the jefferson era 1800-1816. election day came, the democratic- republicans won the presidency....

Chapter 10 & 11 The Jefferson Era 1800-1816

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Page 1: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

Chapter 10 & 11The Jefferson Era1800-1816

Page 2: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

Jefferson Takes Office• Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans

won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college, and Adams earned 65. Aaron Burr, whom the Democratic- Republicans wanted as vice president, also received 73 votes.• James A. Bayard persuaded Federalist not to vote for Burr.

• On the thirty-sixth ballot Jefferson was elected president and Aaron Burr become vice president

• Changes Made by Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans• Reduced the size of government and Military• Let Alien and Sedition Acts end• Reduced public debt

*Remember Federalist Favored the Alien and Sedition Acts because it reduced the political power of immigrants.*

Page 3: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

Marbury v. MadisonThe Case:President John Adams appointed William Marbury to be a Justice of Peace. However, Adam’s term as president ended before the appointment papers were delivered to Marbury. After Thomas Jefferson took office, he named James Madison Secretary of State. Normally it would have been Madison’s job to deliver appointment papers, but Jefferson ordered Madison not to deliver Marbury’s papers. Marbury then sued.

The Courts Decision & Historical Impact:This was the first time the Supreme Court exercised the power of Judicial review by overruling a law passed by Congress

Page 4: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

The Louisiana Purchase and Exploration

• America was close to war• France planned to colonize America• Spain closed New Orleans to American

Shipping• Hurt U.S.A Economy

• France had asked if the United States wanted to buy the land• They needed money to continue fighting

against Britain.• On April 30,1803 the Louisiana Purchase

was approved for $15 million- about three cents per acre from France.

• Jefferson selected two men to explore the region

• Captain Meriwether Lewis• Lieutenant William Clark

• York (William Clark’s Slave) First Black man that many Natives ever saw

• Lewis and Clark brought back important scientific information and made the first accurate map of the Louisiana Territory

Page 5: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

France and Britain go to war in 1803

Congress passes the

Embargo Act of 1807

Native Americans void the Treaty of Wayne in


Shawnee defeated at

Battle of Tippecanoe


United States declares war on Britain in


Page 6: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

The War of 1812

Jefferson wanted the United States to seek the friendship of all nations but have “entangling alliances with none.” However, this desire to keep the United States out of conflict with other nations was doomed from the start.• War broke out between France and Great Britain in 1803. The United

States tried to stay out of the war • France and Britain would seize American Ships• Britain used the policy of impressment – kidnapping of American merchant sailors• Congress passed the Embargo Act of 1807• Britain interfered with American Northwest expansion by stirring up Native American


Battle of New Orleans- Made General Andrew Jackson a hero• Future President

The War of 1812 increased American Patriotism and Manufacturing. It also weakened Native American resistance.

Page 7: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

Chapter 11National and Regional


Page 8: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

Early Industry and Inventions• After the War of 1812, Americans experienced a new kind of

revolution. This was not a political revolution, but a change in the way that goods were produced. For centuries, people had made clothing, furniture, and other goods at home. Soon large-scale manufacturing was producing huge quantities of goods.• The Industrial Revolution• Factory System• Samuel Slater- First Spinning mill• Robert Fulton- Developed the Steamboat• Peter Cooper- Built First Successful steam-powered locomotive• Samuel F.B. Morse- developed the telegraph

• Some Americans left their farms and worked in Factories. Many began using goods that were made at factories, rather than at home.

• The steamboat and locomotive made transportation easier and faster. The Telegraph improved communication and the threshing machine and mechanical reaper made farming more efficient.

Page 9: The Jefferson Era 1800-1816. Election day came, the Democratic- Republicans won the presidency. Jefferson received 73 votes in the electoral college,

Plantations and Slavery Spread• The Short-fibered cotton that grew in most parts

of the South was hard to clean by hand. A worker could clean just one pound of this cotton in a day. • Eli Whitney invented a machine for cleaning cotton called

the Cotton Gin.• With the new machine, one worker could clean as

much as 50 pounds of cotton a day.

• The cotton gin changed Southern life because it made cotton production more profitable and led to the spread of slavery in the south.