the cofield report october 2012


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October 2012 Volume 21

The Cofield Report

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The Cofield Report

EDITOR Allen Green


Allen Green

Simone Malone

Pastor Lenora Young

Phil Hughes

Irene Council

Minister Demetrius Adams

Katherine Kemp

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The Big Lie! Writer: Allen Green Liar – a person who has lied or lies repeatedly (World English Dictionary) After watching the first Presidential debate on Wednesday, October 3rd I want to state that Mitt Romney must indeed be the incarnate seed of satan. Why? Because he is a pathological, HABITUAL LIAR who has taken the art of lying to the level of a science and he does it so elegantly with such ease and a straight face. This individual is dangerous! Mr. Romney actually believes the words that come out of his mouth. He should publish the book: The Art of Lying 101 by Mitt Romney. People, be very, very caution of this man. Time and time again Romney has shown us whom he is, the master liar! Maya Angelo said, “When a person shows you who they are, believe them”.

As I Listened to President Obama at the rally in Denver, Colorado the day after the debate I fully understand the strategy of the President. Do not get it twisted. President Obama is an intelligent, caring and diplomatic individual. The President gave the master liar enough rope to hang himself and that is exactly what Romney did. The real Romney was absent from the stage. The one on stage was the imaginary fairy tale Romney. That’s right Romney, the same one who stood flat footed and lied about all the things that he has been stating (which by the way is all captured on tape) for the past year. Hum! Maybe the imaginary Romney beamed over from that alternative universe (the one with the 53%) that exists side by side with ours. What do you think? LOL!

News flash on the latest statement from the Mitt Liar Romney in an interview he did on Thursday night with Fox News. He was asked what he would have said had the "47 percent" comments come up during his debate with President Barack Obama. He responded that sometimes in campaigning things do not come out right and that, I quote, and “In this case, I said something that's just completely wrong."

This lying Ass-hole will do and say whatever it takes to get in the White House. Do not be tricked or bamboozled by this shape shifting, forked tongued, flip flopping deceiver. You have heard the television tapes. Romney said EXACTLY what he meant when speaking before the group of millionaire supporters. If he did not mean it or it did not come out right why did he note correct it at the time it was said? No! He never imagined the meeting was being taped and would end up with the entire country watching. As I previously quoted Maya Angelo as saying “When someone shows you who they are believe them”.

Mr. Romney you have showed us that you! You are a LIAR and I believe you!

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Readers, there is so much more at stake in this 2012 election than the economy. Do not get me wrong, the economy is important. However, let’s not forget women’s rights, gay rights, senior rights, immigration, healthcare, voting rights, human rights. If they had their way the republican/tea party would take us back to the past. We must………MUST…..MUST vote in this election.

President Obama is not perfect! No man who ever walked and breathed the air of this earth was perfect except Jesus Christ. However, President Obama is the right leader for this time to get things rolling in the right direction for the country. The liar Romney says that nothing has been done in four years and we cannot have another four years of Mr. Obama’s Presidency! What we cannot have is four years of a Romney Presidency which would take us back to the eight years of havoc birth by the Republicans who got us into this situation in the first place. We cannot have four more years of an obstructionist Congress whose main focus was to see that any and all programs and ideas that President Obama put forth failed, even though many of the programs were those the Republicans themselves proposed. The Senate and House needs to be replenished with a group of fair minded, clear thinking, intelligent, willing to compromise American loving politicians both Democratic and Republicans whose main focus is the American people. We need replace the damn racist tea party/republicans and send them to the alternative universe that they apparently desire to live in. Vote my friends.

Remember the puppet Pinocchio!

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Relationship Tips Writer: Irene Council

Remember this, you can't pick who your children are...but you can pick who their

parent is. Be careful in your choosing!

You "still" talking about, there ain’t any real men out there. Maybe it’s YOU...your

make-up, your wardrobe, your attitude, your confidence...start looking at what you can

change to make them look at you and not your girlfriend, co-worker or sister. Become

Attractive, period.

