t h ie t w v m if a l lw m a . i l y n e...

WjrrflHftn . ^ T H I VOL. 17, NO. m ' ROSSllSON'f em s EXPRESS c iiiiiis Possibility of Convention Fight Over Prohibition Holds Major Share of Attention at St. Anthony M. E. BARKER (Ai«elit«<l Pres* 6i»K Correspond* enti S T. ANTHONY, Id 11)10, Aug. 25—With nmny ricl- elgntcs, pnrticularly from northern Iduho, unurrivcd. supporters- of C. Ben Ross, mayor of Pocatcllo, for the Democratic gubernatorial . nomination t o n i g h t were ’ clniming succcss wns assured I on the first ballot. Bftckers o( Aihcr B. WlUon. Twtn HtlU. tho oUlcr •vowed candidate, t Abo cxpreuM eoDtldcncc. bIUioukU < Ihey wero less m eplnff In Ihelr t claims. k Thc.nomlnftlIon for jovemor and * the posslbUlty o( a convention IlAht « ------- over pro1itlimBinieJd-Uie-in«lor « -------share otiaWentlon.-pany leader# i Ins plainly at wa on the probable selection for oihtr stale o«lecj. f While neither of tbs lwo principal cauUdates personally advanced con- I Crete claims, Rou supporters cited expected strength In tomorrow's conrentlon which would assure around SO votes alMve the required 68 for nomination. They'Included Ada eounty, thi largut In the stale, with Bannock. Nez Perce, Kootenai, < Canyon. Fremont. Idaho, Jefferson, and several smaller delcsatlons. ro ^ ODt At 'Dark Honw" Tfio predlctJon came from fhe Bou camp that the name of James P. pope. Bolso mayor, resardfd as a probable “darlc horse," would not be presenled to the convention, and one , report was that noiu would be plaeed , k In nomination by a prominent mem* , r ber of the Ada county delegiUoa, ,.--,Pope'»horae_county. ^ Host was not w d y this evente* to aimounce who would nominate him. WUson nipporters Indicated their , belief It w u Improbable hU Bomlna* , tlon vould coma to tho flrtt ballot. • • -llw * " S . : V •nTey apparenlly counUd on enoufb names b«lng presented to dl* vldB th# first baUot, with the e»* pected swllchlnB o{ support on Uter poUs untU the necessary ma]ortty was BUhered by WUsoa Both leidlnf candidates.had tt- tablished headquarten where mtm* bers of the newly anlved delegations were being canvassed os lo their gu- bernatorial leanings. IteporU of demands from various delegations for a strong antI*prohl* bltlon plank were giving rise lo fear* among toms leoders the question mlghl not bo settled In lhe resolu* .tlons commliwe, but be canled to the convention floor. Bomo delegations were undtr In* struaions to oppose any ’‘wei" plank nnd E. M. Holden, state chainnan, reeenUy advocated c modl/Jcatlon plank. The po&slblllly.of a compro- ------- mlse deelaratloa was seen In some quarters. -----------------Prtm srrtiirC om ts-V p -------- The'state primary law also was a possible subiect /or somt pisiform discussion. Wllh dlssatbfncilon wllh the recently enacted law requiring the voter to Indicate his pany pref- erentx wete heard reports ot a de- mand for retura to open primary nominations. Leaders o( the vmrlous (actions wero unlled In predicting a complele ""caitaTasOT" vould be nained. It seemed practi- cally MTced tlukt no one would bs nominated for the senate agalnsl Senator Borah. BugjesUons for other slato offices Included Dr. W. IL Hamlllon, Welser, tormer stalo chairman, for lleulen- anl governor; A. O. Salhre. Burley. Cassia county, (or attomey general, a candldato two yean ago: William Bpiert. Bl. AnUjonx, wcrtlory of swte; W. O. Huseman. Camas, for- merly mining engineer of Kellogn, mlns Inspector; Joshua Rolll&son. Preston^treasurer; Teresa Martin, BolserMperltilwaenrofTirabtHrln^ s tr n ^ r O e o r g o W. 8laie«. Pres- . ton, menllonM for the second dls- ' irlct congreulonal nomination. The convenUon meets tomonow ot -------- noon with—probable-adjoununsnt- ^ until Wednesday forenoon for nom* . - Inations. EVANSTON POLICE CHIEF CLEARS5 FFICIALRECOBD EVANSTON: lU., Aug. 30 OTKPo* -;iiz:JlC9^_Phlefjj^UI)km^O.:; F rs^aa, Evanston, who borrowed *3M^rOm• Jack Zut*. alain gang leader, was cleared o( all blame lonlghl by Uio city council. Mayor Oharlw B. Barilell aller ^. Uis meellng tsiued a sutemenl ex* pressing bis aod Uio couccU's fuU confidence In Freeman, i ----------Freemu'a.aame-«ss-broughl.out- <■ In connecUon wltb ZuUt vben suc«‘s attorney's tnvesUgaton. working or Uie murder ot AUred J. Ungle. TTlb uns rtporter, (ound a letwr FVce man had written to Zuta. Th« lel - ter asked for MOO; Frssmao explain- ^ ■ cd Uial • trlend bad arrtnged^ Ui -- ' loantobelpiiluoveranaanefkldl/ I Jloulty. He Hid be pakt It aU bocL I bu^llO, , . ^ I ' .y >■ E T W ' WEIBD ESKIHO'RITES INFLUENCE WEATHER MAN IN POLAR LAND | TOINT BAnnOW, Alaska. Aug. I 25 MV-Welrd-' Eskimo tribal rites were rtsorted to here to bring I good weather—and good wcAlher L bu.Mmf. ____________ _____ To the Uirobblng of drums, ilir n tUmplng of (e«t and noisy cliants g! I aU Ihrough S&turdsy nlghl. na- ' lives of this rcflon Joined wllh na- 1 tlves from the Eail. They uld ‘dance alwaj's makes fine wea- f ther.'* I All dsy fiunday Uis wind blew r htrd In the right direction (o .■ drive the ArcUc lc? pack further 'awayfromtheihore. ForUiesec- ond lime this tummer the Ice was out of sight. I The salllns sclio^ner ’ 0. (!. I Holmes. brlngUig needed food and ' supplies to stocks already low, it expected dally. I \ The danco lo bring good wea- Iher Uene of the few ancient cus- ' toms tUll prevailing anfbng Uk nallits. 2 - I } I S NEW YORK MAN PERISHES = , NBW VOIUC. Aug. a l;T>-A giant D boulder loosened by a dynamite blast r 1 (cll among a group o( workmen In » * the Kill View water lunnel today, killing one anc* Injuring Uirto oUi* I ert. The dead man was the eighth I killed at work on New York City's r »40,000,OOO.ai]ueducL.pro]eeLJa.Uie. — ^ last alx BionUu. iCOLQllili^ i H I SUCH 1 VI; -------- Id 1 ; “ Whistlin’ Lyd,” Pioturesque n; Dog Team Musher, Dies of * Pneumonia at Itiaho Falls J 'i _____ be * I D A H O PALLS, Aug. 25 (Al - P' ' "Whlstllu' Lyd." formally kno»-n as ^ Mrs. Lj'da Ann Hulchinson Riley, , ; Aihton. Idaho, colorful rUlcr^t Ujc V ' dce ‘ltds. ditd In a hospHai hete today Irom pneumonia, -------- ® For yean where dog derbies were run on Uie snows of the West, the ^ veteran'driver was a (omlllM figure ' and her thrlU wbltUo was a familiar I. years ‘'W7tbUin' ti-L' htd n eniered dog teams In Idaho and Cni- Ifomla derblet and In every rnce * for 13 yeara slio had a team In the Ashton derby. Two yean ago she “ ” was' eniered In Ihs Truckcc-Tahoc race In California. Previously she >- htd raced her docs Jn derblfj o( iJje Jf 1* East and In Canada. The veteran driver had mode plans I- for a great campaign (or her string cf dogs this wlnler. Her shrill whls- [’■ Uo was to bave been heard ognln nl ” the Ashlon derby and Ihrough ihc ^ pines nround Lako Taboo and tho " Truckec 'river. But slie became III a week sgo al Blackfoot and was ° brought hero to a hospital. = “Whistlin’ Lj'd", was bom In' UUh 'J 38 yean ago, and had made her * home In Idaho wllb her (amlly (or ' 30 yean. She woi. manled to Peter L Rllcy In Los Angeles three years « sgo. She Is aurvlved by her husbsnil and a son, Ciouds. Ths body wn-i relumed lo Blackfoot loday and bur- - - iein^^nn>nMrer-- ------------------------- - ^eoAifiiSsoi ; lllf'SSUGCESSOfi ;e 17— f “ Spil<es” P o S ily ' oT' « Himself Bejng Selected !S ' -------- BOISE^Aug. 25 (/T}-Runior wlilcli [: no ofHclol or board member would | V confirm, but which pcrsltled wllh the flat of unlvenlty alumni, said the !" board of regeats ot the University of ” Ictotio, aC Its meedng m IHjcaWUo Wednesday, would name W. D. Vlu* cent, now commluloner of educailQU. i "■ u president o( Uio university. -aijQsnUiirnKiUMjLiluLbjttrd WM _ meeting primarily lodlscuu'and in- ter>1ew various candidates, avowed or re«p|j»e, (or liie pJtce, He tald , he thought a selection al Uils time « unlikely, becouso the board desired ^ io-nUsfy ItseK-by furUicr examlna* - tlon of A ccrUIn Eastern educaW . under lerlous conslderojlon. _ Acceptance by W. M. Jtrdlne of F lhe post oCeonsul to Egypt ellmln- B iled-him-sa-ai-posslblliiyi-vincent - sold. He tald lhe boonl would htve u. clixUrt Jardliia,iiut~Jtma'ttt.Uw. Umn, - of President Kelly's reslgnaUon If It a, could havs reached him ’before Ute aj- Hpover api>olntmCTtr~~""——— -r — as Vloceni Decllnet JO On menUoQ ol Uts ova VIh* cenl tald he had "spiked'' thot m - „ siblllly mahy monUu ago. Ho declar- .. .. ed he nad lold Uie bodrd It would be ,n unwise to tnake him President Kelly's successor, and said he waa sllll eon- vliiced that U Uilt were done Uie i!‘-crlHeiim-*onld-«rU«-Uiat't>a-w ' ;* aeneflUng by .Uis removal of Kelly 'uring hU Ume u commissioner. ° Yet, obstrven hers wers quick to ^ i3le, If no prtsldent Is selected In the ( Runedlat« (uture, It wlU become ne- “— -etary-lw-viBoenl-te-aatums-th* - 9 :huu.4cm a) president of Ibe unl* .. I ertity. for Kelly's resignation will tl aecome cff«qtlve at U« opcalnj of lUie school JW . THE ONLYrAS^l v m I TWIN F; Five Men Seel nam es of TViO DEMOCRATS iniiting conventions for tho go K. Wilson, TSvin FaUs, Democj «ttorncy*Bcneml, and Byron i S l E I E B S lM s ' -------------------- = ^— s Cruiser^Steams liitb~Paci- "'I fio Carrying President ut. I . Leguia 'in ti. Obscurity »; ^ LIMA, Peni. AUB. 05 (.TVre™ -! ">« vlan criiLw Almlranto Oran steom-‘WJ cd .Into the Pacific ocean loday, car* » O'lng Into obscurity President A u*[,,‘ ' gusio B, Lfgula. f The S7-y»r-old man wbo seUedlo,, the Peruvian government by a coup; ; d'etal In 1010. and since has ruled nj the country as a dlcUtor, resigned HI before d»«n tliU momlng in com- UL pllance v,iih the demands of a mill- . ■ tory Junta. , Tliercujwn Uie Junta Immediate* I ^ ly cstabliihKl n new government, g hcnded by Ocneral Moftuel Poncc. r Biid onnounceO Uiol lU policy under _ tho cxistirg constltuUon would- bo--™ ; one ol ••proKreas, concord ond mor- def * ol Banliailcn. ed . Then the government guaranteed hoi sole conduct out of the eountrr to ll'J J jbe ''iriirr'prcsldent, and tbe Jotu-1 . ney to Cillao, port of Lima, began, ma . 'Hie dramaUc evenU which un- le» . rcaicd one of the strongest rulen ot ^ 1 South America began only a lew-Uo , iltys ngo. U te last week the garrl- e»< ton 01 Arcqulpa revolted under the bit leadership ot Lieutenant Colonel Sanches Ceno. ond the revolt soon P'O 4 jpread toother dlstrlcU In the south- <»*' , ern part of the republic. ilng * NoUilng occurred In Llms, but the ' . cliy luid a restlcis olr yesterday. This grew Into excllcmenl when the *'®] c»blnct. of which Human de Los - ------------------- ---------- ,*ll< (Cominued On Page 6. CoL 4) |wh :r ir ] ■s I I I- - ■. ^ - I* 1 c ^ C V- j( i i l " ^OCIATED PHESS‘NSJVSl F A L L FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDAY O T lek Nominatibn For Go ven l TS and three hepublioans governorship of Idaho, today. Lof locrats; John McMurray, Oakley, ft DU Defenbach, Lewiston,, stato tre; IRH BB BOURBONS PREPARE TO UT/ VIE IN S ”OUTH CAROLINA I COLUMBIA, Aug. 25 on-SouUX ^0 Carolina's hoet of oflice seekers to- „ nlsht wero prepared to rest Uielr esse wlUi’Uie Democrats of Ihc sUta edit who-wlll Trader Uielr verdict in U» whlc: prlmary-tomorrow.----- _ had. Upward of 300.000 members ot Uie as li pinyoreexpectediovote. Tlieaom- Tiie InatlonisequlvalenttoclecUou. . Amui Oeneral Interest predominated In (aclo two major races, tho tri-comered _ bstUe between Senator Cole L.Blea«e . ^ land two opponenU for Uie (otmer^ Itoga,- Uld Uw botUe royol for Uio 'governorshJp tmong eJgiit cenlMt- Besides these contests, nomlna- itlons are lo be mode (or Mven oeaU Br lln congress, aU staUi offices, aod and 'miAy county posiUoos. here BElSlMME G JI FO I C iB INJI DELAWAJIE. Oblo. Aug. 25 WV- b£ nre,Uioughtlohavc.orlglnoted(rom defective wiring, compleUly destroy- jirst ed the Delaware county children'# ores home here today. No children wer® m u Injured. land I Approximately lOO chUdren. In- malet ot'Uie homo were left bome- less by Uie blaxe. r- ; Tho lira originated In an upper .lloor of Uie home. Many of tho children werrtin tbe yard when the blare was discovered.about 5 P. M. >«*■' •They tumed In the alarm and em-1 t I: ployes and boy* a( Uie home brought rhle out Uiose ChUdren Insldo Uie build- ^sallt ;lng.- from I The children tonlghl wero quar- xiuij Ured In th abandoned nunes' Erls home at the Jone M. Cose hotplUl, on o Several firemen were Injured land .SllghUy whJic (JgbtJny Uis (lames back Iwhlch raged (or nearly an hour. pom The Thinker o ' r W f- Fbr Con*rlght, 1630, b ^SPAPER m T W m FALLS W m lORNlNQ, AUGUST 26,-^930. ernor at Idaho State Conv NS have been pi-ominently placcd 1 Lofl tp riglit: C. Ben Roas, mayor former Republican atnte chnirnii treasurer, Republicans.—W Fhotc UTAH MAN DIES UNDER, ~n GIANT-TRUCK-'WHE^^S b LOOAN, Uloli. Aug.23 W > ^ a n k . fll QiMken. Cl. road (oremon, w u kill* lj| ed toduy by a flve.ton graTel truek whlclf pMMd over his body aller h« liad-sUppcd-benealh-tbo rtar-wbed. u lie started to unload tbe track. UllK riie iccldent occuned near (hs ^mulcamBted Beel Sugor company fl toclory. George Cummings, driver ot tho 3 truck, (Old Brocken sUpped (rom tn (mpty truck lo his vehlclo when he slipped. Cummings sold hls truck ci tss irovellng slowly. There wos no cinni }Uier wltucss to ths accident. 3> Brocken Is survived by bts widow eam[ ind Ihree children. He had resided the I liere for seven year*. Uons Afi GiAIIiSriliULK s l!FSiL0STlNll?9=‘ _____ of Ul SEJIOUANDAJf, ODlariD, Au». 25 MVr'llie.wottrOogged Jiulk ot Uio nami llrsl commercial vessel to ply the E. Hi Orest Lakes has been dUcovered In Mlssl«.uRl strait, off ManUoulIn Is* land In Ocorglan bay. A commission of three CaoadJoiu tnnounced today Uiey ore convinced , ^ Uie vessel was Uie •'Le Orlffln," com'manrted by o Dtnlsh pilot named f™, Lucas, which -vos lost In o storm 2S1 years ago. The "Le Orlffln" was Uie boot lh Uio whlcti Rene Rotieri fifeur de La Allcc Salle expecled to find on opening Assoi from the Oreat Lokee lo Uie Mls* civil slttlppl riv'er. After sailing Lakca nett Erls and Huron. La Salle In 1679. UMk ue( i on 0 load of furs ot Washington land. Lake Michigan, nnd started It put,i) back to Nl.'ffara Jn charge cl IJjs — Dane and (ive tenmeu. « I SNI ______________________ I C I I id^ ------------------ pS: bam:-» J ^ scai yTi ------ of I !! .^s I 1^1004.'' me -n r i J - r _______________ ih£ ^ I'ttr T H iN K .' iK swo( 7A. V : Si," :RE MUST BE WME WAY , D HOOVER RtWHMBLE Fbathrt LAdK OF w s__ RAINFALL/ SS '>s< . w —^ do™ Tl •sjo llm. jl Uis ^ fnni lO .bjA e No* York Tribune, toa toal LBCOmTY A . I L Y M nventions CAI _____________ C l d beroro tho political non- 1 or of Pflciitcllo. nncl A«hcr rnmn; W; D. Gillis, Filer, pw ^ ^ injii •r--i ssssssssssss^^m u ni I ' ■ I EliKsk' j X’ I and ' i f . ' i - n b l l n l F> 'api 1 ing B l ovei H H l^ j &BBM kick brul REP IM M IS-f CillII8[88i=' Horse ------------------- --- - SWMI IhifCitylakls OffiSai'CoF nizanoe of 25,000 Visitors Q [| at National Convention -n CINCINNATI. AU8. 25 U V C ln- Innotl took official cognisance of 3 25,000 vlslton to the naUontl en* ,, impmenU of the' Orand Army of MrS. le Republic and lU oIIIkI orgonlza- ,ons wlUv a clvK rcccpllon tonlghU Cl Aller a day o( registering, veri- rlng credenUals,-renewing friend- A lips and marching (hs (odlng lino [ blue converged on Music holl In jmpony wlUi Uiousands of wives, Idows, soiu and doughtera of Civil ■or veteront w receive Uie welcome o -m f Uie clly and tlote. Oovemor Myers Y. Cooper, a Cln- ^ InitflU man, greeted Uiem In ths amo.of Ohio; Congressman William 5 o'd . Hess, CInclnnaU. represenUng Uis eood Ohio dlsulct, in Uis name of IS nallon. and Vlee &loyor Sunley * UlUiews on behalf of the clly. Mosttr Offlcen. Text Ths veterans, many of whom en- rained from CinelnnaU (or touUi- , Mf m bottlcllelo: In 1B«1. mustered neir top ranking offleen lo rt- ' ly: Oommonder-m-Chlef Edwin J. osier, Woceater, Masttehusetu, for no Grand Aroiy ot Uio Republlcj Jlcc Cory Rlsley tor Uia National uoclatlon (or Arniy Nunet of Uio tivll war: Msrgaret J. Lewlt Ben- ett (or the NoUonal Women's Re- " ef Corps; Cora M. Rowling (or the odlesof iheOrtndArmyof UieRe- ubllc; Grace Hurd for Uis Daugb- IConllnueTbn.Pags 5, Col. 4) ' I , , ■, 1 ' /Mr INOW FALLS ON LO ^Y CALIFORNIA SENTINELS 4.1 ;_____ / ihe.t FRESNO. Ctl„ Aug. 25 «V -Flor- ' Ida? Your wlnler cllmato moy equal CallfomU's but can j'ou Snow fell In Cnllfornla today. We <( admit ll wns unusual and (ew but forest rongen ehjoyed 11. nr Tlis snow, a (ew weeka earlier 7I 'I than tho usuol (Int (oil of tbe ULi season, (rcihencd Uie wlilto cops of Mount lUiter and Mount Bon- ner la Ihe Slenos, 11,000 lo 13,- 000 (cet abovo tlid seo. ~TIie mounUlna'ars^snow fiov-' Urarc. ....... 7 T ^ MEMBER OF LINCOLN’S il GUABD FAINtS AT PLAY ' o CINCINNATI. Aug. 25 Ml - Per* ormohcc of on historical ploy de* m, >lcling the port of Abraham LUicoln It Uie Civil u-ur wos halted today ,, ,’hen the lust sun'lvbg member of ‘ * be guard ol clcht UiJil stood orer he president's body 05 yeon ago, civill tinted. lengi At on octor whose semblanco to lug 1 he emancipator was considered re- slm narkablo strode "onio Uis iu«e,~ n aieven G. Weaver, 87, ClnclnoaU. uin iwooned. The commotion stopped U » lent, )cr(ormoneo and the-.vcMraa was ih# :arried out. Quickly revived, bow- pleu :ver. Weaver eold: the "I never lu my life sow anyone l» 1 ook so muclj like Lincoln. (tui'u One of. Uis first lo nld Weaver was PliU 3mlUi etlmmcl,, Forgo, NorUi Da- WEDMONTANAN SENDS ASSAILANT TO HOSPITAL S ' - . arc I WHITEPIfiH, Mont, Aug. 25 * tust being robbed was commoQ to nm Murphy, oged resident here. But vhen be felt a gun barrel In his ah. lbm«n»(ouiKbtcir~ Twleo robbed, latt night Murphy r u the third Ume an Intended vie* ' Mi ■to. A m to giving his nam« u Leo ed b; fieaton, Felton, Illinois, shored a ibtr ran into Murphy's mIdsecUoo and from hs weapon tailed lo (ire. .......... “We Xurpby tnppled wlUi Uie.old-up, eann lot bU Qwn r^olver and shot him, And nnicUng what,may be. pbysleUu tlsb onight fM . a taUl wouDd,' itlrc N E > IAT.COWANDHOU'nd n jl CAUSE INJURIES OF ■J'*' TWOHINNESOTAMEN m il JIPESTONE, Minn., Aug. 25 (/'Pl . * * ’ —The cat and lhe cow and nUl he dog of the olil nunery Ulll nyme, hl-dlddle.dlddle. caused hV aluriei to two men, cnc cc »honi _____ t nursing a tnicturrdlcs ............ Oust Thlcl was nUlkIng lils p^ali ouy wllh puMy sUllnR by lick* ng htr-whlskers. There wojiii't »[. I spark of elccttlclly or commo- lon In Ute olr. i-. Ralph Tyler, a nelglibor, and tls dog cnIerMi the cuw-bani f); ,nd Uien thliiw . h#ini»jit<l'so wlfUy that all waa over In ttie iUnk.of 4H oye.,Tilt dog mode k pats for the cot, nud the cot .. Joaed to tho cow's back. cau.v ng the bossy lo Jiimii, but not )ver Uie moan. However. Kite sue- T rfcdfd In breaking Thlcl't leg. |.2£ rj’ler roo 10 Thlcl'n n/ii.iuncB JI md was clawed and pn.»ed and Ucked, suffering SCTOlches and. ®*, mines. Pftiff' nomi ^ nigh EPAIRS CLOSE HIGHWAY ‘Zm i BOISE. Aug. 25 o n - ’n ie Poyelts jbway belween Danks.nnd SmIUts, __Thc irry will bo cloaed Wednesday (or **s ri vcral ;nonUi3. for -widclnne, the lie highwoy bureau nnnounced lo* uuon y. A detour Is provided Irom ttiU jneshos Bend tlirougli Montour, nter t reet ond’ Olo to Smiths Ferry, ^ello ffiOMiOF ii refuH I I FALLS DIESS w .: Irs. W. Zenas Smith Sue- cumbs at Family Homo After Lingering Illness "Il T^llowlnjc an Illness of somo onlhs’dunUlon. Mrs. Jolcna Combs nlth. wife ot W. Zenu Smllh, weU- lown Twin Foils business mon. died . the fsmUy resldencs on Seventh ■enuo e u t on Monday evening ot o'clock. - ----- ------------------------- Burvlving are her husband and lughter, Virginia, tged 13. a tU- uaH. r and a brother reildlng in CaU* irnlo, two listen lu Fort WorUi; exts, and a tUUr lu EstbenUle, Mn. BmlUi wos bom August 1«, »7,ol Rising City. Nebrotka, whero ^ IS resided wltli her pnrenU untU nn er eleventh year when, (ollowlng mm., le death of her molher, ohe went , ) live with her ounl, M n. 0. M. Ic0»aUi, ot Horiley, lowo. 8hs ims to Twin Falls with Mr. ond ff'^' In. McElwaln In 1010 and until her “ . h, lanlags In 1015 held various teach- ijpoilllqns In Abe Twin Falia high :liool. Later M n. Bmllh served for Ji,“ ® wr years on the boord of Independ- nt Sclwol-Dlstrrei numbw i, acting •sP? i c%k for a port of tfiarUmfl and ;uni.« l..t jc r, ' M n. Smllh was 0 prominent mem* , er ofthe P E O sUterliood,devotlnff luch ol her tUne lo the scrvice ot :ie omtiiUallon. She terved as sUlo "'i' rgsnlwr and as sUte president of ^ le body ond was a past president of le local chaptcr. ™J Noted Aa MailcUti °**> Bui ll was ill muilcul circlea that “o Irs. Smith achieved perhops her c** (ConUnued On Ptge 7, CoL 4) 'P^ lE iiist ’ I iOlDEVlCESi • • - - _____^ - I ind: fajaost LonBOi^d'Bh'if.lilTr ^ iiization, Succumb to Use “ «» fort Of Flashmts and Clocks ____ E.a MANIU. 25 l-rj-The Bojoot, pj^r ir tea gypsies, of the Sulu sea who dlctli Ite Ihelr lives In Uny canocs and nov itve long evaded Il*e Influences ot Ivillutloii, htve succumbed at 7^ tngth lo the use of floshUgliU, dlv- ' ” ng goggles.ond In some coses even “ p : Jann c lo c k s . _______________j Tills ptndox of modern ond prim- itoG live 11(0 u related by Carl N. Taylor. .Na oniwr profcsser at Uie University of Rcei: he Philippines, who recenUy. com- Parli ileied a tour of sevcrnl weeks onlong supn he Ultle known Bajtoa wlih whom Tt le ll^td ’tfhllc.Bludylag^tbe.tmug- row.. Ilng of opium ond Chlntse into Uie ibeo ■liUlpplacs. ^ torni T h c r ans Hvltig In n stivt« of de- Jf,*,?' elopmeiil Uial^presfnU mally'sur-. Tliey ore so primlUve th at Uwy op- larcnUy have no word meaning god : r gods, and they teem u> be devoid if-folklore-or-niyihologyj they-ar« -S S >oni in Uny canots hewn from the , ®* runks of trees, and their eiiUro Uves *2“ re toenl in these boata. They.have J,®* io.arlsondcraiuoUierthoo.w6od- ."O' arvlng and the weaving of flshneU, J" Dd yet they moke dally use of lUch ^ nodcrn conveniences . a t matehes, UthllghUrdWnjrj^g-and-lg -8I)( Mr. Taylor said that be w u astu> W: d by Uie old men of the B&jaoa Uiat 29 M bty had no Idea where they .cams Inai rom and hs quoted theih as taylai: loda; We havs never been told where w« td-» ame trom or who made the vorU.' thaft Old ws luve be«D-too busy citcblai ' Isb lo tUnk about-nch tbloti ou>' wtre flTefc" lU ^ TODAY: Faiiv 10 PAGES ~ 6 CENTS ' mmwmi llEliCOlST eGogmsi. jlition Announces Inten- tion to Prevent Nomlna- - tion ol Joiin McMurray, Oakley, On Flrsl Ballot rRESTOX'I- GROVCn ■* uxlatcd Press Staff Corrupond* ent) DAHO FALLS. Idaho, Aug. 25 — Manngers for John iMcJIurroy, Ojikley, former to chiiirnmn, in tho cam- ign , f 0 r th o Republican ninntion for governor ttv :ht laid n substantial claim 125>/n votes, enough to ninate him, ns a reault of raucus. Only U 5 votes nro ded to nominate, he ’iuU niimber_of voUs claimed : represcnUd by deJegala o flM --------- veoUon wWcb open* tomonow. he claim brought a storm ot Jubl- on on lhe porl of many tcore pres* . Frem the mantgm of tbe for- : sute chairman came Uie p«- ;lon: - •- McMurfar^UTjc"llSe"ntxl-rov:--------- ithough certain memben of a UUoD fornied eorller in the day istd to concede to McMurray the tl clolmed, represenuUves of tbe •MlUon ctmps generally admltled eat. \ Vote Appean Deeblv> /. D. OUlls. Filer, aUoraey geneni I condldolo (or Uie nomlDa\on. Munced after lhe report of tts cut w u clreuloted tbat the voUl leared decisive. \ n reply to reporU hs would be \ Ung to accept a place on Uie Ueket \ UtonKygcneraf.hedfcIired; ' I would not care lo relum u at- ney general (or a second Urm." I added he wu pnpared u> retumo vaio life at Um termination ot bU sent term. mo caucus came after a day ot «onvfnUon milling tbat bnugbt 111 a coallUon of supporten ot Oll- ByronDefenbtch,Lewiston,tuu -* osurer, and 0 « a r E. HaUey. 8 t tries, lieutenant governor, aimed prevenUng Uie nomlnaUon ot Mc- uray on Uis flnt ballot. n » talanoe of Uw ticket It (Ull Uie making wlUi coptlderable »pect It would be cenerally form- tomorrow aftemoon. Roscoe C. Rich, leader in Uie Mo- irroy umptlgn, told Uie McMur- Yforces were prepared to Jet tbe lonce ef Uie Ueket rtmaln unes- Nlsbed usUf ’■(bs fonnat somloa- n of John McMurray b u been ' Ids a t Ibe convelUon.** Candidates (or the balance ot Uie ket have been more orlesaneglect- during Uis tcu((l6 for gubemo- Htl strength m e u sames coms ' ' in comblnaUon « U i Uis heads the tickeU I t Is generally accepted Sena- ir Borab and Congmamaa Addl- m T, BmlUi and Bnrtos L. French lll be nominated by acclamaUon. For l|eiiUnan(| gomnort the omes ot M. BlYeaman. Idaho alls; Lloyd Fend; KoosUa; Jehav anbom. Goedlni; Donald Calla*! aa, Wallaee, aod Balph Kebon. oeor d'Alene, bave been' dls*_____ ^ Pred Bobcock, Lewiston. asJst- t attorney general. Is considered poaflillKy tor aftomey general ta t event Detenbach, trom Uie same luity. is de(eated. Pred E. Lukens. seeking to return his present office, may be oppot- on three sides by Joha McKlimey, yelle, wbo h u amwuaced his ndJd«7, -by Xed EUiworth, JUgby, d ^ Bggw^ aljiy . indJoe May, A m erl^'^lls. an” - . unced themselves u candidates f sute treosarer to succeed De(en« clt, while Ellsworth h u aonoune* for uate auditor In opposition to 0 . OoUet, Pocatello, Incumbent, A merry clash over the state su- rintendeflcy appears wiUi the p r e - ----- :tionlhot Mse Olttlns. Idaho Falls, <v ssslstont superintendent, will ' :1c to wrest ths nomlnaUon trom rrtfo R. Dovls. Tho aams of Kr». W. Lowe, CouncU, Adams county periniendent, alio w u discussed. L H. Friar. Dolse. wUl oppose 6Uw- t Campbell, seeking hla reUirn u ■ Ko oppotlUon b u ippeared ta Ui»'. ... Qilzution of Justice* Alfred Budrr, irU, and Roymond Givens tor tl^s prems.court. - " « Tbe convenUon will open tomor- w-at-a Mf-ln-the-Paramount------- eoter with Ed Prawley, Boise al- rney, at Umporary chalnnnn. Tbe tecUon of a pemanent cbalrman ’ n h . f»ll/>»«t hy-.prftlnttn.nt of -■ .. oKonn. Uarry Benoit, Twlo FalU. h u etn-aeteeUd to nomlnaU tiUUt, . 'M5«ClemHiri»»ateB.*l»TOB':--------- uUe Defenbacb. aad Ctartseo lumas. Barley, to nemloato Me::. ., tuT«y>.'.frMcnl.»lau «all.Ju:. bo ' oavtBUen to coaUoot' ' broBgboat Wedneaday. IX-«|»ERS^tOSE-LIVES— ; a care-ln of * oo«|3BsBtbS.V “-lj lay. »rnHaminoi%« -vbeB^tr^norrtbaKerMM. att drop,nu^.tb«abaft

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W jr r f lH f tn . ^

T H IVOL. 17, NO. m '

R O S S llS O N 'fe m s EXPRESS c i i i i i i s

Possibility of Convention Fight Over Prohibition Holds Major Share of Attention at St. Anthony

M. E. BARKER (Ai«elit«<l Pres* 6i»K Correspond*


ST. ANTHONY, Id 11)10 , Aug. 25—With nmny ricl- elgntcs, pnrticularly from northern Iduho, unurrivcd.

supporters- of C. Ben Ross, mayor of Pocatcllo, for the D e m o c r a t i c gubernatorial . nomination t o n i g h t were ’ clniming succcss wns assured I on the first ballot.

Bftckers o( Aihcr B. WlUon. Twtn HtlU. tho oUlcr •vowed candidate, t Abo cxpreuM eoDtldcncc. bIUioukU < Ihey wero less m eplnff In Ihelr t claims. k

Thc.nomlnftlIon for jovemor and * the posslbUlty o( a convention IlAht «

-------over p ro1itlim BinieJd-U ie-in«lor «-------share otiaWentlon.-pany leader# i

Ins plainly a t w a on the probable selection for o ih tr stale o«lecj. f

While neither of tbs lwo principal cauUdates personally advanced con- I Crete claims, R ou supporters cited expected strength In tomorrow's conrentlon which would assure around SO votes alMve the required 68 for nomination. They'Included Ada eounty, th i la rg u t In the stale, with Bannock. Nez Perce, Kootenai, < Canyon. Fremont. Idaho, Jefferson, and several smaller delcsatlons.

r o ^ ODt At 'D ark Honw"Tfio predlctJon came from fhe B ou

camp that the name of James P. pope. Bolso mayor, resardfd as a probable “darlc horse," would not be presenled to the convention, and one , report was tha t noiu would be plaeed ,

k In nomination by a prominent mem* , r ber of the Ada county delegiUoa,

,.--,Pope'»horae_county. ^Host was not w d y this evente* to

aimounce who would nominate him.WUson nipporters Indicated their ,

belief It w u Improbable hU Bomlna* , tlon vould coma to tho f lr tt ballot.

• • - l l w * " S . : V•nTey apparenlly counUd on

enoufb names b«lng presented to dl* vldB th# first baUot, with the e»* pected swllchlnB o{ support on Uter poUs untU the necessary ma]ortty was BUhered by WUsoa

Both leid lnf candidates.had t t- tablished headquarten where mtm* bers of the newly anlved delegations were being canvassed os lo their gu­bernatorial leanings.

IteporU of demands from various delegations for a strong antI*prohl* bltlon plank were giving rise lo fear* among toms leoders the question mlghl not bo settled In lhe resolu*

.tlons commliwe, but be canled to the convention floor.

Bomo delegations were undtr In* struaions to oppose any ’‘wei" plank nnd E. M. Holden, state chainnan, reeenUy advocated c modl/Jcatlon plank. The po&slblllly.of a compro-

------- mlse deelaratloa was seen In somequarters.

-----------------P r tm srr tiirC o m ts-V p --------The'state primary law also was a

possible subiect /o r somt pisiform discussion. Wllh dlssatbfncilon wllh the recently enacted law requiring the voter to Indicate his pany pref- erentx wete heard reports ot a de­mand for retura to open primary nominations.

Leaders o( the vmrlous (actions wero unlled In predicting a complele

""caitaTasOT" vould be nained. I t seemed practi­cally MTced tlukt no one would bs nominated for the senate agalnsl Senator Borah.

BugjesUons for other slato offices Included Dr. W. IL Hamlllon, Welser, tormer stalo chairman, for lleulen­an l governor; A. O. Salhre. Burley. Cassia county, (or attomey general, a candldato two yean ago: William Bpiert. Bl. AnUjonx, wcrtlory of swte; W. O. Huseman. Camas, for­merly mining engineer of Kellogn, mlns Inspector; Joshua Rolll&son.

■ Preston^treasurer; Teresa Martin, BolserM perltilwaenrofTirabtHrln^ s t r n ^ r O e o r g o W. 8laie«. Pres-

. ton, menllonM for the second dls- ' irlct congreulonal nomination.

The convenUon meets tomonow ot-------- noon with—probable-adjoununsnt-

until Wednesday forenoon for nom*. - Inations.


EVANSTON: lU., Aug. 30 OTKPo*-;iiz:JlC9^_Phlefjj^UI)km^O.:; F r s ^ a a ,

Evanston, who borrowed *3M^rOm• Jack Zut*. alain gang leader, was cleared o( all blame lonlghl by Uio city council.

Mayor Oharlw B. Barilell aller ^ . Uis meellng tsiued a sutem enl ex*

pressing bis aod Uio couccU's fuU confidence In Freeman,

i ----------F reem u'a.aam e-«ss-broughl.out-<■ In connecUon wltb ZuUt vben suc«‘s

attorney's tnvesUgaton. working or Uie murder o t AUred J . Ungle. TTlb uns rtporter, (ound a letwr FVce man had written to Zuta. Th« lel

- te r asked for MOO; Frssm ao ex p la in - ■ ^ ■ cd Uial • trlend bad arrtnged^ Ui - - ' lo an tobelp iiluove ranaanefk ld l/I Jloulty. He Hid be pakt It aU bocL I bu^llO , , . ^ I

' . y >■




I 25 MV-Welrd-' Eskimo tribal rites were rtsorted to here to bring

I good weather—and good wcAlher Lbu .M m f.____________ _____ —

To the Uirobblng of drums, ilir ntUmplng of (e«t and noisy cliants g!

I aU Ihrough S&turdsy nlghl. na- ■' lives of this rcflon Joined wllh na- ■

1 tlves from the Eail. They u ld ■ ‘ dance alwaj's makes fine wea- ■

f ther.'* IAll dsy fiunday Uis wind blew ■

r h trd In the right direction (o .■drive the ArcUc lc? pack further ■'aw ayfrom theihore. ForUiesec- ■ond lime this tummer the Ice was ■out of sight. I

The salllns sclio^ner ’ 0 . (!. IHolmes. brlngUig needed food and ■

' supplies to stocks already low, it ■expected dally. I

\ The danco lo bring good wea- ■Iher Uene of the few ancient cus- ■

' toms tUll prevailing anfbng Uk ■nallits . ■

2 - I } I


boulder loosened by a dynamite blast r 1 (cll among a group o( workmen In »* the Kill View water lunnel today,

killing one anc* Injuring Uirto oUi*I ert. The dead man was the eighth I killed a t work on New York City's r »40,000,OOO.ai]ueducL.pro]eeLJa.Uie. — ^ last alx BionUu.

iCOLQ llili^ i H I SUCH1 VI;

-------- Id1; “ Whistlin’ Lyd,” Pioturesque n;

Dog Team Musher, Dies of* Pneumonia at Itiaho Falls J'i _____ be* I D A H O PALLS, Aug. 25 (Al - P' ' "Whlstllu' Lyd." formally kno»-n as^ Mrs. Lj'da Ann Hulchinson Riley, ,; Aihton. Idaho, colorful rUlcr^t Ujc V ' dce ‘ ltds. ditd In a hospHai hete

today Irom pneumonia, --------® For yean where dog derbies were

run on Uie snows of the West, the ^ veteran'driver was a (omlllM figure ' and her thrlU wbltUo was a familiar I. “

years ‘'W7tbUin' ti-L' htd n eniered dog teams In Idaho and Cni-

Ifomla derblet and In every rnce* for 13 yeara slio had a team In the

Ashton derby. Two yean ago she “” was' eniered In Ihs Truckcc-Tahoc

race In California. Previously she >- htd raced her docs Jn derblf j o( iJje Jf 1* East and In Canada.

The veteran driver had mode plans I- for a great campaign (or her string

cf dogs this wlnler. Her shrill whls- [’■ Uo was to bave been heard ognln nl ”

the Ashlon derby and Ihrough ihc ^ pines nround Lako Taboo and tho " Truckec 'river. But slie became III

a week sgo a l Blackfoot and was ° brought hero to a hospital. =

“Whistlin’ Lj'd", was bom In' UUh 'J 38 yean ago, and had made her* home In Idaho wllb her (amlly (or' 30 yean. She woi. manled to Peter L

Rllcy In Los Angeles three years « sgo. She Is aurvlved by her husbsnil

and a son, Ciouds. T hs body wn-i relumed lo Blackfoot loday and bur- -

- ie in^ ^nn> nM rer--------------------------- -

^eoAifiiSsoi; lllf'SSUGCESSOfi;e 17—

f “ Spil<es” P o S i l y ' oT' « Himself Bejng Selected!S ' --------

BOISE^Aug. 25 (/T}-Runior wlilcli [: no ofHclol or board member would |V confirm, but which pcrsltled wllh the

flat of unlvenlty alumni, said the !" board of regeats ot the University of ” Ictotio, aC Its meedng m IHjcaWUo

Wednesday, would name W. D. Vlu* cent, now commluloner of educailQU. i

"■ u president o( Uio university.-aijQsnUiirnKiUMjLiluLbjttrd WM _

■ meeting primarily lodlscuu 'and in- ter>1ew various candidates, avowed or re«p|j»e, (or liie pJtce, He tald

, he thought a selection a l Uils time « unlikely, becouso the board desired

io-nU sfy ItseK-by furUicr examlna* - tlon of A ccrUIn Eastern educaW

. under lerlous conslderojlon._ Acceptance by W. M. Jtrdlne of F lhe post oCeonsul to Egypt ellmln-

Biled-him-sa-ai-posslblliiyi-vincent - sold. He tald lhe boonl would htve u. clixUrt Jardliia,iiut~Jtma'ttt.Uw. Umn, - of President Kelly's reslgnaUon If It

a , could havs reached h im ’before Ute aj- Hpover api>olntmCTtr~~""——— -r — as Vloceni DecllnetJO On menUoQ ol Uts ova VIh*

cenl tald he had "spiked'' thot m - „ siblllly mahy monUu ago. Ho declar- .. . . ed he nad lold Uie bodrd It would be ,n unwise to tnake him President Kelly's

successor, and said he waa sllll eon- vliiced th a t U Uilt were done Uie

i!‘-crlH eiim -*on ld -« rU «-U iat't> a -w ' ;* aeneflUng by .Uis removal of Kelly “ 'uring hU Ume u commissioner.° Yet, obstrven hers wers quick to ^ i3le, If no prtsldent Is selected In the ( Runedlat« (uture, I t wlU become ne- “— -etary-lw -v iB oenl-te-aatum s-th* - 9 :h u u .4 c m a ) president of Ibe unl* .. I ertity. for Kelly's resignation will t l aecome cff«qtlve a t U« opcalnj of

lUie school JW .

