the louisville daily · 2012. 6. 13. · seminal...

FXUTTBD AJID ILUDID BT Tl.'IHD ANi lIFflOM IHIlr. dnlivwrml In thi Htv ,i0 00 ily, by malt. In advance. . 8 HO ilcuntry daily . , ... . 00 Tri- - Weekly . 00 Woekly. tu advance oxa oopy . I 00 In elnhi of Ave or over . . . 1 Si by faall la rvgtfiod letters at onr ATva or run louts vtllb FOE square, weekly, iw mnnra 40 00 Co time fli n eek, per annum.. WOO "o do e times Ao do 100 00 raeh additional snaaro, one-ha- the abovf price. pub'.inhed at interval! 1 icr first and t0 oeiite for each one. candidates $1 per week tor each name. Twlv pay raU otuen la aA- - Heal awtate and steamboat sheriffs' fcnd commit loners' galea, patent raociieine, sirens, or similar advertin In, not published by the year. for chart tablo Are compa- - ward, and other public meetings, and ineh like. rMitortal notice and on. Inserted In eolamns and intendM to prorocite private Inter-- , to eeote line- - thee only lneerted at the discre- - vii of the eaiujiB. No wiM im nwrted unless acecm- - d by the roal name of the author. Steamboat 86 cent for the first inser-Io- n and 12' coots for eiwli each change onsiderM a new Advert! satd en t. inserted only In the F renins; Bulletin will be charged half the above price; If Inserted In Daily Journal and continued, after first insertion, la the Kvea-a- i Bulletin, one-- f north the above prices. keptjon the bifida of the Journal re hard an extra price, Joumel Eachennar 10 lines or le), first insertion 91 00 acb 60 Written notice rancr be (riven o take out and stop of yoariy advertisers before the year ex- terna, otherwise we ihall ebari till done. Nf contract of yearly will be dfecon-nue- d without previous notice to cis, nor will any charge raade for lest than cue year at tho yearly rates. THOSE WITH PRIVATE or suffering trom their and FFMALK of every will find a rational and speedy cure by applying to PR. TOS. They trill eleo hnd a sure against infection by the vims. Gout, Gravel, Scrofula, Dropsy, Torpid Liver. Diseases of the Skin, etc., will be treated with the greatest and other will be carnd without knifo or caustic by treatment. tVOffice soulhwest corner of Market and street. sep)3 dly Is the year 1850 rOB TUB CUBE OF li;d under the control of two of the most eminent Phy- - rimnno tn the word. E. from London and Perls OH. and for the p.nt ton rea"1 of the Cincinnati Vonerea Poepltal, and Dr. R. B. late of New sork. This is the only ofBtie In the city where a per- - toawnt euro of private dlronees cao bo obtained without be ase of mercary or change o( diet. Oonorrhnpa cured 0 to 46 hoars. Gleet cured In 8 to K1 davs. fltrtctures snrcd in 1 to 8 weoks. Nortnrnal emlscious stopped In t to C days. Seminal weakness cured In 9 to 8 weeks, SThllli; 'n Its primary stages rared In 3 day, flocond- - it iririrtotHt cored In 1 to 8 weehs. Sin diseases enred to i to 8 restored in 1 to 4 weeks. All diseasoa of a private nature treated with success, male or female. Pr. great work on private disease, the private gaidp to health. Is benoflclal to all, male and th- - and yoio ihonld read this bok. It will sjoiiphten thote who grope In darknes. Price Si cents, ieit by mail. fr. Celebrated PreventlvA never has nor w?ror will fall married lpdis too feeble to boar chil- dren, eioept at the hazard of life, should he In this invention. Price rpdaced to $6. Dr. French Patout Male SeM It Is y safe; acd nevsr falls to give It Is the flnly safe sore against pregnancy and tf'.fpose. The price of the French Patent Male Safe is ftt the tingle one, $4 per hal ftfoten, $7 per doaen. Sent by rnaiL Lonlei's Female Monthly Pills are a safe and reilahle remedy for and all female Lsdies should uot run them during prngnauey, e they will produce Price 91 per box aitra flue $5 sent to aay address by mall. Drs. B. A R. are the men to consult, they are amines- - ffonAhly to he the champion and and king it verfrcai diseases, and the only Doctors who receive Koothly Reports from the eld world; they tanve been ao- - BtstO'aed from an early age uf youth to wituees the va-- Hons diseases which s&lct mankind, and to watch the progrers. through a long carter of study. In every sphere oflif, from the humble abode of poverty to the maneioDe of the wealthy, and having ascertained beyond a doubt the vast suffering of humanity, they de- - VrmiDod to Silect tho generative system as tb.elr study, and to devote their whole attention to the t'letiatlcn of the dieoases cf these lroportaut functions. No letters wili be ansicsred aalocs they Dontalu ft tomit teace or a postage stamp. Call, or addrusa Dse. So. 191 aytamore street, bat Fifth and Sixth, east side, O. OfPo hogrs. B A. M. to 9 P. M. lortpdly A of and TAB. SIRIT v71TL CLT.K AND M. alt kinds of Coughs and Ciidi!. Apthma, and It acts upon tW liver and puriliMs the blood, improve the nppctite and clears the This meiitcioe is made of herbs IntUan 1 alK malo a Medicine for Scrofula: also a Medicine for Worms and for Felons beforo they are oiwn aldo a for the Sore Kye, Summer and the Yellow Thra-o- . Thse Medicine ai-- nil made of brhe. and are for sale iu the iollowiitc Drug Stores; J. Gotteclialk & Jo., on corner ot Green and Kleventh streets. John Colgao A Co., on corner of Tenth and Walnut ireet?. V.. O. Went, en Market sreet, above Preston. 8c h mitt A Sutton, on corner of Eighth and Jeflerson St root. I can recommend Mra Slrnp and Tar. I have hen sick for a long time, have had several doctors, and they failed in my eaae. I was very much bwoIIoq and had a severe cough. After ulng your medicine a while I was cured of my cough and relieved of my swelling. Mr com- plexion is good, and now I am doing my own work. My youngest child had a bad cough lor along time, so severe that her breastboiie was sprung from severe coughing in the shape of a chicken bone, but she is now well and looks well. She bd been treated by the doe-to- for a long time, but they all failed to cure her couch. Now she is well. I will ever remain your friend, Mrs. JULIA WILLS. Aujmst Mrs. L. Mndaoie; I have urwl your d Sirup in my own ca?e of dfp-ooat- bronchial ersenesa, with which I have boen alt'icted Cor upwai-- 01 twenty years, and am satisfied, after having taken three bottles, that It Is aD admirable for the relief of laryngeal and bronchial (or the three bottles I Imveiist'd hve relieved me more than anything I have takt n, and I think it will cure me effec- tually if 1 continue to upe it. It my opinion as to its superior character can be of aiy service you are at lib-ar- to use It as you thiuk proper. Rev. ELIJAH SUTTON. Any perfms snfferlng with aoy of the diseases men- tioned above can be with board and good attention. I have desirable rooms for families or gentlemen desiring private hardini-- . . Jackson street, betwen Market and Main, a90 dm 2d hone from the corner of Market. in for THE Illinois Central Railroad Company otters rich Prairie Lands adjacent to its Railroad at $1J per -- jC. acre. A tmct oi eighty acres will make a good, homestead. The purchaser may buy on long ereoit, paying iuterret at fix per cent. annually, and If he has one thoui&nd dollars in money bo can, this year, at the low p ices of lumbar, contract for a couveoi"nt houte, fencine, and farming tool.. The Company has sold over oue thousand of such tracts of land this sea- son. It U well known that Chicago ponds more grain to market than all the Wentrn lake included. This Is the bfst proof of the ricliaose aud great value of the Illinois land. The Illinois Central Railroad whs tinLah-e- d in lori. built through a sparsely country. It takot to market thl yoar upward? of thirteen million of bushel? of grain, besides cattle, boga, and many other riHincts. For further apply by letter or in person to "Land llliuols Central Railroad Co., i'hicao. 111. aludiim C eetgned for Small Printers, Grocers, Binkers, Amateurs, the Arm4 a;d Navy, &c. 11 HE Presses we offer for sale are of a new pitteru: are the (Implead and etiougeet and beet made of any cheap lreses ever Invented, and occupy less space; eau be operatd by ewy one, whethor printer or not, and are sold at prices hitherto unheard of, th-i- i to say at about the p e of Job Presses now In nse. Tho Cahineh? ("pon which ih Pit-se- etanrt) are coinpoeed ot small Cases, ntat'y and strongly put to- gether, and for and have nev- er been equaled. (:11 atl examine, or send for circu- lars, giving, prices. A ell d3m J. G COOLEY CO.. 1 Hrme s N Y. heretofore existtn between the under tbe firm of JACK &B ROT is this day dissolved. J G Jack having purchaied tho entire interest in the etock and aesete. Is authorised to settle the business and to use the name C the urai for the purpose. . ' JA ED WD W. JACS. Ky , Aug. 14. 11. rpHK will coutione the J. aud business at iheoli stand. No. 330 Main street, between Tulrd and tourth. J. G. JACK Aug. 17, 1H61. dtf ' Chan of Firm. A CO. have aseoclated W. A GAJL- - with their firm, and purchased the stand tSMITH A OMEK, on aonth side of Market street below Floyd, wher they will conduct the WHOLE BALK and IITAIL GKOCKKY and PRODUCE bull Conn-Te- d with their house they have a good with ample for horses, wagens, and other vehicles, aid would bo glad T. miANK3, Jul? l. lWn. flf W A. ( hcxe Western Reserve and Hamburg Cheese just ieJived pei- nvnr and for sale tiy JNO. F. HOWARD A CO., Main, betweeu Third and Fourth sis. WUGAR CURED HAMS 4 ca?ks on and for sale low to close by 8CGAK XV 7W bbli Yellow Sugar; 6uu bbls White do; fortery o39 RAWSON. TODD. HO. -- lOKFt-E hii bags good and prime RiO; 76 do Java In por.kip; IW do Laguayra do; fr le hv o29 TODD, A CO. I ERRING o0 boxea Herring iu-- t received and foi II saie by toaij 'THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOB GLUME XXXI LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1861. NUMBER 307. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL mm ofiici BuiLDisG, wi mm, FFTWKRH rOUHTH. fiKnitUaoe APvrrmBJo JOURNAL BEGUIAU ADVKHTIoKaS. cbAnjceabt Advertiwriente eatoquent Afwonnein advertisun quarterly, advertisemente, theatrical, Advertisement institution, Kulea, eommnnicati communication advertisements; Advertisements Advertisement AnvicRTisiwe cwitinnauc. advertisements MEDICAL. No More Private Diseases! ALL AFFHCTKD con?eUrnce:, DISBAHKd descriptio, HAl)r'i;Mfc.HL. PKtVliN-T1V- K Syphilitic Neuralria, Rheoinatlsm, lysppela. Bronchitis, Cancers malignant Tumors constitutional Fourteenth Cincinnati Venereal Hospital, KatabUahfid PRIVATE DISEASES. BONAPAKTB. Reynolds, Iuiptency anwiralle'ed B'inaperto's pfnrarte's possession Bonaparto"s satisfaction. preventive C9rMadime suppressions mircarriage. acknowledged professional bONAPARTE REYKOIjDB, Cincinnati, CUEE TOE CONSUMPTION. COMPOUND SIRUP SPIKMAM 'PHIS COWRITMPTION iironcliltie, DysprMia. complexion. proparation. Prppra'ion Oomilaint. Limehangh's Compound cSpikenard Lntri8VTLT., LiKTOAttflH compound diliiculties, accommodated MUKBaCH. rarrofl Illinois Farms $1,000. comfortable Information Commissioner, Do Your Own Printing! Cooley's abinet Printing Office, Stationers, Merchants, Diuggleti, compactness convenience Pipsolution. TITB copartnership partnership Louiavme, undersigned WHOLESALE GROCERY COMMISSION Louisville, TSHANX8 WAGON-YAR- aoeommodations aoaeethaiicldfrieoda. GAILBRAITH. a'HKF.lE coueigument rsEFlNEO RAWoON, GARDNER CO, MEDICAL. K5- - DR. A. J. VANPER3IIC,JZ Lnfe rpofessor f Ecole t'lliilfinn rl I?H!ne Tbaruiucy ia ruris, n frnrtluuer of TSRIS, ' TO HIS FRIENDS AND THE ANNOUNCES to devote hU time to the cur- ing of the following diseases, viz: CouKhw, C 'Ids, Aethuia, Fits, pripsy, Dyapepala, Liver Complaint, Piles, Fistula, Gout, Rheumatism, Scrotiila, While Swelling, Nervouu AftdCtljus, Fever aud Ague, Bilicu Complaints, &c. Dr. Van'ierMlice has met with great succors by hi? pe- culiar mo.le of treatment of diseases where other very eminent piivsVians have failed to produce a cure. To attest his confidence in his own skill and merits, h will nndertakfl the cure of all patients without charge ex- cepting the coit ot niedieiue, no fee until al- ter the rtittiratlon of their hnalth. Diseases of a pecujiar charartFr he guaranties to re- move radically in a lew dsvs without eflansive or del medicine. He warrante to all. no matter how severe or long etandiug the dieae, ao effectual cure, or he requires no pay. Females suffering with irregulari- ties, nervounnesM, debility, &r., can be periuanpntly by Dr. V. Iuvalidi in any section of the conn try. by addressing a letter to him and en- closing a lee, can have advice, and ineaiciue will be promptly 'enttbem. rW'Resideuce 'J doors frcm the corner ot Oreeo and Fiord streets, LouisvMe, Ky. Omce hours from B to 12 A. M. and from i to 7 P. M. Dr. A. J. Vaxduhbli'-- can produce over one hundred certificates ot the spdy cure of various diseayes. Call sndsee. CON -- CL TATION OK A Tlj nl dly XX- - U A Xi Louisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON THE PLAN OF THE HOSPITAL DBS VENERIENB, PARIS, aTfTfHSFg- - WHERE the afflicted with any v iorm Ol rnvaie iisease can rpceivw prompt treatment without risa or 'exposure, vix: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures, Ulcers, Turarra, Cancers, Secondary, aod Constitu- tional Syphilis, Diseases of the Kid- neys, etc By this system it Is roved that the venerlal complaint J t as entirely under the eoutrol of medicine as is a common cold or simple fever: and, whi!e insufficient persons are daily sending away their patients in hopelessness, and (tiving them np only from their own initorapoU-ucv- , complete aud porroanent cures are constantly being effected at thi- - Inflrmary. YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.-- Dr. U. devotes much of his time to the treatment of those cases caused hy a secret habit which ruins both body and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual for cither business or society. The sad effect of thee early habits, or the excess of riper yars, are to weaken and debilitate the constitution, destroy the physical and mental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feel- ings, aud exhaust the vital energies of manhood: the of life are marred, the object of marriage rleasures existence itgclf rendered a term of unceas- ing misery and regret. Such persons, especially thru contemplating marriage, ehoold lose no time in making Immediate application, as Dr. H., hy his new treat moot. Is enabled to insure a speedy and permanent cure. DR. HALL'S AMKRICAN PERIODICAL FILLS. No article of medicine intended for the exclusive use of females has ever yet been introduced that has given sneb nniversal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills. They can be relied on in all cases of Menstiual Obtrno-tion- Irregularities, Ac, as a tore and safe remedy. Price, per mail, $1 aud one postage stamp. Patients living at a distance can be cured at home by sending a description of their disease and Inclosing a stamp. Modlelne sent to any addrew. No. 116 Jefferson street, between First and Second. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. 424 dtf L. HALL, Iff. D. PROPOSE8 TO TRBAT FISTULA UVON TUK PRINCIPLE OF NO CURE NO PAY. In every Instance the money will he refunded U tho euro Is not completed. Fifty dollars f.$50 is the fee. From two to eight weeks is aa long a time as the doc- tor requires to perform a cure. Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Piles, and all Chronic Difeasee treated by Or. Price. No charge for medicines or attention If piacud under his chage unless a cure la performed. We, the undersigned, from porsoDAl knowledge, are able to state that Dr. Price can certainly and surely re- lieve the horrid effects of Onanism or and perform a epwdy cure in all of the. diseases enume- rated above. We have seen certificates from respecta- ble persons certifying to the cures enumerated per- formed by Dr. Price. We have no doubt of hie ability to do all he proposes. WILLIAM 8 D M BOO WAN, Late Sheriff of JefTersin county, Ky. LOVKL H. KOUS3BAU. anlg dw Col. (Commanding Kentucky PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 60 Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs. PRICK ONLY TWBNTY-FIV- CKNTSAl IVBent free of postage to all parte of tbe UnioaJ ON the InBrmlties of youth and maturity, disclosing the se- cret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervous- ness, depreWon of spirits, palpi- tation of the honrt, suicidal im- aginations, involuntary blueh- - ftvJSugs, defective memory, indiges- - iur' "vtftij TtioD, and lassitude, Ac , compris-XvV'i- a K.'v3'.?Jing iSU pages, and illustrated V a V- , iinwarrUof onehundrfMl and enrravinrs It is a truth- - advieer to the married and rmt non Tntr kTi off toarttiiirA. who entertain se doubts oi their Dhvolral eondition. and who are conscious of having haaarded the health, happtnets, and privileges to which every human being is entitled With Confessions of a Boardln School Miss, a College Student, and a Young Manied Lady, full of romance and thrilling interest. Youue men who are trotiblwd with woaknoee, general-l- y caused hy a bad habit In youth, the etlects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful ness, sometime a ringing in the earn, weak eye, weakness of the buck and lower extremities, confusion of idea, low of mem"ry, with ntelanci.oly, may be cured by the author's NEW PARIS ANT) LONDON TREATMENT. We have recently devoted much cf enr time In VISITING THE F.CROPKAN HOSPITALS, availing oureelvee of the knowleUo and researches of the mo.t skilled Pbyciclans and SuipeoDS in Kirope and on the Continent euh men as CIV1ALK.. LKNOIRR, RICORD, BKiMJHETEAU, ACT( N, and CURLINGS, of the French and English hnepit-Oa- . Our tour extended through France. Italy, Germany. Hol- land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visiting In our route the principal hospitals in Paris, Iondon, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac, Ac. We have been amply repaid by the additional knowl- edge we have acquired in the treatment of various diseases to which we have dirccUd our attention. Thoee who placo themselves under our care will, whether male or female, now have the fill benefit of the many NEW AND EKPICIBNT REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce Into our practice., and the public may rest assured of the same seal, a.3idotty, BECKECY, and attention being paid U their cases, which has so siiccBs(illy di'tiiigui'hed ns heretofore as a Physician In our PECULIAR department of profes- sional practice. Medicines with foil directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their eymtoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential, IV Dr. L.'s Ofnoe la still located as established: andsr the name of DR. LA CP.OLX. WTo insure safety to all letters simply address "TF1E LA CBOIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE" 4 d&wtf No. SI Maiden Lane, Albany, tL Y. The Adams Express Co WE HAVE AGENTS AT GEN. KOI SSEAU'S AND Sherman's Headquarters (Camp M nMraunhi, also at Cam o Dick Robinson, and run messengers dally to each place, whl will take charge of and deliver all Ireitiht and packages destined tor thoae places. Our Messengers to Lebanon aud BarJctown will also take freight or packages lo camps on the line of these routes. rreight lor Eiizabethtown must in all cases be pre paid. 08 dim S. A. JONES, Agent. LOsmocmt and Anr.eiger cpy J dissolution Notice. THE COPARI NER4HI1 hegwtofore existing under firm of 8. J. UAHK 4 C;. is this day dissolved by mutual t, and 3 J. Hare ia churgcd with tho settlement of the business. 