t w mrf js m j c t i i p s « iis wi movies ana has c ; ‘ ' 5 ....

T W ..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER iiP ..World Famous Eva _ May Hold Bip Rev Twin Falls Durin vember, 1926; F. , Ten.Thousahd Hot ; . - Here: Bilhl Has Cri ,NighL ' . Invllallon lo llov. w. A. Sunday to con<lucl n rovhn! .Full* In Noyonihur. i&20. tended''yontorilny nftornonn mlnlslorlnl nlliaiicu or tUIn < tlio mlnlxtorn 'of tlio viirin tostnnl cliiirclicit oC TwIi ' county nfflllntwl thrruwldt. prcHont Itev. Mr. Siimtny In tbo ,i1nle'open, iind If iirriiii . . cnn bo miido tiy him It In . Uial Iio will omc.. Tffo fomouM evr.iiRollfil put tlmtf ilurlHR tiln vlalt to TwJ '' SpcQklnR lo Itn Immcnxn nnd ' tho Chnulmiqnn tont Snliinln ho flrpw forth npplnuno nnil froquenlly ilurlnR liln nildroj clarlnR InneunRO to ho wh^U: <jHnlo to descrlbo tho licniiilo ho had KQon diirJnx Die nflor > hln drlvo nround tho city wl Mr. I’onriion. lio nveirprt llin tho latent dictliiniiry cuntnit -------------------- ----- .400,M0- wordM; 'a million wo _________________ hn cnoiish ror—lhc nnrpoatt- npoko nn If h<- monnl It. TJ onco conchiilcd ImfoTo lio . thnl ho ronlly know nil the wortjit In Iho. illctlnniiry, nm hnndio thorn wllh fiicllKy. - Thrro Mrvllnpi Hnndnj Tho ovnnKOIIxt npoko In thc Ing to n Inreo conRroRiillon PrcBbytorlnn ■church. rIvIuk tor hlfl Idontlflcntlon with p nnt ohrlnllnnlly.' In tho nl < ho nddroiBod n crowd entlninl< j ________________ WW Mp-flt tU« c»y pnrk. a .that erwled tho lalo .Wllllni i)lhin'Bi7 an ]iuit yonr.- At rilgbt ho upoko at nn l> niocllnii In Uuhl. s. . Co All tho Wny, •— -<old-«ho''^drt who .t»IIOTo thnt thoy nro n eboueh for hell aro nol roo<1 for hoavon; no they try to mIddJo coiirno by ndvocnllnc 'tnoral imnen. . Qo<l*AlinlKhty halfiwny houno (nr n. bun roURh ncckn. If J-ou nrn..nr vortod wholly In Cnd'n wn nra roIor to lioH. Tlio Ml>i iwritlon for rofcn thm thoy bellovo. Thnl In whnl ll nuy munt uxe a IhlnR for whnl It ttirided. Thnt I* whnl tho h Intondod for. Jf I aco ji mnn down tho fitroct cnrrylnR n '‘tl • »lo- I. know ho'a n ‘nui.’^ f ___________ him mnklnR thn :tln Unlo' CBUSO ho In tinlnR It for thn p for which ll In InlendM. U I • BO down tho ntrrct with rIo' ray foot -nnd my loRn ibrout nloavea ot my Khlrt nnd my In 4ho ICRn of my Irounot Rhooa on my handn. you’d k wna crnsy bccwiHo I wm nol the Ukloss for tho nurtMna fnr __________ i__thay:.irtim, mndtu. ..ThntJa_aJii»l i>Mp1o do with tho Qlblfi. Tho} y. It *11 out of alinpo iuid thnn. they havo ralaunnd. U. thoy r .............. ......... ... - - U.—:l~-wrotc--iu><> tohl n frit ( .{ConllDued on pass 2) ■S « t e SCREHi - W 'SffiiJB 0, ■. ____ . Idaho, Omten and WanhlautnB i • Ffom Fomt FItra «ad Rmbke Hcrren M rtf* Tntfrie < B ln r and Road* Dabferoai. ^ ---------: ------------------- rOHTljkSn. .nriL. .Ang^O;: to'nlar waa the flCty-aoTcntb _________________ MTSl MYt wlthmit rnln hi TMpo- which ll f<tual to cn ' iabUilliw) In 18S3. Thin old i itMC*XB«fte<l to .lw brokan tw f/ "ABtORIA. Oro. aur. 10.—A e)0tfd>'BJ«ht. wlp) fox and llchl ' iffVVtlUnK in -the higher hill* : ____________ • • A l* and wr«»»tlBR thi* i * ~ 1hk:»b^t|4.-io rtoek iwo^maloi Mt 'flm hnmlBR In clataop c »M: UtdfT both were hellored >6R tl.^..0re, Aug. 10-1 > MfTlei were )MkJnj r: ----------- , etnn'TKlUrffWtt'TM'W tglBW ' tw • avOat thttt la cbmletUng nain the torm tf vT the PKino Bonhw n e MMlka pell totutc tow erar - *on M d Waiihtaitoft. elUee whti ' pevte M eatua «Bd,tdeho- r the UtomtlOQ .'n s lltUe ia 't . tenb^ OriitnMe I* wii>;iiJ»rTi^ toittrow beoa EHrtten; mrF as a 77.. __________ ___________________ S New York Sociel Girl Missing Bl Believed on " r n ------- •-yK\rn-nnK."A»R.-TO.;^; I lyn Jiir<|iiiilhifl llobhu, 1 A I NVw York nocloiy Rlrl. w: (if hur inironln hiimo In L , nIvo pnrk nvoniio ncrtlon I II mornlnR inul han not' bi< , A V rr«m> A Ki-ncrnl nl/inii U 1 Iiont out. followlnc tm n J l _ _ IJ pndio for hor tn rctuni. Minn iloblin' fiilhpr, whn (Iunl of thi< Iron nnd Sto of Trndo, cxprtuincil hi'lli'f h Ivangelist ‘or wan nn n,"hllilnK H ° 1 would roturii lodny. Tho .evival jn },pp„ vpnk with IHneH«, 'inp No- nnd hnd only n nnmll mim Five t o "***' ‘NavaT fflFAIlTHFI « lANDINBPL In holdlnK rnnKnuiontn . . • In cxpcctod .WASniNGTON. Xj^-. 10-1 nn Arctic *«!<• o v it llu- j)«r put In full ctraRn nnd clolK-d rjnrdn of l-;i l'>Sln Kiill^. Dland. two niivnl pIuikh of i indlunco In Mlllan jiolnr ox|x-(llilnn wen irilny nlfiht u, find n niHinnnry Inndint: hi id IiiUKhtor lu 120 mik-it of l-:uih. Uuiiioiii ;lro*n. Do- mnntlrr Uyrd ri'porlod to tbo i^lly Inndo- paruni'nl by rnillo today, illon which Tho unmicucnnfirl voyaltL- u' lornnon on In Iho avhUors nltoinjilltli; 'ii with llov. fllchl from Ktnli- ir> u pint- Hint whllo MncMllliin hrUi'vcii ihorc Ih n tnlni'd hul plncc avnllnblo for (ho iilani would .nol - iTlio . cxpcdlUon.. net .oul. nt? nml bo p. m. Smurdiiy In ..... t.rlllh TJio niidl- tic nlRlit unil thu ndvnntiirn 10 flnlnhctl lilr oxpliirorn wim iloBorllH'd thi> 4no.O'iO n» follown: fljid couJil ••AH/'r, juijuiinj; i:h|M! tin. innKnUlccnt miucliioli! n|«; dny. vlowii. All iho fjnrdii worn tho mnrn* wlih Ico und nnow und th on nl tho Hbowpil nround nn nml lion IK rounnnn Hcoiiioil tn ho notblnc.biit d I prntentn- loyn nnd dcncrl inountnln* nftomoon eiiirnplly from tho fjordn [intcd trom mnny cwioii covor«>d with nm . n crowd Kraat, Khtelpn runnlni: rfoH-n u'lmdleirfo ■wutfi'V "lilfWh— n ie r * -w w -l- illnm Jon- lUllo oppn wntor-In tho fjord landlnea would hnvo liccn si I Immenno '‘Glloiimoro continued ,ltn charactor and II hocnmo nppr I'ny. llano could bo found on tho' )drk audU th» -dlrfiotlon w e wore .|mlni ' '. to ho tho. presouco of Ico In fjor » nol bnd mn parnllcl to Cannon fjoi od onmiRh cfttod thut thoro would bo n 10 tnko (I InK pineo In Iho wiitnr nl I ic crrtnln of our Jbunjoy us tho Ico i ty ban no roiich to Inml on. . junch . of -Wllb ltd nillim from Kt ..nol con* Iii'cnn tn nrltlo nbond. too t wny. ynu n,'.o tlirnuRb. no ll wiin-doc Mlito wnn rpliirn tn Kluh. Hurl tn fly loy mlRbt nltlludo of 3800 ftol lo sot nuya. Ynu _low ctnudn until wo roucb , It In In- Of Bound. blblo In •■Initlcfttor nbnwod nO ml nnn roIhr hlowlnR from tbn norlh nml I 'ni^JJ*- In tho harlKir wnn aull<> rouK roo plnno. landM hcnliln IVnry. llo' carry mlmitcn. hcforo mldnlcbt. n purpono -------------'• --------------------------------- ’ I nhould (Continued on paRO S) Klovon on ------------------------- . m^^m* Hansen Communit ‘" k n o w " ! Church Holds' B nol unlnR IVIus.icale Prog rnr wl\lcli --------- —J1ANS1LS.-JU1C— .1 Q = -I h c -J hoy iw ut Community church wna flllPd'ln ion. nflor nlnj; to llnirn to n munlcnl pr ’ ridlculft Rev. Tom DlodRott ntalod ihnt frienddomPwhntjJlMPOO'ntwl b«aiinp ■;;! ---------- nl numborn ihnt woro ncbrduh eil to appear fnr ono roanon othor. Tbo mcctlnR oponi-d v anoR nervlto dlrrciod by Pny SI IU and t v concrrKnllon took part ill lly In lhe nlnRln^'. Thia aorvlco wnn followp.1 l» F I /1 ' cr by.nov. DIOdRoll. , Ifn iMon |l|| : ■ dueed Mr. and Mra. Hoy Truo o I'lV lAuRh, who nanR. Mn. Truo i aolo nnd tben she.and Mr. Tru W Q T *ThIa' WB4 followed by a Rn r .lX /A two aeteellnna by Mm. t. II. M of TwIn'PtUla with obllRato i panlment by Dr. R. A. Parro tiB 8aUrc Mlaa Edna Tnrrott at tho plant I IlreTy R«r. niodsclt rrvo an InlPi Ic on the talk on "Dllly Sunday.” and h na. had dono gnrnt IhlnRs In a I Tlval In 'Wichita, Kanaa*. Ho 10.—Yea- that people muat wot 'critlcltp ith ^ o n t 5 UfiiT»rin-HIaQi^enc$r-IIfl-Tt jiere __a bow a Roapei teant had Roni* In ofrtIiff-T«iarTtir*t-cnmmnnltli J record "t«rted a church while on a h today, trtp. ____________ ___ -A cool. Three Slain but !m 8”n! .NoCIuelsFe In morn- _______________ , __________ AUBTIN. Teraa. Aur. 10—Ai lice here early today were w M unacr clue* In connectloo tbe alaylng of three ^ n o a a a ^ Bodlee of- the entire flaiaUr “ a ba*l*ni« vlalt. • & E EBgler aad hU wife hai «» ^ adopted daughter EBu^ Btfgter. foand tn aaothar mpTWT- marta of attack.'pbyalelaai for a chaare or clothing, n r e 01 rA LLI TWIN F. NEWT FCI on Hike m LII LLLU Luuuiliu Ion Snturdny '_ _ . ' bwn hvard H T H\/ in hiiH bvim J UV' ; ‘ ' 5 . DI .'ho iB.prfliil- w -• v Stool IkJiird ________ <f hIn-dnuRh' ' lour" mill R ailro ad Tninsi r h^-r. Will B,. 