T H E O N L Y r A S ^ l

v m IT W IN F ;

Five Men Seel

n a m e s o f TViO D EM O CRA TS in iitin g c o n v en tio n s f o r th o go K. W ilson, TSvin FaU s, D em ocj «tto rncy*B cnem l, a n d B y ro n

i S l E I E B S lM s' -------------------- = — — s

Cruiser^Steams liitb~Paci- "'I fio Carrying President ut.

I . Leguia 'in ti. Obscurity »;

LIMA, Peni. AUB. 05 (.TVre™ -! ">« vlan criiLw Almlranto Oran steom -‘ WJ cd .Into the Pacific ocean loday, car*

» O'lng Into obscurity President A u * [,,‘ ' gusio B, Lfgula. •f The S7-y»r-old man wbo seU edlo,,

the Peruvian government by a coup;; d 'etal In 1010. and since has ruled n j

the country as a dlcUtor, resigned HI before d»«n tliU momlng in com- UL pllance v,iih the demands of a mill- .

■ tory Junta., Tliercujwn Uie Junta Immediate* I ^ ly cstabliihKl n new government, g hcnded by Ocneral Moftuel Poncc. r

Biid onnounceO Uiol lU policy under _ tho cxistirg constltuUon would- bo--™

; one ol ••proKreas, concord ond mor- def* ol Banliailcn. ed . Then the government guaranteed hoi

sole conduct out of the eountrr to ll'J J jbe ''iriirr'prcsldent, and tbe Jotu-1 ‘ . ney to Cillao, port of Lima, began, ma . 'Hie dramaUc evenU which un - le» . rcaicd one of the strongest ru len o t 1

South America began only a lew-Uo , iltys ngo. U te last week the garrl- e»<

ton 01 Arcqulpa revolted under the bit leadership o t Lieutenant Colonel Sanches Ceno. ond the revolt soon P'O

4 jpread toother dlstrlcU In the south- <»*' , ern part of the republic. ilng* NoUilng occurred In Llms, but the ' . cliy luid a restlcis olr yesterday.

This grew Into excllcmenl when the *'®] c»blnct. of which Human de Los ‘

- — ------------------- ---------- ,*ll<“ (Cominued On Page 6. CoL 4) |wh

:rir ]



I- - ■. ^ -

I* •

1 c ^ C

V-j( ■ ■ • i i l "

^ O C I A T E D P H E S S ‘ N S J V S l


lek Nominatibn For Go ven

lTS a n d t h r e e h e p u b l io a n sgovernorship of Idaho, today. Lof

locrats; John McMurray, Oakley, ft DU Defenbach, Lewiston,, stato tre;



COLUMBIA, Aug. 25 on-SouU X ^0 Carolina's hoet of oflice seekers to- „ nlsht wero prepared to rest Uielresse wlUi’Uie Democrats of Ihc sU ta e d itwho-wlll Trader Uielr verdict in U » whlc:prlmary-tomorrow.----- ■ _ had.

Upward of 300.000 members o t Uie as li p inyoreexpectediovote. T lieaom - Tiie InatlonisequlvalenttoclecUou. . Amui

Oeneral Interest predominated In (aclo two major races, tho tri-comered _bstUe between Senator Cole L.Blea«e . ^land two opponenU for Uie (otmer^I toga,- Uld Uw botUe royol for Uio 'governorshJp tmong eJgiit cenlMt-

Besides these contests, nomlna-itlons are lo be mode (or Mven oeaU B rlln congress, aU staUi offices, aod and'miAy county posiUoos. here


DELAWAJIE. Oblo. Aug. 25 WV- b £ nre,U ioughtlohavc.orlglnoted(romdefective wiring, compleUly destroy- jirsted the Delaware county children'# oreshome here today. No children wer® m uInjured. land

I Approximately lOO chUdren. In- malet ot'Uie homo were left bome- less by Uie blaxe. r-

; Tho lira originated In an upper .lloor of Uie home. Many of tho children werrtin tbe yard when theblare was discovered.about 5 P . M. >«*■' •They tumed In the alarm and em-1 t I:ployes and boy* a( Uie home brought rhle out Uiose ChUdren Insldo Uie build- ^sallt;lng.- fromI The children tonlghl wero quar- xiuijUred In th abandoned nunes' Erlshome a t the Jone M. Cose hotplUl, on o

Several firemen were Injured land.SllghUy whJic (JgbtJny Uis (lames back Iwhlch raged (or nearly an hour. p o m

The Thinker

o ' r

W f - F b r

Con*rlght, 1630, b

^ S P A P E R m T W m F A L L S

W mlORNlNQ, AUGUST 26,-^930.

ernor a t Idaho State Conv

NS have been pi-ominently placcd 1 Lofl tp rig lit: C. Ben Roas, mayor

former Republican atn te chnirnii treasurer, Republicans.—W Fhotc


LOOAN, Uloli. Aug.23 W > ^ a n k . fll QiMken. Cl. road (oremon, w u kill* l j | ed toduy by a flve.ton graTel truek whlclf pMMd over his body a lle r h« liad-sUppcd-benealh-tbo rtar-w bed . u lie started to unload tbe track. UllK riie iccldent occuned near (hs ^mulcamBted Beel Sugor company fl toclory.

George Cummings, driver o t tho 3 truck, (Old Brocken sUpped (rom tn (mpty truck lo his vehlclo when he slipped. Cummings sold hls truck c i ts s irovellng slowly. There wos no cinni }Uier wltucss to ths accident. • 3>

Brocken Is survived by bts widow eam[ ind Ihree children. He had resided the I liere for seven year*. Uons

■ Afi

GiAIIiSriliULK s l!FSiL0STlNll?9=‘

_____ of Ul

SEJIOUANDAJf, ODlariD, Au». 25 MVr'llie.wottrOogged Jiu lk o t Uio nami llrsl commercial vessel to ply the E. Hi Orest Lakes has been dUcovered In Mlssl«.uRl strait, off ManUoulIn Is* land In Ocorglan bay.

A commission of three CaoadJoiu tnnounced today Uiey ore convinced , ^ Uie vessel was Uie •'Le Orlffln," com'manrted by o Dtnlsh pilot named f™, Lucas, which -vos lost In o storm 2S1 years ago.

The "Le Orlffln" was Uie boot lh Uio whlcti Rene Rotieri fifeur de La Allcc Salle expecled to find on opening Assoi from the O reat Lokee lo Uie Mls* civil slttlppl riv'er. After sailing Lakca nett Erls and Huron. La Salle In 1679. UMk ue( i on 0 load of furs ot Washington land. Lake Michigan, nnd started It put,i) back to Nl.'ffara Jn charge c l IJjs — Dane and (ive tenmeu. «

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F b a t h r t L A d K O F w

s__ RAINFALL/ SS'>s< . w —^ do™

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■ j l Uis

• fnnilO .b jA e N o* York Tribune, to a toal

L B C O m T Y

A . I L YM

n v e n t i o n s CAI_____________ Cld be ro ro t h o po litica l n o n - 1 o r o f P flciitcllo . nncl A «hcr rn m n ; W ; D . G illis , F i le r , p w

^ ^ injii•r--i s s s s s s s s s s s s ^ ^ m u ni

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Eli Ksk' jX ’ I • and

' if . ' i - n b l l n lF > ' a p i 1

ingB l ovei

H ■ H l ^ j& B B M kick brul


I M M I S - fCillII8[88i='

Horse------------------- --- - SWMI

IhifC itylakls OffiSai'CoF nizanoe of 25,000 Visitors Q [| at National Convention -n

CINCINNATI. AU8. 25 U V C ln- Innotl took official cognisance of 3 25,000 vlslton to the naUontl en* , , impmenU of the' Orand Army of MrS. le Republic and lU oIIIkI orgonlza- ,ons wlUv a clvK rcccpllon tonlghU Cl Aller a day o( registering, veri-

rlng credenUals,-renewing friend- A lips and marching (hs (odlng lino [ blue converged on Music holl In jmpony wlUi Uiousands of wives,Idows, soiu and doughtera of Civil ■or veteront w receive Uie welcome o -m f Uie clly and tlote.Oovemor Myers Y. Cooper, a Cln- ^

InitflU man, greeted Uiem In ths amo.of Ohio; Congressman William 5 o'd . Hess, CInclnnaU. represenUng Uis eood Ohio dlsulct, in Uis name of IS nallon. and Vlee &loyor Sunley * UlUiews on behalf of the clly.

M osttr Offlcen. TextT hs veterans, many of whom en-

rained from CinelnnaU (or touUi- , Mf m bottlcllelo: In 1B«1. mustered neir top ranking offleen lo r t - ' ly: Oommonder-m-Chlef Edwin J. osier, Woceater, M asttehusetu, for no Grand Aroiy o t Uio Republlcj Jlcc Cory Rlsley to r Uia National uoclatlon (or Arniy N unet of Uio tivll war: Msrgaret J . Lewlt Ben- e tt (or the NoUonal Women's Re- " ef Corps; Cora M. Rowling (or the odlesof iheO rtndA rm yof UieRe- ubllc; Grace Hurd for Uis Daugb-

IConllnueTbn.Pags 5, Col. 4)' I , , ■ , 1' /M r


;_____ / ihe.tFRESNO. Ctl„ Aug. 25 «V -F lo r- '

Ida? Your wlnler cllmato moy equal CallfomU's but can j'ou

Snow fell In Cnllfornla today. We <( admit ll wns unusual and (ew but forest rongen ehjoyed 11. n r

Tlis snow, a (ew weeka earlier 7I 'I than tho usuol ( In t (oil of tbe ULi season, (rcihencd Uie wlilto cops of Mount lUiter and Mount Bon­ner la Ihe Slenos, 11,000 lo 13,- 000 (cet abovo tlid seo.~T Iie m ounUlna'ars^snow fiov-' •

U ra r c ........ 7 T ^


CINCINNATI. Aug. 25 Ml - Per* ormohcc of on historical ploy de* m, >lcling the port of Abraham LUicoln It Uie Civil u-ur wos halted today ,, ,’hen the lust sun 'lvbg member of ‘ * be guard ol clcht UiJil stood orer he president's body 05 yeon ago, civill tinted. lengiAt on octor whose semblanco to lug 1

he emancipator was considered re- slm narkablo strode "onio Uis iu«e,~ n aieven G. Weaver, 87, ClnclnoaU. u iniwooned. The commotion stopped U » lent, )cr(ormoneo and the-.vcMraa was ih# :arried out. Quickly revived, bow- pleu :ver. Weaver eold: the

" I never lu my life sow anyone l» 1 ook so muclj like Lincoln. (tui'u

One of. Uis first lo nld Weaver was PliU 3mlUi etlmmcl,, Forgo, NorUi Da-


- . arc IWHITEPIfiH, Mont, Aug. 25 *

tust being robbed was commoQ to nm Murphy, oged resident here. But vhen be felt a gun barrel In his ah. l b m « n » ( o u i K b t c i r ~

Twleo robbed, la tt n ight Murphy r u the third Ume an Intended vie* ' Mi ■to. A m to giving his nam« u Leo ed b; fieaton, Felton, Illinois, shored a ib tr ran into Murphy's mIdsecUoo and fromh s weapon tailed lo ( i r e ........... ‘ “WeX urpby tn p p le d wlUi Uie.old-up, eann

lot bU Qwn r^o lver and shot him, And nnicUng w hat,m ay be. pbysleU u tlsb onight f M . a taU l wouDd,' itlrc

N E >

IA T .C O W A N D H O U 'n d n j l


T W O H IN N E S O T A M E N m i l

JIPESTONE, Minn., Aug. 25 (/'Pl . * *’ —The cat and lhe cow and nU lhe dog of the olil nunery U lllnyme, hl-dlddle.dlddle. caused h Valuriei to two men, cnc cc »honi _____t nursing a tn ic tu rrd lcs ............Oust Thlcl was nUlkIng lils p ^ a li

ouy wllh puMy sUllnR by lick*ng htr-whlskers. There wojiii't »[.I spark of elccttlclly or commo-lon In Ute olr. i- .Ralph Tyler, a nelglibor, and

tls dog cnIerMi the cuw-bani f); ,nd Uien thliiw . h#ini»jit<l'so wlfUy tha t all waa over In ttie iUnk.of 4H oye.,Tilt dog mode k pats for the cot, nud the cot . . Joaed to tho cow's back. cau.v ng the bossy lo Jiimii, but not )ver Uie moan. However. Kite sue- T rfcdfd In breaking Thlcl't leg. | .2 £ rj’ler roo 10 Thlcl'n n/ii.iuncB J I md was clawed and pn.»ed and Ucked, suffering SCTOlches and. ®*, mines. Pftiff'

nom i^ n igh


BOISE. Aug. 25 o n - ’n ie Poyelts jbway belween Danks.nnd SmIUts, __Thc irry will bo cloaed Wednesday (or **s ri vcral ;nonUi3. for -widclnne, the lie highwoy bureau nnnounced lo* uuon y. A detour Is provided Irom ttiU jneshos Bend tlirougli Montour, nter t reet ond’ Olo to Smiths Ferry, ^ello

ffiOMiOF i irefuH


Irs. W. Zenas Smith Sue-

cumbs at Family Homo

After Lingering Illness— " I l

T^llowlnjc an Illness of somo onlhs’ dunUlon. Mrs. Jolcna Combs nlth. wife o t W. Z enu Sm llh, weU- lown Twin Foils business mon. died . the fsmUy resldencs on Seventh ™ ■enuo e u t on Monday evening oto'clock. - ----- -------------------------Burvlving are her husband and lughter, Virginia, tged 13. a tU - uaH. r and a brother reildlng in CaU* irnlo, two lis ten lu Fort WorUi; exts, and a tUUr lu EstbenUle,

Mn. BmlUi wos bom August 1«,»7,ol Rising City. Nebrotka, whero ^ IS resided wltli her pnrenU untU nn er eleventh year when, (ollowlng mm., le death of her molher, ohe went , ) live with her ounl, M n . 0 . M. Ic0»aUi, o t Horiley, lowo. 8hs ims to Twin Falls with Mr. ond ff'^' In. McElwaln In 1010 and u n til her “ . h, lanlags In 1015 held various teach- ijpoilllqns In Abe Twin Falia high :liool. Later M n . Bmllh served for Ji,“ ® wr years on the boord of Independ- nt Sclwol-Dlstrrei numbw i , acting •sP ? i c%k for a port of tfiarUmfl and ;uni.« l . . t j c r , “ “ 'M n . Smllh was 0 prominent mem* , er ofthe P E O sUterliood,devotlnff luch ol her tUne lo the scrvice ot :ie omtiiUallon. She terved a s sU lo " 'i ' rgsnlwr and a s sUte president of ^ le body ond was a past president of le local chaptcr. ™ J

Noted Aa MailcUti °**>Bui ll was ill muilcul circlea th a t “ o

Irs. Smith achieved perhops her c**

(ConUnued On Ptge 7, CoL 4) 'P^

l E i i i s t ’ I

iOlDEVlCESi• • • - - _____^ - I i n d :

fajaost LonBOi^d'Bh'if.lilTr ^

iiiza tio n , S u c c u m b t o U se “ «»fo r tOf Flashm ts and Clocks

____ E .a

MANIU. 25 l-r j-T he Bojoot, p j^ r ir tea gypsies, of the Sulu sea who dlctli Ite Ihelr lives In Uny canocs and nov itve long evaded Il*e Influences ot Ivillutloii, htve succumbed a t 7 ^ tngth lo the use of floshUgliU, dlv- ' ” ng goggles.ond In some coses even “ p :Jann c l o c k s . _______________jTills p tndox of modern ond prim- itoG

live 11(0 u related by Carl N. Taylor. .Na oniwr profcsser a t Uie University of Rcei: he Philippines, who recenUy. com- Parli ileied a tour of sevcrnl weeks onlong supn he Ultle known Bajtoa wlih whom T t le ll^td ’tfhllc.Bludylag^tbe.tmug- row.. Ilng of opium ond Chlntse into Uie ibeo ■liUlpplacs. • ^ torniT h c r ans Hvltig In n stivt« of de- Jf,*,?'

elopmeiil Uial^presfnU mally'sur-.

Tliey ore so primlUve th a t Uwy op- larcnUy have no word meaning god : r gods, and they teem u> be devoid if-folklore-or-niyihologyj th e y -a r« - S S >oni in Uny canots hewn from the , ®* runks of trees, and their eiiUro Uves *2“ re toenl in these boata. They.have J,®* io .a rlsondcraiuoU ierthoo.w 6od- ."O ' arvlng and the weaving of flshneU, J " Dd yet they moke dally use of lUch ^ nodcrn conveniences . a t matehes, U th l lg h U r d W n j r j^ g - a n d - lg -8I)(

Mr. Taylor said tha t be w u astu > W: d by Uie old men of the B&jaoa Uiat 29 M bty had no Idea where they .cams In a i rom and hs quoted theih as tay la i: loda; We havs never been told where w« td -» ame trom or who made the vorU.' thaft Old ws luve be«D-too busy c itcb lai ' Isb lo tU nk about-nch tb lo t i ou>' wtre flTefc" lU ^

■ TODAY: Faiiv

10 PAGES ~ 6 CENTS '

m m w m illEliCOlSTeGogmsi.jlition Announces Inten­tion to Prevent Nomlna- - tion ol Joiin McMurray, Oakley, On Flrsl Ballot

rRESTOX'I- GROVCn ■* uxlatcd Press Staff Corrupond*

ent)DAHO FALLS. Idaho, Aug.25 — Manngers for John iMcJIurroy, Ojikley, former to chiiirnmn, in tho cam- ign , f 0 r t h o Republican ninntion for governor ttv :ht laid n substantial claim 125>/n votes, enough to

ninate him, ns a reault of raucus. Only U5 votes nro ded to nominate, he ’iuU niimber_of voUs claimed: represcnUd by deJegala o f lM ---------veoUon wWcb open* tomonow. he claim brought a storm o t Jubl- on on lhe porl of many tcore pres*. Frem the m an tg m of tbe for- : su te chairman came Uie p « - ;lon: - •- McMurfar^UTjc"llSe"ntxl-rov:---------

ithough certain memben of a UUoD fornied eorller in the day istd to concede to McMurray the tl clolmed, represenuUves of tbe •MlUon ctmps generally admltled eat. \

Vote Appean Deeblv>/. D. OUlls. Filer, aUoraey geneni I condldolo (or Uie nomlDa\on. Munced after lhe report of t t s cut w u clreuloted tb a t the voUl leared decisive. \n reply to reporU h s would be \ Ung to accept a place on Uie Ueket \ UtonKygcneraf.hedfcIired; 'I would no t care lo relum u a t- ney general (or a second Urm."I added he w u pnpared u> retumo vaio life a t Um termination o t bU sent term.mo caucus came after a day ot «onvfnUon milling tb a t bnugbt 111 a coallUon of supporten ot Oll- B yronD efenbtch,Lewiston,tuu - * osurer, and 0 « a r E. HaUey. 8 t tries, lieutenant governor, aimed prevenUng Uie nomlnaUon o t Mc- u ray on Uis fln t ballot. n » talanoe of Uw ticket I t (Ull Uie making wlUi coptlderable

»pect It would be cenerally form- tomorrow aftemoon.

Roscoe C. Rich, leader in Uie Mo- irroy um ptlgn, told Uie McMur- Y forces were prepared to Jet tbe lonce ef Uie Ueket rtm aln unes- Nlsbed usUf ’■(bs fonnat somloa- n of John McMurray b u been ' Ids a t Ibe convelUon.**Candidates (or the balance o t Uie ket have been more orlesaneglect- during Uis tcu((l6 for gubemo-

Htl strength m e u sames coms '' in comblnaUon « U i Uis heads the tickeUI t Is generally accepted Sena- ir Borab and Congmamaa Addl- m T, BmlUi and Bnrtos L. French lll be nominated by acclamaUon.For l|eiiUnan(| gom nort the

omes o t M. B lY eam an. Idaho alls; Lloyd Fend; KoosUa; J e h a v anbom. Goedlni; Donald C a lla* ! aa, Wallaee, aod Balph Kebon. oeor d'Alene, bave been' dls*_____ ^

Pred Bobcock, Lewiston. a sJst- t attorney general. Is considered poaflillKy tor aftomey general ta t event Detenbach, trom Uie same luity. is de(eated.Pred E. Lukens. seeking to return his present office, may be oppot- on three sides by Joha McKlimey, yelle, wbo h u amwuaced his ndJd«7, -by Xed EUiworth, JUgby, d ^ Bggw^ aljiy • .

in d J o e May, A m e r l^ '^ l l s . an”- . unced themselves u candidates f su te treosarer to succeed De(en« clt, while Ellsworth h u aonoune* for ua te auditor In opposition to 0 . OoUet, Pocatello, Incumbent,A merry clash over the state su-rintendeflcy appears wiUi the p r e - -----:tionlhot Mse Olttlns. Idaho Falls,<v ssslstont superintendent, will ':1c to wrest ths nomlnaUon trom rrtfo R. Dovls. Tho aam s of Kr».W. Lowe, CouncU, Adams county periniendent, alio w u discussed.L H. Friar. Dolse. wUl oppose 6Uw- t Campbell, seeking hla reUirn u ■

Ko oppotlUon b u ippeared ta Ui»'. ... Qilzution of Justice* Alfred Budrr, irU, and Roymond Givens to r tl^s prems.court. - " «Tbe convenUon will open tomor-w -a t-a M f-ln-the-Paramount-------eoter with Ed Prawley, Boise a l- rney, a t Umporary chalnnnn. Tbe tecUon of a pem anent cbalrman ’ n h . f»ll/>»«t hy-.prftlnttn.nt of -■ ..

oKonn.Uarry Benoit, Twlo FalU. h u

etn-aeteeUd to nomlnaU tiUUt, .'M 5«ClemHiri»»ateB.*l»TOB':---------uUe Defenbacb. aad Ctartseo lum as. Barley, to nemloato Me::. ., tuT «y>.'.frM cnl.»lau « a ll.Ju :. bo ' oavtBUen to coaUoot' ' broBgboat Wedneaday.


a care-ln of * o o « |3 B s B t b S .V “-lj lay. » r n H a m in o i% «- v b e B ^ t r ^ n o r r tb a K e r M M .att d r o p ,n u ^ . tb « a b a f t

; ..............W ® ]

In tro d u cU o n o t O ttI

S e v e ra l A ddresses

; S p e c fa lls ts a n d f

‘ . D in f itr F ea tu rc - G a th

(Snwlnl to Tlif Nrwi»Fltcn. e

ho E gt Produccn' »««U tlon their fnmlllcs. nbout »0 iierj'

K all. w thered tor an all-tlfly mnt .the T»'ln Pull* coimly lulnii

I licr# Sunday. Introduction offi m , aeveral a d d rtw i and a

dinner « fre leaturM of the t ■ ■■ • T hem «‘tlnjs:uc*lledU)Rl»

t) duccrs apiwrtunlty to m ffl tlwK nsement nnd board o( dlrtctoi

to exprew them«lvM or» v

i phawa of tlte luduilry.FollowlnB U th# iMT«»nncl

olflctra ftlld board of directors Lowell, pretldent; W. D. Alllwi prealdent: J. D. Oo«cn, « c r Carl H. Broclcman. manaurr: Harland. asilstint manaKer:

i Caldwell: L. W. Oreathouje.* J. C. Wlljon, Numpa: Archl

U rson. W estr, direclor*; l Wood, manager, Tft'ln Palls: I Donohue, manaser, rvwMello: wRom were present except Prt LowclL

— i ...... .. .T h e oRcmoon meellnf w u( ducted by C. D. Peeblcr, Buh

number o t epeakers appeared t f platform. Manauer Earl It. I

i man cave Interesilns (aels an urea coneemlnj the growth c I omanlutlon and atated th a t ll

I V-----------wortii.or th fl.ii4«um on jp« -■ 1 8M.83, ns shown by » quarterly

} rtcenily comjileled. He stressedI et pcMuclne fop'jrrads ejig* »w

llffurei lo show the premium In ‘ commanded by the better gnd

Other apeakm were Vice Prei W. B. Alllaen. Caldwell: Manag E, Wood, T ula Palli, nnd Ma D. P. Dojiahue, Poealello.

Mr. Donoiiue emphasltfd th or (ootU neceuary to produce Ity ena . AulsU nt H tnaser }IarIu3d, CaldweU, pointed ou

' I Importance of the care of c mfactor In producing tbe qualltj

, the buyer wanta. He declare*!eptcWlc feeds and efficient ma

) ment eondltlou will produee l)aull3 detlred.

Dealer Speaks E. R. Baker, Baker>Prledmon

jany . New York Clly. endorse remarka of Mr. lUrland. M r.: Is « jnember, of a wbolesals con

— tha t sells to Jobber*, who In■ tell to the grocers. According t

; apeaker, e g n w-lth Innsr:* whites and light-colored yolk

Klven preference. He su te d ihi be tu r grades olw n comma: dollar or mere premluj per eat

C. O. VouBfslrum, who Is nected with the Unlreraliy of experiment sUllon, apoko o work being done by hla depart Euch locTors and data aa the d ment cau compile which mlghl benefit to lhe ptoducen, ho i will be distributed from tlmo U Mr. Youngilrum pointed out th .price of e jf i haa iU dlpa and

.1 the same a i olher commodity! P rtn Moore Bpe*lut Pren Moore, poultry apeclaJ

the Unlvenlty of .Idaho ext tcryfee, apoke a t length on "phases of the poullry buslnei had figures to show th a t pool Jor eggii wero lower In 1927 ll

^ 1930. He cautioned egg pro / not fo btcome panicky and t*

^ the habit ot getting In and <the bnsihess. He ihowed tha

I yesr Is not as bad u tome olhcrand also stressed the fact tha

i________ ta eheanff.— The—lnter»poic o u n tt, he rialed, [jnKlULes with good keeping QUiUltlea. and Utah ttand high In tbls f{ Tlie principal fault for low- egga. he aild, U tho condition which they are held on tho far which they are produced. He ed the use of improvised cool prevent shrinkage and to ma the quality o t eggs. Headvlsi

- ’’ thering eggi a t many as tire (1 * day and tha t they be placed In

” >~f~ . ii ^ * t t y 7 & V h r r m r e 5 ^ i n i ^ SI .m ent or cold-ttorage. “I f we\ wllh (rood qualliy," said Mr. Jf - r c can deJIrer good flUflJltyk' ket under our present retrlge. meihods of shlpmenU"f On lhe subject of proper ic‘ thu speaker tu le d ttiat wher«

are turned out production grades go down, showing conch Ihot proper feeding U absolutel cuary to quality egp. ."Fecf! alfalla hay lothe.cow but very Ingly to the hen and thua keep

■■■ from wrong>colored egg yolks.cost 8 cenu fof each hen per j

-------------- A\\ >.>■ Mid, andI particularly conducive t o ' i

good PQllets and high quality- i A aacllm axlohlsrem a;ksM r.

• sold, “If you like the pouluy 1_______ IrjvBO tlica jj)u lld It b ig ;,

I 'don 't, g e fo u to f li;Kar^-ey Halo, Twin Palls (

■ agent. Invited poullry men t( poultry experiment tcbooli. vtlU be conducted from time ti

{’ Only studenu wbo must their way tro received a l Jc

I Brown coUege. 61loam Sprlni _ J ________ fcnrnai. The COllegC ptOVltfCS »

_____ T. J. DOT

V • Castle Gfi5 ; ■ U ta h 'a T i

• ‘' I '

5 IP T h e - W e a t h (r u t l r o B z c M T w w t o u a v L l jU T O IT O B aoW -Falr; normal

- I r> n Maximum temperature In th L L 1 elnlly of Twin PalU was U dei r I 1 durtn i the 3<-hour period preo I i k b I fl p . M. yuterday, according u

report of lhe government weathe serrer nere. Minimum temper

I f l lc ia ls the tu n e period was &a detM llUdlb, The sky was doudy part of thee

uX, M ulm um on Sunday was fil o y miBimum w u Bl. The dsy was

Picnic ---------------------

«4miCfFEi8Eii m i i i

>er»n.i In ~y nuellng ■

Running Through Stop Si if MUlon. and Speeding Appear u!Sm i- or VIo'iatio'ns in’ ReiCtors andI various --------

Ifl of tho Aug. Si (Bpeelal too rs -J ! i News)-Bunnlng through stop i ii«n T i« ipttOlne t n iJie major otU

0* molorUU, It la sliown Vr- p o reeenUy compiled by Ttt

all at Lukens, secrelarj- of stale, fron i(.‘ S i i J - P®rt» •“ Pt by traffic officers p» rciilo M mg the highways, The reports:

w r lh a t In one month tlie officers J [,< n » ' ped and wanied7Ifl motorlsU for

,11 i t lous vlolailons of which lt« weri ninnlng Ihrough stop signs; ISO iTCUOcnt jjjj, ^ ,,aa but one Uc

, plate; 41 wero driving reeklcwl: i i i h i- A offlc«r»-mad#-M arresur f M lhe which n were for reckless drivln f switched Ucense plates, seven srand fiB- nmnlng through stop s

h of thB ‘Wving while IntoxIcaKIt lhe net ConUnuing hU report on the i s i i i s . ‘l*‘Ues of the traffic officcnprlf nudil' secrtU rraaya lnparl!— -------

“Tlte number of Ucense fees lected by traffic officers was 131

tiT o rice tb e am o u n to ftb ese fe esw u iri rradel number of owners aenPresident « « « « « to psy thelf fees was m bJp w “nd from these the assessors col

Manager dealers were ttqulnI the use PUKhsse llccnts pUtes and ice qual- **'®-:er P. O. Offleen' AasbUncor m to the traffic offleera accou [htv S i t *8W3'04 which properly belo; , r J Jh ,. la su te and county coffers and

Lukens feeU Uiat a t best only a s , ih ; /racffon ol this raonej' rould :

been collected withoul the all traffic offleers.

Forty-two fines and flv-e Jail uan coin- Imposed on iho4ejrsM the T tij maximum «nttncelr. Daker 30 d^yt for rcckless driving and company tines was «37.M. in tu rn Thirteen new official llghl Ui IB to the itaUona vere esUbUshed and insparent 55,* directed to have 1! rolka are tested. Three hundred and .th a t th e caraopentlngwlihoneheadllghi ■roand a j j 4 , ,10, no U ll light were reps «“ <- Drakes ot S40 cara wero tested

. u con- 381 lound defective, o t Idaho Tweniy-two accldenU were re]

of the fd lo oftlcers wlih.an estlmaled partment. pjrty damage of »330i). Persons leoepan- ju^es were susUlned by 33 per lght be of Officers admlnlsUred first al 10 su ted . - o to lime.t that the ' •

“ "■“ GlllLiyLISSFINIl r* ”" INEFEEDiPiJIIness. He •

n h f f S DURLEY, Aug. 35 (Special to nrodueers News)-Completlng a 4-H chib 1 I W avo d project. Miss Zoo MoId out of )»< sueoecded In putUng tha t (his potmds ot pork oato « JltUr of 1 'h e ryean ted Poland China plgt in IW 1 tha t fcM 1^ 1* ^ ■Tenge of IBtH po mountain ‘0 ««eh Porker. eg fi t t =3llsrM D njerrw ho1rt»TeiT«l u Idaho fed her charges about a a ' < J featuse. amount of barley and wheat, 1 low-grade corn, mest mcsi. and an sbtmd lon under of skim milk. The ration rtt farms on shov tha t the feed cost tiM

He advlt- each 100 pounds of production.- coolers to finished Utter sold a t $9^0 per maintain dred pounds. Tha young «c Ivlsed ga-' earned a ne t profit of $S7 on ■e times a venture.1 immed- Her-recordi. handed la on ach

ment day j t t f l . delalled anfl coi

:» m a p i ^ n aS5?>ECTt-f<>r elub-woMt Uwe start aouUierri district.-— ---------

tr. M oore,____________ •, ,y to roar- - — =rlgerallon

r S I N U S I ' R O U B Ltiere hensU m d . . muUly nec- 1 7 ^ . ,^ed your Hay Itry spar-;cep away K A V C r Jcs. I t willer year.to n „ t .n A n U b U J ii —0 'raising W g g m

S P m S D K . H . W . H I L IQ v c r B r t o

s eountyn to Tlslt J—— — — t. whfcb A. N. BonweO. of C ory , W >e to time ^as been appointed BALES »

i i E s n a m v e r t o t i t i t e r Jand Jeroma“ Co. (»r the l i

lit work ooUoor fctterprlso Co. If wi ' tng labblU <m Ibe e ea tite t 1iring. M’ ae« h ta .u work. .

O U G L A S C O A L C O .

. Ascnts For

Gat? and King Coal.I Two OotstandlRR Coals



n the rl* _____S degrees.ST^S'^lhS M o d e rn W o o d m en A rr a n g

iS t S ="‘‘ sp'ProBram In Little Va

u fil and _____ ■' was fair.

HAOBBMAN, Aug, i i (Sped The News)-Preparallons for a

i r p ot mem--maklng offering a va • I ' S . . o f enurta lnm ent for old and yi JL U ar« Included In a eclebratlon

• - ■ gram scheduled to be put on at l i n l l thorp park in Hagerman, U bor H I1H Monday. Scpumber I, by Hage: I I I U I l camp Modem Woodmea

Features of the enlerUlnmet rtrca led by the preparaUon com

psisnsnr M a i. ‘lancing and • rodeo a t the biU a r m dj Ja tbeaffem coajrju jiw ieyssfrij D«nAV» bucking borses,and the best ride K epori thUaecUoDofthesUleooeghlbli

also novelly horse races and ri< Animal shows, a ferris wheel

1 to The merry-go-round will add to the .top signs terUlnment..■ Chicken dinner. Ice eream

othe rfoodth lngstoeatw lllbese ,-n e a K. m iho park. Bost riding wlli be

Joy*® on the lake. In th<*afUn • *«e 0»nce will be put oa for

“f t 'f o w a ,en . The celebration wUl close •ers i .o ^ ^ evening'at the :' Uwaler. The Woodmen ha re intr./> . r l everybody lo come and ha>t a 1

gsBiBTillfflllTfii S RESENT OF KliEIIccn Ui_e.______________________ ___

“ KIMDERLY, A u j r w (Specia s 131 and The N ew s)-A surprise birthday I sm z a s ty Jn »»««■ ot floss I‘^ ^ , 1 0 Kimberly, a t llie home of hls was »3 «nu. Mi . and Mrs. R . p . Boyd

s collect- Thursday evening. Oames and ■ te su provided recreaUon in the

flulred to P " t of the evening. Miss Po ?nd tlie Van Kook won lhe prize In a gi M. ing contest. Icccreaaandca ice '

Mrved, and U ter liie enUre p> motored to Kimberly Shadowlant ccounUd dancing. Questswere: Misses I w w se d Wilson. Naomi I

nett. Foreva Van Hook. HaUie t V » im ^ l P«n> Adkins, Melba Olsen. E u2d Jiave 01«n- Opal Boyd ftnd Mrs. P> •Id of Patterson; Messers. Eari Hunt. Fl

HoTsh, Milton BalUrd. L e t S lall aen- Itoscoe Scott. Paul Sterner, P hose ar- Pattenon and Carl and Cllf

was B o rt. brothers of the honoree. and the '

It usung R U P E R T M E N A T T EN D

l e ^ i h u N A TIO N A L RAM 8 /Id nine --------light and ItUPEHT. Aub- 25 fSpeelal lo repaired. N ews)-M . B. WUlls and son, O isied and WIUij, and Itobe^ Brockle. al

Rupert, ore In Salt U k e Clly lr 'ereport^ tendance a t Uie national nun gted pra- Mr. Dr6ckle left Rupert Satu tonal in- night by rail and WlUls and son d I persons. Sunday momlng.

mi] e S M ^I to T lie

itag•o fspo t- f j ^ V ^160 days. ■ ' '

Wflf-ager ' • — ----------

Kmdaaee A ^*2 ^ 2 -deadl. ^ r w r d s J j ' ' j j y them 01

I S: woman r S «

a ^ B Uachieve- . u a o b 1

■It Ift o » .

i ^ F S r l^ Septem

y I N i g h t S c^ 1 Septeml

I The door to opportu3 S : you enter?

f m a t* Vu t plaa . A course with wi]

life.= = = H iigK "C K iilttie rs;-pro i

- .* 'l h a v e j lw a y s : s a ! d j Is the best tralnliiR in'( any brains, because he

____ In any other that I knoCat! br write for par

GREGG mf t t 8 .U 0 0 \



TjllillI lU I I arrived In Duhl Monday ( ro a Mi

Idlan. Connecticut, wher* tbey t Ited their son, Earl. Eari c u m w them and after two weeks' r « a t

>nse to on the ranch here wlU go v T 1 • w titm s ii ts

O pOriS lice for the Monowatt oorporati a subtidury of Oeneral Electrio co

V a lley p»ny. *»h wWch ho has been e ployed durlns the last four yean, .vt. Bceman. K auon. MIomsdU, i

„ . u i Ifl rived Monday wltb E. E. Beeman, * tomake a tho rt visit here.-—r a day 1 — .

SfiilSFUmFOII~ p i t i c i m i inen t u ^ ___

Biaine County Agriculturi S i f f i isis Arrange Progr!id e n la ............iiuuoii: |:or Labor Day tSdtheriiI riding.eel and --------the en- DELLEVtre. Aug. 25 (Speclaj

The .Vrws)—A special program U 1 tn and tnt planned l!y agrieuiturattfU eser^'ed Blslne eounty on U bor dsy, a t t i be en- annual DIalne couoty farmers* p 'Urnoon nic. T h ed a T su p n U wUi Includt ror chU- barbecue In the momlng, a UUri ose wtth and miulcal program during the 1 he Patk ternoon, aad an a ttncU re progn 'in rlU d of jpor:s,foU owedbydsflciog,ini a good evrnln;,

E. J, Iddlnga. dean cf Uie Unln *ll>' of Idaho, will bc speaker of i

U nD C — 3^a.evc!il£g.tports-proeram -| l U n u eludes boxing mateh between j

cofur, Dolse. and Leo Hanson, Dt i r n i V 'c r, for 10 rounds, and a seml-fli i f n l 1 bout belween Oene Fulmer. Bel ^ U IL I vue and Curt Jackson, Hailey.

Iilii i e MEMBIS HTBUIILElEIIEIITIllthe fore - . _Poreva b u r l eY. Au j, 2S (Special U> T guess- }{ews)-Members of tha Pau P

licewtro Keeajs cJub hero wh® made J. e party uores in bridge during Uie 4aslyc land for entertained Uie high score playi e sR u lh tt-iih a dinner a t the NaUonai ho nl Ben- Friday evening. Husbands of t “ memben o{ this club were oa hand n. EdlUl paruke of the refreshmenu.>. Ployd jiUtT adjourning from tJu hol [.Frank rnldjet golt was enjoyed. This gai

6<ott. KM plsyed a t both of the new ml ', ro y d jaiuro golf Unks rcccntly complei Clifford here. Miss U illan Delamater w e. low score for the women and W

Uam McMillan proved the leadi ^ ' player anion;sl lhe men.

OAI p The liome of Roger Brooke Tat a t Frederick. Maryland, ante-belli chief jMtlce of lha Umted Stat

: to The who gave the oath to Lincoln, b n I, Oalen a national thrlne.. all of -------------------------y In nt- The nncicnt church of AU SaU im sale, at Swanion. Morlcy. England, wUi aturday Abraham Uncoln's forbears Ilv in drove is in danger o f collapse throu

nfVages of the dcath<watch beetle



/ h y p u t Bplwith aau> Blade Flag Powde radlleit liufCt>l(iUef msde-lsjguarantecd towlpi n out! Blow It arouad. I t wUJ destroy the wbol. oy—qulekly, tu rtly l Also gets rid o tioaduj I, bedbugs, fleai, flies, tnoaquitoes and mothi ktd la glaa^ it keepa lu strenith. ei«i«.s.r.a

LACK FLAG POWDERD E n Y T j a M A jO M O f ^ a ^

e r m B e g i n s tnber 2,1930

Ichool B e g i n s nber 15 ,193QrtunJty fs now.open for you. Will

ila Know s o m e tb li ig a t o u i buBincss;

w ill p u t y o u o n a h ig h e r p iano f o r

ir o » ln * n tT n B n a f a c tn r e r , \M j i i r ”

d Jb a tJh u N 'o U lfiiu fJ - l^ n a n h e i in'ouni] for a younR man, If ho has he can leom more in that way than enow of.'____________________ '

^ ar tlc n la rf t


DjU I-J n e w s , t w in F A U * ) I

U liS IG lS P N S FOlSiJTeiEey rU - _____lewiUi --------

r e Use of UlQhts at Undli n t £ Field Resumes F o IM

Shift of Tower Locatlia u x c .lU, a r- —I«n, hU d u r l e v , Aug, 25 (Special to T

------Nfw»-=-51gB»JaEftUire«ajabei,flashed ou t nlgbtly from Uie tall to'

n n er al Uie QurUy lanlln;! field, afl I f a period cI,lnacUoa while tbe sU

U l 8-juclure wat beln* tnuisfentd the north side o t Uie airport trom

i n i r point where I t inUrferred wlUi u 'U I I p takiflg 0ff of TisiUng sh lp t J U L Desldu the rerolvlng searchllgl

there U a blinker mechsnlsm whi flashes ou t a dot, a dssh and a dot

t i i f a l brilliant green rays. Tha code sigr iRdleaus thU tower to be num ber: s ts rtln i from Salt U ka City, a:

'flrani ihe n tn llglJt th s t bere is a SJ ' landing plaM. Between Sait U

lerinO cuy and, Boise there-are six tu landing fields, a t SUerell, Idahon Durley. Jerome/King HUi and Mou

clal to tain Home. Towers hare been erec 1 U be- ed «pproxlmaUly 10 miles apai iMtM el siong tbe rouU. Where there a re ' At the landing fields the UghU flash th< t> '.oeaUons in w m ln g red rayv :lude a There are silso acelylene blink iU ru y llghu installed along short cuts, gl U ieaf- Ing pilou a m on direct route Inde rogram wealher.. Two of these bUnkers s in the locsted so as to show the cuK

through Albion past. The.acelyle: Inlver- blinkers require lltUe aitenuon, a of the cordUig to Vem Phelps, airways m

ciisnlelsn sutloned here, aad aut u n -ln - m a ikaU ykeepontbeiobforperio n Joe of six months a t a tim e.'1. Den- '


Newt)—As an IncenUve lo stlmul - _ tion of musics! activities among r«

to The of the West End, W. J. RipI Puk Unger, teacber of piano and-voli * Jo* Is preieoUnr a vsrted prograaiII year vocal and instrumenial numben 1 players ft gtoup of studenu next Wednesdi l hotel evening a t Uie Melhodlst Eplscop o t the church.landlo Thirty-three students, represer

, Ins five groups, will lako part. \ hotel, Rippjjnger has- inrited Ihe publ

I same -me progmm wUl begin a t 6:i5 P. 1 » mln- Those who will fake part are Ma ipteled Jorle DeMoss. Edna Nlngler. Ru r won Howard. Mildred Rogen. ^elbaRo d Wll- jf j . LlUUn Leth. Sue Drown. Nom ■eadlns Lchrmfcn, Ruth Hudson. Rulh Sht

;oji, EupJu .Mays. Wanda Meye Roberl Lunle, Mary Jane Wall. La

Taiify cne FalraU, Ronald Davis. EUiabe bellum Scolt, Bertha McCauley. Zelma D03 States, x^afion De Jordan. Ethel Olds. Cha “ now letleSmllhson.TliordlsRangen,R

mona Lowe. David Kendrick. Mil red Peck. Thelma Kroth, itargi

Sajnts Walter, EUtabelh PuUerson, Fa ■ ’[“ ere Pelltjohn. Evelj-n Swallow, Marl

lived, ga-jf j j j i Qertrude Johnson, liroughrelle. u --------------- ' -J =

1 ^


jwder>»5ptBbolo»ehea,‘letha. _ _ ^

i H i g h e i

'"SiS E R \Low price:

IS T heqnality ist e v e i y d a y = ^ n B

—Powerful, Fti ■ — P r p m p V e f

Let iis chei

- - G mfor I

h er-; , ----------■hasfian

| 7 L t aO ince a n d ;

----------------- O ffidal-BoiBalea and S<


11 I BURLEY ROOMIg HOUSE II UNDERGO^TERATKI r u BimiZ?', Aug.» (fiptcJal-lo TI r l H ew tl-A iurallons on tbe two-sM L L I brick rooming house oa Third sire

known as the W att buUdlni, t about flnlihed. The building »

>i4lnn bcesco nverud ln toa tw oaD d thn laing m m apartment hous*. tuUy mode . with alz apartm enu on Uie frou

Iwing floor and tbe same number above.E. U . Tomlinson, Buhl. pr«»(

JllO n ownerot Uie bulldlag. umounceaU - there was ap immedUte demand 1

aecomodatlons, and tb a l a l l 'a p i . Tha tneots were rented befor« tbey w<

con)pleted. The strueiure h u b< l t a * . nm aa a rooming houte. and a t 0 l j u r time was used u an emergeney 1i<

, p lta l AU storerooms on the grou to floor, exccpt one small room resei

m— . ed ior a barber shop, have been cc verted Into apartmenu.

Jsa.BlillLGfllEflSiiTE f i spEiieFiiBMoiiieI safe ' - n —U k e BiniL. Aug. 3S (Speelal to 1tuch News)—MUs Carrie Dartlett, for I

bome, last 25 years a missionary a t Pulsli{oun- China, now In the UnlUd s u te tereet> furlough, will tpeak a t the meetlipart of the Buhi Orange Tuesday rtre no nlng on Uie subject ot “Farms atheir Farming in China."

She is the guest Uils week cf Riink»r and Mrs. P. E. Bartlett, an a u n t 'i1 ^ 1 -, uncle. Miss Dartlett also apokele S I r the Methodlsl EpUeopal church Sli„ J J , dsy momlng.


BUHL, Aug. 25 (Special. t J 7 I n News)—Funeral services for Mi

J» Jones Crawford, wife of J.R . Cra t u ford. Buhl, whose deatH^tfccun ■ n x suddenly last Priday a t a Twin |Pa LDI hospital, WlU be held Tuesday a t^ Cfl I P. M. a t Uie Duhl Methodist 0)up

Ben/leea will be conducted by R Charlea D. Plelcher, p u lo r oJ t

I The Buhl Methodist church, with. R nu la- C. E. Heiman,. pastor of thOiFl ; k j ] . MethodUt chureh, assisting. I [Upp. The molher of the deaceasedl M volcr. R- W. Jones arrived Saturday! frt m ^fjC allferRla for Uie funeral ;

3B0D!fliEiifBF t HSILEfEBESTOBESP.M .' . --------M ar- HATLEY, Aug. 25 (Special to T Ruby News)—Funeral Krvlces were h Rog- hero Sunday afternoon for EI

forma | Casio, 37, who drowned while fl! Shei-1 Ing In the Salmon river August eyers, 1 J. Ii. EbrelU, ChalUu, Cusier coin , Lor> , coroner, was In charge of the Invei abeth I gstUQ of tho drowning.Doyd. Jils body was found Saturday cli Char. I to where his father w u drowr 1, R a * . several years ago. He had been a re Mild- dent o t the Hailey dlstrlet moil argiet this life, ond was b o m ) ^ .Faye I Ho U survived by t i ^ c ^ s r a w

[arlon I live In the East, and t^^a sister. IS iDave WUUams, Stanley.

tsisA T L

;st Grade f i n i t esomV I C E - Q U A ]e m e a n s b u t l i t t l e u n l e s s

3 t h e s a m e a s o u r h u n d r e c

B s t - U i e - b e H ^ g a B T v e - c a i r b

r r e e f r o m c a r b o n — a n d D i

e f f i c i e n t - a n d _ « ) u r t e o n 8 i

l e c k y o u r t i r e s , f i l l y o u r r

E A S I NF o r t h e n e x t t w o w e

---------w i l l - g r e a s e - a n y - m a k t

- -• - f o r 5 0 e - p l u a _ t h e „

--------- a n i o i m t d r g K a S e u i


>d Shop P h o n e 299Bosch. H a K o e t o -----------------IServ teeS U tloB •


B. AUGUST 26, 1030. . ■

SS.|HEUJilHa i i m n it . .« e; h u --------

R e ia tiv e s A rra n g e F u n e r

F o r M r s .’ L . D . C a r lto

J t S l 7 2 , R e s ilie n t ' S in c e 19Cid for _•part- ...... ...........- -------- ■’ JEROME. Aug. 25 (Spfflal lo T‘ N ew s^-Pmxral serrlees for Mrs. ‘ D. Carllon. 73. rtsldent of the Nor ' "“ J Side district for 21 years, who dl IL™ > t ff A. M. Sunday here a t lha hor f n * of her daughler, Mrs/ Bmll Koli » '"n* 1 qullt. will be held Tuesday af Urns

j S u f i t iawn of the HoImiiuUt home P. M. Rev. O, L. KenSall pi

T T f F o l the Jerome Me'Jiodfct churc r ^ l have charge of the services. 1

! wUl be aulsted by Rev. W. N, Olbl i r i l T p u to r ot the Jerome. Cbrlstl:I r l l f church.'****' Mrs. Carilon'a death was due

I heart and kidney disease. S he ll > The been confined her bed sincc || or Uie'october.Iltlng.' The deeeaMd waa bom July 4. ii: let o n ' In Sieele couniy, Minnesota, wht eeUng 1 ahe Uved unUl February ot IBM. wh■ ere-1 the w u married to Lowell D. Ca; s a n d ! ton. and mored t^ N ofth -D ak*

i After four year*' residence the f Rev,' they relumed to fcnnnes*u,-ah« i t 'iK a ' thej- rvjnalned until 1000, when ih ike a t ; came u settlers to the Jerome d: I sun -1 triet.

Early KelUer T hty took up isnd In JWd, n-h

□ □ water w u tlrs t brought to soil of t u n district, and when clearing of sie

• n a i 1 brush and surveying Ot ranchcs tt ,UH| I Just beginning, Mrs, Carlton h .flH L l Uevd the'remalnder of her We iri I

I Jet«me district, p a rt of tbe Ume wl , T h e ; ChUdren In the city ot Jerome.

Mrs. Carlton U,survived by t , husband. U V . C trO fa, a ton, Pt

:urred I —— .1

f i M ~H av e Y ou T r ie d O u r

TUTTIFRUTTI i™" ICECREAM; Mra.ifrom A delicious combination 0

tvalnuts, pincnpplf?, mam

P schino chcrrlc.<!, rich crcnt] an(} fruit marmalad(i. Yoi can’t help llklnp it, and thi

iFPT I cost is no more than fo i t u t i ordinary crefim. Wo dclivc

; nny quantity from a quar J The up.I held , *

i V a r n e y ’s; « “ ! L iv e C a n d y M an”

CO R. 3 rd nnd SH O S H O N l N O R T II


5 D OJ N D ’D A Y

sk 2..L I T Y - L O W!S you receive good qualii eds o f re g u la r customen -b n y = h a v in g n llr th frq u « ] D ry.i service is a part of our i■ radiator and wash your

: g s p ereeks w e M r k e r o f - c a r - p ^ * —5 „ , a c t u a l , ^ t J f


"Timken, Ni , H yitt Be

H i r Jay Cirlton, who l in e ia Ontai Qre*eo. » d who nrrirtd btro V

n n eitning to atU od the funeral ai U l ! Wtu. Ose daughUr, Carrie D .c a

Di)fancy. T *o slsura. U ita Pani strong and Mrs. WUbur ef Mini

Rra! 40ta, and ooe brotber, WUIU ® ! sutm g ot North DakoU. alio aum f o n J Mfs-.CaiJloa w a e X e m e ri j 'a i

' bekah lodge member,- aod an act! QOQ member of Uie MeUwdUt ehureh.

unUi the lime o t Uie eonflnenxnl

The ---------------------------

sSTllDENTSfGISTEflFt S FUII TERM miBBNa ea tpat- ' "■orch. JERON®, Aug, 25 (SpecUl to T . He; NewD-Jerome schooU wUi open Ibbs, Tueiday. September 3. 1030, acco; tllaa Ing: lo announcement maiie by

! Maine Shoun, superlnUndenl o f ; >e to'I tclioolshere. ,• -

I s tudenu entering tho high sch' iH \h a v e been asked to reglsU r.in.i

. . . . ' principal's office a t Uie high schi this week.

I Registration U.to be conducted claues as follows: Preshmen.Tuc

• day. August 20: sopliomotts. Wedn. V**' ^ sy , August 37: Juniors, Hiursd. ■J*" Auguti 38; seniors. Priday. August

Tlie hours, for reglslraUon wlU from 9 to 12 A. M,; 1 lo 5 P. M., a 7 to 0 P. M.

- ! Only one foot ipeciallst la Tv i-heaj rsU s Pbone 84t. Dr. ro a te r.. Af l ho' . _______________:___________i iEe-1 — • w as;h a d ! ____________ __ _______t _ ___


a t

. KIMBERLYrjx- ' I


t ' “ A D e c i d e d l y B e t t e i

« i D a n c e F l o o r ”

■ L E E L 0 ( 3 A N ’S

S: S H A D O W L A N D


H - D A N C E

w F’ SL _ _____________

V P R I C El i b : a n d g o o d B e r r l c e l .

i r s h a v e b e e n g e t t i n g

a l i t i e s - y o u i c o u l d - w a n t —

' r e g u l a r p r o g r a m . ,

r w i n d s h i e l d F R E E . ........

X : i A L

C E ™/

xp an y 71 w e s t, -•’a r t s I h o n e 2 9 8 ...............N 0W D e p a r tu re u d b e a r in g D W rlb a to u ^ i

' ■ .1 ' ■


G o v e :

e i o c i i i: PlTFJlLCf

mmmAgriculture Departme

commcnis Sowing F Growing .Pasture

--------- ;---------------age-and Hay


* ^ Winter Wheat, Rye ar ley Appear Good L

Autumn and Earl Spring Feed

. '(By T ''* I I>]

W_ A S U 1 N G 1 0 N ..; — Em tTK fiicy IRC um l fecd in tr

ods t o p re v e n t dep le b re e d in g ■ liv esto ck in w h e re th e ciroiiirht Imi

- ----------- o(i up oxistinK p iis tu rirccom m cndeil by th o m e n t o f nK riciiltu re.

^ Fnll'S ow n pn » tiire s , Rrowing hay erops nnd maxi of rouKhaRM sre ursed by

• reauB t>f animal and dairy• to remedy the serious feed

ntid Ect.tloeic lltrouBh tiv nnd early »prliu[., W lnler'»heai. rye and

make excellent late fatt ai • sprln* pnjlurta. In man

lies these crops ean be Rroi (ully Iq vlnler and early *pr allowea lo mature a grain

Rye In Sonlb In 'the soutliern part o f

belt and in the collon belt adaplwl varieties of r jc w the mojt puturoRC. Ryi

V ^ le u liable to wlnl«-klU. m Com stubble Rround mas< 3*fe<l flulcUy witft s dlw

Moro teed than usual sh plaotcd, wllb % (crimzer rlc rogen, to Induce quick and 1 growth.

Millet, sudui g reu and ar« A reownablff rlik for hii^ beTore froet In south* t J ^ If ralll eomeii to all< la s before August»).

Rye and veUh In the pa rt of the diousht area, winter oats and vetch In t may be aeeded this fall a cither as hay or pasluntg ipriog.

SilageAU the com crop tha t

mature and is not too dr' be (umed Into tUage. 1

ghums also 'a re ' sood sllei Euch rouBhagcs os corn io tUaw should be stacked unc Turnips, which can be sow: as the mldille of August In i llonj. provide a succulent, feed wllh rougliases.

Soybean straw.nnd swee chaff are good emcrgenc; W llh good rains betore St


------ ’J— --------- Aa'ofl'yori'iw hed y o tt w

^ thebU L A nd i_ — _ — ----------- -— ^ o fn im m erd

~ ! t w o a ’c d (

■t T h e te 'i . . . amoDg m otoA . - _ ' t i p j l h i r t i

j r r i m e n t

C K■ 5 ( y M

-------r r ------- ' V \ — ^ “ utAment Rc- C \g Rapid \ \ j J uurc- i ^

V ■-VE . - V f t V -


and Bar- I Ti h i s m ap a h o w s th e coi

ILate — — iarly — —------------------

i I*rcs\) . . 1 1 1.- A u i r ._ 2 5 _ .______________________ _


in nrcaH >iMiH-burn- Orpheum thffltrciJjoira thi .u re s o r e chnni|)lon*hlp-flclil.-plciiirc10 d e p a r t- only of JacU Sharlcey nr

Schmelini; tukcn a t the Yun

“‘■‘Ifd Bttnicilon 10 the-regi ‘h /Mture.iry lndlsiry Appearing !n the ,m ost •ed shO'iaKC plciuro ol hls carecr. Hool the winter >n "Spur*.” lia latest

sal releue. ^nnd barley Pocked lo capacity will) th [ and eur)}' action |5 susiawc<i Dinuisiu lany loeall* ing "SyurV irtmrndous Ior jraied o r e - wcaicrn romance. Never has aprlnR. then nppeared to euch advaiitiR aln crop. uocs In this picture. Ue rl I Ilclils his way lliroush theo f (he corn bre.iili'lnklng /'«i}ue:!CM IDs bett locally HIV the Ians from Ihelr seat s will make The story includes a lliril nye^ aUo u dco in which Hoot Olbson g !• ^ oMili most remarkable pcrlo may t a prc- n i riding huckJnR bronchos, llw harrow n ic romantic element Is n

shou d be i,,g; w righi, n char.ii ■ rictt In mt- ,],g ttininlne rolend luxuriant gibson. Humor Is supplied

eicapades of Gilbert Holmo 'rue strong supportniB cast

poKd ol nobcrl Jlomanj, oiiow J i l ’ CUrk. Buddy Hunter. Wlllla allow sted McCullough, Care northern ®‘'" ' Morrison and Arilc ea, and O'e. ■in the south

and ilied sudan gnus. mlileC and i rage in the may bo planted os en

"caleh-crops" for liay; In lli sorghums and cowpeos, and

a t will not larly In the gulf siutes. so; drv should Ollienvlso they should proi Tlus tor- and wJjjlcr pnilurafic. •

illaRO feeds. Such garden cfops as busl . fodder and bceU, early maturing roastl under cover, cucumbers, lettuce, muAlar lOWD na late Ishes, splnacli and tu rtle s In most see- planted 4n late frosl areas, :nt, liutallvc bureau ^ f plant Indu^iQ-.

weel clover l A \ ^ MOWER51, bllAUl ency feeds, B j^eC tro-K eea proceu, <

September. w ay.rA ck Bailey. 310 4th Si

w h ere •I w aa t it, a im p lf w o b ’c $11 ie l l Pe □ d ific w o a 'tff le e t th e s trk ln g rade ( c d r in D p — be*ttad -speed~ .— S t if f

c d o e ltb e f . U ; . cnudte*I I- besc i a m t y t h l a ^ ' D cre ra o tor ojls, it’i Pe^IlzoU .’P e ^ 13,(K11 i r t j r j u a ’i l - im l f t e r c t f to il SJg

1 L - 4 - -

' ■ . J g W W -F AT.T,<l-T j

t U r g e s I

t i L

_____ _ ■ ' a r ^ j ;

w ' / • /^ k w t /HAitru I c**!

„ !> , c •—---- ------- J 51 60 „ \ U

-------“ TtVM E

: co n d itio n o f pa .slu rc la n d s a s o f A i


3 the world's Marlon Davies’ newest all* iturca lo<ii>y picture, •The Florodora Olrl."’ nnd Max ;oI the Gay Nineties, will be sll Yankee sta> ihe Idaho theatre tomorro Same Is on TIiurMlay.TCguIur p1c> An Imposing easl wns selec

U)ls piciure, including La osl excitlne Orny. who played o|iposlt( (ool Olbsoi) Davies in "Marianne;" Walu test Univer> lelt. the sUgo comedian, r I seen in H U fi.^ ia " and "I) thrills. Iho Whiic-s fiCandalT:" LouU Joh tUHJioul Bly- o I.'T lie Show Off;I lorce os a Ilarcty, Nance O'Neil. Ilka Chai has Olbson l«« Oakland. Jed Prouty and

iitiRC aa he AlllsWr and a group ot mlno ,e rides andthe Illm hi nie-suir>- was w itten bj

I tJial lu)rl>’ Marl:i'y uddlUooal dlalc seatft'' ' Raliiii Spence, Al Doasberg an

llirilllne ro- Hopklns., H trry Deaumc on Rives one(crlormanees Include a rejirlse ol muny I ,1,03 old popular tunes renderedIs (iat lack- cborw, U w encc Gray eln

iar.iilriR act. ““"iber called "My Vrole onDOSllelMah." I'V ^llled b y t h e Swwiari. Clifford Grey and ilmci. n ‘«-cast Wcom-- Inlonnallon Is that '.Tlic

lanj, Frank dora Ulrl" lifplcis Uie Julv William Hert- nnd the romance ol one;>I tm Cap Ander- bcrs ot the "Florodora Ge

Arile Oricso, which was Uie sensation ot li • #80. Tills bevy o l beauties h

---------------- morc romanile intcresl thiid COWDCU choru^glrls In the

emerBcncy of the thcaire. U Is.sald . c in the t>ouih substantiated auilioriiy that and partlcu- of. these glrb married mllllou I. soy bcnns. ^ lose who imve -seen i provide fall -jiiois" of "Tlio Florodora 0 • porl thm It is by tar Uie hes

busii bcSns, Davies has done since oasllng dm. old NewYork" and" Qualltyi lAlard, rad- 'i^ s may he 'tas, u y s the INSTauCTlON IN 001 y. John Geeruen, prolesslonal----- . will be a t the Counlry etub TfIAU1’E.SEI) and m d ay . Call Dr. Smllh. MS, iPactorj see Mr. Qeerlaen at Country < ih S t.N . adv lessons. Adv. ,

i c a t i o n ^ .

m e M l l ShnTdo> •• •


e re — -why m ore w e n e ro d e a le o P cnc2oU tb a a *ay o th e r ' U gh-

de oiL ■o u ry o tif -« a e io f l-w ith -* -fre * i '— akcMc full o f Penntoil, u d youll v r tise tny other olL 3.000 dealers dlspUy the Peon- W . 1 S/go. Bof w b«« /o « M« i t ;~ ^ *

• *


E m e r g e !

w w fi«n*M r. y/rwrato.*' .

August 1, on the banis o f 100 o s no t

Real Estate Transfer

S f l ! u F)miiibed by tte InUnaonnU T1U« O oaranij Ccmpany

'ID I fl AUGUST" aWarraniy deed: Jacob P. Stol

■lEATRE J' J- S’S: *01 3.more.

‘ Quitclaim deed: T«.-ln Fall# c<all-talking to J, J. Long, »1; lol 7. block 3. r l."u tlo ry niore. _: shown a t i w arranty deedrDIamoli3~! irrow and ware company lo J. J, U ng, »i:

21. block 3. Wllmore tract, elected tor Warranty deed: John M. Y<

UwTcoee to C. E. Und, fUOO; iot 33, bl« lilie ■ MW Tuln PalU.alter Cat- ---------------------------I. rcconlty | i . 7#d "George . j o oeUe tnd Retnm John Dar*lOff;" Sami SEPTEMBER 6THJhase.Viv- rrom Twin Palls via Oregoa l md Claude Line RaUroad. Tlckela good on ilnor play- coaclics or chair cars, Umlted f<

I turn to home desllnnllons b by Gene midnight Beplember 8ih. Ask

la l lu e by agent lor deulls. adv.[ nnd Rob-' . —umoni d l-| ,■he picture ~y lomliiarired by aelngs they Kind otby Herbertand Andy - -

Hie Floro- advcnturrs : tne mcm-Semette," M T?

Bt au yeiiia \ /S has held Wthan any | | ^

liie hlitory r>.Ifl, Oh weU ' ^ \Fiat ali six . \ Vllotialres, i advanceX Girl” r f- | J ^best thlni' . I

ice "Little . r V\Ity Street.".

QOLFinai golfer,, . .I ThursdayUh. m , dr • 'ry elub for

^ ■ d i & 4 i a i

^ Tlie finest (hin]

, 5 tlic finest.thir

Cheap things

- _ one.place whi

. ' ' fragrant. ScTiil

' either enter o

! ’ dual siandardsI ■ ,

\ como from?

) , ■ is apt to bc

— -------------;— A— Q-u -a-h

I f Y o u

i i i i r c are 4 :

:— ^ - *1' Cofiee ❖ T(

) 5 ^ -j U A a f ' ' , . . - .

c ‘ .


s n c y P l a i

5 'i i i i i ih SMIEIIHit•70 _> • **S '? ' Mrs. Edgar Moorman Gde! .a Heim ol Ladies’ Aid S ” iety' at Tnnual ■'ilecl

MURTAUOH. Aus. 1F,ilir>- 1111,1 M lu Rulh Drown '

fof the,Ladles’ Aid so< "nitirjclny nl lhe home of Mrs.: hry. Mrs. Fnhcy, os preildenl,

. i:i cliiircc'of thcjmcellnj. Miss I »rnan took fhargB of Uu toUo

............idcvotloiiul exercises: • Sonp,H'rlfiiit r iU v e Called Jesuj.-,'•J U AU the W orld'to Me," and (he Child ot the King;” scrip

'* g riMiliiiK. One-Hundred Bev IV;i1jii, by MKi JlulJi Brown, At

n n rm n ) bii;liitfA mctllnK the' following normal■ — • jf.ir: I*rcslilent, Mrs. Edgar M

vlcv pfcshlcnt, Mrs. P. J. — — ,hry: m-crcUry, M n. U 8. Blel: « a re ' i f " ' ‘f r . Mrs, William D. Lir • e r s -I'he IH'XI mi'ciinu wUi be held------ - icmbi'r 4. In ulicndnnee were:lonulfl >'■ I- Carmen, Mrs, McConnell.

MfUi'c, Mr*, William U, Undau. aoy i.loj’ii Jnin, Mrs. LouUo Johi______ ' .Mr.<. C. E. UrlRw. Mrs. G?orRe I----------- Mrs.— f^nfc-B m djhsw ,-Stolt* to I*' 3 \V l . l ^ ' ' ' ‘' ' ‘ Mrs. Rm-ell Car

; Mt', W. It. Slckatus. Mrs. Ray J lu /vii.tnw ^Irs. James Doylp. Mr*. .

5 Wll I’l'i " ‘■'■ihrck. Mrs, Uoyd Davis,* " " jKJiMr Mo:>rmaii. .Mr*. P. J. Fl

I F,iliry, .Mn. TltUi- OusUIsoi),. „ . Illoimie Walchtioll*. .Mrs. W,• y°'**^iU ark.i and Mlui Rulh Brown, moc* 72.. Mf. Mrs, L, c . Cruse. Ar

j M, Kan.'M, fthlvcd Friday for a l:a the John Uland home,I Mi'.s Marjorie Moyes. Ogdei

J, jinakmi: un eMcnded vUll with and .Mrs. D.ivld O. Moyes ond ;

I • - Illy,on Short I MurtaiiKh Gmngrni will met ] only In ’a:i open mccll:!:; August 77 ol ?d for re-liclitKtlhoiiM'. Tlio 4-H Sewing IS before Cwklni: clubs will demonstrate Ask local Mimini-r work. A special proR

[ei'x t lhe supervision ot Mrs. '

3 E

o f . a i M i B i f i a V O c

Ilings grow ivhcre ofily fine lliings

things are made by those who

gs arc like weeds. Tlicy arc coi

wliere only fine cofTecjs produ

JiBnn^ "^pasting robm H ^o .2 nd

r or leave that placc. Tlicre an

irds of quality. Wliere then Is I

? Tliere arc many cxccllciit o

be uniformly good, day after (!

> M -Y — S U ) - c _ J ^ L ( w u j i ^ u K n ,e w A l l O f

4 3 important f a c t s abe

Tea *^,8010115 Powder' 4* 4 2 S

" ' t e i S i'■ ribflSclhilMig;

A U 0 U 3 T '26. i m

n s T o A i___________ \

Pin iQ ;C arm pn,^ls Jfclng prepared for

U l U 1 M1;JI Frances Ward lell Friday -P .-orh. lUlnols, where she wiU

l i r f * ; « l l h her aunt. Mr*. G, E. McMi i i ' r S . a i K f attend Iilgti sehonl. j j . I . U | licv, P..E, Finley. Porl)anrt;

.llvrrcd IWO sermons'here Suik : Aueust 24. a l the morning nnd c

J f l . i n . 'n in i services, a t the Melho Uba lu ci,i,reii._ 8|>ecla] muilc wm ri

I Soc. ; » i ^ 'i " 'A xhowrrTTs g lv tn 'ln lioiio: eClIU nlM r,. K iy Pffklns n iu rstlw oi

I homp ol Mrs. Minnie Plckelt; ■ .loliowtng jiersont cont^lbiitrd to'

•s. P. J. nf<»:ram. whfeh.was inlder chedli rn were lion ol Mrs, Jsne Tnn Adiun.* soclely Mr.\ Mlnrile Plckelt. Mr.v L C»: K

lrs. Fn- iman, TMm I’alls: Mrs, Avo Cox,! >nl, wits'Marie-Neilion. Alta C hrblolitr u n u t h Annlp Ooodman. Qerlrudc u d jJ/owljiCiWy-Lnura P e c t ASCcr gnineJ KS, VA «oft>i*u delicious rc/Tejhmcms/.»• “Jesuj »cncd.'''<o^t(im M nce vest-J i lid "I'm' L O. K lrkm j?rtlr» . Hansetv' 1 crlplurc Kdnii Stokes, Mra. Oertlia Mat ]| Seventh ^en. .Mrs. A. L. Smllh. Mr*. Vitk , Al tho lljurling, nnd Mrs, Raechel iIuk ring ot- uU ot Twin Fails; Jane E vJ Ad cn»u)ns wn, Mrs. J. 1, Tolman. Alli c i r Moor- loIIcrKin, Alvervlla DelclW. Mli . J . F.«- Plcketl, Mrs, IV k e tl, Oerii'ude l lel: nnd erui. .Mrs. Atrfclla Plfketl. Ma: Llndau. Tolmaii. Morlo Nellion. Mrs. A. •Id Sep- tclnsoii. Oeneva Moyes, Annie Oi re: Mrs, mnn. Emma ERberl. Ida Bro>i :ll. Mr.v Mal)el Egbert. Knte Clawjon. R au. Mrs. ulc Moycs, Fay Perkins. XriiUi tohnion, bert. MlUle Perkins. Sylvln Itan le H an - liobina Adanvion. Jennie Perl w,-Mr^.• Ct«Bf_aoou-,-Ftor«inj-l.ff.-CK i. Mr.1. Tolman. Mae. Perkin*. Elva Pa Carlu)n. Myrtle Exeter, lla Wllhtle. Mrs. lyJoch- Cox, Laura. Peck. Medena Pie •*. Aur- and Genevive Rowley.t-ls, Mrs, Mbs Mona and Mlts Relit L

FaJicy. nurlp>-: spenl Sunday nnd .Monde 3,-Klns. Oie J_^I,JTolman homo here, jtherlne Mrs, Jmeiililhe'Work arrived li n, Mrs, Tliursdny alier u three-week W. J, III lira.\S Riinge, Montana,

k'n. Clarence Lee. Miss Amy L ee,: Argon- Ramola Lee, Miss Angeiyne U'o

r a visit Janicji Lee, all of Lm Angeles, v ed relnllves hero Tliunday and

iden. b duy.,llh Mr, M n, Cornelia Martcnson. 8ani nd Iain- Cc lorado, spent lasl week iiere v

In; tier nephew and lamlly, Mr. meet nt Mrs, Oeorae Decker..' a t liic Services being conducted by Ing and Mennonlle ciiuroh In n tent la Ue Ihclr nnclo here arc drawing large cn irogram, cacli evening, rs. G. I- Mrs. Jumes Boyle cnlerliUnci

f a s i & i i

Igs are tolerated. Likewise,

0 make only fine tilings....... ..

contagious. There is only

)duced. That place is the *


arc no cheap blcndsj iio '

the finest cofiee apt to

, colTces — but which onc

• day, week after week? •

1 T W «» T q T -TT P f t N

F T h e F a c t s ' ■

ibout Schilling P r ^ u c i T ^ ^

5 Spices 3 1 Extracts

. ______________________


idParcho f i i T s i i: : j w 1 1 1 8 1uiKliiy. • _____ . ■' 'VId eve- . ''-------

Cars Driven'iiy Israel St , oraves ajid. Miss Em

;J Howetli Encounter iVlisii ■■ ■ '

'dlrqfc- HAILEV. AiiiJ, i.’—Sitiirdav [tr un.Wn: ed lo be an unlucky day for !«o : Hailey's moiorlsl*. Mrs. l.^rnel fi X, Mrs. gra^'es received severe injuries lo ' lerf^n. hip wherf lhe car driven by Mr. S

grave# lelt the road and shot off eY«3d e/nbsnkment neor the NoriJi F :&(.wctc •— • - —

i Mrs', a' party In Mbnor of her ii’aiisli / lliin- Josephine, on the occaVon nf (iTKlnlj birthday nnnlvcrsnry Friday nti luKhr.A, noon. Guests ucrv: Ada IIr.Mb> Adam- Vivian Heilbcck. Laurel True. K Clirl'- Aitdersop, MarRiixel Llndau. Bit Mlmile Callen. Wllma Jean Undau, Joe C le Rob- len. Belly Perkln.v Mrs. Wllllnm Martha Llndau nnd Mrs.' C. C, Callrn, A. Al- hCn, Martin Umfjlield und i OooiI- Marlle. )r„ who liave been visR

roftjini. nl tho-J. W.-UobeW.H home here,I. Rfm- Thursday, for Salt Lake Clly. I lUi Ek- sister, M lu Eleanor Uubrrts, nccc tandrll, panled her homo and her sLMcr- ’erkln*, law, Mrs. Donald RoberI.v nnd c ‘Oswie rfrefi. a«omi>iJnlcd'‘j7rr"nv-rar- Payne. Simnlsh Fork. Utah, lo viMl wii! rs. Avo sisier.Plckclt Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Townc i

sons, W anen nnd Kemiclli. Ii I Lowe. Wisconsin, pre vWllng Mrs. Tow; nday nt sister nnd family. Mrs. Enocli Da;

and children,J l,om»------------- .—rk vlsll ------------- ------------------- ----------

visit. m vS /OURktr. aifd


^ NECESSy o u i !

— -------------------- . y

ndnc ia l I yau. 6u l thdn lh e ronlcsasc y o u Jpen

F ire Ins' sldndpo li o f p rese i c o n s is lc r e v e n d u r

A n d this d n c e sen lf ia n 2 5 C thc -N a tlc — has m p u b lic V ( lic ir SCO

R w

*7" Y o u r fir«_ , in d c m n it


____ . •. - * p ro v id e s■ ic e s tO T

ia b o rd to a n d d e v fire h«z< c o d e s — I lio n — o r

, o ih e r vc ■ lo w e r tl d u c c the

' A iKorcS i p c k F i

------------------------------- — d a e s r ^ :fd c il ilie r

i jr e d u c liose q u e n ll

— ‘f f ^ p u b j

T H E N A T I C F I R E U r <

_ • W M n

ioK A G O, 111 W ist A d u u S tru t

------- 1 | -Ji H W twf PrmiiM tfea

1 ^ .

l e d A r e ij r b'«dge.” 7 l r . E^igravts w u dtlr L .\oulhwatd when lhe iccldent oec I red. MUs Emily Howeth tAd

companion,- Mts* B«6 Howm, i I T f t bruised and.shaken when tha j 1 1 L car Oity wtre rldlnr U h it the i l l l l o l the bridge Just south of HU

M lu Howeth lost control of the i ■ chine on a sharp tum a t .the hrli

She had Just returned from CollISea- nla. , _

MtsM* Kathleen poitr^ Bud Ou milV Place lelt Saturday for Bolsc'aed

'' allle. Tliey' will attend tlw Unhshan »''>• 0' WMnmsratnJiirrtar;—

M arl MaUory ond fomlly are Jpylng a camping trip this week r

«o ot fiea-

;o her p a l a

5 : Flies carry*

atior- ' ■ ,B germs:C al- V

. Kill ThemI son.SR1»>; Quick!

Her B J U . I H:com- XVVLTiUrtttter-ln- . , W lU tfS ^

r * o r --------------IPI IPle and H _ ■Irom ■ ■ ■

n ■sayley B ' N

EST;iTy....JR fire Insurance dollar for lemnity— for immunity against fi---

loss wiien calamity overtalces lut that dollar bu>» so much more le Indemnity it pays for that It 5 one of the most effective dollars end.

nsurdncc/ from the indemnity sint dloncy is one of the cheapest ienl-day necessities. Its cost has ently declined for many years— urins the period of war inflation. -

)is In spite of the facl that Insure" jrvice-—as rcnd*cred by the more 50 Slocic companies constitutfns tional Board of Fire Underwriters muitiplied lls activities for the welfare and greatly enlaraed


e iw f c / i ln c / fng/fiecrtng

irc Insurance dollar may pay fof lily only, but for good measure

OCK FIREes engineering and resear^Tserv- rmake fife-and pro^oe/iy-safe^- tories In' which to test materials tvices—scientific measuremen.t of izards*— building construction -arson detection and Invesllga-. organized fire preventiorv-and voluntary measures designed to lhe fire waste and thereby re*

he cost of fire insurance.

iroiish understanding of whal Fire.Insurance really means and -and gre£Wr pt;bllc uie o f ’JtJ 5S—will result In a ‘still further- ion cf the fire waste ap d a corHi Illy greater service lo the Insuiy^

5(ecfc >7m riiidraiM

T O SiSt.........hy O pM t-A t*^ k V«7

O N A L B O A R D O P . N D E R W R 1 T B R S ;,,X ..,

hn S«M^«Ntwyork;-U-'''.v-0 , .IAH n i w

' a r a j f e

r t f t « l w r w w C w w w lari(ifcW ^ i > !

P W F o i lf

" J l " ■ .T W iN m u s c A itr i ^ ■ t t j i i c u m o K m t S

fU tU I U AOTUlcr

-------------- ----Oa* UMU

iB und t l Mcenfl ou* m u--------- AptU l.- in irM tb* MMinc*^

. . . _ . t tr to . uitfw (bt *e« #11 u n . •,

lMu«d tw rr BOralBt tu fp t 1 T«ia nil*. TviA n iu cowit. ii1 U M T «isn iuK m ruB iiiu s(i

• nm nauM uw.

M' . AMocuMd n m i* fumu~~',Z------:-----n u « w i a t BM l#t puMMUe' I n t n ditpticbM CTtdiifd to I t

' eihtnriM m diud id tbU ptpti- i — ' s i i . f f s . w w t s ;

pttchM k tttls Uto rtHTvrd.

n * Nt«t H ■ BttBbtr ol Ul B U itt et Clrculiuau. tie s *

, ■,!ifam>U3Bu tuciiniiiUOB o r( ' tilnra upoa tpplletlioo. 'Offt

lonMUOB tuppirt4 leuii; (ipes'

li ,r.i-jrrj■ " ■ irtph i or .euitr cootrtbuitd

. ArMutt lu a D i i i t t a . t o i pub ' ■ rboujit Bot «*crM Urt* tiusdtr'

In .Itatth asd tboiud b* nni opiet B( ciuTtal ictirru loltittl. iiBuut comsunMiloat o> (but loi or Stauai ib ptrtoDtlllln <

' M pgbiubtd. Mb mtstuaipu itiumtd uoltM tm np itu rd ti]m ;? potuit. _________


Nt* TeiR. CBlctta, t to m s iu AblttM. StIlUt.

■ ' JLitOME COL'STY fillO

Ui«(y compKed cfiisu» s tupport with dediiite ^denCM'flf'rtpId'Browih’of iii(

I j i^tde eoui)(0 ’> *nd imrtlcuUrl I : • ome Coumy. ih#l have bcrn

rne durlnr the pau yeir o Other Counllet httve tcqu crcii«r number of InhibiiaDt

— I------------Jag the bul. *I Ir.crcMe In popuUtion frotII fhouoiintf teren hundred tnd ' ' ly«nlnc to tight thousand threi

.....- . dred and *lxlj'-one, Jerome CAhovt an Increase of /orty-fl\ nlne*tenih* per cent. «hieh

. e.-etter pertcnUge ol IntrrtM !ar ati)' other Idalio County.

This gratKyint Increate Is i I evitable result of certain (icton

ins (or rapid development o: J^orUi SJde couolry durlni

, ' year or t»o. The period ot de I menl is ot more reeent origin I

I: region than In olher irrljntci ; lloiu of (he s ta te . : u virgl

' hftsnolbeenapoJJedbyJJl-fons croping meihods. and 11 n bcunteoua harvests. And, I compleUon ol the American re«ri-6Ifliird''ripId"p7ogrMri

t i bulldlof ot (he Ooodln; canal (0 Ihe North Side t aupplec water supply tha l Insurea abur Ior au IrrlgaUon rtquirtolenu

The growth ot Jerome Count Ing the p u l decode is typical earlier ita g tl'o t dtvtlopmtni I

; eessful Irrigated reglona ot llte l l Is a matter lor gratllicaUon Iriends ot. Idaho: .


One remedy for tjrlcullur, preasian m m * to have been Ig

. In a{| llu lreaxi<d qmji tor during these last lew years. 1

During (he World War the / . ean larmer prospered more lha

6e/8fft War aJwaj j puU < pn on foodiiults, bccause there a

«ork. vho have to be (cd.. At ture' benetltted u much u In during th e 'tu t w«r. I t rould i less benetu likewlM lo tuture

• ' A blj war might even have IIhls year'a drouth. There Is

' dltlon t lu l It alvaya rains' m } ' B*r llmt, poulbly tecause i

cannonading.' Though to te

— — Mlnr-t*tsuse-eiye-p<eple-M*«

M w t than merely Jiuman^ I ' rtasoni, however, m ight,detti

the mosi belUgtrenl tarmer | | warning war ‘ to b ^ m farm : I The same war lhal trought u>

cultural prosperity deitrcpyeC I prosperity. Our farmers, Ilk

maijutaclurer*. gretUy exp tlK lr'm eans ot produclion<i

I the var. and UltewlM exp (litlr Siraa o( protiu 6o th

|1 sion. The farmer vaa llrat I - |j hls^war protlta and ts taking li

!' ■ I to recover.


A ■ - ■ LordBeauchampbtEPtlaiidi 9 ^ - ^ ^ i n g ” A «rtcai-»aya:-..-.rao -lo

O re it B rilila ean eousl vpo j | }| u a launee ofyounj aod rtsoroiM I ......... Honii i uah-»a acl(»ioy<rBtn g <l!

io n i.I fedau re 'lhM lor'm tny ^ . * to come the,IMUah Empire muj f l - J the world Ifl pnyiratli'e democ i ' ' . Alao, h e m lcb t’h m a a ld ,.p n ja IU power.' Oreat BHUln b no

J* ' ‘ hub of 1 wheel of »orU-<mpJn “ “ »tni'fc'itoufJiub.-'% ut-crentui

(he wheel M i t totelbir. J t » dominated by Uie domlnloiu :

I the rim-eipecliLUr O audii, Al


■ K s i K i i f r a ' )

Y f lP W t (icken.-'T fte tieed la n«v bcu piled. On September 3 there la

Tie tu be placed In operation a new ' i t t e speed ayalcm whlcli wilt eirr;

" 'K S Vork Stock BchangB quot . , !■ — I J t iJ jrom houfthe UnJied Sialt BtU uK itr, Canada with marvellous et(< r t i o f S * nti*. I t v-ill be able to repoi . •. jsUllOQ aliare days vlthout tu r

FpTuoBdJi. hair, and will ha \c little dlKlci t^ j j f - c a re .o r .ic v c D millioi eight million sliare days.

O P itn i The country, as aiivonr fan ttJoTotH j prepsrfd to Ro on annilirr* prosperity Jarobofte' .bMllB. AJI ~ .-,p«IU Bit. - tiistW HKIlK

*• fivltserland is fscin* an as* »;onrii 'o a rM o u destroyed crop« of vheai, cn:i 5n*nSum •'nd (rult. Pricfj are -\osSToTTr t *•'* fui"'’'! *Ipl*. pbot«. eaiintry miut d*priid on Cm pubiicatioajdrrt ■ « « ‘:i ( may be a itiiull I'iulirr. ii. xnllpta u . • t«i. AnoB> cvenis arc rrclinncd. Ilii‘. ItiSii f«Vi'i*Doi •-‘J* I fl ' SviM ppOj)> ns nil f m"b««5I a»flcuitural mUfoVln'ne.' nre '

Maybe more .so,I r i v i * ^ —1-----------------------nctroiidf. . _____________________ __iDMce. Ua

— S O C I E T Yiitow s w / J

AVO Cr.UB*« rri^rns Ura. R. B. WIfllun*[iirrn fH . •• . Bjjjpj ]g | ■•.-i i i r x 6 r l h " --------------------------------------larly Jer* ^ -rn appar- Mcnibcr.i «( tlic Women'.'F « r <«vi Clul) ami f.lnllllr^ in ‘ ‘ ' the Twin Fnlls county lalh ku

tqulred a , i Sundoy lur tliclr ».ants dur> club picnic. Atler r bininilful1, with an nlc_w;«crmelon wu* srrvtd lo

sFxiy' per*oni«. Tlie ■rrrrnouilIrom tue M>dniiy.ind {s« i- , _____hree hun- The Btandard Urnrcr* o( thr ^le County EpUcopiil Churcli rn]o)• Uvr. anrf fUD|)or t'rlday e\cnli

in c Biia country home of lime Pitchllch Is B erawrd inoKirlni: i» Ihr new eue l lltn inrlum. Nal Soo I’ah, lor u j>y. In (he b lg » o I .Is an in-tor* mak- bI her coumry home SiiUir«l.ij' t ot the nliitf Ior lormer .Mudeni.i ot Lu

Die M st MeMtnnvilIe. Orecon’ evening wns spent socially and oe»ciop- Kenneth

In In that derson nav. » nuinlxr of nuated sec- .lelectloiui. Hc[re^llm(.'nt^ witre ireln solt Those present vere Mr, ilnd «„.i.4.«..i Wurbcrt!, Mr. and Mrs. onsJdrrfd jaclwoii, .\flfs .\HWred C

relums tlansen, Mis* il« Klodt, MtuI, llnally, Cunnlnulinni, MUi Ruby ’ Wni •an l’'»Ik Kenneth llfiiOerfon, HiiMcl i^ I i T t o -------------nal bring Members o( the }^)ls«Mpniirplemental ■»d tlielr (uniiliM enjoyed s [

dinner v illi ttaleruiclon iii M

Uanbury nmmoriuin, la%t r lUnly dur- Mrs. E. K. IliiyN iwill mtrrt.-iii cal ot the 1 ' " ’" 'J s<-|iic

........ ............

