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The Franklin Presbyterian July 2017 Responding to Gods grace through worship, study, and service. A Publication of First Presbyterian Church

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The Franklin

Presbyterian July 2017

Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

A Publication of First Presbyterian Church

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Fun at Vacation Bible School!!

Thank you to our Director Tony Inglis, Assistant Director Barbara Patrick, and all the adult

and youth volunteers for making 2017 a fabulous year! These smiles are worth a thousand

words. Join us next year on June 18-21.

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Fun at Vacation Bible School!!

Thank you for all the donations to the community

organizations: Community Child Care Center, Grace-

Works, Room in the Inn and Souls4Souls.


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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

A Message from our

Youth Director, Janelle brinker

On the way to Detroit, two mini busses filled with sleeping teenagers and dedicated adult participants, I spent some

time reading through “Occasional Prayers” in my pocket edition of The Book of Common Prayer: A Liturgy for

Ordinary Radicals. I found myself deeply moved by St. Francis’ famous prayer:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


These familiar words resonated in my spirit. St. Francis’ prayer became my own, that we would be agents of peace,

that we would, as the heroes on the bus would say “do good, seek peace, and go after it!” As I read this prayer in

route to serve our neighbors in Detroit these were the words that struck me most: “for it is in giving that we receive”,

a beautiful paradox reminding me of the backwards and upside down nature of the gospel. We go to serve, yes. But

anyone on these busses could tell you that after a week of giving of ourselves, we come back twice as full. After a

week far away from the comforts of home, we find ourselves somehow nearer to the goodness of God. We go to give

to our neighbors in need, and end up finding the needs of our own souls met. This has been true for me on every

mission trip I have ever been on, and may it also be so in Detroit, Asheville, and everywhere else we find ourselves

serving this summer. Amen .

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

T h e F r a n k l i n P r e s b y t e r i a n

FPC July Mission - 2NDSAT - July 8

2NDSAT … Mark Your Calendars!

Who: FPC Family and Friends What: Monthly Multi-Generational Mission Workday (July is a Green Bean Gleaning)

When: 8:00 am July 8th and Every 2NDSAT of each month Where: FPC to redistribute green beans for The Society of St. Andrew Why: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10.

Green Beans and July 2NDSAT...a match made in heaven! The FPC Family is invited to meet at church on

Saturday morning, July 8, 8:00 a.m. to sort and bag Green Beans. The Society of St. Andrew will organize having the beans picked up by various local support agencies. However, if you know of a local agency who would like green beans, let us know. Join us for this fun, fellowship time that will bring fresh produce to our neighbors. Last July we diverted 4,000 pounds of beans from the landfill, that were divided between three agencies. * Martha O'Bryan * Feed America First in Murfreesboro--agency that distributes to rural areas in Middle TN. (click here) * Grace Place: serves single mothers and their children who are experiencing homelessness in Hendersonville, TN. (click here) Do you have a truck that dreams of being a missionary? We are looking for willing drivers to head to Crossville early to pick up our green beans for July 8th 2NDSAT. Let us know if you can help. [email protected]

Mozambique! Our time was spent visiting wells and both city and village churches supported by the Outreach Foundation. Each place welcomed our visits with overwhelming joy and thanksgiving. We were welcomed as children of God. Our last two days were spent at the newly built Leadership Training Center in the village of Tchessa. We arrived late Saturday evening to a lovingly prepared traditional African meal. The excitement was already building with people arriving from miles away. There were over 900 people in attendance for Sunday's Dedication of the Center. Church choirs arrived, preparing to sing throughout the night as an offering to the love God has shown them and the work God has done through them in this place. We were serenaded throughout the night to beautiful singing and knew something special was happening in this place. Sunday morning came and we walked up the dusty road to officially commemorate the Leadership Training Center. The sign was uncovered and the singing continued as we returned for morning worship at the LTC. Songs of praise were shared by all. Berry Long, Tom McDow, and the President of the Synod Council Presbyterian Church of Mozambique, the Reverend Obede Baloi, shared words and scripture along with Pastors and Elders of surrounding churches. Together with we shared our offerings, praises, laughter, and love. I invite you to learn more and become involved, whether in prayer or deed, or by visiting. Come and see what God has done! - Cathy and Hank McCall

