the message must come through! parents as a resource for there childerns learning

The message The message must come must come through! through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

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Page 1: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

The message The message must come must come through!through!

Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Page 2: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Sometimes it feels….Sometimes it feels….

Page 3: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Benedikte Ask SkotteBenedikte Ask Skotte

• Five good reasons to work for better schools

Page 4: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Benedikte Ask SkotteBenedikte Ask Skotte

Education: Practical farmer Been pig breeding with 80 sows and 400 piglets at the farm Cand.agro from The Royal. Veterinary and Agricultural University Vocational Educational training Agricultural Teacher

Duties: School Chairman for 12 years at the small school (150 pupils) 4 years on the school board at high school (secondary school, - approximately 650 pupils)School Chairman from June

Vice President of School and Society, Denmark 2005 -2008

President since 2008

Page 5: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

What do we want?What do we want?

• Children should be "built up" to a beautiful life with lots of opportunities, enjoyment and experiences

• They must learn to ... ... ... ....

• søg

Page 6: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

• Do you remember our school days? Remember

it so close ....

Parents' own experiences


Page 7: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Homepage for Homepage for the ministry of educationthe ministry of education

Page 8: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

We have to talk about it in We have to talk about it in general!!!general!!!

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Reseach: CReseach: Conversation makes onversation makes children better readerschildren better readers

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• Closely related to staff

• You meet the other children and other parents of children every day, when you deliver and pick up the kids

• Staff approach to working around children's wellbeing

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Introduction to the schoolIntroduction to the school

• Workshop for parents and teachers1. May

2. August

3. May

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Parent / teacher workshopsParent / teacher workshops


2. Workshop: COMMUNITY

3. Workshop: PARTNERSHIP

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• Togetherness - that the adults in the classroom teacher to know each other

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School / home cooperation School / home cooperation

is a process where home and school

from each of their assumptions

- But equally --

trying to create a common result.

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School / home cooperationSchool / home cooperation

Page 16: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning


• Name • Mother / father .... • Name of spouse / ex. • We live .... • The child's former preschool • Child SFO / school (living / cluster) • The child's hobbies • Siblings: their age, whether they are here at the school • Own knowledge of school • Trade • Own interests • Has lived in the commune / are new in town

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Know each other's names!

Page 18: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Group TaskGroup Task

Why is it good that we learn to know each

other ?

Page 19: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Group TaskGroup Task

What can we use each other when our children go to

Kindergarten class?

3. class?

6. class?

9. class?

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Communicating with each other!

Page 21: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

What is a good school?What is a good school?A The school teaches students to read, write and count B The school gives students confidence and independence C The school teaches students to work in collaboration with other D Students will have homework for the 1st Class E Students will collaborate on solution of tasks and problems F The students are in the planning of teaching G Students will help to assess their work and set new goals H that school is a good and safe place for pupils The fact that students have respect for teachers J that teachers have respect for students K teaching ensures that the brightest pupils are challenges L to teaching ensures that the weakest students are successful M that parents can make demands on school N parents are in discussion with the school development O that the parents have a dialogue about teaching P That there is good cooperation between educators and teachers Q The fact that teachers work together on students' learning R To the teachers work is appreciated by management S that the school has a reputation for being a school in developing T The school has a reputation for providing a solid professional education U that all students daily opportunities to work with IT V The school's physical environment allows for various forms of teaching X The pedagogy of the school and SFO'en mutually supportive Y SFO'en the school and coordinates the activities Z involvement of parents about their child's education


Klasse: _____

Page 22: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Parent / teacher workshopsParent / teacher workshops 2. Workshop: COMMUNITY

Community - all have respon-

sibility for the community

3. Workshop: PARTNERSHIPPartnership - to be a partner

requires effort and agreements

on how home and school share


Page 23: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Examples of Examples of ”Leaning in the ”Leaning in the

family” -family” -parents as ressource parents as ressource for there childerens for there childerens


What can parents do, how can they do it and do they know how important they are?

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Playing gamesPlaying games

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What children learn?What children learn?

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Danish National Competence Accounts Danish National Competence Accounts – 10 competences of the future - – 10 competences of the future -

•Social competences to create sustainable relations and understand feelings (your own and fellow beings)

•Literacy competences to understand and exercise written information, IT, language, arithmetic

•Learning competences to acquire new knowledge – to understand how to learn (learning styles)

•Communication competences ot create communicative contact, understanding and effect on recipients

•Self management to accomplish business, leisure and family tasks in the light of common strategies

•Democracy competences to affect decisions on social and community concerns

•Nature and environmental competences added values to sustainable solutions through knowledge and motivation

•Intercultural competences to understand cultural complexity and manage open-minded dialog with other cultures

•Creativity and innovation competences  to accomplish renewals within one’s knowledge- and practice domains

•Health competences to preserve, give rise to and improve one’s health

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TheoreticalTheoreticalDanish National Competence Accounts – 10 competences of the future -

Multiple intelligencesHoward Gardner etc.

