the eye of kilquato

8/2/2019 The Eye of Kilquato 1/15  Written by Andrew Roberts These stories are based on characters and settings by Pinnacle Entertainment and Great White Games.

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Page 1: The Eye of Kilquato

8/2/2019 The Eye of Kilquato 1/15


Written by

Andrew Roberts

These stories are based on

characters and settings by Pinnacle

Entertainment and Great WhiteGames.

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New York City, 1935

It was a late July morning in the Bowery. Rush hour had passed, and those hit by the Depression

were holding on to the lives they had. A black Desoto Airstream rolled through the streets and

pulled up outside a semi-detached house. A man in a dark suit got out and knocked on the door.

He was greeted by rugged-looking man in a casual suit. This was Buck Savage, a world renowned

treasure hunter.

“Is this the residence of Buck Savage?” the man asked. Buck nodded. Th e man shook his hand,

“I’m Dr Thomas Wetmore, curator for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I need someone of your

expertise to search for a mysterious artefact one of my assistants heard about.” 

“Go on.” Buck replied. 

“It’s something called the Eye of Kilquato. Have you heard of it?” 

“No,”  Buck said, “Are you by any chance hiring me to find it? If so, I’ll need to organise some

people for the job.” 

“I thought you’d say that. That is why I’ve recruited another person for the job.” Dr Wetmore


“Would you like to come in?” Buck offered. Dr Wetmore obliged. He beckoned to someone in his

car. An attractive, black haired woman in a casual dress stepped out of the car. A woman Buck

knew well.

“Hello Virginia.” He said bluntly, “Nice to see you again.” 

“So you’re still living in the Bowery.” Virginia replied. Buck said nothing. He had worked with

Virginia Dare many times. They had a complicated relationship, as they were both attracted to

each other but had not cemented their relationship due to their stubborn personalities.

The three sat down in Buck’s living room. Dr Wetmore produced a handful of papers from his


“My assistants managed to acquire some information on this so-called Eye of Kilquato.” He

explained, “Apparently, it’s supposed to be a massive yellow jewel –most likely a garnet – found in

the statue of a giant crocodile in a primitive ruin somewhere in Brazil.” 

“We’ll need some more people for this,” Buck interrupted. 

“My brother Danny is in town.” Virginia replied, “I’m sure he’ll want something to write about.” 

Buck nodded in agreement. Danny Dare was a freelance writer and journalist who often

accompanied Virginia on her adventures. His articles often read like dime novels, but they were

nonetheless true. While he wasn’t the best fighter, he was talented at investigation, not to mention

lock picking.

“I’d save the briefing for later Tom,” Buck said, “I have the feeling we’re gonna recruit Virginia’s

brother for this. Plus, I’d like to wire my friend in England. I’m sure he’d like to accompany us too.” 

“You’re recruiting Doc Gold?” Virginia asked, “You know how he feels about the supernatural.” 

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“He may be a Doubting Thomas, but his Amazing Wonder Tonic has saved my skin a lot of times.” 

Buck replied with a chuckle, “Besides, he’ll want to try out that lightning gun of his.” 

A few days later, Buck and Virginia were meeting up with Dr Wetmore a second time,

accompanied by Danny and Doc Gold in the Museum archives.

“Hey Doc,” Buck said cheerfully, “Did you have a pleasant flight?” 

“Your telegram was an interesting read Savage.” Doc replied sternly as he met with the group.

“You’re being hired to nick the Eye of Kilquato and it would be a good opportunity to test out my

‘lightning gun’. It’s not a bloody lightning gun; it’s my Electromagnetic Dischargement Apparatus!”

“Can you skip your insistent terminology guidelines for the moment Doc?” Buck replied, “We need

to find some information on the Eye.” 

Doc said nothing, but continued searching through the various papers. Buck turned to see Virginia

sitting at one of the desks, looking at old journals and ledgers.

“Find anything?” he asked. 

“Yes.” Virginia replied, “Spanish missionaries reported the existence of the Eye for the first time in

the late 1800s. They say that the ruins were discovered somewhere in the south-eastern region of

the Purus River.” 

The trio was then joined by Danny, excitedly carrying a small book.

“Check this out.” He said, “It’s the missionaries’ original report.” He placed the journal on the desk.

Virginia and Doc looked at it.

“It’s in Spanish.” Doc pointed out. 

“Can you translate it?” Virginia asked. 

Danny shrugged. “Not much. The handwriting is very difficult to read. I only managed to make out

something among the lines of ‘…holds the Eye…complete…crocodiles.’ I couldn’t read any more

of it.” 