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

June 2ndSat was a Delicious


Much appreciation goes out to the 8 people who made 8 gallons of ice cream at the church on Saturday, June 17, and our thankful admiration also goes to the large group of artists -of all ages - who were making posters - coordinating together with the ice cream makers to create signs describing each flavor made for the big event on Sunday. The kids also had fun making their own ice cream to eat on Saturday! On Sunday at the Crankin', our crew was there serving ice cream at the FPC Franklin table. This year we had the most ice cream and the most people in a number of years! Many thanks to Keith Legenzoff for his work in selling tickets to the event at church beforehand! While all this was happening at church, up the road at Nashville First Presbyterian, six stalwart individuals braced the heat to set up all the tables and chairs for the Crankin'. We also thank Chris Jones and Mike Porter for shuttling the events attendees on Sunday with our church bus. Many hands and many talents worked together to help make Mission Partner Martha O'Bryan's biggest fundraiser a success!

Share The Library at Share the Table

Basic Essentials are needed all summer long. The cart in Wilson Hall stands ready

and waiting to be filled with food and daily necessities to everyday life for our neighbors around us in need. Each week as you shop, buy two of any item on your list, whether it is dried or canned goods, spices or cooking oils, toiletries, paper goods...all the items that we use daily to sustain our homes & lives. Our children can be involved by helping to decide on or purchase items themselves to place in the cart each Sunday. This is truly a mission for all ages. We regularly distribute items to GraceWorks, Bridges and My Friends House.

Do you need to brush up on your Bible trivia? Or need some new décor for your bookshelf? The adult library is withdrawing some books that will be for sale at Share the Table this summer! All proceeds go to GraceWorks.

Share The Table will be set up in Wilson Hall each Sunday. Everyone, who is able to help with Share The Table, is asked to do so. All material donations and all monies paid for donations at Share The Table ultimately help those in need in our community. The Table will be set up in Wilson Hall and be available each Sunday through Labor Day. Bring produce, baked good, etc., items to Wilson Hall and all are invited to stop by and "shop".

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Another exciting announcement is that Soul Feast author, Marjorie

Thompson, will be our guest preacher on August 27 and also participate in

our facilitator training that afternoon. Marjorie is an ordained minister of

the PC(USA) and lives in Middle Tennessee. She received her Master of

Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary and then became a

Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School where she studied Christian

spirituality with Henri Nouwen.

Growth Groups will begin again in September and Soul Feast: An Invitation

to the Christian Spiritual Life by Marjorie Thompson will be our book for

the fall. We feel this is a good choice to follow Mudhouse Sabbath as Soul

Feast provides additional depth and perspective from a Presbyterian

minister about spiritual practices and suggestions for developing and

nurturing those practices. Whether you read Mudhouse Sabbath or not,

we trust that Soul Feast will create space for the Spirit of God to meet us

where we are as individuals and as a community.

Fall Growth Groups

Soul Feast isn’t the type of book that offers a formula for how to

incorporate Christian spiritual practices into your life. Instead,

Marjorie invites each of us to bring our appetite and discover

what nourishes us and why. Barbara Brown Taylor writes in the

New Foreword to the third edition, “Marjorie lets you know she is

less interested in giving you information about the spiritual life

than she is in giving you the tools to engage the spiritual life-

both for your health and the health of the world.”

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Barbara Brown Taylor also said Soul Feast is “a book

that belongs not only on your shelf but in your life, at

least if you are hungry for the more abundant kind.”

We hope you will prayerful consider joining a group

because we feel being part of a Growth Group also

belongs in your life.

Growth Groups will meet the week of September 10 through the

week of November 12. Look for more details about Growth

Groups including how to sign up in the August newsletter.

