the cofield report september 2012


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Political commentary, health and relationship tips. Religious issues


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September 2012 Volume 20

Rev. Dr. A’Shellarien AnthonyAuthor

The Cofield ReportPolitical Commentary

Healthy Bodi


Relationship Tips

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The Cofield Report The Cofield Report

EDITORAllen Green


Mary Daniels

Simone Malone

Pastor Lenora Young

Phil Hughes

Irene Council

Mozelle G

Dr. Donna Rouse

Kemba Cofield

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Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say! Writer: Allen Green

I appreciates being in the company of people that say what they mean and mean what they say. I have no time for phony individuals that say one thing and mean another. This being said I have no problem with those members of the Republican Party (few they may be) who say exactly what they mean and do not back down (flip flop) when confronted. Say what you mean and mean what you say! In no way do I agree or condone the stupid statement regarding rape made by Todd Atkins the representative from Missouri but I can respect him because he stated exactly what was on his narrow peewee mind, no matter how foolish it sounded. He only expressed truthfully what many of those in the Republican Party believe and attempt to deny thus misleading the public and getting votes. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are both such chronic liars it boggles the mind. It is astonishing how both Romney and Ryan along with countless other Republican politicians can deny statements they have previously made despite the undeniable proof highlighted in past statements, television and news interviews. The deceiving nature of some Republicans is very dangerous. They espouse the view they think people want to hear and unfortunately, there are some people that are easily swayed. These politicians lie their way into office and once there wreak havoc.

Yea, sure, Mr. Ryan says “rape is rape” NOW, but previously he sponsored several bills with the help of his buddy Todd Akin demonstrating his very strong controlling beliefs when it comes to women and their bodies. Mr. Ryan also has very strong beliefs when it comes to the programs designed to help the less fortunate and seniors. Yet he is hiding his real face when it comes to telling seniors the truth; he is deceiving the American people and especially seniors. If he and Romney get elected they have stated they will repeal Obamacare. Why don’t they tell the truth that the seniors will be affected immediately by being dropped back into the donut hole to pay more for their prescription and lose their freepreventive care, etc? Say what you mean and mean what you say!

Ryan recently in Florida paraded his mother out like a guarantee they will not hurt seniors. Seniors are not as gullible as you may think Mr. Ryan.

Has anyone given a 2nd thought to the families of these politicians such as Ryan and yes Romney? They do not need any help from the government. They will be just fine without Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.; they have more than enough money for their living and medical expenses without any help from our government or should I say our NO GOVERNment, can you say the same for your loved ones?

Vote wisely people, don’t vote against your own interest and cut off your nose because you are unhappy about what this President was not able to do for you with no help from half the congress; he has and is still trying to do what he can on his own. Also I might say the only President in the history of this United States who has had to try to help the American people on his own.

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People, Congress is the real decider and they (Republican congress/senate) decided on Inauguration day before President Obama even stepped into the White House, that this President will not do anything to help the middle class which is heart of this country, and you can best believe, the Republicans are not concerned about the poor (Romney’s words) or the middle class and the less fortunate.

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Mad At The President......................for What?

Now, since Obama's regime, all of a sudden, folks have gotten mad, and want to take America Back... BACK TO WHAT or WHERE is my question? I am voting for PRESIDENT OBAMA no matter what. He should get 8 years in term, because he IS CHANGING America and we all know why THEY don't like it! If Obama wasn't Black, they would be praising and thanking him.

After The 8 Years Of The Bush/Cheney Disaster, Now You Get Mad?

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq.

You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.

You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq.

You didn't get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.

You didn't get mad when they didn't catch Bin Laden.

You didn't get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.

You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

You didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.

You didn't get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the 1%, over a trillion dollars in tax breaks.

You didn't get mad with the worst 8 years of job creations in several decades.

You didn't get mad when over 200,000 US Citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.

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You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US Citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values. You finally got mad when a black man was elected President and decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, job losses by the millions, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, and the worst economic disaster since 1929 are all okay with you, but helping fellow Americans who are sick... Oh, Hell to the No!

Let's get as passionate about re-electing our wonderful hard working President Obama as we were when we got him elected! Don't get complacent and don't take for granted he will easily be back in office.

Let's all get busy starting the work today!!!!

