the bilinguista newspaper' · 2 valledupar, november 2018 editorial the clipper de las glorias...

'THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' VALLEDUPAR, NOVEMBER OF 201 8 EDITION 1 • YEAR 24 20 PAGES This piece of art was designed and hand-made by eleventh graders Victoria Vida!. Natalia Díaz. Ana Maria Vásquez and Maria Clara Mejía to set up the mood for the Science Fair. What a talent! Wclcomc to t hc 37th Annu;i f í:ducators' Confcrcncc ,..,. ., fc'°"''"il Scho~i. ff'(),., .... ,tr. 37TH ANNUAL EDUCATORS' CONFERENCE "Transforming Schools from Within" Last September Dr . Ma. Doris Villazón and Ms . Cecilia Res trepo R. had the opportunity to attend the educators' conference, which is organized each year by the TriAssociation, this time it was held at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at Carol Morgan School. Table of Contents E ditorial .............................................................................. 2 Juniors .............................................................................. 4 Seniors .............................................................................. 5 Pr eschool ............. ............................. ................................ 6 Elementary ....................................................................... 7 Sc ience Fair ..................................................................... 8 Semillero .......................................................................... 9 L anguage Arts .......................................... . ....................... 1 O Study Abroad ................................................................. .. 12 JVB Scholarship ............... ....... ........................................ 14 Our Houses .......................... ............. ....... ........ ................ 15 Alumni ................................ .. .............................................. 16 MUN ............................... .... ............................................... 17 Sports ................................................................................ 18 Ombudsman ..................................................................... 19 E ntertainment ................................................. . ................ 20

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Page 1: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios



This piece of art was designed and hand-made by eleventh graders Victoria Vida!. Natalia Díaz. Ana Maria Vásquez and Maria Clara Mejía to set up the mood for the Science Fair. What a talent!

Wclcomc to t hc

37th Annu;if í:ducators' Confcrcncc

,..,. • ., fc'°"''"il Scho~i. ff'(),., .... ,tr. ~


"Transforming Schools from Within"

Last September Dr. Ma. Doris Villazón and Ms. Cecilia Res trepo R. had the opportunity to attend the educators' conference, which is organized each year by the TriAssociation, this time it was held at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic at Carol Morgan School.

Table of Contents

Editorial .............................................................................. 2 Juniors .............................................................................. 4 Seniors .............................................................................. 5 Preschool .......................................................................... 6 Elementary ....................................................................... 7 Science Fair ..................................................................... 8 Semillero .......................................................................... 9 Language Arts .................................................................. 1 O Study Abroad ................................................................... 12 JVB Scholarship .............................................................. 14 Our Houses ...................................................................... 15 Alumni ................................................................................ 16 MUN .................................................................................. 17 Sports ................................................................................ 18 Ombudsman ..................................................................... 19 Entertainment .................................................................. 20

Page 2: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER

De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor

Todavía logré arañar testimonios vivos de cuando en el pueblo, que no la ciudad, el profesor, el médico y el cura ( en El Banco, Magdalena, igual lo era el boticario), eran los personajes más estimados, respetados y apreciados por la comunidad. (Incluso ciudadanos pintorescos, no necesariamente "locos", también fueron hitos culturales,. caso de Don Abundio y Justiniana, de mi pueblo en mención).

Dios nos libre que en ese entonces a uno de los tres primeros se le endilgara la responsabilidad de alguna falta o un comportamiento inapropiado. Y ¡sálvese usted de la hoguera, si se iba lanza en ristre contra cualquiera de ellos! Nadie, pero nadie, se atrevía a expresar epítetos descalificadores de su actividad al maestro, al cura o al médico, y que su falta quedara impune, pues, si no había autoridad que lo sancionara, la sanción social era implacable.

Como la tierra es un planeta vivo, y, por lo tanto, cambiante, la dinámica necesariamente transformadora hasta en las entrañas del ser, hizo presencia en esas costumbres: en nuestro país, donde ocurren cosas inimaginables, aquello se volvió recuerdo. Los tres, que no estuvieron exentos de los pecados veniales y mortales, que nos persiguen, según predicciones bíblicas desde cuando Adán y Eva pecaron, son sometidos al escarnio, con o sin razón.

Curas pederastas, profesores que presentan títulos falsos, médicos que no preguntan qué tiene, si no cuánto tiene, etc., entre otras causas leves, son el pan diario de acuerdo a los educadores sin títulos pedagógicos de nuevo cuño: los grandes medios. Pueden ser hechos reales, pero que de ninguna manera comprometen a todo un gremio, por lo que no tiene validez generalizar una conducta contraria a una misión.

Como se sabe, no estuve en las aulas de la pedagogía, pero he trasegado 38 años por los senderos de la enseñanza. Y pese a los sinsabores que a veces deja esta profesión de las interioridades del ser superior, si volviera a nacer, volvería a ser docente, por la belleza que entraña ser faro de los que todavía no han encendido la luz. Porque, como dijo el polímata Aristóteles, hace ya casi dos milenios y medio, he aprendido dos veces.

Invito desde estas páginas a padres de familia, que en su gran mayoría han demostrado intensa admiración, consideración y respeto por quienes educamos y formamos a sus seres queridos; a estudiantes, a directivos, y en general a todos los estamentos institucionales, para que seamos lo que en tres y medias largas décadas de la Fundación hemos sido: educados y educadores; respetuosos y respetables; asequibles y propositivos; honestos y transparentes. En pocas palabras, seres humanos matrimoniados con la noble tarea de educar. Somos eso que el maestro mayor, Julio Villazón Baquero, nos enseñó en sus célebres tertulias de comienzo de año escolar: batalladores de la educación.

**** El maestro va a la escuela a llevar la educación

que ningún padre a su hijo le puede dar en la casa, porque sabe que en la escuela lo reemplaza,

esa gente tan valiente y de noble corazón; porque llevan en la sangre en forma innata,

ese don tan intachable que es el ejemplo de Dios y nosotros tenemos tan mala el alma.

que no le damos las gracias al valiente profesor. Los maestros; Hernando Marín Lacouture.