There are a variety of faces in these photos. Growth Groups are

for all ages. If you have questions about what the Growth Group

experience is all about, please ask anyone you see in these

photos or others you have seen in past newsletters. All are


Fall Growth Groups

Growth Groups are small groups that meet in members’ homes once a week for 10 weeks. They create the space for

deeper connections with others in our faith community through sharing, book discussion, and prayer. We strive to

offer groups in different areas of town so you can find a convenient location and meeting time. We are currently

recruiting facilitators. If you are interested in learning more about being a facilitator, please contact Sarah Fox

([email protected] or 770-354-7715) or Anne Keener ([email protected] or 615-794-5441 x229).



September 10—November 18

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Executive presbyter’s report

May 6, 2017 Warner R. Durnell

The 222nd Meeting of the General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), held last summer in Portland, Oregon, gave final approval for “The Belhar Confession” to be included in our Book of Confessions. In so doing, the General Assembly reaffirmed our denomination’s commitment to dismantling racism [see “A Vision of the Beloved Community,” adopted by the 111th General Assembly (1999)]. We Presbyterians recognize that the task of dismantling racism in church and society is a long-term struggle that requires discernment, prayer, and worship based action. As we move more deeply into the 21st century, congregations, presbyteries, and synods are urged to dialogue about the problem of racism in the United States (and elsewhere). Even if only 20% of all the councils of the church were to share in such dialogue and to make concerted efforts to address the prickly problem of race in America, that would be a significant development in the struggle to improve race relationships and to move closer to becoming “the beloved community that the Gospel calls us to.

Several of our congregations here in the Presbytery of Middle Tennessee have hosted opportunities for congregation and neighborhood dialogue on the subject of race in America. I myself have just finished facilitating a seven session series of community discussions called, “Listening Across Lines of Race,” sponsored by the Christian Discipleship Ministry Committee of First Presbyterian Church, Nashville. These community discussions included weekly participation from members, ruling elders and pastoral leadership of the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Nashville, with white and black Presbyterians sitting across from one another and delving into the complex challenges of racial insightful learnings for all participants.

Perhaps the genius of this series in “Listening Across Lines of Race” was the use of motion picture and other video presentations as the touchstone for launching forth in conversation about race relationships. We viewed segments of the motion pictures “42,” “The Dorothy Dandridge Story,” “Remember the Titans,” “Hidden Figures,” and “Loving.” Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., in a New York Times article dated February 18, 2017, titled, “The Power of Movies to Change our Hearts,” wrote, “When we see injustice from another perspective on the screen, it makes us more aware of real-life injustices around us.” Know that if your church would like to host or sponsor such discussions in a mid-week program format, in a given month sometime this year, give me a call at the Presbytery Office (615-332-3330) and let’s see what can be arranged. It would necessitate that you partner with another congregation of another race/ethnicity in order to make this an effective and meaningful program (and it need not be a Presbyterian congregation). By sharing our stories, across what too often is experienced as a racial divide, in a safe, mutually respectful, environment, I believe we can more faithfully pursue the path toward the realization of the beloved community for which our Savior lived, died and was raised!

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

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Student Leadership Team Applications

Available Today!

This past school year was our first year for FPC Youth

Ministries to have a Student Leadership Team and it

was a wonderful year. We learned a lot about what

it means to be a leader and to be an active member

of Christ’s body. And we learned some practical

things about what our team needs to be successful.

We are excited to have an even better year number

two of our Student Leadership Team and we want

you to join the team!

What do Student Leaders do? Student leaders attend a training together, then meet monthly throughout

the year to plan events, and consider how to make our youth group and our church a more welcoming


Who can join? All rising 7th-12th graders are welcome to join the FPC Student Leadership Team.

Do I have to be outgoing? No! Leaders come in all shapes and sizes and diverse perspectives and

personalities only make our team stronger!