Give this MAN credit where credit is due. Black folks stop thinking just because we have a Black President that you were entitled to something without working for it! (Did you think because we got a Black President 4 years ago, you were going to get a check in the mail for $100k or something, maybe the 40 acres and a mule...come on....get real!)

Make a difference Get educated, stop complaining and get back on track to preserving our race and represent like The Obamas. Do your part! VOTE Obama 2012. Spread the word. We have to get out and VOTE like we did 4 years ago...if we want to keep the Obama in office. Don’t think for one minute that your Vote doesn't count!

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

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Inspiration CornerFriends,

May God bless your coming in and your going out today. May no harm come to you and yours AND may you be an appetizer for His Kingdom.

Love, Mary Daniels

PRAYING FOR CHANGE - Dr. Charles Stanley

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

James 5:16

Hanging above the door in our house, my mother's favorite plaque constantly reminded us, "Prayer changes things." From an early age, I witnessed this powerful truth through her example. She'd tell me about some difficulties she was facing and then have me pray about them with her. And later, she'd always be sure to give God the glory when sharing the awesome news that He had answered those prayers.

Indeed, this is our confidence: Anything we pray for that aligns with the Father's plan will be granted. And the more time we spend with Him, the more we'll come to understand His will and how to pray for it.

Remember, prayer doesn't change God's mind, but it does transform the believer's heart. Some requests are granted immediately, simply because we asked with the realization that our Father loves to give usgood gifts. Other requests may require time or certain divine preparations before they can be given. We, meanwhile, must simply be diligent to persevere in prayer.

Whatever the Lord's response or timing, we trust that He has only the very best in store for His children. That means we might not receive exactly what we're asking for, but something even better. Such is God's great pleasure, for He alone perfectly knows each heart's desire and wishes to fulfill it.

Our most powerful tool for shaping the world and lives around us is always available. Prayer lets us witness God's hand in any situation. And as we give attention, time, and perseverance to conversation with Him, we find no limit to what He can achieve in people's hearts and circumstances.

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“A Power Greater Than Your Hurt”Pastor Lenora G. Young

Genesis 29: 31 – 35

31And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren. 32And Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me. 33And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the LORD hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she called his

name Simeon. 34And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi. 35And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing.

Many of us have dealt with or experienced hurt at one time or another. We have been wounded – offended – upset – damaged. Whether deep or shallow, old or new, it is still hurt. We carry hurts that have come from a family member – a close friend – a church member or a bad relationship. Please let me try to help you. Let me try to encourage you by giving you these words, you don’t have to continue to carry this hurt. You don’t have to continue to carry the wounds that you have received from life’s battles of deception. You don’t have to continue to carry that broken spirit – injured feelings, torn character or torment in the mind. The bible says He bore our grief’s – He carried our sorrows – He carried our hurts – He carried our disappointments. Don’t get me wrong, I did not say that hurt would not come. What I am saying is that you don’t have to carry it alone. You don’t have to wallow in it – He took it on so why are you carrying it? Give all your hurts, worries, and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you. Let me say it another way, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” “There Is A Power Greater Than Your Hurt.” God has given us the power to get over and to get through any situation. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. He said, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the the world. He promised to be with you and never leave you. Let’s deal with this just a little more. If not released or dealt with, it will turn into bitterness and bitterness will then turn to hatred. Don’t allow the enemy to overtake you. You can cheat the devil out of the victory – you can cheat the devil of his aim – you can cheat the devil out of his expectation. For his goal is to steal your peace, your joy, and your praise. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: It’s the thief’s intention to take from you without your knowledge. It’s a slow process. He keeps bringing it back to your remembrance. Not allowing you to get over your hurt. Use the power that you have been given. Why? Because God’s word tells us, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have itmore abundantly. I came to give life—life in all its fullness. Our text speaks of a woman who was given in marriage by her father. You know the story – When Jacob had been with him for a month, Labon, his

