the general meeting of the european union of rechtspfleger ... presedintelui ion popescu la... ·...

The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger, Wels – Austria, 6 – 10 september 2006 The speach of the representatives of the National Trade Union Federation “ The Justice “ from Romania Dear colleagues, Thank you for invitation For us, it is an honour and a moment of great joy to participate at the General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger because we have the possibility to learn about your organization and to meet the representatives of its members . In the same time we are sending you the most sincerly best regards on behalf of the trade unionist members of the National Trade Union Confederation MERIDIAN and the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice ”, two powerful trade unionist structures in Romania. Now, please allow me to introduce you the romanian delegation: Mr. Ion Popescu – The President of the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice „ Mr. Vasile Persinaru – The Executive President of the National Trade Union Federation „The Justice” Mr.Dumitru Fornea – Head, International Relations Department of the National Trade Union Confederation MERIDIAN from Romania, organization where the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice” is affiliated.

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Page 1: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger, Wels – Austria, 6 – 10

september 2006

The speach of the representatives of the National Trade Union Federation “ The Justice “

from Romania

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for invitation

For us, it is an honour and a moment of great joy to participate at the General Meeting of the European

Union of Rechtspfleger because we have the possibility to learn about your organization and to meet the

representatives of its members .

In the same time we are sending you the most sincerly best regards on behalf of the trade unionist members of

the National Trade Union Confederation MERIDIAN and the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice

”, two powerful trade unionist structures in Romania.

Now, please allow me to introduce you the romanian delegation:

• Mr. Ion Popescu – The President of the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice „

• Mr. Vasile Persinaru – The Executive President of the National Trade Union Federation „The Justice”

• Mr.Dumitru Fornea – Head, International Relations Department of the National Trade Union

Confederation MERIDIAN from Romania, organization where the National Trade Union Federation „

The Justice” is affiliated.

Page 2: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

First of all, we would like to motivate our presence, here, in this beautiful town named Wels:

• Our main task is to ask you to accept the affiliation of the National Trade Union Federation „ The

Justice” to your organization, knowing the fact that we are aware with the provisions of your

constitution, hoping in this way to assure the entrance of the romanian rechtspfleger in the great family

of the European Union of Rechtspfleger. If your answer will be possitive, please allow me to thank you

even from now.

• In the second, we know that next year, the European Union of Rechtspfleger will celebrate 40 years of

activity, 40 years of life, so, ... ladies and gentlemans, allow me to congratulate the peoples who gave

life to this organization , to those who have consolidate it , and most specialy to those who kept his

spirit alive.

Our organization, in Romania, wish to take benefits from your experience and to use your expertise in his

activities in order to improve his capacity to defend the legitimate interests of the rechtspfleger profession.

These are the resons for why we want to be full members of the European Union of Rechtspfleger, and maybe

together we will succeed to enforce the rechtspfleger institution, objective which is very strong pursue by us,

in Romania.

But what it is the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice ”

This organization unite trade unions representing the body of proffessions which are participating in the

fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts, statistician clerks of the

courts, archivist clerks of the courts, IT personnel, registrars, procedural agents and bailiffs). All this trade

unionist members are working within first instance courts, tribunals, specialized tribunals, courts of appeal,

High Court of Cassation and Justice and prosecution offices.

Today, the National Trade Union Federation „ The Justice ”, has in its structure, trade union organization from

36 romanian counties and 15 Courts of Appeals with a total membership near to 7000 women and men.

The federations’ aims

• To protect the professional, economical and social interests of it’s affiliated members

• To fight continuous for a legislative framework able to give dignity to the rechtspfleger profession

• To fight continuous for the efficiency of the justice process

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In the light of our european integration we are preoccupied by the following :

• The internationalization of the body of professions which has a contribution in the fulfilment of the

justice process

• To have our own contribution in ensuring full institutional and legislative compatibility with the

judicial systems in Europe and with the acquis communautaire

• To create a favorable climat of cooperation between the judicial national and international institutions,

fact which might bring a contribution to :

� Reducing the duration of judicial proceedings

� Protecting the citizens rights who are getting in contact with judicial system

� Ensuring free access to justice

� Improving the activity of Court decisions enforcement

� Respecting the principle of the independence of the magistrates and the rechtspflegers but in

harmony withe the citezens’ rights

Others present activities and perspectives

Like a social partner, the federation cooperate with the Ministry of Administration and Interior and with the

Superior Council of Magistracy to put in practice the policies related with the European Union provisions

regarding the Justice and Internal Affairs, in order to bring the contribution of our country at the creation of an

area of freedom, security and justice in Europe.

