the cross & the sword - · 2021. 3. 3. · the sword . the monthly newsletter of...

The Cross & the Sword The monthly newsletter of Saint Alban’s Parish Family Vol. XXXVI No. 3 March 2021

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The Cross & the Sword

The monthly newsletter of Saint Alban’s Parish Family Vol. XXXVI No. 3 March 2021

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Vol. XXXIV No. 3 March 2021

This may seem slightly counter-intuitive for this season of penitence and self-reflection, but I just want to put in a word for healthy self-care in the midst of all the hard spiritual work that is so often (and not inappropriately) associated with the Lenten period in our liturgical year. Let’s remember: this has been one heck of a year in general and not the easiest of winters here in northern Indiana so far! In fact, taking good care of ourselves physically, mentally, spiritually and in

every other way can actually be a significant facet of our various Lenten activities and disciplines. Lent can often feel so loaded down with “heavy”-seeming concepts like repentance and discipline that it can sometimes be a little overwhelming. When that happens for me, I try to remember the root meanings of those words which can usually end up feeling a little less daunting and a whole lot less “churchy.” For example, repentance is just the act of turning around and trying something new—especially when what we’ve been doing hasn’t worked so well; and disciplines are just attempts to do those things that disciples (followers or students) do when they are trying to emulate someone or something they admire. Put another way: being “holy” need not always hurt. Discomfort and a sense of true exertion certainly have their place in following Jesus Christ more faithfully but it need not be the constant or even defining center of the endeavor. After all, even in the fast-paced world of St. Mark’s Gospel Jesus and his friends occasionally take a break. One of my favorites Jesus Sayings is: “the Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27). I seem to use this analogy a lot lately, so if you’re already over my saying this I get it, but the whole notion of Lent is not dissimilar to the pandemic, church growth or just life in general: we’re engaged in a marathon not a sprint. Hopefully. Under the best of circumstances. As has been said, too, hopefully it may happen that some of the “holy habits” we pick up during Lent become things that stick throughout the year and even over the course of our lives. As one of my favorite spiritual writers, Emmet Fox, has said: “The principal revelation of the Jesus Christ teaching is the omnipresence and availability of

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God, and the belief that God not only transcends His universe but is everywhere immanent in it—that he indwells in it.” That means that He is in the working, striving and moving forward parts of existence as well as in the resting, contemplative and still parts as well. Or, as the late Alan Watts (former Episcopal Priest and later Zen Master) once pointed out: “applause is defined as much by the silence as it is by multiple hands coming together repeatedly.” in fact, the two seemingly contradictory poles are not that at all; they are just two dimensions of a unified experience. May we remember in this season of Lent to both practice and honor both sides of the proverbial spiritual coin, always recalling that God is present at both ends of the spectrum. “O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (Book of Common Prayer, 1979, p. 832). Fr. Michael+

STEWARDSHIP Donations were almost $11,662 for January which is $3,102 above the budget. This is fantastic, however this momentum may be difficult to maintain without the cooperation of everyone keeping up with their donations. We have also received some anonymous donations for furnace maintenance and we are very grateful for this generosity. Our expenses are being well managed but we still need to keep up our donations to keep our St. Alban's community going. We are very grateful for the time donated by the outgoing vestry: Megan Spice-Frede, Jordan Trendelman and Judy Wall. We are thankful for Megan continuing to serve the church as the clerk during the Vestry meetings. We are also grateful for the

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commitment of the incoming vestry: Amanda Fazzaro, George Shamp and Jane Spice. Please thank all of them when you next see them. David Birchfield

Worship Commission There is some good news to report. After consulting with former members of the Altar Guild it has been determined that we are not missing several frontals – said frontals never existed. Turnover in the Altar Guild resulted in the loss of those long time members who carried our institutional memory and some confusion ensued. However, the project of creating a photo inventory of all the pieces which we do have, and a log to track them if and when they are sent for cleaning etc. still seems to be a useful tool and will be completed in the near future. March continues our Lenten observance with Stations of the Cross each Friday at 6:00 p.m. The first week was taped and will be available on YouTube for those members of St. Alban’s who are not comfortable with attending a live service. The last Sunday in March will be Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. A full schedule of our traditional Holy Week and Easter services is being planned, still subject to Covid protocols and restrictions. But following a year in which the church was closed and no Easter services were possible, this is truly an occasion for rejoicing. Contributions for Easter flowers will be welcomed at any time this month. Please make checks out to St. Alban’s and write “Easter Flowers” on the memo line. If you are able to give a little time to assist the Altar Guild as they prepare for these extra services, that would be gratefully received as well. There will be a few jobs for some strong men on the list. Please speak to Bonnie Camp if you are able to help. Elaine Fazzaro

