quinte st. alban’s lodge no. 620 g.r.c. 03, 2012 · quinte st. alban’s lodge no. 620 g.r.c. ......

Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. Family Vacation and Fraternal Visits To the three Holguín Lodges Holguín, Cuba, February 10 to 17, 2012 Our third fraternal visit to Masonic Lodges in the city of Holguín, Cuba began on February 10, 2012. This time the group was smaller than it had been for previous visits, consisting of our Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Vincent Lombardo and his wife Sylvia, and our Secretary, R. W. Bro. Ian Nichols and his wife Jean. All were looking forward to a week of relaxation in the warmth of the Caribbean air and sea, and to the Masonic activities that had been planned by our W. M. in consultation with Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño, Director of Ceremonies of Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge. W. Bro. Lombardo and R.W. Bro. Nichols visited Holguín Lodge on the same day they arrived in Cuba. On the Sunday everyone went into the city again and a “twinning” ceremony of Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge with Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge was performed during the celebration of its 10th anniversary, and our W. M. was made an honorary member of that Lodge. On Valentine’s Day all four Canadians visited Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge for an evening that included the “Twinning” of Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge with Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge, the presentation of honorary membership in our Lodge to Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño, the presentation of honorary membership in Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge to our W. M. and our Secretary and, to complete the evening, refreshments for a Valentine’s Day party. Our desire for fellowship in the wider Masonic fraternity, aided by the mutual Honorary Memberships, will encourage us to maintain contact with the Lodges in Holguín and to enjoy the obvious pleasure that this brings both to them and to us. Friday, February 10, 2012 Official Visit to the Venerable, Meritísima and Centenaria Logia Holguín West view of the Logia Holguín’s Temple

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Page 1: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C.

Family Vacation and Fraternal Visits To the three Holguín Lodges

Holguín, Cuba, February 10 to 17, 2012

Our third fraternal visit to Masonic Lodges in the city of Holguín, Cuba began on February 10, 2012. This time the group was smaller than it had been for previous visits, consisting of our Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Vincent Lombardo and his wife Sylvia, and our Secretary, R. W. Bro. Ian Nichols and his wife Jean. All were looking forward to a week of relaxation in the warmth of the Caribbean air and sea, and to the Masonic activities that had been planned by our W. M. in consultation with Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño, Director of Ceremonies of Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge. W. Bro. Lombardo and R.W. Bro. Nichols visited Holguín Lodge on the same day they arrived in Cuba. On the Sunday everyone went into the city again and a “twinning” ceremony of Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge with Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge was performed during the celebration of its 10th anniversary, and our W. M. was made an honorary member of that Lodge. On Valentine’s Day all four Canadians visited Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge for an evening that included the “Twinning” of Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge with Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge, the presentation of honorary membership in our Lodge to Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño, the presentation of honorary membership in Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge to our W. M. and our Secretary and, to complete the evening, refreshments for a Valentine’s Day party. Our desire for fellowship in the wider Masonic fraternity, aided by the mutual Honorary Memberships, will encourage us to maintain contact with the Lodges in Holguín and to enjoy the obvious pleasure that this brings both to them and to us.

Friday, February 10, 2012 Official Visit to the Venerable, Meritísima and Centenaria Logia Holguín

West view of the Logia Holguín’s Temple

Page 2: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

In the East, from left to right: the W. Master, the lodge’s Orator, the Illustrious Brother Osmundo Gerónimo Cabrera Pérez, Very Respectable Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, and visiting Masters from Havana.

In the East, from left to right: V. Brother Félix M anuel Aguilera Rodríguez, Gran Almoner Adjunto, our W. Master and Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño translating Bro. Luís O. Pérez Lorenzo’s address (in the back). Also in the back: V. Bro. Joel J. Hidalgo

Betancourt, Master of the Calixto García lodge, and Bro. Alejandro Cuesta Estupiñan, Secretary of Logia Holguín.

Page 3: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Also in the East, visiting W. Masters hailing from Havana and other Cuban Provinces.

Bro. Fonseca speaking on behalf of a distressed Brother.

The Maestro de Ceremonias speaking of behalf of the same distressed Brother.

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Bro. Estupiñan also speaking in aid of the distressed Brother.

A W. Master from Havana bringing greetings from his Lodge.

Page 5: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Our W. Master presents to the Lodge a digital collection of 1200 Masonic books; expressing his confidence the Lodge Secretary will translate them into Spanish by the next meeting of the Lodge.

