the one and only bailey martin


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This is a honest, amazing and quality book on the great Bailey Martin


Page 1: The one and Only Bailey Martin
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The One And Only Bailey Martin

By: Bailey Martin

“Some things are permanent”

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My Name My name is different, unique and obvious. My name originates from the English origin.

my parents named me after a show the used to watch back in the 70’s, they said his personality

was the same as mine. He was a skilled young man, tall and Honest. His personality was like a

bystander of a bullying situation, he never said anything unless it was his time to. There are

many meanings to my name as there is two main ideas, Bailiff and Steward. The Bailiff is a

person that guards a prison or someone or something that needs to be guarded. My parents names

are Steve and Dawn and i don’t know how they came up with it besides the whole “cool TV

show” that they used to watch when they were young. But why Bailey, why something that is

interchangeable between a Male and Female. Why something where a new substitute teacher

could look at the class roster and say “where is she” as in referring to me. It isn’t the best

name if your looking for a Manly Man, but it works it describes me well. Not to Mean,

but not that soft either. My sisters name is Lauryn and she was named after my grandpa

thats name was Laurny and that is an English originated word and stands for Fashion

model, or someone high in business. I sometimes wonder why my parents didn’t name

my Chauncy, or Demarcus but then I reliazed it doesn’t matter, your going to get

nicknames anyways.

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Fat PeopleCatsHairyFluffy






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My Neighborhood

My neighborhood is really cool, I have a ton of people that live by me. By a ton I mean at least 2 families, I live in the country where it is just me. I have a lot of fun with sledding down my huge hill on the side of my house, I snowmobile a lot in my grandmas field which is just across the street and sometimes on the trails. My most favorite thing to do in my mellow neighborhood is Shoot guns, bows and have paintball wars with my friends but sometimes there is that one family who has to call and complain to my parents on how i’m too “Roudy” for say. My parents get mad some of the times but it usually depends what it is. One time I was hitting golf balls from my front yard down the hill into a big, blank field. But it didn't work out while I shanked the ball and hit the neighbors house, I broke a window as my parents had to pay for the window as $600 went down the drain. Another time i went to the local creek which is by the Davis Family which is down the steep hill, i was swimming with Zach Pierce and we were too loud and they called my parents and my parents were not happy. My Neighborhood is Boring, my neighborhood is nothing i have no one in a mile Radius of my, basically i don’t have neighbors.

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Bailey Martin 1st hour

Heart and HonorOwn the momentCare for your teammatesKnock outExcitment and emotionalYou should play

Fired upOn the fieldOut for the teamTouchdownBlocking, BlitzingArtificial turfLinebackers, LinemanListen to the loud cheers

Go in the holeOn the greenLive it, Dream itFor Seeing Par

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My Big Game

My biggest game was when i was in 8th grade, i was on the West Salem Wild bantam hockey team and we were in the third round of playoffs and if we won we were going to state. I still remember the first period we were playing Baldwin and I scored 1 goal as we were ahead after the first. we went out in the second ahead 1 to 0, it was a close and two evenly matched teams were planning on going to State. After 2 minutes into the second Baldwin scored as to make the score 1 to 1, But quickly after that i scored another goal to make it 2 to 1. We headed into the end of the second and I scored another goal to make it 3 to 1 as i had a hat trick. It was 3 to 1 to end the second period. We came back on the ice after the ice was resurfaced, the ice looked slick and reading to score goals on as i started and 11 seconds into the third period i score again to make it 4 to 1 as that was my 4th goal. But shortly after that Baldwin comes right back and scores to make it 4 to 2. Finally we switch lines but Baldwin scores again to make it 4 to 3 with 3 minutes left. I go back on the ice for my last shift. I go advance down the right side of the ice and fake shoot to fake out the goalie go all the way around the net and put it into the net to Win the game 5 to 3 with 13 seconds left. the West Salem Bantam team got 3rd at state.

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My Advice From an Adult

I got a lot advice from adults like hockey, school, girls and many other thing. Sports were the most advice i have gotten from anybody, i once got advice from my coach Matt Massi that i should be a defenseman because i could go farther as one, which i have. I have gotten E-mails from college teams, Juniors teams and other Prep/High School teams regarding my style of play. I have also got a combination of advice within sports and school regarding how good grades are more important than your skills on the ice because with out good grades you cant go anywhere, even if your the best hockey player in the world. I have learned stuff about girls like don’t let them take your money because then they’ll just leave when they have what they want, or the one of where you don’t marry a girls because of her looks you marry her because you can imagine them in your life for the rest of it. This is all important advice that i have gotten from some pretty important people in my life, from my mom and dad to Mike Eaves the head coach for the Wisconsin Badgers Mens Hockey Team. This advice helped me get through life because it made me realized that it really does matter what you do in school, on the ice or even in your life with girls. My dad always told me that the ice is like heaven.This advice is the most important to me because it is the people in life who are the biggest, most important to me. My future could be decided by that one test that i do bad on and i don’t want to have to worry about that