Sensitive political matters are the following :

� To fight against organised crime and illegal immigration

� To assure the equity of the asylum systems and to protect those against abuses

� The management of the judicial system and the ways to facilitate the access to justice

The National Trade Union Confederation MERIDIAN, organization where is affilated the National Trade

Union Federation „ The Justice ”, organize many types of events together with the Ministry of Administration

and Interior and with the Superior Council of Magistracy.

For example:

With the Ministry of Administration and Interior we unfold a programme of debates in the regions of our

country with the theme :„The local and regional sustainable development, key condition for a succeseful

european integration of Romania ”

Page 4: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

Within this debates we have been discussed about the following issues related with the justice and internal


• The policy in the field of asylum

• The immigration policy

• The policies regarding the issuing visas proceedings and the borders management

• Police cooperation in Europe

With the Superior Council of Magistracy we will set up in cooperation with the National Romanian

Television, a broadcast with the title: „To know and to respect the romanian and the european laws ”

And so on ...

Finaly, dear colleagues, I want to inform you about the fact that on 4 th of october 2006, in Romania, will be

celebrated the 4 th aniversary of the Day of the European Civil Justice. The National Trade Union Federation „

The Justice ” will be involved in this event and it’s members will participate in debates, conferences and

workshops related with our field of activity . This day is declared The Day of the Open Doors within the

Courts and the judicial institutions .

To finish my intervention here, I would like to belive that in the future, the European Union of Rechtspfleger

will organize in Romania, together with us, some evnts like: general meetings, debates, workshops, etc

Thank you very much and wish you all the best

Delegatia romana impreuna cu Presidentia italiana Predarea documentelor necesare pentru

a Uniunii Europene a Grefierilor afilierea FNS JUSTITIA la E.U.R.

Page 5: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

Interventia domnului Ion Popescu, Presedintele FNS JUSTITIA si al CSN MERIDIAN,

la Adunarea Generala a Uniunii Europene a Grefierilor din WELS, AUSTRIA, 8

septembrie 2006


Stimaţi colegi,

Multumim pentru invitatie

Participarea noastra la Adunarea Generala a Uniunii Europene a Grefierilor ne onoreaza si ne bucura

pentru ca avem posibilitatea sa ne cunoastem si totodata sa va transmitem salutul sincer si colegial al

Confederatiei Nationale Sindicale MERIDIAN si al Federatiei Nationale Sindicale JUSTITIA, doua structuri

sindicale foarte puternice in Romania.

Acum dati-mi voie sa va prezint delegatia romana:

• Ion Popescu – Presedintele Federatiei Nationale Sindicale JUSTITIA

• Persinaru Vasile – Presedintele Executiv al Federatiei Nationale Sindicale JUSTITIA

• Fornea Dumitru - Director al Departamentului de Relatii Internationale din cadrul CSN MERIDIAN,

organizatie la care este afiliata Federatia Nationala Sindicala JUSTITIA

In primul rand am dori sa motivam prezenta noastra aici, in acest oras frumos, numit WELS:

• Principala noastra sarcina este sa va solicitam sa acceptati afilierea Federatiei Nationale Sindicale

JUSTITIA la organizatia dvs., asigurandu-va de faptul ca am luat la cunostinta toate prevederile

statutului dvs., si, sperand ca prin aceasta afiliere sa se asigure intrarea grefierilor din Romania, in

marea familie a Uniunii Europene a Grefierilor.Daca raspunsul dvs. va fi pozitiv, va rog sa-mi

permiteti sa va multumesc anticipat.

• In al doilea rand, cunoastem faptul ca Uniunea Europeana a Grefierilor implineste anul viitor , 40 de

ani de activitate, 40 de ani de viata, deci : dati-mi voie sa-i felicit pe cei care au dat viata acestei

organizatii, pe cei care au consolidat-o si in mod deosebit pe cei care au mentinut-o, ….adica pe dvs.

Organizatia noastra, din Romania, doreste sa benefiecieze de experienta dumneavoastra si sa tina cont in

activitatile sale, de expertiza pe care dvs. i-o puteti acorda , astfel incat sa-si inbunatateasca capacitatile pentru

a apara interesele legitime ale profesiei de grefier. Acesta ar fi unul din motivele pentru care noi am vrea sa

Page 6: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

fim membri cu drepturi depline ai Uniunii Europene a Grefierilor. In eventualitatea unei astfel de afilieri,

speram ca impreuna sa ne aducem contributia la consolidarea institutiei grefierului, obiectiv pe care ni l-am

propus si noi in Romania.