'Rovoh im rif moniiy By Tills 4i*WCrfU ^poured. WeiijllS 3 a m i.H as r»,0()0 H< iNr A IlllaV Di-rruoiT. Mill... AUK. : coiiiollv.- Ihal llviiry l-'oi L I'M II '»'• '"•I* 1“ r if lll "•‘liiniioriatlou In ul... I l llV iiinUc ll>i irliiC l i f t on till- I Icdn and IrDUlmi rnlli-o;i<I. »| 'Apr ■ ■ H ilt orfiTlKhT’rm u’mllo'mill OiilHlniiillim (oa'.uii'n <if • • i;nKlMn follinv; 0-llilfffl!nu • I t wflKhK ;i7:i twin; ilvvrl jHirlliiUB Ici- Imilm of fi.ouil bor/t.-)>i)«'.)r; if l-:ilorniui>r-' >'” >« "."‘I will m. up lo ;if. Ilf Ibu Mnc- hour. wrro iinahio A iiIurIo hli;h ti'iihlini. K ham> wlUi- curn-nt of ;!2.i)(iu voliii wll lionnnUCoui- dlrcrlly froni tlu- lln.' am tbo navy i!i>. dowu" ti. nupi.ly liOii volt ■ ri'nt drivint; niiiiorn Iiy uioai 0 wlil rrmjit formorn nuil uiitior ju'uuiai ; 'u 7ao mile I'nKlni' llnrlf. l.liit'o whi-ri! "'hll»-‘ dlvidiMl Inlo'lwo ma In n Iniidin,’ of two nrllcululr.I parKi, .-ni- ilaucn., I» cumpl. to aud may l'<- opi lUl at- 9:10 uraK'ly, conliol^lu oi-iilrah rliliunt. A rc-lfryiil.' ^ ' urm of llio' — 1 hp~flrrmnT i'.n-<iiily wlH- M'd by Uyrd "I'l'raliim ,it ............ KnI.'jno « ImUviduiil Mut.in. f»r V thr. iHn,i whtol" urc i:: lurli<';< I L. ,UI«Z In coaminK iho driv....... 1 if convorti-d inlo.Krui-raio ln l 'Ll.*? curfont lo Ibo llnu. "f" ''^i plnu- >:ta» ‘2 ™ olnlioni'-i' p jordn whoro j,nvo-boon taken, n mndo. sixteen mllos of ibo D. T. ,ltn .rupRod o ftiio River Iloiiiso plimi ipparont no electrified nn tho Initial nii tho lund^Jn irlfylnK tlio^cntlr.* ■17U mile: i“ |: Trial Will Pr S w™ "t» A riti-Evolutibr 'Ktuh, fog Gni:t:i.i;Y, coin,. auk. i « >0 thick lo born. "lliK placo wiii-n- hi- dr-cldcd tn hf ponlorcd by. ni-wni.ain-nn fly nt nn Darrow. iloli-nihr of J« cot nbovo ‘^<1 noilunally known Inwyn mchoil nlio *’>' ■*>«“ ' ncrllH-n yonlonla: ft ItarrnKo of uuontionn to ti mllo cnlo Darrow will bo llir cuonl < tiu«h whon coupio of wtckn. rv nt flvB Dnrrow nald tbal Dn>tou nppnlnteil In ihn Scoprn trial. i...i t>il loo abruplly for ihrm." h ■timl ffni vnf;,., .TH.ii'li-n ,2) In korplnK oolhor nlnloH frin nntl-cvoluthm lawn, Dnrrow (luinmluK up lln nccomplln Big the life 'ogram , ^ ■d'lanlovft- I program. i- •taV lint ho wan 'V iiiHp-KOver- - .................... diilcd tall- ion or An- ^ae-riS^^5sBSS d with n y Shoeoloy ^ ^ lart heart- , j I hy pray. ' ' L Mon Intro- 'V M no of Mur- . . > > M uo nanR n '- J iV vW True »tto; ^5? croup o( I. Maatm ~ to accom- r" inlorcatlOR . id how bo a biR re- |RP< Ho auted , Y clxr Ray. | A a huaUoR Found —Autbofl- e wllhout . loo wilh . L IJ at Del- /i had been The snd* bter. HIM .n , ' '. itarroortJ • dr»a«r. 'V m ruasaMi wolxiMa -. JS m FALLS, IDAHO, MONDA' « i i s wi W iiir a i; ffORO INMENl iis|«irUitinii Unicin I.c-aili;v.s St;iti ciliaioni/.oil 158,0(111 Ikinl Coal ■flU Hn.einc W ill Ilo G :ilk'cl Ou 3i2 Tons' it-m biT Fii^it Uiili-'s Horsupiiw- stiile Govoi ;st hngiinc liitun-i'iic.s.at Oiici', w ir-'"; ,vi-i :.\ ntii -CI-I'V. n. .I.. ■ ' ....... I'"' ''''"I"' . ...................................^iv.. li. I1.V..II, T„. I'"’- iTil<.?,lri.u: ^ <if iNi-'i:li.ui 1^, i„.| ....,l,.„- .. . hUM- .'IMl<-.1 llu- |.I.Mlll>tlil>' .11 i-r- li- ui-i;i.tlalli>":- III Allai.ili' ''I'y. 'If. iiiili-.'i V..'.r ‘■ ’"•' Ix- InrntMUonal tifi '-l'Jr-, .If. mill:, pur „.o|-Uoi-j.. liu.-'I <11 ulln-iriiinf''’'*''''*’ aiul V,;;.i;‘’‘;''jllh.-\-haiV Z III diroi'i Vui-l n-ann of Iran,! ‘-''" I-'' I . "'l'l' ............ . '-ouilv^y ..... ;.ati.i» .III Ull- . ......... „„ .'Iii'b'..7'«'hu'h '''''r.'oidlri;:ly iiiili,u l.-a.U-i I-''''"' «>••• : : L x \ ‘Lu\ii ' ‘' % S : JUDGE PRA ISE HSb's BRYAN ’S .ST j iiiDtorn nmy atom, ri'turn- ' J imIri- tu. hi-i.»i-. T rlul StiiM.i: lann wlmliiwii In>i'>itlvi‘h ul ilarr<i» uud I-; I- pri-cuutliin.. • nilllum .Ii'uiituun Ilryuii. CHICAOO. Am;. lu-JiidK.- T. & I. Boulli Haulnton of 'I'l'uiirnsi-i- liiiu pa :ini hn.l 1.1-..II Vui'u Unrroiv iu bin own ciilu nli-p In vU-<> Iho ialK-r’a lumiu town, illc;i of imclc. In a. drnjiiatlc inilmsy of Wi nhiR« Hrfiiiv Irt nicmnrlnl m u ' mt"*!'.’!'! lu ' r r n llri' t)^!l!l ' 3y.Ai7An^ bitli-r vorliiil lirondnlilit al l>ni '. “e v e n t on Laws I’mff"'""' I'h hiin. aiul of IJr.vnu aud ni'uiiiiunil I ' uonllc luwyri-.wlio irli-il U> rlnii lu-ArrlviuR llryan i.ohlicaily ami iu i-vrry :ii- would.unt could." -nnru, Ciar- Thi- iipniUi-r. win. wnn (hi- i, Juhn Scai‘<-» nn ucjn.-(c liy Uarniw tliirlufr ( •yrr. wan ini<( nt Dayrou for w hlvim m ail,- nlay wlii. hnd wnrdn nimloKijn'd nnrl wan !. o ujik hini. cnrrlod ili<- nioullui; l.y ntorm nl of bln non. wim an hour l.rfort- h<- roiilil Ii horo. for a imli nfli-r tho norvlc<-N. cn uiu V siinii wlHhi-d to nliitlio hlu band lou wnn liln- liln upo<'oli, -lal. ‘'It ond- lUulBlou wop<, ..ni.c-rinlly uli,- TTliirwTll l.r*-;it,nuy-or ili,! pnr. iiiruavli“ rrom pmi.iluK from lo»i:r fomm of nuluinl IKi )w rolntiij i n ---------------------------------------------- illnhmonin.__________ (Continued on page 2) E OF THE TREE DEPE^ JC T lAX AUGUST lU, 1025; I Brookhart Drops I to Second Pla Election Re< SS" iP iH n fflON S f III -liriKiitiiiifi ir,|i.-ius, .\r>l n.iml.-il III II,t TIuit llro.iUi,,u I ‘ ilr'iil ' :;s;tr' lli- ):il M iliew '"‘7' '•'•""■'-"-i t)iit si-p- ■luss ‘I"'' li'-'i'fiu. •veniment.' --------------- ^ ------------------------ -- r ; ... BELGIUM WII ip ! PAYTODE : ; SAYS CON! I lMlH<r..d lo >- .If flllltil-l- --------- ‘,'r I WASIM.N'C'l-l'l.S-, I), i;., All |"'-a'' illi. iM-r ,lu(v « ,i..|.- i«l"ry .............................. v.nil.l war. aii,l w •1-. Ill \Uili-(itllim>' tr. III. Iur limy' In ll ........................................ ...... Jii.l olili.Mllnnri ' iiiluUl 111- Dll Canl.T Dl- Miir.'hl.'UiK'. I -T Iihl-anrit ul.m unilmmmiloi-. lo,||,y lufnri uml vrllrd Aiiii-rlcaii -li-l.t .•.iuiml.i;ilriii •Iiiiiii ivliiil- i.fri.nliiit or Ur'Cnllallnuii fi.r fir Ilf J-l'ifi.llM.dWi Ili-lKlfi il.l.-t,; «i.ut 1(1 111.- liiilln l S 1lili-^i. - ii",-,|.'-"Vi,a I,..,,.,..,, ,„..unhi,- „f “ '■''I'* ' ....... I - Wj:. r.,||.i»-,-,l liy nil ad. - JIUICVtll'JIil t | , r - ' l ’r.-n»-(.rv- ------• -------j!l_.wlil!lLj"-_,a-.-Ml-.'.l,.J!i.-_l Dial '-i.iH. 111.- r.-.-lliii:» Anii-r ccc Jljlj iir>r<lll<iii ulll hiiM- Ih.- Iiinul IlM-ltr an,I ril.-uilly omnlil.-KS Ilcu. lo.-a| ..r liilnruiitloiial. : ........ sh,.n,I'™ ''"';,.llV '" - ii;; r.' Youii?-W isnrairRE\ Iiiu"ri"b'"u Firemein. A; Will ji-u Breathing Sto] hll niXiidi’d i''iu-:s.No. Aiiff. lO-'Anor ni 1:1 n Iii-'-n proiii)iinci-d di.-ad nnU tb»’ Unrrow. I.ml i.v.'-n c i m c ^ o r ; M nrn Jiiilro rl.'h, wiui ri-niincllnieil yo ii.iiti.v \i’i' fl'"'’ dfpariim-nl n-unm tii]iiud. I,’ Ullrich, wlio lu u rli-rk ami wl in a r.iotnlus huun.i had iii.|. S r ' S - ; ''iJmiyViT- SlVl.'IMKitS ,iin,| DirrilOIT. .ML-Ii.. Am:, lo--' •.•oh Juil;:.! 'hri-i- of (be four flr«i» Suuir.l uh-’ii mov. N--W York Irnm won ibo nail. P».. I " l » . A l h l r ' t l i ' rlljl. of riil.'iiKO fmlnti- — :----------ond «II1| CS polnin and I’lillui J 2) wan Ihlnl willi 7. _________ ENDS ON ITS ROOTS • / Do'ltJOEVEB \ ^ . SEBA>JiTiWQ I .... .. V TEVfE ^ Adopted tecpunt Enter- g£| Has C i.iiuii..:, ).> {'iii'Ieivlla (iiri Lcjivi j; o.^i^li- Jll-tlWllillti IloMU* I'll < .................. " FiTu' Div.'^.'^i's W liici let.lill an- JiDIKlin* • 1’lllX'llil.«t‘l ';>• Her; She Is a Wnii ...I,.'’" '' ' ' I Aciivs,>; a n d H ;is .-\n '. nf In KiU(.'l' ....... . I Il'S. ILF f lEBT rl.,1 »llii,..s ll, al.^,.-tl;Mll, _ ......... Inn.' .Til,, mill....... wl I'll ::hr_w i-Irli- niuinrl-^ t’li.il Maiv i,ii'-,|,-|’ 1 will n.n- <il liri' I 111., pay- llti.VMilii.; :al,l It ;,ii> M-»a nnn. lljinii I'.