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uncle said to him – “you’re family – my flesh and blood.” Just because you’re my nephew, you shouldn’t work for me for nothing, tell me what you want to be paid. What’s a fair wage?” Laban had two daughters; Leah was the oldest and Rachel, the youngest. Jacob had eyes for Rachel – for she was beautiful. He made his request, “If you will give me Rachel, I will work for you seven years.” Jacob lived seven years in Laban’s house, caring for his sheep and oxen and camels; and such was his love for Rachel that the seven years seemed like a few days. He worked the seven years and at the end he asked for his wife, Rachel. At last the day came for the marriage; and they brought in the bride, who after the manner of that land was covered with a thick veil, so that her face could not be seen. A she was married to Jacob; and when Jacob lifted up the veil, he found that he had been married, not Rachel whom he loved, but her older sister Leah who was not beautiful, and whom Jacob did not love at all. Of course he was angry that he had been deceived. It was explained that, “In our land we never allow the younger daughter to be married before the older daughter. Keep Leah for your wife, and work for me seven years longer, and you shall have Rachel also.” Leah, not the desired one – Leah, not considered pleasant to the eye. Placed in a marriage because of the custom of the land. An arranged marriage - married to a man that does not love her. How would you feel if this was your situation? Would you be devastated because of the hurt – the very idea of being connected or involved with someone that does not love you? In spite of her knowledge of this fact, the bible tells us that Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me. Reuben: whose choice of name is connected with the phrase, “the Lord has looked upon my affliction.” 33And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the LORD hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she called his name Simeon. Simeon: (Heard). . . “the Lord has heard” 34And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi. Levi: (Attached). . . my husband . . . will be attached‘, 35And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing. Judah: (Praise). . . “I will praise the Lord” “THERE IS A POWER GREATER THAN YOUR HURT” I believe Leah finally realizes that praise is the answer to her situation. Praise will bring you into a place of peace and contentment. Turn those tears of sadness into tears of joy. Take on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that God will be glorified. A song writer picked up his pen and wrote these words;

You can make it – You can make it I don’t care what you’re going through Jesus know just what to do You can make it – You can make it I don’t care what’s going wrong God won’t let it last too longYou’re not in this thing alone – You can make it.Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Take hold of the power that is GREATER THAN YOUR HURT!

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Feelgoodflavor 16:Simone Malone

Most of us can use some form of stress relief, especially with the

busy lives we lead these days, and spiritual practices can really

help relax you and calm your mind so that you can enjoy life.

Some people feel that spirituality can be described as religion, but

nothing could be further from the truth. While you can be spiritual and religious, you don't have to

subscribe to any specific religious belief in order to enjoy spirituality. Spirituality is your connection to

yourself and the forging of an inner path to your true core beliefs and values. Connecting with your

spirituality doesn't mean you have to meditate constantly. Spirituality may be explored through a variety

of experiences, some of which might surprise you. While some make their spiritual connection primarily

through long meditation, others may do it through short meditations, through volunteering, by listening

to music, going for a good run, or even exercising. The key to accessing your spirituality is to find an

activity that allows your mind to find a neutral state. That may mean clearing your mind of cluttered

thoughts so that you may access a quieter place that connects you to the world in a different way. You

need to relieve yourself of the constant distracting chatter in order to find this place where ideas can be

accessed easily, solutions to problems seem to appear out of nowhere, and those small epiphanies that

make our emotional lives more fulfilling can happen. Now, think about your daily activities and whether

any one of them can help you find a peaceful, reflective state. If so, you may have already found a key to

your spiritual connection that can be explored further. If not, I strongly suggest you begin experimenting

to find whatever it is that takes you to the still place in your mind. You'll be blessed with more

relaxation and less stress. Remember to always take time to pray so you can be guided by the spirit.

Until the next time, remember you are never alone with Simone Malone.

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By Phill Hughes

Welcome back. Today, I’d like to talk about male menopause. Last month, while browsing the internet, my eyes came to a halt when I saw the term “male menopause” and I see that it got your attention too. Male menopause, which is also known as andropause, is also knick-named man-opause. Well, here’s what I discovered: Man-opause occurs sometimes when the testosterone levels decrease. Doctors have stated that some men exhibit symptoms of low testosterone levels as they age. They have also stated that this is normal, but sometimes low testosterone levels can cause symptoms ranging from low sex drive to depression. Wikipedia adds, nervousness, impaired memory, the

inability to concentrate, fatigue, insomnia, mood swings and sweating as symptoms associated with man-opause.

My favorite website WebMD offers this information:

Low Testosterone and Diabetes

The link between diabetes and low testosterone are well established. Men with diabetes are more likely to have low testosterone and men with low testosterone levels are more likely later to develop diabetes.

Low Testosterone and Obesity

Obesity and low testosterone are tightly linked. Obese men are more likely to have low testosterone. Men with very low testosterone are also more likely to become obese.