Dr Wetmore joined the group. “I see you have made progress on your studies,” he said with a

smile, “I have just arranged your transportation. I’ve got you down on a flight to Belem, where youwill be provided with a river boat, the Amazonia . You’ll use it to travel down the Purus River to the

native village of Pinobe; there is a local legend down there about an evil Crocodile God, which

suggests that the ruins are in that area.” 

“Thank you Dr Wetmore.” Doc commented, “Will we have supplies too?” 

“The museum is giving you a budget of $1000 to buy any other supplies you may need.” 

Later that day, Buck was at his house with Doc Gold. “Do you think this Eye will be of some kind of holy significance?” He asked. 

Doc shook his head. “You know me Savage. I don’t believe in the supernatural.” He replied. 

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Buck laughed as he packed his bags. “I should have known you’d say that.” He said jokingly, “But,

we can still encounter some tangible threats, so it’s best to come prepared.” 

He opened one of the draws in his desk and pulled out a bundle, unravelling it to reveal his Colt

New Service revolver. He placed it in his suitcase.

Doc polished his Electromagnetic Discharge Apparatus and placed it in his own luggage alongside

several bottles labelled ‘Doc Gold’s Amazing Wonder Tonic’. Buck nodded as he saw the bottles.

The following day, Buck and Doc met up with Virginia and Danny at LaGuardia Airport. Buck was

now wearing his khaki trousers, a rugged leather jacket and a fedora. The others were wearing

safari outfits. They boarded the plane and took their seats. Doc noticed a suspicious man in a

trench coat seated in the corner, reading a newspaper. He shrugged and sat down.

After a bumpy but incident-free flight, the plane reached Belem at 10am on a sunny Wednesday

morning. Buck peered out of the window to view the ragtag collection of buildings interspersed

with ramshackle tin hovels. To the north lay the mighty Amazon River, snaking its way into thelush rainforest to the northwest. The plane set down at a small airstrip to the south of the town.

Buck and his party disembarked, watching as the pilot stumbled off to the nearby cantina. They

watched him leave and boarded a run-down bus heading into Belem.

“You know Buck,” Virginia whispered as he slouched back with his hat over his eyes, “Do you think

we could make it, you and me?” 

Buck didn’t answer. He was contemplating the question deeply. “I always wondered that myself.” 

Before Virginia could respond, the bus came to a halt at Belem’s town square. She watched asseveral other passengers disembarked. The bus continued to the docks, where the Amazonia was

waiting. Several porters were loading supplies onto the boat. Buck walked towards the gangplank,

where he was met by a lone Brazilian, carrying a rifle.

“Ola .” He said in a low voice. “I’m Jose Ortiz, the watchman. Welcome to Brazil. Here is your 


Buck said nothing as Jose tipped his hat and left. “What’s in the crates?” Danny asked. 

Buck stepped on to the boat, opening the crates and examining their contents. “Dried meat,

camping and excavation goods, water, medicine, candy, textiles, other stuff we may need.” Helisted, “They’re in good shape. Jose’s an honest man.” 

As the group looked through their supplies, Virginia took notice of a band of five seedy looking

men walking towards them. Leading them was a large, sharply-dressed bruiser. He immediately

spotted Virginia.

“Ola senhora ,” he said, amidst sniggers from his ratty followers, “You look like you could use a big

strong man.” He glances at the others and smirks, trying to show off his machismo. 

“If I did, it wouldn’t be you.” Virginia retorted. 

“Manuel Florio doesn’t take ‘no’ as an answer.” The bruiser snapped, “Besides. You’ ll need help

with your boat.” 

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“More like, you want to steal it.” Buck insinuated. 

“Come on Manny, let’s just beat them up!” One Manny’s men whined. 

“Sure.” He replied, “That boat’s cargo should get us booze and broads for a few months at least. In

the meantime, I’m scoring with this gringa .” 

Manny reached forward to grab Virginia. She reacted quickly, kicking him in the groin and

punching him in the face. Manny attempted to swing at her but missed, hitting one of his men. Theother pirates advanced on the rest of the party. Buck winded the first man with a punch to the

stomach, grabbing him and hurling him into another. Danny ran aboard the Amazonia followed by

the last pirate. He and Doc acted immediately, tipping over the gangplank and sending their

assailant into the river.

Manny attempted to grapple Buck, who threw several punches which were simply shaken off.