The Ven. Maestro thanks for the valuable present, and he too expresses his confidence the Secretary will discharge that task, on time.

Page 6: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Ill. Bro. Félix Manuel Aguilera Rodríguez, Grand Almoner, brings greetings from the Gran Logia de Cuba.

The M. W. Bro. Osmundo Gerónimo Cabrera Pérez, Past Gran Maestro, praises our continued assistance and visitations to the Cuban Lodges, and informs the Lodge of the special tie uniting him to our Master: the long-standing friendship of both to the

recently departed M.W. Bro. Nelson King, who was regarded in Cuban Masonic circles almost as a saint.

Page 7: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Lodge’s “Orator” thanks the visitors and, aided by the V. Maestro and the M. W. Past Grand Master,

presents to our Master and Secretary two limited edition embossed prints of a 500 year old fort still standing in the Holguín region, made by a member of Logia Holguín: Bro. Garciel, a renowned artist.

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The final comment by the Ven. Maestro, and the Lodge was closed.

Followed by a “Brindis” (toast to the Craft) with Rum & Coke (TúCola)

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Above Right: V. Bro. Joel Betancourt, Master of the Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge, with our Secretary and Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez

Page 10: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Venerable Logia Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez

Due to the limited space at its regular meeting place and more than 200 people attending, the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge conducted the function at the premises of the kindred society of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), a service organization branched in Cuba in 1883. The IOOF lodge room is quite similar to a Masonic lodge room and easily accommodated this function. The ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz, Very Respectable Gran Maestro of the Grand Lodge of Cuba of A.L.& A.M., accompanied by several Grand Lodge Officers, many W. Masters of Lodges from several Cuban Provinces, and by the Illustrious Brother Lázaro Valdez Cuesta, Grand Sovereign Commander of 33˚ Supreme Counsel of the Republic of Cuba.

The Grand Master is received.

From left: Ill. Brother Osmundo G. Cabrera Pérez, Past Grand Master; Ill. Brother Milton Batista Cuenca, Grand Senior Warden; The Grand Master;

Ill. Brother Evaristo R. Gutiérrez Torres, Deputy Grand Master; Ill. Brother Félix M. Aguilera Rodrígu ez, Grand Almoner Adj. Far behind, left: W. Bro. Joel J. Hidalgo Betancourt, V. Maestro of the Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge.

Page 11: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Grand Master receives the gavel from W. Bro. Rufino Pavón Torres, Venerable Maestro of the Roberto Luis Ferrer Rodríguez Lodge

The Illustrious Bro. Lázaro Valdez Cuesta, Grand Sovereign Commander of 33˚ Supreme Counsel of the Republic of Cuba

is received with his delegation in the East.

Page 12: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Quinte St. Alban’s Delegation: The W. Master, the Secretary, and Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño, our Envoy to Cuba, are received and seated in the East.

In the foreground: W. Bro. Emilio S. Martínez Arias, Deputy Grand Master for the Holguín District No. 1, and I.P.M. of the Calixto García Iñiquez Lodge.

From left: W. Bro. Ivan a W. Master from Havana; W. Bro. Eugenio Remedios Prades, I.P.M. of the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge, and Provincial Delegate of the Supreme Council;

Ill. Bro. Arístides Brown, member of the Instruction Board of the Supreme Council; Ill. Brother Orlando Vera Corbella, Joint Secretary of the Supreme Council.

Page 13: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

From left: Ill. Bro. Evaristo R. Gutiérrez Torres, Deputy Grand Master; Ill. Bro. Milton Batista Cuenca, Grand Senior Warden; Ill. Bro. Osmundo G. Cabrera Pérez, Past Grand Master; Ill. Brother Félix M. Aguilera Rodríguez, Grand Almoner Adjunto.

W. Bro. Nelson Hernández Martín, Founding Master and now Secretary of the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge, welcomes the brethren and gives an account of the history and accomplishments of the Lodge in this first ten years of existence.

Page 14: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

In the center: W. Bro. Severino Pérez Pérez, Past Master of the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge front right: two visiting W. Masters from Havana.

Page 15: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

At the end of his presentation, W. Bro. Nelson tanks and recognizes the attending dignitaries.

W. Bro. Rufino Pavón Torres, Venerable Maestro of the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge, praises our Lodge’s work in assisting through the years the Lodges in Holguín, and announces the “Twinning” of our two Lodges. W. Bro. Eugenio Prades

shows the Twinning Certificate to the Grand Master.

Page 16: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Venerable Maestro announces the conferral of Honorary Membership in the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez Lodge upon our W. Master.

Our W. Master is called to the East, and W. Bro. Eugenio Prades reads the Spanish version of the Certificate.

Page 17: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Our W. Master reads his prepared Spanish speech of acceptance, for both the Twinning and the Honorary Membership.

Note the Cuban Apron worn by our W. Master – a present he received last year from W. Bro. Joel Betancourt.

The Grand Master delivers the Twinning Certificates to our W. Master, while the Grand Sovereign Commander gives some thoughtful words of praise and encouragement.

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The W. Master presents our Twinning Certificate, read in Spanish by Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez.

Page 19: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Above: W. Bro. Rufino Pavón Torres signs the Certificates (Spanish and English) Below: Our W. Master signs the Certificates

The Certificates, containing the list of Officers of both Lodges for the years 2012.

Page 20: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Grand Master and the Venerable Maestro examine the Certificate.

Our W. Master gives his 2002 Master Pin to W. Bro. Nelson Hernández Martín, founding Master of the Ferrer Lodge, also Master in 2003, and Secretary to this day.

Page 21: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Our W. Master gives his 2011 Master Pin to W. Bro. Eugenio Remedios Prades, Ven. Maestro of the Logia Roberto Luís Ferrer from 2007 to 2011, and architect of the Twinning of the two Lodges.

The W. Master presents the Secretario with 10 Square & Compasses on red Maple Leaf Pins, to be given to the future Master Masons of the Lodge on behalf of their Twin Lodge, Quinte St. Alban’s No. 620.

Page 22: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The W. Master presents to the Ven. Maestro Rufino Pavón Torres the digital collection of 1200 Masonic Books in the English and Spanish languages, for the Lodge’s library.

The Ill. W. Bro. Evaristo R. Gutiérrez Torres, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Cuba, addresses the brethren.

The Grand Master, Most W. Bro. José Ramón González Díaz, addresses the brethren before closing the Lodge

Page 23: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Congratulating both Lodges for overcoming, in fraternal love, distance and language.

The Master and Brethren of Logia Unificación (San German, Holguín province)

Page 24: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Brethren then assembled at the Calixto García Temple (also home to the Luís Ferrer Lodge)

The Master of Ceremonies, Bro. Alexander González Cera, details the continuation of the Ceremony, with a Procession and the placing of a wreath at the statue of the Apostle and Brother, José Martí. To his left: W. Bro. Nelson Hernández Martín; behind him: W. Bro. Severino Pérez Pérez, Lodge’s Orator and Past Master of the Lodge; to the right of Bro. Alexander: Bro. Frank

Hidalgo Marino, S. Warden of the Lodge, and photographer (we are grateful to him for taking most of the photos in this collection).

A View of the Illustrious Brothers Grand Master and Grand Sovereign Commander when not officiating. (God bless them both!)

Page 25: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Commemorative Plaque unveiled by W. Bro. Eugenio Remedios Prades on February 8, the exact date of the anniversary.

Our W. Master with W. Bro. Nelson Hernández Martín.

The plaque lists the Founding Members.

Page 26: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

In the centre: Bro. Elías Cristo Barack, the Senior Deacon of the Respetable y Benemerita Logia "Calixto García Iñiquez"

Preparing for the Procession.

Page 27: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Arriving at the José Martí Square.

Page 28: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Ven. Maestro, W. Bro. Rufino Pavón Torres, speaks of Bro. José Martí’s role in the formation of the Nation, and in the development of Masonry in Cuba.

Page 29: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Celebrations concluded with refreshments and entertainment at a nearby night club rented for the occasion.

Page 30: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Our W. Master with the Brethren of Logia Unificación.

Although not officially on the program, this Brother-Poet addresses the assembled crowd.

Page 31: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

One of the top 3 Classical Guitarists in Cuba

Bro. Eugenio’s wife, folk singer and guitarist, is joined on the stage by the twinning Masters

Page 32: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Our W. Master directing the tempo.

The intrusion is forgiven – with a good laugh and a hug.

Page 33: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Bro. Eugenio was not very impressed by the musical talents of our W. Master, and orders him to return the musical instrument to the far more talented, and beautiful musician.

