tenchu kurenai walktrough

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  • 8/14/2019 tenchu kurenai walktrough





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    ***************************************************************************Tenchu: Fatal Shadows - FAQ/Walkthrough.

    Written By: Kain Stryder.E-Mail Address: [email protected].

    Walkthrough Version: Final.Last Updated: 5/14/07.

    System(s): PlayStation 2.


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== Table Of Contents ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] || || [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]|| || [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] || || [ IV. How To Play ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP4 ]|

    | A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ]|| B. Moving Around/Battle System . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOABS4.2 ]|| C. Tips & Tricks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TITRI4.3 ]|| D. Scoring/Rank System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SCORA4.4 ]|| E. Special Kill Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SPKS4.5 ] || || [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOTS5 ] || A. Ayame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AYAM5.1 ] || B. Rin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RI5.2 ] || C. Ogin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OGI5.3 ] || D. Kichigoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KICHI5.4 ]|

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    | E. Zennosuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ZENN5.5 ] || F. Tesshu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TESS5.6 ]|| H. Manjirou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MANJ5.7 ]|| I. Tatsukichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TATS5.8 ]|| J. Kumagorou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KUMA5.9 ] || K. Nasu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NAS5.10 ]|| L. Shinogi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIN5.11 ]|| M. Futaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FUTA5.12 ] |

    | N. Hitoha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HITO5.13 ] || O. Ranzou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RANZ5.14 ] || P. Shou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHO5.15 ]|| Q. Jyuzou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JYUZ5.16 ] || || [ VI. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]|| A. The Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI6.1 ] || B. Chapter 1 - Daughter Of The Hagakure . . . . . . . . . [ DOTH6.2 ]|| C. Chapter 2.1 - Depatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEPA6.3 ] || D. Chapter 2.2 - Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DETER6.4 ]|| E. Chapter 3.1 - Secret Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECEN6.5 ]|| F. Chapter 3.2 - The Geisha And The Hired Blade . . . . . [ TGAT6.6 ]|| G. Chapter 4 - I Am Rin Of The Beniya . . . . . . . . . [ IAMRI6.7 ] |

    | H. Chapter 5 - Fated Reunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FATRE6.8 ] || I. Chapter 6.1 - The Blind Masseuse . . . . . . . . . . [ THBLM6.9 ] || J. Chapter 6.2 - What Lurks In The Shadow . . . . . . . [ WLITS6.10 ]|| K. Chapter 7.1 - A Sister's Promise . . . . . . . . . . [ ASISP6.11 ]|| L. Chapter 7.2 - For Whom The Bell Tolls . . . . . . . [ FWTBT6.12 ] || M. Chapter 8 - A Task Without Reward . . . . . . . . . [ ATAWR6.13 ] || N. Chapter 9 - Foreign Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FORLA6.14 ] || O. Chapter 10.1 - Flames Of Passion . . . . . . . . . . [ FLOPA6.15 ]|| P. Chapter 10.2 - Flames Of Sorrow . . . . . . . . . . [ FLOSO6.16 ] || Q. Chapter 11 - A Dance Of Swords . . . . . . . . . . . [ ADOSW6.17 ]|| R. Chapter 12.1 - Tenchu Kurenai . . . . . . . . . . . [ TENKUR6.18 ]|| S. Chapter 12.2 - Tenchu Kurenai . . . . . . . . . . . [ TENCKU6.19 ]|| T. Ending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ENDI6.20 ] |

    | || [ VII. Boss Guide ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BOSGU7 ]|| A. Rin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RI7.1 ] || B. Tatsukichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TATSU7.2 ] || C. Kumagorou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KUMA7.3 ] || D. Ayame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AYAM7.4 ] || E. Nasu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NAS7.5 ] || F. Shinogi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIN7.6 ] || G. 3 Assassins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASSA7.7 ] || H. Futaba & Hitoha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FUHI7.8 ] || I. Ranzou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RANZ7.9 ]|| J. Shou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHO7.10 ]|| K. Jyuzou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JYUZ.11 ]|

    | || [ VIII. Analyzing The Enemy ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ANTEN8 ]|| || [ IX. Item List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ITELI9 ]|| || [ X. Scroll Move List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SCROI10 ] || A. Ayame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AYAM10.1 ]|| B. Rin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RI10.2 ]|| || [ XI. Secrets ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECRE11 ] || |

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    | [ XII. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CREDI12 ]|| || [ XIII. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWOR13 ]|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== Table Of Contents ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, ifthere's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the abovetable, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the rightis a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the sectionwhere I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, onyour Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type inGOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. Thecode to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. Ihope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy!

    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    Hello and welcome to another one of Kain Stryder's Walkthroughs. Thistime, I'm handling Tenchu: Fatal Shadows for IGN. I'll be coveringeverything this game has to offer, from the Tutorials right down to thefinal boss strategy. I've not played most of the other titles in theseries, but I enjoyed Tenchu: Stealth Assassins a great deal, so I do knowpart of the story, history of the characters, etc. Anyway, before Icontinue, let me just say the following:

    I wrote this for the public to access for free and to get help in a game,not for some petty thief to rip and steal my work to make a extra buck. Soplease, use my walkthrough as a source and handbook and don't edit it inany way, shape or form to add or claim as your own. Anyway, with that

    said, let's get onto the walkthrough and I hope you have a blast withTenchu: Fatal Shadows!

    Update: This Walkthrough is now available at GameFAQs, Neoseeker and anyother sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not giveyou permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting itillegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of"cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action.Thanks.

    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me anyquestions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to writewalkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and reallife, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks.

    3/21/05 - Finished The Walkthrough completely, making this guide done. Imarked it as the Final version, as there's not much else to update here.However, if any reader submits information or anything I missed, I willadd it in and note it. Otherwise, I won't really update much. With thatsaid, I hope this walkthrough helps you and enjoy Tenchu: Fatal Shadows!

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    3/19/05 - First version of this Walkthrough is up. I have the completeversion on my harddrive, however I'm running through it and making sure ithas no errors and I've gotten everything. For the moment, what you seehere is "complete". The full Walkthrough and Section IV: How To Play willbe up within the next few days.


    = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    Q. Most of the descriptions and ways you go about in your walkthrough onhow to kill enemies doesn't match mine! I have a better way to take themout!

    A. That's awesome, if you found a better way to kill enemies than what Ilisted in my guide, cool, but keep it to yourself. What I write in myguide has worked for me quite well, so please don't send in ways for me towrite on how to get a kill better or anything. What I write will get youthe stealth kill and Grand Master rank in every level, don't worry.

    Q. How come you don't write for the different layouts in levels?

    A. I view them as a "extra challenge", quite honestly. All they are isthe same level, but the enemies are changed around JUST a little bit, notreally much to warrent an entire different playthrough for it. I'll writethe levels that get you through the game, the other 2 layouts are just forfun and are NOT part of the story's gameplay, just there for some extrafun.

    Q. Sometimes when I kill a enemy I see a negative flash on my screen...what is that?

    A. Whenever you set up a stealth skill, right as Ayame or Rin kill the

    enemy, hit the Square Button and if your timing is right, BAM! specialstealth kill and it nets you 1 extra Scroll for the death. So if a normaldeath gets you 1 Scroll, that will get you 2 Scrolls.

    Q. Is it possible for enemies to stealth kill you?

    A. Yes, it's happened to me a few times and I hated it. Basically thisonly happens if you poorly time a jump and land in front of an enemy withyour back to them. At that point they can do a stealth kill which willkill you. Sucks, huh?

    Q. If I get a Grand Master or Assassin on one level, but go back and get aworse rating, does that rating overwrite the current one?

    A. No, unless the Rank is a better one over the current one, it won't overwrite it, so feel free to do whatever in order to get scrolls for Skillsin whatever Stage you're playing in.

    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== IV. How To Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HOTOP4 ]==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Controls And Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ COAM4.1 ] -

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    Complete section coming in the next update, which is a few days. Staytuned!