Meanwhile, Virginia had grabbed a boat hook and tripped one of the other pirates before attacking

Manny again, knocking him to the ground with a swing to the leg. Manny stood up and drew a

large knife, but heard a cocking sound behind him. He turned to see Buck, aiming his revolver at


“I’ll be back for you, you fucking gringos !” Manny shouted as he backed away. “I’ll see float down

the river! I’ll kill that stupid cadela  too! I’ll feed you to the fucking piranhas! I’ll get the fucking police

on your asses!” 

Buck and Virginia watched him storm away, followed by his crew, who had been pulling their

comrade out of the river. “He’ll be back.” Buck said, “But he won’t get the police.” 

“I guess we can head down the river now.” Virginia replied. Buck nodded and followed her onto the

boat. As the Amazonia pulled out of the dock and began its journey down the Amazon, Manny andhis crew watched it leave.

“Now what?” one of the crewmen asked. 

“We go after them.” Manny replied, “No one causes me trouble like that and lives. Assemble the

others. Prepare the boat Coronel Almeida gave us. Let’s see if his package works.” 

A few hours later, Buck and his colleagues had got their journey underway. Above the noise of the

engine, Danny was heard another noise behind them. “Virginia!” he called, “Do you have your binoculars?” 

Virginia threw them to him from the helm. He looked through them from the stern. “Buck! You’d

better see this!” he called. Buck peered through the binoculars. A patrol boat was approaching

them rapidly. Through the binoculars, he noticed Manny at the helm. To make things worse, he

saw one crewman at squatting at the bow, attempting to prime a Maxim gun amidst the bouncing

of the boat.

“Oh, shit.” Buck said to himself. “Virginia! We’ve got company!” 

Doc Gold ran to the stern and looked through the binoculars. Buck pulled him down as Danny

primed his Walther PPK.

“I say!” Doc exclaimed, “These river pirates really do mean business.” 

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“I noticed the machine gun Doc,” Buck replied, “That’s a military vessel. It’ll be faster and more

manoeuvrable than ours. We’re gonna have a tough time trying to evade it.” 

Virginia dived down as the gunner on the bow opened fire with the Maxim gun. A hail of bullets

ripped through the Amazonia , showering the party with splinters.

Manny threw an ashtray at the gunner from the pilot cabin. “What are you doing?” he yelled, “We

want to stop them, not sink them. I want that boat in a good shape when we get it!”  As he returned to the controls, the other pirates ran to the decks with rifles, firing several shots at

the Amazonia .

Buck peered over and returned fire with his revolver, quickly ducking back as rifle rounds whizzed

over his head. Doc pulled an esoteric-looking device which resembled a handgun. Buck peered at

it as Danny fired several shots at the pirates with his Walther.

“Is that your lightning gun?” Buck asked. 

“What did I tell you Savage?” Doc snapped, “It’s not called a lightning gun! Besides, you mightwant to stand back a bit.” He revealed himself, aiming at the Maxim gun and pulling the trigger. A

bolt of electricity emitted from the weapon. Buck noticed the gunner reel back as the Maxim gun

electrocuted him. As he observed the pirates checking on their gunner, the discharge started a fire

on the bow, detonating the Maxim gun’s ammunition supply and killing two of the pirates. 

“That should buy us some time to get ahead of them.” Buck said, “Virginia! Try an d get us away

from them! Doc! Check the engines! Make sure we aren’t taking water!” 

“And my parents wanted me to become a dancer.” Virginia muttered to herself as a stray rifle

round narrowly missed her.

Buck watched as the boat tried to pick up the speed. He pointed his revolver at the pilot cabin. He

knew he wouldn’t be able to hit Manny from that range. He fired two more shots, hitting one of the

other pirates in the chest. “How’s the damage Doc?” he called. 

“We’re still afloat,” Doc replied, “The engine wasn’t hit.” 

More rifle shots hit the deck. Buck dived down behind the low wall. He and Danny returned fire,

dispatching another two of the pirates. The patrol boat continued to close in. Buck stared at the

pilot cabin again. If only he could just get a shot at Manny. He took a deep breath, and fired the

last round in the chamber. He saw Manny slump out of the cabin and fall onto the deck, clutchinghis stomach. The patrol boat started to turn around and sailed back to Belem.

“I don’t believe it!” Danny cried out in joy, “They’re retreating! We won!” 

“Nonetheless,” Doc began, lighting his pipe, “It’s not a reason to get overexcited. We still need to

find the Eye of Kilquato.” 

“I agree,” Buck said, “We could encounter plenty of things that are worse than river pirates. I’m

calling a meeting on our next course of action.” 

