the northern pacific farmer. (wadena, minn.) 1884-06-05 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · wadena, june 2d,...

r CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Coon dSs Co.. ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing, HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS' Furnishing Goods. We have the Largest and Best Selected Stock between Brainerd and Vur We m.ike this BU SIN ESS A SPEC 1A LT Y and gi vc it all our atten lion, and will sell you Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest if not cheaper WE CAN FIT THE LARGES TMAX OR THE SMAIZES T BO J". We also curry a nice lino of TRUCKS, IKAYELIWG BAGS, VALISES, ETC., KTC., AH very cheap. Conae and see us and be convinced of the fact that what we 8*3* is true, at the CLOTHING STORE OPPOSITE DEPOT. Wmm _ saa<«2*!#»%*es! 2. if" Nervous Bxhausrtioiit Prematiire Deoay, Loss of Manhood. An SO-pare Cloth-bound Book of Advice to Ai trill St., Wmden a, Minn Wadena Wanderings. GOODS TO SUIT THE TIMES, JUST ARRIVED, AT 'THE REGULATOR" £ 6 NO NEED TO CRY E=8.33 TIMES For Baumbaeh <0 Meyer, User having the best interests of their customers at heart Have just received the Nobbiest, Cheapest, and Best line of Ever shown to the people of Wadena and vicinity. Wo ask especial attention to our line of DRESS GOODS, Containing the new and beautiful Ottoman Cloths, Cashmeres, Worsted English and French Ginghams, White goods in all Styles, Combination Percales, etc., etc. L U 1ST V Otir line of Wotlona Embraces all the latest novelties in Ladies' Cash- mere Shawls, Collars, Fichus. Laces, Silk Gloves and Hand- kcrchiels, \ civet Ribbons in all the new shades, Embroideries, Torchon Laces, Fancy Ilose for Ladies and Children, Etc., Etc. A I way 8 Car a Full Line of Domestics, Floor and Table Oil cloths Curtains, &c. Come One, Come All, i I Lx r.minc Our Stock, and we will Convince you it is to your interest to _£L-fc "The negiilator 99 Cnr. of Front and Third Sfs. Wadena, Minn. No Trouble to Show Goodg. Main Street, WORKS, ~ Wadena, Minn. niiUSII BREAKERS, PRAIRIE BREAKERS, STUBBLE PLOWS _ TTT GANG PLOWS. SULKY PLOWS, HIE CLAYTON CELEBRATED WHEFL P10WS, » IM O, "* > 1 r air ie, and Stubble; Anu the Clayton Rolling Colter. Our stock is special and select. ^ Call at the factory, you arc sure to bo suited. Vac have opened lip on Repairs, be in time with your plows. CLA1TTON, WATSON & QO H. METZGER, DEALER IN WATCH, And Wadena, Jewelry. Minn. All kinds of work in my line atte d to promptly and on short notice. DEALERS IN )rugs, Medicines and Chemicals, a 'Fancy^and Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, ND ALL DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, WALL PAPER AND STATION3SHY E3TPrescriptions carefully compounded day or night. C. A. BARRON, DEALER IN CHOICE Groceries and Provisions, And Staple Dry Good3. 11 kinds of Fresh Fruits in their Season. CASH customers invited to . California Dried Fruits a specialty. Stable •Vrl. BROWN 1 the P@lkey House Barn. istSmti > J : r.. ' Watna, Jl in " f , *1V7 ~ ' IS " J^-SSwl sfCT'-fr -*va Warm weather. Grain looking splendid. Circus next Wednesday. School closes to-morrow. A gentle rain Tuesday afternoon. Fourth of July two weeks from to- morrow. A large stock of bird cages at Amos & Benedict's. J. J. Bennett is out on the road selling lumber. Rend the program for the Fourth in ano;her column. Artist material in any quantity at Amos & Benedict's. Peter Schroder,- of Perhani, was on oar streets Monday. Frank Ilanderson of Thoraastown, was in town Monday. J. T. McCnlloch, of New York Mills, was in. town Saturday. The beautiful (?) song of the house fly is wh t v e hear now. W. jL. Northfoss spent a few days at Fergus Falls, last week. II. C. Mealey, of Staples, registered at the Merchan ts, Sunday. For Poland China and Jersey Red pigs, enquire of II. W. Fuller. Paints, oils, brushes, etc., in endless varieties at Amos & Benedict's. M. A. Webster, of Shell City, regis- tered at King's Hotel, yesterday. C.II.Peakehaslately platted twenty acres of land in North Minneapolis. The first wind mill in Wadena\Coun- ty, was put up in Wadena, Monday. WANTED.—A girl competent to do general house work. Mrs. A. L. Irwin. Supt. Harding, of Leaf River, was in town, yesterday. The scissor grinder was in town Monday. Everybody got sharpened up. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miller returned from their Minneapolis visit, Sunday night. C. J. Stuart is having a handsome picket fence built in front of his dwelling. J. B. Perkins has moved his barber shop into the front room over Boss' grocery store. We have just turned out another big job for the Merchants Hotel. Thiy time it is 3000 envelops. Our Public Schools will close morrow with a grand picnic in Floral Ilall on the Fair Grounds. / Attend the meeting in Wm. Raw- son's office to-morrow evening, and help organize a Fire Company. N. L. McBain and wife, of Deer Creek, were in Wadena yesterday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Bereman Geo. F. Leopold, the boss clothier, and our old friend, Honry Metzger, of Brainerd, were in Wadena over Sun- day. C. II. FOSP, of Ilenning, was in Wa< dena Monday forenoon. He was on his way home from a visit to Minne- apolis. Read the new "ad" of the City Dray in another column. All orders left at Hamlin's Lumber Office will receive prompt attention. The longest train of cars that we ever saw, passed through Wadena Saturday going east. There were 85 cars and two engines. B. M. Buckland has the contract for building the parsonage for the Ger- man Evangelical Association. He has the frame already up. We are in receipt of a very neat in- vitation to attend the grand opening of Hotel Minnesota, at Detroit, Mina. on the evening of July 3d. Judge Ostrander has built a barn en his resident lots on First Street. He has also built some side-walk and set out a number of spruce trees. If you wish to purchase Wadena lots before the R. R., Co. advance prices call on E, S. Case at Bank of Wadena, and make your selections. W. W Graham has purchased three lots of G. A. Whitney at the east end of Aveiill Street, and has commenced the erection of a fine dwelling thereon. E. S. Case and D. L. Kinne, attend- ed Sells' Bros. Circus at Fergus Falls, Saturday. They report it as being first rate and all that it was advertised to be. The Farmers' Tribune is the cheap- est and best paper published. Send for sample, and if you like it, sub- scribe for it. Tribune company, Min neapolis. L. W. Burnett, Advertiseing Agent for the Kermott Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich, is in Wadena this week, visiting with his sistei', Mrs. W. Shufflebarger. E. W. Thorp has contributed to the Teachers Library Association, Niells fifth edition of the History of Min- nesota. This adds another valuable book to the library. Parties having land contracts with the Northern Pacific R. R. Co., can save money by paying up in preferred stock, which may be ordered through Peake & Murray Of Wadena Minn. G. N. Bird, of the firm of Bird & Wheeler, Clitherall, dealers in Hard- ware, Lumber and Agricultural Im- plements, while in Wadena yesterday, made the FARMER office a call. Harris' Circus is coming. School picnic to-morrow afternoon. Amos Jk Benedict are headquarters for news. C. E. Spencer of Aldrich, was in town yesterday. . L. D. French, of Dower Lake, was iu the city Friday. W. L. Taylor, of New York Mills, was in town Tuesday. Old papers for sale at this office at 50 cents per hundred. The FARMER office has indulged in the luxury of an awning. J. W. White, of Vining, registered at the Merchants, Friday. C. G. Mayer has given the front of his tailor shop a coat of paint. A. W. Crozier and F P. Bishop, of Blulfton, were in town Monday. Dr. E. L. Hawes, went to Battle Lake Monday, to remain a week. Read the new 4i ad" of the Western House. S. W. Tripp, proprietor. Miss Johnson has just received some of the latest noveltiesjn hats. 2-4t. V Chas. Feehan has treated his builu- ing on Front Street to a coat of paint. The Wadena Roller Rink is open on- ly Wednesday and Saturday evenings. If you really want a reasonable hat, get it at Miss Johnson's. 2-4t. Harris' Nickle-Plate Shows will be in Wadena next Wednesday, June 25th, <• By L ivey'' V C. H. Peake and E. S. Case have bought 1200 acres of .land in Dakota, near Milnor. L. Kramer will pay the highest cash price for hides, furs, wool, gensing and snake root. W. S. Heathcote, one of Deer Creek's most prominent citizens, paid Wade- na a visit yesterday. The Village