3. J. HAKtt. ;. c. hake, Louisville, Oct. 13, 1L R MILLS. SJ. HARE will continue the business at the old olfirltf fl .T TjC.S.MALTBY'Sf altimore Oyster Depot, No. .VZl Third st., bet. Market and Jefferson. A. BIjISS - . ----- Ag-en- BALTIMORE OYSTBP.S. in cans and hslf cans packed in ice, received daily bv Express. trade in toe cttv. country towns, steamboau, and families always supplied at the lowest rates, and In all cauee wat.rahtkh rupee a d bwi'ft. dim C. L. S. MATTHEWS, COMMISSION & FORWARDING 1VI33IICI1ANT, Bonier NO. I'il FOURTH STREET, WEST BIDE, BET. 0'J8 MAIN ANU TUB RIVER. FTXRB WHISHT. UST received on consignment a few barrels of two year-ol- d Bourbon. r;K C. L. S. MATTHEWS, ViA Fourth st. WTKAW-- kj balsa prime Wiatjust rvcciveJ ana for sale by n C L. B. MATTHEWS. 124 Fourth st. f 1M0N VfC rarus llax and Cctttn and low lor sale by C. L. 8. MATTHEWS, 1'J4 Fourth sr.. T I AY 9Kt balee Clover and Timothy for fnle to close AA consign incut. C. L. S. MATT1I&W6, No. V24 Fourth st. HIBDITT & SON, AND RETAIL "n'M KRV, FLOCK, WHOLESALE bTORE, No. 2: Market, between Seron-- and Th'rd pr0t. sourh d t'' 1RE-- ARKIVAL I Frn lor, ot pure Navy Beanr; 6 bb!s urauberries: Just, received and for sale by HIBBITT A SON. tLOUR Extra Family Flour; 100 M snd Mcks do do: Different braooa, in etore and for sa'e by HIHHITT PON. LEAR SIDES AND COUNTRY HAMS A. gocd yy supply loi iue by HIBBITT A RON SUNDrtlEg Wooden Ware, Cedir Tube aud Ke lers, Wah-Board- Sieves, Ac, ou baud and for gale by n9 HIBPITT A SON. The Novel of the Season. READERS NEW BOOK. "The CIoiftT CHMtLES Heerth, or Maid. Wit", aud Wi Jew." By the author of "Peg W'ofhugtcn." Paper, lor.: bound, $1 iH. nl A C1V1LL. NEW F ;KKT MAP OF KENTUCKY (OLTON'B no I.. A. CIV'LL I" 1 ARDEE'S TACTL ; FOR 86 CENTSI 11 PAl'TUN'S " 2b supply ot Military hooks, inciuoiug inat in valuable work .Il.h'a Attack and Dole nee. .. a. uaj. 41 rockets prime Java Cefie just received (OFFEI' sale bv tn5) GAKDNER A C'. boxes Missouri, Virginia, and 110BACCO-1- UJ various braol, to store and tor ale by MAHRHaLL II ALBERT A CV., Main st. W. J I. STOKES, (SUCCESSOR TO B. A W. H. STORJSSK I MPORTER AND DEALER IN COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, Saddlery Warehouse, ISTo. 485 Main St., between ."Fifth and Sixth, Xjioxxieixrlllo, . srMercbant and Mtnnfaetnren would Bnd It to their interest to examine my stock betcn making their par phases, and ciders from a distance will be atteudod to as if made in perron. st doo&'etf MISCELLANEOUS. ATTRACTIVE GOODS .A.t Low IPrices. 1 VrE desire to redoee our present stock to the lowest possible limit before the 1st of January, to pre- pare for an entire new assortment next Spring, and in ordor tc effect this we shall offer f pocial Inducements to our customers from now until that date. We ask buyers to examine tbe quality and revieed prices of our China Dinner rnd Tea Sets, Glassware, Silver and riatcd M are, And other Housekeeping Goods. And especially our magnificent assortment of Chandeliers and (.as Fixtures We promise satisfaction in all cases. E. V. HAUGHWOUT & CO., Noi. 4!S5, 40, and 40J Rroadway, corner of Broome street, NBW VOKK. lpVParties throughout the country sending orders by mail will receive precisely the same advantages, and their orders be as promptly attended to, as if personal- ly present to make the purchase. o25 dtjnnl INDIA RUBBER G00D3 MILITARY OUTFITS. INDIA K( BURR B!.APRI;TM, COATS, POUCHES, CLOAKS, CAPES, RIDING LFGU1N3, DRINKING CUP3, CAPS, UAVELOCK3, BOOTS. And a variety of other uefful articles. Companies or Individual Volunteers supplied at Manufacturers' Low e.'t Prices. Are respect6!lly inHtod to give, us a ea". Orders fiom any part of the country promptly attended to. Addieis BART cV niCKOX. ludla Rubber Depot. 4y Wet Fourth ?t . Cincinnati, 0. Manufaoturei'a or KIVAlSAt'KS II A VIM? SACKS, QUARTERMASTERS AND OTIU:R3 authorized to contract for the abova articles are respectfully In- vited to call and cxamiue our goods and get prices. Samples will be furnished and prices given by address- ing BART Ac I11CKOX, West Feint hut reef, oTSdim CtNoiNWATl, O. MILITARY EQUIPMENTS ! ENFIELD RIFLES, CAVALRY SABRES, FIELD AND STAFF SWORDS, SASHES, SHOULDER STRAP3, Ac, Military Equipments in every variety. Orders promptly filled (C. O- D.) by TOP! 2; 8 1 BOW, 8c PI33I.VAIN, AAMY COIlTBAOTOEa, oS3 dim No. 0 IHnJden Lane, KV VORtt. Camp Equipage. JAM prepared to furnish Regimen's or Companle Camp l?'oves. Camp Kettles, Fltos. Arm) Cups Knives and f ork, tipoous. Canteeus, Mess Fana, Cots, Camp Stoob, Ac, on short notice. P M JONES, 012 bl2&jtf Fourth st . near National Hotel. Ofiicers' Camp Chest. TBE most complete article ol the kind ever invented. and see it P JONE8, oil Mili'f Fourth "t . per National Hotl. Arcserre lite Hair: stratlwsIatiiairon, For rreaeiTiig1,, and Bean-tifyi- cs' tbe Hair. JUSTLY CELEBRATED ARTICLE TS J A In the City or Loimbvili.r, at the Capital Dnig btore, and the proprietor claims ht it - superior in uiany rwpetji to any preiarnrion of the. kind now in lire, aud warrants that it will give complete sallsractlon. It virtos have bpon fully to;t'd, and iiumherleH testi- monial can lie produced as to i's elhcacy. C' fioui t he so) icitod. Whob'eule pike 6U per dozen. Retails at ff cut per U)ttle. O. H. B'lUA J TAN, Mauutactui-er- , Jane4 dtf O( to?ite the Xorfumory, Eoapa, Toilet Goods, Ike. HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED A LARUE I a."!ortroout of Handkerclilef Extract, Totitt doap Bni'iies, and Fancy Ooods, which sm selling at low rates. I intend to cater to the wants of my friends end in every particular, aud trnst they will continue fonder fnvors. O. 11. 8TRATTAN, Apothecorr, )nne4 dtf Opposite, the Grayson Springs, Ky, TnE nndrraignrd having the entire control of James Cl;irk?ons interest in this establishment, will open the sinne fir the reception of visitors on th loth of June, with a promise to keen a plain and substantial Kentucky Hotel, includin ail the best supplies tbe country will aflord, and solicits patronage. Terms or Boahdc Board per day f 1 36 Do. " week 7 on Do. " mouth 5W Children and servant and half price. Horses 3 tu V week, J3 M M. P. CTjARKSON. OA0II! CASH! Great Sacrifice of LACES, EMBROIDERIES, FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, LINEN CAM-BKI- JACONETand SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT INGS, JACONET. SWISS, and LACK FLOUNCING3, and tn short our entire stock, comprising the most beau- tiful designs and styles. "Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The ladles will do well to call at once and secure the greatest and most deslrale BARGAINS of the season. GERUAKT cV CANNON, mT 325 Fourth st., opposite Mozart Hall. HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. rpnrl Hotels at HotSprings Olalp and Proctor Honses have been blended and improvements made to accommodate xiout hiindrcd visiTone at any time fhrougout the Tar. These wonderlul Springs positive- ly cure Rhsnmatism, Contracted Joints, Neuialria, Lumbago, Paralyeis, Gout, St. Vitns's Dance, Hysteria, Sterility, Impolency from disease. Venereal diseases, Mnrrureal dtyeai.'1. Scrofula and Glandular diseases, and all forms of Skin diseases. R. S. CLAYTON, Froprletof. Dr. G. W. Lawrence, the Medical examiner of Hot Springs, will supply circulars to applicants. N. B. Mercurial. Iodine, 8ulphnr, and other medl-cate- 4 vapors fumisuod when required. in:3 dly Brandies & Crawford, HA VB remevod to the new Warehouse on the sonth-wo- corner of Malo and Fi t.r-- .- We wiM pay th highest market prlw for all kinds of Grain, delivered at onr store or at any good shlpplog poir.t on the O jo river. flW dtf BRAN1EIS & DWFORD. Mutual Life Insurance. TIIK NPW KNKLANI) rH'TtAL IJFK IN-- 1 SCR:N'E COMPANY. No State street, Bos- ton. Insures lives ou the mutual principle. Net Accumulation exceeding jftLSAIKMOO, and In- creasing, for tho benefit of members, prereut and fu- ture -- the whole eaftdy and advantsgeonsly invested. The biflnee conducted exclusively for the benefit of the pfreo)s ineored. Tbe created risk taken on a life flil.OOO. Surplus distrihutfi among the members every flfth yes.r, trom lecember 1, loli settled in catb or by to policy. Prenuuma may b3 paid quarterly or where, desired, and amounts no too suiFtll. Forms of epn!i''atlcii cod pamphlets of th Company and its reports to be had of ft ageot or at the office of tito Company, or forwarded by mail, if writtu for post paid. DIRECTORS! Marshall P Wilder, Swe!1 Tapran, (barlea P. CuvHc, William B. Beynolfls, Thomas A. Dexter, Goree II. Folgwr, Charles HubbafL A. W. Thaxter, Francis C- - Lowell. ,Umi Sturtif. WILLARD PHILLIPS, President. 1b?,iamim F. gTrvENe, efrtan' W. W. Mobxahd, M. D., Consulting Fhyslclan. au13 dly POWDER F AT.T. anaUt(ps oontantly on hand and fotsalehy J DAVIS A BX'EED, AgonU for the Mauufacturara. Ijomevii.i.lL Sept. t, MKS.IK8. Datis A 8fot, Agents of Oriental Powder Co., Loii?v1ilo: n We have been nslng your Plasting Powder and re take ploasure in stating that w find it eiual if not noerior to iuir Fsiw-le- that v bsve ever nsd. ABTlD'R CAMPBELL, Superintendent for Smith A Sim sac, I eorfl'allv concnr in the above and oherfnl' v recom mend It to the public. J. D. HM11U. T consider the above Powder sorerior t ary w have Over been able to obtain. H. FC9K1T. We tak" oK:aeu70 In recortunendirgyonr Iudian Orien tal Rifle Powder as oqual If net superior to any we have ever used, it bein vrv clean) v and strong. This we auert alter a thorough trial. RoppcUnlly yours. GEO Kill? W. WOM.V.1, J. FRY LA WRENCH. B. P. H A. FN EASTER, L. 'lAYf.OB, feTdlf A BURNS. EW AUMk1 RCOLLATIONd-J.- i-t publish IN Oli U A. CAV1LL. MISCELLANEOUS THE VERY LATEST Most Imporiant Arrival! J "N 33 3E3 H. 33 O JJ S NEW STOCK OF Military and Civilians1 Goods 'TH) BR MADE TO ORDER AT THE LOWEST A ca-- b prices, and in a style uusuipa?t-d- , at 209 THIRD ST. The Military department Is controlled with expeil ence and rkill. o"l dim ROCKWELL'S COMBINATION UNION CM1P CHEST (Patent Applied For), 390 and 552 Broadway, N. Tn SOLE AGENTS, Invite the attention of Army and Navy officers' messes to this new aud improved Union Camp Clicst, Wlilch eomprlnes within the dimensions of 31 Indies lenE'h, is inches hrendth, and II inrlu-- depth, a po:t-bl- e Pantry, containing all the culinary and mecharucil api'Hance for four or ?ix person; a Dining Table of ft) by ul inches spread, durable enough for the rouebest wear, and a stove, fiom its strength and convenient simplicity, suited fui caiup cooking. This combination of FUVTRY, STOVE, ASD TABLE, the result of a mst careful studv of the neces?t.1ee and incideute of campaigning and of the articles in use by tbe wMrmie of Frssrrt Hngland) mntt Prumia commends lf to the American soldier alike If its convenience, d irability, and capacity. The agents have had in th'dr establishment e?ery camp ch' ft of not in use at home and abroad, anl do not hesitite to prouounce this on, in their judwrrent. iirtinitely superior to any known; tor the Justi of which assertion they court a geueial exam inaiioo and comparison. The STOVE, as well as the TABLE, i so eonstncWI a to be sold by itself, and can be used with auy army cheat or trunk In vogue. Price of Cnion Camp Chest $39 and $48; of Table separate 3 to of Move oil ctf CLARK'S RESTAURANT. FIRST OF THE SEASON. Qiail, QrouBo, Veninon, Shell Oysterff, And all other delicacies of the season. W. A. CLARK, Proprietor. tVTable D'Hote from 1 to 4 o'clock. o34n A GoodOhanco for Farms ia Indiana. We have for sale, in the counties; of White, Jss- - er. and Pulaski, Indiana, lu,0i acres of rich "irmhig Land, printipally prairie, of the bast quality for ralu or stock tsnns. We sell cn TEN YEAS' TIME at ten dollars per acre, h down, the balance in ten eqial annual payment. We have also 4"0 acres in Jasper county, exfellent for a stock farm, which we will se 1 at $4 per acre cash. Aidrew SIOTSENULRG A BROWN, ol dim New Albany, Indiana. AT WHOLESALE $200,000 Worth of ESIRABLE CLOTHING 25 per Cent. Xje33 For Cash, DLVLIN, HUDSON, & CO,. BROADWAY, CORNER WARREN STREET, sl9d3m Split -- bottom Chairs. WE ARE AOENNS FOR TnE SALK OF KEI-tti--. ey Peniteijtlary split-b- o f.'niKd Chairs, ai4 have lu stcre for aale a large l t of aM s i?,es- A. L. SHOT WELL A SON, Je23dtf WII street L. S. B. de CRP,TY....fE. RABY, Agent), "i2S tureen atret, n.dolnlng tbe Journal OOlr' . T-i Has In ptre and for sale in quantities purcnascrs a line BBortinent of iNES and LIQUORS, such as BOrtDEAl'X. HOrKGONS. lOONACs, Hordt-anx- ; Pomard; Bordeaux; De Mednc; Frontignau; Lunel: 8t. fcetephe. Toluey. E&u-d- e vie-de Languedoc. Moselle, via de Tokay, Armagnae, and Cordials. mar4 dly ELIAS HOW, jr., and tS.H.RGf EB'8 PATENT THR MOST R EOF NT IMPROVED Shuttle SewingBlachins FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE 7I. Warranted tho ESest in tbe market; Fine finished strong and durable; wheel feed of great power; exceedingly simple In construction; not a wire alo;it it; all its part are most admirably and ingenious- ly arranged; cannot possibly get out of order, because everything Is permanently adjusted; none so easily un- derstood and operated, and sews the most beautiful stitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both side. Tai- lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Mi- dline ever sent to this vicinity. All are cordially to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Amt, nl dly 212 Fonrtn street. ffP'ZrffiS'Davlng jnet returned from Cincinnati, where toiKSa I have procured, through tbe Mudnewi of xiol. R. Aisukeson, one largo and one small sized Pnirro-oiifc- of himself, in full uniform, with the identical cloak and cap woiu by bira at Foit Sumptj during :he bvnubardmeut, I aru now ready to furnish his tneada and admirers with duplicates of each size at my flaliery or at Frank Madaeu's Bookstore, Third street. E. KLAL'BRR, Bee Hive Gs'lerr, Main street, tnnel dlvls hotwen 'Phlrd and Fourth. J. O. JACK, E. W. JACK. LoolsviHe, Ky. New Orleans, La. JACK & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, PEOTISIOJ ICfliaiSSIOHERCHAWSt No. RIB north side Main st., between Third and Fourth, LOFHyiM.K. KY. CUOAR, COFFKB, AND MOLASSES O b hhds prime N. O Sugar; 11 bags prine Rio CoMee; I'M) bs Crushed. Powdered and Grannlaed So car; 1iu do Plantation Molasses; m Mhbls do do; Si) vbbis Golden Simp; tn kogt Oolden Sirup; In store and for tale by JACK A EROTHF.B, 111 Main il. r.