-ii nirniil l.ir il:! <■ . till- llol- Wl'-' lint ri"iiw.nrilh1,- Ii.i- ll. fnrin.'il till' II-' nitil.-il hi- »a:- i»n:'iiltl nil at lln-:iiltnnn'y>i \>llli ii vl<-vs !.> h ili I.r ruuitliiulMiK for .'rlinlual lllirl a :ali iKlfiii u.ir pilfiflm: •^1 . •'iin'iiii.lr.i'' of rnlflll-. ad.Ii.-f..c I.r NI-;W VimU. An::. In M^.i; ir v —M.-1I..II . V.ii L'ii. ui.ia. ra I- II,-klau:! I.'O In'!' dl>'in<i: lon<-i| lu-t.-r .... .. lia.'i »u,i amuii'ntly l;i tii-ail,-,l f tfi.ii i.liU'h m<ivl,':i. Itli-ii. yniir W.'iii'lni: on.' of ll„. Inily i- K S f rn ^ ^yli.'i-.'r I'Mwar.l W. Mmwii'lni .-Ilni.-.l for Ii.t bi-fi.i-,- li ,l.-i l .l '^ ^ d 'u I'd' out 'of ihi-'"jiillllouairi;'ii lif 1. an- nnl day, ni-vi-r li. ■ri-tuili. ri-aiiuiiulilo Till' Rlrl'n doiiarliir.' iintl by u fi-w liimrii u move by Hr II. hiviilldalo III!' adotiilnn. ' lliowulii« iirwd Miiry not ^eVived*T"n7r-Ttm—mtrrtr-irtfrt—trnt—sh A fl. ' •■‘'<<'<'mliio.l to tako ll. H.i di After lu. Imd uiK'nl ISU.OUO in an ol milk.' hor hln fn.itor rinuulitor. topped .,j „„rr}- for tm- wbol.- ; Ilrnwuinu nuld loiliiy. "I bad • liho had 'louc- iu hor lo ibo vory lu tbo iimti'r- nho hn.l lu'r-n 17 yi-urn old, 1 rrvtnrMTlK bnvr-bopn—dlfforoutr- IJut 21 yonin-.lay old wan tnn niiii-li. (Mnry lnl -n work ul that Hrowiiini; lold lu-r to cli 10 1-Vo-nio ail hor uko. wIiIc-Ii niio .11.1.) ml. MlHii ■'Kll,, I;, „ wrm.lorfiil notrnm. whn ll\i-H If )-(ni try In tirlii iionio jiroji iil.|.ai-ontly nr.- .Iniilili- i-roKiu-.l. uml If y.n piilKi- wan ,|,rlp^tli.-ni tlu-y Iry lo laki- y nlKUK nf A niir’ b.-lmi .|Uo^llom'l1 by I arm tin- Altnriii-y itirliaril H. Nrtaoi.mb .‘<«turduv. Mury wnn lukou 1 lintuo of itoliiTi H. Dhnm-l, a IS «I>. or'nn.wnlm:. Thr- dlntrlct ut o .- T u k lu K -----------------------------:------------------ unlay, tho (Continued on pato 3) atlnnal A. ------------ Him: mi--t I'OJ IITII ,«i;illli;u ( O.MMJ’I.S h» lUjnnli - sT n -n ir iiv .SHo(ynN(J liilir-il ni-r- T...-.... . illuili'll.bla 1.0S •ANGI-:i-i:.S. CaI iL Auj;. niranKo iiMyi'Iiopnlhli- c-oudlIl..n -------------- inlml wblch ruiin.'d thri-i- m.;m1j :i fnmliy to cnmmlt nuirldo, n.h fourih virtim ti.day wl»-n Mrn. S. Ki-rn, nn, oliot nnd kllli-d. h —V ui-ninilur. Ir. poiii-f rrin.rlii. .Mr.-. w'nn Ih.- wifo of a ncr-tiarlo wri ---------------tbp-Motro.OoldWJ-iniTnycf'‘Hl7iill Culvor CUy. C h u rc h VVntiCT Thr Presidente Worshi] ^ May Be Sold for ASIlPIiy I’AKK. . sC j .. Aur. . Siilul Jamcn chnpol hori-. kno' ••Iho'Cburch of thr I'ronhlonln. 1.0 nol.i on tho aurtlon I.iock !»■ I lln nixty commiinlcnnin nro i ^ to rulno flOO lo pny iho cli ^ I'tn-ct pavlnR. Tfio church. wj/erc \t‘<mi{raw non. Wililnm . NcKInloy. Jamrn «= flcl.l nnd tJ. a. Grant wor » whon vlnlUnR or llvlni; In thin ), Ity. hnn only $1C0 In tho In '/» nnd WM' unntdo to poy tho S t Pn»lnR niwennnipnt when the g| pronentnl tbo bill. -*H Municipal mithorltln* nollfie I trmii<vn thnt nnlon* the I.UI I* S llZ=dnil_frixme_chapoI^wlU -U*. B and tho ^lalm .Iboroby iwtliine I ' Bandits Kilied ~m Holdup .Is Attem] ^ SALEM. O.. Aue, To T—O n o ' ^ ______ Jut-liftiwHU 'w «»i-WHwl. auiilliB, J woiindod nnd n third capturod g tinnuocenifiil attempt to hold m Ranollne fllllnR ntatlorf near 1 H lodny. H Jamo* Crawfnrd. oWver c jjl ntatlon. ahot Ihe two yonth S rontrd An hln atatloo * 1111. ' rerolrera. S TWO KITXP.O IX A irro S rucoto. Colo. Atut. ]<K-4 M Thorpe. IndepMndonce. Mo., and S I^ ia . Cotormdo Sprtan.'vere oarir Suttdar (oentac «h«a>tl ^ - Ui«T wOT*'-<W*<iur wew«ef* 'l rr- Bear here aad feil » <Mt (e tk ------ 1 ------- .-iDAilO-WKATHKB I ..... ■’ -rniif-iili'd tontrht--| Vuc-iilay. .Moiltrulo ti I * iiiTiilurcii. . *i; OLD VOL. x n i. NO d Girl W ill Movies ana Quit Brownir l y : ? HIS 0 1 LIFE a: OECISENI , i.y 'llnli'Vt I'ui;- ,tuu-. I').--' 1-M- -lir,! h> .,.iilo'i Chari.'-, ilcl II Inf.in.M- s,-l,„arl/. oliriiiifcl. -.niiubl ‘" j iiiurdrrinc li. W. Iki.li.' n.i,f » 'j,,,.; slllullin.- llu- m r 111. |U,||. bU Kill. liiV. iiImi oi-: !„-,ii "1.1.1- ■>ihln« i|:l|i.%(Hill |ii ili.iri-aiir.'. m.iii. to •|-|„. j,n|i,-|..c. « , i , ' - ii,:'U.il in.ni.li^ a..i, nu,| an- un. w " ‘"“ '‘"'•jon;- iiiiilcT a ^ulrldl,• olaus. '"I" f-r jr.,iiiHi proi ‘ " " l u l l l ll.' |i:iM to HvU*:,rU-. U ; lnill.;ii.-il. Tin-' i.r.'Uiliim w.ni ''A.imi t 'ami li.'fl.'Vlm; li.-;- ..................... :i„,,r III,. |,|.i,,t In Uin ' '■‘" 'I '" ' ' nnl ri,-. li t.||l( faiMiry »h.> .lid ' ' h ' p n l l . ' y J n .f'>lC» ' i y.-ar .-aiinnl I.iimi- for .Ul ilii>!, f .nlthii: !iI-m"": I’"-'-""'"’ _ ,'''iln‘'l"‘iui-l I'AKI.AM). «':il. Am:, l'>.-fhli 1 I l.-niy Si liwarl/. ivrallliy Oak <-|n-inli.l. -wlni alt.'inpl.'il. to ohont . , Mi.aiii.' .'onii.aul.-i. of li.-arly M.,,,. tiui.'Inii lluuisaml .dollarn by r 1..11. lil 'li-iln;: au lllu.'ninl' |.n'in-lii'r n I- lllll"* 'liMriil^'iiir;‘II>i'~l'.'<t>'"tn-Tmpmhlo .-I iiiini' ),|,-„^)f' Bur il, ai, niMi’tui.'nt lii.um, horo, . iilv TriH-l 1 .li'l.'i'li'o' liriili.' In. 'fa'liv '.".ll- Si-li«-al(/' I(.-kI III" Oll}''Cl nlnr' pur- uu oxii-niKi' «oaroli- IbniUKh. .l.-vi'1..p.'d 1'UV ill'lcl*'' f">- Kovorul davn n \1arv xuilli- .barr.-.l n-TU;,In!i fnund In hin 1 Ilf.' Sail, oralnvy urru lil.-iitlfl.-d an liinnr !. a vl.ilii, .If miirdr-r. II wan nt I antli'li.atri l>oli.-u-il tin- obouilnt ha.l boon ki IliowuliiK '« ">' .'Xi.ioMi.ti uml •urrauKom, woro ma.lo for hin widow to col Iiot Io ap- tlio lunurauro. 0 'di'olaro.1 ln> ha.l killed Gilborl llarbo. n « 1 olfort 10 dorlnc lay proaohor und mullli itor. tho holy, uflorwnrdn notllnc 111.- atfnir." In tli.i lubnralory of Iho I’m bad ci.ulU Voaia l^.dlnUmo compnny, whcro Iunl.' If wn« rmployeil. I, 1 wmilrl .siinplclonn nf tho aiilliorlllon v 2i--rrnm nrouicd hr thB~fncr^hnnmly“ inilmuion vuinw und anolhor libnoficlnry K 1 ciuim 1C tHh.l thc ohnrrod rcmalnn tui tli I.I-) »,r Srhwarl*. An autopsy aho i-iin. IV.-ll ,|„. I,oily fimn.l In tbo IiiIk inijili- you ,„ry iml Ihal of tho cher y.iii .lon'L „„,i n warrani oharKluK him v iki' ll iml ,|,urdi-r wiin Iniiiii-d. , . UitrctU'fH IlnitUy trncrA tho m ly Dinlrlct I,,,. „p„rimont hero , i.mb.' lalo „,,.y .ii.nianilod admllUi •u to tbo vcbuurt* put n bulin through , a frionil Mra. Sa.u'.rK. It «'i« ».iU. ' 3) lol colU-cl Iho Innyranro. \SM.SM .K^ Postoffice Deficit Thirty-seven Miilu l..n .it lln- ----- oiiilji-rn of WASIilNC.TO.S. AUB. 10—Tho p< , n.lili-d a offli-.- doflolt for thu fincnl year c Mrn. Iliiib Itli; Jum- 30, I92r.. In npproxlroal •d. hiT»r!.-. 137,lj;i,01.11, It wnn nnnouncod by Pi .Mr.". K.-rn mantor Ronorni Now KMtay.' wriiiTj!!. __oi.Ilm.i...n«-r.‘iK.r«*«.I-by-bur*aui iiuilii.n, at iipnarlmoui for tho fincal y ftrimimiod to | 6t9,271.(H>0 whlio e maii-d njvcnuen .woro IC00.600.( fi^m wbiob a dcluclion miini bo m , «if-»n,C22j)00Jor.«Llmatc<l Inir** (hiped >n oulatnndine liabilities and (ur c fj.' hcrvlco rilircmont. S-l'S B S.'^^Hpr IS _ ~ CDT M II L I O I S 'EB M iE X t'lil :hi*-Vlcln. - . ' thlTTcM Tax RMlaetloB of'«#0^ tho ollv OOOInrrwllPlodbrO.O.P.EBad A* Kr-alt of Cnl la BBdireL ' llfiwl tbo ----- tl U paid SWA-MPSCOTr. Ma**.. .^ . U Iio aolit l^oxjilnni Juried. ” taUvo budgrt for the fl*«aI^y«aP 1 w M rh Blart* n<*Tt .1u1» 1 WithiB iVhen imoted T h ia flR ure U $SO.WH>.OW l«ia U thn appropriation for tbe ■prweat'J . _ cal year. It >■ tmdorttood-tta^Ji no youth- f,, ,h„- xttlueiloa_xllLJAjKa .ilinr wu» by •the' anny "aad- naTy. althoum 'j rM In ari ^ l e r e jiro e»pec<ed lo' t « » old HP a erats aUotjnmta.' • ar Uahoti ThU budget flgnro. tf r of Iho iia t^ » U I aiake ,po*«lS^| »nlha and era) ta» t«dnctlOB of at:ie^!lB -tlwr-3dr 0W.tW. ‘W iUJjllUl U,UWIllB th dra'ra for the Racal ytar It be m.000.000, Lind n W k A M M hoar eottfaroiee w U h > K K S B Q | rrO-. ' tbe iOBuner White. i<K-0«ni1d TbU artonat piBi UtSWWBW and e tr. n n ltn froa Un Urt O M dM M •re UltM enahte * redal«fe».-<<aMit BiM ia D’the r«r wdiilMWg.WMWjWK ed-WtplB— . JaraSM