Council are having some street lamps put up 011 the cor- ners along Third Street. If you want to make 50 per cent, on an investment, buy N. P. R. R. lots of E. S. Case, agent. New York Mills has shaken oft Mills part of her name, and will herey after be called New York. V The Hon. S. D. Allen, of Duluth, will deliver the oration for the Fourth of July celebration in Wadena. Peake & Murray are the agents of the Northern Pacific for the sale of town lots. Call and examine their plat. C. II. Peake was out at Milnor the fore part of the week. He says there is some of the nicest country around Milnor he ever saw. Ruff. Kelley was in town Tuesday getting some repairing done for his ditching machine. He is at work with it in Otter Tail County. Mrs. A. O. Green, of Minneapolis, arrived in Wadena Monday, and went to Wrightstown on a visit to her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Taylor. Read the big advertisement of Harris' Celebrated Nickle-Plate Shows in another column. They will exhibit in Wadena, Wednesday, Jnn 25th. The council have leased a lot A. Whitney for two years on Fourth Street, between Aver ill and Front Streets, and will immediately erect a/ hose house thereon, 40x20. yY A, R. Wiswell is laying the founda- tion for a fine dwelling on his farm just north of town. The upright will be 28x24, with a wing 18x21. It will have a brick foundation. No one should fail to see Harris' Celebrated Nickle-Plate Circus and Menagerie next Wednesday, June 25th. There may not be another cir- cus in Wadena for a long time Eugene Boss, who has been Centre the past two or three months, has returned to Wadena. He will take the position as book keeper at the Wadena Roller Mills in a short time. Owing to hard times and in order to make room, Mrs. L. Kramer will sell millinery and fancy goods after this date at greatly reduced prices. ; Wadena, June 2d, 1884. ! Read the advertisement in another column of the Minneapolis Harness Shop, Schulte & Co., proprietors. They carry a good stock and sell at reason- able prices. Repairing promptly done. Remember the place, in the A. G. BXKTHA. Grope of all kinds look very flatter- ing. The acreage planted to corn is somewhat smaller than nsual, al- though the stand is good and some of our farmers have plowed corn twice. Mrs. C. M. Brown lifts been sick for the past two weeks, but at this writ- ing, is improving. Mr. Wm .Blwlim is building a barn which adds very much to the appear- ance of his farm. The Assessor made us a pleasant call last week, and reminded us that two things were certain in this world. Death and taxation. I noticcd an article in the Todd County Argus of May 23d, written from this town, accusing the School Board of this District, (No. 64,) of going to Wadena County to hire a teacher, and then hiring a little boy. Now that little toy is Mr. Gill, who jhns taught five terms in this county and holds a second grade certificate with an average standing of 83£. Now I cant see where there is any room for complaint ULICSS it is by some parties that live outside of the district, as there were some who sent without so much as asking permis-' sion or offering to pay tuition. In the first place our school house is small and is crowded to accommodate the scholars of our dwn district, but it is as natural f3r some people to grumble as to breathe, and unless the}' can be bell sheep, they wont be sheep at all. I merely speak of this in justice to Mr. Gill. Mrs. Henderson presented her hus- band with a valuable present last week. Didn't ascertain the exact weight, but it was a girl. Mr. Wm. Fisher has lost three of his horses with some disease that seems to be uncontrollable by the best medical skill. S. E. Morical is visiting friends in Leaf River, Wadena County. HUCKLEBERRY. |Scllins Is Profitable. Prices re- Fduced. Catalog net* fret. Write for an agency. Address. If t C. TaniMn. Map Publisher, Dart-lon St .,'8t Paul, Minn. Wuctrrs INDIAN VEGETABLE Puu FOB RAX LIVER And all Bilious Complaints FREE! mm. , prescription of one •( the most noted and successful specialists i a tbeU-S. (now retired)for the euro of JiOtt Wimkn—s and Dwsy.Snt (Bplalasealed eaT.lope/tot^Uromrlsts can Milt. Address OR. WARD 4 CO. Ueishna. Mo. map Ff JrioUBLE mm A brorlt* preser ing or Middle-aged Men,wlth nreecriptlooa ftr 8elX-treatment by a Regular Physician. 