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Finance Report It was so pleasant to look at the income report and see our January income was $11,661.98. I realize that part of this is a prepaid pledge (thank you!) but still it appears that we have a great start to the year. And, I realize that if our income could look like this every month, we would end our year with a balanced budget! Obviously with all the snow, we will not be able to save a lot (if any) on snow removal expense as we did last year, but your vestry will continue to be diligent with our budget and are looking for ways to supplement pledged income. Thank you for being so faithful about supporting St. Alban’s with your love and financial support! This will be a good year. Marilyn Rafter Finance Director

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Holy Week

Palm Sunday – March 28 – 9:30 a.m. On Palm Sunday we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, carrying palm branches

Maundy Thursday – April 1

We gather at 7:00 p.m. on Maundy Thursday to commemorate the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion by our Lord. The service will include stripping of the altar. Bread and wine consecrated at this service remains on the Altar of Repose during the night.

All Night Watch – 8:00 p.m. Thursday, April 1 to 9:00 a.m. Friday, April 2nd. We are invited to keep watch on this night even as Jesus asked His disciples to keep watch with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane as He prayed about his impending crucifixion. Please sign the poster in

the narthex. More than one person may sign for each segment.

Good Friday – April 2nd On Good Friday the 9:00 a.m. Liturgy includes communion from the Reserved Sacrament and a reading of the Passion According to St. Mark. Stations of the Cross are offered at noon and 6 p.m. As the title suggests prayers specific to Good Friday will be shared. The service should last about an hour.

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Easter Vigil Easter Services Saturday 8:00 p.m. - The Great Vigil of Easter This service is the oldest liturgy in the Christian Church. It consists of the lighting of the new fire, readings from our biblical history, the Renewal of Baptismal Vows, and the first Eucharist of Easter. Beginning in total darkness and ending with the light of Christ, it symbolizes the overcoming of sin and death by our Savior Jesus Christ.

At our 9:30 a.m. services on April 4 we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which assures the forgiveness of sins and life eternal to all who believe in Him as their Savior.


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Monthy Meetings in March

Every Wednesday morning Fr. Michael will be leading a regular Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. followed by an informal Eucharist. He will be leading with a study of the Gospel of Mark. Everyone is welcome.

Daughters of the King meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 16 via zoom. Jesus is the center and source of all Daughters of the King activities. Rooted in prayer and study, every Daughters chapter serves the parish under the direction of the rector. Following a three-month training period, members commit themselves to serve in His Name.

Youth Group will meet via zoom the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.

Easter Flowers Envelopes for Easter flowers will be in the office, for your asking on the beginning on March 2nd. . You may contribute any amount for these flowers. Please make check out to St. Alban and put Easter Flowers in the memo line. Please note whether you would like the flowers in thanksgiving for an important event in your life or in memory of a loved one. Office will need to have checks by March 14th in order for information to be listed in the bulletin.

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If you own a business or have a job that consumer’s come to directly to hire your services, perhaps you would be interested in letting St. Alban’s office know about your business. I was recently looking online to hire someone for a specific job and one of our

parishioners names popped up. While I have known this person from church for many years, I had no idea what he did for a living. In fact, I do not know what most of you do for a living and it is possible that I could have hired you a long time ago if I just knew what your profession is. I want to make it clear that I am not asking you this so that you will be asked to do anything for free, quite the opposite! I am sure that there are probably others who could also need your services. So, if you would like for us to know about your business (and perhaps get some new customers) let Debbie or me know and we will put together a list and either publish it or post it on a bulletin board for all to see. You never know who will need an insurance man, handyman, tax preparer, babysitter, painter or any one of dozens of services. Perhaps this could add to your customer base. Marilyn Rafter.

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Just a reminder, the church is still receiving checks for the shopping that is done at Kroger’s. For the year of 2020 our total of $364.89.

Kroger Community Rewards Program

We are now enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards program. Our number is 10486. To use the program you must register your Kroger Plus card online.

Register online at Click on Sign In/Register. Enter your zip code, clicking on your favorite store, entering your email address, creating a password, and agreeing to the terms and conditions. You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email. Click on My Account and use your email address and password. Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. Update or confirm your information. Enter 10486 and click on confirm. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.

