the drive and draw no - jeffreys bay bowling...

23 March 2019 The Drive and Draw no.47 The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Exco of the Jeffreys Bay Bowling Club, and is totally independent thereof. It is however approved before circulation. All contributions from members will be appreciated. All contributions and suggestions can be sent to me (Keith Wakelin) at [email protected] or phoned to me at 082 4605425. You may also chat to me or give me a written contribution. This newsletter is prepared in MSWord, but published in PDF, as not all members have MSWord. Some photos are much sharper and clearer in MSWord, so if you have MSWord and would prefer your copy in MSWord then let me know. Comments from the Editor: The All Cape starts on 31 st March for the men and a week later for the ladies. JBay have been allocated sections for both events, so come down and support our visitors, and our JBay teams, as some of our teams have some home games. News from our President: We are very fortunate that JBBC has become a club of choice amongst the bowling fraternity. A lady novice approached me recently from one of our neighbouring towns and asked if she could join JBBC. She stated JBBC has beautiful greens, facilities and friendly members and that she would rather travel to play bowls. We also increasingly get compliments from other clubs re the transformation at JBBC. Willing and accommodating members are the heartbeat of the club.

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  • 23 March 2019

    The Drive and Draw no.47

    The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the official views of the

    Exco of the Jeffreys Bay Bowling Club, and is totally independent thereof. It is however

    approved before circulation.

    All contributions from members will be appreciated. All contributions and suggestions can be

    sent to me (Keith Wakelin) at [email protected] or phoned to me at 082 4605425. You may

    also chat to me or give me a written contribution.

    This newsletter is prepared in MSWord, but published in PDF, as not all members have MSWord.

    Some photos are much sharper and clearer in MSWord, so if you have MSWord and would

    prefer your copy in MSWord then let me know.

    Comments from the Editor:

    The All Cape starts on 31st March for the men and a week later for the ladies. JBay have been

    allocated sections for both events, so come down and support our visitors, and our JBay teams,

    as some of our teams have some home games.

    News from our President:

    We are very fortunate that JBBC has become a club of choice amongst the bowling fraternity.

    A lady novice approached me recently from one of our neighbouring towns and asked if she could

    join JBBC. She stated JBBC has beautiful greens, facilities and friendly members and that she

    would rather travel to play bowls. We also increasingly get compliments from other clubs re the

    transformation at JBBC. Willing and accommodating members are the heartbeat of the club.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Our numbers are constantly growing and our membership getting younger. This in itself creates

    some challenges which I believe is good for the club as we need to guard against becoming


    Baie dankie aan al die lede wat hard werk om ons klub se naam hoog te hou. Tans is ons besig met

    die Besigheids Liga en baie van ons lede doen diens by die geleentheid. Met die krag

    onderbreekings wat ons tans ondervind gaan dit goeie beplanning kort om die liga klaar te maak.

    Einde volgende week begin die mans All Cape toernooi en ons bane gaan van Sondag 31 Maart tot

    Donderdag 4 April vol spelers wees. Kom kyk gerus na die wedstryde - dit beloof om goeie rolbal

    te wees. Bied ook asseblief hulp aan die verskillinde komitees wat reelings tref vir etes , kroeg


    Baie geluk aan Barbara se span wat brons gewen het by Inter Distrikte. Ons ander spelers

    Barry, Retha , Petro en Jackie was nie in die medaljes nie maar het baie goed gevaar.

    Onthou van die vergadering Vrydag 29 Maart om 17h00 na die rolbal. Daar is belangrike punte

    waarop ons lede se mening wil he . Wees daar en neem deel asseblief


    The minutes of the last Exco meeting are on the notice board.

    Meet Your Club Members;

    This month’s contributors are Priscilla and Tony Going.

    Priscilla and I are both born and bred Natalians. That of course makes us both avid Shark


    We first met in Amanzimtoti, Priscilla was eleven and I was thirteen. She was visiting her four

    cousins who lived next door to us. I stayed with my Aunt and Uncle and their five daughters, my

    cousins. Living with five girls was not easy. Needless to say this did lead to the normal conflict

    between neighbouring children, insults and teasing was the rule. I remember one time the

    conflict escalated to such a degree that I actually took a shot at Priscilla with my Daisy BB gun.

    I missed.

    Time passed and we never saw much of each other, both going our separate ways. I moved to

    Alberton and Priscilla stayed on in Toti.

    I moved back to Natal and starting surfing, on an old woody that I had purchased for R5.00.

    Luckily my Grandfather took pity on me and presented me with my first foam board.

  • I then met up with, you guessed it Priscilla again, we started going out and were really happy

    together until I decided that I no longer needed a girlfriend as this restricted my surfing and

    we parted ways. Priscilla went to boarding school in Pietermaritzburg where she matriculated in


    The good old Defence Force sent me to Bloemfontein in 1966 to join the ranks of 1SSB the

    armoured corps. I had the privilege of taking a troop of Eland armoured cars into the Caprivi

    Strip, the first in history apparently. This was no mean feat as we were flown up by Hercules,

    two armoured cars per plane and a section of paratroopers. This was the first time that 1SSB

    and 1 Parachute Battalion had operated together.

    Time passed quickly and I found myself back at base and was going home on a seven day pass. I

    was in the pub at the Goodwill hotel in Toti and my friend informed me that there were two

    young ladies at the back of the local movie hall and yep guess who, Priscilla. She was on a

    weekend pass from school. We have been together since.

    I first surfed Jeffries Bay in 1967 and also had the privilege of surfing Bruce’s Beauties at its

    best the same year. Jeffries Bay has certainly grown since then.

    Priscilla and I married in January in 1973 and have three children, a daughter in Australia and a

    daughter and son in Durban. We have four grandchildren - three girls and a boy. I was very

    thankful to be a stay at home Mom to our three children. When they had flown the nest I owned

    a swimming school teaching little ones to be drown proof.

    We moved to St Francis in 2012 after selling our house in Amanzimtoti which we had lived in for

    34 years with the idea of spending two years in the Eastern Cape. We joined the ST Francis

    Bird Club the same year and followed up by joining St Francis Bowling Club a couple of months


    We left St Francis Bowling Club to join Jeffries Bay Bowling Club after getting to know

    members of JBBC through Nomads.

    So here we are seven years later in the Eastern Cape.

    News update:

    I asked Elsa Grobler to give me an update on what has happened to her since leaving JBay. Here

    is a short summary from her.

    Waar begin ‘n mens?

    My lewe het soos ‘n hand omkeer verander in die laaste paar maande sedert ek Chris ontmoet

    het. Ons twee het oor en weer gekuier, van Jeffreys na Ballito en andersom. Aanvanklik het ons

    albei net reisgenote gesoek, maar baie gou besef dat ons dol verlief is en het die idee van

    reisgenote vinnig verdwyn en plek gemaak vir ‘n meer romantiese en permanente verhouding.

  • Ons is nie een meer jonk nie en weet nie hoeveel tyd ons saam gespaar sal bly nie, ‘n bietjie

    swart gallig miskien, maar tog ook waar, vandaar die besluit om die bul by die horings te pak en

    ons verhouding ‘n permanente verbintenis te maak.

    Ek en Chris trou dus more 15 Maart, by die Johannesburg Country Club in Woodmead, met slegs

    ons kinders teenwoordig. Vir ons wittebrood, vlieg ons Maandag Bazarutu toe, as die sikloon Idai

    ons toelaat. Op hierdie stadium lyk dit egter of Idai ver Noord van Bazarutu verby gaan.

    Ek bly reeds sedert 9 Januarie 2019 saam met Chris in Zimbali, wat nou my permanente tuiste is.

    Chris het die trekkery so maklik moontlik vir my probeer maak en ek voel al heeltemal tuis in ons

    nuwe woning. Ek moet egter nog aan die klimaat gewoond raak. Dit is verskriklik warm, maar die

    ergste is die humiditeit, omtrent altyd bo 80%, gelukkig het ons lugreeling in die huis, maar

    nogtans onuithoubaar warm. Ek het al meer geswem in Zimbali as wat ek die hele 6 jaar in

    Jeffreysbaai geswem het.

    My huis in die Marina dien nou as ‘n vakansie huis, ek gaan dit nie op die stadium verkoop nie. My

    motors het ook agtergebly, sodat ons vervoer kan he wanneer ons in Jeffreys kuier.

    Chris se ander liefde, ek is natuurlik eerste, is motors. Hy het vier pragtige rygoed hier in

    Zimbali en het sy Bentley Continetal sport vir my gegee as ryding. Dit is ‘n prag voertuig en ek is

    baie bevoorreg om so motor my eie te kan noem. Ek moet net noem, dat alhoewel Chris heilig is

    op sy motors hy my darem toelaat om sy Ferrari 488 spider so dan en wan te bestuur. Dit is ‘n

    ongelooflike vinnige motor en ‘n belewenis om agter die stuur in te skuif.

    Nadat ek vir 6 jaar, rolbal geeet drink en slaap het, is my lewe nou baie ver verwyderd van die

    rolbal baan af. Ek en Chris het wel by die Umhlali rolbal klub aangesluit maar ek het nog slegs

    een keer daar ‘n tabs in gespeel. Umhlali het my gevra om vir hulle liga te speel en aan van die

    kompetisies deel te neem, maar ek is nie een van die datums beskikbaar nie! Ons rits te veel


    Ek het egter ook begin golf “speel” let wel speel in aanhalings tekens. Ek het van die beste golf

    stokke en golf outfit, maar speel soos ‘n beginner. Ek probeer darem, maar op hierdie stadium is

    golf nog my handi-cap. Moet se Chris is ‘n baie geduldige leermeester.

    Verder net ter inligting, ek en Chris het albei ons vlieg medies geslaag, nie sleg vir ons ouderdom

    nie, en begin April 2019 by Virginia lughawe met opleiding vir ons ligte vliegtuig lisensies. Chris

    het ‘n 6 sitplek Beechcraft Bonanza vliegtuig, wat afstand sommer kort kan maak. Dink net hoe

    vining ons van Ballito na Jeffreys sal vlieg!

    Ons reisplanne is om die volgende 5 jaar om die wereld te reis en ook om SA, Namibie en

    Botswana te verken. Ek sien geweldig uit daarna. Dit is wat ek my voor geneem het om te doen as

    ek aftree, maar sonder ‘n maat is dit ook nie lekker nie. Nou ja met Chris aan my sy kan dit net ‘n

    fees wees.

    Aan al my mede rolbal spelers, natuurlik mis ek julle almal, ek mis ook rolbal, maar wat ek en

    Chris nou ervaar, kom net eenkeer in ‘n mens se lewe en as jy dit nie met albei hande gryp nie, is

    jy dom. Dit is ongelooflik dat ons op hierdie ouderdom weer soveel geluk kon vind.

    Wens julle almal en Jeffreysbaai rolbal klub net die beste toe. Hou styf duimvas vir julle met

    die liga en ander kompetisies. Jeffreysbaai sal altyd baie naby aan my hart wees.

  • Liefde groete

    Elsa Grobler (amper Botha)

    Elsa has since got married and here are a few photos of the wedding;

    Joker Jackpot;

    The jackpot is currently R21620.00 and the law of averages says it should go soon. Remember it

    is only R5.00 to enter and remember “you can’t win it if you are not in it”.

    EP Bowls:

    Inter Districts;

    Ons het vyf lede gehad by die inter distikte. Petro, Retha en Jackie by die veteran dames, Barry

    by die veteran mans en Barbara by die vrouens ope. Net Barbara het terug gekom met ‘n medale.

    Hulle het brons gekry. Wel gedaan Barbara en baie geluk aan die ander wat geelgeneem het.

  • EP Ladies League;

    Our ladies second team has won their league. Well done to all the ladies who represented the

    second team this season. Very well done.


    No reports received.

  • Umpires & Coaches;

    On Saturday morning 11th May, 2019 we will be having a Markers Course. We specifically chose a

    Saturday morning in order that all the working members would be able to attend. Knowing how

    to measure properly is a very important aspect of bowls. Another reason for choosing that date

    is the Saturday before the Ladies and Men’s Novice Singles will be played on Tuesday 21st and

    Thursday 23rd of May. In singles games the norm is that if you lose your game, you are

    expected to be a marker in next games. This applies to EP Competitions as well.

    Besides doing the markers course we will also include head reading, shot selection.

    This course is not only for our new players, also for all members interested in learning new skills.

    There is a list on the Notice Board, please put your name down if you will be attending.

    Hope to see you all there.



    And members please remember that our sponsors can only support us if we support them.

    Have You Heard?

    When this publication hears of certain acts by club members, it does not publish their names

    for fear of embarrassment to that member.