81HT FREE ttir.s ssnt T. WILLIAMS A PP.. MILWMIKEK. «T iSr.LaBare*. _»ooaBssos TO jeglysiil ojfths Ms. ^ _ •"fcUtmnt*; ssl^mll_. ROMdlM. OdbntttlM Ttated. Call or writs for lbt at ywrtUnsf Iwmnruwlbytlio— liing tr»»tm«ntbym«n. f W— —ftrtef fr— IMSW IIIHH ml Mr » Hr—,% In IIIIIU^H tMr UTHIIH. IthMHtiM# L hum Frnt u4 WjrfilM h ( tnocfoc to Dr. ButtTl3toaM RULES OF fata Broiler Mug M. From 7 to From 10 to y, Jmift t or Gr. her cir- f] e ' V at Sauk OAK VALLEY. Miss Ida West is home from Wa- dena. Mrs. Ausbournc has sold her farm to a German from near Hastings,Minn. Consideration, $1500. Mrs Joslin is visiting in Wadena with her son, Oscar . Mr. Webster of Deer Creek, has bought some land on section 18, Oak Valley, and has moved his family over on it. The people of our town are begin- ing to talk politics. As regards legislature, everyone seems to be in favor of C. D. Baker, and if he will run, we think he will get the solid vote in this part of the country. SKIPPER. June 12th, 1884. H. Palmateer. PROFESSIONAL SHAVER AND FASHIONABLE HAIR CUTTER. Third St.. Wadena. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Finest toasorial rooms on the N. P. Going East Going West, No matter which, the Northern Pacific R. R. Is your Line, As it will take you in either direction between St. Paul, Minneapolis, DULUTH, WADENA, GLYN- DON, MOORHEAD, FARGO, CASSELTON, VALLEY City, Jamestown, Minnewaukan, (Devils Lake), MILNOR, LAMOURE, BISMARCK Mandan, Glendive, Billings, HELENA, Yellowstone National Park Deer Lodge, Butte City, Mis- soula, Spokane Falls, Walla Walla, The Dalles ForttandL Oregon, From 12 to From 2 to From 4 to Evenings 10 a. m.... 12 m 2 p. m.... 4 p. m.... 6 p, m.... .... 10 cts. ....10 cts. .*..10 cts. ....10 cts. ....10 cts. .... 25 cts. Hot Meals at all FRUITS IN THEIR SEASON CANNED FRUITS, Cakes, Etc., Always on Hand. Admission evenings for gents 10 cts. Admission free to those buying skates at the door. Skates must be paid for before going on to the floor. This includes parties that own skates. THOS. MILLER, Manager. Handkerchiefs, etc., cheap at collars, neck-ties, C. G. MAYER'S Tailor Shop. of For Sale. £500 bushels of oats. Enquire OSTRANDER & Co. $20,000. To loan on farm property, at a low rate of interest. 46-tf 08TKANDBR k CO. Money to Loan On improved farms at eight percent for from three to five years. J. W.SPEELMAN, 5-3t. Verndale. For Sale. You can buy one pair of good 7 year old oxen and one cow of me for $140; 1-2 cash down, balance when you take the stock away. A. N. TULL. 2-tf. For Sale. A good farm two miles southwest of Wadena, and a house and lot in the village of Battle Lake. Apply to JOHN WYVELL, 3-tf. Battle Lake. OLYMPIA, SEATTLE. TACOMA, VICTORIA B. C. All Points in BRITISH COLUMBIA and ALASKA, Salem, Albany and Roseburg, Oregon. Remember That the Northern Pacific Railroad runs TH* 0NLT EMISRAXT SLBPSRS! THI ONLY DAT COACHES! THI OHLT PULLHAX SUCIMI! THE OMLT DIXIKG CABS! BETWEEN ST, PAUL,& PORTLAND ORE. ELEGANT HORTON CHAIR CARS are run between St. Paul and Fargo, on Fargo Day Kx- g ress; free for ladies, or gentlemen accompanied y ladies holding tint class tickets. Full infermnrion in rcgardto the Northern Pacific lines can bo obtained FREE by adress ing CHAS. S. FEE. General Pass. Agant. St, Paul, Minn. 31 eg til u eg m u 0 CD Vh 85 IT a, O !—I 0J o o V-1 CJ> nzT <L> <L> oW V-< & o E in <D <L> O O V-l O CO o CE CD >- 111 -J * < o u. O 8 S ^ £ c a 2 c ts e 0 n iii 0 < i— CO Q -J o LU X I- TS S OS £ © S-t <9 JS >• CITY DRAY, D. R. MORRISON, PROP. All orders left at the City Dray of- fice will receive prompt attention. Western House, Third St., Wadena, Minn. S. W. Tripp, Prop, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS, AND TERMS REASONABLE Minneapolis Harness Shop, WADENA, MINNESOTA^ Schulte & Co., - - Proprietors. We carry a large stock of Harnesses, Collars, Whips, Brushes, Etc., Etc., Lap Dusters and Fly Nets. EiPRepairing of all kinds promptly done, and at reaso nable prices.