An hour later, the group was sitting around a crate being used as a makeshift table. Danny had

laid out a map while Buck had prepared some coffee using some of the camping tools.

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“How’s the boat Doc?” Buck asked. 

“The damage was only cosmetic. The engine is still in a good shape and we’re not taking water.”

Doc reported, “However we are running low on fuel, having used a lot of it in our escape.” 

“What about the supplies?” 

“The hold wasn’t damaged, and we have plenty of food and water.” Virginia told him. 

“There’s a fishing village called Manaus on our route,” Danny pointed out, “If we need it, we may

be able to restock there.” 

“How far is it?” 

“It’ll take three days to get there.” 

“Good. Hopefully the fuel will last us. We can adjourn, and should get some sleep.” 

In the middle of the night, Buck was seated on the deck as the Amazonia puttered along. Virginia

walked up behind him.

“You should get some sleep. It’s my watch.” She said. Buck was silent. “What are you thinking?”

She asked softly.

“I was thinking about your question from earlier. I always wondered if you’d take me up on my


Virginia sighed, “Come on Buck, we’ve considered it before. We’re never gonna cement the deal. I

want these treasures and you want these treasures. We’ll always compete for them.” 

“We shouldn’t fight Doll. We both donate. We don’t hoard.” 

“I thought I told you never to call me ‘Doll’. I know you always have that thing for me, but the

problem is your surliness.” 

“Come on Virginia, it’s been like that since we first met. That was your first adventure too. That

time we saved your brother from that ancient mummy.” 

“Buck, you need to get some sleep. We shouldn’t be talking about this. I don’t feel like I cou ld

settle down. Besides, I can’t imagine Danny writing pulp romance. He’d lose a lot of his loyal


“Perhaps you’re right.” Buck said. “I’m going below decks. I have the feeling tomorrow’s going to

be a long day.” 

After two days of uneventful travel, Buck’s crew came across a small Tupi village. Buck observed

a large number of dead villagers laid out in a row along the river bank. He noticed more Tupi

hovering around them with puzzled looks, as if they were trying to comprehend the deaths. Hestrolled over to the helm.

“Virginia,” he said softly, “Bring us ashore. We should try and help these people.” 

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Virginia brought the boat ashore to the village. As they disembarked, Buck heard murmurs

amongst the villagers, but couldn’t understand what they saying. The sound of groans emanated

from some of the houses.

“I don’t think we can help these people if they can’t speak English Savage.” Doc whispered to

Buck as Danny attempted to communicate with them. As they pondered, the village headman

walked up to them and gestured at their boat.

“What happened here?” Buck asked in Spanish. The man attempted to give a response in his own

broken Spanish.

“What’s he saying?” Doc asked. 

“He said that there’s a malady that is sweeping the town. Those bodies were the p eople who had

caught it.” Buck replied. 

“Ask him what the symptoms are.” Doc replied. Buck translated. The Headman replied. 

“He says that the victims have intense diarrhoea, followed by dehydration and eventually death. Itstarted happening a week ago. What do you think Doc?” 

Doc Gold pondered for a moment. The headman showed them to one of the houses. A man was

bed-ridden, being tended to by his wife.

“It’s cholera.” Doc said to Buck, “We’ll need antibiotics and clean water. We should check on the


The pair returned to the Amazonia  as Danny continued to converse with the headman. Doc

checked the crate of medical supplies in the hold while Buck brought the water barrels onto the


“We have plenty of clean water and antibiotics in our stores, but we have to part with the entire

supply if went to do these people any good.” Doc gravely told Buck, “My Wonder Tonic will not

work here.” 

“We’ll have to make do without our antibiotics. We’ll arrive in Manaus tomorrow, so we can part

with the water easily.” Buck replied.

The pair offloaded their treatment in the centre of the village, observed by the perplexed villagers.

“Tell them that those who are already infected must take the antibiotics and be given plenty of 

clean water. They must also boil their water from now on.” Doc said. Buck gave the instructions to

the headman in Spanish. The headman nodded and directed the other villagers in Tupi before

saying something in Spanish.

“He says that they boil their water in general, but they are often lax about it.” Buck explained.

Two hours passed. As the party was getting ready to leave, the headman walked over to Buck,

pinning a blue feather in his fedora. “This makes you a friend of the river people.” He said in

Spanish. Buck expressed his gratitude and re-joined the others on the Amazonia .

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The following day, the Amazonia reached the fishing village of Manaus. Virginia brought the boat

to the jetty while Buck arranged for one of the dockworkers to refuel it. Later, the group was at the

local cantina, discussing their next course of action.