Por: Mr. Pedro Perales Téllez

Page 3: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

3 THE CLIPPER Editorial Valledupar, November 2018

,:·,,-. --

LA IMPORTANCIA DE APRENDERAPé(!; ·• i.. . . ---·. -.- ;· -· i >./ . . "Ji\

Sócr¡ttes. afinnó. que. ''una vida si11 examen, sin reflexió11/no .te,nía <:>):,je,t9 d.~ s,.~f Xiyid~;.i~l~l~t plac~r, !ajusticia, el amory el bien no SC>JJJeaimentevja):,fo~ si.11<:>aswrumosfa tat~ad#~~~~~#,f/f ... ;i ..

El ~~ñtido,4easumir la tare~ d~peJJs~, de investigar,;de.bu§c¡tt,i<l11lf~;a,~.íap~~t~.\~~~jj:J~t>44

. recrear uns.entido para la vid.a; implica.qu~ aJ.l!l cb:l.ndo no,lle,~e,~Bs,,are~Ji!ll~~~s¡di~;tí~. · a repuestas m:f!jores que nos pemiitirá!i vivir úná.vic!a:rn,ásre,;ali?=a@•y autóno¡rn,a;Es, décir, li la tarea de.pensarppr sí mis1110, sm..esperar,1;tnJ;os;otj'.;os'lolí qtl'.eripsli~gáµpen:s~; •

_ ___ _ -. . < -. -.--- ·i·,,---- ,- ___ ,__,--. ·----·-,-- -·<,r·-··- ···"-'"

El pensamiento crítico exa111ina laestnfotura: d.e Jos r~z~¡~~$;1~$1$;b;iiiÍii~~ii~f \~(f ' 1

tiene una· doble vertiente ·analítica Y .. evaluativ\1} Inte.nia ·sµpe:r~1i"ej¡tspe,c!Q.~ec#i<\ .... conocimie,;n~o, deddiendo lo que unprealme,nte ~ree Yl?P;qué.$e.e~ftierzapprt~.nerc;o~j~; conocim:ier1tos que aceptay entred 9onocim:íer1tp y laacción. · · • ··.······

Si ensejiamós~ nuestros estu~aµte~dt:sde pe,~~tños ~l~erya.a,iatizar lo que estánJ;~ii~i!if • , exitosas para la vida porque podrán conocer coñ1'iro@ldi<lad;l¡,alidad con la queten, ·· ·. · · · · · sea.


"Transformando Colegios desde Adentro"

El pasado septiembre, la Dra. María Doris Villazón y Ms. Cecilia Restrepo R. tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a la conferencia anual para educadores la cual es organizada cada año por la TriAssociation. Esta vez tuvo lugar en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Como era de esperarse los talleres y conferencias que ofrecieron fueron extraordinarios; es precisamente este tipo de experiencias académicas las que realmente Dra. María D. Vtllazón marcan la diferencia porque influye en el trabajo que se hace diariamente el cual beneficia el proceso de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes.

Entre la cantidad de talleres y conferencias fue interesante encontrar la importancia que se le da a conocer bien quienes son los jóvenes de la actualidad y lo que ellos necesitan para su futuro. Las habilidades que necesitan desarrollar van más allá de la comprensión de lectura, habilidad matemática o memorizar hechos acerca de las ciencias naturales y sociales. Ellos necesitan desarrollar habilidades que le permitan resolver problemas y crear soluciones para el planeta Tierra en el cual vivimos actualmente y el cual será muy diferente en un futuro.

Es importante asistir a este tipo de conferencias porque nos brinda una visión amplia, una visión real de las tendencias en la educación y por lo tanto podemos dar forma a nuestros programas para poder cumplir con nuestra misión de educar líderes para el mundo. También confirma el hecho de que vamos a la vanguardia en educación de nuestra ciudad y país y que estamos en el camino correcto, que la FCBV está comprometida en la formación de jóvenes exitosos.


"transforming Schools from Within"

As usual, the workshops and conferences offered at the educators' conference were outstanding, these are the types of academic experiences that really make a difference in the work that is done every day and which benefits the learning processes of our students.

Among the many workshops and conferences, it was interesting to find the Cecilia Restrepo importance that is given to who our youngsters are and what they need to be ready for in the future. The skills that need to be developed go beyond reading comprehension, math abilities, or facts about science or social studies. They need to develop skills in order to sol ve problems and create solutions for the Earth in which we are living and which will be very different from what we see today.

It is important to participate in these type of conferences because it gives us the broad picture, the real picture of education trends and therefore we can shape our programs in order to comply with our mission of educating future leaders for the world. It also confirms the fact that we are being trailblazers in education in our city and countj'.y and reinforces the fact that we are doing the right thing, that FCBV is committed to preparing students fortheir success.

Page 4: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

4 Valledupar. November 2018 Juniors THE CLIPPER

This year, the school 's Juniors carne with a rock theme, they are called Toe Rocking Juniors. Their costurne is a bomber jacket with rock symbols and band' s legos with a dark blue cap with their name. - By: Carlos Uribe Gutiérrez - 1 OA

Love and Friendship - A Doy to Remember This year Love and Friendship Day at the Colegio Bilingüe of Valledupar was hosted by the Seniors. They did a really good job and made this day very special.

First thing in the morning, they presented themselves with their theme being Top Gun (Air Force). They arrived with their outfits and marched out with a military routine in front of all students.

The last thing in the program was a video about the meaning of friendship to different people. It was a very good production, it was funny and unique. We all thank the Seniors for being wonderful hosts and making this possible. Doctor Maria Doris was very proud of them as well.

In sum this day was awesome! Everybody had a blast and enjoyed this day a lot.

Toe day was divided in different activities, first the dance By: Sofia Paula Cherrez Reivan - 1 OA perf ormed by the Seniors was excellent and original. Then, Juniors made their first appearance with their theme being Rocking Juniors. They went around primary and high school with music and euforia, they were really happy.

After recess, Seniors had the big event in the auditorium. It started with the Seniors carrying sorne preschool kids and taking lots of pictures. The first thing in tbe program was to pray and give thanks to God for everything we have.

Then, they talked about how important and significant this year was.

The most entertaining part was the activity with sorne school couples, it was a competition to find out who knew more about a person, if the boyfriend/ girlfriend or the best friend.

Page 5: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

THE CLIPPER Seniors 5 Valledupar, November 2018

ICF By: Erik Ortega Revollo - lOA

w /.-SeniorstY


\O'.\IBRE C0\10 TE \'ISU.\LIZAS E\ EL FUTURO'! P.\R.\ QllE ERES BllE\O'!

Aronna Arrieta, Valentina Haciendo lo que me gusta Para escuchar a las personas

Carvajal Giovanneni. Isabel Marina Brindando ayuda humanitaria por el mundo con UNICEF Recursiva al momento de defender mi punto de vista

Castillo Salem. Valentina Innovando en la industria de la belleza Para escribir y para hacer maquillaje artistico

Collazo Da7..a. Juan Camilo Como un líder emprendedor Para negociar

Giron Bayona. Guillermo Esteban Sirvicndole a la sociedad Para tocar instrumentos de percusión

Guticrrcz Araujo. Gabriela Blancanina Apoyando los negocios de la familia Para bailar

Hcmándcz Guerrero. Elisa Maria Creando una fundación p:ira los niños más necesitados Para escuchar a las personas

Jiménez Mena. Cristian Ornar Revolucionando la tecnología de los video juegos Aprendo rápido

Lacouturc Silgado. Isabclla Siendo la mejor neurocirujana del mundo Interpreto el violin

Osorio Ar:iquc. Valcria Sofía Creando un cambio positivo Para los idiomas y para crear cosas

Oyaga Mejía. Juan Pablo Ser un ejemplo de persona Tengo capacidad de oratoria

Pérez García. !van Ramiro Construyendo para la sociedad Para solucionar Problemas

Pinilla J:ícome. Michcllc Alejandra Creando una fundación para beneficiar niños con problemas cardiacos Para la gimnasia

Rojas Osio. Valcria Margarita Ayudando a los más necesitados P:ira diferentes géneros literarios

Sierra Molina. Antonio Manuel Fundando un hospital en pro de los más necesitados Para la música

Vida! Lópcz. Victoria Generar un cambio positivo en el mundo contribuyendo a la igualdad social Para hacer maquillaje artistico

Arregocés Gómez. lsabclla Ejerciendo mi carrera en los Estados Unidos Para hablar en público y para convencer

Castro Miranda. Mariana Ser gerente Para bailar

Dangond Manriquc. Juan Andrés Haciendo carrera política para transformar la sociedad Tengo capacidad de oratoria

Díaz Baune. Natalia Maria Ayudando gente Para la fotografía

Giovaoneni Mendoza. Orlando Enrique Al frente de un buffetc de abogados Para defender lo que creo y lo que picoso

Giovanneni Zabaleta. Stella Maria Creando mi propia empresa Para los números

Gómcz Ballesteros. Luis Santi:igo Diversificar la empresa de la famil ia y llevarla a un nivel superior Para los deportes

Hinojosa Sánchez. Angela Maria Residiendo en Europ:i y trabajando en lo que me gusta Para expresarme a través de la escritura

Malo Montero. Natalia Ayudando a la gente menos favorecida para adquirir su propia vivienda Para dar consejos

Mejía Acuña. Maria Clara Llevando la cultura colombiana a todos los rincones del mundo Tengo capacidad para saber lo que quiere la gente

Navarro Cadena. Carlos Elias Trasnochando. atendiendo pacientes Sobresalgo en el campo de las ciencias

Pumarcjo Villa.zón. José Antonio Logrando curar a mis pacientes Tengo capacidad de liderazgo positivo

Quintero Molina. María Juliana Viajando por el mundo y trabajando con destreza Escribo con facilidad

Ruiz Noches. Paula Trabajando independientemente en lo que me gusta Para bailar y dibujar

Santos Daza. Carlos José Defendiendo los derechos humanos Para la filosofia

Urbina Daza. Rafael Antonio Dándole una oportunidad más a mis pacientes para vivir Tengo destreza mental

Vásque.z Llinas. Ana Maria Innovando a favor de la sociedad Para dibujar. escribir y bailar

Villalobos García. Melanie Salvando vidas Tengo facilidad para entender el cuerpo humano

Page 6: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

6 Valledupar, November 2018 Preschool THE CLIPPER

By: Mrs. Nuria Ruiz Preschool Language Arts Coordinator

What a Science fair 201a! Kinder and Transition students hada blast during their Science Fair. While Kinder's Theme was Day & Night, Transition delighted parents with their knowledge about different life cycles.

Why are Science Fairs important in preschool? To presenta project gives students the opportunity to enhance theirpresentation skills when they prepare their posters or discuss their projects. It will also teach a child how to present him or herself in front of a crowd, help them grow their self-esteem and self­confidence, develop poise and learn to overcome anxieties. Here at Fundación Colegio Bilingue we make sure our students get a chance for audience during various events, the Science Fair being one ofit.

A big THANK YOU to our little ones in preschool for collaborating with such amazing decorations, art and crafts.

By: Mrs. Nuria Ruiz Preschool LanguageArts Coordinator

Career DaY

Look what happens in preschool when you have fun! We had community helpers visiting us and we even dressed upas what we want to be as a grown up !

"Preschoo1ers were ~f ~tó busy bees"

Page 7: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

THE CLIPPER 7 Elementary Valledupar. November 2018

~ ·- :, ._,. 11 ,.., ~

G -~ady to wear i ,osi so bewh esare, Q Twins Day ! A ~ ¡Iguales & diferentes!

. e,


-- ,nime, Un dí a distinto! } ,en ,s ~ Un dí a lleno de alegría y color!

Un dí a de muchas sonrisas y amor ! ¡ílo importa si somos diferentes,

- siempre seremos amigos!

Con pequeños detalles los niños comparten en familia, ellos nunca oluidan la importancia de la amistad y el agradecimiento. ¡Como docentes, nos sentimos orgullosos de ello!

. ~,. . . ¡ . ·. .

Page 8: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

8 Valledupar, November 2018 Language Arts THE CLIPPER

SCIENCE FAIR Toe Science Fair at Fundación Colegio Bilingue de Valledupar is an annual event in which students put on display their curiosity about how certain things work

in the universe. Students dedicated many hours throughout the 1st period to their projects and their efforts showed results this <lay.

