re: polling day - time off to vote€¦ · traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but...

9 April 2018 Dear members, RE: POLLING DAY - TIME OFF TO VOTE As a nation, we will soon be informed of the official day for the upcoming elections. This announcement may affect the operations of your company as people may require time off to cast their votes. In view of that, it is our objective to prepare all members in advance with the necessary steps may be taken internally by your Company. 1. Whether it is compulsory to provide time-off for voting Section 25 of the Election Offences Act 1954 provides as follows: “(1) Every employer shall, on polling day allow to every elector in his employ a reasonable period for voting and no employer shall make any deductions from the pay or other remuneration of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period. (3) Any employer who, directly or indirectly, refuses or by intimidation, undue influence, or in any other manner, interferes with the granting to any elector in his employ, of a reasonable period for voting, as in this section provided shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine or five thousand ringgit or imprisonment for one year.” Since there is a requirement to provide a ‘reasonable’ period for voting, we advise members to comply by providing time-off for employees either before, during or after their normal shift if their hours of work coincide with the official voting times. For employees whose hours of work do not coincide with the official voting time, it is not necessary to provide them with time off. As only a ‘reasonable’ period of time off needs to be given, there is no obligation to grant paid leave to employees who needs to vote outstation. Similarly, there

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Page 1: RE: POLLING DAY - TIME OFF TO VOTE€¦ · Traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but sometimes, State Governments may declare it as a public holiday under s.9 of the

9 April 2018

Dear members,


As a nation, we will soon be informed of the official day for the upcoming elections. This announcement may affect the operations of your company as people may require time off to cast their votes.

In view of that, it is our objective to prepare all members in advance with the necessary steps may be taken internally by your Company.

1. Whether it is compulsory to provide time-off for voting

Section 25 of the Election Offences Act 1954 provides as follows:

“(1) Every employer shall, on polling day allow to every elector in his employ a reasonable period for voting and no employer shall make any deductions from the pay or other remuneration of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period.

(3) Any employer who, directly or indirectly, refuses or by intimidation, undue influence, or in any other manner, interferes with the granting to any elector in his employ, of a reasonable period for voting, as in this section provided shall on summary conviction be liable to a fine or five thousand ringgit or imprisonment for one year.”

Since there is a requirement to provide a ‘reasonable’ period for voting, we advise members to comply by providing time-off for employees either before, during or after their normal shift if their hours of work coincide with the official voting times. For employees whose hours of work do not coincide with the official voting time, it is not necessary to provide them with time off.

As only a ‘reasonable’ period of time off needs to be given, there is no obligation to grant paid leave to employees who needs to vote outstation. Similarly, there

Page 2: RE: POLLING DAY - TIME OFF TO VOTE€¦ · Traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but sometimes, State Governments may declare it as a public holiday under s.9 of the

is no statutory requirement to grant unrecorded leave to those employees who claim to be party supporters or who are assisting in elections. In such cases, they may apply for annual leave.

2. If polling day is declared as a public holiday

It is possible for a State to declare polling day as a holiday. If this is done in your State, it will be declared under section 9 of the Holidays Act 1951. If so, the following will apply:

Employers observing ALL public holidays in a year will have to observe this day as a public holiday; OR

Employers who do not observe ALL public holidays in a year but only specified holidays will not have to observe this day as a public holiday.

Nonetheless, in view of s.25 of the Election Offences Act 1954, we advise employers who are not under an obligation to observe polling day as a public holiday to provide time off according to our suggestion above.

We have enclosed herewith a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for your further understanding.

If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact any one of our Consultants.

Your faithfully,

Page 3: RE: POLLING DAY - TIME OFF TO VOTE€¦ · Traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but sometimes, State Governments may declare it as a public holiday under s.9 of the

The industrial relations consultants

Tiada jawapan mutlak untuk soalan ini. Secara umumnya, hari pengundian bukan cuti umum akan tetapi Kerajaan Negeri boleh mengisytiharkannya sebagai cuti umum di bawah s.9 dari Akta Cuti 1951. Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 2013, Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu mengisytiharkan 5 Mei 2013 ( hari mengundi ) sebagai cuti umum

Q1 Adakah Hari Mengundi adalah cuti umum?