    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== [ V. The Characters Of The Story ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TCOTS5 ] ==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    WARNING: There are possibly SOME spoilers below on the characters...if youdon't wish to see this, skip it now, otherwise, consider yourself warned.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Ayame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ AYAM5.1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Ayame is one of the main characters of the story, and a leading characterin past Tenchu games. Basically, this game takes place directly afterTenchu: Stealth Assassins and Ayame is continuing her work and exploringthe land, until she came to a destroyed village. Upon investigation, shemet Rin and the story began. Ayame uses two small Katana weapons and is

    a very quick fighter, having been accepted into the Azuma Clan at the ageof 14 and being looked at as extraordinary. She still is seeking Rikimaru,who was apparently either killed or survived a massive boulder on him atthe end of Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. Until then, she continues her workfor Lord Goda.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Rin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RI5.2 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Rin is a young girl from the village of Hagakure, the village that Ayameinvestagates at the start, which was destroyed by people that are part ofthe Kuroya. Since the moment her loved ones died, she seeks revenge. As

    she does, she works as a hired Assassin for the Beniya, a group of hiredAssassins that work for "Lady Razor" Ogin. Rin perfers to hand to handfight her opponents, but also uses a Katana for her Stealth Killing. Sheis a new character to the Tenchu series, however.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Ogin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ OGI5.3 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    She may look old, but she's actually the leader of the Beniya, a group ofrebels/assassins that fight for hire and a cause. She's commonly known asLady Razor, however. She's seen throughout the game giving Rininstuctions on her targets and who to kill.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Kichigoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KICHI5.4 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    An Assassin that works for Ogin, he befriends Rin and they becomepartners. However, his real name is Mimizuku and he is a spy for LordGohda.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Zennosuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ZENN5.5 ]-

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    An old man that runs the underground organization known as "Muzen", whichhelp common people who fear the corrupt, normal authorities. He wastargeted for Assassination, but Rin stepped in and saved him.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Tesshu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TESS5.6 ] -


    A bodyGuard of Zennosuke, he appears only to finish Hitoha off after Rindefeats him and to go with Zennosuke. He made his appearence in Tenchu:Wrath of Heaven, however.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Manjirou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MANJ5.7 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    A contact that Rin must meet in the final stage, if you happen to unlockit. Other than that, not much more about him...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Tatsukichi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ TATS5.8 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    A loyal follower (And lover?) of Lord Jyuzou. Not much else is known ofher.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Kumagorou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ KUMA5.9 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    A giant Bear that was the son of the Bear that Ayame killed in Tenchu:Stealth Assassins. He was on his way back with food for his cubs, when he

    ran into her and his revenge began.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K. Nasu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ NAS5.10 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    A blind masseuse, who uses his skills to paralyze young women via theirpressure points, so he can have his way with them. Although he is blind,he is one HELL of a skilled fighter.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. Shinogi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHIN5.11 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    A follower of Lord Jyuzou and member of the Kuroya, Shinogi devotes hislife to killing. Not much else is known of him, however.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. Futaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FUTA5.12 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    A member of the Hagakure Village, she betrayed her people and went withLord Jyuzou when he betrayed them as well. She has always considered Rinher rival and hates her deeply.

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    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N. Hitoha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ HITO5.13 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Also a member of Hagakure Village and the brother of Futaba, he alsojoined Lord Jyuzou and became a killer. He is a so so fighter, however hisgauntlet he wears has a strange power...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- O. Ranzou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ RANZ5.14 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Another member of the Kuroya, Ranzou just plain enjoys killing and nothingelse. He has a goal in mind to kill 1,000 people before he dies, so thatgives you an idea of what he's like. Ranzou also has strange power,possibly dealing in magic, but it's not really known.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P. Shou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SHO5.15 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    The pretty boy of the Kuroya, Shou may not look it, but he too is adangerous fighter. He may be weak, but his guitar playing machine gun canmore than back him up.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Jyuzou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ JYUZ5.16 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Jyuzou was the next in line to become the leader of the Hagakure Village,however he refused to live by their ways and not liking his defiance, theywere angered and a fight ensued. Jyuzou left to start his own followingand has since been followed by Rin, for her revenge.

    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== [ VI. The Walkthrough ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THEWA6 ]==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

    Note: ALL the Stages in the Walkthrough are written under "Two Daggers" orNormal Difficulty. Also, I won't mention to pick up items off fallenenemies, that'll be your task. However, I will point out items to pick uparound the stages. If I miss something, feel free to toss it my way so Ican add it to the guide and give you proper credit. Thanks!

    Another Note: During a Stealth Kill, if you need to get out of it fastbecause you're afraid of being detected by another Guard, immediately hit

    the Circle Button to cancel the movie scene and appear back in controlwith the enemy dead.

    Yet Anoterh Note: ALWAYS bring Blow Guns with you in every Stage, as theyare possibly the best weapon you can have to Stealth Kill an enemy fromafar.

    Finally, when I give a direction, as in if I were to say "look east ofwhere you are for a item", refer to your map so you know what direction Imean.

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    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. The Beginning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ BEGI6.1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This is taken from the manual:

    In a time of feudal wars, Rikimaru and Ayame, two Ninjas of the AzumaClan, served Lord Gohda by returning his precious daughter, Kiku, from the

    hands of Lord Mei-Oh. Unfortunately, Rikimaru was caught in a disastrousrock fall during his escape and is still missing. The land of Lord Gohdaremained peaceful after Mei-Oh's attack and Ayame, as agent of Gohda,continued to patrol the expansive territory. One day in her travels,Ayame came across a decimated village. She hoped to find survivors, butarrived too late. The Ninjas of Hagakure died whispering the word "Kuroya"with their final breaths. As Ayame was about to leave, a young femaleNinja arrived and stood in her way. Her name was Rin, back from hertraining and devastated to see her village in ruins. Squaring off with oneanother, the fate of the two Ninjas became inextricably intertwined.

    And the story begins...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Chapter 1 - Daughter Of The Hagakure . . . . . . . . . . [ DOTH6.2 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Ayame.Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Sticky Bomb.Items In The Stage - Grenade x1, Health Potion x2, Rice Ball x1 and SmokeBomb x1.Strategy - Pretty much the trial level, you just get used to everythingreally. Enemies aren't too hard and it's pretty much a breeze by level ifyou know what you're doing.

    Once you begin the level, immediately run out and get behind the Female

    Guard you come across and Stealth Kill her. Next, head west and climb thestairs at the end to find a Health Potion and Rice Ball. (Note: Do NOTstep in the water, the nearby Ninja Guard will hear it.) After this, jumpacross the water to the southwest and climb up the wall and stay here,crouching down. You'll see a Ninja Guard below you patroling about. Waitfor a good moment and Stealth Kill him. After this, make your way eastwhile on top of the wall and you'll come to a archway, with a Ninja Guardand Female Guard nearby.

    Jump off and land on the ledge above them, while crouching. They shouldn'tdetect you if you hold R1 when you jump and land, so stay down. Aftertheir conversation, when they turn around, leap down inbetween them andattack immediately to score a double kill. Next up, head north and to the

    northwest of the wooden fort is a little area with a Smoke Bomb, which youshould pick up. Once you obtain this, Grapple upwards and make your waynorth, but as you go downwards to the next area, flatten against the leftside of the wall, so the fence like structure is ahead of you. Peek aroundthe corner to see a Female Guard. If she's not there, wait it out. When sheappears and walks behind the fence structure, give her a few seconds, thenrun out and kill her.

    Once you do this, leave her body where it is and run behind the fence andwait, as a Ninja Guard is nearby. He'll find the body and become alert,but not find you. When he gives up, rush out and Stealth Kill him as well.

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    After this, search the area for a Health Potion, then head east throughthe door into the next area. In the next area, immediately crouch down andshimmy to the far left of the plank you're on. Watch the two Ninja Guardsbelow and when the one walking around gets near the other Ninja Guard,leap off, run inbetween them and attack for a double kill. Next, continueeast down the path and at the end of the logs, crouch down and watch theFemale Guard nearby.

    When she turns towards the river, run up and Stealth Kill her, then dragher body behind the fence. Next up, to the northwest there's a KatanaGuard walking around. Try and stay sorta near the fence, but stand inclear sight of him and you should get a !. When this happens, run backbehind the logs and watch him. When he gives up searching, rush out andStealth Kill him. Next, head west from the fence with the dead FemaleGuard and you'll see a opening in the fence here. Hang yourself from itand observe the Samurai Guard here. When you feel ready, jump up andStealth Kill him.