The deadline for the April issue of The Cross and the Sword is Tuesday, March 22

PLEASE NOTE: If you need/want your contribution statement for 2020, please let me know and it will be sent. Thank you. Debbie

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Vestry Stewardship

Operating Fund

Operating income for Jan $11,661.98 Operating expense for Jan 12,813.12 Net loss for January ($ 1,151.14)

Operating income for 2021 $11,661.98 Operating expense for 2021 12,813.12 Net loss for 2021 ($1,151.14)


Vestry Highlights

At the meeting of the Vestry Retreat on February 8, it was noted that:

a) that Fr. Michael has taken a suicide prevention course b) Fr. Michael is working on Jordan’s Discernment Committee c) Fr. Michael is attending Eastern Deanery meetings d) Discussions with the pros/cons of having a Maundy Thursday Watch –

planning to have the night watch e) monthly worship meetings have been scheduled. Next one is March 11th

at 2:30 p.m., via zoom. f) Easter Egg Hunt discussion, going to create pre-made bags/packages

instead of hiding eggs g) Going to look into getting birthday/anniversary cards. h) Doug Snowball has plowed and salted twice i) Usher’s Training: March 7th at 11 am (after service)

it was moved:

a) Computer for Streaming: Computer + Monitor was donated by a member of the congregation. to accept the donation for $1358.88 towards the computer and monitor

b) to appoint Megan Spice-Frede as clerk for vestry. c) to appoint Julie Naunas as treasurer d) to add Marilyn Rafter and Julie Zeider to the endowment committee

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e) to appointment Jane Spice for care connections, f) Marilyn Rafter for finance,

g) Elaine Fazzaro for worship, h) Christina Connelly for communications and IWC i) Kenny White for Property j) Laura Michael for Fellowship, k) David Birchfield for Stewardship, l) Amanda Fazzaro for Christian Formation, m) George Shamp for Outreach n) to take $15,000 from Fr. Michael’s stipend towards his housing allowance o) to take Jordan off bank accounts as a signer and add Fr. Michael as a

signer p) to open a church discretionary fund account with Fr. Michael as a signer q) Starting next meeting the vestry meetings will be in a hybrid format at 7:00


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March Birthday

4 Linda Finger 12 Pat Stath 14 Alexa Foland

14 Carolyn Grate 14 Luann Kleinschmidt 29 Charlie Frede

and Anniversaries 19 Les & Pat Stath

If your birthday or anniversary has not been listed, please notify Debbie at 485-8022, so that we may add your date to our records.


Jerry Anderson, Cheryl Banks, Brittany Barker, Mindy Blech, Toby Blech, Kayla Bianchini, Neal Birchfield, Ray Brandes, Anne Butler, Rita Carney , Dick Camp, Pete Cola , Christina Connelly, Elliot Culwell, Joey Fazzaro, Deanna Flores, Ruth Ford, Chris Foreman and family, Denise Frede, Paula Hanlin, Sharon Haynes, George Imhausen, Claire Irvine, Vicki Irvine, Matt Kiel , Julie Lieb, Kris Lorenzen, John Jeffries, Suzanna Johnson, Sue Maley, Meek family, Norma Michael, Anne Muhl, Francis and Bobbie Mustapha, Lynn Principe, Canon Henry Randolph, Melissa Renner, Sue Rowland and family, Sandra, Rick Spice, The Stoica family, Jennifer Foland Strantz, Mariane Sumners, Cole Taylor , Jordan Trendelman and family, Carlen Trujillo, Betty Wiseheart, Brooke Wyse and the Zavalla family. For those unable to worship with us: Shirley Johnson, LuAnn Kleinschmidt. Military: Kaylee Collins, Sean Collins, Matthew Michael.

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ST. ALBAN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday Eucharist Service: 9:30 a.m. Live streaming Service from Saint Alban’s YouTube channel! It will also be posted on our Facebook page and it will be archived on our YouTube channel.

Vestry Cindy Spice Senior Warden John Lorenzen Junior Warden Laura Michael Fellowship Elaine Fazzaro Worship

David Birchfield Stewardship Marilyn Rafter Financial George Shamp Outreach Kenny White Property Amanda Fazzaro Christian Foundation Jane Spice Care Connection

Christina Connelly – Communications Director

Church Staff Rector The Rev. Michael Roeske Office Administrator Debbie Grosjean

Office Hours 9:00 - 1:00

Monday through Friday Office phone 485-8022