Sekiranya Syarikat memerhatikan SEMUA cuti umum yang diwartakan dalam setahun, maka cuti umum untuk mengundi mesti diperhatikan. Sekiranya Syarikat tidak memerhatikan SEMUA cuti umum yang diwartakan dalam setahun (tetapi hanya memperhatikan hari-hari tertentu, maka cuti umum untuk hari pengundian tidak perlu diperhatikan.

Q2 Sekiranya Kerajaan Negeri mengisytiharkancuti umum pada Hari Mengundi, adakahsyarikat wajib mematuhinya?

Anda hanya perlu memberi masa (time-off) kepada pekerja anda yang waktu kerjanya bertembung dengan slot masa yang diberikan untuk mengundi. Ia berkemungkinan bahawa waktu akan diberikan kepada pekerja waktu biasa dan mereka akan bekerja syif siang selama 12 jam.

Kegagalan anda berbuat demikian adalah melanggar s.25 Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 yang membawa hukuman denda sehingga RM 5000 dan penjara satu tahun.

Q4 Sekiranya ia bukan cuti umum di negerisaya, adakah saya masih perlu memberimasa (time-off) kepada pekerja saya untukmengundi?

Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 menyatakan:

“(1) Tiap-tiap majikan hendaklah, pada hari pengundian membenarkan setiap pemilih mengambil masa yang munasabah untuk mengundi, dan tiada majikan hendaklah membuat apa-apa potongan dari gaji atau imbuhan lain mana-mana pemilih itu ataumengenakan atau tepat kepadanya apap-apa penalti oleh sebab ketidakhadirannya dalam tempoh itu”

Kami mengesyorkan anda untuk memberikan 1-2 jam time-off sebagai ‘tempoh yang munasabah’ bergantung kepada lokasi dan keadaan trafik.

Q5 Jika waktu yang diperlukan, berapabanyak masa yang perlu saya berikan?

Ya anda boleh berbuat demikian. Jika pekerja anda berada dalam skop Akta Pekerjaan 1955, maka anda dinasihatkan untuk mematuhi mana-mana satu daripada yang berikut :

• Bayar kadar cuti umum mengikut s.60D Akta Kerja ( 2x kadar gaji harian untuk waktu biasa dan 3x kadar gaji jam bagi mana-mana kerja lebih masa yang dilaksanakan); atau

• Berikan satu hari lain sebagai cuti umum pengganti.

Jika pekerja anda tidak berada di dalam skop Akta Kerja 1955, maka anda dinasihatkan untuk mematuhi terma yang termaktub di dalam kontrak / buku panduan Syarikat anda. Jika semua sumber ini adalah tidak mengatakan apa-apa, maka anda boleh melaksanakan budi bicara anda sewajarnya. Walau bagaimanapun, anda dinasihatkan untuk memberikan masa (time-off) kepada pekerja anda kerana adalah wajib bagi anda untuk mematuhi s.25 Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954.

Q3 Jika kerajaan negeri mengisytiharkanhari mengundi sebagai cuti umum tetapisaya tidak melepaskan pekerja sayakerana saya memerlukan mereka untukbekerja. Bolehkan saya berbuat demikian?

Merujuk kepada Akta Kesalahan Pilihanraya 1954, tiada potongan dalam apa-apa bentuk yang dibenarkan.

“(1)... ..tiada majikan boleh membuat apa-apa potongan daripada gaji atau saraan lain bagi mana-mana pemilih itu atau mengenakan atau tepat kepadanya apa-apa penalti disebabkan oleh ketidahhadirannya dalam tempoh itu”

Q6Bolehkah saya memotong gaji pekerjauntuk waktu time-off yang telah diambiluntuk mengundi keranakerja tidakdilaksanakan?