When you play a game

Social competences Interpersonal/social intelligence Respect for rules, being together, tolerance, competition

Literacy competences Linguistic intelligence Read instructions, plays with general knowledge

Learning competences Multiple intelligences Intrapersonal intelligence

Trying something new, being part of the game, trust in yourself

Communication competences Linguistic/interpersonal intelligence Talk together, try to agree,

Self management Intrapersonal intelligence Accept other players, learn to loose

Democracy competences Interpersonal intelligence Try to find common understanding of the rules, accept of others potential

Nature and environmental competences

Naturalist intelligence Trivial knowledge for certain games

Intercultural competences Interpersonal/social intelligenceIntrapersonal intelligence

Being together when you actual do things together

Creative and innovation competences

Multiple intelligenceSpatial/musical intelligence

Taking a position to win

Health- and kinesthetic competences

Body/kinesthetic intelligence Think combinations how to move buttons in game

Page 28: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

The effekt of parents playing The effekt of parents playing games with there childern games with there childern

When you play a game your child learn:

Respect for rules, being together, tolerance, competition

Read instructions, plays with general knowledge

Trying something new, being part of the game, trust in yourself

Talk together, try to agree,

Accept other players, learn to loose

Try to find common understanding of the rules, accept of others potential

Trivial knowledge for certain games

Being together when you actual do things together

Taking a position to win

Think combinations how to move buttons in game

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Recommandation: ”Sequence” Recommandation: ”Sequence”

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Games you make with your kidsGames you make with your kids

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When you make your own game…When you make your own game…

Danish National Competence Accounts – 10 competences of the future -

Multiple intelligencesHoward Gardner etc.

When you make your own game...

Social competences Interpersonal/social intelligence ?

Literacy competences Linguistic intelligence ?

Learning competences Multiple intelligences Intrapersonal intelligence


Communication competences Linguistic/interpersonal intelligence ?

Self management Intrapersonal intelligence ?

Democracy competences Interpersonal intelligence ?

Nature and environmental competences

Naturalist intelligence ?

Intercultural competences Interpersonal/social intelligenceIntrapersonal intelligence


Creative and innovation competences

Multiple intelligenceSpatial/musical intelligence


Health- and kinesthetic competences

Bodily/kinesthetic) intelligence ?

Page 32: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Cooking Cooking

Page 33: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

What do the child learn when What do the child learn when cooking …cooking …

Danish National Competence Accounts – 10 competences of the future -

Multiple intelligencesHoward Gardner etc.

Cooking ...

Social competences Interpersonal/social intelligence ?

Literacy competences Linguistic intelligence ?

Learning competences Multiple intelligences Intrapersonal intelligence


Communication competences Linguistic/interpersonal intelligence ?

Self management Intrapersonal intelligence ?

Democracy competences Interpersonal intelligence ?

Nature and environmental competences

Naturalist intelligence ?

Intercultural competences Interpersonal/social intelligenceIntrapersonal intelligence


Creative and innovation competences

Multiple intelligenceSpatial/musical intelligence


Health- and kinesthetic competences

Bodily/kinesthetic) intelligence ?

Page 34: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Work or play at the computerWork or play at the computer

Page 35: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Having a world map on the wallHaving a world map on the wall

Page 36: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Table linen on the tableTable linen on the table

Page 37: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Car repairCar repair

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Follow up Follow up

Page 39: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Hunting and other hobbiesHunting and other hobbies

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Each child has its rollEach child has its roll

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Music in community - siblingsMusic in community - siblings

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Planning holidaysPlanning holidays

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A walk in the woodA walk in the wood

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Traditions and challengesTraditions and challenges

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Sports and gamesSports and games

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What do the child learn when…?What do the child learn when…?Danish National Competence Accounts – 10 competences of the future -

Multiple intelligencesHoward Gardner etc.

When ....

Social competences Interpersonal/social intelligence ?

Literacy competences Linguistic intelligence ?

Learning competences Multiple intelligences Intrapersonal intelligence


Communication competences Linguistic/interpersonal intelligence ?

Self management Intrapersonal intelligence ?

Democracy competences Interpersonal intelligence ?

Nature and environmental competences

Naturalist intelligence ?

Intercultural competences Interpersonal/social intelligenceIntrapersonal intelligence


Creative and innovation competences

Multiple intelligenceSpatial/musical intelligence


Health- and kinesthetic competences

Bodily/kinesthetic) intelligence ?

Page 47: The message must come through! Parents as a resource for there childerns learning

Teachers can guide parentsTeachers can guide parents• Recognize parents as a resource for their

children's learning • Be the “driving force” in the community in and

arround the class• See opportunities to involve parents • Start cooperation with: Dear parents.

Thank you that I must be allowed to be a teacher for your children. I have a good education and know how to do the best, but I can not do this alone - will you help me?

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What can parents do?What can parents do?

• Perspective on what is taught in school!

The teacher don´t have the time for every child….

• Talk with the children! – About TV and see TV together, about there

job, about the school…..– When they go shopping with the child, when

the cook, when they make the garden, when they clean, when they…..

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The idea is to give you ... The idea is to give you ...

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Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention