the cross road may · 5/4/2020  · 1...

1 Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, May 1 st , May Day, traditionally is a day of celebrating and sharing the “new life” of Spring. Living in the midst of a global pandemic, we may wonder how we can celebrate? Memories of homemade baskets and wildflowers gathered and delivered prompts ideas of ways to share the joy of giving. God’s Holy Spirit reminds us to think of Jesus calling us to live by Kingdom values today. Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:25-29 We could list the reasons we are concerned! Marvelously, our Savior asks us to face reality! Is anything on our lists eternal? Temporary issues require attention, yet be intentional about relegating them to where they belong: subject to the authority and Lordship of Jesus Christ! He understands our issues and knows what we need! He tells us to keep first all that is eternal. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well. Matthew 6:30-33 Global pandemics and May Baskets do not last forever! God has faithfully led his people through pandemics, famine, war, persecution, distress, as well as times of ease. Sharing Jesus our Savior however, wherever, whenever: presents the possibility to live eternally by God’s Kingdom values today and forever in the power of Christ Jesus! Sharing the love of God in Jesus Christ with folks simply requires us to love enough to give witness to how Jesus changes me. We will be tempted to be quiet, maybe even told to be quiet, why let fear or intimidation silence us? Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” (Luke 19:40) Pray and ask Jesus to reveal anyone/anything making demands which are not eternal. Be honest: what do they demand from me, and what will they give back? Almighty God, is the only God who demands our whole life and gives back, pressed down, shaken together, far more abundantly than He demands! All other “false gods” demand everything we have, but give back precious little! “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” Celebrate Jesus and trust God to keep His promises. Choose His Kingdom values. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, In Jesus, Paul and Nancy Wier The Cross Road Eureka United Methodist Church MAY 2020

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Page 1: The Cross Road MAY · 5/4/2020  · 1 Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, May 1st, May Day, traditionally is a day of celebrating


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ,

May 1st, May Day, traditionally is a day of celebrating and sharing the “new life” of Spring. Living in the midst of a global pandemic, we may wonder how we can celebrate?

Memories of homemade baskets and wildflowers gathered and delivered prompts ideas of ways to share

the joy of giving. God’s Holy Spirit reminds us to think of Jesus calling us to live by Kingdom values today. Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what

you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:25-29

We could list the reasons we are concerned! Marvelously, our Savior asks us to face reality! Is anything

on our lists eternal? Temporary issues require attention, yet be intentional about relegating them to where they belong: subject to the authority and Lordship of Jesus Christ! He understands our issues and knows what we need! He tells us to keep first all that is eternal.

But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is

thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well. Matthew 6:30-33

Global pandemics and May Baskets do not last forever! God has faithfully led his people through

pandemics, famine, war, persecution, distress, as well as times of ease. Sharing Jesus our Savior however, wherever, whenever: presents the possibility to live eternally by God’s Kingdom values today and forever in the power of Christ Jesus!

Sharing the love of God in Jesus Christ with folks simply requires us to love enough to give witness to

how Jesus changes me. We will be tempted to be quiet, maybe even told to be quiet, why let fear or intimidation silence us? Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” (Luke 19:40)

Pray and ask Jesus to reveal anyone/anything making demands which are not eternal.

Be honest: what do they demand from me, and what will they give back? Almighty God, is the only God who demands our whole life and gives back, pressed down, shaken together, far more abundantly than He demands! All other “false gods” demand everything we have, but give back precious little! “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” Celebrate Jesus and trust God to keep His promises. Choose His Kingdom values. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ,

In Jesus, Paul and Nancy Wier

The Cross Road Eureka United Methodist Church

MAY 2020

Page 2: The Cross Road MAY · 5/4/2020  · 1 Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, May 1st, May Day, traditionally is a day of celebrating


The original name for Easter was Pascha, a Hebrew word for Passover. The death and resurrection are a new Passover for the people of God. Easter is the oldest Christian festival. The first day of the week Jesus rose from the dead and every Sunday is a celebration of this fact. This led to changing worship from the Sabbath (Saturday) to the Lord’s Day (Sunday). Easter is a season of fifty days from Easter to Pentecost. We begin the celebration of walking with our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, the road to fullness of life by the power of His Holy Spirit. Easter expresses: 1) Joy, “Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!” 2) Life, eternal life for the believer in Christ. 3) Newness, the risen Christ is a new being, the exalted, eternal Christ. Newness is imparted to the Christian. 4) Hope, is given to all who have dead loved ones, and to everyone, for we face death with the resurrection assurance! 5) Victory, is given by Jesus who is victorious over the worst of the world and of Satan. Jesus gives the victory to us. We sing: “The strife is o’er, the battle done; now is the Victor’s triumph won…” The color of Easter is white. White expresses celebration, festivity, joy, and victory.

Seasons of the Christian year


Aldersgate Day is a commemorative day celebrated by Methodist Christians on May 24th or the nearest Sunday. It recalls the day in 1738 when Church of England priest John Wesley attended a group meeting in Aldersgate, London, where he received an experience of assurance of his salvation.This was the pivotal event in Wesley's life that ultimately led to the development of the Methodist movement in Britain and America. According to his journal, Wesley found that his enthusiastic gospel message had been rejected by his Anglican brothers. Heavy-hearted, he reluctantly attended a group meeting that evening in a Moravian chapel on Aldersgate Street in London. It was there, while someone was reading from Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, that he felt that his heart was "strangely warmed". He describes it as:

I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.

Daniel L. Burnett called this event Wesley's "Evangelical Conversion", even though he was already a priest. In 1739 Wesley broke with the Moravians and founded a new society, which would become the Methodist movement.

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EUMC connection

Our regular worship schedule is 8:00 and 10:30am on Sunday mornings, with Sunday School for all ages at 9:20am. However, in the months that have 5 Sundays, we worship in song together with one service on the 5th Sunday. On special occasions we combine as well and will update service times on our website,, and it will be printed in advance in our monthly newsletter found under the newsletter tab. Please join us as we worship God and celebrate His love given for all in Jesus our Savior.

Evangelizing Unifying Maturing Commissioning

Please visit the small table in the Narthex and look at the worship opportunities to serve that are available. Liturgists, and Communion Servers are needed!

Please be sure to keep the office updated on any new contact information you have! ~ thanks!

Follow us on Facebook! Eureka United Methodist Church In case you’ve missed it, Pastor Paul has been doing Sunday Worship on Facebook. Look for the videos and stay connected!

Several folks have been making masks to use during the Covid – 19 pandemic and we have an offer from Sandi

Sylvester! If any of you need a mask give Sandi a shout, she is glad to offer masks to anyone who needs

them. Her number is: (309) 360-9608. Thank you, Sandi!

We also thank you from many folks who greatly appreciated the Spaghetti Supper!

******National Day of Prayer is May 7th, 2020******

Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth - Habakkuk 2:14

Page 4: The Cross Road MAY · 5/4/2020  · 1 Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, May 1st, May Day, traditionally is a day of celebrating


“Go and make (new) disciples of all nations……” Matthew 28: 18-20

EUMC Missions & Ministry

UMCOR establishes Covid-19 fund

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has established a COVID-19 Response Fund to "support vulnerable populations disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus in the U.S. and around the world. Grants from this fund will be disbursed quickly and efficiently, allowing Methodist partners to address health concerns, food insecurity, water and hygiene limitations and other pressing needs in their communities." Donations can be included with apportionment remittances, or separately, with checks payable to IGRC and noting the Advance #3022612, IGRC Fund #3140 on the memo line.

Camping goes digital, saves printing costs

In an effort to save resources and reduce waste, the full camping guide is only available digitally this year. Individuals can print all or portions of the guide to fit their needs. Check out to see this year’s full camping guide, online registration, and all the information you’ll need to join us at camp this summer. To see highlights of various programs, view The Current online at

**Eureka United Methodist Mens group can help with the cost of camp! Don’t let cost deter you from a great experience. See Pastor Paul if you have any questions about how our church can help!

Heart House, a homeless shelter for women and children, seeks a social and community services professional to fill the full-time Program Manager position. Bachelor's degree in social work or related profession and/or 3-5 years experience is preferred.

This is a flexible salaried position with benefits. Cover letter, resume and references can be mailed to Heart House, Attn: Brandi Gerber, 300 Reagan Drive, Eureka IL 61530 or email Brandi Gerber at [email protected].

Are you interested or know of someone who is? Send them our way! A Program Manager Job Description is available upon inquiry

Sincerely, Brandi E. Gerber Executive Director Woodford County Heartline Association, Inc. [email protected]


Out of an abundance of caution, the Prayer Group will not be meeting as a group for the next few months.

However, in our own personal prayer time, we can still pray for you.

Please let of know if you have any requests by calling the office at 467-3026.

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Jesus said “Let the little children come unto me and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. Matthew 19:14

EUMC K ids Corner

With schools closed and stay-at-home orders implemented across the region, we know that many families are searching for fun activities for their kids.

Superbook has you covered! Enjoy these FREE resources designed to keep your kids engaged and grow in their faith through videos, games, crafts, and more!

At Home With Superbook


Watch 39 Episodes FREE on the Superbook Kids Bible App!

At you’ll find Superbook videos, family discussion guides, The Superbook Show, games, music and more free resources!

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Applicants sought for JAM Scholarship

Persons actively involved in a music ministry within their church are sought as nominees for the JAM Scholarship offered by Trenton First UMC. Deadline to apply is May 15. Award will be announced in June. To obtain an application for this scholarship, go to the church’s website at or email the church office at [email protected]. The $500 scholarship in in memory of Justin Melzer and his ministry through music and to encourage participation in church music ministries. Justin is the youngest son of Rev. Debbie Melzer Reese (former pastor of Trenton FUMC) and Rev. Dr. Ron Melzer. Justin played guitar in the Crossroads Praise Band. He also played the bass guitar in the Wesclin Jazz and Pep bands, alto saxophone in the Wesclin High Marching Band as well as the church’s Chancel Band. Music was a big part of his life. It is the church's prayer and intention that this scholarship will cultivate and stimulate a future generation of church musicians. Applicants for this scholarship must be a member of a United Methodist Church in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. Persons may either be graduating high school seniors, college undergraduates, or students attending a tech or trade school with an intention to continue to be involved in music ministry within a church.

Since churches are unable to meet and gather safely in their buildings during the pandemic, The Upper Room is offering the May/June 2020 issue, both in English and Spanish, as a free downloadable PDF.

Upper Room Publisher and World Editor, Rev. Stephen Bryant, says, “We at The Upper Room are holding churches and our readers close to our heart, more than ever. This is our family connected through Christ, and we care deeply about each person’s physical and spiritual wellbeing.” Bryant continues, “The Upper Room devotional is a spiritual companion, a healing balm, to millions of Christians and their primary way to spend time with God each day. Nothing should disrupt this sacred connection if we can prevent it.” The daily meditations, written by ordinary people, have offered spiritual encouragement for 85 years, from the days of the Great Depression through world wars, paper shortages, and other unwelcomed difficulties and challenges. The publication continues to thrive and is available today in over 100 countries, in 36 languages, and in several formats, including digital subscriptions. Nearly two-thirds of the print copies of each issue are purchased and distributed through churches, where pastors recommend it as a formative resource for personal devotional and small group discussions and use it widely in hospitality, outreach, and evangelism efforts. Along with the free issue of the devotional guide, The Upper Room has created a webpage featuring resources to help create and maintain spiritual wellness during anxious times, including free eCourses for individuals and small groups, an online wall for posting and responding to prayer requests, and a special blog spot for sharing personal, theological reflections on the current global pandemic. The Upper Room is also offering Morning Prayer live each day at 11 AM (CT) on Facebook.

I L Great R ivers Conference

News & Events

For more complete information, visit the IGRC website :

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Our IGRC Communications and Connectional Ministries are available to help you with worship resources. They have developed a section on the Conference website ( that includes a number of resources and webinars to equip leaders to do worship / ministry. New materials are added every day so check back frequently. Here are a couple of worship options: I will be recording a 15 to 20-minute video each week that may be utilized as part of or instead of a worship ser-

vice. These messages will be available on Friday for download or viewing from the IGRC website. Churches can access a FREE telephone conference call system,, which may allow

a church to gather via a telephone call. This is a very low-tech option that can be easily done without any set-up cost.

Information and updates regarding the COVID-19 GUIDELINES will be available on our website as they become available. Make sure that you visit this site before passing on information that may not be accurate. We will keep you informed and up-to-date with the latest information available. Bishop Frank J. Beard

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Requests Erin Taylor, great niece of Linda Anderson Emma Asendorf, the Schoofs granddaughter Henry Yedinak, the Wiers grandson Andrea Wilson Scott, the Wilsons daughter Bob & Ellen Greeley The least, last and lost and unchurched God desires me to cultivate Our Missionaries Priscilla Legay Jaiah Brad & Maria Festen Jonathon & Amanda Jeff & Shauna Spence and children Pete & Carol Hughes Alicia Wright

Missions & Ministry Threads, Hope & Love, NFP Eureka Food Pantry Ministry / Volunteers EUMC Ministries and Missions Rev. Paul Wier Rev. Mary Kathryn Pearce (Dist. Supt. of the IL River District) Rev. Frank Beard (IGRC Bishop) Local Advocate Eureka- Emergency Department Heart House and Heartline Eureka College Congerville-Eureka-Goodfield #140 County Board: Russell Cotton, Richard Hill, Doug Huser, Bryan Kempf, Duane Kingdon, John Krug, Barry Logan, Dr. Thomas McKenna, Blake Parsons, Randy Roethler, Andy Rokey, Danny Steffen, Jason Spence, Pete Streid, Donald Tolan Congerville, Eureka-Goodfield Fire and EMS volunteers

Those in Service to God and Country Dakota Copeland Nick Miller Christian Stenzel Benjamin Wier

National / International Concerns President Donald Trump Vice President Mike Pence U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth Governor JB Pritzker Lt. Gov. Julianna Stratton Sec. of State Jesse White Attorney General Kwame Raoul Comptroller Susana Mendoza Treasurer Michael Frerichs Senate President Don Harmon Speaker of the House Michael Madigan Victims in Syria and other parts of the world Middle East/Peace for Israel and Palestinians All those dealing with natural disasters locally, nationally and internationally Corona Virus, Cold and Flu Sufferers

*We’d love to celebrate you! If you would like your birthday or anniversary listed in

the newsletter, please let me know. Thanks, Jenny

1 Doris Alvey

5 Mia Hoelscher

5 Margo Tennis

6 Don Anderson

7 Ed Steinbeck

8 Steve Danner

9 Bob Greeley

14 Brian Hoelscher

17 Rosalee Shanklin

17 Mike Zook

21 Al Lehman

21 Reba Steffen

22 Kane Schertz

23 Nancy Bishop

25 Mitchell Danner

27 Randy Miller

27 Judy Robenstein

29 Bailey Bachman

30 Matthew Hoelscher

31 Cohen Sweeney

There i s power in pers i stent prayer - M icah 7 : 7

Fa ithful in Prayer

10 Joseph and Nicole Martin

17 Dominic and Nikki Sanguinette

20 Jason and Laura Collins

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 May Friendship Day


3 Follow us on Face-book for todays Worship!




7 National Day of Prayer

8 9

10 Happy Mothers Day Follow us on Face-book for todays Worship!



13 14 15 16

17 Follow us on Face-book for todays Worship!



20 21

22 23

24 Aldersgate Day Follow us on Face-book for todays Worship!



27 28



31 Follow us on Face-book for todays Worship!

Miss ion & Min i stry Calendar

Pray the Lord’s Prayer everyday at noon


Pray the Lord’s Prayer everyday at noon

Pray the Lord’s Prayer everyday at noon

Pray the Lord’s Prayer everyday at noon

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

29 District 140 staff and students Eureka College staff and students Cub Scout Pack #257

30 Visitation Ministry the hospitalized, shut-ins, & nursing home residents Advocate Eureka Emergency Dept.

1 the least, last and lost the unchurched 1 or 2 God leads me to cultivate relationship

2 United Methodist Men and their related outreach efforts

3 Sunday Worship- greeters, ushers, liturgists, pianists worship leaders Audio/Visual Ministry Budget & Giving

4 Church Council Finance Ministry Board of Trustees SPRC Missions Ministry Nominations & Leadership Dev.

5 church administration church support staff church custodian church grounds caretakers

6 the American worker our respective places of employment the unemployed and the under employed

7 the Nation President Trump & VP Pence IL Gov. Pritzker US Senators D. Durbin and T. Duckworth Woodford County Board

8 the least, last and lost the unchurched 1 or 2 God leads me to cultivate relationship

9 Prayer Chain members prayer folder requests Advocate Eureka Emergency Dept.

10 Sunday Worship- all that have gathered together in worship in their homes Praise and Worship Choir Praise Band

11 the least, last and lost the unchurched 1 or 2 God leads me to cultivate relationship

12 the Veterans the homeless Families in our church & community grieving the loss of loved ones

13 UMCOR efforts People affected by natural disasters locally, nationally, Internationally

14 Alton Memorial Hospital, Alton Unity Point Methodist Medical Center, Peoria Advocate Eureka Emergency Dept.

15 clients and volunteers of: Heartline & Heart House Eureka Area Food Pantry Southside Mission Peoria Rescue Ministries

16 Missionaries: Pete & Carol Hughes, Brad & Maria Festen family, Jeff & Shauna Spence family, David & Debbie Hawk, John & Amanda Moore family, Priscilla Legay Jaiah, James and Anna Labala