Page 9: THE BILINGUISTA NEWSPAPER' · 2 Valledupar, November 2018 Editorial THE CLIPPER De las glorias pasadas y las miserias presentes de un profesor Todavía logré arañar testimonios

9 THE CLIPPER Science Valledupar, November 2018

Semillero de Investigación "Sembrando ideas con compromiso social"

El Semillero de Investigación "Sembrando ideas con compromiso social" empezó el año escolar 2018 - 2019 con irrandes expectativas, objetivos fijos y excelentes resultados. El ;asado 09 de octubre hasta el 14 los estudiantes Juan Felipe Páez y María Lucía Ariza Soto participaron en el XXI Encuentro nacional y XV internacional de Semilleros de Investigación "Conciencia para la ciencia", presentando los proyectos, "Efecto de la música en el crecimiento vegetal" y "Evaluación de la tasa fotosintética de micro-cultivos de maíz y frijol bajo diferentes longitudes de onda",respectivamente.

El encuentro tuvo como objetivo fortalecer y divulgar la investigación formativa alrededor del mundo. En este evento se presentaron más de mil quinientos proyectos de diferentes instituciones educativas, cada uno contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de las competencias investigativas.

Por otra parte, desde el 17 hasta el 19 de octubre la estudiante Maria Lucía Ariza Soto, fue partícipe de la Feria de Ciencias Internacional "Fecimar Paraguay 2018" en donde presentó el proyecto "Evaluación de la tasa fotosintética de micro-cultivos de maíz y frijol bajo diferentes longitudes de onda" en donde obtuvo el primer puesto de toda la feria, y obteniendo así una acreditación en Yucatán, México y en Brasil. Queremos incentivar a los estudiantes a participar activamente en el Semillero de Investigación, logrando aportar soluciones tangibles a problemáticas reales en nuestra sociedad.

The Science Research Team The Semillero de Investigación is a space in which students can strengthen their research and reasoning abilities, this leads to give body to a scientific culture In the Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar. The team is currently integrated by Mishelle Ramos (4B), IsabellaAraujo Mora (8A),Anna García Lacouture (9B), it' s presidents Juan Felipe Páez (8A) andMaría LucíaAriza (9B) and coordinated by Miss Gridis Cortes.

In May ofthe present year, we presented ourprojects in the state science fair, held at the school Gimnasio del Norte, which gave us favorable results, thus obtaining placements to expose our projects in the national convention: ENISI 2018, and in Paraguay: FECITEC 20 l 8 which was held between October 1 O and 17.

In September 7th we hada Jean Day to raise funds for our next trip. We sold candies, chips, ice cream and we offered playstation games for guys and makeup for girls. Also on September 28th we carried out two activities, a cinema forum for primary about the movie Coco and a Zumbathon in which people danced with a lot ofjoy. We sold bolis and Bonice in the zumbathon for participants to refresh and eat something delicious after having fun!

By: Juan Felipe Páez Quintero - 8A and Maria LucíaAriza - 9B

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10 Valledupar. November2018 Language Arts THE CLIPPER

The Kissing Boóth Summai:y: This mo~ie tells ús. a story aboutElle, a girl that falls in love with Noah, the brother ofher best ~en.d,the most handsome boy in híghschool. After kissing him at the schooPs fair, Elle has to co!lfrontsome situations with her best ffiend. They h~cl ~~tup some friendship rules,. among them, was ''not to fa.Hin love with any member of each other's family''. ·

What do you likea.t>outin~fllll? We like that this.si2~l'/{&y.¡~1h~t:í9ve c¡µx standeverything, and no one can pi;'9:~j~jttfti,~~:,;o; it~hows a very good ffiends' relationsmp(aí;tcl:it.Ísja';Jeo/ entertaining and·fun

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mov1e. <,;,;.,,., ,,·,. -.,·,, ·- .- .

What's your overJirl9f tJioii, We think it's a good 1:1;9'\'¡e;J{gives insight about !ove and .ffiendship, Besides that,fr ~ttrácts th~ a~~n.tion of a young audience, because t11ey encountet' this situation very often,. H combines differen.Jg~es, as romance, secrecy, and comedy. Also, itshow~the power oflove and ffiendship;

. /';

By: Susana Ortega iú1<;[1Y{aríaI.uciaZabaleta- 7 A


Summai:y: Miguel is a child who dreams ofbeing a musician, but his family banned his dreams, because his great-great­grandfather, also a musician, abandoned them, and they force Miguel to be a shoemaker, like all the other family members.

By accident, Miguel enters the Land ofthe Dead, from where he can only leave if a deceased relative grants hím a blessing. He meets his great-great-grandmother, but she refuses to !et him retum with the living, ifhe does not promise that he will not be a musician. Because ofthat, Miguel escapes from her and starts looking for his great-great-grandfather, Ernesto de la Cruz.

In the search Miguel meets Rector, who wanted to help hirn find his great-great-grandfather only ifMiguel promised to place his

picture out in the family room for others to see in the World of the Living. But while the plot develops they find out that Rector was his real great-great-grandfather and not Ernesto, who happened to be an evil murderer.

After sorting out many obstacles, Miguel was able to return to the World of the Living and triggered Coco's memory to remember her father (Rector).

Finally, Hector was remembered and his spirit was able to survive in the memory of the living. Sadly, Coco died but she reunited with herfather's family in the Land ofthe Dead.

What did yo u like aboutthe film?

We liked that the movie teaches very nice lessons. One ofthem was that family is the most important thing, and that we have to be united and support each other.

What didn 't yo u like about the film?

Every second of the film was amazing! It was so good, that it made the entire family cry at the end of the movie!

What's your overall opinion ofthe film?

It was a really good film. It showed part ofthe Mexican culture and taught core values.

By: Catalina Camacho, Cristina Benavides, Nicoll Diaz- 7 A

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THE CLIPPER Science 11 Valledupar, November 2018

A Freaky Doy Have you ever been inside ofa dog's body?

That is what happened to Jack, and I will tell yo u the story.

Once upon a time in the city ofNew York, a man named Jack lived with his wife Miranda and his dog, Bob. They were so happy playing every day in the park. They were a healthy and honorable family, but one day, Miranda died in a car accident. Jack andBob were so sad.

Six months later, Jack got over it but Bob didn't. He was so melancholic and unhappy, because he had a good relationship with Miranda, and because ofhis sadness, he started to be very rude to Jack. But when Bob was misbehaving, Jack used to say:" Go to yourroom!".

One day, Jack and Bob had a big fight when suddenly, they changed bodies, theywere so scared, so Jack (inside ofthe dog's body) immediately went to the library to research about what just had happened.

Meanwhile, Bob (inside of Jack's body) was sitting on the window barking to the squirrels. He didn't know what to do as a person, so he started doing what Jack used to do every day.

