f t o m b r it f lc l a f slaying lpiketi with casli haul...

F T O M B r COKPLACED ATIENiLLION PresooB Operate Rapidly ' As Troosury Adds Impotwa To Money Program • NEW RECORD ANNOUNOED Figures Revonl Publllo Holds $749,064,830 In Vnrioiw Forro£( Now WAflJUNCTON, Aujr, 3-1 (lU’i— Tlrlffiit now (lijnoA. rronh iiilntfKl , annrtoi'C Jlncllnfr onrtwhnoln and arlflp flllvor oortlfiontrii — nlto* gather 1100,000,000 moro thiin "rhoii look «f- • £lo«—flUwl tho piihJUi'H pooUolH t<>- . <Jay. Ttm tronnury hiiJi npi>od<t<l up Itfi rIIvui* pmgrnni lui that now $10,- 000,000 a wciflk In vn>‘i<mn forniH of »<lvor moni'V In Rolntf «ul. Only rocontly tub rnlo wn».only $1,000 .- n'WPoU; ■ ................ fittw ItiKMinl _A«'hlovr<l Troaflury fJRUroii' iihow<vl toilny thiit thp piihllo now lioldii $740,- in. "Ilvfir_roi'tiflcfilo>i iind . coin. Tnat In a gnin of ' 240 • undoi' Rootovolt, dtid' n now rwwu'rt. Thia In how nllvor in tho hnndfl of tho piibtln compnr^Bf — mivni u'fiiiifiratwr—!»vhT««rios9r •A-rirontt ''P n ta“'i;onlir~lxoTT|Vift’gff' »aca,«e,7«», A„«r, S7. lo^u, Agod Proflpector 542,7J3. eilvnr dollnr 0 -a»’rr), 28. 1033. S;j»R3ftO,00J; ‘Atljf. 2Y. 1034. $30.- 848,108. Dlm«**. oiiuJ-loiH. hiilvoH—Fob. 38. 1D33. S2n2,00«.024; Ai]!.'' 1034, *280.071,732. . Total Dllvor-Kob. 3fl, >033. $042.- flOB.OOOr Xog. 27, 10JJ4, $740,254.- iT flC L A f I'm A Dbinonriit frotii Now on Sivyss Oalifoniia Nominoo HEADS FOR WASHINOTON H. notigliiM. oV'N«'\V VorU InxI drivor, wiut w o n t ti> ,hlM ilouth mirly («Kliiy In Arl- y.oiiitV l«th»l KiiH, fur tlip nitir«li<r ut lUiliih Hurt, LETHAL GAS KILLS DESERT SLAYER M«tol Ab ______ Jl won wnorflnlally ostlmutft{l Ihiil aUv«r monoy by Iho nub '' JIq would noon ronch tho bltllon ' <)olUir mnrk. It woiiid th«n amount A to about 20 per oont 6f tho •’ luut nnn'*>iniiiiiu"'iii-t!lii'iiiialWin. -------- AiU>oMgb the troaiury hu« put ' out nearly fSO^.OOO In new ail- V-. -iCoDtlnued Od Page 2. Colump 9) - i m l i POLITICAL TIES Treasury Employes R««poot ____L.Motge»tha« ^ Edlot^L Deadline Arrives WASHINOTON, AUE. al IIIPI— Sovoral hundrod United ‘Staten tr«ajiury employoa wore understood today 'to have eovorod their poUtl- cal connectlona under Rooretory «f Treaaury Henry Morgenthau, Jr*». recent order Rettlitfir today aa tho dead ^or nuoh aoUon if em- ployoa wlahed lo remnln with the dapartment. Among thoflo ending their po- HUcai a^Uvltiefl to remain with the ”'~^^5SoS^oa^**dlreotor of the mint anq lUrmer natto^^ai onmmlttee* woman from Wyoming, Ouy T. HflWcring. oommlanloner of. inter- lal revenue, and former Demo- m tlo atato chairman for Kaaaas. - ..... » A. Julian, troaaUr^r of ^ te a , and former iltteeman ^rom Ohio, n, it WBfl leamedithi l | hundred minor tt^Aaury I EUatea, and former na- iCmai’opQi^ttteoman ^rom Ohio. la.a^itlon, it waa learned! that a e \m | hundred minor tt^Aaury • offloiaM anti en>ploy«a had severed poUtloal oonneoUona Under '''' Morsetithau'a order agalnak'em* B toyV , holdimr .polltlcar. I JUplBylnit «u£h PorUwi tb cauae publlo acandal." >Bevaral treaaury offlolala oh I, ' othek* h t f d i were undentood have dOeided.to aever thalr o< Dfotlod with the treaaury and i inatn, active party figurea. Fi.onmNCi';, ai Iz.. auk -ii —Arlr.unii'n lolhui unii ohiimlxtr oliiinn'tl ItN fourth 'yicUm lo<Iuy whtiit IwUiila S. IV]ii('liuiii. foniii*r Now York tii'xi (Irlvoi- wun oxo- rutod for the don«n niuixlor of Uiilph tliirt. a^fod pitiiipootor. Whilo thun(l«r«lnpn and , light- ning ■ wornotj ’Of n tiruwlng ,raln* fltorm outHido the’ k><^v'Wallu of priar.h. DuiifriufiH wnlUwl .4 ... . .. . Onn^^iflato hi Hi((h SpiritH A h Ho G ooh Emit to Soo Rooiiuvult • I'A.HADIiJNA, Cur.. Aujr. .11 <IM!l. ^tliu'liili‘. Dumnrrntju nom- for j{(iv<TiKir or Callforttla. imblinly ivtnoiinciMl nil HocliUliit In- iH'lH anfl froniu'Ctlonii «iaily t«iiliiy HH hi> Juiavdoil II Hiinta Vo train for IIV'lo I'lirlt. N. V-, lo vl»ill. ITi'Ulili-nl. IU kwu- v .-U, "I'ni a nnnorral fr<ini now <ai out.” tln’ forniiir Hoclaliiil ainl nul- lr!al niil<l ail h» w a v u d {r/i(Mll>yo t<i a lartro crowd that Janmutd thti iitatlon platform. "I Imvn couiu for- ward w ith.a ileflnjfy juojriiajilJi'Ml. It\k|)|>4‘<1 nil otliur liilii'in ami jini- ifrainii- I'm Ihroiijfli w ith Dinoriv!' Ini' an<l I’ni jfolfn; In for in'tlon,” Hliuilalr w«n _ In hii:h npli'llii. flhoiireil b'y'lliit r.ivoTairon lluil’foilr' who luul b««oii caiulUlatou for llu! parly (uanluulUui had lluowii their fiili HupjMirt to liui oumpalirn, Slaying Lpiketi With Casli Haul atoto'a . •t^leaHyr In nine mlnutea .h« was uncon- aolouH and eight mUmtcii lator, nt 1:471^,-he W84I pmnounood denil., ■The johunibcr. 'pumped, almoat void oV^ nlr.'woH flllod tjulcUly with gun ft^moii iui tho cyanldo "oifgM" wor«' <lropp<>d Into ^ huckot of Bulptiurio arid bonldo the ohair In whlob Diiuglane wan Hhuppod. Tho firal brdivth hf guji \)''‘*‘'Ubl tho alnvor quick oblivion, DoUgliiiis malnlaliiod I i I m .iiurvo to the IcLRt, ulthough ho alwaya hti<r Innlfllwl hp wftM,lnnocont of Ilnvt’a Bloylng. Tho pro»i>«cu)r'H iKidyand that of a partm^r wern found in the'rtniiwt'of northcm-Yiunn-e'Mm'- ly, aiul DougtuHJf, thoir companion, wan trifxl and cunvictud. Appnaltt for cjenionoy /uilod. NEW DEAL GROUP ELECTS BRENNAN Ohib—Effortr “Bronght" Boost In-Ooimty FERA Cash, Membet'g Told Roosevelt Bars Catnpaign Talk iiYDi-': PAiiJc, N. y . Aiijr- 31 (l'.l!i~Upton Hiriclaii-' haii an ii|)|>olnt)nonL w llh l'r<tnl- dnnt Hnniiovolt nti«t T ih' h- day, Iho mu in ni W'hlto iroiinn annoiincitd today. Hinnlair, foritm r HocliillHt who won iho Doniocriitit! »(iibornut«)rlal nomiiuitlon In Callfarnlii, H8ko<l to moot Ihn I'roflidt'iit and n*»w Ih on roiito from tho. wuMt noaiit. •Tho miipting. howovor. will bo with tho tiondllloti that ~n«ninr~Tnn*cnttTnmiirTTniiTT=" cal Hlluatlnn nor ninolair'a campaign bo (HhcubikmI. Turmoil Grips Industrial World as Sporadic ^trikes Precede General Walkout SfJARPyPIOIININ R E lL BUSINESS SInrcii llcpliiiiiiihhiff SlncUn All Sc.'iiioniil Ailvanoo In ’I'r.'ifli; Oocnrii N I'W V<H!K, All);. :'n li<-- lull hiiyiiij; ,;ti:.rply tJllM W i'rlc. tu ri- : vim- lliflr lull liuyliijc ' Ijpwanl, D ll' l.>iiii .V | W .-irltly Trad.* Urvirw ;i;h<i t.k^ay. j lU 'lim t lilitifiiiiri- ..f l;i ; 200,000 MEN ORDERED VROM WOOLEN MILLS WASHINGTON. An/i, lU (UP)--Uiiioii loadcrii Jfito to(l;Ly onlei iKl 200,000 W(iol«;ii iinfl woriitod workoru to join tho coLloii tifxtihi strike- loniorrow iii(>ht,. \V.\SI11\: ij.iy iIm;/',-.!. Ii;c-iij •..-.•I JTm.V A h-. iM'.l III,- ii;il •-)n.c III,- ) }ii:n. liv I :ii -ri'' litnl I'r ................ Mr.'ii I'll ill a nnijii) -.■VlfV uaU\ .•■111 or iiiv I.V lia Atii'II, hill III initTn |r»)rilTu,nialT"Tli.' in'), wln'ii iH'c'iimiilnlJ'ir if ri-<inl -•il.i 'In rxc.-i.i lUT.'ll bi" if I III' rl.'fiii)' pi lci' t iTinl. ’I(M D m IihIIi' S(o VVcin/ McIl’ov F a l l s Thn)ii<!ti M 0 li II i a i ii S k y Hirrri-:. M uik ., • A uf r . ti um' i A III.'1.•nr (.1- Iii.'t.'f.iii.- Ilicihi-il iioro.'i;! M ontiiiiii iild.'.i );i-ii ii||-.|i| u-llh 111.- l>nlli:inl iiu-iiiiil.'.'ic'nl IxkIv 111uininiit lilt; I In- lii'uvi'n.'i -nvn'*TrTTmiTn7r^TunliliijV‘7 u h n r ^ Iiunn III j.lalKi ail.I \Vii.'iltliiirl..ii. 'I'I k ' trail r.f ll};)il. wan viiiilih- >nilii, .il.. n.r,, ’I’ll.- lliis- lii'.|rj;il l.alllr, , "irilu-i-, i.lu'.' ,slm( :.lril;.. oi 1.1 •.ilir. I Irxtilc arriirc micIi. il' tin- niM .-iif-,, iNirri(‘i) I'hihs lo kill. <l.-r .■all...! r„r spixiii'i's iiiiil niii (iT inill*. N'*-\v lOiii'ljimi iIm‘1'11 villiii'i-. ' itiirlii. Iiiiiiifiiiiiiflv llir vii\f h '\j ii,‘-iii.liis- I',' iiiiii liiriiiiiil. II 'ii'iit n-iK.rljj of dbicuwihm ;uiii •<'i1 ni(iialioii nplnnlnjr .up mid ■iwMrtm’-A riantU 'iicaikm rir ------------- TI kii Idll 4 lllll Id spolil. Til liiivo dain III prt'Vt'iii •urrlod .Tho notion, ho dooJorcd;; pronntrod a unltnd fmnt. wlion Lhii Atato goe/i to tho {MtllH In Novombor. Hlnnlalr namod Mlllon K. Young, Forr«t 1C. IViwnoy. Zaohary T. Maluby.ftnd W. H. Kvana ixH tho Doinooratic loadcrn who «t«p(»od forwurtt In MUpport of hlit cam - paign. They woro tlio flrnt "regu- lar" Peniocratn to ,mako mich a movo Ninco H|nolalr dofoalc<l Cjoorgfo Cronl,. •pj-oiulnont p:»rty Icador. for lliti 'nomination. Mny~i<orrt'lJnirtorw tilnclalr'H rvnunolatlor. of tho Ro- cl|illHl parly apparoutly dUl nof nioni) ho would not need ^ n io ‘of itii principal Icndorn. Acwmpnny- Ing him on hbi trip uaMl waiiCrano Carta, Mon of Mm. Crano GarlK, promlnoiil I'anadona Booialliil. Binciiilr Itoardcd thn train nmid Iho phoorfi of tho throng on ihp f ilalforni. Hallr<»a<l offlclnlA' hold U dopiivturo for Hovarnl mluuloj* aa tho crowd callMt on the oandi- data to make u iipcocU. Blnclair, looking younger and -Juunticr- than-ho-had--in.- monthB. rofuuod to n^ukii' an nddroAR. Ho talked cjulolly w ith friondn, and aald he would bo back within twd wookM to launch hia cnmpalgn pi>HMll)lo "ioitli!' au to Idoiitliy or thi« uaiig (ha( t-arriod out thn uniiHiitliinal .'fir;7,lllll» ariiiorrd (rurk hnhhip In IliooUlyu, H<<rnar<l Mi'.Malioii (liiHot), ex- foiivli't, M'OH found m nrdcrrd iiikI hU Imdy utiiffi'd Into n trunk imtMido tho lioint' of 1.oiil»t \V. Hlotfuhiiry lit New ^'orU, .\n uni- biilauci' doctiir Ih uliouii pi'orlog at llu> iiod> of tlx- limt iiH-nihi-r’ of niiiniiiiitrH iriinj;:. Frances Robinson Assumes Post of -Right Hand Man’' To Administratoi- of NRA Iin.nllci.lly arV n,'K!i);ibl' vnhmtiirv ciirlailiiU 'iit < tloiui niri.n-r:! by thr diK' lh<> iKldr: KTi' > Unit I hiui wulrnliij; •ral ioiiJi. \vhl<'l) cdliii; \vri-l;ly nine.- l»iiylti|; liiiii I'liiillaiil jili-|i' ol' K>‘|i t r i u h c r of liavr Ih:cii n-i .ally III .Inly." \V}iil.‘ I'oiiKiini piclci-d ii)>. will! 11)1 In \v)r)l<-!iali' I nnli'ii. tbi-ro li.-ui bi-i-n no i-orr<- {iiioiullnir i>I<'luip 111 liKiualrlal a<r- tlvlty. wl\U;U, lu umuy lualaurrii. ••1.1 ImcomliiK'I""*'*' ilrp.!n<ii‘iU *>n I'l'iliTiil or Htali' oKrondlturiiii, l.»uiu» UiudaU-.'c'l find li'xlll*' titrllu^ •'UimiuTfJr lo wliltllT c.iijlrary U. IT Number of Fodornl Woi'Uoni Innroji.']«»i M oro Thun 100 ,ono irrank Drcnnnn today hold tho r»pofildency of tho Twin Falla Now Deal club nn a reautt of oleotionN and perpianont .orgonszatlon car: rlod'out a t'a clotjo<i huulnooa aoa* alon horn laat night. Brennan nucaeuda n. Uoddlng. who hai! headed the group tia tohv [M>rai^ preoldent alnoo ua jtrganlxJi' lion. Othor' now offJoora include L. W. •.WilHanla, ■ vioe-proaldont: Rugone Soott. iiourotary,. o n tl Jamea D. Whelan, treasurer am publlo rolationa chairman. I lutiula F B R A Bfforta Increnaod P*B)UA total* for Au guat In Twin Falla-,tounty havo lariBty Lawrence Dernwratio te ©hair, j re^ue kl Plttaburgh. by the club, tho meeting Ing < laAt nlglit. Although approving Now n«al aiipporl aenllmenta voiced by Har- old U Yeamana. Uuhl. the club a g r ^ to ^ntlnua the organle~ tlOn under a nonpvtlaan aet-up. IBdward Baboook, TwlQ'. sraila. Damoorii^to oandldato for pfxMHsaut- attoni«y» and Terry • Prator, diatrlot dhlU oi the natloM toyment aervico,. will be I U i^dreaa the n«/xt meeting ‘Baby >Faoe’ Nelaon Reported To Havo Breokfdstod At Nophi NffiPJIt, UUh, Aug. Tmni --------- -------- out a dragnet for George (Uaby Fnce) NelMon, Ollllnger aide and oUrrimt public enemy No. 1< Nelaon, hla woman .companion, and Alvin Karpin, a aiupeot In the St. Paul Bdward Q. Qrehler kid- naping caae, ate breakfaat -hero ^lay, acoordlng io^peputy.Sherlff Td^onttft^ aa the ..... ________ rdlng -t d. R. Judd of Nei Tho .trio wea .............. .... ....... - niuoh*hunted deaporadoe^ by-W. w. ^enklna, iNephl >Mrtoer, and 3ua- aell JIawkiigi, .B«rvlce .nation ^ err In hla ahop. > ' A man and a woman ooinpanlon ware di:tvlng a roadater carrying t^ew '.York Uoanae No. L-#iM ..The man Relieved to b<) Karpbi followed in A aeoond. oiir. , ' . V . - Several wea)** aapo-Ut^ pfflcere hwtM Kelaon wot^ pbtn* WAaTirNG'ixjN. Aujr. -u ‘lun Incrriiriii of more than loo.oni) In tlio nmnliitr of pciminii on lliu f«;d- oral payroll Jilnno J'rr.'iidi'nt Jtoojii'- voll ttvok office wiiH »ilio\vn today by Unlti'il Htat<iK i;ivll iu:rvl<i- »ioni- iniiifilon figuroi. At tho (umI of .July, tmi cotnmlii- fllun not Iho number of civilian omployofl, Iwth U'nij)ornry and pi-r- manonl, a t n ualn of 103.2::n ovor F o T i m a r y , ' 1033, Hhot-tly-lwforo-lho-proHonl-admiii- l«tratlon t<x>k offieu'. During .luly tho number of fod- oral omployoH galiu-d n.nlH. montl.v In. th« dopartnjriil of o/p‘iculluro and thu farm trodlr Hdmlnl/itra- tion. D('«plto tJto htijjo Iniu-rtafto In fod- eral omploymont iimlttr tho proflont adniinlHlr/illon. tho lovol waa nllll far undor Iho wartimo poiik of 017,700. roAchwl <m Nuvombi’r 11. lOlH. Kev'Post in Johnson Office Goes to Woman ’ Ihi- \VA«l!INC5TON. A uk; 31 (I'll Gun. lIUKb .lohniion'M "rif'ht-hand Ilian" liniay hold a Iccy poiiitinn In llii! li.K'tJc <iii>*idl(in <if what will ficL-fimo of llii^ wlorhiMoHiu'd Na- llnnal Uiiciivory Admiiilitlrii'lh ’I'lio "rlaht-hand man" Ih : ii wo- m a n • • MlJiH Franci'ii llolilnfion,' Iilciiiiant nnd darlc-hiiiri'il. anil by -\'jrtui'-nr hor pnnm/rr-Hiw.'urivi' ii«' iilHtant to Iho NHA iKlnilnlKtralor, oni> o f till* ]il).’'hi‘iil ranklnjr w oni/m offlrialH of thu Now Jlral. WHb JohnHon'M fnmpd ' ‘<|pa<l (rain" fllllnj;' tho air hnd dioaennion (jviT roorjrunlxallon ar*'*H*ng tho NIIA fi7)in within. Ml.-m rtoblniion onuM-ffod today ii/i ono of tho niuall K' oiip oi' piTHonn wlioiio-word ac - tually will tfn a InnK way towani di'lorniininic what tho nulconio will iu\, Iniporlaiii CoiiiHS'tloii All, tho tlOBOfit aUvlHor lo Jolm- .auu-lii-Uio-NUA,-hur-'Viuww-und-di>' cI hIiu)!) hiivo taUnn on addod Im- jxirLanco dno lo tho onnfllcUi. Ixith ppi'Honal and of pnlli^y. n«iw raj'- Inir.' Intllcatlvo of thk wan lhi> rcv't’lalion that aljo )iiul rooonlly .ui'goil JohnnVm to initUo a "drama- tio oxlt" from ilho NHA wiUi a vlow lo onhanolng hla proiiMgo with IndUHtry. Mow Ml«u Itobinaon roaidiod hor koy |> onI ia ulinoNt iin f-hwatio Al - gor Blory rovinod lo ’apply to a nimlern yr»\>ng woman, rrlnclpaily Iho anmvor ia hard w’ork. lllii-d Warkor - I^or moro than. your iihn haa tollod 111 bourn a d ay o r niorti on NItA'H firing lino -no bnny aho haan't ovon bad timo to iKithcr tolling aiiyono Jiiat how old aho lu or liny of tho othor vital atatlHtlcH. T o h o r aMHOclfitoH aho In Juat ■"RB 'RI jI, ...... . bin"- ■ nnd tho hai^loMt-worklng person thoy havo ovor auon, bur not ovon hor chief, A few thlnga aro known. , Born nnti roarod In tho niUlwoat. MIbm llobli\tu\(i woH o<Uieulo<t In .tv ormvont. Bho ontorod bualnua»i juat iff thouiinndu nf ynimg womnn do vory year. Sho workod for Uio Rfldfo Corporntlon, of America In ...... . ....................... Now York nnd thf*ri got a Job with Packard la a (flnao ffUncl of Up- tho Domocratlo national tiommlt- ton Sinolatr. ; (Oontinuea on Paffe a. Column 7) Plutky Canadian Girl Saves ' Victims of Boating Accident New Deal Acquires Packard Services I'AHADIJNA, dill., Aui(. .'11 mi!l -- John 0. l*unkard, moinlM’r of tho Hnclallnta national oxooutlvo com- mittoo, nnd prtnrtlnont aUito loador of thn party, today ann<H>no<*d bo hfld“ accontcd lhi» tfcnorni invlla- tlon’*~ftKtnnnod by rro^dntif Tlonao- volt nnd had roHlgnwl from tho Ho- alallat pilrty to bwomo n "Now Doalor.-' Packard^ roforrod to Uooaovolt u uddreaa li> hla nolghbura ploadlng for national nnn-partlRan ooonortt' tion In a “big program-that hfw nothing to do with party. tiMit ia trying to bo aqnnro with Ropubli- cana, .nemoArata,', Bixjlalieta, and everybo<ly elao.” U'Miallv aciMiniuiiili;-‘‘ a Htrilcc. r<'vi<w aialoii, "Hn^ aunrral hi-lU-f 111 ihit trxtlU* intUiHtry i« th at any pi'olonj'fil tlo-uji In fabrli^ mill cliannttla wHl iiervo to .‘itniuithrn Mu-'mat kul aiiil li'iiil .to an adlvi; liualno.-iH .in Iho lato fall." . Hrhoal Oi>onhig lli'ljw Aiding nitall volnmo thla wock waa tho domaml for youthu' and .inlmioH' clothing In priparatlon for thii opculUK <»f and colbiyoa, with liii'gai;*! and Irav.tllng a4;ri-«- aorlit*/ for llm name uho oomlnj.'’ in for a K''“d »haro o f‘(illoiUJon, I)o- mand for vacaliini i-' oJI h wan Jit|nyi_‘d hy_ llu'.n.j';‘l<‘ f'>rAllC ond holiday. Voliimo of italoa In many dry jr<M«la depiirtint‘nti« wan alnK..'*t iioiihlo<i,' aa llio wldo publicity gIviMi lh«! propoiiiid irxlll. Ii'<i conimnun-a to iintia •- 'iiquiriiniontH, parllculai nn'sllcH.” pti.-. :0|ljr th who . \Viinhinj;to rgj- 'itn I'.l till' In Hnltr. Dir I lull : app.-ar.-il int. lialf till- <llanirU'r, n.ioii iijul niiK-h 111(1- It' iilr.Tt arr liKht. II ji lull, nf nlrrl liliu- l)rilllan<-i'. with a pnrpli- flaiiK- lading, mir a( Uk- fxlti-m,' rjiil. appar.-iilly wuii {ilx'iit. Ihi' lonK<';ii )iiu't of tin- licavi-nly ul.Jr..-!, • • II luiiiai'd >>vi-r liutli- dlajcon- ally at an uii|;li- of ahotir -If) il.>- j:rci-ii. Htartlnj! In llu- noiilhoatd. and .......... . trav.-lliiK H'oni ono ninjri’ of nionntaliia to tho iithor whioh rim Ihlit oUy. lu Jiairm-y (tmU utivural ia-<‘onila. ............. *l-Uw-Uu*:hum, ■f w orkorn (IlHoboyi-a 1 ........ '’y «lilklng ahoad of tiuu-. .TlKJiifiaiHlH mor<- jiul.J thoy would I not jitrlkr. .t|j)nii’ mill ownrril .■aickLd...tliulr-pluiiU,-Qth«»wt-4n4«tH4’— k.'<p running, wllh idrlkfl- if noooNMury. luij'otiatlona in Waiihln»r* P. aldir Hlriko tl- thf'lr H S NEARS600WK Fronhnion W ill Swell Figuro Today; 264 SophomoroH Are Rofiiatercd li]nrollm<'nt In tho Twin Kalla high BcluKil climbotl nt-nv tho dOj) juivrk nl nmvn totlivy wllU vtij'tu- trillion of 204 aOi>lionuiri-n thlH morning. Monlora who omvdltHl yoatnrday tolalod ino. Junior ntiiim n’glHtra- turn- roachod 100. and UO aub- Juniora alHo woro oni'ollod. Froahmnn atuilont* woro to rog- later during tho afU-rnoon, and trnnafor puplla fr«mi olhc-r achoida ’■ ■_ ............ HatUiHlay, according lo flupt. "W:’ TT 'HiunnT MM»(lng VoatlMjUMl Meeting of Idgh ach<xil. Junior high nnd grudo achooi prlnolp^ilij ■ih.- , . with II iioiuo llUci aiibdurd thun- der and tlum dlMap|xiaroil. No frajtniontM of it havo l>oi<n fouiul In tlila dlfltrlct. PORTER TO I d HOUSING EFEOR Niuncd-Ohairman of Oa,mpaiffn To Proas Homo Repair Loann in Oity Ca.|U. .1. W. Poi-ti'r will In- g.-n- <'ial chairm an of l!u« pi-ogrilm do- jiii:m‘<l to piYimoto homo loiina in Tiviii l-'albt tindor tho natUmal hoiialiig act- '■ l'*rtor wail ap|v»lntt«l at a gon- viHil ^\^«l-tln^C u l tl\«v Nww Rogcviu>n h(it«d thill Jioiui. aftor tho chumbor of comnini'co had gone on roc<»r<l ail onilornlng tho program. ... llai ry-Wlilttlor, aiato.dircctor-of thif fiuloral h<nji»lng n<hninlalratlon, aiM H:<iward Dunn. aaaUitttnl. woro pnMionl at tho mooting, which waa altond<!d by apnmximatoly 3fi lo- cal buainoiia and pmfoHalonul mon. HpmulM in Ktluho Mr. W hlttlor oxplainofl that tho fltiito homo loan program .waji (diirtod Aug- an<l h^ia nlnco boon organlzt'd In Caldwoll, Nampa; Ikibio. Idaho ralla 4ind Pocatollo, Tho notional pi'ojool, ho aaid, haa thii Miipport of Iho American UiinkorH' aaMoclalion. aa wall aa tho Unitod titatoH Ciiambor of Commci'co. Tho «ta(e dlreator )K>into<l out Ihnt tho loana on homoa will be in ainounta from JlOO lo J2.000, payable In InNtnllmonta, and the ralo of Inloroat to bo equivalent to a n pur cont (Jiaootmt yearly. Thia .r»to,-hB gaa«y^tBd, wVat aa ‘ - any Iwnk wmlil affonl t<i carry. ....... . AclJoii Hnughi . UnU.n ohinfUiliiH nought to lirlnr ilx.ui Inunrdlato wull(outM hi tho illli-il wmtlcn. woi-nt4K^ nIMc and iiyon mllla, Kniil Hliwo. juvuiilunt K th.' hoiiU-ry workers' union. Jiaid :ilj| <irj'ani7jil|nn woiiUI not Join-tho strike— that it luid contracta IjihI. Ing nnofhor yoar. Hoilof AdAdnbitrator llm ry Uop- kiiiH mild ho'would ''clamp' dowh' ihii ll.l" <»n n-oo f*ww| ir «ny «irlk- orii trU'd to inkt* lulvanlugo of hliri- -r-jsccrrtnry'or-nnjDm'iTOia pof. kina rofuwo-i to miy .immediately wliolhor uhu conaldered th« irtrik* Juatiflftd, Upon h#r declahjn do- pcmtctl liirgoly lla outcome. • If aho aay« "unjual|flw|,'* thoro will ho no.rolloffor the plckotem. Without follcf, roA{>onali>l« lead- (-rn admittftil, the walkout wouki Ik' hiunatruiig. Vlc*lf>nc«< F l o m i Up Flrwl vk>lonco followed tnn alrike ' call by Iwiura. Oxrrlo Webb, picket, atuggorod /<1 hor Un«ca at Payne City. Gn., omaahoil on the arm witb blackjack. Tom Oobh.’iruaril. waa nrroated. Mo wan hald-oa-ji, 000 -lKnti|,--------- Krancia d. Clorman, high chlof of tho Ntrlko loiidera. exhorted the u-orkoi-N not to anllclpnto the hour not for Iho walkout, About 2,000 In Mac^ui. Oo., ignored him.' They loft thoir Jobs yesterday. About iHiOOO In A la b a m a nlao were on (Ci>nlli)UO<i on Poare 2, Column TODAY'S GAMES NATIONAL MCAOlUB -Oy-UMlUd-J Nlgimiiim 1* Heourlty 8<Hiurlty on - theie loana will wRh IC " 0,..um« -H) Ing of tho ayalom. achodulo<l for Ttiewlay, Sept- *, will bo formu- luted at tho mootln. . . , Iteccpllon of aocond-hnnd toxl’ bot)ka by tho high aohool oxchango waa atnrted U*day, undor Miaa Stulln lllhbattl. ' BANCROFT.'Ont. Aug. 3t nm» W-: Tho IhrlUtoa: reaeua of .jmnQla.man-vapationingln-- •fumped'into an ancient punt whlon. waa,, Ooekad o<f k-Wa-|HmH^aike<Hwid--bad- BRICKS KANSAS OITV, Kun., Ai;». 31 IURI—Whon SUuilw sublekii failM to return home Inat night, hia wife. Valarla, ^beqame aua- nloloua. Queatlonlnit fidelity.. ahe S«rtd*^^th bar^liuSKSr ' up a vlffll tMOfath a win< Attorney Finds Thirty Couples Illegally yVed CIIOWN POINT, Ind.. Aug. 81 HUjy-^-^lrty oowlea wed rooently in Crowh A>lnt had bettor hope It'a true that mar- rlagaa are <nide In toeaved. The bond* they t}ed har^ ara no •> good. Plaoloitira that i 950 wiKUInn ooBduotid by . , nav; H. Oww; «emM,r 8 Mr . At Brooklyn-- R. H. B. Now York oodoooiio— 3 8 1 Brooklyn ....OlOOOOOOO— I B 1 Ibittorloa; KUjmlmmona andBoi« ^on; Mungo and Lopea. ^ At Chicjigo— Ht, Iv)Uia ..... :- Oilcago R. ...000 130— 8 .. DOOOJO— 1 UattoHoa: JL Dean and Deiui- coy; Uuah and Hartnett. Only gomea scheduled. AMRRIOAN UBAOIIR At Now-York— R, H. Bl ■WVIilnirlnn 000 000 010— I 0 8 Now York MOOOOOlx— S B -2 lintloriea: Ruaeell and Bolton; . Huffing and .Jorgena. At St. Louls-> It,; Chicago .... ... ........ ....... ...... .....XI— - 2 Ht. Louia .............................. ....00__ 0 nattoriea: Tietjft. a^ BiBnhiiidiir-m tr -q fuiH.------- Second gama: Ohleago-St. Louii' ;' to bo played Sunday. UCD. MILBS eOoitiM , IN AIR RAOB OUBVmUND.Aft 1m MHm, ~ CMU <o<Uy .oleaed ooi^ia«!' < -SftSHirfa:

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F T O M B rC O K P L A C E D

■ A T IE N iL L IO NPresooB Operate R apidly ' As

Troosury Adds Impotwa To Money Program •


Figures Revonl Publllo Holds $749,064,830 In Vnrioiw Forro£(


W A flJU N C T O N , Aujr, 3-1 (lU’i—Tlrlffiit now (lijnoA. rronh iiilntfKl

, annrtoi'C Jlncllnfr onrtw hnoln and arlflp flllvor oortlfion trii — nlto* g a th e r 1100,000,000 m oro th iin "rhoii look «f-

• £lo«—flUwl tho piihJUi'H pooUolH t<>- . <Jay.

T tm tronnury hiiJi npi>od<t<l up Itfi rIIvui* p m g rn n i lui th a t now $10,- 000,000 a wciflk In vn>‘i<mn forniH o f »<lvor moni'V In Rolntf « u l. O nly rocon tly tub rn lo w n».only $1,000 .-

n'WPoU; ■ ................ • ’fittw ItiKMinl _A«'hlovr<l

T roaflury fJRUroii' iihow<vl toilny th iit thp piihllo now lioldii $740,-

in . "Ilvfir_roi'tiflcfilo>i iind . coin. T n a t In a gn in o f

' 240 • undoi' Rootovolt, d tid ' n now rwwu'rt.T hia In how nllvor in tho hnndfl

■ o f tho piibtln compnr^Bf — m ivni u 'fiiiifiratw r—!»vhT ««rios9 r •A -rirontt ' 'P n t a “'i;onlir~lxoTT|Vift’gff' »aca,«e,7«», A„«r, S7. lo u,

Agod Proflpector542,7J3.

e ilv n r do llnr0 -a» ’rr), 28. 1033. S;j»R3ftO,00J; ‘Atljf. 2Y. 1034. $30.- 8 4 8 , 1 0 8 .

Dlm«**. oiiuJ-loiH. hiilvoH—Fob. 38. 1D33. S2n2,00«.024; Ai]!.''1034, *280.071,732.

. T o ta l D llvor-K ob. 3fl, >033. $042.- flOB.OOOr X o g . 27, 10JJ4, $740,254.-

i T f l C L A f

I 'm A D b in o n riit f ro tii N o w on Sivyss Oalifoniia N o m in o o


H. notigliiM . oV'N«'\V VorU InxI drivo r, w iut w o n t ti>

,hlM ilouth m irly («Kliiy In A rl- y.oiiitV l«th»l KiiH, furtlip nitir«li<r u t lUiliih H urt,


M «tol A b ______J l won wnorflnlally ostlmutft{l

Ih iil aUv«r monoy by Iho nub '' JIq w ould noon ronch tho bltllon ' <)olUir m n rk . I t w oiiid th«n am oun t

A to a b o u t 20 p e r oont 6f tho •’ luut nnn '*>iniiiiiu"'iii-t!lii'iiiialW in.--------

AiU>oMgb th e tro a iu ry hu« p u t ' o u t n e a rly fSO ^.O O O In new ail- V-. -iCoDtlnued Od P a g e 2. Colum p 9)


Treasury Employes R««poot ____L.Motge»tha« E d l o t ^ L

D eadline Arrives

— WASHINOTON, AUE. a l IIIPI— Sovoral hundrod U n ited ‘S ta ten tr« a jiu ry em ployoa wore u nderstood to d a y 'to h av e eovorod th e ir poUtl- ca l connectlona u n d e r R ooretory «f T re a a u ry H e n ry M orgen thau , Jr*». r e c e n t o rd e r Rettlitfir to d ay aa tho d ea d ^or nuoh aoUon if em - p loyoa w lahed lo rem n ln w ith th e d a p a rtm e n t.

A m o n g thoflo end ing th e ir po- HUcai a^Uvltiefl to rem ain w ith the

”'~ ^^5 S o S ^o a ^* * d lreo to r o f th e m in t a n q lU rm er natto^^ai onm m lttee* w o m an fro m W yom ing, O uy T. HflW cring. oom m lanloner of. in ter- lal revenue, an d fo rm e r Demo- m t lo a ta to ch a irm an fo r K aaaas.

- ..... » A . Ju lia n , troaaU r^ r of^ t e a , and fo rm er iltteem an ^rom Ohio, n, i t WBfl le a m e d ith i

l| hu n d re d m inor tt^A aury

I EUatea, and fo rm e r n a- iC m a i’o p Q i^ ttte o m a n ^rom Ohio.‘ l a . a ^ i t l o n , i t w aa learned! th a t

• a e \ m | hu n d re d m inor tt^A aury• offloiaM an ti en>ploy«a h a d severed

poU tloal oonneoU ona Under ' ' ' ' M o rse tith a u 'a o rd e r agalnak 'em *

B to y V , holdim r .po lltlcar. I JU plB yln it «u£h PorU w i tb cauae publlo acandal."

• > B evaral tre a a u ry offlolala oh I,' othek* h t f d i w e re u n d e n to o d

h a v e dO eided.to aever th a lr o< D fotlod w ith th e tre a a u ry an d i inatn , ac tiv e p a r ty figurea.