Getting relationship advice from your "ex" is not a great idea. They couldn't fix what

was wrong when you two were what make you think they can fix your

current relationship. Go to the source, IJS

A "real man" doesn't care about your cleavage, your lipstick or even how long your legs look in that mini-skirt,

(even though, those mentioned is a bonus)... He cares about if he gives you the money to pay the "bills"...will you,

or is those shoes you peeped a little more important!

Saying "sorry" doesn't make you seem weak men, it just lets us know that you've identified something was wrong

and you wanted to simply make it right.

Once you realize that your mate will Never be perfect, Will say something stupid, won’t always be on time and

Will embarrass you eventually (because they ARE human and DO make mistakes), you might just have a shot at

an awesome relationship!

Women, we put on many hats in our relationships, mom, nurse, cook, financial advisor, chauffeur, and counselor

and so on. Why in the world are you adding "wearing the pants" to that list. Girl, sit down, get pretty and let him

be man. You don’t look right in that role anyway!

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Hello and welcome back. In previous articles we’ve talked extensively about how a healthy diet with exercise can prevent many illnesses. The one illness I’d like to talk about to you today is stroke. We’ve discussed this before, but today, I’d like to go a little deeper. You see, my brother had a stroke recently and it has drastically changed his life and the lives of his immediate family. Stroke, which is also called “brain attack”, can cause you to have permanent complications that affect your ability to care for yourself and your home. Even after medical treatment, you can still have lingering mental and physical effects that can last for the rest of your life. Some of the lasting effects of a stroke are: speech disorder, difficulty swallowing, confusion, weakness, paralysis and vision loss.

Do you know some of the health conditions that make you a primary target for a stroke? No! Well let me tell you.

Hypertension – High blood pressure left untreated

Abnormal heartbeat (Afib) – Can cause blood to pool in the heart and can clot

Smoking – Damages blood vessel walls and makes the heart work faster

High cholesterol – Is a fatty substance in the blood that can clog arteries

Excess weight – Strains the circulatory system

Diabetes – Many people with diabetes have other health issues that are risk factors

Alcohol – Consuming excessive amounts is poisoning your bloodstream

Did you know that up to eighty percent of strokes can be prevented? No! You can help prevent a stroke if you control risk factors and effectively treat other medical conditions that can lead to a stroke.

Hypertension – Stay at a healthy weight, eat less salt, regular exercise, and eat heart-healthy foods

Abnormal heartbeat (Afib) - Eat well, gets regular exercise, don't smoke, and minimizes stress.

Smoking – Quit

High cholesterol - Eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and regular exercise

Excess weight – Eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains and regular exercise

Diabetes – A healthier diet and increasing physical activity

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Alcohol – Reduce your intake

As usual, all of the prevention methods include a healthy diet and exercise.

I want you to live a long and healthy life. The only way that you can do that is to eat the proper food with nutritional value and a good exercise regimen. Look at your loved ones today and tell them that you will do everything you can to live a long and healthy life. Tell them that you don’t want to see them stricken or for them to see you stricken with an illness that was preventable and that you will do everything within your power to prevent it from happening. Now that’s what I call true love.

The information sources in this article come from WebMD, eHow Health and The National Stroke Association.

3rd John: 1&2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

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“Preparation For The Master’s Use”

Pastor Lenora G. Young

Jeremiah 18:1 – 6 (KJV)

1The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, 2Arise, and go down to

the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 3Then I went down to

the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. 4And the vessel that he made of clay

was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to

make it. 5Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 6O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as

this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house

of Israel.