Bob wanted to understand and so did Jack, so they decided to calm down and try to sol ve the situation.

Finally, they forgave each other and suddenly, their bodies changed back. They learned that bad things happen, but they had to learn from each other. And since then, they were happier than before.

By: Maria José Nigrinis de la Ossa- 5A

THE WONDERFUL WIZARD Q,F',O.!! · A Classic Tale of Friendship

The story·the WJZard of.Qi.t~c,he~ US/)pat friendship. is something very valuable thatwe»rn.usttreasure, bec¡:ause friends help us in so many wa~~Íll~tq; everyd.aylives,. The book shows us that Dorothy,w91jd,haR'e>.11ot pee11 able Jo reach Kansas withoutherfiien.('ls,Q~,i¡Q'ft:he~eatestacts of friendship 9ould have been ~hen.t:he Ti11 WQodman, the Scarecrow and Dorothy helped0thf~o.wardlyLion esc¡¡pe the field offlowers. They could.haye lefthim there but they didn't, e ven though he was too lJ,eayy to .l.'llove.

In the story, Dorothy, the Tin W<>odl'lla11, the Sc.arecrow and the Cowardly Lion bond quickly, hecausethey al! have the same goal: to reach the Emerald Cityand talk with Oz. They got along well because Dorothy helped the Ílll Woodman and the Scarecrow; she was also nice to the Cowardly Lion. On top of that, they were all caring and Ioo.ked after one and other. ·

When the Wicked Witch, captured Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion, Dorothy snuck ÍlltO •ihe courtyard every night where the Iion was held captive to feed and comfort him; al! the while they were pl3n11ing tó/escape the witches' castle. Here, the value of frie11ds4ip .Jilll.d loyalty is shown, because Dorothy could have escaped easily without havin,g to worry about the Cowardly Lion.

By: Sebastián Ruiz Noches - 8A

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12 Valledupar, November 2018 Study Abroad THE CLIPPER

CAMBRIDG By: Mrs. Luisa Muñoz

Few places can be compared to the University ofCambridge -England. lt has a tmly global reputation for academic excellence and it was there, that for 8 weeks students Jose Antonio Pumarejo, Rafael Urbina and Orlando Giovannett participated in the Super Intensive English program. At Bell School, a school accredited by the British Council and intemationally recognized for the high quality of education they provide. These three students represented Fundación Colegio Bilingue de Valledupar, standing out both academically and athletically.

The academic evaluations carried out by the Bell professors placed Jose Antonio, Rafael and Orlando in a higher leve! of English. In sports, they participated in soccer where they achievedfirst place in the Bell SummerCup Championship.

Today the school would like to recognize these fine students and wish them the best as they continue on a path of success.

- PROUD OF OUR STUDENTS -Last summer sorne stu;7~is'¡dri>rnF.C.BiV:,travelled toan English summer camp iu Ottá.wa, Canada.

They participated and excelled indi:fferentactivities such as STUDENT OF THE \VEEK, an award received by our students due to their partidpation and quality of spoken English. THfr OLIMP"'f C GA.MES, a competítion vvere teachers and trainers evaluated talenr, team work, creativity, dyhamism, enthusfásrn,, SUJ>pórt, ~te. Our students were crowned champions arnong iJOO Students ali overthe world. Last, but not !east; we got second place in THE INTERNATIONAL'SPEECHCOMPETITION.

Thestudents who won Stúdentofthe.Week:

Juan Sebastián Fresneda Múñoz and Catalina Camacho Oñate.

Catalina Habib also wori .second place in the intemational speech cornpetition.

Finally, our students obtained :first place with our theme

· TROLLS at the Olyrnpic GamesCompetition.

Toe group was led by miss Luisa Femanda Múñoz from

· FCBV and LTS Languages &Tours Solutions in Bogotá.

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THE CLIPPER Study Abroad 13 Valledupar, November 2018

1 st Open Hause af Fareign Universities The past October 23rd our school hosted the 1st Open House ofForeign Universities. Representatives of universities from all over the world carne to our school and shared information with our 10th and 11 th graders. Our students had the opportunity to ask questions and see the programs ofthe followinguniversities and colleges:

International University Alliance (IUA) represented universities from the USAsuchas:

F!U -Florida intemational university-Miami O ADELPHIUNIV-NewYork O LSU - Louisiana State University- Louisiana O UIC-University ofillinois at Chicago- Chicago O University ofSouth Carolina O AU-Aubum-Aubum O KU - The University ofKansas - Kansas American University UCF - University ofCentral Florida-Orlando UOP- University ofthe Pacific- Stockton, California O USC- University ofSouth Carolina o UD -University ofDayton

Study Group represented universities from the USA and Canada such as:

Baylor University O The CityCollege ofNewYork O JamesMadison University O Lipscomb University O LIU -Long Island University Lynn University O Menimack College O Oglethoipe University O Roosevelt University Royal Roads University West Virginia University Western Washington Universíty The University ofVermont 13 Widener University TexasA&M University Coipus Christy

INTO University represented universities from the UK and USA such as:

UK University ofEastanglia O University ofExeter O Newcastle University O Glasgow Caledonian University O Queen s University Belfast O City University London O St George sUniversity ofLondon O University ofGloucestershire O University ofStirling

Other participatinguniversities were:

USA Oregon State University University ofSouth Florida Colorado State University GeorgeMason University Marshall University Drew University SaintLouis University

EUBusiness School (Spain, Switzerlandand Germany) ILSC Greystone College of Canada ILSC Business College ofAustralia La Salle College ofCanada Cambridge School

Boston Leadership lnstitute Boston Leadership Insti.tutees uno de los cinco mejores programas de ciencia de

· verano en los EE.UU. Junto a los de las universidades: MIT,

· UCLA y la Universidad de • Chicago. Su programa de

investigación biológica o "Biological Research" fue catalogado como uno de los mejores del país durante el 2017 por New York Times