F i.o n m N C i';, a i Iz .. a u k -ii— Arlr.unii'n lolhui unii ohiimlxtr oliiinn'tl ItN fo u rth 'y icU m lo<Iuy whtiit IwUiila S. IV]ii('liuiii. foniii*r Now York tii'xi (Irlvoi- w un oxo- ru to d fo r th e d o n«n niuixlor of Uiilph t l ii r t . a^fod pitiiipootor.

W hilo thun(l«r«lnpn and , lig h t­n ing ■ wornotj ’Of n tiruw lng ,raln* fltorm outHido th e ’ k><^v'W allu of

priar.h. DuiifriufiH wnlUwl . 4 . . . . . . .

O nn^^iflato h i H i((h S p iritH A h H o G ooh E m it to

Soo R o o iiu v u lt •

I'A.HADIiJNA, Cur.. Aujr. .11 <IM!l. ^tliu'liili‘. D um nrrntju nom -

fo r j{(iv<TiKir o r Callforttla. im blinly ivtnoiinciMl nil HocliUliit In- iH'lH anfl froniu'Ctlonii «iaily t«iiliiy HH hi> Juiavdoil II Hiinta Vo tra in fo r IIV'lo I 'lirlt. N. V-, lo vl»ill. I T i ' U l i l i - n l . I U k w u - v . - U ,

"I 'n i a n n n o r r a l fr<ini now <ai o u t.” tln ’ forniiir Hoclaliiil ainl nul- lr!al niil<l ail h» w avud {r/i(Mll>yo t<i a lartro crow d th a t Janm utd thti iita tlon p latfo rm . " I Imvn couiu fo r ­w ard w ith .a ileflnjfy juojriiajilJi'M l. It\k|)|>4‘<1 nil o tliu r liilii'in am i jini- ifrainii- I'm Ihroiijfli w ith Dinoriv!' Ini' an<l I’ni jfolfn; In fo r in 'tlon ,”

Hliuilalr w«n _ In hii:h npli'llii. flhoiireil b'y'lliit r.ivoTairon llu il’ foilr'

w ho luul b««oii caiulUlatou for llu! p a r ly (uanluulUui had lluow ii th e ir fiili HupjMirt to liui oumpalirn,

Slaying Lpiketi With Casli Haul

a to to 'a . •t^leaHyr

In n in e m ln u te a .h« w a s uncon- aolouH and e ig h t mUmtcii la to r , n t 1 :4 7 1 ^ ,-he W84I pm nounood denil.,

■The johunibcr. 'p u m ped , alm oat void oV nlr.'w oH flllod tjulcUly w ith gun ft^moii iui tho cyanldo "oifgM" w o r« ' <lropp<>d Into ^ hu ck o t of Bulptiurio a r id bonldo th e o h a ir In w hlob Diiuglane wan H h u p p o d . Tho f ira l brdivth h f guji \)''‘*‘'U bl tho a lnvor quick oblivion,

DoUgliiiis m aln laliiod Ii Im .iiurvo to th e IcLRt, u lth o u g h ho a lw ay a hti<r Innlfllwl hp wftM,lnnocont of I ln v t’a Bloylng. Tho pro»i>«cu)r'H iK idyand t h a t of a partm ^r wern found in th e 'r tn iiw t 'o f northcm -Y iunn-e 'M m '- ly, aiul DougtuHJf, tho ir com panion, wan trifxl an d cunvictud. Appnaltt fo r cjenionoy /uilod.


Ohib—E ffortr “Bronght" Boost In-O oim ty FERA Cash,

Membet'g Told

R oosevelt B ars C a tn p a ig n T a lk

iiYDi-': PA iiJc , N. y . Aiijr- 31 (l'.l!i~U pton Hiriclaii-' haii an ii|)|>olnt)nonL w llh l'r<tnl- d n n t Hnniiovolt nti«t T ih'h- day , Iho m u in ni W'hlto iroiinn annoiincitd today.

Hinnlair, fo r i tm r HocliillHt w ho w on iho Doniocriitit! »(iibornut«)rlal nom iiu itlon In C allfarn lii, H8ko<l to m oot Ihn I'roflidt'iit and n*»w Ih on ro iito from tho . wuMt noaiit.

•Tho m iipting. howovor. will bo w ith tho tiondllloti th a t

~n«ninr~Tnn*cnttTnmiirTTniiTT=" cal Hlluatlnn n o r n inolair'a cam paign bo (HhcubikmI.

Turmoil Grips Industrial World as Sporadic ^trikes Precede General Walkout


S In rc ii llcp liiiiiiih h iff S lncU n All Sc.'iiioniil A ilv an o o

I n ’I'r.'ifli; Oocnrii

N I 'W V<H!K, All);. :'n li<-- l u l l h i iy i i i j ; , ; t i : . r p ly tJllMW i'r lc . t u r i - :v im - l l i f l r lu l l l iu y l iijc 'I j p w a n l , D ll' l.>iiii .V |W .- ir l t ly T r a d .* U r v i r w ; i ; h < i t .k ^ a y . j

lU 'l im t lil i t if ii i ir i- . . f l;i ;


W ASHINGTON. An/i, lU (U P )--U iiio ii loadcrii Jfito to(l;Ly onlei iKl 200,000 W(iol«;ii iinfl woriitod workoru to join tho coLloii tifxtihi strike- loniorrow iii(>ht,.

■ \ V . \ S I 1 1 \ : ij.iy iIm;/',-.!.

I i ; c - i i j •..-.•I

JTm .V A h- .iM' .l III,- ii; i l

• - ) n . c III , - )

}ii:n. liv I:ii -ri' '

litn l I'r................

Mr.'ii I'll ill a nnijii)-.■VlfV u a U\ .•■111

o r i ii v

I.V liaAtii'II, hill III initTn

|r»)rilTu,nialT"Tli.'in '), wln'ii iH'c'iimiilnlJ'ir if ri-<inl


'In rxc.-i.ilUT.'ll bi"

if I III' rl.'fiii)' pi lci' t iTinl.’I(M D m IihIIi'S(o

VVcin/ M c I l ’ov F a l l s Thn)ii<!ti M 0 li II i a i ii Sky

H i r r r i - : . M u i k ., • A u f r .t i u m ' iA I I I . ' 1 . • n r (.1- I i i . ' t . ' f . i i i . - I l i c i h i - i l iio ro .'i;! M o n ti i i i i i i i ld . '.i ) ; i - i i i i | |- . |i | u - l l h 111.- l> n l l i : in l i iu - i i i i i l . ' . 'i c 'n l I x k I v 111uinini it l i l t; I In- l ii 'uvi ' n. ' i

-nvn'*TrTTmiTn7r TunliliijV‘7 u h n r ^I i u n n II I j . l a l K i a i l . I \ V i i . ' i l t l i i i r l . . i i .

' I ' I k ' t r a i l r . f l l } ; ) i l . w a n v i i i i l i h - > n i l i i ,


n.r,,’I’ ll.-


lii '. |r j;il l . a l l l r , ," irilu -i-,

i.lu '.' ,slm( :.lril;.. oi


•.ilir.I I r x t i l c a r r i i r c m ic I i . il' tin - n iM .-iif-,,

i N i r r i ( ‘ i ) I ' h i h s lo k i l l .

<l.-r .■ all...! r „ r s p i x i i i ' i 's iiiiil

n i i i (iT in ill* . N'*-\v lOiii'ljimi iIm‘1'11 v i l l i i i 'i - .

' itiirlii. Iiiiiiifiiiiiiflvl l i r v i i \ f h ' \ j i i ,‘- i i i . l i i s -

I',' i i i i i i l i i r i i i i i i l .II 'ii'iit n -iK .rljj o f db icuw ihm ;uiii

•<'i1 n i(iia lio ii n p ln n ln jr .u p m id ■iwMrtm’-A r i a n tU 'i i c a ik m r i r -------------T Ikii Idll 4

lllll Id spolil.

Til liiivo d a in III p rt 'V t'iii •u rrlod

.Tho notion, ho dooJorcd;; pronntrod a unltnd fm n t. wlion Lhii A ta to goe/i to tho {MtllH In N ovom bor.

H lnnlalr nam od M lllon K. Y oung, F o rr« t 1C. IViwnoy. Z aohary T. M alu b y .ftn d W. H . Kvana ixH tho D oinooratic loadcrn who «t«p(»od forw urtt In MUpport of hlit ca m ­paign. T hey woro tlio flrn t " re g u ­lar" P en io cra tn to ,m ako mich a movo Ninco H | n o l a l r dofoalc<l Cjoorgfo C ronl,. •pj-oiulnont p:»rty Icador. fo r lliti 'nom ination .

Mny~i<orrt'lJnirtorwtilnclalr'H rvnunolatlor. o f tho Ro-

cl|illHl p a r ly a p p a ro u tly dUl n o f nioni) ho would n o t need n i o ‘of itii p rincipal Icndorn. A c w m pnny- Ing him on hbi tr ip uaMl w a iiC rano C a rta , Mon of Mm. C rano GarlK, prom lnoiil I 'anadona Booialliil.

B inciiilr Itoardcd thn tra in nm id Iho phoorfi o f tho th ro n g on ihp

fila lforn i. Hallr<»a<l offlclnlA ' hold U dopiivturo fo r Hovarnl mluuloj* aa tho crow d callMt on th e oandi-

d a ta to m ake u iipcocU.B lnclair, looking y o u n g er and

-Juunticr- th a n -h o -h a d -- in .- monthB. rofuuod to n^ukii' an nddroAR. Ho ta lked cjulolly w ith friondn, and aald he would bo back w ith in twd wookM to launch hia cnm palgn

pi>HMll)lo " io itli! ' au to Id o iit l iy o r thi« u a i ig (h a ( t-a rr io d o u t th n uniiH iitliinal .'fir;7,lllll» a r i i io r r d ( r u r k h n h h ip In Ilio o U ly u , H<<rnar<l M i'.M alioii (liiH o t), ex - fo i iv li 't , M'OH fo u n d m n r d c r r d iiikI h U Im dy u tiif f i 'd In to n t ru n k imtMido th o lio in t' o f 1 .oiil»t \V . H lo tfu h iiry lit N ew ^ 'o rU , . \ n u n i- b iila u c i' d o c t i i r Ih u lio u ii p i 'o r lo g a t llu> iiod> o f tlx- lim t iiH-nihi-r’ o f n iiin iiiiitrH iriinj;:.

Frances Robinson Assumes Post of -Right Hand Man’' To Administratoi- of NRA

I i n . n l l c i . l l y a r V n , 'K ! i) ;ib l ' v n h m t i i r v c i i r l a i l i iU 'i i t < tloiui n iri.n -r:! by th r

d i K '

lh<> iKldr: K T i '> U n it I hiui

w ulrn liij;•ral ioiiJi. \vhl<'l)

cdliii; \vri-l;ly nine.-

l»iiylti|; liiiii I 'l i i i l l a i i l j i l i - | i '

ol'K>‘|i t r iu h c r of liav r Ih:cii n-i .a l l y III .Inly."

\V}iil.‘ I'oiiKiini piclci-d ii)>. will!11)1 In \v)r)l<-!iali' I nnli'ii. tbi-ro li.-ui bi-i-n no i-orr<- {iiioiullnir i>I<'luip 111 liKiualrlal a<r- tlv lty . wl\U;U, lu um uy lualau rrii. ••1.1 ImcomliiK'I""*'*' ilrp.!n<ii‘iU *>n I'l'iliTiil o r Htali' oKrondlturiiii,

l.»uiu» UiudaU-.'c'l findli'xlll*' titrllu^ •'UimiuTfJr

lo wliltllTc .iijlrary


Number o f Fodornl Woi'Uoni Innroji.']«»i Moro Thun

• 10 0 ,ono

i r ra n k D rcnnnn today hold tho r»pofildency o f tho Tw in F a lla Now Deal c lub nn a re a u tt o f oleotionN an d p e rp ia n o n t .o rgonszatlon car: r lo d 'o u t a t ' a clotjo<i huulnooa aoa* alon horn laa t n ight.

B ren n a n nucaeuda n . U oddlng . w ho hai! headed th e g ro u p tia tohv [M>rai^ preo lden t alnoo u a jtrganlxJi' lion. O th o r' now offJoora include L. W . •.WilHanla, ■ vioe-proaldont: R ugone S o o tt. iiouro tary ,. o n tl Jam ea D . W helan , tr e a s u re r am publlo ro lationa cha irm an . I

lutiula F B R A B ffo rta Increnaod P*B)UA to tal* fo r A u

g u a t In Tw in F a lla - ,to u n ty havolariBtyL a w re n c e D e rn w ra tio te ©hair, j

r e ^ u e k l P lttab u rg h .

by th e club, tho m ee tin gIng <

laAt n lg lit.A lth o u g h ap p ro v in g Now n « al

aiipporl ae n llm e n ta voiced by H a r- old U Y eam ana. Uuhl. th e club a g r ^ to ^ n t l n u a the organle~ tlOn u n d er a n o n p v t la a n ae t-up .

IBdw ard B aboook, TwlQ'. sraila. Damoorii^to oand ldato fo r pfxMHsaut-

attoni«y» an d T erry • P ra to r , d ia trlo t dh lU o i th e n a t lo M toym ent aervico,. w ill be

I U i^ d re a a th e n«/xt m ee tin g

‘Baby >Faoe’ Nelaon Reported To Havo Breokfdstod

• A t Nophi

NffiPJIt, U U h , A ug. Tmni--------- --------o u t a d ra g n e t fo r G eorge (U aby F n ce) NelMon, O lllln g e r a ide and oUrrimt public enem y N o. 1<

Nelaon, hla w om an .com panion, and A lvin K arpin, a a iu p e o t In the S t. P a u l B dw ard Q . Q reh le r k id ­nap in g caae, a te b re a k fa a t -hero ^ l a y , acoord lng io ^ p e p u ty .S h e r lf f

Td^onttft^ aa the

..... ________rd ln g -td . R. Ju d d o f Nei

Tho .trio w ea .................. ....... -niuoh*hunted deaporadoe^ by-W . w . ^enklna, iNephl >Mrtoer, and 3ua- aell JIawkiigi, .B«rvlce .nation ^ err

In hla ahop. > 'A m an and a w om an ooinpanlon

w are di:tvlng a ro a d a te r c a rry in g t^ew '.York Uoanae N o. L -# iM ..T h e m a n Relieved to b<) K arpb i followed in A aeoond. oiir. , ' . V .- Several wea)** aapo-Ut^ pfflcere h w tM Kelaon w ot^ pbtn*

WAaTirNG'ixjN. Aujr. -u ‘lunIncrriiriii o f more th an loo.oni) In tlio nm nliitr o f pciminii on lliu f«;d- ora l payroll Jilnno J'rr.'iidi'nt Jtoojii'- voll ttvok office wiiH »ilio\vn today by Unlti'il Htat<iK i;ivll iu:rvl<i- »ioni- iniiifilon figu ro i.

A t tho (umI o f .July, tmi cotnmlii- fllun not Iho num ber o f civilian omployofl, Iw th U'nij)ornry and pi-r- m anonl, a t n ualn of103.2::n ovor F o T i m a r y , ' 1033, H hot-tly-lw foro-lho-proH onl-adm iii- l« tra tlon t<x>k offieu'.

D u rin g .lu ly tho num ber of fod- ora l omployoH galiu-d n.nlH. montl.v In. th« d o p a r tn jr iil o f o/p‘iculluroan d thu fa rm tro d lr Hdmlnl/itra- tion.

D('«plto tJto htijjo Iniu-rtafto In fod- e ra l om ploym ont iimlttr tho proflont adniinlH lr/illon. tho lovol w aa nllll f a r undor Iho w artim o poiik of 017,700. roAchwl <m Nuvombi’r 11. lOlH.

K e v 'P o s t in Johnson O ffice G oes to

W om an

’ Ihi-

\V A « l! I N C 5 T O N . A u k ; 31 (I'll G u n . lIU K b .loh niion 'M " r if 'h t- h a n d I lia n " l in ia y h o ld a Iccy p o i iit in n In lli i! li.K 'tJc <iii>*idl(in <if w h a t w i l l ficL-fimo o f llii^ w lorhiM oH iu'd N a - l ln n a l U iic i iv o r y A d m iii l i t lr i i ' lh

’I 'lio " r la h t - h a n d m a n " Ih :ii w o ­m a n • • MlJiH F r a n c i ' i i l lo l iln fio n ,' I i lc i i i ia n t n n d d a r lc -h iiir i' il . a n i l b y

- \'j r tu i '-n r h o r p n n m /r r -H iw .'u r iv i' i i « ' i i lH ta n t t o Ih o N H A iK ln iln lK tr a lo r , oni> o f till* ]il).’'hi‘iil r a n k ln j r w o n i/m o f f lr ia lH o f th u N o w J lr a l .

W H b JohnHon'M fnm pd ' ‘<|pa<l (rain" fllllnj;' tho a ir hnd dioaennion (jviT roorjrunlxallon ar*'*H*ng tho NIIA fi7)in w ithin. Ml.-m rtoblniion onuM-ffod to d ay ii/i ono of tho niuall K' oiip oi' piTHonn w lioiio-w ord a c ­tu a lly will tfn a InnK w a y tow an i d i'lorniininic w h a t tho nulconio will iu\,

In ip o r la ii i CoiiiHS'tloii All, tho tlOBOfit aUvlHor lo Jolm -

.auu-lii-Uio-NUA,-hur-'Viuww-und-di>' cIhIiu)!) hiivo taUnn on addod Im- jxirLanco dno lo tho onnfllcUi. Ixith ppi'Honal an d of pnlli^y. n«iw ra j'- Inir.' In tllcatlvo of th k wan lhi> rcv't’lalion th a t aljo )iiul rooonlly .ui'goil JohnnVm to initUo a "d ram a- tio o x lt" fro m ilh o NHA wiUi a vlow lo onhanolng hla proiiMgo w ith IndUHtry.

Mow Ml«u Itobinaon roaidiod hor koy |>onI ia ulinoNt iin f-hwatio A l­gor B lory rovinod lo ’app ly to a n im lern yr»\>ng w om an, r r ln c lp a ily Iho anm vor ia hard w’ork.

lllii-d W arkor - I^or m oro than . your iihn haa

tollod 111 bourn a d a y o r niorti on NItA 'H f ir in g lino - n o bnny aho h a a n 't ovon bad tim o to iKithcr to lling aiiyono Jiiat how old aho lu o r liny of tho o thor v ita l atatlHtlcH.

To hor aMHOclfitoH aho In Juat■"RB'RIjI, ...... .bin"- ■ nnd tho hai^loMt-worklng person thoy havo ovor auon, bu r n o t ovon hor chief,

A few th ln g a aro know n., B orn nnti roarod In tho niUlwoat. MIbm llobli\tu\(i woH o<Uieulo<t In .tv ormvont. Bho ontorod bualnua»i jua t iff thouiinndu nf ynim g w om nn do vory y ea r. Sho w orkod fo r Uio

Rfldfo C orporntlon, o f A m eric a In....... ....................... N ow Y ork nnd thf*ri g o t a Job w ith

P a c k a rd la a (flnao ffUncl of U p- tho D om ocratlo n atio n al tiom m lt- to n Sinolatr. ; (O on tinuea on Paffe a. C olum n 7)

Plutky Canadian Girl Saves ' Victims of Boating Accident

N ew D eal A cqu ires P a c k a rd Services

I'A HADIJN A, dill., Aui(. .'11 mi!l - - Jo h n 0 . l*unkard, moinlM’r of tho Hnclallnta na tio n al oxooutlvo com - m ittoo , nnd prtnrtlnont aUito loador o f thn p a rty , today ann<H>no<*d bo hfld“ accontcd lhi» tfcnorni inv lla - t lo n ’*~ftKtnnnod by r ro ^ d n ti f Tlonao- vo lt nnd had roHlgnwl from tho Ho- a la lla t p ilrty to bw om o n "Now Doalor.-'

P ackard^ roforrod to Uooaovolt u uddreaa li> hla nolghbura p loadlng fo r n a tio n a l nnn-partlRan ooonortt' tio n In a “ b ig p r o g r a m - th a t hfwn o th in g to do w ith p a rty . tiMit ia t ry in g to bo aqnnro w ith Ropubli- cana, .nem oA rata,', Bixjlalieta, and everybo<ly elao.”

U'Miallv aciMiniuiiili;-‘‘ a Htrilcc. r<'vi<w aialoii, "Hn^ a u n rra l hi-lU-f 111 ihit trxtlU* intUiHtry i« t h a t any pi'o lonj'fil tlo-uji In fabrli^ mill cliannttla wHl iiervo to .‘i tn iu i th r n M u-'m at kul aiiil li'iiil .to an a d lv i; liualno.-iH .in Iho lato fall."

. Hrhoal Oi>onhig lli'ljw A iding n ita ll volnmo th la wock

w aa tho domaml fo r you thu ' and .inlmioH' c lo th ing In p r ip a ra tlo n fo r thii opculUK <»f and colbiyoa,w ith liii'gai;*! and Irav .tllng a4;ri-«- aorlit*/ fo r llm name uho oomlnj.'’ in for a K''“ d »haro o f ‘(illoiUJon, I)o- m and fo r vacaliin i i-'oJ I h wan

Jit|nyi_‘d hy_ llu '.n .j';‘l<‘ f'>rAllC ond holiday.

Voliimo of italoa In m any dry jr<M«la depiirtint‘nti« wan alnK..'*t iioiihlo<i,' aa llio wldo publicity gIviMi lh«! propoiiiid irx lll.Ii'<i conimnun-a to iintia • - 'iiquiriiniontH, parllcu la i nn'sllcH.”

pti.-.:0|ljr t h who

. \V i in h in j ; tor g j-

'i tn I'.l till'I n H n l t r . D ir

I l u l l :

a pp . - a r . - i l int. l i a l f ti l l- < l l an i rU ' r , n . i o i i i i j ul n i iK-h 111(1- It'

i i l r . T t a r r l iKh t . I I ji l u l l , n f n l r r l li l iu- l )r i l l lan<- i ' . w i t h a p n r p l i - f l ai iK- l a d in g , m i r a ( U k - f x l t i - m , ' r j i i l . a p p a r . - i i l l y w u i i { i l x ' i i t . I h i ' lonK<' ;i i ) i iu ' t o f t i n- l i c av i -n l y ul.Jr..-!, • •

I I lui i iai ' d >>vi-r l i u t l i - d l a j c o n - a l l y a t a n ui i | ; l i - o f a h o t i r -If) il.>- j : rci-i i . H t a r t l n j ! I n l l u- no i i l h o a t d .and ........... trav.-lliiK H'onio n o n i n j r i ’ o f n i o n n t a l i i a t o t h o i i t h o r w h i o h r i m Ih li t o U y . l u J i a i r m - y ( tm U u t i v u r a l ia-<‘on i l a .

............. *l-Uw-Uu*:hum,

■f w orkorn (IlHoboyi-a1 ........ ' ’y « lilk ln g ahoad o f tiuu-..TlKJiifiaiHlH mor<- jiul.J thoy would I not jitr lk r . .t|j)nii’ m ill ow nrril .■aickLd...tliulr-pluiiU,-Qth«»wt-4n4«tH4’—

k.'<p runn ing , w llh idrlkfl- if noooNMury.

lu ij'o tiatlona in Waiihln»r*P.aldir

Hlriko tl- th f'lr

H SN E A R S 6 0 0 W K

F ro n h n io n W i l l S w e ll F ig u r o T o d a y ; 264 S ophom oroH

A r e R o fiia te rc d

li]nrollm<'nt In tho Tw in Kalla h igh BcluKil climbotl nt-nv tho dOj) juivrk n l nmvn totlivy wllU vtij'tu- tr illio n o f 204 aOi>lionuiri-n thlH m orning .

Monlora w ho omvdltHl yoatnrday to la lod ino . Ju n io r ntiiim n ’glHtra- turn- roachod 100. and UO aub- Juniora alHo woro oni'ollod.

F ro ah m n n atuilont* woro to rog- la te r d u rin g tho afU-rnoon, and trn n a fo r puplla fr«mi olhc-r achoida

’ ■ ■_ ............ HatUiHlay,a c co rd in g lo flupt. "W:’ TT 'HiunnT

MM»(lng VoatlMjUMl M ee tin g o f Idgh ach<xil. Junior

h igh nnd grudo achooi prlnolp^ilij

■ih.- , . w ith II iioiuo llUci aiibdurd th u n ­d er and tlum dlMap|xiaroil.

N o frajtn io n tM o f i t h av o l>oi<n fo u iu l In t l i la d lf ltr lc t.


Niuncd-Ohairman of Oa,mpaiffn To Proas Homo Repair

Loann in Oity

Ca.|U. .1. W. Poi-ti'r will In- g.-n- <'ial ch a irm an of l!u« pi-ogrilm do- jiii:m‘<l to piYimoto homo loiina in Tiviii l-'albt tindor tho natUm al hoiialiig ac t- '■

l '* r to r wail ap|v»lntt«l a t a gon- viHil \^«l-tln^C u l tl\«v Nww Rogcviu>n h(it«d thill Jioiui. a f to r tho chum bor of comnini'co had gone on roc<»r<l ail onilornlng tho program .... l l a i ry -W lilttlo r, a ia to .d irc c to r-o f thif fiuloral h<nji»lng n<hninlalratlon, aiM H:<iward D unn. aaaUitttnl. woro pnMionl a t tho m ooting, w hich w aa altond<!d by ap n m x im ato ly 3fi lo­cal buainoiia an d pmfoHalonul mon.

HpmulM in Ktluho M r. W h lttlo r oxplainofl th a t tho

fltiito homo loan p ro g ram .waji (diirtod Aug- an<l h^ia nlnco boon o rganlz t'd In Caldwoll, N am pa; Ikibio. Idaho r a l l a 4ind Pocatollo , Tho no tional pi'ojool, ho aa id , haa thii Miipport of Iho A m erican UiinkorH' aaMoclalion. aa w all aa tho U nitod titatoH C iiam bor of Commci'co.

Tho « ta(e d lre a to r )K>into<l ou t Ihn t tho loana on homoa will be in a in o u n ta from JlOO lo J2.000, payable In InNtnllmonta, and the ra lo of Inloroat to bo equ iva len t to a n pur co n t (Jiaootmt yea rly . Thia .r»to,-hB gaa«y^tBd, wVat aa ‘ - any Iwnk w m lil a f fo n l t<i ca rry .

....... . AclJoii H nughi .UnU.n ohinfUiliiH nought to lirln r

ilx.ui Inunrd la to wull(outM hi tho illli-il wmtlcn. woi-nt4K^ nIMc and iiyon mllla, Kniil Hliwo. juvuiilunt K th .' hoiiU-ry w orkers ' union. Jiaid :ilj| <irj'ani7jil|nn woiiUI n o t Join-tho

s t r ik e — th a t i t luid c o n tra c ta IjihI. Ing nnofhor yoar.

Hoilof A dA dnbitra tor l lm r y Uop- kiiiH mild h o 'w o u ld ''c lam p ' d o w h ' ihii ll.l" <»n n-oo f*ww| ir « ny « irlk-orii trU 'd to inkt* lulvanlugo of hliri--r-jsccrrtnry'or-nnjDm'iTOia pof. k ina rofuwo-i to miy .im m ediately w lio lho r uhu conaldered th« irtrik* Juatiflftd, Upon h#r declahjn do- pcmtctl liirgoly lla outcom e.• I f aho aay« "unjual|flw |,'* thoro

will ho n o .ro l lo f fo r the plckotem . W ith o u t fo llcf, roA{>onali>l« lead- (-rn adm ittftil, the w a lk o u t wouki Ik' h iunatruiig .

Vlc*lf>nc«< F lo m i Up Flrwl vk>lonco follow ed tnn a lrik e '

call by Iwiura. Oxrrlo W ebb, p icke t, atuggorod /<1 hor Un«ca a t P ayne C ity . Gn., omaahoil on th e a rm w itb

b lackjack .Tom Oobh.’ iruaril. w aa nrroated .

Mo w an h a ld - o a - j i ,0 0 0 -lKnti|,---------K rancia d. C lorm an, h igh chlof

o f tho Ntrlko loiidera. exhorted th e u-orkoi-N not to an llc lpn to th e hour not fo r Iho w a lk o u t, A bou t 2,000 In Mac^ui. Oo., ignored him .' T hey loft tho ir Jobs y es te rd ay . A bout iHiOOO In A labam a n lao w ere o n (Ci>nlli)UO<i on Poare 2, C olum n

T O D A Y 'S G A M E S

N A T IO N A L MCAOlUB -O y-U M lU d-J

N lgim iiim 1* Heourlty 8<Hiurlty on - th e ie loana will

wRhI C " 0 ,..u m « -H)Ing o f tho ayalom. achodulo<l fo r T tiew lay, Sept- *, w ill bo form u- lu ted a t tho mootln. . . ,

Ite c c p llo n o f aocond-hnnd to x l’ bot)ka by tho high aohool oxchango w aa a tn rte d U*day, undor Miaa S tu lln l llh b a ttl. '

B A N C R O F T .'O n t. A ug. 3 t nm» W-: T ho IhrlUtoa: reaeua o f

.jm n Q la.m a n -v ap ation i n g l n --

• fu m p e d 'in to a n an c ien t p u n t whlon. waa,, Ooekad o<f



31 IURI— W hon S U uilw sub lek ii fa ilM to re tu rn hom e Inat n ight, h ia w ife . V alarla , ^beqame aua- nloloua.

Queatlonlnit fidelity.. ahe

S«rtd*^ th bar liuSKSr' u p a vlffll tM Ofath a win<

Attorney Finds Thirty Couples I l l e g a l l y yVedC IIO W N P O IN T , Ind.. A ug.

81 H U jy-^-^lrty o o w lea w ed rooently in C row h A >lnt had b e tto r hope It'a t ru e t h a t m ar- r lag a a a re <nide In toeaved. T he bond* th e y t}ed har^ a r a no •> good.

P la o lo itira th a t i 950 w iK U In n ooB duotid by . , nav; H. Oww; «emM,r 8 Mr .

A t B ro o k ly n -- R. H. B.Now Y ork o o d o o o i io — 3 8 1 B rooklyn ....OlOOOOOOO— I B 1

Ib itto rloa; KUjmlmmona andB oi« ^on ; M ungo an d Lopea.^ A t Chicjigo—Ht, Iv)Uia ..... :-O ilcag o

R....000 130— 8 .. DOOOJO— 1

U a tto H o a : JL D e a n a n d D e iu i - coy; Uuah and H a r t n e t t . •

Only gom ea scheduled.

A M RRIOAN UBA O IIR A t N o w -Y o rk — R, H. Bl

■WVIilnirlnn 000 000 010— I 0 8 Now Y ork MOOOOOlx— S B -2

lin tlo rie a : Ruaeell an d B o lto n ; . H uffing and .Jorgena.

A t S t. Louls-> It,;Chicago .... ........... ....... ...... .....XI— - 2Ht. Louia .............................. ....00__ 0

n a tto rie a : Tietjft. a ^BiBnh iiid iir- m tr - q f uiH.-------

S e c o n d g a m a : O h le a g o -S t . L o u i i ' ;' to b o p la y e d S u n d a y .

UCD. M IL B S e O o it iM ,IN A IR RAOB

O U B V m U N D .A f t 1m MHm, ~C M U <o<Uy

.o le a e d ooi^ia«!' <


tac*^iiPw6' “

S p o r a d ic W A iU buts P ro tfctlo ^ a e n e m l S t r ik e )n

' ^ E a / t t e m d it if ls

(C o n tjn nint F rdn v P n yo 6iu»), rlU ii.jriM y .wilifotli n iit ■Iv unirtlfM

(ifH'tl to lloUoMiftM l.iiR llh ' A^i*>rn lo f t ll>l>i

»iwiriilnjf for liolor.

TiH-ft ,'rw « mi'll, ii'rn»>i.-i| n f '

ira iK )lU ic .-W cn i h u jd -b y p u llu u Jii IW.»l-ttV ll<ll lliul iilyht


PORTER TO HEADOhiiiriniin of diun)>iilffn

To ProuH Homo Ropair • liOiimi iii Oity .

Kr'om O n rLUi-»li'l<itl<iiiii liicIiKir till) ntlpilliiU<

Seen Today■ T<‘aclici-»i, ' frb ;n .vn'fiii-tlm ui, ro iiiiiln ii l}n< l(iw i) l i r l i ) - . (n 'cim int^ iiiliiitxjMi . ■ . SliiiloiitK ,

' 0<>iW{r»»tf» t*»‘l III till ' lllfrh nrhftftl.................... ....... . IjrocoriJlnn'rt,

< ril)()ii|' tS i i l .Jill') ’ rtir)n iiil.ly .iif ..i-liiliiJ, f o D lh a ll , (h « .lii()l|(i< ’, ht<w

l<^iu;lii<in II 111 I, ri('(;iif«|(Wuilly, n( 1‘uliH o f ' wnVid'i'ti

n irly liiK 'j'ltodn fi-oni tlin C, C. AixliM 'fi'in Htnn< t o th<< o o ii i ' p m iy.'ji iiioiltM 'ii im v^ l/» iiiU u n . i’hu HiUidtt-u/um-ciM'flAtJ-iou-whtti

H ni-<l/m c lm l r o f yo ~ fill'll Mii.yii- • N iiit ii i T )i)y7 ii‘»iii<'-

KliEBlY PUPILS: \ '7 '‘ '!

Mnny Hiffh Sohool ariulimtoh Plan OoIloBo TriiiiiinK,

Tliomaa Reports ’ ,

■Nfimy Klnibiirly lilwh /u;luiol :||J|^ »ir

prluufl; rr«"|i(,.,|cu))flor>p(A m e

h r JilxLlLl)U(uip,'-uc^r(^>(iK. U r ,Si>iit‘ A. ;Tll'^niO«. , ; , ,■ r ••

Hliiirjnim.JH’llwnq*), WU»y*IJ‘Ml:l'i, r»;iuirl»i .yc4»|,t, im<( Jnn*JWH O f t'liinn - bnv<i liutltliHy- rm U lK «<:ilt Ki Uii. Trn'lvi-Hilly

lilfihii ><l 'ifn5i<Miw;‘ -.)<‘(it< 'M nry W lillnpy m AUiloii; illrtjph Mlrha«J- j s 't o iho tJnlvftfHlly <m* t f tu h n t «i»ll IjjiUi*' C-’UV, » lrn J '^ lr|rlh l« ‘ Alljlhrt^m

-ft'• c«»U*>gi ‘>rt (>i>)\WnlHlKrtWii Ncliolibi- o f t)W’ rjHM 'hf J»ltritrt to ' mit^rr ' tho tTiilvrrnlty ' Af ,U tah thl/i fiiir, iln<l Jrtlut Hllm o f lijfl nltinii o f lOTO w in nuti.r thi* Unlvrti-nlty v>f TiJiihir, Ifrnnron UU‘k InVH i'nt>voir'>VUW.Hr>i‘ jiMillmr ti» rdcniollo,-wtKtl-^ /<l>e‘ V1IJ • oiiltir f lin Unlvi^rnlly' ^ { ‘ T’ln h o ,' Rriulhi'i'ii.hnmiili." - ..... ..... •-

■ to' Kohool' nriildc* tiiOKu who «i'«I'Jilnl'lrijf uolloijn for llio flifll t'ni» /invpnil 'Who hiivi!Hjinht thnlr !l'AV;nHoVifi (d:lioinVv U'lll ^MiiHi l<> /ich<Wi| wittilii Lho luixt /nW'WnMKrt. Tliftnw liichnJf

Chl<V« Ifontor,', wh«v>hrw lilti-hiHnH: Alliiojjj Rlfj'Iixlh Jll«'rt»tilorf,' AvIiH'' In ■rtll.iiiiiHnjr lh*i

llrrtiftrH IflitHn Tiirn«'ri iJHif f-l«i>‘tlit'y‘ I<» '

<rUM wlu* wlir i'flfunj i»Vn ifnivpr- MiUWi;’ Mimjimw, ‘ '

' 'H. v n-Hl'VithAy wiiiiiii'Hy iit'O IHIklnrr iiolli'l!''^ o 'l'l will itioli- iibly 'Jolii .6 h c jjro iip ji. jil>

‘rnrTnml;'"' ............ ... '",


lllH lory find acltlnvonionta of thp Twin ITHllfl Ifiinl

»l»v .< ’t!iindr<K]H o r . f x t r n copU'U <>f th» Mii^Io C ity •Iul>ll«in ('<|)tlon «if tlK* lilniio liJvonlnjf T lm ni woi'o {iurdliiiiiixl hy rociil m il- «loti»n iijiil l)iiMltK*Mii tioiifi^fl ;for

to rvl»’«»\n u»«l mmo- jd iitijn . hi vn>-l«nt_|?firjn <>f_ tH«^ cjiijotryT ' , " ’ ' V ' ”

'■*r '


Key Poaitlon 0/fico of AdtnJnifltrAtor d o o s . i

' ' To Woman ,

fCont[niii«l Km m ' Vmru Oiio) "wiHTi *rrii'l{!«inl TfooHnvolT

• f N e w s o f R e c o r d ' tI, . . B irth* . :

4 - .