I t e s u . . . c o m b i n e M /IK ER F IL E

" A P P E A L FROM JU D G MJ, I. C m roinp:iiiv. throuiil

( attorney. IJ. /{. ’m riter. Poco ptiDV "* dliilrlci court here yest< ruKK nollee o( lta uppeul to the stnl

preme court (rom Judjmeni en lurai oe- |,jre In favor ol J, II. Troendl. n Ignored. Hollister, whu ctatmrd dhmacea /o r r c M *'’* Case rotnpany on account <

Thi.1 I. '" ““ >■ oiwfal'o'' of * cot; ' harvr*ter purcha.wl trom the

company last sfa.vjiK.Thc Judg le Amerl- canccll-d the ^ontrnct lor pun ihnni-v»r 0 dcvict, iiiid awarded Tro

" ncl damaRfs In the auin of JIO premium lojcltier v lth return of hi.% t

'e are big down payment and c»nccllatl< iroductlve '» paymeni (or the

-------------I Indusir)' The Onkiid Kuplcls. Miehlgan ijd doubt- niclpal sc)ricc director haa or lira VIM mlrrora removed from aU city• . V . t:cv*lor«'.j • . . - p . . ve helped . j - . . . J —Is a tr t- ' Antemliu mid' fiog'th Atrlco

i' more \n Amcnen's vindmlll cx « ol halt tlw tolal ptjjduclloi

. tell the -------- — '■ .■.■=i-..TJ=^=

anjtarlin •; ^ster even i f l l | I Jner tromm prices.' g H P f l H | * p r e t us agrl- a s ' l s ^ )»ed that T O D A Y — I

expanded A d d e d A t t r a c t i o

expanded ■ T h e O f f i c i a l R J

w o r l d ’s H e a v y

It (0 loee ‘ b e lw ee n JiicK S h iirk cy Ig longest Schm eH nK .' ‘H Jerrann C

d lu m N ew . Y ork C ity ._____1.- o c c u r ru J jii - th tr j iij jH ld i

* th e a n n o u iv fe r a n d th e up p h p lo R ra p h y . A r in

»un.. in c o n ju n c tio n t f i th tf ie

r ; : H O O T ^9 ro u tu - J . llil II J ^ i i i g ' c L pdsmt&«iny-i'eto —nuslleiid I I

plre. H I ^ itua iir If' _______

u round I . ~

’ Also Comei' . ‘ Today only: Ma

■ “■ — -^ E te n in j: Children'** Pfease note: The Gitmisved. It again tomorrow wUBflireoUiit ' ter*t4Xk

s M S S ir = SELECISIEIlieffecllve- _ _ _

report (ne ------ ---.lu m in ea to Guitle ClassGS in

“ n , S ; T r u s t e N am e In s tru ,

, j 'In 's l l tu i io n s o f W e s tfan we, U Iiilirr Ji!<ick; —- • -CASTLEroRO. Aug, JS -T li . ] lowing teachen lT«rr‘been cmi

M o-i«e ft-ln -rhe-c« jJefw C T i lUK during ihe ewiulnj year;

school—S. U, Ilayi, superlnier n aprlciil-. Wlnltred rryer, Allen Van Alfs Qr,n< ii»;e ' instructor haa not yei

Itmployed. O ra d e t-^ u tle lo rd cnrii. P’ -,iind» BhurU, Mvenih and el

le -soariii::.' Earl Hudaon. (Iflh and alxth; fi r d . . •i,ift-lK r)yp.tra.thlrdandtourih:D o

iCunnigham. first and aecond.

! eighth; Mildred Potter, inter r. Si »o::d I tte ; Neva'PoniT'lover jr tH e i;' t ' s iP t ' M**' U n.’Ruby'Moycr. upper"*;

Carrie Todd, lov^r grades. K ' .school, Erma Al*■^od.u e 10 tn. < Mrs. Lee Shaver and Mra.

Utter vere hosteue* tor the M disi Ladlet' Aid wctoty meeil the church here 1’hursday. Tl

: temoon vas devoted lo a disci .o t plans Y of lh# club’a nexl

I A party compoted of Ute J X . EUle llcsselholi. OUdys and Mai

I'TJjonuu; Horen tnd CM tl H „ I hoJt. IJarold HjarrUon and Or

: Thomus, returned Krlday atter i , to Yellovstone park and Tetoi

I ' iloniV purk.'------- -----------------I Tlie tiun'lllrs of J. M. ."viid

n> I'ruii-! Tliomaa motored (o Artesian or mi'l In . <l*y. v lv re tlicy niei other m«j

r Kroumls'^f ‘f»e Thomas fftmlly trom Ir anniiul Durley and Jerome lor the u itiful p ic J*“n>lly reunion.I 10 aboul returned Sundayi,„-yif-i*g Puyetie Lakes, w here.ho and

family' have been spcndlns the mrr. Mr* JJay« and cJjlWrer

llip Mrlll- Do!**

kcnlni: a ll

a t t h ^ o t e l

u j>Jwi)>'C( _ PEH H INE-;.,W . Ilardy.K .n.iliorp. Dr. Wjly. Boise; H. J. I

> . inriv W .N.D eUy.N am pa; J.W .Pete A. D. Hounds. Oeorj

r I ii,^l^l,l Jolih'toii, K. fi. Cnrlson, A. II. ‘,.m, “"tl Stewart, 1

\V ,l ' «»'• •'«« A. V. CroU and Mrs., A„iliony; Mr. aild Mrs. W. J. Pn ' : Monipfller: J. S, Ooodvln, Jarb

t. n iusicjl. KcvttdB; kiivard Carety. 8«n I f rlNJO; Mr. and Mrs. J, C.' Webb.

: Fftllberj. M. O. Moody. Port: Mrs. WU- Join, Guinard,.»oo(|-Rlvcr. Ort d Chris- Mr. jju^ry Orooi. iItw f e r n , Thompiaii. A. J. Bujnrd. Sejttle^ Wnrberi;, Oraff. Tacom^i; Wilimm Wals icl Cbri: nmtc, Montana; 0.11. Rlley. Dci — .M r. and Mr.i. K. t . Womuck. 1

Womack, jr.. A. L. Kcnnerly, I •mir CJub loji. ■re.x.i.'.; .Mr. .Mn. WJ

a picnic Nnil«r, North UcrKfii. New Je .1 Mu:.«r-:Uo)tl3. Nv-al.un t - l l i c , ____

l'Tld.iy. 1 llO G E nsoN -O o:a.i I'lcrce. rt.Hn the omt; O. li- '1H1IL\, W. T, Je ifplembcr Boi-r; Mr.v DoIUird. Conlact. f

du; It. l(. HUKliii, Dorothy C. Mr. and Mrs. TDm f?proat. '

It p c l'.ilN; L U. Ki'un'ebeck, H. O.Mr- ft"d Mrs, P. H. Barm

S M c N T 'A . Liir.Miy, Hall Luke Clly; 1 ouuli iw l^ui'i'i'lly, I’hoenlx, Arlrona; Jo' Pw niel o SDastiojip; Mr.t Easton £ v e S a y Ncw Jersey: H. P. W; s tn i i su- Jo"» Pocatello: J. t. E' I entered Enri H. Urandi. Seattle:.JoKph sndlv lr J'i"''!':*: Chnrles Oolllleb. ai:e3 lro in ;''"- 'A - H. Schmldl. apokone; jn i of a l - 1"'"* WiUacon. H. A. Mac

e ^ b ln a Fr.melsco: M. lA^ser. the C iu e l '’°f'= city ; Mr. and Mr.v H. O. Judgment I*''"'"'- Partlund; N. Anderwn, C purchase j _________________

O T M ? ) SE R V IC E M O TO RS E N T !


tributors in this dlstrlcl (or On Igan. mu- car.i (ind.Oraham-Pnigc inicks. s ordered:moved (rom gunners occujilet city hall MVfrnI years p u l a t the conii

I Second avenue nnd Second « I north. Into the buUdlns on '

(rlcn buy jnvvuue nonh lately vocatcd bl I exports. jCfiturliolm • Conant Studet ctlon. I agency. . .

- O N E » A V K ) ^ L y ' ‘ .

t i o n M a i i n c c a n d , £ v e n i h g

H J o t i o n P i c t u r e s o f T h e

v y f f c i g l i t C h a m p i o n s h i p

c y “ A m eric .in C h a m p io n .” u n d Mu n C h a m p io n .'’ ta i tc n a t Y an k e e s ti ;y . E v e r y m »vc, e v e ry m o tio n , an Hide— H e a rth c c h c c r lh R 'c ro W d ; hci t h e r e f e r e e ^ iv c hiH decision^ Clow rinRH lde hcuI . S h o w in e to d u y onl; t f ie fo ilo w in g f e a tu r e - * r. .

7/fiSOA^ £ / J M

m e d y a n d N o v e lty A 'c tsS l a t i h e e JO iJ , 3 0 ^ a h d ! 4 0 * --------ren AdulU atid S0< tm n feature and comedica will ahoi [tbotii the champion flght pictore.

____________TWIN FALLS D

l i o n “ D e e r M e e t s D e a t l

I ™ I n F r o j r t o f C i

IERS Jhvr-ms'mof a swid-movlng car. aod 'the can not.be halied In time t* »tc

' collision with the a&lmta, It la iIn rO U r to advance the dale oIopenlDiol

. dcer-huntlni season, Oeorge W .' I ru c lo r s cox, TvIo m u . decided yeaUi

vh tn (» r a coalnDUi wlih . !St E n d sHuttlo"-

‘ On the road lo T v ln -M ls-fhi.\ cabin a l Easley Kot Spr

T i,. f„i Vilh htfvK e and mother, M r . '* t - M* •»“> evenlni, •

developed doe'velghtnj between

f,' “ roud 111 fronl of his car near l■ creek. thiTe miles north of Ketch

v ' i i yf.Merdav lorenoon. Mr. Wilcox w i M tuiiKlii a gllmpte o( the an!

“ f* M It bounded lo the bank a t the

the middle ot Ihe rood only a f<^t of his car. He ftat U

fntl. e llng,.hr .aid., aboul SO miles t'oiir, and ii wa.i Impoaslble to t »tril‘lH» “ 'f •'I""**- . The impsct broke both bind

K ir.ll.; and oiliervije erlpple<( tb».deer i v a . flung loiUie side of lhe roai

„ V 1 heni the bumper and crumple . m«TsJ!: and broke a headll|h t

^ «•«»<! ”‘‘'« a l leaks In the r*dl eeiln j a tiiIH L fi,' UHil>r the /ircumstanc'ei.

Wilcox cald he drelded (he only year mane tiling to df> v u to dispatch

M i.^ . wounded anlmi I, and he proce< to do » Vlth knife tha t he I

I of hi* llsh «skel In the cajThen there vas presented

problem of vhs to do with the ir..* »>»« 'M r.jvilcox v l ^eled Into K e^h

. - , vhere i» crovd quickly ga^i tv i **’*’'* •'* f ’deavi

unjueccjjlully to contact, t d (| o « «*me varden. learning tha t o((l

had Koiie to Idaho Palla lo a tt ! m n a . l ., , ^ ProceediiiK to Ualley, Mr. WL jay irom ,i,p «-,rden aiatlc?w l..! l ‘here aUo absent and got Id t« he aum- jherlfl who took

V P'»«siore re- ji(,„ge In a butcher ahop U (llsiwicd o( by the game warden Ills return.

?T C ------------ :------------

A N N O U N C E M E N l^ n .c o l - • _____.J . Titus, sw fff* division o( the Ri^ U raon , NelBhbors vlll m e« Wednesday .

" • nhiB. Augu-it -.:7, a i the home ol 1 W. A. Mlnnlck, WJ Blue U kes I

>n*h ot* levnrd,. Every member brln* ci

'arbldBe-’ «»lumc5..n m n - arc ipked to bring Individual lunc

Tl'e Mounuin View club will n Oregon’ afternoon wllh Mr?. 1

/als^urff ' ^ Wednesday ihc HI Qf^ver- the

.|( {{ J..' park foc a picnic and chlldr y.’llow " member brlnn icec rWJJJlnnv dlihrs and s|ioons Ior thclr (an Jersey; —— -

T hr Women’s ProgrcMlve 1 will inrcl v.lth Mr*. W. V, Wll

ci‘. Je r- Wfd«r.%day, AUBtist 27. Mrs, I JcMup. CarrT lio.sle.vi. Roll call resporue

■t. Neva- be cxchnnse of recipes.C. Calf, --------

it. Twin The M S and 8 club vlll meei O. Mat- the home ot Mrs. Archie Poe w irnes. H. nesday a t 3:30 P, M. M n. LliK '; U M. and Mrs, Pierce assisting hoslesseJohn J. --------

<n Slisw. TJie BJue LakM BouJsMrd i . Wllaon, will hold u called ir.'etlng at . Evand. iiome o( Mra. C. H. l^rry . on P !ph Dur- avenve Wednesday adernoon, A eb. Den- attendance la desired,me; Mr. --------- -----------------^lacDon- CelebrtUng liu golden vedc ser. New numversary. W.'A, Plckena,16,8h . Oould- nndoah. Jowa, defeated tour of It, Oood- 40UI a t lolf.

• *— — —U altiane_f*«t.ap«i*U»‘ iS - IIT E R Falls, rh en e 8U. Dr. Fos^r. /

n E R S --------- ' = =

Ifd rllfc. ___________ ;________ ■ •

m . H ^ p y r s H e r e1 by the 1 m - ,—idebaker a 4 jc g j ;,TJ . 1 J, ■ ■

E x t r a h e a v y filea fo r bi

'7 5 c '1 4 In . Ke.vafbne i > f ilc a . f o r ......................... !

■ G oo^ fo rk h a n d le s ......S

P II .B o a , w c h av e good IhM ux lo r k s a s i iw a n ........ * Es t a . — — —

w i l .h e a r -lone. l i 'in ly , 9 ' . .

S ^ ^ .3 5 .^ 1 1 pe in ham m i s W e M S C T p e a a ^ ^

S p r a y Y o u r C o w s

- S h . r w i i i J U U l W i l y - w i i iU o n ............................S t .

^ P i a n io iK


“ctltlSIEIIPiW « PICKIOWEthe car

I » te rt t ...... ^

; . V '£ e H igh S chool and Indepci M t i i S c n t D is tr ic t V o te rs(Ul {2u(,, , H old A n n u al E le c tlls (romSprings —

'*» well HOLLISTER, Aug, 2S-ElrcUoi reen 100 Khool trustees op tne.HolIl

on the achool and lodependent gi tr 'L ak e *' ''ool boards will u k e place C letehura timber 3 a t the actwolhouie hen cox aald accordance wtth Idalio school li ’ anlffltl School will open at.Hollister E thealdo tember 13,*members of the board i p « J I n t o ^ f o U o ' l n j a.meeting V a (ew week.. 11™ ; . ' Mrs.. A. E. Coiterlln tn d child lU e aa n ‘ I’*”* ‘he veek-end herp.t o avdd Dean and c

Idren. The group enjojed a plcnlInd 1m s 8ho.ihoti(f basin Sunday........ . ..M r th S WlJcy w t and Mrs.- N

Huzurd vere hostesses at a pi noted a Pri'duy aftenioon a i the Hai th t a n d ‘home honoring Ml.« Betty Cra ?S d i.S r Waco. Texa*. Oame* and m

turnished the attemoon's ciiterti u U r '" 'h i . In attendance wcre> Ml mi* hu.' E lltabeth'C otdn. Patricia Col at?ht1ielJ '>'‘r>' Alice 1ll((, Bhoda Po

V an.-K athryp Pohlman. Janet : ' Masters, Martha pullmer and

. e a r ^ hotiorw. MUa Betty Craven, ed lh e ! ' .MJ.« Isabfllp Wllkln.*<>n, MlnJdi th» r t r . 'J ' ^iwndJnff Ihla w«/*-end vliJj J h '? " r ! Beulah McRae, etchum' Boliie.-li vbulna I ra^ e tt ii pt'tttc-hom e-or-her-diiuRM er, J leavorcd!^*“" ' ' ^ ' “ ” -.

denutv *Mr- »nd Mrs. Walter Cole ti o((lclal! move<l-t«-HriiLilep Irom Salmon.d

. a ttend ] ,---------------------------Sargon Avoided Bac

i.tioMj I Breakdown For HD toach i

"When I started Saruo. Ip 10 be i ilcarinK a ncrvou.s brc rden onj down, my fllccp wiia rest!

' 1111(1 I wad MO weak ntid wo iuiit I WUH almost ntut goi

NTS ■le Royal

e v e - . o( Mn.

(esbou*! .'J.*« crepe [

nes. All

111 meet H 9 I H Ii r « . K a i - ' , ^ H

IleH lgb-: the city I illdrcn'siecream - P R T . -------(amlly, ^ .. '

'e club B o ^Wlbon


meet i l

’£ i S a E n = = 2 = = s = = a = mtesscj. , ‘

MRS* ANNIE H. COLY Ard fJuba t the Even the IlshieM (ocd.<i duaji on PalU »ltU me. Ifs marveloua hov Sar 1. A (ull ended my troitbIe.s; I Hive i t

3er(ul feellns </' ncw alrenglh energy and Tnt. enjoying

wedding health In every vay. .6 ,8hen- “Sargon Pllla gave me comi r of hU able and la.<itlnR rellet from eor

patlon."—Mrs. Annie B. Colyar 181^ 2nd Ave.. Spokane.

In Twin Schramni-Johnson Drug, 1 Afl?.' agent.-)Adv.

y T 3 a y s . ^ e

■ e A g a i n !

le mill'.....SO ^

5 0 6 H I*'-"Folka. Catch the fillhy n; with one of these- trap> special ....... ............ „...85|

- ^ L ^ 1 . 5 0 L j 0 . h o u

• . ^ B * ^ ‘i^V falch, spcclo

- 6 j ? ^ * / r o r ...........98^

^ t .R O -3D.hQu — " ‘' i p n n ^ l a r m ' ' 'clocl

, | S 3 | ' B p e d » I ...... » » '— — r r :

' The Beat Gloves

1 ■” Town!

( ^ ^ $ 2 . 0 0 extra aoft honu ' n n hide gloves, a p e e ia

l ld H d w C o r


[[[5 .OfFiBS|TEBWIE... When Edvanl lfork,.M, drWr

J ‘ ear allejod' to hare been atolen Baricrofl. Idaho, collided with A

^ . W trd'aaulorooWUlnTwlny*U»: « 10 terday. h rw aa brought Inio can

. n t h pollee here who u ld iher sctlon been looking (or him (or aboul wKka.

Under questioning a l tba 'po tion of lUlkon. York v u reported lo ti [ollltter admllled lliefi o( two cart takei

t n i s Twin m l* recently, one o l the t e 8ep- cmnea haring be«n taken and nere. in covered twlee. W. J. Tanner's >1 lavi. taken Augusi 9. an< recovered li er B«p* b the l)aaeball park here, U aab ard an- have figured In York't ( tr it admli g l u t adventure of this kind. Ue u 1

also (0 have admitted taking iHdren. Armeeter'a car on August 11 1 rp.wlih aga:n on August n . I tw u re c w id chiN ed alter being taken the I tr tt t lenlD at behind a posUr botrd lo Soulh F--------, addition, and on the jecond oei

N nli louJtwatrrcovered / r o a ib e c a s parly under the Roek creek bridge.

H aurd The youth is alleged to have drl Craven, here from Dancrolt In a stolen

music aftlvlng here Bunday, Mter helj ertaln- hlnuelf to tlOO trom his atep-(at Mlssta opcTkilng a combine har^’cttcr Cofdn, Bancroft. 'PohnA I _______________ ,



12 here ' Phllllp K enne»lt, jr.. Hagem r, Mn. oi’d Mlis Anna O. Poulton. Chui

111, were married by the Rev.' J» e have Millar a i the Presbylerlan Mi in dam. here a t aoon.Sunday.Jli£ecrtin

loot place tn the presence ot al „ J CO gueats. The couple were atten ' a a by Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Poulton.' U a |> bride taught laat year In Uagen

schools, and la a graduate ot KOli I ^‘***'°- ■'

jrcak- earnlngt of Weitern UristlcHS Telegraph company for tbe (Irsl worn* monttis ot m o were 3 per cent Boing. “**

Four hundred and SO grade cr Ings have bwn eliminated In 1 York sUle under a ' law rergtil; their aboUUon.

Australia has increated U rates on tobacco manufactures. 1 oJl7». rtdlo tubes, movje Illms


| j | " ..H I .................... I)U .\R t PE

I I ' ;■ g RF7NFR0 H ra 119'2ND ST. W.

i 'A R \ ~ i


:ih and '



nyapd.J5 <

»0U£_ -----^


9 8 < _ ____ _____ '......... .....


ockr ^

*-------------i - -

F o s s -inse . ' “

ia i

- 410 Main -.» • . . • * ^ e s s s s s s ^ s

^G. AUGUST 26.1030. :

fS BEWilll-BUfltai- Bl IlflN lliSm iWn* a OtWLEY. Aug. aS iBpectal to ■: .Un >i S«w*k—A reception a t the bome

. t Mr. and Mr*. J. 8. Slmmoni li J A. T. B jiufdty evening honored- Mr, 1

Mr*. H arltnd Blmmeiu.' who « recently mtrried here. The bi

e rftad w urormerly Mitt Maurine a tro e daughler ot Bishop m d Mr*. C. Oametle. Pletsant Orove. Ul»h.

police SImmont la a teacher In Burley h0 ha rt. tchooL '.ken In Tbe reception program IndU'w ffiS ' tlie (oIJowloi nuAbera: D u elb rnd re- and Mrs. Joseph Payne; "Wedd■'scar. B«tU.''byaqulnlcUt;reprC3(rM«td later o( Uie bride and groom by Darblaid to Me>-en and Dean Slmmons, actcimllled panled by Hope SImmont: soloIs said M n. Ocorge LewU; reading by Zg Joe Croncr: solo by Uya. Joseph Ft]-1 and violin by O. 0 . Rechtner; talk •covtr- R u s Barney; musical seleclions It tlmo SUnley aad Arthur Peck: vocal sc b Park by m n c e s Hfltyoak: tn d solos oecas- Joseph P ty n e^ n d Leonard Lci stnyon Shirley Slmfflons and Robs Pr

were in chatge of ihe enterlolnm< driven Dinner w u served lo lU guests cn car. Hostesses were Viola M anning,' lelping lera Blmmons, Fem Ooodfellow, c father, teal Bingham, Delilah Slmmons. c :er a t Judd and EUeen Slmmons; and h(

were Cfareoce and Will Slmnu Rou Freer and Rou Bamey.

“«»y[IE lSllE fO I = CDNCLHTINDEJamesManse --------

xm oaj. —World var veterans of the Nc : a tuut 8i(t( ftx inh American Legion 1 tended tr ln hare am nged a Joint meet m. The ©t the Pourth and FltUi Amerl terman Legion dUUlcts 10 be held a l W ot the dell on Monday. September 15.

the eve ot Uie openintror'tbe w dfU Com Show, according to w

Union received here yuterday by Dun In l six Johnsion. Twin Falls posl c< •nt be-'m ander.

Following business seuiona of Legloo tn d Auxiliary organUatl

! cross- of the two districts at 5 .P. M„ n New cording lo the program o«tlln« rgtilrlng banQuet sesilon with an enterti

ment program will be held t t ( and a dance wlU wind up Uie.d

larifl events..!S. gas- O. C. Wilson. Bonner* Ferry, n ns and Iy elected Amerlun Legion depi

menl commander. U exjiccicd to


$ 5 , 0 0

0 BEAUTY SHOPn i O N E 278

m■ F i r e s t o n e... Beit in the We

1 Ave. S. 50 Coi

J tend tbe Wendell m eetlng,tteO |«


Michigan's sUle finger print reau. (ounded In IWl, pow bas I

j^Thfi POO prldU on (U*.

•6i« out o( eve'ry O t p n w ai Minnesota h u an tulomobUe, cording to lhe IWO censm. ^

atUf. - = s = s = = s a s = s s = C. A.

Mr.'h igb ■

r b a n . ___ — .S " J ; L A S T TI.M E3 t o n / * '■Zina { ■ [

r g | » l x r j B fIS by j ^ | j | B | w M K 0 V isolos ,'m .

OS by >wU,Freerment. M f o n W i n ilU. • ■ —TZ-------I-V I- W K IJ. A N D T H U R S .

l|FaID. on Oet ready for » screen W enH tre s tl-T h a Gay Nlnetlea word are here again! W alt till

unctn you see Marion Davies In com- a bustlel She'* a scretm tA

one o( the (amed PlorodDm 3f (he Sexieite. Come tn d Uught atloni Come tnd h e tr “My Kind

ac* o( Man" and th u e grind led. ■ tnnRs of yeslerday. Come Main- and enjoy one of the 'best t 8:30 enlertalnmentfl you've ever


new. r \ M A R I O N

E D a v i e s® THE

l l FLORODORIn l ^valtehn l J » 4 w J 3 l t ih d i CATLBTl

s { ) 0«>K Saysi ‘ Itert’i The Lt« g ' el The 'Cenlnryt

It =

S e r v i c e'esi•mpiete Services__


m S S S S S S S S S S

% a s h i n

Cronin’s ffitting Plays Important Part in Outcome

Jo n e s ’ B r i l l i a n t . P i tc h in g

G iv e s S e n a to r s D cc ls lon a n d

A ttilc tic s H old S jx -a n d -

O n e-H a ll-G a m c M arg in_____ «j,


WMbimion " 1 . ____ n <•.. , a K = = = r S 2 S

'< ; S “====x s isD m ten............ ....... — U II J»:

IDr The AawcUted r r t u )

Ph i l a d e l p h i a , a u c . iz. • • J o e Cranin'M limcl.v h ilt in K In flup po rl o f

"S a d S * m ” Jotiea' irr illlan l p ilc h ln e g av e th e W nshlnfelon

------ S e n a to rn n decisionov e r th e P h ilad e lp h ia Ath* le tlc a lo d a y a n d n l ih c tuimc lim e c u t th e firKt p lacc lead nf th e w orld cham pionti to s ix and oiie-htU samM.

•■Lcrty- Orovt. iMkln* Ills n(jHti alralght tnd iwenly-iKond mound \1ctory of.lhe «i»on fo rjh e Mack* men, also w u tn m e <orm bui he e w |h t Jonea on a day vhen the 3B- year>old Waahlnston ace b td lhe AthleUcs svin itns wildly a i Itls cun'e ball whlls Cronin was connect- Int with hlU when h lu meant runs.

Cronin's l ln l pari In the Senators' victory came In the lourth Innlnc, when he drove in Helnle Maniuii. with a homer Into the le d Ileld iiandi. 71)0 As wcra not Ions In tielns Uie the counl, however, com- ins back wilh two runa in thelc h tlf ol the tame (rtmc.

Jn the fJjJjth CronJn came lo bai s ta in and thla time Sam Rice wai

.IKrched ou third wlUi the score stll) tied. A slitlln i single to rtght pro­duced what proved to be the wlu- nlnf run.

____ *a 0 a *

/ uw iuBri'T ZZ lV .lZ Z a » o o i. Cr«niB,u----------------- i 1 1 J I

Jiian. l b _____ _____ * 0 0 1 0 1M w a 0 i 3 jbptnccr. c __________ 4 0 1 I <JonM. p ---------------- -« 0 n t <

Toull . . . 3 1 n 13 <Hitt-ADELPUU AB n 11 O A I

Di»i»p. rt .............™...3 l ' l t a- ■rl —----- I I 3 U iVeeMuit, e ________ 4 0 .0 < 1 i

btmmoiu, I t ----- 0 t 3 1 <rsix. l b -----------------3 0 0 a 1 IMllltr. e f --------- . - 0 1 3 0 1

?SHE-E=5 S ll i !OrO»». P _________ ...A 0 3 0 3 1

TBUii___________30 J a jT -ti ;WuWnaioi?°.',7.,L'!...’?l.°'M 0 W 010- ;PbUadtlphik -......... ........000 300 ooo-^

Summary: Two-base h lts-B tsh op, Summa: Ihree.bue hll-B luege home ran—Cronin; s sc rl/lee t-F on Uanush; .double plays-Foxx to Boi

. ey, Cronin to Judge.

DCTROJT 7. BT. L0UI8 S 1 D » R ^ r r . - Aug. M i/n - “n)!!I B r ld ^ , rookie righl-hander, mak

Ing hls ( tn t major letgue sta rt to dty . beld tho Bt. LouU Browns li

f ' check to r eight and two-ihlrda In I nIngs to Blve the Detroit Ttgen i ! 7.10-8 Victory, although Walte Hoy

-------had-ta-com e.to the rescue of thfonner T h ree -llea g u e wie. Hoy pllclied lo the l u t b ttte r alicr th Browns had rallied to score lour run In Uie ninlh. .

wv lo u ja AD n JI 0 A :niu«; 16___________J 0 0 s ■ 0Xiiuitr. r t ----- * I t S 0OMlIn, I t ___________ 4 1 3 0 0

• K rn l. *e ■ ,, .,„j , [ j I I a 3. t ^ t e h u l w ^ < j ' l - I I ' ' 0 1 3 0

I A O'Asurk*. M ■’ ] ] 3 I

Tol»ll_____ M s 7 34 S• Ot(Ud ftrfrsiinfUMrla (lieuxaU

. Btlltd tor CquIiu Id YM nlnlh.D rm o rr au n ii o a

JohnMti. t( V 1 1 4 0hintli. c l -----------------3 0 1 1 0 ,0*tltlDJ(r. 3 1 1 .4

n ! 3■ £ S l = = = ! i ' ! l !

• • ilo jm p----------------- .-0 a 0 0 1

IXlrcIt, _____-------------301 031 01--

aon, Funk; 'lh(ee.bts« blts-Ooelli Ferrell: homo runs-Akers; doub plays—Oehrlnger to Akera to Ale) •nder 3, Mellllo to OTlourke to Blu

--------------ReM tnus toachtlriger to Alexandei' vlnnlog pitcher — BrrdgU; loalr ■ pllcher—Coffman.

. . ___Qnly^^ro AnTerian league garni

' No National league games tehee ______ ilUfl,__________________________

Smidays GamesAM ERIciuirLIA OU E

Yankees.B>3, Indians 3*4.Whllo Sox 0-5. Red Sos 7-i. Solons 7, AUslellet a. 'Bfownj 7, Tigers 8.

NATIONAL IXAGUC- Pirates Reds 0-3.

; v Oubs9, Q lU U l i O trili 0 ^ .DiIUlw 4 ^ .

I ^ No olhef games se h ed u le ^ ^

r A c i n o co A B i ix a g u e■-— ----------oaka 8-3. Slars M .

IndUns ^ e . Seals MO.Ducki 0, Angeli 9. U iss lc u 7 « 7 .S m tm a .l.^

i g t o n D e

I' jgg(gSS3B1

— . PfCK PO CK STsI - 7 J I -I

I' 11 '

1 3 2 T e n n i s T e a m s

^ V i e i n B a y S t a t e

‘Jy National Ooublijs Champion-

ship Play Opens On Long-lonion wood Court in Brookline th - _____

DJj BROOKLINE. Maw.. Aus. 2i ‘ ’ TtiiuU’ reuirn lo normalcy appeared In slslit here loday wlicii 32 slroi!* teams inRACcd In ttie opening round

iHt) ot«tli5 national doubles chnmpion. in d ahip play on lhe tougwood courts' ck. withou t registering ^ j a h ln g re- he aembllnj an upael.

SB* Nine of the 10 seeded teams, led Iho by Oeorge Lott and Johnny Doeg. the l)ls defending champions, won. Tlie o’her K t- team did no t play becaiue Sydney ws. Wood. New York youngster, paired ors' wllh Prank X. Shields, arrived loo ing, late lo take lhe courU ajRlnsl Rich* mil, ant Lusch iind Keith Werner. Los leld Angelea. TJiey will plsy lomorrow.

In The defending champions defeated ]m . Albert snd Robert Turner. Newton, heir 6-3. 1-S. Wllm*r AUlwn tnd

Johny.Van R)'n, tlie Davis cup doub- h .i let team, drew another pair nl.broili- ^ era, Leo nnd Clitrlle Lejeck. ilie

Wenlem lltleholders. and made even f “ ‘‘ ahorler work ot them. 6-i. fl-0, 8-3. : „ Ih tn did lhe top-seeded p la jtrs n1iu

their « t of brothers.TllJen GeU Kj v s u n

2 “ ‘'Bis B iir TUden and'Prmik Hunt- 0 0 cr. (rei>t) from Uielr Newport iiciory. a o lh td au easy lime getting a winning0 0 ita jt at th e expci«e_of the Middle3 g Atltnilc champloiu. Doo!ey . und1 0 Mllctiell and Robert Consodlne, t e Waahlngton. by scorcs of 0^ 0-3. [ T ; 0-*. ] bA s Berkley Betl and Oregor)' sH g ln ,3" I the Davla cup tUernales, h i ^ u l t e“ ® a sesjlnii wUh O. LytUeton Rogers.I 0 Ireland and W auon Washbuni, tlie t 0 veteran New Yorker, betore downingJ 0 Ihelr taller rivala. U -IJ. 7-5. 8-fl., I P»llt Mercur, Bethlehem, Penm,yl- 0 0 vanla. and J . Ollberl K ail South Or-3 0 ange. Uie tilth seeded team, had some i r - : slight difficulty’ (n the second set,

* with the Calltomlans. H arry Plymlre 10-3 and Jack Cosgrove, but finally over-

came Ihem, 8-1 .10-B. B-0,llsh*ege; ---------------------------'oxx, _

I W m p r L e a p e s

n m AMERICAN*A8i0ClA71ON iftk- ' tniflatwpolls S-lt, MfnneaiMlla If- , to . M-

Toledo 5. Mllwanke* 4 i„ . Colsmbu* 4, Kansas X-lty :

, UnUvUIe 8. SU PtBl 3 ■

f V e S T E ^ LBAQVE

C enter ll 'o iM lia 6 ^, ‘"® . Pueblo B. Dea Molnea «

Only three gamea acheduled.

■i a INTEBNATIdNAL mAOVE 0 0 Monleeal 6. Retdlng 00 u RoehesUr 9. Jetiey Clly 2? S ' Toronto 5. Newark S • .r 0 ntUlmora 8. Ilutftlo 3 0 0 -------- — .1 I _ SOOTIfBRN ASSOCIATION '

^ Only game* Kheduled.

mui* :"a k ruby GOLDSTEIN WINS

S i • NEW YORK, Aug. 25 M -l-RubJ ‘ o a Ooldsfeln. New York, one-time llghl-2 S weight.conKnder,-stopped Joc Tra-4 0 bon, Knnsas CUy. In lhe Ihlrd round 0 0 of a lo-round bou: a t Dexter park* 0 tonight. Ooldsteln weighed 147; T rt-* ° bon 140. •. -

» » __________

« | [ P I e t t & P r e s s e s ; F r «

j ^ s t L e a j

• SAN FRANC16C0. Aug. 25 Vty wfts'prrsslng Tony- Frellas, Sacrii:

L;;— PacU teiaait-'plteherfcFreltM .liatl -hed- PllldtC w u close behind with 13 ti ■ Earl Sheely, San FraneUco Iti

Ustamen w iu f an average orTHOT w u 4econd*»1th’J84 ,“ ‘ "

| r t The leading pllchcrs—

' ^ 'reltu . S a c ra m e n to 'Z Z IZ Z - '.’T, Plllette. M issions------------------Zlnn, San FrancUco -----------------Turner, Hollywood ........Jacobs. Ban Francisco---------------Norm, Los Angeles -------------- --Q teeht,Xoa Angtles —Bryant. Sacramento

T ho leadln* hiuers— ,Sheely, ^ F taa c lico -------8e\'erled, Hollywood-.-................Schulmeilch. Los Angeles —

^ ■ Lombardi. ,O tU u u J .^ ----- -----------E Oaddy.' SeaU lB------ --------------4 -

Zlnn, San Francisco — .................. Hoag. Saeramenlo .....- ................-UulJl, MlsatoM - 7;

e i e a t s M i

Fleet Indian of 5 Haskell Wins inn Pittsburgh Meetij j _ _

I j W ilson C h a r le s , S te e l M us-

1 I cled O neida,' L o p e s A long

W ith T ire le s s S t r i d e o l

^ F o re b e a rs to M e H o n o r

Hjr t i :d y o s b u r u ii -MsaWUled P m s'S po rts Writer)

PIT T S IU m tS H . A u r . 25 — l.opInR n lo n c w llh th e fre e !md U re lcss BlrW<u>f'

teh is In d ian fo re b ea n i. W ilso n C harles , KtccI-muHclcd O n e id a fro m .l.litskcll I n s l l lu t e , w on th e nulioniil d c ca th lu n -ch u m * p ionsh ip lh is a rtc rn D o n hy ru n n in g • •H lR 'J im ” S lcw « irt of- lh a I.DS AnK cIes A lh le llc

y club Into llie,•sround In lhe flnnl in n event, tlie KrucIlUig I60Q-hicter run. ' ' '« TraillnK'Sicttart wlUi nm c x f t h r

10 events cniii|ileiril aa the-sun sanlc . over the rlrn ot the big Pill sta -

'V - ilium, ttic miif. tBQ-pound 'Indian ‘rfu 'n th le ie fp<-j rIoiir like a brnve on o w ithe wariwiii to covcr ttie dlsunce in

inlnutf^ 5r> ^^conds. nnd beat tho o"*,; Btant Texan by morc tlian an elnlith

Dl a mile..._Turnluc 1ft ilic-bcit.pcrtotniajiCM

, . ot the dsy ui tlie tunnlns uroaff ijump and isoo-mcier hm . the lalci,v lol an illusiTlous line ot Indian nth* j ! letcs iliai included such names nn *

W jJ lm Tliorpe nnd Ktlt Elkin* won with a tllm but conclusive margin uf \ 193.73B iwlnui Irom Stewnri whlti-'

, „ l a alut^y iitwcoincr from tlic Unl- „ I versliy cf yioma. Jijc JUll, «wcd oui .,1- ' Harlow Roiticrt ot SUnford unlver.

liiity fooibHlI fsnie.'for third plucc. and I ■*' unlicraldcdlyt). |represenlutt^r of the Hlurldu inr-il.

I tulloii. ,Mungcr..tlic llshtesi llie *'• »ic.e«!(fc sUrJJng'/leld ol

,rcn 113 ■* he ueishcd but 140 pomul.’,.8-3. j Thlrletii .tlileies drawn from ull »1tti I p tr u ot' the country began the ex-

liausing 10-ev(' ii test a l 1,0 o'ciuck this morning and 11 u( them stuck to tlie flnliii more than elshi huurr.

m l. later.ory. Here Ij. how they Mood In iwliiu Ilng at the end nl ilie program whlcli con- dd le;iiiied ol the tOO-nicier'iun. broud and I jump. .*01 put. high •Jump. 400- i(n«. meter run. llO-meter hurdle, dlicus 0-3. throw, iwle vuult, Javellii throw ancl I ISGO-nieter run In tha t order. l|[n, .charlrv . U rn ..731330; stew arl.

j'econd, Hall, third. 707S,-*"*-;071: Itotnert, fourth, 7073.13: Mun- |*'®(ser. fltlli. OtBO.OOS: Howard Jones, , 7 : New Vork AlhleUc club, alxth. 5317.-

Ivan Dyckman..Denver Athlet- X ' i l c club, seventhr 3813.09; Wnlter

I Hutchliuon, Ithaca. N ew York, '7 I', I ecJiooI 01 Physical EducaUon. rtshU), J f ‘;!i70«.Ba7; Edward Wlodyka, Boston ; . " I Alhlellc usoclatloii. nlnlh. SS45^7:

. {Fred Pusch. Orove c ity college, ipnili, 3000.483; Louis Percscnyl. Union Athletic club, Pitubursh. flevenlh, 425JJ0. and Jim Dterlng. y ale, twelllh. 4581.003.

, Frankie Campbell Receives Injuries

, In Fighting Baer-SAN PRANCISCO, Aug. •,» IAI ~

Frankie Campbell. Snn Pranclseo------ iw rn 'teliiln . - wk» aerlnuslv Iniured

• here tonight in hls boui with Max Baer. Livermore, California, when he Kuttered concussion ot the bralu In taking a terrific be tiliig ..

Tlie llg h l 'w u htlled In the tltUi round tn d Campbell sagged to the floor. Ho' was unconscious tor 35

' ' minutes while seconda and ptiystclans worked over him In llw open air ring tn the bnll ptrk.

’ . to an emcN

■ r w r J with DtflranM -pbunds liold= Ilng a'15-pound advantage.I Au untortunalo incident In tlio

:.,«'Aecand round hurt Campbell. * Atter ln«>;hc.halt pushed and half knocked

Bner I9 the flo6r and turned hLi back lu b y ' to Ills fallen opponent. B t tr Jumped Igtil- 'ui^ ran acrosa the ring nnd hit Camp. T ra . I bell while ho had hts back lumed. 3und‘He received a lerrltle punch'on the park'Jaw. but saved hlmwlf trom falling Tra- by winding hls arms around ihe-top


Veitasfor"^- - - - - - -sague Pitching HonorsOPh-Ted Plllette of the XlUsioiui, today

acrsmenlo, for llrsi-place honor{i‘ among liad-.)3^*letorUa iu)d- tour.:d^eata j>1ilU

13 triumphs and five d e fe a u ........... ’fl first btsem tn. continued to letd coasl :40r^it>«r-8ever«iar«Ditywood-catcher:

■ Won Lost Pci.;_____ : .... ______________ _ B I .B9_________________________13 '4 ,7J0------------ --------------------------13 5 ,708_________________________ 20 0 .890:-------- ----------------------------- 14 , 7 • .887

_______:_____ _____________14 7 .867________________________..JO 5 .857__________ _____________ .*.18 10 ■ .843_____ ;-------- — --------------- -14— «-----« «

' ' O AB R K 3b SbHRPet. 837 M 317 31 1 34 .404

93 388 41 103 30 0 8,384_________ 131 477 134 J*3 3« 5 50 'JJ l_________ 104 3M B7U4 21 ,3 W J70

is j a 5 ^ ’ 5 " * 0 “ B -an________ M 347 3ft 19 14 I • 0 380, ...... . «8 131 37 47 7 I 4 330... ............. 133 Blfl IDS 188 43 • 7 13 3M

__________ U4 «IT IW J*J 55 4 38 4M

‘- N liW a r- T W lK -F A I i l .g , I D A H O ^

l a c k s , 3 -: - I n W o m e n ’s W e s


. ' . r e ^


I • i B l i y •

!T. ' I .

r t ' •f S I ' T f l E d f i ' ______S m - '

/ r . s , J ^ i W i

\ " i mIK* I : • , - i ; f l

cs I \ j r n t t 9 D ^ f > V i J B

M r« .O ..S , H i n ( r l | : h l ) . i l c r c n , l ll. stich s t a r s n a V irp ln ln -V a n W l u l K onl ( u p p e r J e f f ) Jn th e w qm cr y lit K an sa s C'Uy, m iw ’in se ss io n ,

cd — — ^

S e n a t o r s F o r c c . i l

1 M a c k t o C a l l o n

S K e i n f o r c e m e n t s

re ntiL iiu;i.riiiA . ,\vx. n 'n JU!>1 > m tle bll ranlckr pcrhspii

,1, ul Ihr way the »eronil |ilnrr i^en- , al‘an> i>cr>lsi In Irrnimhis th'e flrat ■

jjj plarp AlhleUo. Maiunrr. t'onnlo iQ. Mack liar, urnt out a hUTTy call for

irlaleifcmffiU- ', Whi le Washington na% culling

iloitn llie As lead 'al Shlbe park lo(by. SU ek 'to ld , newspapermen '

r ' ‘ tha t Jim D tH rr.' a ' big onlflelder' ' wllh lhe tlalla* dob In the Texas Iraguf, would be tin hMniS TJjw»- day to gire the Chiti::rl4l« a help-

'■* Ing hand. Moorr J. v:i auUlelder '■ rerriiUy ort|uirrd Iiy ■ lnck. He goes ” on llie acl.vp nIa>erV ll>t a l once. ‘

fk. Mack «nd, aiul Is to remain Ihe I [U), rett of lliff *on Hass' Injury ami rrralle playing ' f >1: of tiumma In Wa-«lilngton yrsler- * ge, day .trp, tM-llevrd lo have caused yl. Mansser .'Mark lu smd a rush or­lh. der for another fielder. ' rIff. _________________ r


I NEW YORK. AuT 25 (fl->-Hnrold ] Mays, Biiyonne. New Jerwy, heavy- , C welghi. knotkcd uut Prliito tJbaldo,

^ lu ly . In the cUhih round ol their kp lO-round bout nt llcnderson^s bowl , '*• lonlghl., M.iys weighed 189; Ubaldo |

- - Solly Schwnrtz. English weller- , SCO weight, made liis Amerlenn debut In red another lO-rojuuler, and r.maslied ,

len Tejelro. £M ln . Schwaris wclgUvd , J42'i; Tejelro 143’j.

tth — — — t


™ ■ S U R R E N D E R S H ELM ,in i _____

(Continued i''rom Page <?ne>

M = --------— jStudents besau demonstrations .'