Anda harus mempertimbangkan untuk memberikan sedikit kelonggaran pada Hari Mengundi sahaja. Antaranya adalah :-

• Membenarkan pekerja untuk memulakan kerja lebih lambat berbanding waktu kerja biasa supaya mereka boleh mengundi sebelum memulakan kerja pada Hari Mengundi;

• Membenarkan pekerja untuk memulakan kerja lebih awal berbanding biasa supaya mereka dapat mengundi setelah mereka selesai:

• Memanjangkan waktu rehat / makan tengah hari pekerja; atau• Benarkan pekerja memasuki waktu kerja secara berperingkat ( jadual kemasukan

adalah diaturkan oleh syarikat )

Jika anda mempunyai cadangan lain tetapi anda kurang yakin, sila hubungi kami.

Q7Saya perlu menjalankan perniagaan sayaseperti biasa pada Hari Mengundi, apakahpilihan yang saya ada?

Undang-undang mengharuskan anda untuk memberikan masa yang ‘munasabah’ untuk membenarkan pekerja anda mengundi dan ini tidaklah terpakai kepada pekerja berdaftar sebagai pengundi di negeri lain. Bagi pekerja yang memerlukan lebih masa kerana jarak perjalanan yang jauh, syarikat boleh menggalakkan mereka memohon cuti tahunan.

Anda digalakkan untuk memaklumkan kepada pekerja terlebih dahulu berkenaan hal ini untuk mengelakkan berlakunya salah faham. Anda seharusnya menggalakkan mereka memohon cuti terlebih dahulu sebelum hari mengundi supada anda akan berada dalam kedudukan yang lebih baik untuk mengetahui tenaga kerja yang ada pada hari tersebut.

Q8Pekerja saya mengatakan bahawa dia telah berdaftarsebagai pengundi di negeri lain. Adakah saya perlumemberikan masa ( time-off ) pada mana-manapekerja yang merupakan pengundi berdaftardi luar negeri syarikat saya beroperasi?

Perkara ini adalah jelas perbuatan salah laku. Anda boleh mengeluarkan surat tunjuk sebab dan mengambil tindakan disiplin yang sesuai.

Kami mengesyorkan anda untuk memaklumkan semua pekerja terlebih dahulu untuk mengelakkan perkara ini berlaku. Apa yang anda boleh lakukan adalah menetapkan tempoh masa untuk mengundi dan memaklumkan kepada kakitangan mengenai kesan atau akibat sekiranya tidak kembali tepat pada masanya.

Q9 Jika pekerja saya meninggalkan tempat kerja( setelah mendapatkan kelulusan ) untukmengundi tetapi dia tidak kembali bekerjaselepas mengundi, apakah yang boleh saya lakukan?

Anda tidak wajib untuk memberikan cuti tidak bercatat / tidak direkod. Sebaliknya, anda boleh menggalakkan pekerja memohon cuti tahunan.

Q10Pekerja saya telah meminta cuti yang tidakbercatat / tidak berekod kerana dia terlibatatau menjadi sukarelawan pada harimengundi. Apakah yang patut saya buat?




Page 4: RE: POLLING DAY - TIME OFF TO VOTE€¦ · Traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but sometimes, State Governments may declare it as a public holiday under s.9 of the

The industrial relations consultants

This depends. Traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but sometimes, State Governments may declare it as a public holiday under s.9 of the Holidays Act 1951. For example, in 2013, the Terengganu State Government declared 5 th May 2013 (polling day) as a public holiday.

Q1 Will Polling Day be a public holiday?

If the Company observes ALL gazetted public holidays in a year, then the public holiday for polling must be observed. If the Company does not observe ALL gazetted public holidays in a year (but observes only specific ones, then the public holiday for polling day need not be observed.

Q2 If the State Government declares a public holiday on polling day, is it compulsory?

You should only provide time-off to employees whose hours of work clashes with the time-slot given for voting. It is likely that time off will be granted to office based employees and employees who are on 12 hour shifts (day shift).

Failure to do so will be a breach of s.25 of the Election Offences Act 1954 which carries a penalty of a fine of up to RM5000 and imprisonment of one year.

Q4 If it is not a public holiday in my State, do I need to give my employee time off to vote?