How do I join? Fill out an application due July 30th (available outside Janelle’s office), then attend our

mandatory leader training Friday evening, Aug. 11th and Saturday Aug 12th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Youth News

Summer Dinners

On Wednesday evenings throughout the summer our youth, parents, and adult participants gather together

for dinner at various restaurants in Cool Springs. We love this relaxed and fun time of breaking bread

together. It’s a great way for us to get to know each other more, and stay connected throughout the

summer. We have three more summer dinners left for this summer. Won’t you join us?

July 5: Culver’s 3400 Mallory Ln, Franklin, TN 37067

July 19: Panera Cool Springs Market 2000 Mallory Ln

Aug 2: TBD

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Youth News

Over the next few weeks FPC Youth are traveling all over the US to grow together in faith and fellowship, and

to see God in new faces and places. Our high schoolers left Sunday, June 25th at 4:30 a.m. for a week of ser-

vice in Detroit, MI., with Motown Mission.

Our middle schoolers leave July 9th for a week of service, worship, and fun in Asheville, NC., with Asheville

Youth Mission. Then finally some of our high school youth will attend the Montreat summer youth conference

the last week of July. These trips provide beautiful opportunities for our youth and adults to connect with their

call, with each other, and with God. Please be in prayer for them as they go.

Mission Trips

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

T h e F r a n k l i n P r e s b y t e r i a n

Musical Offerings for Summer Summer Music Opportunity – Share Your Gifts

The choir will be on its usual summer break for the months of June and July and we would like to invite

you to share your musical gifts with our very appreciative congregation. For more information and details

please see the Director of Music in the Music Office.

Summer Hymn-Sing During the summer months, we will gather to sing some of your favorites as found in Glory to God-The

Presbyterian Hymnal. Make plans not to join us each Sunday of June and July at approximately 8:50 a.m.

(immediately prior to the worship service) in the Sanctuary.

The King of Instruments – The Pipe Organ A presentation about the pipe organ—the king of instruments! Join us during the Sunday School hour on

Sunday, July 16 at 10:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

Fall Schedule Reminders As you enjoy your summer break we are busy at work preparing for fall and cordially invite you to join

us, whether for the first time or as a continuing part of our musical community.

We are strengthened and encouraged by your participation. Join us this fall!

Carillon Adult Handbell Choir – Resumes Wednesday, August 16th at 5:15 p.m. (Room 213)

Chancel/Chapel Choir – Resumes Wednesday, August 16th at 6:30 p.m. (Room 215)

Children’s Music Gathering Time – Resumes Sunday, September 17th at 9:45 a.m. (Room 215)

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

First Presbyterian Church


Have you heard? This good news bears repeating!!

An outdoor classroom, complete with a fish pond named in memory of Ed Snyder, will be completed this summer. Preschoolers (Sunday School classes, Scouts, and small groups of all ages) will enjoy the serene space. The area will be edged with engraved pavers and have benches with engraved plaques. Engraved pavers are a $100 donation. A $300 donation will provide a bench with an engraved plaque. Church members are invited to participate! Donations should be marked for the Outdoor Classroom and a form for engraving specifics completed. Cheri Lindsley, preschool director, said, “Our goal is to create a peaceful place that encourages all who visit to relax, watch the fish, observe the seasons, and reflect on the beautiful world.” The preschool continues to enhance our landscape and strengthen our community.

Summer Camp is focusing on Art and Architecture this year. Summer Camp meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for 8 weeks. Call Cheri Lindsley at 615-791-9061 for information on Summer Camp or to inquire about the 2017-2018 school year. First Presbyterian Preschool classes are for ages 2 - 5. Children must be two years old by August 15, 2017 to enroll. Preschool hours are 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. with aftercare to 2:55 p.m. We’re on the Web at

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Stephen Ministry

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 . Our Stephen Ministers are people you can trust.  They are committed to providing the best Christian care possible to their care receivers.  They are people you can trust and depend on.  If you or someone you know are in need of a confidential referral to our Stephen Ministry program, call our confidential telephone line at 615-746-7888 or email [email protected]. 