-®* got my dinner at Potter's I did not Hamlin is Knocking the Bottom Out Of Prices. s. All KLxiicls of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Siding, Sealing, Lath» Lime, Hair, Brick and Paints, m And will be sold at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. Tills Is no Cateb, bat Facts. Hamlin will make it an object for parties wanting anything in hie line to come SO miles to Buy. He has the largest stock of Doors, Windows, Building Paper and Paints Kept in This Place, and will Not lae Undersold. See Him Before You Buy. Come, Send er Write for Prices to H. B. HAMLIN, W»denaf M1nm« Yard on Front 3NT©"W Meat Market! BARRON & BARRON, Proprietors. All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Constantly on hand. Orders by mail promptly attended to. \\ T ^ WadLenA, Roller M. Weizel & Co., Prop's. We Manufacture the % Notice. Peake building, Front Street, Wade- / All parties interested in the organ na - 1/ ization of a Fire Department in Wa- The tower for the town wind mill dena, are requested to meet at the of- was raisftl Monday, and the machinery has since been put in place and the pump driven. It works nicely. What it needs now is a good coat of paint. We don't believe the Eclipse folks would feel very proud of it as it is, for it looks badly weather beaten. Notice the change in the advertise- ment of the New Meat Market. It is now run under the firm name of Bar ron & Barron, they having purchased A S. Earnist's interest in the busi ness. They have secured the services of Ous Migge, a competent butcher who is well and favorably known by our people. From present indications we shall probably have a new time card on this division soon. Mr. Kimborly, the Superintendent, passed over the road recenUy on the new caravanic pack train and by the care worn look of his face when he retained, one would naturally infer that he had pleasant ^Mn in asix day go-as-you-please contest, The 1/ idea of running twenty-five cattle cars on a mail The German Evangelical AssOCiK- passenger train might work down among the greasers and cow boys of Mexico, but when an in- tion have commenced the erection of a parsonage 16x24, with 10 ft. posts, 011 Third Street, south of A. Murray's residence. They will also erect a church building the present summer. To every new subscriber paying for one year's subscription in advance, or to anv delinquents paying up ar- rearages and one year in advande, we will send for one year, as a premium ^Health and Home," an excellent monthly Journal, devoted to domestic mcdicine, literature, science and art. The dance at the old rink last Thurs- day night was a very pleasant affair. All report as having had a splendid time. The music was furnished by members of the Wadena Cornet Band and was good. There was not a very large crowd in attendance, but enough ta have a good time. AM repairing of watches, clocks and jewelry left at the Wadena Jewelry Store, will be carefully attended to by Barney Metzger. Barney is perfectly, competent to do all such work and it will be just as well done as if I were here myself. When I was here he' did as much of the work as I did. This statement is made because some; dtf.; not,- understand' that Barney does suph \y<6rk. f METZGER.- - phi corporation with the means and ample facilities of the Northern Pacific Rail Roadtrys to get np a scheme like they have down here for jerking passen- gers heads off, we think it pretty near time one of the moguls went over the road and experienced a little of the delightful sensations of spinal curves and a "pied" dura mater.—The fact of the business is that a trip of ten miles on the newly invented Jnggernant of the Northern Pacific will so disfigure a man that his remains can hardly be recognized by a coroner's Jury, and we are glad to see that a change is to be made.—Battle Lake Boview. The W; H Harris* New Shows There la probably no man living to-day who has had better success, or made more friends, or won more laurels in the show business than W.H. Harris, who is a thorough gentleman and a show - man worthy the name, and is known wherevertke Nickle Plate has shown as a man of integrity, sob- riety, honesty and indomitable perseverance. This enviable reputation fit. Harris has gained by dealing fairly with his patrons, the public; by fulfilling bis every promise and by constant and hard brain-end hand work. It has ever been his aim to better his profession, and his labors have been highly successful. ~ In the organization of the Nickle Plate circus Mr Harris has embodied all of worth that he lias gained from experience of years. He has built a new show after his own plans and idea* and from new material. He has built "a circus for the peopla, has engaged the best talent of the .country, and will introduce features that will be ne?, novel and pleasing, among which teay'be juentioaed Don , the Fq}ee ishuid cannibat only*dne year in America 1 'Gipsy,?