' A <lnuKlilpr ijorn yftntftnlay n t tho ^ u n t y hospititl to Mr. iind Rfrn. Ji r<»nloy, Tllor, ________ —

T e tn p o r s t t i r e s

Un|»« ......Cul»f«ryChJonifo


IVooJp.,R« •• H8 .10-JIIJ' ■ •4(1 .2H.«a 74 • .00.(la - -.HH ——.W)<tn 70 .00

o to . . . : »I . A t flenf>on, S. C., w horf thfl 'Umn “ tlnlo mUVu tto m ln a U 'th o vUiug*, 3«0 _ worl(«rfl th e im lpn pwigeiijn

to Work. ’n»6y hadby rf llu ff l ln t 'niferted polltk inn ujpUlnff fo r roopoii' .l«ff o f tho jplll*-' i^atlortnl .jnmriJ"' m?n J>»t>t*3t«cl thoh't. ■ .

ho Tplliii.' M atlohnl .(niortlii'

_____Ihfl fjiiii;ldy.Il<ilJi

mUl In U u ig lo y ,'8 . .I * o l i a « conoflntrnnsl muohlnfl

»Kjrt>bli n t Drtontiir. Alfl.V> »Mitin»Pnt OlrtdM T. - atrlk< i j ie n lk m ^ l Ip N o r th Curo-'

w a* a jltf-Maw ppw lo . ^ m o - w o rk e rs Werft^ V u ia h tfu l ' 6 t O o f

. m an'fl oW or. OtherM Wi*rr 'joyouji. _ T Jw jianfjo s itu a tio n , p b tn inoa In

N ow £^ |{ land . . ' '■ I .W o r k e r* ' In ’ M nin« ftenvrally »-^W oro 'anathoile, Ttf #»p»thom New

G h ^Ia n d th« Vnilwi T *xtn« W ork

JU'luriiH til <'liy■ AJflHM. ICillUi DliirU, (lim jfhliT ol V r-,«P '> Mill, L>. r . f:liirU, liiiM n- tlir^uii t i l l if (dty a r tu r a muiuiik'i flpont u l tho (;lii>-)( rnnnli, . l i r till 8iiwl<M)lh iruiijiitiiliiH.

l'.r4*pi r<T riitikt ' M(»mbi!rii of-^ tJio Coiiiioli<l»t«(il

Jlrol>>ci'h<VHl of. i.iit>or will i iU im- ii ^lont In thn (^'Ity Jiililli'opiii-ft(|fl, riiiiiijljoni iiiiiil tiwiiiy.

^ f l} u > g ^ '.'d o rm u n .^ylth attim ipU nj^ M G ornmn

■ l 'r« ii(Jcn t^ n b o M v eIt •ckri*w) dfl- . V M ppm enU ,qIOM>ly fro m th e miWi-

in«r.)V lJt!9 '' Jtoiuw u t H y d e P ark , N . . y . ’ H fi'fefurtW lo,,b<^min?nt lor t tn f i 'w iiv p 'W , hliN

tn ^d lttto f in ' WaiihlnK- „ ^lJ(>yd K . O arrtaon, workiwl'V o jn ,, Atf o ivn lm tan . o f ilt«. nu>

(iaii«T 'lflb& r retattdrui ''b o a rd . )><• ^ ^ *tx>nfoiT«d fruH le«rty W ith union

-^e#di»rr-.-»m iv todtuitVtt^-4»*eciirUvoir,

;■ ■ nBOO.OOO W ere fitvdlWd. Thfen In hJ«,v w . ^c«U' «kUi ''pOO,<MW,'] ‘g ' t i tim ber c a m r

' ? to 430,000 W 0 ttt |ic e r« iH ^ rA -r ; • p o r t f . ; O niy - a b d f lt ' 200,000; >uld

, ThS Ulrlltim **m'.lho' )Hl-d(ott-' — g - * m i t THHr ■tolihl- llUlii:: . _ r bot^ra d u t to SO a w««M..rrhey w a n t

,th e i r waifOM to Utay th e ^T^y * 'W a n t rec^ofmitlon Hf thi*' tinJon.

T h e y w o rit'A |i«rrrttfnftht'b /uird to z 'iw u l^ <Utur* dllraut^fci

T h o lr <1ematilM 'totni f lv i , t l i f r t jj, w in bo n a nrlorWiHi^itli nh ti'A hlrt*

a n d underW ear,' tlifty M y . uh ttl nil flvo a re p ie t. ' • • \ '

f i E l P E M t tf r a n k ’SU plhA n" l a o d s

Of Oouhty*s DcUgatton “ ■ ' # 0 Boise v M y . y

■ • 1----- I ......... •Tw in, I^aM* *'c o u n t / lu p u tjllc f tn

<lolegatai< to th e p a rty '* s tatft fo rm dtihVenilon wtfrA airoaOy In t io la e ’f ^ l i y W ' ^ r « «rt ro ilte to th e C » ^ lta r C ity . T h e tJ . p . P . p a r ­ley , w ^ a 'tb , op«n infom taJly th t i n f te r n o ^ /. 'tv lm oKief bualneai filonH lU tlM 'fo r S k tu rdov . ,

a t e ^ ^ n .’ R ef^ b liea n

io donfer w ith ^___ • today, • d lh itrrbt>''-'iio«inty’ii « tM U o btt oW hdnd ■........ itijr'-wkre B3pl

* liwt nl ifl , <!onv«<nl _■ iiioM behi

tlori wKo cjti* f o r ’lh e

I'flttyirrAV*; H iA iaA / co u n ty o hair- g«t hum ; W r B. Hud«Uofi< Uuhl, i t s t o “• corjim lttdfcm in; ’ R iiy II a n b u r y,

■ IU\ihl, H y ru m ' P ioU M t M O rtauah,

| | 1 an d H a ro ld " ^ a h i w , no«* h)lnA«ii fo r « ta (« reflMiMrtJLtlvii.

Mra. O. J ; O B lIite-' #11^,- atAte■ I ro in m ltte ew o m an ; aliw -titinu

th«r, (?ouirty -deietatlM i." j|■ I Itooai JubU '

T he T w in <P•111 of C om m arca 'a ' tilt.*B IVA cjim , w<« (o . m i l p. in . todftV fo

' nx lflnd ln j’ tcf pHfeir,-Buhl, ftaui^r-


to Nani{ui H . K, Caron, niani»j{<’i' <if C. C.

iAn<t*>rMii> m>mpiit>y. wn.i mlh^d lo N ninpti toilay hy Ikio itiriitli o f lilii m nth«r. Wni. Caivni nrconipaijlod ' him to Niimpn, '

Ih C^oMVitlrNrJiiKMlM. Ji’liliiU TninU oy lu w.iival-

rtKclnir Mt ho r hoiim ftvim u riv.» anil a I>Hlf mojjtllrf lilntiim in OaUliunl, CuHf. Hhfl arrlvod llonm ThiiiM- «lny.

IUy^V«‘(t Ilivorc*^ ■ • /PorrM t of (llvorco wiiii ’ jp u n lcd

In diN trlcl co u rt li«r« to d ay lo J{oii« 1.^0 ticrilniiV Vlrjjlhlu Jhib 'bard /^ ‘o. W lh o f Tw in ru llji, I C ruolty w u h ftlhtlffld In thf' cortip!(ilnt.

t^u ird Olill«Hl^'*nifl biiimJ d i i ^ to r j i o f Tw in

■J'‘alU( O iu n ty An.t)-Tul)«j'CMiloHlH ii»i- nhoiation v/\\\ u l tljo Jioum of Wr»(. "W .'O rr C linpinan, llt>, Hkv- opth Mv‘«<niio oiiiit, S a tu rd a y a t 2 ojclijdk'jp.-iri.' .

jMllnlNi^r .Ttf>turh«''Utjv.‘ and Clurl*. wil>i

Itrs^arJi^s-vU ilsrr-ik iiifc-lA ilu iM vy, iflt; Lotiiii./M o.. hnvo roturno^l Tnini Oanpor. Wyo,, whorii- thoy hav.i b«*cn>vliilHiijf .T'api«';i C. O iark, win o f M r, and-MrW' Clni-k. IvoryU loovlnKJ(Kl<>y.fQr_hcr-hmaii— _

AiiMoiintwH'Ktiullo U>M>poiiln(^'M ijw '/J ra f in Ui-yunI, plnrirt in-

N^ructor, announci^M. th a t aho will r«>piin hpr jitlMUi a t 2 .U I'N ln tli aycm nd'nA rth Si^pt* Irt. haHbNiTi Atudylnjf th«» D unnlna:' •'.V'*'tipn> Jn Chlcajfii iind MMwaijICfii thin «unini6r..iui<l will r<‘tiin ) lii'ro w>on

TFiHUMH-v im ifli.jtn~riflr;i rthi! piirjw)H(! fo r whicli It win* lnjr- rovi.'oa. anil th a t tJjo lyjnviwnr nuiiil hi\v« till p•^w^r' (Ivnth« iinioiint o f hla iinnital p:iyni’rii(,. '.; Th<t hnini* loiiriii, It'w iin ' fllrtlm r rxplahiixl, (iru to hi> (imc(| on ly for purm iuuoil liiipi'ovonii'nhi. In iith.-r woitln; (111) •jtf'n/ilon Wfi« tohl, tln> OvimIm H 'l lo 1)1' onJy .'inrhInijiivivonn'iitfi an will iircom*? jiart, o f till’ pi-opiti'ly.

.Advlhi-i* <.*(uiv»t*n .MiV W hltU iT th a t

<IV4'i'y li(iot«> In ']‘win I-'nllx li.i t^itii- Viuisu'il «li't»>Tinlnr Nl’liiit wv)i’U l»i liulntr <'onii'inpIali-(t In tlin w a y oi IiniMN/vr'jiMtiifn, ilMdllioii,^ and »ihur lur Work, and if n'ny riniiiiclat liolji Iji ni'<N>»W(iry. '!/<' tlia ian ailvlwtry-rx>iir<l iir uppointcd io niimUli'r ail appl)m ttlonV for loun>i hi'fol-/) luiMi n ’ pfimlK arit /<)niiilllypV(!]ienicd to th e local bunk. '

. p roperly carrlcU o u t and jflvc'>i full m ipport." Im iiaid, **tlu'i<' la no <loiiht iiiil lliiil niunh oan b<' in;i.“/nnp)l«)i.M) In T w hi I-'iiIIh w llli tlilji'p rj’jjjrain . U iifforibi nnllnillm l fipporhinltlnii fo r | 'rn o r« l • lnipri)vt'-‘ iViont In tiin (;Uy. luxj hi^a pn^j'r.im fiyiin wliioli ovi'»-y«i/io w in drrlv.* a })<‘nofit.

It. I.'i I'xpi'ctcd D ial tho lioiiin loan flrlvit win jrot rtctlvidy’ uridflr w iiy In 'T w in Falla Inmw^ljiilcly follow ­ing tlii>, MA/rl« O ily .riihncn r r ltv hrntl(in; '


h: '• I ■~-7-“v-r E lo iilio n of- O fflo o rn , . PlunM

F o r -S o J io o l—Y e a r '- L ln t« d — -

w lia t UiKhT two y«inrB,'f'faviily, «’nri;ylnjr it pa ir i»f om pty hillk lioltlMi 1m»1 I(» favnnibl#? wpot- *(i1 lia^ tl' aidowiilli,' thiin dum ping tho iKitlhiM Ul 'br'iir th*^ <;ri\«i)ii . . i 'IViiri 'JlfrMlwnln; pVondn^int iiii’rc h iin t anil onf.- »if tUA «iJty*H trini/)tl' to 'yitntli, l>’iivlti]>ffor'' TAcmiiu In'/hpoM l»lii n"W iihiHi oni^il.nakiiMinf tlioro , lOntlniHlantla,' Hporto '/an ': jflrl; aljiJiit ly, • Id’oplni^* hor' ■ own »ioin‘« nh«'i*t'' lit ' till' • Kvotilnjt 'rim on’Hofl hull ({nmoM. Rh^ dnm ti lU 'nvory KHinit,''nnd-pulN th«'J nv»i'l'a({<t jMioirr t6 Nhiin)» f'o'r nc- curatiy . , HWai d wftun’iV whAJio niziir Hllp|i>d, rtportlrtc' a fcrnd^* ually 'dhnlfthlnjj: ■ hIrtdJtn iwUirn'- niont’' . ■ . niM an|iohitfd Hoiilor iilviilofit. i/i.t T ^j'lutnU lhn ypBlor- diiy lolil hi’ 'W iiild'’ not. tako U lf'Onnim.Iry iH'ftkiUw' tliu local IiIkIi Mobool Iii')iiTil(>;Cinr> to trinrh It IhliJ torm l . 1 •

Mio e -()p«i and pri-Honlatloii of tbo Infliio woro j>onrin«: InUi tlf« TlnipH orrio^si t<Hlny,-

Tha blMUu c<Witn>nCd ii" thor* 4Hin:h (loiiipllatlon of o lty and 'i ru r t history , •trn rln c dovcloji- nii'nt fiMm' plojiaoi''(TayH.


'M h i. M.’ A. 'Bltrwni rthd children have rnlurntHi to tho lr homo in JlupW t. T^iuy hnve bocii vlidtlnp wHH ‘M ra. niUir’ a a rd n o r.' Thny tWero ad<*iTxlpanled by M r«.‘ I.rfiwN H eniiW an w ho hhW boon vhiltlftic ,wltH rtulhprln«"t> '(i1y, hnr

Toni^Hiriiry Allihfiiiy T<*mj>oraty nllniony iih io iin tln j'

lo $10 [lor m onth iiikI an ordiT fo r fflft iitt<»rh«'y f^oa i;rant«-4l In- db itrlo t '<v)uiH. today to K.Itonk fj'rtni Charlflji W. H ohk. Thi> alim ony w m h dm:ri'«*il. prpdlni.'- final con^plolion of dlvorct! .ac tio n . .

A t H i i H o«plU l , ,Jl A. (Joo rtw n , Kvorh'tl Xf«ilnn

d«r, OPuhl; MIm Floronuo LarAun aAd Mi'a. LlOli lliirro l, iu>tli ol Tw in F alla , huvo fjito rod tho ho« pUal lo underB«t op«r<itUinH. 15U' rulHHH>B-lnolikte--Ar'Monrhrr.~n»hl: ,Mru. Q. II . Hh^rtror and Ju n 'iqo R ainui'y . FlUu-, Iwith u fto r opor- ationa.

To O pen ' KfJuml'-fo fm an Itjitp/i, w ho hua re cen t­

ly t-etum m l fi'oni I>i»'Antfolr(i. an- nounct>H th a t ho will opon a danc-

T he TwtA J^T)lor Chambei*"booirtor c a rav a n ,"

ile o f »omo irk a t


Iq’j; atfidWi .horo luunntlmo In, Ki^p' limipfir; coinplriad a coiiraA >rt fcUuly' a t th < M ctH n’K' ficlwK.l nf toaficlnff <hirlnK’ tho aUmtndr. ,Mra. Hpiily B n n ltitt, -hia ala ta r. hi a m ah iM r o f tho tcanhln]'ataM. Shfl form erly tttURrht in Twin ya)la.

iiMitirn' C bun ty d<^l^i^atoa w ho nltim itnd tlwt D oniocrutlo Jitnttt .nhitforn) (.'un* vdnllon n t llallrty hno all returac<l lo«tay. T ho KDnip tionaliitod itf It. O. WUaoo. KmhtpJy*.o‘'»*'ly vhnli"' .ninnj D an Cuvunawh of Tw in l<'allH. J la r ry l l a r r y o f iiiihi am i II. 10. JMwera o f Ivlnlbi^rly. n^titiineM fo r atntw reproA i'atattvnf T . Don Con-

nor, Vllpr, iionilnim fo r 'a tu to non* pAm Ulwral\>r<* j M or; J . W . PovU^r. Hliiiln {Nimtnlt- \ t ' t o 'Qruea I toDniani and M ra. l^'annlA F alx 'y , ‘ lAn ln 'o J ia r f f . M jir tu u fh , a ta to oom m lttM w oniim .

O n P ro flr i i j ii

H nrai tn/wilW ra o f <‘otmiuiri (icIuhiI dlHtvlctH In 'iSwl'i V'uUm romUy will d*“Ct ni'W ajuKirlatlon o/flri'n i, will 'ocolva fiiippllcii an il will illarii.'fn

plana fo r tin* com lnj/ ticln'tol y o ar a t tlM*-nie^'tlnt.’' hf*iT a t I :;ui p. ni. tom orrow In in i' .hl>jh ji(!ho<il miili- to rlinn .- ‘

ApproxIm aU dy tlO iL’arhora will a tte n d tlio iio«Hlon, a<rcordlnK- to Mnl. Mnndo K lolnkiipf, «yiinily laj- porlntr)nll^nt o f m:h(Md»i.

Itrtiopun M o n d a y '. k \ \ of lh« »<Vbo4jJw will ri»on«‘n on 'M«|gdhy, Bopt. A lhn»7iniPpwhlfdT^m»liH»MipontHrilip,»iH t»^ untill fUp(. lO bo«iWi^fi>of thH M an'll C ity .7tihlloir, K(r<l. I<h*inl(o|if nald. N orthvl^w acliool' utitrt<-d claan^/i lu.’il Monthly. '

Tho 'county Jajporlut<’|idi'nt iind iipvcral oMn-r ajk*iiJ(rr« aro lo juJ- dr(*Kii tlui In irh o ra tom firhm '. -

l ‘r/*m‘n t offlcnrii o f tho iiukocW- t lo n \ln c llld ^ W«;a. .Ii'iinlt'. n o iihm ,

[ih ’/ililcnt: l<olth .^Mik'nin, vUii^jircii- [Jont: Mra. r.,<'lii P a rk o r . la r r r t iu y , and l i r a . Jonnlo W ron W altor.

trciiAnror. jUra- Wftltor-, who will tuilcli In lloinb th la ytliir, In tho only offic ial ilht ollKlhlf! fo r ro-ol^ctlon.

On»-‘ hii•rwln VWi\f ivnd Yiuhl Kl-wanlii clliha fatlixrt.vl f<jr, a p jrn lc iaiii 'ov./nini; ') i...l‘ariV.ui'y;ji,;.n«Uit-t o r l u m . , A f.t iT n Hn'lfp find )»lftiUv dhm<T, a liriof |/ro)fr«ui,;WaH pro- H itn liiil, A lliw J i'S w ljoV iT lii.iit , ‘I'wAn i ).-4ll«,4i.4j <M»M)nii»nlty.-«tlnrtln»r '»n'.l iU'^'oiiipiiiili'd ll. ))iT . a<t('or(li’(ini

w ; 11. ^tnvlth, ■ |{i*uti'hant-((ov- I ' ln o r o r M a h o - i ir » ih K j w u n lir <iia-'h h t l ; J . K . W h l t i - p r o K ld .m t o f

pi-imiiliMil r f l''llcr clnb, jravo brh-f ialUii. II. C, M ajfulrf, p rrn ldon t of till' Ihihl i; ul), /><-rvi-ri aa maiitor d( (N'rcnioiilcn.



Uy KTKW AUT llU o U ’N V IK N N A il'.i:) - AuJdrla'H -fa

in tho handa <»f tw o .yquiur miin iiljll In th i 'lr th lrti^a . ^; /riu ! new ohiinco'Kor, Dr. Kurt. ^(|hu>irhnl}ri: ( pronouno<>d' 1 1 k.i>H W 'WnlK). »“ ------- r r v ........ .........

'I'hit vlt;i' i-liaiK'olIor ainl Huprrnu' fo m in a iid rr of tlio in lll ta l t llo lin - w<-hr. P rince Ii:riiMl von Hlarhoni* borjr. ifl ■. Thoia’ two younjT nu-n aworo on ibn lU'iivlb \ah\ of \Jr.Dollfuwi lo inalnUiln lh« fljrht i'or a frco anil liidepim dunt Atiutrla.• Dr. S«?htiia:hnl;rt'' pra«tiiyul)y wah

tnikn«»w»J In A>latHa boforo !,V>11* fuan' <!oalh. M«* wiui tluviwrt dra^ m al\r»U y into lb« binullintvu wht-n inT h i'canu? p i'o v liilo n a l 'channolW ic Ju ly 2fl-

, • , , ,

i i i .n 'iK ir t ', . Aiiif. J i jaihtlity Of u rl»y-wlih> atvnot, 'oar titrlko wiiir ticiji loiluy In wn u lt l- n iaiuoi d*>nv~>r*«T“ roMi.yi>»* F rinik ' (^I'U/'uii h,v t'y.OO nu>n4in)'r». o i th^ alrifrt. r a r iiton'a imion.

Hi'liitml by the m tiyor lo nuuit unl»m dfinim ihi, nt;onrihn)r lo NriV Mi'Li'llan, biiiiini'ii.'i a);i-nL and l']il- wiirif A. M rlni'inVy, prcaiilont of tho U nion,.w ill huiii |4» ano thof union nuiaii motdlnjr a t w h irh <h?- finltiv {ilriku ni'nuiRoinitntn will bo<unn\«amt.......................

r haVfl follDWftd thill controvci-fly ahico llM incnptloni" C«inz<jna nald today. " I t would, have hcon aMtloil hoforo 'th ia cxt-'opt fo r tho pmvbilrin In thn N It 'A trim n p arta iin n coilo I«M U ilrh\«..lhu^duoj*nlU on.of-m lh- o rlty i't-onpii. ,Thla ihnd« It iu4uou- fiary fo r tho in a lto r to ho plant'd biiton* tlm niilkinni liUinr. board *l\y tho Mti'pct ra ilw ay <;onimlH«l(m.”

'I’ho union 111 <ti‘nninMlnir tb ti.op ' vruttnii h y t m DHR 'u f u ' -uMon i;ornml>allon at,'l' I('m^n^ 'p/lBfl^«^' Inat yo/ir w hich i:«lla nn '- 'r tii* ; tu rn in g oy«’r to tho iiu ilurm nn.iind condiic* tor'll orj;aniy,atlon of rdrLalh hua llni'W fo r o pera tion by-ihnm hftva of tholi' •u'ljunlv'.atlcin. . s •

Germany Will Fire I Younger Bachelors

■ Ilr t l lL IN , AUB.' a i l -m areiftd ftffiffr w orirH innm a - Ifl-

hfiror/i In (U'ri'nan lrtmi«try'.\|n> di-r'Uft yoiiril of uko ’ l l l l*o <nn- mlMand on O c t . J ; lo inVilto rdom fur o ldor- lun'inpluyml cltlzrina. pavtlfluhirly marrlf>«r hn 'n \i^ tJr larjju fiinillliiH. • . . ,

N(iw'aii)(l Modtirn ImillttttloM Will Wolcoiuc PitliUc




i jM. , iThe L*(*t E'i'i'nt' and .Aittotl'or ___ . ■ ...........DiltKie

T h e I ^ E P T l D i n B S E U, , ( ■ ... p O J l j . j , g

.......: : 'I’sHilibwLA . '

S a t u r d a y , S e p t . 1' " - V j i . '" J fB A T ^ ltW O 'V ■ I •

:_.1 ^SALLV W A'ttAG E ittd t r t t t ^ E RAY JENNINGS , , , . Lrt « Show St*^riing at l? s01 ./y, M.

' C * , C h „ „: fW ? r > Ma»ici City JublliiS'CijittiAJttee 2 5 c , ;

#li%t IP tjw Hor A ttohdjy/^j/

, Hi.lciidniiof (hn


I tK lllT NOW I lilATIMKlK:. AM1» MVl^NliNii

Mtii^hT^'iiy * r.,rAHwHI- ,'i

• u t o.n >11 V I! •mod«-nil/lnK I and now atock in i»latM-',

C- Amlornon to in p u ay to ­m orrow Will iitajr*' Uh form al opttnlnjr a t Ita n o w lioirin 'o n ;tlui

o f Main livonuo and Horond a tro o t Mint, accordin^r , to J . .1. Chapm an,'K <’>nu'a] 'm ana} 'i'r o f tho i-oncorn. C luipnuin b» In ibo oily cfiotH’riitln}; w ith I<jii'/oy Caron. Htoro m annjror, ■ in o rta ll.i of tliu niovlni;’ prof'jtiift.

T ho lU'W.homo o f 't in : o/ilaUU'ih* nu 'n t, both ini-n potrVloiI <tul, ban br*i-n ‘ cotnplol.i'ly' roinodolh'd ajid l-.'iiovalod, Naw fixliiroa lu ivo 'b ion hiatalli-d, and an Indlroot ll)(htlnff iiyiitciii will add to (ht< riiiilooii-ro

oiivi-nlonci*.TJie TwUi 4'’allJi atnri; l.'i a nii:ui-

ler o f .in afnu)f)iiitlon roiiiprliilnK r2 fiitahliJiluniinla. Tln> niiniiiL. in- titu tio n lit lonatod a t lloiiiu and

wail f<aindid aH y rn ra uk-j.

Pii|H<r DiHphiyt’din v in t p.ffto 'O f tbo Tilabn Kvo-

n ln jf 'rim oa apot^lal Maf.'lc C ity Ju - Id lcr I'dltlon, c.iinproiioinilvo liwuo

nllltu!: I'liob atop hi tho dovM- o p m o n l'o i' tbii nlly and trao l, waa addiwl today to tbo oKhlbUs n r- n in tjod on w alla of t;io Tw in l‘*nll:i C ham b.ir :if C<iinmori;t'.

Dr. Hayonj;or, F ao t Kp4tl»hi1lHt. I’i'nnny Uhlif., I ‘h»mo Adv.

(Coiillniiod }r^on'i I ’au c On<i> vor liilUi tlSlH monU\ alono, it w»h oiitlnialnil t h a t tho t'<ivi)rniuoiit/itill hatr jaifflclnnt allvnr niotril 10 atip* }>ort noarly $100,000,(100 luorw for tbo ni).* ! tnonth'.

Aoi.-ordlnf’ to tho prc .irn l banln. SK<»,<«KV,<um ill now iviiv.-r pii- por In hoini,' liiiiuo<|«aKalniil li .OOO,- lion' <itmrcii of uiivoi* hold In llio Ircii'iinry on .fiino M, and s:ir.,0nn,00rt aj-iilnat a lv m t 70.- 000,00(1 iiinroH mor.. <,(' llui niftlul jMHt uc.ipilrpij Ib rm ij'b na* llotuillyiUioii.' ■

Store Men GoingfTo Yellowstone

Itoy Vr AV«fll^uriii'‘ nkhR«<tr of llio W raU 'ni-"AufO S u iip ly ntoro litro ,-uad-L vlu-C ^ah UWd f.*n' R tlr- H n«:.'atnff momb’oriV iu thn-iitorfl, will \>ifilt.Y<Mlo^Mono p a rk w ith Ibi-h' fahiilli'^i Rundiiy nn<l ivlonday fol‘ a jilonlc ouLlnj:, lo ho allohdoil liy m aniij(('r«vir nlyi'o’aror.'ii In T;Ia- ho, M o n tan a and IH/th.. A Iho In Allomlanco n i LHu. tralhor* inu w ill, bo Mui D onvor dl/itrlct m iouujor. .Soattlo illidrlut miinm^or. and homrt'oTfrn.rofflcTinji.

Race Pilots GatherV For, Verial.-Classic!

.A U lr 'O U T /G t.ir.V B rjA N Il, Alllt. .11 'I'lri - ' i W faaloill ttirplnnoa th a t hiinuin linfoniilty and ■ei'o-nioehah-

piXKliici. llaoil ii|) on tho T arm ac Indiiy lo wwalt tho HtaHin/i I'un Kl A Jnorfca’w jb-**nil«}r npoftil

viinlW-tlui n a tio n al a i r rncoii.I 'ik ila fr»>ni tbo fou r ,corhnr<4 Af

Iho natii>n~Hftv<ral fn im forol^n <viunlrlra--w<‘ri'. ■riia<jy lo tako tho ir Mupo)'-ji/>wnrcd, ntroaiii-llnnil ahLpii inlo’ ilu*' a ir to rouipo'to fu r thoi]iain<lii b f dollavn In pi'1/.t:

JllU l ‘ “

Hiim', ,tn ii ijii|« irm iiijrrm r fo»‘.i'o<l hor ti/. W aahlntflnb.';' . T l i a t wn.a hot*’ t)lK r»/?»iUga. 0/. tha.N atlujuU -.Rucovory Act. had . boon anaurnd. . .Iphniajn wiuv f|'ilot.iy ,orKunlalnK, >a .Jlttlo a ta ff tii,|'of.,th)nk'« IfoJuB' rniicU aa bo- n“ ' an t.'l'o r ilvH bofoi'o It nd tuaily |M!capii) hiw. Tho n i'inooratlo unnmill ^o« ao n f "I.tol>- hy" io tho KonurAl ’ to not an hja H corotao'. • ' ' r ’ •

W ith in n fow 'w polia a f to r 'I h o NUA uLartod. Rolilnhon wiirtn o ’ianKoi* .lohnwon'a aoprotary. fiho witfi bTa oxooutlvo iiai^lataTtt n t a aa lary o f n lx m t SO.OOfr a yoar nnd Olio of tho top wtbnim th o ’Now DonI ' ’ ■ ' ’

iTOM m' ........;.....kn llapoll , .......... 50 :

— 7TT-, 711

- r r n r.00

Itnn/fliH C ity , ■T2 80 ■ .00I:/iM Angoloa . .. OH' 82 .00M lioaiO lty ...;.... N ow York

,.B0 H2- -.00..nil 70 .00

Prttjnl«Ho , I ’l^rtliind ' .....

. 5fl fl2 .00

..58’ 711 .00Halt LiikA ...',...... H.l .00y a n F'rnnolflCo .!-52 02 .00T W IN KAM .M ' .'.no 80 .00WllliHton .......... .4 8 8<l .OKyf>|iow«tono • ..42 70 .0.1

(liivioo baa boon dovihopcd ny an Ita lin n Invontor fo r l<iadln}( an<l nnloadlnjr m o to r vohlclon rdilppod by Hoa; Only th ro e o r fou r m jnuloa

I... .i.,TT arn rjifjiilrod fo r londfnff b r nhloail- lp>r o f A c a r w ith thla dovlco.

TO ,TIIK.III0TrnCR.’ !W fir(3,o/ tlm

FAMOUS R yT^M ,, , . . . K I N G S ; . ________ _____

In T h o iiito i* n \p iu ilp ./n 'W o a V fl L a r g o .••■‘B a l l ro o m \

O P E N - A I R R A D l d L A f f DBAF!N I>ANC£:RS OtD^TIME DAl'ilfcfeT r . N r i ' r c ' v A i .'o io v ii .V.b s n 'o u ' .............................. rf io o i '.M .

otod uVliitlon honora. '

Oiih Irado w ith tbo K ar Kiial in< •oaiiod .i:5H,»-io,nno rroin tiu '

f)i'in-(> fo r tbo flrnt fivit nxaithii o f thill yoar.

' fJK A P E H , ,Thoiio jrtind Concordn from r’m-

mol t ni-o jto tlln jc ripo. W ill hnvr n load t>f thnm In ilopt.. fitb. D on 't for/foL ilinni whan yon coino toiho W hiH hor M xhlh lU on. W<i a ll l l

! liiivo a f*'w 'o d d n - and unihi In' nrachoa. W |ll iiorvo loinonaHo dur- .Inu 111'.' JubUi'-c...If y ou irat-.ilry , ilrop in. r iib iic 'M arltol, P . H.— n a v o nuid\> arranpoiW iiiltji ' wUh rifir o f tbo pruTio irrow ora to loiiv^

,11' , block of fho oj-chur.l till tho prnnoii jf.il i-lpo. Call fo r ibi^m alx' dayw* n flo r killlnt; ' Croat ' o r ■livttci’ y o t.'lu av o y o u r nrdor.

KIDDIES’ SHOW SAT.ivronNiKro 'AT lo—

.....................A m otor c a r wltl la'at irtiny

m nny yoara If’ it m*vor HOt'a fa a to r th a n ' 10 miloii an iidur aaya nn aulom obllo i’xpi>rt, A n d ' tlio Mumo th in jr la truo Kb#»ut Iho drlvor, R h w h a t! Day In an d duy o u t y ou’ll find Oood T lm on —

---- ^ A T .IOR-K‘rt

ICARLOI'IP and: ll.C'la' L U & O S I

ly lD O A R A L U N .

'DawM 'Mannart, Ja«qM«Y IVclu;u«tt(« Lund.-t- PUIS HCliBKN Ai)T« •

- A: W a * l ^ r . 0 6 ^ iM tr '•

lYWAX.'Mi'ftRtlM",A I'lMKih. C artaon

U ii tv v n ^ N«w»i

A nil t h ) p e f ' ‘^o,^ t o ' JHy|it«ry, ttqtnulrnn'


HAMlLirON'SIf /D o n 't , fo rg o t p a rk in g |Js :,flaBlGp' a t ojic now stg^d, ■

wJiicli is ono b iook n o r th o f o u r fo rm e r iociitJon, 2 doors ■[ oast, o f th e B a rn a rd A u to jdo., t ie n t d o o r to tho BriBOO J

-M etttl W orka on Bocond A venue E a a t. " ' 3

3 E l o u vaS F l o u i ^

‘.‘ I'laiiiloldc Cliii-f,**

.IK’P u iiiu l lia^^i’ ,. I. ..

' riii'ils', nu.si\ ; t ' lidi

a n i(li>a) a ll | mi|;

inillod I'l'oni IiIiiIio'm 3

81.79 !

SWEET § p y p sM i'inw 'y i |a m li |y ; ; O C f *

p n m u l4 .........

6 r a n g e §Sm'i'1‘1 aiiil iii'icv.' .Moilimn

1 5 cI‘i:r i|ti/oii

GRAPES■ [''i i iify 't’nIiJiyjJ.,

i ’ol' IJDUIIll ..... 6 c

_ ■> ('{•yshi1 \V fniV W .a im i l r y . S l i i 'K d li ir s i / i ' Ijarh. “« I'lir ....._____ 2 5 c 5

TOILET s d i i i r ;_______tOcSDASH . 5

- -p u rp tin u -.' WaiiUlt'iW- ■

4 5 c :

.Ss.-iorloil V(ii' ;i l ia rs I'or ..

X\\ nil -j» |)i)viilrr. ‘ :• 1.'*.

• C i^ ^ o a

; C ra c k e rs

JU'i’iilicy J'wiunl luin

h'l'OMh liahorl, laiilak. ;l |J»;

i-riM|) Nialtci!I lax .................


4i0«iiNeuaA»i '

A cvciU)Nk) noivA>tcioO F \i'K ftT l

5 < 'lin i-o la li'

■ '.nil ....

M A LtEl) MILKUl’li. .'dh- Vlllll.’.

c o c o n h t ”fill 'll .

1 0 cFino' ,

Piu-l<n(«< ;.......

- WHEAT rLAke^lIKldiUUl-

:..-:.,.5 c,' K iioh . ...............

'f.ki 111.Fiiio fo r ' iJ, rU h U k ' .InnoJi'


h l i i n l io 'v !Toi'

S ? H T ,S |5.

■s-Wte?~ ti'tid •. llnulf .tiiiira III "IIK O

IIID K K "—4Jliu|il»r. Nil. I

■■ ■; , 'NfcWS ■ '


“fnmindf,iiiit(<<>ir,i V r l i o n i i c l

e x t r a I ■ ■ E X tS A l. .-,..UEV, BWW-I>(iAVl'

- ■'Ttf <JMidiriah<. TB«.' ». ' ar T h ^ e r a A M lB t tR O NID A H O T H U A T B lt

. i M i n A i > ' c n i i ) B '.


CpF.FI^E,,'nnnlity tfinir.

2 0 c; .'■coFPEE''.;f^‘

' ' j V l ‘llltl 'l '“ l ^’l u l l , " flllll'.V IliKll-.Ul'lilli'.P i 'f p m liiil .....u'" f i v

‘*lIiinn(tnh’H Onldcn Clip,” lK)\v •vnetUim k piujlujtl \w

D E V I L E D M E A TI^IltUy^. jilcal Tor utiliool ;


1 5 c

SI'tVv'h.i'• I f l l iu H .''.........

i ’oat

b a c o n

Mi-y Htijinr ,ttu ro d ,M '«'iuhi. 'JV'r' iMtiiMil ........1.-.,

H A M B U R cilft -

7 cV i'uhIi « i 'i in m |

' I ’l*)' (muMil . . ..