(W boxes King Tobacoot 8M) do O. Ellis do do: 60 do do do: loo do Va. and Ky. do. various brands fn itAra anil Iav aalu Kt J At K HROTHKR, ate Main st. AND LIN9EYS-H- W Negro Jeans and JENB (best brands) in store and for sale by K1WT1A SALT 3,0'H) bbls Kanawha Salt, best mtnra and fnr Slle bv JACK BROTHER, 616 Main it. SUNDRIE- S- O 40 half chests Gurtflpr fa; llj dO dO B SCll flo; Nt dozen Shaker Broom . do fancy wiie do; loo do Pa'.nted buckets; W nests do Tub-- : 7 dozen Zinc fro ceils Cotton Rope, all sisot ?o do Herap do, do; 1V boes Star Candles; 4 do Starch: 7 do Po?tu M do Palm do; fct do German Sofip: W bags Cotton Yarn, all nambftt; a, do Carpet Chain; loo bales Bitting; (tn do Candle-Wk- I do Wrapping 1wIp; bags Spice; h do Pepper 100 mats Cinnamon: 8 tdrm Madras and Manilla lndlg9 i casks Madder; 11 bbls Alum, do Sulphur: 0 casks Newcastle Soda! 1 case Nutmogv 800,010 G. D. end 3, B. Capr 7fi gross Matches- - 11 do Masou's large and small BlacV-iri- ; ft) boxes a.'sortod Candy; 40 bbls Cider Vinegr; fr0 kegs Nails, assorted nombert; On hiind and lor sa'o by m'J7 die JACK A BROTHER, MS Main ir. yL'(JAK- -i bbls Lovering's Crushed. Powdered, anc" 0 Giauulated just received and lor sale bv ol (IAHINKR A OO. s Cheeee received per railroad and tor -- ale by JNO. F. HOWARD A CO., oil Main, between Third ami Fourth ts. SUNDRIES V and H boxes Sardines; ,Wi C'lu-- ( bhls distilled bilrVy; 4 pipfs Holland Oiu- - g piinclieous R'im. Jamaica an.d St. Croixt For sale by AtnUO.'Y Z A NONE A SON, ilU Fiiih ct., bekw Mala LOUISVILLE JOURNAL LSpecial Correspuudeuof tha Louisville Journal THE BATTLE OF BELMONT. Cau.o, Nov. 8, 18C1. iou aav be?n informed telctraph and forestalled commuukations from other sources of Ihe recent battle at BMuiont, tut most of those reports have boon ia the mala incorrect and in complete; therefore it is that 1 lavo delayed Kiv u accoum until ine confusion and excite- ment had subsided and something like a delinite and accurate account might be obtainad. It might be well to notice here the underhanded antagonism ev'dsnt in many of our prominent punuls to the Union cause, in pronouncing ven in the face of posiLivo evidence to tbe con trary every action in which our troop3 are en- gaged, and, as must necessarily be, a few of oar numbers are, bLuo, to be positive defjatsand We have a notable instance of this de termination to embarrass and disparage our army in the recent editorials of the Chicago Tribune, cd other jmrnab in relation to this Buluiont hgat. It has been pronounced a defeat, and some have gone bo far as to proclaim it a rout; and ttus has been reiterated one of the m.04 wanton aoJ damaging falpahood? that ever blistered a totgue. But eo far from this being a repulse, frou the now accumulated it prcves to have been one of the most signal acl brilliant victorias that has graced ths pages of our history since the record of Luera Vista. It will be seen fr.mi the annexed cflicial report of Gen. Grant, th:it the ol ject of the ex- - psdition was not for the attack of Columbus, but fr the purpose of diverting the enemy from send ing rtinforccments to Thompson. Fri:, or Hu.k-re- r, and I have further learned from Gen. which is corroborated by priione:s taken at Belmont, that a large rebel force actual- ly had their knapsacks packed to reinforce Buck-ne- r at Bowling Green, and make a forward move- ment against Louisville. To further show that the obje:t of the expedition against Btlmunt was notiuttnled for Columbu?, I was ehown a letler in Gen. Grants fjuarters from Assistant Adjutant Goneral McEeever directing him to move only egainst Belmont and avoid Columbus. Thus the movement intended and directed was a complete succeed and a truiumph over the eupo-ri- numerical forces of the enemy by deatroying their camp and twice routing them and driving them with terrible slaughter before our bayonet. On the morning cf the '.'th, after lying cn the Kentucky ehore overnight, our troops, '2,800 iu number, being portions of the T2d Illinois, Col. Henry Dougherty, L7thIIlinc is, Col. Buford,30ih Illinois, Cel. Phil. B. Fouke, 31st Illinois, Col. John A. Logan, and the 7th Iowa, Col. Lauman, dobarked on the Missouri shore about three miles this side of Belmont. They were at once marched to a coru held about one mile distant, and west of Bel mm'. Three companies of the 7th Iowa, and two companies of the Illinois, wero how- ever left at the landing to guard the steamboats. In the corn held the whole force was drawn up in line in the following order: The 27th Illincis, Col. Buford, occupying the extreme right, 30th, Col. Fouke, nex, 31at, Col. Login on tbecentre, with Taylor's Chicago artillery ((j gun-- ) in the rear, 7th Iowa to the left, and J:.M Illinois the extreme left; two companies from each regiment were then thrown out as skirmishers, except Colonel Bufords, which tock the road leading to the right, with ordars to btar down on the enemy below their camp, on the baok of tbe river, and drive them to the left, assisted by Captains Dullins and Delano's Illinois II liooid cavalry. The skirmishers of Logan's atd Fouke's regimeulshad proceeded about bilf a mile through the woods whou they encountered the enemy and opened a vigorous fire, which was returned bv tbe tu amy, who, hor. ever, rccn ftl! back. Gen. McCleruand, who was rcconnoiter-io- g with the men, now Bent back his aid to order a forward movement of the whole coluinr, which soon arrived and formed again as befre, movid forward a short dittanca, wbere he fouxd the enemy in strong force, whom ho attacked with the 30tb, 3lst, and a part of the 7th Iowa, and again drove them before him and rca'.tertd them in disorder, with heavy bss. l! was not long, however, until they rallied and ( ffrtd a vigorous resistance, which disordered our Hues. It wa now soon dnjvured lh;it tho rebels were rJinking us on tbe !efr, when Login's men were brought abjut ar.d the artillery oponcd a tremendous fire on theoi which brought, thorn clown Lke mowed graEfl, while Fouke's regiment was still engaging them with a teirillo tfT tct, and the enemy was finally driven batk towarils their camp. In the meantime Buford s ie- - iment and DMlins'a cavalry hid arrived to the right of the enemy'3 camp and was doing fearful execution on the foe. While these regiments were making the enemy quail beneath their lire and I ayoneta, the 7th Iowa and 22d Illinois were dealing havee among thorn on the left. After the two first companies of the 7th Iowa had been thrown out, they imme- - diately engaged the eremy, when Cc I. Lauman weut back for the remaining live companies and threw them out as skirmisher n also. This regi- ment suffered mere severely than any other. It fought continually against fearful Kver pushing onwarJu through the timber on their hands and kneee, they crawled with thtir stand- ard waving over them until thoy reached the c jrndeld on the left of the enemy a encampment, where his cannon was planted, and drove them from their guns, leavirg them still unman- ned, kaowing that other forces were fallowing them up. Their course was atill onward until they entered on the cimp ground of the foe, dis- pensing destruction a3 they went, and toiedown their fLig one of the Lieutenantd Leaving it away wrapped around his body. No less of brave- ry and daring can be attributed to the gallant 22d who fought by the ide of the 7h Iowa throughout the action. To tho left of the camp ground, in a corttidld, on the river bank, was an- other of the enemy's batteries upon which the 7ih Iowa and 22d Illinois made a charge and en- tirely unmanned the pieces. It was here, while gallantly urgicg on his me3, that Col. Lauman fell wounded. The th Iowa received a contiuiul cross fire from the enemy's guns and musketry, and it is evident that they were in the thickest of the tight frcm the fact that they had most of thoir tfbeers either killed or wounded acd mere men than any other regiment. The '22d Illinois also suft'ored heavy loss, anl the gillautry and valor of Col. Dougherty cannot be too highly can nier ded. The 27th Illinois aud 7th Iowa entered tho cimp'ing grout. d of the enemy nearly at the saire time, and the other regiments scon followed, npxn which a sbcut of victory from our troops rent tl e air that could be heard for miles above the roar of the cannon. fjl1l tiiif, oaggage, ami equipments mncu bv uis time were destroyed by order of Geo. Grant. While our force was in possession of t he en campment busily engaged tn confiscating nil portable articles, that of the enemy was receiv- ing large reinforcements from Columbus, and en- deavored to cut off enr retreat. Gen. flkClcr-nan- d, discovering their move, inquired of Logan what move he intended to make, when Login briefly replied "Cut our way through, ir!'' which he accordingly d.d, as did the balance of our forces. At this juncture it was that the gun- boats rendered auch valuable service, they kept up a continuous lira on them, which mowed them down in scores. Here, also, it was that the rebel batteries from Columbus opened fire upon our men, but their gunners were fki item obibilig tha skill shown by our gunboatg; and here again it was that many acts of daring bravery and spirit of sacrifice was exhibited by our oflk&rs. Col. Lauman, who had been badly wound id in the thigh, upon the order being given to retreat ordered that he be placed on his bow, which was done, and' be gallantly led Lis men out. Ccl Luugucrtv, nuu lvao awiire iaa& lauiTan WH3 wounded, endeavored to pilot birn out, they be Ing in the rear, when he received his wound, which caused him to be taken prisoner, and has since cost him his leg, parts of which hs t'n amputitod three limes. The rebel a btill kept up tho lire after our forcts had regained their transports, but I learn from the soveral Colonels that thoy did not kill a man. Generals Grant and McClernand are said to have behaved with rmark.ib!e bravery and cool- ness during the whole of the action, and as much may be Baid of their rw?pLtiveaids -- ! of Gen. Grant, Cnptains Logan. Kawliu-t- , and Hiilyer. and those of Gen. McClernand, Mj. Bravura, Caplaiu Bilikie (who was killed while gillantly cheering tn the men), and Capta:n D;estr cf the artillery. As there, is no probability of your readers being directly interested in the names of the killed, wounded, and prisoners, I will not crowd your space with the list. The following is tha regiment! Ut of killed: 7th Iowa, 26 killod; 22d Illinois, 33 killed; (27h Illinois, 11 killed; 30th Illinois, 9 killed; 31st lliincis, 10 killed. As tha wounded and missing are being greatly diminished by each day'a report, I will refrain from coLding you a list until my next lot'er. The official rtport in re gard to missing ia no doubt incorrect, as General Grant infrrms me that squads are returning every clay to Bird's "Point. Yesterday twenty more returned, and they reported that eighteen others, who had taken a diffetent road, Wuuld thortly ar rive ia camp. It hxs been afsertod and reiterated that our greatost loas was suffered c u the roraat; this is iacorrect, a3 the fcllowing will show; 30 of those who were wouudod in tbe edvance were brought to a hospital, which afterwards Ml into the hands of the enemy, ard 113 were brought away on the return, showing that but 21 were wounded on tho retreat, makiug the fcum total of IjI. All the woucdsd prisoners were to-d- ex changed unconditionally. I will be compelled to defer the incidents of the battle and late expedi tion after Tbompjan for another letter. w. C. c. The following is a cpy cf General Order No. 15, issued on tho 8th by Brigadier General John A. McClernand. in command at Cairo: GKNEIUL ORDLR NO. 13. Bkigahe Hr.D';taktf:i;s,) Camp Cairo, Nov. tJ, 1861. ( The Gererat commanding the first Brigade of Illiuoia Volunteers la kin pleasure in meeliog to day those who corf erred honor upon his command uv thoir gallantry and good conduct on yoster- - dav. low of vou had h fre seen a battlo. You were but imperfectly disciplined, and supplied with inferior arm3. Yet vou inarched upon a concea!d enemy, of superior numbers, on ground of their own choosing. You drove them neadily before you for two miles of con'inued lighting, and forced them to seek shelter in their in'renchments at Belmont. beneath the heavy batteries at Columbus. You drove theui from thoir position, and destroyed hur camp bringing wiih you, on retiruu', two hue d red nii 't nets, two field pieces, and a large amount of other property. Reinforced from Cuumbus. they formed in large numbers in your rear, to cut you oft, while he heavy guno were playing upon vour ranks. Fighting tho same ground over again, yoa drove hem a second time. A portion oi the command, becoming separated from the rest, mado a suc cessful and well ordered movement by another route, and re'urned to the river. After a day of fatiguing marches, fighting as you marched, having been neirlv six hours actually engaged, you and returned to your camps. On looking along year ranks to dav, the com manding Goneral bae caupe to mourn the absence of many of his gillant men the victims of inex- orable war. 8mo laid down their liven on the it fie field, offering thoir blood freely, and giving heir last and mot glorious moments to their country. Others bear honorable wounds and suf fer more than those who died, yet it is hoped they il resume their duties and win new honors. While mourning tho dead and offering sympa thy to the suffering, the General commanding graUfuMv acknowledges his gratitude, and offers the IbaDks of a grateful coun ry and State to the nth tri and soldiyrdof Illinois under his command. r their gallantry and go;.d conduct. When again called upon, he hopes to find vou equally prompt, acd hot tar pi spared for battle and fxr victory. Bv ortkr of JOHN A. AJr.CLKRNAND, Brigadier General Commanding. M. Hrvimas, Assistant Adjutant General. Gon. Grant Issued the follo wing crder to tho oops here IIeah- - Aiu pts Ditpk t S. K. Mo., Caiko, Nov. 8, 1861. f The General commanding this military district returns h;- - thanks to the troops under fas com- mand at the battle of Belmont on vesterdav. It has ben his fortune to hive been ia all the attlej fought in Mexico hy Gons. Scottand 'fav or fave Buena Vhi:i, and he never paw one more hotly contosted or where troop i bshaved with more gallan' ly. Such c 'urygo wnl insure victory wherever our tlig rr;-- be borne end protected by such a clasa of men. To thu brave men who fell tho sympathy of he country is due and will be msnifo'-te- in a manner unuusMKauio. c o. tjriAi i, Brigadier General Commanding. Oxk Leo Moke roit his Country. During the recent vitit of Secro'ary Cameron to Now York, a member of tho Sflventv-rjiu'- k Regiment, who wua in the battle of BuU Ilun and near Col. Cameron wb:n ho full, called upou the Sacreta- - llta had beon eovr t- w.n.U)l Bnd talin pneunur, C.rnou to iticnnionj, anu inere euire't-- au amputation of ono cf his leg. lie came hob- bling info the Secretary's room on crutchos, and begged to be permitted to go to the war again, saying that hi thought that he could still be of service, to tho counliv, even on crutchei. Mr. Cameron did not ques.ion his capacity, but told him the first preliminary was to got a mate to hij remiining extremity. Tho man said he ccu'dii't afford tint luxury, and insisted upon the validity of crutches. Mr. Caraoron then toid him to go to a s and buy he best leg he could find rnd eei d tho bill to him. Tha wounded soldier went bis way njoicing. The Cak&o ot tue Samuf.l Opr. A Clarks-- - vine ( lenn ) patjer oi mo a. uil. coniaina au advert iianient, offdring isz sale at public auction the freight 'found cn the steamer Samuel Orr," which wao seized by tbe rebels at Paducab, Ky. The advertisement enumerates the articles a3 fol- low?: Pepper, allspice, soda, Lincy soap, empty ale barrols, wagon hubs, wagon axles, lard, and various other articles not required for tho public service. CTMaiy Henderson, an old lady of Johnson county, Indiana, who has been blind for a number of year?, has knit twelve p?.irs cf sxks for in the army from her neighborhood, the yarn for which she twilled heraelf at the rpin-nin- g wheel. Thia is ao example worthy of be- ing imitated by those who are younger and have the unimpaired u?e of their organs of vision. l. oh Indiana. John P. Usher, E q , uf Terra Uaute, has leen appointel Attorney-Genera- l of Indiana, in place cf Jas. G. Jonef, wbohia vacated the crhce by the Colonelcy of the 42 J regiment. Mr. Usher ia well known as one of tha ablest acd most expe- rienced lawyers in the State, and a gentleman of fine attainments and abilities outsido of his pro- fession. Ki b ird Flower, who was wounded at tbe battle of Fredarkktown, Mo., and afterward had his leg amputated, is l.kily to die from the effects of the operation. Mr. Flower is an estimable you".g map, end was a rasident of ML Vernon, Ind. Lieut. Col. Harrison, of the TLh regiment of Indiana volunteers, at Camp Joe Holt, has re- signed his connection with the regiment. All the commissioned ofHcera, in a published card, ex- press their regrots. Polk e Pkoc kkdinus Thursday, A'ot. Mtk. Thru! rVoftJ v.. nt of the Wnrklnuse. lljlimanKr crner worth 31, furn Alex. Craig. Bail in 6 iOO to answer. rgrThe Firet WLcnsin regiment, a splendid corps, croaked tho river from Jefferscnvillo je -- terlay prep.tratory to t'jeir departure for the interior. lypfhe New Albany Ledger eays that there are at least five hundred ladies of city daily employing their time in kuitting eocks and nuking garments for our bravo troopj. El FE' I'3 OV THE LaIE J I'DCR DotTGLA3 The sale of the elegant furniture and effects of the late Judge Djuglas will ttho place in Washington on MuncUy, tho 18:h inst. The CiNcirKAH Daily Puesj. Hoary Koed Co. have disposed cf the Daily Pres3 to S. W. L;A!L-st- l and Sinucl B. Keys. The stuamet B.ti.ic i engaged trans-p:rU- tioDps from Jtffenonvilb to this city. fGame U now abundant in the woods in the vicinit of New Albany. Anotih r Skirmish at the Mississippi Passim. A letter of tha l.'ih ult , published ia tie New Orleans Picayurne, says At noon to dav the Cipt. Gwathmey, pjing toward Soulhwest Pa, met two Stutei steamers, one tupposed to be a now gun- boat und tho other lh3 South Carolina. At the hel of the Passes they Etopnod, meeting the Ivy; with their long rantre gund. luefchot ftl.llliicLlv around our eteauiers, tha Ivy retmnin? the lira. 'I hose of the Jackson, nut l.niiicr able to ruach the enmv, she retired. Th. ivv ntinued the fre until the enemy s eessle off aud stood dow o ihj ijulhwe t p- -j tl.A Iw following to wat-.