The Election Offences Act 1954 states:

“(1) Every employer shall, on polling day allow to every elector in his employ a reasonable period for voting, and no employer shall make any deductions from the pay or other remuneration of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period”

We would recommend employers to provide 1-2 hours as the ‘reasonable period’ depending on locality and traffic conditions.

Q5 If time off is necessary, how much time off do I need to give?

Yes, you can. If your employee is within the scope of the Employment Act 1955, then you are advised to comply with either 1 of the following :

• Pay the public holiday rates according to s.60D of the EA (2x ORP for normal hours and 3x HRP for any OT performed); or

• Grant another day as a replacement public holiday

If your employees are not within the scope of the Employment Act 1955, then you are advised to comply with the terms stipulated in your contract / handbook / policy. If they are silent, you can apply your discretion. However, to be in compliance with s.25 of the Elections Offences Act 1954, you are advised to at least provide time-off to your employees.

Q3If the State Government declares a public holiday on polling day but I need my employees to work. Can I do so?

On the same section, the Election Offences Act 1954 prohibits any form of deductions, etc.:

“(1) … employer shall make any deductions from the pay or other remuneration of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period”

Q6Can we deduct the salary of the employee during the time-off since work was not performed?

You should consider giving some flexibility for that day only. Some common examples include:

• Requiring the employee to commence work later so they can cast their vote before they commence work;

• Requiring the employee to commence work earlier so they can cast their vote after they finish work;

• Extending the employee’s lunch break; or • Allow employees to go in batches (pre-arranged by the Company)

If you have some ideas but you are unsure, please speak to any one of our Consultants.

Q7If the State Government declares a public holiday on polling day but I need my employees to work. Can I do so?

The law requires you to provide ‘reasonable’ time-off. Surely, this reasonableness does not include employees traveling to other States. For employees who are traveling, the Company can encourage them to apply for annual leave.

It is advisable for this to be notified in advance to avoid misunderstanding / complication. If you are able to get employees to submit their annual leave application in advance, you will also be in a better position to gauge your workforce for the day.

Q8My employee informs me that he isregistered as a voter in another State.Do we give time-off for that too?

This is a clear act of misconduct. You can issue a show cause and follow through with the appropriate disciplinary action.

On a side note, we recommend that you inform all employees beforehand to avoid this from happening. To do so, you can set a time frame for voting and inform employees of the consequences for not returning on time.

Q9If my employee left the workplace ( with approval ) to cast his vote but he did notreturn to work after that, what can we do?

You do not have an obligation to grant unrecorded leave. You can encourage the employee to apply for annual leave instead.

Q10My employee is requesting for unrecorded leave because he is involved /volunteering at the election.What should I do?




Page 5: RE: POLLING DAY - TIME OFF TO VOTE€¦ · Traditionally, polling day is not a public holiday but sometimes, State Governments may declare it as a public holiday under s.9 of the

The industrial relations consultants


Q1 投票日是公众假期吗?





Q2 如果州政府在投票日宣布公共假期是强制性的吗?



Q4 如果它不是我州的公共假期我是否需要提供休假时间让我的员工进行投票?


“(1) Every employer shall, on polling day allow to every elector in his employ a reasonable period for voting, and no employer shall make any deductions from the pay or other remuneration of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period”


Q5 如果需要休假时间我需要为员工提供多久的休假时间?


· 根据EA的第60D条支付公众假期费用(正常工作时间2xORP 任何 OT工作时为3x HRP);或

· 换一天作为替代公共假日




“(1) ⋯ employer shall make any deductions from the pay or other remunera-tion of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period”

Q6 我们可以在休假期间因为工作没有完成的理由而扣除员工的工资吗?


·要求员工迟点工作,以便他们在工作之前投票;·要求员工提早工作,以便他们在完成工作后投票;·延长员工午休时间; 或·允许员工分批进行(由公司预先安排)


Q7 我需要继续经营我的业务我有什么替代方案?




Q8 我的员工通知我他在另一个州注册为选民我们是否也为员工提供休假时间?

这是一个明显的不当行为。您可以出“show cause letter”并采取适当的纪律处分措施。