Tiill MiW. Aliy ln.uml A io.dm.iBielP


r r o m . '

\rEi-VUy, Au(w»t'S3;''J034- mAHO'EVENING TIMES, TWM FAIiI,S, IbAHO

w w a f t J HVaried Priies Await Llnknnon

iBgBoond HitnH&rOblf ~■------ — U lU s l 'o 'U n e -------- ^

T w o n ly o lp h t riinfftnj^. from viiliinblft ijolf ' ohib* nnd thp <owrnrtm«nt. trophy oiipf, tft trorlo<i

(vnd Jyfio'dlnnoiW, worij nnnounciMl Uulny an p rlzo i In thn nocond artnuni nvnnlnjp' Tlmiut

* fin u th e m Idrtho hnndlnap tnum a^ m n n t iioh«luIctJ fo r Stuminy aiul. Mpndfty ftt C anyon Creflt .llnkii }?era ■ . i

E n try Hut tnt* Ihft tnurnoy, w hich 1». nxpoot*<l iD ’ provo th e Inrtfdnt f 'ftlt o v o n t.ln Idaho fo r tho nftooml mioccwlvft yoa»', *ln«i<!y inohuloi^ Unknmen from ttn fni* ns-8 filt I j i k r C Itv. S o n th n m Tdoho cUib« liro w ril rep resen ted , w ith a Mght bat' tlrt.expeoth«l to dwvnJop In th« rnert / o r th « lorifoiit o f th e

.................R n tr lm .H U Il A nr«pt«d • -. >-L»tf> nntHe* will hIIII bo tnkcn

At tti* JStMtilni; Tlm<}ii office*. « t , tho C nn y o a C « * t links a n d n t tho

T w in Fallfl how ling « llrtyn ,.lt wn* nnnoilbced Kx|«y by D iok Ol«on. C anyon. C re s t pro w h a is hondllnir th p tourney .

ra lrliJff* ^ i l l bo. artnoiinced on tlM i.iiporta pARo o f - th e Rvenlnfl:

■ TJmp», Hiinorrow, Otaon anld.,P*lr«t 37 holcii o f ' p iny In the

to u rn am e n t n re to co u n t a« quail* fy ln p mimtJ fo r plftyerw not- h«vl(t(r handicap* Unt«l w4th' so u th Id a tio ofub«, Olson paid. , B eleitlon of hand icap w ill Be m ju je’fty U. S. Q. A. num erioa l.’m la*’. ' ^ , . '

Cb«nc4WW ith tba- hajidloap nystonn i;lv-

Inir th« averaff* ptayoT' A chimce n t iU),Qf th« Ih^ f iru t Dlaonv ic to r l a Ch»-tourDey w ilt-reeelve ' tlie> JOvMt itfr T|nt«i» ti^ophy.ra s e t o f niNtahed .M aoO regor worMi*. a n d a <Uhn«r fo r hlrnself a s d h is wKe o r

• "S'lrl f r im d " f t-W rn y 'n cafe..F o r low'-scoro Exports a im in g u l

tbe. R;roiis to ta l fo r tb c 64 holen < f 'the.tcnuiiA m ont, on • a ttra o tlv o sn o r ts m erchondhn p rize him beiih n4lotte<l.. (

T h o .c o t^ le to list of prixoif:1 s t *-*- B venlnir T im es cup und

niftched. .M uqarejfor ■ woftds.2—(MaoOrejt^r nm tohed Irons, ■ • .n -O o t/ basr.■«-*<JoW hag. • n—<3o|f.-e1ub (ch ip p er). D iam ond'

HBWlwnr«. •• • ' . '-iM .H ~ »n m eM handU e, M nh« D e­

p a r tm e n t stop*.;7>-^GaM d f b o e r ,.W e s te rn B a tt-,

W orks^ ' . .o f b**r. aftn&ej

9 '-<SaM o f .beer. iwme.

n —c « s o ,« f boor., r * 6 i / i r y r u i t r l a —C a se o f .boer. D e ll's C le a r

S to re.13—T en thoA ter tk iketa. J o e ^ ' i



i n A lfO H A N IM O A P .T O U ltN A . .M RNT

^ « ) | l p tiiid «»v«v ihi'Mo rtilrM).Dutfls — Hujuluy and Mondiiy,

^o p t. 2 and .1.—'Nor-of-lwUa—*4,----- ----— ~ —

4>y M .................................. ^i 'V lJses-'A t Iftnflt 2fl. 'O ecausc of varia tio n s lii holon a t

_Canyort C rest. . an dbil'lnRulaiird' from o th e r oiubs a t w hich e n tra n ts play, the foik>winj( locnl rulen will app ly :.

No. I b<ilo~iBall on o th e r / hIi"' w ays, p.lay un roiiRh o r move. poB slty onp. s troke . H ltlln jr wiro fonon b ac k o f flrreon. p«naily one s tro k e . D Iteh In fa irw ay no pon- a l ty on drive, o th e r Blw>ts one s tro k e bennity . .

N o. a hole-—4!>lttih In fu irw ay on drive, 'peh n ity one s tro k e o th n r shota^ Ball In d itch m«t«i<lo fa irw ay s e t I over, p en a lty opu s tw k e . o r p lay th e lie If «o orsircd . Itnll in orchatHl. In sldo 'O f xtakcs m a y Im> movMl n o t m ore thnu onn' cliih lengthy B an oittfl|<to of atakea play th e ll,e; 1/' movwi pena lty one s tw k a . n « U - o n o th e r- fslrw nys plsy. »S' N»uRh. ' . .

N o. a ho le—D ltoh on rijyht nld« o f fa irw ay o u t o f bininda, p en a lty one s tro k e . Bail in treos on e ith e r side , p lay an I'sirw uy level ilo, bu t n o t .n«»re th a n o ne ' cluh len g th fro m f i r s t ilo; if toe sijot, p lay a n o th e r ball from ten. co u n t a s tw o. D itch on le ft side o f fa irw ay , o u t o f hounds, piay nnoond nhot fro m toe o r lirop hnil, BlMHitlnii: th ree ; d itch ac ross fa irw ay p e n a lty on drive, pena lty one • t ib k A 'o th e r sh o ts , J-'cnco ^uicU of f r n e n 'om -of boun<J?i, pena lty one s t ro k e , ' Ball orf-. o th e r fu irw ays,pfay.>n« ro tt'th . i

'N o ,'4 hol»-~^eno4^--on r iu h t ai<le o f No. 4 Y alrw ay ou^ o l boun<is; if tee allot, sh o o t a n o th e r from tee. co u n t tw o ; If a n y o th e r shot. <lrop an o th w ^ -b n lirT w n a rtjr •flif«~sil^Vor P4ay th e tie (f in muKh; ^ n loft sW ef'or fa irw ay . rM tcH ^s^n.fairw ay

perwHy. Dali beyond w hite atake*'- back o f ((r/K»n, ploy as rougrh.'A aft on o th e rf to rs rs y s .’p lny a s rouifh. ' ’

Nf>. M hoht— tia1I o ff f«^rway on r ig h t '•Me, p lay Ujn: He o r move to n e , ''c lu b . lenBth.

BIG GRID CLASHOlilca/fo BOarn Doped 'to Boat

•Vnt’A'moridanEnovou'fttr'S o ld ie r F io ld

■l^leotrlo to aster . Id a h o I>ow-»r. ..................... ...............

10—'M erohandlso. Van Snj^eien , iu»4 Woodj ■

i<V~-Morchandise.- f i t ra u s • C loth ine^Cov''••• !• I. . • • •>

iT -^U ertihand ise service. D am '' ar<i‘A i4to Co,

lB -^er< !hand liie . a im pson it Co.double paissefl. Or^

pHeui!t»..:j-..i. . . . . .j . . . . ^ • ^ B e a k o ft<IJu8tiHent. F ire-

>Ser»l0e S to re* . 'Low jrross r - S p o r t j a c k e t ,

.^ow leA rlteck , • ' ’K J ^ b a t ^ wercbAndlae. 8oU&-

d a y ; K ardw uM . 'A ddttlooal aw oM s—to u rn am e n t

w hm et', <Mnner t'oi' se ir e ndf tody, W n y ’U eyfe. fl«pl. '0.

.'Touyi<«niant ’runo«r*tJp;i''dlntivr. tar sjKi ,)bdy;-,WrBy'«Seot- a . .M. ■ 'w"

iFl/a£ h lfffainet M»re, d inner se lf afld' Tatiy (»t «j)«ar*s ' Ooffeor" aboji,' Jmy tim e. ‘ - '

4M O M bl|rh n e t iooi^o/dloaer-A ir

a iw Uro«.■ • TreiffM W cJht'tH fM

m U lowJ


a'-pii6«-wimif, \uAr. arVn-MCa,'m en t fou rth piaeD w idner.

.. . penirtty • oao s t ro k e . . 'B a l l on o th e r - fa lrw aya, p lay as rouffh; D itch on.falrw aiy no pewiKy on drive; o th e r sho ts; pen. a l ty '-o n e strokoj: n i te h back o f g re a a bdundary line, beyond <litcli,' p lay a»iy>iigh. In -o reha rds on ri^rht aide o f faU w ay, p la y -a s roiii'h.. K nl»~D lt£h no penalty ifirtve .-. o tk ^ r '.a h o t« pena lty one a trb k e . B all bit >othor fa irw ays, p tay . M n ru fh , -BAiU ln rough rlA<ht M 4 h i tm ltw uy, p iay th e 'l ie B all over b tn^ 'baek ’ o f Kroen. pen* alWi one a trone , a e t In. ‘

iif& JlLlieterffetiCC-ffl____________o f ■falrwajiC.^out . o ti 'M u o d s. IMay a n o th e r frorrl' tee .' .oount >two. D n ln s i r* ' d ltbh‘‘ o n le ft 's td o is ■bomdory: Hae. heytind, p lay ... JOiiflfki o rl 'm o v r Ur«^ lie, pena lty ’<>»«'•'<stroko.‘'.D lt«hes » roand the irreen. ae t back eiut> lenirth, p e n a l ty .’ TToncb beitfk o f ijreon iKkundai^ lino.' beyond-penalty one5 tro k e ;'* e t'- in ; ------N‘ N o. fl on rlKht sideo f te a o u t o f boitnds, play, an o th e r f<tom ’* tee . , co u n t tw o. JtMUlway M c k of preen boondaVy line; p lay jU r u u f fb 'o r Bhoot another', pen a l ty one s tm k e . D rain ag e d itch or. le f t o f ''f a i rw a y bot/ndary line. If beyond d itch ph»y 'a s rouj(h.

N o. 9 ( I tfa f^ D a ll over-- fence / ra m tM i p liM 'A n a th e r iro m teo, xiount -two. V lay ba\l- lrt treea as / a i r w a y .• ta k e I m l lie b u t .n o t m ore th(an o»«j '« u b leirjrth’ fW>m f i rs t li(r; 'DaTl itcNww’voarf buck of l^ e e h . p lay a s r«ugh . B all on o th ' ei tetrwiiv><pku' As fodfiii. Bali in d itch f»««A o u t o f boundii,‘• h o o t ‘ircm i'‘tlb,'-one s troke .

o f to u rn a ­m en t'p lay e M -w U r'b e 'ip o ^ te d a f te r fi»oh W»M'ho*et.--'>-i'i.'., A w « rd *«• t t r tM tf - ^ f iu s will lM> iw ard ed -e o D w a iM ita 'o a titb a - 'fln a l

it3nmfint.:fi(e:Dt, 8-.urii'wenlfcnfie..'’'. '


; > A M E R IC A N,,, W .

,r»etr* tt .............JM , ^ ■. m MH ..A4 M .: J » . 'm

, a » : :

4 tMAOVmw. ■ •-!* Pdt...Jts...•74 •0 .6M

.6»y...Ti -u, .019...fH W :6tii64 .o»■«•...« 7<iv ,.877..!i0 70 .MS

B rttb n ......

‘ P h iladelph ia C lncln ti|itl ,.

F A O i r i d ixXAST

' L o^-U |n t« lM '^ ..rA jl8 '^ 4 S e a tt ia ................... .'.41

V ariotii ilHiftmplonsto Gather Sera for

i,v -iw.M'prfTf.te', . - n , o v * . ' .

o i i iC A o o , Auir. q l (I 'lit- Kijrhty thousand pflr-MiinH, liirffAMt ci-owd (<i aen n sporbln^f «Sypnt In the c:<^imtry th is yea r, will jam iUi w a y Into .S<)ldl«r floUi .lonlKlit to w atnli Ijjo m l|;h ty ChlcaBo Hoar«, suprcnwi on pi'ofnHHlonnl jfJldlroiiB fo r two Veara, b a ttle th« iili-A mnricaii <:oi* lotro team , picked In a jjntioii-w ide l>flll by Iflfi.Ofll) fana.• T he IJoiirfl, BtHftlnii p ran llen lly tho .am no llanup which trium phrfi over the New Y<.rk Olantf*.In tho cham plonnlitp g-nmi* Iiiat l>«'Combnr. ruled n-l favorltft/i. not HO mudii beeimso thn all-A hinri- n a n a h av e n 't a ojianeo h u t hocHUJio th e boMinir tfontry knows w h a t Ihn lx>ys w ho ,pmy fo r cnsh; ra n do. “*“ ■ Tollf-Klwn* Ifjiv'e I'oiiVr• Tim co||«*«:iu!jn »iavn thn m an IKjwor and the-Indiv idual a la rs to w n w ith , h u t tliij hlir tiiir»»tion la w h e th e r they havo tu« co-ordlntj- lion, team w ork ami ■wlli-to-wln w hich thfllr profennionul rivals havft proved they posnoss,

Nolilo Piircliio, h«a<l rmioiiOf the c^illPijinns. knows no t w hut fir«r^**”°^ his clm r«ea lindpr

T h e f lrn t (luarter will toll tije ato ry .” buW Ktxer. w e hohl thn Ilea rs in th a t pflrlod r ihlnU wn haVo a chance. O ur ninin prohlrm . aeents to b<. to stop N ntnirskl. Oiir hoys ar« in koo .1 c^mditlon anti havo show n fine sp irit in pnicllcf..”

tloorirn Ilalaa,. ow ner and couch of tile D eara. ro^ania the ffam n liii4 m -U s l- fo r -h l» 'te n m .-b u f - ro r '.-v irof piv)foaslonai fo4)tbHll,

I J N K U r .M ^ N NO CJ N< !K l> o ir iO A a o , Aujf. .11 <ir.i;i'-Pi'o|)-

ablo 4inoup« end .fnctu f o r th o C h i' cajro Dears^AM-AinerioanM /ootIjMll Kam« tonlR ht la aol(ili>r flehh **«•«* All.AiiierloiitiHIlftw itt M anske m orthw e»itorn)

I .^ f t one!Lym nn K rauae (N oJre Dtime)

I.^ ft taokJe Cnrlann W alton (P itta b u rc h )

Iveft £uard MlHer H onw rtl (M lchlirun)

C enterK opcha Jonea (In d ia n a)

T(<i;ht j;uai-d Muhjmi H ohw nm m eirO re. H tate)

niRfht tack le .K a rr Mkhidany (r it la h u r ijh )

(llR h t fin<l llrum huuffh C rlffith (Bo. Cniif._______ ___ Quarter>l>«ok^ranK u TCvbrliimlUrt fM lchljjiin)

L o ft half Iton rjin l 7>awh (Towa)

niK ht hair N ajrurakl - ■ M ikulsk- (O regon)

Fu llback O fflolaiai I^ofei-ee. Jsm en M ak

ner. N o r th w e s to rn ; ' um pire, John fleiiom m er. C hicajjo; flold JudrcW ilfrid- S m lt^ r 'D i i ruU w : 'hkai llneam an. J . ,1. Llpp^ ChlcaRti

T im e of jram e: Oi3fl p, m . (M ST) W e a th e r fo reca st; UnaettleU.

)robable slu)Wery. lu ovent o f ra in he (fame will be played t t^ o r r o w

n l» lit, . . . . . . , ,

t :SOFT BALLF in a l w eek’s Holinriiiio In thn nnr

ond .roimtl o f thn 'filaho lavonlii); T lm rs so ft ball lo ap io :

F ri.. Aii|f. 8l>-Iliiriii(Hi p iiric V an ' ICpjrelrn-Ilood vs, \\VHt'. em A»ita,ttrawr

WIN AVER SPEERA warded Forfeit Gamo, Tjioii

Annoxoa 7 to 3 Victory In Praotioo Tilt

nVRNINO TIAflCH I.RA(Uin Miw-ond ICoMhd

WW iley 's .......F le t o h n r O il .. I lr itn m v le k . . . V an K.'lltNHl

HiH'er'n ...............Wi\M(4*rn A uto C). C. AnderMon .





L lo b e r W h t t a ^ i h e a SenC jih Outfit WMl«'SeattIo

D « w m i 0#k li» iid .

T en n a n t hopes o f th e 61m-« s t to .tb e ^nffiitos loam tvuie a im lnt o r tw o t ix lw as the. A n; Weia’ mar'ffin ^ii'as : reau«e<l to tw o Jull jrariiea. • • •>

T he'redtfotion in the<e*fl found sHAU tat favor bn th e t a n k s of th e S ea ttle , club, n c a re s l b f < th e 'pum uera a n d KWe« th e b«a( o tp io e o f loFTillnir^the-' llv<ftl«st "R frrefration fro m Its f i r s t placd 'nonopoly. , ,

T ijrh t p tteh ln ir by D utch UebeV md H orm an P tlM tt^ 'tn y esterd ay '* ram es oheoKed th e upw ard ruah u l he in ^ a cham pions.

LlebeV. w o r k tn f 'ffti* tb a M ission Heds. Hhat o u t MfrJ A n n ie s w ith /it'd 'H it* . HI* rtt«tii« fAtmd N aiM n jm d ; H to itm W ' to r A i iw to ‘ w s tv A

O ftti

HUVVtHcH Ui/t.

Diatrjct footban eWUriplQna i to b«' aateoted by Nov. 34, except In the S ir Ten oonM^ende. :

iUembera<4M' mot ------------ -- -------- of

of-lhm Zw iiiM oe a u A n tb ^ y and

W iioy'n rinliihwl ita at'oonil round K a m ^ ian t nlMrht by annexin i; a fo rfe it victory from Spucr'n and ciinchinp Ita hohl on t/»p plu^:r In tho la t te r ha lf o f t h r Idaho ICvn- ninif TInieii lra|;iio achndulti.

In a pn irtlco Hit ajralnnt a com ­b ination ti:am, tho W iloy crow* look a 7 tn :i win. Jlonay Ilnok- ateiid, hurlisr fo r thn plck*up o n l- fit, iind Vey'-Oiiili, VVilny's moundfi' m an, allowrri only nIk n^can iiita apiece In lint flvo Innlnir rxlilblturn filaiiii.

M noijpn: W itry'a- -MuHr-n. nn; W arnnr, iJli; .Mwini, c ; VVimvor, Tb; Gerrlaii, rf ; p ; .lohniKin, nb;Cuwjui.- If •.-Woalni-jfran.-.cf. apoor'-a —)>loyd. ut\ n . WollH, Nye, if; CbUda, 2I»: Heelcfitoad, p; ,1.'Weil»i, Ih; KojifiT, Ilf; ypor-r, rf ; Ilnw ilt, an: Cojr»w.;li.

O fficial iicore - U II KW ltoy'a :............... OW liO - 7 (1 Itipenr's- ............... J i l l <12 :i (I 4

\'JVn^iii*eir - - I'Vuniz and Fonl. Roort'l'—-.Tarvln. *' '



Tourln.^ Stara Sohodiilod

Jubiloo Period

'JV ln F a ils ’ n()Wly"forii»id All- Htae liaaohidi tiiiiin will luittl« tlir D(!trolt Oolori'd lourliij;dliiiuond (ixiii'rtii, h»r<> .^lupl. r> on llin Mujrl'i C ity .liihllcc pWill'iiiii, II. WKJi annoiMicoii tlilii aCli'i'ritnn.

T h r claJiH W ill .1x1 iii»y<-(l III Mniuiin fl»il(I. aui»v)i'(ilii/r lo .luhili'i- chlofn ancl /oiintiK<M'ii o f llm Twin l-*ailH leant.

Tliii D e tro it o u tf i t ff^iitiirirU Bit; u m H m hh. ti fool n inoh pituh<T, wiio liaa lHinih<*d o i|t ,'!)) Iiomt' riitiM tliUi aeiuion. and A llirrt Moi'oin'iid. lim "w o rld 'a jfrra te iit coinntlliin ciilrlicr.". Tim Inuni jiliiyctl t<i o v it- flow civiwria a t Hurli'y tiiui Uupi-rl

PluyH K iinhorly ,T)io T w in K alla nla»-, •nrjranlzivl

Indtr w crlr, w ill’ m eet IClmberly JU 2 ;:io p .'m . S im tlay on tho Kinilmrly diuinotid in -w hat la ixioki'il an an eKi'.ltini; In tcr-o lty cliudu

I.jimoin(i Mtovtuifl, fo rn ir i^ nioundnm an f^ir Kii>ii)iiriy, Ih’ li/it- e;l -an N n , 1 hu rln r on Ih r miuiid. F ra n k W llllnm s and lt<‘a I>avl-s w ilt lie HVall<il)ie fo r r«'llrf duty, a lth o u t'h Davla will piYibahly hr flr/it Htrinjr c a lrh n r ar»d W lliianui wiii h'im<lle im ou tfie ld juimI. I.>iar|- in j' Influld candlilatcn arcv IVittii, "Hyl>" K leffner. Cly<l<t Uaidy, U.«d II u I c h i n a , llond an d nimilaH Amnnff litr outfioidorn, witii Wil- ilaiiui, will iliu A dkb ia , I'o tu .Lund- i«olm, Ciicnn i^eara jind i^hannon Duvall.

-TiclceLSale_Opens----For Jubilee Boxing

. Tlcl{«'t fell- till- M in :lc C ity , f i j r h l l u r d w i - n i n i i t l . ' r u ’i i y

w i l l i i i rn iih Ir id iiy . w i lh t h e ilu c i it ii Cilinjr t it II n i’jild lu '.rijiillnKto l.,(i|:li)ii iiiKi J mImIi' i' Ik -imIii. Mill (.'hlid In lii in d lli iK II"' w li lc hw il l rorin o n i' o f tli<' n p u r t o d r n i , o n l|ii> .lu ld l i'o

H r.m r.w l.-k ,- I V l | .» - „ n . l |h r ';W p ;.r t i t ' » ■ ■ * ■ »

Pei*i-y-BcKin5-Titlt Defense Tomorrow

.'.'K W '' Y O l{K , A m ;, .'11■r.'l l ‘.-rr y , I J i i t l o l l l U ' h l i I ' * <il' 1 l i<-

t . ' f l l l i X 1 i l l ' ' , V</.' lll i t i l lr<i ' ' « ( Uhi J i >> i i ' >n 1 111. i - ' o f -; i l l l l l l . ' i . ,N '.'V loriir .i n n

W' . l i l l . - II i ii .’J • )1' till- tlllM • i . V i v . ' i ' sI T W l l l ' l i l I . M I I I ' 1 l iV . ' . ' i , I V t T.V , ........ .

diiy iij;iila!*t <-’iirt U Mi'hvvfil(hni<it, [in uni.iiilinii jilayi'i'.

1 U’lul.'. r . ili illb ll- ,

fp IIW n illl.l lh i);' ITI.- iTfrrof (own m ail o h Iki'ii a re tiiU-t-n riiro of n t Itndliiliind,- uccix' u! l l l ( / l ) O U t N .


Many Ontboiird, S u rf nourd ^Ivoiitn Li.'jtcd Sept. ()-.

At Diorlco'ji Lake

h1 vvt


IlK- r.'iltiin ' CUy iij^rrlictiMivf

i<l .‘inrf biiiu'd conti'Uln will t Dlrrlio 'n liilci- T liiir»Iny. ■I'Cfitifl <lny <if till' .lul))|i'c, 'iiildly Miiii a n -


NKJW VOltK. ai millbflttinif' Kontry m ay i)e intejaydnd ‘ ' U» know th a t rxlda of woven t«) fTTTr x ar«i Iwlnir. laid tlia t M ickey, Cooh- '

->imia - a t»t-U w —Dottolt-^JUtfora—will d e fn a t tho W orld,,Chanu)I(in Now Y ork OliintJi in the comlnjr' w orid aerloa.

Thri odds m ay ap p e ar not only too (onif h u t p re m a tu re . c»»nB(cl<\r'- inff t h a t n e ith e r Ontroif nor N»tw Y ork lias ^seon offielislty Invited to U k e p a rt.— - - TlBren* K l t t t n j f .n o « • • ..........

H ow ever, it m ay do no harm U» peer a t tlie co rppara tlve records of U\o TlKora am! CUonla. n « tro lt nppeara to liavo the heat of It on papei', w ith aliou t a m onth to l'o, T he Tlffern a re h itlin jr a t a .SOR C llp - a renifirkahip avcfaflri for a itv cluh, and f a r .In acivanee of eithei' crtnt*>Ktaht In );iat y e a r’s Werfea. T h e Q lhnl bai.tins' nvers|fn Is .279.' «I^M e*n po in ts behhiA.

TM fl«y<lhrtf)f «vemL'iif< th e Tlif«rfl show ti definfn te ed 'cV. T h ey butvebeeh offtc iaiiy aomiaed of l i f t hunt ^ay if, ’ and th e ir nvV^ratre. Is .074. T b« CHahtj<' hav e com m itted /<>ocJcs/ /o r a m a rk irf .070.

P ro b ab ly , the m ost aifriflfiom t od(rn tho ’TiKflra havn ia in morale. U ick e y Cochran<^ lias hla hoys liustlbiff^ Hionff like a civic club i«f?m berahip drivo, ,

CiaviOiMMl .Y th ittrrd ay ^ th rr-T H m i-p o W ttT e

Che«'eianrS' Ind ians ' a', sm acktux 'a i ^ n < l tb liu iu M ra to ' th e ir atay a t L e a iir^ purk. Afield ixioretewi by ltf6n te ’ Peam on fu r six Ihnings, th ey tlc4l tho aooro in tho.aevbftth w hen Koffnli enm e In «m »«force» p lay an d w ent ahuad on Jo-Jb. W W ti'e aitiffle. Mcei'lnir’ Or««nb4rg', T h e ‘TlB®ni added fo u f tho paiit 'lnif nlA|r aiKl'W oii. d<l.

“ Iv O O 'O e h r ljf p u m |j« n l h o m e t w o *«• thtf f i r s t t o ^ iv e Now Yort< Its w lnnlnif ru n o ver th e W aattinrtop S e n a t o ^ . w i t h . :V « n u ) D 0«>tonB ^diJlay^FUt h tta .ro r> ^ < j^ .

Moxlcan • DoofniouH B o H o I b o

To -ilop Featherweight Ring’ Crown

NKW YOUK, Aui: '3 l il.lt» -T»n* f lra t M oxintn to. claim a w orid 'a )>oulnif ohatnpUm ship A i b o r t o "Haliy". A rlzm ondl, who liaatM iki' Ih’iloliie In a 11^-ronnd liout lant n lu h t -waH p a d y today to takn itn ail c.oinora in th e feathorw<il((lit cljiuit.

Thn ntoeUy lltU n M exican pluwoiV ind ripped Ida w ay thrn iicli tho

Now Y ork c la im a n t to thn w nrld'a Tiitn:mnrRrnwrrtrr-|rrriTrvKi............ - ......................... ..................rf iitron'o f tJ ^ N»<W Viirk^bAJtlnjf wminiin- slon a« tho a u r c n ii s o r to Kid CiiocoijiLn of C'uljii. Arim endi wels:hod 1 2 4 ^ . iToliolim 120 .

■l»Ln.r iiljiliT r iilc m prfij'i'iiin fu c iiii; a i h r l i . ' M ;

(1, : i t w .iii r<>ITIlcictl.

. lomt-h-;* a r c i ' X | ) c c l i ‘d from i ' a v -r l l r illi(c;i, H.iU'lc. n u p i T t . HlJl'lry,rdiilK. K iiilti a n d T w in F ailJ i.

'I'lu- w a t e r iiU i'H ctln tu i w i l l /il.iiil. ,o l :! |i. m ., w l l h 111.' .T u ltiliT ( lu c i'ii a n d h r r luiii< linai< li'iia p r r a i'n t nn Du- ''r o y a l barj'i.'.’'

I'lK tfim lvt* P ro g ra m Tlir' pr<>j,'nun w i l l In ciliid r tw o

a t id f in r - n . l ir lio iir ij o f ."pci-d c v o n lii , lU m 'in lltur t o tliir .T iin ior C lian il> i'r o f Cnninn-ri^i' c o in m U I r i ' In cliarK *' O t t o .H c h w a r lz w i l l h e In d lr i'c t irh iin io o f t h e r a e in jr . _i,'twliLiiraUu_iinU'ic;i-lu-Lhii..aiiU- liou rd r a c r u w «t <* r i‘< |ii«'iderl (o r la y to fllo n o l lc i i o f I 'n lr a iu - i! a t ttii' .‘l t d iw a r iz j f a n i j ic lio r r , A i i o w n c r i i o f fliilllni,’' hoa tji w i t h o u l lx a i ir l m <)t{ini w e r e iu v itiH l to c o iiu a ^ li; iu r D io i-x to n iilv i' llid o f p r lz i i i . lOn- tr l.ia w il l li.- ta lt i'ii u n t i l W rchi.-.'i-4hiy iilKlil. r>,

i<’o r ccm v tM ili'iiff o f t h r lli i'.in i; o f a iiccliitcJ i's fX iiiK -trd t o . f lo c k t" t lio luUt*. h 'a f f lc w i l l la- . l l r e r t c d by

atalf* t r a f l l c . i f t t c c r a n /il; ilr d hy o n n t lo n a i f j i ia n i . H .ia d a w i l l jic

f ip r ln ld f il . a n d ' a r |c i |i ia t c jiark ln i^ fa n llltli'f i w i l l ) i f a v i i i l i i l i lo , .liin i< ir C/liiinilx'i' l ir a ili i d< a:liircd .

T h o w a r ilc p a r li iH -n t i ia a .himiI t i i i v l la l i o n i i f o r , lild ii o n L’,()7U

lu ilf - to t i tn a ^ io i.

H o a s t s sVeal 7e VcalPork ■ I f i c PorkBeef 7C & 9C

Steaks sM

2 for 3 5 c 3 1 4 c ■

■S Wcineis and Mint ed Hara, . . . SJ HambiirBcr ..... ■ 8 C SS Lard, 4-lb. package . . . . . . . . . . . .48c a"'H cnc.— RoustiiiK ' 20C g

: EXTRA SPECIAL s: Frying Chickens .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c gS Btfcon Squares . . . . . . . . . . 14c |5 Crackers. 3-lb Box . . . . . . . .35c S ■JffO kJallX ans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■6c :-“ _______________________ :_________ ;............................ ................. — M

REMEMBER!KvKiiinr hiolidi Idaho

lliindi«'ap T o u rn a n m n t

GROCERIES :: Flour, Golden S p ec ia l........ .$1.33 2■ Corn Flakes, Pkg.' - lO C J

5 Soapj 10 B a r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -23c 33 Coffee, Vacuum G lass Ja rs ..............................28C S: Pork & Beans, Med, S ize . . . 2 for 25c S■ .Tissue or G auze, 4 Rolls 18c S

S Salmon, l-lb . Cans . . . . ; . . 2 ior 25c tWo havo p fop.irc d a lai'ftu uiii’.ortinout of cold tncnta

■ .an il otlior iu ^ id ay ploiiin iintl cim ipm tf J iilji^■ Icc Spt'cirtl, Pricoji. . ’



BIG SCHOOL saleDuring Th»» GKeat Treasure Island School Sale we are offering the Most Coin: plete Line of S^Kool Supplies ever seen in Kiinbor'y. These are but a few of many b a rg a in ' spec iiils t.

SUPPLIESWllt4«r tfJAl4irM, 4» « t of ll» .....................X

•1<r"«nfor«n~.T:.— -.7.' ilfHyoHH.SO <td|nr«......... ......Fro® M ow ingInk-' •.........■.................lUff ThIoU TahlotM,» fo r .'.'...J.;...............S chool bwffsfo r only *................Vucu. rUllMir K oua-(ah) l*o|i ...... ... •D ra n lh ir Hots.

' And Dbxcnfi of Oth6r •‘ArtldWb ■ Ydu w m t. «1 Prl#^ t<?yl

4 9 a

Part Wool BhmkoW 70x80, hi a varioty of coloj;;;!—'ioltl, ioi:o, orchid, blue. Bpccift!

Now putliijf Flannohi. All good quality , full yd, wido. .Variety of colo^, Jj.aht

’ Boya' Broadcloth Shlrtu. SIzoh 13'/j to White and colored. Hero'H a real hurgttio. ,

Smart Pull-Ovor Swciitonj for boy» uftd pirlM. Attructlvo'oolora. JuHt the thine: for tfchool ..

Watihablo Froolta fo r Girln.f? to H, in fftirs BmartoBl new 8ly)6». AiWti'i»ti«rf\il jjclcollon .

Oirlii' Riiyon Bloomonj. Thoy'ro attnuiUjai &. woll flnlfihod with oI:iNtia'vviriiit,& k iioo^ ......

Boys’ Caps. T hey’re ndjuutablo and oonio In drwsy pottemii th a t you \ 111 bo sure to likb'

SHOESDuiiiiK This Salp.rWe Ark.

Offorlnff tbo jl'.q ll^ log !

l i O Y S ^ X lS i tD ^ A N D 8 H 0 S 8HvHool iWft$1.29

a i n i . 8 ' o x ro B B B a n d -s t r a p s :;

. T lu -.v '« •

■ $ i .W 'I M Z N « . B ^ 6 e 8 '

Wo ’ fuwn ^ .,toV '-|»ilr or, mon’N 9i.W W

yomr TOATTO R V K N IN f: T IM K R , T W IN .PA L L S, in A I I O ' 7'>iilii.v, A iiu iw l i l l , lll:i.|

T H E m O i\|.0 (;)lA T IC n .A T l'^ O R MT h e re w ill lu ijt^ui'val ;i|i]ii'i>vi\l I'liv th e |ilu t.funii

lu lo jjted l)y tliu DoiiiDcratiL'^Lati' cdiivoM liiin iit I liiili','' .vosterday .

I t .a p p e a rs a p iia rp iit tliaL Id a h o D i'iiio fraey is al(>rl lo th e n e e d s nl' iho .stalL', ,thiU it w ill s e e k IViiiii Ihe f o d e n d Kiivin'MineiiL iiiily th o se I'aviii's Ici w liieli the e o n lin o iiw ealth is r i) ;h ll 'u l lji-e n title d , h u t w ill insist npn ji tu l l e o M sid e n itio n , 'e sp e c ia lly i.n thi^ m a tte r of w a te r s to ra g e p ro je e ts , n e e d e d d o s p p ra te ly to p re- HiM've its -irrig a tio n fsyst(.'nis. '

In its w h o le -h e a r te d e inh irse im en t ol' th e RooseveU im d -R o sa proK raiiis, th e part.y is to he eo iun ien 'ded , f o i- l t p rusenta. a Hulid I 'ron t to e n te r th e I'all e leetion . A s w as p o in ted o n t hy Sen . C hase A . C la rk in his K eynote addre.sa. G o v e rn o r Ro.ss, to r a ll In ten ts , has s e rv ed h u t one re a l te rm . W h ile .serviiii; lils first te rm , .he w a s th e on ly e le c tiv e I)i!inoera tie ofl'ie ial in th e c a jiito l, a n d w 'as e o n fro n te d w itli overw helm rni^ O ))position a t tlio hand.s o f a 'R e ) it ib lie a u lejvislatnre,

-B ndJn_alL 'tliO -.o t1 ier e le c tiv e .s ta te -o tt 'ieea ,-ex e ep tin p ; th n t .o f U c iitenan t-R oven iov . II' e v e r th e re w as ;uii|)le ex cu se to hrealc a third-t(,-rm p reced en t,- he c e r ta in ly iipponr-s to h a v e e v e ry ri(j;ht to do so now . . \n d , in i id d itio n . w luni th e p eo p le H 'jint. JllllL-J.'or__tliLLir^KU-V- (irho r, a s it a j ip e a rs th e y do , th e n an y ci'ilicism a g a in s t h im in th is rcK ard i'a lls I'lat.

._ Id a h o , th e s i lv e r s ta te th a t i t is, is ;dso jn .stified -jn-scoM nK -a-bctteii.pusiU uiL ii)j:.the_udiiL i^aiicta] in th e

n a t io n ’s m o n e ta ry .system, a s in c o r |jo ra tc d in th e jjla t- fo rn i a d o p te d y e s te r i lay .

t i n d e r K o fle rt-C o u lte r as state! c lia irm a n , th e ]uirly is c e r ta in to ’ he n iiite d Tni' th e com in ji e le c tio n . T h e o n th lis ia s in d e m o n s tra te d a t H a iley ;ni,niii's w ell fo r th e fu tu r e , 'a n d th e p la tfo rm i. one w hich th e jieople Of th e s ta te c a n e;»tlor.se w ith -c o n fid en e e .

I l l '.... ..

w h a t Ihiil1. lo 1(11.,»

ii:i will im I •t'l, liiil.l Inaln'l Imlly,

Itiioliiirii liiidn’L II vvnrTir'l.i ilo wIlli

Ui : i n iJi ii i J i l r . ' n . « t h r r i i r r ho nri ' lvc'<l

I hi 11(1 I

Hvhlii i(lv..T "rliM iiiiiilu n.lin; In ihi l l m i t y n hi-Jj

liiKl 11 ';.t VMir lii tilu I h c i o

_ luVni-lolcujUjiii-lliiilllLSyJy-IU-lu: rii i l ri ' il . iKiuliU In i; f l i r n i i r l i Mn l l l i i i : r v r r -..o f i i l i i t l y . ' "Nc j . m y ci ' ' i ir. vo' i ir l ll ll>« i ; l r t f i ' l t ' i i i r n J i l i : i n l » t a l ; o wiiu In ko Imi ' o u t <111 ' l l i x

wlili hlni - K.-lllnit' lumiHf

siinplv m ini palcli llic h’holc lliliifi up." l.ial>rl hnisfcil. ||< linr yoijr-1iny .l.'ur

Hyiv i i i 'A n d I ( h in k . I l i in ly In I n n i l t l y 'v c U iu l In iHir 1 y o u J u . U j n c ”

a ..C « y m w * ' ''y ntin<iyo«i iit lln : o tiiu r'i)I, ’"lOvrn nn w iM lnyii.” lu ll-; " W liy w o iih l l i ’l lio l»)7" J m llr liil ly . "u » lr l hnn | -W V U . H ia fn p r r f t r l ly iiw o n l nf

I, ile itr ,'’ t n i i n n u m l Kylvt^i wIMi I ( o ln r a iit ( ilr o f n iui liin n o r ln i' Itjn n fir . -Hf> - iiw n y;innl...1 (intI p i iz / l .i i l i ii i.l w o iT l.td .