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Page 1: T W mrF JS m J C T i i P S « iis wi Movies ana Has C ; ‘ ' 5 . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER i i P..World


i i P

..W orld Fam ous Eva _ M ay H old Bip Rev *» Tw in Falls Durin

vem ber, 1926; F. , T en .T housahd Hot

; . - H e re : Bilhl H as Cri,NighL

' . Inv llallon lo llov. w . A. Sunday to con<lucl n rovhn!

.Fu ll* In Noyonihur. i&20. tended ''yontorilny nftornonn m lnlslorlnl nlliaiicu or tUIn < tlio mlnlxtorn 'o f tlio viirin to s tn n l cliiirclicit oC TwIi

' county nfflllntwl thrruw ldt.prcHont Itev. Mr. Siimtny In tbo ,i1n le 'open , iind If iirriiii

. . cnn bo miido tiy him It In■ . U ial Iio will omc..

Tffo fomouM evr.iiRollfil put tlm tf ilurlHR tiln vlalt to TwJ

' ' SpcQklnR lo Itn Immcnxn nnd' tho Chnulmiqnn to n t Snliinln

ho flrpw fo rth npplnuno nnil froquenlly ilurlnR liln nildroj clarlnR InneunRO to ho wh^U: <jHnlo to descrlbo tho licniiilo ho had KQon diirJnx Die nflor

> hln drlvo nround tho city wl Mr. I’onriion. lio nveirprt llin tho la ten t dictliiniiry cuntnit

-------------------- ----- .400,M0- wordM; 'a million wo_________________ hn cnoiish ror—lh c nnrpoatt-

npoko nn I f h<- m onnl It. TJ onco conchiilcd ImfoTo lio

. th n l ho ronlly know nil the wortjit In Iho . illctlnniiry, nm hnndio thorn w llh fiicllKy.

- T h rro M rvllnpi Hnndnj Tho ovnnKOIIxt npoko In thc

Ing to n Inreo conRroRiillon PrcBbytorlnn ■church. rIvIuk t o r hlfl Idontlflcntlon with p n n t ohrln llnn lly .' In tho nl

< ho nddroiBod n crowd entlninl< j________________ WW Mp-flt tU« c » y pnrk. a

. t h a t e rw le d tho la lo .Wllllni ‘ i) lh in 'B i7 an ]iuit yo n r.-

A t rilgbt ho upoko a t nn l> niocllnii In Uuhl.

s . . ■ Co All tho Wny,•— -<old-«ho''^drt

w ho .t»IIOTo th n t thoy nro n eboueh for hell aro nol roo<1 for hoavon; no they try to mIddJo coiirno by ndvocnllnc 'tno ra l imnen. . Qo<l*AlinlKhty halfiwny houno (nr n . bun roURh ncckn. If J-ou nrn..nr vortod wholly In Cnd'n wn nra roIor to lioH. Tlio Ml>i iw ritlon for rofcn thm thoy bellovo. T hn l In whnl ll nuy m unt uxe a IhlnR for whnl It ttirided. T hn t I* whnl tho h Intondod for. J f I aco j i mnn down tho fitroct cnrrylnR n ' ‘tl

• »lo- I. know ho'a n ‘nui.’^ f ___________ him mnklnR thn :tln U n lo '

CBUSO ho In tinlnR It for thn p for w hich ll In InlendM . U I

• BO dow n tho n trrc t with rIo' ray foot -nnd my loRn ibrout nloavea o t my Khlrt nnd my

• In 4ho ICRn of my Irounot Rhooa on my handn. you’d k wna crnsy bccwiHo I w m nol th e Ukloss for tho nurtMna fnr

■__________ i__thay:.irtim , m ndtu. ..ThntJa_aJii»li>Mp1o do w ith tho Qlblfi. Tho}

y. I t *11 o u t o f alinpo iuid thnn.they havo ralaunnd. U. thoy r

.............. ............ - - U.—:l~-wrotc--iu><> tohl n frit

( .{ConllDued on p a ss 2)

■ S « t e SCREHi

- W 'S f f i i J B0, ■ . ____

. Idaho , O m ten and WanhlautnB i • Ffom F o m t F Itra «ad

Rmbke Hcrren M rtf* T n tfrie < B l n r and Road* D ab feroa i.

---------:------------------- rO H T ljk S n . .n riL . .A n g ^ O ;:to 'n la r waa th e flCty-aoTcntb

_________________ MTSlMYt wlthmit rnln hiT M po- w hich l l f<tual to cn

' iabUilliw) In 18S3. Thin old i itMC*XB«fte<l to .lw brokan tw

f / "A B tO R IA . O ro . a u r . 10.—A e)0tfd>'BJ«ht. w lp) fox and llchl

' iffVVtlUnK in -the h ighe r hill* :____________ • • A l* and wr«»»tlBR thi* i* ~ 1h k :» b ^ t|4 .- io r to e k iwo^maloi

■ M t ' f l m hnmlBR In clataop c ‘ »M : UtdfT both w ere hellored

> 6 R t l . ^ . . 0 r e , Aug. 1 0 -1 > M fT le i w ere )M kJnj

r :----------- , etnn'TKlUrffWtt'TM'WtglBW' tw• avOat t h t t t l a cbm letU ng nain

th e to r m t f vT th e P K in o Bonhwn e MMlka p e ll totutc tow e ra r

• - *on M d W aiihtaitoft. elUee whti ' pev te M e a tu a «Bd,tdeho- r th e UtomtlOQ . 'n s lltU e ia

' t . t e nb ^ O riitnM eI* w ii> ; i i J » r T i^ t o i t t r o w b e o a

■ — E H r t t e n ;

m rF— a s

a 77 ..__________ ___________________

S New Y ork Sociel G irl M issing Bl

Believed on" r n -------•-yK \rn-nnK ."A »R .-TO .;^;

I lyn Jiir<|iiiilhifl llobhu, 1 A I NVw York nocloiy Rlrl. w:

(if hur inironln hiimo In L , nIvo pnrk nvoniio ncrtlon

I I I mornlnR inul han not' bi< , A V rr«m> A Ki-ncrnl nl/inii U 1 Iiont out. follow lnc tm n J l _ _ I J pndio for hor tn rctuni.