Subsidiary. BLI selecciona solo a los estudiantes más destac:ados de la preparatoria (bachillerato) .para ser parte de su programa avanzado de tres semanas en que se desarrollan habilidades de investigación a un alto nivel de complejidad. No es secreto para nadie que vivimos en un mundo competitivo y por lo tanto debemos ser los mejores en lo que hacemos para prosperar. Sin embargo, todo inicio depende de nuestras habilidades, que a la vez están estrechamente rela.cionadas con nuestras capacidades, las cuales solo se potencializan sobre la base del esfuerzo y el sacrificio. Llegar a ser doctora algún día es mi mayor sueño y es

por ello que l1;1ché casi por .2 .l,tlgs~1 pifrá ser aceptada en el programa de investigación biológica y quirúrgica 2018 que se llevaria a cabo en Longwood Medica! Area, zona médica de Boston. Para entender y poder llegar a participar en· 1as discusiones se debía conocer previamente las bases de la medicina, con ello me refü;ro a la part<: tanto biológica como anatómica del cuerpo humano, pues uno d.elos ejes principales del programa giraba en tomo al análisis (j,e patologías complejas tales como la Meduloblastomay la Me$OX<:lioma pleural. No fue fácil controlar el estrés de 11! primera semana pero .sobreponerse a aquellos obstáculos que nos cohíben de intentar avanzar es algo que tenemos que hacer para obtener lo /).u\:l queremos. En Boston aprendí que realmente el mund<> va más.aUá delas fronteras de un país o los límites de unaregión,J<>s avanc:es médicos ( en especial, aquellos que tienen que ver específicami::)1.te con el ámbito de la biotecnología) cada vez están más cercad.e lograr su objetivo que es y siempre debe ser, salvar vidas.All.ll~oy muy joven y tal vez no se con exactitud todo lo que abarca ser médico pero espero algún día pueda saberlo al encontrarme en la sala de un quirófano tratando de dar esperanza.

Por: Melaníe Villalobos García-1 !A

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14 Valledupar, November 2018 Scholarship THE CLIPPER

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THE CLIPPER OurHouses 15 Valledupar, November 2018



In the Arthurian legend, Avalon is the island that was taken from King Arthur after being lethally wounded during the final battle. The barge that carne to rescue Arthur in Avalon is known for throwing the Excalibur sword in the lake. The color is burgundy, and the symbol is the sword.



Elsinore is the place in the castle Kronberg in the most famous traditional play by Shakespeare, Hamlet. The greatness of Hamlet lies in its unique and kind nature even though he avenges the death of his father. Throughout the play he is ~ worried about the consequences ofhis ' actions. The color is orange and the = º""""'""' symbol is the castle.



Camelot was where the knights of the round table sang their chants. They were famous for their actions of audacity and courage, they sat in a round table as equals. There were 150 knights, the most recognized one was Lancelot. The color of the house is yellow and the symbol is a knight' s helmet. "Strength, robustness, excitement and e:ffort, It's what we are made of."

t; ~




The Sherwood Woods in Nottinghamshire was Robin Hood' s home. He was known for his courage and ability with the bow, his generosity, and popularity. It is heard that he used to steal from the rich and protect the poor, helpless women, and children with bravery. The color ofthe house is green and the symbol is an arrow.

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16 Valledupar, November 2018 Alumni THE CLIPPER

ALUMNI CARLOS ALBERTO CASTRO Head oflntellectual Property Matters ofthe Intemational Olympic Com.mittee Seniors 2000

By: Felipe Cuello Castro - lOA

Througbout our school history sorne of our graduates have been able to malee a name for themselves ali around the world, not only with knowledge but with discipline and perseverance, an example ofthis is Carlos Alberto Castro. He was bom in Valledupar in 1982 and currently resides in Geneva, Switzerland. He is married and is the father of a 9-month-old baby.

He studied at the Bilingual School ofValledupar Foundation and the Colegio San Carlos de Bogota, graduating from FCBV in 2000.

He currently serves as Head of Intellectual Property Matters of Intemational Olympic Committee (IOC), in Lausanne, Switzerland. Before joining the IOC, Carlos worked as a consultant in the Legal Division of Copyright of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), where he participated in the negotiation process and the successful adoption ofthe Treaty ofBeijing (2012) Marralcech (2012).

He is a lawyer of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia); with a Master's Degree in Intellectual Property from the Autonomous University ofMadrid; Diplome Supérieur d'Université (Master Leve! 11) in Administrative Law ofthe University of París 11 - Panthéon-Assas; and is currently pursuing the Postgraduate / Master ofCopyright ofthe United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States ofKing's College London.

He has done complementary studies in Copyright, lntellectual Property and International Public Law in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Argentina. He practiced law in Latín America while he was linked to the firm Cavelier Abogados, in contentious and non­contentious matters related to Industrial Property, Copyright, Unfair Cornpetition, and Consurner Protection.

He did internships in the Management Entity oftheAudiovisual Producers ofSpain (EGEDA), as well as in Alain Afflelou Spain. While studying law, Carlos worked as a researcher for the Colombian Telecommunications Commission (CRT), and was part ofthe Center for Law Studies in Competition (CEDEC); as well as the Legal Clinic ofthe Faculty ofLaw ofthe Universidad Javeriana, where he took cases in civil, criminal and family matters.

Carlos has participated as an exhibitor, panelist and professor in severa! forurns on Intellectual Property issues in different academic and professional forurns in Europe,Asia and LatinA.merica.

DANIEL ANDRÉS PALACIOS MARTÍNEZ Presidente Concejo de Bogotá 2018

34 años - Senior 2002

Abogado Universidad del Rosario Politólogo con énfasis en

Relaciones Internacionales de la Florida Intemational University

Maestria en Gobierno con énfasis en Defensa y

Seguridad Nacional de la Universidad de Harvard



Viceministro del Interior 2018

28 años - Senior 2007

Abogado Universidad del Rosario Postgrado en Derecho lnstirucional

Especialista en Gestión Pública Magister en Derecho Público

Co-creador Centro Democrático Asesor Privado Expresidente Uribe

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17 THE CLIPPER Model o.f United Nations Valledupar, November 2018

CCBMUN IX, Medellin

* Juan Camilo Collazo-Egypt (ECOSOC) * Juan Diego Gómez-Francc (DISEC) * María Juliana Quintero-Venezuela (CJE) * Maria Camila Zabaleta-France (Historical Security Council) * Emilia Pont- Egypt (Historical Security Council) * Juan Pablo Salcedo-France (SOCHUM) * Juan Daniel Calderón-Brazil (SOCHUM) * Andrés Ospino-France Republic (LEGAL) * Nelson Gutiérrez-France (CJE) * Andrés Rendón-Brazil (ECOSOC) * Alejandro Villazón-Japan (CJE) * Juan Mario Martincz-Horacio José Serpa (Senate) * Carlos Juan Castro-France (Security Council)

The Fundación Colegio Bilingüe de Valledupar is proud to say that it took part in CCBMUN IX, Medellín. The following students worked hard enough to achieve these goals, sufficient enough to partake in the modelUN:

We would also like to mention that our participation in this UN model would have been impossible ifit weren't for Mr. Guillermo Saumett.