■DK I'iy^SSIO N ’S C O S T I t ia e asy lo hu k HIi a b o u t th e vie'tim s o f the d e p re s ­

sion,;, e asy to say a ir ily th a t johlos.H n ien c a n liv e on th e ii 'B av ln jta if th e y h a v e b e en p ru d e n t, c an ^ e t helji f rn im re la tiv e a . a n d eun . ;d l iu all,..L‘gt;L-Uloujt-iium ei

B u t i t is a n tt le d il 'fe i\in t 'w h e ii yon ta k e a c lose-np lo o k a t th in g s . ^

Sucli a look is iiro v h led in a s tu d y .io.si. c o m p le ted hy th e TT. S. d e p a r tin e n t o f lab o r. T h e d e p a i in ie n t ’s rx p e rts investi’K ated th e cases o f 11)1)0 re p re s e n ta tiv e ra ilw a y em p lo y es to see w h a t h a p ije n s to a 'w a f ie e a r n e r w h e n h a rd tim e s com e.

T lfese w orkei-s lo o k a ;je h e n il 10 p e r c e n t w a g e c m ;in F e b ru a ry , 1 0 3 2 ; b u t s h o r t tiiu e a n d lo.ss o f o v e r­tim e w o rk h a d a lre a d y re d u c e d th e ir p ay v e ry n u ite r- ia lly , so th a t d u r in g th e fo u r y e a rn o f th e dc'pre.ssioii h a l f o f th e m h a d lo s t a s nu ich a s .30 p e r c e n t o f th e ir jneonie.s.

In 1!).'32, fo r in s ta n ce , tw o - th ird s o f th e se 1000 ineii e a rn e d les.s th a ji .$1,500; only. 18 ))er c e n t g o t as m uch as .$1750.

+ + . *■ _

M ea n w h ile , in a n y fa m ily b u rd e n s in c re a sed . Kully 200 o f .tho 1000 w o rk e rs to o k ,ioble,s.s f r ien d s o r re la ­tives in to th e i r hom es. M any.ot'hei-s m a d e ref;ul.-ii' fjifts o f ca.sh or.ErOC'criCK.to n e e d y fa m ilie s in then- n e ip h - b o rh o o d s .

So w h a t h a p p e n e d ? T o bejjin w ith , savin;;.s v an ish ­ed. N e a r ly a ll th e se 1000 fa m ilie s used h p tiieii- bank a cc o u n ts ; h a lf o f thhn i h ad to .saerlfi<'e llie ir ;n su ran ee policie.s.

In 11!> fam ilie s , a ll w ith s m a ll 'c h ih h 'e n , th e da ily su p p ly o f m ilk w as reduc(!d . T hirly-.tw n fam ilie s cu t o ff th e ir m ilk en tire ly ! N early a ll the fa iiiilies cu t d o w n d ra s tic a lly on t iu 'i r pureha.scs o f liu tte r, m ea t fvesh IViiits a n d ven 'e tab les.

H e a lth w a s n eg le c te d . In n e a i jy a tliird o f th e 1000 fa m ilie s o n e o r m o re m em b ers I'eipiireil m ed ica l a t ­te n tio n , h u te o u ld n o t a f f ii rd it. T e e th w e ie liad ly nej;- le e ted . I le ip ie s ts fn p n schon l au tho i-ities fu r ilen titl

-o r -m c d lc n l^ (tttF h ti< rn loi' clurdi'(M i-were, re p e a ted ly iRHored.

Lodfte, d u l l , a n d clni.rcji. in en ib e rsh ip s w ere d rop - J ie d . In 1U5 fa m ilie s a ll, .sub.scription.s' to n e w sp a p e rs a n d n iaK a/.incs h a d been can ce le d . M any o f tlu,'se p e o p le Hjji^ffled that: th e y had iio tlev en soen a m ovie fo r y c a fs! A s one m an p u t it, “ w hen .Sunday com es, V.V,,Mist s i t .” .

T h is , th e n , is p ie tiire o f Ihe hiim ;m cosi o f the •.depression . I t is V orH i ren iem beriiiK th a t th ese 1000

■ fnm lHett weiv* f a r l i i 't te r prepiu-ed thjin .mofil to m eet th e dopre .ssion ,’a n d .m iffered inneli le.ss tli.-ui th e av er-

• upro. ' _ , , ■ . , ' 'B u t th e ijic lm 'e is, nevertllc.des-s, a n ap jia llin i;' imc.

I t is, a s th e la b o r d e p a r tm e n t e.xperls rem arK , a p ic ­tu re o f “a s lo w ro tr e a t from re la tiv e sec u rity to w a rd deH titu linn “

II,illiln'l 1111

liiKl nollilni;

111! Iilni 11(■lit


1.1 you >11 Ili<

l . l ho 1'a ir ly 1:a n 'f iil u h a t >iho doiiii.O h , 1 Icnow . m y doa:r. w o a l l p miind-io> i»i(.«-iiiu i l - i a lo w i-d i'lu U -lf -V h u -t l l l > t i l o : i 1 a ro n >' t Icxihli111! — hu t tb o ;M ava! W .d l. o von I 1Ir a w t lio IliK.-j( I t t h i i t . " i m Id tij'lV l a v ir l i io i ia ly ,o ir i l l l i i I t ; t o ) Mi ll th iit iihii h a d h oon 1l l l l T l I ( W l l 0 r throM t la io ii d itr ln i: !

n i th o r In Ih .) n a l i ir o or d h if^ iih in i;a n d w l i on Mi l L iirrh iiiI'clc no t d i d n ’t 1

B 'lnOTrt' iillllinlc, wlion IiiiilH.l »tus

//Ird hor n irlhor. Tlilt u'an II iii'iw llimlir. rool. HilKiiiiillr WTTmfnTTnJTnrTrOvnTrTinniyrrriitiTn tni; rroiii th

...'•A nil j if t iT t l ia t ." S v iv l i i /In liih od

xs'hli (I lii iii: li th a t w in lllu t (liiilllc'lf n f U ’'lift.'I- IlK ll HllOrrtiii'itila 'r i'd iK ilh l iii; .’ ( ) l i , I Iciiow l l i ; . i I ln r . I 'v .- Ii.-iird ll .N n . r * . ’' ' h .a lji'l H iinin i; lo tw r l i ' c i , Hindi- Im ; il.' .'id y .

'•If y .iii l.'l Itcxdii liiiffrr fn r lli ln y iiii 'lu iil I iiro Ih n x iK li mi f i-lrn dn ."

" D r iir . d m r . hr>w n ii> )odru iniiU c ( l l . . (-Iill-l 111." in n V m iircd H y lv la lo ir ily . - r - . in io iiroiM id ixm to d iiy— —ir>

III) ll ic‘i-0 iniK' li . n i o l w i w .•'I iidiiilro you for your loyalty,"

Sytvlii iifitd w ith luiMd.'l.nm nwna- ni'!iii mid j;ciiMrniMii. ‘'Nuliody Idinwii hot'Irr Ilian I wUiil n Irnii ri-Irn.l yon am, Ihil, hollov.' mo. ynn'ni watdhiK your llmo llootn. l liii 111 itvldi'Ully <hiH'niilnciJ to lui

'I <lim'( l.cllovo 11” iMi.hdl iia ld ......j:n iv lip Ii>);rtlirr. Ih itll rh.iy

>. w atin 't I t? nlio lu i lr d t') U iiow . n i l ly n n t l l l , iin y -

v>.uy. liuct un vor U kiu l U .K v r iy lK .d y wim ti't iilu ffy . . . .■ •■Hut no.tl ycnr'a dinim .." Iimlinl h r,y in . niiiuill.Hl. ."Why, wo iilnu'ly iiMiiil imtrli tlic wholn th)m: iiji' U'ti nil iH) iiliilild. ,Vou w ant tn 'j:o to (ho ■I'lmiiUiiiilvhiK ihinco, don’tynii:

;n77n;ri 7int Jiiid ih a in y.iiril d irrrrm ily ." Him

ilrtililn--d h ir iitr or iitlidlfiil liinn li 'iiir and now kii(,1. t alnioi.t c.iO' lni:ly tn ih>‘ «tlntr r i r l . "Hnap out or ll. Ikalu.l. I hitvou'l n (hliMf l<> d.) u llh thlii arralr. If Urtc-la haii hri'u Indhtrr.iiM llial'n hor himlnoim. Why. rd hi- t'.lad' lo talk to Mni. r.iin .'l l ahout I t-a H k hor lo iilv.i llooiii aiii.lhor rliiinni.'*

"You ft-ciiild?- Ilont!nHyt'""Von. mily Ih n t—only th a t Hootn

wi’iil to Ihu n a rn la’i t 'n lc h t wllli H ardy, and .rnlin Fonudl iiiiw Jior thori’. If» all." Iliiliiliod Hylvlii tli u t.inii .\r iK^ntlo rcr.i-cl, "all ovur town thiN niornlni:."

"1 don't hcllovo It.** Iiiah.d know whai Mrii. Miii'hnni thouijht nhonl tliu itarn. Not th a t iiinytlilni; iihnrli- liij: hiid tivcr-happ.iiit’il llii'i'o—diily.' •‘■11. ........... i;lrhi In Lur.:liiiorlid idn ’t j;o thiTo. usually.

loul iho ir iiiniioy nhi'Ut IhJliK.tii Willi nukuil to ovory

thini;. H i t rainlly hnn livnd hi>rn lonu'^r than aiiyono uluu'ii.’'

\TyI7IirinTnwo7Tnn'i“"]f ' (li “'lofiU proroiMidly hnri'd. "I know," >i|io ifYori-d H»:htl.v. "Jhil wlioio doo.i II limt i:ot nil? ’I'licru’ii noMiiui

kldillhi: .youi-M.ir, diirllm:.Uuutu huu tdiDMin a difToront linn.

prohti.hly doiHdril ulurn jinl tn iintlilnir muu-tariilar to r .il no- inw.iduyii. Net th a t I th ink

Ih iH y wotihl fivf>r tak.v ht-i* «.t I- iinily. Ho’ii jiiut aniiiidiut hlmiielf."

" l ln o i/r lt: hiiniaUul otionjih tor iiy man ti> liikii iusrlounly/' liiiih<d Hid. with •heat. *’My counIn Ma-

>-lon—>nn Unow. thn n rllu l—i»Ud whi.ii idio wii!i lioro laiit yoar timt Hduiu liaii truo chuDilc Itoauty. Marlim ravod ahouf. Iiur.'*

H yhiii rontontod Iionmir hy nion-ly IlfLliii; hor tlnoly nrcliod hrowii ovtT her too-proniliiont, too- doiii'ly uparc.l lilni. ryoii.

“ Hi.'anyl“ Mhc iiald, d h ip o a l i^ n f lUioiii and c'ouMln M arhm rt-Il In h ria tli.

Moolu. anilh'd u riimway inulhi .ilil lilin liiidii't thii ralntoiit whi>ri' iihn would int hy

ThunkiiKlvIni', liiitho), ro|iiiliiiH| iiy tho Dthiir clrl'ii CTiIdnnKii and <lhi- ■hiiiin.nl. ri'fralimd rroin. iinylnij iiiiylhlnn uhoiit Hvlvhi. Hm lln n i,


in' lAiv n r till) A thrr tAfilR'i 'iior niliiil had t)L'i:n rhurnthi; iihoiii. t f iihu luid known Mint, «m Imr eIu[wu liiro. Ilootii lliiiii: horiirir down on ih<i llvlm : room conrh and hiirnt l»j fran llr. vvonidiiK idio would li tiin ird qiilrkly. An' It wnii, tlioy piirti'd wlIU II dliillnnt iioniui of ro- Mirvi'. alnioijt nnrrh-ndlliM m - "I don 't know wliiit'ii K'^HImrlnlo

nil! tho:io dayii," lioom ninrnninul at hint, n(nii:i;lln); to n nittliii; piuiltloii niid inoppliiL' hoc ntrm in- Im: I'you. •'[ look h pfufiTt friirht. W hat WaiiyiiHO iihoiihl conto to Hio door!"

Hill) hathrii} rodilnnitd oym und- Mtinlitlilonod hor (tiinMoil Incloi. How could I.'iihitl niMliTnlan.l th a t lior ailvcntiiri) laiit iiluht had lieoii 11 j: '» tiiro of (Ipllaiicn, dlrre tud at liiT. iiniMiiirit. Why, the Harii had

Id horo. CoupU'ii rovolv- I'ni: iilowly In a iimokh-ludon room.

ilirriTciil fond, aundwlchi-[i w ith

t i ia o w it h (in n ir ii ( oiiiuiiiino mi iilirw ait far fr o m fo o liiii|'. On tho von iii-dll. a millu a /ln n in 1lior laii. >10on tw o iitiiitll (li:iiirim la lhi< nil nilnot y o m iR M rn. 1*11rry Oonri! (1. niioo f th o U anhurnxoEi nnli'liliiirn llniitfcllliiid n n d n d m lr iid th o m il v o n iiv\vi>ul«n w i i b ib ij {I'DHh- r andth o fr ln i id ly n.viiil, Kriuiroi, ( ioor iioh iid hooiII an t'lillto r'li ai.ii|titu n t Iu-fo ro nn d n r io r hor n iarrliiu n .

■•llcilln , thnru.»' I-' ran n ii/ iiiii d o w nHill iiti>ry Mho h a d 1:lonn riiiidliiIII an .lhoo]{(in«> 1 to b or. “ I hour ynii'roh oa iin k ia !l» .r. C iiiiKs a n d Imvo In ncIiw ith nn trid ay . Wl ;d lovii Jr.'

nofiiti lio io h o d on th o arm »r iiioIm itorod w lr k o r 1iiriiii'Inilr " I ’lla ilo r o to . Huri-i yo u w ant nil i7"

riir.ro ' w ait «(>in ctlilnR ciinlUiiiiKlnj!a lm n t ho r to iii) iiiid K raanm ( ioiiruc>lovatcd nn tiuinlrl •Wliiit d ’yon ‘1 (If t

dn.Iloolii iihnu(K<?d Imr pifllty iihoiil

durti. J ."rha ()ld laillua-am -ufiuj-H m - lii-alp, I ’ln no Ii.ii« it a iiu'IiiIht ol tlio I,»rcluirji;k Jiiiilinii."

"Oh. th a t!” rraiiciMi lauiihid chporfully. ■•Woll, I doii'i.Hi'u ho\i you Hlood K nil loni; an you did JViiii’ll ho_iii!inl_iQm;_Dn(muli."___

"Y ou d o n ’t nnili.Tntaiiil.^’ IlKolu w o n t on tt'llh a i io it . of jray dL> Ih iiico. , " I w an luiki'd to nn ilu n ."

T h o y n u n i; w o m a n In ih o hliir- j ir in t f r o r k f r o w n e d "W hat do y o u m ip iu u if 1 caro?"' ulic i|iiinanil<Mi • T o l l m o ah o iw ll ir you w a n t to

lin t It d o t....... n in lt c r tn (ho Iran i "rono fro m lio r c h a ir ii( a id irlv li

11 n n o o f Ih o in n a ll rod n u llr ii llin iron . T im h o y r h l ld wjiu ho la h o rh ij ; th o 'j llr l-o lilld w lih n

hovitl.“ I nitiid n m c n u d w o n rvcnii th o

r h m d ," iilio im td c itim ally . lo tho i l l to r tK 'andal o f t w o lndli'» n o a r liy

ud :u lUu iuUi i_


Hi'ft j'rtU' lato lioatu WRiit toward tlio huiii

hmmuii with iiur liead Hold tiluh. It iinvii hoi* It IIft to Imvo tlio iiuit lor of hor (IhiKriicf* lakon

Iiy. Mayho ulm wni^n’i tho palii rmnpliUidy. after i

Hut ail (the piiHMtnl ii itrmip o| ’iiiinK pnoplA nt Iho idiouoru aov iral hftndn woro tnriicil nHliHf ('fiii' iiilly. Ju d ith Dovliii. wliom m)i«i

liiid known rnO irr woll m i.ohooi. looked HtrulKht ihroiiish — lookoil hoyomi hor.

Ciuno lOoiii;.'' Jud llh nu)d to (10 niiiiooti companion in Ii.'T

clour, pluatiniit voico. Bhu liniorixl llonla oontpli'li'Iy.

Tlio iflrl wont tin lo her riihlrii- her hoart Ikoutlni: taiit, lior hlunii rarlnir. Ho it won lo lio war tn Ihc knifo. wnn ilT Rhir wuiild hh»w thorn how iniirh - how lltilu idic oared!

(To Il4! C oiillnuid)

T h a t i'h w h y th e re is ju s tif ic a tio n fo r th e e.\-pendi turo o f fu n d s to re s to re fa m ilie s to a d ep re e o f .s e lf j '

■BBCurity, an d to e n a b le in d u s try a n d a g ric u ltu re to g e t b ack on th o ir fe e t so th e re s h a ll o nce m ore be n o r­m al conditions in th is ' c o u n try .

T he costs o f depression ilre too .irreat.



A L L O N ’ S


IC xcliinlVi Rvcntnjf Tim ' nn tho I<'Hiit-MovlnK lUvcntii In tli

D aily Itoport„ .................... thi* N a tio n ’ll

C npltn l by on ICxport Tnlorpr.otor unil C«'nunontutor.

(Copyrljfljt, Hy l*iml MiUlon)

K A I I . N T IC K N i n ’l i 11 I'Mlllll n u t l i av o hooi 1 a tii i-ri-W-A . s in .M ( ;T i : )N' ' r i iII' r a i l i ' oiul ; i i n . - i i l n i r , ' I h a l , a t o \i.’ «h iy; i l i i t o r .

, tvy 1i i »vo l o s t \iA o f ».UM 1',;: r> Ni"'W Y m i Ii , N ovV J h i \ ’o n mi l lbiIII 1-1' I ' t a l n t y rlilt iMiy c‘i I h o it- i>M , i t i irllMi-.l ni r i r i i . ’id a n looi l t h a t

l o n k i ■y him' i no T h r y H im hn n v v l ' ’i iti V'Mli o t l a i l r o a c h i "h n w 1. l l l i r i i l

■ I d i i y a t i in.'iiiilo r a i l ni l a p i . - It111

w o u l d h o n hoi - ai

u v o I d i iiKl i iiio I 'oa ti i

II I'll' Ilf 1

h iK wii i i oi . p o r a l l o n

'Mio • lolloii' l.< w a y I l k ■V h a v o hoo i i hiiIVO hoo l l i t oi t i i rl i l i nn : t h o N o w Di ' i ■ 1 fi •r noo ih •d r o - T h a t »:o n l l o h i m Volll h a v o I h o111■r hi t o l y w n u l ll il( I ' d l t r v I' ll l o m o , .ff, . ,>-i. . i n t h o N o w ' n i ' i i l o r ull 11' j.'i- iil iiii <if IIIII .Iv,V I-'no. iH i - h a n - i r a r n i im-t l o i iai l 1...... i l r o p p o i idl Oil IIiil ldli- ro],

... >i i l li) i 111 1 Ih o i i rld. MilI I ’n-.'ilili ■111 Koi)jii-vi • l l’a r - r i t ^ L

Y o u (in ly ha t u i;o h„w:k II ••N o luoroa.M i'il r a ti" i; n o w i.r K ,”

i i i o n t Ml d ilj i. T1 lo y w o n - ’ilo a r o ilid i ir . a f r a id In n ic v o

A n d w h o n th o J!<i v o r n i llOIltiiio .l A r in a i lo ia l lv 1lOipMII aild o p o n -n lo ll l .y id o iu iI.'ivV m t llr lIr th r4>at)<;l i i o y Milil.V 1.........oil ll f. t ln i i'iiin o o h ly . II n io n l:hii ,11)0 lo r ot iu iy u- m u i u t . t . l K iin n d io nonm i> ;h t o ' f l l 0 m ill, a jtn lm i>1 t ill • p o n -n liin a c t In <-ila u t .

T I KWi'ivr o i a t lv v b iu u p th o

D o a lo r ii a 1)10 i lo la y iM\ U o n t ima n v o f f i )r t ll 1 »{ot In ori-aii o il fli-oiirhiratoN . H ut n (i'W ih iy a a f to 11,0

loi) iiiiU u'lui flli-d.......................ppllod III till- It;<; lo r II fh it ton or I’oiit froljtlit ra to iMioat.Tlio.v l<novv w.ill ihi> r o o will ni>l

iflvo It lo tJioin. In fHot, th«r.' imvo ■ liH from Iho ICC iiKilfalliur

m ijorlty «if thi> oojnn»l«Hlon- orw In lioiui «i>l ii^itlnxt miy ln<;roiiHi< wimtitn.vvi-r. Tho hoiii nnpllciLtliMi in tli( faco o f lh a t Nlhmtlon waM. hdWovor, only p n tiln iin a ry to llio' iv iiiiy MtiikUiu I'U o r mviiii'jrN'.

dav-” If tln 'v llo. iin ’y "aw a voiy pi>liiti->l •■(lltorliil In II abn til Ion diiya aK>'. Thht o.liU.Vliil l.y Mr. Itonijovolt'H ho.it iMlvhior iiiihl Uinl Iho Now Doal lm>l n o t ilono i i i 'h t hy Iho rallrouihi; th i ll Ihoiv ahoiflii hi< IfiKi tallc (if j((>voi7intoiiL ovvnor- idilp; llia t till* poiiHlnn lioL waH loo iiiifitllv ronk-oivi'd: t l ia t n holping liMiiil uliouhl MOW ho loiit.

MliiitiltiinoouHly. Ilio-lxiVH u t till,' noillloal NWltohi'H iirro hoi>nii to lioiir niinoi'H tiiat M r., }<:ii>ilhiiot r)ii('lit roNlini. 'rhc>ii<> iiiiuorN uro not a a iv d it ix i , chiorly honiiiHit M r Iiliuitiiiaiv Iinow'M i i i o r o / ' i ih i iu l , tltn ralh'oaihi th an tho niili^iiadK tlo iand IliA Now i-nnnot nfforil to lothim K‘*.

Ni’VortlioloHa, It nil davotalid ln> III Mill m ain lilildon point lh a t a oliiinjro-ln policy tou-iii'd Hu* mil* kiiiiIh Jr n t Imitil. T h a t in.holpK ftiiroil bv iiH hi'iiiitlful a

vora nn t^ ir t 'p a rt

(if tillnmri would i v

Hi! a i iylllllio 111

p i ih l i( d t yno lu ' 10

) r o h a iily w i l l m il.t'r .: lj;h t.i u lu u ,-b u trooVi-inil;AllUnn id-

Hloin t o p r o v id eIK it . A l jio, Io k I.’i-"I IK'UHllin t o ri-K ii-

potlllD M .

KI.V , . \p |ia io n l ly

ti:ld tho (r iith thoH<

liiivn udvlHiul iilm tlUit if hii w anli

t o I 'illii)' >>0(1 III t i lo n r ln iu r y i.-iin ip iilK ii, 11 w n n ror ViHilod tn r h iy h y U iii noi’r .-tu r y <'l itulo^ii o f r io c . T ip - i n u i i i y w iifi ip o n t f o r p .i,'ila i;o .- itiiin)i!i. P'lllru,'

foofl a iu < H in lo-l In .f in , i i . j ijtm ii'd 111 tti<

<laln/ifA>-,| I'. M ix , J )'iii(i(;n« l. o o k ln i; n 'n io n lm it lo n fo r 11oul<;n- 111 ir n v o n io r . d i ll n m r l y a a woM,

■Mhi i.x p o n iio ii i im o in il . 'd I n 51.,- tl i o r p o iila ir o la a n ip i i a n d s:»,1.6 fo flllMi: fo o /i. 11. .1 1 . V m m ,,'- a p on JL’.V /.'J Il'ro i'k h u : th o .‘i.ii .u - i io m li ia l io n <m Mu'.- I l i - p i ih n i- i i i liid c c t .

Sp<>n:U i;:;inH It i:n»it n . !•’. I-'a it .lillOH.ttT t<

r iin f o r m im ln a t io n f o r K '-v o n in i A r lh i ir in n in p ' lld o u t »i;i-/„%.’l <;an ip a ij;n iti(r t'oi' l | i o / i . ' i-n - la r y <‘f jita lir Oflh-O. ’n i o r i ' l l T . i w l .a n p - lit K l l t lM l in a v u in i- lT iii't . fo r <lla- t r I o U ' i ' lK ' ' 111 t iu M 'il lU i l f h lr l c t .

l<Y.inU -liJ. M oo lt lo n l li io n o n ih n - l io n fo r . i t t o r n o y { jo n o r a l o n I h f U oin o in M tli; t l i - k o l a ft .-r , ; i|)rn d ln ir V^7l.'^ri. .Jnm oii V', A iln W o .-^pinil $;.Vlf).l7 a n i l w iin flr i il iilai^o In h i - n o n il i iu t lo n lo r J iiiilli:o t.ho ;.ii- pron u - I 'o i ir l . . la n iiv i \V . K i; il .im r kn it lo .M a r |;: ir o t W a r d lo r th'-

U i p u h lliii i i i n o i i ih ja H o a f o r n t a lo tro ip m ro i' a i t o r ' n p r i i d ln j ' Stll.Of^.

'r in o o U ’lio I'alhVi ' M'liioo candl(t:itoii, all uittiiiccofm-

till, I’ilod oxpoiilica fo r iiooldn)' tho . Hi'onnd- il'l }•. t V I I rop rn ii'n ln llvn iionilnallon. 'I'iioy vvoro Iv.nvla WII-

5 :1:14.:!.%: ' .1. M. I.iiniporl. and (;io r/:o W. Ih in l ,

O n ly <ini> i ln l la r ho.diU-ti Ih o f l lln jr WIIII C iilo r o d h y »l«!W -a r l O a m p h o ll, U o |i i ih l l i : a n iion il«o< - fu r in a p o c to r .o f in lm -« . H r a p o n t Ih o (loH ar fo r n l a m i m . 'T o n i Vo<.- n n v lllo d f !) |i i 'n iio a n t H o w i l ln 'p r o /j im t Ih o U o p iiJ iilc a n p u i-ty . fo r

K o n o ra l a t t im jron n r iil

idlflalim fo r dln- VrliTl. io'l);.-- i\Un\: Tiu> i;»»aidnlvH anil Ihoir ‘ o;cpnn.'ii-/. ' \/o rn 'I'. 1-J. Jiay . 547.fiO; hriao M eD oiinall. 5171.7^; A. H. WIIUIo. iiiul W. C. U iifb iJiirrow , j:!fSll,no.



Im l.-Kt qiili-lly Jv-lurjio Ki'ai-ial m ay Im

rid <if Ctonornj Jolm aon ill lio liiui lo llo IH Inducn co rpun illim lo offot*

il ltu o

n il Id KichlH'rir i-n lio iiniiiniiii'<'4l »ly - (linni Hlinv iniilor \Vay. Ni

wor« liny iu<»r<•liMKHioo projo

<n\o Uiiow tt\or lltan thn-o.

I Mooms fiml tho V \ \ \ Ini _ w oro lly in to tw oaly rllloH and Ntarloil Hliini oloaranoo p ro jiv t w lthoiil lo ltlnif any of llio r itio kiiou' alMMil II.

'I'lio ri>aMon U Hint Iiind lunht ho limitfht. Tho rU 'A Iuim fannil Hint. lIH HOoll tlM U llllnOlilM‘4i|nin_Hrunni£i^Ur<.iootJj|luLurk»a^diM'l I'P' l ‘ro|H>r(y tUvnorM

111 i i l i im i wli o r t l i .■H Ih \ va rl ( li> if 4MI 1 l>y h n KooH l a l o o l t

ni» i in>un«l '70 |m<i l i i ni l In'! imsmIm iMi fo ru

W ith

U'-tl»ioiM'rly U \

No M r. l o l Hohonio U'lioi loH lu u l hiiyk 4'i>nt o f tli.in iith liiu ' iiMV M iuiotniooiiirni. t h a t nMU'h Itiiiil In h m u l. Iio cun o iin ilt'inn tlio roHt a t IiIm o ii'ii p r iro .

N^riCH' ', Y o u liiui Iiufoly lay a l l l t in h itl t h a t n o r K iiro ro wlH Miiortly mi lo n o t a now ( r r n t y .o f fr lu m fu h lp w d l i Ihit V a llo a ii In adv tn ioo g f tin H a a r idofiHoniL l l « ii'»poH to MwJpjf tfio C u lh o lto voloH tillin ' f tn u m d to q o rn i iu iy . T im h»HOf lio ro Ih t h a t • 11 w ill ra il l o jfo l tlio t ro a ty .

Kt ionilH 'n r 'I'l-oAlilrnt llooHovidt^H fo r in o r advlHor, t-TiurloiiTiiiihhIh:. ai-i* (iftnm 'A liilH ltng' iiin i on Hio n o w C iilu in t ro a ty . *H c o u ld lu ird ly havi* Ijpoh Ji6 l to r fo r b ln ino> laHHoii ro n ip a n y .

H oi-nard )iitrii(!b'M fo r ll iR o n i ' Inif i iu io i) lo u r iip h y m a y n o t t « ^ a ll, b u t ho Ito p t Iwo^ H tnnotfra-pliKiH. huHy In rohiyH taUlntf It down durin if -hla reodiit lOuror poaii viioatlnn.

honiild UiolU>i>iK’i» URWHnatu

H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City £? Coj^ntyAn aiAiwjwl rrom irUoM of Tb«


IS Year* AgowAniiwi’i'InK tbo nooil for tm-ijor

(piiirtflr/*. Dili. W y a lt utid Urown, pro jirio tora of* tho VVlOUi CroHH UuHiUn-iUHii—Im vrt— p u w Jh tn n w t- honu. of l>r. W, V . HlUo a t 'r iiiiil Iivonilft n n rtb . luid nfto r ex- liouiivn nlloratlonH will opon niudot-n ’ anlliu-iiun w ith ucuom*

, lU iM luH onu (tw t o p o o p lu In hUvvI.

-I.. J. Hriidloy, fo r tjio .lim t tw o ly rarii iimnaj>i'r ’ und buyiir of thp Hhoii d o p arlm o n l o f Hinululr'M am) p rio r lo tim t nuintiifor of 11 Mllo aUiro in Om niui, Nob., will opon a n ' oxidiiHlvo wonion'H i(nil oldl- d ro a ’a, Hhoh Hlnro ul>ont Oot. 1. tho hnlldlnir frvm orly (lociiploil bythn H hnp 'K lo liio r a t ' i r H ' 8lif»ttbr»HuH troo t n o rth .

27 Y ean Agot l . l^tnkley wlui tu au

voyintf /i)V Um nsw olecti-loai lino to L 'onluct Imw bupn viditlnk' lit fo r tho pudt fow dtiyii.

'M ortfiui 'H ^a p and FrunU liny* w to tl ru tu n io d M onday from >ibort L 'ip to B ull IJiito City.

A m a tin g . N ew Invention Prevettts Great Cause, o f Blow-outs at. High SpeedsTodny, unless ypu are protected, the dnnycr from Wow-culs U greater than ever. H ieh speeds and smaller whceln Bcncrntc terrific heat Jnaido the tire. Rubber nnd fabric sepa­rate. A tiny blister forms and grows bigger until BANG I A b!ow*butt

B u t don 't worry nny more. To protcct you, cvety new Goodrich Safety Siivertown has tho amnzinK Lifc’Saver Golden P ly th a t reiiists intense hent. Rubber and fabric don’t separate. Thus blister* don 't form inside tho tire. The great, Un-

'scencauaeorblow-outsiseliminated. r;;rrr'!Enjoy.;ihp n n cc l^ T c c lio g p f se- . ^ curity every time you sit behind the

wheel. Get more jnllcaBc than you ever got ou t-o f tii;es before.

Decide today to put a set of Golden P ly Silv.ertowns on yburcar. They eoatiiom oro than o ther standard tiresl


vW hen y ou b u y ■ O oodrich-J Siivertown your money U u fe .* BecauM evw y Ooodrich Sliver*

town paH ciuor car tira is fuUy euarat\te«(l n r 1 a monUii (bUM' neM use. 6 mnnUii) acainit •ccldenta) damage due to cut>,

. . , whc«lB o u t of t ami ordinary wear

B u t what U mord lmp«lHant« w h e n 'y o u buy m Q uodrich Siivertown you m ay he Mvln^

Cr life. For every BUvertown the Ooklen P\y tha t pre> teetji y ou from h lg h 'tp ee tl

“ >v/-ouH.

y f t ? .


Tho 'I'Wln KtklU TUlu onil Ab> Iruo t c o m p a n y t o . l r u » i « -

iiot huiilni^SH it uimMiinuoa, J, W, .Stout tuxl M rs. NuiH« Itublnimn 4ir«y tht« s to ak holdem and have

implot<> abatrito lii /o r both Caa^ hUv HUd TwUi K»U» covuUlvH. .

O o o d r i c KS i l y e r t o w i i


B A R K A R D A U T O C aOhrjr«lor i PlymoBth .‘ , ,i ,.; i : {'.Km U'I,

V'riilJiy, AiiRUKt. HI; inn i C ID A H O EVENING T IM E S , TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Page Flv^

o c L e t( j j

V,'. € . r . IJ. IIOLDM riC 'N H ; M BKT

Mi*iivl)orti o f tho W iinH 'ij’H Clirlji'. Him T<iit\|ioruiiuo Unl<m liotd

nic siirolliii.'' thlH urinnionn iil l|i» co u n try lioinn n f Mt-ii. Ul/ihiinl

Followlnu' Uio I'Jl.'IO o'ulo(tl( liiiiolii!()|i. which wiiH iiproiid

U luUm iawM ttL-lltii^-K ULtion coiiLoiit to iilj 'h ti 111 Oi'-

Uiniilri-, hnr willl)oj;lii thd nnxl a t ;the‘ rtt-.onullon > Imll whluh tho .liuiloi- Chutiibffr of Commcroit In tioiiii)' III Hhiiilowliind. comoH li«r ooroiiatloll i«l 11 a , »i. \Vc«hu^Hiliiy a t Ihn fctu omi- tor.

J i i i i l on it h o u r m id ii liiflf I u I i t iihf! w in Imvft 1(1 |)r»’nl<1i' ovi?r tlto u r in iil p iirad o . Mho w ill Iiitvo to i ip p i 'i ir III Iho h o iu ni(!oii a l DlnrJ{o’M Inkit a t p. rn. 'rh ii in - (liiy a n t i titkn j iu r t tii th« lu tir- cliiiiUM' fu ll (i]iii»lii),'' a tu l a ty lo iihow ii l h a t I 'vnilnj-:. Couii'M tii iiiul m in o r ovj'iitji w ill o la ln i h r r u tlo i i t io i i a ll tliH iii |;li tho fo u r (lay ii iiiHl h r r intllvltH 'Ji w ill hit i:lh>iaKi.'<| w lit'i) ah n n ili 'ii o v r r

C ity rij|in(;hii," tlio jiii/'o- u n t . b c h iK . prm itiiitod . li’ rU luy cvflnlnj;: j i t L in co ln flolil.

On«> H ro aO iiiit; K iu'll - O nly (tnco <hirlnir tl>' untlri' .Tllblh-n will uIk! h r rellovcd, an<l th a t Iji'w hon an unknow n TiXHii Falhi hiirilniMin inail In ^o <lrpotw her fo r a fow in ln iitia (hirinir IIh> Atanli Orii.-i pnradr. HIvi'ii a f te r tho .Iiihllou ht-r w ork will n o t h r (’oiiiplotii fo r tiht* la to hu Kont to tim Molm! c ili-b ri- tIon a c p t. 13, M JUKI \r>.

O ir la w h o w i l l c o r f f | ic lc lo - nijrht. f<tr th o . hon<n- a n i l fo r Jhr w o r k » r i!: l^ o iv it liy U a o r . H h n- i ih o n c U o l i ir y o h ih ; J l i t r r lc t D u* Vnjl, \T w in F a ll i ' K lw a n lj j o lij l); I > ) r o lh y T>onn, T w in li’a ih i lU iii- IniOifi a n d P r o fo iif ilo n ii l W o r n -

Miiw A/jiiiiu‘ ianiV.M wVis V’VinViT,,!.. ii""" ii.^^uvvui., i v i i .In ilc .-p r c o i . lu llv . . . ' Ti-I.nii Am,.r;lcii,; |.CTIW; W m iw.r

■ pt'i'Mlflontr profllilod n t h' l)lIjiln»:jiH niootlni; iincl p ro i'ra iu ,

lihnphtiiilKln}; thn prouran i tonic <>C ••Child Wnlfaj-fl and Hucliil Mo- ra IJ ty ." ‘MrH. John B3. llayoM, proHl* <huil o f th*> Tthilio ConRiciui of l ‘iir- •mtn u nd Tcuishora. ^nvo u ta lk on •'WhaL M y OrKiinbJilkut la i:>olnu fo r Tontpornnco,’' a n d ’ M rs, V rra O 'l^oary iip<iko on tho ‘‘Jlohitlon of ftc)>oolH to Ttvinporancfl." .Mr«. I. C, HChnoldor l« l ilovoUonulfi..

JCIr>ctlon'of offlnorn riiaturrd tlv hii/dnniiB nicollnff. T lun ytmr'n n laff Included: M ro, Jdii J’orlorfluld, proNldont: Wrii, JOhlor vloc-proal- «lcnt: Mr«. llc tjla h Oondyluiontv!. niicrotary. a>id M r«. M ary Whito, Irraa u ro r. .