Minn iloblin' fiilhpr, whn (Iunl of thi< Iron nnd Sto of Trndo, cxprtuincil hi'lli'f h

I v a n g e l i s t ‘or wan nn n,"hllilnK H ° 1 would roturii lodny. Tho

. e v i v a l j n },pp„ vpnk with IHneH«, 'inp No- nnd hnd only n nnmll mimF i v e t o "***'

“ ‘ NavaT ™f f l F A I l T H F I « lANDINBPLIn holdlnK

rnnKnuiontn . . •In cxpcctod .WASniNGTON. Xj^-. 10-1

nn Arctic *«!<• o v it llu- j)«r put In full ctraRn nnd clolK-d rjnrdn of l-;i l'>Sln Kiill^. Dland. two niivnl pIuikh of i indlunco In Mlllan jiolnr ox|x-(llilnn wen irilny nlfiht u , find n niHinnnry Inndint: hi id IiiUKhtor lu 120 mik-it o f l-:uih. Uuiiioiii ;lro*n. Do- mnntlrr Uyrd ri'porlod to tbo i^lly Inndo- paruni'nl by rnillo today, illon which Tho unmicucnnfirl voyaltL- u' lornnon on In Iho avhUors nltoinjilltli; 'ii with llov. fllch l from Ktnli- ir> u pint-

Hint whllo MncMllliin hrUi'vcii ihorc Ih n tnlni'd hul plncc avnllnblo for (ho iilani would .nol - iTlio . cxpcdlUon.. net .oul.nt? nml bo p. m. Smurdiiy In ..... t.rlllhTJio niidl- t ic nlRlit unil thu ndvnntiirn

10 flnlnhctl lilr oxpliirorn wim iloBorllH'd thi> 4no.O'iO n» follown: fljid couJil ••AH/'r, juijuiinj; i:h|M! tin.

innKnUlccnt miucliioli! n|«; dny. vlowii. All iho fjnrdii worntho mnrn* w lih Ico und nnow und th on nl tho Hbowpil nround nn nml lion IK rounnnn Hcoiiioil tn ho notb lnc.biit d I prntentn- loyn nnd dcncrl inountnln*

nftomoon eiiirnplly from tho fjordn [intcd trom mnny cwioii covor«>d with nm . n crowd Kraat, Khtelpn runnlni: rfoH-n u' lmdleirfo ■wutfi'V "li lfWh— n ie r * -w w - l- illnm Jon- lU llo oppn wntor-In tho fjord

landlnea would hnvo liccn si I Immenno '‘Glloiimoro continued ,ltn

charactor and II hocnmo nppr I'ny. llano could bo found on tho')drk audU th » -dlrfiotlon w e wore .|mlni ' '. to ho tho. presouco o f Ico In fjor

» no l bnd m n parnllcl to Cannon fjoiod onmiRh cfttod th u t thoro would bo n 10 tnko (I InK pineo In Iho wiitnr n l Iic crrtn ln of o u r Jbunjoy us tho Ico ity ban no roiich to Inml on. . junch . of -W llb l td nillim from Kt..no l con* Iii'cnn tn n rltlo nbond. too t wny. ynu n,'.o tlirnuRb. no ll w iin-docMlito wnn rp liirn tn Kluh. Hurl tn flyloy mlRbt nltlludo of 3800 fto l lo sotnuya. Ynu _low ctnudn un til wo roucb, It In In- Of Bound.

blblo In •■Initlcfttor nbnwod nO m lnnn roIhr hlowlnR from tbn norlh nmlI 'n i^ J J * - In tho harlKir wnn aull<> rouK

roo p lnn o. landM hcnliln IVnry.llo' carry mlmitcn. hcforo mldnlcbt.

n purpono -------------'•---------------------------------’ I nhould (Continued on paRO S) Klovon on ------------------------- .m ^ ^ m * H ansen Com m unit ‘"know "! Church H olds' Bnol unlnR IVIus.icale Progrnr wl\lcli ---------

—J1ANS1LS.-JU1C— .1 Q = -Ih c-J hoy iw u t Community church wna flllPd'ln ion. nflor nlnj; to llnirn to n munlcnl pr ’ ridlculft Rev. Tom DlodRott ntalod ihnt friend dom P w hn tjJlM P O O 'n tw l b«aiinp■;;!---------- nl numborn ihnt woro ncbrduh

eil to appear fnr ono roanon othor. Tbo mcctlnR oponi-d v anoR nervlto dlrrciod by Pny SI

IU and t v concrrKnllon took part i l l ■ lly In lhe nlnRln '.

T hia aorvlco wnn followp.1 l» F I / 1 ' cr by .n o v . DIOdRoll. , Ifn iMon | l | | : ■ dueed Mr. and Mra. Hoy T ruo o I ' l V ‘ lAuRh, w ho nanR. M n . T ruo i

aolo nnd tben sh e .an d Mr. T ru

W Q T *ThIa' WB4 followed by a Rn r . l X / A tw o aeteellnna by Mm. t. II. M

o f TwIn'PtUla with obllRato i panlment by Dr. R. A. Parro

tiB 8aU rc Mlaa Edna Tnrrott at tho plant I IlreTy R«r. n iodsclt rrvo an InlPi Ic on the ta lk on "Dllly Sunday.” and h na. had dono gnrnt IhlnRs In a I

Tlval In 'Wichita, Kanaa*. Ho 10.—Yea- th a t people muat wot 'critlcltp i t h ^ o n t 5 U fiiT»rin-HIaQ i^enc$r-IIfl-Ttj i e r e __a bow a Roapei teant had Roni* In

ofrtIiff-T«iarTtir*t-cnm m nnltli J record "t«rted a church while on a h today, trtp. ____________ ___

- A cool. T h ree S la in b u t !m 8” n! .N o C I u e l s F eIn morn- _______________ , __________

AUBTIN. Teraa. Aur. 10—Ai lice here early today were w

M unacr clue* In connectlootbe alaylng of three ^ n o a a a

^ Bodlee of- the entire flaiaUr

“ a ba*l*ni« vlalt.• & E EBgler aad hU w ife hai

«» ^adopted daughter E B u ^ Btfgter. foand tn aaothar

mpTWT- m arta of attack.'pbyalelaai

for a chaare or clothing, n r e 01


NEWT FCIon H ike m L I I L L L U

L u u u i l i uIon Snturdny ' _ _ .' bw n hvard H T H \/ in hiiH bvim J UV'; ‘ ' 5 . DI.'ho iB .prfliil- w - • v •Stool IkJiird ________

<f hIn-dnuRh'' lou r" mill R a i l r o a d T n i n s ir h ^ - r . Will B,. 'Rovohim rif moniiy B y T i l l s 4 i* W C rfU poured. WeiijllS 3■ a m i . H a s r»,0 ( )0 H<

iNr AI l l l a V D i-rruo iT . Mill... AUK. :

coiiiollv.- Ihal llviiry l-'oiL I 'M I I '»'• ■'"•I* 1“r i f l l l "•‘liiniioriatlou In ul...I l l l V iiinUc ll>i irliiC l i f t on till- I

Icdn and IrDUlmi rnlli-o;i<I.»| 'Apr■ ■ H ilt orfiTlKhT’rm u’mllo'mill

OiilHlniiillim (oa'.uii'n <if• • i;nKlMn follinv;0 - llil ff f l !n u • I t wflKhK ;i7:i twin; ilvvrl jHirlliiUB Ici- Imilm of fi.ouil bor/t.-)>i)«'.)r;

if l-:ilorniui>r-' >'” >« "."‘I will m. up lo ;if. Ilf Ibu Mnc- hour.wrro iinahio A iiIurIo hli;h ti'iihlini.K ham> wlUi- cu rn -n t of ;!2.i)(iu voliii wll lionnnUCoui- d lrcrlly froni tlu- lln.' am tbo navy i!i>. dowu" ti. nupi.ly liOii volt ■

r i 'n t drivint; niiiiorn Iiy uioai0 wlil rrm jit formorn nuil uiitior ju'uuiai ; 'u 7ao mile I'nKlni' llnrlf.l.liit'o whi-ri! "'hll»-‘ dlvidiMl Inlo'lwo ma In n Iniidin,’ of two nrllcululr.I parKi, .-ni- ilaucn., I» cumpl. to aud may l'<- opi lUl a t- 9:10 uraK 'ly, conliol^lu oi-iilrah rliliunt. A rc - lfry iil.' ' u rm of llio' — 1 hp~flrrm nTi'.n-<iiily wlH- M'd by Uyrd "I'l'raliim ,it ............

KnI.'jno « ImUviduiil Mut.in. f»r V

thr. iHn,i w htol" urc i:: lurli<';< I

L . ,UI«Z In coaminK iho driv.......1 i f convorti-d inlo.K rui-raio l n l 'L l.*? cu rfo n t lo Ibo llnu.

" f" '' i plnu- >:ta» ‘2 ™ olnlioni'-i' p

jordn w horo j,nvo-boon taken, n mndo. six teen mllos o f ibo D. T.,ltn .rupRod o f t i i o R iver Iloiiiso plimi ippa ron t no e lectrified nn tho Initial nii tho lund^Jn irlfylnK tlio^cntlr.* ■17U mile:

i“ |: T ria l W ill P r S w™ " t» A r i t i - E v o l u t i b r

'K tu h , fog G ni:t:i.i;Y , coin,. auk. i «>0 th ick lo born. "lliK placo wiii-n- hi-dr-cldcd tn h f ponlorcd by. ni-wni.ain-nnfly n t nn D arrow. iloli-nihr o f J«cot nbovo ‘^<1 noilunally know n Inwyn

mchoil nlio *’>' ■*>«“ ' ncrllH-n yonlonla: ft ItarrnKo of uuontionn to ti

mllo cnlo D arrow will bo llir cuonl <

tiu«h whon coupio of wtckn. rv n t flvB Dnrrow nald tb a l Dn>tou

• nppnlnteil In ihn Scoprn trial.i...i t>il loo a b rup lly fo r ihrm ." h■timl ffn i vnf;,., .T H .ii'li-n

, 2 ) In korplnK oolhor nlnloH frinnntl-cvoluthm lawn, Dnrrow (luinmluK up lln nccomplln

Big t h e l i f e'og ram , ^

■d'lanlovft-I program. i- • t a Vlint ho wan 'ViiiHp-KOver- - .................... •diilcd ta ll-ion or An- ^ a e - r iS ^ ^ 5 s B S Sd w ith ny Shoeoloy ^ ^la rt heart- , j

I hy p ray . ' ' LMon Intro- ' V Mno of Mur- . . > > Muo nanR n ' - J i V v WT rue » tto ; ^ 5 ?

croup o(I. M a a tm ~to accom-r "inlorcatlOR .id how bo •a biR re- |R P <H o auted , Yclxr Ray. | A

a huaUoR

Found—A utbofl-e wllhout .loo w ilh . LIJ at D el- / i

had been The snd*bter. HIM . n , ' '. itarroortJ

• d r» a « r . ' V m ru a sa M i wolxiMa -.


