techniques in teaching reading

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  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    Techniques inTeachingReading

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    1.1. What do people read?1.2. Why do people read?

    1.3. How do they read?2. Practice.2.1. Useful techniques in teaching reading.2.2. Activities

    2.3. The analysis of the textbooks:Magic English 4,

    3. Conclusion

    Theory and Teaching Practice inReading to Young Learners

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    1. Theory. The students success depends onlearning to read with a purpose, predict, skim, scan,extract detailed information, read and recognizefunctions, deduce meaning from context.

    But reading in a foreign language creates barriersfor the learner in using reading skills.

    It is the teachers job to re -activate these skills bymaking students less anxious or frustrated and thusremoving some of the barriers.

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    A reading lesson might reflect this process in a variety of ways. There are a lotof classroom procedures that activate and

    encourage pupils to realize that reading can be fun.

    Mostly this happens while integratingreading with writing, listening and speaking.

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    1. Theory and Practice in Teaching Reading

    1.1. What do people read? Activity 1. Web Map. Put everything you canremember reading the previous day( all typeseven reading labels, shopping list, address book,

    road signs, posters, articles, books, etc., .

    What I read?

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    1.2. Why do people read ? There are some mainreasons for reading

    Reading for survival - a matter of life or death:

    immediate needs or wishes, signs instructions,etc.,

    Activity 3 . Write and read as many signs andinstructions you meet on your way to work.

    Example : No smoking! Push!

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    Reading for information - goal oriented

    Reading to extend the general knowledgeof the world

    Reading for information

    Reading to remind ourselves about half-known

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    Reading for information - goal oriented

    Reading to extend the general knowledge ofthe world

    Reading for information

    Reading to remind ourselves about half-known

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    Reading for specific purposes - for a very particular purpose

    To give instructions

    To describe situations

    To report events

    To generalize

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    Reading for pleasure - for its ownsake.


    Romantic fiction

    The classics

    Contemporary fiction.

    Activity 1. Classify your readingunder the four types of reading.

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    1.3. How do people read? The main types of

    reading are as follows:Skimming : quickly running ones eyes over a textto get the gist of it.

    Scanning : quickly going through a text to find a particular information.

    Extensive reading : reading longer texts

    Intensive reading : reading shorter texts to extractinformation.

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    2. Practice. Useful reading techniques

    A reading lesson might reflect this processin a variety of ways. There are a lot ofclassroom procedures that activate andencourage pupils to realize that reading can

    be fun.

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    All reading techniques are classifiedaccording to three main types ofclassroom procedures:




  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    2.2. Pre-reading- activities that precede the

    reading of the text:web maps, brainstorming, warming -ups,describing pictures, puzzles, questions,questionnaires, making lists, memory games,anticipation, predicting, etc .,

    Activity 1 . Read the puzzle. Can you spellthese words?

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    2.2. While-reading activities are designedto :

    scan, skim, reassemble jumbled sentencesand texts,think of a suitable title, jig-sawreading, locate a key sentence/paragraph,complete a chart, examine punctuation and

    grammar, etc.,

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    Activity1. Unjumble Sues letter to Paula

    Activity 2. Linking words. Choose the bestword.

    Activity 3 Read the texts and match theheadings to the appropriate paragraph.

    Activity 4 . Put the following bits together tomake the end of Jills story.

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    2.3. Post-reading that traditionally consisted ofquestions now:

    answer the questions, multiple-choice questions, put

    the instructions in order, deducing information, readand write a report/ a letter / a project, etc.,

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


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    Activity 1 . Read the letters and answer thequestions. Write an excuse.

    Activity 2. Read the two texts and completethe family trees.

    Activity 3. Read the text and write about thetypical food of your country or region

  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading


  • 8/10/2019 Techniques in Teaching Reading