-• * * . HOItOktlTVK N TK U TA IN A T HHI»|'ICIl •

A Mtivon o'^tilook HUppor followed hy hrklRo wan prlvaii limL n ljrh t'h y m nnjhum of thn DoUii Qiimnia Jinr* o r l ty lit thn Orunjrn Ijin tn rn , Klin- hjirl’y. Dflffh ncorn prize wiin won >)y MIhh Vlrir^nliv Uiw ronco aud fiocond l>l|{h t»y Ml«n Botta M«> CItmry. Chioatn worn pronnntnd w ith cornui'nii tlnd w ith brtnizii, p ink ftnd mu«, th<' rolorn of th<' aororily . r iiic o curdM imd talllnii alBO f«nitiirod . tho oolorn, Oardnn floworn <lflcorai<v| tho roonin.

fJunntn w oro. M1hh<ih VliKlnla T,awr«-nno, lOniy IvOU HnilMi. I'lvnlyn •tcnklruj, U ulh Unud. n « tty Mn- C inary, Muxlno n iickonlln , Wlrlimi McKnll, Kriincon W hltn. Vlrj'lnln Hm ith, VJftl«,.-Cook«. R u th Tuvlor. C alhorlnn llanon. iill of Tw in Ftilhi, tuirl Mliiii Carol Cochrn'n, IlnKolton

Jubilee 's' Queen W ill Find BusySchedule A headTh«v <mi'iiii o f Uio Maijin C ity

Juhlloo, wliooviu- who hi, will fliMl, Jin nil (pmoiui o f flollon iii'iini to do, th a t thuro aro dl»i- adyatitaj;i'iM i« woll a« honor in rrlKulnir. MI«h Ma;ric City will hrt a very luiMy (pmrit «liirhi|r tho fo u r <!iiy»i In w hioh- idin will rlihi o v rc *IVIn I-'uHh

IlontflHHdH w »ro Mi-(i, Mnr<ihall C hapm an nnil Mliuit'fi 1-^a TIniin,

-H rlr-rr\V tl»onr-.»nnn-M iixw nH rM nrr Klhm llrow n, Hut)» MoUnhorta, Vi­v ian Rpi>d, Miir.lorir^ W uriitor, Mao A lvord and H u th Miilh'r,» Hr #T W O MINOUKONH H<»NOH MRH. CIIIAI'MAN

ychniclc. F llor KlwanhJ cluh. and M lnnio F a it , Huhl Khvanhi club.


I Suburban Churches TUI.MltKni.V—MKTIIOUIMT

(}, I. Aiuh-itwii, pa'iitor 10 II,‘ni, .Sunday naliynir”’^

nion inihjdct: "The T hln«a T h a t llm illy M atte r ." MUh Anita Rob- ortH, tudolat.

7 p. n». Yoiinjj' | ’(‘onlr'/t iniKd- Injj, Miilu-I NorrlH. h-aiior. •• H p. nv. Ji:v»>nlu|; w oinhlp. H<!r-

Hion mlbjitot; “'J'hi! M aryMai:ilal<'iio.*‘

H, |t. ni. M onday , <!V(inln;r. ‘>r- •#ft*irr1rtJomttnTrtrctinc." —'.... "

Filoi' Circle Fetes •' Hall' Do/oeh'Guosts

i''m jsr(i Ani.'. .’ii) (£t|i»clijii .M i x . fJ la iid i' l lu r f n u t n <<ntin'lalm :.l n i o n i l in i i o f H t lt c h a n d C h ii t t i 'r c ilrc lo a t h o r h i in io T h u iH d a y i i f t - i - i io o n . ,M ('vonto«'n n j iu n licr /i ( it t" m l- ('d Kiul h iu l a ji t h o ir ];iii'!iUj M r«. O iica r lIiM T lck a n d ih n ii fh tu r . M in i n i 'r i i ld ln n H o r r lc k ; M rn. (< n y I ’u r k . M hm f-olti C r e e d a n d -M lw i rn u lm ' R a n in n y i’r. D i i r ln c a buJilnoiin iic.’t- id o n , ^ In l. lO h ilf H w aiw ioa w a n «;1(K‘1- od v ic n -p r o /ild iin t , T in ; w h i t e r l.;- p h iin t p r l/.r w o n t m M ra , l'JUd>’ H < -lnrlrh . M inn L a V i'r iu t I li ' ln r l id i »iiyl M n i. td u N u l;tn u » n . a c f o in p a - n li'd b y .’M i a. l l r l n r l c h , fiiU nrtiihK -ii

1th v o c a l ia d o c t io n ii. A ft i- r a no- c in l a f tr r n o o n , v i'fr c iih in n n t/ i WL'ro* iir rv n il,

Thii Chil) U’l l l - In i‘«>t .Mrpt. i : i a tth(! I)(un<! o f . M n i. N u l / .n ia n . R o il

a ll w il l h(! a n u w c r r d b y n a n iln K fav<krlti? n u l lo j ita ra .

Doctor R e la te s His Own Story

it up lets(jnic)i(jo. Aujf. ;ii ii:.i:i luo

o f n r . AVhin Roy I)af(!c <>f C il- luiidiir, OiV.. (iairh(M>n a "n'K ht- n iaro” »ilni;V ln< w alked InUi tlin lllll(> ulonnii lionu! and foiiii'l two tiny I'lVliJ I'jiaplnK "n tho Ijcd w ith Ihm r yoiini' niothi-c. )i" iiiiya In tlm .llturnal o f Aincrlcnu

M u - -

Murtaui^htUMi'a (.'hrlatlan Ti-in| ini-f TiK'oday aflo ri M«'tho<llat' l-'pltiiro|ial

- r r

.ion a l tho diiindi. MliiH

poatrhrii lh< lo tu i'M id W i'ih ii 'iid a y i l a y ( o r h«'r lioii^< In , T r iM U on lon , t(i h lti .b ou K i. . I .U a h . H h o him a p c i i l iK -vcritl w i-n k a

M.'Vi'ral t r . a i w i i i i II I 0 1 ( 1 w r r o '‘I'd'.'i’. M n*. K a r lk iiK ck i'd o u l .w liitn t hr. I lK liliiln jr fh>nrn. . ,

— Jo*j—farin. T u rad ay i i IkJiI. . ••hlMrrn, h-rt fo r tlu lr hoiiie In Iiii

Mliin .loiicphlnr J-;illii I r f t M on- p rf la l vallry , Calif,, •j;iirji.Jay. Tliry

lutvo iip rn t th r MDiiiiiuir hoin w ith Mr W rlj-ht'ii b ro th rr , K, K, WrlKlit.

l<;iir<ipran ('oiintrlrii ait l.M M 'rnilury.

a r ly aa thi^


'r u n c n il jifTvlcra fo r T hcln ii..................... .. ...................... liitllo Miidacn, dniiK bter of Mr, iindMrM.-W, Oi‘i‘ phHpi>mi>'i»nd-M ru.'M rii. A ndrow Muilwun. will U chald

II. L. Robortn i>ntftrtalnml a t two Hundny n t '2 p. n\. a t th r Motho-

. . r

i ittra o tlv o hinohtfonti thhi wonk tho Chikpnuin honm on Unvonth uvi^nuo ctiflt. M m. MiirMhull C hap­m an. w ho w iui.fonnorly Mlau noro< th y ParaonH, wan honorrd trutiHt PrlzfH lit tho WiidnPHday lunohcon ■wrnt to Mrn. II. A. Roynokla anrl low to Mrn, W . P . Muncy. MrH. n n ic o JohnJion roonlvod high ncorn prixo yonlorday, and, Mrn. R. W. lloo<l low Bcorn. favor. Mrn. Chap* ju u n rAcialvAd a kuokL pritio. 'Pwon- r:^ KUohLh woro nntnrtalnod oiinh d ay lit rnoinA d«a:orut»d w ith ahiulnn nf rnnn nnd pink. I» w howlii of roHo potuninn contcrod tho

■ * Vr

AT IIKIOAKKAHTMlnu I>ahrl OrMin ontrrliiln(«(l

. her SuniJuy. acliool . cluan of .tho 1 *ri>Hby tcrlm* ohurch y«mlenhiy. Thn i;lrlii hlkctl tu llio Cinton coun­t ry honto (ind reinalno<l for tho n iornlnif iifto r proparin it Iholr b ro ak fan l ovor an (uxm firr. Mom* hum prcHonl w oro Mina'AnlliV'WflH- cn tt, loiichor, M1k« PoifKy Ottv- anNKli, M iidcllnr Hruck«'n. M ary Ifurvoy, M iiry F ranofn Uutoii. Hot- tv . Ilay* Uurvoy, A rhm e' Hmltli, .loyoo M lllor and Oitrtrudu Mud* dUiK.

. , U tf ,( 0 IX )H A » 0 0IJK H T8 IIONOKK O A T DINNRK

C. P, DowloH nnlartiiinm l a t d in ­n er n t hlH homo on P oplar avoniio Inrit 'n l),'ht In honor of Mr. nnd -Mr»i. K m l W. KlmpRon and ohil- • ilri'n. CoUmulo HprinRu, nnd Uav. W. A. Mooro. S tinm er, Wunh. Mr. Hhnpnon In hiniuiKtir o f tho Itobln* tton O rxln com pitny- Hav. Mooro wiiM forino rty pim tnr of tho loonl ChrlNtlan church . O thorn prenont wort) MiNfioH C lurantao und Chnr- loltoo nowloH. '------ ------------------------------------

M o 'n i r i i - w - i j v wIIO N O IM lUWIQNT U lllO K

Mr»i, W. CJuy HmlUi ontortnlncd u t a law n p a r ty and Hhowor 'fo r h r r MiiUffhter-ln-hiw. Mni. C. O. HiulLh. forinoriy Ulu I,Iurdyi T hurs'

■ *hiy aftorniMin. T h ir ty tw<i tfucatn A'oro prcBflnt rm»1 Mr«. colvod niiiny delighiriil afti'i-nooi) wan Hpoiit Hoolaily tho hoNlAXfi norvod r«frcHhnyint<S^

• # it * .•I. V.IIOI.UH KKNHIN<1T()N

Moitihoni of Roya). NulRhhorH* .T. tiUtb niflt n t thn homo o f Mrn.

.1. 1 . n rcono on Thlrtl avcnuo ouiit yi’Htorday (ift<<rnoon to w ork on tw o HtitH'Of iiohool RirlV olothoH, r club ' projflot. Ton momberj* a t ' It’iKh'd tho knnnliiffton.

»SlHtflrn Pniit C h lefs^alub In ciUI' od fo r S n h ird o y b t 8:00 pi m . In tho C ity p ark . Orriaoni ro-

. ()UU«L al) inem lw m and ni«\M (inndtcJateH to A ttend . Plan* will l>o m adn t<> u lte h d D>o O m nd

' t . l 2 . .

lint Epbicrpiil church . H iir'al. \v'll ho u n d rr tho dlroi;tlnn of Ih r r^vami itnil .lohnjMin m ortuary .

FItlK N IkK A ltltA N (iF ,H l io w r n t rO R MIKK AIIK.RW

Mhun'H Mary. Iilllon and Ilnddobk onturtiihiod u t u hundkor- chli'f nhnwor for MIhh I^uollln Ahnrn lajtt tivnnlnjr a l t l" ' 'r homo In tho Rood apartnioniH . MInm I>o Ih Hulllvan wau an «m t-of-lown jrup.nl. A f te r II im)oIh1 ovoninir. rofrcan- mnntn w«ir« Horvnd. (^iiiriitii, bp- nidoH th e honoroo, w ere M hiH irdrn Porrinn, MIk« Flornncn P atton ,'M Ikh TrrnnrTayTnrTtm~Minn"HinitvnTT—

Apple Picking Sets New Early RepQrd

probably • th«' •.............. ovor to Imi oonductod t>nTwin FallH triu-.t. b«uan u t thn .T, If . Soavor oriihard today. Rlk' plckora ntnrtort ' w o rk thlfl“ n io rnini; on hin curly .lonathanfi, t und packlnjr liojrun thin a f te r ­noon. Thn firat load will |:o U> Qrooloy. Colo,

Addrr»mni by 1), 10, Hmlth, (.IriU'i’o H rciix 'r and \V. A. Urliin cnmpi'i<“‘d m ain f r a tu n 'a of (h( inirotlni; of tho .Irronx! R otary i;hi)>, hold Turnduy <'V(inlnir ,h> Toiy'ti <;afr. Kmlth. .Irronio cnunty a / 'r i i l , iipokt' on nmttorH portaln- in;r to thr-ijoviM nniont tlrou th r<?- Ilrf phuui. l i r r n i r r rxp lahu 'il plana fo r tho rr^lm |)ilitatlon w ork for Joronio rjtun ty . A irv irw of liu- Horlanl ovonla a l th r ic r rn t m ri't- iiiir in I 'o catrlk i, hold to a ffocl a A'li t_i'r_oiivhi(f, wa/i m adr hy.U '.,. A:.!

T I i'Ihii. a* la rj 'o (li;lrjfutlt)ii from Mhoahono u ltn n d rd tho nu'(‘tln i'. < S rvonil v:»;al duola by Hhoiihonr m n i wcro on joynl. I

A iiuiiihor o f ilrrom o n irrc h an ta , foriiiiHl a ca rav a n of cam and allond i'd .Irrom o day y oa trrday n t tho (joodlnjr rfntoo, ' - •

NO FIGLEAF !'C IllC A aO , AUK'. ;il (I'l!) T h r .

Wind hidw It off. jThat'll tho dofrniiir Roalla

Rtiyco will o ffe r whon arraljfii- | od In wonion'/i co u r t on oharj;i‘a of danclnjr u t tho W orld 'a fa ir IiiHt n ijrht mlrvua h r r fl/jhiaf. «ho wan u rro a trd by tho expoal- lloh'a ccnaorit.

nfilayln;^ <11 ly’ l<i riMiuilri! hlu '( ;o a t . th o l in ja -c p a r c d d o c to r h^ a p n l I n to a Iiu IMm u i ;a l i iv t . t l n i r a n d m itu i'r . l l « iilio u tiu l o rd iir ii n t n in ld w lfK . I.li; ii t r r il i / .- (!il in a d i' iju iito In a lr iliiH m lii. T |r r ip p r d n a p k h u i a n d aho i^ lln jf f.oj- / iw a d d lln j f <;lothn«; •

]>i th o o n ti h<i H tood t r iu m p h ­a n t o v e r t h e n o w fu m o i ia D l- oniU! « |U h itu p lo ta . h u t w l t i i r a o h o f Ih itm .I h r o u to iiU ij; t o htavi'i l l f r I ih n o n t h<)foh<> It w a a b r |;u n a n d w i t l i th i' lr n io th r r ''j» rn ii 'n l- Inir th o a p p r a n u i c r o f u d y lu K w o n w u i."

< !ry ln K V IjforoiiK ly " A ll o f tJio bahl<-u,” w r o tn D r .

l .)a fo o UN h o d r a c r ll ir d Ih o aco iu '. “ w o r o b r r a lh l i i j f « n d c r y in ir f i i lr ly v ljro iv ju a ly f o r t lu d r nlxo.1 d l iln 't a r o h o w a ll o f imMn' c o u ld po iw ilb ly llv»;, Jio I b a p llz t id t h f in n«‘p a r a lu ly .

‘■ T hry w c r o tlio h w riijipM il in r o n m a n t ii o f c o t t o n H h o rtln tf a n da n d o ld n a p k l iu i , th e n la id o n __t h r r o i-n o r o f Ilio b r d u n d c o v - rrr<l w it h ' hoato<t b la n k c t i i .

T h r ilr iJ t w r e k o f Ih o ir U vrn. h o a a ld , w a ji a " n li 'h t i iu ir o ." w it h d a l ly , a n d i io m r t im r a Ih r lc o d a lly ,' v h ilta In a d d it io n t o hix n o r m a l p r a c l l c o o v r r HOf) ^<|iiiiro n illr ji o f c o u n t r y . T h e y a ln on b a v o hhvl " u p a u n d t lo w n a ." 1ir a iild , h u t 4iro " p ro fs ir a n ln jr f 'lv - , o r a b lv .”

In htii u r c l i o n ’ o f t h r w o r k l, . h r a d i lr d w h lin .'i lr a l ly . " n io it H lilcld r in n o n - r x h itr n t ."

CAM PI IKK r.IRUK■(jiiKo Kl'oiip of llir C am p l-’lrr

(Mrhi w aa rn lr r ta ln rd by Ml.'in Vir- irinla Hhllllni;hiirK a t h r r <!ountry imVnVi Odii wrVlc, (;ur;dn ap i'iil^ lh r u ftrrnonn nw lm m lnc. T lir hotitftiH iu-rvr<l refri^idunriitii.

D tl ir r a .’w h o a p p r a r r d o n th<* p r o - I i ; r a m , W bk di w a n iiupri^vliit'd h v

MImi I^>la K liih rr , m r n ........ o f. I,. T .I,, w rriv: C :iiarlo ltii'.lid in M ro iV M a h r l

' I ’a n n r n , V iv ia n , a n d N o r m a l | r u l - jIx ir li, l l r r h r r t ;an> l K Im r r II..... . I-< !la n i M a o (J r a f f , a n d A l l ir r t (JrafC, M rii. < J rr tr in io H o h r r la t o o k i;lm ri;n m' ili’t lit li im iH i T im r n lln iv ln if Hc.u- (•irr ic rn r w r r r r lr c tP d ; M 111.• K d |;u r M o ia ip o n , p r r a ld r n i ; M n i. R a lp h D a y . v lt;o p r r H id o n t ; M ra. l-'rank W in n lo r , I r r a n in 'c r ; M rn . ( I lr n i i R rlK jra, f lo w o r m lii” io n ; M r a M. lO,

W 'r ij 'h t a n d M ra. iT u w a r d K 'lrin - l(o p f , I.. T , L . w o r k ; M r a . M lllo M o n iir r , p u l il lo u t lo it m im ib i< r iih ip : M ra . I k ir lr u d o R o h n r li i . im n iiil (^tni toMt w o r k ; M ra. .I im ir a R o y I r , c l t i - /r n i i lU ii; M hifi R u t h Mrms^n, u v a ii- ; ;o l liit lc ; M ra . K ii l l ir r l l l r l , n\.iMni'>ii- a r y . M ra . M. K . \V r i|;J il' a n d M ni.- A r l l i lU ' M r n a r r . Im atrM iira, j irr v rd vtii’m ih in r n t i i i

M r. a n d M rn- L t '- o y L n - a C a m lly r r t u r n r il T u i't id a y a f t r r 1 0 - d a y a ' t r ip t o P o r a t r l lo a n d H a ll L a k o C it y . L r o L r r . 11 b r o lh o r . w h o H von in .S a lt I j i k o C i t y , c a m o h o m o w it h t h e m b r in ir lo a d o f

E ff ie R ih c rd H in to nW ill Rp.qiiitcr P ia n o

S tn d c iU ii a t S U id io —12(1 G th A vo. N o r th

W ccl„ S e p t. 15A rrrrd ll. 'd T ra r l i r r o f P lano,

lliirm oiiy , T hro ry und Compotiltlon

L a b o r D a /


orl- ^ u rp f o r T r i p .-rom a

V l L T E XS«rvice. Stalion

A pplii plcklnj:. ra r l irn t n ‘ ‘

toniplo In Uulse Sflpt..

' SpMia) ph«mtto Oi«m for BtfMnf

Grace A. Bryant' Duntiinir Syatom of Improved Mualo StudyCLASSES BEGINNING


Studio 230 6th Avo, North Phono 7C0

D o n 't ’ m » p « <nrotm d itf U u y ' II cu rl You M n 'i-./pK eu Imw Jlltio, 9om n ^n d .f|n4^^iMt. Gujinintu«d, oftScour#®, , ,

■ '"M' ■ tuao BMflic ,COaob. S lV fl^thlbg

a b b u t It goodt U ut W« d o n 't ' w a n t I t1080 F o rd T u d 6 ^ ed a ii..< ..'l8 7 B lORl F o rd Tudoi; S odan ..../j300 1028 C bryalo r 93 S e d a n ,..^ ,|U 61030 F o rd R oadate r .......... f l5 01,020 W hippe t Ooupo ..........I tiO1027 N a*h Boaan., no g o o d ^ ^—-at'«ll- ......................loao ChovrolBt Coupe, h a i* been .good .............. J ..........-I 401080 F o rd l!Dwn 8 ed a n .....|8 7 ff 1080 F o rd Fordor 8odan.'...|30fi 1080 ..Ohrjialor 7O>^Ooup0...,..|8M108Q B ulok C o u p e ................|27iS'1020 F oM T niok ................. H WIp S S -rp rd T ruck ........ ........ IB08

i i m C hevrul« l SM on /, D elive ry ................ ....... .....»a25

Union Motor 1

T " a i T 2 1 “Y E S l t STHE DIAMOND HARDWARE CO/ has served .the people,of South Idaho with quality merchandise! Today this ftpre. ifl Bigger and Better than ever. Visit it.


T gJE S H IN OGofffiloB, Puir .............. ,3 5 ^Rubber Gan Maska to koe) tho d irt atid dust out of y o u r 'th ro a t whllo throiihlncr.only .............................. 5 1 .2 5Ball Poiii Hunimor for huni- mori«(f ou t Bean L a y s .. for o.nly ......... .................... $ 1 .1 5

T 134-Irioh flUll Piles ...... ^ 3 0 f_fl K lndw of ForTc Handloi 'to ohoosfl’ from. Prtoodlow an ............. ............. 4 5 f tE x tra Fino Quality Bean PorkiJ ........................... .$ 1 .8 5

lupcr Elootrlo Ourlin[v Ironn'or only .........................59<t',ho C H IN A S H O P a t tho

b la u io n d H d w ., 1b k n o w n to >0 o n o o f t lio f in o o t in th o n o r th w o s t; . V la it o u r n o w \ n d o n l a r j o d C h in a D o p ti A n y th in g - y o u c o u ld poBttlbJy w a n t in . C h in a a n d G liiss- w a re w ill bo fo u tid in th ia Ip to d a to d o p iir tm o iit . Ro- n e n ib o r, m o ro th a n OO d if- o ro n t p a tto rn H f r o m w h ic h

'0 m a k o y o u r so lo o tio n o f a - ® t-of- O h in aw ftro ;— ------

A y e w SPE O IA IS -^

Seo Our F ine Lunob Box a n d ' Tbermofl Bottle.[lo to________________ _iM lO

a»'v........ .................,......,18^FountAin Pena ...............SOi^Pocket W atch er :;:......W rist W atches. $6,00 ValueNow ................... ..... 9 3 .2 8Alarm Olooks ..'...i.. ..91«00

Beautiful 32 Po, Sot China- ware, fr/nffo trinnhod with 12 karo t qfold. A real bar-Uin BV................ya.9532-Po. Bet Beoorated w ith

ilip Deaiffn ..............$ 2 .9 5-Por*irtilHjheon'-S«trT:

Clear Glass Tumblers, 8e(of 6 for ................ .......‘.18ftBeautiful. Jananoao T ravg.o n l / , r r r S 5 <Earthenw aro Tea Pots, 4 9 |t

KiQO.Folding, I ro n lo f Boardi

Jpr. only,........'HifM*

ip.Qt.. a«iY)uii d > Pfjiif ifw


PRICEB—Niokle Plated Ooppor*,"


Blae Enamel Steel -Ro«,«tai^only ................BfiCof .S Oreon,

P IC N IC SL a b o r JDay lu c o n-

iudcrod by many Ihu .liL'Jt opportunity of tho uoanon for an outing:. On a c co u n t. of the Htoroa boinff clo.iod Monday many will tulco a two or throe day trip . Vour

..plonlo fiupplioK can . alwuyH biv, iioourod from■Syatom 'Storoa a t ad- i'autng'o.


t s y

" ' SALMON Pound F la t Tinn Columbia Rivor

ise’ ’ m a y o n n a is e

OR r e l i s h : P in t Size

----- NftUey-8'Braud------


1<Uc o r n f l a k e s

Larfio SiKo M iller's Brand

_lp< ' _

S P A G H E rri Franoo-Amorioiin

Brand with ChcoHc 3 Canu 2 5 ^ .

■ PloiCLESAro Brand, Sweot,

Sour or. Dill in -------SmaJl-Gl*ww-Jar— -

, toT' S a s ^

Glenwood B ra n d -----Fauoyt Eictra S ifted (The new' pack will

bo muoh higher) ' 15<^ P er Can

' “ B R iA ^^ 'Tho dem and la te ly for our high quality

■' ■ bread ' ' i m r ’l J W ■ 10 - - great that w e .havo'

s.b^en unab le..to sup­p ly th« oalls. T om or-.

■ W.« ,bo|>«' to haVO •

ao.pk, T\*in lo a v M 2 ;t9r IB* '

Independent — CentraF“ ■ . ■ , ■ Markets •- : ■ ■ / ' SPECIAL SATURDAY PRICES

B E E F P O T R O A S T S V E A L P O T R O A S T S R IB B o I l B E E F P O R K B A C K B O N E S H A M B U R G E R S T E A K

7c ■ 7c

5c8 Lbs. 25c 3 Lbs. 25c

Just a Few of Our Specials


BEST FQDOS“P icn lcr^ ^ eh

What Is Your Glioice?All irrocurH liHtcd holow nro pvopaved to Bupply overy- Ihiinr y ‘H» noed for tho picnic munii.Iloro a ro Homo miKiroHlioiiM I’or HiuidwichcM:A m e r ic a n C h e « se S p r e a d w ithC iilnu |i o r ch llU lunino, iiuiyoiiniiliu-. CliopiKul uo li 'ry , n iuyoim nliio . P ltn io n Jo , hm-<l oookotl ♦»g«. ollv.'ii,

n iiloti, iD uyoiinuluo.(iMiiiiiil tllU 'il iH 'nf, hari! tjijokcil hkk.

tn u iiito . cu y o m m , niiiyoiuiuloo.

’ C h icU en w i thUolttry, nmyonnnl*o. ,Chnppod bum . tiiuy(iiinHlii«.UliMi ollvou. cnlory, iimHoiihiKii,

iniiyoiiiialut).(;hopp(i(i toMKUD, iiiayonimluu.

C o rn e d B e e f w i thl lo lluh Bi>rod, huVcl cn iiluxl oair, IlorH orndltih M uD lunl m id nuiyun-

nnlufl.Mlncoil frltiil bucoii, iiiuyoQiiiilsn.

.S ik rd in es v / ithC «i|fry . nm yoiinuliin .ItPliB li/H lirm i.•rtin iiilo , Halt. iHjppor. im p rlk n , mny-


_^ow _tiverylioily cnii -«f--fo rd real mayoiiniiiMt*.

B c « l F o o (]h prlc^oH a r c . tKiiiHnlioniiHy lower.

fittvv a P ic n ic r

Vou can be ready in a few minutesif you take advantage of picnic

specials offered .this weelcIn co-opuriiilon w ith th o Boat Foodn, Inc. tho irrocorH whoBo namcK an p o u r bolow are.' p ro p aro d to su p p ly you w ith ovorythinff fo r n \voll“flfcockod p icnic sho lf. THon w hon tho fam ily shoutH, O h, ca n ’t wo g o on a nle- n ie? '" a ll you havo to do in b U B tlo thinjrn Into a h am p o r a n d aniiw er, ‘*A11 rlffht, lo t’o r o . "

Item» Tha^ Belong in Evvry P icnic Banket

B e a t F o o d * M a y o n n a iM t“ TttljTiin-HUrpAiiJr'flliftiiiilnK’iiltolllit luvilBort”

Hbnmity'whaa m n k tn ir kandwlcli^M. Krepi (h o n i f ro a h a n d pravA ittii th n m frnkii dry*InK nut. And, of oourae. you will tiM ft OH tho picnic M U d.

H o r s e r a d i t h M u a ta r d iI'liroHl niUHturtl und fntah ImmnradlHli. N«>HlH*r loo liol u o r too m ild.- Jftiat rli(ht for nandwlcliAK, fra iikfurlor« and cold ln6at«.

B r e a d a n d B u t t e r P ic k l e aTIm orlslD al fraah oiKJUm bor pinkio, n a v r r a o a k o d la brinn. IMooIca

' O. p . SKAGGS STORE VVALL g r o c e r y


'.i 'f: ' • • ' ----------------- ----- — — ------- ------------------------------• • r -‘i: ^ ; ' • ' . , ' ..

W A N T A B gT K L H l'I IO N B :i9

m l l E S O L A S a iF IR It IM TtCS

K M b .tn iu rtlo iit p « r lino .OS (»!6r flm t 3 Invortlon i)

SUbS«<ia«nt In iertlona .p « r l in e ’........ ..... ...............0 2 \ t

T w olve m o n th s ' con- ovnry iMue, each

N o ad a tak e n fo r 1«m th a n a iU ie * . U ln lm u m<iharg« ............ .U..........

A lt lu]* m'uat.bu on lar«d fo r a aU lfxi lenR^th of Um«.

N e w T o d a y '

RO O M A N D H O A U l) fo r *2, KlU- 0{h AVo. y .

iW .A N T W U ' MuM. Iiluliotu.! •R o o m ^ 1 3 5 ^ Miiin

FX>R 8AMC *28 O It « v r i) I *i I <inHoh, oxtrii.(;(>n«I! *27 T BWi'X conoh.

>93n>2n(l Avo. \ v . : .

W A N T E D M I B O E L L A N E O ^

W A N T inn-'Ii^ irpU i U|»hn!nt|irJn»' winiJow rn'iia rt imimy ti m'nif i'hoiiu nno.


n r. o c \i.


PillrillniT, ICnliuimJnl'njr. |i kunKlnjr. IC, I,. ahn ff« r.I'IftU J. ■ —

>WANTKI> -AN* Mmlii Rocoml- •hiuid fu m rttirt’’; wtnvrn, r tc . Will ';T»ny oftah t}r hpII on iP ro c Hatlnir <ui '.’W anttvJ" o r " r r t r SaJo” Jtomrt. ' ‘VVo piiy uuiro an<l Sail Jownr*." lliiyoH' HMwrnrl-hi

•laxohnngp a t n a tc h rtry . pliom0-1

W A N TED — PiilJitlnir, J»n>or- tnna\nit.- UiximmM b. F o r cn tlm utoa »H‘l jvrlciPn 5.

H A I R D R E S S ^ n S - . ’

/{ jiiim nt.u 'tl r*onn»linnhi - si.W),H f th Avi*. H muity HU(m, HlU-MJi K . I'h o n r (L>»W.

HPMr.'fAli — N 'ntura l o n

nntl-W. Mr«. n«minor.


Di ocratic Keynote Speak liiaudB Ross,Gives- EJCLJR. Praka

KxlrantH from tli<i Unynoli' ip.-u.-h <lcllv.iH»t .Vr.U-nliiy.Ht llu*

Hlulo .nJa'ltnrui lonvon-

thft u.wor 177(1. '

)f the old houni) 111

(if tmrH.t, Hi.-y Htin

Oliiiiio If I

llilit or

B l'K O IA L - O im nn inntM aN lo u '- iiH

-a O !!O O rIrM p^rm i ...........................................ICur.h wavo IhfliMlon iihaiiipoo, hiilr- p,.|vllrir, •nil itn*l flnirre nr piinh wnvo. Oth^-r ' „,r wuvoH fjuallty. from » ;i' ‘lo -»7 . MttUft MppoJntmrntM rarJy .I'Jioru. a40. Tlio Iloiiuly Hoh,

m-nry nrrO iarlc^r.- itliDOHlnj: a h ix t for

litld <»Ut) Ihul wouUl rovPi; (ho ontlro IhoiiKht Hint I winh lo lo-hiv, Dialwoiilil |»i ‘-I’ll,. iTnlvcntiil jlro U in - lioo.| of M an.”

a tiiry uiid u hn« thfii niitloii wailiiir fon<fatlmni/\v.M«II n talo o f <li-|lrl</ilii J,»y of t»a>.Hlj{iilif/r'of tint tf IiwUipciuiOHC*!, Th«v

’Itiiflr. lull Willi

h m vr r r

6 'IIIOAOO iJV K M T M mOMicjAOO, Aii»r-.:*l - iio«« 11 ,000 , Inoluillnj: R,00b <UroolHi

inarU nt'^inow ; wobU to «^nUi7 ! 7 ? n r n r~

P(|J|»|.-(I Iiliwir Oft; .Ilirown JiUo l>y lJi.« ii.nva nnnliiriitl/in hurt llvciJ In

P U U lT fl a n d V E O E T ^ A B tE SKOIt HALW

«o. o f n „ p „ l C.<irhp<' V. ,roi:

'•it- 2i{, ml.

KOIloaH i.rcj

HAhK — Criipcn

S rP ia iA L . E M rrX lY A fK N T for m arrlM l wrmirn. J lr t wooUly nml' your»ow n jJrrtwcui KlirciC repr<i- Aontlnir niitloimUy iknowji Knahlon j 7 “

< FrbokJi. No cnnvHRHlnjf. No In- ' v o a lm rn t. Scn<l <Ire«* ulr-o, Knalv '..lon F rocka , Dopt. rt-KlWi, ClnclH'V n a i l , Ohio, • |

r o i t HAI.M VInryard- 1M r*n'rk.


lolniontu . Houth

tlm t Hturt llii.y iiindci In 177<I the til wiiii 1lff(!(l: th i'y luuj a u<»al; ii

fo r which tliny.w om wlll- ilak« Ihn lr nil, l\\cW Uvfn

an<l fo rtune , and tho lr microd

C«inwir<l iji'uprH iwv »lpn Ci^afAl Hprlni'M 6 rrhar»I,


G l a g s i f i e d

P K U 8 C N A L

. .IW ANTinD—iuuttaire-tA -K iuiM uii C ^ ^ « R - Bth .Ai^rfr‘Rn«t;

^VAI^TICD—a '^N nnc:«rH t< U ftn tv llle n r P o rtland . ^Orn. 1 in jt B o p t \5. Phorio 0IR 3'J4.

KOU'.KAr.lC nnil 'KlemJiih Bpi

Mufntonh itppln u ly \wnrn in any

(|ii«nOty. H jirry llalli^r VV«rohouB. Phono 324.


. nOOM A N D JIOA RD — niD-nth Avo. Kiiat.

A P A B T M E N T S f o r K i ,N T

v ia ' aiorrt.

A i^ x iL l■OKwafJ^ room fo r •

U ftondtrlp If dotilro 1870 n flo r U a. m . •

W A N T B D — All m«n w ho h ^ ... li lirn m ru p to r traln lnjc rA tJn-touoK n t oac0. ' W rlt« Rum 8^ , C /cT lO Tna. . . .

K )n(largnrd«n oponing S «pt. tO. H andw ork , muaio. fo lk dnncing, ■torlftn.', iJJVli.,'.Mt.nr.^aUl««y; Teach- ei-. Phon®«aa.‘

L 0 8 t k t f t i f a m s >

FO UND^BI«Q W j;iV ^«M vftr <toR, yttK lia rn eM ..OuU a t T Uiiea urfiaff:

W A N T E D rO U C A S » T ~ U w d la w an d truokrf. Jn o . B. W hite.

W a n t e d Vo r u v —lo o o oar»k) w ro6 k. FarmoiFa' A »t‘o Hupply Uaad P n r ta J>opt. Phone 22(WW.

F O R 3 A L R - 108(1 O M O 2 ^on tru c k . rKM* - n ibb tfT .- Rflo a t 701 U ^ ln AVe. Boat.

F O R SALW — 1«20 Chovro1«t trubV' $100 oHSh: 'J r iu 11. Hmmi 1 »nj. So. F ile r, R t. 2. ,

r o & S A U & ^ t * M n « » « 6 t w

T O ll fifA^Bj — f t e n y o iim an tj |rat«a ^ kny qaunttty/ ,]pifon«' “

FO R ;EU I^>-.^tCk)etJ>lan3-piat "love. Phcme irV87. llO -O th K aat

. 8 POT. CASftt I^ A tb fo r Mil klnda nf l/aM4;VWirl(r(iro an d a tnvoa a t

P.hon® 120B.

)| C / v n ^ ^ S i t S s T ’o a r b u r----------- p ttF ta .o iitfS ii^

i( HAiVtoe.:I(Jua*> a h o a h o n » ~ t it - I T ^ n _ F » n * ^ i^ v

itnr ."M otor

MATTRIQSHKIA fcnovuti'fl, nni ", rroov(>r«d^ C leon wool n i r l i 'd , L*0 (

ttt. W aahed And nor. F u rn lII liir>i 'ii p h » I a t e r .l n ((■ T w in FaIIh• MfwUreaa F a cto ry . Ph<«hoM*W.

515 w *ek ly H m hy 'tiir own «l!yi rn FIlKBl /o r iJervionatiatldtf liili

II lovely rtjflh lon Froftkn. , N o ciin , viiaainir. N o In v c a tm m t.. W rit II fu lly . .(Jlve nIzo' lind Polor pro' Ii for«-nflp. FiiaW on • F m o k a , UopL• It*l60(). C lnolnnntl, Ohio;

— ir

- i - i .

G l f ^ s i f i e df i t i i ^ c t O T y

|WM|V0 i>albl« Bual^fiM F lr tn a Mid .rrofA M lonal O ffloM o t

S H O E R E P A lR i l f O

O U R W O R K l a MOllW THA N C o ^ b lin r— W« m hulk l y o u r ahCma to f i t y o u r foot. Loidloa w ork u apeo lalty . W « £law on moI«'h .Twin

, F iU la -flhoe R«|Htii>lnir. 'i{l2 HhO'. ahuno W eal. Phuno 9uti.

A P T O T O P — B Q U Y y o E K B

. i r O R ^ L B W - W I N p S l i lB L O AN D ■ ■ A u t o ' a n d cur-

t a la r«M U ’. q a a v a i im d caavaa

O V T O H S T U a T

^ R . W iq i:^U K 'Q 3 .r iiB )Y N O L D S , 930 6 o 9 V S l u t a 8 t r « « t

. - I ____ > ■

vuS eiiU ii^ m rda •ngni-vad’ or : p r la tM / l U n y e o m o t a ty lM to

. ' - ^ i b m ^ j r a M . M tb». W w -

. . .

