territory before the french and indian war. the french and indian war 1754- 1763

Territory Before the French and Indian War

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Territory Before the French and Indian War

The French and Indian War 1754- 1763

The French and Indian War

1. Fought between the English andFrench over land in North America.

2. The English wanted to push west, butthe French blocked them. The warstarted over land disputes betweenthe two nations and France captured aBritish fort.

3. England wins and gains Canada, allFrench lands east of the MississippiRiver, and Spanish Florida. The Treaty of Paris ends the war.

4. The war was very expensive, so theBritish parliament wants the coloniesto help pay for the cost of the war.Why French and Indian War…? Each side used Native Americans as allies.

The colonists do what they want! They move west anyway and start

fighting with the Indians in the Ohio River Valley. Pontiac’s War.Colonists push west = Pontiac's


The Proclamation of 1763

An announcement made by King George III to avoid further conflict with the Native Americans. It banned the colonists from settling west of the AppalachianMountains.

Code name for King George III??????

No Taxation Without Representation!

Acts and Taxes• Sugar Act 1764• It set duties, or taxes, on molasses and sugar imported by the colonists.• FIRST ACT PASSED SPECIFICALLY TO RAISE MONEY IN THE COLONIES.• Quartering Act 1764• Colonists had to provide British “redcoats” with shelter, food, clean linens, etc.

• Stamp Act 1764• It required the colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought

paper items.

• (legal documents, licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards)

• Townsend Acts 1765• Placed taxes on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.• Also included the writs of assistance (It allowed British officials to search for

smuggled• goods.) Without a WARRANT!!!

The Boston Massacre

• A British solder was standing guard and an argument broke out with a colonist. The British soldier struck the man, and a crowd gathered around the soldier throwing snowballs and shouting insults. Soon a small number of soldiers arrived and shots were accidentally fired into the crowd, killing five men, including Crispus Attucks. John Adams and Josiah Quincy represented the accused Redcoats at their trial.

• Bias: taking one side personally and sometimes using unreasoned judgment.

Committees of


Founded by Samuel Adams, it

helped the colonists to communicate

with each other.

They shared ideas and information

about the new British laws and ways

to challenge them!

Sons of Liberty

A group of colonial protestors that

sometimes used violence to frighten

tax collectors.

The Tea ActParliament

forced colonists

to buy tea from

the East India


charging a

low price. They

hoped that

cheaper tea

might encourage

colonists to stop


Less smuggling would result in more tax money!But it would run the locals out of business!

The Boston Tea Party

• On December _16_, 1773, 150 men disguised as Indians sneaked onto _4_ tea-filled

• ships and heaved _2,000_chests of tea into the _Boston_ Harbor. The East India

• Company estimated its losses at nearly 9.7 thousand British _pounds_-- that

• amount of money represents the equivalent of _9.7_million cups of tea. This

• massive amount of tea turned the water in the harbor _brown for several days.

The Intolerable Acts

Major effect:Caused the colonies to become

closer than ever and strive to fightagainst the crown!

• 1. Boston Harbor was closed until Boston paid for the ruined tea.

• 2. Massachusetts charter was cancelled. The governor decided if and when the colonists could meet.

• 3. Royal officials accused of crimes were sent o Britain for trail. This let them face a more friendly judge and jury.

• 4. A new Quartering Act required colonists to house British soldiers.

• 5. The Quebec Act gave a large amount of land to the colony of Quebec.