terflis: $3i« fer year. webb & peake's bulletin.€¦ · testimonial. office of co....

, iffri J-2 SF^ 1 ,11% •^^ySl£ Vol. IV. No. 32. WADENA, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 i. 1881. 5 *r 49^ i *r «~*P- ? ^ »w&. .i^w Terflis: $3i« Fer Year. Webb & Peake's Bulletin. GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE! WEBB & PEAKE'S, Saturday, Oct. 22nd, 1881. What is left of our large stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc., must positively be closed on that day. Don't fa<l to be on hand as it will be your last chance this fall or winter, to secure such bargains as we now offer. WEBB & PEAKE. FALL I WINTER GOODS! PEAKE& BBRCH INVITE ATTENTION TO THE Largest and Finest Stock OF- WINTER GOODS Ever Brought to Wadena County. COMPRISING _ THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN PLAIN AND PLAID DR&SS GOODS WIT1I TRIMMINGS TO MATCH, CRETONNES, SUITINGS, WATERPROOFS, REPELLENTS, FANCY OLOAKINGS, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. Hosiery, Gloves, Skirts, Silk and Lace Ties, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Towels, Crashes, Table Linen and Napkins. Business Cards. WADENA POST OFFICE. OPEN FROM 7:30 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. Mail closes, going east, 9:40 A. M. 8:30 P.M. " " " west, - 3:40 P.M. " •' for Parker's Frairie Mondays and Thursdays 10:00 A.M. Mail closes for Ininaa, Mondays, 6:30 A.M. LON", PRAIRIE. Tuesday, at 7 a. m. Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Frl. day, at 7 a. m. Saturday, at 7 p. m. Money Orders can be obtained upon post- oAces in all parts of the United States, GILES PEAKE, P. M. WADENA LODGE NO 60. A. 0. U. W Meet at Peake's Opera House, Wadena, eTery Saturday eveuing^at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting breth- ren cordially invited. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY in the OLD PHCENIX, of HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, ^lANH/rr^, of Jtew YO^K, —GERMAN, OF ILLINOIS —OR— UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, NEV YORK. Rates lower than ia any Minnesota company. Policies written in our office for the Manhattan or German. S. S. GARDNER <fe CO., AGENTS. H II. J. TATLOR.Recorder. , F. BORCH, M. W. LOOAL TIMS CARD OF N. P. R. R. TRAINS GOING WBST. Ne. 1. Mail, daily except Sunday, 2:57 p. m. No. 3. Express, " " " 3'^ 5 a. m. Wo. 13. Freight,.» » " 1:55 a. m. Wo. 15. " " " " 4:00 p.m. TRAIXS GOING EA8T, Wo.2. Mail, daily exeept Sunday, 11:02 a.m. No. 4. Express," " " 12:28 P- n. Wo. 14. Freight, " " " P- m - ]l(> ii •• " " 9:36 a. n. Stages leave Wadena every Monday and Thursday for Wrightstown and Parkers Prai- rie, connecting at Parkers Prairie with stages f °or Alexandria, Stag* leaves every Monday morning for D*ar Creek and Inman. , O. A CBOMETT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon* t . S. Exaatinini lurgera. Office hours, day aad night. First door left hand «de, over Bank of Wadena. WADENA BI1LIARB PARLOR and SA MPLE ROOM. Front Street, - Wadena, Minn. A f rat-class stock of Wines, Mineral waters and Cigars constantly on hand, also St. PAUL LASSS BBIR. A. WILLUna, - Prcprleter. HORACE ROCKWELL, House Painter, All kinds of Painting, Graining and Kalsomining executed with neat- ness and dispatch. WADENA, - MINN LANDRETHS' M SEEDS ISBEST1QQ1 logneandPrieea. Tk*OtdtMamdmoMM Oroiwi in ilke Unil»d StatM. DAVID LANDBITH&80NS.PHIL 4DA .JA. 0. a. 8TBA8BUBG, Manufccturer and Dealer in HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Harnesses made to order on short notice All work warranted. TWRB ST. WADENA, MINN. 10 ly DR. L. W. BAB000K, Physician GREENLAW HURST, Contractor and Builder. Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished on short notice. Employing none but first-class work- men, satisfaction is guaranteed. All kinds of carpenter and joiner work executed with neatness and dispatch, - WADENA, - ^ MINN. WADENA HEAT COOPER fc MlGGE. PROPRIETORS Fresh and Corned Beei, Pork, Veal and Mutton. SAUSAGE ALWAYS OH BAUD. Orders by Kail Promptly Attended to. J. A. SLOAN, CONTRACTOR, % AND BUILDER. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS. For reference, C. H. Peake's build- ing, corner Tbird and Front streets, and G. M. Taylor's. ALSO UNDERTAKER. Shop on Third street, Wadena, Gaetz & Brockhof, PROPRIETORS WADENA WAGON AND BLACKSHITH SHOPS. We are prepared to manufacture any kind of a vehicle, from a wheel- barrow to a wagon, or from a toy sleigh to a bob-sled. Repairing wag- ons, plows, farm machinery, etc.,care fully attended to. RATES REASONABLE t Third St., next door west of the Central House. —AND— Surgeon. lyAll calls in thecity or country pro attended to. Office at residence, two d south of Central House, Tkird street 31 0. A. OOTJILLARD, Attorney ail Cowler-At-Law, . NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections in Wadena and adjoining counties promptly attended to. Money to Loan on Real Estate. WADENA, MINNESOTA. Attractive Novelties iu SHADED AND PLAID RIBBONS, Nubias, Hoods and Jackets. Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Etc., will be found complete in every detail. Also, our stock of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, Etc. Don't fail to call and examine our mammoth stock and low prices. We aim to keep our stock so large and attractive and our prices so low that it will pay vou to trade with us. One Price to all- " PEAKE A BURCH, corner Third and Front Sts., Wadena, Minn. S. 8. GARDNER, President, E. S. CASE, Cashier. OP •Jy WADENA BRICK YARD MURRAY k ALLEN, Prop. New fresh brick forsale next week. Parties wishing to order brick should apply to WEBB & PEAKE, Sole Agents. Wadena. -MEW Harness Shop, J. HEINEN, PROPRIETOR, DEALERIX Harnesses, Collars, WHIPS, FLYNETS, CCBBT COMBS, AND BRUSHES. All repairing done neatly. Call and see me. Wadena, Minnesota. BLACKSMITH, WADENA, MINN. JG^TWork Done in all Branches. fee-Shoeing a Specialty. GARDNER & CO., BANKERS, WADENA, MINN. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. LOANS NEGOTIATED Monsy to loan on Short Time. WADENA TOWN LOTS FOR SAL.ES GENERAL COLLECTION AND INSURANCE AGENCY. State Normal School, ST. CLOUD, MINN. The Fall Ten will open Aug. 17. 1881. Important additions hare been made to the li- brary and the department of Natural Science. A text-book library will furnish students, at SI per term, with all books needed for class use. Thorough training in teaching is given, both in theory and practice, under the direction and criti- cism of an experienced teacher. Accommodations are provided for ladies at the Normal Home, which are both pleasant and econ- omical. Private boarding at reasonable rates, about S3 per week. The Model and Preparatory departments will be open for pupils ol°all grades. Tuition, with text- books furnished, $12 per year. For circulars apply to D. L. KIEHLE. St. Cloud, Minn., June 28,1881. Principal. rilOS. MILLER, DEALER IN FARM MACHINERY, Remington and Montreal SINGER 150,000 acres of Choice FARMING LANDS and on easy terms of payment. for sale at LOW PRICES, WADENA HARDWARE STORE I J". K.. TV/TXT -T COR. THIRD AND AVERILL Sts. - WADENA, MINN. DEALER IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware, S.toves, Doors, Sash, and Builders Material, Iron, Steel, Powder and Shot, Tin and Sheet Iron Work done to order, and REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE! AGENTS FOR THE JOHN DEERE PLOWS, AND THE Celebrated Mitchell Wagons. Merchants Hotel, Front Street, Wadena, Minn. H. PELKEY, PROP*, This house has recently been improved, and a first-class livery attached, making it one of the most complete hotels on the line. SEWING MACHINES, Cheap lor cash or on short time. Highest