for them to be his collaborates during his time of ministry here on earth.

Teamwork was a priority for Jesus. If this was so, being Jesus the son of God, why should not it be a

 priority for us?

It took Jesus three and a half years to form 12 men, going deep, molding their personality and

character in order for them to become fit to continue God’s vision: the salvation of the world.

Just as Jesus, we emphasize the importance of working as a team, applying the strategy of the model

of twelve in order for the vision to be fulfilled. Here are some suggestions on how to conform your 

group of twelve.


There is nothing like teamwork, especially in the church. Teamwork causes the church growth to be

continuous and solid. The diversity of the work being achieved by the body brings forth to fulfillment

of the goal.

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"All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he

determines. The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many,

they form one body. So it is with Christ. “(1 Corinthians 12: 11, 12)

When you work with a team:

The workload is equally shared

The work is continuous

The motivation level stays high - ones encourage the others

Multiplication is rapid

Each person’s gift and talents are appreciated.


All along his ministry, Jesus took everyone on account, not for what they were on the outside, but

according to the potential he knew they had within. When choosing his twelve, Jesus put in them his

character and gave them spiritual authority to spread the gospel in the different nations of the earth.

(John 20: 21, 22)

Today we can do the same thing Jesus did through the twelve.

A building made out of living stones.

The church of Christ is not a building made out of bricks and decorated with nice carpets. It is a

 building made out of people from all cultures, races and social backgrounds. People are the church.

Our job description is to win them and carefully work in them just as Jesus did with his disciples.

( Mathew 16:17,18; 1 Peter 2:5)

Each member is a leader 

As you conform your group of twelve, success lays in that every person around you becomes a leader,able to lead others to do so. Jesus chose twelve men in which he saw a great leadership potential

(Luke 6: 12-16; 2ª Timothy 2: 2)

The group of 12 is the clue.

The model of twelve has always been in God’s heart. "12" symbolizes government and authority.

Jesus did not choose eleven or thirteen, he selected twelve who took over and spread the vision in the

world. We bring restoration to God’s altar in the world through the group of 12.

There is something supernatural with the group of twelve (Mathew 10: 1) As a principle this strategy

is defined as: " A revolutionary leadership model that consists on the leader of a ministry selecting

twelve people in order to reproduce in them the character of Christ imprinted in that leader in order to

develop the vision of the church, aiding church growth. These twelve people choose other twelve and

those twelve other twelve and so on in order to do with them the same thing that the leader has done

in their lives. "


Acting as Jesus did:

A. Win them in prayer.

Jesus stayed up a whole night to pray for those who were going to be part of the team. The following

day he went out to choose them. We should also conquer our team in the spiritual realm first in order 

to see it in the natural, afterwards. (Luke 6:12)

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B. Choose faithful people

Faithfulness has to be the special characteristic that will distinguish our group of twelve. That is why

we are going to entrust them with the vision we have received from God. Paul told Timothy that he

should put people in charge, that were fit for the job and faithful. Jesus had this in mind when he

chose his team (Mark 1: 16-20).

C. Choose people that long to serve the Lord.

Willingness to serve is a quality that should stand out in your twelve. The disciples served motivated

 by God’s love and by the Master’s example (John 1: 35-42; Mathew 20: 28)

D. Choose people that are willing to be molded.

The vision can only be developed by men and women that are willing to start a process of 

transformation of their character and their way of thinking in every area of their lives, in order for 

them to be useful vessels in the ministry. Each one should see himself as clay in the hands of God and

let him mold it according to His purpose (Jeremiah 18: 6b; Job 10:9).

E. Choose people that can be tested.

Great leaders are so, according to how they endure test and adversity. They are prepared and

strengthened in the fire that the trials bring. When our disciples go through hard times, that is where

we know their heart; if they are truly faithful or not. (Luke 22: 28).


Success is bound in the vision; due to teamwork the barriers and limitations of a traditional system

are broken, where all of the roles and responsibilities use to rest only on one person.

Jesus gave us the best example of leadership and team work by choosing twelve men in which he

imprinted his own character, invested time on, in order for them to be formed and receive authority to

spread the vision to the world.


1. If you wish to have your twelve allow God to mold your character and long to have the qualities

that you are going to look for in someone afterwards. Ask for God’s direction and start winning them

in prayer.

2. If you are not part of a group of twelve yet, start working on developing the characteristics of a

 potential member in order for you to be chosen to be part of a team when the time comes. Become a

carrier and a preacher of the vision.

3. If you are already part of a group of twelve, start dedicating your life to winning souls and forming

 people as Jesus did in order for them to eventually become your group of twelve.

Cesar Castellanos D.


Biblical Foundation (John 21:15-17)

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me

more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know

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that I love you.” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” The third time he said to him, “Simon son of 

John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus had asked him the third time, “Do you love

me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.

The desire in the Lord’s heart

What is Consolidation

Consolidation is the care taking of the new believer until he/she is converted into a disciple of Christ.

The example of Paul

Colossians 1:28,29

Proclaiming the gospel.

Admonishing everyone.

Teaching everyone with all wisdom.

The purpose of consolidation is to present everyone perfect in Christ.

Worked giving all freedom to the power of God to work through him.

Paul, the Consolidator 

2 Timothy 1:1-11.

Paul opened his heart before his spiritual son, Timothy, who he was consolidating and of whom he

had pleasant memories.

V 6. He motivated him to keep the gift that he had received alive.

V 7. He motivated him to not be weakened by fear, because God had given him self-discipline.

V 8. That he should testify without being ashamed.

V 9. That he was called by God to the ministry.

V 13. To review every teaching that had been shared with him.

V 14. To guard the spiritual richness he received by the Holy Spirit.

We know that God’s calling for our lives is that we would take the good news of salvation to every

creature and them begin a process of care taking, attention and continual contact with the new

 believer until they are strengthened and encouraged to be converted into a disciple of Christ. This is

the process we call consolidation.


· To show the benefits of belonging to God’s family.

· To show interest in their needs.

· To offer companionship.

· To water the seed that you’ve planted. (1 Corinthians 3:6)

· To teach them about Christ’s love and the abundant life he has.

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· To make them conscience of the decision they’ve made about Christ.

· To involve them in the activities of the cells.


It’s necessary to understand that:

- We are God’s fellow workers. (1 Corinthians 3:9)

- Our calling consists of winning and retaining the fruit. (John 15:5)

- To make effective leaders of the new.

In order that this may take place, it’s necessary to:

· Pray for the people that God has placed under our care. (Romans 1:9)

· Share our time with them. (Acts 19:8)

· Show interest for their family. (Acts 16:31-34)

· Feel burdened for their needs and problems. (Acts 17:16)

· Supply their needs as much as possible. (Acts 11:29)

The prophet Daniel made a prayer for the restoration of his people (Daniel 9), it gives us the rules for 

which every consolidator should have:

· He had a profound compassion for the people and took their place.