    Next up, go to the far west of this area and grapple upwards to theopening and stay there, watching the Female Guard. When you're ready, leapup and Stealth Kill her. NOW, you have a choice to make. If you run to

    the middle of where the hut is, you'll trigger the Boss Battle andcontinue onto Chapter 2.1 - Depatures. However, if you kill the last enemyin this Stage, you'll instead go onto Chapter 2.2 - Determination. There'slittle difference in any of the choices throughout the game, just you playa different version of the level with different motives is all and you CANcome back and get the other Stage unlocked AT ANY TIME, which is cool.

    Anyway, if you're going onto 2.1, go to the hut now, otherwise to the eastis a Ninja Guard standing around. Wait for the right moment and then killhim. When he's dead, to the far northeast part of the map, there's aGrenade in the corner here if you wish to get it. (Follow the river if youwanna find it.) With that, walk into the heart of the village for acutscene and then the Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Rin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - She's pretty easy. Just use the R2 Button and lock onto her andside step any of her attacks and counter when you can. She likes to do athrusting move with her Katana, a jump in the air where she tries to hityou and a typical punch combo. Really not that hard, just wait till sheattacks and run in and slash at her, as she'll be open. Repeat until shehits about 25 Hit Points and the fight will end. Enjoy the cutscene andthen head onto the next Chapter, depending on what your actions in thislevel were.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Chapter 2.1 - Depatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DEPA6.3 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Sticky Bomb.Items In The Stage - Flash Bomb x2, Health Potion x1 and Rice Ball x1.Strategy - Same as the first level was for Ayame, this is sort of a triallevel, but not really. Get use to Rin's movement and combat, as she's verydifferent compared to Ayame.

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    Note: There are two enemies here along with a box that holds 2 Flash Bombsat the start of the stage that sort of backtrack into where Ayame's Stagejust ended. If you want to kill them, go ahead, they're pretty easy totake out, but they are NOT NEEDED TO GET ASSASSIN RANK. If you want tofight, go for it, otherwise, ignore this and move on.

    Other Note: To play this Stage, you must have left at least 1 enemy alive

    in Chapter 1 as Ayame, otherwise you will play Chapter 2.2 - Determinationinstead.

    After the cutscene, hide along the wall nearby and you'll see a FemaleGuard come by. Wait for your chance and then kill her, then move on.Around the corner is another Female Guard, wait for her to semi turnaround and then kill her, then grab the Health Potion nearby. Dive intothe water now and head to the other side quickly and near the edge, leapup and hang on the ledge and you'll see a Katana Guard come near you, buthe won't find you. When he turns his back, climb up and kill him. Next,look down below you to the new area and observe the Claw Guard and theMasked Guard. When you see a chance, run down and kill one and thenquickly retreat and wait to kill the other. When this is done, search the

    area for a box that holds a Rice Ball.

    When this is done, follow the path around and you'll find a small crawlspace to go through. Go ahead and enter it and in the next area, hug thewall ahead of you and at the end, watch for the Katana Guard here. When heturns his back, kill him and continue on. When you arrive at a swort offence wall, peak around the side and watch the Female Guard here and whenher back is turned, run up and kill her. Next up, run to the end of thepath and before you reach the wooded area, you'll see a Katana Guardwalking around. Stay far enough out of his line of sight and use a BlowGun if you have it, otherwise, when you see a chance, run in and kill him.(Note: You can run through the wooded area, you don't need to run aroundthe path, making this a rather easy kill.)

    Next up, head northwest and you'll see a bridge. Stay away from it andwait for the Masked Guard to walk up onto the bridge and if you have aBlow Gun, use it or wait until he turns around and rush and kill him,then back off. Only one enemy remains now, a Female Guard to the eastof you. After you kill the Masked Guard, if the Female Guard isn't nearyou, run across the bridge and hide behind the small religous candleshrine and wait for her to turn her back to you. When she does, kill herand head east to complete this Stage, as you see a cutscene and head intoChapter 3.1 - Secret Encounters.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Chapter 2.2 - Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ DETER6.4 ] -


    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Sticky Bomb.Items In The Stage - Flash Bomb x2, Grenade x1 and Health Potion x1.Strategy - Same as the first level was for Ayame, this is sort of a triallevel, but not really. Get use to Rin's movement and combat, as she's verydifferent compared to Ayame.

    Note: In order to play this Stage, you must have killed every enemy asAyame in Chapter 1. Otherwise, you will play Chapter 2.1 instead.

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    Other Note: You have 10 candles at the top of your screen. Each representsan enemy and you must kill all 10 enemies in this Stage to win. As youkill each one, a candle will disappear.

    After the cutscene, hide along the wall nearby and you'll see a KatanaGuard come by. Wait for your chance and then kill him, then drop down tothe area where you fought Rin as Ayame to find a box with 2 Flash Bombs.

    Once you get this, follow the path where you killed the Katana Ninja anddive into the water and head to the other side quickly. At the edge, leapup and hang on the ledge and you'll see a Katana Guard come near you, buthe won't find you. When he turns his back, climb up and kill him. Next,look down below you to the new area and observe the Claw Guard and theFemale Guard. When you see a chance, run down and kill one and thenquickly retreat and wait to kill the other.

    When this is done, follow the path around and you'll find a small crawlspace to go through. Go ahead and enter it and in the next area, hug thewall ahead of you and at the end, watch for the Katana Guard here. When heturns his back, kill him and continue on. When you arrive at a swort offence wall, peak around the side and watch the Female Guard here and when

    her back is turned, run up and kill her and move her body back behind thefence from which you came, as there's a Masked Guard who is coming. Ifyou don't do this, you run the risk of getting caught, as he'll be inalert mode. When this is done, move up and watch for the Masked Guard tocome by and stay far enough away. When you see him approaching, move backand watch his movement. When he turns around, rush and kill him.

    Once this is done, grab the box near the candle stand to get a HealthPotion, then run to the end of the path and before you reach the woodedarea, you'll see a Katana Guard walking around. Stay far enough out of hisline of sight and use a Blow Gun if you have it, otherwise, when you see achance, run in and kill him. (Note: You can run through the wooded area,you don't need to run around the path, making this a rather easy kill.)

    Once he's dead, look around the area to the east and behind some woodenobjects you'll find a box with a Grenade inside.

    Next up, you may want to drag the Katana Guard's Body away if he's nearthe bridge, otherwise leave him or let the Masked Guard find him, waituntil he's out of !? and then run and kill him. If not, wait by the bridgeand wait for the Masked Guard to walk nearby and use a Blow Gun if youhave it or wait until he turns around and rush and kill him, then back offVERY fast. Only one enemy remains now, a Female Guard to the east of you.After you kill the Masked Guard, if the Female Guard isn't looking in yourdirection, watch her movement down below the other side of the bridge andcross the bridge when you feel it's safe. Once on the other side, lookdown below at her and when you see a chance, drop down and kill her,

    extinguishing the final candle. After this, you'll see a cutscene, as youhead into Chapter 3.2 - The Geisha And The Hired Blade.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Chapter 3.1 - Secret Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . [ SECEN6.5 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Ayame.Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Chameleon Spell.Items In The Stage - Smoke Bomb x3.Strategy - Basically, Part 1 of this stage is a normal "Stealth Kill your

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    enemies, don't die, blah, blah, blah" scenario, however Part 2 is more ofa "Don't get caught or you lose" thing. You can take it easy in Part 1,but once you have to follow Jyuzou, be VERY careful how you do it,otherwise you can immediately lose and will have to start all over.

    After the cutscene, grapple up to the house to your right and make yourway across the roof here. To the right and below you is a Archer Guard.Nail him with a Blow Gun and a Spear Guard will notice this and run to

    check him. After he's calmed down, leap down and kill him as well. Next,from where you killed the Spear Guard, head north and at the end of thepath to your left is a small hut house. Get onto the roof and below you tothe west is another Archer Guard. Kill him and then get back onto the roofand wait, as there's a Masked Guard patrolling that'll find his deadfriend. Once he finds him and has calmed down, kill him and then jump backup top onto the roof.