V'" pyjdsy morning, shouiuig -down , wlO) the d icutorl U ng live llbe rty f ,

“ S They were not disturbed by the tw- , llee imlll onc group > as dlsiierscd a t (, Uie door o t the government tioiisc.

,‘i ' Leguitt conferred lor hall an hour t- ; n'»U» hU mlJlury sta ll n»d ojmounc- T • ed Uwi the renlgncO cabinel would "* bo replaced with a ministry under ^ Oeneml Pedro Pnblo Marlines. Ou

hearing this news a group ot otllcen r r Informed Uic'president they would

noC accept .Martinet, so Uie presl-___ dent designated Oeneral l^rnaiido

Strm lenlo 10 head a new govern, ment. Others chosen lor ministries were: Jullo Ooleochen. Colonel Rob-

f c erto Lopez, Colonel Montagne, Col- 10 onel O erm tn Ytnes, and Rear Ad-

mlral Cesar B l ^ t l ^ h ,__ ]_________

S G RA N D ARMY O PE N S ! ! !4 - .= h ,.C IN C IN N A II.S E S S 1 0 N -

(Continued Htim Page One} h « r •tm -of-the-V n lon -V e tcran ajU tie

Cirll W ar; Theodore C. Caseau, for Pel. tlie Sona of Union Velerans ol Civil •«9 W v.V nil Ida B. Lang, president lor •’’iO tha Sons' Auxiliary. '.’08 <1118 flrat business session of the .890 ju iy .fou rlh encampment U sched-. •887 ulad to r Wednesday, elecUon o t of- ■887 ficen Thursday, and a pilgrimage .607. up the ObJo river to the birll)place ■843 o t ' l ^ d e n t Ulysses' s . o ra n t a t ■838 Folnt-Fleuanl,-Ohlo,-as.lbe.cloainK. Pvt. oveat PVlday momlng. «.404 MW Neatly 9000 American tutos and ■381 Inidu h a re been told In Chile as a 3W re^ o t a beUfr roads campaign

380 . ■. ■ -------------------- --- . .333 . Rtdlo telephone service to HawaU 358 la planned t s first link in Uio trant*.,

PacUtc tervlce. |

■ Q J l lK S r i .^ V M f i lK lN G . A U G U

e s t e r n T o u r n e y _ E

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7/ / • . ■ ■ L;If W m 'H /K . M

» M W i P a t •i a a a a a M W M i .-b: h


e n d in g W c.stcrn c h n m p io n m e e ts W ie ( i c r o nnd Mnr>« E l i u h c t l i . i m e n ’s W este rn jfo lf i o u r n a m c n t ' )'n. • ! D

• ■.___^ ] p

Missouri Woman \* Scores on Links

— r \: M rs . 0 . S . Hill S t r o k e s 7 5 ]

lo W in M c d a l i s t - H o n o r s 'v

in V K estern T o u r n a m e n t ft

. -------- I[ n r 1 .11. ASOKUSON [

'lAssoclAKd Preu Sports WrllA) KANSAS CITY. AU*-4!i-Mr3. O, ' ,

. S.. Htll. Kr.nsas City Roller, stroked , a mosnlllccnt 75 today lo win m e d a l.,"

1.U honors-In the twenty-eighth wo-* I man's Weslern golf loumament and J ■ I Slnrt Impreuively lhe detenie ol th o ,

crown the non a year a«o a t Cleve- 1 ‘ . land, where she aUo wns medalUt ' , with ft 77. ij

Seven blrdtcs and 11 holr.t In par , placcd Mrs. HIU seven uniter women's . p.ir of 83 and only two Qvcr men's par on the treacherous. Hlllcresl Country

n club course.A sUoke behind the Kansas City

.. womnn, who took tip so il 'lo r her , hniUh a few yenrs ngo nnd developed , ’* into one of the nation'.^ lending play- ; ,1' CT.1. was M n. oregg Llfur. Los An-

i;rlr.v Al Cleveland laM yenr M n." Ltfiir waa runner-up to Mn. Hill, ,

forcing the ehampion to lake an eagle ' . nn the ihlrty-teventh hole to win lhe '

iiDc. M n.LU uralsB Jitd seven bird. I' " les. but wenl onc over par on the ',

i.ti»rlftli. i ‘1 TlirBTnrotlier B0»r r 'to-ttnhh-un>4-i <ler aa was M lu DoroUiy Page. MndU ;; .TJ11. Wisconsin, wtio hsd, a W. Twice i on Itie last nhie M lu Page's putts 1 .ilo|>;ied on Uw Up ol lhe cup. j

Twin Falis Angler j srpLandsiBigiSalmoii

Twin RaUs. 'on a lUlilng trip to Bear V.I Vallej- in central Matto twentJj',‘ vouch for the autlienttclty of Ihe *: Mory th a l he eaught and Inndcd 0:1

1 ll number 8 hook with rod and line, a «almon thn t measured 49 Inches long nnd weighed 47 pounds 15 3 ^ ounces,

f- Mr. Aj'rc* and III* big M i were m ptioiographcd on the ground by Dr. cr c . D.-Weaver. Twin F tlls. a mem- }’■ .ber ot the party, and ttie photograph rs u 10 be pu t on dUpUy here, ll w'lui

lid announced.sl- Other memben of tlw imrty In- do eluding Mr. tn d Mrs. W. H. oilman, ii^^u . u, uuriujumer nna smiic rtJT nr ' tes all .of Twin Falls, took Ihelr sulmon b- In the commonly accepted manner )f: with ipears, while Mr. Ayres Inslst- d . ed on llahing with rod and llne.juxl

marie his c u u while lhe others flung — their speara.l'^WhenMr.Ayres hook,

cd liU big tlsh, other members of lhe i>arty, attracted by h it cries.

lU* hurried to hit' asslitancc, and, under ■*? dir«ilon.of-Mr.-C«3».-tl>er:»a<Jedr

OUl Into the stretm to form ft bar- T . rter ngalnst any atlem pt on tha

Ib tt^ -parV -lo-return-to-tha-ocean.‘ Durl ns tho conflict t h t t flecked Uie

stream wlU) foun. the line was worked around baek ot Dr. Weaver

. . nnd wpcn the fUh gave a great lunge hc WM thrown over backward in the

y water, and ti6 waa forced to swim to sliore.

‘8c The bl* nsh roie to th e surlace at >cc Jnlrrvals during tJie stmsgle, giving a t rUo 10 tho opinion among some Dg. inem benjLtlie.BattV -ltiatll-W M a .

baby whale, wmlft others contendtd I t v u a s h a i t .

,nd , . ■

'iS D tV l o f f f i f w S ^ B l l l y------ PetrottorFnjorN orth-DakoU . acor-

.cd a toetmlcal knockout over m n k le - aU lA lay ,.3ny ,N «v ,V o tk ,ln .the Iblrd u*.,round .pC-.».ia.T»uod fight bere lo-

jn llh t. H U r.tn ilfiitweitbu.

3 U 8 T 2 0 .1 9 3 0 . '

) a m e g e

Di*l» fins First i«Ani Brains N«[t .1


Honors m Circuitsdel

“ T! ' 1Je ro m e B o w s t o C ham pions'i'^;;

ol- L ea g u e b y 5 - 1 S c o re [S

a n d T w in F a l l s ■ D e fe a ts S

O ak ley , 7-6,' to B re a k T ie

. 'TWMlIt D tda . 1* dere«(liiB J rro m ,.! ^

S lo 3. to break a tie and win the In- lumi ifMue baieball chtmplonshlp fer tlie scflAon it 'R u p e rl luC Sun- ' day. Twin PilU de ietled Oaklry. 7 to 0, breaking t Ile for aecond plsce In a (oitioladon til t on the Twhi'KnlUini, . -------r -

Oitklry In the gnme lierci sUgcd a , H iriiile iiiny ilmi uvtiellcved iJHx- ihr only trliilc put-out ot the Inland;

‘ Ie,i8ue »HM>n. Ttie pluy was from 1 A. Mnitlii<ltile.(o PftllUps fo D. Mjr- tlim.Ale. . 1

.. .Twhi l'\tlli nut awuy-to a bud aturt I In ilie flr.M, nndOnklpy ruiu: up tlireo ' / ciHintrrs hi that Imme-on Ihree lilts

. unit I'wo rrruni, In th r seventh in- ■ nlng. when (Kings looked -T/td for* Lyonn. Twin Palls nioun(i»niiin. the "

Miuilnilsles pullc'd a ' big brolher |. sw'iit. a . M trtindalo wa^'on t ln l P ;by reiuon of n walk jind Addingion.l",! • hu»kj- Utah’State alhle.te. jwled one ; over (lie feft field fence for tho on ly ; coupters-Oakley m tde. excepi in i h c ; llrtt' und second eimtos. I

'!-,-T.He)imanek-.in(l-Landholm-»llUi! - Uie Slick, hhifred honora with Lyons < ” lor Twin Falls' victory. • ' "

[■ O une .Vest Handif I ■I The ssme,teams will pity on jih e 'ln Oiiklby lot next Sundny. J ‘ rt

1. The box iw rc for last Sunday's' C I gantiv I i

i OAKLEY AU R H PO A E : n* Hunter. ?b m l r f ;i 3 2 3 '3 I <

!b . Martlndale. Ib 4 a 1 fl 0 0 , iPhillipj. « . " . .4 I I 3 1 1 .te 'a . MuflUiaule, 31} . 3 1 I 1 3 0 iP"iP;ilifii, 0 ...............3 0 n -7 1 O.sl!,M. Elliott, p ..........4 n (1 I 3 0 N•SmntflWd. cf. Stt 4 fl 1 2 1 0(11U. Klllolt, I t ..... . 5 0 I)- J n 1 lieM. Martlndale, r t 2 n .1 0 u 0 ; iv

, Ur>on, rf ............ 2 0 0^ 0 0 o jy

* I -Totah ....36 (I 7 24 14 3 U/ TtVtN fALLS AB f? f i PO A K |S

MiNealy, nb. c ...... 2 2 (i r. 0 1 n, T. HeJtmnnek, 2b ,4 2 2 l 2 O 'E

Landhelm, Ib ...... 5 l 3 « n Ol-, i:, HeJtmimek. r t* . 5 l l 2 0 o h» Williams, ef .........3 I '1 1 0 O ’’, > u t( i , I f ................. 4 0 u i n I[ Buck, r ................. 3 0 1 5 2 1

Donovan. ! S .......... 3 0 1 0 .1 0 Lyons, p ............... 3 0 .0 0 0 J)

I ToUils ............ ; 32 7 ' 9 27 9 3 !, I Score, by Innings— T olaJi 0.itlcy ..................... 310 000.200-0 ;. Twill F n lls ............... 103 111 00x^7 ;. ' 8iimm»ry'. Stolen bases—Hunter 1 2. B. Martlndale. phllllps; two-bnso I h iu . Hunter. E. Hcjiraanek. WIN

’llams; home run. A. Martlndale; t double playa, Pniton 10 Slrlngfleld; :

.triple play-A , Mnrtlndalc to phll­llpa lo B. Mnrllndnle; strjick o u t^

‘ by Ellloit 7: Lyons 10; passed balls—* I Buck, Pulton. IVne of game, 1 hour ' 4^tnfatitCJ.

y DECLO WIN8 TITLEJ R U P E ^ . Aug. 23 (B t|tliil Jo^Thc

}• championship of the Inland league

* , seven. A fenture ot the game waa

. ' on base. ,; j Baturles; Oeclo-Borlz and Ban*® , /o r t; Jcromfr-FVo and RuMrtl.

I Twin Falls Golfers , ‘Bring:Ganie.IndQCE

If recreation wlU)ln-.Uia nexl two weeks, H. C. Edmunds. Twin Palls account* an t and well-known golfer vho U to

" Insull the course, announced ycsler-

? , Ati’i8-hole nilnlaiurp golf course b„ to be. InsUlled on Uie flrsl lloor ol„ lha Lambing building, comer of Sec*

ond avenue and Second sUeel notUi,' lately occupied by Uie Servloa Motors,^ Ineorportled, while greens and neta“ are lo be provided in the bvem ent, for approach and putting pracUcai,_ tn d for practicc In the ute of al] goU

5T Alleriuon and remodeling of Uw , , building for lU new uso waa becun t . yesterday tn d the work U to be push* ,rt « l wlU) view to opening wlUUn U»

next two weeks.,! . TboJlrst.nopr^n.whlch.ll)fl.inlnl*,){ ature course U to be instiled , will be . covered with rubber matting, exoept ,r for the 'grcena whleh will b« ol a .d- .compoilUon.designed..t^ l t i n ^ r- speed ippertaim ng'to a weil‘condl* ,tt lloned ouidoor jo lt eourse. Oateful

-■sssin5t?iiisSi'iKaU decoraUoh, wlU) view to m aU ni thecr new course I n t ^ l l n g and attraetlve.sc Indoor goU courva are being to*-ie sUUed In great numbera Uiroufhoul(0 the counlry. Mr. Edmunds aald be

learned on InvesUgatlon following hlaat dcclslon to provide UiU sort o t re*:u cteaUon (or Twin Pttlto;

” BASS MEETS ANDBBSON id’ D B s'M bm E SrA urW («=B eti5 le

Bass. Philadelphia, Junior Ugbt* velght champion, anil ?ddle Ander^ son, Cbleago, bave been io f

Uy a non-Utulai 10.round bout bere ar—Septembera.—-------- -----------------------

rd P ^ M totaUlng 4300,000 are to ta 0- awarded t t a vorld grain axblol*

j lioo lo BtflOB, C«j]Kla, In u a , '

V .........

L e a d e r sWomeninHailey If; . EndN^Tourney

Flplace In the women's singles' tennU loumame'nt a t the Kent-court here l u t Prtdty. She won from Wilma . Home, wlw Thursday evenhig' lind dB defetled Jennie Van Winkle.. .

Prlies were awarded to the wln- iiers by -Peler L. Kent, u lollows: -istbel MePadden.--flrsl;—WJIma Horne, second: Jennie Van Winkle. - third; Eddls Amnfons. Rulh Schaefer snd M artha Benedict, lourth, f ilm y and sixU). , . Th.

________ ;________ . lool

ilexas Polo Stars ir

topple FroiiiTop S_____ FOI

!___ , ; ------- ani

iRubc Willianis and Cccll 'Z : Smith Get Trial and Ap-I thipear Somewhat Wanting hc

i / ------ 2?/ NEW YORK. AUJ. 25 .J 'j-T he two linrd-rldlng Tcxani. Rube W iliams C": -and-CeeU-SmiUJrhannrtefn-trlcd . and npparentty found Pm ewhat

; wanting. youUitul Earle A. s ; Hoj>- “ ping wlU retum thU week to tho {?

I much discussed number 3 posiUoncn : lha American polo "big four." un* „' dcrgolng final lesU tor tlw ' iiaUonal cup matched with EnStana j siaxtlng September 8. , _ " [._itepplng._tller. a week's tbsenoe., U stated to return lo Caplaln Tommy i|i 1 Hitchcock's Minlty Whites iliU ve : Wednesday a l U)» PJfJlng Rock club g, . In the elerenlli lest malcli,' He will ^e I rtdo number 3. wini Erto fydley, CopUnl Hitchcock tn d wfnst Huest k.

: retaining their usual positions a t : number 1. number 3 and,btck., WJWsins wai given a lr>’out s t j , number 3 l u t Wednesday and SmIUi |i,

; tested, for lhe second time. In thla k , poslUon yesterdty. when tho varsity srti' waa held to a tie by lha Reds,

I Neither Texan appeared to satisfy ji ; llie exaclbi; demands of the team Bi I leader. Kltcticock. who h u hnd Hop« k : ping os a playing companion since (t i youth, |rI The Reds tlibi Wednesday will line vi

: i up with Peu Boalwlck and Uiddle |i, j Sanford dividing num barl. Smith a t q { number 3. Wiliams a t number 3 and

II Elmer Boeseke a t back.

I Wolgast Meets ■ - Frankie Genaro

I - -------- i' NEW'yoRK.Aug.aSM'h-Offlcltls * r a l Mtdlson Squaro O trdni announc. t, ed today th tt articles htve been a; sliincd lor a 13-round bout between n* Midget Wolgut, PhUadelphia, and i: ' Prankle Oeotro. New York, for theI world's flpieljht chtmplonshlp. The I

bout will be sttged In the Oarden 0 : October 17. i• _ . . I. ?


. N E W S ' B

L IN K 'S B U S m :And SecreU

P O C A T E L IOpentBr 1

rUESDAlf, Bl

MONDAY, til ----------- c isnen rm -be-O rin jlsed

, BDb)t<U J A V S C II 0 0 1 ; and.

Call, pbone or wrfle Olflce 408 CaHaes


L ,: ...........- . zt: - - .....- L

p s f f l r a e if* ' Editor-Ro “ _____________ Chlet P lanke r-

J j c o t . 1 ' A u g u s t 2

:* — — — '^ HOWDY FO LKS-Do'' I atump. HsU you rsallie that cowa W ln j for « U , . . . W » r p r « l « ." tlM ll h o t ^ in good _

warm- sheds In win*« ler? You- will always U iU -U e j“ Ilnd the very beat ®Je clus.. qt ma.^rlal for u 'because

U itt. purpoae In our you after Un rd s. ' ^

De ' 'bapU ar-'—pt ■ — . _• An umbreUaMias ' ”

Q.. owntT Uul iPP»«chtng. —be J — . Rusty: <ait There are many td*

vtnlages liv using Red S iha Devil cement. We could IUl t booK wiUi • “

--------- --- ---------------L _

[t* — Tom • W^ -- .4 la to ld U err itt.U .u p . U u t 'tU n » ire


i V t e a d

Kimberly Arrang^_ Footb^ ScheduleSeveral lietterme'n Relum

and Coaoli Fort IsiiSs .. t.ijt of Contests.Plalined

K]MB£3U>Y. Aug. 35 ISpteU] Ift rhe-Newsf—Kimberly high school Is ooking forw trd to the football act. on with high bopes tor a good show* ng. T belr t i n t gatne win be on the uome field, with the Haselton eleVen IS opponents..

PrwpeeU of the team and Khed* lie tor th e season wtre given ycs- trday by Butgess P. Pbrd. eoach and - .nhiclpil .of Xhe high aehool. Mra Pord Is a Ooodlng college graduate, ind has been engaged hi coaching rork for several years. This will be , lil» first year a t Kimberly hlgti scliool.

KootbaU leUemien who wlU return this year ate: Dolue. center; Van Ilixil;. tackle: Campbell, end; Nse* Rsrdi, 4ialf; 'Palmer, hall; Denlon. nutrter; Wclster. end; Haines, full; Sliepard, end; Sennell, half; Rlhn, ’ Rutrd. I

In t>.»)Join (tie team: Eubsnks, lormer Ooodlng man; Prothero. from CaU- tom lt: Henry Dohse, Chunp Oray, Don Brandon. Forrest Kllborn, No­ble Palmer, Herbert Brown. Jesso Brown, Jesse Sutmlller tn d Lylo Jones.

Kimberly HI Papa-D u-K lm berly HI Pups i^ ll Includo Um following menTRoy pute. Jiar- vey quisnell, CecU Karklns. Eugeno Srorn , Eldon Draper. Oeorge Camp* bell, WUV Dodds, Kenneth Rldger way, Lewts Jennlngt. Ben and R ar KQhntop. Jamea Ketgan. PrancU scott. Bin Patton, BoWrt'Nygard. - - Ray Potter. Dale Bowman, Howard Jansen, S h rm an Dellawd, WaJ* lace Smith, Wesley Oough, Irwln Ktoua and W anen Staley,

The following schedule, of. grid gamet haa been made; SepUmber SB. Haielton a t Kimberly; Qpto*)" Bhoihone a t Klmberty; Buhl a t Kimberly: 17, Hanten a t Hansen lu n u tlv e l! 34. WendeU a t Klmber* ly; 31. Filer a t Pller (tentaUve) | No­vember 8, Burley or Jerome on out* side field (tenUUvel: November II. Ooodlng a l XUnberJy.


PHlLADDJnOA, Aug. 33 MVEd* die Shea. Ilashy Chicago leaUter* weight, and Lew Massey, hard.|)lt* Ung Philadelphia ItaUan, tought 10 whirlwind roulds to a draw bere to­night. Shea weighed 138; Masser 137U.

I n a six-rounder Oene Bullalo, Philadelphia. 153, won U)e decision over Billy Alger, Phoenix,* Arlwna,

U N C I N G . - •wnlng ef aSC H O O LB yN E S S C O L L E O Relarlal School

i L O , I D A H Qr Datea A n SBPTEMBW Z and86FTEMBCR •ed-tn-aH-M aJwC eeew elal—— — Ila ln Bothid N I 0 U T '8 C H O O L '(e for rtifl iDfematian wBM g. -rh e n e7 tS

= s s = = a s s j » = : = s s = : a ^ = _ _

Roy wood.•-W . P . Naylor________ • . •

;2»nt»30' . . ' NO. iil,

Be haa beea T fewer Ulangular love r weeka to affalra If Uiere were ! horaepowtr more square mealt a t ey engine.. home.

son 4bey caU Judioa ’TUnm put apuntshmeat doten golf-baU#-under

» they bang a hen and abe hatch;the Jawyen ed iu t ( c u t etglta

. up a ll your and a blnUe.:----------------— r r -

~ . tu ll '.. year o r so serious tbougbt. « r ^ t ) t - « - m e = :WuiV“ jw -= to --i» a n * s w e believe and KNOW Uiat Pab* nott-or-theae- - eo -* h ln |U » -a r> - tfl*~ . Uilnk. Uier onea' for you. Teated . ” are only over peribda e t time,1 they tuYe :in t ^ gpp^

t ^ d a n r aajs Pete 'tba^'n igh ts. W t to ua w itehm an .nn itttlu ro -,

10. maUriato, c « t i t^ w a r . ' im pleaeai uoiiBd la'^ tbe-iltrk.?^^


Paso Sbe__________ _

Irrigati j i i i i T i SOF M i I ’

- s i IIIIIII Ci■ l 5 0 0 P u m j i l n g U n i f s b r a w (

D eep W e lls 'tp S u p p ly .

M o is tu re F o r 3 0 0

S q u a re M iles



W h ile T e r r if ic J tc a t S e a

. ' V e g e ta iio n in M ost o ( ■

L a n d , R iqeo row ers

— ^ ^ ._ M a k e .P rp l |ts______

■ (By. The'AMoclaltd Pr«M>

ST U T T G A R T . A rk .. A\ 25— O lc i / i n n n jJroupl

w ns-licK c il b e f o r e s ta r te d in th e A rkhnsna ri

be lt. ■ .----------------- W in rfa lf t s in K -f tn n - f io n r

v cB cta tion o v e r a InrjfC in o f th e U n ilc d S ta te s 15 jium ps on- n im o s t ns in n j f a r m s k e p t c rops jfrccn in t

' .............300 iq ture miles devoted u tlce cn)jnjt In Arkansaa. . • '

Runnlnj the lull 21 hour* wlthi rc*pltc, llie»o pumps drew trom i

• trea t underRround mervoir I lua th the ttau-M> csUmaUd llov 1,«IO.OOO Ballon*.• day. Having calamity lor a major croji.

T hafa tenough * a y r, ll U w ' mated, lo iupply evcn'.per«'»

r a r lh wllh about three quart* dal Tlie A rkanm rice territory la flot cd durln* June. July and Auri 'i/ntll the crop nean maturity In Si tember.

. * Seientlfle Mtlhadinice culture u ctfrrlcd oil here

. the worW« most tliorouBlilymecliii...... . ired and ono-oM U nwrc.idcflU

types o( tarmlns. Prom tlie lime i • seed U drilled Into the ground

the Iprlng unlll ‘.lie Uirejhed.rJc* hauled lo market In auiumn. to nnlmals and hand labor play pa rt In lta production.• n t la all iraetor, harvtJltr, him Uireslier. electric and oil eiiRli with tucccss or failure entirely.

- pendent on the farmer's InowJe . ' o f dlseaaa and weed control, con

IrrleaUon meUiods, ond emcleni tation.

I Rtee land U prepared for seed ■' much like spring wheat land,

though the farming impltments •' much heavfer. W aler Is turned

' . when the young planu have atUi: A height of alx to eight Indies i pumplns continues until Uio he

' besih to fill i\nd <lroop tmder ll OTO welghu The land la then dra ed for cutUng nnd tlireslilng.

h(any A rkansu rieea are lit • • producu and have inUrestlng 1

torle*. Two o t Ule more popular rietles, Storm Proot and hfortc

• , U ftir . were developed by J,- SatchUeld o t Olllett. Arkapsas, c

a lew years ago. - other vnriel. iioUfity Lady Wright, Bllih i

•, B l t ie ^ W , were- developed by __________ Wright ot l/)Ul<lauB, Uie Biirb


T O K E E P A N N IV E R S A l

. ' ■ BUJrU AUB. 31 (8p<c!»l lo : . h'ewsl—Plan* ore under way by

local nebekoh lodge for ob. erva . . . ' , of the a ti-ehly»rilni h annlveraar)

irj5j ohnlvem Tf^atfTalirbn 'B tember 30 u d tlte local organlul will present a varied- program on

' evening of September M, durloff regular session. Mrs. A. £■ Wnr is « n lh g Ha .chairman of the j

.gram committee. _ ^

m tL S B R C

' f i t f i f r e s h ' r t 5 w A e;j

came from tbe roast

T ttB iiau o w i» -4 1 illi Bros. Co

----------- —i> - |a c lic d Jn _ i 'a c u u[n t ins.

. w h ich destroys th e Hivor o f col

h . com pleiely taken o u t o f

-^.j. .. .can N o u M ig h cw il l keep coffee fresh. B u t F

Bros. C o fe e la th e Tacnum [

i i ilw a y s fresh w beoerer you

; v- - i c T l i f c a o w easH yopcned -rOT

tion Pm

wony ; .

p ’V . .

ISLY. ■ ■ / , J


>f- • -------------------------^IHcc c ro p n f ArlmnKaB >

. yic ld inK ^000 R allnns o f wai fow, s o hnrvc .s t (fr ip ) w ill yi

^FIMIEWeiRIS-iM IIS KFiUsnrocl • — - . ____

County Apent Harvey Ha'

nny- and Fred Bienz, Ccd;

mw- Draw, JSiyc Addrcssillhout ’ ■ • - —m thff ’ FAmviEW , Aug. : a —T>lr^-l! iow**of regubr’meeting (^ Priday evening. County Atenl Ha

^ vey Hale save a t.ilk on Uie exiilbl 1 M il. Jor the lalp th li fall. A dlstusiii ‘ nn 'on how »I0 dl»p!ay should be a

‘ rantedTollowed. Fred lllcnz.mMU of tlie Cellar Draw Oranw, gave i

™ * fttldrew. Al the elo.ic ol tlie meeilr luncll wa.t served. •

® ' ■ . TTie MLwi Roft'.e and H5le Ko. esll were lioster.'kea to lhe Superl' Sun Itays Sewing club liuit vee

icre U The glrli will exhibit Uielr work > :clian- the nexl meeting o f .th e Falr\'lc £flU;Jc.ORt£i£cai.»f)I.M a l tJw /alr. Tin ne tho Kill Klvc Uielr program for tl md In OranKB on September 5. A she rJce Is procmni wm Riven folIowUiR ll . tarm meeting and a eontest was held ay no {!i?clo.w. IH'which LoulwIloberU.

wa.1 .the jwUe winner. T lie.ne binder meeting will be n l the llUbc lioi iiRlnes, •wlllt Jlden Coueh osaljllng.;ly de- Prank Mi|ec.ih iind daughter* m wJcdgo fored to Ho; Liike. Oregon/ on Fi correct day to Join Mrs. Mlkesh. Tliey j m l ro- turned on Sunday. .

Mr. and M n. Prlady. Lakevlt leedlng ■- ' ■■

al- Its are icd on lUlned es and heads .«

r Uielr

™ J t t t tlar va- wtgageJ, M. •s, only■rietles. _____ . • ' ___

■ B A C54R Y

a n d w i l l c0 m o i v a lu e o f ;by U ie . . - y e a r - i n an

,n'-BejS^liutlon I , • Ion the ] ■ A n u

■ i n d u s t r y r ,c“pro- ' m a r c h o f

B A C K .T

: ■ T h e \ V EN IEN

added .Idv, U j c fo n o m ic s

b a s e d o n '---------------- ------------ . . o f c o al;--j

,1 9 3 0 m e t] . . . ir i so

_______________B e fo

7 ! i m

■’c f e I^ p r ,s c d fp 4

. --------------------:-------------C35>*-C0nt'(t h e w o r r y

o f the • P h o r

can, ^ h i s S to ry (t 'H i l ls “ “ le a r n w h y

m pic lc lE N T a n to u b u y y P “ '

a T JT i■ ‘ “T f e liB.CAN W K /K /K jj/tltt/K

Chli - -V '' 1 ^ ^ .1 ;

- — r —a s w a s sa v ed f ro m tlro u R h l ! iy w cl w a te r a m inu te^ su c h n s fiho^vn b II y ie ld n s usu.iJ.

n n Oregon, visited tlie William,Po U L home here last Keek. - , | | u Woodrow and Ralph Roberlson ai

VJfior Criinior »nJoyed fishing lr I N j r i a t Magic dam last week, n u S Mr. ond Mrs. l. L. Ward spent tl H I U week-end with friends in Nampo ni

Caldwell. Tliey vlslied a ; the. A. Jucfj- ))ome.

7 7 7 7 ' “Vi^rK im brougiram iTam lly, wl H aiC have been vl.ilting their parents. M

and M n. D. K. Uurkey and Mr. ai l e d a r M n, Klmbrounh. left for their har

In Mari'ivllle, California. Mra. Kli BSSGS brough's sLiter. M n. Theodore ChlU

and baby, accompanied Uiem Ior i extended vlill.

ff on AVEJUCK MEAL 31.1 fE,VTS , , WASHINOTON M’l-T lia aveni

' ‘“I " cents for n-meal. says the depai V a r- commcrce.

" M '" y o u SALE •ive an ooifcUc Course Lola 0 -and eeimg j„ j j joa,] location t

out (toor Aports, Oil Siotlons. Storu K od' Ta.ita. »V.ireftoMse and Faclory i» i

perior Tlioiisanris made by dealing with n week. c . a , Pnrgo, Parmcrs Stora or Pho:

ork a t 450. adv..,lr\'lew — ,

Tliey . j3,«or the To Idaho Vail* nnd lU turn

shorl . s iM ,B Uie To niarHffiol and Kelum leld a l AlKlUSTZDTU--erUOJi PfofH I 'a ’Iti Pjl.'.i via OreKO» S))c 5 .nexl L inrttallrM d. TlckcU gtxKl only : homo coaclie.ior clmlr cars limited t»r r

turn tn home-destinations befo r* mo- mldnUht of September 1st. Ai ■n FVI' l.-cul a sm :/o r deinlls. odv ^

” Only one font speeUlltt In Tw tevftw. l alls'l'hone 810. I)r. Poster. . At

N E W E S T . ;I S

m j m[undreds of thousands of 'peopl ill continue to burn coal bccausc, 3f a raJfant sustaitiing heat . . . I and year-out economy . v-. bcca unclcanliness on> the \vaUs. no

jw s 3 ^ a u i 'd y ^ j ? . 'r . . r , .

ind now, the developments o f i ry mark the awakening o f the c< of progress; T hey signify the i ..T O COAL. .This is w hy . .

'he modern stoker gives you tf ENCE as other fuel substitutes— advantages of coal. I t gives you r lies in a fuel whose know n c( 3n "estimates” . Y ou KN O W tl h-md4tr4ndtsputeble-4ftvtng»7i nethods o f firing, you cut fo rm er': some cases actually m half. ■

>cforc..taking the often cxtravaj citivc fuels too seriously, you o phone your coal m an— fct him p irid you .w U rb^agijcaljly^iri:*- to^eariTtfiat you can have th e” 'nvcnlcncf-o/-l-9-30-Iiving-‘Hytlj— irry-frec advantages of coal, hone your coal m an ^ . . hear ry o f a proved SA FE heat and /hy it is the m ost C O N V E N - and ECO N O M ICA L heat fo r •

A W €! West’s Uneqfufrii

I :

I'w m -PA H £-P A H ,

leat Dtqn Babson Urges Bus! I ToRaiseAdver I Period of Ind^ Bay State”Statlaticlan

Kcducing Expendi , During Slum: y SIghtet

' Br ROGER W. DAB90S • DADSO.*! P A J« . Mo**, Aug. JS - It ij tv mistake to reduce adverilslng

- rxjifn(liture.i merely because salts' b; i.' and profit* lower. Tliere is HO belter silmulant to r sales and

lhan more ond better adver- •.Wtu’. Admittedly, busttieis • muit

:i cut oul a ir unnecessary expenses atiliw time,-bui U la ahottilghled i>oU tw indeed to comlder adverUilng Jl 15» umiecessary espetue.

fn^lead, look a l It u the slrong I fUlii aVm o r ih e salea depanmtnt,

(•.iMblc' whtn rlghlly used, of wrest-____ |irofii-i from seemingly .barren

iidd j— X/OOk a t ’It u « rtWWng Post lorcc in American buslnea. o.i a

key distribution and_ mil.'.' proJSuctlon. aa a potential Ha- , of employment, o crealor of' ‘ new intlu.itrlcx, n foundation IwiMer It tlie lof growth.0 nnd Advertising Doosta Salei

A>k any bu-ilness map loday what _,h„ lm considers th<» mflsU mtwrtant d_e-

1 Mr inrim cut o t his business 4nd ninelimes oul Of 10 he will answer "Uic ,i;ilfs ilepariment.” And yei busl-

V I,,: ness men. who would not think of hi , l-ltliiK Ihelr factorlea run wIlJi bf^k- o ‘ n • cn machinery, nrc often guHiy of

Kivln'? broken lool* lo their s.iles torc.-s ami expecting them lo iiro-

_ J (luce bitflnc.w. A half-hearted oc 'cvi'rcly-ciirtalJcd Bdvenlslng pro-

eriiito sriim b a broken looLNow, more than ever, the snlcj de-

•P*"‘ int:m c:it i i e ^ every possible sup- iwri. Liberal, truthful, and well plncctl mlvertlslng ti fhe most re-

. ii.-iblc tool" any selling forcc eon imvc. In these daya of alow sales,

” ‘ rxtrcmu competition, and nanow«: prollt m arcinv lhe burden on the

h M - l U i i g forefi Is (freally tncreased, 'l'I''-' jnaniikVmcnl relies on the .'ale* iifiiAriment to lend the comiuny out ot the wilderness. , •

MiiiiaKcmcnt.fxpeclj sales vol. . time'to bc maintained a l lra.'t al a

level which will Justify contfnuiKl op- . criilloti of tlic faelorles. I lls not fslj

lo i:ul this greul burden on the lell- Shorl WlUioul backing ll u ;lly in with strong advertising support.*r re- ' U 1* rrjillfylug to nole lhal lh< }c(ore.. iimount ot money ipenl In June foi

Ask imtlonal tnagaane ndventsb-.g wai 10 per cent greater lhan for June

' 1 9 2 9 . The weeklies ih o « d an In- T«rin crease of W per cent; flai magazine! . Adv. an [ncrease of 10 per ccnl, and wom-

i . n i f N D ,

CQjOr3plc burn coal— isc.they'.know the •. . .because' o f its

rcaufic it leavfs no ,0 tarnishing mar. .

if the ncw stoker : coal m an to the IC newest trend—

the same C O N - 'I— w ith the m any u ncw coal-saving

economy is noc ' the old'cconomy.

a _-,-^ - n o w ~ -wi th ------------ ,----------p .er costs still low er

w g a n t claims ofowe it: td y o u r - .... - -

I present'th is flew: •

___ -

)— S w & k -___

1 I B S f


,n . jM .-a v s jD v m f a l l s . ' i p a i

M g f i t i n

isiiless Interests erlising Quotas m idasbial Depressionlan_ Declares Practice-of tditures to Publisher imp to Be Short?- ted Policy

en'a m agulnes on Inereose of K per 5 — cent.“ ng , For the flrat aht month* o t thla

year Uie omount o t national mag- 'e Is a iine odverttslng exceeded the f|rst and jijc monlhs of losl yeor by B per ver. f(n t, , .J . nu»t u seema (hot the national adver-- ‘ “I t l x n have maintained the ir budgets I'OI* a l i higher level lhan have the lo­sing cal buslnes* conccrns. Tolal news­

paper advertising lineage Includlni: ront; both national and loeal for lhe flrsl

half of 1030 were 003,0asjl8 lines lr L l;: 30 leading cltle* of the cojijitry. Thl: rrfn eomp*res with 729,750,03* lines Jt ting the f ln t half of 1329. a declino ol I B around 0 per cent. ~and Ad»anU«e* lo Local Men (la . Ths larg jr Industrial cbrporollon! <>t -----------

'Mer ■ ^« A C R O S S . S E C T


■ £; ----------------------- -

ri; D ay anifOlf


I you TO STAR I USING!"ised. ^^alc*I out

vol. ■ al alop-;fs lr . tell-

lhe' c forWas \

lune.I In- rines com-

CONC: m k

- M i R D C fP A K A f f I N


—— -^—--cnamcctianjcal r' ical improvemenl Xhe fanuly car is

' .thatlcsscncdmot * Peak Tests, prot

costs. Raeinjg mc ' from 02 to-120 n

rcsistahce of Cbni -T-------- bcr (iuring-summ

Somcsajfitfsi Yet all of you kni and seeks the ver]

— : -------------- p-rWellrthQt4«-^vquality df'Gcrm*

------------ ;pcnctratcs-thB~vciSo, really, witl

, BStcr equipped t \ Germ • Processed

J \m a lc s who will pn

' ’I Now that’ ou/ when may wc cx]



1 Arkanwhich -adrcHUc on a nallonal scale

• * have come to recognlia more tully than have tho local bualneu men. the advantages of sustained odver- tlslcg In tune* of dull busineu.- Par­ticularly ihe local retoller* should

- reallxf Uiai.UielrgrutcalMilUng aid under present condition* is more and

n better advertising. Especially now U lhat wholcfale* commodity prices

have declined ao exteiulvelyi retail-- - ers ate m a, posiuon to offcr .rocr-

chandlje a t attracllva price conces- llonJ.~-ThB-rrtsllerh-now-jTOj»lnj along lo the public tha saving* vchlcli he Is making cn hU purchase*, al

■ wliolcwle., In order to Increase volumo ol sales he should tell the public oboul the lavlrss -whlcli can nox he madt 'n the purchase of slat)le comnodl-

■ ties. The besl waj to tell them l! per lliroush the local newspaper.

Good Oood* this Whether the time* ore good or bad ag- mercliandlslnR suetesa (lepends upot; Irst two prlJiclpnK factors. Thews fac- per tors are; first, good adverUslng h

suflicieiii quantity, ond tccond. t ,-cr-* good product. Much advertising !■ je ts so pwrly conceived, constructed anil lo- placed Uiit It U, practically wasted

iws- Such ndvcrlLilng barm* r a th v Ular llns helps o good product. Similarly Ira t great sums o t money In good advtr- s in tljln.'! can bo wasted U the produc rhis Is not good.

in Wll*:) you have » combination o J o t iikntlful advertising, carefully plan-

ncd.ond_conatnicled._plus a_Boot sound produci which ih o ' public

lons wanu, then su c ttu will corns as n

: t i o n o f c u r r e n t


T ' iw•> L " ‘ i V

r J

oc6 Hl M ■m B-MN E A S E ■ ■ ■

k O I L n

rfcTcigcrators, arc hotapt tp * ent in motor oils* as Conoco ( is a big item in every woman otor wear 76.4% over olher oj •otects the investment ond c motors at Indianapolis and A miles per hour demonstrate

onoco Gcrm*Proccssed oif—S( irocr-Hnontbg. - '- __ ___IS id/c fe disciiss technical thin aiow how a good cold cream cry-bottom pf.the pores,____

j-^wbflfr-wo-mcan-by-tho-uniqu m«Prdccsscd'oil; pij^-splchdi r e r y ^ 'p o r c s ^ - o f - i h c n f c t a I r f l « <

vith the other products you bi 1 to realize tlie urgeat reaso cd oil, than are the'" probably read this too. ^ j j S

'6u"ldiow~tlf67slblyr‘’ B 2xpcct you . . .a t the I j J ] oco Red Triangle? ■ *

" i ' ' r

AUGUST 25.1980. ;•

isas Ric<•ale m.*.ller of course. The fact that illy aalet retUlance ts greater a t some ten. time* than olhers 1;; Uie business clr- ■rr- cle ihould oct merely os' a spur to nr- greater effort.

No matter how good a product U. It-m ust be reld.-Perhapi-100 year* ogo when people were offered only a lev esmm'odltiei. en e*ceptl«iaJ)y good product could sell lUelf. WlUi- OUI the aid of adverllilni today.

i“ * however, when lh# eoniumer ba» -f*' thousands of things offered him for Inh »an v of

f<L >l>nd* to reason lhat the' article w^jlch u nol advertised will

not, be bought.

«u t ' ' colllvatlnx New I1e!d* - ' ade)dl- Thote whose buslne.u U is to In- 1 Is ireaso the saies 'of advertising will

do well to look Into new fields which hovo mllherto been uncultivated,

j j j Por twtancc. the farmers nre a l a Q.J disadvantage as compared with busl- [ « . ' "*»* “ *"• I^Kaufft. tlielr producu

■„ havs nol been advertised lo cny- B thing like'the extenl lha t they thould

, u Some progreM loward cooperative a n j advertising of various fruit* has HJ bten made, but very Ulllc publlcliy lian has been gr;en to the merits of veg- ,;y_ ctables 6nd olhcr -farm .product.'