. V O K ' RTOOT—Thro® m id - e n j ru rn lahed a p t. B ungalow Apia,


<K>MI‘lirX (» llV RD U C A TIO N NOTK.'K

snmninr,v^(Sf*9rtfl, .l5 .ifto i, i«i»ho .Codp AimotiUod. C ontpulw iry ICdii- ca llon .

Tn nil iHmIHcIh o f tlJn atiilo , nil p»roiit». ffutfnllaiiH, iind o th u r por* BOfj* havinic (iaro <if chlMr«'n xhall Ina tnact thom . o r cauim tlu>m lo bfl Inatruotod In tho olPinoijlarv nub- jnol». ICvory p a re n t, ffiiaWIJnn, or o th flr pnraon hrtVini,' rh(irtr«» o f an y .child iMtween Ih r i»kiim of-nlKhl (H) Miwl «)lRhtopn (1«> yo«r« nhnll Bond isuoh child .tp< lb ptihlld, prKriitn, or 'pamoHlwl »ohoo| for Ihn ontlrn HclKxil ym ir (lupUijf w hich t h r p ub­lic aolioul-ln In Hrnalon tn aiioh dlH< tr ic t .

-gq r .ca«4uin^«.M*»mptli, Ulu-hy IhiN Inw, hoo Hoo. 32'16l)l

ho CoiWf A nnota'lxd.Hlffowl: MAUOI-J F . ICLI.nNKOr»l>',

C ounty a u p l.

T t^ E T?7y3L]^flchwliiloa o» pniwflniror trn ln i

fuid m otor, ntiicrta p/uinliuf throiiuli Twill Fnlla da ily iiro n« .follo>v» ^nff»ctive on find ii/lo r J lin e 17; IK N ):. . . . O llE G O N S llO U l' U N B ........

KuatlioiliidN o. nrt4, leAvfB ............ nr-nn a . niN o. 672 loavfld ................ l!;J5 p. m

^N ith o iin d No. n r i , Uftvea ....... ..11:00 w. mN o. B0.1,.'loiiv^eii ............ I :r>0 p. m

ftAiithlMiniMlDrtllfly .K xrept Huiidav

N o 3<0, fronV Wollfl, a r . J:no p . m No- MO. from-WoIlH. nr. 2:10 p. m.

tJN IO N P<tciri<^) HTAOK.S KuHthflUiid

AJI'hrflM ........... ...... ;___ _I>«iJV.?a...............................'A rrK ’tMi ..............................IwOUVPH ............. ............Aj t Ivob



A trlvi'rt ..I.I

Tlii-lr VUwH Thoy lofl ih r i r p;own Htanlliii:

In tho f lc ld a -lU cy «<m.U th f old mn*d<i'l aiirl powtlor ijnin fm m tho wiill thoy Mirlr lovrd onrntn Ihoir arum, and iifi(tr one l-ift(j oiilhiaoit Mii>y w cnl fo rth to richt fo r llh*-rty m i\ JUHtlcv, lu^'l w llh / r r r a t luicrlfln* llir.y rjdahllHhrd for iin lhl« «ov« ran irn t. And Ihoy. hi fn rthn riinc r of :thfi p/i1;py Uioy had Iniiii/riM'ahMl, a d o p lc l i, uoiijjIIiu- tUm of tU« Unll.ul HlHlfii, am i ht iidnptlnir 11. It wiiri thfllr. piirj>Ofni to .Mi'iitP happy . honif« n o t only fo r lh«rmNrlvoii h u t fo r tli^-lr chll- dron and th<tlr' nrtlldrrrra ohihlion, .und It him h v/nttsUword.nlnrnth a t titno, tlMit a nhip of Bt«l«.wa»i

mrl on whlcih a ll ooijld ride

. loy/’r r ] ■ bulk.watcliml w ith in tcrcat i o ’nmi whiU cholod jfradNC U ffh t lltrhta. 140' Du- ibjtiol o f that orltlolam jfio Iba., »«.W)-7.no: llRht wolchiM, would he. ,100-200 IbH, *7.25-7.00; medium

.Mm-I lln OmH4»riM<Hve 1 w6l|rhlK 20a-2fl0 Ibfl,. ?7.75.R.0fi: CVilfrlnm In a ffood ihljijr. pr<>- heavy WrtljrhtJi.’ 2.10-300 Iba,, J7.00-

vjdril th a t It l» iho rlnrht'U lnd of 7.Br»; piinkinff 'w)w«, 27fJ*riTO Jbn , orltlf!l/an,,Tlii!ro a n t Ift / k lnd« ;ono 4iU'7.2fJ: «lnuuht«»' plj?«. 1« 0 *1»0 In rlr-fllrtiotivo oiltlniJi..; and ' th e . Ibrt., W-0.00. ,•olh«*r. IH foH«tnicHvo. iind. I . can ' C b IIIi> - 3,600 oonun<’rcliil, <J.IM)0 Hiiy. w ithou t fe a r of a i tu m c n l t h a t ' K»)yornmonl. O alvc/.-r.00 w m m or- no ono In thw (frnnt land of oum ohil. 4,000 Kovornmenl. AcXlve, rul- ohJ.\(iln to coiiHlnu'tlv.: crlllolnm . ly n trndy, <5«K»d iind fllwlro (yla-Uia!

liiH conntnictivo critioi*..: U hPlpful Ht«iir«, (1.10-000 IDs., W.aft-O; llOO- to all, and IhiH ;;r<’iit pr«nidmtt of nOO Ikn.. .TA.7n-10.2n; hnuom , fR.OO oui-H m ade the iiiatoninnt* a t ' the to 7n0 IIih., conm ion nowa,very thr^Hhold o f hla c .ip talney o f $4.25-11: hu lK $3-3.7n: Ht<mktirM and hli* Hhlp th a t Ihoro v.’it.j bound to fo(-der«, sloorH. niSO-1050 lbfl„-j:4.75- Iw «iT<tr»< conunlttod am i th a t he n.jvo,would ho u lad (o iioknotvlodKe I Mhi'cn- 7 ,0 (10; Mleiuly. Ckmd to IhoNo orrorH, hu t th a t notion wiin I u(,rilon irrndoH: U im bn, 0 0 llta., nenrHJinry and ‘ nRlion would b e,,jtjw n , S«.3n-7; ew«M, 00-1rt0 laknn , hu t /lilt o f all> th a t aotl<m ' )],7n .3 .7n ;' feedlnK himhw, • (VO-75

a vkMnrl on whi wlthXerjiMiHfy.

ThA v liKVfl. brcrluoBUn th i' iifft Ihiit (lnw>, blit

I'ood m any iifffllr* Of ntatn.nlncp

. whunevan nnoii' a 6rtnnH him come, the people hnvc alwiiy« jinrefuUy artd aitnoiy ai'lfot* ««l a hehnaninn t^i aJoer the «lljp <i(

'H tntrt-tnTKu^i UviJslur’iHlivDt. w nlern ad d over Ilia trencHrtr'oi.jj roefii th a t would be piTBonl to ^Vl' 'ck It

<JrUU l(rifore-IO.S3 F o r HiivorHl y fiirs prio r lo Iho

bttlu 'poarciM n daiiKor o f IioIiik’ a vict'hn or* tl)<) a to rm llm t bcn<<t It. hu t when I he full rciillxalUin (hiwuinl <m iht* 4if ihln um vl n a tl 'mth a t the «hlp wiiH ftovuiflprlnir. thoy :hom* II now a ip ta lr .. i.oicln»r the r

fa ith in him w ith ii p ravt'i’ Upon th e ir ilpa to the C.r<|iil-iiuler o f t)i» unlvcrHw tb jit ihfty hi> tiikon ou t o f th c lr doiipi*li-.

They had f o n n H thenmelven in lire a lra ita . MlllioiiH w cio w ulkint;

the HlreidH w ithou t fo<Kl O r'ahol- , *m»> fnmlllpa- w «re rtewtltnln; ipio weH! loaintf h ea rt; thor«i

lo be no plar. t o 'l i f t th

W M tbjyind

. liS4 A. m..... 4|M) II. m..». ft;SO p. m . .. «:U0 p . m . ■ 1U;I7 u. m .

. 10:33 tt. ur*.

. JU O h . m. . .. . l : i 5 n . m. -.... «I8^ p. m...... 7:07 p. ,in.

0 :2fi a . m.. .y 0 : . l0

ArrlvfffLniv.'n .....

N(>llTII\VRHT»5reN HTA«rC8 KusthoinW- I'-i

ly 'nvr* rtofchmoM'JIotel llJlO p . 'm . AVmllxnittd '

lt<iBerHon H otel 3 ;J8 p . m N O K T IlH lO n HffAOfQA

At'rlvoM ..................... ......... 10!20 a . ml^t'uvc'5 ................................. 7 :»6 p. m.

TW IN ^ 'A IJ .H -\V n iX .^l-<‘«ivrfi ........lo ia o a . m.A rrlvnn 7:40 p. m .

T W IN rA M ^ -JB R O M lH HflO HflONK-M AllJOY

N orlM ronnd...... ....................11:00 u. m.

( A rrlvea Ak Kntohiini h t a p. n i.) »miihlHnm d

M.»(\vnK Ur-tnhi)m n i A:no p ..m -\ ■-----..............----------- i

Pacific Coast Leaflue

\ y lly llnlt«sl P ret.1 A t o n k 'iklnnrt. - K 11 in

Heriltte ........430 040 OOO-.IO J3 IO ak land ..... 000 001 020 - jj 0 4

lin tte rleu : P lllo lto and Ilo tta rin l; Mclcvjjy; DoiHflAn an d Rjilniontll. HlnlmUU,

« a n l- 'ra n c la c o '- H |I IQHollywood ..OOJiKlI 1 3 0 -1 0 10 0 Han F ta n , .-300412 10<^. l i 10 0

IttttlarleM: C iim phM ],. nonMmoee am ! H e r M li h 'e f. v{ « v; H^^r^•mnnn, Utunl% ItOHK. HaMou and Mouui.

A t S n c iam en to It H RP o rtla n d ..... 000 103 004- - 'A 10 2Biirrnm m ito 100 041 010

n a tte f le a i Tuvptu. Ci Ook : Halvo, Koupal and

(N Iuh t (tam e)A t l^iH AnutdPM -

MlaaloitM ....001103 000l>ia A nyelen OOOOOOOOO . . . ..

R u tteH ea: I .lebe r an d W o lfm an ij K elaon, HKnahaw and O. Cumpball.

7 IH ta le r and


It , II

ilndM. ThftHrt w ho had benh li eott\miin«l »>f th e H.i*p 'oot»Hl> n o t

I a rou rae, h u t ’whi>i they w ere fe arfu l w ouhl hiixl thi .Jhip on, Ihu

T«» <J4iutkH>«'C initlon wiiB th e w a ienw ord; lu utlniiii. In fa c t , 'th n i 'th h ulilp i.iy

a m a t th.! advltjo a::n lK .u t 4 per !ont of tho prnplo, V(>ao thouKhl .huy wuro ulltlncr o<*m.><irtab>y'and

«it«njr<*»y, mirronnitcMl W ith w enU h an d luxury, in the flrnt'ClnnA aAblna o f th m d jip whHn th ir re a t atruK(rl' to koap lhomaelvoa /ro n i bolitK: the vlctliTiH of th e ntorm , h u t when l ‘u- Him uroiic oh th e 4 th niiy of ^Inroh, 1033, and theb- c a p la i. , KriinkiJn O. rtooHcvclt, wlion* V.joy hml «e- leotod fo r th is tnalc, meppwl fortli aH the leader, and w ith the fear- luoneju) anA .nn iru tfv V.iUt wtia u n ' mnpaiiwed p u t on fu l: fl;<ood ahead am i headed th o 'k h lp U»'the hurlkor o f aecu rlty artd pw-uo.'yeRardlcMn «if th e a to rm a and-r«>era^hnt bcfiot ll ; how w ell he Kaow Ihrtl ho m iKht m ake Honve nrrorn. qjhitlnjr fro m Thc<Klore Um»t>rvell. • "'I'he m an who d oean 't ni.ixti nilHtahcii la (he uuin Who <kii\Hn't iiiak r any-

he al»wy Une,w th a t fur- Iho r w aU bijr'w uji ftHttl to Ihii on- tiro s tru c tu re - tim l the only w ay to b rln u Ihn idilp 01 a la lo tO' tho w afety o f th e kaiJM)*- U;ui |o doliiy ac tio n n»i Io iik o ^ ^ ,. .

• IfeHded !<«■ Heeiirlty •Y«iu all know w h a t the ronnll

f hlM feaVleMW leadwrfu ip hiui hiron, W « fin d th e ah ip 'o ." a ta le rldlnjr th e w avea In a inanlurrut way am) headed iu io . Hhd fiiMt fo r ; th e /lo- cu i‘lty of th e harbor of pbaoe an-l p len ty , and rained Ita proplo froiii th e deplha o f de tp rtir lo liHpplnoiiii Iind contnntnnent nj^ahi. 1 have no t the llme't^v Bfv> lnt«i <lolHll u f th a t pi-<ijfr«igi, and It In iinil.;crtifiary lo lo Mo» fo r you all fiiive full knowl- idiro of the lidvitnceiYiont th a t I

b|th»;r mndo.Ol «v)nrae. Ihft w ay Jii.ft not been lioolh; tl)ere havii iiooii th<k)w wh'

m iB^illaiiaU«£liiil._iilu:Uoulurljr;,Uic. am ull peroentJiffn'whUJh hud

oan o r fo lt / Mu» ■ danfcwr, deapalr nd hiir<iBhi]iN tim d w ere hnlnj^

l>orno by IhVt' /tk-*nter nm jorlty T hey wore w o rried to KOme'oxlont fo r four llm t the liu iin n a they had oitj<iyi!d Hnd th a t tlw lliooineit they had rccolv<xl from apeolul prlvllci'ow htah waa n o t belnw AHrnnd by an tiiul ae>-vloe. would bd l«Hnened th e y dtil ao t Ilk* the idfu of hehtL' ouatJ«l- from th e ir control. Thjty eoultl n u t aoA th e unomtiloyfxl, t K-i'ejrulufly amploytnl w o r k e r

an*l- ehll<ir**n, eK|*oi*fld o alolinMMi, Uhprovldiid fo r anil lid Ipapcure- -ihuy could notleo th e m an (U) the rifiin ,.th i In tlie Hlor<<; th e niuo lu tho «ifflcp und th tilr famllUu).

Icnbi>«<l <k>niai<n( ’Miiii ■ In o th e r wordM, tl>»*y could lhh)k>o/‘ lhe irtilveranl :ir<)lherh/Mi<l of m an they could rtol In terp re t the D ^ a la ra tk x i« o f )ndep«iidenoe n u r the C onatltuhon Af thc.H nU nil HtatuM - th«\v n iu ld n o t underatund (he dtfniHud balnf: m ade hy the people th u t thiA (coVdmment be uonduolM) $vr all th* boopla, but,

•ttardleaa (tt (ho p ro tM t, wa^couhl henr. tho old LIbnrty bell rlnglnif

ajfaf .................

wo have heon u n a b i6 'to heal* nny con.>»tructlvo- crltlclHm.

. Aa to deatJ-untlvo orUlolain. tt la th a t crlliclam th a t thro%»« de*«palr lind peaalmlain In tn o .'h e n rtn o f tho .prsoplc, nnil w ith w ealth , pow er am i Infliiencn. had Uy thoao wlv have- ninniiand tho"jrrea»-forlim eA Id th e pant, It 1.1 a a oHay fOf 'lljem to c ry w olf. 'w olf,. \vii./n--thtir* la no wolf and n]<oll«] ln i’.'p(N>ple n>0 ' merttai'iiy, •biit th«y hiivo’ llateaed to th a t c ry no lon« th u t they will Itiivo lo di)n)«nntraln iib it th e w olf r<>hlty haa com *'Ih 'for.;' th e proplo will take a n y a took tn It.

"C arp ln0 .‘CrlHclam'.. I t In cxoeftfllnicly h a rd f<»r. me reconcile m yaelf to the c ry o f thoao who. in- th e ir ' dewperDlo a tte m p t to ro««in aOmo of.. tb e .p tu m a tlwy linve lout Ihrouffh Iriertln. broujrht on by overfe*din)f u t thoi.jitibllc p.i lillRal trouRh, p a in t n itn rrlb le ple> tu rn 'i^ fiitu r£ ^ ln i^ ru p j/? y becniiae. <if. Lire monpy Tn*lnu ain>f\0«>', n a ­tional rehiihiJllallon. L e t- me cull y o u r rtttcntk>n lo th ia f j c t ; Dut-* Utrt: the d a rk <l«v« o f th e Worl*l w a r wo 'found i t ' n/:c«a»aiy to upenil tho atx»pend<Hi* mini o f SJW.*' -nOO.OOO.(Mk)-4n-f4efi w fl' n^«pur-eo»n- try . A t th a t tlino ihu io '^waa no o ry of fu tu re b a n k r n p te y ; 'lb Waa a natio n al emori.'eney - 'a n d aiireiyti uutloH <\<>u(rnnlc<l w ith an o<jo-nom lo em enrrnoy ua atfrloun aa i h a t w ith w hich wn w ere then cnn- fm n ted ahoiild n o t be bu m p er« i by th e carplnir c r ltie tjm of thoae who would dcHti'oy nil t h a t hn« hi'on ^falnetl diirln jr the p aa t fe>W inontha beca»i«e o f p u re aelflah- ucHii- Tho a in o u n t now holn jfapon t, Ih f a r Icnndhun tho $:iH,0 00 ,000,000 jtpent In deft'nah u f <>0 V c o u n lv y ,' iTid Ihu caijiln la Ju«t aa y re a t. •

H»m ( i . O, V.

ihH., sn.riO-(i.2K.


Aiur- 31 ir ,i:i-H o ira : aoo, inciiKi- InjC double ^lBt■ a rrived . Plarly nalen iitrhta and hu teh e ia m ostly 10<lrtn low»,ir th an Thtiraflny, 2fto u nder ex trem e top ; ahort-load jjooU-cholco butchern »7.7fi,(a irly Ktw«l Ih. »7.tS0;ehidoe 231 «>. *7.25: pauklnR' anwa HlOJidy lo 2fifl hlffhor, o<l(| Ili;hl- wi’lfjlita to *5.75. •

C a ttle : tno. O overnm enta: nnO. F a irly nr,live .on amnll m ipply, ivii oU<HNrj< fu lly Btondy conaidorln^^ rH io n ty : 'tw o londa m edjtim 023- 1170 lb. Oreuon a teera *4.7R, l lch tly norted; medium u m ler IlOo lb. jrvaaa ntepi-H, w urm nd-np find Hhprt-fe^la nom lim lly . ( |U a t e O a round S4.52-*»nO; tfood u nder 000 ■ lb. /ed y ea rlin ca ellj^lblo 4& 20.:or-abov«|->M tt«r KrA<h>-ah«v. Htnt'Vt- n'baent, ' ffond yonnjs ciVwa f|U'»lod to aroun<l *3.r»0. few oom- mon aold *2 .no, low o u lte r-cu llo i' *i-*2.2K; cuttrr-|{<itid bulla *2 .0 0 - *3,715.. •

Oi^vnif! Noiio^„QOOU___cjioicc-'ll({htwnl^hi v e u l n r n nom inally fjuoled Jiround *5.7rt-*«.B0.

. aheej): 2 00 . Hhorn Inm ba fully ateuily, In rfff ly ' m odhnn'irood 00 il\). avorajjea. off lontf. hau l, ■ *5.75,' iitraiu:ht; Rood-ohoioe u n d er 00 lb. wooled lamliH nom inally (juotoil arnum j *A.n0 -*0 , posMibly ai)uvo

PRACINAIWAVc i j ic U f lO / Au/r. lll.dM 'i—W oak-

no«H In the W innipeg K*'nlrf m a rk e t ajfaln Waa the , dom lnalln jf infiu- ODCO on the local B oard of Trade t*»day, .w heat cloalni; l i to Ti cent, A hiiahni lowor.• <3om aold o f f on th e p riv a te crop, ('allntatea, -whleli, while very bulU: luh w ere no t na I'adinally low na the ' trade had expected, ond l tho niArkot cloHod 1 to Uhjav-Oatjv uoki o ff V ^ n t w l ^ tho o lhnr ooreai«j

S cattared llQuidntinn developed in Ihe .MeptemlMii* w h e a t pnaitlon, w hich dropped t<v *1.02 a 'b u a h e l, off a cent. ^ ,

The p riv a te eatimnteH on aprin^ w heal wore )rulllali, averiiKlnir fl4. 0011.000 hUahola, b u t ha<l little ol litcl. • - ' ■ . ■....

(iUALN TARIJRC H lCA tiO , Aujf. n i aUll— Oriil

riin#re{ •.0|>eii lllRft tM\V CUm\

W hent-^O W l •flop. 1,021^,1.031/ .1.02 1 ,021,4 l>rc. 1.04 1.0(4 > 2 , 1 . 0 3 1.03U,WHeaf— N*'Wi Hop. i,02j<; 1.o:jih,Dec. 1.031V, t.04%M ay im V j 1.00 (3nrii:


,NICW YORK, Auif/ 31 *IUU—Tho m iirk et dl<)a«l aliffhtly higher. A ln ak ^ J » n ‘'n u • ISfli Ailipil Chem ical ........ ..... -N”

•No’^ l e a........ m%


Hept. •701, .HOIfc

May,Oata— DM}Kept, .nii.i, Dec. .na>)i

Kiiu't « ep t. .52 Dcc. .52 ti - M ay ,52% Rye—Old I M npt’ .84 '-K, Doc. ,HR%

,52'{,.5 2 ^.IS3

.«4\tii«0 %

•ftiiK..«o i;

Sept.I>ec.M a y .lla rlo y ~ O M^Hepl. At .A2 »i»tJe>e7Neu'4— Bopt. ...fll'/j

.7014 .KO M ay .70->i -

1.02 1.02'.i1.03% 1.03'ii-i.y1.04-->i 1.05

■ 7HW.70% .70'»{.->Vi'•H2% .«2S.-'/jl

•JM’.i, ■ ,51»/..51-V, .51%

.511.1 .5 1 1;.51.%. .52-5ni,


.K5i.i.8Hi{, ■HHUj

.81 .H2* — •--------------

.7K.>i .7H^i

'nttfht , fr<iin-,—thu lr —-nwat>ta.-a»w>- T~-Oul*We—

D ftN V K ll MIIKKP DRNVK ri, Colo., Auer. 3I

IteoaiiHa 17,500; compar.ed w ith ThurjKlay'a late oIoho. nativoa abou t ateiidy; few lota m edluirt to (iholun *5,h0-*0; few aifloa ra n fre ,'la m b a to ' paokera *A.0 O' W.ilOl-iHQctud—duitcc, k inds „■ held- ao<ive *0,25; aheap around H tetu ly odd lota 'alaU|;:hter oweM *1.75' r i . 2ri: load lota nold; foodeia firm one hind «’ood to choice *5.40; othorn uM(flt>l« *8,40 down.

■j|)t ajfaln th a t thla.'.iftVvernment ■ aiwiuhi be a (r^'voi-nni^nt o f liberty

fiajrlttud 'a Jow iah population la and Juaticq, In ua, a tnm tf a tone a a M tim n ted a t 800.000. two-thir<la o f , waa nUiff o i i t 'u t td cotmed nnd r«* w hich la to U m don. j ooliood by th e L lbet'iy Ucll fi'Ohi

depondunco, th e C onalitu tlon of thx tJn lti 'd m »W a > th o xrM«i,^‘wNiM(W lio c lr ln o o f ihln nation . U ban ai* w aya been uacrcd a ln u u - I ta ‘adup- lk>n. Wo hiiviK tiiujrht oiil- chll<Irrn th ill tijoy muAtNiiwiiya nonor it-in reVoreniJv, nnd lodav w e h e a r (fom

iloatrucilye orltloH th a t th a t coniitltutl/in la In daiiRer; th a t it Ih holnjr Hcrapood. Thoy <lon't ««y Ik>w, they Juat c r y i t ' fro m ‘* th r hiniopn. 1 n(>tlcn w hero one of Abe lipolconmen of the R epublican p a r­ty ; ’ in ^ n i ;r a lu la t ln f f one o f tlM vIiHoi-h who had n o t Jwen aurcnan* fill In rccclvlnj; th e nnnUnuUon on th e Uopuhllcftn lio k ei, c rh 'a • o\jt fchrouHh the p re ia to tho Repuh' llcana, aay lnp:

•‘Itepubllcana muHl forjjot every- Ihlnjr olne; to hell wU:i factloHiil' lain <»l jMiUtUia; o u r co u n try la in th< handii :)fnialtorM . o r fooln, o r b<)th!-

N ot Specific. I notlcc af 'a ln Wljoi’C anolhei Wild: "W e iiiuat aavo lu o .co n a iu u lion." W h n t do th e y m enn? They don’t point o u t w herein tho «on- a titu tio n ia l>eliiir violated. Tn It beinir vlolut«'<l by t^ikin^f r.tArvfttlpn Irtiai..tlic-Uu4)r-oLoutJiioplc.7--J») I t hoInK vIolaK'^l by- Hulpptnj; the Iram jm o f iinom ployM f^nnuR h 'thn

Id and Hlorin of w in te r nnd plv-, inj; Ihom w a rm th ano a h e lte r and ullowinjr Ihom to e a rn a'llvoHhood?.In «iur prcHldcnt a tra lio i ' bcuaush he taUoii IhAl {.'veat coiiim andm ont,'l/)v c Ihv nolKhlHir n« thyaolf."IH hlH watchwor<l, nrtd haa told .lio oiKiirtl*allonii o f rn lth thiit they miiHl p u l th n t Hhcail <»f thcli lriv«! <if K“ l'l t T hiuo la Jiono o f thom th a t murueai an y <>lhci' p l a n . f w

Inu tho whip o r atatfl, a»d w hat In now beinu: foMowod l)y

K reat prbjlklent. thiu'o in none th a t oven h in t w here ho la vld- lullnif th«) cona tlh itkm . ^nd I, aa 1 pick up the cona lllu tlon and ro road it, 1 find a t U«e very onaot th a t 11 «a.VM In plain ftnd unnila'

H latrn . In o rd e r to form a niom ^ i v T i i ”1 .'.pe rfec t im ion. eHtahlian Jualloo. In- aure domontic tranqullH ty ,. provide for Iho eom m on <Iofcnan, roinolo tlio ironornl w elfare , und aooufe the hloaalniT of lib e rty u> ouraolvoa ami o u r jm aterlly . <lo orilaln and eatahllMh thta oonalitiitlon fo r tho U nited Htuloa rtf 'A m erica .

(UaiailtnUoii Kufa ' h o t cow nrda fa lte r, and pcaalm u ta ,bewdr«- Tho owiHtilutlon n aftfo. u nd 'w o cun th a n k Ckal l<»dayth a l w e are rd jirn ln ir lo Ita pi'hi olpiUn ’ n t we; jjAt aw r— '------• a w a y t m m f o r

before e iactlnu .o u r. F rankJltt-O J. Jlooae-

few yei new oaplalii,velU ,'.aW a-H iual tfuard-li..weali>Uftbf; Wiirauat hold inla* p e r fe c t unkMil wiuat ,havb iuatlofl t<i J1II5 milat; have dOrAeallo lroh<JtJllHty M ual pron»ot« *tha g en era l w e lfare nnd keep aeeuiyi th e bloaainjra of IHioriy, not Only fo r ouraelvea hut fa r o u r jMwterllyv

• <2iiunli» UiiMir . T he i)em oor«tlo |*arly* n»w«>ia haa a to o d 'fo ram o at In i:ioan «ffo rta t« aaaiat tho cauae o f laVu-, T hey m uat Kitard th«ti' r ig h ta In evety <tonafl|vnble w ay ; thay m u tt en joy tli4 fru lta .o; th e ir lalMtrt Wo mUaC i lm r d th « ir rltfh ta t«) orjifmiflfa fdl', Fhavlr' ow n Wi^lfare, fo r real pro»< ^ • r t ty ia no t ti> be hivd u tS a ts lu*

(CohU nuejf On Pwyo E ig h tJ ^

<)0»>KN m v k s t o c k. 'lO Q D K N , AU»f. 31 dr,l!i ^ HoK": RecelpUi 715, 25ii d irec t. Throuffh ah lp inenta , Indiidu 278 . to nun

.fefttJicJaco-packora. S low ,-very few ffood ho({H offered. P eat kitjds quotfiblo 1 0 '2 0 centx low er u t *7.00 down.

R«C6I||ita RJ3;' 32ff tlroulU ca ttla d lrcul. yiow, n o th ln c dohn eArly; la te T huraday m edium and ffood atcern »3.25-*4,25: heifera »3- 113.50; ino<)limi and i^ood oaw a $2* S2.B0; lowoi' uradon *1.75 dow n.

.m ioop; . Itoceipta 14,005. L ate Thurpdny J o a d . Ofl' lb. blaok-iaccd. Idaho faed er lamba, re g u la r fr l. a tcady i(t fi*.25; 00 lb. w hilo faced ai-eifrm .fcodera *4,00; 127 lb. Id a ho owoa *2.2»: 123-lb. Idaltoti *1; n li. 'fro lK h t benefit.

U B N V B R WVK.STO0K t>fc:NVKa,' Auif. 31 dl.l!^- C a l tk

.Iteoclpla, 2 ,0 0 0 ; (narkola a leady; beof «toorn. *4-8.25; c.ow« and lirlf- ora,—|3-n:no;-riTlvfl«r»:P5:no,'“ feed'

aiui fltuckera,- *2 >4 -C0 ; bulla.

H01:m- rincrlpLa, l.(N)i); m iirko t to 2rvo k»wer; l«ip, 57.25;

bulk, J»7.no.7.7B; p*ot(lnar »a»wn.*fl.{tO-!l,no; pijjH, W-^h.fwr. ■


3J500; m a rk e t 5'15e lowbrj top. *7.115; bnlk, *7.25*7'.0(»..

C altio-.2 ,ft00 : ma>l</it .*toady} bulk atoora, *7-8.50; hel/o rn^ XO- TJi6; veal, ton, W . ' ' V

S h eep —0,000; awlabte Mupply- 7V p er c e n t f«odera. All olaHaos iiLendy. iiulH Horted vanifo ■lamba, .fri.HS-fl; few tncd. u radea down lo *3,40; bu lk wn*twl nntW o and f« l clippwl iMinba, *ft; 'ew ea down from *3: bulk, ronjfo feodintf .lam ^, *5,25-

i A § , s i > p i

CAHIl (IK A INCMICAOO, Auif. .11 iiUlt—W heat o.- J red *1.04vt; No. 3 » !.()/; No.

3 *1,04.14: No. 4 * 1 .0 2 ^ ; woevlly No. 2 red jrarllcky *1.01.

C orn; No. 2 wIxihI SlVjO; N a. 3, to HI 14c; N o. 2 yellow , 8 l%i to

H2n; No. 3. fllH to 8 1 tic ; No. 2, w hite A4e.

Oftta; No. 3 w hite 53c: No. 4, 52c; Hftmple Rrado SlV.n.

Uynj no aaloN, ■ narlo y : *1:15; Q uotable 75« to

T im othy: *10,50 Ui SIfl.OO. Cl<ivcTa«<KlV H4-JJ5 to »18.75j

iHcttn Can A m erican R a d ia to r Am orienn flm elttnirA m erican T elephone ............A m ericon Tobacco B .......... . 7«Anftioonda Copper ..................... J 3 ‘.iA rmo«ir •• ■Atohlaon, Topelia * S an ta Fn tW%A U anllo U eflnlng ..................... 25A u b u rn M ntora . .. 23iJ|,D altim oro A Ohio ..................... 10,Hciidl» A viation ............... ....... 12i>4H othlehem Sloel .......... ............. 2P‘H onlnn Co. •• 2&%.1. L Caae Co. .. 41Chi.; M il.. «t.- P au l A P acific 3%C hryaie r C nrp............................. 3ACV)ca .Ooln ........... .................. i.....133Commoi'olnl B olventa ............ 21c:oinmnh A. SonUm rn ...............C on tinen ta l Oil of r>elawnre tRCTorrt ProdUota .......................... 01%DrtJjf Inc. ;.......................Dm r o n l d<? N cm oura ,K aatm ao K odak - i .................... OO^K lectrlc P iiw er * U j r h t ............ 4%K lectric A ulo-M to ................... 22F ox F ilm ....... iiy »0 « n « rn l F.lectrlo ....................... lo;G enera l Fooda .................. ........ 30O enernl M otpra ......................... 2t>HOOodyear T ire ............................ 22TiJntehiiuUonnI ttarvV 'ater ------ 27'4tn to m a lio n a t T elephone ........ 10Johna M nnvllle ......................... 4 0 ^K enneco tt Copper ................. . t0«K,Loow'a Tno. ......... ......................... 27*4Montflfomery W a n ! ....................24'.4Maah' Mrttora ............................... 14N ationa l D airy P t“oduata ..... 17-N atlona l Dlatfilora ................... 2 0 iiNow V o fk 'C e n tfa l ................... 21-VjPAokard ’MotOra ................. 3-'JiP ftram otm t PubJi* .....’.............. 4P cnna. R. R , , .............................. 24

C. P enney Co.......................... 57 1P u re Oil ......................... ............ 741J lad lo Corp.~____ 5 ^Ilad io . K e ith O rpheum ............ , 2%.neynolda T obacco R .............. 40 uH afew ay « to rea .......................... 47Heara Roebuck ......................... .17%«heU -O nk)n Oil ......................... • Oti,Hlmrnona 'Jio«ony''V8cum nH outhem Ppolfie ..................M tandard R m nda ....................H tandao i Oil o f C alif......RlaUdiinl Oil of N ew JeraoyToxna C orp.......Ti-ana - A m erica ....................U nion CArbide i t C arl> on ....Union P ao lflfl.................... ......Ignited A lrc ra f l ....................U nited CJorp, . .........................XJ..H. S teel, .oom m on ...........W arne)'- B roa............. ................W eatem UnionW estin^hnunA R ioctriu .

W . W oolw orth Cty .


. lOVi

. 341.; , 441/.. 23 H. O . 42. no • 14>.4 . 414 . .3 3 % . 414 -. 8<»U,

CAKH "IVHBAT PO RTi.A N D , :Or«.. Aujf. 31 dU:i

•Canh w heat: IJIjr Rond hUi«ntoni hard w h ite 0 1 ;. d a rk h n n l w in te r 12 p er een l 0(Hv; d a r k h a rd win> to r 11 p er cen t, PI l i n o f t w h ite N't; w.iHloni w h ile 88:. n o rth e m aprinj.' 84; h a rd w in te r H7>,(,; wont* «ru rw i 1 4, .

- — a w u ti t i i iw - iM ttc a iA N t iR - A m erican .Super Powftr .Oltlpji (lervIcQ, com m on . inieotrlc llOnd A S h a re ..F o rd M ot/ir L td. —............Hwlft A Co................... ........U nited Fount/era ...............


• JOTi ■ ««K., lO'i.i• %

■ . 'N jc w YORK, A i^sr.:* . - : ' arn lly -in ailVer s to o ls im<l,In l-ail’- r«H<t ahittrnH gavo p ic s to ck i n a r k ^ a firm e r tone noa»^^tho' cloa* .today aftrtr a aeaalon o f nnrro># fluctuo -- tk>na. Volum e w aa llffb t o f - th e typicnL p re -lahor d * y varH»ty.

M any t r a d e r s w o r e a b a e n t T here w aa no pubU o-buyln if '.anu, Uie few o rdera exeouted orlglnat-- ed fr<nn tiio • (kX ir., m ark aw ere equaJly dull, M any o f UHom w ill' bo cloned tom orrow an d until Tuea<luy. bu t the a to o k m a rk e t wUl do buafneMB iw uWual S a tu rd a y . ■

To«lay’a opening w aa fm etioniU iy lower. Trnilinir Jl^htcnod.projrreK - alvolv un til It ae ttle d ddw n ta;40<- 000 aharon an liour In >tho th in i nnd fo u rth houra. P rice* aUuulled In th e la te mornln'ff and g ra d u a lly

-rallied la te r w ith o u t p ickup in Ac- •Uvlty. i, .

t L o ^ M a r K e t * / ' I

'0\« ' foltowmg n^rtcet ' <|Uo^ tlooa AW uioj*tt3t*d dally; tb* Idaho Breulnff Tlm«aiAiid .!»*«• •ent tbo- averat* priec«>p«ln. »> ooidtnr 10 tho' .beat- avaOabla ln> fon»»Clon.i.<lSa» pf^«« mMiaubicnt to ohMffA'Wlthout boMc* .lor, aIm dasl«ni;l>owttW. Randora ar« urO' ed to watch th« MticniU markaU with whTob thaw rlociil markaU wilt riaa and taU. <■ ^

n v Y w a P B io iw^Vliaaft

Hoft w h ite ................................BMUW

Doan m ark o t atiiAdy,■V. a. No. 1 « . N .’a-.-..............U. 8 . No. 8 G. N .’H..................— M arket allrbM sM itronifer.-Tf. 8 . NO. 1 sm a ll Re<la........... i*2;90'1/. a . No. 3 Sm all Roda.......... ..*2.80

M ill »><«da B ran. 100 lbs..................................*1-05


.. Ilrnn, 500 lba.'»..A-.; : I -aUkilc


P o u ltryCVilore<l bena. o ver 4 Jl>a............Cok>red h«ma, und«r 4 lba ...-.....L eghorn hbn#. UV4 ttva. t»p........Colored broil^tra. I U ’3 Ib/t.......Lejrbrirn broUtfra. 1 '4 )ba. up,.Colored fjyera , over' 3 Ilia........Old eooka .....- .......................—atike;»

-. >>rcatHinB u tte rfa t .......................................Bar«. e x tra ............................ ......W hitca. m edium ........ ........ .........S ta n d a rd s - - .n B akeragggw. u n y ra d ad ' ........... .............