Thus concluded this memorable day.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Official Visit to the Venerable and Benemerita Logia Calixto García Iñiquez

Valentine and Twinning with our Lodge Celebrations

Our W. Master is received into the Lodge under Honour Guard

and is presented between the Columns in the West by the acting D. of C., W. Bro. Emilio S. Martínez Arias. Due to the solemnity of the Celebrations, with families and friends attending,

the Lodge was held in public form.

Page 35: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The W. Master is escorted to the East.

Our W. Master wearing the “Cuban Apron” he received last year from W. Bro. Joel Jorge Hidalgo Betancourt, then S. Warden, and now Venerable Maestro (left).

To the left of our Master: our Secretary, R.W. Bro. Ian D. Nichols; Bro. Cristian Gabriel Leyva Martínez, Adjunto de Secretaría;

W. Bro. Rufino Pavón Torres, Ven. Maestro of the Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríguez lodge; and Bro. Osvaldo Sánchez Rivero, Secretary of the Lodge for the past 22 years.

Page 36: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Lodge is called to order. In the center: W. Bro. Severino Pérez Pérez, P.M. of the Roberto Luís Ferrer Lodge, presently Orator of that Lodge.

The National Flag is brought into the Lodge, and received between the Pillars in the West.

Page 37: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The National Anthem is sung.

Then the Canadian National Anthem

Page 38: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Then the Masonic Anthem and the Flag is brought to the East

and it is placed on its proper base by the Ven. Maestro.

The Masonic Flag (green) depicts a Beehive with numerous Bees flying around it. Far left: Bro. Octavio Galano Liranza, Treasurer; behind him: the statue of Athena (Wisdom).

Page 39: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Before the Twinning Ceremony begins, our W. Master asks the Ven. Maestro for leave to meet Bro. Juan Carlos “on the Level”

Bro. Juan Carlos is instructed by our Master to translate a document for the brethren – and stops in astonishment mid-way

realizing that the document he is reading is his Certificate of Honorary Membership in our Lodge.

Page 40: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Ven. Maestro and our W. Master congratulate the speechless Juan Carlos.

The emotions and ovation having subsided,

the W. Master asks Bro. Juan Carlos if he was willing to accept this great honour, and to submit to the rules and regulations of our Lodge.

His answer being affirmative, our Master declared Bro. Juan Carlos Domínguez Taño a member (Honoris Causa)

of Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. for as long as he remains a member in good standing under the Jurisdiction of the Gran Logia de Cuba of A.L. y A.M.,

and appoints him

Chairman of our Fraternal Relations for Cuba Committee

Page 41: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

in the presence of (from left to right): The Ven. Maestro, W. Bro. Joel Betancourt; Bro. Guillermo González Pantoja, J. Deacon;

Bro. Elías Cristo Barack, S. Deacon.

The Master informs Juan Carlos that, as a Member, he is now expected to: Answer and obey all L. S.s & S.s – and faithfully attend Lodge

if within the length of his C. T.

Page 42: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Master gives Juan Carlos the January and February Lodge Summonses, the first containing the Notice of Motion regarding his Honorary membership, and the second, the result of the vote.

The Master further informs Juan Carlos that the monthly summonses will be mailed to him electronically.

As it is customary in our Lodge to present all Members with the St. Alban’s Tie when raised to the S. Degree of a M.M., and Bro. Juan Carlos already being a M.M., the Master gives him the Tie.

Finally, the Master informs Juan Carlos that, as a member, he is now required to sign our By-Laws, in token of his submission

thereto – but, as the By-Law Register was left behind at the hotel, the Master informs the Brother that arrangements will be made for him to attend at a convenient time at the Playa Pesquero, to sign them and thus complete the process.

Our Master delivers to the Venerable Maestro, on behalf of W. Bro. Neil Friedman, Master of Mt. Sinai-Pillars Lodge No. 522 G.R.C., the Master’s Collar completing the set of Officers’ Collars donated by Mt. Sinai-Pillars Lodge the previous year.

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The Master returns the Floor to the Venerable Maestro.

Page 44: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

The Officers assemble around the Altar, and the Ven. Maestro begins the Twinning Ceremony by announcing first the conferral of Honorary Membership upon our Master and our Secretary.