· He confessed their sins as if they were his own.

· He pleaded for favor and divine mercy for them.

· He completely trusted that their restoration would come soon.

In order for consolidation to be effective, it is good to teach every member of the cell to practice it as

a lifestyle.


Consolidation is fundamental in the development of the vision and it’s necessary for the completion

of goals.


Every leader must know the basic principles to consolidate effectively so their fruit would be witheld.

Many may ask which is the best way to Consolidate. This document is intended to set the basic

examples in a simple and pleasant way so you would know the best way to consolidate.


It is recommended that the same person who evangelized be the one doing the consolidating. A link 

of trust and friendship has started and that is why it is so important that each memeber of the cell

group knows how to do it. If you are a leader take the time to teach it to your disciples.

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This process means concetrated time which varies according to each person.

What you should do is:

Explain the plan of salvation. For this, use the five teachings:

· The teaching of love (John 3:16; John 10:10b)

· The teaching of sin (Romans 3:12, 23).

· The teaching of Christ as the only and sufficient Saviour (John 14:6; Galatians 3:13; Ephesians 2:8-

9; Isaiah 53)

· The teaching of repentance (Acts 3:19; 1 John 1:9; Isaiah 1:18; Proverbs 28:13)

· The teaching of accepting and receiving (Revelation 3:20; John 1:12)

Know and give answers to their questions regarding the Bible, church, and God:

· Answer any question people may have

· Regarding their faith in God.

· Regarding the other life.

· Regarding finance.

· Regarding family.

· Identify their needs and problems, showing interest in them.

· Teach them to ask God in faith, and back them up in prayer.

· Seek Biblical texts that strengthen and teach them God´s point of view

· Be wise giving them counseling and motivate them that Christ must be the one taking decisions in

their lives.

· Help them with material if you can.

· Involve them in the activities of your ministry.


· Understand that new believers have doubts and enquiries that must be answered.

· Gain their family´s trust without going too far which could be taken as an abuse.

· Watch your image and the church´s.

· Show respect in all (their work, what they invest their money, work, etc.). Later on you will have theopportunity to instruct them on how to take decisions according to God´s will.

· Show them interest in how they are as people and not just to reach a goal.

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· Motivate them in faith constantly.

· Do not pressure them: be flexible.

· Involve them in the activities and make them feel important.

· Never show the attending of church as a change of religion.

· Introduce them to more people in which they could establish frienship ties.


The ability to consolidate with excellence is acquired insofar as we prepare ourselves and we do it



“Whatever your desire is in the natural realm, conquer it first in the spiritual dimension of faith. You

will be amazed at all you can achieve”. C.C.D.

It is all about believing and obeying God.

Those Twelve, who Jesus formed, learnt to walk in the supernatural. Their goal was to reproduce the

character of Christ in others; in every way possible, through their own lives. That is why all the

religious leaders of the time, who were against Christianity were amazed when Peter and John

 preached under the anointing, knowing they were illiterate. The leaders had to admit they had been

around Jesus.

The model of the Twelve is a supernatural thing that the Lord implemented in order for his ministry

to constantly move in that dimension. It came straight from the heart of God to Jesus`. Just when Iwas seeking for a better strategy in order for my vision to win multitudes to be fulfilled, Jesus`

experience came to me.

Anointing for miracles

“He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal

every disease and sickness” (Mt. 10:1).

One of the first things I learned from Jesus’ experience is that implementing the work of God,

together with twelve people, requires moving in the supernatural, casting out demons and performing

miracles according to each person’s need. You have to pay a high price in order for the model of 

twelve to fulfill its goal. It requires you to do as Jesus did with his disciples. Whenever a pastor startshis ministry followed by this type of sings and miracles, the news will spread all around the city.

Everyone will know about the preacher in whose services, signs and wonders happen; the person with

a need will run to hear his message.

The multitudes followed Jesus because of the miracles he performed. If we want our church to have

multitudes as stars, it is very simple: we have to walk in the supernatural performing miracles, acting

in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We rest assured that the church has the answer for every need that a person may have. We have

learned that the best way to help people is to give the answer they are looking for. In doing this their 

faith becomes strong when they see God fulfilling their needs.

One Sunday, as we were celebrating the end of the year, I asked the congregation: How many of you

have come to church because God performed a miracle in your life? 95 % of the crowd raised up their 

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hand. We took some time for testimonies; then I understood that one of the best ways to spread the

gospel and let God’s kingdom be established in our midst, is for us to move in the supernatural. After 

someone has received a special touch of God in their body, he won’t be willing to go away from the

ways of God; the person will fill he owes God something.

A model of compassion

“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good

news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had

compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then

he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest,

therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Mt. 9:35-38).

The model of twelve was born when the Lord felt compassion for the people, seeing them as sheep

going astray that had no shepherd. The evangelistic work is what makes the church grow in numbers,

 but the job of keeping that fruit is done through the twelve. Each leader of twelve is able to pastor 

other twelve. If we feel compassion for people then we will be willing to take care of them and pray

for their needs proclaiming the miracle they need for their lives, doing just as Jesus did with hisdisciples.

Pastoring twelve by twelve

Jesus called these twelve men (Mt. 10:1) in order for them to fulfill a specific mission using the

authority He had given them. In this example you see clearly how the nature of Jesus had been

reproduced in the chosen ones. Based on Jesus` example the principle of the twelve is “a

revolutionary leadership model that consists on the head of a ministry to choose twelve people in

order to reproduce in them Jesus` nature and authority in order for them to go forth with the vision in

their church, contributing to church growth; this twelve will then choose other twelve and this last

ones will choose other twelve, in order to do in the disciples according to what has been done untothe leader”.

We have developed our ministry and tried to reach God’s vision, following the example of Jesus, who

shed all He was into the lifes of His twelve. A disciple reflects the nature of his leader that has been

imprinted in him. As the disciple becomes a leader his disciples will also eventually have his same

nature. That is how we determine the accuracy of the process. The principle of the twelve enables

 passing on strategies, knowledge and authority, allowing the vision to come forth in a consistent

manner and in unity.

Personalized pastoring causes the new convert to commit and also to feel the urge and the desire to

 become a useful leader for the Lord, himself, being part of the multiplication engine of the church.This didn’t use to be possible in the traditional church system. The model of the twelve is good in

 building the person up, as that person, at the same time, becomes the head of another group that is

 being formed and so on.

Why are we so sure that everyone aiming to this type of victorious leadership will reach his goal? The

model of the 12 focuses on helping others have the nature of Jesus and His character; the model helps

to bring to the surface the weaknesses and strengths of each individual, so they can be taken care of 

until the person is fit for leadership. When this is done with the group of twelve, results are the best

not only in quality but also in quantity. Multiplication is faster and you have more people and time to

thrust growth.