    A story has come to my ears and naturally the member will remain anonymous. All I know about

    the member is that he is an Honorary Life Member, is of German extraction, has a grey beard,;AAAAAAAAAAABAM;,AAAAAAAAAAABAM,_&usg=__ghB493xv_YuANSYexRu22M4A1a4%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjc14vYwrnQAhXH8CYKHUR5ASIQuqIBCGkwDQ#imgrc=KTV96hlAfCMwvM

  • smokes a pipe and skips our second league team. He is also known to shout

    “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES” when occasionally playing a good shot. Other than that it

    has been very difficult to identify who the member is.

    The story, which reliable sources tell me is 100% true, is that his dog was ill and needed to get

    to the vet. “That dog is not going in the Mercedes” he was heard to say. So the dog was

    placed on the back of the small white bakkie that he also drives. However, there was a concern

    that the dog could fall or jump off the back of the bakkie. Not a problem for this member, as

    he is married. Therefore his “mature” wife was placed on the back of this small white bakkie,

    with instructions to look after the dog. I believe they arrived safely at the vet, but we have not

    heard any reports of the patient’s condition, nor that of his wife.

    It is safe to say that the member in question must have been in the dogbox after this event. If

    you are able to establish the member’s name please let me know.

  • March;

    23rd & 24th - Men & Ladies League

    25th – 29th – Bowls SA U20 tournament

    26th – Business League

    27th – EP Midweek

    28th – Business League

    30th – EP U30 squad practice

    31st – Men’s All Cape


    1st to 6th – Men’s All Cape

    7th – 13th – Ladies All Cape

    14th – Nomads

    16th – Business League

    17th – Men’s midweek

    23rd – Business league

    24th – Men’s midweek

    25th, 30th & 2nd May – Club Nominated Mixed Pairs Men & Ladies

    27th & 28th – League Men & Ladies


    4th & 5th – EP Mixed Pairs

    7th, 9th 7 14th – Club Veteran Singles Men & Ladies

    11th to 19th – SA Nationals Men & Ladies

    11th & 12th – Pro 10

    Letters to the editor:

    Contribution to Drive & Draw – by anonymous Establishment of a Union at the club. Die Stigting van ‘n Vakbond by die klub The minority of club members, who do all the work enjoyed by the rest of the club members, have felt the need for better recognition of their efforts and have formed a trade union. They have called it Federated Union of Club Elected Members – FUCEM. The Afrikaans acronym is VAKHULLE and they are currently working on finding suitable wording for that. Their objective is to have club member officials treated with due respect. It will be no use shouting “UMPIRE!!” anymore – they will not respond. In accordance with union rules if you need an umpire, gently shake him awake and then, using the correct form of address, tell him/her “Mr/Mrs/Ms Umpire, we have need for your services. Please assist.” That can be in any one of the 11 official languages but ensure you use one that the then presiding umpire is conversant in. That may elicit a response – it all depends on the sincerity of the request. Furthermore, a R10 note left under a bowl is an insult. At least R100 notes shows the level of respect they deserve.