    To the west, you should see a Archer Guard standing still, idly lookingabout. Use a Blow Gun on him to kill him, regardless if you get a ! fromhim. After this, head to where he was and get onto the roof of the househe was by. Below you to the south are two Guards, possibly talking or not,depends if you got close enough to "start" their conversation, otherwise

    they're already patrolling. Just stick to the roofs if they're not thereand kill them when you see a right moment, otherwise if they are there,wait for your chance to drop and take them both out. Once you've donethis, you've acquired enough points for Grand Master Rank and don't needto kill any more Guards. When you're ready, head through the gate door tothe north of you.

    After the cutscene, you'll need to follow Jyuzou, which basically, no, youcan't kill him, I tried that and...got a game over, so, heh, can't do thatI'm afraid. Anyway, you need to keep a safe distance from him, but youcan't let him get TOO far from you, otherwise you'll "lose sight" of himand lose. When you're ready, go down the left side of the path to find abox with 3 Smoke Bombs inside, then continue on. When Jyuzou reaches the

    archway, duck out of sight and when he moves on, head through the archwayand climb up the wall to the right of you and leap onto the building justahead of you and duck down, following Jyuzou. There ARE Guards here aswell, so be careful not to alert them as Jyuzou makes his rounds.

    Basically from here out, follow him and just crouch low and don't getsighted, it's not too hard of a task. When Jyuzou reaches the gate andenters, you're free to leap down and run inside as well. If you wish tokill the Guards here for fun, there's three of them around the area, noneare hard to find or kill for that matter. Anyway when you enter the gate,a cutscene happens and you enter a Boss Battle...


    - Boss Battle: Tatsukichi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - As Ayame said, "Are you serious?" She's pretty weak, a fewslashes will take her down. Alternatively, if you wanna see the nextcutscene after you kill her in a different way, as the battle begins, runup and while holding the Left Analog Stick toward her, get close and hitthe Circle Button and instead of a throw, Ayame will knock her in the neckand she'll fall over.


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    - F. Chapter 3.2 - The Geisha And The Hired Blade . . . . . . [ TGAT6.6 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Ayame.Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Chameleon Spell.Items In The Stage - Blow Gun x1, Health Potion x1 and Rice Ball x1.Strategy - You just need to go about and kill Guards without gettingdetected, really. Your basic stealth/kill stage, nothing really too hard

    about it, but things will get challenging from here out, so keep yourGuard up.

    After the cutscene, grapple up to the house on your left and to the westof the roof you're on, below you is a Masked Guard. However, look aroundhim, as there's generally another Guard patrolling that goes up somestairs near him. When this Guard isn't around, jump down, kill him andleap back onto your roof and wait for the other Guard to return and findhim. Once he's calmed down, go ahead and kill him, then get back onto theroof and head east over to the next roof and below you to the east is aSpear Guard. Wait for your chance and jump down and kill him as well. Nextup, get back onto the roof you were just on and head north, you'll see aArcher Guard below you. Jump down and kill him when you see a chance, then

    get onto the small hut house to the right of the bridge the Archer Guardwas patrolling.

    To the west should be a Archer Guard. Go ahead and Blow Gun him dead,then run west and climb up to where he was and get onto the house nearwhere he was and in the area is another Guard. Locate him and kill him, ashe's usually walking around to the south. Once this is done, go ahead andgo north to find the gate and to the right is a Health Potion, grab thatand then enter the said gate. Once inside, there's a Innocent Personwalking around, so head to the left side and make your way north carefullyand at the end near the archway is a box with a Rice Ball inside. Afteryou get this, through the archway there's a Guard patrolling. I suggestyou get ontop of the wall next to the archway and crouch down and wait for

    a chance, then kill him.

    Next, jump up onto the wall to the east of you and nearby there's twoGeishas here, so be careful. I've actually screwed this part up once anddropped down in front of one once and THEY Stealth Killed me...so that wasbad. After you take out the two Geisha's here, head southwest and near thesmall wall here, climb up and you should see an Archer Guard patrollingabout. However, there's another Claw Guard walking around nearby, so youneed to be careful how you execute this. When the Claw Guard is out ofsight, jump down and kill the Archer Guard and depending where he died,you may or may not have to move his body away or you can just leave himand let the Claw Guard find him for a easier Stealth Kill, but remainhidden.

    Now, once the Claw Guard is dead, head west and on the dock is a box witha Blow Gun inside. Once you get this, head up the building to the north ofyou, first by getting on the fence, then the roof and watch the KatanaGuard below you and when you see a chance, drop and kill him. Finally, getback onto the house and to the north of you is the gate, but there's aSpear Guard patrolling. Again, when you see a oppertunity, leap down,Stealth Kill him and enter the door to begin a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Tatsukichi -

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    Strategy - As Ayame said, "Are you serious?" She's pretty weak, a fewslashes will take her down. Alternatively, if you wanna see the nextcutscene after you kill her in a different way, as the battle begins, runup and while holding the Left Analog Stick toward her, get close and hitthe Circle Button and instead of a throw, Ayame will knock her in the neckand she'll fall over.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Chapter 4 - I Am Rin Of The Beniya . . . . . . . . . . . [ IAMRI6.7 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Chameleon Spell.Items In The Stage - Blow Gun x1, Flash Bomb x1, Health Potion x2 and RiceBall x2.Strategy - I suggest you bring a couple Shuriken and all the Blow Guns youhave, which should be a few, as this stage can get tricky at times. It'smainly cause until you reach past the natural stone walls and into thewooden ones, there's really no solid hiding places or good areas to lean

    up against for Stealth Kills, as well as the VERY annoying water onpathways that if you step on it. Basically, it sends anyone nearby into!? mode, which is a pain in the ass. Be careful and just crouch and walkor roll across water to avoid making noise.

    After the cutscene, head north and jump over the hole infront of you andyou'll come to an outdoor area. Ahead of you is a Dog patrolling about.Depending on your luck, you may need 1 or 2 Shurikens to kill it, so goahead and nail him with them. After this, continue north through a caveand grab the box here to get a Flash Bomb, then continue on till you cometo the end where you'll see 1 or 2 Spear Guards here. Now, make sureyou're leaning against the rock wall here, pearing over your character'sright shoulder at the 1 stationary Guard and the 1 patrolling Guard.

    When the patrolling Guard comes near the stationary one and BOTH havetheir backs to you, run up inbetween them and attack to perform a DoubleStealth Kill.

    Once you do this, to the south is a wooden structure, which if you usethe Grappling Hook and get to the top, there's a Health Potion here. Onceyou get it, drop down and head east from where the dead Guards are into acave. Inside, hug the left wall and at the end, stop and peer over andwait for a Katana Guard to walk over. Stay where you are and when he turnsaround, go ahead and Stealth Kill him. Next, RUSH north and turn left tosee a Masked Guard walking away from you. Be quick and Stealth Kill him,then go back to where you killed the Katana Guard and go through thedoorway here and up the path, but crouch down and inch your way up. You'll

    see an Archer Guard standing still, rotating his direction. When he'slooking away from you, (He'll be sideways, but still won't see you.) run,jump over the pit in front of you and Stealth Kill him.

    Next up, crouch and to the west there's another Katana Guard patrolling.Wait till he turns, jump over the pit and kill him. Now, backtrack outof here and back where you killed the first Guard in this cave, headnorth, go west past the Guard you RUSHED and head through the doorway yousee here. BE CAREFUL here, do not enter the room, but hug up against theopen bar door and peer around to see where the Archer Guard is. If he'snot overlooking the perch, enter the room, jump and hang from the ledge

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    and wait for him to come to you. When he does and turns around, climb upand kill him, follow the path and jump down OVER the pit below to get twoRice Balls out of the box here.

    After this, backtrack out of the room and head north through the pathwayhere and you'll come to a path leading upwards, along with two doors, oneto your left and one to your right. There should be a Masked Guardpatrolling the path leading up. When he comes into view, Blow Gun him dead

    and then duck into the room to the west and hide and wait for a KatanaGuard from the room to the east to walk out and down the hall. (Hopefullyyou killed the Masked Guard far enough for him not to see, otherwiseyou'll need to wait for him to go unalerted to Stealth Kill him.) When yousee a chance, run out and kill him, then head into the door to the eastand lean up against the left side of the wall inside the doorway and watchfor a Katana Guard to come by. When he stops and turns around, run andStealth Kill and then exit the room and head north up the path here andstraight ahead on a bridge you'll see a Katana Guard.