- the only umbrella-eared elephant. wit h the largest 'ears of born brutes; the largest and most savttg. denof Uon^; the only malc^and fe< male Samsons ob the cogtininf^gUUing egHinst lephants„ hotses, etc.—Moortjead Jfefrg. - v —— " fice of Wm. Rawson, on Friday even- ing J une 20th, at 8 o'clock sharp. M. B. Church. Children's Day will be observed in the M. JE. church next Sabbath. Re sponsive reading,,recitation and sing- ing in the morning. In the evening a concert and exhibition will be given. The exercises of mom and eve to be conducted by the Sunday School. For Sale. Farm of 160 acres; 62 acres ready for crop, one mile east of the Post Office. For further particulars en quire of B. E. BOTER, 45-tf. Wadena, Letter List. List of Letters remaining* in the Postofiee •! Wadena. Minn.. June 19th 1884. Miss Margreta Carlson, Mary De- long, E. G. Lovejoy. In calling for these letters please say ••Adver- - GILES PEAK1C, P. M. Used." Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the co- partnership hare-to-fore existing be tween C.II.Northfoss and A. S. Earn- ist,under the firm name of Northfoss & Earnist, is this day dissolved by mu- tual consent. C. H. NORTHFOSS, A. S> EARNIST, June 1st, 1884. 4.4 w . To Whom it rnayOon corn. Notice is hereby given that I have this day given my soil Edwin Hallett his time, and thatl will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by said Edwin Kallett after this date. P . BENJAMIW HALLETT, Dated, Wadena Minn. May 28('84. Agents! wanted for "The Lit eeo i*U tbePresidentB of t h U The largest, ha d somest,bestbook ever sd . for loss than twice our . - 7-r-i . price. The fastest selling ? ler,c ^* Immenaeprofits to agents, All intelligent people want it. Anyone o&n become a successful azent. Terms ffiee.' HAUBT BOOK. Co., Portland. Maine. ^ six cents tor _ and reoeive, . -, a costty'Jbox 01 .. fep^aawbidh will help STRAIGHT AND PATENT FLOUR 1 With the latest and most improved machinery, and also all grades of feed We guarantee oar flour to be as good as any manufactured in the northwest Exchange and custom work promptly done. Special attention given to fitrmers. We will pay the highest cash price for wheat All orders bj mail promptly attended to. M. Weizel & Co. We are Pleased to announce that Our. Spring and Summer Styles Are now open for the Inspection of the Public* Our new stoek consists of a large and varied assortment of the Newest and Best in Seasonable Embracing all the Latest Novelties and Standard Goods as well. Front Street, Wadena. Merchants Hotel, Front Street, - - Wadena, Minn E. M. COOPER, Proprietor, This house has just been refitted and refurnished throughout, making it one of the "best furnished hotels on the line of the Northern Pacific Rail Road. The proprietor will give his personal attention to the comfort of ins guests Terms Reasonable. BUY YOUR Furniture, HASSAN & LAMBERT, Averill Street, - ... Wadena, Minn CHAS. H. PEAKS, Prerfdent. MURRAY. Cashier. MERCHANTS BANK, 1 j Wadena Minn. A General Banking and Insurance BUSINESS TRANSACTED* NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS A CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES « We also carry a large and well selected stock of & Fancy Groceries, Glassware, Stoneware, Woodenware, Etc., Etc. We claim for our stock, General Excellence in Quality, Immense Variety, at prices which will be found Exceedingly Low. Call in to- ^ day, to-morrow, and every day, and be eonvinced that you - - can save money by making your purchases of us* " Ofprn Froni and Thatf JSi* sS'SsC.-r.i r* Wadena. ^Minnesota. SHWijiM We have for Sale DESIRABLE LOTS In all Parts of the City, at Prices Ranging from $50 Upwards, Easy Terms of Payment. If you ¥iaw» to buy lots, come nd see us* Every- body says there is money in Wadena town lots at pros- ent prices• Peake & Murray. i A 2> •> jf.... "J!aM&X ' 'f W -