17 Sunday Worship- Children’s Ministry EUMC Youth Ministry leaders EUMC youth

18 Cunningham Home, Urbana Baby Fold, Normal Chaddock, Quincy Leslie Bates Neighborhood House, St. Louis Spero Family Svcs. Mt. Vernon


the least, last and lost the unchurched 1 or 2 God leads me to cultivate relationship

20 our church Rev. Paul and Nancy Wier Lay Leadership Your role in the ministry and mission of EUMC

21 renewal of Christian Servants Persecuted Christians

22 Healthcare Professionals Advocate Eureka Emergency Dept. Area Fire & EMS volunteers

23 Eureka UMC Small Group Ministries- Prayer Shawl Ministry, Meal Ministry, & Worship Ministry

24 Sunday Worship- Potential New Members, Marriages and Baptisms

25 Those in need of physical, spiritual, and emotional healing

26 Evenglow Lodge, Pontiac Sunset Home, Quincy U. M. Village, Lawrenceville Wesley Village, Macomb

27 IL Great Rivers Conference of the UMC Bishop Beard Rev. Mary Kathryn Pearce

28 unspoken needs

29 the least, last and lost the unchurched 1 or 2 God leads me to cultivate relationship

30 Our church

31 Sunday Wor-ship- all that have gathered together in worship in their homes

Prayer Calendar

Pray the Lord’s Prayer everyday at noon

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YouR Health Mat ters Here Are 10 Things to Do With Kids and Teens During the Quarantine

1. Play Board Games, Trivia Games, or Break Out a Puzzle Playing classic board games or trivia games has been a great pastime for snow days or long summer afternoons because they provide hours of entertainment. Classic games like Monopoly can bring out some healthy competition, while games like Apples to Apples bring about roars of laughter. Trivia games will test your knowledge, and you just might learn a thing or two along the way! Puzzles are another great way for the family to strategize together and offer each person something to work on until the final result is achieved by all. Playing games like these can also be a much-needed break from screens; it allows you to look at other people in the room and have discussions while being entertained. This is an activity that gets the whole family involved whether young or old, and it has the tendency to produce cherished memories

of family fun and laughter. offers a list of best family board games from Amazon.

2. Journal the Experience for Historical Record A nation-wide quarantine is quite rare, and most definitely will be written about in history books for years to come. This is a great time to write a record day by day of not only events on the news, but of personal opinions and perspectives. What a gift it will be to a later generation to feel as if they were living in the events themselves as they read these entries, and they will serve as a time capsule for us to reread in the future of what life was like during such an age. If you have children of reading and writing age, assign a day to each child and rotate with that person being the family notetaker for the day. What did we do that day, what is the best memory of the day, who laughed the most, who did we pray for, what did we eat, did we learn anything new? It might be fun later for kids to read back over the quarantine journal and remember how the family bonded during a time when usual activities were put on hold. Like the games idea above, it's another strategy to reduce screen time and get family members involved in each other's lives. Kids could even create a family newspaper to practice writing skills and

might have fun playing journalists finding out what each family member is focusing on for the day

3. Host a Favorite Movie Night Everyone has a favorite movie, and this is a great time to join together as a family and share together some favorite films. Perhaps each evening one member of the family can choose a favorite film in rotation. Much can be known about a person based upon their favorite films, so intentionally ask why a certain film strikes a heart chord. What sparks a feeling of admiration? Get to know your family even better by seeing what films make their eyes bright with wonder. If you're trying to reduce screen time, or your kids seem bored of movies by this point, invite them to be creative in coming up with their own play or musical. They can write lines, come up with a story, make costumes, and then put on the play for parents or even send a video

copy to grandma and grandpa.

4. Teach Your Kids a New Skill Learning or teaching new skills is important, and this is a great time to share new skills with family members. Perhaps your grandmother taught you how to sew and you can teach your kids. Learning good car maintenance like how to check oil or how to change a tire is very important in life, especially for teens, and this is a good time to teach your household how. Basic home repairs can be fun, and seeing problems solved or transformed is inspiring. This is an opportune time to prepare your kids for life ahead so that they will not need to hire someone, they will know for themselves. If you're not sure how to do the skill either, rest assured that there's a YouTube tutorial for almost everything. Maybe your kids have been wanting to learn to play an instrument they have, practice artwork, or maybe they can help mom or dad plant new flowers or vegetables outside. Baking is a science that usually produces yummy results, that's one skill most kids are willing to help learn if it means they

get to eat the end result.