cash price paid for wheat. Third Street, Wadena, Minn. 1:1 TESTIMONIAL. Office of Co. TREASURER Aitkin County, Minn Aitkin, Aug. 26th, 1881. Louis ERRICKSON, ESQ.. Wadena. DEAR SIR :—Inclosed I hand you $10.00 for the boots, which is what you said as I remember,—if more, say so and I will send it to you. To say the least you make the best boot and the best fit of any man I ever saw. These toots are just a fit— just what I wanted. Never had boots until you commenced making them for me, that suited me at all. Respectfully, D. E. TULL. (CO. Treas.) Mr. Errickson continues to make just as good boots as those he made for Mr. Tull, if not a shade better. He also h?.s on hand a good assort- ment of ready made boot and shoes. E. L. HA WES, DENTAL. SURGEON, Particular attontion > aid to the FILLING AND PRESERVING OF THE NATURAL. TEETH. ARTIFICI'L DENTURES INSERT- ED ON RUBBER OR CELLI- LO ID BASE. All work warranted. Office at resi- dence, in Cosgrove's house, Third Street, Wadena, Minn. (Hi gf Outfit sent I tTfl pita the most known. free to those who wish to engage most pleasant and profitable business known. Capital not required. We will Tar- nish yon everything. $10 * day and upwards ia easily made without st aying away from home over higkt. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and yonng hoys and girls make great pay. No ona who is willing to work fail to make mere money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those wbo encage at wea will And a short road to fortuno. AdtfroiMH. HALLETT k 90., Portland, Maine. Rawsoni Hocking, DEALERS IN J. I. CASE TH8ESHM MACHINES Marsh Harvesters and Twine Binders, WARRIOR MOWERS, Leader Reapers ? Mowers LO 0 D BUFORD AND J. I. CASE PLOWS, CHIEFTAIN HAY RAKES, and American Sewing Machines. Wood andMrou Pumps. A full line of exfras always on hand, also belting, Lace leather and Machine oil. Wadena, Minn. A torpid liver and dyspepsia cause moroeeness and irritability, a xd the mind becomes dull and cloudy. Persons suffering hi this way are unfit for the ordinary pursuits and pleasures of life. ALLEN'S IRON TONIO BITTERS is the most powerful Qlood Purifier and tonic known, and at the tame time builda up and fortifies the system, invigorates the liver, aids digestion, and cure* dyspepsia. It tones up. and re- inforces the whole system, and imparta cheerfulness, vivacity and buoyancy of spirits. Prepared by J. P. ALLEN, Druggist & Mfg. Pharmacist, St. Paul. Minis. F«r Me kr E> iriRBHOOt, Vs4«n,Mla^ LAND OFFICE at St. Cloud, Minn., Oct. 3:1, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to inake fS- nal proof in support of his claim, and secure fi- nal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty clays from the date of this notice, before E. E. Luce. Clerk of the District Court, at Wadena, Wadena Co., Minn., on November 15th, 1881, Joseph As- kew, Wadena Co.. Minn, for the neij section 2, town 134. range 35, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Wm. Gorhain, C. H. Peake, Giles Peake, H. W. Fuller, nil of Wadena P. O.. Wadena Co.. Minn. D. H. FREEMAN, 20-5t Hcgister. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn, Sept. 30, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make fi- nal proof in support of hit< claim, and secure final entry thereof before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 18th, 1881, viz: John Moore, homestead applica. tion No. 3069, and additional homestead No. 5879, for the Si* swtf setf section 14, town 134, N. range 36 \V., and names the following as his wit- nesses, viz: William Anderson. John Valentine, Jas. A. Beach and John Wyvell, all of Compton. SOREN LISTOE, Minn. 20-51 Register. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Nov. 30, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi- nal proof in support of liis claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 15th. 1881, viz: Michael Morrisey, homestead ap- plication No. 6691, for the nwX sej^ section 14, town 134, N. Range 36 W.. and names the follow, ing as his witnesses, viz: John Moore, Jas. A. Beach, John Wyvell, William Anderson, all of Compton, Minn. SOREN LISTOE, 20-6t * Register. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept 1881. 1 22, Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi- nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re- ceiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 8th. 1881, viz: Joseph Gustafson, home, stead application No. 3203, for thee^i netf section 20, town 134 N. range 36, VV. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles D. Philo, H. P. Baldwin, and Abraham Stinar, all of Compton P. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn., and J. Katzky, of Wadena, Wadena Co., Ninn. SOREN LTSTOE, 19-Pt * Register.. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept. 22, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to muk fi- nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re- ceiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 8th, W»81, viz: Charles i). Philo, home, stead application No. 3258, for the n}, sw W sec- tion 8, town 134 N. range 36, W. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivntion of. nnid land, viz: Abraham Stinar, H P. Baldwin, Joseph Gustaf- son, all of Compton P. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn., and J, Katzky, of Wadena Wades* Co.. Minn. SOREN LISTOE, 19-5t * Register. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn.. Sept. 22d 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi- nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register nad Re- ceiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov.8th, 1881, viz: Abraham Stinar, home- stead application No. 3972, for the Fil. lietf sec- tion 6. town 134, N. range 36, W. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles D. Filo, H. P. Baldwin. Joseph Gustafson, all af Compton p. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn., and J. Katzky, of Wadena, Wadcnn Co., Minn. SOREN LTSTOE, l9-5t * Register. Northern Pacific Farmer G. A. WHtTlTST. W. J. WHIPPLE. WHITNEY & WHIPPLE, PROPRIETORS. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING WADENA, WADENA COUNTY. MINNESOTA. RATSS IN ABTASCS: One copy on* year, - - $1.50 " si x months - SO Neighborhood News. nicely are sum- STATE OF MINNESOTA. ) Auditors Office. J St. Paul, Sept. 7th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the county an- ditor will offer at public sale, at his office in Wa- dena, on Saturday, October 29th, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the terms prescribed by law, the school lands in Wadena county that hsve been appraised and are unnold, or that may have been sold and become forfeited to the State for any cause. Lists of the lands to be offered may be seen at the it. ditors office for ten days prior to the sale. O. P. WHITCOMB, Auditor of State and ex.officio Commissioner of the State Land Office. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept. 19th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of liis intention to make fi- nal proof in support of bis claim, a^d that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiv- er, at Fergus Falls, Minn., OM NOV. 4th, 1881,viz - George Groner, homestead application No. 5362, for the e l /i seji, BW)i se.Sj' and sejf sw section 2, town 133, N. range 37 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. T. Sanford, Nelson Preston, James Brown, and Charles Lane, all of Deer Creek, Otter Tail County, Minn. *.18 SOAEN LISTOE. Kegister. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls. Minn., Oct. 4th. 1&S1. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settier has filed notice of his intention to make fi- nal proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof before the Kegister and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 15th, 1881, viz: John M yvell, additional home- stead application No. 6188. for the neV SWJ4 sec- tion 12, town 134, rango 36, W. Minn., and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John Moore, William Anderson, John Valentine, and Richard I'eardon,all of Wadena P. O., Miun. 21 SOREN LISTOE- Register. BITTERS If you suffer from Dyspepsia, use BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are afflicted with Biliousness, use BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you are prostrated with Sick Headache, tj-ke BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Bowels are disordered, regulate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If yonr blood is impure, purify it with BURDOCK BLOOK BITTERS. If you hav« Indigestion, you will |lnd a remedy in BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are troubled with Spring Complaint, eradi- catc them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you liver is torpid, restore it to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Liver affected, you will find a sure restora- tive in BURDOC& BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any species of Humor or Pimple, fail not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores, a curative remedy will be found iu BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For imparting strength aad vitality to the system nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.' For Kervious and General Debility, tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price $1.00 per bottle. ' F0STSB, MILBUBN A 00., PtOPBZROM, BnffUo. N. T. Formal*'by L. E- Stiatfcour- LAND OFFICt at Fergus Falls, Minn., Oct. 7th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that tliefollowing-nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi- nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re. ceiver of U. S. Land Office at Fergns Falls, Minn., on Nov. 19th, 1881. viz: Jane Murray, widow of the late Michael Murray, deceased, homestead np- pli'-.ation No. 2907. for the e^ setf and sX ne V of section 27, town 132, range 37 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi- dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Lous Errickson, John Knight, Wadena P. O., Wa- dena County, Minn., Edward Embertson, Get Lindquist, Parkers Prairie P. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn. lo-21 SOREN LISTOE, Register LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Oct. 11th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi- nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiv- er of U. S. Land Office at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 25th, 1881, viz: Ira H. Sanford. homestead application No. 5058, for the nwX seX wX ne V and ne\ neK of section 24, town 134, N. range 37 W. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva- tion of said land, viz: N.G.Bolton. G. W. Bol' ton, A. LAwson, Henry Stilmam. of Deer C'-eek P O., Otter Tail Co., Minn. SOREN L18TOE, *21 Register. WOODSIDE PRAIRIE. Farmers are progressing with their work, and if we favored with our usual Indian mer, every thing will he in good shape for winter. Threshing is nearly all done, and as near as 1 have learned, the average yield of wheat is 18 1-2 bushels per acre. Potatoes are a very light crop. Oats yield on an average about 40 bushels, except some which was sown on breaking done this season, which was a failure. Corn is a good crop, yielding as near as I can judge from what has been husked, about 80 bushels of ears per acre. There was but very little buckwheat sown on our prairie, but what there is, is a fine crop. INCOG. NOBTHKXX COMPTOIT. There must be something wrong at the weather department; three days without a drop of rain. B. C. Barrett has finished his threshing. Wheat yielded 20bushels per acre. In our crop report last week, it should have read F. J. Dean, instead of F. J. Lane; and Pete Gulden, in- stead of Gordon. Mrs. Hamilton, of Sauk Rapids, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. J. Dean. J. W. Okins, of Waterford, Minn., having heard so much of this country has came up to take a look at it. He is so well pleased with the country that he says he is bound to catch on to something.-if nothing more than a section of the beit farming land ir. the Golden Northwest. Mrs. Chas. Pike started this week for Iowa, on a visit of several weeks duration. H. BERTHA, TODD COUKTY. Bad weather again. It seems that we are not to have our Indian summer this fall. We should be thankful that we escape similar storms as those in states adjoining. Uncle Jimmy has lately returned from Iowa. Times are not so lively there as in our new country. L. M. Brown is hauling lumber to build an addition to his house and enlarge it, all of which shows his prosperity. Mr. Henderson is building a new residence and store. The farmers are all through thresh- ing and are happy, as their grain yielded more than expected. D. R. Spencer's mother and sister are here from Iowa, and are giving relatives and friends a goed long vis- it. They are much elated over the fine prospects of this country. Wnv Cary and wife are away, on a visit to Meeker county. The first wedding of the season oc- curred Sept. 11th. Mr. Alonzo Wood to Miss Lillie Wheeler. May happi- ness and prosperity accompany them. Mr. Wheeler's lost their girl twin baby last month. There has been several quiltings in the neighborhood, which show that the "good wife" is preparing in time for winter. OCCASIONAL. district befcter-4ba9.it has been for ttie past few years, and that is just what we need. Being very near the center of the district, will enable him to do his business at smaller expense than either of the othor candidates, And being an old resident of the county and a thorough business man, we think he wiil be the right man, in the right place. Be sure that yon vote for H. Crocker, in preference to either one of the other candidates. DENGO. We want three or four copies of the FARMERf to complete our files, as follows: March 18th. 188ft. Vol. 2, No. 52; May 20th, 1880, Vol. 2, No. 52; May 27th, 1880, Vol. 3, No.* 1: Oct. 14th. 1880, Vol. 3, No . 21; Oct. 7th, 1880, Vol. 3, No. 20. We will give 50 cents a copy for any of the above numbers, or six mouths subscription, as the sender my wish. aruiaioiis. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) County of Wadena. ) District Court, Eleventh Judicr- l District. Mary Lutrllo Raymond, plaintiff, i against 1 > Summons. William H. H. Raymoad, defendant. > The State of Minnesota, to the above namtd J«e- fendant: Vou are hereby onmmoned and required to an- swer the Complaint in the above entitled action, a copy of which is filed in the oftice of the Clerk «.f the District Court, and to serve a copy of yonr an. swer to the said Complaint on the subscriber, at his office iu Wadena, in the ccnnty of Wadena end State aforesaid, within thirty days after the la»t publication of this notice: and if yen fail to answer the said Complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief in said complaint prayed f<;t. Dated Oct. 17tli, A. D. 1SS1. E. E. LUCE, Plaintiffs Attorney, Wadena, Minn. Notice. Wadena county orders, for trlm-li tfca highest price trill 1M? paid, luquire at Bank of Wadena. 353ro Ladies, for those distressing' com- plaints to which you are subject, use Dr. Faust 's German Aromatic Wine. _____ Wanted. Two car loads «•!* barley» lor which the highest cash price will be paid, by J. KATZKY. For Sale. A heavy team of work horses; will weigh thirty hundred in good flesh, sound and kind. Enquire of WM. KISSACK, England Prairie, Minn. 