A leader that wants God to trust him with a big, unlimited ministry of great scope, has to understand

that this implies for the Lord to dig deep in his life, and that he will also be used of God to dig deep

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into the lives of those who are by his side working in the team. The model of twelve is a key factor in

order for this purpose to be accomplished.

Since we started implementing the principle of the twelve, our church has experienced the greatest

growth never known in the history of Christianity in Colombia. The cellular vision has developed

successfully. Out of that small number of cell groups, 70 altogether; we have grown to 48.000 cells

confirmed only in the city of Bogotá.

This has been possible due to all the homes that were opened for the cell groups. The model of twelve

has made it possible to train strong leadership that is willing to take over some responsibility of 

knocking on those doors.

Growth is also due to the personal growth and personal ministry growth that this system encourages.

When people see the power and authority that they have in pastoring twelve people, they feel the urge

to become more skillful, to learn more, to commit themselves and to pursue their twelve.

This model can also be defined as the tool for the growth of the contemporary church. According to

my experience I believe that the model of twelve is the strategy that will support church growth,together with the cellular vision, in the church of Christ of the 21st Century.


“The ability of leadership is measured by the way a leader has managed to reproduced his vision

strategically into others” C.C.D

The importance of personal appraisal

“...I will build my church” Mathew 16:18

The purpose that has always been in God´s heart was to form people. That is why the Lord said, “Iwill build my church”. To edify means to give form. The Lords sees believers as livings stones. God

does not see us a conglomeration of people, but as important stones in the church of Christ.

He himself had the idea and gave us how to build. Within that plan, he showed us the need to have a

 base; that is to say, those who we called the twelve in the vision. The twelve arose to edify

strategically; that is why we train twelve which at the same time, they are in charge of another twelve

and so on. All of us become living stones

When David wanted to start his first congregation, neither businessmen nor military strategists, nor 

the intellectual were the ones who came to him; it was the indebted ones, the brokenhearted, the ones

full of problems. These were the ones God entrusted David with so he could take care of them. The bravest people arose from that group; those who many times were prepared to give their lives for him.

The same kind of people will come to us: Human beings in serious needs; with their hearts torn-apart;

women that would say, “I am beat. I want to commit suicide. I am tired. I am a burden for 

everybody!” They would become a testing fire. God will test if he has love for them, for love can

change them. Therefore, each one of those people will be a challenge for your leadership, because

you will have to form them. If you do not have experience, you will have it in practice.

There are several aspects that you should know and how to apply on forming the best. Remember that

to be successful each one of the team members is essential.


Individual appraisal

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People must be appreciated for who they are, and not for what they do. A father must look and admire

their children because they are his children, in spite of their weaknesses or virtues; they are your 


Value them for who they are and make them feel that they are taken into consideration, not just for 

cell group statistics, but because they are highly esteemed within the team or the organization.

Believe in them

Our job is not to see them as they look, but see them with the eyes of faith; visualizing what Christ

can make in them.

Acknowledge their success

Acknowledge their goals and progress. When the Lord Jesus Christ writes to the seven churches in

Revelation, although he rebukes them, he acknowledges them accordingly, Rev. 3:8.

Understand them

The leader must understand the struggles and difficulties by which all of us must go through. Treat

them the way you would like to be treated. We must be people full of mercy. If you heal the wounded

hearted, you will see they would never forget that favor. Phillipians 2:3.

Watch for the unity of the group

It is one of the main tasks of every leader (Eph. 4:3-6). What can break team unity? Sin. You must

keep the team in complete holiness, and for that it is important the Encounters which are held to

minister to them, those areas where the enemy has taken advantage.


Give them a hand

Look at their needs and learn to invest in them, as a coach who knows the needs and weaknesses of 

their team.

Give priority to the team´s needs

It is essetial to know the spiritual needs of the group and have them as priority number one, trying to

see if they truly received the doctrine of Jesus, which is reflected on a change regarding the former 

way of life (Eph. 4:21-24).

Focus on them

As a leader, you must have your five senses on your team´s success (Gal. 4:19).

Making friendship bonds with them

The writer of Proverbs says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born of adversity.” The

vision of the twelve is based on unity, brotherhood, and solidarity. Be a friend to your twelve: may

love and mutual help prevail.

Success is brought about by the team

Each member of the team is key to fulfill the objectives. The model of the twelve does not allow an

unilateral development; it must make all members to be one body that goes forward together until

reaching the goals. The seal of a leader are his disciples (1 Cor. 9:2).

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Great leaders make strong ministries

A strong ministry demands dedication, surrender, discipline, and above all, to keep running toward

the goal (1 Cor. 9:26, 27).


“People who are under your leadership are like diamonds; your job is to polish them until they shine”


Focusing toward a successful growth

When the members of your team have been appraised as people, and their needs have been given top

 priority, they would be able to develop themselves as leaders pushing toward growth.

Teach them to grow

Just like a father, it is important that you motivate the development and praise whenever they make progress. You must do a continuous encouragement for the development. First, you must be an

example of growth. The apostle Paul gave example to his disciples (Phillipians 3:8) Secondly, teach

them that their salvation is not through woks but through faith. You should lead the group to be

 people of faith; people who would act in spite of logical reasoning; because faith is what brings

salvation (Phillipians 3:9). Thirdly, Paul led people to know Jesus in a personal way, “That I may

know him..” We must invest time on the formation of people, teaching them the truth through the

Scriptures. Fourth, Paul shows that the power of resurrection was really in his life (Phillipians 3:10).

In fifth place, Paul shows not that he has already been made perfect, but he presses on to take hold of 

that for which Christ Jesus took hold of him (Phillipians 3:13). It was a way to tell them that victories

are not a culmination of success, but he has to continue until fulfilling God´s purpose on earth. In

sixth place, Paul taught us that what is already conquered is not a challenge (Phillipians 3:13). Wemust not take pleasure in past glories; we must look forward of what is to be conquered (Phillipians

4:19). “I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is

 behind and straining toward what is ahead.” Eighth point, Paul says that everything that is made

 perfect must feel one thing, and if we feel something else God will take care of revealing it to us

(Phillipians 3:15).

Their development is reflected upon their growth

Success of each of the members of the team, is the team´s success. Therefore, it is the church´s (1

Tim. 4:12-16). Paul gives some advise so that each member of the group must bear in mind:

· Don´t let anyone look down on you

· Set an example for the believers

· Devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching

· Do not neglect your gift

· Watch your life

Form model leaders

Paul taught us we must come down to their level if we want to form them to help them (1 Cor. 9:19).

Whoever cannot serve will not be served.