- l!;6ir move ments t'ne shell or the ivy, unriL-- ma ,,1(,nt, burst under I ho -w ..f the Urge steamer end another under that nf the t:nall one. Ice Ivy returned an. I anchored fit the head cf tue Analogy of'Plant Life to Animat, Life The functions of animals and plants arc in a like degree analogous. Animals take in their food by the agency of the ruou'h. and prepare it for digestion, either by various degrees of mastication, or by attrition, aa in the gizzards ot birds. In this they differ from plants; but these have sufficient compensation, inasmuch as they imbibe their food in a fluid form, liquid, or aeriform, and, consequently, in a state already of the finest possible division. Animal and vegotable remains are their com- mon food, and salts of various kinds are their condiments and timulants; plants having this advantage over auinials, that as they absorb only the soluble and finer parts of their nutri- ment, and their absorbing organs have tho power of rejecting that which is ofFensive, they have no offensive matters to separate such as appear in the excrements of animals. In the animal stomach the food undergoes an extensive change, being reduced to a pulp of greater specific gravity, and being altered entirely both in taste and odor. I a the sap vessels of plants, which may be truly considered as their primary organ of digestion, their food or sap undergoes a change precisely similar; it color and flavor are altered, and specific gravity increased. F rom its stomach the animal's food pastes into the intestines, is there subjected to the action of the bile, and the chyle or nutritive portion is separated from that which is s. Iu its passage through the intes- tines, the chyle is absorbed by the lacteal ves- sels, and conveyed into the blood; and these mingled liquids are propelled by the heart into the lungs, to be there exposed to the action of tho air. The vital liquid now changes its pur- ple hue to a florid red, loses a portion of its carbon and watery particles, the former com bining with the oxygen of the atmospheric air in the lungs, and being breathed forth ia the form of carbonic acid gas. As plants take in as food no gross unneeded ingredients, it is obvious that no process like the biliary opera- tion is required in their course of digestion. Flut in them the food or sap, proceeding at once along the branches, is poured into the leaves, which are the very lungs of the vege- table world. Here, as is the blood, its color is changed, and oxygen emitted from it during tho light hours of the twenty-four- ; but carbonic acid is breathed forth daring the night, and, at all periods, a considerable amount of watery vapor is emitted. From the lungs, by the agency of the heart. the blood is propelled through the arteries over the whole animal frame, supplying nour ishment and warmth to all the parts, and where, by those being abstracted, it is again converted into purple or venous blood, and is returned by the veins to undergo a repetition of those changes already noted as being ef fected in the lungs. In plants, the sap, after exposure to the action of the air m their leaves, is returned by another set of veseels, situated in the bark, ministering to the growth and support of the whole plant. It it true that only under certain circumstances, detailed in another chapter, is heat evolved during the processes ot vegetation; but the circulation of the sap in plants, beyond all doubt, enables them to resist the intense colds and heats of their native climates. In frosts, the most in- tent and prolonged, wc find the interior of trees remain unfrozen; and, under the merid- ian sun uf the tropics, the sap of the palm and of ail other trees retains coolness. This power to resist extremely elevated and de- pressed temperatures is characteristic of all animated nature. Such is the close similarity in tbe digestive and circulatory process characterizing the members of the two great kingdoms of organized nature, a resemoiance which obtains in all the other functions enjoyed by them in common. Du ring respiration, Ine air inhaled by animals through the mouth and nostrils proceeds im mediately to the lungs, and acts upon the blood; in plnnts, the air inhaled by their leaves operates instantaneously upon tho sap. Oxy- gen is the vital air of animals, so that gas and carbonic acid gas aro equally essential to plants. If animals be placed in a situation where they inhale pure oxygen, their func tions are highly excited and increased in ra- pidity; but it is an exhilaration speedily termi- nating in exhaustion and death if the inhala- tion be continued for a protracted time. So plants will flourish with increased vigor in an atmosphere containing one twelfth ot carbonic acid, but even this brings on premature decay; and, if it exceeds that proportion, destruction is still more rapidly induced. During sleep animals exhale less carbonic acid than during iiKir waKing uours; bo plants emit a much amount of oxk" during tfao nigh. vo might now proceed to cnunierae the facts demonstrative that plants are gifted with sensation it" these had not already been stated when considering how salts effect plants. In addition to those facts we will only observe that plants arc obviously stimulated by light. Everybody must have observed that they bend towards the point whence its brightest influ- ence proceeds. M. Bonnot, the F rench bat-- anist, demonstrated this by some very satis- factory experiments, in which plants growing in a dark cellar all extended themselves to- wards tho same small orifice admitting a few illuminating rays. Almost every flower has a particular degree of light requisite for its full expansion. The blossoms ol the pea and other papilionaceous plants, spread out their wings in line weather to admit the solar rays; and again close them at the approach of night. Plants requiring powerful stimulants do not expand their flower until noon, whilst some would be destroyed if compelled to oiten in the meridian sun of such is the night-bloomi- Cere us, the flowers of which speedily droop, even if exposed to the blaze of light attendant on Indian festivi- ties. From theso and other facts incidentally mentioned in preceding chapters, and others which will be stated when considering the health of plants, without believing that they demonstrate sensation to exist in plants as acute as that possessed by the superior or more perfect classes of animals, yet they certainly are satisfactory evidence that some plants pos- sess it to a degree nearly as high as that with which the zoophytes, or even the polypus and leech arc gifted, borne of thoso animals may be cut into pieces, and each section will be- come a perfect individual; of others, their heads being taken off , may be grafted upon other bodies; and a third class of them may be turned with their insides outward without any apparent inconvenience. If plants be endowed with no more or even less sensation than must be that of such animals as these, it explains the cause, and throws light upon the prevention of many diseases affecting tho&e which we cultivate, and warns the cultivator from the late performance of many ot his ope- rations, as well as from being needlessly vio- lent in his treatment. If a grape vine be pruned too late in the spring, tbe bleeding or effusion of sap has been known to be60 exces- sive that the vine has died from absolute exhaus- tion, btono fruit trees, if severely bruised, are frequently destroyed by the inroads of a disease, resembling, in all its characteristics, tho cancerous affections of animals; and we have known a whole crop of wheat affected with swelling of the stem or culm, evidently caused by an extravasation of the sap from its ruptured vessels, owing to a heavy roller being passed over the crop when ot a lorwara growm. BRANDY Rochelle Prmnflj'. lu Wpes Otard, Dupuy, A Co. FranaY; Jj do A. Signetto An; 6 ' do Coffnao do; 90 bblp New York do; In store and for eale hy O'ii MARS LB HUT CO. TENTS. TZ ire prepared to furuiah Sutlers and others with 11 lenteat ehoit notice. JAKHS LOW ft CO., c;jj aW and ih) wet si'le Sixth ui ! RANDY AND WINK CASKS suitable for tawb U for Ml by ANXUONlf B""i Blo Fifth t.. Iwlrtw Muln 8, 8. MARK. O F. D0Y7iS KOTTHNINa GOODS. this da? a tmll lot of RECEIVED 4 black Muslin Ap. Lftlne; M bUrk French Meriuoee. For sale at low Pricej oUOARf-fc- -U bbls Crushed, fowdeied. Granulated, & , Vetlow for .ale RAWfloN Tonn A m COKFKB 600 bniri Bio Coffee, fair to prima, io RIO and tor mie bv ANDREW BVCriANAN CO., rl nwr fWmid and Wmihinctnn t. 3 LT 8" bbls fine Table Salt, packed In 71b TABLE foi le hy ANDKEW BUCHANAN A CO.. "OFKKB 3'Hbntc prim Rio Coffee just received per j railroad and tor sale by ,q n w. rnor. 8LUJAK3 75 bhls Loverln's Crushed, IOVKKlNd'S Urauutatvd Sugar lu store aud lor HIM'H MA HOICK FAMILY II AM 8 constantly on haud and for site by J. SMITH SPEED, Main rt. fi(PACCO 5u hoxws Tobtc( aesurte-- i brand?, ui 1 store and for sale br e3! W. o li. bb'ftKiIAKI 'T. 41T Mark-i- t ft. L'tiB C hhds fully fair Sapar In store and fr sale by AN!) W buCUANAN A CO , FAMILY 1 LOt-'- -- Choice braudo for sale by 1 J. SMHH DtKEU, Malnrt. MILITARY.. To the Patriot Sons of Kentucky. Jm . We are desirous of Ailing up our Kilmer t rj ptaiHtely f0r actlvn eervloe, A n r of uie ttefcummt. is rv devouring at Fill- - llOl fl. on r IA V (lr fir, j. j rr we corriialiy Invito brave patriot t toin uV the vaUir lne a d abuu-Uot- . a id ble to ibUw U ready at banket, Ac. Theru U aLto a fine l.mH IaixA of D ai S tL OMiiP- W :. VH I AK li K, oAtf KO. '. c T ON. H.-,- 01 IVOl'IOH IltAf I'AKTKkA, 4 Jefferson etrt LcfisviLix. Ky., Oct. 11, t OFFICERS of Railroads and Steamboat Ceptalrs pass Ui IjOnisTiIle for my cavalry real merit any oornp iiii'.!.' or para of corupaniea. trom any of my rccruiriiiK olhcers, tfiey glvlns ft statement of tha nurubwr of Men and an order on me for the amount of cliaiye, which, on preaoutdtlon at mr headjunrteri Will b" nmm nl Itr niA .U'J.Ii1 U .Vpfj ol2dtf ioi. Cnm'iVt. OvkItb Vnl.ini.! RALLY, ZOUAVES ! WANTED. YOUNG 1 US INT To fill np the ranks of the DUP0NT Z0ITAVE3 1 ! PAY FROM $18 1 20 Pl'.R MONTH, 160 ACRES OF LAND, AND $1W BOUNTY. The Company, having from camp, it have resolved to volunt-e- r thnlr eerviov In d.- - tHiUJ KI)U lor mton nve Al rnrr.i)!,, n. r- ;"'u tiou rt, Sixth and 8-- nrK(eHlxtb, where them will bcificrlu aitwd. -- "I'rwi.B mm npany will t9 altachfjd to tx)U.iel Boone Ki gluiHat now orgaulx-u- g TAS Nomj -- ti 25 MEN W5JT3D. Cavalry Recruits Will find It to their advanteee to call at Capt-- Ln'hnnk'ii recruit iiiK oihce ou Ma-k- ' U S"Ond and Third et estAO-'o- r li livt ry ("tiibltT. A tew rome efd lor;l nni ai wanted to fill up hn compinv tn OoL Jve Iiiyl-- ii reintut. This company is now in camp at the l air Ground and Is nearly lull. Wnyes from 14 to r mouth Ooe mouth' wage?1 will le paid ari f.ooa aa the oonipanv mii"tered in Horse, e(4uipmnte, end uni- forms furuLphed. Ood clothing, medical H(tidn'', and plenty to eat This is a rplendtd opirtuuit- f.r young men to do thHr country some eervice. Come forward, bra. anl let it not tm snld tint OhK and Illinois fight our buttles whtl -- fi rrni On at h'line inactive. C. L. I'M HUNK, Captatn. 8. W. RAPLKI5. Ut hunt. tl dtf AftE II Sd Leul. To tha People of Kentuoky. "CAMP CHITTENDEN 1 " ML I AM authorize to ratpe a PHmQt of ruurttr'd Into the pervire of the liT L'uitnd BtatflH, and he reo Ived fivm Ouneral ndiuon tb fellowlmr wrfttf-- aiifh,.nt - h t wuiDluab a camp of rendezvous and Ins ruction, viz. HEAXtqCAKTI-p- Ir.ptT OP TTTE CT'M'ftE'tUNI', Loui-vill- r. Ky , Oct, 4, 1.1. ( Col. Jomt M. IIaci.n: You are uthinwd to eslfih HpIi near Ijohanon, Ky., at ench point a-- you niav a rump for rendfxvouii nod instruction, whr-- i v"i may receivp riich cmitui.-- ae m-- be off red for the service of thp United Kt-- t. and provide whatever may be necuisaiy foi their comfort And sutitoruinri Kun RT ANDLRSON. PHg Oea. li. S. A. Commanding. In with the above authority, I ha-- - . tsbitobod a camp npar lx.'bnoQ. ompanl-- s will be recivrd trom any part of the Mit. anJ oti ae tiv rtich Lebi!on will he furnished with uecee-e- to make thpn Ti'ecfltop will Iw known h 'Canip Crittenden,' In honor of Kentucky's mot dlstlnpulnhpd fftn.teinii. The cor"t of traTispui-bitio- to the place of re toS'zvous, ae well af the cost of eubfUrting ttie tioope previoud to their bping miMtered iuto the service, will b fiid by the Government. A- eoon a- - conttntes rech the Camp thy will be pupplk'd with uull.'iuifi aud tuo beet guim to l3 bad tu tbe country AH who enlb-- t will be entitled at the clone of thv-a- r to $1 "Li bounty and lit;) non; of laud, aud tho who may be wound'-- win receive a peucin durug life. I am h ippy to be able n annoiutce tliat JiuL-- W. TL Tlavp, of fiprint-ftfbt- , wi!! be t!io lA:u' Colonel 01 tha fiirt regiment which may Imi org:)nlz,fd at Camo Ab th Camp bi tu ar t'-- rulfroad trading from Louisville, and la cuvtnb iit lo a g nimli'T of counties who?e pcoplf aro IovmI, it is desired and expected to make "Camp CrUUjod'-n- a PERMANENT RFSDEZVOL'3. And now 1 piv al to mr , nturkLme to come font aid and enroll tbcuflytrf fir . Thlr Ktto nppeaip to ilium, Thi ir fnlh wrOTitvjd and u conutry ftorrfl to tli'ri. The C;m:a of human liberty aud cl r'tiljlli,:ui luntitutlonH every where nppea'ii to th"m All tn;it in moit lnrii.nw lu hu man eoYcniment 13 uow at dtAi-e- , and every true man aliould come t th rej:'i". l'he time, fellow-c- il i?.pns, has rome when evo the unp.trio! ic and tho p'l;'i?h pIi'.h! I h.iF't-- to tc.Veup anna tor ue di'-n- ot th'dr buue and couuir. Everv of d t"j;i'.lut(reit clld iifl to the field. If onr onrr:iio tilnmph, all our tiad.v, all our piobti-iorir- i, all our avocationa o!' w'natevcr , alt our nf every dtcrlptiou. e 1 Icsp. To ?ave ourtwivte rjul our ismilo ruin. not Ifs than tu enve our Stie and oui countiy Irm deiirndiitlou and eliaiuo. wo mart mllv now wtiHre the Urttl. iut flaj, luilrm nn. Vmt, tinju, t ILi1 f.G Hp tlie wlmle strmifrth 01 our Wi and soule for the t. ai'd ma v thu G"d of b'it 'e cri lnc every biow e etnke. Fur ooi' I am iiuwiUtuc to tho pi on e of m'.' native St:itt; OV:", iKUN AN; t;ONgUt:KKD by men c'ufiiiiiie to b- - citizi'n-- uf a foiHni I csnu tbe indiilenint tn t'io bv'io ivuLii au unnatural eneiuy has forced upon KtntuoU 'tip. JOHN M HARLAN, OcMhr f tL to rltf (1 L. Arm-- A r3W PXDKi RECRUITS WANTED FOR THB EIARION RIFLES, For the State Service. DAY FROM THlRTi:KNTO TWFNTY DOLLARS per nionin, goa irtnieus comionaijie quarter, clo'hlng. Medical t ten lance, and transportation to ana from t amp tree f ch ri?e. ONE MONTH'S PAT IN ADVANCE. 180 acre of land and ffpto bounty. Armory. Jeffer eon -- treet, between Third and Fourth. 06 JOHN raptaln. HURRAH FOR THE ARMY! -- Cavalry! Cavalry'! KENTUCKY JUST AO Mill BE FuESSEVED! ABLE BODIKD MV'N WHO TO fill up a CavR'rv raiment, under tuycom-mai- d (now nearly f ill), for throe vpa"-- . or du- ring the war, would do wll to call at tho Fair Orouuds, Ilrownfboro road entrance, or at head-qua- rt rs, sYrf .Jefi'erson Bre t, norh pIiIr, a few doorc Foorth rtreet, or on any of th Captain- - of touna-nle- s recrut'i'Jg. and fnroll y.'ur-flv- without d lay. Pay from $14 to $12 per month, I 'd bounty It'.' acive of land, and a peu."irn from OovoniiQnt. MaiTtrd mn, with famllloc. will Im allowed weekly floppoil. for their families or one mootln in advancu imme- diately on entering and pwor in, a'd 11 enlifd m'n will be allowd to allot two-th'- of their pay for the e'iprort of lin-l- r fomilir, to be drawu monthly aftnr being m'"t ed l;ito ccvif, Compa- nies mustered into service afl oou as f:l. we hve coraf rtble quarter, gxd provlsioua, and reM&ble to take charge of you. Men at no expense tiler enlisting. o3 dtf BYLP: Colol ATTENTION, mUfclCI AKUI A OOOD l'KUMMKU AND FiVKU WANTKD In Capt Dillard's Compan' City Provo t Guflrdf, Umal wiges yaid. Anpl at Avery's Flow IV'cy corner Fifteen h "d va'i trnfta. df To thoes who hiow how to uso tho ZZiHo. The undersigned proposes, b? t.h-- p'opT lo r:HO. fov ths service "f tiio United titH OovfrniiiMut, for the of threr- - vrars or diiiins tha war, a coinp nv of glu-- p Sbootf,rp w uiTipoed of mpn irom Lo 4't yery of nr.. Thu will lw an iiKlfprndPo ix?r'.'. Th men wlli im arined with the Enfield or olV Kill by the Govromeiit, e.ud will be rouff red Into thp strvico as soon a the 'ou uumier a if obtained. A? thU le a w'"in wdlfh Knntucklans bve been accustomed to hndl., it Is hiped thre will b nn delav in fi'Mna up t'i-- ink". Call at J. Wood Wlltn'e office oppo-l- t the (iirt-Housa- , aud enroll youi HAmea, whery all D.ia7 will be givu. ult: dtr 'linWARO J. WILSON. (p'n. Attention, Kentnckbns To rml The nnderslgnod Is dnly Kobert Anderenn, of the Viunt-nie- of Cumb'Tiand, to rave a K"?im-- ' it of uxifni to coin aui red tuti iervl(. Ximpaute rtavs and nave n let consist of not lew than Hi cor more to. an 1. Quartern of tbe bert kind have been provldM foreom-paule- s or par? of Officer will pIcaw n tort promptly at Sam'l Matla-- ofDce, on I i!Ui ftr" t, Couri-1- 1 ;juee, where headquarters wili bo lor J4dU'ndlSO. WASU1NOTON AN PCS "ON, C 1. A Call Upon tho Patriotic. . One ht;ndr-- t and fi'lvrocn re wanted f r r Rtttery of L1!it Artillery, to becommaud-- d by lfcSri'Cpt I W Brott, of Uilf city f!-- - 1 he lttrry Ih to be attschnd to (n An.trxr son's column and is to be composed ecluHlrt ly jf ticked rceu. Yonna, artjve, able bed'.'1'! men, knowing rHe well and how to take god wrfl of a hor, will be accepted, and no other Tiiove desirous ot en- tering thi- - mwt leautlful branch of the ervirt run ap- ply to Cant, I. W Soon at hie rtid-nce- , corner ol W al nut and Second ptreet. I id the intention to roee this on of the- - crick eonipaniep of the service, aud n one neM app'r to en-t- it who if not ready to atd In thip Intent l)n, acd win' U not readr for the moo active jwrvice, lue rtf tre of tbif company h.i leen In tho r wrric of the I'nitwl Slat"-- vcjra wi ' a (;en In Koit S'iripter dtiiing the pleye, H"d d'etingnii-iiw- l himeolf very much ti:;dcr tho eye of the General. The remaining officers are ifntlnoian of Thi" rtv, in whom the men can place tltem-j- implicit coniideiicu. Mi( dtf AUCTION SALE& a. 8. marii R. ut;? ANlH'CACIiSlON TB AUCTIOrrSFllS and Wall rt- - L.uv:l'e, Ky. t&Cuii advance uiivlu ca gotl to us to anv We are at all tiroes rrrGr tn pteril tn ?a!e. o R alK-tt- o r llit- - Loi Furiilhiro. ac. on atWjwtorj to W; . v ." TO? CKJAK- d- IlRVJina Bls Cipar; 75 dt Htlfepiui.h do JI0 0 Flora Cab uii i ; Sr, o o We h In, ton uo. Suhi K trilla io. jfb inn Hesalia : 2U,IIU0 t olumMft C.v. Iu "tore and tor sale by u4 MAl'.eilM.L a t o Al'.Mll'S r Fl'HOFE -P 'tails of M!ii'4y THB tb ir adf a"" o L' H. ftfi vice. Including F.oil of - Orinj ao Wr? I', fi. Comcni-tione- r. A'.wan Apn-nd- lx cutanrti g lor tie ileld fiervlca oi Caviiry in tiiae ot War. nl L. A. C1TILL.