'Hope for bald-heads!" angriiy ex- clamed the editor of the Jersey City Journal, after reading the heading of newspaper advertisement. "Now hope is not what we want. We need hair."—Elmira Free Press. Grocery Store, Mrs, NETTIE OSTRANDER, Prop. Keeps constantly on hand Groceries, C.tMoneiy, Fruits, Cigars, TOBACCO, ETC., And the largest stock of TOYS, and NOTIONS in tbe city. THIRD STREET, WADENA. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADK *AIMC The great Eng-TRADt MAPK lish Remedy. An unfailing ctireforSeminnl JC Weakness,Sper- ml matorrhea, inw HTjl potency and a I I W. Jsgt Diseases that follow as a se- quence of Self.^HRBp^^^ abitfie* Tin |.nia ^ BIFOIETAKIia.ofMemory.uni! AFTtt TAIIBI. versal Lassitude, Pain in the back, and many oth- er Diseases that lead to insanity or Consumption and a premature grave. 49~The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at SI per package, of *ix packages for S5, or will be sent free by mail on re. ceipt of the money, by addreasiifg EDICINE Co.. 106 Main St., THE GRAYM Sold in Wadena by ' L. E. Stinehour. Bluffalo, N. Y. Sept 8 81 J. W. French, AGENT FOR Springfield, Hekla, . (German,) Phoenix o Hartford, AND Underwriters, of New York, Fire Insnrancc Companies. Rate* «• Cheap mm the Cheapest. Money to Loan-on one to five years time, at low interest. Office at lesideaea oa Section 31, town of Conptoa, Mian'. 35' To Rent. Eighty acres of Improved land with a good house and stable there- on, three miles from the village of Wadena. Apply at this office. 01* to S. M. CANTERBURY. SAVE TOCK OLD RAGS. Miller k Foss will now purchase rags, castings, copper, zinc and rub- ber, and will give the highest mar- ket price in trade. A Strange People. Do yon know that there are strange people in- our community, we say stranee because ihey seem to prefer to suffer and pass their days miserably, made so by Dispepsia, and Liver Complaint, Indi- gestion, Constipation, and general debility, when SHILOH'S VITALIZER is guarranteed to cure them. Sold by L. E. Stinehour. _ i.iB-3 For Sale. Farm of 160 acres, 90 under cultivation. 4 miles from Wadena ind Verndal*. Farm of 80 acres, 60 acres under cultivation. 1,\ miles from the village of Wadena. Farm of 160 acres, 45 acres under cultivation. 4 mites north of Verndalo. All of the above farms have comfortable bouses a nd stables. Good reasons for selling. Big bargains in thesnr. Homestead rights of 80 and 120 acres, with im- provements, to sell. Call and see me. T. F. OSTRANDER, Land Office, Wadena- The Best I Ever Knew Of. I. O. Sturkey, a prominent and influential citi- zen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the dispepsia and liver complaint for several years, and have used every remedy I could hesr of" without any re- lief whatever, until I taw your Shiloh's vitallier advertised lit our paper, and was persuaded to try I am happy to state that it has entirely cured it me. of." Price 75c. Hy Sold by L. E. StioehouF. 1HXAR. This begins to look and feel as if old winter was near at hand. It has been cold and disagreeable weather. Roads are terrible and not getting any better very fast. Our threshing is nearly done. Wheat has not turned out quite as much per acre as was anticipated in harvest. The general average of wheat is about 17 bushels per acre, oats about 40. I will give the whole number of bushels of grain raised town this year and last, as near as can get it: Number bushels of wheat raised in 1880, 2,100; in 1881, 6,000 Number bushels oats raised in 1880, 500; in 1881, 2,500. Quite an increase A good deal of breaking has been done this year. I have net been able to learn just the number of acres. A large amount of ploughing still remains to be done. Elder Inman has resigned his office as post-master, and Wm. Ogdcn has been appointed. The postofiice will now be at the residence of Mr. Ogden. Now look out for your mail, for it is commonly reported that said Ogden will ransack all the mail that comes into his hands, so we have heard. Mr. A. Stinson now drives a fine pair of horses, and is happy agifin. Mr. Giles Mead has purchased a fine yoke of oxen and a wagon, what he has much needed for a long time. It is hoped that Mr. Inman will recover the sight of his eye again. He can see a very little. Just enough to distinguish light from darkness, and is slowly gaining strength. Crocker, our townsmen, is up for Commissioner, for the eastern district of Otter Tail county, and he says if he is elected, he will do his level best for the district. He is the regular nominee on the Republican ticket, and every one should see that H. Crocker's name is on his ticket, be- fore he vetes. We feel sure that if A nfether's Grief. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a heiner are her children, hence her grief when sickness en- ters and takes them away. T»ke warning then, that you are running: a terrible risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead to consumption, if yon do not attend to it at once. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE is guaranteed to cure them. Price 10c, 50c and S1.00. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porus Plaster- Price 25c. Sold by L. E Stinehour. GUARANTEED to cure, is tho inducement we offeryou to come to our store and buy a bottle r.f Dr. Faust's German Cough Byrup It is based np- on chemical laws, and is prepared with the most scrupulous care. This medicine is warranted to cure consumption, coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, croup and all pulmonary diseases. Remember an ordinary cough leads to consump- tion if allowed to continue without relief. Price, 25c., 50. and (1 per Iwttle. The London Lacret. The*-London Lancet" says: "Many a life has been saved by the moral courage of the sufferer," and many a life has been saved by taking 'Spring Blossom' in cases of billions fever, indigestion of liver complaints.** Price 50 cents. For sale by L. Stinehour. The tortures of neuralgic pains, sick And nervous headache, are in- stantly banashed by the use of Dr- Faust's German cure for neuralgia and headache. Guaranteed to refievr" in all cases if directions are followed- Ask Druggists. For sale by L. F. Stinehour. 3 Ladies, while silently suffering from your many forms of weakness and disorder, to you is given Dr. Faust's German Aromatic Wine- guaranteed to benefit and permanent- ly cure you. A lady writes: "I gained eight pounds In three weeks by the use of your German Aromatic Wine." Sold on a positive guaran-. tee to invigorate, regulate and giv».. new ami permanent vital force. Are : vou a debilitated person, aged ami. feeble, or just recovering from th«* effects of exhausting mental or phys- ical work? Revive the drooping en- ergies, get now strength and rirh blood by the prompt use of l>r. Faust's German Aromatic Wine. In no way can it be used as au intoxicant. Ask Druggists. For sale by 1.. K Stinehour. 1 X g 1 T> Yourselves Ji.v nicking jnwu-y [I TJ I i Wi when a jo Wen vh»nce is nffeixJT thereby always keeping vertjr from yeur door J* Those who always t»k- aiva>.tage tf the gorai . chance? for making iuo'ey that are oflvretf, gtner-. ally become wealthy. W> wrMit many inen. we." 5 man and cliildrc-n to work for us rifcht in their localities. The business will pny mora than t«H, times ordinary wages. We furniah an expenai^ outfit and all that you need, fYvo. No one yho «s. rages falls to make money very rsmdl.v. Yfeu "ran devote your whole time to the Work, or euly yofcr* spare moments,. Fall information and ait dint h,' . needed sent free. Address STIMSOR fc C&, iVrU* he >s elected he will represent this i land, Maine. . * j£* ^ ' ' * T —^-iW-Trfrf -5 < - ^