“How long far away is Pinobe?” Virginia asked. 

“It’ll be another two days travel from here.” Danny replied, looking at his map. 

“We’ll have enough fuel to make the journey and get back to Belem,” Doc added. 

“Excellent,” Buck said, “We should stock up on food and water too, while we’re here.” 

“Do you think the Tupi at Pinobe will help us?” Danny asked Buck. 

“Hopefully that feather the chieftain gave me will mean something to them. We won’t have much

luck finding anyone who speaks English, but I’m sure some of the villagers will speak a little


“Once we’ve stocked up, we should head out again.” Virginia stated. 

Two days later, the Amazonia  finally reached Pinobe. As the crew disembarked, they were

greeted by the Tupi villagers with open arms.

“We should give these people something.” Virginia suggested. Buck nodded in agreement. 

“We were left with textiles and candy.” Buck replied, “This was probably why.” 

As Buck and Danny attempted to converse with the men of the village, Virginia and Doc emerged

from the hold with the bartering goods.

“The men of the village want some of our weapons,” Buck told them as they handed out the


“We don’t have any other weapons,” Virginia replied, “Brazilian law prohibits dealing arms to


As they contemplated their next move, the party was met by the village headman.

“You bring gifts to us. You are truly a friend of the river people,” he said in a broken English

dialect, upon seeing the blue feather. Buck and Danny were amazed at what they heard.

“I’m surprised someone speaks English this far away.” Buck whispered. The headman beckoned

them to join him in his house.

“Do you know anything about crocodile ruins?” Buck asked him as they sat down. 

The headman nodded, “crocodiles…very dangerous.” He said. He pointed at Buck’s revolver. 

“I’m sorry, I can’t part with that.” Buck said, “We have no weapons to spare, but you may take

anything else from the boat.” 

“As you are a friend of the river people, I will accept your offer.” The headman replied after a few

minutes of contemplation. He began to speak in Spanish. Buck and Danny were intrigued by his


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“What did he say?” Virginia asked. 

“He said that the ruins are a few miles inland, but we should follow a brackish tributary to them.”

Buck explained, “He’s also offering to watch the boat when we head out.” 

The group curtsied to the headman and left. As they were preparing to leave, the headman walked

up to Buck. “Beware,” he said “for the ruins bleed again!” 

“What do you think that means?” Doc asked. 

“He might be saying that the ruins are inhabited.” Danny suggested, “Dr Wetmore said about a

rumour back at the museum.” 

“We should travel lightly.” Buck instructed, “Take what you need from the boat.” 

Shortly afterwards, the group began their slow and arduous trek through the Amazon rainforest. It

was hot and sticky as Buck hacked through the vegetation with a machete. Monkeys hooted and

hollered in the trees as the party came across a branching tributary. Danny stopped to examine

the map. “It looks like we’ll have to cross this stream.” He told Buck. 

“Wait, Danny!” Virginia said, grabbing her brother’s shoulder before he went to check the stream’s

depth. Danny noticed it immediately; the blood-stained bones of a dead simian dangled in the

water from the opposite bank. Through the blood floating in the water, Danny could make out

several shapes.

“Piranhas,” Buck said. “It looks like that monkey was recently killed, so they’re still here. I’ll try and

find a way across.” 

“Are you Mad, Savage?” Doc asked frantically, “The stream’s too wide. You’ll never make the


“Who said anything about jumping?” Buck responded slyly. He scanned the jungle, noticing a

hanging vine up the stream. Part of the piranha shoal broke away after him as he ran from the

group. As they broke away, Danny quickly waded into the stream, enduring the bites from the

piranhas as he passed through them and made it to the opposite bank. He turned. Buck had made

a running jump and grabbed onto the vine, swinging across the stream and narrowly landed on the

bank. “Come on!” He shouted to Virginia and Doc. They began to wade across the stream as the

two shoals converged on them. Buck managed to pull Doc out just in time as Virginia scrambled tothe bank.

“Are you alright Danny?” Buck asked. 

“I’m fine.” Danny replied, “Just a few bites here and there, nothing crippling.” He took a swig of

water from his canteen. “We should keep moving.” He added. 

The group continued to follow the stream through the jungle. After a while, the stream spilled into a

large, brackish pool. Virginia observed several large indents in the muds on the bank.

“Crocodile slides.” Buck deduced, “We should be careful.” 

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“Wait a minute,” Danny interrupted, “What’s that over there?” he asked, pointing at something

sparkling on the other side of the pool.