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    Coon dSs Co..


    Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing, HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS'

    Furnishing Goods. We have the Largest and Best Selected Stock between Brainerd and

    Vur We m.ike this BU SIN ESS A SPEC 1A LT Y and gi vc it all our atten lion, and will sell you

    Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest if not cheaper WE CAN FIT THE LARGES TMAX OR THE SMAIZES T BO J".

    We also curry a nice lino of

    TRUCKS, IKAYELIWG BAGS, VALISES, ETC., KTC., AH very cheap. Conae and see us and be convinced of the

    fact that what we 8*3* is true, at the CLOTHING STORE OPPOSITE DEPOT.


    _ saa J :r.. ' Watna, Jl in " f , *1V7 ~


    IS " J^-SSwl sfCT'-fr -*va

    Warm weather. Grain looking splendid. Circus next Wednesday. School closes to-morrow. A gentle rain Tuesday afternoon. Fourth of July two weeks from to

    morrow. A large stock of bird cages at Amos

    & Benedict's. J. J. Bennett is out on the road

    selling lumber. Rend the program for the Fourth in

    ano;her column. Artist material in any quantity at

    Amos & Benedict's. Peter Schroder,- of Perhani, was on

    oar streets Monday. Frank Ilanderson of Thoraastown,

    was in town Monday. J. T. McCnlloch, of New York Mills,

    was in. town Saturday. The beautiful (?) song of the house

    fly is wh t v e hear now. W. jL. Northfoss spent a few days at

    Fergus Falls, last week. II. C. Mealey, of Staples, registered

    at the Merchan ts, Sunday. For Poland China and Jersey Red

    pigs, enquire of II. W. Fuller. Paints, oils, brushes, etc., in endless

    varieties at Amos & Benedict's. M. A. Webster, of Shell City, regis

    tered at King's Hotel, yesterday. C.II.Peakehaslately platted twenty

    acres of land in North Minneapolis. The first wind mill in Wadena\Coun-

    ty, was put up in Wadena, Monday.

    WANTED.—A girl competent to do general house work. Mrs. A. L. Irwin.

    Supt. Harding, of Leaf River, was in town, yesterday.

    The scissor grinder was in town Monday. Everybody got sharpened up.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Miller returned from their Minneapolis visit, Sunday night.

    C. J. Stuart is having a handsome picket fence built in front of his dwelling.

    J. B. Perkins has moved his barber shop into the front room over Boss' grocery store.

    We have just turned out another big job for the Merchants Hotel. Thiy time it is 3000 envelops.

    Our Public Schools will close morrow with a grand picnic in Floral Ilall on the Fair Grounds. /

    Attend the meeting in Wm. Raw-son's office to-morrow evening, and help organize a Fire Company.

    N. L. McBain and wife, of Deer Creek, were in Wadena yesterday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Bereman

    Geo. F. Leopold, the boss clothier, and our old friend, Honry Metzger, of Brainerd, were in Wadena over Sunday.

    C. II. FOSP, of Ilenning, was in Wa< dena Monday forenoon. He was on his way home from a visit to Minneapolis.

    Read the new "ad" of the City Dray in another column. All orders left at Hamlin's Lumber Office will receive prompt attention.

    The longest train of cars that we ever saw, passed through Wadena Saturday going east. There were 85 cars and two engines.

    B. M. Buckland has the contract for building the parsonage for the German Evangelical Association. He has the frame already up.

    We are in receipt of a very neat invitation to attend the grand opening of Hotel Minnesota, at Detroit, Mina. on the evening of July 3d.

    Judge Ostrander has built a barn en his resident lots on First Street. He has also built some side-walk and set out a number of spruce trees.

    If you wish to purchase Wadena lots before the R. R., Co. advance prices call on E, S. Case at Bank of Wadena, and make your selections.

    W. W Graham has purchased three lots of G. A. Whitney at the east end of Aveiill Street, and has commenced the erection of a fine dwelling thereon.

    E. S. Case and D. L. Kinne, attended Sells' Bros. Circus at Fergus Falls, Saturday. They report it as being first rate and all that it was advertised to be.

    The Farmers' Tribune is the cheapest and best paper published. Send for sample, and if you like it, subscribe for it. Tribune company, Min neapolis.

    L. W. Burnett, Advertiseing Agent for the Kermott Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich, is in Wadena this week, visiting with his sistei', Mrs. W. Shufflebarger.

    E. W. Thorp has contributed to the Teachers Library Association, Niells fifth edition of the History of Minnesota. This adds another valuable book to the library.