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Page 1: Terflis: $3i« Fer Year. Webb & Peake's Bulletin.€¦ · TESTIMONIAL. Office of Co. TREASURER Aitkin County, Minn Aitkin, Aug. 26th, 1881. Louis ERRICKSON, ESQ.. Wadena. DEAR SIR

, iffri J-2 SF^1

,11% •^^ySl£


5 *r 49 ̂ i *r «~*P- ? ^

»w&. .i^w

Terflis: $3i« Fer Year.

Webb & Peake's Bulletin. GRAND



Saturday, Oct. 22nd, 1881. What is left of our large stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc.,

must positively be closed on that day. Don't fa<l to be on hand as it will be your last chance this fall or winter, to secure

such bargains as we now offer.




Largest and Finest Stock OF-

WINTER GOODS Ever Brought to Wadena County.




Hosiery, Gloves, Skirts, Silk and Lace Ties, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Towels, Crashes,

Table Linen and Napkins.


OPEN FROM 7:30 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M. Mail closes, going east, 9:40 A. M. 8:30 P.M.

" " " west, - 3:40 P.M. " •' for Parker's Frairie Mondays and

Thursdays 10:00 A.M. Mail closes for Ininaa, Mondays, 6:30 A.M.

LON", PRAIRIE. Tuesday, at 7 a. m. Wednesday, at 7 p. m. Frl.

day, at 7 a. m. Saturday, at 7 p. m. Money Orders can be obtained upon post-

oAces in all parts of the United States, GILES PEAKE, P. M.


Meet at Peake's Opera

House, Wadena, eTery

Saturday eveuing^at 7:30

o'clock. Visiting breth­

ren cordially invited.




^lANH/rr^, of Jtew YO^K,




Rates lower than ia any Minnesota company. Policies written in our office for the

Manhattan or German.


H II. J. TATLOR.Recorder.

, F. BORCH, M. W.


TRAINS GOING WBST. Ne. 1. Mail, daily except Sunday, 2:57 p. m. No. 3. Express, " " " 3'^5 a. m. Wo. 13. Freight,.» » " 1:55 a. m. Wo. 15. " " " " 4:00 p.m.

TRAIXS GOING EA8T, Wo.2. Mail, daily exeept Sunday, 11:02 a.m. No. 4. Express," " " 12:28 P- n. Wo. 14. Freight, " " " P- m-]l(> ii •• " " 9:36 a. n.

Stages leave Wadena every Monday and Thursday for Wrightstown and Parkers Prai­rie, connecting at Parkers Prairie with stages f°or Alexandria,

Stag* leaves every Monday morning for D*ar Creek and Inman. ,


Physician and Surgeon* t . S. Exaatinini lurgera.

Office hours, day aad night. First door left hand «de, over Bank of Wadena.


Front Street, - Wadena, Minn. A f rat-class stock of Wines, Mineral waters and

Cigars constantly on hand, also St. PAUL LASSS BBIR.

A. WILLUna, - Prcprleter.


House Painter, All kinds of Painting, Graining and

Kalsomining executed with neat­ness and dispatch.


LANDRETHS' MSEEDS ISBEST1QQ1 logneandPrieea. Tk*OtdtMamdmoMM Oroiwi in ilke Unil»d StatM. • DAVID LANDBITH&80NS.PHIL4DA.JA.

0. a. 8TBA8BUBG,

Manufccturer and Dealer in


Harnesses made to order on short notice All work warranted.


DR. L. W. BAB000K,



Contractor and Builder.

Plans, Specifications and Estimates furnished on short notice.

Employing none but first-class work­men, satisfaction is guaranteed.

All kinds of carpenter and joiner work executed

with neatness and dispatch, -




Fresh and Corned Beei,

Pork, Veal and Mutton.

SAUSAGE ALWAYS OH BAUD. Orders by Kail Promptly Attended to.






For reference, C. H. Peake's build­ing, corner Tbird and Front streets, and G. M. Taylor's.


Shop on Third street, Wadena,

Gaetz & Brockhof, PROPRIETORS



We are prepared to manufacture any kind of a vehicle, from a wheel­barrow to a wagon, or from a toy sleigh to a bob-sled. Repairing wag­ons, plows, farm machinery, etc.,care fully attended to.

RATES REASONABLE t Third St., next door west of the

Central House.



lyAll calls in thecity or country pro l» attended to. Office at residence, two d south of Central House, Tkird street 31


Attorney ail Cowler-At-Law, .


Collections in Wadena and adjoining

counties promptly attended to.

Money to Loan on Real Estate.


Attractive Novelties iu

SHADED AND PLAID RIBBONS, Nubias, Hoods and Jackets. Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing

Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Etc., will be found complete in every detail. Also, our stock of


G R O C E R I E S , Crockery, Glassware, Etc. Don't fail to call and examine our mammoth

stock and low prices. We aim to keep our stock so large and attractive and our prices so low that it will pay vou to trade with us. One Price to all- " PEAKE A BURCH,

corner Third and Front Sts., Wadena, Minn.

S. 8. GARDNER, President, E. S. CASE, Cashier.





New fresh brick forsale next week.

Parties wishing to order brick should apply to WEBB & PEAKE,

Sole Agents. Wadena.




Harnesses, Collars, WHIPS,



All repairing done neatly. Call and

see me. Wadena, Minnesota.


JG^TWork Done in all Branches.

fee-Shoeing a Specialty.



LOANS NEGOTIATED Monsy to loan on Short Time.



State Normal School, ST. CLOUD, MINN.

The Fall Ten will open Aug. 17. 1881. Important additions hare been made to the li­

brary and the department of Natural Science. A text-book library will furnish students, at SI

per term, with all books needed for class use. Thorough training in teaching is given, both in

theory and practice, under the direction and criti­cism of an experienced teacher.

Accommodations are provided for ladies at the Normal Home, which are both pleasant and econ­omical. Private boarding at reasonable rates, about S3 per week.

The Model and Preparatory departments will be open for pupils ol°all grades. Tuition, with text­books furnished, $12 per year.

For circulars apply to D. L. KIEHLE. St. Cloud, Minn., June 28,1881. Principal.