Buck nervously skittered around the edge of the pool, catching his feet on the numerous animal

bones scattered in the brush surrounding it. As he was halfway across, beckoning to the others in

the process, the dappled sunlight hit the water and revealed the nose of a large crocodile just

below the surface. Buck raised his machete and waded towards the crocodile as quietly as

possible. When he got close enough, he quickly brought the machete down on the crocodile’shead. Nothing happened. Buck was perplexed, and attempted to get a closer look at the crocodile.

It was already dead. He beckoned the rest of the party to move up, joining Danny as he examined

the sparkles in the water.

“9mm shell casings,” He explained as Danny examined them. As they looked at the casings,

Virginia noticed footprints in the mud near to where the casings were. Buck turned to examine


“These came from boots,” Virginia said as Buck walked up to her, “Surely the Tupi would wear


“I don’t think these are natives Virginia,” Danny commented, “We might have company.” 

He inserted a new magazine into his Walther. Virginia followed suit and primed her Colt M1911

while Buck loaded his revolver. “You’d better get your lightning gun combat ready.” He said to


“What did I tell you Savage?” Doc replied. 

“Now’s not the time for this.” Virginia whispered. 

The party advanced slowly through the rainforest with their weapons ready. As they advanced,

Virginia spotted a man in a German uniform slipping through some dense brush. “Over there!” she

called to the others.

“Look out!” Buck called back, diving to the ground as four German soldiers opened fire with MP28

submachine guns. Virginia quickly returned fire with her Colt, hitting one of the Germans in the

torso. The soldier dropped to the ground.

“Fall back!” Doc heard a voice call in German. A fifth man in an officer’s uniform emerged from theundergrowth, firing a short burst from his MP28 before retreating. Buck fired several shots at the

soldiers as they scattered into the jungle.

“It looks like the Nazis are also interested in the Eye of Kilquato.” Danny said to Buck. 

“So they send in Schroeder.” Doc said, hatred burning in his eyes.

“Who’s Schroeder?” Danny asked. 

“Captain Rudolf Schroeder is one of the best archaeologists in Nazi Germany,” Buck explained,

“Me and Doc have had run-ins with him before.” 

“How does he know about the eye?” Virginia asked. 

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“Nazi spies.” Doc hypothesised, “They must have intercepted Buck’s communique to me.” 

“Oh, shit.” Buck muttered as he searched the soldier Virginia had killed. He found water and trail

rations for two days, along with three spare magazines for his MP28. Buck grinned with glee as he

put the magazines into his satchel and slung the MP28 over his shoulder.

“Come on!” Danny called to him, “We’re not far now.” 

The group continued to follow the tributary. Eventually, they came to what could have been a dead

end; a steep, overgrown hill. “We’ll never cut through this.” Buck thought to himself. He turned to

see a wide clearing. A stone archway was rising from the left bank across the river and leading

into a cave on the mountainside. Virginia looked at the arch through her binoculars. A large altar in

the shape of a crocodile’s head was in the centre of the arch. Something was glowing in one of the

statue’s eyes. Buck noticed it immediately. 

“It’s the Eye of Kilquato!” Virginia exclaimed. Buck quickly hushed her. He noticed half a dozen

crocodiles circling around beneath the centre of the arch. A bound and gagged Tupi scout wassuspended through a hole in the walkway. Standing beside the hole was what appeared to be an

anthropomorphic crocodile. Buck and his crew looked surprised.

“How is that possible?” Doc asked. Virginia focused in on the hideous being again. It was actually

a man dressed in crocodile hide and a headdress.

“So, that’s the feared crocodile shaman Tanango.” A voice said behind them. Buck turned around

to see Schroeder and his men holding them at gunpoint. “Drop your weapons, and no tricks!” he


Buck tossed his stolen submachine gun and raised his hands.

“Hans get his machete.” Schroeder ordered. One of the soldiers approached him, taking away his

machete and dropping it to the ground, “I see that our guide has met the welcoming committee

after he deserted us at the pool where we met that crocodile. Otto, keep these people covered.

Hans, Klaus, you come with me.” 