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Guide them to success

Success is not destined for a few; but God in his everlasting mercy has destined success for 

everybody, no matter their race, culture, or social condition. Each leader´s task consists of making

every member of the team conscious that success is coming; we just have to struggle to get. Paul

teaches us that God is the one who makes us grow (1 Cor. 3:6). We must take them to gain a model of 

help, avoiding jealousy and compentence that is not healthly. God make us grow, and as long as we

are in the same team, the growth is for everyone.

Teach them spiritual disciplines

The greatest dimension of growth is given in the spiritual realm in such a way that a leader is

commited to grow following the same path, and learning disciplines that would then teach to those

around him.

Create an atmosphere that would attract others

The leader and his group must have resources and strategies that would make easy their personal andministerial goals (Acts 5:14). To awaken that motivation, we have developed the homogeneous

groups: men attract men; women attract women; young people attract young people; and kids attract

kids. Within that environment everyone is attracted to each other, desiring to become leaders.

Challenge them with a high model of growth

The vision of the twelve does not accept schemes nor mediocrity. Every leader must try great things.

If you picture yourself to excellence, you will have excellent leaders. A leader without followers is

not a leader. Nobody is a pastor if they do not have a church to lead; a president has no one to govern

if there is not a nation. If you want to be in leadership, you must strive yourself to be a leader and

have a group of followers.

A high level of leadership is characterized by mastering the vision

There is no leadership without a vision; as there is no vision without leadership. Eventhough Paul

came from being a church persecutor, he had the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ personally, and he

learned to master the secret of christian life at the beginnning to confuse Jews and Gentiles. We can

say that Paul was able to master the vision completely , and from there great part of the Christian

doctrine in which we edify ourselves was revealed through the apostle Paul, making it clear in every

way (2 Cor. 11:5,6). That leadership was a compensation to his surrender, his struggle, and his

courage. Reaching the top of the mountain takes strategic work, perseverance, knowledge, and

sacrifice: It means mastering the vision and reproducing ourselves into others.


Book of Nehemiah

Aiming at success is something that involves us each one of us as individuals. No one will reach a

level of growth if, on an individual basis, they do not change success into an idea in which the Lord

could pour down of his blessing, making his word effectively.


It could be defined as accomplished goals, fulfilled dreams, conquered obstacles, acclaimed

objectives, and all those achievements people want to reach.

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O.S. Marvin said, “Success is never a donation; it is a conquest.” That is to say, we must do our best:

This means having a very high mood to be able to make it.

This must unfold in all areas of our lives. Some people generally direct all their effort only in certain

kind of success: family, professional, ministerial, etc. But it is good to fulfil some dreams, but it is

 better to reach the fullness of success and it is then when you become satisfied as a person. This

 begins as you are growing spiritually.

To be sucdessful, we must have in mind the following steps:

1. YOU MUST BE A DREAMER: This is a task God himself does, and it

means that your spiritual eyes are opened and God will reveal that spiritual world, giving you vision

and training you until the work has been finished.

The vision of the group of twelve is for the new millenium; that is why you must start dreaming

towards that goal, understanding spiritually what you long for, and put into practice the appointed

 processes for the vison so your dreams would be fulfilled.

Kim Woo – Choong, founder of Daewood group said, “The world belongs to dreamers.”

2. LEARN TO DREAM: All of us have a dream that is equivalent to desire

on conquering something which seems impossible or that would require

much time. When you have a dream that comes from God, it is different: It

is when you have been able to interpret the desires of God´s heart; and this

way you will conquer that which is insane for other people.

A dream that comes from God gives peace, well-being, assurance, and

happiness: You will always see the fruit of their labor. This dream will take

you to different dimensions since your faith in God is strengthened for 

you have believed his word and have the courage to make it real, becoming

this way a successful individual. You should not worry about anything while

working on that which God has entrusted you with.

When you know the desire of God´s heart for your life, you will understand

that the Lord wants the best for you; you will enter that level of faith which

will help you find the place where you suppose to be in the body of Christ.

Have courage and dare to dream!

3. MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE: People who desire to be successful

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must be impregnated with a vision just like when a woman becomes pregnant: Eventhough she does

not see how her baby is growing, she prepares everything for the day to give birth. In the same way,

when you have a dream or a vision given by God, you should not be influenced by circumstances, but

speak of that vision as something that is already yours. Dream on something that has already become

real in you.

The vision must go together with the assurance that it is God´s plan for your life, and you must show

evidence of it before other people, confessing it day and night until you feel it burning deep inside

your heart.

“The power of a vision, refering to the model of the group of twelve, made me understand the great

 blessing there is upon creating a well-structured leadership through this strategy.” (Cesar Castellanos)

That is why you must bring about strategic plans with the leading of the Spirit of God; this way, you

will guarantee a successful development for your dreams.

4. COMPLETE COMMITMENT: Being successful is the result of our commitment with God. When

the Lord gives us a dream, it is our responsibility to use all our strength without giving up a singlemoment until reaching it. The commitment with a given dream by Him is not only strategic but hard

work as well; and eventhough God gives a vision to an individual, the work is carried out when other 

 people are involved in a strategic way.

Moses had the anointing, but he needed a team that would work in the same spirit. It is essential for 

God to take the anointing which is in the individual He has given the vision to, and at the same time

reproduce it into others, so they would reproduce other believers and you could count on committed

 people who had made up their minds to establish the kingdom of God on earth.

In the book of Nehemiah the Lord shows us a man that in spite of being in captivity, he never stopped

dreaming. When he heard the news about his people being in trouble and the walls of his city weredestroyed, he was profoundly hurt. But he started having a dream; a vision: The restoration of 

Jerusalem. This way, he prayed to the Lord, went before the king, and was given permission to return

to his city, challenging his people on re-building it. Just like all things created by God, he first

dreamt, then planned, designed, and executed. Nehemiah did it the same way, and likewise we can do

it since we were created in his likeness and image.



Pastor: Cesar Castellanos Dominguez

Bibliography: Dream and You Shall Win the World. Pgs. 27,31,91.

Successful Leadership Through the Group of Twelve.


Allow your disciples a taste of your spirit: this will increase their faith and dexterity so they could

reach whatever you have reached. C.C.D.

Forming the best team also means choosing those people with a definite profile that allows them to

fill the honorable position of being one of the twelve. Everybody who comes to church is a potential

leader: but only those who have similar characteristics to those of the group will be able to make it.Also, they must fulfill a series of needful requirements for the development of the vision. We

understand that we cannot take the disciples to a higher dimension to that which we have reached, for 

we are their measure of faith. Christ´s character in us must be truely reproduced in them, so they

could also reproduce it into others.

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Choosing one of the twelve is just as important as when someone has to choose their mate. It takes

time to know each other and share together until reaching the full conviction that it is the right person.