Remington and Montreal SINGER

150,000 acres of Choice FARMING LANDS and on easy terms of payment.

for sale at LOW PRICES,



Shelf and Heavy Hardware, S.toves,

Doors, Sash, and Builders Material, Iron, Steel, Powder and Shot, Tin and Sheet Iron Work done to order, and


Celebrated Mitchell Wagons.

Merchants Hotel, Front Street, Wadena, Minn.

H. PELKEY, PROP*, This house has recently been improved, and a first-class livery attached,

making it one of the most complete hotels

on the line.



Cheap lor cash or on short time. Highest cash price paid for wheat.

Third Street, Wadena, Minn.



Office of Co. TREASURER Aitkin County, Minn Aitkin, Aug. 26th, 1881.

Louis ERRICKSON, ESQ.. Wadena.

DEAR SIR :—Inclosed I hand you $10.00 for the boots, which is what you said as I remember,—if more,

say so and I will send it to you. To say the least you make the best boot and the best fit of any man I ever saw. These toots are just a fit— just what I wanted. Never had boots until you commenced making them for me, that suited me at all.

Respectfully, D. E. TULL. (CO. Treas.)

Mr. Errickson continues to make just as good boots as those he made for Mr. Tull, if not a shade better. He also h?.s on hand a good assort­ment of ready made boot and shoes.


DENTAL. SURGEON, Particular attontion > aid to the





LO ID BASE. All work warranted. Office at resi­

dence, in Cosgrove's house, Third Street, Wadena, Minn.

(Hi gf Outfit sent I tTfl pita the most

known. C«

free to those who wish to engage most pleasant and profitable business

known. Capital not required. We will Tar­nish yon everything. $10 * day and upwards ia easily made without st aying away from home over higkt. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and yonng hoys and girls make great pay. No ona who is willing to work fail to make mere money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those wbo encage at wea will And a short road to fortuno. AdtfroiMH. HALLETT k 90., Portland, Maine.

Rawsoni Hocking, DEALERS IN


Marsh Harvesters and Twine Binders,


Leader Reapers ? Mowers

LO 0 D



and American Sewing Machines.

Wood andMrou Pumps. A full line of exfras always on hand, also belting, Lace leather and Machine oil. Wadena, Minn.

A torpid liver and dyspepsia cause moroeeness and irritability, a xd the mind becomes dull and cloudy. Persons suffering hi this way are unfit for the ordinary pursuits and pleasures of life. ALLEN'S IRON TONIO BITTERS is the most powerful Qlood Purifier and tonic known, and at the tame time builda up and fortifies the system, invigorates the liver, aids digestion, and cure* dyspepsia. It tones up. and re­inforces the whole system, and imparta cheerfulness, vivacity and buoyancy of spirits. Prepared by J. P. ALLEN, Druggist & Mfg. Pharmacist, St. Paul. Minis. F«r Me kr E> iriRBHOOt, Vs4«n,Mla^

LAND OFFICE at St. Cloud, Minn., Oct. 3:1, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of his intention to inake fS-nal proof in support of his claim, and secure fi­nal entry thereof at the expiration of thirty clays from the date of this notice, before E. E. Luce. Clerk of the District Court, at Wadena, Wadena Co., Minn., on November 15th, 1881, Joseph As­kew, Wadena Co.. Minn, for the neij section 2, town 134. range 35, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Wm. Gorhain, C. H. Peake, Giles Peake, H. W. Fuller, nil of Wadena P. O.. Wadena Co.. Minn. D. H. FREEMAN, 20-5t Hcgister. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn, Sept. 30,

1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of bis intention to make fi­nal proof in support of hit< claim, and secure final entry thereof before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 18th, 1881, viz: John Moore, homestead applica. tion No. 3069, and additional homestead No. 5879, for the Si* swtf setf section 14, town 134, N. range 36 \V., and names the following as his wit­nesses, viz: William Anderson. John Valentine, Jas. A. Beach and John Wyvell, all of Compton.

SOREN LISTOE, Minn. 20-51 Register. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Nov. 30,

1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi­nal proof in support of liis claim, and secure final entry thereof, before the Register and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 15th. 1881, viz: Michael Morrisey, homestead ap­plication No. 6691, for the nwX sej^ section 14, town 134, N. Range 36 W.. and names the follow, ing as his witnesses, viz: John Moore, Jas. A. Beach, John Wyvell, William Anderson, all of Compton, Minn. SOREN LISTOE, 20-6t * Register.

LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept 1881. 1


Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi­nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re­ceiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 8th. 1881, viz: Joseph Gustafson, home, stead application No. 3203, for thee^i netf section 20, town 134 N. range 36, VV. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles D. Philo, H. P. Baldwin, and Abraham Stinar, all of Compton P. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn., and J. Katzky, of Wadena, Wadena Co., Ninn.

SOREN LTSTOE, 19-Pt * Register.. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept. 22,

1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of his intention to muk fi­nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re­ceiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 8th, W»81, viz: Charles i). Philo, home, stead application No. 3258, for the n}, sw W sec­tion 8, town 134 N. range 36, W. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivntion of. nnid land, viz: Abraham Stinar, H P. Baldwin, Joseph Gustaf­son, all of Compton P. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn., and J, Katzky, of Wadena Wades* Co.. Minn.

SOREN LISTOE, 19-5t * Register.

LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn.. Sept. 22d 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi­nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register nad Re­ceiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov.8th, 1881, viz: Abraham Stinar, home­stead application No. 3972, for the Fil. lietf sec­tion 6. town 134, N. range 36, W. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles D. Filo, H. P. Baldwin. Joseph Gustafson, all af Compton p. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn., and J. Katzky, of Wadena, Wadcnn Co., Minn.

SOREN LTSTOE, l9-5t * Register.

Northern Pacific Farmer G. A. WHtTlTST. W. J. WHIPPLE.




RATSS IN ABTASCS: One copy on* year, - - $1.50

" si x months - SO

Neighborhood News.

nicely are


STATE OF MINNESOTA. ) Auditors Office. J

St. Paul, Sept. 7th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the county an-

ditor will offer at public sale, at his office in Wa­dena, on Saturday, October 29th, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the terms prescribed by law, the school lands in Wadena county that hsve been appraised and are unnold, or that may have been sold and become forfeited to the State for any cause. Lists of the lands to be offered may be seen at the it. ditors office for ten days prior to the sale.

O. P. WHITCOMB, Auditor of State and ex.officio Commissioner

of the State Land Office. LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Sept. 19th,

1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of liis intention to make fi­nal proof in support of bis claim, a^d that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiv­er, at Fergus Falls, Minn., OM NOV. 4th, 1881,viz-

George Groner, homestead application No. 5362, for the el/i seji, BW)i se.Sj' and sejf sw section 2, town 133, N. range 37 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. T. Sanford, Nelson Preston, James Brown, and Charles Lane, all of Deer Creek, Otter Tail County, Minn. *.18 SOAEN LISTOE. Kegister.

LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls. Minn., Oct. 4th. 1&S1. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settier has filed notice of his intention to make fi­nal proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof before the Kegister and Receiver of U. S. Land Office, at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 15th, 1881, viz: John M yvell, additional home­stead application No. 6188. for the neV SWJ4 sec­tion 12, town 134, rango 36, W. Minn., and names the following as his witnesses, viz: John Moore, William Anderson, John Valentine, and Richard I'eardon,all of Wadena P. O., Miun. 21 SOREN LISTOE- Register.

BITTERS If you suffer from Dyspepsia, use


If you are afflicted with Biliousness, use BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS

If you are prostrated with Sick Headache, tj-ke BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

If your Bowels are disordered, regulate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

If yonr blood is impure, purify it with BURDOCK BLOOK BITTERS.

If you hav« Indigestion, you will |lnd a remedy in BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

If you are troubled with Spring Complaint, eradi-catc them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

If you liver is torpid, restore it to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

If your Liver affected, you will find a sure restora­tive in BURDOC& BLOOD BITTERS.

If you have any species of Humor or Pimple, fail not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores, a curative remedy will be found iu


For imparting strength aad vitality to the system nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.' For Kervious and General Debility, tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.

Price $1.00 per bottle. '


Formal*'by L. E- Stiatfcour-

LAND OFFICt at Fergus Falls, Minn., Oct. 7th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that tliefollowing-nnmed

settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi­nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re. ceiver of U. S. Land Office at Fergns Falls, Minn., on Nov. 19th, 1881. viz: Jane Murray, widow of the late Michael Murray, deceased, homestead np-pli'-.ation No. 2907. for the e^ setf and sX ne V of section 27, town 132, range 37 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi­dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Lous Errickson, John Knight, Wadena P. O., Wa­dena County, Minn., Edward Embertson, Get Lindquist, Parkers Prairie P. O., Otter Tail Co., Minn. lo-21 SOREN LISTOE, Register

LAND OFFICE at Fergus Falls, Minn., Oct. 11th, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the following-named

settler has filed notice of his intention to make fi­nal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiv­er of U. S. Land Office at Fergus Falls, Minn., on Nov. 25th, 1881, viz: Ira H. Sanford. homestead application No. 5058, for the nwX seX wX ne V and ne\ neK of section 24, town 134, N. range 37 W. Minn. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva­tion of said land, viz: N.G.Bolton. G. W. Bol' ton, A. LAwson, Henry Stilmam. of Deer C'-eek P O., Otter Tail Co., Minn. SOREN L18TOE, *21 Register.

WOODSIDE PRAIRIE. Farmers are progressing

with their work, and if we favored with our usual Indian mer, every thing will he in good shape for winter.

Threshing is nearly all done, and as near as 1 have learned, the average yield of wheat is 18 1-2 bushels per acre. Potatoes are a very light crop. Oats yield on an average about 40 bushels, except some which was sown on breaking done this season, which was a failure. Corn is a good crop, yielding as near as I can judge from what has been husked, about 80 bushels of ears per acre. There was but very little buckwheat sown on our prairie, but what there is, is a fine crop. INCOG.

NOBTHKXX COMPTOIT. There must be something wrong at

the weather department; three days without a drop of rain.

B. C. Barrett has finished his threshing. Wheat yielded 20bushels per acre.

In our crop report last week, it should have read F. J. Dean, instead of F. J. Lane; and Pete Gulden, in­stead of Gordon.

Mrs. Hamilton, of Sauk Rapids, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. J. Dean.

J. W. Okins, of Waterford, Minn., having heard so much of this country has came up to take a look at it. He is so well pleased with the country that he says he is bound to catch on to something.-if nothing more than a section of the beit farming land ir. the Golden Northwest.

Mrs. Chas. Pike started this week for Iowa, on a visit of several weeks duration. H.

BERTHA, TODD COUKTY. Bad weather again. It seems that

we are not to have our Indian summer this fall. We should be thankful that we escape similar storms as those in states adjoining.

Uncle Jimmy has lately returned from Iowa. Times are not so lively there as in our new country.

L. M. Brown is hauling lumber to build an addition to his house and enlarge it, all of which shows his prosperity.

Mr. Henderson is building a new residence and store.

The farmers are all through thresh­ing and are happy, as their grain yielded more than expected.

D. R. Spencer's mother and sister are here from Iowa, and are giving relatives and friends a goed long vis­it. They are much elated over the fine prospects of this country.

Wnv Cary and wife are away, on a visit to Meeker county.

The first wedding of the season oc­curred Sept. 11th. Mr. Alonzo Wood to Miss Lillie Wheeler. May happi­ness and prosperity accompany them.

Mr. Wheeler's lost their girl twin baby last month.

There has been several quiltings in the neighborhood, which show that the "good wife" is preparing in time for winter. OCCASIONAL.

district befcter-4ba9.it has been for ttie past few years, and that is just what we need. Being very near the center of the district, will enable him to do his business at smaller expense than either of the othor candidates, And being an old resident of the county and a thorough business man, we think he wiil be the right man, in the right place. Be sure that yon vote for H. Crocker, in preference to either one of the other candidates.


We want three or four copies of the FARMERf to complete our files, as follows: March 18th. 188ft. Vol. 2, No. 52; May 20th, 1880, Vol. 2, No. 52; May 27th, 1880, Vol. 3, No.* 1: Oct. 14th. 1880, Vol. 3, No . 21; Oct. 7th, 1880, Vol. 3, No. 20. We will give 50 cents a copy for any of the above numbers, or six mouths subscription, as the sender my wish.

aruiaioiis. STATE OF MINNESOTA, )

County of Wadena. ) District Court, Eleventh Judicr- l District. Mary Lutrllo Raymond, plaintiff, i

against 1 > Summons. William H. H. Raymoad, defendant. >

The State of Minnesota, to the above namtd J«e-fendant:

Vou are hereby onmmoned and required to an­swer the Complaint in the above entitled action, a copy of which is filed in the oftice of the Clerk «.f the District Court, and to serve a copy of yonr an. swer to the said Complaint on the subscriber, at his office iu Wadena, in the ccnnty of Wadena end State aforesaid, within thirty days after the la»t publication of this notice: and if yen fail to answer the said Complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief in said complaint prayed f<;t.

Dated Oct. 17tli, A. D. 1SS1. E. E. LUCE, Plaintiffs Attorney, Wadena, Minn.

Notice. Wadena county orders, for trlm-li tfca

highest price trill 1M? paid, luquire at Bank of Wadena. 353ro

Ladies, for those distressing' com­plaints to which you are subject, use Dr. Faust's German Aromatic Wine. _____

Wanted. Two car loads «•!* barley» lor which

the highest cash price will be paid, by J. KATZKY.

For Sale. A heavy team of work horses; will

weigh thirty hundred in good flesh, sound and kind. Enquire of

WM. KISSACK, England Prairie, Minn.

'Hope for bald-heads!" angriiy ex-clamed the editor of the Jersey City Journal, after reading the heading of

newspaper advertisement. "Now hope is not what we want. We need hair."—Elmira Free Press.

Grocery Store, Mrs, NETTIE OSTRANDER, Prop.