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A Special Family Member

My special family member is a weird, silly and furry. His name is Scooby, he is my 70 pound chocolate lab. He jumps and Jagles around the house thinking he is a lap dog. He is a adventurous dog and I have many stories about him to tell, like one when me and my friend were snowmobiling and we were pulling each other behind the sled. He was chasing us at first but then he actually tackled my friend off the sled into the snow. Also another time where we were wrestling in my living room and he licked me until i was soaked in his gross slobber on my precious face. I wonder how he goes from the first day we got him, all 6 pounds and cute to a big pouncy, dumb dog. Scooby is a good dog, but not right when we got him, he used to chew everything up and jump a lot. But then we made a arrangement for him to go to “college”, which was a boarding school that eventually helped our dog how to behave, eat right and many other polite things. He was gone for a long period of time and i missed him a lot, actually 4 months he was gone. He also learned how to hunt, retrieve birds and balls. He still sleeps in a kennel with my other dog Lola. He is big but a baby, he is a good dog and a nice dog that loves to play and be wild.

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My Negative Story From School.

In Fifth grade i was a naughty kid, and so were the other 4 kids that got caught for pulling peoples pants down (Pantzing). It was a stupid thing what we did and i regret it, it was not a pretty sight when we got caught by the aid out on the school playground. She was livid, and so where my parents. They eventually came up with a consequence after 2 weeks of thinking of one, they finally though of one including no Tv, no Phone, and no friends houses for a month. It was a boring month being by myself 24/7. I also did not just get punished by my parents but also by the school with 3 other boys. The three other boys were all my friends and all immature just like i was. It was me, Hunter Priebe, Cody Williams who recently moved last year to texas, Mark Harris, Zach Pierce and finally Austin Loungworth-Quam. We were all out on the playground and it all started when Hunter pulled down Mark’s pants and then a chain reaction started taking place, it was like a Rude Goldberg Machine. Every kid was wondering when the war started on what we were doing but they eventually caught on and wondered what the heck we were doing. we eventually got caught after about 2 weeks after starting it, the consequences were bad and i will never try something that stupid again.

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Life In Wisconsin

Life in Wisconsin is boring, it is basically a state in a empty box, theres nothing to do or nothing for others from out of town to do. Wisconsin is always cold in the winter, and steaming in the summer. The winter can get to a negative -20 and snow or sleet a foot or even 2 feet. In the summer it is rainy,humid and hot. Many times people wont even go outside because it is so hot. The summer is a great time and there are many fun things to do in the summer because there is no school going on. Boating, hanging out with friends, four wheeling and summer hockey are my favorite things to do in the summer with all the free time i have. There usually isn’t much to do in wisconsin besides hunt, fish and have anything to do with redneck rodeo rally kind of stuff, Wisconsin is fun though especially La Crosse. La Crosse is a great biking and running area with a lot of hills and bluffs to climb for a tough challenge, there is also a lot of lake to go out on. Another thing to do in my hometown of La Crosse is go to college sporting events like Chill Hockey Games and UW-L football games at there fantastic new stadium and also attend Viterbo’s excellent baseball games. La Crosse is one of the many interesting and great towns to be in, in the great state of Wisconsin.

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Positive Story From School

School really isn’t that positive to begin with considering if you do bad it can decide you whole future, but there is a positive side to that saying that you could do good. Some of my positive stories from school are in 5th grade when we had a special presentation, it was a professional wild animal catcher and trainer. He brought in a snake, lizard and many other dangerous animals that could easily hurt anybody but he trained then very strictly. The boss was brave and broad going in to grab the poisonous and deadly snake. But the exciting part of the presentation was at the end when he said everyone come up to pet the animals, we were all hesitant to go but my teacher insured that everything would be ok. I went up to pet the snake and its was scaly picking each sequence out one by one, it was very intimidating. The trainer opened the snakes mouth as the fangs sat there and the snaked starting hissing like it was going to kill somebody. The trainer said it was fine, the snake did that because he oped its mouth and they hate that. I will always realize that as a positive story from school because it actually influenced me to be brave, and take on anything that gets in the way of my goals. Hopefully that same trainer comes back and shows me the same thing because i enjoyed it.

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Table of Contents

.................................................................................................................My Name! Page 1

................................................................................................Circles and Goldfish! Page 2

....................................................................................................My Neighborhood! Page 3

...............................................................................................Hockey,Football,Golf! Page 4

...........................................................................................................My Big Game! Page 5

.........................................................................................My Advice From an Adult! Page 6

.....................................................................................My Special Family Member! Page 7

....................................................................................Negative Story From School! Page 8

.....................................................................................................Life In Wisconsin! Page 9

...................................................................................Positive Story From School! Page 10

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I Dedicate this amazing book to:

Bailey’s English Grade