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    of yoariy advertisers before the year ex-terna, otherwise we ihall ebari till done.

    Nf contract of yearly will be dfecon-nue- dwithout previous notice to cis, nor will any charge

    raade for lest than cue year at tho yearly rates.

    THOSE WITH PRIVATEor suffering trom their and

    FFMALK of every will find arational and speedy cure by applying to PR. TOS.

    They trill eleo hnd a sureagainst infection by the vims.

    Gout, Gravel, Scrofula,Dropsy, Torpid Liver. Diseasesof the Skin, etc., will be treated with the greatest

    and otherwill be carnd without knifo or caustic bytreatment.

    tVOffice soulhwest corner of Market andstreet. sep)3 dly

    Is the year 1850rOB TUB CUBE OF

    li;d under the control of two of the most eminent Phy- -rimnno tn the word.

    E. from London and PerlsOH. and for the p.nt ton rea"1 of the CincinnatiVonerea Poepltal, and Dr. R. B. late of Newsork. This is the only ofBtie In the city where a per- -toawnt euro of private dlronees cao bo obtained withoutbe ase of mercary or change o( diet. Oonorrhnpa cured0 to 46 hoars. Gleet cured In 8 to K1 davs. fltrtctures

    snrcd in 1 to 8 weoks. Nortnrnal emlscious stopped Int to C days. Seminal weakness cured In 9 to 8 weeks,SThllli; 'n Its primary stages rared In 3 day, flocond- -it iririrtotHt cored In 1 to 8 weehs. Sin diseasesenred to i to 8 restored in 1to 4 weeks. All diseasoa of a private nature treated with

    success, male or female.Pr. great work on private disease, the

    private gaidp to health. Is benoflclal to all, male andth- - and yoio ihonld read this bok. It will

    sjoiiphten thote who grope In darknes. Price Si cents,ieit by mail.

    fr. Celebrated PreventlvA never has norw?ror will fall married lpdis too feeble to boar chil-dren, eioept at the hazard of life, should he In

    this invention. Price rpdaced to $6.Dr. French Patout Male SeM It Is y

    safe; acd nevsr falls to give It Is theflnly safe sore against pregnancy andtf'.fpose. The price of the French Patent Male Safe isftt the tingle one, $4 per hal ftfoten, $7 per doaen. Sentby rnaiL

    Lonlei's Female Monthly Pills are a safeand reilahle remedy for and all female

    Lsdies should uot run them during prngnauey,e they will produce Price 91 per box

    aitra flue $5 sent to aay address by mall.Drs. B. A R. are the men to consult, they are amines- -

    ffonAhly to he the champion and and kingit verfrcai diseases, and the only Doctors who receiveKoothly Reports from the eld world; they tanve been ao- -BtstO'aed from an early age uf youth to wituees the va--Hons diseases which s&lct mankind, and to watch theprogrers. through a long carter of study. Inevery sphere oflif, from the humble abode of povertyto the maneioDe of the wealthy, and having ascertainedbeyond a doubt the vast suffering of humanity, they de- -VrmiDod to Silect tho generative system as tb.elr

    study, and to devote their whole attention to thet'letiatlcn of the dieoases cf these lroportaut functions.No letters wili be ansicsred aalocs they Dontalu ft tomitteace or a postage stamp.

    Call, or addrusaDse.

    So. 191 aytamore street, bat Fifth and Sixth, east side,O.

    OfPo hogrs. B A. M. to 9 P. M. lortpdly

    Aof and TAB.

    SIRIT v71TL CLT.K ANDM. alt kinds of Coughs and Ciidi!. Apthma,

    and It acts upon tW liver and puriliMs theblood, improve the nppctite and clears theThis meiitcioe is made of herbs IntUan

    1 alK malo a Medicine for Scrofula: also a Medicinefor Worms and for Felons beforo they are oiwn aldo a

    for the Sore Kye, Summer andthe Yellow Thra-o- . Thse Medicine ai-- nil made ofbrhe. and are for sale iu the iollowiitc Drug Stores;

    J. Gotteclialk & Jo., on corner ot Green and Kleventhstreets.

    John Colgao A Co., on corner of Tenth and Walnutireet?.

    V.. O. Went, en Market sreet, above Preston.8c h mitt A Sutton, on corner of Eighth and Jeflerson

    St root.

    I can recommend Mra Slrnpand Tar. I have hen sick for a long

    time, have had several doctors, and they failed in myeaae. I was very much bwoIIoq and had a severecough. After ulng your medicine a while I was curedof my cough and relieved of my swelling. Mr com-plexion is good, and now I am doing my own work.

    My youngest child had a bad cough lor along time, sosevere that her breastboiie was sprung from severecoughing in the shape of a chicken bone, but she is nowwell and looks well. She bd been treated by the doe-to-

    for a long time, but they all failed to cure hercouch. Now she is well.

    I will ever remain your friend,Mrs. JULIA WILLS.

    AujmstMrs. L. Mndaoie; I have urwl your d

    Sirup in my own ca?e of dfp-ooat- bronchialersenesa, with which I have boen alt'icted Cor upwai--

    01 twenty years, and am satisfied, after having takenthree bottles, that It Is aD admirable for therelief of laryngeal and bronchial (or thethree bottles I Imveiist'd hve relieved me more thananything I have takt n, and I think it will cure me effec-tually if 1 continue to upe it. It my opinion as to itssuperior character can be of aiy service you are at lib-ar-

    to use It as you thiuk proper.Rev. ELIJAH SUTTON.

    Any perfms snfferlng with aoy of the diseases men-tioned above can be with board and goodattention. I have desirable rooms for families or

    gentlemen desiring private hardini-- ..

    Jackson street, betwen Market and Main,a90 dm 2d hone from the corner of Market.

    in forTHE Illinois Central Railroad Company otters richPrairie Lands adjacent to its Railroad at $1J per

    -- jC. acre. A tmct oi eighty acres will make a good,homestead. The purchaser may buy on

    long ereoit, paying iuterret at fix per cent. annually, andIf he has one thoui&nd dollars in money bo can, this year,at the low p ices of lumbar, contract for a couveoi"nthoute, fencine, and farming tool.. The Company hassold over oue thousand of such tracts of land this sea-son. It U well known that Chicago ponds more grain tomarket than all the Wentrn lake included. ThisIs the bfst proof of the ricliaose aud great value of theIllinois land. The Illinois Central Railroad whs tinLah-e- d

    in lori. built through a sparsely country. Ittakot to market thl yoar upward? of thirteen million ofbushel? of grain, besides cattle, boga, and many other

    riHincts.For further apply by letter or in person

    to "Land llliuols Central Railroad Co.,i'hicao. 111. aludiim


    eetgned for Small Printers,Grocers, Binkers, Amateurs, the Arm4

    a;d Navy, &c.11 HE Presses we offer for sale are of a new pitteru:are the (Implead and etiougeet and beet made of

    any cheap lreses ever Invented, and occupy less space;eau be operatd by ewy one, whethor printer or not, andare sold at prices hitherto unheard of, th-i- i to say atabout the p e of Job Presses now Innse. Tho Cahineh? ("pon which ih Pit-se- etanrt) arecoinpoeed ot small Cases, ntat'y and strongly put to-gether, and for and have nev-er been equaled. (:11 atl examine, or send for circu-lars, giving, prices. A

    ell d3m J. G COOLEY CO.. 1 Hrme s N Y.

    heretofore existtn between theunder tbe firm of JACK & B ROT

    is this day dissolved. J G Jack having purchaiedtho entire interest in the etock and aesete. Is authorisedto settle the business and to use the nameC the urai for the purpose. . ' JA

    ED WD W. JACS.Ky , Aug. 14. 11.

    rpHK will coutione theJ. aud business at iheoli

    stand. No. 330 Main street, between Tulrd and tourth.J. G. JACK

    Aug. 17, 1H61. dtf' Chan of Firm.

    A CO. have aseoclated W. A GAJL- -with their firm, and purchased the stand

    tSMITH A OMEK, on aonth side of Market streetbelow Floyd, wher they will conduct the WHOLEBALK and IITAIL GKOCKKY and PRODUCE bull

    Conn-Te- d with their house they have a goodwith ample for

    horses, wagens, and other vehicles, aid would bo gladT. miANK3,

    Jul? l. lWn. flf W A.( hcxe Western Reserve and Hamburg

    Cheese just ieJived pei- nvnr and for sale tiyJNO. F. HOWARD A CO.,

    Main, betweeu Third and Fourth sis.

    WUGAR CURED HAMS 4 ca?ks onand for sale low to close by

    8CGAKXV 7W bbli Yellow Sugar;

    6uu bbls White do; forteryo39 RAWSON. TODD. HO.

    -- lOKFt-Ehii bags good and prime RiO;76 do Java In por.kip;

    IW do Laguayra do; fr le hvo29 TODD, A CO.

    I ERRING o0 boxea Herring iu-- t received and foiII saie by toaij



    mm ofiici BuiLDisG, wi mm,FFTWKRH rOUHTH.





    Afwonneinadvertisun quarterly,


    Advertisement institution,Kulea,









    No More Private Diseases!ALL AFFHCTKD con?eUrnce:,

    DISBAHKd descriptio,

    HAl)r'i;Mfc.HL. PKtVliN-T1V- KSyphilitic

    Neuralria, Rheoinatlsm,lysppela. Bronchitis,

    Cancers malignant Tumorsconstitutional


    Cincinnati Venereal Hospital,KatabUahfid

















    'PHIS COWRITMPTIONiironcliltie,DysprMia.


    Prppra'ion Oomilaint.

    Limehangh's CompoundcSpikenard





    rarrofl Illinois Farms $1,000.



    Do Your Own Printing!Cooley's abinet Printing Office,

    Stationers, Merchants,Diuggleti,

    compactness convenience

    Pipsolution.TITB copartnership






    WAGON-YAR- aoeommodations








    - DR. A. J. VANPER3IIC,JZLnfe rpofessor f Ecole t'lliilfinn rl I?H!ne

    Tbaruiucy ia ruris, n frnrtluuer ofTSRIS, '

    TO HIS FRIENDS AND THEANNOUNCES to devote hU time to the cur-ing of the following diseases, viz:

    CouKhw, C 'Ids, Aethuia, Fits, pripsy, Dyapepala, LiverComplaint, Piles, Fistula, Gout, Rheumatism, Scrotiila,While Swelling, Nervouu AftdCtljus, Fever aud Ague,Bilicu Complaints, &c.

    Dr. Van'ierMlice has met with great succors by hi? pe-culiar mo.le of treatment of diseases where other veryeminent piivsVians have failed to produce a cure. Toattest his confidence in his own skill and merits, h willnndertakfl the cure of all patients without charge ex-cepting the coit ot niedieiue, no fee until al-ter the rtittiratlon of their hnalth.

    Diseases of a pecujiar charartFr he guaranties to re-move radically in a lew dsvs without eflansive or del

    medicine. He warrante to all. no matter howsevere or long etandiug the dieae, ao effectual cure, orhe requires no pay. Females suffering with irregulari-ties, nervounnesM, debility, &r., can be periuanpntly

    by Dr. V. Iuvalidi in any section of the conntry. by addressing a letter to him and en-closing a lee, can have advice, and ineaiciue will bepromptly 'enttbem.

    rW'Resideuce 'J doors frcm the corner ot Oreeo andFiord streets, LouisvMe, Ky. Omce hours from B to 12A. M. and from i to 7 P. M.

    Dr. A. J. Vaxduhbli'-- can produce over one hundredcertificates ot the spdy cure of various diseayes. Callsndsee. CON -- CL TATION OK A Tlj nl dly



    aTfTfHSFg- - WHERE the afflicted with anyv iorm Ol rnvaie iisease can rpceivw

    prompt treatment without risa or'exposure, vix: Syphilis, Gonorrhea,Gleet, Strictures, Ulcers, Turarra,Cancers, Secondary, aod Constitu-tional Syphilis, Diseases of the Kid-neys, etc By this system it Isroved that the venerlal complaintJt as entirely under the eoutrol of

    medicine as is a common cold orsimple fever: and, whi!e insufficientpersons are daily sending away theirpatients in hopelessness, and (tiving

    them np only from their own initorapoU-ucv- , completeaud porroanent cures are constantly being effected atthi- - Inflrmary.

    YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.-- Dr.U. devotes much of his time to the treatment of

    those cases caused hy a secret habit which ruins bothbody and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual forcither business or society. The sad effect of thee earlyhabits, or the excess of riper yars, are to weaken anddebilitate the constitution, destroy the physical andmental powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feel-ings, aud exhaust the vital energies of manhood: the

    of life are marred, the object of marriagerleasures existence itgclf rendered a term of unceas-ing misery and regret. Such persons, especially thrucontemplating marriage, ehoold lose no time in makingImmediate application, as Dr. H., hy his new treat moot.Is enabled to insure a speedy and permanent cure.

    DR. HALL'S AMKRICAN PERIODICAL FILLS.No article of medicine intended for the exclusive use offemales has ever yet been introduced that has given snebnniversal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills.They can be relied on in all cases of Menstiual Obtrno-tion-

    Irregularities, Ac, as a tore and safe remedy.Price, per mail, $1 aud one postage stamp.

    Patients living at a distance can be cured at home bysending a description of their disease and Inclosing astamp.

    Modlelne sent to any addrew.No. 116 Jefferson street, between First and

    Second. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.424 dtf L. HALL, Iff. D.

    PROPOSE8 TO TRBAT FISTULAUVON TUK PRINCIPLE OF NOCURE NO PAY. In every Instancethe money will he refunded U tho

    euro Is not completed. Fifty dollars f.$50 is the fee.From two to eight weeks is aa long a time as the doc-

    tor requires to perform a cure.Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Piles, and all Chronic

    Difeasee treated by Or. Price.No charge for medicines or attention If piacud under

    his chage unless a cure la performed.

    We, the undersigned, from porsoDAl knowledge, areable to state that Dr. Price can certainly and surely re-lieve the horrid effects of Onanism orand perform a epwdy cure in all of the. diseases enume-rated above. We have seen certificates from respecta-ble persons certifying to the cures enumerated per-formed by Dr. Price. We have no doubt of hie abilityto do all he proposes.

    WILLIAM 8 D M BOO WAN,Late Sheriff of JefTersin county, Ky.

    LOVKL H. KOUS3BAU.anlg dw Col. (Commanding Kentucky


    60 Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs.PRICK ONLY TWBNTY-FIV- CKNTSAl

    IVBent free of postage to all parte of tbe UnioaJON the InBrmlties of youth

    and maturity, disclosing the se-cret follies of both sexes of allages, causing debility, nervous-ness, depreWon of spirits, palpi-tation of the honrt, suicidal im-aginations, involuntary blueh- -

    ftvJSugs, defective memory, indiges- -iur' "vtftij TtioD, and lassitude, Ac , compris-XvV'i- aK.'v3'.?Jing iSU pages, and illustratedV a V- , iinwarrUof onehundrfMl and

    enrravinrs It is a truth- -advieer to the married and

    rmt non Tntr kTi off toarttiiirA.who entertain se doubts oi their Dhvolral eondition.and who are conscious of having haaarded the health,happtnets, and privileges to which every human beingis entitled With Confessions of a Boardln School Miss,a College Student, and a Young Manied Lady, full ofromance and thrilling interest.

    Youue men who are trotiblwd with woaknoee, general-l- ycaused hy a bad habit In youth, the etlects of which

    are dizziness, pains, forgetful ness, sometime a ringingin the earn, weak eye, weakness of the buck and lowerextremities, confusion of idea, low of mem"ry, withntelanci.oly, may be cured by the author's NEW PARISANT) LONDON TREATMENT.

    We have recently devoted much cf enr timeIn VISITING THE F.CROPKAN HOSPITALS,availing oureelvee of the knowleUo and researchesof the mo.t skilled Pbyciclans and SuipeoDS inKirope and on the Continent euh men as CIV1ALK..LKNOIRR, RICORD, BKiMJHETEAU, ACT( N, andCURLINGS, of the French and English hnepit-Oa- . Ourtour extended through France. Italy, Germany. Hol-land, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, visitingIn our route the principal hospitals in Paris, Iondon,Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac, Ac. Wehave been amply repaid by the additional knowl-edge we have acquired in the treatment of variousdiseases to which we have dirccUd our attention.Thoee who placo themselves under our care will,whether male or female, now have the fill benefitof the many NEW AND EKPICIBNT REMEDIESwhich we are enabled to introduce Into our practice., andthe public may rest assured of the same seal, a.3idotty,BECKECY, and attention being paid U their cases,which has so siiccBs(illy di'tiiigui'hed ns heretofore asa Physician In our PECULIAR department of profes-sional practice.

    Medicines with foil directions sent to any part of theUnited States or Canadas, by patients communicatingtheir eymtoms by letter. Business correspondencestrictly confidential,

    IV Dr. L.'s Ofnoe la still located as established: andsrthe name of DR. LA CP.OLX.

    WTo insure safety to all letters simply address"TF1E LA CBOIX MEDICAL INSTITUTE"

    4 d&wtf No. SI Maiden Lane, Albany, tL Y.

    The Adams Express Co

    WE HAVE AGENTS AT GEN. KOI SSEAU'S ANDSherman's Headquarters (Camp M nMraunhi, alsoat Cam o Dick Robinson, and run messengers dally toeach place, whl will take charge of and deliver allIreitiht and packages destined tor thoae places. OurMessengers to Lebanon aud BarJctown will also takefreight or packages lo camps on the line of these routes.

    rreight lor Eiizabethtown must in all cases be prepaid. 08 dim S. A. JONES, Agent.

    LOsmocmt and Anr.eiger cpy J

    dissolution Notice.THE COPARI NER4HI1 hegwtofore existing underfirm of 8. J. UAHK 4 C;. is this day dissolvedby mutual t, and 3 J. Hare ia churgcd with thosettlement of the business. 3. J. HAKtt.

    ;. c. hake,Louisville, Oct. 13, 1L R MILLS.