,'tr- . Truck gardeners, market mcn, and luet even the growers of staple grains

eould do much toward increasing n of llie consumption of tliclr produci b) Inn- Judicious 'and ang7es.ilve advertising ;ood ca tnp.-vlcns. The "Tom Thumb Oolf" blic courses'which hive-reecntiylHkcii IS n the counlry by storm; open up on-

.C O .N V E R S A T I O N S l »

Q overlook sUch-Q-ra(l.L:^-ri ) Gcrm«Proccsscd . . . an'’s budget, and-an oil ' oils used in the Pike's ' cuts'do\vn operating • ' Altoona a t speeds of .

ited stamina and heat -sofpetiiingto rcmcra-— — — ' I

lings m'th yoft women'. ■ ’ m penetrates tlic'skinj ^

qfxo-mdtaUpenotratmg- hdid motor lubficarif" md-staya-t/ieret—'— ------ j

buy, you women-arc . i isons for changing, to, ■ <

. t

B m r o i ■;

:e Fieldsa t olher avemie for Ihfl tkrtodrerO itog

"r! “ Adiertlslng ho* pU y«l • aajo i to r o le l n th e e s to b ll s h m e n to f^ lo '

amities, t u c h 'u eJfCirie «W #*ro- ima. oil burner*, new McTOs*’o?he^ *OUwr tnduitrlM DM

' “ unadvertlHd ond eomporotlveljr ob- >WK. are owaJlUv UJ# n>«lo of advertising to blOMora forth a: great ncw source* ol wealth and ea-

‘ S s s by lh# B»htonchart nmr« ts te rj ./ tf p c r - e « t below.no^macompared 4-lih 1 per cent abov* nor-

m mal al this time o yeor ogo.—(Copy- ^ S iV lM O . PuW l*hero-,.nfloncit

Bureau,^ '*“ •

n- FOLKS IN NAMPA VISIT ;i! RELftTIVES IN JEfjPtJifd. * ------- - '‘■I

■ j m O « AOS. B - H I t to n l M l

Mr*. Olio and family w«f ?f. home wllh Uiem and remaln-cwj Ji* U bor Cay. - • , >__________:i.v — = = ^ = = : = 7 = nd — ■n*. . . R E M E M B E R55 T h e U .-s . M arin e a m Jn-,1 Al Twtn OeL Stb:I f ' rit* t Time WeitCll. ----------ia-0fc i_2a.irc* t»______

I N C O N O C r O L A N D » '

l y B i

FoUowhis m P ik A P'caJi T e s ts , lo h e re Citnoco^ G etm 'P ro fessed W o f in O /^

was tested side by s ide w ith |

th ree other popular, nation* clly known oils, Ihe C^ntestt '

B oard of th^ A m erican Au» - to ’mobile AssoclaUon issued, sntrllfirjilM n f .P e r f n ^ m aneif

num ber 226S, comprising U, poln tt, o f whl'ch the po\nt ' \ b eh w is on^. . -

PoinA^o. 7 ^“That less oil consumpi

"tiomis-shown-by the— records of these tests' occurrcd with the'use oi the’subject oil.”

Ask for the Free Booktetf. ■‘PJISTPStTMtrConfirm— CONOCO’S Chtllonlo”at any CONOCO gtaHon, ^

" ^""TZZT:..:

FCOiCILiN-fflClEOFllEIB m sm

H a n t i lo s s V ege tab li! G ra w th

. R e jp o n s lb lo F o r D is a ­

g r e e a b le T a s te , S u p e r -

. I n t e n d e n t ' Tells^ B o a r d

• Twin m i s clly counellroen, dur* H llll generti dlK uuton Itu t preceded i adoption l u t evenlne ol k rewluUon 9 ftQulrlng Bppllcw u tof »enr-0 let to pote 13 depotit, tound out bov1 Twin PalU city wtler "lel* tb i tI wty."

>-lt Un't u u o t too much chlorlns th t t h ts caiued the dUasrccabl^

■J tsitc In tho waler tor K vcrtl.dayi,- " a lUrlejr X. Rayburn.' luptrlntcndent' 3 o t (IrceU U ld watcnsorlu. told theII councllmen. " J t Is t vegemble B«rt-lh

I i i CtUed tlg te ttiic'ttirlves la extremely V K-arhi wetUicr, tnd thal « e bave^ lound on InvciUgalloii lo great quan>, titles In tinake river ts tar uptitieam

u Burley. There *M wmO'trouDlB 1*^ oi IhU kind tor a tev days Its t fum* r j mcr. but thU year It U Uie worst we I J htve ever experienced, We have be’en i d iretllng the w aur a hltle Islely, 'and, j i l 1 bellave. we have Improved 11 wtne-.

'|i i | whtt."_ ta .___The dmicullyj3_fl».Brnv»lcd by lack

^ o( wstcr bioriige cavlicity, iho lupcc* -j} Inlendeni Mtld. "Il wo h td 'storage . i tu((lcleDt lo hoUl lllicrta w tler lor '1 1] hours." he wid. "X believe there

would be no trouble In ihU ttsa id ." Twin Ktlls waler lupiOy U tnalyz*

*' • ed by tho city ehemlsi every day,.the , J superialendent sdvised. •■■■'i " SfOTC (0 stop to u

In tdopllne tho ret^Iullbu roqulrr • 1 Ing t deposit lor'WtUr scrvice. coun*. ' cil look .Action Its^evenlng designed - ’to prtVent whal wUs ducrlbcd u a

"consldertble lou ot revenue tr^m unptld charges lor wtter servlee."

The m euure provides th a t etch dppllctnt to r wsier servlee In the

' tuiure shall post a |3 deposit to lie iield t s u su toace ol psym eatrot

' wsler service chsrges. U tny charge ' u nol paid when due, the m euure ■■ prbyJdM, tlJO *aier*ofksdepanm enl

sh tll pay the ehtrge from tile de> llniiuent customer's deposit', and 'ctll

. upon him to replenlsli iho depotlL H . lhe deposit U not ma^s good Wltljln , tlve d ty t a lte r luiisnco ot- noUcs.

' ' • w tter service U l« be dUconUnutd,

» tn d no t tc be re«uni«{ uotU U o de- posit U roptenlahed and payment made o t t n addliiou^l ehtrge (or re­suming 6?rv lcc.jJ______ l_< '____

T. Tho meaaure U not sppBciblo lo customers who tor one yeas p ^ t htve

' ]iod CO delinquent chsrg», bu t It '.does apply 'to chofe who i^at-o hsd

in lhe p u t , o r who shsll'In Iho lu- ture let the ir waW bUIs go delln-qucul.....................

Council eliminated from Uie or- I 'igntt , t u t a t the.ieiolullonW pro­

vision'requiring posting o t nO /de- ■„' ^posll;.lo i\ waler'serrtce for business

I'lie measure U lo (!>' In'to ettec t lu ilO Otj’s. • ■ I

‘ ! G at «U nl,(e|> 'onBetore U klng tny aetlon w ith re-

• • jpecl to a S h nancUco cbneem't tppllcation l^r ccrlitlcie o t eonven-

----- - Mncc-aad '-necessity lo Insta ll.and■' operato (M planu tnd'distrlbuUon

. syslem to r lumishing light and heat In Twin PaUs',and nine other Idaho

.. cities, Twin ^ t s w th i s 10 know that . . lhe applicant ll responsible. Its prop- 1 • oslllon is teaslbie and the certlll-

' c tls i^lU no t stand In tho way o(-an- — other,rtpplicant in the event this

concern'abould not pnmpUy-Cury. itk program 'Into execuUon. i

/ I 1 t i i b ,w u the,vlew' expresaed by I E. Mi Sweeley, elly tilorney, plolo-

\ . h y >-o«lnK IhQ Idets cl council mem- ' ■ \l)«tpU ow ln«roaillngoU heappllca-

' \tl&n bt the certUlcaie; a copy ol__ _ which waa fiifnlthM tn thn rJlV-h«-

ihe Slate publlo’uiUilln commUsion.tl ie city attorney wts directed to

mtke Inquiry to seUsty the cdun- ' -cll's curiosity in thesa reganls. .

The applicant, Herbert n /v /U I .a s I vice president ot Thebo, S tar and ) Anderton, 6 tn m nclsco eiigweers |L • tn d conainieton, outline p ltn s tor

> ^ — w n s t n i c ^ a n d p jy tU on ot plonu

hettlng.'Ushtlng tnd other piirposcs , ■ in IdtbQ Falls.'Blacktoot,.DuiUy.

Twin FoUs[ Vmpt. CtldweU. Pty- .V elie, Welser. jMoscotr, and. Coeur

( d'lUene. Tbo eorpoittioo, ueeonliot td lhe tppUctUon, U building lOQ slm- Htr p rtn ls In Ctlllomlt, Oregon tad

' The .utillll'es commUsion made r, public the ap(llcaUon lo order m u i protests It any.'may be llled tnd

X L e a d s t h e v

I : ^ ^ j y f i e l d

I B i u i i ^ v ^ e rS a x l e 3 ^ M B l t S ^ r a p '

--------l i o r r O R D A U ---------^ .U C U m B O D Y . '

■ y 'N O T B i n B l■ ■ .

I TT ■ .

[BEEVITIESr. ' o n VUll t® w iit-M U a BIsnehe { , Roy U tl M ondtrtiO tiM t thU week i

i l i h t r k n a i i n S a l l t i ^ C i i y . j

y L ea m U U h'U M plU U M n. V. 0 . I f Bslltnfrn* returned Sunday Irom I 8«lt U ke City where she recenlly

underwent an operation, and U now t convalescenl. _______ i

• C enelsdeV lsit-M r.sndM rs. J . 'a . Ia n in e Uld ion. Iterbert, lefi yes- 1

* ttrd ty retum lng to iheir home In iN ebruki. (ollowlng three weeks vUll <

r* t l i b relttlves here. i

rd U etM td J W fd-noy MonlooUi.Twin FtlU, and Veds WUson, Korth* «bend. Oregon, obtained a msrrltge '

ir . license t t iho olllee ot Uie county |((} recorder her* yesterdsy. ion — I ■■■- Iy . ACiena C onvenllo^P. E. Drake, |

coroner, and S. C ltu l Slewarl, ooun* ily assessor, left ycstfnlay lor Idaho ,

PalU lo aiiend'gfBlBrcnsr the Be- i publican Slate convenUon there to*

*'! Seed SIsn V I . IU -F ra n k Lukes. I “ Chicago. • president ot the ' A lbert,-

*‘® mekinson Beed compsny. on ,a crop inspection lour over Uie Norlh^est, ts

•‘J here vUlllng n . R. Spittord. western ’''® lepreienltilve ot lhe company, n- iim li t re On V W t-C linl Walker. Ber- ; !>U r)ville, Arkansas, arrived Stlurday to u* yislk reUUves including hls porentii, *« M r.indM rs. W .aW tlkerih roU ier. en oiyile Walker, tn d lUters, iin . K. j : id, H..Corr and Mrs. E. It. Amient. * ,e-. — . — I

Relum Alter VacaUon-Newell S. I ck Wight, McreUiryot Twin PtlU Cham* ) :t- ber of Ownmerce.-w«»-Mn.-Wlslit 1 ge and ftniily, returned Runday Iroin i or several days (-Acatlnn'irip to Pny- > :re cue lakes nnii lhe Stwiooth region i 1“ of cenlrtl Idfcho, • , in- ; •lie Coeit From Denver—M lu Mtrjorle

Bcolt. Denver, arrived Mondty tn d u to be the guest ot MUs Colleltd Wolfo until opening ot Uie-school

Irr yetr a t Mountain iiome. wliere both n* ire employed as members o ' Uie ed grade tchool lacully. - .1I a , ■ . .)m On Trip (o Yellowstone—Mr. tn d ■ Mrs. E L. Wonacott and daughters, ch Alberta and LouUe. with. Miss Be* lie atrlce Bate. Lontrvlew, Washlnglon. be who-hMl>eon vrslUn; W ss Alberta ot for the past week, are lourtng Yel*

-are uml arrangemonU' mado tor hearings, le- Too .Much Muiloall Council b u under eonslderallon . K Uto adoption ot an ordinance against, lln operation of toud speakers,and other ice. noise maUng devices, ll wts made td, kTw wn'lul. evuiing during discus* i«. sloH lolJoH-Jng-resdlng of • wrlltea •at comptslni lodged against loud speak- r(- ors 111 dully operation a t a nunilw

_ ^ Mnln avenue establishments.'lo T lie city .sJresdy h u oramincM lYO tgalnst operation of .tulomobllcs with . It open "cut-outs." and aguinst 'Toud luj and ow em ly" noise*., (lie dly n i- lu. torney tdvUed lost evening, ' but Uj. councllmen Indleited Iheir opinion

• U ltl. neither of these rcRulatloni 0 '. would exactly tll tlte present Inslnnce. fO. A. nu;nber of cities have adopted iv H.. geneVtl form ot ordinance agntnM' ^ ]oudspfa]cr».bU2seManffoUierj)oL''e

making de^'lcc3, the Tky attorney , advUed. .

' “ Spraying of hardwood trees In Twin FalU to control Insect pestj cost lUlflAS ihU year, according to

re- tho Iree spraylniLaisessment roll, te- Ti't ported’lo the couucJJ b y j ’. EsHiJfr- tn- son.commisslonerofstreeUandpub- ind Ho Improvements, l u t evening. TIk Ion charge, which is lo bo ossesied w'ith n tt t^xes against tree owners. U 3S eenu iho l ^ ‘< year’s: tolal U con- tu t siderably more than l u t year's IKiS.- gp. U toUI charge io r thU servlee, bui,I I. It w u explained, moro trees were ,1, . sprayed thU year Ih tn Itst, the

ehtrge per tree having been the same ^ bolh yeara. 'T” -----------B inctJonf Corb'C al-------\ . Farmers' Scn-Ue station, comer ot

Moio sveaue'and Beventh street easl. represented by Malh Clasen, one of the proprietors. 'o b U ln ia ^ m e la l sanction-for.culling the cuW> to widen and eliminate a tharp curv&

-W- in the drlreway leaHlbi loT lnnita»“ on-

‘ " CouneU ] js t ereaingr iu lho riud payment of only one claim for funds from the city treasury, voUng ap-

• “ proval 01 a »aiB bill prewnted by.the- Municipal band In payment-for o

^ series ot open-fllr coneerls concliidcil tor l u t Thursday, mu

JSCSUy, I----------------------------------- ^

= Harvest! : . - GEIand

r I ’ ' . . L i n l f C h t

r ~


, B i n d e r

i ~ S ? l K l

i i l i a M A v e . S

2 lowilone p a rt oo a TicaUoa u ip . hg

^ Baeir Ftoiti - oo rton W.Blackhuni, manager of Ihe Twin

|« rsJU stare of Uie Bcjirsmm-Johnson Drug company, and Mrs. BUckhunt htve retumed lo Uietr home here at* I ier tpcudiui two w « k t vaoalion in I

C. Idaho Ftlls aod Wesl YcUowsloue. ,(

V Molor ioJi8i>e-.Mre, M u B u ck en -i: '* tl?i tcd.daushter. Maxine, tn d Uieir m

Iiouse guc>i. M tu Minnie BuckenUn. ri Fergus Palls. MlnnesoU, and Doro- t

A. thy tnd Virsinlt Dou, motored to n I - Bolae Monday to v iut U n . B u^ en -1 , In lln's motlifr and sUlert. They wlU I , lit also vw t llie c. 0 . CurtU family w ho! “

ate now located in the cspltal city. [

b . Owned Man Lostk Iland»-Con- nh* dlilou of CurUi Bower, Pleasant «g« Valley tarnifr, w u reported to be fty tavorable following an operation a t n

the county general liwpltal h e r eMonday lor ampuuiion of both „

« . hands that were severely burned by ,,n* elccu-lcliy lu an attempt to nio\-e .'lO a hay derrick under a power line «

last Tuesday, ,: ______ ;


■ Y O U N G ,'H e r o i c w o M f tN ;,t l — - 1 m LONO DEACIl. Wash., Aug. 13 Wl

. -M rs , Mnrion Williams. 23. Astoria,Oregon, wui Itiilcd today when slie e

:r- rushed litio thL> path of an airplane c to to tuvo H Iiuie g ir).'Ul, Mrs. Wllllnms. biuhing In tho surf,er. 6t Long BimcIi. watclied C. 8 . Mur* IK. ray. Vuncouvrr. Washington, lake f

off In lll^ uiri)liiiie and then saw htm lurjj uttil i:tM! back toB'ord Iho

S. beach. Ax he appraiched, Mrs. Wll- 1n* lianu saw Miiile gin near where sho li h t thought llie pUne would land. 6he un ran from 'llic wiilcf. solted the girly- nnd tiurw ficr lo wfeiy. Before sho fon couid follow, the plane's prbijciiob n

struck l!cr. «


Good Usnd5 A L L J V U K E S . ->n,

5* . 1 9 2 6 F o r d T o u r i n g

1 9 2 6 F o r d C o u p e ; R i

1 9 2 S F o r d P i c k u p , G

“ .1 9 2 7 C i i e v r o i e f T o u iier2 ■ 1 9 2 7 F o r d T u d o r S t

” 1 9 2 ( i C h e v r o l e t C o a i

^ 1 9 2 8 E r s i i i n e S e d a n

S . ' l 9 2 S l ) o d g e S i x S e d ;

«|* 1 .9 2 9 F o r d C o u p e , . . '

1“ 1 'I 2 8 F o r d T u d o r S t

1“ I ,1 !)28 R e o T r u c k ..........nst' I

i ' ' S e e Y o u r F o r d

. I t P i!SU

10 ' . .

Union MI ■ Y O U R F O R I

I ■' T W I N F A L IIS.* B • ______________________)ui,

Uie . =

Thelo^VaCIubof 1' 'w “ ’'•nvill ho ld a p icn ic B u h l !

w t a i s t 'A l l fo rm e r r e s id e n t

n l’s re q u e s te d to com e n

Jg . ta'skolii. • ■ .

; s ; h a r u 'r ad < [ l ____ —

Tim? W ill Soo IT READY N

iJhain. — ------------

I e r C a n v a s —

KENGEI—JiiRBWAEE! . S o . M e c M c a l S u p p l i e s

- ■ .1



‘ tcon tlnurt rrom P ,ift o n ,!

’ greaiesl prominence. Pottesied ot ‘ a rich oontrallo voice of unusual

tonal qualities together wlUi » Utor* ough musical education, her serr-

•, l:«i were oonsitnlly In de m an l For ' inuiiy years Mr*. Smllh Mtvtd in the . riioir of tit^Cplscopal chu rch-of ' Twin Falls and w u heard otten both I ill concert and private'recltaL [I 'M rs. Smith added to her musical liability a charming.personality and ; a cheerful and wholesome outlook I upon life. Coming io thU section a t

a comparaUvely esrly date she made• many friendships through Uie yeart i and an-unusually wide clrcU ot> friends and acqualiuances wUl I mourn her passhig.; Mrs. Smllh ipenl the early montlis I ot Iho year in California In tha ' hopes tha t the change would be ben*’ cllclal to her health. She retum ed> Wllh her husband, some two months

Igo and hod «lde» been ecnUmi to her home.. .Tlie body lU i'a l the Whlla mor* ku'ary. Iniermeni will be In the

I Twln PalU ,cemewcy.'Arrangements for Ihe luneral wUl be announced later.

, Dry spring wetUier U expeeied to s ctll brown ro t in Oeorgta pcieh } orchards thU year. .

f. Only onalallure—the ttrst bank—• h u marred (Intnclal history slnc6'I fgg< In Afuka.J) An old stone brldffo whlrh spans. Timber Ruu near Zanm ille, Ohio,) has been In us* IOO years,s ■' —\ German city boys are being) fralitrd n.i farm ltand.i la cOmpeti*: u te tor Uio number of fiirm hands

who have moved to the cities.

sed Cars■ L O W E R P R I C E S

s ..........................S - 5 0R e c o n d i t i o n e d 1 2 5

. G o o d O n c ............ 7 5

• u r i n g . . , : .................. 9 5

S e d a n ................. ^ . . . 1 2 5 _

) a c h ..............................1 4 5

■■■■■■........ . . . 3 4 5

s d a n ..............................4 5 0

...........................................4 2 5

S e d a n . ......................3 5 0

............................................4 2 5

rd Dealer First,Pays

iloto^^DTR D D E A L E R - ■ -

L L S , I D A H O -

f T w i n F a l l s C o u n t y -

hi P a r k on S im dny, A u g u a t

;n t« o f th o lln w k ey e S ta te

I n n d b r in g t h e i r lu n c h

IU Y L E V E K E (P rca .)

on Be Here T O W ! I

T i l e s .......................... .....................

- :• j

___ I

\ \ k JWater Bags

. ,^ 1 . . ____________

t ’ S DoayBtdMcn I I I

B : — ' " ” ■ ■I T w in F a lls , Id a h o




I’cns, pcnclls and Inhpoty Huts, (iltncs nnd blouses Sehon! will noon be open nn< .vnunR hendR must be fllle< with Icurnlng. . desks mus lie equipped nnd wardrohci rcplcnlnhcd...Our Summe »iilc heralds tho relurn o

_RchonI days with barjoina fo smart young peopio!

Boys! Y o ur 'Value!SAIS m e t '

$ 9 . 9 5 ,

^ noYs* to V ( ■ TIIOU8EB BUIDouble and sing] l^reuied s t y l e WiUi vest and l» paiiif' o t lo n trousers. Smarll •tailored In wool ens o f qualit;

• • S lsu to to IB.


II0Y8' CA P.S-

'.tops. Splendid li

Biff Values for Boys!SUMMER ,SALE ritlC B .

Buy Now for School!SUMMER SALE m iC E

f l 3 9 c■ unssEs* nAYo:

1I0 SE .-P la ln rl Id is choice <

~ 5 5 M IX C Z S ! ; sh idM -S lieU U ^ 'i'iT 'B avcl” ' '■


9 9 c

A ZEP WATCB. wlUi unbreskab

_ crystalt Wlct plaUd cufc Wl» belt chain Utt.'

________________ ^ r j i i i k _ ^ -

' F o r Eough Wear!.. {__SUMBIEB BALE PBICE .

I- - E j S W — opyy-'A lLS th i l star

H H M f l heavy b luejcnli I H j l - V : In sU c s -i- to - l

H S A J H Buy a t W ird’a.



ird ’s Qh

ust 22 to

ibcflBOYS* BLUCIIEU OXF( genuine Goodyear welt t

o ' onk leather soles. Lively for Sizes 11 to 6 ..................

CIWVING G m i^ ’ OX Mudo of calf grnln leath

, bo.saed reptile. A healtl • 1 3-8 inch hoel with rubl

Sizes 2Mj tff 7 ...... ........ ..

MISSES* OXFORD STYl„ ing lines thnt givo both w

tijiT ionther with Intricate tr ingle reptile. %-Inch heel wltli -•Jes lift. Slzc.1 12 to 2 ...........

ong UTTLE noYSLSIWES.that will .itnnd lotn’oC ha

allty. • looking, •t«o. Sires 8'/^ tc

~ BOYS’ ISummer

6Theso little blouKca wcro

».s— For they're strong nnd fl :, out ing or u Suturduy's pin suit- sturdy seams nnd weave:

in collar nttachtd BtylcB, j fgj eral for the school year.

Girls’ ,Sweaowi- Summer SAe Pr

7 $ 1 . 0 0There’s an air of carol

-------- -in5OTHr-thiibu liuii- sufLStyled wIlJi sm art “V” iiecka nnd long nnd sho Autumn colora. Sizes U2

YONtI of V J iT i W A 1 'a a :S M ■ r • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Y W i ..•W hen U M U48. The

ThU otfei PencU to

CB- Vt, »>“U bJ. •

e«.'A (X fl" qu^tHy. Summer Bile_gig..ot-lO ----------------------L

rSBECO TOOTO ^A StB cletnalng. Bummer 8ile

UBTERtNE A N TESK PnO -T -..WtUra«:*rdelllbtfU B>WU)-V

FROPIIYLj\CnO TOOTH Bl ity tufted looUi brush. Sum:

5 5 r W ee---------:---------»land ‘ r0 N D '8 ~ C d p ~ C B S a U = a

'Of fs lw . « l WicStf's. T tu Bobucnlm - .......... ...... " ■o '-u .>2 illcr-shivlDg powder. Summi


" . 1 " ^ '

U8T 28,1830.' '

133>R»0 Augusl

:F0RDS, sriiartly atylcd with' j | t construction. Extra quality ly rubber hoels. ^ 2 ^

DXFORDS with trim lines, ather and trimmed with cm* ilthful shoo for young feet

“ ..... $2.44'YLES constructed oil flatter*1 wear nnd aupport Calf grain trimming detnl of simulated Itil rubber top

;S. , sturdy handsome oxfords hard pluy. Smart ( P I i A to t l ........ ........ t M e 4 t /

B L O yS J^cr Sale M c j . . / '

S9c•ro just mndo fo r "real boya,” d sinuous nnd a' week’s school* piny ia ull the samo to thiclr ve-i nnd atitches, . . Thoy come cs. Colors nnd white. Buy. scv* ir. Sizes 7 to 14.

eaters GirlPrice A ltheS u

^ ' Velvcnts, Bojrofree youth ing brim leltftr-aweaters^— r — nice-wo6ly-<«i/” nnd crew brand -(brljhort Idecves. (light groy)as to 40. U year olda

old Bond PencilRegularly Selling at 52.48

in purchased wlUi a -O d d Bond Fen nie Pen, gutranteed tor llie, I s - i W v tl tie r of a Qold Bond Pen and AuUyna to match tor »3.49 . . . tor « llmlied Ui flurry lor yoursl Lateit designs and pc 4ors.

m w m su »— eoMBs-oettW eH il« ^ Ic e , Bummer S

_______ 3 3 c3-A d n d o ^ l u ' ItStos' n o H n

i lD C " “ 1 “ •!>. WIUU--------------- . sale Price. 3 b t aS E m T -i-S J -o e n t----- MONEl'iE BAW" a ® " A A o - doan pKkage. 3£i--------------Summer Sal* F rtHBfr^A^eUihUaU: jack kwvbs^ uner Bale i A - - kalle. Y o u 't f lm — ______ i » C ttbooL su n m w 8

T V I N [ I


d tt a o


Summer Sale Fdce of

98 cio(t and shapely, droop* llto. and of course those ^ a m s - l - F l o e U l u o ^ i r « ^ — •Ight red) ..Silvcrwing ^). A bargain for 5 to dal

=pop-- j

____________ 2 5 cr AND AlUOND CREASt- ut.summer tona BUkH thto

3AF~-mia dependtbla qntUljr ' lUr lOo ban. Bommer ^

«T A M g-W A m K »^-O n t»— ___i£teU a« iea]-{Meked. o ^ a .

|i( •• f m EltW ■

I ilMTFOflSni 5 > U IO M I

T M a rk e t B e a m W i

'! ■ In d ic a tio n s of

I ■■ . O ut o f N arro w T r

• _____ _ M a rk e ts a l A G

I / ■ ■ NEW YOnK. AUE. :s ■ ■ stocki. Henvy;. ollJ

• 1 Bonds: Inesular; P<' bond* a l rew lows.

Curb: Hcwy; utiUtlu early llrmnfu.

1 ■ l'\3(elgn rxchanges;* jterllnB e«lor.

___ ; ; . Cotton: Steady^ • '; hedg# ' ‘

SusM :-Lom : easlfr 1 . ket.-1 CoKee: Lowrr; dli:

Brailllan inarketi.

I CHICAOO:j ' Wheal; Easy: Incrca;

I aupply. • -'I • Corn: Lowfr: largtr I ollerlnca-

Cattle: Jilslier.H ots: Steady to lowe

By JOHN L. COO4 ,---------(A axgU ifd.fjtM Flnsnf

NEW 'VO RK rA ugrri^ 'm arket Mgatj tlie new

• Indlcallons ot cllniblns <I , nanow trading area ot thi

bul ioon began lo lalltfr I oped a reactionary trend

close.— •The market malntalne

! good undertone, and losse! al sharea wete mostly leti

point or eo. Sharp brealu dlum and Goodyear and uldaUon In the oil sharei

I to be Ihc chlet Intluenccs iMitlemenu

I Trading »IUJ w&s danpcrwnal iransacUons bet

iraderi, bul much o( lhe seI oils I 'U leporlcd la brot

Oes ta reptesenl real I ralher Uian protessloni

maneuvera. Commission : Mried'-good inveslment.

,.Ia\'ored Industrials aind i •• only cn decUnes. Tho i

barely exceeded 1^ ,000 I TTisRtUsfltalnUlaedA.'

thanothercroups.Tliolm[ j In Ihls group waa bellevecJ ............. aenl short covering nnd :I buying of the prime illvldi

aitrftcled by high yields, 20 roads to reporl July r

I Ing Income showed llilU' menl In comparison wllh

but compared lo the pievl ’ net was a lm « i 18 per ccn

Stotka Unwlelill

Uquldalldn o( Iho ol I > trom un(a\-otablo enmlnE

Idend acUona ot Uio prc [. and publlcaUon of a aur

Sasollne and crude altuaU Lamp," ottlclal organ ot aid of Nev Jersey, whlcl

i lh a t gasoUno aiocks wer; H'JeWly. and took re/Jneri Oucers to taak (or (olllni1 llielr ocUvliy by consumi

i peets.Losses or A point o r eo

were lalrly general.I Several recent lavorlle:1 protl^-Uklng, EIIortA wci

I T w in F a i l s M arl




— ------- -UYMItCk----

iiuvy M»i ' - 1—inR r»

It . Knr} hint. ital'up.___I

DtoixnUfboin Brolt«n _______


Ij S ilt z r z z i r z i z i z z :' f s lilv o

^ o n *raao__________'' tVfiMt *1)11 auu >

Brta. ewt______:____ — .Bran. SOQ-Ib. lo u ________ _

^gsy .s j r«a»rtUon. or^utier.

* BIteMbtfilia ___ ____ _

Pmam '. . -■ " s s a f f i s f c =

I f l t K S | | s t o c k fVlarkct Avt

Tod»y-----ei.M m ea 3I’tir .d k y __44IW in w v

W eek w i t h l ! ? S I

I C lim b in g 1

T r a d e A re a | i :w ju>w, in s .. HI.39 ii7.:o 1•Vltei.li

TQUl i»ll« l,600,a0 lU iu

V GlanCQ extend the rbc In Unlici-------- -------- but ll closed ofl u point.;S 3 and American Tolj.icco ii

oils nt new lost a. Sliarw clojiiii! 1 i point* lower liicludMl Uni

P e r u v U a Slcel, America . C^n, Ami ephone, Amencan Waierw

Itles sag aflcr solldated Gnj. Diil’otiC,• Oeneral Elcctric. Ociifi;

‘s: Irregular; Radio, International N'lrl:<;llo Service ot New Jcrso’-

abience of clflc, however, g?lnc(l i . ■

,ler*spot m ar. LlBEKTTnoSDNEW YORK. Aug. 2i

dl!»ppolntlns quoutlons clojcd:Uberty first I '. a 32*47/... Liberty fourth Liberty fourUi 4%a res

reased %-lilble Treasury 4’is H7-52 ......— - Treaaury 3 '.« lOW-43

;er Arccntlnc Treasury 3 ;.s lu « - « n

■ ^ JIONCV ■ ower. . N EW 'I’OUK. Aug. US (— •— — money; Steady; U IUT ctn: OOIEV Tlmo Ioans: S;eacl>': 3'i snflal Writer) 0° day.' ’iU tu U '.. u

to 1!^.; four munCJu'J-. . J - T h p t M t M xjao iiiiuY io j ' , . iff o I it°o f \h a “ niMirrclal rupn

lined a fairly M tT \IS

S i e S ‘» : N E ; v v o n ia « g ,2 iu r ,■ak* fn Vana- clectroljiic w l und at»adv lln>ueraDDearKl J'® "' - ‘■°-•M ?bwS?d"“ Pennsylvania JIB to $11). ” ” JJIJ. Alabama SIIJO lo Sldominated by • T in: ^ y ; spot and n e t between lloor .. „e selling of ihc’ Le»^: 'SrokeraKo clr-al S a t l o a Z>'«: ileady; East 61. t lonal iradbg < 30.>n houses re - Anilmony J7.75. rnt buying in ' Quicksilver JU'J. ~ ind rails, but18 day's sales BARSILVERK» shares. NEW YOIUC, Aug. i i i-rj Ifl.beJtcrtone W r35 'if.Improved lone -------- ,sved to repri:-. SUG.MtId Investment n e w YORK. Aug. 25 I-' vldend payers. Increase ofIerliig» raw sus Ids. Tlio first ed 'i pomts toda>- lo the has ly net operat- for spot duty paid. The lltle Improve- however, was no: very flRKti tlth last year, u ,t only w lw conlltiiicd » tevlous moiiUi, 45,000 baus ot I'hlllpptnes cent Higher, m.j-j, »nd 10.000 baiivtor»liU.^ Cubaii tor iw .np t shljiineii

oils resulted Uwa.%bcUev«l im jlmorcsi lings, nnd div- available a l the »a.l2 level, previous week, With tomorrow llrst nou survey of llie S^l'Jcjuber.delUrr}'. tJicre laUon by “The assresJlve llquldntlon in tli of Uie Bland- 1“*'” market, partlcularl hich indicated September deiiverj'. and tlu wcro aUU un- i«ld oit to tl.OOor 2 i>o:nls ner* and pro- I'rcvlous close nnd a t a no- Ulns lo gauge '0* . .umniloti nnu- Appraxlinalo.sales Cl.COO

• cluoing nearly half lu the f<■ eo In tho oUa changes, Number 2 conlr

. neglected und closed utle! •lies sagged In - N.oa for Septewere mado to tor Drecmber. Closl

lor number I: September = ccnibcr $1.17, juiuinry 11.:

, . , »1,23, May $U7. July i i . l'a rK e i* in rrllned fair inqulr;

poricd bill only for lmm( UUGEU NOI qulremi-nls and priccs were

iL T ilE Ql'U- cd a t tor line granu•JG IN THIS --------URES- GIVEN ' LOS ANGELES PROI IED TO THE LOS ANOELES, Aug. 31 f-BUX£lU4.V d,tre-rxehai>i<a^cc«ip(«;-Bi ». BUT IN A ioo iwunds; cliccje 1100 poi IES BLYERb |;eO ciue:). 1BOTU LIVE. II,uicr 14 bulk 39C,'“S . 'TUEY GIVL case count :0c' medium: a- ^D SELLERS lie ; irndc lOc. . / . , P T IU SF A C I Poullo” UroUeri I tO’i '

. ." T ' ^ c ; over 1'.> » '2;1 poiinaj« ■ miri n i g - m ii -nivry ■ifr» '-V J ,7*81■’ ............colorcd SSci roailelf, 4 po:------------" Ic ^ o fn - jie n ? Ti: z ■" ■'IDO pouwl,i lSc:a>i io4poJnd! — iT ST"*/i'S * I’^w ds 17c: colored hens “ tftflo 10 law ‘'J* X” '”* ‘ ‘‘ekj__ lojo w UJO! Uc; gceic lie. Turkeys: Yc—-J.OU 10 MOO|(ircv>ti| 13 |5oumts 2Bc; 1 — to iaw).34o; hens 2iic; dressed 31

!u Dound.f ]jc: old lotns 7.— "• iS CdlOC. ■

— ----------- !?‘ S,\N FKANCISCO PRO ------------1— ic SAN t-RANClSCO. Aug.

B u i lc ; ta H l> ic to « c . '---------------- - Onions: Jobbing sacked y_________ to JM J; re^ globes JI.IO Urt,*,-,-------------- I£om o8»;-J oiibifli>-Swi— Whr. es J1.60 10 $1.U0 cwi.; -------------- -- ton Netted Oems J1.7S to I — --------------------------- 11.101 Poullry: Broilers 23c to

‘JOc lo_:»r; mrlifj'j nbmlJii■ ijjoT ' —

_I1.00 To IJ.W DRIKD FRUIT“ ***° . 1^1 NEW Y O a K .W , 24 {,, __ I .10 oraled apples;,aeady: cho

— “ »— 5? l l ’.-c; laney I2>ic to 13f, ,_PrunwT, CalUotal

tier_______ iic 8!sc; Otegoii O^jc to B.C________ ,j Apricots: Bieady: stand

'n . choice Uc to l l ' i c ; extra c ----------------loc Peaches;BL£^y;sinnd^ll: : — ___ !£--------------- U s e to U-'.c._____ ibeiQ.301; Ralsitis; ist^dy; loose

to.Cci.c;^oKt.,tg toiln n - C'lC 10 8'..c; fcedless 5!»c

»und ------- i-----------------« CHICAGO PRODUi— £ CHJCAGO, Aug. as M>

- _■ ' ne_eclp:s 11,770 tubs; cream—— VJ7-: ; 'S ! slatidirds 3Dc: eji

37!ic to 38c: IlrsU Jic lo 3 ands^3e to s t 'ic .

■g Eggs: Recclpls 1J,«43 c&■ ------- exlra flrsu 37c; fresh gra

2«c:-lreshcwr*nt rccelpu: — -S S o rd inarycut^n^rtce liiu 1

U v o poultry: ReeelpU u . - trucks; stead>-; fowls 23c >'■" ruo aOHc; springs aie: bi«

roosters 15c; turkeys IS (PI4DS .ducka n c to JO

------------ ‘J S m u I te


Avcranes |

*BU- ^

!«. L-"’. Tot.1 Z ^ v w r o H J E t s { u 3ij'(0 IMM J OW M ^ O A W ie.••

i'l i i j IS.w U K \^ D a m E 'S o v« j'“ “ - COLOPUNJ

s ^I-J : j i ^ Mi.w

TO l i f l t - j ' iu ^ ^ V a K j

nlied Aircraft. ( l/A w \ llil-.. Loti:i. lost

r ! lo iic.u:y 2 ‘ I t a K V ;Unlitil S:nlea W r / /

Amcrlrjii 'M - A J> ..icrwofks. Con- s'*” ^

;;ifral Miiiom,

ONDS. Zi Vi^-Doad

l7'.!__i.J103.l ■ ,1.30_.^102JO .•g 3i-38 $102.afl

5 : iE a s s ®: j m - c«ll ----------- --ccn: all djy.; 3'i <Uj.% 'i toJ. iljyj-2S . . ; .ii 'y Tlif. I’’ ta i ' tl\'C AuotUtnl I'tftj , (

------Al Di # i-: u |« 3 lo 3 U . Allli C lu l. .. ^

li> J; Inc and ‘'n i am»ii * U rt.... t t ' , <.An^L^«»r pt . ll

‘ — M g j i R C 'f i Hi lJ’,-COpIltr: Arc‘ 5l"onVi;‘’o ' ' .. IlJ ‘ I hn Uiitl luiurc ...........: *;

U«miflirrii Cirri ... sa>« I K. 0. b. eastern Uu.-rou*ii. AUd___s i ' j ! L

0 » '’• U.iiidtnu P.CHIS .... 17:>, ' J, ncatoy 5:3.7J; Cm j •niTf<Uiiir. ,

e-,vYorl;{^.50; c ^ 7 m ?•'« !■ rf " k <\\ •n il 1 4: !• ........... ■ W '.-i K

St. Lou' jpol — lifji; I j:

co llian or Drl ,.;T n i j n Com I’JOUucl* ....... Bji, N

ER ' • Coty.......................Id ', 1'i w j - 3 . r a i - s s ' i ’ . s f f i ; : - ' ! . !

nri'R )nc — 73>; r Uul\)iil (1- Nnn ... lI J 'j 1-

' • »>..<iinsn i:t:n*u . . 510 , 1'

= t . K i S i . ' i i:hasw oI»3.B ............. ...........= sThe demaiifl. I iRKff.islve r.nd — —

~ iLiSIDCWm0,000 baKS cfl ■imeiit a i 13.1^ J KANS.VS CITY LIVES:

cvcl,' / KAN.'JAS CITY. Aun. -35 i nonce d.'iy/ior U Ai-Ci«i;lc: lUti-ip::; lO.o icre WJU iriorc) JWW: bfi'I ftiTxs ujjiI ycarll ,n Ihc ra«f tu* luclivc. Mrons lo J ic liiRln.- Ilarly ih' tha r.rjiii Icds vciy scnrcc; wim dthat^o'slUonlioniprlJlng larto proportioi iliiU belb* the jMif iicci: iincvun.'alciiily lo1 now all lime cr, loiv ctillcr cows inoMl . . LulU fltady lo slroiiK: vu, 1,000 tons. In- i'.vlw-i stow, 50c to J l lo'vi'a he fo rm o tex - -ii.d la-dcr^ nironi: tu in onlracu wcru iiisiicr;-Jiwi.i up more on unchanged to riieicc around ilwO-iwimd i eptember nml in p JIl.i’o; l.i-oia- iiirdiui Closing prices m u ts ja.2i to comtiu ber »l,Ofl, Dc- dlum jjr.isitis ja.75 to }«.■ .Jl.lO, March cowi J<.7j to $0; low ci | l . « . cuitcr co'»» nioitly J3 to jqulry wits re- dlum bulls J5.S0 u> $ii; h 'Ic< mmedlalo re> rrs up to $ lt; \\ei;luy cul vcrcunchnnc- 58 (loan; bulk 5loc»cr;; un ranulatcd. 5j"5 lo SB: tew lo.ids Ici-.;

jn.5ll.’RODUCE Sheep: llecelpia 7000: lai :. as W ^P To- .i;ci0«cl0A 'cr: cdd lot.-. Hi.

ien.!t!c-iiiv; curly i.glr.s Idaho) n t)un i-egK ^' ■ ** lop native;. $9.3S; bull

laix.ly JH.7o lo $3.Jj. rsl fresh 28c; ‘ K«e!pyi£«>.- 'R*'! n : 34c; amalb l’‘'f nwrki-t; ac.idy lo lu

Shan Saturday; lop JI0.B5-lO 'I 'i nounda

I S S 4 t LIVESHJnds 17c; over l>on-aAND,’Aus, 23 M> liens 4 pounds A i-Hogs: Rccclpa 22iO. ucks Iflc; old nuj i>« contract or billfU .: Young l^ i.i nij^iung slow; lew loads 1C c; 12 pounds jwuiul biitclurs tarjy -al tl 3lc; under i«o(!c:ksai$iiMOor2Se to IS B c; drc^s- i t m.in Uusi wock's cloic

: '.(wcij held higher bul mos ■ ti'UtT than h ie la;,l week;

PRODUC^E iiw uiia Sll: few rough M'g. 25 Ml -:.-i>ii«;h packing sowV sa: i

1i;;l » ;o early.:edyellows 75c 1 Caiilc; Receipts 2550. ca to lo ♦I.3S. •<'vc:!:ri; sIob'. cspKlai.'y o« ti.v,vt»n_i».,L-_-.r 4 lo.id.H »hrter..|loo_j)Oii:

Washing- | J ' to S'.W: look, bately ste to l l J J . . ) j hap.1 shaiie lower ihon In : to 20c; hen.? 'virly r.ilcs ol cows nnd hcim lj if ll ._____^;<-acli;.odd iicad sirlctly.jj

•Jli n llh car !mi S5.SO-to J5. UIT U u in loads up to S6.B5; ■25 M>J-EvaD--!‘"'^‘* *"■ no. bulls, calvcs q . c h o l i c ioi-^;“ «-!>" Kcnerall35, i-i.i-'dy.w nli’i j.. I -ShKp: Rccelpis 2603. incIi ^ • OH contraci: no eariy safes tandsrd 0»4c; aiqund sleady,

ndjJdlO^C to AXGEl-tS LIVLSI

'D A )-C aitle: Recclpu ibo oie m uscalcj ;i[,j jairiy ociivr, stendy ig : ^ J l ty . ; f f M .r r , t i n Mfrr,v !md trrt rw .p c Sl.c to su e . Iforiibs J8.50; lOOO-pound 1

_ i 'M to J3; three toads Ugh ,. Krassers » 7 ^ ; Im perial';

I M>>-Bullcr: *o.50: grass hellers J7 do> :e»mery.exira.s ;mcdluni-ia.goo{lJUl.pciund, . . “ .'■fl* ‘' ' “d « to 3aiic. sec- rommeij lo H .74i.

cutters »2J 0 to-i}»JO: i i ' 1®*"- Calves: Recelpu OOO:

m d e d I ln u wldrfe>-em«U lots s ie a iir

[<U ISc to aic. Sheep: Recelpu 450; stra T 8 " ^ 70-pound u u h laml

. 23c, general 1*0 decks unsold.'; biollers 22c; irogj; Receipii joo. incii: I » c to 18c: direct: lalrly ictive, loo to : I 20c; youqs cr; U p » 3 « i on load i

ICiilanrfaff lUi M iM.rut.,

' / _________________

■5 G > « .Q U l S tT e ^ \ • t w i H5. rr-H B tC H T nM fe ) - - n S f f l n j


C L O S w f u i D

, a rn n - ^ tr tc ____rT’, . 8»leit»r utorti. ' 0-.11 KooiI. .. IJ ', Uciiiilie net 8t .^nrnml-S!->tnrt . -V'l «rar» Itorbuck ...