The scripture speaks to us out of the book of II Timothy 2:20, 21 But in a great house there are not only

vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. 21If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet

for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. Prepared unto every good work. Meaning

there is a preparation that takes place before we can be used by God for every good work. Our text

speaks of a trip to the potter’s house. A place of transformation – a place of alteration, a place of change

– a place of conversion, a place of renovation – a place of makeover, a place of modification – a place of

adjustment and shift. There are those that God will use for front line work and others will be used for

background work. Some will be used for extraordinary purposes, and others will be used for ordinary

jobs. All of it is important and special. Each of us specialize in different areas of ministry, but we still

have to be made into vessels of honor. Each of us will be made into the vessel that suits and fits our area

of expertise. We must also remember, “To whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required:

and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” We’re not visiting the

potter’s house but we are there for a purpose. The length of our stay is totally up to us. The number of

times we have to repeat the process is in our hands. As long as we fight the process – as long as we

continue to war within ourselves and in our spirit, the longer the process. In the text it says; the vessel

that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: the vessel was marred – it was blemished – it

was flawed – it was stained – it was disfigured – it was marked. It still had imperfections – it still had

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small cracks – air holes had developed and according to the scriptures, He had to make it again. It had

to be crushed and made into powder again. The process had to be done over. Crushed again. The potter

is using his hands to make this vessel from clay. Not allowing apprentice – not allowing a trainee – or a

beginner – not a novice or someone who was just starting, but he himself – the professional – the expert

– the qualified – the skilled one to fashion this vessel. One who knows the ropes of working with this

vessel – one who knows how much clay to use – how much water to put in – how much pressure to

apply – what the temperature should be and how long it should stay in the heat. All that we are

experiencing going through is “Preparation For The Master’s Use” “O house of Israel, cannot I do with

you as this potter?” Will you allow me to fashion you – will you allow me to form you – will you allow

me to shape you into the vessel I desire you to be. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye

in mine hand. In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of

earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. But if a man therefore purge- wash out – cleanse -

flush out - clean himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified – sacred – holy –

consecrated – set aside, then will we be meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.

(AMP. V.) Whoever cleanses himself from that is ignoble (shameful- immoral – reprehensible – low)

and unclean – who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences, will

then himself be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and

profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work. Are you ready to be Prepared For The

Master’s Use. Are you ready?

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WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Writer: Minister Demetrius Adams

Let me throw a question at you. “What are you afraid of?

I’m amazed at some of the things people are really afraid of. There are things that are more common like… • Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces. • Coulrophobia: fear of clowns. • Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes. • Dentophobia: fear of dentists.

But there are also hundreds of lesser known phobias that actually affect some people: • Peladophobia: fear of baldness and bald people. • Chaetophobia: fear of hairy people.

• Globophobia: fear of balloons. • Aerophobia: fear of drafts. • Porphyrophobia: fear of the color purple. • Levophobia: fear of objects on the left side of the body. • Dextrophobia: fear of objects on the right side of the body. • Phobophobia: fear of being afraid. • Atychiphobia: fear of failure.

Fear of failure is something that probably afflicts all of us at one time or another. We may have a dream to do something great – but we never act on that dream because we’re afraid of failing. We may have a great idea but it never gets developed because we’re afraid to tell anyone about it. This is an important point for each of us to consider when we have tried to do something for God and failed. Maybe you have tried to witness to someone but you fumbled on your words. Maybe you tried a new job (one that you thought would really “fit” you and enable you to do ministry more effectively) but it didn’t play out. Maybe you took a chance on pursuing a dream you felt God gave you but for some reason the dream never became a reality. Let me encourage you – don’t give up. Don’t let the negative experiences of the past paralyze you with fear of taking steps of faith in the future. In the Kingdom, God wants you to keep trying, to keep serving, to keep taking risks in order to see his ways take hold in the lives of people on this planet. There will always be fears. There will always be detractors. And yes, there will always be some failures. But the Kingdom is to be filled with people who are willing invest their lives in things that matter – who will take what God has given them and use it to build his Kingdom of Love until He returns. The Impala is an amazing animal. It can jump to a height of over 10 feet and cover a distance of greater than 30 feet. Yet these amazing creatures can be kept in an enclosure in any zoo with a 3-foot wall. Why? The animals will not jump if they can’t see where their feet will land. I don’t want to live my life like an impala. And I hope you don’t want to either. This week I challenge you to take a risk for the Kingdom, for you and a step of faith towards your DREAM. Get out of your comfort zone. Say no to your fears. And say YES to Kingdom living!!! The only person that keeps us from moving forward in life is, US! So, grab hold of your future, dreams and visions and make them come to VIEW. As long as

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we keep God first, nothing else matters and we will be free of ALL fear, so that we can finally be where God wants us to be.