    SJ. HARE will continue the business at the oldolfirltf fl .TTjC.S.MALTBY'Sf

    altimore Oyster Depot,No. .VZl Third st., bet. Market and Jefferson.

    A. BIjISS - . - - - - - Ag-en-BALTIMORE OYSTBP.S. in cans and

    hslf cans packed in ice, received daily bv in toe cttv. country towns, steamboau, and

    families always supplied at the lowest rates, and In allcauee wat.rahtkh rupee a d bwi'ft. dim




    FTXRB WHISHT.UST received on consignment a few barrels of two

    year-ol- d Bourbon.r;K C. L. S. MATTHEWS, ViA Fourth st.

    WTKAW-- kj balsa prime Wiatjust rvcciveJ anafor sale by

    n C L. B. MATTHEWS. 124 Fourth st.

    f 1M0N VfC rarus llax and Cctttn and low lorsale by

    C. L. 8. MATTHEWS, 1'J4 Fourth sr..

    T I AY 9Kt balee Clover and Timothy for fnle to closeA A consign incut. C. L. S. MATT1I&W6,

    No. V24 Fourth st.


    Seron-- and Th'rd pr0t. sourh d t''1RE-- ARKIVALI Frn lor, ot pure Navy Beanr;

    6 bb!s urauberries:Just, received and for sale by


    tLOUR Extra Family Flour;100 M snd Mcks do do:

    Different braooa, in etore and for sa'e byHIHHITT PON.

    LEAR SIDES AND COUNTRY HAMS A. gocdyy supply loi iue by HIBBITT A RON

    SUNDrtlEg Wooden Ware, Cedir Tube audKe lers, Wah-Board- Sieves, Ac, oubaud and for gale by


    The Novel of the Season.READERS NEW BOOK. "The CIoiftTCHMtLESHeerth, or Maid. Wit", aud Wi Jew." By

    the author of "Peg W'ofhugtcn." Paper, lor.: bound,$1 iH. nl A C1V1LL.


    I" 1 ARDEE'S TACTL ; FOR 86 CENTSI11 PAl'TUN'S " 2b supply ot Military hooks, inciuoiug inat invaluable work .Il.h'a Attack and Dole nee.

    .. a. uaj.41 rockets prime Java Cefie just received(OFFEI' sale bv tn5) GAKDNER A C'.

    boxes Missouri, Virginia, and110BACCO-1- UJ various braol, to store and torale by MAHRHaLL II ALBERT A CV.,Main st.



    Saddlery Warehouse,ISTo. 485 Main St., between ."Fifth and Sixth,Xjioxxieixrlllo, .srMercbant and Mtnnfaetnren would Bnd It to their interest to examine my stock betcn making their par

    phases, and ciders from a distance will be atteudod to as if made in perron. st doo&'etf



    1 VrE desire to redoee our present stock to the lowestpossible limit before the 1st of January, to pre-

    pare for an entire new assortment next Spring, and inordor tc effect this we shall offer f pocial Inducementsto our customers from now until that date. We askbuyers to examine tbe quality and revieed prices of our

    China Dinner rnd Tea Sets,Glassware, Silver and riatcd M are,And other Housekeeping Goods.

    And especially our magnificent assortment of

    Chandeliers and (.as FixturesWe promise satisfaction in all cases.

    E. V. HAUGHWOUT & CO.,Noi. 4!S5, 40, and 40J Rroadway,

    corner of Broome street,NBW VOKK.

    lpVParties throughout the country sending orders bymail will receive precisely the same advantages, andtheir orders be as promptly attended to, as if personal-ly present to make the purchase. o25 dtjnnl





    And a variety of other uefful articles. Companies orIndividual Volunteers supplied at Manufacturers' Lowe.'t Prices.

    Are respect6!lly inHtod to give, us a ea". Orders fiomany part of the country promptly attended to.

    Addieis BART cV niCKOX.ludla Rubber Depot.

    4y Wet Fourth ?t .Cincinnati, 0.



    QUARTERMASTERS AND OTIU:R3 authorizedto contract for the abova articles are respectfully In-vited to call and cxamiue our goods and get prices.Samples will be furnished and prices given by address-ing BART Ac I11CKOX,

    West Feint hut reef,oTSdim CtNoiNWATl, O.





    Military Equipments in every variety.Orders promptly filled (C. O- D.) by


    oS3 dim No. 0 IHnJden Lane, KV VORtt.

    Camp Equipage.JAM prepared to furnish Regimen's or CompanleCamp l?'oves. Camp Kettles, Fltos. Arm) CupsKnives and f ork, tipoous. Canteeus, Mess Fana, Cots,Camp Stoob, Ac, on short notice.

    P M JONES,012 bl2&jtf Fourth st . near National Hotel.

    Ofiicers' Camp Chest.TBE most complete article ol the kind ever invented.and see it P JONE8,

    oil Mili'f Fourth "t . per National Hotl.

    Arcserre lite Hair:stratlwsIatiiairon,

    For rreaeiTiig1,, and Bean-tifyi- cs'tbe Hair.

    JUSTLY CELEBRATED ARTICLE TS JA In the City or Loimbvili.r, at the CapitalDnig btore, and the proprietor claims ht it - superiorin uiany rwpetji to any preiarnrion of the. kind now inlire, aud warrants that it will give complete sallsractlon.It virtos have bpon fully to;t'd, and iiumherleH testi-monial can lie produced as to i's elhcacy.

    C' fioui t he so) icitod.Whob'eule pike 6U per dozen. Retails at ff cut

    per U)ttle. O. H. B'lUA J TAN, Mauutactui-er- ,

    Jane4 dtf O( to?ite the

    Xorfumory, Eoapa, Toilet Goods, Ike.HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED A LARUEI a."!ortroout of Handkerclilef Extract, Totitt doap

    Bni'iies, and Fancy Ooods, which sm selling atlow rates. I intend to cater to the wants of

    my friends end in every particular, aud trnstthey will continue fonder fnvors.

    O. 11. 8TRATTAN, Apothecorr,)nne4 dtf Opposite, the

    Grayson Springs, Ky,TnE nndrraignrd having the entire control of JamesCl;irk?ons interest in this establishment, willopen the sinne fir the reception of visitors on th lothof June, with a promise to keen a plain and substantialKentucky Hotel, includin ail the best supplies tbecountry will aflord, and solicits patronage.

    Terms or BoahdcBoard per day f 1 36

    Do. " week 7 onDo. " mouth 5 WChildren and servant and half price.Horses 3 tu V week,J3 M M. P. CTjARKSON.


    JACONETand SWISS EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, JACONET. SWISS, and LACK FLOUNCING3,and tn short our entire stock, comprising the most beau-tiful designs and styles.

    "Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The ladles will do well to call at once and secure the

    greatest and most deslrale BARGAINS of the season.GERUAKT cV CANNON,

    mT 325 Fourth st., opposite Mozart Hall.


    rpnrl Hotels at HotSprings Olalp and Proctor Honseshave been blended and improvements made to

    accommodate xiout hiindrcd visiTone at any timefhrougout the Tar. These wonderlul Springs positive-ly cure Rhsnmatism, Contracted Joints, Neuialria,Lumbago, Paralyeis, Gout, St. Vitns's Dance, Hysteria,Sterility, Impolency from disease. Venereal diseases,Mnrrureal dtyeai.'1. Scrofula and Glandular diseases,and all forms of Skin diseases.

    R. S. CLAYTON, Froprletof.Dr. G. W. Lawrence, the Medical examiner of Hot

    Springs, will supply circulars to applicants.N. B. Mercurial. Iodine, 8ulphnr, and other medl-cate- 4

    vapors fumisuod when required. in:3 dly

    Brandies & Crawford,HAVB remevod to the new Warehouse on the sonth-wo-corner of Malo and Fi t.r-- .-

    We wiM pay th highest market prlw for all kinds ofGrain, delivered at onr store or at any good shlpplogpoir.t on the O jo river.

    flW dtf BRAN1EIS & DWFORD.

    Mutual Life Insurance.TIIK NPW KNKLANI) rH'TtAL IJFK IN-- 1SCR:N'E COMPANY. No State street, Bos-ton. Insures lives ou the mutual principle.

    Net Accumulation exceeding jftLSAIKMOO, and In-creasing, for tho benefit of members, prereut and fu-ture -- the whole eaftdy and advantsgeonsly invested.

    The biflnee conducted exclusively for the benefit ofthe pfreo)s ineored.

    Tbe created risk taken on a life flil.OOO.Surplus distrihutfi among the members every flfth

    yes.r, trom lecember 1, loli settled in catb or byto policy.

    Prenuuma may b3 paid quarterly orwhere, desired, and amounts no too suiFtll.

    Forms of epn!i''atlcii cod pamphlets of th Companyand its reports to be had of ft ageot or at the office oftito Company, or forwarded by mail, if writtu forpost paid.

    DIRECTORS!Marshall P Wilder, Swe!1 Tapran,(barlea P. CuvHc, William B. Beynolfls,Thomas A. Dexter, Goree II. Folgwr,Charles HubbafL A. W. Thaxter,Francis C- - Lowell. ,Umi Sturtif.

    WILLARD PHILLIPS, President.1b?,iamim F. gTrvENe, efrtan'W. W. Mobxahd, M. D., Consulting Fhyslclan.au13 dly

    POWDERF AT.T. anaUt(ps oontantly on hand and fotsalehyJ DAVIS A BX'EED, AgonU for the Mauufacturara.

    Ijomevii.i.lL Sept. t,MKS.IK8. Datis A 8fot, Agents of Oriental Powder

    Co., Loii?v1ilo:n We have been nslng your Plasting Powder and

    re take ploasure in stating that w find it eiual if notnoerior to iuir Fsiw-le- that v bsve ever nsd.

    ABTlD'R CAMPBELL,Superintendent for Smith A Sim sac,

    I eorfl'allv concnr in the above and oherfnl' v recommend It to the public. J. D. HM11U.

    T consider the above Powder sorerior t ary w haveOver been able to obtain. H. FC9K1T.

    We tak" oK:aeu70 In recortunendirgyonr Iudian Oriental Rifle Powder as oqual If net superior to any we haveever used, it bein vrv clean) v and strong. This weauert alter a thorough trial. RoppcUnlly yours.


    L. 'lAYf.OB,feTdlf A BURNS.

    EW AUMk1 RCOLLATIONd-J.- i-t publishIN Oli U A. CAV1LL.


    THE VERY LATESTMost Imporiant Arrival!

    J "N 33 3E3 H. 33 O JJ SNEW STOCK OF

    Military and Civilians1 Goods

    'TH) BR MADE TO ORDER AT THE LOWESTA ca-- b prices, and in a style uusuipa?t-d- , at

    209 THIRD ST.The Military department Is controlled with expeil

    ence and rkill. o"l dim


    UNION CM1P CHEST(Patent Applied For),

    390 and 552 Broadway, N. TnSOLE AGENTS,

    Invite the attention of Army and Navy officers' messesto this new aud improved

    Union Camp Clicst,Wlilch eomprlnes within the dimensions of 31 IndieslenE'h, is inches hrendth, and II inrlu-- depth, a po:t-bl- e

    Pantry, containing all the culinary and mecharucilapi'Hance for four or ?ix person; a Dining Table of ft)by ul inches spread, durable enough for the rouebestwear, and a stove, fiom its strength and convenientsimplicity, suited fui caiup cooking. Thiscombination of

    FUVTRY, STOVE, ASD TABLE,the result of a mst careful studv of the neces?t.1eeand incideute of campaigning and of the articles in useby tbewMrmie of Frssrrt Hngland) mntt Prumiacommends lf to the American soldier alike If itsconvenience, d irability, and capacity.

    The agents have had in th'dr establishment e?erycamp ch' ft of not in use at home and abroad, anl donot hesitite to prouounce this on, in their judwrrent.iirtinitely superior to any known; tor the Justi ofwhich assertion they court a geueial exam inaiioo andcomparison.

    The STOVE, as well as the TABLE, i so eonstncWIa to be sold by itself, and can be used with auy armycheat or trunk In vogue.

    Price of Cnion Camp Chest $39 and $48; of Tableseparate 3 to of Move oil ctf


    FIRST OF THE SEASON.Qiail, QrouBo, Veninon, Shell Oysterff,

    And all other delicacies of the season.W. A. CLARK, Proprietor.

    tVTable D'Hote from 1 to 4 o'clock. o34nA GoodOhanco for Farms ia Indiana.

    We have for sale, in the counties; of White, Jss- -er. and Pulaski, Indiana, lu,0i acres of rich"irmhig Land, printipally prairie, of the bast

    quality for ralu or stock tsnns.We sell cn TEN YEAS' TIME at ten dollars per

    acre, h down, the balance in ten eqial annualpayment.

    We have also 4"0 acres in Jasper county, exfellent fora stock farm, which we will se 1 at $4 per acre cash.

    Aidrew SIOTSENULRG A BROWN,ol dim New Albany, Indiana.

    AT WHOLESALE$200,000 Worth of


    25 per Cent. Xje33

    For Cash,DLVLIN, HUDSON, & CO,.



    Split -- bottom Chairs.WE ARE AOENNS FOR TnE SALK OF KEI-tti--.ey Peniteijtlary split-b- o f.'niKd Chairs, ai4have lu stcre for aale a large l t of aM s i?,es-

    A. L. SHOT WELL A SON,Je23dtf WII street

    L. S. B. de CRP,TY....fE. RABY, Agent),"i2S tureen atret, n.dolnlng tbe Journal OOlr'. T-i Has In ptre and for sale in quantities

    purcnascrs a line BBortinent ofiNES and LIQUORS, such as

    BOrtDEAl'X. HOrKGONS. lOONACs,Hordt-anx- ; Pomard; Bordeaux;De Mednc; Frontignau; Lunel:8t. fcetephe. Toluey. E&u-d- e vie-de

    Languedoc.Moselle, via de Tokay, Armagnae, and Cordials.

    mar4 dly

    ELIAS HOW, jr., and tS.H.RGf EB'8PATENTTHR MOST R EOF NT IMPROVEDShuttle SewingBlachins

    FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRICE 7I.Warranted tho ESest in tbe market;Fine finished strong and durable; wheel feed of greatpower; exceedingly simple In construction; not a wirealo;it it; all its part are most admirably and ingenious-ly arranged; cannot possibly get out of order, becauseeverything Is permanently adjusted; none so easily un-derstood and operated, and sews the most beautifulstitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both side. Tai-lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Mi-dline ever sent to this vicinity. All are cordially

    to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Amt,nl dly 212 Fonrtn street.

    ffP'ZrffiS'Davlng jnet returned from Cincinnati, wheretoiKSa I have procured, through tbe Mudnewi of xiol.R. Aisukeson, one largo and one small sized Pnirro-oiifc-

    of himself, in full uniform, with the identicalcloak and cap woiu by bira at Foit Sumptj during :hebvnubardmeut, I aru now ready to furnish his tneadaand admirers with duplicates of each size at my flalieryor at Frank Madaeu's Bookstore, Third street.

    E. KLAL'BRR,Bee Hive Gs'lerr, Main street,

    tnnel dlvls hotwen 'Phlrd and Fourth.

    J. O. JACK, E. W. JACK.LoolsviHe, Ky. New Orleans, La.


    Wholesale Grocers,PEOTISIOJ ICfliaiSSIOHERCHAWSt

    No. RIB north side Main st., between Third and Fourth,LOFHyiM.K. KY.

    CUOAR, COFFKB, AND MOLASSESO b hhds prime N. O Sugar;

    11 bags prine Rio CoMee;I'M) bs Crushed. Powdered and Grannlaed So car;1iu do Plantation Molasses;m Mhbls do do;

    Si) vbbis Golden Simp;tn kogt Oolden Sirup;

    In store and for tale byJACK A EROTHF.B, 111 Main il.

    r.(W boxes King Tobacoot8M) do O. Ellis do do:

    60 do do do:loo do Va. and Ky. do. various brandsfn itAra anil Iav aalu Kt

    J At K HROTHKR, ate Main st.

    AND LIN9EYS-H- W Negro Jeans andJENB (best brands) in store and for sale by

    K1WT1A SALT 3,0'H) bbls Kanawha Salt, bestmtnra and fnr Slle bvJACK BROTHER, 616 Main it.

    SUNDRIE- S-O 40 half chests Gurtflpr fa;llj dO dO B SCll flo;

    Nt dozen Shaker Broom .do fancy wiie do;

    loo do Pa'.nted buckets;W nests do Tub-- :7 dozen Zincfro ceils Cotton Rope, all sisot?o do Herap do, do;

    1V boes Star Candles;4 do Starch:7 do Po?tuM do Palm do;fct do German Sofip:W bags Cotton Yarn, all nambftt;a, do Carpet Chain;

    loo bales Bitting;(tn do Candle-Wk-I do Wrapping 1wIp;

    bags Spice;h do Pepper

    100 mats Cinnamon:8 tdrm Madras and Manilla lndlg9i casks Madder;

    11 bbls Alum,do Sulphur:

    0 casks Newcastle Soda!1 case Nutmogv

    800,010 G. D. end 3, B. Capr7fi gross Matches- -

    11 do Masou's large and small BlacV-iri- ;ft) boxes a.'sortod Candy;40 bbls Cider Vinegr;

    fr0 kegs Nails, assorted nombert;On hiind and lor sa'o by

    m'J7 die JACK A BROTHER, MS Main ir.yL'(JAK- -i bbls Lovering's Crushed. Powdered, anc"0 Giauulated just received and lor sale bv

    ol (IAHINKR A OO.

    s Cheeee received per railroad and tor -- ale byJNO. F. HOWARD A CO.,

    oil Main, between Third ami Fourth ts.