    Wait until his back is to you, then run and Stealth Kill him. Next, upahead should be a Archer Guard. Wait for him to appear and Blow Gun himdead, then run across the bridge and to your right is a box with a Blow

    Gun inside. Get this, then head downwards and follow the path down toappear below the bridge you just crossed. Across from you should be aArcher Guard. Blow Gun him dead, then backtrack and head to your left tofind a river that'll warp you to another area of the stage. Now, in thisarea, you'll notice running water on the pathway. If you step on thiswithout crouching or rolling, you'll make a noise that'll !? nearbyGuards. When you enter this area, press up against the wall to your rightand watch the Katana Guard here.

    Toss another Blow Gun at him and when the nearby Masked Guard finds himand becomes calm again, run up carefully and avoid the water and make yourkill. Once he's dead head down the long hallway where you'll find thatdead Archer Guard you killed a few minutes ago and grab the Health Potion

    you find. Next, follow the path all the way around and you'll enter aroom, as you clear the stage and see a cutscene.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Chapter 5 - Fated Reunions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FATRE6.8 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Ayame.Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Invisible Spell.Items In The Stage - Hand Claws x1, Health Potion x3 and Spinner x3.Strategy - I suggest you bring a Grenade or two and all the Blow Guns youhave. The boss you fight at the start of the stage really isn't thatdifficult and the Grenades are your insurance more than anything. Again,

    be careful of the water here and do what you did with Rin on it. Otherthan that, not too hard of a stage at all, as you're basically just backtracking to the start of the stage.

    After the cutscene, you're immediately thrown into a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Kumagorou ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Ahhhh! Bear! Nah, he's pretty easy. Again, R2 Button lock onto

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    him and wait for him to charge at you and side step, then run in and gonuts with combos. Also, when he stands on his hind legs and slashes, runaround to his back and combo him again. Very, very easy Boss.

    After Kumagorou is defetated, head out of the room and in the hallway toyour left is a box that holds a Health Potion. Next, lean up against thewall to your right and at the end, you'll see a Katana Guard patrolling.Wait for your chance, then Stealth Kill him and continue on to find a

    stationary Katana Guard ahead of you. Use a Blow Gun on him and then waitfor a Masked Guard nearby to find him. If you don't see him come toinspect his friend's body, head down the path and hug the left wall and atthe end, watch his movements and when you're ready, roll across the waterso you don't make any sound and then when you're behind him, kill him.

    Next, turn around and straight down the path ahead of you should be aKatana Guard. Watch him and when he turns around, roll across the waterand rush him and kill him. After this, run down the hall where you justkilled the Katana Guard and at the end, hug the right wall and peek aroundto watch for yet another Katana Guard here. Make your move when you seefit and afterwards, back up and wait for a Female Guard to appear at theotherside of the gap. Use a Blow Gun on her and then backtrack down the

    path and take a right to enter the river and go to another part of theStage. In the next part, lean against the wall to the left and wait forthe two Guards to finish their conversation. When the Female Guard walksaway, Blow Gun the Katana Guard and then hide and after the Female Guardfinds him, go ahead and kill her once she's become calm again.

    Next, near the Katana Guard is a box with Hand Claws inside, so take thoseand then get onto the bridge to the west. Ahead of you will be a KatanaGuard. The SECOND he turns his back, rush in and kill him, then jump overthe gap to the west and look ahead of you and wait. A Masked Guard willappear below you. When he turns to go into the room to the south, rush inand kill him, and drag his body away from the door if it's near it, otherwise leave it and lean up against the left side of the door here leading

    into the room. You'll see a Katana Guard walk by, stop and turn around.When he does, kill him and take the Health Potion inside the box you findhere, then exit the room the way you came and head west down the pathwayand stop when you see a Guard and when he turns around, rush in, killhim, cancel the animation scene and hide.

    Another Guard nearby will notice this, but when he returns to normal,watch him and then make your move. Once he's dead, head west now andbefore entering the next corridor, watch for a Female Guard to appear andthen turn her back and walk away. When she walks away, be quick to killher before she turns around midway. Once she's dead, continue on and whenyou reach the top of a slope, use a Blow Gun to kill a Katana Guard belowyou, then crouch and move back a bit. When a Guard nearby finds him and

    returns to normal, run down and kill him, then roll into the cave to yourright and grab the box here to obtain 3 Spinners. Continue inside the caveand near the end, watch for a Claw Guard patrolling here. When he turnsaround, kill him, cancel the animation scene and retreat backwards, asanother Guard will notice his dead companion.

    When he returns to normal, take your time and finish him off, then simplyhead south and jump across the gap and you'll complete the Stage. Now, ifyou were sighted at least once in this Stage, you will go onto Chapter 6.1- The Blind Masseuse. If you weren't sighted at all, you'll go ontoChapter 6.2 - What Lurks In The Shadow.

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    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Chapter 6.1 - The Blind Masseuse . . . . . . . . . . . . [ THBLM6.9 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Invisible Spell.Items In The Stage - Explosive Box x1, Health Potion x1, Map x1 and

    Shuriken x5,Strategy - Ok, you have a couple options here. First off, this Stage hasan optional final boss. Meaning, you can fight him or you can choose theeasy way and not fight him. Either has no true impact on the game, just adifferent scene at the end of the Stage, mainly with the same end result.Nasu is, a VERY good fighter and you fight in a VERY small room. ThisStage is a pain in the ass, so if you truly don't want to possibly die thefirst time through, take the easy way. If not, if you wish to fight him,take the hard way. Easy way - Don't bring more than 1 Grenade and 1 BambooGun. Hard way - Bring 2 of each and a Ninja Rebirth. Load up on Blow Gunsdespite your decision, you will need them.

    Note: In order to play this Stage you must not have been noticed at all in

    Chapter 5. Also, at the start of the Stage, behind you are some paperlanterns. You can leap up and pull yourself up to the top of them and falldown into a hidden area in the river, which leads to a shortcut. Thisbrings you to the bridge where you fight the halfway Boss Battle. You CANdo this and skip the first half of the walkthrough and procede to fightAyame, but otherwise, read on to play through the normal way. Note that inthis secret area, on the roof of the shed is a box with a Explosive Box.

    After the cutscene, immediately run across the bridge and Stealth Kill theKatana Guard ahead of you, cancel the animation and pick his body up anddrop it over to the right out of the path and lean up against the smalllittle wall here. Another Katana Guard will appear near the bridge andstop to glance where the other Guard had been moments ago, then turn to

    walk away. As he does, run out and kill him as well. Next, make sure abovewhere you were hiding, a Katana Guard isn't there and then climb up thefirst ledge, then hang on the second and watch the Katana Guard. He'llcome right over to the ledge, but never notice you. Once he turns around,jump up and kill him. Next, to your left is a small fence with a smallarea, to which you can crouch and roll behind and not be seen.

    Do so and continuiously roll to the end and to your right will be a MaskedGuard patrolling. Do not stand up until his back is to you, then leap outand kill him. To the left of where you killed him is a box with a HealthPotion inside, so take that and then look below you. You should see a ClawGuard, if not, wait and he'll walk up and remain still for a moment. Whenhe turns around to continue patrolling, leap down, kill him and then jump

    onto the roof to your left and crouch. When the nearby Innocent isn'tlooking, roll off the roof and head straight ahead right behind a smallfence and remain still, as there's a Katana Guard right by you. He'llnever see you, if you remain crouching, so just remain doing so. When yousee a chance, leap up, kill him and then crouch and roll to the doorstraight ahead.

    In this new area, do not get onto the roof ahead of you and crouch, asI've found each time the Geisha has noticed me, somehow. What you want todo is crouch and roll to your right behind the fence and watch the Geishaand kill her when you see a chance. After this, procede to get onto the

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    roof that was ahead of you at the start of this area and wait for aClaw Guard to appear on the road below. He may or may not notice the deadGeisha, so depending what happens, kill him accordingly when you get achance. Once he's dead, drop down to the left of the roof and stay behindthe fence and crouch and roll to the end where a Katana Guard ispatrolling. When you get a chance, Stealth Kill him as well. Once this isdone, simple follow the path to find the bridge and walk onto it to starta Boss Battle...