As Schroeder and his companions approached the arch, Tanango noticed them, pushing his

captive through the hole and watching the crocodiles render him limb from limb. He quickly

shouted out a command in Tupi. Buck noticed five warriors clad in loincloths and jewellery made

from crocodile teeth emerge from behind a set of stone viewing benches near the arch. As the

soldier watching them turned to see the commotion, Buck used the moment to his advantage,

tackling him to the ground and subduing him with a well-placed punch. His friends grabbed their

gear from the ground as Buck opened fire on the Nazis; killing Schroeder’s other two men and one

of the crocodile warriors before running out of ammunition. The other four warriors charged

towards them. Doc quickly fired off a bolt of lightning with his gadget, but the warrior quickly

recovered. As Buck and Virginia engaged them, they discovered that the warriors had leathery

skin riddled with bumps, similar to crocodile’s hide. The warriors lunged at them with spears lined

with crocodile teeth as the group ran towards the arch. Buck killed one of the warriors with his

machete and ran over to Schroeder, who was attempting to remove the Eye from the statue.

Doc managed to charge up another bolt with his lightning gun, firing at another warrior attacking

Danny, who was trying to keep his distance and aim at one of the warrior attacking Virginia.

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Virginia quickly dispatched the warrior with her machete before turning to engage the other,

hacking through his scaly skin.

Meanwhile, Schroeder had managed to remove the Eye, but was caught in a scuffle over it with

Buck as Tanango kept his distance and mentally commanded his crocodiles to prepare. During the

scuffle, Schroeder deliver several punches to Buck, successfully removing his grip on the Eye.

Thinking quickly, Buck tackled him, knocking them both into the river.

“Buck!” Virginia cried as the crocodiles dived to where the two had fallen. Tanango chanted an

incantation, metamorphosing into a crocodile and jumping into the river after them. Virginia aimed

her Colt at the river where the crocodiles splashed about. Only Buck’s fedora floated to the stairs

that led into the water, while the water ran red. She picked it up, tears welling in her eyes as she

clutched it. Danny strolled up and comforted her. A few minutes later, Buck emerged from the

water, his clothes torn, his leg bleeding heavily, and the Eye of Kilquato grasped firmly in his hand.

“See you later alligator.” He said as he scrambled back to the arch. Virginia threw her arms over 


“I thought we’d lost you.” She cried, as Doc handed Buck a bottle of his Amazing Wonder Tonic.

He winced as he poured the contents on the large wound in his leg where Tanango had bitten out

a large chunk of his flesh. As the liquid came into contact with it, the wound began to quickly heal

over. He drank the rest of the bottle. The various scratches on his body began to heal.

“What kind of stuff is that?” Danny asked, “I thought Doc didn’t believe in magic.” 

“This is science, boy. It’s not magic.” Doc replied indignantly. 

“It’s Doc Gold’s Amazing Wonder Tonic. This stuff has saved my skin more times that I care to

mention.” Buck explained. 

“I don’t want to see you trying to make it yourself.” Doc told them, “The formula is quite volatile

during the brewing phase, but it’s safe once it’s completed.” 

“What happened exactly?” Virginia asked, handing Buck his fedora.

“The crocodiles were still feasting on that sacrifice when we fell in.” Buck explained, putting on his

fedora, “I managed to coax them into eating Schroeder, while I stole his knife and used it to take

care of a seventh crocodile that jumped in. When I killed it, it turned into that shaman. And best of

all, I have the eye.” 

“What’s in the caves?” Danny asked. Buck, now back on his feet, entered the cave nervously. As

the others followed him in, he quickly halted them. The cavern was lined with hundreds of tiles,

inset with the teeth of various animals. Buck went back outside and dislodged a loose stone from

the arch. He picked it up and gently laid it on a tile marked with a jaguar tooth close to the

entrance. The tile sunk into the ground. Several tooth-lined spears shot out from the walls. Buck

removed the stone and watched the spears retract. He placed it on another tile, this time marked

with a crocodile tooth. Nothing happened. He stood up and turned to the others.

“Okay,” he said, “It looks like we can only step on the tiles with the crocodile teeth. We’ll go one at

a time.” He pulled a torch from his satchel and lit it, carefully tip -toeing across the tiles. After a

tension-filled hour, all of Buck’s companions had made it across the tiles. 

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The cavern split into two. Virginia and Danny made their way down into one of the tunnels and

found themselves in a large chamber. As Virginia scanned the chamber with her torch, she noticed

a fire-pit and several scattered beds.

“This must be the living area for those warriors.” Danny suggested as he searched the chamber.

The search unearthed several trinkets made from bones and teeth, along with some empty tin

cans, a whistle, and a handful of Brazilian pesos. They exited the chamber.

Meanwhile, Buck and Doc had followed a longer tunnel into a dank chamber. From the torchlight,

Buck could see numerous bones, crocodile hides and trinkets lying around.