« i i s wi W i i i r a i ;ffORO INMENli i s |« i r U i t i n i i U n i c i n I .c -a ili;v .s S t ; i t i c i l i a i o n i / . o i l 1 58 ,0(11 1 I k i n l C o a l ■flU H n . e i n c W i l l I l o G : i l k 'c l O u

3 i 2 T o n s ' i t - m b i T F i i ^ i t U ii l i - 's H o r s u p i i w - s t i i l e G o v o i; s t h n g i i n c l i i t u n - i ' i i c . s . a t O i i c i ' ,

w i r - '" ; ,v i-i :.\n t i i -CI-I'V . n . .I.. ■'....... I '" ' ' ' ' ' " I " '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^iv..

li. I1.V..II, T„.

I '"’- iTil<.?,lri.u: ^<if iN i-'i:li.ui 1 , i„.|....,l,.„- .. . hUM- .'IMl<-.1 llu- |.I.Mlll>tlil>' .11i-r- l i - ui-i;i.tlalli>":- III Allai.ili' ''I 'y .

'If. iiiili-.'i V..'.r ‘■’"•' Ix- InrntMUonal tifi '-l'Jr-,.If. mill:, pur „.o|-Uoi-j.. liu.-'I

<11 u lln - i r i i i n f ' '’'*''''*’aiul V,;;.i;‘’‘; ' 'j l lh .- \ -h a iV Z

III diroi'i V ui-ln-ann of Iran,! ‘-''" I-''■ I . " 'l 'l ' ............ . '-ouilv^y .....;.a ti.i» .III Ull- . ......... „„

.'Iii'b '..7 '« 'hu'h '''' 'r . 'o id lri; :ly iiiili,u l.-a.U-i I- ''' '" '

«>••• : : L x \ ‘L u \ii ' ‘' %


iiiDtorn nmy a tom , ri'tu rn - —

' J imIri- tu. hi-i.»i-. T rlul StiiM.i: lann wlmliiwii In>i'>itlvi‘h ul ilarr<i» uud I-;I- pri-cuutliin.. • n illlu m .Ii'uiituun Ilryuii.

CHICAOO. Am;. lu -JiidK .- T. & I. Boulli Haulnton of 'I'l'uiirnsi-i- liiiu pa

:ini hn.l 1.1-..II Vui'u Unrroiv iu bin own ciilu nli-p In vU-<> Iho ialK-r’a lumiu town,

illc;i o f imclc. In a. drnjiiatlc inilmsy of Wi — nhiR« Hrfiiiv Irt nicmnrlnl

m u ' mt"*!'.’!'! lu ' r r n llr i' t) !l!l ' 3 y .A i7 A n ^ bitli-r vorliiil lirondnlilit a l l>ni'. “eventon Law s I’m ff" '"" ' I 'h hiin.

a iu l of IJr.vnu aud ni'u iiiiunil I' uonllc luwyri-.wlio irli-il U> rlnii

lu -A rr lv iu R llryan i.ohlicaily ami iu i-vrry:ii- w ould .un t could."-nnru , C iar- Thi- iipniUi-r. win. wnn (hi- i,Juhn Scai‘<-» nn ucjn.-(c liy U arniw tliirlufr (

•yrr. wan ini<( nt Dayrou for w h lv im m a il , -nlay wlii. hnd wnrdn nimloKijn'd nnrl wan !.o ujik hini. cnrrlod ili<- nioullui; l.y ntormnl of bln non. wim an hour l.rfort- h<- roiilil Iihoro. fo r a imli nfli-r tho norvlc<-N. cn uiu

V siinii wlHhi-d to nliitlio hlu bandlou wnn liln- liln upo<'oli,-lal. ‘'I t ond- lUulBlou wop<, ..ni.c-rinlly uli,-

TTliirwTll l.r*-;it,nuy-or ili,! pnr. i i i ru a v li“ rrom pmi.iluK from lo»i:r fomm of nuluinl IKi)w rolntiij i n ----------------------------------------------illnhmonin.__________ (Continued on page 2)


J C TlA X A U G U ST lU, 1025;

I B rookhart DropsI to Second P la

Election Re<

S S " i P i H nfflON S f I I I

-liriKiitiiiifi ir,|i.-ius,.\r>l n.iml.-il III II,t

T I u i t llro.iUi,,u I ‘ ilr'iil ' :;s;tr' lli- ):il M i l i e w '" ‘7 ' '•'•""■'-"-it ) i i t si-p-

■luss ‘I"'' li'-'i'fiu.• v e n im e n t . ' --------------- ------------------------ --

r ;. . . BELGIUM WIIi p ! P A Y T O D E : ; SAYS CON!I lM lH<r..d lo>- .If flllltil-l- ---------‘,'r I WASIM.N'C'l-l'l.S-, I), i;., All

|" '-a '' illi. iM-r ,lu(v « ,i .. | .-i«l"ry .............................. v.nil.l war. aii,l w•1-. Ill \Uili-(itllim>' tr. III. Iur limy' In ll........................................ ...... Jii.l olili.Mllnnri' iiiluUl 111- Dll Canl.T Dl- Miir.'hl.'UiK'. I

-T Iihl-anrit ul.m unilmmmiloi-. lo,||,y lufnri uml vrllrd Aiiii-rlcaii -li-l.t .•.iuiml.i;ilriii

•Iiiiiii ivliiil- i.fri.nliiit or Ur'Cnllallnuii fi.r fir I l f J-l'ifi.llM.dWi Ili-lKlfi

il.l.-t,; «i.ut 1(1 111.- liiilln l S1lili- i.- ii",-,|.'-"Vi,a I,..,,.,..,, ,„..unhi,- „f

“ '■''I'* ' ....... I - Wj:. r.,||.i»-,-,l liy nil ad.- JIUICVtll'JIil t | ,r - ' l ’r.-n»-(.rv-

------• -------j!l_.wlil!lLj"-_,a-.-Ml-.'.l,.J!i.-_lDial '-i.iH. 111.- r.-.-lliii:» Anii-rccc

J l j l j iir>r<lll<iii u lll hiiM- Ih.- IiinulIlM-ltr an,I ril.-uilly omnlil.-KS

Ilcu. lo.-a| ..r liilnruiitloiial. :........ s h , . n , I ' ™ ' ' " ' ; , . l l V ' " -

ii;; r.' Y o u i i? -W is n ra irR E \Iiiu"ri"b'"u Firemein. A;

Will ji-u B reathing Sto]hll niXiidi’d i''iu-:s.No. Aiiff. lO-'A nor ni1:1 n Iii-'-n proiii)iinci-d di.-ad nnU tb»’Unrrow. I.ml i.v.'-n c im c ^ o r ; M

nrn Jiiilro rl.'h, wiui ri-niincllnieil yo

”ii.i it i.v \i’i' fl'"'’ dfpariim-nl n-unm tii]iiud.

I , ’ Ullrich, wlio lu u rli-rk ami wl in a r.iotnlus huun.i had iii.|.

S r ' S - ;''iJm iyV iT - SlVl.'IMKitS,iin,| DirrilOIT. .ML-Ii.. Am:, lo--'•.•oh Juil;:.! 'hri-i- o f (be four flr«i» Suuir.luh-’ii mov. N--W York Irnm won ibo nail.

P»..I " l » . A l h l r ' t l i ' rlljl. of riil.'iiKO fmlnti-

— :----------ond «II1| CS polnin and I’lilluiJ 2) wan Ihlnl willi 7. _________


• / Do'ltJOEVEB \^ ■ . SEBA>JiTiWQ I.... .. V

T E V f E

^ A d o p te dte c p u n t E n te r -g £ | H a s Ci.iiuii..:, ).> { ' i i i ' I e i v l l a ( i i r i L c j iv i j; o. i li- Jll-tlWllillti IloMU* I'll <

.................. " F iT u ' Div.'^.'^i's W l i i c ilet.lill an- J iD IK lin* • 1’lllX 'llil.« t‘l

';>• H e r ; S h e I s a W n i i ...I,.'’" ' ' ' ' I A c iiv s ,> ; a n d H ; i s .- \n '. ■ n f In KiU(.'l'

....... . I Il'S.

I L F f lEBT

rl.,1 » llii,..s ll, al.^,.-tl;Mll,

_ ......... Inn.' .Til,, m ill....... wl

I'll ::h r_w i-Irli- niuinrl-^ t’li.il Maiv i,ii'-,|,-|’ 1 will n .n- <il liri'I 111., pay- llti.VMilii.; :a l,l It ;,ii> M-»annn. llj in ii I '.- ii n ir n i i l l.ir il:!<■. till- llol- Wl'-' lint ri"iiw.nrilh1,- Ii.i- ll. fnrin.'il till' II-' nitil.-il hi- »a:- i»n:'iiltl nil at lln-:iiltnnn'y>i \>llli ii vl<-vs !.> hili I.r ruuitliiulMiK for .'rlinlual lllirl a :ali iKlfiii u .ir pilfiflm:• 1. •'iin'iiii.lr.i''of rnlflll-.ad.Ii.-f..c I.r NI-;W VimU. An::. In M^.i;

irv—M.-1I..II . V.ii L'ii. ui.ia. ra I- II,-klau:! I.'O In'!' dl>'in<i: lon<-i| lu-t.-r.... .. lia.'i »u,i a m u ii'n tly l;i tii-ail,-,l ftfi.ii i.liU'h m<ivl,':i.Itli-ii. yniir W.'iii'lni: on.' of ll„ . Inily

i - K S f r n ^ ^yli.'i-.'r I'Mwar.l W. Mmwii'lni .-Ilni.-.l for Ii.t bi-fi.i-,- li ,l.-i

l . l ' ^ ^ d 'u I'd' out 'o f ihi-'"jiillllouairi;'ii lif 1. an- nnl day, ni-vi-r li. ■ri-tuili. ri-aiiuiiulilo Till' Rlrl'n doiiarliir.' iintl

by u fi-w liimrii u move by H r II. hiviilldalo III!' adotiilnn.' lliow ulii« iirw d Miiry not