T h e F r a n k l i n P r e s b y t e r i a n

Job Title: Hospitality Team Member

Job Description: First Presbyterian Church Franklin seeks upbeat and friendly people to volunteer one (1) Sunday per month. Hospitality members are genuinely kind and their happiness is contagious. The ideal candidate loves to see worshippers on their way to worship and is happy to assist as needed. Some book keeping assistance might be needed, such as counting attendees during the first hymn.


• is a friendly face that greets attendees (regulars and guests) to worship

• offers genuine kindness and care to others

• has a warm and contagious spirit

• provides worshippers with the bulletin and other pertinent info upon entering the sanctuary

assists with offertory collection during worship

Length of term:

• 5 months (with the option to extend indefinitely)

• This term: August – December


It's a good way for families to spend time together after Sunday school and before the worship service, and it's also a great way to meet new people!

If interested, please email Tony Inglis: [email protected]

Help Wanted!

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.


Congratulations to Jill and Bailey Pratt on the birth of their daughter Jenevieve Michele Pratt, born May 2, 2017. Special congratulations to big sister Jiselle. Jenevieve will be baptized on Sunday, July 16.

Congratulations to Jessica and Vance Lahey on the birth of their son, Grant Wilson Lahey on June 8 and also a special congratulations to big sister Sadie.

Congratulations to Allison and Jesse Thompson on the birth of their daughter, Ella Margaret Thompson, granddaughter of John and Gay Sakich, who was born on May 26,2017.

Grant Wilson Lahey

Jenevieve Michele Pratt

Sunday Night Summit Parent vs. Kids

Sept. 10

5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Sunday Night Summit will have its fall kick off on Sept. 10 at 5:30 p.m. SNS includes 4 different age groups: Path

34 for 3rd & 4th grades; Trek 56 for 5th & 6th grades; Middle School for 7th & 8th; and High School for 9th – 12th

grades. During the school year a delicious dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. and parents volunteer to cook, set up and

clean up. Leanne Hoeffler and Michele Boyette coordinate the menus, purchase the food and have easy instruc-

tions for the volunteers. On Sept. 10 all parents of 3rd—12th grade students are invited to attend, play some

games with the kids and get more information on the programming. There is a nominal fee for the dinner and

childcare is provided.

Click here to sign up.

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July 2, 2017 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture: Mark 1:9-20

Sermon: The Summoned Self

Chris Joiner

Liturgist 9:00: Bill Carver

Hospitality Team 1 9:00: Fred and Sue Banner; Chuck Cairatti; Kay Hartman; Paul and Rebecca Wilson Children’s Worship 9:00: Chris Jones; Julie Keener Children’s Sunday School 10:15: Sarah Fox; Stephanie Lampley

July 9, 2017 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Scripture: Psalm 51:1-12

Sermon: Sin and Misplaced Loyalty

Chris Joiner

Liturgist 9:00: Susan Burns

Hospitality Team 2 9:00: Duke Ellis; Ruthie Moulton; Myers

Parsons; Tim and Leah Stein; Bruce and Betty

Waterman; Susan Williams

Children’s Worship 9:00: Ann Zander; Anna Marie Love Children’s Sunday School 10:15: Jessica Queen; Linda Cairatti

Homebound Communion - moved to July 16 Communion Preparation

Fred and Sue Banner

Communion Clean-up Linda Legenzoff; Ruthie Moulton

July 16, 2017 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture: Luke 14:25-35

Sermon: Struggle and the Gospel

Chris Joiner Liturgist 9:00: Steve Lewis Hospitality Team 3 9:00: Chris, Casey, Jack, Julia and Sam Pianta; Ken, Ann, Josh and Madison Zander Children’s Worship 9:00: Gretchen Dorman; Libby Loftin Adult, Youth and Children’s Sunday School 10:15: Everyone in the sanctuary - All Age Music– The King of Instruments - Led by Michael Snoddy Homebound Communion 2:00: Hunter Battle; Joy Crunk

Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

July 23, 2017 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture: Matthew 7:7-27

Sermon: The Great-Souled Person

Chris Joiner

Liturgist 9:00: Hugh DuPree

Hospitality Team 4 9:00: Jenna Crunk; Will Crunk; Jerry Houston; Chris, Julie, Ellie, Gracie and Spencer Jones; Don Savage