When the Lord chose his twelve, he did it thinking they would be with Him forever.

Whoever wants to be a part of a group of twelve, one must pay attention to people who would

conform it. They must fulfill the following essential characteristics:

Be under blessing

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the

Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth” (Deuteronomy 28:1)

The desire of God´s heart is that each one of his children inherit blessings and release blessings upon

others. No one can give out of what they do not have; but if we are rich in God, we could share those

riches with others.

One of the main objectives we must find in our disciples, is that they should have a deep contact with

God´s book so they could live on the blessings of his Word. Obedience to the Word is one of thecharacteristics which distinguishes those with a profile for our twelve: They have to be someone

guided by the divine commandments, seeking God´s Rhema for their lives. That is to say, they must

try to saturate their hearts with the Word springing from the pages. Great servants of God spend hour 

after hour in quietness; attentive to the voice of the Lord based on Scriptures. It is then when God

 brings specific texts to their minds and clarifies them.

Be an individual of faith

“...built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief 

cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20).

To have a foundation in the Word of God will lead us to faith, having understood that faith comes

from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Entering the world of 

faith means to have the mind of Christ: to see things with God´s own eyes and never be influenced by

circumstances. The man of faith learns to conquer the spiritual realm: everything he desires in the

spiritual realm knows that the things of God are obtained in the spiritual world. This is why they learn

to develop a great sensitivity of the Spirit´s desires. When God leads them to do something, they won

´t stop to think but will act immediately.

Be full of virtue

The apostle Peter said, “Add to your faith goodness”.

Jethro advised Moses saying, “but select capable men from all the people” (Exodus 18:21)

In Greek, the word “virtue” is “arete” and it means excellence. It is a special grace: the ability for 

leadership; the gift to guide. The “arete” of an athlete is to have an excellent race, abiding by the

rules, and be among the best. The areté of a musician is to dominate that art. The areté of a good

leader other than knowledgment on their field, lies in the team that is around them. Andrew

Carneggie said, “I want my epitaph to say, ´here lies a man who surrounded people who knew more

than he did´. Opposite to virtue or excellence is mediocrity. The candidate to the twelve must be

somebody who rejects conformism: they always strive for the best.

The first army David had consisted of the indebted, the aflicted, and to the brokenhearted. But God

gave them the virtue to change and through them consolidate the kingdom.

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Be knowledgeable of the truth

“...Add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge”

“...trustworthy men” (Exodus 18:21)

Paul said that “we should be as soldiers who correctly handle the word of truth”. There are two

common extremes in Christianity: those who spend their whole lives filling their minds with

knowledge in theology but never reproduce it into others; and those who want to share the truth, but

they themselves ignore it. Both extremes are dangerous. It is like the man who spent all his life

storing up possessions , but never shared them with the needy. He gave place to a spirit of greed. For 

the apostle Paul, a virtuous person must always be somebody that would enrich their lives with the

knowledge of truth; and this truth is hidden in the Bible which is God´s Word. Solomon said, “The

diligent man prizes his possessions”

Must be fearful of God

“...Men who fear God” (Exodus 18:21).

“...To knowledge, self-control” (2 Peter 1:6).

Fearing God must be in all aspects of our lives. Before entrusting a great work to somebody, the Lord

tests our hearts. He sees if people are faithful or not, and applies the principle “Whoever can be

trusted with little can also be trusted with much; and whoever cannot be trusted with little, cannot be

trusted with much either”

Hate dishonest gain

“...Who hate dishonest gain” (Exodus 18:21)

Paul said, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (2 Timothy 6:10). There is not a thing

that could destroy a leader except allowing in their hearts the building of an altar to the things of this

earth; idolatry means that individuals deposit their faith in that which is considered their hope, and it

is not of God. It is a pity that many have been seduced by the overwhelming attraction of money.

Judas tried to disguised greed behind a spirit of piety. When the woman poured the alabaster jar on

his feet, he said to the Lord, “Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a

year´s wages and the money given to the poor”. But he did not say it because he had compassion for 

the poor, but because he was greedy.

A leader must discern very well who might have a spirit of greed within the group and leave him out

of everything, until they are positively sure that they are free of that devil.


“A visionary has the ability to change what is absurd into something beautiful; evil and despicable

into something pure; and make strong out of something weak” C.C.D.

God needs leaders after his own character. David´s life is an example: From an early age he was

moulded by the power of God until reaching the right measure to become a leader model of his

nation, and with whom God established an eternal covenant with his offspring.

David had a tender and sensible heart toward the things of God at a very early age. We know that his

leadership did not start when he was already king of Israel, but when he was still young and forgotten

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 by his family. He suffered the pressures that are normal in any contemporary family. He was a victim

of rejection from all his family members, and that is why the least attractive tasks had to be done by

him. What made David great was the way in which he reacted toward each situation. He did it with an

obedient and faithful heart to that which his father had entrusted him. His first responsibility was to

care for a few sheep.

The concept of leadership was clear to David, and he knew he had to give account before his father 

for the same amount of sheep he was entrusted with. Whenever a beast crossed the fence, David did

not run away; with responsibility he faced the beasts and with his own hands he would beat them.

What made David a great man was the fulfillment of the assigned task with responsibility. It is

amazing the mind of faith and conquest David had; he always strengthened himself in the Lord and

never allowed fear to enter his life. God tests us in the same way with little things: In the leadership

of a family group, or being in charge of an adminstrative department of the community. He then gives

us a bigger responsibility; whenever we keep conquering he would entrust us more and more.

David knew the secret of perseverence. Success should be the result of a right and positive attitude. If 

you allow a poor attitude in your mind the result is going to be very poor. What does mediocrity

 bring? Mediocre results. What does an attitude with faith produce? A conquering and victoriousresult. We should guard our minds like nothing in this world. Paul said that we must have the helmet

of salvation: the role of the helmet is to protect the head. As we have already mentioned and as Paul

suggests, the equivalent of this helmet is the saturation of the Word which must dwell abundantly in

us. Whenever we fill our minds with knowledge of the Scriptures, we are filling ourselves with a

 positive mind; with a mind of faith; a conquering mind, for the Word of God does not allow a bit of 

negative thoughts. Everything that flows from it, is life, peace, and hope.

It was not logical for David for everyone to be frightened for he had a different mind: the mind of 

Christ. This made him different from the rest. Therefore, he was not afraid to face the giant because

he had been formed in the school of God in loneliness; exposed to the beasts of the fields: It was there

where he got the courage of overcomers.

There is no doubt that whoever wants to become a leader, they aspired an effective leadership as

David´s: Fulfilling the objectives that were assigned and watching their task to be perpetuated into

others. This ideal is possible when the secrets of an effective leadership are discovered and they are

 put into practice having in mind as way of life the vision received by God.

A leader is formed, not born.