  • The barmen, no matter how familiar you are with them (your husband, maybe) will be addressed as Sir or Mr Bartender. In the case of Christel it will be Ms Bartender. Note that FUCEM insists on gender equality. The Bar Manager, a founder member of FUCEM, has cleverly engineered the bar prices to ensure that every change given will include a R1 coin. Bartenders have been advised by FUCEM that where these R1 coins are not left behind as a tip, they have every right to refuse to serve them another drink. The tips all go towards the SPCA, by the way. This has led to a reduction in bar turnover but the treasurer has assured the union that these funds will be retrieved by increasing club fees by R376,27 (rounded off to R376) per year. Furthermore, on the subject of the bartenders, they have to walk a lot to serve you all, so FUCEM makes an appeal to club members to not waste this effort and to order doubles every time. It saves on shoe leather and effort and makes life easier for the bartenders. Our club President was away when the union was formed – they took the opportunity to get in while they could. FUCEM therefore has no requirements for his position so can you continue to treat him with the normal disdain and disrespect, without fear of the union members going on strike. The kitchen duty members feel very hard done by, having to slave in a hot environment and yet keep smiling and be friendly when faced with people allergic to nuts and why-is-there-a-nut-in-my-salad, etc. All complaints are to be in writing in future, in duplicate and give the name of the complainant in capitals and the car registration. A suitable complaints book will be provided at the counter. The Union will keep track of these complaints and deal with the complainants in due course and in their own way – tyre puncturing has been proposed but is felt to be too mild by some kitchen staff. Other ways to bring home the message is being worked on. The Club Captain and the tabs teams have an equally difficult time trying to retain their composure in the face of members who simply fling their tabs on the counter without any greeting or anything. They have acquired a tab crusher and will use it on all tabs which are thus delivered to them. Good luck trying to get a game! Complaints about Friday-trips-second-game-same-opposition will also require a written notification as above. These will be dealt with in similar fashion as the why-are-there-nuts-in-my-salad complaints. They are also fed up with complaints for being placed in a broken rink game. These complaints will receive similar treatment as before but the complainants will be forced to do tabs duty for 2 weeks and see how they cope with that. Our Treasurer, another founder member of FUCEM, will no longer tolerate late payments of fees and will hack into your bank account (he has the details and means to do so) and take the monies owing, plus a hefty handling fee. Our auditors will ensure that all is done correctly and that not too much is shaved off into another account. The Secretary was not all at keen to part with the R75pm union fees (he is Dutch after all) but was eventually convinced to join when the union agreed to his terms – incomplete EP, etc competition entry forms will not be tolerated anymore. Simply putting the name Piet on the form without surname or BSA number is a No No. How many Piet’s and derivatives thereof are there in the club anyway, and Pierre’s, Elsa’s, Rob’s, Louis, Daan, Frik etc? Even attempts to clearly identify the member by giving the first letter of the surname has not been successful in the past – Colin S??? Those entries will be ignored as per union rules. So be warned – if you want to play in EP competitions, All Cape, etc the entry must give full names and BSA numbers. Similarly, new membership application forms are almost always incomplete and requires the secretary to find the missing information. If you are sponsoring

  • a new member ensure he/she completes it properly or else they may find that they joined Humansdorp BC instead of JBBC, as incomplete forms will be sent there to see if they want this person. The selectors were ever so keen to join the union as it gave them an opportunity to change their job title into something more pretentious. In future they will be known as Grading Adjusters & League Team Compilers. The fact that the acronym is a mouthful is neither here nor there. Our Asset Maintenance Manager, who is also the greenkeeper, also joined when the union agreed to his terms – a change of job title to something closer to what he does. He will be known as the Asset Refurbishment Servicer, Hydrology Overseer & Landscaping Engineer. No-one has yet had the courage to point out to him the unfortunate acronym this entails. The union’s president, being the main man behind the establishment of this union, wishes to remain anonymous. He has big plans for the future including going on a fact finding mission to Mauritius, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong, Hawaii, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and Springfontein in the OFS. He intends to spend 3 days in each venue talking to union bosses to find out how they managed to acquire, and hold onto, their luxury homes, Ferraris and private jets. It was suggested that he phoned them or used e-mail but he is adamant that he will get better information in face-to-face conversations. No self-respecting fact-finding commissioner will travel without an entourage of minions to support his cause. Therefore he will be taking along people to help him. So far he has identified his wife, his daughter, her husband and their 2 teenage kids (they cannot be left alone) as the resources he needs to fulfil this mission. Two recently graduated nephews, who are keen to see something of the world, are on the waiting list and will be added if there are sufficient funds at that time. On learning that union members were somewhat unhappy about this his response was “FUCEM – this union cannot stagnate. We must learn from those who went before and were successful. We will return full of ideas and plans which will be of immense benefit to the union (and me).” Amandla!!

    Kouga Nomads; (Received from Albie)

    No report received


    Westview ladies Classic;

    Well done to Petro, Dalena, Sylvie and Thea on winning the Westview ladies Classic. I believe

    some of the other JBay ladies teams also did well, but I have not been given the details.

  • EP Open Ladies Fundraiser;

    Congratulations to Keith and his team of Petro, Peter and Piet on coming third in this

    competition. There were some strong teams and Keith’s team missed first place by only a half

    point. Well done guys.

    Western Suburbs Ladies Classic;

    Well done to Barbara, Anne, Hesbie and Jackie on winning the Western Suburbs Ladies Classic.

    Well done ladies.

  • Dirk Ellis Mixed Trips;

    The second Dirk Ellis tournament was held on 15 March and was again a great success. This

    tournament is reserved for teams from JBay, St Francis and Humansdorp.