Dar cine este Federatia Nationala Sindicala JUSTITIA ?

Aceasta organizatie, reuneste sindicate formate din corpul de profesii care participa la infaptuirea actului de

justitie alaturi de magistrati ( grefieri, arhivari, agenti procedurali, aprozi si alte categorii de pe langa

judecatorii, tribunale, curti de apel, Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, Procuratura.

La ora actuala, Federatia Nationala Sindicala JUSTITIA, are in structura sa, organizatii sindicale din 36 de

judete si din cadrul a 15 Curti de Apel, cu un efectiv total de membri de 7000 de barbati si de femei.

Obiectivele federatiei

• Apara interesele profesionale, salariale, economice si sociale ale membrilor sai.

• Lupta permanent pentru un cadru legislativ care sa permita exercitarea cu demnitate a profesiei de


• Lupta permanent pentru eficientizarea actului de justitie


Odata cu intrarea Romaniei in Uniunea European suntem preocupati de:

• Internationalizarea corpului de profesiuni care contribuie la infaptuirea actului de justitie

• Dorim sa contribuim la armonizarea institutiilor si a dreptului romanesc cu cel european

• Sa cream un climat de colaborare cu toate institutiile nationale si internationale din domeniul justitiei

care sa contribuie la :

� Scurtarea procedurilor

� Protejarea drepturilor cetatenilor care intra in contact cu justitia

� Asigurarea pricipiului procesului echitabil

� Respectarea hotararilor judecatoresti

� Respectarea principiului independentei magistratului si al grefierului dar si si cu respectarea

dreptului cetateanului

Page 7: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

Alte activitati prezente si de perspectiva:

Ca partener social, federatia coopereaza cu Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor si cu, Consiliul Superior al

Magistraturii pentru infaptuirea politicilor europene in domeniul Justitiei si Afacerilor Interne, in contextul in

care tara noastra trebuie sa-si aduca propria contributie la constructia unui spatiu de libertate, securitate si

justitie in Europa.

Sunt chestiuni politice sensibile :

� Combaterea criminalitatii si imigratiei ilegale

� Asigurarea echitatii sistemelor de azil si protectia acestora impotriva abuzului

� Administrarea justitiei precum si facilitarea accesului la justitie

Cum se realizeaza practic aceste activitati ?

Confederatia Sindicala Nationala MERIDIAN, organizatie la care este afiliata Federatia Nationala Sindicala

JUSTITIA, organizeaza diverse evenimente impreuna cu Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor precum si cu,

Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii


Impreuna am intreprins actiuni dupa cum urmeaza:

Cu Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor :

Teme – dezbatere – Dezvoltare locala si regionala durabila , conditie esentiala de integrare in Uniunea

Europeana – cu acest prilej am abordat si politici ale JAI – ului:

• Politica in domeniul azilului

• Politica in domeniul imigratiei

• Politica in domeniul frontierelor si al vizelor

• Cooperare politieneasca

Cu, Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii:

Impreuna cu acesta si in colaborare cu Televiziunea Romana vom desfasura a o emisune televizata care va

avea titlul : „ Sa cunoastem si sa respectam legile nationale si europene ”

Si asa mai departe ….

In sfarsit, stimati colegi doresc sa va informez ca pe 4 octombrie 2006, in Romania se va sarbatori a 4-a

aniversare a Zilei Europene a Justitiei Civilei. Membrii Federatia Nationala Sindicale JUSTITIA vor participa

Page 8: The General Meeting of the European Union of Rechtspfleger ... presedintelui Ion Popescu la... · fulfilment of the justice process together with the magistrates ( clerks of the courts,

cu aceasta ocazie la dezbateri, conferinte si seminarii care vor avea teme de interes pentru grefieri. Aceasta zi

va fi declarata in Romania : „ Ziua Portilor Deschise in instante si institutii din sistemul de justitie ”.

Terminand interventia mea aici, doresc doar sa spun ca mi-ar place sa cred, ca in viitor, evenimentele pe care

le organizeaza Uniunea Europena a Grefierilor( adunari generale, congrese, ateliere de lucru, etc ) se desfasura

si in Romania.

Va multumesc

Presedintele Uniunii Europene a Grefierilor, dl. Dr, Gabriele Guarda

Aspecte din timpul Adunarii Generale a Delegatia nipona la Adunarea Generala a E.U.R.

E.U.R. din Wels, Austria, 8 sept. 2006 Wels, Austria, 8 septembrie 2006