Keeps constantly on hand

Groceries, C.tMoneiy, Fruits, Cigars, TOBACCO, ETC.,

And the largest stock of TOYS, and

NOTIONS in tbe city.



lish Remedy. An unfailing ctireforSeminnl JC Weakness,Sper- ml matorrhea, inw HTjl potency and a I I W. Jsgt Diseases that follow as a se-quence of Self.^HRBp^^^ abitfie* Tin |.nia ^

BIFOIETAKIia.ofMemory.uni! AFTtt TAIIBI. versal Lassitude, Pain in the back, and many oth­er Diseases that lead to insanity or Consumption and a premature grave. 49~The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at SI per package, of *ix packages for S5, or will be sent free by mail on re. ceipt of the money, by addreasiifg

EDICINE Co.. 106 Main St., THE GRAYM Sold in Wadena by

' L. E. Stinehour. Bluffalo, N. Y.

Sept 8 81

J. W. French, AGENT FOR

Springfield, Hekla, . (German,)

Phoenix o Hartford, AND

Underwriters, of New York, Fire Insnrancc Companies.

Rate* «• Cheap mm the Cheapest. Money to Loan-on one to five years time, at low

interest. Office at lesideaea oa Section 31, town of Conptoa, Mian'. 35'

To Rent. Eighty acres of Improved land

with a good house and stable there­on, three miles from the village of Wadena. Apply at this office. 01* to


SAVE TOCK OLD RAGS. Miller k Foss will now purchase

rags, castings, copper, zinc and rub­ber, and will give the highest mar­ket price in trade.

A Strange People. Do yon know that there are strange people in-

our community, we say stranee because ihey seem to prefer to suffer and pass their days miserably, made so by Dispepsia, and Liver Complaint, Indi­gestion, Constipation, and general debility, when SHILOH'S VITALIZER is guarranteed to cure them. Sold by L. E. Stinehour. _ i.iB-3

For Sale. Farm of 160 acres, 90 under cultivation. 4 miles

from Wadena ind Verndal*. Farm of 80 acres, 60 acres under cultivation. 1,\ miles from the village of Wadena. Farm of 160 acres, 45 acres under cultivation. 4 mites north of Verndalo. All of the above farms have comfortable bouses a nd stables. Good reasons for selling. Big bargains in thesnr. Homestead rights of 80 and 120 acres, with im­provements, to sell. Call and see me.

T. F. OSTRANDER, Land Office, Wadena-

The Best I Ever Knew Of. I. O. Sturkey, a prominent and influential citi­

zen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the dispepsia and liver complaint for several years, and have used every remedy I could hesr of" without any re­lief whatever, until I taw your Shiloh's vitallier advertised lit our paper, and was persuaded to try

I am happy to state that it has entirely cured it me. of." Price 75c.

Hy Sold by L. E. StioehouF.


This begins to look and feel as if old winter was near at hand. It has been cold and disagreeable weather. Roads are terrible and not getting any better very fast.

Our threshing is nearly done. Wheat has not turned out quite as much per acre as was anticipated in harvest. The general average of wheat is about 17 bushels per acre, oats about 40. I will give the whole number of bushels of grain raised town this year and last, as near as can get it: Number bushels of wheat raised in 1880, 2,100; in 1881, 6,000 Number bushels oats raised in 1880, 500; in 1881, 2,500. Quite an increase

A good deal of breaking has been done this year. I have net been able to learn just the number of acres.

A large amount of ploughing still remains to be done.

Elder Inman has resigned his office as post-master, and Wm. Ogdcn has been appointed. The postofiice will now be at the residence of Mr. Ogden. Now look out for your mail, for it is commonly reported that said Ogden will ransack all the mail that comes into his hands, so we have heard.

Mr. A. Stinson now drives a fine pair of horses, and is happy agifin.

Mr. Giles Mead has purchased a fine yoke of oxen and a wagon, what he has much needed for a long time.

It is hoped that Mr. Inman will recover the sight of his eye again. He can see a very little. Just enough to distinguish light from darkness, and is slowly gaining strength.

Crocker, our townsmen, is up for Commissioner, for the eastern district of Otter Tail county, and he says if he is elected, he will do his level best for the district. He is the regular nominee on the Republican ticket, and every one should see that H. Crocker's name is on his ticket, be­fore he vetes. We feel sure that if

A nfether's Grief. The pride of a mother, the life and joy of a heiner

are her children, hence her grief when sickness en­ters and takes them away. T»ke warning then, that you are running: a terrible risk, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, which lead to consumption, if yon do not attend to it at once. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE is guaranteed to cure them. Price 10c, 50c and S1.00. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's Porus Plaster-Price 25c. Sold by L. E Stinehour.

GUARANTEED to cure, is tho inducement we offeryou to come to our store and buy a bottle r.f Dr. Faust's German Cough Byrup It is based np-on chemical laws, and is prepared with the most scrupulous care. This medicine is warranted to cure consumption, coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, croup and all pulmonary diseases. Remember an ordinary cough leads to consump­tion if allowed to continue without relief. Price, 25c., 50. and (1 per Iwttle.

The London Lacret. The*-London Lancet" says: "Many

a life has been saved by the moral courage of the sufferer," and many a life has been saved by taking 'Spring Blossom' in cases of billions fever, indigestion of liver complaints.** Price 50 cents. For sale by L. E» Stinehour.

The tortures of neuralgic pains, sick And nervous headache, are in­stantly banashed by the use of Dr-Faust's German cure for neuralgia and headache. Guaranteed to refievr" in all cases if directions are followed-Ask Druggists. For sale by L. F. Stinehour. 3

Ladies, while silently suffering from your many forms of weakness and disorder, to you is given Dr. Faust's German Aromatic Wine-guaranteed to benefit and permanent­ly cure you. A lady writes: "I gained eight pounds In three weeks by the use of your German Aromatic Wine." Sold on a positive guaran-. tee to invigorate, regulate and giv».. new ami permanent vital force. Are : vou a debilitated person, aged ami. feeble, or just recovering from th«* effects of exhausting mental or phys­ical work? Revive the drooping en­ergies, get now strength and rirh blood by the prompt use of l>r. Faust's German Aromatic Wine. In no way can it be used as au intoxicant. Ask Druggists. For sale by 1.. K Stinehour. 1

X g 1 T> Yourselves Ji.v nicking jnwu-y [I TJ I i Wi when a jo Wen vh»nce is nffeixJT thereby always keeping p« vertjr from yeur door J* Those who always t»k- aiva>.tage tf the gorai . chance? for making iuo'ey that are oflvretf, gtner-. ally become wealthy. W> wrMit many inen. we."5

man and cliildrc-n to work for us rifcht in their localities. The business will pny mora than t«H, times ordinary wages. We furniah an expenai^ outfit and all that you need, fYvo. No one yho «s. rages falls to make money very rsmdl.v. Yfeu "ran devote your whole time to the Work, or euly yofcr* spare moments,. Fall information and ait dint h,'

. needed sent free. Address STIMSOR fc C&, iVrU* he >s elected he will represent this i land, Maine. .

* j£*

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