Oliii<Jfirco --vT T r-» ';- -aacircmonTT^tjjia l)u«t............. . 40'j iiimmoiis catlbodrlOi II f !:inclair Coa OuUrtihin Jute- - fc'. liKclly Oil ..-.s..Ott»l NoMii 1!y Ilf •■:« ( Uiuin Cal EUUoi j.irol W tu liiita;' . j

I 'll t ' aI^T ; <3'j ' sia»3 oil N Y II C<-;i;iT 31 ! Warn _I Ko:ilrr Kadlu ....... 3>i ’ IjliiUoDaker COrjI S a ..... M', ' Trxii c a r p ___I Krcuircr St Tull..... | 'rimkcn Stall B»; U#g to Mren Toa 11 in j Trnni:.\m»flif» _I Maililt»oi. Alali:. i'j/j I Union CatWd# _

MlAcil Copprr . . !«'. ' Unlan OU o( Cal' Mid Con IV. . ' Union l*.cinc „1 xiirioitii I’nclfii! ... r:'.i Vnltrd AlrcratlI ifont iv ir t ... | u a —I i^a.'l .to'!o” '.■ .. ! i ' ' , j Vanadtiun

-T Cutl lt<i; — 41 1 Wcatcrn Union ^I UaU Dairy.............. IJ 'i Wrmtlnjlioun EI Nat i*ot-Tr fi V .i . I.v, Wlllya OvsilandI Katlonal 8>iitt'' TJ Woolaorlh Co ..

N'vN^’i i i iu M * . !oi cu n n MAjti N-crin Amrtir.M, .... trU; NKW YORK, ai Honiirfn I'ofiiie .... t '|i, Ciith quouiiom I'ackam Uoluii .... 13'. Am ttiip I‘r*e; . I’an Alll » . . . . . . <.‘i;ir3 sc m co ...1‘BTjtn I’liblix .......Wre IW As Sharertnn n n .............n ' , i:tr«;iw A: 8har»iTiilrlt I’ipe l.ii;- , W l Clult OU of Pa „

, ni:it.ni.n inc . . i;:>. -Vail Invr.lora ..I-iii<!Oll. .. :,i tllAxara IlMtluntutllrj L'orii o( !I1 :/i’i Uali Creri; Coiaiuiiio:at_To-j.n . , y i , mand ou ol Ind

_ J _______ :f;r:i:;i3 nnd Wnhos s'll.75 to

n v c T C 'lllnL lu ST. jostru LivESTOi

— ------------( CT. JOSEPir, Aug. 15 C/TVESTOCK Al — !:!icep: RccelplS 05W ... 4 iii&,:ly 25c to soc lower oni'n f iili r ,K fi ""'O ''a r i l i - i Ini-ly ‘t ) .r" rnllV;. '’»>»• *^.25 dOttll

''" ‘ . '“ lIccdliiK lambs $7.23.•I'm rf rim ’ ' R«ClplS-2900, Call■ 10 "ie hi-ii- ™'' wcslcrns; belic

« « « ‘‘■‘‘I yciirllnss V?. ; r.f,J •''•■>»«hlcr siccrs and butrtjr

iv /J v^ L c r “ 25c higher: bulk 61' . r .1 '■ eaU: wolers steidy: best Ic

' ! J .,7?' '■'»» «>•“ : common lo i ,ui ...1 iri: *8**;

iiitdhini bulls Sj.Bi dor.n; to t M i l l : bsst henvy wives sto

, *“•„ ’' ' h "-•> 25c 10 see„ „ bcM lecilers $7.50 lo 88.25.

Hogs: necelpu 4000. slow, ,.. v!v . ,r i ‘V '«««''>• » « '« '/ 0" “ sM t i.mV'fr,.i,. i “> < - tro n r.

iwnml uvcragcs; top 510.85; i CU.U., up 10 250 pounds $10.00 lo sio 1. I . 300 pounds $10 to SlO.tt

: 10 »8-75; *iefk

“ 'AIIA lIV E blO fK 0.MA1IA. AUK.'iS

m „ , . ' n » i •'■ "P ■“ " 'r i l™. ->m 1 lo ' “fly: »■!

U’/-<U 8 D ; Cattle: ReeclpU UOO, calv Ml. Including I fed steers and yearlings act led t!ui>wt;));!lo fOc higher; she slock Ui : ICO to 3UU>. supply opened ncllve, strong n l Si: w llh ; higher; cloting slow, mouly : to s;c nii;h-1 wllh Inel week's besl time cn lOLc; ^cvl^al: gross cows nnd.cuiiers; bulls nost bids no ja jc lower; venlers fully soc :ck: lew 27ofsiockcrs nnd feeders acllve,23 gh to fairly ;c r; bulk fed aleers and yi J: no Icedcr'£9.25 to $10,75; weighty steers

1 sevenl loada light Istctrs . calves 100; ISII.40:’ yenrllngs 020 pounds on sicfrs, j l J ls h t stecra 1131 .pounds IJ/,

noutwl >tf f rs I heifers <3 U> tlQ; bulle crai sicady, ixr-1S5 to JUJai’ loau/ ugni lieiii

I ln.u week; sa; bulk nil cullers $3.50 k hcllcti look medium bulU $5.25 to $8; p

ly.jjood cows) top-v«»lert--*lO:-bulk- mtd I S5.7j; helf- cholcc stockers end feeders! 5; with odd >7.75; several toads fleshy :s or vealers *8 to '|B J5 : yearllngs.up lo s: rally around HW = ReeelpU 11.000; su

10c lower: top $10.(15 on wr

^ g ? 5 ^ S S i 4 S & ; S S -pound butchers $1055 to $io lo 380 pounds $0.85 lo }io.

tSTOCK lo 310 pounds $9.tO to (935; ;sowa 373 pounds « u l do»n i

• ^ i n ' i L S S8JS :jm Q O thJijii tJo*sip5 IBM: open- u JO ; hetvlea $8 to $8J0, lo 25c hlgli- .. ______ — .............

:d local fedslight Omalia OODEK, Auf. 2 i M 1-(U i l l ' Mexicans H o p : Recelpu 757, Including down; load market; moslly J5e lower th>

und.Califor-. urdWf:..W p_»ll.l0.on.p»rlJo i 86J5; bulk pound Olahs; oUier ttX) pou: .75IO IS; aU and SSO'pouDd averases I10.7J

\iulU 85.S0 ln« t o n Ursely steady a t 181 iOQibuIkun* p a rtload feederp lg stll. a n n i a ' i o -C«ttlerR ew lpU *«5.-aU fc l . , i ..‘ . ket: all price# cattla aboul stevdy; deck entirely loeal Uller ouUet; t« amb) $8.73; 910 'to'880 p o u ^ fairly gooi

steera to » rM ; oUier c nciudlng 500 and nedlum lo U IJ to M.75; 1 to 15c high- good around 7M lo 800 pau; 1 'lB3.pound to ^ c o m ISA); , bulk SUo urvhttrt «r«a/fv b/tA f/il» d


W f A. R E S Q P r r T R IP T O f i l C E L .B B PA T 6 T H E S e T T L e w r a O F I H S VsllLL A M O jW B M A»0>J£-AIMG O P * IL 6 X 5 0 0 I gV C ^ 5 W W iL L o o S K S E Z iy •^V A- L O T O F G O O D .

• *• . ^ / ^

i i i l i < s i i f i.mi

’S “ " ■ B ig g er in c re a s e of \.ck..,._, S3i - m 2V’'. ~ " V is ib lC “ S u p p ly -T h a i

p e e le d P ro v e s Influicmo__m ’j

Dy JOHN P. BOUGIIA?' J __ - «'"»i lAMoclnied i'rcss w a im fcr n ---- - ?»• CHICAGO, Aug. 25-A bigC o m H -i’!' ercase ot lhe Unlled States--------- Sl' vislblo supply than generalI Biar _• siji expectcd gave nn advantage ti id e Z Z Z n v believers In lower prices forI Cal n ' amounl of wheal on ocean 1

— 2'[ ^much larger than either las — ;u ' or ft year ag« and Liverpool

— '-'.'-'."isi , tions-falUng lo respond well t 5 ndvanccs on tljla side of the

II B is Imu tie- Moreover, au lniycas« ol Iland ... i ' , ceni lu 1930 whe«t yields ol 2: w .— eo',. i r i;j was reported, compare 'tAJtKCT f J323.K.Aug,3:(Ji Chicago wheal values clos llOna Clojrd; £(nicji_ i;c lo. ?.C lOWCr U« m ' — wi^ urday's llnlsh, Corn closc ihare..... 7»ij cli'anged to*icdow n,oaU unc *Pa” J** IjII' to ~ic ott, and provisions ■ >ra 13 * Irom 5c decline to a rise of 7(

- Supplies PUe Up 'ind — «',* I With domcsllc fuppllea of _ • pUlMB up 8356.000 buahal* mo;-------------- } was the cajc a week ago. iK15 to $12.25; was Sliown lo bc 182375,000 ' 75. • agalnit 170.837,000 bushcU :

llmc last year. MeanwhUe to STOCK '» Kansas were reporwt

. !i3 favorable for tall 'plowlr (/B—(U H D0500: s lo w ,--------------------------------------

' on tnmb.-.; $io; few good bulls J5; medlur nsold: qiioi- (^.jo,umbs SOilO: Sheep: ReeelpU 10.453, tn town; tango a j j for Innrket;-slaughter

nboui Sleady with tale sal cnlves 400; week: two londs around 80

letter grado idalios S83S lightly sorted, wl Ings scarce: u t 85.50; load a t $835: wU itdjrr MlUo « r u ; laoJoadagood locholt Ik stendy to im- umbs »8i5;'few uol at Sl led west- odd htnil ewes J335.I to medium _____; beet COW6 CHICAGO UVESTOCI I S3 to S435;1: lop veil- CtllCAGO. Aug.25 iStO; stock- Hogs: llecclpu.40,000, Includi 50c higher; Coo direcu: lighter welghu :5. ncllve; fully steady;; wilow, uneven, butchers nnd packing sows It ncighu: 2ic JoBfr; early lop 1113*; b. >1124010 280 slrnble 170 to 310 pounds $l 85; bulk ieo'S1135; Ughl IlghU, wood and S10.60; 350 140 lo ICO pounda $10.15 lo

llo.co; sows Ughl weight 180 lo 300 pout ock pags >S (0 $1135; medium weight 200

pounds S10.85 to J1130; hcav}__________ » 0 -tfl-3 M -P o u n d s ja ^ -U ).Of.k* packing sows, medium and gl

to 500 pounds $7.75 to $9.10; 1 •lU S D A ) ler pigs, good and cholee IOC ambs 25c to pounds S8.75 to ttO. leedersSSc CaiUe; Recclpu 14,000.

k slaughter niost klUIng classes 35c .75; naUves lilgher; lop <13 paid for yo ; bulk .range ^ t heavlea >llilO; ninawa; !^'''o((rload unprsriltSliyiUlTnnnfTHssc

calves 500* tci^calUa and jealen i.S lcer. active 3Sc >nd choice 600 lo OOO poundik lu liberal to81235; IWO to I100pounds$rcmn to 35c *13; JlOO to 1300 pounds t lMtly tieady *12; 1300 to 1500 pounda $1> cn medum le llen . Rood and choiceUlts weak to ^ pounds 81035 to $13; cow50c lower; hnd choice $0 to 1835; cutte

■e ’’5c hlah- ^ fyesrilnM e td ' v e a r llw » » d cholee beet $0 to 1735;teers S10.8S; 'mUk fed) good and choiceftrs Stl to stocker and feedermds $11.53: i'*en. good and eholce 500 ;ll/.7i,-;e«i pounds $7 to »8J0, •ersM cowa . Bheepj ReeelpU 35,000; ge

» 10^4.75: deslrablo ntUvet $9.758- practical tI035; some held higherm edium 'to ' e i»-«nM ld:'fai-ew u UAG uers Sfl,75 to «Wctly choice feeders I7.T5;shy leeders 00 pounds down, good choice,;lo so *>0.90; ew u M to ISO pounds r: sieaSr to to eholco $3.50 to 1435;I u rted 330 Ismbs CO to 75 pounds goodli-O 19 gO^ to » . ■

'VlOJO; 390 - • BOSTON WOOL S103S- 380 BOSTOM. Aug. 35 MV--T11

35; packing market generaUy U slow bu »n M.W U> W ees sro firm-Tho recelpu .jiQ x a tL la ‘I'eaUo -rooi a t Boslon durl ), week'enainrAU8usr»-amou]

1 ^ 3 0 0 pounds as compare-------- aaajQO.-pouarts'durliH{:tli^

«cek. The receni light rece (U S O A) doraestta'iraof appears to be ding 133 for seasonal In every August iln r th ^ n S a t* a market decune^recelpu h ■ ijo sd jea- e ap iK eJh^.4 tcu fl^ ihU A ui pounds 811 been necentuaud by hei 10.79; pw k- cefpU of June, July and enr 18 to $8.1$: B ut. Receipts fo r th e year I

unounted lo approsotately Si ij f o n n a r - 000 pound*-ft*-eompar*d-slt ■out sleady. 310,000,000 pounds for tho ] l; two loads IM9. good grass —er commoa , DSm'BB SHEEP .75; feirIoU ' DENVER. AUf, 35 (4>)-(U I pounds 17; Sheep: Rccelpu 14,900; noUilr S o to ti-W : urly;bulkotnm O o]oradoaE'» t»Vt I-mW*

1.L3, roAHO, TOSDAV tflteNlb

GASO UN Em A U £ Y - m S M S


n T H IM C S C ^ A O S . V 5 IM ® C O lM C T O A. LAKEliy .

% “J,18 K s i S s s i r

C onrand oaU priccs sagge< I n i n n a r » d d ta l to sympathy wmI jjijbiJ

a t Icsst the momenl appci havo lost Influence aa a sUo

: iilki-inl l>uyen of com fulures dellvci VVIiedl Provisions raUlcd somewt;

'c « “ ''eraglnn a n - t x * m csto tth e dny with gram t r

if lu e n tla l \^*heat open iu»h LoirS e p t.__ 80U 89’i 68);

Dcc. _ _ m u Oi’\ B3H ilAN Mar. — 08\ 09U 98U TT dll*r>" -Ma y =r.:10IH—102H—lOOH bigger In- Corti—lies wheat Sepl. 08 'i C9^i 07’i ;raUy was ^ te , — 03U Ol'.i 93S le today to Msr. — 85H 9S^» 84?i for grain. May „ 07’i 9J*i 004 in passnge Oata—last week Sept. _ 43 43 'i 41-%

lOoI QU0U-. Dec. — 45‘i 45H 441, :Il to price Mar. . . . . 47 ', 47‘, 40H the Allan- Msy 4B'» 48S 47'*e of 4 per --------)l 23 coun- PORTLAND GRAINlared wlUi P o r t l a n d . Aug. 35 ri«„.H «n May 07c, Betlh ! rT 87c, December 81c. Cnsli: Bi;

m ■ Bluestem »1.03>4; soil white ern white eSlac; hard winter.

'’of wheal CHICAGO CASH GRAI moro llu n . CHICAQO, Aug. 25 l,V) - ' , lhe lolal No. l red No. 1 hard c00 bushels CO\c; No, 1 northem sprlni Is a t thU to 00>;c; N o .) mixed 89>iC u1 loo. good Com: No. 1 mixed J l : No, l iried today $l to 81.00‘j ; No. 1 while $1, iwlng, and si.04; eample grade 63c to 08_________ O au :No. 1 feed 40'.ic; No.-------------- 42c.Ilum grade Rye: No. 3 tloftn crop) OJc

6fi‘:C.Including Barley 50c tot C8c.

Iter Iambs 77mothy seed JS3S to I5.M, lales last 1 Clover seed SI3.50 to $21, 80-pound I '

, with ouu j OMAHA GRAINI OMAHA, Aug. 25 Wl - '

w f s f S - IDark hard smuiiy No. 4 78c; ’ hard 830 to 84>ic; No. 2 8Jc

yellow smutty No. 4 79‘ic : n< rv,.|{ 1 spring No. 1 80c to Sflc; Dur

12 80’, c; mixed No, 3 82c. ( US D A l ; Com; YcWowNo. 1 5Je;'No ludlng ll.- 'm lsed No. 3 OJc.:hu talrly I OaU: Whllo No. 1 30’jc;

welghllfri3B!jClo39c. ■iwa 15c lol ------ r■; biiJk de- ( —

r H i PBTHTflillKETwunds $111200 to 350 “ ■■■ — —‘avvwelffhl CIHCAGO .'^URKKTl o S o - CHICAGO, Am . 25 t-7V-t1

A good 275 A T = > oU toe» : Recelpli H:^ : slaugh. '«««*! track 261: lolal l100 to 130 »J>‘P*nenU Saturday

M calvcs 'VIseonsIn sacked lri»h Col 35c to 50cy a rU n sr * •«“ MlnnetaU 1way trade ' O***" »>•“ to $1.05: 1^ b - S -« rtslreobM m -8l;aa-tD->K80; T c ? S - ' ;»OBrt-iaeked-lrtsirCMIirtr* loraauB'n;' »«.$L7S;-w iicoiiJim anieff cers eW 'nm plirStM i-Cclorado Mcke< indsJlOiO uapbs J2.40, dd $1035 lo ------------------------

S s F m i S HIM FILE g BESIDENTOlfBlllilce $13 to -------ler cattle: h l e r , Aug; 25-A numb 00 to 1050 friends and relatives of Pete

ler g a th m d a t his home Bun generslly surprise him with a pot-luck

Htff fflcetf^qti' tlie^ccasloh o l hla blrt lidi 75 to $10; nlveitary. her; rang- R. J. Ebersole and family ) to' $434;' lnlo‘ lli rP .-i :-D rn k e “ resrdei 75; lambs. Sixth street Monday.Ice,$935 10 J. IL W right spent Ihe we< ds medium In Stanley Basin on a flshln 1; feeding TIm families of E. L. Fette Md eholce Cartney. Max.Moseley, and

Lorlsa MOseley. met for a lam

r—'-The woop Mr. and Mrs. E A_Beem re'

but vool Sunday from sa lt U ke Ctty, ipu of do- stlended the Kiwanls ci luring Uie UUh-Idaho dUtrlilOCTted^W -»»' f'- HammeniuUt-and4Mil lared w lS eo«nP*nl«> Mra. 8. A. B«ei i ^ Z i l M o n d a y for Vancourer, Bmi,

\v s m b u S b w k aW alter' Weaver aiid'Oeorg

y 5M ,W ^ WwanU convenUon in Salt

le.ycar In...........Jeaa Olehl, daughter of M

Mrs. E. J . Diehl, U sulfcrlng fi r attack of toullltls.lU B D A» Mrs/ B. H. Snyder, who sub Uilng done u> a ma}or operaUon last if la n d u u h reported making very satisf

AUGUST 26 iflSO. ~ ~ ~

s ___________________ . . -

!2 | > T \ ' Z l D O h i T ^ nr < o u f t \ , A. VOE'Re T O C O ,K B / T O A N r t • \ t

y LA iK S . ^

p llM iC llH II:ged. owing

S . B E K l i lDipeared toUmulus to ■

sw ha'i'» . T . B . M u r ra y , in C harglng tower ^I tr - i r.ou : — C a m p a ig n A g a in s t I

a i i R e p o r ts O n W o rk for'3ai 03 ?■[ ? i | _ MOSCOW, Aug. 35 (SpeclU

iTews) — Rodent control n< i7’i 88Vi *'ere can led on In 40 cour >3S Idslio during the flscnl yea '4)t 9SH '^'hlch ended Juno 30, report O'i fi7‘i Murray, Hate rodent control

wiui the University of Idaho il-'i 414 ol agrlcullure extension dlvui i4'i 44>; the Unlled Slates deparimenl ,0H 47 rlculture. •

48!i Tlio year's campaign e> over 3,140j00 acres of land t

IN ■ volved tho distribution of pounds of poisoned ball and c

^ W h » t ApproxltnatcJy :e.700 land , b?- farmers and livestock men co-

,it f . ed In lhe year'j d r l« to redi . i **ik' ‘'em losses. Tft'enty-scven cou w r.norin- rlculiural agcnu assUted

- year's proffranL Punda expen all cooperailne agencies durl

• ~ • yeah totalled S39301.4a ItAIN Because the roaeni contrc— Wheat; “■'IS conducted on a siale-wld •d 90‘ic 10 poisoned ball mixed a t c'enti ring 90'.ic tlOns nnd supplied to coop c i oB9‘se. pracllcally a t cost, the sa;0.1 yellow land owers nmounicd lo abot $1,034 to 110, - . . OCHc. Jack rabblu haw been rtd

Jo.iw hlle pracUcal conlrol on nU i nreas Uiroughout SouUi IdnJ

OJc: No. 3 Murmy says In his report. Dut period 1018 lo 1930. ground n hnve been reduced to more pracUcal control on all pubfi

1, • nrens ImmedUiely ndjaceni tlined crop area*. Future grounc

I r t i conlrol wUl be centered I........... on nallonal foresu and bette

jec-N o 1 “ IMcenl lo Uifm.l3c'lo83c; Intensive'Campaign

year campalgnl. )unim No. carried on against Uio ground X, -iM .. •■el. rock chuck, pockct gophc No. 2 93c, rabbit, field mouse, porcupui

1 ‘“ S'” ® POI’“>*ilon ot Uie sta •e. « “• 2 In tiio ground squirrel drU

OSO pounds ot niUed bait anc pouiids ot cyanldo wero used

-------------1091.400 acre* ol luul in 40 «r f p . [Tlie porcupine conlrol m' • S I covered 4200 acres of land Ii k lO counties. Pockel gohper woi________ I done lu five counties oa 24,00

of land.

L tlL S J i- 3(M **® 00 acrcs In elghtcounUes. Jn.

i . y * . »^ !*''® «uh tle s , 19S0 pounds. < r a h h u i M hlnV? " “«'>«» 23300 acres In 14 e

‘“ ‘•o>''ed the use of 6«00 I. f>o\iot\ti bait,1^“ ^ - - “Wo tip' noU iiiM la Irtni

iPeclc»..of r o d m pest l iS - S S - lend,luelf riadUy.4oJ l l S t mlnnuon,- declares U e stole ;ked-Tri-- control le«der.-“P u t , present 1

luro efforu have been and planned, therefcrre, fo give th

I c n elfecUVB conlrol over the g LU posslblfr area a t smallest coa

LLII s lsu n t w i^ good supervUlc }T U n iV treatment."

' ™ ' N A Z A R E N E S O PE N T E

i«E E T IN G A T KIM BI‘cw Slat- -------- .Sundsy to Rev. A. D. Presloo, B ira lj ck dinner ^ nbam a , evangelist, ,wUl p rm

by Uie Church of Uib N aiart lly moved Kimberly a t a P. M. thU o' fdence on' w v . Paul Worcester; pastoW

Twin F»Us Church of tho Na week-end anbuneed Isero l u t evening, hlng trip. Rev. Mr. Preston Is a southen ete, T. U Betlst of note and hU revival md Mrs, ings have been largely ati 'amily re- Siudy.of ^ e Bible and answr.

I returned nlng services.Ity, where Services wlU be held In ll;I conven- e « h momlng a t 10 A. M. arit rlet. nlngs, except Sunday, a t 6 P. &i amllyrae- ^ y -^ erv lee i-w tU -tw T w la—item, left Church of the Nazarene,nush CO. 2^ * » e n u e a n d T h l r d s t r « tHiUUl will Twtn PaUs; — ;---------------—t lU t In* — —

nlly l e t L e g a l A d v e r tls e m e nhome In

— ” BES<n.OTlON-KO>^orge An- A ResoluUon of U » City 0 rom the PUls, Idabo, amendlnc tbe ruIi a lt Lake e tn ln i the reedlUon of serrlo

tho city water worka by rcqu::d-til-thU tHpo8im em -,M rtilireustooei

. , , ■ condlUon for the wndltlon 1Mr. aod vlcc; providing for Um tu s 0

gfn x p an deposit, It^ rtoswal u d ultlm tura. It return u to be made,

submitted w b ertw . It ippean f r o ^ u. week. Is o r ts of the elly Uiat a oonslitUfactogr am ouat o t rs rtn tu to which t

I t

S f " i ® )«HOUR © S M E R ^ . f t

i ’J S S T aL O T - a P U M . >

i r f t eachyearbyreuonoftm psld I L L forw aterM rvlcefrom lhecltj I L u works; and.

Whereas, It Ls net pfaellc n i> m r >^eh losses in many ca I IU J I IL s deposit be required, J n h l L NOW. TlfERETORE, BE

U l l l l i . SOLVED:■Section I. T hat In aU lut'

. pUcatlons for water servlee ft a r n e o f cHy waterworks tjjiem eaehc

" . cr ahail be required to mnke 'Pp '< 'fc lof thc 'suni ofja.CO. which'

sh»u be held by th : waierwo n r V boi> partmenl as assurance ot payi Ul I Cdl charges tg be made.

Secllon 3. T hai In the ev< chirjes for waler serv'Ice.be n

la llo T h e ,n iU iin the payment peri. ncUvlUes »aIttW6rkJ~depiinment"8ha: unUes of ‘“ 'I* chkrges from Uie ssld i > ^ 1 9 3 0 8«tlon 3. T hst U pjymeni trM 'T n ’ chnrgcs be made froi •fll i/ ih7p 'leposll It shnU be. required ^ customer lha l the original amUlon such deposit be made good

P f 5 days alter notice mailed 1 .a t of ac- (.luiomer. and II the deposit

made good lo the orlglnat j extended wuhin tuch lime. Uie water 1 I and In- nhul olf and nol agam lur f 331300 uatU the deposit ts nude go I cyanide. Uie turn on charge paid.[ ownere. Section 4. T hat the above eooperal* lons shall uol apply lo any ci Kluce ro- who for the term pl one year Ij Quniy ag- has been a customer of the cl

In Uio erworksand liasnodellnquem CDded-by. eafoE.suchier\'lct, bul.shall.i uring lhe any such customer who tha

doUnqucnS charges, o r shol' Lrol drive delinquent c■idebiLS^ SecUonS. That upon the < %f »«i Tlir' t'on of sueh service to aueh ci

the amouat of such deposit«( less any charges a t the tin

«(i standing against the nccoun rout »w,- demand of Uie cusion

reiurned.educed to pm e d by lhe Council Augu

Infested 1030.Inho, Mr. Signed by the Jfayor Augu luring Uie I&30.squlrreU IQEIAL) . *R. E. BOBIER,

e or less O. NL HALL, City Clerk.

t t o ? u u o»' om i t S - ATTACHMENTI Inrgerly In the District Court of the E ter gmz- Judicial District of tlw 6 I. Idaho In and For Tviln

Counly.' . J . D. OruU, PlalnUlf nlng F U f i ­nd squlr- James C. Ash and Ona Asl her. Jack band and wife. Defendant )Uif, nnd Wfltlee thatlUte. ■ SUsl 12Ui, 1030. n writ of Blla< rive 319 - *'ss Issued oul of the abovo i Dd I80M eourt In .th e above entitled cd o n 'a - attaching the properly of l|v coufiilfs. “*roed defendant for the j

“ iM hrw W TNESS WIEREOP, hercun-vO scl ray hand and t

,M0 acres 0' ‘hi* Court ihls 13lh day of

I. of bait ORDER TO SHOW CAUSI trol work oRDER FOR MORTGAGI counties r e a l ESTATE SHOULD ^ fl pounda m a d e

Uh.. . . . . In the Probate Oourt of Twl

t ' l i d f S '’ . /£ W h It^ ."w ec u to r,o f tli.Si ot-Qustavc Pearson, decessei

7h ! li« . IhJ herein his petition, dt ‘>y ptiylti? for

.« f ‘hls Court auihorUli1“ ' J powering, and directing h im ,; swa ana executor, to mortgage ihe rea

ot said deceased therein am inaller described, for the j

'P W T Ip said pellUon: antI pearlng lha t li will be to the t

B E R L Y “t* of “ W Mtale th a t ssld mbe made:-

1* ordered by Uie Oourt, olngham. per»jiu mterejwd tn the m ^ eh a t’ a g ij»taYe

'l*y S'P*" >030, a t 10 O’c M. of said day. Uien and t »how-cauJft-« any^Uuy-hai

iasarene, i^e real properly of ssld eau »• Tne scribed below, or some p a a i :m evan- ghguid not b? mortgaged for t ral m eeu of Twenty:«ven hundred attended. (*3700.00), aa prayed for In »a w in g ox Uoa of J. S. Wilfe.'iHcuc* I plan of. dM-fUed. o r-fo tsueh ieaser 1 -ofT nor-' g ^ U frw U frih flrK m ir ie e i

. erenee U mMe to ^ d peut iho tent further partlculan. Said real

« « * the property to be mortgaged _6L j u n ^ .ua ttd in .lw la ja ll» .cputay ,^

liTUio Idaho, and U more partlcula !, comer jcrlbed as foUoa-s. lo-wlt: ■■

■■'LoU,Oiie tl)_andT w o‘(3; Sixty iflOl.'Twin PaUs, Idal

I. filz<»BM ckM ne(y-(hree(K

in is S S i , ‘? , t i , i S L . ^ f A S---------- - Twin FftUs. Idaho.--- ------------- iriim niief-ordeffa .-T W iiof Twin Of UlU order be posted a t the

^eag ov - house m Twin PalU, Twli rioe from Oouniy, Idaho, for a t least t ( u l r t n t i iJays.an4p_i<bll»hj4ln.TJieTw u n u a Dally Newa each day for a t le » of a e ^ (to> daya, before the day of t ot tueh noM btitsg a newspaper «i m ate-re- drculaUoa, pubUsbed In Twt ^ • ■ Counly. Maho. •:U » KC* Dated a t Twlo M i l , Idat

ilderaU e I6U1 day of August, 1B30.1 tlw d t r . f a n a n .v v '

Wings (By Vera

; > n » I » m f p t » n t i f t b g ^ « t t n d I look belb «I J a n e t h a b t f .:~~ ■

- r d l o n barlns jod . youTt u ] B K tt r r IM fffed cnibuttuU etUr. ■

And U u t w u the b n lu i ln i o t the t i n t m l frUWUhlp J a m hed e m 1 known w tth 'ino tb ;r mmian. i

“Of ccurw. It w ont be too w pen- i itTe." UlM DavU i&iUttd. " I pay t J u t MO. I t U on l; a Uttle pUet. I b,( tnotn aod iltung room, and the turnltnfe is p n U r c rlm r but <t i< i td tc r tha& .a.baU .bedioom r I

Al Jane w u writing down the ad- I d reu Harrl* came baek Into ttu roon. ^

•I'm aaklnf Jane lo eome and lire i wllh me." MUi Davit aald. "She’a I c ^ n s oTcr to the apartment to* i njght." ^

. . • I l l brinj her a t 8," Harrl»,. an* ' nrned"ptompUy.-"And I approvp ot thff Idea. You can keep an eye on i Ju ie and the can aort ot look a tte r i J-ou!” • I

A tw hlc li^herew aam uchieneral i ■ la u g h U r. 1■ / f-Hendihfp

\viian Arl and Jaue vUlted (he I (tuKy apartment lu Brooklyn. It looked thabi))' and uncqmtortabic < after WcstOMlde. But I t <cry trom the place on a i t t aircei. and Ja n e 'v a i iirnlctul tor auch . a ' decent r)ic« lo Jive. The older ' U'omaa had c'cAred space In ttie clo’.hei cloicC opd in the dreuer !or i Jane,

" Il is not _ro ta r trom Uie ' " itiw r t, aura'*}'," iU n-li remarl:cd. <

Xl cecDied icrrlbic tu him that June > Ihould live In xucli n pliice. She ‘ Deeded beaulllul eurroiindliigs, flow­er* acd «ne furniture.

I t was QUdr» Davis who propo«d , that Harrla drive June back to Wee- •

~ t a u ldr-tor-heT-thtnf»-iha>— very-1 nlsht. .

•'She’a worklnR Iti the momlnB ' and nylns tomorrow iltemootv Youll be too busy lo move her. any* way, then," Qtadj's argued. Sff It , WM 'tha t Jano packed her pretty , clothes aad lett ^VestonildQ lha l Very night, it le r conildenible pro* ■ (ett frem i in . Ctrby and ra tT ^ ere t , on lhe part of BylvU. ,

The ap.vtment wns hol. tlw night cJoK. By the llmc Jane's few po«- , aeutons ■•ere settled lafeJy in Qlady's ipirtm en'l cerj'body .w^s tired and warm. * * • ,

"W ell to lor a ride and get cooled j off." Han-ij inilsled. OJadya pleaded , rati(u t, but (he other two would not JUten. Tbey made her come, and , the three of Ihem 'ate'quantllle* of ,

. lee m a ra and drore over-Joa* , )M stretches ot pavement In ua rc h o l , ■ oool breetes. '

Iw — Loter. when the two womea v u t. L g prepartnj lo r bed, they sal by tbe !

wmdow In lhe ItvlnR room and talked , • for a long time. Oladys lold Jane

i», Eomethlni of her e inim le to leam , ' teeretarlal work and the 'J'cors «he

acrlmped alonj In New York on i» tm all u lary. She told o( lonely hoUdayt. poor food and unh'applneu.

’*■ “ But things have been beller since Mr. G ate gave me his pefeonal work.” shs added.

Jane talked of herself, too. but wtlh the utmost c tre . There waa little to tell, she explained. She hnd had few girl friends, few pleasures and Innellneaa had been her lot, too.

'M r. Oage doesn’t seem happy," Jane obKrved.

-He Isn't, poor man." Oladys aa- awered. “n 'e beea with him fdur years. He’a the kindest man alive, to m y way of thtoUnff. but some days he Is a stem , cruel bargainer. I suppose any man Is wiio makea mil­lions. I never could see wbat good

a • ti does to make them I t you work £1 like everything the last years o t your K • llge glvlnjr eveo'thlxig away you f i n a d e l” ^Wl 'B u t (be ehtJdrenl” Jane asked.

"HlsdaughtcrplaysaroundEHropo >1 all the year, Just dashes home to

kiss him on the forehead once every year c r so H is so n -h e died a lonif

tJ i ' time ago, after the war. T hai's hls. 'S? •plctnre'tn-the-llbrarT o jer the m an-

“Wo woider he’s sad,” Jano said i jg as she dosed her eyes and saw again n the picture ot tbe charming boy.und H the collie dog whleh had so caughL 9 her Interest on her first visit lo ■ __ the Oage Ulerary. .

S -Jo o k -d lcu tlo a .ln JheJlb rary . she glaneed now and ihen u p -a t the picture or the 11ltle_Jal-Si-Uo-was-

•• di'aa.-'OncFsHe thought Mr. Cane ' noticed It and then she decided she

had msde a mistake. But dreams of the picture and o t Mr. Oage and the rest ot the world were «i1ped Irom her mind whcu she wenl lo the airport tha t aftemooiu

Bewilderment Tho day w u hot and clear. The

sun beat down on tbe iandlog field and Jane &at In the shade ot the of* llee. Bhe was blue and disconsolate. She had arrived early lor her, 3 o'clock, but Jack had not come over.

had not been busy all the time, either. He had spent a lot ot llmo talUng toiBed. who was working o n - ,

■ i l tS T K ID S

WMAT V V o iJti V e i i] VOlj ^ O o (T V o u W A S /TW M

_________M E -^ P 0 p :^ A Is > l - /6 O t^A N O tH S q X A L U S

- - P e u - s J 5 w ^ ? » ) 'N•------------S r e A U lN j ' yA N D wW 2

--------------------------------------'e i t i U ?

Of Lovera Brown

d tha training ship. Kobody paid much attenU ooJo ber.. Pat Msehan itop*

0 ped for a moment’s chat, but Shoe- nacher seemed to arold her.

e Jane tlghed. A mongrel )>up tha t T liked to raee over the airport eame

up and wagged his u l l Jano threw 1* sticks for-htm (o chase snd Ufted y to the negteeted dog. S h ew asjctt- e. lesa and unhappy, le -Why does Jack behave like thU?”Is she Wondered. "Uave I offended

him} Or U he Jutt tired ot meT OrI* Is IfP au Ia igelnT— ~ -----------le • Jano did nol believe It wsj any of

these litlngL She did not uoder*'e itaud anything except tha t sbe w u ’s Intcmely unhappy. Maybo he was >• tired o t ir>'ing (o-Uach h e t.to fly

Maybe he didn’t want -to bother I* with her any .more. . . . .>t J u u then two young, men drove <n up inanam lr^ ia ied tllw erandS hoe- T maclier sent liiem out to Jack. "Ifa

my turtj (o tly. nol theirs!" Jane ? >1 lumed to herselt. But slie was more

h u m h a n angry th a t Jaek vould Jiiove ijiidenJs ahead of her fo r fly-

le Ins Insiructlon.It I t was after S o'clock. Jase sighed.Ic nnd M Shocmacher came out o t the g If ol/Jcc. ^he ilopped him: fI, "Perhaps (he lieutenant doesn't a wnnt me to d a y r she asked. -Per*■r luipsl'dbelterR oonhom e.''.■g BliornittclJtr save her a peculiar i ir Elunee. Then he mid: i

"We’re w ctty well cluttered tip « today Wllll two of tho ships out ot, 7 J, commU«lon, but t think ho 'w ants *j .5 you laler. Bellcr flying weather

aboul sunict. Oo over and get a bite,.. to eat. He'll be ready In a llttlo ^

while."rt Jane went, hoping m a t Jack would ^ . fglkjtt-. B u t hc did not.IT PaHla wa.i In (he restaurant, pretty ^ JiTpm irrrvSK r-Bne served Jarte , > (ca and,a sandwich and smiled , ‘ meaningly as she asked: ^

" is Mltter Jaek in ihs air?” J ,! "I don’t thlnfcWj Paula.-Jane an- „ swered.’ tuUy awareTof the gtri’s ,

taunting glance. r" Jano was furious.* Her pride was , |T hurt. At the window the could see .

tome of (Ke other'pilots taking tfii ,, students who had 'Just eome up tor r" u hop. ' Jack was nol Instructing

thbm. He was still talking to Red. / Jane'coilld not ea t the food «he hsd ^ ordered. Slie paid her check 10

J Paula in silence and went tack to th e , £ airport lo tnke u j ^ i t ^ n e l y wall

? beforo (hc office <Mr. /’r Tlie tuu was lo f j in the horUon ,' , when the lieutenartfimally tlgnaled . ’j Janclo Jo ln h lm a ith o lra in ln g sh tp ; , 5 She ulippfd on iier helmet and gcg* • " gle. and ran 'ou t to him. ,. In, hU old manner Jack buckled .

^ Jane’s helmet under her cliln, hooked , *,? W ieM fetybeltaboothfrandcilm bed .

liito (he ship hi tho front scat. , ‘® "All set?" h ecalled. Jane shouted l

baek «ii ultlrmallvc. *„ Up itiry wi'Hi inio Uie suniel sky. '1 Around they circled, and Jane slip*

ped Into the Held from a SOO-foot al-i illude lo it nice ihree-pdlnl landing. * ^ -Asami'* lhe lleulenanl ordered ‘

crisply. Around they wenl ngaln. , Jane taaled baek and tum ed the l

slilp about Into Iho wind. Then she / r looked back loK e tlm i no ships wero .

about to land. II was all clear. Bhe ' ' turned around, ready to take-off tor li

the third tlrae. and lhe pilot’s shoul- a ' ders loomed up In the cockpK In i , Iront. I‘ " Ju jl ft mlnule." he called. -Then ‘ he Jumped ouu. 1' j -I 'm not going this Ilm e r ha cried t J and motioned her to go ahead Blonel 0

1- ' Solo _>1} Jane sut troun . moUeiUeu, te rrl- r ■* fled, as Jnck stepped out ot the W* d

plane and motioned her to go on r »lonc. J

She tried tosxaUow. but her throai ^ felt pim ily*^.- She tried to call to i ~ Jack but she could maks no tound « ® I She tooked back liseechlngly to i, ' where be stood, bu t tier goggles hid I* her eyes, and he oM>: motioned her «

on, Like buck tever. tbe abiect ter- f *“ Y orT psearJsB 6’c«nensaTw inw nirto

look one I u t backward glance to look rfo r iQooffllng places, opened the athrottle w lde-and w u on her way. a

The ship rose straight and firm Into t ^ the air. A all gained momentum, the

girl alone In the m r cockpit gfllncd tpoise and eonlidenee. Up they went, p

^ ond Iht'ors nge ~ winged'Shlpj Int^ _f i 4Uc.taQielakv.- -i>ane'siBlhd seemed h

tohare lunsed ln toanac tlveandac* ccurate-iiiachlna-capable-of-flylng-thp. d

* sky alone. -‘ She did not remember th a t the lieutenant «-u back down k

” on the ground. She Uought only ol e(he rudder, the stick, the tiwotlle. tho c

~ altimeter. s"I'm 600 feet.’’ slie Uiought aulo* r

matlcally. "Better throtUe back a ylittle more. Ready lor the tum i e

* There. I did Uint all, rlghL Now n ® itra llh t baek pamllel ^0 the field.'* I ’m Hying Into the sunset. Lovel}'! si

]jovel)’l But I’m still climbing.” »’ Landlngt tl

In a (|ueer subconMlous^ivay Jane

*’■ back dOA-n on the airport.“He's holding Uiem." and she smll-

'O' ed a IKtle In her teno r.'" ife^ U k- d

OijLL WAVfiTO FI<5U(?E: 1 1 V f f o i i f e o li

.S3 V E f j r v i h i r 5 w ^ i . a

' i f y


f ""

/ V J5 U A M b ^ - 'NMll.S >fO VNEM PiK dH b TDOA

I CLtANBO Of» SN 0U 6M . M ONtY t o PA'f ALL OP •

«NfiI>DlN(» E X P E N S ? S »S . \ A N b W H A T At- V. VitBMWCi-' I t WILL

lO IW , . / i Id C ' m L .IId 11 Ifjir .uyml

LS jl'

•r II I ■

'e '' , ,A S b w # ^

IS - " — I 1 ,

^ M T A B llS 'SchedDles nt rauenxer Trains and

>e (jgigt Uutses Paulng Tbrsagh Twla


EastboundIP Train S< lfnv<» ________ 4:23 P. M.