    Note: If you took the shortcut at the very beginning, you'll appear tothe right of the bridge in the water. Even if you're sighted, justimmediately run to the bridge to start the Boss Battle.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Ayame ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Urgh, she's a bitch. Not sure about you, but I hate using Rinin close combat, she's just so...weak. Anyway, your best bet is to waituntil Ayame attacks and then avoid and attack yourself, but for an easywin, shoot her with a Bamboo Gun, 2 Cannons or 2 Grenades.

    After the cutscene and when you're back in control, use your GrapplingHook and aim for the building's roof to the right of the door. You shouldland on the middle ledge, so just leap up onto the roof after. Crouch andbelow you, watch for a Katana Guard and when you can, fall and StealthKill him and then get back onto the roof. Look around for a Geisha, asshe may or may not find the dead Katana Guard. Either way, when thesituation arises, kill her as well. Next, to north is another Katana Guardpatrolling near a rather big house, which marked on your map, is whereNasu practices..."masseusing". Anyway, watch his movements and leap downand kill him, then get back onto the roof and head the most northeasternhouse here and look for another Geisha walking around.

    Careful of the Innocent here and when you see a chance, drop, kill her,then head into the courtyard area of Nasu's House. On the roof is a smallcrawl space you can enter here. Do so and once inside, check to yourright for a box with 5 Shuriken here. Next, head to your left and dropdown the hole, and hug the wall and stay near the door. A Geisha willcome close and even walk through the door, however, step out infront ofher and in the moment of surprise, attack her to get a Stealth Kill,cancel the animation and immediately run up the stairs, Grapple Hook backup and wait. The Masked Guard will find the dead Geisha, so when hereturns to normal, rush down and rush into the room, as you should bebehind him now, so just Stealth Kill him.

    Next, in the corner is a Health Potion, so grab it and then you need to

    make a choice. Below the barrels in this room is a crawl space with a boxthat holds a Map of Nasu's House. If you choose to get it, you willunlock Chapter 7.2 - For Whom The Bell Tolls. If you don't get it, youwill instead unlock Chapter 7.1 - A Sister's Promise. Now, after youdecide, to your left is a doorway, with 3 Guards inside. First, try tolure one Guard away by standing near the door and insight to get caught.The Katana Guard should give you a ! sign and come to inspect what he saw.Simply hide and when he arrives, gives up and turns around, rush and killhim. Next, inside the doorway, look to your left to see another KatanaGuard. Use a Blow Gun on him, then look up to your left up the stairs.There's a Claw Guard here, which you need to kill. Either get in close,

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    Blow Gun him or crouch up the stairs and kill him when a chance arises.

    When this is done, you have another choice. Down below there are twopaths. If you choose the path all the way to the right, you'll go downinto a small basement, which a cutscene will take place and you will notfight Nasu. If you wish to fight Nasu, take the path to the left andyou'll enter a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Nasu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Wow, for a blind guy, he's really, really damn good. Thislittle rapist is very skilled with a sword and if he nails you with it,he'll do a series of combo attacks. Also, when he stands still slowlyputting his sword away, if you attack him immediately, he'll do a "StealthKill" that can really hurt you, but will not kill you if you have enoughHit Points. However, if you wait a few seconds after he starts and attackhim, he won't do it and it's a free shot for you to combo him. The roomyou're in is very small, so avoiding him is hard altogether. I suggest youjust Bamboo Gun, Cannon or Grenade him for the win. Alternatively, if you

    took the eastern most path hugging the right wall to him, instead of theleft wall, you won't fight him at all and instead see a different cutscene.

    Regardless of what path you took, after the cutscene, you'll be in Nasu'sRoom. Lean up against the white design on the door in his room to enter ahidden area. Inside, don't move, as ahead is a Geisha. If you have a BlowGun left, move in close and hit her while she's in ! mode. Otherwise, waitand rush in to kill her when she starts going down the stairs. After this,head down the stairs and turn left to complete the Stage.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Chapter 6.2 - What Lurks In The Shadow . . . . . . . . [ WLITS6.10 ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Invisible Spell.Items In The Stage - Explosive Box x1 and Shuriken x5.Strategy - Ok, you have a couple options here. First off, this Stage hasan optional final boss. Meaning, you can fight him or you can choose theeasy way and not fight him. Either has no true impact on the game, just adifferent scene at the end of the Stage, mainly with the same end result.Nasu is, a VERY good fighter and you fight in a VERY small room. ThisStage is a pain in the ass, so if you truly don't want to possibly die thefirst time through, take the easy way. If not, if you wish to fight him,take the hard way. Easy way - Don't bring more than 1 Grenade and 1 BambooGun. Hard way - Bring 2 of each and a Ninja Rebirth. Load up on Blow Guns

    despite your decision, you will need them.

    Note: In order to play this Stage you must have have been noticed at leastonce Chapter 5. Also, at the start of the Stage, behind you are some paperlanterns. You can leap up and pull yourself up to the top of them and falldown into a hidden area in the river, which leads to a shortcut. Thisbrings you to the bridge where you fight the halfway Boss Battle. You CANdo this and skip the first half of the walkthrough and procede to fightAyame, but otherwise, read on to play through the normal way. Note that inthis secret area, on the roof of the shed is a box with a Explosive Box.

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    After the cutscene, immediately fall into the pit near the bridge, thenGrapple Hook up onto the side of the bridge and hang there. Wait for theGeisha to come by and when she turns around, climb up and kill her. Next,head north and climb up the two ledges and once up top, to your left is asmall fenced area. Crouch and roll behind this to the end and watch theGeisha you see here. When her back's turned, leap out, kill her and thenpick her body up and drop it near the ledge at the back of the dead endbelow. (Just stand near the edge and let go of her body, when she drops,

    she'll simply fall below.) Next, head south to the ledge where you firstclimbed up and to your left, is a slope leading down. Stand at the top toget a ! sign and when you do, immediately duck behind the fence behind youand roll all the way to where you hid to kill the Geisha.

    Now, this MIGHT just have been my game, I'm not sure, but there's a glitchwhere the Katana Guard will get stuck when he comes up to investigate andhe just turns in circles over and over. If this happens, stand up QUICKand then duck back down. Keep doing this until you get a ! and then rollaway from where you were, as the Katana Guard will come to check. As hedoes, leap out, run behind him and kill him. (Note: If he doesn't getstuck, just make sure to stand up fast and get a ! from him. If not, justrepeat this by standing near the slope and getting him to come up again.)

    Once he's dead, near where you killed the Geisha, look downward for aClaw Guard to be patrolling. When you see a chance, leap down, kill himand then jump onto the roof to your left and crouch.

    When the nearby Innocent isn't looking, roll off the roof and headstraight ahead right behind a small fence and remain still, as there's aKatana Guard right by you. He'll never see you, if you remain crouching,so just remain doing so. When you see a chance, leap up, kill him andthen crouch and roll to the door straight ahead. In this new area, jumponto the roof of the house ahead of you and below you to the north shouldbe a Katana Guard. Blow Gun him dead, then drop down and follow the pathto the left and be careful, as there's a Innocent walking about. Doingthis fast enough, she SHOULD be near the bridge. Just wait until she's

    past the bridge before running towards it, as even if she spots you, itwon't hurt your ranking too much. Once on the bridge, you'll enter a BossBattle...

    Note: If you took the shortcut at the very beginning, you'll appear tothe right of the bridge in the water. Even if you're sighted, justimmediately run to the bridge to start the Boss Battle.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Ayame ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Urgh, she's a bitch. Not sure about you, but I hate using Rin

    in close combat, she's just so...weak. Anyway, your best bet is to waituntil Ayame attacks and then avoid and attack yourself, but for an easywin, shoot her with a Bamboo Gun, 2 Cannons or 2 Grenades.

    After the cutscene and when you're back in control, use your GrapplingHook and aim for the building's roof to the right of the door. You shouldland on the middle ledge, so just leap up onto the roof after. Now, youhave a choice. As far as I've seen, you don't need to kill anyone elsehere, as you have an Assassin Rank already. However, just for fun, thereis a Katana Guard and 2 Geisha Guards walking around the building you'reon. To the far NE is a Katana Guard and Claw Guard patrolling and another

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    Geisha to the west in this area, so have fun. Just keep to the roof topsand drop down, kill, go back to the roof after. Not too hard. Anyway,when you're ready, head to the large house to the northwest and on theroof is a small crawl space that you can enter.