“A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength” (Proverbs 24:5).

Increasing strength and knowledge are qualities that distinguish a leader in wisdom. These are

obtained through a process of building character and true training so we could be an influence uponothers. In other words, a leader is formed, not born. A person who is chosen for leadership no matter 

their personality, will be molded by the Lord and guided by biblical principles. They could become

somebody who motivates others and continuously motivates themselves. An inner special strength is

necessary to be greatly motivated.

Whoever wants to be a leader must take into account five principles that would help them reach that

strength mentioned by the one who wrote the book of Proverbs.

1. <![endif]>Everything works for good. All of us go through different kinds of circumstances

throughout our lives. The painful ones have filled us with satisfaction. They have fulfilled a purpose

in the strengthening process of our character. This is a principle of life: Whatever happens to us

works for good. Remember young David´s story, his experience delivering sheep from the claws of 

the beasts. They helped him build the strong character to which he faced the giant giving the people

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of Israel the victory. The more adversities you face in life, the greater the inner strength you would


2. There are no failures. Let us remeber that great leaders of human history were formed in times of 

crisis. After trying to reach a position in the political realm of his country, Abraham Lincoln was

visited by a journalist who asked him, “Aren´t you tired of being a failure?” He then answered, “I am

not a failure yet; I just have not gotten the desired results”. We all know he kept struggling until he

was able to accomplish his desires. In the same way, whoever is being formed as a leader must try

time after time to reach their goals. Few failures must be understood as expiriences that lead us to

success. Failure is for those who do not follow God´s direction for their lives; success is destined for 

those who let God lead them.

3. <![endif]>It is necessary to take responsibility. Having the ability and disposition to take

responsibility is what makes a person stronger. When somebody is responsible of something they are

giving signs of maturity. Whoever commits themselves to the vision of the church shows that they

have reached a higher level of maturity when are prepared and available: For instance, the leading of 

a home cell. This way, a leader is being shaped. A powerful strength comes in each one who makes

this step of faith.

4. Total commitment. We emphasize once more on the importance of commitment; not just any level

of it, but totally. Something that shows surrender and consecration to that which causes us to be a

leader: in this case the cause is Christ. The vision we develop can only be truly experienced and lived

whenever we get involve in it: not sixty, or eighty; but one hundred percent. If it is not a total

commitment, the anointing for multitudes cannot be seen. A leader who sees fruit abundantly is the

one who commit themselves totally to the task.

5. <![endif]>Defining short-term and long-term goals. God wants veryone to plan their lives and their 

ministry. This means that we must have short-term and long-term goals and have a purpose in life.

The purpose is where we are heading which is linked with God´s dream for each one. Goals are bricks purposes are built with and people´s fulfillments. A true leader is always known which way

they are going. Think for a moment on how and why you would like to be remembered in the future:

after you die, people will remember the goals you had obtained and the image you had left. For 

example, Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the great reformer who established social justice

 principles in North America. Your image will be determined by your goals in the present and future:

they have the power to make us lift our eyes of clay to look unto heaven; they are the expressions of 

faith which allow us to take advanced steps and accomlish many quests.


I had the opportunity to meet one of the most successful artists of this age. When I asked him if hehad won prizes for his works, he answered positively, and said that he had won all kinds of prizes and

acknowledgments that a person can received through this means.

Then I asked him who would be his successor and he said, “I do not have a successor”. There is no

dout this person has influenced tremendously on many people, but one thing is to influence because

the process in relationships in which they are in is required, and another thing is to influence in such a

way that you can count faithful disciples that can perpetuate the work that has been started.

We are concious of the need to train successors. The spiritual awakening that is coming on these days

requires the need of new generations of trained leaders to influence those who each day are added to

the church and show their interest in taking the message to others. This will be an extending chain

and in which each step must be represented by a commited leader.

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When a leader acquires the level of commitment required, they will have the power to train others so

they perpeptuate what God has put into their hands. The level of commitment is acquired little by

little, but from the start a person must take the final decision to achieve the highest levels of the scale.

It is necessary to train those around us to the point that they would succeed us at the required time

and have the knowledge and maturity which are relevant so the goals are not weakened. On the

contrary, that the goals may continue increasing.

The need arises to make a team commited with he vision and the cause that motivates us. It is

 possible to have a commited team as long as we lead the way and be examples. People will do

whatever they see their leader do: they will act as their leader acts and they will fight for the same

results in the same way. In the process of true and efficient leadership that God requires from us, the

most important is the vision given from above; and in order of importance, follows the team that

surrounds us. It is the team that acts around us ready for whatever the Lord´s ordinaces He may put

into our hearts: the one who will help us in great quests. Without a commited team, we will be doing

more than it is required and, what is worst, is that our strength would not be enough and everything

would become stagnant because new leaders had not been trained to continue our work.

Let us remember that Paul said: “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1Corinthians 11:1). This means that a big step to have a commited team is to lead a way of discipline

in which a leader becomes the example worthy to follow, because people will be more willing to

follow a leader that is involved and experiences the process of ministerial development to their side.

A true leader deserves to be followed; instead of saying “go”, they say, “let´s go”.

A long-lasting leadership

A powerful leadership is the one that lasts through the followers who have been truly trained so they

may perpetuate the work the Lord has called us to. None of the leadership team members that God

has entrusted me with was accepted by affection. Each one strived and conquered for themselves.

True leadership is not the one given for positions or rank of authority coming from a degree as it isseen in the present society. On the contrary, degrees tend to substitute the most important which is the

ability to lead others and obtain from each person their best potential. It is not who is stronger, or who

has more authority; true leadership allows getting followers from our ideals and actions. It is

ridiculous that someone calls himself a leader when nobody follows them.. As John Maxell says,

“The most important asset is people.”

I understand leadership is influence, and influence is in “people”. From the beginning I chose to lead

the prow of the ship the Lord has given me to guide, toward the possibility of giving the initial

congregation a model in which not only they were formed, but that it should be as a guide so their 

formation would take long in another level of influence. I understood success in a recent task done

would relay on the preparation of the leaders with a capable profile to win, consolidate, disciple, andsend people to a field of actions and definite objectives. To talk about efficient success and leadership

without transmiting it and multiplying it to other people, is another way to fail. The measure of 

success on a pastor is determined by the number of disciples he is training for leadership.


“I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They

replied, ´Let us start rebuilding´. So they began this good work.” (Nehemiah 2:18)

One of the secrets to achieve our goals in the personal, spiritual, and ministerial level lies on having a

constant motivation to do the work.

Motivation that comes from God, our authorities, family, friends, and fellow-slaves, represent the

 breath that drives us to continue striving until we reach the goals planned.

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Throughout biblical history, we see how God was encouraging his chosen ones to begin important

acts; just like these leaders were dedicated to transmit the same motivation to the people. Joshua and

 Nehemiah are two great examples.