Low Testosterone and Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is the name for a condition that includes the presence of abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, waistline obesity, and high blood sugar. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Since we have a clear understanding of what male menopause is, let’s talk about prevention and ways to recover. If you read the ads on the back of many male health magazines, you may see offers that suggest taking testosterone replacements or body rejuvenators. Not so fast. A low testosterone level by itself doesn't need treatment. Testosterone replacement therapy can have side effects, and the long-term risks and benefits aren't known. Only men with symptoms of low testosterone should consider testosterone replacement. Talking with your doctor is the only way to know if testosterone therapy is right for you. I’d also like to suggest that a change in diet and an exercise regimen may be in order. This may very well be the first thing your physician may suggest to you.

The University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) recommends fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables that tend to provide the most nutritional benefits. Those richest in antioxidants, which may reduce risk

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for diseases, include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, papaya, kiwifruit, cantaloupe, plums, oranges, kale, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts and bell peppers, just to name a few.

The UMMC suggests limiting salty foods and foods from fast food restaurants. Foods high in saturated or trans fats, such as fatty red meat, dark-meat poultry, whole milk, fried pastries, potato chips and other processed foods, are linked with heart disease, diabetes and certain forms of cancer. Alcohol and added sugars should also be restricted or consumed in moderation. Processed carbohydrates, such as enriched white breads, pastas, cereals, instant rice, sugary soft drinks and most desserts, lack nutrients and dietary fiber; thus, whole grains and starchy vegetables are recommended in their place.

EMAX Health provided the following. Aerobic exercise was most likely to be associated with preventing stroke, as well as heart disease. Men who exercise in their free time were found to have a twenty-four percent lower risk of coronary artery disease, and for women the risk was twenty three percent less.The findings show that walking at a moderate to fast pace, jogging, swimming, bicycling and similar aerobic exercise, thirty minutes a day can prevent disease. So until next time, be blessed.

Genesis 1:29 - And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.”

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Perception vs. RealityWriter: Dr. Donna Rouse

I was having a great conversation with a friend of mine and he said the most profound thing to me. He said “your perception may not be reality”. That statement has stayed with me for some time now. Daily I say to myself; what is actually reality and what is it that I perceive? Life is filled with so many dimensions that we cannot consume or comprehend it all because we are blinded by what we think we know and see. Perception is defined as becoming aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing. Reality is defined as the quality or state of being actual or true. We as humans have a tendency to have perception in the following ways. Our perception is always performed by how we see others and how we see ourselves.

We humans have a habit of viewing others based on what we see, how we feel, our own personal experiences, and most common

assumptions. For example one would see an individual dressed in all black, heavy makeup, black nails and tattoos all over their body. The initial perception of this individual would be one of evil and darkness. So far from the truth, unless you take the time to find out just who and what that individual is about. I met someone about a month ago who wore dark colors and had tattoos all over their body. This individual was evangelizing to me about the goodness of Christ and how far God brought them. Perception can be deadly. Now what if I had allowed my perception to deceive me in believing this individual was not for me based on appearance or what I thought they were about? I would have missed out on a message that I truly needed at that point in my life. God will use anyone who accepts Christ.

I always tell people I see myself in the mirror everyday but I don’t know or care to know how people view me. I just try my best to do what is right, fair, and pleasing to God. It’s funny how some people will judge you based on what they see and cannot see themselves. What is really interesting is the people who have no idea how they are. I guess you can say they are somewhat delusional and unaware of their own reality. It irritates me to hear people who think they are better than others based on what they perceive is a better neighborhood than others. These are the same people who barely have a pot to piss in thinking they are cut above the rest but always looking for a hand out. Maybe it’s possible that their persona is to cover up their insecurities. It does not make sense to me. But wait that’s my perception of things I could be wrong. So I need to check myself and realize that my perception may not be their reality.