5. Look at Old Photos and Share Memories It is a bit old fashioned but making photo albums or looking at photo albums is like blasting off in a time machine to another age. Recalling vivid memories, joyous events, comical stories, or memories is important. Learning about family members who have passed on continues their legacy, and lifting up those who are still alive and recalling old times can encourage hearts to become sentimental. Perhaps even take a photo during this time to capture memories made today! Both younger kids and teens love seeing pictures of their parents as children too; use this time to go through photographs and share stories about yourself or other family members. If you've been meaning to make a photo book of your vacation have your kids help you put the book together online; it will help them relive the experience and think of ideas for future vacations or

family activities.

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Eureka United Methodist Church 208 N Callender Street,

Eureka, IL 61530 309-467-3026

email: [email protected]

Pastor: Rev. Paul Wier [email protected]

Secretary: Jennifer Crow [email protected]

8:00 am Worship Leader: Carolyn Schoof 10:30 am Worship Leader: Doris Alvey

Custodian: Heather Lehman

Your Health Matters Continued… . .

Follow us on Facebook! Eureka United Methodist Church

6. Listen to Music and Sing Along When was the last time you listened to an album all the way through without doing anything else? Most of us have a favorite record or band, songs that instantly zoom us back in time. Sometimes sitting still and really listening to these records can be refreshing to the soul, and just like sharing a favorite movie they share aspects of a person’s soul unlike anything else. Singing aloud is good for the soul; in addition to listening to your favorite songs have a time where your family sings a hymn or two together or a Christian worship song. The music can help reset worry and remind us of God's love for us. It can also help us meditate and release the tension we were holding in. If you find yourself glued to the television set, take a few minutes a day to turn off the screen and listen to gentle music turning your thoughts to God. Dance around to fun beats too,

whether oldies-but-goodies or something new, it's a great way to have everyone relax, laugh, and get moving.

7. Bake Cookies or a Favorite Meal Getting creative with toppings for pancakes can add giggles to breakfast time, or inventing new concoctions to taste. Adding family recipes can bring a blast from the past, or making new family recipes serve as a gift for generations to come. One night let your kids pick the recipe and everything that goes with it; it will be a culinary adventure and kids will (probably humorously) figure out what foods work together and what doesn't. You can't have too much laughter during a


8. Make Cards to Mail to Loved Ones The art of handwritten letters is as old as time, but so often this correspondence is seldom used due to technology. Writing a handwritten letter or card to someone you love would brighten the day of the recipient. Write something meaningful they will hold on to, or if you have young children including drawings from them would be kind. Send a smile today. Though the coronavirus can live on surfaces for a short while, by the time the mail is processed and arrives the virus should be gone. If you are worried upon receipt of a letter, simply quarantine the mail for two days or use gloves to open it. Communication is so important especially for our family members who are lonely or older and may not have access to a computer or phone for video calls. If you don't have family to send mail to, have your kids write letters to a local nursing home or shut-ins at

your church.

9. Go Outside Social distancing from groups is important but spending time in the backyard is still safe. Playing catch, tossing a Frisbee, or kicking around a soccer ball is a great way to spend the days while getting some of much needed Vitamin D! Physical exercise is important and since many children will not be getting the usual activity they are used to in gym or recess encouraging outdoor activity is a smart alternative during this time. This is great for parents or individuals who have been working from home all day too. It's good to get your legs moving and breath in fresh air outside, especially with these warmer temperatures coming our way. There is something about going for a walk, taking in the sights, and looking at the vast sky above to remind us that God is so much greater than any of the worries taking up space in our minds. Show your kids that it's okay to have fun still, it's okay to run

and jump and laugh outside. It doesn't do anyone any good to stay in a constant state of worry.

10. Family Prayer Time Everyone is so busy in the morning trying to get to work or school; this may be a rare opportunity where your family actually has time to pray with one another for those you know, the church, our country, and those affected internationally by the coronavirus. Give your kids a prayer point to talk about, or assign people to pray for that day for young kids. Today you can pray for Grandma Julie and her friends. It’s a great way to remind the whole family to be thinking of others, and thinking of others is a great distraction from worry. If your kids are struggling to pray, have them journal the prayers or draw a picture for what they'd like to talk to God about. Even if it's just five minutes where everyone sits together to thank God, you're teaching your kids and reminding yourself the right way to start and end your day. Each day is a gift from the Lord, no matter what

is going on in the world, so let us remain grateful and let us exemplify it for those around us.