Being able to achieve the numerical multiplication and the spiritual strengthening of the members,

depends on the degree of motivation the leader keeps to himself and for others.

The present document is about motivation as an important determining factor for success: it brings to

light the advantages of true motivation having Nehemiah as an example and emphasizes about the

importance to have a right attitute as leaders to achieve goals.


Motivation is a set of factors, conscious or uncounscious, which determine an act or conduct. It is

everything that drives an individual to move and work to reach a goal.

Internal motivation is when drives come within the same person and they relate to each other with

 personal desires to reach something; external motivation is when those drives come a second or third party: our parents, friends, teachers, leaders, etc. They try to give encouragement so we could do a

determined act.

As the cell task develops, motivation among leaders, disciples, and fellow-workers is essential:

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1

Thessalonians 5:11).


We can only motivate others having the right attitude toward different circumstances that we face day

after day. The leader who is prepared to face adversity, is the one who has the ability to drive othersto go forward in the cell task.

The man who has the right attitude, knows where he goes and would keep a winner´s spirit, knowing

that being optimist changes circumstances.

Motivation and the right attitude of a leader are found in the following situations:

· Facing adversity

 Normal people have the tendency to get discouraged before an adverse situation in which comes

when we least expect it. In times of adversity we must be careful of many who come to comfort us,

 but utter words of discouragement. A right attitude toward adversity is like the one Job had, who lost

everything from one minute to the next (Job 13:15).

Facing Negative Situations

Every winner must know how not to be moved by circumstances, but by what God has said in his

Word. Being negative is like an arrow full of venom which brings uncertainty. Every leader with a

winning attitude knows the power there is in words.

When the ten spies who inspected the promised land were giving negative information, Joshua and

Caled gave a positive one: they could move forward and conquer (Numbers 14:8-9). Only those whoshowed a spirit of faith conquered the promise land.

Facing fear 

This is one of the greatest enemies everyone must face when striving for victory. Whoever is

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controlled by fear will abstain themselves to give the basic steps in reaching success. Fear is one of 

the most determining causes of failure; its specific mission is to deviate people from the purpose for 

which God has sent them to the world (Proverbs 29:25).

Facing stress

Stress is caused for working too much; not giving the body the necessary rest, also for not having a

clear vision of what is expected in life, making the way toward frustration. The right attitude to avoid

it is that each leader plans themselves strategically, without cofusing profession with productivity.

Clear goals and a sound saturated mind with the Word of God will help get over this situation

(Colossians 3:16).


 Nehemiah illustrates the way a leader obtains a sound motivation and has the ability to motivate

others to do the work of God. The first four chapters of his book are challenging: they teach us the

strategies he used to encourage his people, challenging his enemies, and reaching the goal of 

rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

Eventhough the attacks of the adversary remained throughout the execution of the task, Nehemiah

always kept a right attitude so his people would not be discouraged. The situation of adversity in

which his people were in because of the destruction of the city and what he did about it, is concluded

in the following steps:

Detect the anomalous situation and establish a solution

Being in captivity in a foreign land, Nehemiah found out that those who survived the exile of his

 people are in great trouble and disgrace, and the wall of Jerusalem is taken down (Nehemiah 1:3).

Upon discovering this problem, he decides that the solution is on asking permission and seeking

resources for the rebuilding. So he motivates the people to do it: “You see the trouble we are in:

Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace” (Nehemiah 2:17).

Involve the whole team in the task 

The advantages of the vision of the cell group is that the task is done within a team, breaking the

scheme of the traditional church in that all responsibility and commitment fall to exclusively on the

main pastor. In this vision, everybody plays an important role; they become in key factors to give

solution to any problem: “They replied, ´Let us start rebuilding´. So they began this good work”

(Nehemiah 2:18b).

Visualize the future blessings as a motivating agent

When our goals are clear, these will become on the driving factor to fight in spite of circumstances,knowing that the compensation that comes from God is wonderful. Nehemiah said to his people,

“...We will no longer be in disgrace...The God of heaven will give us success” (Nehemiah 2:17, 20).

Do an organized and a vigorous work 

A leader must be prepared for the work he is going to do. When the people of Nehemiah were

encouraged to build, their leader already had a work plan which allowed them to rebuild the wall in

 just 52 days (Nehemiah 3:1-32).

Remeber at all times the word Rhema from God

The Lord gives each person a specific word for their lives so his plan may be fulfilled. In the sameway, he gives it to the ministry and to the church in general. This word Rhema is itself a motivating

element for the leader and his disciples so they on the watch throughout the developing of the cell

group vision (Nehemiah 2:18).

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The great results of multiplication through the development of the cell group vision are given thanks

to a continuous motivation from the leader and from those involved in the task. What drives us is

motivation in spite of all circumstances, and having the right attitude according to God´s plan as

 Nehemiah did it with his people to build the walls of Jerusalem.


“Whoever gives the best of oneself is he who had prepared the way for their followers to reach

success easier” C.C.D.

We all desire to be successful but we must strive for it. Saint Paul says, “All the runners run in a race,

 but only one gets the prize”. How many ministries at God´s service have truly accepted with courage

their responsibility and had decided to fight for being among the greatest? O.S. Marvin said, “Success

is never a donation; it is a conquest”.

When I started my life in the ministry many young people were called to the ministry at the same

time, but as time went by, I saw how many of them fell behind. I could notice that whoever were left behind, it was because they felt they were a failure before even starting in the ministry. Those who

have persevered are known for their strong spirit of optimism, their great enthusiasm, and their 

 powerful realtionship with God

A leader must be a dreamer 

God makes a dreamer out of a leader. This means their spiritual eyes are opened and God reveals

them that spiritual world with vision and training. They will not rest until the work has finished. I

know the vision of the twelve is God´s vision for the new millenium, taking them to an increasing

speed growth which will be reflected on multitudes. You must start dreaming with that goal: to grasp

spiritually that which you desire and apply the appointed processes to the vision so these dreams maycome true.

This has been one of my greatest dreams: everyone who has had a personal encounter with Jesus

Christ anywhere in the world, be a part of any group of twelve. That each pastor, no matter the

denomination which they work for, establish groups of twelve for their congregation. When God gave

us the model of the vision of the twelve in 1991, a refreshing came to the whole church and from that

moment we have grown in home cells as well as members, in an extraordinary way. It was exciting

the fact that some, eventhough did not understand very well, were not discouraged: they tried to

understand it. Perseverence has allowed so much fruit, that the adversary was frightened with the

vision and wanted to get us out of the way so it would weaken and disappear. He did not know that

“God´s man is inmortal until he has fulfilled his purpose on this earth”.

Whenever a leader enters the world of dreams, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit, God takes

them to great accomplishments so they the purpose in which they are called to may be fulfilled.