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Rev. Dr. A’Shellarien Anthony, A.A., B.S., M.DIV, STM, Thd

Rev. Dr. A’Shellarien Anthony is the mother of three, K’Aelle, Cache, and Carnell III

and the grandmother of one, K’Aniyah. She is an anointed and appointed woman of God who

loves to serve wherever God places her. She currently serves as a Pediatric and Adult Chaplain

for Delaware Hospice in Wilmington, De. She is an Adjunct Professor for Harcum College

where she teaches Leadership. She is an Instructor and 4th Year Advisor at City Wide

Interdenominational Christian Training Institute (CWICTI). Dr. Anthony is the CEO of Desakajo

Publishing. She has an Associate of Art degree from Manor Junior College in Early Childhood

Education, a Bachelor of Science from Geneva College in Urban Ministry Leadership, a Master

of Divinity and a Master of Sacred Theology from Lutheran Theological Seminary at

Philadelphia, and a Doctorate of Theology in Biblical Theology from Almeda University. She

has served as a Children’s Pastor at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Philadelphia. She also served as

Children’s Pastor and Director of the Child Development Center at Matthews Memorial Baptist

Church in Washington, DC. God called her into ministry in 1999 and she yielded to the call in

2000. She was ordained in 2003 as a Minister of the Gospel at Gate To Heaven Ministry by

Prophet C. A. Smith Sr. In January 2006 she was ordained in the Baptist tradition by Bishop C.

M. Hudson Jr. In 2012 she was ordained an Itinerate Deacon in the African Methodist Episcopal

Church. She currently serves at Mt. Tabor African Methodist Episcopal Church under the

leadership of Pastor Martha. A. Lang, her mentor and mother in ministry.

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Dr. Anthony is the author of three successful books. Read a brief synopsis of each one below.

Dr. A’Shellarien Anthony’s Books are available on Info: 267-779-1475/[email protected]/

Does Love Cover, THAT?:The Healing Process of the Fruit of the Spirit was birthed out of a vacation bible school adult class that was taught at LaMott AME Church This life altering bookdemonstrates that the blending of how we love with how we cultivate our fruit is the life changing component to our spiritual journey. The premise for this book is to draw the believer into a love relationship with God, their neighbor, and themselves. Love is that which connects us to God. Love is the reason that we were created and love is how we should live, move, and have our being. The Bible makes it clear that the believer is known by their love.

Love is what we do and our fruit is how we do what we do. The greatest challenge for all of us is how do we authentically love and forgive those who hurt us. If you have ever asked yourself “What is love? Why does love hurt? or “Is love really enough?, then this book is for you. In the book I talk about how our spiritual fruit goes through changes just as natural fruit does. This book shares the four stages that our fruit goes through as we encounter non-loving experiences in our lives. The Four Stages Are: Good Fruit, Bruised Fruit, Sour Fruit, and Unripe Fruit. Allow the Spirit of God to heal you as you internalize the principles that you will find in this book. $15

Does Love Cover, THAT?:The Healing Process of the Fruit of the Spirit Workbook was birthed out of a vacation bible school adult class that I taught at LaMott AME Church under the leadership of Pastor Keith Hayward. The concept of blending how we love with how we

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cultivate our fruit has been a life changing component to our spiritual journey. The premise for this book is to draw the believer into a love relationship with God, their neighbor, and themselves. Love is that which connects us to God. Love is the reason that we were created and love is how we should live, move, and have our being. The Bible makes it clear that the believer is known by their love. Love is what we do and our fruit is how we do what we do. This workbook helps those who have read the book, work through the four stages that our fruit goes through as we encounter non-loving experiences in our lives. The Four Stages Are: Good Fruit, Bruised Fruit, Sour Fruit, and Unripe Fruit. Allow the Spirit of God to heal you as you internalize the principles that you will find in this workbook. The workbook is designed to be used individually or as a Bible study. $20

Finding Me: A Woman’s Theology of Self-Identification was written in partial fulfillment for my Master of Sacred Theology Degree from Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. The premise for this book is to take a specific look at women of faith who have had the eyes of their understanding opened as they read, reflected, and reassessed how they understand the Bible along with how they understand themselves in God’s eyes.. I identify some of the theological challenges that wrestling women are faced with, address some of the Christological limitations that they deal with, and demystify some of the anthropological barriers that they are constricted with. This book will help women as well as men understand the danger in women disconnecting internally to engage externally. Let this book bring wholeness and healing to what it means to live, move, and have your being in the body of a woman. $15

Beside The Still Waters: Having Faith Even When....... is a book that helps anyone struggling with their faith when they are losing or have lost a loved one. We have been taught that our faith must be unmovable yet in the midst of grieving our faith must be fluid like water so that we can adjust to our current situation. This book will help you move from "rock faith" to "fluid faith" as you walk through your grieving process. If you have ever felt lost in your grief this book will help you learn that there are some things you will never get over ....yet by fluid faith you will get through. $10

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Relationship Corner with IreneWriter: Irene Council

As Christians, we must realize that our lives is not our own. What we do is a reflection of who we serve (Christ). I never want to mislead anyone into thinking that they won't be disappointed by some of life's situations. So we have to consider the people that are connected to us and remember they are watching our reactions as well as our results.

