bailey alan

Dexcom 7+ for Type 2 Diabetes management. Allan Bailey, age 44, type 2 diabetic since 18 (26 years). 1 st stent in LAD 2006, 3 more stents March 2011. Started switching to a Paleo/Primal diet in June 2011. Gradually lost 1-2 lbs/week since April 2011 (224) to now Feb 2011 A1c was 6.7, avg. BG 146. July A1c 5.9, avg. BG

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Post on 29-Oct-2014



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Page 1: Bailey Alan

Dexcom 7+ for Type 2 Diabetes management.

Allan Bailey, age 44, type 2 diabetic since 18 (26 years).

1st stent in LAD 2006, 3 more stents March 2011.

Started switching to a Paleo/Primal diet in June 2011.

Gradually lost 1-2 lbs/week since April 2011 (224) to now (201).

Feb 2011 A1c was 6.7, avg. BG 146. July A1c 5.9, avg. BG 123.

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Overall view

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Typical day

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Switching to Paleo diet

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Start of 3 day no glyburide experiment

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Last day of no glyburide, resumed on Sunday with 0.625 mg (sublingually)

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Another no glyburide experiment

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End of no glyburide experiement, back to 0.625mg.

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Things I've learned:

1. exercise (walking 1-2 miles) brings BG down consistently.2. buttered coffee, or 1oz of olive oil also does. Needs more experimenting though. Olive oil also seems to have a stabilizing effect on BG.3. Just having the real-time data from Dexcom modified my behavior and control of my BG.