Learning to dream

We all have dreams that are equivalent to the desire of conquering something that seems impossible

and it will require much time. Although someone may fulfill their own dreams, this does not bring

full hapiness, because human beings are not satisfied: they always want more. However, when you

have a dream that comes from God, it makes you different from the rest because you were able to

interpret the desire of God´s heart. This way, you may throw yourself into conquering that which

maybe crazy. Some interpreted God´s dream for their lives living a life of self-denial, sacrifices, and

 poverty; but the dream that truly comes from God works peace, well-being, confidence and

happiness: the individual always sees the fruit of their labor. This dream takes them out of the

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ordinary and simple, and leads them to climb total different dimensions to have believed God, you

have the courage to do it and make it true. This way, you will show yourself as a successful

individual; without stopping nor fainting before any kind of criticism. There´s nothing to be worried

about as long as you are doing what God has entrusted you.

When I knew the desire of God´s heart for my life, I understood he wanted the best for me; I entered

that level of faith which has helped me to find my place in the body of Christ.

Making our dreams come true

Great and noble dreams are the material with which we interlace our future. An individual who

desires to be successful must be saturated of a vision just as a pregnant woman, though she is not

looking at the baby´s development, she worries to prepare all things for the baby to be born. In the

same way, whenever we have a dream, a vision from God, we must not be influenced by the

circumstances but talk about that vision as if it were already ours: It is dreaming of something that

has become true in us.

The vision must be accompanied by the conviction that it is the purpose of God for our lives, and putinto evidence before others, confessing it day and night until feeling that this burns as a powerful

flame in the innermost part of our hearts. The individual who receives a vision, should not rest until

they see each dream come to pass. For example, the vision Jesus Christ had was to edify his church

and to do that he chose twelve men who he trained for three and a half years, working in them his

character in each one of them, and leading them to experience what a true encounter with him was.

From this process will follow what the Lord called, “the edifying of the church”; and the pillars that

would hold the weight of the building would be the twelve apostles. If we take a look for a moment

on how the Lord trained his twelve, we will find that it is the most effective method there could be: to

work profoundly in people and then they would have to bear with all the load of the work.

The power of the vision, refered as the model of the twelve, made me understand the great blessingthat there is when developing a well-structured leadership through this strategy. On the revelation

God gave me, he said “If you train twelve men and empty yourself out in them everything I have

given you, and make them to reproduce themselves into other twelve, and these into twelve, you will

 be able to care for each person of the church”.

Total commitment

Success is the result of our commitment toward God. When God gives a dream, it is our duty to use

all our strength without fainting for a moment to fulfill it. After that word given to my life by the

Lord, I could noticed that there had been a complete change in my mind, and I was a complete

different person. I could finally feel I was able to be a pastor of a church. At the beginning of this newchallenge, I went out ministering continuously to people with every need, dedicating an average of 

fourteen hours a day. The news started spreading rapidly, for each one saw their needs being met.

Day after day the number of people would grow, and I had to double my strength, shortening my rest

days. I was buring out; I thought this was commitment. But God made me see that the commitment

with the dream given by Him is not only intensive, but strategic work. Eventhough God gives the

vision to a man, the work can only be carried out when each member of the church is strategically

involved. This led me to train people that could help me minister to individuals; this way, anybody

who would have a need in counseling or a specific prayer request for healing, they could be

ministered unto. Thank God for the workers in the ministry, because I could see that through those

twenty believers I had trained, I would accomplish a greater and better task than if I would had

continued it by myself.


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“Again Jesus said, ´Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.´ And with that

he breathed on them and said, ´Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are

forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” John 20:21-23

We have an eminent mission and that is to do God´s work. When the Lord Jesus was going to be

glorified he gave his disciples the great commission to take the gospel to the whole world, and that

task is being fulfilled even in our days. We are sent by the Lord to take his peace and the good news

of salvation to the world.

Godly men and women need certain characteristics to be sent:

1. Do God´s Will

The enemy tried to deviate Jesus from the Father´s will (fasting of 40 days at Gethsemane). The

enemy always tries to deviate us from God´s will. He wants us to do our own will and desires, but

Jesus taught us in the Lord´s prayer that we should ask God to do his will on earth as it is in heaven.God´s will is never for bad; it is always for good. He always fulfills it in spite of our stubbornness.

God gives us the best: he is never wrong; we are. That is why it is better to be in his hands. It is not

easy to do God´s will: it takes self-denial; dying to our ego. Jesus said we must take his yoke and

 burden which were easy and light: This is accepting God´s will with a humble attitude. The one being

sent must be humble. Meekness is an ally of peace. Dying to self and let God do his will in our lives,

we will bear fruit for the seed that falls to the ground and dies, it produdes many seeds. Unless it dies,

it remains only a single seed. The living seed symbolizes our ego; the dead seed symbolizes dying to

self. It is not easy to die, but the reward is great.

2. Consecration

The one being sent must be consecrated to God. Consegration must have priority over everything. For 

that matter God tests and asks from us the thing we love the most. Abraham gave God what he loved

the most, and showed him his love. In the same way we should let go of anything that binds us, and

give the Lord the first place. God asks us to give up in prayter whatever binds and enslaves us.

3. Prayer 

The one being sent must be an individual of prayer. By entering the secret place and praying to God,

he will reward you in public.

4. Fasting

The one being sent must be an individual who practices fasting. This brings great blessing and it is a

command from God. There are different kinds of fasting, but what is important is that its purpose is to

exalt Jesus Christ.

5. Bible Study

The one being sent must love Bible study and the searching of the Scriptures; through them they will

find eternal life: It is there God´s plan is revealed. When there is ignorance concerning the Bible, we

could sin unwillingly. God wants us to have a full conscious of his will and this is done thanks to theknowledge of the Word.


The children of God are called to be sent to the nations of the world, and for that, we must be people

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that would fulfill his will. Consecrated people of prayer, fasting, and the study of the Bible are able to

fulfill his commission completely.


The moment we receive Jesus as Lord of our lives, it is essential that his sending process must start in

us so we could take others the message which was brought to us by someone who allowed the being

used by God.

G12 Vision

  1. The Vision  2. The Governing of the twelve

  3. The Cells  4. Establishing G12  5. The secret is on G12

Ladder of Success Win

1. How to Implement the vision  2. Winning your 12

  3. Implementing the Vision in your  Cell Group

Ladder of Success Consolidate

  1. The Purpose for Consolidation  2. Principles of Consolidation

Ladder of Success Disciple

  1. Something Supernatural

  2. Forming the Best  3. Steps to reach Success  4. Profile of a Candidate for 12

Ladder of Success Send

  1. Developing Persistence  2. Maintaining the Motivation

  3. Prepare for an effective Leadership  4. Send