When you realize that romance, intimacy and passion are not words that are automatically linked to sex, then you have reach a level of maturity most Never reach. Although many look at these words as "action" words, and they are...they are NOT only designed for the bedroom. Putting sex aside, these words are important in a relationship and they intensify as the relationship grows. So be mindful of who you allow in that "triangle", but make sure God is the "center!"

Damaged Goods - because of their noticeable condition of damage, these items automatically goes straight to the clearance aisle. Most of the time, people overlook what use to be whole and in great condition. This reigns true for people who walk around with bitterness and anger also; even though they (once) were a great catch...all you see is the damage, the hurt or just the bitterness. It's okay to take time to get "You" together. Sometime I look in the clearance isles and I find great treasures, but not everyone has an eye for "what COULD be!"

God gives and God takes! If they don’t want to be with you and God don’t make them stay...then let them GO. Never think that "Dead weight" is "Healthy weight" that you have to carry.

Keep your "sexy" up at all times. Just because you've been with someone for years, doesn't mean you slack on your appearance or attention to self. As my mother has always said, “how you looked when you was caught is what will keep you caught"...give no room for competition because it’s out there!

Stop responding to that person you swore you cut-off last year. The familiar is always more comfortable than the unfamiliar. But take a risk because the "Present" is a "Gift" that needs to be unwrapped, while the past is just that...the past!

Never pass up the opportunity to apologize to your mate when something went wrong or was said out of anger. Silence can cause a great gap in your relationship that could have easily been avoided by one word, "sorry"...

Please know that you can't fake happiness and you shouldn't have to. Don’t let this "microwave society" make you feel like waiting for the "right one" is a waste. You and only you have to live with YOUR decision, so don’t regret it. Take your time and choose wisely!

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Mozelle G’sWhat the Hell Corner

Last month I told you I was gonna write about Titles in the Church. Changed my mind. I’ll do that in October. Feel this topic is more important.

Are we better off today than we were four years ago when President Obama took office?

Let’s take a look at just a few of the things that were happening four years ago that are no longer happening now. It’s so many I am only going to touch on a few. There are many, many more…..

1. Four years ago at the end of 2008 the US financial institutions were at the brink of collapse and begging for money FROM THE GOVERNMENT to keep from falling off the cliff. The same government these Republicans are saying is too big. What the Hell! Well it wasn’t too big when Wall Street needed money was it! Yeah right! The majority of which was paid for by us hard-working middle-class tax payers.

2. We are no longer losing 800,000 jobs a month. That’s right President Obama has helped to slow down, stop and turn the job losses around. If the truth to be told over four million jobs have been added over the past 29 months. Hell No! We ain’t where we should be. There are still many, many people without jobs and it’s gonna takes more than four years to clean up the more than 10 years of behind the scenes Wall Street shenanigans, chaos and mess that came to a head and brought this whole country to the edge just when President Obama was about to take office in 2009.

3. The auto industry was also on the brink of collapse until the President stuck his neck out and bailed them out which by the way saved millions of jobs. The US auto industry is now back on top as one of the leading auto manufacturer in the world.

4. With the passing of the Wall Street reform bill and new regulations, credit card companies and lending institutions can no longer cheat, deceive and overcharge the American people. They can no longer add those little sneaky fees to your statement without detailed explanations for the charges.

5. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), more Americans will be able to get healthcare. No longer can you be denied coverage for having a pre-existing condition. Children can stay on the parent’s insurance until the age of 26, Insurance companies can no longer drop you when you get sick (there is no limit) and many other health benefits for the American people.

6. Despite the blatant lies the Republicans vomit out every time they open their mouths President Obama took fraud and abuse out Medicare by stopping the needless over-payments to insurance

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companies and medical facilities. That’s right he placed the monies back into Medicare to make prescription drugs more affordable for us seniors and give us free preventive care. The President has strengthened Medicare and added years to its existence. It is another damn lie by the republicans that the President stole 716 billion dollar from Medicare. My take it this! I may be wrong but Hell I don’t think so. The republicans are upset because he took the 716 billion dollars of over-payments from their partners, the insurance companies.