    Do so and once inside, check to your right for a box with 5 Shuriken here.Next, head to your left and drop down the hole, and hug the wall and staynear the door. A Geisha will come close and even walk through the door,

    however, step out infront of her and in the moment of surprise, attack herget a Stealth Kill, cancel the animation and immediately run up thestairs, Grapple Hook back up and wait. The Masked Guard will find the deadGeisha, so when he returns to normal, rush down and rush into the room, asyou should be behind him now, so just Stealth Kill him.

    Next up, you need to make a choice now. Below the barrels in this room isa crawl space with a box that holds a Map of Nasu's House. If you chooseto get it, you will unlock Chapter 7.2 - For Whom The Bell Tolls. If youdon't get it, you will instead unlock Chapter 7.1 - A Sister's Promise.Now, after you decide, you have another choice. In the next room, there'stwo paths. If you choose the path all the way to the right, you'll go downinto a small basement, which a cutscene will take place and you will not

    fight Nasu. If you wish to fight Nasu, take the path to the left andyou'll enter a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Nasu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Wow, for a blind guy, he's really, really damn good. Thislittle rapist is very skilled with a sword and if he nails you with it,he'll do a series of combo attacks. Also, when he stands still slowlyputting his sword away, if you attack him immediately, he'll do a "StealthKill" that can really hurt you, but will not kill you if you have enoughHit Points. However, if you wait a few seconds after he starts and attack

    him, he won't do it and it's a free shot for you to combo him. The roomyou're in is very small, so avoiding him is hard altogether. I suggest youjust Bamboo Gun, Cannon or Grenade him for the win. Alternatively, if youtook the eastern most path hugging the right wall to him, instead of theleft wall, you won't fight him at all and instead see a different cutscene.

    Regardless of what path you took, after the cutscene, you'll be in Nasu'sRoom. Lean up against the white design on the door in his room to enter ahidden area. Inside, follow the path and head down the stairs and headleft to finish this Stage.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K. Chapter 7.1 - A Sister's Promise . . . . . . . . . . . [ ASISP6.11 ] -


    Character - Ayame.Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Ninja Armor.Items In The Stage - Amulet x1, Decoy Bell x2, Egg x1 and Health Potion x1.Strategy - I suggest you bring 1-2 Invisibly Spells with you for this run,as it makes the Stage much easier to get through. Also bring all the BlowGuns you have.

    Note: In order to be able to play this game you must have not gotten theMap with Rin in Chapter 6.1/6.2.

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    After the cutscene, a Masked Guard will be patrolling the stairs ahead ofyou. Simple crouch and move over and wait for a chance to kill him, thendo so and head left through the door. Next, head down the stairs and leanup against the left side of the wall and watch the Old Man Guard and theMasked Guard's pattern. When both are turned around, run up, kill one ofthem, cancel the animation scene and then kill the other. After this, atthe top of the stairs, look down and a Katana Guard will come into sight.

    Blow Gun him dead, then carefully make your way down, but watch for theOld Man Guard behind the gate, as he might see you. Head left now andenter the crawl space, grab the box nearby for a Amulet and then GrappleHook over to the ledge when the Katana Guard isn't looking and StealthKill him when you have a chance.

    Next, backtrack to where you killed the first two Guards and you'll see aa weird white/black pattern on the wall. Lean up against the door toenter a new area. Now the fun begins. Use a Invisibility Scroll and bumrush the two Guards around the corner, drop down into the pit to the leftof them, kill the Old Man Guard here, follow the path, kill the other OldMan Guard and IF the spell hasn't worn, make haste up the slope straightahead and finish off the Female Guard here. Good job if you got this far.

    If you didn't get the Female Guard, simply stay back, watch her movementand after she turns around, run in and kill her. (Note: Do NOT drop downinto the area to the right of where you just killed the two Guards, it'sa deathtrap. You want to fall down into a new area that's to the left ofthem. However, in the pit is a box with 2 Decoy Bells, but they're reallynot worth the trouble.)

    After this, at the top of the stairs there's a Egg on the shelf if youwant it, otherwise, head over to the sliding door, use your otherInvisibility Spell and enter, bum rush the Old Man Guard, follow the path,kill the Female Guard, take a right and head up the stairs and kill theOld Man Guard and Masked Guard here. After this, head south throughanother sliding door to find a Health Potion in this room. Finally, exit

    this room, head left and follow the path around to enter a room which willstart a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Shinogi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Well, Shinogi's...different. He fights with 3 swords, the thirdin his mouth and likes to kick up sand to blind and stun you temporarily.The best bet is to R2 Button lock onto him and avoid him, but be careful,when he attacks he does it 3-5 times, so careful on approaching him foryour own attack. Other than that he's pretty easy, nothing you can'thandle and if it looks bad, Grenade him.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. Chapter 7.2 - For Whom The Bell Tolls . . . . . . . . . [ FWTBT6.12 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Ayame.Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Ninja Armor.Items In The Stage - Amulet x1, Dokuto Blades x1, Health Potion x1 andSpinner x1.Strategy - I suggest you bring 1-2 Invisibly Spells with you for this run,as it makes the Stage much easier to get through. Also bring all the Blow

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    Guns you have.

    Note: In order to be able to play this game you must have gotten the Mapwith Rin in Chapter 6.1/6.2.

    After the cutscene, head up the steps and run through the sliding doorand Stealth Kill the Masked Guard standing here. Next, head down thestairs and lean up against the left side of the wall and watch the Old

    Man Guard and the Masked Guard's pattern. When both are turned around,run up, kill one of them, cancel the animation scene and then kill theother. After this, at the top of the stairs, grab the Health Potion yousee, then head over to the weird white/black pattern on the wall. Lean upagainst the door to enter a new area. Now the fun begins. Use aInvisibility Scroll and bum rush the two Guards around the corner, dropdown into the pit to the left of them, follow the path around, kill theOld Man Guard here, then bang a left down the hall and kill the FemaleGuard you come across. (Note: Do NOT drop down into the area to the rightof where you just killed the two Guards, it's a deathtrap. You want tofall down into a new area that's to the left of them.)

    Good job if you got this far. If you didn't get the Female Guard, simply

    stay back, watch her movement and after she turns around, run in and killher. After this, head over to the sliding door, use your otherInvisibility Spell and enter, bum rush the first Guard here, follow thepath, kill the next Guard here, take a right and head up the stairs andkill another Guard, then head left through another sliding door and killthe final Guard here. Whew. Also, in this room, since you followed mywalkthrough (Hopefully.) down to the last word, you didn't hit the switchat the start of the level, so the layout didn't change, thus a box is inthis room. Inside are Ayame's alternative weapon, the Dokuto Blades. Theyare stronger than her normal Katanas and also inflict Poison onto anyenemy that's hit with these.

    AWESOME to have anytime after this, as Poison ROCKS. Anyway, if you wish,

    backtrack to the first sliding door and in the room with the first Guardyou killed on your second Invisibility Scroll, there's a box here with aAmulet inside. Next, near where you killed the second Guard, there's a pitwith a box, holding a Spinner inside. Either way, once you're ready, fromwhere you got the Dokuto Blades, exit the room and go left and follow thepath around to enter a room which will start a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Shinogi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Well, Shinogi's...different. He fights with 3 swords, the thirdin his mouth and likes to kick up sand to blind and stun you temporarily.

    The best bet is to R2 Button lock onto him and avoid him, but be careful,when he attacks he does it 3-5 times, so careful on approaching him foryour own attack. Other than that he's pretty easy, nothing you can'thandle and if it looks bad, Grenade him.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- M. Chapter 8 - A Task Without Reward . . . . . . . . . . . [ ATAWR6.13 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Ninja Armor.

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    Items In The Stage - Cannon x1.Strategy - Bring all the Blow Guns you have, this Stage is so veryannoying. Pretty much anywhere you hide you run a risk of getting caught,just a really thorn in your side level. You want to keep moving and youwant to kill fast, there's only...I believe 10 Guards here, so kill fastand move fast. Also, bring a few Shuriken for the Dog enemies here.