T rsln ISO leaves________ 7:20 A. MP tVe»t6ound *

Train 83 lea'ves ______ 12i05T. M.^ • m tn 1J5 _ 2:53P.M- 'If . \Vt;i.t.S URANCU

Southboundio Train 33? lesvrs_______ 1:30 P. M.,, NonbboDDd ' "■“ 'Train 3 « a m v e i _____3;3S P il-

PICKWICK STAGES . - y t:astem Sebedale 3

^ Leave Eaitbonnd---------^13:30 A. M .hArrive from Esst,—.,.,,.....(i:3() A. M I r ;

, . Arrive Irom Ba«U--------- 5:33 P. M. ^l: -Wetlem Schedule Bl“ Leave Westbound'.—_ _ — .fl:30 A.M

Leave Westbound_______5:M p. M pr. Arrive irom West_»—_10:05 A- M ot

Arrtve trom West-...___ .■,12:01 A. M th

ir ' U M O N P A cincsfA Q E S ‘ j " ' « .Wwtliound 11S; Arrive-------'-cS ------------(5:00 A M 1“ Leave----------:___ 1 _ _ 7 ; 0 0 A M hc•0 Arrive-------------------,____5 :« P. M EiIS Uave__________________0:15 P. M fii“ Eatlbound iPl„ Arrtve--------- ------------- ll:<a A tt Ja” Leave________________ I2;00 Noon _

Arrive____________ ia :00 .MiiiniKht -P- Leave_______________ ;.:.12i30X a^co

BOtSL- LOCAL flc. Leave..-.................. - ____1;30 P M.

5 A rrive;....-..................... 5 ;i5 P . M. SiJ T>V1.N FALLS-BLISS .

Leave------------ — ............ 7:w A *1Arrtve-------------------------II^O A M jioLeave .................. ........... (1:15 P.

V Arrtve-------------------12:00 Midnight t r- o r i l f / t STACK Ll.Vt’S »<

1. TWIN FALLS-WELLS tp,. Arrive._________ — ___ 1:15 P M lU'Jd Leave............ ......... .. ........ 2:30 P M 0,'

THI.V MLLS-SUOSHO.Vt: le >>'»’■'» - - 1 t* M. "P10 Arrive - .........................4:10 P M ,cll« — to }r Ing no chaiice.i ot my running Into , 1- any ol them! Now lurn agiiln. Am in I back lar enough? Yes. now eut

Uie Itiroule, and dD'Aii." . in AsUic^hlpbegiuitOMttlesround*

«aid. Jane suddenly mw another :d thlp at her side—Uie shadow of her • t l own c ra ft .o n the ground! D o«it

DoA'ii! Jane breathed a tlgh ol re* . . •Ilcf. Over the telephone wires and

1- no l-t» h l* h . no t (00 low.-Down!'1* doviiif TJic shtp MtUed iieaf.’y ar.d .

perlfctiyonloiljeiiTOund. Janegave J En.'Plng aob.

sl -'t did 11!" she cried aloud. Then „ before tlw Heu,tenan{ eould rench her.

id the loolc olt sgaln tor a second tand* 1 10 lug dial day. | „Id Aj. the girl In the plane circled tne tr airport Jack* ^tood alone out In the _ r- fieiii klc'<ing a slono uboul. smoking

>k not dare look up. In his heart was - « a great fear fo r Uio lovely creature

whom he hsd sent up Into the tky to alone.le ••oodl OodI" he said under h it - •d bresUi. " It anythlJifi*ihoiild hap* it. penj If anything thotild happenl" ux It Msrntd y ta n that ^hv M'h sl tng-ibouf aboTO-the airport,.yeata. c* centuries, coot. Would she never get Ui IP- down7_Juft-b*to:wh»mide-.lhe4asV h< Id lu rn Jaok heard he f th'rolllcbackthe to te tnglne-a-Uttle.” - r aer -She's keeping her headi Siie-a 81 n keeping her h e s d r his heart isng. 01 }( Still Jack could notlook a t ths bright >0 colored plane silhouetted against ihe

sunset sky. The « lre s~ w u she over?)* nnally he gathered all his courage, “ a Yes. she w u making a nice landing.It Even If she cracked up now. she'd w not hurt hertelf much. B1. '•She-atfownrheehou(ed, And he l'l started running toward the ship u l t d<

te lU e*to the field and rollcd-along W the gr^sa. a

te He tlopged as iie saw her take pff att t for tiie agond tJ n i e . , , .................... t j

. -She’s garael' Blew her h e a n r W I - And a great toad rolled olf his shouU sl c- ders. n e koe«r th a t thts time Jano el


L . - I


\ 7 ( ' w H « N r r co»AW) TO MbN&Y*!YHf. { I

. r V _ ^ 01^ t 0 0 --

' B


■ C|

All Wanl AdsjUUe^nd actlre and 't-! - th e y bring (he boyerr —'

Phone B . .' ■■ •J Mu

Miscellaneous' iEi- - ------------ - - - B

3_aQC!J WAOONS A jro OOOD leam to o lir th ro iis n -b e an ~ ™

threshing. Charley Hughe.M'armero g j j Corrall. ' ■ itBEroRE BUYINO SECOND HAND

aacka li *111 pay you (0 gel our ™ prices. We have a good oMoriment ot wheal, mash, and polato sacka a t g lhe rlKlitlljures. Idaho Egg Produc- d

;er«. I’hone ICOO-W.'T.VIN FALLS m E P R E V E in T O N

1 man I:; here and will Injpecl all houses RKd rtiaftj buJldJjics free. ^ E\'cnbcdy gel your chimneys nnd furnaces cleaned properly tor winter. ,

1 Phone 008 Caledonia Hotel. Happy

coufl cfrcirilicTieH'w 'Hlf utter'Ci5n*'- jjii fldencc. f ■

"She's Rfllng lo make n real pHotl = She'd eoliu (0 make a real plloci"

Evcrylhiiia on the aUpari was out ' aafctilns, Tiie word Jmd tone out —

I to (he buy^ In the hangars thnl Juno •<wft*io:oiii?. Dad camc running over ™

from the re,«aumnt. and ns the wnrd ‘ »CHl oiit iJiai u eW wa.'s flyhw nione, ••'*• tpeclators climbed oui o t their nuto- \ — iiiobllM the better to watcH the ship | overhead. C,irlyle camo from his nu- { isniobllc aseney and broughi Uireo 1 __ -prospects'’ »UU him.

Jack.wns walCng ou t In the bli; 'nv circle when .iwie brought the plane ;■ it to the ground lor the aecond time. US

As the ship rolled to a slop he was dor a t Jane'll uide. Jnck swept th e girt _ Inlo his an:n. —

"Darling. .ria,r!‘x[!." hc cried ns he kissed her ajaln and again. "You’ro

. wonderlul." v '. Jane’s knees were shaking. She j . w'anted lo laugh and c o ' a t th e same 1 Ume and she was uraleful fof Jack 's i arms. =

-III (axl you back to the h angar,' he said as Tie iioppcd into tho tront 11” cockpit. i f ” '

Celebration As the ship trunriled over the green ■ 0‘

grass, Jane< leaned back and le l the bc.j , u-arm wind blow on h e r flushed facc. her blond hair iwlrled about her head <s'.i

I and her hands (rembled so ahe could !•

" ‘ ■l l ” - ___________________(Continued In Next Issue> 0

• — -------------- — ______ — e, ------------------------------------------------

Lcjal Adverlisetnents i't;,V

I :-------------- :------- ----------- --------- rritP ilS A T T E N D IN a OTHER —


, otlg irttiiflns of children IiT]. Uiat cimnol ttltenS school.in (li«ir J

tJ^ r t^ -cW rily tiuperiiitcndcnl of ‘ t; Schools for liesrtng ot ihelr case .js . 1

I SuctwasallMllon should bc mnde nt, onee. < ’ - Ka: Signed: ROSE J . \^'3LS0N. aI ' County Superlnlendenl. ^' ; 21s


SAate of B ias Rutsell Deceased, ol Notice Is heret)/ given by tite u»* i.')c

, denlgned Admlnlsimior w lih the i : Will Annexed ol the estate o t Ellut her

Russeii decea-ud. lo the credliora ol lhl ' u d i l l peraotu having cialmsagaln.1t 19J

the said dkcased. to exhibit them '• w m juiB Mceisury vuuUiera. wlililtr ' six nionths atter the first publication ‘ ot Uli* aoUee, lo the csid Adminls*

' • ■ ' i ___________

‘ -FPfTSO'-^MV P o P '- i iE & '- ’i ’Si.i-fc TMAtr A t t ’& PA I12 IM u o v e A


THECAfS VJHPX. t A « E S j 3 i 5 * ^

V h e G U M P S - ~ l

' f OM- I f S 4 m P L « v iw iN Y / K n o w h o W —

i n &6 f A i r TOM eN ^ y — _ . _

» Ma w 4 0 S T * 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 . * * .to b A V o u t

■ o r t w t r . m tV ro tK wU

V yvj


Lds-BargFor Sale Miscellaneous,

FOR .SALiT-f'OBOSO.V B EAN BO cutu r. good one 100. W .L, Brown.

«; E. .Maroa school.

BULHS-FOn'sAliB---- MADONNAlllly. mixed (ullp^ peonle. (red,

WhlU, p;i,k. prlccs attractive. H .E . J } Muv^T, I'llcr. no ,

S L iQ l i l^ ' USED ONE BAl£<OR l i ?BeanCuiurrforsale. ’im llenorU i pm

of i I’olniA 1 west and 2^; north, f, -FIowcrd«w-Raneh.________________

5N E ■niREE ELEMENT*"AUTO- ' malic Elcct'rlo Boiler for either tteam or hoi waler. Chas, Onder- rO! wood. I’ljwiu H. p. O. BOX 317, n:Itlmberly, Idaho.___________, —

K E ltr s .- F O R SALS BV H, J S Raicti, good lot all ttomocfi, k td ' 247.

'.ne/, DoTTcl. liver and Wood iroublet.- a t Plve Point atore, Blue Lakes store. rv;ln i-'alls. Idaho.

Db 's (7r E a s o WOR.M YOUR PUL* lets lllih Parke.Davls C-A Capr ^

suies before putting them lu the lay* “ , tng W « . If your birds are nol i^ ln g rl:li(, bring one of them in and po i ^ 'e 'l l mahfl n post t.:ortem examlna* . . tlon Ine ol chargc, Hayes H l*Onde

I Hntclie’f)\ ’ ' ~ ___ • PAI

:---------------- n;

i Foj- Sale—Automobiles _ j;"*'

FOR QUICK SALE - INTERNA- Uonal ton truck. Good buy. MO ‘

.Jellerson St. Phone 190-W.I Sur

I For Rent—Apartments ^

•nVO ROOM APAP.TMENT \V Tni;■ ItghU. water and use of lelephone. __«5-. Adulta only. Plione uoa. Cole- donla Holel.

____ HO

Lost £5------------------------------------------------ -1,

LOS'P—A WHITE SP1T2 Ptn>PY. ®*.j FJjJderplensecnllJCWJ. Reward, *” ■

I tralor m th the Will Annexed a l (he pO i clUce Df BoUiwell ’and Ciianman,1 Woods Building, T»'ln Halls, Oaund 2 T ' ol T*1n Falls, Stale of Idaho. tliU CU' bclns the Ilrst plaice tlxnl lo«^the ° traiMttion oi lhe business of saW ^ estate.

Dated July 28.1B30.J. A. KEEFER.

Ad.iilnlsintorwlththeW lUAnncxcd Me ot the Estate ot Ellas Russell, de* pceaaed. - --------------------reai

JA.MES R. BOTHWELL paiW. Orr Chapman, ' - busAttorneys tor Administrator with Uie .pjv

Will Annexed. Residing a t Ta'ln FaUs. Idaho. ,“


TinTiTDisW JfrcOTTnfranmBTnittr " ju d i^ a r DiMtret w th f -wc

]S. u'rElHid'PUUiHIt ■" ^■ vs. MA

Harris Har^'cster Compsny a eorpor. uutlon Detcndant. — ;NoUc# It Iwreby given th n l on the Mfl

21st day of August'lOlO, a wrtt of tlHifseiiaiefrt was isjaed out of « » •— above enUUed court In the above en*(llled aellon. attaching the property ol the abovo named dclcndani tor „tlie ium olt430.D0. ,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I havehereunto aet my hand and (lie teal ol t uthis Coutl thia 3lst day ol August, 1,1S3P. —


By FRANK J. SMITH, ' per Deputy. Pin

Hisrn^rS h o t 's


• E A S Y C O M E -

} / o ^ 4 E ^y V m a ^ . . t ? )

I® i l l

g a in s-OFor Rent—Furnished

R o o .v r o s f i r .T r ~ P H c ^ M8-J.

FO RllENT^OOM ANDOAnAOE. fi'Cli nione 530W. Asli

R g ;H rA N 0~i7D anD ~cL 05s~ i.v.' 1 31S 3nd ave. N.

D0AR15 AND ROONr-1^0TH.AVE.■ Nortii. Phono lOfll, *'^j,

f u r n is h e d " APARTMENT AND 125« rooms. Phone II04W.

Ll’o i tT hOuSBICEEPWO a p a r t - ! 3 menls. M Malu NorUi. j ^

FOR RBNT-THBEa.BOOM FUR- ] > X nished house, Clote In. Call 772.W. «

______________________________ Flvo\VILCOX CABIN AT EASLEY HOT 1 —

Springs lasl week In Augutt. Phoiic, PUI

= " • _________________ USPURNiailED ROO^C^ •-OE.^■TLE-, — ... men prctctreili l i J 3rd avo north. REC Phone 264-J. .

— ----- selLFOR IlE .\p ^ T W O OR THREE ___

Iln '. cisM apts,: tumlshed; mod*ern. 458 i) Ave. East. ------ . .

?0R RENT-3-R00M FURNISH* ^ ed apartment Bungalow Aparl* ' ,

[scnts..3nd.ave east.- I - iV. ^ <1/1

PARTLY FURNISlfED TWO ROO.U ^ npartmenl wlUi n*w lurnllure.

Llghla Uld vaier furnished. 530 SlhAve, North. ............ PEI

P U R N 1 S U e “iT ^PA R T M E N T ^ hot w aur. eleetrte light nnd cook- ^

Ing. Nlco new lurnllure. pOO 2tid arc north, one block north ot Postolllee Summer rates. Calllornta Apan* ments. Phone l(»5. • " '5I

-■ — ------ ^ Rai- \ Ida

For Renl—UnfurnlshBd


3rd Ave. Wcsl or phone 1S35. NO _ , a

LO NG ^ AD-a.ROO.^t MOOERX fde lioutc. »35; 5-room modera. 130; *11

O-room house S3}; otllce rooms, good u o location. A. N. Long. Phone 663. • dw

— ...=---------- ■= 'T = S “

For Sale—Fruits, Vegetables pc‘r: _________________btJ

CUCUMBERS, PEPPERS. ffAB- bage. Phone J027-W. evenings. jJJ;;

S r a C T COIJ.V, P2CKLSS, CAS- <>»« bage. First iiou-w north ot Sub-

StaUon.______________~ ^McWTOSH. SALOMES, AND PIP - - ;

pins from Fargo orchards now ready: on sale BtPeoplcs-Maiket-tOKl. Farmers Store), windfalls M cent* D‘' buahel a t Orchard. Ci O. P ^ o , 6tii Phoae «6«. ' ,

Situations Wanted ra''• . . ___ ' tn»i

WORK BY H0UR.--rU0MI5 « % W .. ^

^ T S I N I T Y NO R S I N O . MAB a * ifem jfu Phone 1«3. £

MRS. S m iA OAMUKTER, PRAC* “ tlesj, nurse. Phons 119SW ''

WANTED NURSINO OR CARINO ST tor ChUdren, Phone 1023-J, ' j,

EXPERIBNOED COOK WANTS ??*' work. Write Box 8. cartNewa.

TUTORINO—ORADE A N D HIQB — school Phono 1H8 after noon.

COLORED MAN WANTS H 008B » Qtic pr ttultor WOTk. e«* I

pe^i^nceditlrina nny kUid ol luniaoe.

- W ■ ■ . i sr

■ ;.......6J7

' t u t o ? — SE

M * 0 -)-----------— H !PA veo

H »5 (56Xr> „TO FAMB ■ ■ ■■• p o

k, ’ i i w n ’t*4 •2 ^ > . G B k JT L k ' ■■■ 'A T

TMOUiMTS p ,f. - u H E . - _______ =PIS-W H6 N eH£W A<» .

u W u e

^ J i i l b P • V j>^SK -1SK *. ■ ■

I' .. m!

' • h “

UST 26.1930. •

U o w ? j BV 7^ E X P E R

V I A r

) p p 6 r tuW a n te d to R e n t p

fd l t 8Ilck)MTORN13IEO’HOUs'E Wwtil tease tar I u s iv a n H naUr- J

nciory. Phono U05-W or csll 430 I Isll Street.

F o r S a le — L iv e s to ck

iU R E B 0 ro * c l3 N C H u ivbits. CaH<273raAve,W etlPhone

M i_____________ \ —’DLL BLOOD lIAMPSmRE BUCK. ----

3 n lles-enat on-Kimberly Road.■tank Wnlton. ,. YEARLING AND 3 PUREBRED W. 1

Hampshire mm lambs, I inlh norUi Rl Ivo Points. IJ. R. CaUiro. - - j

^ E DREd I jaMPSHIRB BAMS — tour yearlings and eleven iambs,

al? ma up, O tto W. A lnh BuhL

tEOISTERED HAMPSHIRES. 17S ewes, SO rums. Some hortes. must

«1L Sec Chas, Buel, Rlchllcld, Idaho. —

— 4 1 e lp W a n te d .

VIAN t o " c u t APPLE T O M TOR Share of «-ood. Phoao S03*J*1. , j ^

.VANTED-WOMAK FOR HOUSE* ^ keeper en ranch. Write A. L. Care

rhe News._______________ .

PERSON TO DRIVE OAR To’’sAN = Fraiicbfonot b ie r than Beplember

ltd. Phone 702J.________________

“ F F s i i e ^ R l a l S t i i e ” ~

SOUTH iiA L P A c W T R A o t?W ra —-35 and 30 Filer Townslie.; Near « • -

Rallrond. Dewy Oreenfield. Jerome, st


Ing iioreX enrage, 2 lo 'j—lookted Iw-desirable itart ot city. Inquire W. B. —Beshcars. T»'ln Falls Tourist Parte. “ J

NOvTt HA'TCROPS ABE ASSURED PW and sheep very cheap better buy *n

rdeaiSouthSldeCsnyansheepmneh »with plenty tree irrigation water t t ^tHO.OO and bolll win advance.. Dr. ,, DwiRlit. Agent, Jerome, Idaho. -

A SPLENDID 80 A C R f i ' f A R ^ = mllesirom WendeU tor salo a t'f la s

per iiere on lerms ot *1500 cash and . j jbtlanee about the tame os ren^ a t 0 »!per cen: Interest. This place h u two ~ houses, dtep well.'cieetriclty.'shade.lawn, well fenced, pastures, about .one-halt In liay, telephone, schooi j r route. .Tills Is a bsrgatn proposlUon for (he one able to handle. George A. Btemer, Jerome, Idaho.

HERE ISA SNAP POB TKBPARTV ^ th a t can handle it. 200 acrea on „

D i«rlch-tra« l-lharts-ata«w *»«-tir r " cullvaUon. fine Improvements t h t t cost around $6m , h u s weU ta d u o windmill nnd nil fenced. The price qj will surprise you. We alto have 33 Art acres across the road from Gooding ^ college (hnt Is M ai h r aereafa OV. (raelt. This placc Is priced ot a Hgure tc

11. see fichmllt St ropi Whipkey. OobttlM ^ l d a M ^ ^ ~ ^ ^

T I T O l e - ^ o g s • ~

areM A LE SCREW ‘taI l b o S o n S,® BuU Terriers. Phone 1324B. 5iiJ

B u s ln e s s ’O p p o rtu n lt le s =

PARi y w rin i BUSINGS E JffE il- lenee and 81000 to Join me In prop. ^

oslllon that wlll'glve us a life Um'a income. Phono 0(», .A. L. AmoJd.Caledonln Hotel. ’____________ yf/i ~ li

, F o r R e n t— F a r m s ^

ibV Ac i ^ • w e l l " i ^ ^ R o v m j "

equipped und able to finance self. ^ Address A. T. 0. Cue Ta-la A lls g, H ew t.'- . - ■ . -----------— ■ *bl«

- For Sale—Furniture w St5< O H O U 8E "^"e L E (3 T R i C Rot


BLTOHT L T U T O ^ A S ^ O Ma » ?«“ ■ '"cSE ST TW M tiW tarjM iB rM tisr •»« m w them. Mnyu g Shoi^ MO ho. —

F o r S a l e - r - P o u i ^ y ^ ■ t h

T O R S A lS lS H O B P ^ fe 'lR S o N B per1S07.______________ , Ida

A T T A -B A B Q A IN 'W H A N S E N r o strain Leghora puUsta and cocks. «

Piione 1QS5-R4. » , cbi

Wanted-Llvestook . Si173. OR 3 yiAR o W v r a n M A r a ‘

cTftts-bredewi.-Write Ekrt Prujoe. gg^le <■ JefODm. I ^ • ■>'■ f VTAKT^ABOVT IS aOiSTSIii

o r Ouirasey Dairy cow*.' A-'jO. by;- Moir, WettpoUit, W « ^ blBbft,- : A n

i i n Tl

m m ^ \ II

R T ,a d v ic e ]>.ND ■ .1 - .

Y I N f r O O r ) . j j

w l

in i t ie s

i i l . .Professional

DAO .'IIODQDI. Rooms 4 sa d 8,Bask and Trust fluIldlicrPBtme 8>-------

'. U~D U NN *^lW l 3 W l 4 Rlee BuUdlng,

. & n a u - o v t t Oler Book Ster*.

)UN w . aBAHABM M jrer. b S and Tnist,BuU4lo|..Pbou# W5-W.

IVECLET'lk 8W B e U r-U « o f tim Moonnan Building.

' Biraijjess \ ' ■ H u m & o ” ^ .

0.UB PLi;afBIN{I - * BEATDIQ C O .^ h o v Room and ebops, lU aird e s s t , ghane 883.__________

^ L ^ Y N Z ~ P L 1] U B 1 N Q M '" IleaUog O e.-Sbect Uetal Wotka. ar heating troubles, phone 33UW.

----------- INBUBANCB ----------

UTO INs6 b )w C E ^ < A ^ ^Potler Real Esute. Pbona 871

IB A N S n S

1. J. N O aL E -T »nsfef. )on*^*nd short bsui: Pbone 8«X

rABSERO T B A N SnS « S T ^ AGE CO.-'Coal aod wood. FbOM

a ____________________________

rNICBpia TiUHSFSR * ST O S. AGB - Gartisgo bauled dalijT.

■none m


'. A. ROWAN-PalnUng, M psrbsng* ing and Ulsomlning. 333 9 th t n :

u t . Phone m w .' -----------------r ~~~

u u e ib T E A o im '

i L ^ T i T f i ^ t n s ^ i e c n S ^ violla tesebtf. Phoae m » .

Loans ~ 2 R M * L o )5 5 ^ 3 n S ’3 r ? 5 * '‘* ^

5 N E Y T 0 ^ A M ;j? g rT g a i u 5 L

PER CENT LOAW, NO COM- Jo la io n s^ ln t W r t s i d m ce.'cn f e rtj tm iy.. Call 309 o t 183L

tONBY P O lT sro A IO K r M A K S on modem houses to T r ln Pall&

^ u r L. Bvtas dl CO.

>Vn TBS YSAB fAJUS LOAN 07< tera tbe bett 'ct Interett n te * •&«

^ O P F ^ O A VBRV o B M ^ ^ a sd desirable farm loaa ltb in k < -

tie best fsrm loan propvlUpD c ier ffered on Uie Twla PaUa UaeL I t 111 pay you to tee me 6e |ore .plM lag. nur loaR 0. A Rob.nso», ,

Wanted—Miscellaneous ■ f S B i D ^ B L T O V a ,o ^ f lo S >,e r . . Phone ocow.

/ANTED-^MALL P lO a A. D. MOor. Westpolnt. WendeU. Idabo.

IW TONS OATS, OR BARLEY AT once.. E. J. Hunt dc Boos. FhoM

18*W. .

-RTOM MODiERN H OBSB.W Xni , garage, Wlil lease /or year if su it - '

ble.-Phw e#07W .— -----------------------

lBOUT 20 TON P IH S t p O T ID ta ' lu y deUvered. a a rBoudera,

loule 3. T «la Pans.

[ '^ N - FA U £ BROBXRAOB O o ; - caaii buyer poutMS..eBloB< and .

wana.-iTd8ho-‘rb tttr i ' '-B Id ;^ -m iS “ te--. 4 8 7 Jd .L .Jum «r ~

ITORTY r a O o i l H D J ^ best quaUtr faU

« r potiad. •tt»A .p» |ie ja6 i m w i i ^

V R « * r ■■ twhite

bver sccgiW MB'iwttttrW lili p(V(>^ y.-Twta.grilaai»8di«ai1 '

- j —

mg Ate

Four Out of Five Scli( • -Districts, Approve Pi

, posed Ciiandcs in Ur

1 -VoKrj In four otil ot Jlvc 11y»U» coumy rural icftool dlsulct* Iproved chansfi In school dlsti boundirlfs »ubmlll«l for thflr d ilon • ( elcctloiu Iwt S»tufdiiy.; eordlnj lo rctunu of ilie electli delivered a t U ie -M ncro rM rrB J . Wilion. county »ui>erInKndent pobllo iMtnJCtlon. yesteidsy.■ Park Lane dl»trUt votem lun

I down a pmpoiKlon to ann<x to <Berner dlitrlet aome lerrltory r included In the Park U tis dlstr

: -iihlte Allendale district votera,giI : "tMtrTonwnt-tqjmmcsed tmns'er---- iS5e-i*fau,ry~rwti{A!l<ftd*;e.re-'I • Berger dUtrlct. Berser dl»t|lct v

. \ . 'C TI favored both propoied anne: L i U oim o tJjflr district, but In vle»

Park Lane’s negutlve voie, llie i nexatlon will be cMectlvr nnly In ipect to the Allendale dt«rlct.

Volew ot PJcMBDl Valley i



These 9 big ni-------- —every-dayvalues

We issue a cordi ! inspect our new

T H R I• ^ e have a rara trea tUirUty-mlnded. Truly wor all UmM a t tho S«V*E Sm art new styles In kid. meUI. H lih heela. Cuban pumps, atraps or ties. / prolusion o( new palt«m

- g pair for each o«italon t


STU FIn any.kind o t ser>lc<

ve&r ond^ 'ear and wearl lovs longue and slorm we toe. and carries a leather

^ —'

fc F

■ P i je Ten5 S = = = = S = =

1 W illie W iliis””Bj nO B M T QUILLEN

lurned - | forjo t my good dred fCo tJie today an ' then r u w Runty .•''miil"st?i°cr « ' ' « “ »'m feelciymuKle.'s,gave =s'er 01 QI..:.... IU jiiiiiniii inTnn .... i..ra 'ih s;; vot> ou* tpprovat o t proposed transfer' ^nexa. terrilory f^om Pleasanl Valley

SUamrock district. .le an-

Only one foot ipeclatlit In Tw And Falls. Pbone SiO. Ur. Pnler.

| ” tyi

■ Is if

numbers represent the pe es to be found a t the S-V-I dial invitation to all to coi w Fall merchandise.

IF T Y SHOeat In store (or the ' ^ivorth whllo Talues a t ^■E Shoo DepartmenUkid. patent, or g u nban cr low heels-Jn .. All Ineluded In an m You can attordin a t this price.

$2.98I M E N S ’ I SH I]■M~-------- Stocirup-ls-lhe-tfffitto -B fth■ . have you seen auch wonderti■ ' Come In and gee your year's i H ectrlpes. eheck, and plain coloi■ free It they fall t» sive aatlst■ . and look (or the label, Mo*Fa

B D Y IS D O-vlc^-a'boot tha t will give compIet« asl arl 10 Inch lixi, oil tan stock, double oak well, steel atdd hooks and arch aupport,

ier lace. Be sute and see Uils bootl

$7.90i b t b t t o

U N IO Ny-ThlB:garracnt‘lBiknqwn-fop-it

^^ng^quality ■and' long wear, an — loiiK-.Btope)-cotton-in-ecru-color

knit for comfort, extra wldo c snugly ju-ound tlie wrlata and £ tity buyfng maftes this c^ttreme ity possible a t this low pricc.

98cilues That Thrii

------- ;;--------- TWIN FALLS UAU


In the Church ot the Brethn here, which he served ss.pastor 1

.'many yean, an Impreulw Ilnal trl' , ute was psld a t tuneral services Moi ,dsy attem oon tor the nev. Cal tPahmey, Twin Palli resldeni (or

I 'years and a leading tigure In ear development of this community. Tl rroup assembled (o pay the ir (In respects to a widely known and hlgl ly esteemed.cItUen and friend, It

Suded a number of Twin FalU flr tlleni as well as many membera ■ . his congregations.Assisted by Rev. B. D. Kerlln. Tw

Palls, wlto read (rom the Scrlptu and offered the closlns prayer. R(

, IL B. Will, ptiltor of the churc conducted the funeral tervlce.

(d (or Jk quartet composed of Mra. B;! Smith KerHn. MJm A « r t MeJWn. Vlct.

Melton and HeV! Mr. Kerlln, wli - piano accompaniment by Miss Mlli

------- red Ronk, sane “Jfsus Lover of \inrim* ^lr^N «»-H lghW Bw rf.a.MMl-=B«w . t o o r “ a - - - ■fy to Pall bearers were 0 . H. H^nipl

man, L. C, Roberts. Itionias itesp, H. Korrls. J. H. .Molton'and 2L . awaub.

Twlo c . W. Ronk. who u-Adv. eipected lo have taken part In tl

I v i i e S

permanent, if-E STORE.— come in and

Pure th: Is Bunrant Inwanted

W M cerlr.cd tc|. m • ho


IR T S 1f t h t e event. Never---------Rw S Blertul shir; values. LSKBWr's sh irt supply. Incolors. A new shirtatlsfaeUon. Be sure>*Fadt.

3T SI satislacllon-They ' ,oak aoles, full bei- “

port, calf skin lined . new Fal 11are unusui exprc.wrs ( t n early li

E N ’S — =

> i t B : p e r f « l - f i t - 7 — - —and Is made o f '------------

ilor-<inly.-Elo9tic----- t:--------lo cuffs that fitid ankles. Quan- ' IT *jmely-good quat- M ':\

Iifty Buyers Cai

“ C ■

n r r w E W S r l T v i N -p -A !:L g .- - iD A i


1 t l l Ephraim N. Croft; 3S. and hU bro- Iher-ln.Iaw. John Blankcnahlp. 30. anested by police here la tt Satur-

thren Jay o„ f«iony chariea o( Illegal )r (or ijquor poueulon. have been turned I trlb- over tJ federal prohibition agenU toCallo *** “ “ “ **'■ « u r t .It was announc yes y. ^, » ] . Oreek B[adc..anestc<t..Saturday

’ The evenln^by counly officers, also was"final ch»fBM with violation of (edersih lsh . prohibition I s n , antf w u attmllMd] |„ . to IIOOO bond when h» waived pre-I'first llin'nary hearing on arraignment be-era of lore P. 8. Bell, United States com-

musluner. here yeiterday.


IJ.JJ Olll of approximately W youns'n'etoT women In the eonfretatlonwlUi of Prejbyterlan -ehurch

Mild- attend college o r university.My K ir . SO assembled a t a young

_ the'churet^, eoi^ipUmentary (ocoHf gv ' students, In the church parlora Stm-'

nple- ^sp .J .

lur.ernl rervlce. was detained by rea^ .soii Ot Mrs. Rank's Ulness In Call-

I u-as fornU witere they had ffone on > va- n the cntlon trtp. end was unable to attend.


P art wool bl

I 111 1 i l l T V fttmsuff*

" railso-or colori:

» \ » V T ^ ‘

$ !

Full-FashionedO S I E R Y

thread silk and silk to top. Tills hosa rantetd pertKt. and of tho ( In t quallly ;ry rwpcet. Tlic newest sehades; TheI shodM. ALv) carried In a « guage mer- . tcp for the woman prefering a heavier

hose. '• ■. J

98c im i FALL

8 0 S q u a r e P e r u

G u a r a n t e eEnter ncw id e^ i

M q M the season’s smartc colors in percales of-1

values at this lov

m ' 2 2

D R E S SE Sr a morc Interesllng cportunily lo ulecII llroclc than hero. Nol only will you (ini isually low, but evory model In lhe collecti fs (he sfflsrtwt tnaid ol the node. Come ly Inspection.

S4.98P _______I m p r o ¥ «

High In quality, low In w ~ V'C 7 \ - Rlvo better service than ai

/ / M o W t is-the reputation of this g

m .. ■ Boys’1'^ ^ hai» : B m i I welghi overalls, sites S t< U ■ ■ J (o& only 85c. The b u t cr

m and Dp Appr

B A H - O r ^ B S B A ^ e R N I N G T - A l

T- dsy aftereooo.V The program Included InstruDtol-

■RP at and vocal mtvle»>dM>’tr a l to u tj, with Clinton W. S r a u u toaitaM S

" ier. and ft brief Address by Ute Btr. bro- James Mlllar. as (ounselor. .. 30. GtraIdWallac«forrruhmen.ftMk* .tur- cn -AntlclpaUon": Mlsa Rulh Lclur egal for aophomores, dIseusMd.-Study*; med M lu Vlolel Adanu lor Junlora. spoke IS to of “Friendshlpa": MUs Cora .)enMD xirt, lor seolors. talked on "QraduaUon,”

and Miss AUce Taylor (or Um gradu*

i ' ^ and musical numbers Included, ft lf,” J vocal solo by Mlaa Juliet Haydeh tnd

a piano solo by Miss,Dorolhy Pro-’S. ■“ ■ JEROME MAN .CLAIMS ;£ EDEN GIRL AS BRIDEiT S I'he weddlnr'.of Archie BtTihi>>

lomew, Jerome,' and M lu Petri Smith, Eden, look place a t the homo ol Uie bride's laUier a t Bden. Sun*

”*2 daysTKmoan. B er.'J«n«M U U f«( the Twfn Palis Presbylerianxhurch. olllclsUng. The couple were altended by the brWe's broUier-ln-law and «t?ten:J«r.-ait(LMr^j3eorgeJBpg«r»,;

lun- ' ~400,000 SEEDlINQfl PLANTED

~ PROVIDBMCE WV-Beildenti ct rea^ Bliode Uland planted about SOO,000 Jail- forest tree t aeedlinn dflhng last va- sprlnR. u y a the sUte bureau o(

end. forestry.


SETSol blanket 70x80. t blanket tha t Is ttS .w i^ th nnd long wearing qutll*Ick and uniformly .napped. Complete ori:See Ihem todayr'ttrw ilt slad ly '"»ay on a unall deposit.-

? 2 .9 8 /

. PRINTSrcales. Vat Dyes and teed Fast Colorsla in Autumn prints, truly, irtcst patterns and newest of-the finest countl-Wonder-- low price.

2 c The Yard I

:s ' W 'u le ct ft striking (lod th a t prices * ..

lection brllllanUy m e ia today ior

^edO ’A E L Sf In price and an overall tha t will tn any over^l In town a t tb s price, lls garmeDl. Men, you wiit be ahow-

i’ O ’A L L S :hare been looking (or. boys. ^S to IT. Id ' blue o r expreu stripe,

st OTertllA In town (or the noney.

B5c^re(»ateg a l B B K B B B B n

A W S « S M » r - tM II. . L

S ; y G e n e r o u s s a v i n g s :

4 . 5 d r y g o o d s d c p a r t i

^ J l F a l l m e r c h a n d i s e ,

” ■ 5 '! J u s tA Pure Thread 6Uk 1

)E S% 42-Ouage 7-sU atd. (uliI ? cradle (ooL The outstand.

“ I ^ . Falls. •

i Peacock Sers S • !w ^ 8-8trand, 41.gu«»e. Ttlls ‘b<* ^ wears and wears. A very 11

? - : 5 ^ = = = = = = = S ^ - a n s t

„ 5 ■ •

2 2 k * Ltsic (oot and top. Extr; ^ ^ fl-oman who wishes ser^'lce

S* G e n u i nAll

m %^ ' 8-Strand 49-guage, pecot r a n ^ lha l U light in weight.. Al

m 'g 1 ________________________ Jl.S lrm \ Extra Hea| | w (

g l W Mercerized lisle (oot ancBU S weight stocking to 1

SS^ ^ 9 42xS<

I S i = i l = 0 Sl.cc

T =

2 B a y (

8 '% AU the n e - n n drua it f quiUtj. au K in tec d wulii

’V) . sn

K C r e p e 1

sW 40 Inches wide. Quaranl^ combinaUons. showing s l l :k In silk prints.

W A l l S i l k F l

^ . <0 Inches wide. Tha psi k o( t l l tbo Icsdlng Pall col

W F i g u r e di---^ ---11^ 40 inches wide. Ousrante^ 10 beautiful In design ank • there b every opporlunltjJ tiiceess.

3 N e w F a s t C o l i

> ______ 29c

S" ^ - ment Of edior and paltemP a rt Wool Drt

5 79c1 Yard1^ Sfl Inches wide. P t r t w« signed—very suitable (ork dresses. Guaranteed washa

5 79cJ V<ri

S ----------------- --------------- - 7

^ R e a l l f C i i

------25« Plain end derby rib. PI

, P u t color, elutlc, very sl • 'J he Ideal how for school

^ C a n n o n ’s C o l o r e

i _________

S A largo size .heavy price.'Colorcd larders

1 .and absorbent.

5 U5 T u r k i s h

j2 _______Extra heavy blea: l ^ - 2 2 by 44. Doubl< 1 . bent Soft and fluffy.

^ 'L ^ J

■■■- ' ■' ' ■ ■■ '■


leparfiriet isrit ffiaht bring i t

■SI c a r t a l w a y s b e m a d e i r

r t m e n t H e r e a r e e x a m f

iC , p r i c e d t o s a v e y o u m

i s t R e c e i v c dIk IIOM In Leading Fall Colors

9 8 cfull fashlonid. narrow .French heel. m ^trr haU nf value a t 8Bc In Twin

e r v i c e W i i g h t H o s e

S 1 . 2 9ills Peacock hose looka well and It Just r line value.

s t ' K e e e l v e d ; . . , . .>ek OnUlse .UoiJery.

5 1 . 4 9 ■xtrn elasUc and very durable (or the ,'lce. All .new Fa|l iliades.

inc GrenadineAll-SIlk Hose

$1.49cot top, an excepUonally durable hose. All new Fall shades.

$ 1 . 4 9'S lnnd.42;Q B sn.................... w> a v y S e r v i c e H o s e

$ 1 . 7 9and lop. >\ill fasliloned. Tlie heaviest to be found a l the price In Twin Falls.

J u s t R ece ived A n o th e r I

■ S U P E R - E X C E I i E N i

A N D S H E E T l

T h e f in e s t q u a l i ty , lo n g e s t w e a r ie ; r ra d c s h e e t in g t h a t c an b c f 11 a t th e s e low p ricc s .

x36 C a s e s ........................................—leets , 63x90 .......;...... ..................... ....icets , C 3 x 9 9 ..............'........ —--------------icctsJ2xOO_____ ...... ......................- .....iceta 72xOD .................................iccta 8 1 x 0 0 ---------------- --------- —le e ts 81x99 ....._— ........... ..............iceta 8 1 x 1 0 8 -------- !-------!.---------------

« -In ehr d ’O r P r i n t s

$ 1 . 2 9Yard

IS shadei 40 Inches wide, extra heavy ishsble. j

$ 1 . 2 9Yard

Silk and Uooi! T r a v e l P r i n t s

8 2 . 4 9 — ^anteed'washable. BeauUtul new color ill new modem work. The Ipttat vogu*

F l a t C r e p e P r i n t s

$ 1 , 8 9Yard '

paltem s In this group are composed colors. 8e« Uiese now.

d T r a v e l C r e p e s

—nteed washable, o( courte, with fabrics and quallly and wlUt prices so low,

nlly for your Fall wardrobe to be a

olor Prints Figuredc_ _ __ems. M te h e s wide:; fo*p,']4n,as. Ociress GobdffC , .^wool Jacquards de- Comf([or children's schoolshable.

c 20 Inches widid (or com(orter c

{ i d s ’ H o s e . . .

2 5 c — ^---------------------- —Fine Euise merccrlsed li.1et

’ Strong and easy to pu t cn.

S ” ............r e d B o r d e r T o w e l s •

L5cIS iflft)* ' ' ' 'I -

,vy to w e l a t . a \'Cr)«‘Iow • ~ i e rs . F u l ly b le ac h ed , s o f t

i 5 c ; - ;s h T o w e l s

m ......leaiched T u rk is h ■ to w e l, _ ib lo th r e a d . V c ry .a b s o r*ry.

I5e .

? n t 5 tQ itB itBack* ^i n t h e “ L D . ” . s t o r e s ^

iples. of the newest J most^ J

i . ____________ _ _____ _ — ^

W i- " C

' ^ I j r o ' I

: l i-------------------- ^ ^r S h ip m e n t o f . * ^

T O E S H E E T S \

r i N G S I

\ r in g , e a s ie s t t o la u n d e r , ^ fo u n d in th e 'm a r k e t to ^

----------------------- ------- 3 3 ^ I...........— ----------------- $ 1 . 2 9 J-------------------------------$ 1 . 2 9 I

---------------- ---- W _ A---------------------- ------- . $ 1 . 3 9 I-------------------------------$ 1 . 3 9 k---------------------- . ™ . $ 1 . 4 9 --------------------------------$ 1 . 9 8 • :------------------------------- -

:--------------------------- 1 ^


d K w a n t o P r i n t s J

25c .Aa r s S S S i m F o i i i l r * S j3owns, sleeping garmotts, etc.- . J

25cYard 1

f o r t e r C h a l l i e s i

15cYard >

Ide. Showing all new patterns ravers, curtains, ete. ^

\N o n - R u n R a y o n J

-----------‘B l o o m e r s -------- ^ - A

98c • I- Pltsh a n d -p c ac h .-a u a rta ---------^leed not lo run. Can be had \ in plain bloomer or panty k style. -All aromul elastic o r J yoke (ronls. |

^^g8crv^“;t:;2». Vest tV n i a l^ size 30 lo - I-arwc^""- . . --------j

. C r e p e d e C h i n e i

D a n c e S e t s ~

$1.79 5----------- - s - - — — - -

Heavy quajlly flat . o ^ . INovelty lace trim a n 'd tp> b

“ pllnuo worlt .A asort^—oeiersi— ■Quaranteed .washable. I

$1.79 I. I

■ v - P