    The winners of the first event Keith Wakelin, Johann Neethling and Petro Toerien successfully

    defended their title won last year. With Petro away for the inter districts, Thea Neethling

    smoothly fitted in to the team to replace Petro for this year. Colin Simpson, Danny Betsy and

    Mona Kritzinger came second, while the team of Prop du Plessis, Robbie Lazare and Sylvia Mauer

    claimed third spot.

    Great sponsorship, great food and great company made for an excellent competition.

    Many thanks to Dirkie and Werner from Dirk Ellis for their kind sponsorship, and Werner

    announced that they will be supporting this event again next year.

  • Bar Duties Coming Up;

    25-31 MAR Christo Coetzer Eddie Rudman Barry Boucher

    1-7 APR Peter Wolff Pierre Marais (Dbn) Frik van Kradenburg

    8-14 APR Robbie Lazare Wynand v Heerden Keith Machui

    15-21 APR Coenie Albertyn Barry Fourie Coenie Venter

    22-28 APR Rob van Hemert Simon Mattheus Christell Scheepers

    29-5 MAY Wynand van Antwerpen Johann Neethling Athol Bruyns

    6-12 MAY Piet van den Berg Gys van Staden Jaques Labuschagne

    13-19 MAY Elles Staas Winnie Staas Braam Jubber

    20-26 MAY Prop du Plessis Pierre Marais (Hof) Tos Deysel

  • Public Relations/Development:

    No report received

    Business League;

    The business league is going strong and the teams are enjoying themselves. It is also pleasing to

    see club members coming down to watch.

    However, Eskom and their famous load shedding has caught up with us and we had to miss this

    week because of no floodlights.

    We have also had our first eight of the business league. It was achieved by Pam Golding with

    Riana and John playing and Peter keeping an eye on things. Well done but unfortunately the

    insurance don’t pay out for business leagues.

    Kouga Nomads; (Received from Albie)

    No report received

    Bowls Tips:

  • This is an extract from “To the Point”

    which is published by Bowls SA and available

    on their website.


    Good manners will open doors that the best

    education cannot. Good manners are expected

    when we interface with opponents on the bowling

    green. The problem is that good manners differ

    from one social group to the next and this is where

    etiquette comes in.

    Etiquette is a set of rules governing socially

    acceptable behaviour. As in all other sports, bowls

    has a written and a stated etiquette. These basic

    rules are essential and are used by both serious and

    recreational bowlers. These rules provide a basic

    understanding amongst all bowlers and ensure that

    everyone has fun at an afternoon of bowls. A few

    very serious bowlers use the rules of etiquette to

    restrict, discourage and exclude others. They resent

    anyone who threatens them in any way.

    The primary objective of etiquette is to ensure

    that everyone is treated courteously and with

    respect. Good bowling requires concentration.

    Have fun but keep in mind that excessive

    movement or noise could be distracting when

    others are ready to deliver their bowl. Refrain from

    using abusive language; this is not the image that

    we wish to present.

    Play the game to win but be a gracious loser.

    Good sportsmanship is always the key to a

    successful game. Be a good sport. No one wants to

    share time with a sore loser or someone who is

    angry, irritable or speaks badly of others.

    The problem of poor etiquette and bad

    manners on a bowling green should be sorted

    out at club level and clubs should also see to the

    adherence of the laws when social bowls is



    Being Vice President of the club is difficult (especially when the President goes on one of his

    many holidays). It sometimes gets so bad that you just need someone who is prepared to listen

    to you.

  • With all three greens being closed on a Monday, some club members are getting withdrawal

    symptoms and have decided to play “tabs in” at the Grand Prix in Da Gama Road. Counting them

    it appears they are going to have a trips game.

    This one below is especially for Johann “teen alle verwagtinge” Neethling;

  • If Flippie was doing puzzles, there can be no doubt that the greens were wet

  • Club Competitions:

    There have been no club competitions since the last newsletter.

    Did You Know?

    I have been assured by many members including the linguists Johann Neethling and Elles Staas

    that the word Fok in Afrikaans in a well-used word and is in no way derogatory nor is it a swear


    With the current craze of “My Fok Marelize” travelling around the world, I thought I would

    bring to your attention some of the actions of some of Marelize’s distant family who are

    members of this club.

    My fok Robbie!!! My fok Johann!!!

    My fok Flippie!!!! My fok manne!!!!

  • Humour:

    The following two jokes were sent in by Jima & Sheila Appleton.

  • .