,11c - Kc . He l i e

;lBo .130

240 .180 140 l U ICM . Id c

Ohoico iiffnt outonors, ■ 210 pO ■

b Ot t e r , e g g s

Vaiicotivor Tliinks I'h 'oWould Bovolop Instan t

', ' 7 ." S u ( |6 o u ' ' " 7 . ' '

V A N O O U V iat, B ,0 . dLpr ^ o r - BuoiM llon of an a ll-O a u a d la n ateAmabip in (^ * co a a ta l ao rv lc o . la b«ln |(’ urtfed In •'Hhlpplnif clrelea hare.

Tho p rom nlora a ta ta th u t tJia p ro jec t N lvea • .prdmlae ot .Ina tan t aucoeaa.-tthd there.at-fl ddflrttto in- dloaUona lh a t Mrtttah- W «at In d te i an d «aat«i-n C^aaidian^ «Apil41 w ill i^ln- w itN ' B rltlah C olum bia-4n< ♦ a a to ra .lo ih « undurtak lng^ ' >

H ta propoaatV tn btUkf ah lpa ol &(M« t o ' 8,000 tonli .«aoh; . th o u fh ^ i i « r v l o « w ill b« tA t(i*t«d'«irlth j i r i tM i ''to n n a g e . ' widdi* barf)boat <dk^tM> I t la the, aim o f tbo pro-

to m nlntalrt a flee t o f ah ’ pi liiUC'.OwAAd. mannMt tu u r

Atod by Oanadloii;)- ' ' *

HAN FiCANClMt'O HAN F R A N C iaC O , A up. 31 U'.Ri

—Uuttcrr: 02 »*oore 2Ho; 01 acnre 271^ 0 ; 0 0 -Mcoro 37b. EirirH larir< 28c^ mo*Uum afto: am alla 17c.

M M ANfiKi.MH IPRODUf^R t.OH AN0K LE.4, AujT- 31 (If.l!

Ih /tlo r : lax ln i 28* i: lu lm e flrnlii a r '< ,; . Hlamliu-^lH 2 0 ‘<j; undni' irradcH 23!ii.

I^iffra: r.M'^re >.Bnd<.'mivliun>, un ohAnijrtl. Hmail l« , down !u.

^ , O l l lC A d O - ,___ — ,CHIOICJO. Au«'. 31 iW:»-,K*fi;a.

n iurkflt-a leady: rcrolpti» '3,O t« cuH- n«i e x tra firata 21' to S2o; freah Urndttd firaln -S IU c ; c u rre n t «*• cclplH 17 t«>2<Vu; dfrUori N p .1 . 17» No. 2.‘ J2c; clurcka N o, i r i lk i ; No.

12c. .B uK or; m iirket atoady; rocciptrt

14,442 luha; (i>(tra flra la (f>0-t« (U'/i.) 25» .^:lft,a6 iiiov .cx lrH a (B'j)' 2fli.,i6j fira ta (H8 to '8 0 U > )’ 23!Ji Id 24i^e; aw )^ d a .|8fl to 22^^.


apeciala aaiji to 27 U o;

IN Vr^STM KNT TKURTH (Furn lahed by S u d le r, W egener

’ . ttnd C om pany)Fund.-Jnv ,-.......'..'.'...-.jjitos

Fund. T ru a t, A .................... .,;..*3.75Corp. T ^ e t ............................. :...'.»1.85

IQ u a r . In« ........... ............................ n . a i'4[:fHomoOwnera-..'jr.7....T.'..;.......,*08,i2rt

' Fod. F a rm M ort ....|100’.00-*I00.20

RAH n il,V R R NICW YORK. Au^r. a i (lUU —

H andy and H a rm an quotif b a r all-' vm-, {per ounce): N ew Y ork 40iW,‘ OjmtA. unchanged ; new ly mlntxl!■liver ftllBlhlo fo r trea au ry p u r- nhaae 40>{; oentji, uncHanget); l^ n -i don 3 7 ? i pence, u p 3 /1 0 ponny. j

ROHTON .W4K>I.’ MARKK/T 1JIOSTON, . A ug. 31. miTf-JBu«l-

nr«a ■In ,the RftaUtn mai^ket on apot: w eatern -g row n w ools la oonfinodi to tho purehaae o f llmitefl nuantl-; lira h y . m ills fo r plcclng. <iut-ro«; <J“ lrr» '\rhl«.-»ccorU hig ',-lO 'toduy*#* p ep o r t'o f tlw 17. ' S . a g r lo u itu re do-'p a r tm c n t ; '- ; -------------— .............. •

T he iiiulte<l Iraile, howovori.oora.’

Jirlara flhn lii , ^ ibioud-auiUltlea ofi [m ded ,wiK)>a>«nd ori|» lnal hug /Ino; woota.. S h o rt F ronoll com bing 04j(i

ftnd'<irte» lo rrito ry wtxda ia *l»'lg- Inal ^b a« a ‘.■oenta,sooirred 'bo*W;'<k>od •F rench 'cortih-' Ing a n ii 'h v e ru b n H krlotV o«inwihg.< of aJm ikir .quiUltlrti^. trr o rig in al baga b rin g 70>73 contSy scoured baalM. Pricoa <m ■ g rtd o d - i e r r l ld r y w ooU K^c r!.UnchttHco<l 'fr«iin .laa l Weok;.. r-,- '. -I u


OHICAOO, A ug. 81 -ilUll—P o U - tooa; Mupplv hu idoralo : don

raW rtiow7'«i\l»TcriCwoa\, WlactmHlna, n teady on o th e r aiock; WUcoftaln Cnbhlora j l . j n to *1,30? T H u,nph«. ll.ilO to Jl.TO: IdnUo Ruaaela *1.80 to Hmall to m«<lium alze *1.30 to «1.40; U. S; No< a ,'T t.lO ; M inneao ta . Oubblara, com hlnatlon g ra d e *1.00 to 11.10. '

A rrival* 'H4, on tra c k 185, ahltw m ertiiiftB i.. _____ - *

.•Wf/Ul‘oid4' (F urnb thetf'by .'aud lo r. Wogo'nor

‘ Q M )P*nv) ",.Ool, d e ll^ ry 7 . ' '

y . *1.77'*2.0• M arch ■'tfellvcry,

DKNVBR M ibTAl.DENVKR, Colo., Auff: 31 dlltJ—

s n v c r . 4 0 ^ ) , ^

, N iw :v<»rk'a -I.OtK) f u r dra lera ,, manufacitui-M^ und •,Im p o rte rs ' arc ^ iic e n tr-a K d ^ in a •tlit«04i;k><ik /ieo«:t lo n .c k f^ th e i t iy ^ iV g . . 'w .. i

; niuscum eon-'.H-. t*^tftfl>*l- lok of ' **dwooiJ'

from ' A>boita,‘ CaJiMta, iMld to bo

O v erw eig h t bu tohara , 310 to -250 pounders .........;......|0.00

OvarW oight h u tohers , 360 to •• 800'U nrf*r#isl«ht hu tohera . 135 to^ :

1«0 pounders ......................... 45-Ml^Miliing BOWS, good 350• Jvyndfffff u p ......... ............... ;-W .MS te ers ............ ...................> .»2,00.|8.00H elfera .............................. *3.0(^.W J»P a t oow» ................ ..;....,|I.S0-f9 .0O

l i a i RfWp are' shijjpaVg, ;0 f

ffraifyT^iia wlI''- pay'TS?' foliowlnsf i;h M n Falla:

:.' l p o l ( m d I ' c m n « k U '’B « i i U N ieC&M T W M M n.m d V rytra.y b u p c (h e w , oy«r 8 .....

. Y D U ne T»rl««jfii,' o v « r * IB i. .

■ ■ ■ iU :.

. . . t z f ,

- •*. tU

i ^ i l l ^ o o d .C ^ n d ilU n , '


Democratic Remote .MFFiirjpSS p < ‘a . k f : r i f . . a i » l s R o s s j || | ^ ^ ^

■ I* rtip n ro D ia p la y P o ;ih ‘r:, F o r F fltn P o i'iod

n o u j u ’*'

, J ' h a u i f o r ti ll! I l n l i l i y r a i r l.> h r i r l v n i i ’ Hi’p l . l!(t j i i i if : ' l . ;i i i-

>'t\ Iniil. I ' v n i i n j ; , i l ;l l i d . ' n i t T ul Twiu KaHh hii'.U j i o h o o l l i r o u K h l II. q l j /u | i | ' - ' i ' l

nnrviro. •ftnfin?, ujni itiil-Iuuh o n ; ( i n l z i i f i i i n i i nt ' 'fv>.' in i- 'aiiit i :: ' icii i b i t r o i t l t t t l i i i ' l ; . t n i /H l i i ' t ) III

. I»-1 t o ' pj-«>|xini I' p ' i ; i i .T . i i i i i i n ’ <'(\Vhl<^h th « Ixtiin i iih in ii t>> < lls|ilav• tttr ln ir t h . ‘ Mii(!i<: n t v .Jiii .m . i'

, M r i t . . lam i'/i Vniiil< 'n)iai it, \vIh> Im ItiUrliJU'Kir <if llu- J>inilcrii. t ' ‘i|iii'.'ili‘ f h n t tlii*v ’ liii iJ i'iiirjiiI 'rl n i T u ’In Jpnlllr .piihUc. lihnn-V l>y S. j.i I. I f n w o v i ' r , lii t«' | i i . ; i l f r; i w i l l l ) c' . i< ' -

» Iu i Ultv/I. riiiiiKirv iidiiiiiiN

H o h b l l - H l l l w i l l I>|- ^^K|M•<'|.^I t o | i l ( ' i )U t in i t i< i i i m i l l <-):i;>:ii- t a j ' n i D r t l». - lr n w i i l inl ilii r/i .

A ^ ’o n r ' litt<:i' iiiili'<l 111 i ir il cnl Ini^ Q n r Ih n e n t r y liliiiilcii, w lilr li w ill

' t>o nv itiltih lii III lli<- lih n ii 'v H n tiii- Iljty . no Ih i i l tlU' tm iin l m a y h tinw iff '^A v itn o i' dirt lU lriitu 'i' iiii't v ii t i i 'tv (^b O b h lH K tni Ihi iliii|iltiv<-t| atui t'li<- l«pfiCo iW ol w in tir |-r i |( |li 1 11 - 'A;r<'H)i<>null>l(‘ [lonioii w ill h r mIh-

•W T '* in t h - .•xlllt.lt. in n n i n v r r - tU Kflt »>"l in U ijiiiil '' m i|ii rvm iuti In lnHUr«> n a fo ty o f va liiiilili ' r v h ili i ia vvO bt):.|ii'< tvii(/‘<l t)u'i>ii|:liiiiil 11)1- h< /n '{ |uy Mhow. !

. IgA , Hhuiv (.'ittuu Xt nU'ii I. , |vvt>|>nr'tlU;j»luy •!>(■■ U k- »inb '

m p a II m im h o f oj u liuw cimi. !! um i f l le l ln n a ) ImxiW r<iifii->i w ill tir u i'iH - od.' w ild liiiv i' iiiK'li( \ |B (iflkod Id c n i t i i i i i in li 'u lr ^ b y ; rrm l.m li-lc ; M m . W , A. V an

o r ijivvrcriCK Ijiih H ii, vvlix Mcl i»i4 p r ( i i i f f ly iniiiui|,’iT fin'

C u l v . .tm ly l f l l o n a l ilhu -c ton i to lir n|>-

Iw lnlo<I, w Ik i . ih i* In he In i l i : i i |; i- o f f lp p a ra ti* illii |ilav >i»fii- ^ r< ii|p 'i_ (jL

~~faKpiyn.■ 'iTItr* fa ir d[)ni(i a( ikkhi 'i’iniifi-

K n o t. L‘(l iii t i t r lilj’ li .‘i r i i io l j Daiilum. A p rn jrr in n .

•p iclvoii Owil r v f iu i i i - , iijiU i'K- i w ill tj<i clinplavfd a ll <lavin'rvmninr':-----


w i l l w.linl I, I'!' !^|00.(1|II1ini-x|i.-M'l.-il. Hdfi.'i ID'.I hi I i . 'm i .< ; : i l i r


III n i i l y -111. ll.’I' ll llll t i l l I

, W \ | | 1“ : .

I Doc'iirj^ii Fiivoi'fi H i ) ) n Vuloi^ L«(siil n in ju jlo Ovuv

■ $r),00(J O lto rk

II tTc. l l I li;.(

' | i l u ' ' i . t l l l ^ i i | t l , r

D l l 'm r.i.iN I.'II t i i i i

111 '•.I a n i l 0 ' l i | ' i ' i i ( "

i.r i: .111," hn.! >)v ih.- nil.11..11 . , t .•ilU-..)-. Ml.' l l l l v r

} i i i l r i c i t .Wfn i l ' t I'.i’ . pi ' ii . i«l tUil i-ii!; { U’willil l i ' tHlIt ill l . l ho l 1.1 t i l l ' n i l l i r .

,[ lii i l c -v. ' fv i i n l u a l r V r,t) I i . ’cl il. I l i i r u i n u : . ' ail<l r h n pl ai ' i i i l jiI . ' i i ' . - i i l un . i t i i . i i i t I tu .iM)',!i .ill I 111

i ' l i ant i< ’l.'> i>r t n i i l . ' i i . a . i l l i i ' l>.. t iwn j ii | ), tii . ' i l . ' . i . l . j | t i y l i i i ; 1 . 1 r .M. ' l i l l i '

.......... f r o m 111.' h i i i ik ' i , il iw / i T i l{ p iv iu . l . ' i i l If. i i i a l o i i ) ; r . ' i-. . . I a t r a l . : * 111 tlil.'i ( l l i a’i-l i nn . a i i ' I w i ' inii^jl ; a i | i ' j x i i ' t Iviiii ili lii;<'Mt ly i i n t i l m I v i I taU. ' . ' i 111.- i l | ; l i l l i i l ! .( ai i . l a h . i i ; I w i l l l ) ; . i | i | i..'i a I’l i nn . 'V hasl.-i

.Mi i sl II.-Ip i ' l i r r . i i ' i la l Ulan i n n l . ’c't

l i l i i i hdiK-at

t l i . ni | ; l i l p.'ppj.-

>>1U' ItV.ll )'4'•I.II o f t ) i . ’ JI.' I'll l l r n l t a o f t n

111 Iho iMH-U • I l i .‘ . i i l -

’.'ilah-1). ' v i r . ' .

A ' h . T .

.ifi-i'' no .'.inalM irtiv.' rrlU -.• dtilv dl)ji-.^t:o;i I rin>l i:i li-avcii 111.' <-(iniinrt o f lila II.I li-.m.' anil. «'V.a'Slmhui' fillip, hhwl

111. ’ 111 . ' t a>a.'l;luiMi' ..

l ie la a l n i ; ; j : l l i i j ; o i i ^ l i i i t vi.‘ill<' ' l h i m li.'i

m i ' n . ' - ' n i . ' i i ! -ii i ln. ' i a r \ w i . r . M i i l r n l la al.- in Ilia III l i a l i .

n t r


III l K ' l

il.'iil • J^ailiK' I. , irl.' .. a a l , ' la ln>; I nn i l j i i a t r . l ; I

i i i i i . ' i l la! 1... |ir

l . ' i - l . r t In . v . ' i y w a y i K . n i l<.aiiii: hi.'i h u m . - i . n ' l i n i i i i , i tr nl III.- \i.’o r l i ii'.n'.' ; ;<iih| ; o n i m i a l In- . - a i r i . ' . ! .iii t i . n i l ' f i i l l c a l - \Vi - MiU'iiw . i r l i . n o t o n l v t o i v l l cv . - Iila. l a x l a i r i l . i i . ' i l i n t I'lin U i l . - r . a i hnn l . ' i i . ' i

I ' l l .I IK t l v p i n h h -‘I' l l i ' t l Wi

III. ' m i i n III liii:Ilia i l l i n . ' i i l t i . l u i t w i t l i lli i- l u r u o f l n h t i r l<i i t a r l K l i t f u l w i l l i , a n ' i . - u l l i i r . - j i ' . .w lv <-<»ii; i n t o il.'i i . w n , til l- i ii .al i i . ' t ia i w i l l f i m l l l i a l lii.'i I nI. 'M'al . ' .

............... ................. TTiTTnriyio n o n

I ' . l a

A ii.l n o w , n .-m on r iil.H o r Id a t io . le t I I I . - c c n K i'a h i l i i l . ' y o u o n ix i in l - i i . i l i i i i : f o r t il.! j ; ' .w r n in r )il iip ('■ n .'tl Ho.i;;i, w h o , ' t lir o u i ' l l llii^ ,wlHl].■■ l l .•a l l .• il a ii] .|u n 'l. o f llKt N .'W n - a l . Ivi'i Won t i- ur Uv’i ia i i i .m i l I i c i i i o n 'n i l c c r in im lt I'ai I 'o d a y pn-a.'i (ll.'iiKif.^lirv f iv m i t in ’ nu t in'lllll n-M llOCM llil! I ll' l l .h lU llf lf l'lf iM i-ry tlii.'i i i in n if lc il .’i i j ir a l . - ' in c n l: '•I'o .'itn iajiti'i' ^llrl^^V. In aih l Ir llU 'll t l , ' I .Ml . ' f | I . K i l l V. W<'l*'dlll>"l III'- iK i iiiim .t io n <if <lov.M -nor H i'ii U o a a ' o | M aiin .'* ' ''

11,'. liiiK a.'t-v .'.l r a l l l ir i i l ly a il.! W i l l l l i r o i i i ' l i t i'y ii )] f t ln i i 'a , a I . t I lo cV.'l V I lf .' i l . II'.' w i l l (’o ll t l l lU .- Id a a v i ' I . a w r l l ,

\S ' i l l i a l l III

( r . ; p y . l i . ) , f , I fH I , H i ,II..,I |* i',.hh)• |ic i |j .v \v (i i:> ii . Aiiir, , : i f i-up.-

\V 1 . . / , p .'p p c i'y t i l l in ' M .'X liiiill InH' VviiJi, jii-1)'.ini n i l 'ly 111.'.' ii.-nionH, a f tu i- a ll, Idd iiy w lirn aJili (i|in.l'jj..(l ‘I'ro/ii a r .iu r l. ji.'a.i.j.iii w ill) u iliurlaidi) fiiKorlnjv li.-r III II illKimtii ovf<r a I'lu'iHi w h ic h hiiil h.ti-n ;'iv<iii li.'i' liy I.Im' 1 { o w I iiii . | P rd .lii i-t id jm , |n>'.

..Mlfi.'i U-iUU'l.Ml LUiiL p a y 'm .'i i l d ll lli.i <;lirt-li. iifo in rt.u lly p .u L .if a i i la ry dii.r h e r. w im h i'k l u p b y Uii! f i lm »-dnip:iiiy. Hlpt imUi-r| l.liiil Ib c i tliip u l.' 11.- aiiliii'iltlix l l<i l l u - . A ra iU 'm y o f M o llo ii. 1‘lc liii . A rlii mill Wcl.-noi- i i r b l t f a t l . i j i tioiir'fl. 'I’li.i f l ln iN v n 'f 'i 'n ai'i;ii.r.l l.lmt t.lin m a U iT wuH'mAu' Uw i»-ttj.

Ill i^resen M argaret Sullavan

Miirit llii- ( |iil,i''d f Ko|)t<<iiib(ir i n il II r..il iitiif iiiul Imi'p U .ipnn.

II la llii’ Onl.< dll wliliili Mai'jfiir.il Mulliiviur»i riiuil. Mlarrlii^', jild u ro , "f.lltln M an, WImt fJnW r; .;dni.*ii .Jn..jiiQ;.K'i?,Kfivv i' >Iitr li'MMiijiiilLHjk

nicnr.'I'h.' Jinli:i-.nil.'>i, In .'avor <ir Ihn

ai'U'.-aji and tili'niul. Uii:. dliipuln ov.'i' Ui till- ac.inlcniy.

' 1 1(1 iKiiioynujoii (r ip <if iti-a lb 'T AnK.l1 a n d 'iC ilp li I'Viivti'ii, n film fouplM, di>wn Vkif Wi'jd. «*?M.-Ni.'d, wa« n in ro llt'd l.nlay caiini- (if nidtiir lr<ml)lc. *rlii’ ••nijvlo f.dm'iic.'l U) llnllyw c.td I'nim Vimia, A rlz., wlutvi! Ihi-y w.d'n m ;ii'il.''l. ■'rinw MOW plaji. a trip ui Miijtliiiul a.'i ii.Kiji nil llii'y Clin lu 'ran j:'' tlii'lr' t Mm >'-tijri«j''Tii''»it. •

:/in In "Oiijy Y fjdiirdayi” 1i.m’ v.iv.V fhHl'niiiM dii pl(!liiro, d<>aiand-. .-(1 [bill Mliat ,‘4iilliiviii) b.' iitarri'd. In " h l tlb ’ Man. U'Iml. .:No w '.'" v/)iU:b Wi II l.'ranii Hiuv.iif’ii prndiic- lliin, Mliai Miilbivati i>i aupti'>rl(:d by nniijrbiBH Mnilt^rdiiuiry art I li «i " llltio m an" of llix film , and In ad ­dition, II oiUil of all-iita r pn>[)drllnti. whl'-b; lii<;liid<i>i Aliiii Hull'. C ath - .rliKi rin iicd .,, Miirli’l K Irldand, Ilndda I Inpp.ti', Abin M dwbray, UixISl UnnliiK. H arah I'm iibui. .Du- Wil.l .li'iinliiira. (!odi'j(« MuoUnr iiiid ininiy iilbcni.

'I'lii' flliM< a la rtji a fd iir day riiii ii. 'kL .Siniday al. .lii.<>K'a Uoxy thi>-

’ . + '4 + +Queen Selection on

Stage at Orpheuml-'iriiil ii.']i‘<dlnii <tf a fjiiKcn fdi'

Oi«. Mii/'h! C ity tliiblli’i' w in d raw iiiaiiy pc<ipli< lo llir Orphoiini tb .'iit.‘i’ l.m i|;lit, w bri'i' lilt) final .iiid{;l>i){ will taU.i ptiic.) on th .' iitHir.i al 0 p. 11). iDid lliiinu wjio aro plaimliiir '>n llilii w ill bo i. liid

! Id h 'lirn ib a t tho O rpbnim i’i» cur- j'l-nt. f(-iitiii'f, "H orn Ciujioh Tho

•|'w lid' W.'i (:lllldi'.'>l.

IV llla ICllIn l...'al lUfali'.'i o f ;tla!.'u-i:i lit

i-iul of till. yo;u' llino. ln<'. !dul-c. ... Malio h.i I a d.'fli-K. <il' niMi'lsnnrrnTinriTTF-rrrai111 tja.I ah.'ipr

I '.11. n.ir fe a r t<i i .itiii> tin- j- h ra i la, .iiir bop. n i> r r all ■


allyiiy lo r 111.- jicopl..



ii' ii l w b .iO V I ' I ' l l l l '

praycni, Oiir l.-ai'.'i an- i r.' all w ith llic -

Au«'. n i d'.I'l -.TInrliaM (lfd^an<l C -^xiathiin -ippl<-aftVS.^o hfi Mblppiwl In )aiUt didv Ibla

L^wl* K. Yodiu-. <-hiitrm-ni rif tho I'.Inho Appb- O uiiniidllty

,f^i«t yoitr'M j;ra <i'«' hiiv<' Iii-mi rPtnlilnd by lb« roujm ltir«-, Htmi- ilfird i.Tiidi'H (II.* a i-diiitiimi li-.n of oxtr# fa n n y atirl fa n ry . N'diiV bc- low .faney I'ai) b.i pai'U.'fl an a <-dni- bln;ili«Mi Kriidf.

<‘AU K 'nU .K N' f i . M. Mll'iijf, ICIintwrly, i.-]i irt.-l

to T w in l-‘n ’b4 palli^n Id.iay |) |! || d a iirjUimoblb', a lOW OJH'vnilfl I'jiindi, wa*' Ntoloii from » parhliij,-' p lai’r tm . d i'w n tow n Mnln Uibiin<>rnlnu. iuinibor-tOi'fUa

ri.lj:r.n of j;.iviM..- Uii- la.-qKiyi-r, and nnc wlu> 1

iv\nlUy l<' not only i'»-dii<'*- .-xp.'iidltiiV.' ol' |-.''vt'i'nnii-iil bill u l. th e aam r tlm.- phu-i-M’hi' a lati- "ii

l a l l r n r [oniidutl.m , finiiixdally, and I w.- .‘ii-liTt.'d f<ir ih a t purpoai- I Ili-n ’ lliiaa, a natlvi- .>f Idaho nn<l t a iniin w ith an iiti<I.TMlan.llnj<

lu 'iirl. 'bill f\xui ti'Viii vjkwk n .i t l ii iid t.a l ,h y a a y m p a l l i . ' l ti' I.'K- li i la lii i' i i o r o t l i . - r id a t .' o f f i i ' ia la .

— Ihuir—rr<im tlu- .li-p:irt iiiciilti wh.' ha'.l Kdiiii- ('«>illrol $-11)0 .0 (1(1fr.ini tin; iiii|U'<iptiati.in »nadi-.

<’iiIh Hvpi-IIHI-.'T h rn . in U a'J, bv a

orrati." h-jji;.latiir.-, Ji.- r t IM'opi'iall in Sl,fH)<i,oilo a In 1.0 .lolni; .l.'ci .'a.'U'.l Ui.. ui.\ iiui - di-ri <if t)i;- p.-njili- <in Uu-lr jirop «'riy fp .n i a ta t. ' taN<-i n-'iirly pj'i' (-I'Dt. ll> no t only, tlironnh )ii i

j i-fliir|, ii:iv.-il th.- I^i.\|iav.-rn of lli.'Jdato Sl.btUVtimi u y.’a r in laxva diirinjr th«- liiJiL tw o y.-ara <if hia ndni{n{Hlr««li<in--b«il-<di>ai’iul-iip~.

I Simple Ritci; Held ; For Ruby Roy, 7! ‘ ;iiu p U \ fiini'i-al lu-rvlri-a f o r I l i i l iy I Hoy. Y -V (-ar-(.I.I d a i i i ; h l . 'r .if JJ''- ! a n . l M n i. A<l<dph B o v , w ..-rr hi-hl M il .Ml. K d w iu 'd 'a ( ' i iD id llr (d iiir i'h ;

Ib la i i f t . ’r n d o n - M im uiirii'.'r U n m i H. j * . <

I-'.iiir of hi>r h r .d h n r a , A lf r e d , I T^!)d.'r, l> 'W i/i a t iil W 'ilb i-r H<iy. i

au—pulIluiari'CM.—-Tha—rwhi-t' Ii'allji i i im - f i ia r y ilb-r-.d.'d liiU ^ rin i-iil 1 In 'I'w ln l-'alln c i.'n icU 'r y . 1

.titrni.imhi-ra <if llo llyw ooi' f i lm .r td - <iny fanilll.-ii, w.>n- kllb-d In nn an* l.iiiiohlh- arcidiiiit la.-il iil{;hl...

'I’lid vlc.llnui. a-i I . ;>.j ti'il hy pn- lii-t- I'itlay, liicluUi'd:

M l II. U'alh.'i'liK' ni't^ntiin ■Jb. Ol' Hui-hivmiri V/m»Aii);.-l.-a, lb.- wiff- di an M^ .M nim .'o iiiiianv pi.idiK'cr.----Mr>r -nf!lr--tt1rbbin,Ani;*'l»ti, wif*' of A illn it tilild .lii, Ib i-a trii'iiran '-rit.

Lila Ml.-blilri, h.-r datij-lil--r..Jab Hl.ddilii. h.-r .'i.m,A Ulird rliUd. K uU iD in.' 5^U'b-

-Uln,-U!Ui:-bijurii-4-uj— aha-m ay '<lh>.

'I'li.t aiilaiii(d)ll.‘ (-nrryini: tin.- I/m Ani.'.rli’fi r.:!dd..'iilii and a trurU, roi><ii-t..-dlv .Irlv.'n hy 'I’h.inia.'i WH- llain.'i, I.OH Aiij;i-l*'n, coiil.haj oh th.'

;i‘vvln l‘'«lln in niiiny n day.W ith .lionnH Ca^'nny, I'a i. O 'n rinn ,

iiiid l<'raiil( M olliifrh fiirniiihliiK t>i<> biU(;hH'nn<) tbrlllM itnil w ith (]Ioriri H tiiiirt.'-brlni'lnt' ro liian tlcanj'ld , ih.« pio torn hiiH JiiNt alioiil

i/tldiiir ' N'lir.dlilu. Uiii^ MinK'tlid

Amorloan Film ExootUivfla . MUsing' Following

Bandit Atiaoic(uiiipt-raUnn .of Uiir.ln .Hiiki'n niivy hitH iniid.t till) plnliint a r.Mnarloiblo iilotorbil iitiuiy of niir navy'H poaco- lliii'i niitiiiiiivurtf- All In nil, "iln ro CoDjita,’^b.^ N iivy." wlU bo nhown lit. tliH OrplinunL tb ro iiy lr a a tiird n y . ^

Ninv and Farcv tjr" 7h iich«IuJ«<l I fiyo noj-aonti. incliulliiir th roe pr<v,1 . _ __ . • 11).< OrphoiDn'H Hiinday nttn ifl-

III........lid It hrlni'H M ttin Hlilrloy'{'I’Dijd.) tu lb.> H<u'.'«n oncn ii(;iiln, thli< liinn w llh G ary Coop«r and (Jaroln l..<>i))biir.l- *♦ ♦ ♦ *Fast Wfcslern Tale

Showing at Idaho'I'nilay iiiid loniorrow tho I(faho

lluiiil'or pr.Muait.if Ja<d{ f*«rrln In '‘UawhUfi! Mnll," » oy«donlo ro* niancn of th<‘ wiait Ilial. In pucloul full of rod-hliiorhid ac tio n and thrllM

Addod tlirllln and fun .aro , i'Vnn- iMlihijr Hhmlow No. IS ," ' tblif iioj'iul c’ntlii w ith thifi cbnp li'r, and Biiclc .lonca in "■riio Hod Uldor/.' tbo now and oxu itln ir wculurn h. 'i IhI, opi-' iiod.< Nd. I, Mnvifltono nnwM in ai- lid llidi-d.

W ith th a now norliil "Tho Uod Ulilof,'

JIAHIITN, M iinchiikiio. Aug. SI (IM!i --1‘wh -A.inorlfiaii m otion pic* l iiro offloiala w oro 'mlitflin^' toduy a f to r bnndltfl wrooKcd lh« H iirbln-i IfllMklu))^. nl^liL oxi>ri)Jui, • killiikK fivo .poj-aonn. incliu lln^ th roe pr< * foRnorA o f tho Ti(i|xirinl iniivorwliy a I. Tokyo', . ' , .

ThAiio mlniilni; wnre Iln b o rt liUrj D ana, M anchukiio rr-proflonta>lvfl o f tho com pany, and John..Tohnnflon, tho c«m piiny '« f a r cnHt- <irn mnnuKor, bclinvud to bn n pnn> iMh iiuhjoct. '

J . .1. Uusftol), Hiiion mnnnnifir of tho uonipiiny iiL T<}ky<>, oHmipod,

lion Co.. HUirt thoU- "R ckI Uldor Morliil olnh," fln en l klddlon oiub c lu b over to bft or^ 'anlzcd In Tw in S-*iillR. ThiH tntoroHtinif g ro u p will m oot ovory fiiitn n la y niom tnff u t

ft. m.. nii/l n il kindn of onjOy- uhlo Lhlnufi u ro botntf p lanned fo r tho niflmuorfi. M om bership Im frooan d opon lo nn y ohikl 12 y e a rs o r undo)', In thiH v icin ity . M om bor' Hlilp ocirdM m ay bo nblnlnod u t C.

Iho Irlnlu* and C. C. A ndor- C. AndorKoa’n.Htoro, a t no qout.I

'■Traybur- !HolidayTrip

V i^ E 3 (Service StaiwM ««_• Marag'e •

B G H i D I i B B i n n al)l;;hw ay UO i tb-id.

111.'a o r l l i o f m ilu -


Gotham May Uee■Noise!cB« Wagon

H o w a r d H ii i l lb . ••n ip loy ir o f M e- l .; iw a lii 'a iibof- ii lo r i’ f o r 10 y ia irn . w i l l bi' In Cdiiipluti.- ch n rK u 'd Ibu I ii.'iln.'H.'i m UII .H.'pt, ir>, a n n n iiiu -r ii

, - iM o .a e ie B * w a g o nw i l l . 111..II a iti'W M f|.; iw a iii'< i K ldr-

N*I';W V O U K , A ll);. : il i l ' i ' i A I fili.di,-, sh .i.- iddi-.' lli .Ir .' H t-pl, .V n.'^s j l.'I ll " for c i l y I'b-i’i ic r a w :ia in | M i-l'I lw n ln ln lr iid ,.| id rctlu rn h o ro I II .' i.il' ln ii - td d n y . iK r -p l. U i l«> «ivrrH.-r t b r c lo h in jr o f

A nol'h-li'iiH m illc w iijrd ii, iT p ilp -.i b in h iiiiln i-iia at'fiilr.a la*r»>, Il>‘ h i f l p .' . l w i t h b a l liid ii t lr r ii a n d .I r iiw n I 'I 'w b i li'iillii a l Ib lii M nio. ln ’ h x - nv u b d iiir- id ind w l t l i r u b b r r ii w iia j | \ la ln a . t o irniU.* iia t liifiw -tn ry iir* ( l .- in o n iit r a t i 'd b e f o r e llm N<>w Y o i U , r n n i '.- in n n t ii fo r p la n b ijr h la f h l l - iidlM.*-alujloiniim. tidinniUuiUiii.-------!—| di'an-li»-4*cluKd.




C lo se -O u t P u rc h a s e !tho B oyfl'fljjlrt btjy of tho So;inn«! A Hp0flltil"cl0H0-mU h iiv" l>urohiinoil for tho Twill PaH«'

Pbnney S tore by oiii' huyorsi Stock up now for Hchooll fiuvo a t loW nrlool Punnv Pm-oalo — Plain Broa^olothu. Slroa li to Bo hero curly iiii thoy 'll bo u "Bell o i i t r ’ ' *


Price* Effective in 0 ‘ur Twin Falls and Buhl S to re s---- Saturday, September 1st'

-Our Stores-Will~Bc'CIo8ed tabor'D ay^Be^Sure' to A ltend lKe^IVlagic City Jub ile^ at Twin Falls—Septem ber 5th to 8th Inclusive

Post ToastiesTi>o Dotiblo Thick

Corn Fhikoii

Ig. pkg. lOffOats

~Cryi|tul Wflddinff

Ig.pkg. 19^

Jell ■h4 iiMakes A M ost

Bolloioun Doasorl

4 pkgs. 19^


lb.f Full Orcitm

.Fine Quality Ohcotio

FlourBiflf K Brand

48 lb. bag $1.49POST

Bran Flakes—-All^Prepurori—

B roakfast Oeroal


Whito Kinff Toilflt Our Bcfit Sollor7 Bar, 29c

SoapWhltti Kinfc- Laim diy

It Oct.j Tho D irt

10 Bars 27c

CrackersN . B, 0 . Froflh Balled

Protnium Sodiui

2 bbrBox r 29c Pumpkin

SaladDressingBflut Foodn Now

Home Style

Q t. J a r - 29c

Qiinuiiio Brand No. 2 '/j Oavi

C a n ■ lOc

PineappleLibby'g Fancy Tidbits ,

^ Orushod, 8-oz, Size Oan

Can ................8 c

Tex WaxF or-A ll Si:alinff-.PurpoiiOfl -.-

3 pkgs. 25/ Blackberries

Nnrthwcnt Pino F ru it No, 10 Oann

can 45/Milk

All Brandu in Stook Tall Oiinii

canTuna Fish

W hite S tar Brand No. •/, OaiiH , .

can 15/


!rwhi FalU ' and B nh i’ii Mout , Popuhir Coffui)

lb. 21/3 lbs. 60/


Peanut ButterMax-I-Muni


2 Lb. Jarr:Vr29C' ■ PineappleL ibhy’s Fancy Oruehod •

No. 10 Oans .

Can 59(C


A. y . Brajid W hile .o r Brown 20-ox, aiK« Loavo

2-ior^ 4 5 /.

-E dw ard 's Depend«lilo---------- ---. Panoy Japan '

^Ib. pkg. 1 9 / ' Honey

Now Or^p F&ncy Honoy

10 lb. pail 69/ Cocoa

M other's Brand_______A.R«al.,Blg.yaliie



Pure Oidoi^ Full 40 G rain

Brina' Oontainors

21b. can 19/^ Pork & Beans

19/D innerette ' Bnmd

No. 9Vtt Oahscan 10/^

Salmon• I.lbliy’B Fnnoy Roil Aln»ltii.■ -..i,,.,..,N iu .l,T ttll O a u r '- - .- .......

2 Cans.............. :..-...35c

MarshmallowsF ln tflo jt Brand

Pound ............... 15c

Soup ’ ‘Van Oanip'B ,

..........H^ilidoufl. T o m a ti) 'B o n p . . . . i" .

Can ......

Starch,AmaUo Brand-r.Oorn Md Olo»»


,Bacoh"';v;'£«al Nioo Bre»k^ut -Baoon

....1-. -j--Pound ...............25c

' . S y r u p T ' , >j,Araa!«o OoWei|.!P(lbl«,6ylfupi

^O'Lb. P in