    After the cutscene, Grapple Hook up the left side of the wall and crouch

    and observe the two Archer Guards. When the one on the pillar has his backto you, jump over to him, kill him, then leap down and kill the other one.Next, go back ontop of the wall where you started off at and on the rightside of it, you should see a patrolling Spear Guard. Use a Blow Gun onhim, then head down and up the road and stop when you hear a conversation.Run and go back where you were and wait, as a Guard will come patrollingup. Watch him and when you see a chance, drop and kill him, then head ontoa smaller roof nearby and crouch low. Use a Shuriken or two on the Dog yousee here, then nearby, there's a Guard near the roof you're on. Watchbelow you and when you see a oppertunity, drop and kill him.

    Next up, continue on the path now and you'll come to another Katana Guardhere, near a big rock. When he goes behind it, run in and kill him from

    behind, then head west down the slope to find another Guard. Watch hismovement and strike him when you see a chance. Continue north and you'llsee yet another Guard near a river. Simply watch his movement and killhim when you spot your chance. Now, there's a patrolling Archer Guardnearby as well. When you can get a chance, Blow Gun him dead and you'vecleared all the Guards in the Stage. Head north on the path and near theend you'll find a box with a Cannon inside. Now, don't continue on justyet, but instead backtrack to where there's a waterfall and a bridge. Goonto that bridge, but DO NOT CROSS OVER.

    On the other side of the bridge is a fence wall with a VERY small steppingarea in front of it. To the west there's a box. Jump at the fence and youshould land on the very, very small patch of land. Shimmy over to the west

    and when you have to, jump over to reach the box. (I found just smashingjump when I felt I couldn't go any farther worked pretty well, since theground for the box was..."slippery" in a way.) Inside you'll get Rin'salternative weapon, the Demon Claws. They, unlike the Dokuto Blades arealways active, making Rin's normal punches much stronger. Whenever you'reready, from where you were on that bridge before you got the Demon Claws,go ahead and cross over now to get a cutscene, as you finish this Stage.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N. Chapter 9 - Foreign Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FORLA6.14 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Ayame.

    Item Rewarded For Grand Master - Fire Spell.Items In The Stage - Dog Bone x1, Health Potion x1 and Mine x1.Strategy - Like Chapter 5, you're going to be immediately thrown into aBoss Battle, so be ready. I suggest you get 1 Smoke Bomb, 1 Grenade, allthe Blow Guns you have and maybe 1 Health Potion. Other than that, this isa pretty short Stage to say the least.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: 3 Assassins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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    Strategy - Can be easy or hard. They're just typical Guards, I suggest youbring 1-2 Grenades, maybe 1 Smoke Bomb and have at it. If you leave theMasked Samurai Guard alive, you'll see a cutscene and it will also effectthe next route in the game.

    Note: If you leave the Katana Guard alive and kill the other two, you willgo onto Chapter 10.2 - Flames of Sorrow. If you killed all three, you'llgo onto Chapter 10.1 - Flames of Passion.

    After the fight, head north and on the ledge there'll be a Health Potion.Take it and climb up and crouch foward to hear a conversation between twoGuards. To your right, down in the woods is a Katana Guard, which, youshould asap nail with a Blow Gun, then look ahead of you to see a FemaleGuard. When she gets in range, shoot her with a Blow Gun and then to yourleft, watch for a Old Man Guard to start patrolling. When you see achance, drop down and kill them, then get back up to where you were andwalk over to the edge and drop down after seeing where the Masked Guardbelow you is. Kill him, then head to your left to find a box with a Mineinside.

    Next up, climb up the ledge ahead of you and immediately Blow Gun the

    patrolling Claw Guard, then drop back down. Head to your right and watchthe Old Man Guard's stationary movement pattern to the north and when yousee a chance, run in, climb the ledge and kill him. Once you do this, headto your left as far as you can go and climb up onto the wall here andobserve. There's a Old Man Guard and a Dog here. If you have any Shuriken,use them, otherwise, Blow Gun the Dog, then drop and kill the Old ManGuard. After this, simply follow the path up and at the stop, head to yourright, hugging the fence wall to find a box with a Dog Bone inside.Finally, just follow the path all the way over to the south and you'llenter a cutscene.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- O. Chapter 10.1 - Flames Of Passion . . . . . . . . . . . [ FLOPA6.15 ] -


    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Fake Rat.Items In The Stage - Egg x1, Flash Bomb x1 and Health Potion x2.Strategy - In my opinion, this was the most annoying Stage. Mainly sinceyou can get a instant death if you fall off the cliff and because a fewof the kills here were really hard to pull off. For that, I strongly urgeyou bring 1 (2 if you have them.) Invisibility Spell and all the Blow Gunsyou have.

    Note: To play this Stage you must have killed all three Guards at thestart of Chapter 9.

    After the cutscene, get onto the roof in front of you and crouch,observing the two Staff Monk Guards. When one of them starts to come nearyou, walking by the river side, watch the other one and the second theother one turns to walk away, jump over the river from the roof top andkill the Staff Monk Guard close to you, then quickly run up and kill theother one, as he's just turning around. Once he's dead, return to whereyou started to get a Health Potion, which is nearby. After this, continueon the path and when you come to being able to go left or right, GrappleHook up onto the ledge above you. Shimmy to the right and carefully watchthe Staff Monk Guard here and when he turns around, leap up and kill him.

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    Next, below you to your left a bit is a small shed. However, directlybelow is a patrolling Staff Monk Guard.

    When you see a chance, jump down and kill him, then look around the shedfor a box with a Health Potion inside. After this, head right and you'llsee a stationary Monk Staff Guard ahead of you, across a giant gap. Abovethe guard's head is a tree branch, which you can Grapple Hook onto. Getnear the edge of the cliff, aim at it and you'll hang from the branch.

    Pull yourself up and you'll stand on it. Now just wait for a chance todrop down and kill the guard. Now, here comes the hard part, sort of. Isuggest you use your Invisibility Spell now and run in and bum rush thetwo guards in this area, then across from the broken bridge is apatrolling guard. Get close to the ledge and when he comes down near theother side of the bridge and Blow Gun him dead. After this, behind theshed in this area is a box with a Flash Bomb inside.

    Once you get this, near the bridge, drop down to the small ledge belowand then jump onto the side of the bridge and shimmy yourself all theway across and then climb up to the other side. Once here, hang from theledge above you and watch the guard here as he patrols. When he turnsaround, climb up fast and go kill him. After this, if you have another

    Invisibility Spell, use it now after you run down, but before you crossthe bridge. There's two guards here, just make short work of them. If youhaven't got another spell, head down the path and observe the guard hereand Blow Gun him dead. Another guard nearby might notice this, wait a fewseconds to see, if not, from the bridge, Grapple Hook up onto the hugeledge near you and hang there, watching the other guard patrol.

    When you see a chance, kill him and grab the box nearby to get a Egg, thengo ahead and enter the door here to enter a Boss Battle...

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle: Futaba & Hitoha ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Another easy Boss Battle, however it can easily turn ugly.If you choose to kill Futaba first, Hitoha becomes enraged and becomes 10times harder to defeat, along with a bunch of devastating attacks. So, ifyou want to do this the easy way, kill Hitoha first, then Futaba. Futabauses her crossbow on her arm to shoot darts at you, as well as can shootsome in the air and a bunch of them at you all at once. As for Hitoha, helikes to just do a bunch of physical attack combos which hurt, but whenenraged he can do a fire wave, which is like a crescent when released onthe ground around him, as well as releasing 5 Grenades at once while inthe air. He also can do a charging attack with his fist that HURTS, aswell as he can counter your attacks sometimes. Again, it can be easy orhard, so make your choice.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P. Chapter 10.2 - Flames Of Sorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FLOSO6.16 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Character - Rin.Item Rewarded For Assassin - Fake Rat.Items In The Stage - Firework x1, Health Potion x2 and Rice Ball x2.Strategy - In my opinion, this was the most annoying Stage. Mainly sinceyou can get a instant death if you fall off the cliff and because a fewof the kills here were really hard to pull off. For that, I strongly urge

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    - Boss Battle: Futaba & Hitoha ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Strategy - Another easy Boss Battle, however it can easily turn ugly.If you choose to kill Futaba first, Hitoha becomes enraged and becomes 10times harder to defeat, along with a bunch of devastating attacks. So, ifyou want to do this the easy way, kill Hitoha first, then Futaba. Futabauses her crossbow on her arm to shoot darts at you