    SUNDRIES V and H boxes Sardines;,Wi C'lu-- (

    bhls distilled bilrVy;4 pipfs Holland Oiu- -g piinclieous R'im. Jamaica an.d St. Croixt

    For sale by AtnUO.'Y Z A NONE A SON,ilU Fiiih ct., bekw Mala

    LOUISVILLE JOURNALLSpecial Correspuudeuof tha Louisville Journal

    THE BATTLE OF BELMONT.Cau.o, Nov. 8, 18C1.

    iou aav be?n informed telctraph andforestalled commuukations from other sources ofIhe recent battle at BMuiont, tut most of thosereports have boon ia the mala incorrect and incomplete; therefore it is that 1 lavo delayed Kiv

    u accoum until ine confusion and excite-ment had subsided and something like a deliniteand accurate account might be obtainad. Itmight be well to notice here the underhandedantagonism ev'dsnt in many of our prominentpunuls to the Union cause, in pronouncingven in the face of posiLivo evidence to tbe con

    trary every action in which our troop3 are en-gaged, and, as must necessarily be, a few of oarnumbers are, bLuo, to be positive defjatsand

    We have a notable instance of this determination to embarrass and disparage our armyin the recent editorials of the Chicago Tribune,

    cd other jmrnab in relation to this Buluionthgat. It has been pronounced a defeat, and somehave gone bo far as to proclaim it a rout; andttus has been reiterated one of the m.04 wantonaoJ damaging falpahood? that ever blistered atotgue. But eo far from this being a repulse,frou the now accumulated itprcves to have been one of the most signalacl brilliant victorias that has gracedths pages of our history since the record of LueraVista. It will be seen fr.mi the annexed cflicialreport of Gen. Grant, th:it the ol ject of the ex- -psdition was not for the attack of Columbus, butfr the purpose of diverting the enemy from sending rtinforccments to Thompson. Fri:, or Hu.k-re- r,

    and I have further learned from Gen.which is corroborated by priione:s

    taken at Belmont, that a large rebel force actual-ly had their knapsacks packed to reinforce Buck-ne- r

    at Bowling Green, and make a forward move-ment against Louisville. To further show thatthe obje:t of the expedition against Btlmunt wasnotiuttnled for Columbu?, I was ehown a letlerin Gen. Grants fjuarters from AssistantAdjutant Goneral McEeever directing him tomove only egainst Belmont and avoid Columbus.Thus the movement intended and directed was acomplete succeed and a truiumph over the eupo-ri-

    numerical forces of the enemy by deatroyingtheir camp and twice routing them and drivingthem with terrible slaughter before our bayonet.

    On the morning cf the '.'th, after lying cn theKentucky ehore overnight, our troops, '2,800 iunumber, being portions of the T2d Illinois, Col.Henry Dougherty, L7thIIlinc is, Col. Buford,30ihIllinois, Cel. Phil. B. Fouke, 31st Illinois, Col.John A. Logan, and the 7th Iowa, Col. Lauman,dobarked on the Missouri shore about three milesthis side of Belmont. They were at once marchedto a coru held about one mile distant, and west ofBel mm'. Three companies of the 7th Iowa,and two companies of the Illinois, wero how-ever left at the landing to guard the steamboats.In the corn held the whole force was drawn up inline in the following order: The 27th Illincis, Col.Buford, occupying the extreme right, 30th, Col.Fouke, nex, 31at, Col. Login on tbecentre, withTaylor's Chicago artillery ((j gun-- ) in the rear,7th Iowa to the left, and J:.M Illinois the extremeleft; two companies from each regiment werethen thrown out as skirmishers, except ColonelBufords, which tock the road leading tothe right, with ordars to btar down onthe enemy below their camp, on the baokof tbe river, and drive them to the left,assisted by Captains Dullins and Delano's IllinoisII liooid cavalry. The skirmishers of Logan's atdFouke's regimeulshad proceeded about bilf a milethrough the woods whou they encountered theenemy and opened a vigorous fire, which wasreturned bv tbe tu amy, who, hor. ever, rccn ftl!back. Gen. McCleruand, who was rcconnoiter-io- g

    with the men, now Bent back his aid toorder a forward movement of the whole coluinr,which soon arrived and formed again as befre,movid forward a short dittanca, wbere he fouxdthe enemy in strong force, whom ho attackedwith the 30tb, 3lst, and a part of the 7th Iowa,and again drove them before him and rca'.tertdthem in disorder, with heavy bss. l! was notlong, however, until they rallied and ( ffrtd avigorous resistance, which disorderedour Hues. It wa now soon dnjvured lh;it thorebels were rJinking us on tbe !efr, when Login'smen were brought abjut ar.d the artillery oponcda tremendous fire on theoi which brought, thornclown Lke mowed graEfl, while Fouke's regimentwas still engaging them with a teirillo tfT tct,and the enemy was finally driven batk towarilstheir camp. In the meantime Buford s ie- -iment and DMlins'a cavalry hid arrived tothe right of the enemy'3 camp and wasdoing fearful execution on the foe.

    While these regiments were making the enemyquail beneath their lire and I ayoneta, the 7thIowa and 22d Illinois were dealing havee amongthorn on the left. After the two first companiesof the 7th Iowa had been thrown out, they imme- -

    diately engaged the eremy, when Cc I. Laumanweut back for the remaining live companies andthrew them out as skirmisher n also. This regi-ment suffered mere severely than any other. Itfought continually against fearful Kverpushing onwarJu through the timber on theirhands and kneee, they crawled with thtir stand-ard waving over them until thoy reached thec jrndeld on the left of the enemy a encampment,where his cannon was planted, and drovethem from their guns, leavirg them still unman-ned, kaowing that other forces were fallowingthem up. Their course was atill onward untilthey entered on the cimp ground of the foe, dis-pensing destruction a3 they went, and toiedowntheir fLig one of the Lieutenantd Leaving itaway wrapped around his body. No less of brave-ry and daring can be attributed to the gallant22d who fought by the ide of the 7h Iowathroughout the action. To tho left of the campground, in a corttidld, on the river bank, was an-other of the enemy's batteries upon which the7ih Iowa and 22d Illinois made a charge and en-

    tirely unmanned the pieces. It was here, whilegallantly urgicg on his me3, that Col. Laumanfell wounded.

    The th Iowa received a contiuiul cross firefrom the enemy's guns and musketry, and it is

    evident that they were in the thickest of thetight frcm the fact that they had most of thoirtfbeers either killed or wounded acd mere menthan any other regiment. The '22d Illinois alsosuft'ored heavy loss, anl the gillautry and valorof Col. Dougherty cannot be too highly cannier ded.

    The 27th Illinois aud 7th Iowa entered tho

    cimp'ing grout. d of the enemy nearly at the sairetime, and the other regiments scon followed, npxn

    which a sbcut of victory from our troops rent tl eair that could be heard for miles above the roarof the cannon.

    fjl1l tiiif, oaggage, ami equipments mncu bvuis time were destroyed by order of Geo. Grant.

    While our force was in possession of t he encampment busily engaged tn confiscating nilportable articles, that of the enemy was receiv-ing large reinforcements from Columbus, and en-

    deavored to cut off enr retreat. Gen. flkClcr-nan- d,discovering their move, inquired of Logan

    what move he intended to make, when Loginbriefly replied "Cut our way through, ir!''which he accordingly d.d, as did the balance ofour forces. At this juncture it was that the gun-boats rendered auch valuable service, they keptup a continuous lira on them, which mowed themdown in scores. Here, also, it was that the rebelbatteries from Columbus opened fire upon ourmen, but their gunners were fki item obibiligtha skill shown by our gunboatg; and here againit was that many acts of daring bravery andspirit of sacrifice was exhibited by our oflk&rs.Col. Lauman, who had been badly wound id inthe thigh, upon the order being given to retreatordered that he be placed on his bow, which wasdone, and' be gallantly led Lis men out. CclLuugucrtv, nuu lvao awiire iaa& lauiTan WH3wounded, endeavored to pilot birn out, they beIng in the rear, when he received his wound,which caused him to be taken prisoner, and hassince cost him his leg, parts of which hs t'namputitod three limes.

    The rebel a btill kept up tho lire after our forctshad regained their transports, but I learn fromthe soveral Colonels that thoy did not kill a man.

    Generals Grant and McClernand are said tohave behaved with rmark.ib!e bravery and cool-ness during the whole of the action, and as muchmay be Baid of their rw?pLtiveaids -- ! of Gen.Grant, Cnptains Logan. Kawliu-t- , and Hiilyer.and those of Gen. McClernand, Mj. Bravura,Caplaiu Bilikie (who was killed while gillantlycheering tn the men), and Capta:n D;estr cf theartillery.

    As there, is no probability of your readers beingdirectly interested in the names of the killed,wounded, and prisoners, I will not crowd your spacewith the list. The following is tha regiment!Ut of killed: 7th Iowa, 26 killod; 22d Illinois,

    33 killed; (27h Illinois, 11 killed; 30th Illinois, 9

    killed; 31st lliincis, 10 killed. As tha woundedand missing are being greatly diminished by eachday'a report, I will refrain from coLding you a listuntil my next lot'er. The official rtport in regard to missing ia no doubt incorrect, as GeneralGrant infrrms me that squads are returning everyclay to Bird's "Point. Yesterday twenty morereturned, and they reported that eighteen others,who had taken a diffetent road, Wuuld thortly arrive ia camp.

    It hxs been afsertod and reiterated that ourgreatost loas was suffered c u the roraat; this isiacorrect, a3 the fcllowing will show; 30 of thosewho were wouudod in tbe edvance were broughtto a hospital, which afterwards Ml into the handsof the enemy, ard 113 were brought away onthe return, showing that but 21 were woundedon tho retreat, makiug the fcum total of IjI.

    All the woucdsd prisoners were to-d- exchanged unconditionally. I will be compelled todefer the incidents of the battle and late expedition after Tbompjan for another letter.

    w. C. c.The following is a cpy cf General Order No.

    15, issued on tho 8th by Brigadier General JohnA. McClernand. in command at Cairo:

    GKNEIUL ORDLR NO. 13.Bkigahe Hr.D';taktf:i;s,)

    Camp Cairo, Nov. tJ, 1861. (The Gererat commanding the first Brigade of

    Illiuoia Volunteers la kin pleasure in meeliog today those who corf erred honor upon his commanduv thoir gallantry and good conduct on yoster- -dav. low of vou had h fre seen a battlo. Youwere but imperfectly disciplined, and suppliedwith inferior arm3. Yet vou inarched upon aconcea!d enemy, of superior numbers, on groundof their own choosing.

    You drove them neadily before you for twomiles of con'inued lighting, and forced them toseek shelter in their in'renchments at Belmont.beneath the heavy batteries at Columbus. Youdrove theui from thoir position, and destroyedhur camp bringing wiih you, on retiruu', two

    hue d red nii 't nets, two field pieces, and a largeamount of other property.

    Reinforced from Cuumbus. they formed inlarge numbers in your rear, to cut you oft, whilehe heavy guno were playing upon vour ranks.

    Fighting tho same ground over again, yoa drovehem a second time. A portion oi the command,

    becoming separated from the rest, mado a successful and well ordered movement by anotherroute, and re'urned to the river. After a day offatiguing marches, fighting as you marched,having been neirlv six hours actually engaged,you and returned to your camps.

    On looking along year ranks to dav, the commanding Goneral bae caupe to mourn the absenceof many of his gillant men the victims of inex-orable war. 8mo laid down their liven on the

    it fie field, offering thoir blood freely, and givingheir last and mot glorious moments to their

    country. Others bear honorable wounds and suffer more than those who died, yet it is hoped they

    il resume their duties and win new honors.While mourning tho dead and offering sympa

    thy to the suffering, the General commandinggraUfuMv acknowledges his gratitude, and offersthe IbaDks of a grateful coun ry and State to thenth tri and soldiyrdof Illinois under his command.

    r their gallantry and go;.d conduct.When again called upon, he hopes to find vou

    equally prompt, acd hot tar pi spared for battle andfxr victory. Bv ortkr of

    JOHN A. AJr.CLKRNAND,Brigadier General Commanding.

    M. Hrvimas, Assistant Adjutant General.Gon. Grant Issued the follo wing crder to thooops here

    IIeah- - Aiu pts Ditpk t S. K. Mo.,Caiko, Nov. 8, 1861. f

    The General commanding this military districtreturns h;- - thanks to the troops under fas com-mand at the battle of Belmont on vesterdav.

    It has ben his fortune to hive been ia all theattlej fought in Mexico hy Gons. Scottand 'favor fave Buena Vhi:i, and he never paw one more

    hotly contosted or where troop i bshaved withmore gallan' ly.

    Such c 'urygo wnl insure victory wherever ourtlig rr;-- be borne end protected by such a clasaof men.

    To thu brave men who fell tho sympathy ofhe country is due and will be msnifo'-te- in a

    manner unuusMKauio. c o. tjriAi i,Brigadier General Commanding.

    Oxk Leo Moke roit his Country. Duringthe recent vitit of Secro'ary Cameron to NowYork, a member of tho Sflventv-rjiu'- k Regiment,who wua in the battle of BuU Ilun and near Col.Cameron wb:n ho full, called upou the Sacreta- -

    llta had beon eovr t - w.n.U)l Bnd talinpneunur, C.rnou to iticnnionj, anu inere euire't--au amputation of ono cf his leg. lie came hob-bling info the Secretary's room on crutchos, andbegged to be permitted to go to the war again,saying that hi thought that he could still be ofservice, to tho counliv, even on crutchei. Mr.Cameron did not ques.ion his capacity, but toldhim the first preliminary was to got a mate tohij remiining extremity. Tho man said heccu'dii't afford tint luxury, and insisted uponthe validity of crutches. Mr. Caraoron then toid

    him to go to a s and buy he best leg

    he could find rnd eei d tho bill to him. Thawounded soldier went bis way njoicing.

    The Cak&o ot tue Samuf.l Opr. A Clarks-- -vine ( lenn ) patjer oi mo a. uil. coniaina auadvert iianient, offdring isz sale at public auctionthe freight 'found cn the steamer Samuel Orr,"which wao seized by tbe rebels at Paducab, Ky.The advertisement enumerates the articles a3 fol-

    low?: Pepper, allspice, soda, Lincy soap, empty

    ale barrols, wagon hubs, wagon axles, lard, andvarious other articles not required for tho publicservice.

    CTMaiy Henderson, an old lady of Johnsoncounty, Indiana, who has been blind for a number

    of year?, has knit twelve p?.irs cf sxks forin the army from her neighborhood, the

    yarn for which she twilled heraelf at the rpin-nin- g

    wheel. Thia is ao example worthy of be-

    ing imitated by those who are younger and have

    the unimpaired u?e of their organs of vision.

    l. oh Indiana. John P.Usher, E q , uf Terra Uaute, has leen appointelAttorney-Genera- l of Indiana, in place cf Jas. G.

    Jonef, wbohia vacated the crhce bythe Colonelcy of the 42 J regiment. Mr. Usher ia

    well known as one of tha ablest acd most expe-

    rienced lawyers in the State, and a gentleman offine attainments and abilities outsido of his pro-


    Ki b ird Flower, who was wounded at tbebattle of Fredarkktown, Mo., and afterward had

    his leg amputated, is l.kily to die from the effectsof the operation. Mr. Flower is an estimable

    you".g map, end was a rasident of ML Vernon,


    Lieut. Col. Harrison, of the TLh regiment

    of Indiana volunteers, at Camp Joe Holt, has re-signed his connection with the regiment. All thecommissioned ofHcera, in a published card, ex-

    press their regrots.

    Polk e Pkoc kkdinus Thursday, A'ot. Mtk.Thru! rVoftJ v.. nt of the Wnrklnuse.lljlimanKr crner

    worth 31, furn Alex. Craig. Bail in 6 iOO toanswer.

    rgrThe Firet WLcnsin regiment, a splendidcorps, croaked tho river from Jefferscnvillo je --terlay prep.tratory to t'jeir departure for theinterior.

    lypfhe New Albany Ledger eays that thereare at least five hundred ladies of city dailyemploying their time in kuitting eocks andnuking garments for our bravo troopj.

    El FE' I'3 OV THE LaIE J I'DCR DotTGLA3 The

    sale of the elegant furniture and effects of the late

    Judge Djuglas will ttho place in Washington onMuncUy, tho 18:h inst.

    The CiNcirKAH Daily Puesj. Hoary KoedCo. have disposed cf the Daily Pres3 to S. W.

    L;A!L-st- l and Sinucl B. Keys.

    The stuamet B.ti.ic i engaged trans-p:rU-

    tioDps from Jtffenonvilb to this city.

    fGame U now abundant in the woods in the

    vicinit of New Albany.

    Anotih r Skirmish at the MississippiPassim. A letter of tha l.'ih ult , published iatie New Orleans Picayurne, says

    At noon to dav the Cipt. Gwathmey,pjing toward Soulhwest Pa, met twoStutei steamers, one tupposed to be a now gun-

    boat und tho other lh3 South Carolina. At the

    hel of the Passes they Etopnod, meeting the Ivy;with their long rantre gund.luefchot ftl.llliicLlv around our eteauiers, thaIvy retmnin? the lira. 'I hose of the Jackson,nut l.niiicr able to ruach the enmv, she retired.Th. ivv ntinued the fre until the enemy s

    eessle off aud stood dow o ihj ijulhwe tp- -j tl.A Iw following to wat-.- l!;6ir movements t'ne shell or the ivy, unriL-- ma,,1(,nt, burst under I ho -w ..f the Urge steamerend another under that nf the t:nall one. IceIvy returned an. I anchored fit the head cf tue

    Analogy of'Plant Life to Animat, LifeThe functions of animals and plants arc in alike degree analogous. Animals take in theirfood by the agency of the ruou'h. and prepareit for digestion, either by various degrees ofmastication, or by attrition, aa in the gizzardsot birds. In this they differ from plants; butthese have sufficient compensation, inasmuchas they imbibe their food in a fluid form,liquid, or aeriform, and, consequently, in astate already of the finest possible division.Animal and vegotable remains are their com-mon food, and salts of various kinds are theircondiments and timulants; plants having thisadvantage over auinials, that as they absorbonly the soluble and finer parts of their nutri-ment, and their absorbing organs have thopower of rejecting that which is ofFensive,they have no offensive matters to separate suchas appear in the excrements of animals.

    In the animal stomach the food undergoesan extensive change, being reduced to a pulpof greater specific gravity, and being alteredentirely both in taste and odor. I a the sapvessels of plants, which may be truly consideredas their primary organ of digestion, their foodor sap undergoes a change precisely similar;it color and flavor are altered, and specificgravity increased.

    F rom its stomach the animal's food pastesinto the intestines, is there subjected to theaction of the bile, and the chyle or nutritiveportion is separated from that which is s.

    Iu its passage through the intes-tines, the chyle is absorbed by the lacteal ves-sels, and conveyed into the blood; and thesemingled liquids are propelled by the heart intothe lungs, to be there exposed to the action oftho air. The vital liquid now changes its pur-ple hue to a florid red, loses a portion of itscarbon and watery particles, the former combining with the oxygen of the atmospheric airin the lungs, and being breathed forth ia theform of carbonic acid gas. As plants take inas food no gross unneeded ingredients, it isobvious that no process like the biliary opera-tion is required in their course of digestion.Flut in them the food or sap, proceeding atonce along the branches, is poured into theleaves, which are the very lungs of the vege-table world. Here, as is the blood, its coloris changed, and oxygen emitted from it duringtho light hours of the twenty-four- ; but carbonicacid is breathed forth daring the night, and, atall periods, a considerable amount of wateryvapor is emitted.

    From the lungs, by the agency of the heart.the blood is propelled through the arteriesover the whole animal frame, supplying nourishment and warmth to all the parts, andwhere, by those being abstracted, it is againconverted into purple or venous blood, and isreturned by the veins to undergo a repetitionof those changes already noted as being effected in the lungs. In plants, the sap, afterexposure to the action of the air m theirleaves, is returned by another set of veseels,situated in the bark, ministering to the growthand support of the whole plant. It it truethat only under certain circumstances, detailedin another chapter, is heat evolved during theprocesses ot vegetation; but the circulation ofthe sap in plants, beyond all doubt, enablesthem to resist the intense colds and heats oftheir native climates. In frosts, the most in-tent and prolonged, wc find the interior oftrees remain unfrozen; and, under the merid-ian sun uf the tropics, the sap of the palmand of ail other trees retains coolness. Thispower to resist extremely elevated and de-pressed temperatures is characteristic of allanimated nature.

    Such is the close similarity in tbe digestive andcirculatory process characterizing the membersof the two great kingdoms of organized nature,a resemoiance which obtains in all the otherfunctions enjoyed by them in common. During respiration, Ine air inhaled by animalsthrough the mouth and nostrils proceeds immediately to the lungs, and acts upon theblood; in plnnts, the air inhaled by their leavesoperates instantaneously upon tho sap. Oxy-gen is the vital air of animals, so that gas andcarbonic acid gas aro equally essential toplants. If animals be placed in a situationwhere they inhale pure oxygen, their functions are highly excited and increased in ra-pidity; but it is an exhilaration speedily termi-nating in exhaustion and death if the inhala-tion be continued for a protracted time. Soplants will flourish with increased vigor in anatmosphere containing one twelfth ot carbonicacid, but even this brings on premature decay;and, if it exceeds that proportion, destructionis still more rapidly induced. During sleepanimals exhale less carbonic acid than duringiiKir waKing uours; bo plants emit a much

    amount of oxk" during tfao nigh.vo might now proceed to cnunierae thefacts demonstrative that plants are gifted withsensation it" these had not already been statedwhen considering how salts effect plants. Inaddition to those facts we will only observethat plants arc obviously stimulated by light.Everybody must have observed that they bendtowards the point whence its brightest influ-ence proceeds. M. Bonnot, the F rench bat--anist, demonstrated this by some very satis-factory experiments, in which plants growingin a dark cellar all extended themselves to-wards tho same small orifice admitting a fewilluminating rays.

    Almost every flower has a particular degreeof light requisite for its full expansion. Theblossoms ol the pea and other papilionaceousplants, spread out their wings in line weatherto admit the solar rays; and again close themat the approach of night. Plants requiringpowerful stimulants do not expand their floweruntil noon, whilst some would be destroyed ifcompelled to oiten in the meridian sun ofsuch is the night-bloomi- Cere us, the flowersof which speedily droop, even if exposed tothe blaze of light attendant on Indian festivi-ties.

    From theso and other facts incidentallymentioned in preceding chapters, and otherswhich will be stated when considering thehealth of plants, without believing that theydemonstrate sensation to exist in plants asacute as that possessed by the superior or moreperfect classes of animals, yet they certainlyare satisfactory evidence that some plants pos-sess it to a degree nearly as high as that withwhich the zoophytes, or even the polypus andleech arc gifted, borne of thoso animals maybe cut into pieces, and each section will be-come a perfect individual; of others, theirheads being taken off , may be grafted uponother bodies; and a third class of them maybe turned with their insides outward withoutany apparent inconvenience. If plants beendowed with no more or even less sensationthan must be that of such animals as these, itexplains the cause, and throws light upon theprevention of many diseases affecting tho&ewhich we cultivate, and warns the cultivatorfrom the late performance of many ot his ope-rations, as well as from being needlessly vio-lent in his treatment. If a grape vine bepruned too late in the spring, tbe bleeding oreffusion of sap has been known to be60 exces-sive that the vine has died from absolute exhaus-tion, btono fruit trees, if severely bruised,are frequently destroyed by the inroads of adisease, resembling, in all its characteristics,tho cancerous affections of animals; and wehave known a whole crop of wheat affectedwith swelling of the stem or culm, evidentlycaused by an extravasation of the sap from itsruptured vessels, owing to a heavy roller beingpassed over the crop when ot a lorwara growm.

    BRANDY Rochelle Prmnflj'.lu Wpes Otard, Dupuy, A Co. FranaY;Jj do A. Signetto An;

    6 ' do Coffnao do;90 bblp New York do;

    In store and for eale hyO'ii MARS LB HUT CO.

    TENTS.TZ ire prepared to furuiah Sutlers and others with

    11 lenteat ehoit notice.JAKHS LOW ft CO.,

    c;jj aW and ih) wet si'le Sixth ui

    ! RANDY AND WINK CASKS suitable for tawbU for Ml by ANXUONlf B""iBlo Fifth t.. Iwlrtw Muln


    this da? a tmll lot ofRECEIVED4 black Muslin Ap. Lftlne;

    M bUrk French Meriuoee.For sale at low Pricej

    oUOARf-fc- -U bbls Crushed, fowdeied. Granulated,& , Vetlow for .ale

    RAWfloN Tonn A mCOKFKB 600 bniri Bio Coffee, fair to prima, ioRIO and tor mie bv

    ANDREW BVCriANAN CO.,rl nwr fWmid and Wmihinctnn t.

    3 LT 8" bbls fine Table Salt, packed In 71bTABLE foi le hyANDKEW BUCHANAN A CO..

    "OFKKB 3'Hbntc prim Rio Coffee just received perj railroad and tor sale by,q n w. rnor.8LUJAK3 75 bhls Loverln's Crushed,IOVKKlNd'S Urauutatvd Sugar lu store aud lor

    HIM'H MA

    HOICK FAMILY II AM 8 constantly on haud andfor site by

    J. SMITH SPEED, Main rt.

    fi(PACCO 5u hoxws Tobtc( aesurte-- i brand?, ui1 store and for sale br

    e3! W. o li. bb'ftKiIAKI 'T. 41T Mark-i- t ft.

    L'tiB C hhds fully fair Sapar In store and fr saleby AN!) W buCUANAN A CO ,

    FAMILY 1 LOt-'- -- Choice braudo for sale by1 J. SMHH DtKEU, Malnrt.

    MILITARY..To the Patriot Sons of Kentucky.

    Jm . We are desirous of Ailing up our Kilmer trj ptaiHtely f0r actlvn eervloe, A n r ofuie ttefcummt. is rv devouring at Fill- -llOl fl. on r IA V (lr fir, j. j rr

    we corriialiy Invito brave patriot t toin uVthe vaUir lne a d abuu-Uot- . a idble to ibUw U ready at banket,Ac. Theru U aLto a fine l.mH IaixA of D ai S tLOMiiP- W :. VH I AK li K,oAtf KO. '. c T ON. H.-,- 01

    IVOl'IOHIltAf I'AKTKkA, 4 Jefferson etrtLcfisviLix. Ky., Oct. 11, t

    OFFICERS of Railroads and Steamboat Ceptalrspass Ui IjOnisTiIle for my cavalry realmerit any oornp iiii'.!.' or para of corupaniea. trom any ofmy rccruiriiiK olhcers, tfiey glvlns ft statement of thanurubwr of Men and an order on me for the amount ofcliaiye, which, on preaoutdtlon at mr headjunrteriWill b" nmm nl Itr niA .U'J.Ii1 U .Vpfj

    ol2dtf ioi. Cnm'iVt. OvkItb Vnl.ini.!


    YOUNG 1 US INTTo fill np the ranks of the

    DUP0NT Z0ITAVE3 1 !PAY FROM $18 1 20 Pl'.R MONTH, 160 ACRES


    The Company, having from camp,it have resolved to volunt-e- r thnlr eerviov In d.- -tHiUJ KI)U lor mton nveAl rnrr.i)!,, n. r-;"'u tiou rt, Sixth and 8--

    nrK(eHlxtb, where them will bcificrlu aitwd.-- "I'rwi.B mm npany will t9altachfjd to tx)U.iel Boone Ki gluiHat now orgaulx-u- g

    TAS Nomj-- ti

    25 MEN W5JT3D.

    Cavalry RecruitsWill find It to their advanteee to call at Capt--

    Ln'hnnk'ii recruit iiiK oihce ou Ma-k- ' US"Ond and Third et estAO-'o- r li

    livt ry ("tiibltT. A tew rome efd lor;l nniai wanted to fill up hn compinv tn OoL Jve Iiiyl-- iireintut. This company is now in camp at the l airGround and Is nearly lull. Wnyes from 14 to rmouth Ooe mouth' wage?1 will le paid ari f.ooa aa theoonipanv mii"tered in Horse, e(4uipmnte, end uni-forms furuLphed. Ood clothing, medical H(tidn'',and plenty to eat This is a rplendtd opirtuuit- f.ryoung men to do thHr country some eervice. Comeforward, bra. anl let it not tm snld tint OhKand Illinois fight our buttles whtl --fi rrni On at h'lineinactive. C. L. I'M HUNK, Captatn.

    8. W. RAPLKI5. Ut dtf AftE II Sd Leul.

    To tha People of Kentuoky."CAMP CHITTENDEN 1 "

    ML I AM authorize to ratpe a PHmQt ofruurttr'd Into the pervire of theliT L'uitnd BtatflH, and he reo Ived fivm Ouneralndiuon tb fellowlmr wrfttf-- aiifh,.nt - h t

    wuiDluab a camp of rendezvous and Ins ruction, viz.HEAXtqCAKTI-p- Ir.ptT OP TTTE CT'M'ftE'tUNI',

    Loui-vill- r. Ky , Oct, 4, 1.1. (Col. Jomt M. IIaci.n: You are uthinwd to eslfih

    HpIi near Ijohanon, Ky., at ench point a-- you niava rump for rendfxvouii nod instruction, whr-- i v"imay receivp riich cmitui.-- ae m-- be off red for the

    service of thp United Kt-- t. and provide whatever maybe necuisaiy foi their comfort And sutitoruinri

    Kun RT ANDLRSON.PHg Oea. li. S. A. Commanding.

    In with the above authority, I ha-- - .tsbitobod a camp npar lx.'bnoQ. ompanl-- s will berecivrd trom any part of the Mit. anJ oti ae tivrtich Lebi!on will he furnished with uecee-e-

    to make thpnTi'ecfltop will Iw known h 'Canip Crittenden,' In

    honor of Kentucky's mot dlstlnpulnhpd fftn.teinii.The cor"t of traTispui-bitio- to the place of re toS'zvous,

    ae well af the cost of eubfUrting ttie tioope previoud totheir bping miMtered iuto the service, will b fiid bythe Government.

    A- eoon a- - conttntes rech the Camp thy will bepupplk'd with uull.'iuifi aud tuo beet guim to l3 bad tutbe country

    AH who enlb-- t will be entitled at the clone of thv-a- rto $1 "Li bounty and lit;) non; of laud, aud tho whomay be wound'-- win receive a peucin durug life.

    I am h ippy to be able n annoiutce tliat JiuL-- W. TLTlavp, of fiprint-ftfbt- , wi!! be t!io lA:u' Colonel 01 thafiirt regiment which may Imi org:)nlz,fd at Camo

    Ab th Camp bi tu ar t'-- rulfroad tradingfrom Louisville, and la cuvtnb iit lo a g nimli'T ofcounties who?e pcoplf aro IovmI, it is desiredand expected to make "Camp CrUUjod'-n- a

    PERMANENT RFSDEZVOL'3.And now 1 piv al to mr , nturkLme to come

    font aid and enroll tbcuflytrf fir . ThlrKtto nppeaip to ilium, Thi ir fnlh wrOTitvjd and

    u conutry ftorrfl to tli'ri. The C;m:aof human liberty aud cl r'tiljlli,:ui luntitutlonH everywhere nppea'ii to th"m All tn;it in moit lnrii.nw lu human eoYcniment 13 uow at dtAi-e- , and every true manaliould come t th rej:'i".

    l'he time, fellow-c- il i?.pns, has rome when evo theunp.trio! ic and tho p'l;'i?h pIi'.h! I h.iF't-- to tc.Veupanna tor ue di'-n- ot th'dr buue and couuir.Everv of d t"j;i'.lut(reit clld iiflto the field. If onr onrr:iio tilnmph, all our tiad.v, allour piobti-iorir- i, all our avocationa o!' w'natevcr ,

    alt our nf every dtcrlptiou. e 1Icsp. To ?ave ourtwivte rjul our ismilo ruin.

    not Ifs than tu enve our Stie and oui countiy Irmdeiirndiitlou and eliaiuo. wo mart mllv now wtiHre theUrttl. iut flaj, luilrm nn. Vmt, tinju, t ILi1 f.G Hptlie wlmle strmifrth 01 our Wi and soule for the t.

    ai'd ma v thu G"d of b'it 'e cri lnc every biowe etnke. Fur ooi' I am iiuwiUtuc to tho pi on e of

    m'.' native St:itt; OV:", iKUN AN; t;ONgUt:KKD bymen c'ufiiiiiie to b- - citizi'n-- uf a foiHni Icsnu tbe indiilenint tn t'io bv'io ivuLii au unnaturaleneiuy has forced upon KtntuoU 'tip.

    JOHN M HARLAN,OcMhr f tL to rltf (1 L. Arm--




    per nionin, goa irtnieus comionaijie quarter,clo'hlng. Medical t ten lance, and transportation to anafrom t amp tree f ch ri?e.

    ONE MONTH'S PAT IN ADVANCE.180 acre of land and ffpto bounty. Armory. Jeffer

    eon --treet, between Third and Fourth.06 JOHN raptaln.

    HURRAH FOR THE ARMY!-- Cavalry! Cavalry'!


    fill up a CavR'rv raiment, under tuycom-mai- d(now nearly f ill), for throe vpa"-- . or du-

    ring the war, would do wll to call at tho FairOrouuds, Ilrownfboro road entrance, or at head-qua- rt

    rs, sYrf .Jefi'erson Bre t, norh pIiIr, a few doorcFoorth rtreet, or on any of th Captain- - of touna-nle-srecrut'i'Jg. and fnroll y.'ur-flv- without d lay.

    Pay from $14 to $12 per month, I 'd bounty It'.' aciveof land, and a peu."irn from OovoniiQnt. MaiTtrdmn, with famllloc. will Im allowed weekly floppoil. fortheir families or one mootln in advancu imme-diately on entering and pwor in, a'd 11enlifd m'n will be allowd to allot two-th'- of theirpay for the e'iprort of lin-l- r fomilir, to be drawumonthly aftnr being m'"t ed l;ito ccvif, Compa-nies mustered into service afl oou as f:l. we hvecoraf rtble quarter, gxd provlsioua, and reM&ble

    to take charge of you. Men at no expense tilerenlisting.

    o3 dtf BYLP: CololATTENTION, mUfclCI AKUI

    A OOOD l'KUMMKU AND FiVKU WANTKD InCapt Dillard's Compan' City Provo t Guflrdf,

    Umal wiges yaid. Anpl at Avery's Flow IV'cycorner Fifteen h "d va'i trnfta. dfTo thoes who hiow how to uso tho ZZiHo.

    The undersigned proposes, b? t.h-- p'opTlo r:HO. fov ths service "f tiio United

    titH OovfrniiiMut, for the of threr- - vrarsor diiiins tha war, a coinp nv of glu-- p Sbootf,rp

    w uiTipoed of mpn irom Lo 4't yery of nr.. Thuwill lw an iiKlfprndPo ix?r'.'. Th men wlli im arinedwith the Enfield or olV Kill by the Govromeiit, e.udwill be rouff red Into thp strvico as soon a the 'ou

    uumier a if obtained. A? thU le a w'"in wdlfhKnntucklans bve been accustomed to hndl., it Ishiped thre will b nn delav in fi'Mna up t'i-- ink".Call at J. Wood Wlltn'e office oppo-l- t the (iirt-Housa- ,

    aud enroll youi HAmea, whery all D.ia7will be givu.ult: dtr 'linWARO J. WILSON. (p'n.

    Attention, Kentnckbns To rmlThe nnderslgnod Is dnly

    Kobert Anderenn, of the Viunt-nie-of Cumb'Tiand, to rave a K"?im-- ' it of

    uxifni to coinaui red tuti iervl(. Ximpautertavs and nave nlet consist of not lew than Hi cor more to. an 1.

    Quartern of tbe bert kind have been provldM foreom-paule- sor par? of Officer will pIcaw n tort

    promptly at Sam'l Matla-- ofDce, on I i!Ui ftr" t,Couri-1- 1 ;juee, where headquarters wili bo lor

    J4dU'ndlSO. WASU1NOTON AN PCS "ON, C 1.

    A Call Upon tho Patriotic.. One ht;ndr-- t and fi'lvrocn re wanted f rr Rtttery of L1!it Artillery, to becommaud-- d by

    lfcSri'Cpt I W Brott, of Uilf cityf!-- - 1 he lttrry Ih to be attschnd to (n An.trxrson's column and is to be composed ecluHlrt ly jfticked rceu. Yonna, artjve, able bed'.'1'! men, knowingrHe well and how to take god wrfl of a hor,will be accepted, and no other Tiiove desirous ot en-tering thi- - mwt leautlful branch of the ervirt run ap-ply to Cant, I. W Soon at hie rtid-nce- , corner ol W alnut and Second ptreet.

    I id the intention to roee this on of the- - crickeonipaniep of the service, aud n one neM app'r to en-t-

    it who if not ready to atd In thip Intent l)n, acd win' Unot readr for the moo active jwrvice, lue rtf tre

    of tbif company h.i leen In tho r wrric ofthe I'nitwl Slat"-- vcjra wi ' a (;en

    In Koit S'iripter dtiiing the pleye, H"d d'etingnii-iiw- lhimeolf very much ti:;dcr tho eye of the General. Theremaining officers are ifntlnoian of Thi" rtv, in whomthe men can place tltem-j- implicit coniideiicu.

    Mi( dtf

    AUCTION SALE&a. 8. marii R. ut;?

    ANlH'CACIiSlON TBAUCTIOrrSFllS and Wall rt- - L.uv:l'e, Ky.t&Cuii advance uiivlu ca gotl to us to

    anv are at all tiroes rrrGr tn pteril tn ?a!e. o

    R alK-tt- o r llit- - LoiFuriilhiro. ac. on atWjwtorj to W; . v ."


    CKJAK- d- IlRVJina Bls Cipar;75 dt Htlfepiui.h do

    JI0 0 Flora Cab uii i ;Sr, o o We h In, ton uo.Suhi K trilla io.jfb inn Hesalia :2U,IIU0 t olumMft C.v.

    Iu "tore and tor sale byu4 MAl'.eilM.L a t o

    Al'.Mll'S r Fl'HOFE - P 'tails of M!ii'4yTHB tb ir adf a"" o L' H. ftfivice. Including F.oil of - Orinj ao Wr? I', fi.Comcni-tione- r. A'.wan Apn-nd- lx cutanrti g

    lor tie ileld fiervlca oi Caviiry in tiiae ot L. A. C1TILL.