Children’s Worship 9:00: Ken Zander Children’s Sunday School 10:15: Elizabeth Stivers; Jennifer Sower

July 30, 2017 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Last Day for One Worship


Scripture: Matthew 5:38-48

Sermon: The Cost of Dignity

Chris Joiner

Liturgist 9:00: Clarke Oldham

Hospitality Team 9:00: Jennifer, Chris, Brooks, Meryl and Hollis Godwin; Tony, Lauren, Claire and Kinley Inglis

Children’s Worship 9:00: Claire Crunk; Bella Crunk Children’s Sunday School 10:15: Kelly Oldham; Linda Cairatti

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so much for the many kind expressions of sympathy in the recent loss of Hunter’s father. Please know that the cards, phone calls, flowers and especially the prayers for our family were so appreciated and uplifting to our whole family.


Lucy and Hunter Battle

Dear First Presbyterian Church,

Thank you for supporting Better

Decisions with a charitable gift!

This idea that people can change the

future when they help one another is key

to our mission.

Our curriculum focuses on decision-

making skills, taught both in one on one

mentoring and classroom settings, helps

women gain more control over their

lives. We believe partnering with women

in prison, we can help them build a

bridge to a better future for themselves

and their families. We can only do this

with support of donors like you. You are

an integral part of the empowering work

that is Better Decisions. Thank You!


Crissy S. Zitka - Executive Director

Dear Partners in God’s Mission,

Grace and peace to you and yours through our risen Savior, Jesus

Christ. This past week, we celebrated Trinity Sunday—the Sunday in

our church calendar that commemorates a doctrinal statement. We

celebrated a central tenet of our Reformed faith and explored the

role of the Triune God as source and sovereign of our lives and of

our ministries.

We give thanks for all churches, like yours that continue to respond

to Christ’s call. Particularly, we thank you for your continuing

support of Presbyterian Mission. You are taking seriously Jesus

charge to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Through your generosity, women, men and children come to know

the life-giving love of God in Jesus Christ. You are a valued partner

in Presbyterian Mission around the world.

William McConnell

Mission Engagement Advisor - South Region

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Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

May Actual

May Budget

March-May Actual

March-May Budget

Income 72,324.51 80,216.00 227,958.31 240,650.00

Fixed Expenses 61,187.15 65,493.62 193,609.72 197,165.86

Other Expenses 9,590.27 12,974.67 31,628.20 41,321.99

IncomeOver(under) expenses

1,547.09 1,747.71 2,720.39 2,162.15

Church Financial Information

Stewardship and Finance would like to report to the congregation the following financial information.


Tom Wilhoite

Leslie Miller

Steve Jones

Kate Holdcroft

Samuel Joiner


Marsha McQuinn

Lindsey Shepard

Hannah Story


Mary Jane Wormer


Joan Hetherington

Matt McKeand

Beth Carver

Dave Peacock


Ashley Crews

Melissa Davis


Kathy Garst

Meryl Godwin


Bella Givens

Linda Legenzoff


Chris Joiner

Sharon Quintana

Violet Hatcher

Thomas Hatcher


Diane Osowiecki

Adam Cole

Taylor McCain

Matt Young

Laura Bowling


Bill Eberle, Jr.

Aubrey Hagan

Kory Stiles


Carol Dublin

Aaron Anderson


Andrew Hughes


Jackson Reeves


Hunter Garst


Steve Hunt

Zach Whiteman

Bryant Downing

Hayden Young

Andrew Lloyd Hesson


Weston Aaron London

Bailey Pratt

Emma Sower


Susan Haws


Eric Peterson

Sarah Cochron


Claire Henry

Penny Ward

Faye Ligon


Betty Frazer

Ray Bowling


Jacob Moore

Charlotte Wheeler

Kinley Inglis


Connie Jefferson

Joanna McCall

Mathias Anderson

Michelle Hatcher

Lisa Bell


Bert McKeand

Amy Lively


Grayce Bechtel

Andrew Bechtel

Madelyn Stivers

Brett Elrod


Martha Johnson

Melissa Houston

Racheal Dziedzic

Please note: Birthdays are published weekly in Enews and monthly in the newsletter. If you would prefer not to be

listed, please email [email protected] for the Enews and newsletter.

