the gap year

'Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.' Who do you think was Ernest Shackleton? When do you think this advert was written? What do you think it is advertising? … Would you respond to this advert? (written by Ernest Shackleton)

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: The gap year

'Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months ofcomplete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognitionin case of success.'

Who do you think was Ernest Shackleton?When do you think this advert was written?What do you think it is advertising?

… Would you respond to this advert?

(written by Ernest Shackleton)

Page 2: The gap year

- Have you done anything on this list, or anything

as adventurous?- which ones would you do, and which would you definitely not do?!

Trekking in the Himalayas

Mountain biking in Bolivia


Deep sea diving on a coral reef

Snow boarding in the Andes

Travelling down the Amazon on a boat

Hunting and camping with rangers in African safari parks

Swimming with dolphins in Florida

Teaching in a remote village in China

Going on an expedition to Antarctica

Crossing a desert in a jeep

Looking after rare snakes and lizards on a farm

Page 3: The gap year


What do you think a gap year is?

Why do you think someone would take one?

> What is defined as a gap year in the video?

>What reasons did the interviewees give for taking a gap year?

Page 4: The gap year

What do you think are the advantages of taking a gap year?

Can you think of any disadvantages?

Page 5: The gap year

Which of these statements do you agree with? Why?

Taking a gap year is a luxury for lazy students who want to do nothing for a year.

Working before you go in to Higher Education is a useful experience.

There are too many opportunities open to young people and this makes them indecisive.

18 years old is far too young to be travelling alone in distant countries.

It is not a good idea to have a gap after school because you might lose the habit of studying.

Parents do not allow young people enough freedom to experiment with jobs and their studies.

Going away from your parents at 18 is a character building experience and very beneficial.

The gap year is for people who cannot decide what to do with their lives.

Going to dangerous places is not an adventure it is foolish.

Students who have a gap year are probably more mature than those who do not.

Parents who do not allow their children a chance to go abroad without them are very selfish.

Page 6: The gap year

A satirical portrayal of the Gap Yah

What impression does this video give about students who take a Gap Year?

Do you think it shows the Gap Year in a positive light?

Do you think it is a fair portrayal of a Gap Year?

What points is this video trying to make about the Gap Year, and those who take one?

Page 7: The gap year

Given the choice, would you go on a gap year?

IF SO: What would you do? Where would you go?

Year in Industry

Year of travel

Year volunteering

Year gaining work experience / earning money