Page 45: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

W. Bro. Emilio Martínez Arias reads the proclamation of Honorary Membership. (Such an Honour was bestowed upon Bro. Tedy Abramovici, our S. Warden, during his visit to this Lodge last January).

Our W. Master and our Secretary are escorted to the West between the columns

and presented to the Lodge as Member Candidates.

Page 46: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

Returned to the Altar, they are asked for their willingness to submit to the Laws and Regulations of the Respetable y Benemerita Logia "Calixto García Iñiquez"

Under the attentive eyes of their respective wives.

Having so affirmed, our Master and Secretary are presented with their Honorary Membership Certificate.

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The Ven. Maestro then announces the Twinning of the Respetable y Benemerita Logia "Calixto García Iñiquez" with Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C.

And …

Page 48: Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. 03, 2012 · Quinte St. Alban’s Lodge No. 620 G.R.C. ... ceremony was presided by the Illustrious Brother José Ramón González Diaz ,

W. Bro. Emilio Martínez Arias, architect of the Twinning and Ven. Maestro when this was decided by the Lodge, delivers in the hands of our W. Master the Certificate containing the signatures of all the members.

Our Master reads his prepared acceptance speech in Spanish, and expresses his gratitude to the Ven. Maestro.

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Our Master informs the Ven. Maestro that our Lodge too had passed the resolution to Twin with his Lodge, and asks leave for our newest member, Bro. Juan Carlos, to read aloud the Certificate thereto.

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Both Masters sign the Certificate,

thus completing the Twinning Ceremony.

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Our W. Master presents his own 2007 Master Pin to W. Bro. Emilio Martínez Arias, acknowledging his continued service as Master of the Logia "Calixto García Iñiquez" from 2 007 to 2011,

and presents his own 2003 Master Pin to Bro. Elías Cristo Barack, as proxy for W. Bro. Garcé Santiesteban, Master of the Lodge in 2003, but absent due to illness, asking the brethren to see that the pin is delivered on our behalf to Bro. Santiesteban.

The Master then presents a copy of our digital collection of 1200 Masonic Books to Bro. Osvaldo Sánchez Rivero (first on the left),

Lodge Secretary for the past 22 years, asking that the collection be kept in the Lodge’s library for the use of the brethren.

And finally, the Master presents the Ven. Maestro with 10 Square & Compasses on red Maple Leaf Pins, to be given to future Master Masons of the Lodge on behalf of their Twin Lodge, Quinte St. Alban’s No. 620.

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Our Master resumes his seat, joining in the East the two most distinguished members of the Masonería Holguínera: The indefatigable W. Bro. Emilio S. Martínez Arias, and W. Bro. Eugenio R. Remedios Prades.

We thank for gracing us with their presence all the brethren and their families, particularly Bro. Severino’s wife (above, first on the right); Doña Maria Antonia, Bro. Emilio’s wife (behind Bro. Severino’s head); and

Elisabeth and Anita María (the two gracious young ladies in the photo below), wife and daughter respectively of our own member: Bro. Juan Carlos.

This concluded our Masonic visitations.

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Other Memorable Moments

Before the Lodge Meeting of February 14, we visited Juan Carlos at his home and had dinner with his family.

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A beautiful family and good friends

At The Beach

On Thursday Juan Carlos visited us at the beach in order to sign the By-Laws and receive instructions from our W. Master.

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Some refreshments before going to the beach.

The ladies relaxing under the uva caleta tree, while the men were braving the waves.

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Time to Say Good Bye

We saw our friends off on their return drive to Holguín, and rushed to our habitaciones to pack for the early departure the following morning.

This has been the most enjoyable of all visits we have made to our Cuban brethren since 2009.

We were repeatedly told by our brethren that their “casas” are our casas. We know this to be true, and,

if it pleases the G.A.O.T.U., We will return and sojourn with our Cuban and Twin Brethren

many more times again. _________________________________________


Our S. Warden visited the Cuban lodges and was made an Honorary Member of the

Logia “Roberto Luís Ferrer Rodríquez”

To the left of Bro. Abramovici: the Venerable Bro. Rufino Pavón Torres, Master of the Luís Ferrer lodge, And to Pavón’s left, Bro. Eugenio Remedios Prades, architect of the Twinning of our lodges.

To Tedy’s right, Bro. Emilio Martínez Arias.

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And also an Honorary Member of the Logia “Calixto García Iñiquez”

Bro. Tedy Abramovici with the Venerable Maestro Joel Betancourt