The truth that Romney and Ryan are not telling us is that their plan also takes the same 716 billion out as well. However, we have no idea where the money will go. Their goal is to take as much money as they can from the middle class, poor, seniors and transfer it to their wealthy friends in the form of tax cuts

7. After two wars and thousands of soldiers fighting and dying for over10 years, we are no longer fighting in Iraq. President Obama promised to end the war in Iraq and he has kept his promise. I am sure families and friends of the surviving troops are ecstatic to have their loved ones back home. Romney made a comment that bringing the troops home would be tragic. What the hell! Unlike the tragedy of the over 4,000 lives lost.

8. We are no longer living under the fear that our most dangerous enemy is still plotting against us. President Obama gave the orders to take out Bin Laden the moment we had him in our sights. Unlike the previously President who stated approximately two years after 911 (and I am paraphrasing), “I’m not really concerned about him (Laden); we don’t know where he is and really don’t care about him.” Well my readers, President Obama cared. It only took him two years in office to bring the enemy to justice. Let’s see the previous administration squandered eight years of not caring while soldiers died. President Obama did what he said he would do to protect this country.

The President is winding down the war in Afghanistan and will start bringing those troops home as well. President Obama came into office with every intention of getting our country back on track. He came in with the expectation of ending the wars, fixing healthcare, etc.; however, unfortunately he did not realize the Republicans had every intention of blocking him at every turn. Their plans started with a meeting right after the President was sworn in; while he and his wife were dancing at their inauguration ball, some Republicans including their now Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan, were in a restaurant one mile away plotting the destruction of Mr. Obama’s presidency.

President Obama was under the mistaken impression that the politicians cared more about the Country when in reality they were more concerned with doing everything in their power to making sure the first black President would only have one term.

I already know the answer….LOL! I am sure many of you reading between the lines know. Can you tell me why are they so afraid for the first black President of the United States of Americato be a success? Dwell on that! What the Hell!

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KEMBA’S CORNERWriter: Kemba Cofield

Hello all,

This note is a note of encouragement. God has a plan for your life and if you can believe this, it’s not all that pretty sometimes. We have a lot of pastorsand TV folk that love to tell us all the good things about God but we don’t think about the realities of what it takes to be committed and devoted to Him. It’s a diligent walk. Life brings good times and bad times. Think of Jesus’ example. He could have come from the sky in a chariot made of fire with rose petals dropping from the sky to be the child of the richest family in his area. However, he came in poverty. He disrespected and attacked from birth

until death but He made it through. You can too. Life is full of details. I want to encourage you to remember the details of what God wants in your life. Seek His guidance, trust in His Word, and never ever let anyone or anything take away your heartfelt belief in who He is and what He has planned for you.

You may never become a movie star. He may have a completely different plan for you but whatever the plan He is going to make it work. I recently have gone through one of the worst summers of my adult life. One week started with losing my Christian manager, “I’m a singer,” losing my boyfriend “the first guy in six years I have even liked,” and my house all in the same week. I cried and cried and was in school starting my second Master’s degree. I would break out in tears randomly. However, I began a process of forgiveness. I began a process of strength. The darker Satan tried to make my life I prayed and forgave and kept moving forward. It took time and determination. By the end of the summer my manager is officially gone but it’s all good. My ex has apologized and realized some of his own behavior caused a great deal of our plight and my house was taken off the market five days before it was supposed to go up for auction. What an amazing time? I could have waddled in self-pity and don’t get me wrong, I cried up my share of whys and why can’t I’s but in addition I also kept it moving. I channeled that energy into positive things. These things were important. I needed to change and my life is evolving.

You have one life to live. Live it. I find a quote from a movie called the Shaw shank Redemption astounding “Get busy living or get busy dying.” I chose to live and have started day by day to appreciate the Lord’s little gifts and the little things like getting up and walking and having food to eat. These little things many people don’t have worldwide amazingly. America can make us blind to that. I truly pray that if you are going through, go through. Submit your heartfelt request to God and leave it with Him. Guidance will come. Doors will open even at the last minute. Get Busy Living.

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President Barak Obama 2012