^eV ived*T "n7 r-T tm —m trr tr -ir tf r t—trnt—sh A f l . ' •■‘'<<'<'mliio.l to tako ll. H.i di A f t e r lu. Imd uiK'nl ISU.OUO in an ol

milk.' hor hln fn.itor rinuulitor. topped .,j „„rr}- for tm- wbol.- ;Ilrnwuinu nuld loiliiy. "I bad

• liho had 'louc- iu hor lo ibo vory lu tbo iimti'r- nho hn.l lu'r-n 17 yi-urn old, 1 rrvtnrMTlK bnvr-bopn—dlfforou tr- IJut 21

yonin-.lay old wan tnn niiii-li. (Mnry lnl -n work ul that Hrowiiini; lold lu-r to cli 10 1-Vo-nio ail hor uko. wIiIc-Ii niio .11.1.) ml. MlHii ■'Kll,, I;, „ wrm.lorfiil notrnm. whn ll\i-H If )-(ni try In tirlii iionio jiroji

iil.|.ai-ontly nr.- .Iniilili- i-roKiu-.l. uml If y.n piilKi- wan ,|,rlp^tli.-ni tlu-y Iry lo laki-

y nlKUK nf A n iir ’ b.-lmi .|Uo^llom'l1 by I a rm tin- Altnriii-y itirliaril H. Nrtaoi.mb

.‘<«turduv. Mury wnn lukou 1 lintuo of itoliiTi H. Dhnm-l, a

IS « I > . o r 'n n .w n lm :. Thr- d ln trlct uto .-T u k lu K -----------------------------:------------------unlay, tho (Continued on p a to 3)atlnnal A. ------------Him: mi--t I'OJ IITII ,« i; i l l l i ;u ( O.MMJ’I.S h» lUjnnli - s T n - n i r iiv .SH o(ynN(J liilir-il ni-r- T...-.... .illuili'll.bla 1.0S •ANGI-:i-i:.S. Ca I iL Auj;.

niranKo iiMyi'Iiopnlhli- c-oudlIl..n-------------- inlml wblch ruiin.'d thri-i- m.;m1j

:i fnmliy to cnmmlt nuirldo, n.h fourih v irtim ti.day wl»-n Mrn. S. Ki-rn, nn, oliot nnd kllli-d. h

— V ui-ninilur. Ir. poiii-f rrin .rlii. .Mr.-.w'nn Ih.- wifo of a ncr-tiarlo wri

---------------tbp-M otro.OoldW J-iniTnycf'‘Hl7iillCulvor CUy.

C hurch VVntiCT T h r Presidente Worshi]

^ M ay Be Sold fo rA SIlP Iiy I’AKK. .sC j .. Aur.

. Siilul Jamcn chnpol hori-. kno'••Iho'Cburch of th r I'ronhlonln. 1.0 nol.i on tho aurtlon I.iock !»■

I lln nixty commiinlcnnin nro i^ to rulno flOO lo pny iho cli^ I'tn-ct pavlnR.

Tfio c h u rc h . w j/erc \t‘<mi{raw non. Wililnm . NcKInloy. Jam rn

«= flcl.l nnd tJ. a . G ran t w o r» whon vlnlUnR o r llvlni; In thin), Ity. hnn only $1C0 In tho In'/» nnd WM' unntdo to poy thoS t Pn»lnR niwennnipnt w hen the g | pronentnl tbo bill.-*H Municipal mithorltln* nollfie

I trmii<vn thnt nnlon* th e I.UI I*

S llZ=dnil_frixm e_chapoI^w lU -U*.B and tho ^lalm .Iboroby iwtliine

I ' B andits K ilied ~m □ H oldup .Is A ttem ]^ SALEM. O.. Aue, ToT—Ono '^ ______ Jut-liftiwHU 'w «»i-WHwl. au iil liB,J woiindod nnd n th ird capturodg tinnuocenifiil attem pt to holdm Ranollne fllllnR ntatlorf n e a r 1H lodny.H Jam o* Crawfnrd. oWver cj j l ntatlon. ahot Ihe tw o yonth

S ro n trd An hln a tatloo * 1111. '■ rero lrera .

S TWO KITXP.O IX A ir r oS r u c o t o . C olo . Atut. ]<K-4M T horpe. IndepMndonce. Mo., a n dS I ^ i a . Cotormdo S p r t a n . 'v e r e■ o a r ir Su ttdar ( o e n ta c « h « a > tl ^ - Ui«T wOT*'-<W*<iur wew«ef* 'l r r - Bear h e re a ad fe il » <Mt ( e tk

------1------- .-iDAilO-WKATHKBI ..... ■’ - rn i if- iil i 'd to n trh t- - |

Vuc-iilay. .Moiltrulo tiI * iiiTiilurcii. . * i ;

O L D V O L . x n i . NO

d G ir l W i l l M o v ie s ana

Q uit B row n ir

l y : ? HIS 0 1 LIFE a: O E C I S E N I

, i.y 'llnli'Vt I'ui;- ,tuu-. I ').-- '1-M- -lir,! h> .,.iilo'i Chari.'-, ilcl

II Inf.in.M- s ,- l ,„ a r l/ . oliriiiifcl. -.niiubl ‘" j iiiurdrrinc li. W. Iki.li.' n.i,f »

'j,,,.; slllullin.- llu- m r 111.|U,||. bU Kill. liiV. iiImi oi- :

!„-,ii "1.1.1- ■>ihln« i|:l|i.%(Hill |ii ili.iri-aiir.'.m.iii. to •|-|„. j,n|i,-|..c. « , i , ' - ii,:'U.il

in.ni.li^ a ..i, nu,| an- u n . w■ " ‘" “ ' ‘" '• jo n ; - iiiiilcT a ^ulrldl,• olaus.

'" I " f -r jr.,iiiHi proi‘ " " l u l l l ll.' |i:iM to HvU*:,rU-. U

; lnill.;ii.-il. Tin-' i.r.'Uiliim w.ni■ ''A .im i t 'ami li.'fl.'Vlm; li.-;-

..................... :i„ ,,r III,. |,|.i,,t In Uin ''■‘" 'I '" ' ' nnl r i,- . li t.||l( faiMiry »h.> .lid

' ' h ' p n l l . ' y J n .f'>lC»' i y.-ar .-aiinnl I.iimi- for .Ul ilii>!, f

.n lth ii: !iI-m " " : I’" -'-"" '" ’ _

, '' 'i ln ‘'l " ‘iui-l I'A KI.AM ). « ':il. Am:, l '> .-fh li 1 I l.-niy Si liw arl/. ivrallliy Oak

<-|n-inli.l. -wlni a lt.'inp l.'il. to ohont . , M i.aiii.' .'onii.aul.-i. of li.-arly

M.,,,. tiu i.'In ii lluuisaml .dollarn by r1..11. li l 'li-iln;: au lllu .'n in l' |.n'in-lii'r

n I- lllll"* 'liMriil^'iiir;‘ II>i'~l'.'<t>'"tn-Tmpmhlo .-I iiiini' ),|,-„^)f' Bur

il, ai, niMi’tui.'nt lii.um, horo, . iilv TriH-l 1 . l i 'l . 'i 'l i 'o ' liriili.' In.'fa'liv '.".ll- Si-li«-al(/' I(.-kI III" Oll}''Clnlnr' pur- uu oxii-niKi' «oaroli- IbniUKh. .l.-vi'1..p.'d 1'UV ill'lcl*'' f">- Kovorul davn n

\1arv xuilli- .barr.-.l n-TU;,In!i fnund In hin 1 Ilf.' Sa il, oralnvy u rru lil.-iitlfl.-d an liinnr !. a v l.ilii, .If miirdr-r. II wan n t Ia n tli'li.a tri l>oli.-u-il tin- obouilnt ha.l boon ki

IliowuliiK '« ">' .'Xi.ioMi.ti uml •urrauKom, woro ma.lo for hin widow to col

Iiot Io ap- tlio lunurauro.

0 'di'olaro.1 ln> ha.l killed Gilborl llarbo. n «1 olfort 10 dorlnc lay proaohor und mullli itor. th o ho ly , uflorwnrdn notllnc 111.- atfnir." In tli.i lubnralory of Iho I’m bad ci.ulU V oaia l^.dlnUmo compnny, whcro■ Iunl.' If wn« rmployeil.I, 1 wmilrl .siinplclonn nf tho aiilliorlllon v

2 i- - rrn m nrou icd h r th B ~ f n c r ^ h n n m ly “■ inilm uion vu inw und anolhor libnoficlnry K 1 ciuim 1C tH h .l th c ohnrrod rcmalnn tui tli I.I-) »,r Srhw arl*. An autopsy aho i-iin. IV.-ll , |„ . I,oily fimn.l In tbo IiiIk inijili- you ,„ ry im l Ihal of tho chery.iii .lon'L „„,i n w arrani oharKluK him v

iki' ll im l ,|,urdi-r wiin Iniiiii-d., . UitrctU'fH IlnitUy trncrA tho m

ly D inlrlct I,,,. „p„rim ont hero ,i.mb.' lalo „,,.y .ii.nianilod admllUi•u to tbo vcb u u rt* put n b u l in through , a frionil

Mra. S a .u '.rK . It « 'i« ».iU. ' 3) lol colU-cl Iho Innyranro.

\SM .SM.K Postoffice DeficitThirty-seven Miilu

l..n .it lln- — -----oiiilji-rn of WASIilNC.TO.S. AUB. 10—Tho p< , n.lili-d a offli-.- doflolt for thu fincnl year c Mrn. Iliiib Itli; Jum- 30, I92r.. In npproxlroal •d. hiT»r!.-. 137, lj;i,01.11, It wnn nnnouncod by Pi .Mr.". K.-rn mantor Ronorni Now KMtay.' w riiiT j!!. __oi.Ilm .i...n«-r.‘iK.r«*«.I-by-bur*aui

iiuilii.n, at iipnarlmoui for tho fincal y ftrimimiod to | 6t 9,271.(H>0 whlio e maii-d njvcnuen .woro IC00.600.( fi^m wbiob a dcluclion miini bo m

, «if-»n,C22j)00Jo r .« L lm a tc< l Inir** (hiped >n oulatnndine liabilities and (ur c

fj.' hcrvlco rilircmont.