Many people wonder why Republican legislators are so hard on President Obama. Frederick Douglass gave us the answer many years ago: Though the colored man is no longer subject to barter and sale, he is surrounded by an adverse settlement which fetters all his movements. In his downward course he meets with no resistance, but his course upward is resented and resisted at every step of his progress. If he comes in ignorance, rags and wretchedness he conforms to the popular belief of his character, and in that character he is welcome; but if he shall come as a gentleman, a scholar and a statesman, he is hailed as a contradiction to the national faith concerning his race, and his coming is resented as impudence. In one case he may provoke contempt and derision, but in the other he is an affront to pride and provokes malice. Frederick Douglass September 25, 1883

Rosa sat so Martin could walk; Martin walked so Obama could run.


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Feelgoodflavor 17: Writer: Simone Malone

Welcome over to autumn. Have you ever wanted something

desperately, but felt you could never get it? I think that many

people probably experience this. We all have dreams and

aspirations, but not all of us believe we can realize them. I believe that most dreams are attainable,

provided that we are able to set realistic goals and take active steps to make them come

true. Visualizing can be very effective. Let me introduce you to the law of attraction and the idea that

every action that is focused on a goal actually helps to bring about that goal. If there is something you

have always wished you could do, go after your own dream. You are blessed today to be here because

there is a purpose for your life even in your recovery process any condition. Have you ever wondered

why some people are blessed with endless good fortune? More than just tons of money or good looks,

these people overcome every problem. Sometimes it seems like nothing can touch them. They navigate

life's waters with ease and always bounce back from every knock down. You can't fake that kind of

strength and resilience, but you can claim it as your own. You can claim your healing right now. It takes

your faith and spirituality to trust in a higher being.

You can bounce back from any situation, illness, or setback that comes your way. Having Cancer

is one of life’s serious annoyances. I was diagnosed in May 2011 with a Cancer and went through 2

infusions of Chemotherapy and 6 weeks of radiation. I began treatment in June 2011 and ended August

24, 2011 and returned back to work in Mental Health and Radio on Sept 14, 2011. Having been

diagnosed has changed my life by allowing me to be more aware of how precious one’s life is and

learning how to take each stage of my life gracefully for any surprising twists and turns. I was able to

learn how strong mentally I was in my treatment and my ability to overcome when I felt overwhelmed. I

learned how to soar and sink. Most importantly, I learned how to trust my faith and God. I did not let my

illness take me under even through the pains and fatigue in the night and not be able to taste a good

meal. I always said to myself that I am going to be a winner and not a loser at this no matter what I had

to deal with because I had “Hope” and “Courage” to fight this. I want you to live on and fight for your

life when things come up against you. You can see your way out in this season. Learn to accept

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whatever comes your way with thanks and look at it as something you needed to know. Until the next

time remember the “Juice is on you”. Join us in creating enthusiasm.

Jazz at Café LeMont’s September 28th the CW Jazz Ensemble (CWJE) gave two stellar performances at Café LeMont. This is

just the beginning of Café LeMonts Friday evening jazz series. The next show will be Friday,

November 16, 2012. Reservations are suggested. Call Café LeMonts at 610.622.5580 – 717 Church

Lane, Yeadon, PA 19050

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Gospel Music according to Chicago: GMaC –

A Joyful Noise-Chicago Style By Kathryn B. Kemp – Author of Make A Joyful Noise

(Left to right) Malcolm Williams, Dr. Lou Della Evans Reid, Dr. Robert Wooten Jr.