“What does this guy have with crocodiles?” Buck asked, as they were joined by the Dares.

“What have you found?” Virginia asked.

“It looks like we found the cult leader’s quarters.” Buck replied, as he discovered a shallow pool of 

water in the corner. “That must be where he sleeps.” 

As they searched, Danny noticed three Spanish doubloons and a golden cross lying among thetrinkets. “These look like 15th century conquistador  artefacts.” He said as he examined them. 

 At the same time, Buck noticed the pool rippling. “This is too small to house a crocodile. How’s

that happening?” he wondered as the others noticed the ripples. As they viewed it, Buck noticed

something glistening in a particularly dark spot in the rear of the pool. Buck and Virginia waded

into the pool to examine it. The dark spot appeared to be a submerged hole. Buck swam through

it, followed by Virginia.

A few seconds later, the pair found themselves in large, waist-deep pool. Light flickered from two

torches mounted on the walls. As Buck and Virginia adjusted to the darkness, they immediatelyset the eyes upon a large amount of gold piled up on a niche at the end of the chamber. Danny

and Doc entered the chamber, and were overcome by the sight of the gold.

“This must be a Spanish treasure hoard!” Buck said in awe, “This must be worth at least

$100,000.” He waded towards it, not taking any notice of the crunching beneath his feet. As he

approached, a sudden movement knocked him off his feet and under the water. As he scrambled

back up, he took notice of a layer of human bones at the bottom of the pool. He was quickly pulled

up by the others, when he saw the pool’s other occupant; a giant crocodile, 30’ long with jet black

skin and a single yellow eye. He felt a feeling of terror. So did his companions.

“What is this beast?” Doc choked, being almost unable to speak. 

Buck had a moment of sudden realisation. “This…” he said in a combination of fear and awe, “This

is Kilquato, the crocodile god. This is his avatar.” 

Kilquato roared as it stuck out at the party. It grabbed Danny, rolling over and hitting him against

the jagged bones underneath the pool. Buck quickly slashed it with his machete, bringing it down

on its head. The beast released Danny, who was dragged out by Virginia. Doc readied his

lightning gun.

“No!” Buck yelled as he struggled with Kilquato, “Don’t use it yet. We’ll both be killed. See toDanny.” He hacked at the beast again, but failed to cut through its thick hide. Virginia swam back

into the chamber and grabbed Buck, pulling him through the passageway back into the cave. Buck

noticed Danny sitting in the chamber, treating his injuries with Doc Gold’s Wonder Tonic. 

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“What’s going on?” Buck asked, as Kilquato emerged from the passage . Virginia quickly pulled

Buck out of the water. Doc had prepared his lightning gun. He fired a bolt, electrifying the pool. As

the beast convulsed, Buck, Virginia and Danny opened fire with their weapons. As the pool calmed

down, Kilquato went limp. Its flesh rotted away, leaving only its yellow eye; an eye the size of a

basketball which had hardened into a gem.

Two weeks later, Buck and Virginia were meeting with Dr Wetmore back at the Metropolitan

Museum of Arts.

“So, the Eye grants power over all reptiles.” Dr Wetmore said to the pair, comprehending their


“No.” Buck replied, “By eliminating Kilquato’s physical presence on Earth, the Eye no longer 

possesses its reputed magical properties.” 

“Nonetheless,” Dr Wetmore reassured, “You and your friend still managed to achieve an

impressive haul. The museum is willing to pay $20,000 for the Eye, and $100,000 for the Spanishhoard. It’s a shame your other two friends couldn’t be here.” 

“Well, Doc had to return to England and continue with his work.” Buck explained. 

“And Danny’s recording his experiences for a pulp magazine.” Virginia added. 

Later, Buck and Virginia were leaving. Buck was once again in a state of contemplation.

“What’s wrong?” Virginia asked. 

“I’m just wondering if the museum can support the payments.” Buck replied.

“I’m sure their benefactors and donators are able to support us. I’m sure Doc will get his share in


“I hope so.” 

Virginia smiled. “How about a drink?” she asked. 

Buck perked up. “Sure,”  he said, accompanying her as she left, “Virginia , this looks like thebeginning of a beautiful friendship.” 

iSavage Worlds, Smilin’ Jack, Deadlands, and all of our other Savage Settings, and the Pinnacle logo are Copyr ight

Great White Games, LLC; DBA Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved.

i Written by Shane Lacy Hensley. Edited and proofed by Jordan Peacock, Piotr Korys, and Clint Black.

Novelisation by Andrew Roberts.