The school is glad to know that we are learning to avoid conflict and to seek peace by means of diplomacy through these exercises. Achieving peace is necessary to make this world a better place.

The event started on September 26, but our studious delegates had been preparing since August so they'd be well prepared for this immense task. The delegates were welcomed at Club Union with an inspiring speech from the General Secretaries José David Bustarnante and Samuel Restrepo. Food in Medellin is very different frorn what any of us are used to and people there are extrernely nice. The delegates were delighted with quality cheesecakes.

Sorne of the debates started slow and gradually got dynamic, others started extrernely fast with most of the comrnittee wishing to speak but ended with no one wanting to talk. At the end of the first day all delegates went back to the hotel to study immediately. The delegates worked tirelessly through the whole event and deserve to be congratulated. Sorne delegates even created the worst, yet rnost

entertaining,jokes that could be imagined.

The second day carne with another topic. Every delegate arrived to the event ready to make the school proud and ready to make peace. Although the event may have been challenging, especially to rookies, these delegates showed that it doesn't matter when you do something, if you truly want it, if you truly work for it, then what you want will become a reality. Sorne delegates were shy, but their contributions to the debate molded the outcome: peace.

Closure to the event carne the third day, with awards, with wars being declared, and with tears being shed. When the General Secretary said goodbye, he reminded the delegates how proud he was of them. The event concluded with the following event and press awards:

* Most dramatic: María Juliana Quintero * Prettiest: Ernilia Pont * Most likable: Andres Ospino * Outstanding delegate: Juan Diego Gómez

The delegates returned home feeling accomplished and proud of thernselves. These delegates should be the pride of the school because they are the key to peace.

By: Andrés Ospino Stevenson - 7 A

-----.. -----·-----··-------·-----------------------------------·---------------------------------·-------------·--------------------------··--------------------------------------·-------·-

Juan Pablo Oyogo Mejía - 11 A General Coordinotor


Secretory General José A. Pumorejo Villozón - 11 B

Secretory General Victoria Vidol López - 11 A

General Coordinotor

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18 Valledupar, November 2018 Sports THE CLIPPER


Torneo organizado por el colegio Sagrado Corazón de Barranquilla ..

Durante los días 21y 22 de septiembre del presente año, el Colegio Bilingüe participó enlasf)Iimpiadªs.yor~911i§~S, ... organizado por el Colegio Sagrado Corazón de BarranquiUa, en1as siguientes modalidades ypat~goríasdep~i,"ª~tli'~t~9:l . ( categorías 2007, 2008 y 20 I O), Baloncesto ( categoría 2006) y Natación en las edades de 5 a 12 años. Fueurr!9n:í~~ mu!¡'. \!' competitivo en los.cuales participaron colegios muy reconocidos, tal~s como: el Sagrado q,razón de Barra~qfillª";§~l· Sagrado Corazón de Bogotá, Colegio fa Salle de Cartagena, Colegio Liceo Cervantes, Escuela d,e fútbol losLe¡;,pa¡!dos, él Club NuevaDinastfay el Colegio San José. · · ·

CAMPEÓN FlÍTBOl CATEGORÍA (2008-2009) Resultados: Bilingüe (3) vs Club Nueva Dinastía (3)

Bilingüe (2) vs Sagrado Corazón (3). Bilingüe (4) vs Colegio la Salle (O) Bilingüe (3) vs Club Leopardós{1)· Bilingüe (4) vs Sagrado Corazón (2)

. CAMPEÓN BALONCESTO CATEGORfA (2006-2007) Resultados: Bilingüe (40) vs Sagrado Corazón de Barranquilla (14)

Bilingüe (28) vs Sagrado Corazón de Bogota (20) Bilingüe (24) vs Colegio la Normal (12) • Bilingüe (15) vs Colegio Colón (10)

CAMPEÓN FÚTBOL CATEGORIA (2006,,2007) Resultados: Bilingüe (4) vs Sagrado Corazón de Bogotá (2)

Bilingüe (2) vs Liceo Cervantes (1) Bilingüe (4) vs Sagrado Corazón de Barranquilla (2)

TERCER PUESTO FÚTBOL CATEGORÍA (2010) Resultados: Bilingüe (4) vs Sagrado Corazón de Bogotá (1)

Bilingüe (7) vs Sagrado de Barranquilla (2) Bilingüe (2) vs Club Nueva Dinastía (4)

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THE CLIPPER Our School Representatives 19 Valledupar. November 2018

Message from the Ombudsman

Bilingüistas, I would like to send you my warmest greetings. I ~ your new ombudsman for the 2018-2019 school year. I would hke to take a moment to say thank you for this victory, which is as much yours as it is mine.You all have motivated me, supported me, and made an effort to always help me.

l'm aoina to fulfill the promises that I made at the beginning ofthe cam;aig';;. We are going to take our school's shield to the highe~t places in education, sports, and art activities. We will not restunt!l we capture the shining spirit that elevates us here at our beautiful, bilingual institution.

Wearepromoting: " The volleyball toumaments • Helping the liga contra el cancer " The Binational Games • Refreshing drinks during sports hours " Cultural visit to El Parque de La Leyenda Vallenata " Day ofthe domestic animals • Motivating conferences in favor ofour development • Healthy food in the cafetería • Participate in piloneras traditional dance " Open accordion music leaming course • Implement the heat extractors.

"Progress awaits us".

Thanks to al! of you,

Juan Andrés Dangond Manrique- 11 B

Ombudsman and Classroom Representative .Elections

The Ombudsman Elections were very tight. Both candidates, Isabel Marina Carvajal and Jµan Andres Dangond ran a passionate and active campaign. ltjs clear that the debate was pretty tighL When the students heard the proposals, they made up their .rninds. Juan Andrés Dangond won tbe elepiions by a slim marginof28 votes.

One of his proposals was to repair the water fountalns and to participate in intemational sports thanks t9 the AdvancED accreditation.