Chicago has always been the “Gospel Mecca” of music. Gospel music was birthed in Chicago by Dr. Thomas Dorsey – the acknowledged “Father of Gospel Music”. Dr. Dorsey mentored Rev. James Cleveland, also known as the “King of Gospel Music”. There have always been outstanding church choirs, groups, and soloists within the Chicago community who participate in gospel music ministry locally, nationally and internationally.

It was the vision of Dr. Dennis Cole and Mother Ann Yancey, with the support of Bishop Larry Trotter, to organize a mass choir in Chicago – dedicated to performing songs by Chicago writers, with singers, directors, and musicians from the greater Chicago land area. The choir was also a bridge allowing choir members to share intergenerational wisdom and styles.

GMAC emerged from vision to reality after its inception in 2006. The board of directors and spiritual advisors adopted a mission statement found on their website which states in part: “Our mission is to establish relations between admirers of gospel music – an art form indigenous to Chicago and the persons involved in its creation, its performance and its preservation….

Three persons who are instrumental in the day-to-day operations of GMaC came together for an interview about GMaC. They are (Mama)

G gospel

M music

a according


C Chicago







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Dr. Lou Della Evans Reid - Minister of Music; and Executive Board Member; Robert “Bobby” Wooten Jr.–Minister of Music and Executive Board Member; and Malcolm William – Lead Director. These persons and Dr. Dennis Cole will be featured individually at a later time. Excerpts from the interview are shared in this article

Question: “How has gospel music has changed from its traditional roots to the present time?”

Bobby Wooten comes from a musical background as son of one of Chicago’s pre-eminent musicians, Dr. Robert Wooten Sr. who founded the Wooten Choral Ensemble. Bobby Jr. is well-known in his own right as an orchestra composer, director of the Wooten Ensemble, Minister of Music at Beth Eden Church, and former Minister of Music at Trinity United Church of Christ. “Gospel music was brought into the black church by choirs…..the[music] industry has an easier time promoting smaller groups or solo artists….it’s up to us as choral directors to keep music in front of congregations that choirs can sing. I’m from the old school. We were always taught to teach in four parts….hymn singing, spirituals....things that are a part of our unique culture.”

Professor Wooten concluded with the observation that music ministry and music industry have different objectives and emphasizes that those in the music industry “can be very influential in bringing people that are not already in the church in and around the church”. The power of traditional gospel muses Wooten is its ability “to touch people with meaningful messages.”

Malcolm Williams recalled the early meetings of GMaC and the invitation to meet at the house of Lou Della Evans Reid. “We were learning, we were planning… was so much history and diversity in the room… it was also the Chicago history…as we discussed the different churches and radio broadcasts – it was great”. Malcolm, director of New Faith, a director of the Chicago Metro Chapter of GMWA, and a national director of GMWA Mass Choir, has travelled around the country giving workshops. He says of contemporary music: “I think …labels limit music…”.wonderful worship songs are on “hip hop and rap CD’s. There’s a generation of people who aren’t at the age to appreciate anthems, spirituals and hymns – so let’s give them something at their level for now.”

Mama Dr. Lou Della Evans Reid is the sister of well-known pastor and singer Rev. Clay Evans of Fellowship Baptist Church in Chicago. Dr. Evans-Reid began directing the Fellowship Choir at the age of 20. She is loved and respected by many for decades of music ministry. Dr. Reid states: “Music was always in our house… we always had a piano and loved music. Dr. Reid asserts, “I directed the choir but God directed me”. “There are a lot of people in the congregation who want to sing…. The Lord just put it on my mind to include them [in the worship service]. Mama Reid was asked by the visionaries for GMaC to help organize the choir. She invited people she knew in music ministry in Chicago to be a part of the choir. “They put it together. It’s exciting, it’s good….my presence – just to be with this group means so much to me at this time and at this age. It’s a great thing”.