    Parties having land contracts with the Northern Pacific R. R. Co., can save money by paying up in preferred stock, which may be ordered through Peake & Murray Of Wadena Minn.

    G. N. Bird, of the firm of Bird & Wheeler, Clitherall, dealers in Hardware, Lumber and Agricultural Implements, while in Wadena yesterday, made the FARMER office a call.

    Harris' Circus is coming. School picnic to-morrow afternoon. Amos Jk Benedict are headquarters

    for news. C. E. Spencer of Aldrich, was in

    town yesterday. . L. D. French, of Dower Lake, was

    iu the city Friday. W. L. Taylor, of New York Mills,

    was in town Tuesday. Old papers for sale at this office at

    50 cents per hundred. The FARMER office has indulged in

    the luxury of an awning. J. W. White, of Vining, registered

    at the Merchants, Friday. C. G. Mayer has given the front of

    his tailor shop a coat of paint. A. W. Crozier and F P. Bishop, of

    Blulfton, were in town Monday. Dr. E. L. Hawes, went to Battle

    Lake Monday, to remain a week. Read the new 4iad" of the Western

    House. S. W. Tripp, proprietor. Miss Johnson has just received some

    of the latest noveltiesjn hats. 2-4t. V Chas. Feehan has treated his builu-

    ing on Front Street to a coat of paint. The Wadena Roller Rink is open on

    ly Wednesday and Saturday evenings. If you really want a reasonable hat,

    get it at Miss Johnson's. 2-4t.

    Harris' Nickle-Plate Shows will be in Wadena next Wednesday, June 25th,

    EARNIST, June 1st, 1884. 4.4 w.

    To Whom it rnayOon corn. Notice is hereby given that I have

    this day given my soil Edwin Hallett his time, and thatl will not be responsible for any debts contracted by said Edwin Kallett after this date.

    P . BENJAMIW HALLETT, Dated, Wadena Minn. May 28('84.

    Agents! wanted for "The Lit eeo i*U tbePresidentB of t h U 8« The largest, ha d somest,bestbook ever sd

    . — for loss than twice our . - 7-r-i . price. The fastest selling

    ?ler,c^* Immenaeprofits to agents, All intelligent people want it. • Anyone o&n become a successful azent. Terms ffiee.'

    HAUBT BOOK. Co., Portland. Maine. ̂

    six cents tor _ and reoeive,

    . -, a costty'Jbox 01 .. fep^aawbidh will help


    With the latest and most improved machinery, and also all grades of feed We guarantee oar flour to be as good as any manufactured in the northwest Exchange and custom work promptly done. Special attention given to fitrmers. We will pay the highest cash price for wheat All orders bj mail promptly attended to.

    M. Weizel & Co.

    We are Pleased to announce that Our.

    Spring and Summer Styles Are now open for the

    Inspection of the Public*

    Our new stoek consists of a large and varied assortment of the

    Newest and Best in Seasonable

    Embracing all the Latest Novelties and Standard Goods as well.

    Front Street, Wadena.

    Merchants Hotel, Front Street, - - Wadena, Minn

    E. M. COOPER, Proprietor, This house has just been refitted and refurnished throughout, making it

    one of the "best furnished hotels on the line of the Northern Pacific Rail Road. The proprietor will give his personal attention to the comfort of ins guests Terms Reasonable.



    HASSAN & LAMBERT, Averill Street, - ... Wadena, Minn

    CHAS. H. PEAKS, Prerfdent.

    MURRAY. Cashier.


    Wadena Minn.

    A General Banking and Insurance BUSINESS TRANSACTED*


    CLOTHING, HATS A CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES « We also carry a large and well selected stock of

    & Fancy Groceries, Glassware, Stoneware, Woodenware, Etc., Etc.

    We claim for our stock, General Excellence in Quality, Immense Variety, at prices which will be found Exceedingly Low. Call in to-

    ^ day, to-morrow, and every day, and be eonvinced that you - - can save money by making your purchases of us* "

    Ofprn Froni and Thatf JSi* sS'SsC.-r.i r* Wadena. ̂ Minnesota.


    We have for Sale


    In all Parts of the City, at Prices

    Ranging from $50 Upwards,

    Easy Terms of Payment. If you ¥iaw» to buy lots, come nd see us* Every

    body says there is money in Wadena town lots at pros-

    ent prices•

    Peake & Murray. i A 2> •> jf.... "J!aM&X ' 'f W -