Besides everyone's opinions, we expect and hope. that he. wiU do many of the things he proposed, and we, for sure, know he's goingtodoagoodjob.

Before the elections, things were getting a little harsh between Isabel's supporters and Juan's supporters. Students were telling each other that their choice was wrong ;md some of them even took away .stickers from others. As the days. got closer to the elections, students leamed to respect each other's opinions and choices. · In the end, people were okay with · the final results, acknowledgíng the fact that either ofthe wonderfulcandidates was agood choice.


4° - CarlosJoséVida!López 5° - Gabri~fa Payares <.róli1~ft 6° ~ JaimeCµrveloFemánd~:z;.> .. 7° - AnaSoñaMartíne~Osorio 8° - JulianCalderpnBug~s 9°,. - JuanMarioManin~:z:OsQ~O 100 - Jua11Pablo Salcedo. G,arcí.a

.. .

The feeling.oftheschool's c()\!ll'nunity '\\'as that the elections · were very tight. It's because i~ soin~ grades, the candidates

arguedso much to S6mecandidates won by a few points like 9, 10 and 11 points. ··

By: María Margarita Gutiérrez and EstebanDuarte - 6B

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20 Valledupar, November 2018 Entertainment THE CLIPPER

Dare to guess the title of the movies!

Produced By: Marvel Studios

Storyline: An American superhero movie based on the Cornmander Carol Danvers. She was for the first time a member of the United States Air Force in Marvel Super-Heroes # 13 (March 1968) and debuted as the first incarnation of Ms. Marvel.

Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is destined to be a film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Releasedate: 8ofMarch2019

Cast: Brie Larson, Jude Law and Samuel J. Jackson

Guess thetitle: _ ______ _______ _

Fortnite: This game is about 100 players who are in a bus and have to fall in a place to collect things to fight and survive.

Authors: Daniel Arias - 6A and Javier Villalobos - 6B

Produced By: Marvel Studios

Storyline: This movie is based on Eddie's life, who is basically a loser and who has an encounter with a symbiote and it how attaches to him.

Release date: 4 of October 2018

Cast: Tom Hardy, Michelle, Jenny Slate, Riz Ahmed,Wood, Chris O Hara, Al Jaleel Know, Marcela, Melera Walters, Rxich, Stan Lee, Sape Aluke, Scoott Deckter, Reíd Scott, G.S. WadeII, Scott Haze, Riz Ahemed.

Guess the title: - ----------- ---

Fifa 19: Fifa is a multiplayer game that can be played on and offline; you can play it with friends . It is also a very famous garne known ali around the world.

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La autoregulación emocional: el primer paso para la prevención del suicidio en menores de edad

Los padres, madres y cuidadores somos un soporte fundamental para el desarrollo socioemocional de nuestros hijos. No solo les debemos enseñar a quererse a sí mismos, a sentirse amados y valorados, sino también a manejar emociones negativas como la tristeza, la rabia o la frustración. Estas habilidades son muy importantes para la prevención de problemáticas como el suicidio. A continuación les presentamos algunas ideas que nos explican por qué es importante que le ayudemos a nuestros hijos a aprender a regularse emocionalmente, y cómo esto puede ayudar a prevenir el riesgo de suicidio.

¿Por qué es importante aprender a reconocer, aceptar y manejar nuestras emociones?

Diversos estudios muestran que las nmas , mnos y adolescentes que son vulnerables al riesgo de suicidio tienen, entre otros factores, dificultades para expresar sus emociones y manejar situaciones de estrés. Así como enseñarnos a nuestros hijos a leer, sumar o montar en bicicleta, es importante que nos tornemos el tiempo para que aprendan a reconocer, rnonitorear, modular y adaptar sus emociones de manera adecuada y de acuerdo con la situación a la que se enfrentan.

¿ Cómo promovemos la autorregulación emocional en nuestros hijos?

Ideas para la edad preescolar:

- Las niñas y niños más pequeños aprenden cómo

manejar sus emociones observándonos. Por eso, es importante que seamos conscientes de cómo nos comportarnos cuando tenemos un problema, qué palabras usarnos, cómo afrontamos las situaciones que nos generan estrés y cómo se las comunicamos a otros.

- En los primeros años de vida, nuestros hijos tienen formas muy sencillas de expresar sus emociones, llorar o gritar son algunas de ellas. Si respondernos usando un tono de voz tranquilo, sosteniendo o reconfortando a nuestros hijos, ellos irán aprendiendo que pueden sentirse cómodos y seguros nuevamente, y que pueden manejar lo que están sintiendo.

- Cuando se enfrenten a situaciones que los hagan sentir tristes, estresados, frustrados, de mal genio o intranquilos, es importante que les pidamos que le pongan nombre a la emoción que están sintiendo. Podernos construir con ellos una lista de emociones para que las puedan identificar. Invitérnoslos a respirar unos minutos y preguntémosles si eso cambia la emoción. Esto les muestra que las emociones son pasajeras y que ellos tienen la capacidad de controlarlas.

Ideas para la edad escolar:

- Enseñarles a regular las emociones no implica evitarles situaciones difíciles, sino entrenarlos para manejarlas. Por ejemplo, si para ellos es frustrante resolver la tarea de matemáticas podernos ayudarlos a completar un primer ejercicio y pedirles que hagan el resto. Si se enojan,

(Continúa en la página siguiente)

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(Viene de la página anterior)

podemos decirles que paren, respiren por un momento y vuelvan a intentarlo nuevamente. Tomar un vaso de agua, ponerse un hielo en la boca o respirar un par de veces puede ayudar.

Ideas para la adolescencia:

- En la adolescencia, nuestros hijos le dan un gran valor a las rel ac iones con sus amigos y compañeros . Preguntémosles cómo se sienten con ellos, con quiénes tienen las mejores relaciones o con quiénes tienen

problemas. Esto les puede ayudar a identificar con mayor faci lidad sus emociones frente a las relaciones interpersonales.

- Enseñémosles a aceptar sus emociones y a no juzgarse por sentirse tristes, enojados o frustrados. Recordémosles que está bien sentirse así, pero que es importante que puedan identificar esa emoción y buscar una manera para procesarla. Es de vital importancia que validemos sus emociones, pero que no permitamos que éstas se usen como pretexto para agredirse a sí mismo o a los demás.

Si conoce alguna de estas situaciones con menores de 18 años, reportela en

Del material de abuso sexual nfanttl

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