July Birthdays


Randall Cothron, Jr.

Emily Brown

Knox McCharen, Jr.

Page 23: The Franklin Presbyterian - Amazon S3...The Franklin Presbyterian July 2017 Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service. A Publication of First Presbyterian Church

P a g e 2 3 July 2017 Daily Lectionary

Responding to God’s grace through worship, study, and service.

Saturday, July 1

Morning: Pss. 56; 149

Evening: Pss. 118; 111

1 Sam. 9:15–10:1; Acts 7:30

–43; Luke 22:39–51

Sunday, July 2

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Morning: Pss. 67; 150

Evening: Pss. 46; 93

1 Sam. 10:1–16; Rom. 4:13–

25; Matt. 21:23–32

Monday, July 3

Morning: Pss. 57; 145

Evening: Pss. 85; 47

1 Sam. 10:17–27; Acts 7:44–

8:1a; Luke 22:52–62

Tuesday, July 4

Morning: Pss. 54; 146

Evening: Pss. 28; 99

1 Sam. 11:1–15; Acts 8:1b–

13; Luke 22:63–71

Wednesday, July 5

Morning: Pss. 65; 147:1–11

Evening: Pss. 125; 91

1 Sam. 12:1–6 (7–15) 16–25

Acts 8:14–25; Luke 23:1–12

Thursday, July 6

Morning: Pss. 143;147:12–20

Evening: Pss. 81; 116

1 Sam. 13:5–18; Acts 8:26–

40; Luke 23:13–25

Friday, July 7

Morning: Pss. 88; 148

Evening: Pss. 6; 20

1 Sam. 13:19–14:15; Acts

9:1–9; Luke 23:26–31

Saturday, July 8

Morning: Pss. 122; 149

Evening: Pss. 100; 63

1 Sam. 14:16–30; Acts 9:10–

19a; Luke 23:32–43

Sunday, July 9

5th Sunday after Pentecost

Morning: Pss. 108; 150

Evening: Pss. 66; 23;1 Sam.

14:36–45;Rom. 5:1–11;Matt.


Monday, July 10

Morning: Pss. 62; 145

Evening: Pss. 73; 9

1 Sam. 15:1–3, 7–23; Acts

9:19b–31; Luke 23:44–56a

Tuesday, July 11

Morning: Pss. 12; 146

Evening: Pss. 36; 7

1 Sam. 15:24–35; Acts 9:32–43

Luke 23:56b–24:11 (12)

Wednesday, July 12

Morning: Pss. 96; 147:1–11

Evening: Pss. 132; 134

1 Sam. 16:1–13; Acts 10:1–16

Luke 24:13–35

Thursday, July 13

Morning: Pss. 116;147:12–20

Evening: Pss. 26; 130

1 Sam. 16:14–17:11; Acts

10:17–33; Luke 24:36–53

Friday, July 14

Morning: Pss. 84; 148

Evening: Pss. 25; 40

1 Sam. 17:17–30; Acts 10:34–

48; Mark 1:1–13

Saturday, July 15

Morning: Pss. 63; 149

Evening: Pss. 125; 90

1 Sam. 17:31–49; Acts 11:1–18

Mark 1:14–28

Sunday, July 16

6th Sunday after Pentecost

Morning: Pss. 103; 150

Evening: Pss. 117; 139

1 Sam. 17:50–18:4;Rom. 10:4–

17; Matt. 23:29–39

Monday, July 17

Morning: Pss. 5; 145

Evening: Pss. 82; 29

1 Sam. 18:5–16 (17–27a)

27b–30; Acts 11:19–30, Mark


Tuesday, July 18

Morning: Pss. 42; 146

Evening: Pss. 102; 133

1 Sam. 19:1–18 (19–24)

Acts 12:1–17;Mark 2:1–12

Wednesday, July 19

Morning: Pss. 89:1–18;147:


Evening: Pss. 1; 33

1 Sam. 20:1–23; Acts 12:18–

25; Mark 2:13–22

Thursday, July 20

Morning: Pss. 97; 147:12–20

Evening: Pss. 16; 62

1 Sam. 20:24–42; Acts 13:1–

12; Mark 2:23–3:6

Friday, July 21

Morning: Pss. 51; 148

Evening: Pss. 142; 65

1 Sam. 21:1–15; Acts 13:13–

25; Mark 3:7–19a

Saturday, July 22

Morning: Pss. 104; 149

Evening: Pss. 138; 98

1 Sam. 22:1–23; Acts 13:26–

43; Mark 3:19b–35

Sunday, July 23

7th Sunday after Pentecost

Morning: Pss. 19; 150

Evening: Pss. 81; 113

1 Sam. 23:7–18; Rom. 11:33

–12:2; Matt. 25:14–30

Monday, July 24

Morning: Pss. 135; 145

Evening: Pss. 97; 112

1 Sam. 24:1–22; Acts 13:44–

52;Mark 4:1–20

Tuesday, July 25

Morning: Pss. 123; 146

Evening: Pss. 30; 86

1 Sam. 25:1–22; Acts 14:1–

18; Mark 4:21–34

Wednesday, July 26

Morning: Pss. 15; 147:1–11

Evening: Pss. 48; 4

1 Sam. 25:23–44; Acts 14:19

–28; Mark 4:35–41

Thursday, July 27

Morning: Pss. 36; 147:12–20;

Evening: Pss. 80; 27

1 Sam. 28:3–20; Acts 15:1–

11; Mark 5:1-20

Friday, July 28

Morning: Pss. 130;


Evening: Pss. 32;

139; 1 Sam. 31:1–

13; Acts 15:12–21

Mark 5:21–43

Saturday, July 29

Morning: Pss. 56;


Evening: Pss. 118;

111; 2 Sam. 1:1–

16; Acts 15:22–35;

Mark 6:1–13

Sunday, July 30

8th Sunday after


Morning: Pss. 67;


Evening: Pss. 46;

93; 2 Sam. 1:17–

27; Rom. 12:9–21;

Matt. 25:31–46

Monday, July 31

Morning: Pss. 57;


Evening: Pss. 85;

47:2 Sam. 2:1–11;

Acts 15:36–16:5;

Mark 6:14–29

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First Presbyterian Church 101 Legends Club Lane Franklin, TN 37069 Return Service Requested

PHONE: (615) 794-5114

FAX: (615) 794-5188

PRESCHOOL: (615) 791-9061

SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8:30 & 11:00 A.M.



Chris Joiner, Pastor

Anne Keener, Pastoral Assistant

Michael Snoddy, Director of Music

Kim Joiner, Director of Christian Education

Janelle Brinker, Director of Youth Ministries

Cheri Lindsley, Preschool Director

Glenda Andrews, Office Administrator

Sarah Cochran, Accountant

Becky Garner, Administrative Assistant

Jerry Russell, Sexton

Peter Riek, Assistant Sexton

Kate Lasseter, Nursery Coordinator

Kelly Oldham, Nursery Coordinator

Thomas D. Walker, Pastor Emeritus

Accountant's Corner

A note about on-line giving

As we migrate to a new church management software, we want to share some information about on-line giving. If you currently give to FPC via automatic, recurring on-line payments, you will need to re-initiate the automatic payment on the church website. Please visit, click on "Pledge and Give On-line", and this will take you to the correct link to set up your recurring giving. If you initiate one-time payments every once in a while via the website, then your giving should continue to work. Thank you for your patience as we work through these issues.

During the summer, Sarah is available in the church office on Mondays 9-3, Wednesdays 1-4, and Thursdays 9-12.

CLICK HERE to view the church calendar on our