S -l'S B S .'^ ^ H p r IS _ ~ CDT M IIL IO IS 'EB M i E X t ' l i l:hi*-Vlcln. - ■ . '

th lT T cM Tax RMlaetloB o f ' « # 0^tho o llv O O O In rrw llP lo d b rO .O .P .E B a d

A* K r-a lt of C nl la BBdireL 'llfiw l tbo — -----tl U paid SWA-MPSCOTr. Ma**.. . ^ . U

Iio aolit l^oxjilnniJuried. ” taUvo bud g rt fo r th e fl*«aI^y«aP 1

w M rh Blart* n<*Tt .1u1» 1 WithiB

iVhenim oted T hia flRure U $SO.WH>.OW l«ia U

thn appropria tion for tb e ■prweat'J . _ c a l year. I t >■ tm dorttood-tta^Ji no youth- f , , ,h„- xttlueiloa_xllL JA jK a.ilinr wu» by •the ' a n n y "aad- naTy. a lth o u m 'j rM In ari ^ l e r e ji ro e»pec<ed lo ' t « » old HP a e r a t s a U o tjnm ta .' • a r U ahoti ThU budget flgnro. tf

r of Iho i i a t ^ » U I aiake ,p o * « l S ^ | »nlha and e ra ) ta » t«dnctlOB o f a t : i e ^ ! l B - t lw r - 3 d r 0W .tW . ‘W iUJjllUl U ,U W Il l B th d r a 'r a fo r th e Racal y ta r I t

be m.000.000, Lind nW kA M M hoar eottfaroiee w U h > K K S B Q |

r r O - . ' tbe iOBuner White. i<K-0«ni1d T bU a rto n a t piB i U tS W W B W and e tr. n n l t n fr o a U n U rt O M d M M •re UltM enahte * redal«fe».-<<aMit BiM ia D’th e r « r w diilM W g.W M W jW K

ed-W tplB — . J a r a S M

Page 2: T W mrF JS m J C T i i P S « iis wi Movies ana Has C ; ‘ ' 5 . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER i i P..World

...... — TWO -


j........................................... ..... _ iitir

JiiMliir Sn iiilo r Snjn l i e Ik (ilml j,',,._________ H m whij K.irutlit in . tun u . Thiit

Ariilioi-n IlltlTl'h t; l.liiikH l.il.i'■ ABHlnj .............. ww t m ,.

fo llUruril; lli-lliTiil.> V li« s oti Turlfr.

•■I Riicnii I'll Imvr I.) j:<-l lli<- rntc- i,,,,;Wll llirciiiKb tli.t lioniiti) or.

■ nciiln ii» I llo nol liiloiicl l<> KlV't Sd-ii|i tlin riKtil." wnn III'- rniiinu-iil nr AmUnltvO Stuli-n .Si-iinlor Knillk 11. (>'rlGnoitlnR lii.ni Ltciiiiii: wkuii Inii r- i:aiiviewed liiTu IjK 11 TllllPB rpprpspiitri- i-llltivi- nn iliii occanUiii »( liin mi-ctiiti:

■■'>v|tll 111.: IU»M. “ I KOt U SihrniiKli Illl- ni-iRito lant llmi> liul il 'X-''' Mill'll III ilii> liniihu. TIiii Illll In llir -.;.fv;i«on nf tJiM cniinlry. / t <Uie« iKii iKTc-nniirlly mi-iin low,-or nilri*.I.ul ll ilocn’ nii-iiii Ilml cniml iK)liil!i will «oI tn-i loVi-r rntpn tiinn wi. .t.i. Thi>r4i oiiclil 10 lm n c lly of 100,Olio 'f'''' Iipro liiit )ou will npvor ci't Hmi w llli lowpf rntPH r'irmlsiilMc to tin- i— cooBl ilinn wo linvu.

IVnnt* » in > Fliffif."1 nm unrry thnt lluiro In nof nirin (j,

bf n pulllle. flKhl on Uip Mil iu‘ tliiii nroiiBPB Intor.rHt nnd w ill p i tli>' |>iil>tlr brliln.l It. I uin rIh.I Ilml <,'n|ilnlii Sworlcy foiiKlil It iin.l liopr li f ’ll do morr iilniiK llm minip llm- Ho illd not »I»i UH liny Inirin lit .Wiiali- UlKton; pcniilp ll|) lliorr wcro «I1 i r tlip |iiirp«>*i- of Jiln vliilt." ^

AskHl If rrtTill.lKi^ woro nn i Rot- ^orl , t in e In Ilnn for anothnr Inrni. Sunn- i„,|, • to r OnndlnK milil. " It lonkK llko It." ou„.

W tlh rnfi-ronco In Unviirnor I’lnclini of 1’unhnylvnnln nml hlM p rm lilon llf ' uMnlrntlonn. p iu m-nntor hiiM. " i l i ;vcd

• " if in not K ct-nnyw hnri’. hn will hi ivnr nnJuhctl Ifl J»enn»jh-/in(n n t tlto prti; o f h ln . iironnAt tonn . lie- hiui ncvoi h. n h r c i r Dr.'^cllcnl. ion

OiiHinr nni] Wnnl. . mlnW hen ll wnn PiiCKi-ntod ihu t AllnV-

- - noy-O onornl A. M. (Connor hn^l-«l<^ —

H«tinlor OooiltnK miltl. hn lind lin in' iJ''; -I,BO,. ,Ho Hiilil Ihnl Cnplnln Connm

w n»oou ni; nnd nmhltlnun Mil mndi “ , no (unher en'm tncnt S tn n tn r .Good , .

• litB rpllo'rnti'd.hlB vlnwn on'ltin vnliK.. of Iho tnrlff lo llio fnrnjnr; nnld llmi p

Uio notilhnrn ilcnmcmru woro Uirn " r IPK to proH-clloii nnd iioliitcil lo llu- Iirniicnt wool tn rlff n« tiuiM-rlor t. ohl Scliothili) K In Ilml llic woo crowor nctuutly Kot tho Uonofli ■whcrcn'ii undor tho old nyiilom Un ' •>" nmmifACtiirnr kol n rcRiilnr jirolcc- H'''‘ lion nml llien nn oxtrn compcnimtor) ‘ duly for tlio Increnmxl prlco ho wm tiupimiiod lo Klvo lo llie wool crow- or. but which, jib n m ntler of fnct Iin kopl nimBcIf ROtlInK doiiblo prt)

N J«cllon while lUo srowor recolvc<

jh o _ i t o t r m il .- _______ ^KnnAlnr Qoodhis'B rnlo hill wnnli ,

In pffccl nmlninin tho cnndllloni w hich hnv© provnllr.r Blnen 1918 un' lior covornmi'iit control. Tlin coob' jKilntB mny koI nB low n. throiiKl ^ rnlo nn tho Inland polnln hul noi lower. TJndpr prom-nt condlllonB tIU j y i IntorriMnlc eommercn conimlfinloi \ fA cnn elvn Inrnilnnl rntes lo conn'TwitntK liclnw tcrmlnni rnlPB liorc |M The aoodlnn Mil would forbid this I n

XAVAI, ri.A NK S j (donilnupil from pnce 1)

ton onl n rmllo lo Inform thn pinnoi Ijb thni n Knlo wnii nppronclilnK. I' If^ wn» JUBi niKiHl ri-ii.ly to i*i-nd whcr !5 t lyn rnlur^iod. . Vornnnui-t uot nulti I

•moro* rlolliPB for n.'Xt fllKhl. i Kn Rinio clothes found to ho Uic wiirin- • I r«t. .

"Al llir mmilti of linrhor whi-r f,f NA-3 ninrli'd ti> tiiki' o ff.n hucn hrrii o f wntruHrn ca in r n.-nr Ihi- ptiino .nn.l miponrnd lo qrl i-nrni;<il nt ll. hul thny wiTo iiotin h i t ln h ln d w hor five

'w r took ■ off, »cni•'A ploro of Ifo wolRhlnK nhoni ^

r,00 lohH wn* Mown Iiy iho kiiIii. Inir ihp hrnlior Innl n leh t nt 3 a. m. finil

. . .11. drifted bctw rvn ..Uic. I’cnry nil"' ..hn plniioB. wtilHi w rro nnclinrri

.-iOft ynrdn lownrdo thn Hlioro f.nn- ' thn bMu, 11 was ni-cr«i*.iry ,lo l . r r r , , •II nlRht w ntrh on Itn- iiliin.'s on n rroun t of Ihi- ilrlfllnk* ir<‘. of j

■’A rrocrjiphnr Kf<in<-I» Inu JilM , , , 0 linndod mn a roport Ihnt n :;nli- ol ^hn, K rrnl In lrnnliy I* ilr lv ln s i«w,ir(l >»-ho Ktnli from Ihn foun.l. All plniinx aton hiivn W n uncnm l, Ai* t-oon n-i th r brio ■wrnllirr r trn r* a ll th r r r plnnLi wlli l«n« tnaki- fllehl In tin* nou tlirin ^hor.• dcfc or Ihn bny fjnrd In EIli'HiiuTi'Innil nvfr "I'Vnn liundrcd fifty h l.itu lr l.ilirr b r rr friini ttn t i. w lirrn Cnm inan.li'r M.ii'- K' Mfllan »a}i. Ih r r r I* n land inc .'IcM • 'h o BUllnhIr fn r pJnn i',

“T il'" l» not n d ir r r t rou ln U •n'Tr A xnl-llrllM-rtlnnil :.ml lliat 1« rr- ,' "our sr.-tln,t, I.ul n liin.llns pinrn for Ibi tm m rdlain bn»r mui>l l>r fonn-!,' \V. hntx" llist It will br f lcn r tn n in rr i'v ” .

— «nrn<‘t< 'n i-r.)r~ i!ii;“ THi:bi.— T i ~ ‘f.ir —K,i.r--nr i “ i j :

tlinm h^rr rnturnnl lo iti.- t-i vnr. ' ,------JwMHN-. thf*— nHi-rf a r .- -«tWltil- (’ .hou'

nn>nn/l an.l_ will proba’ily v .n iiii I w h rn thny k n hunsry.

"Tnpf** lr< now n In v ln s nnn*•*hlrh bcarK oul V i.n iri./ pr.-<!lc- x a tlon-- ____________________________ raou

iVlahy" F rench Soldier*' A re Seriously In ju red «bn i

• - ______ or ll. tX>KD6s. Aur. 1 0 - F r rn r h ramial-I W In t l v W w i - b lh-_ rrlNllloiv .

la . flyrla anparrnily bav.- W r . W>«rT.''Tlri>orli> rraclilnc h -n - lo.ta« . ^ “ A rtu rrd >trr»m« of wniin.ln! a rrU ln ' .

RnJruf »n<t Drraf. j ,•Thn Tlmru,- IVirtil rorrrstidti.lrn-

«xj tfinrn. TTiny ba.I b-rrl uoiimlc-rt crrlli m orv. than a wr<l; n;;r> In i-n. niini»-r- ^ ,f, with thr Drttfn mrn, M-.m'l;n<-, Oi.TJmM' J»ni»alnm rorrr»|H!n<!rnt ra-bind an nnronnrrnn 'l rrpo ri ihai --,,1 ,FrM ich woun.ln<1 ha.I rnarh .1I r .-ra :.

Tlrai* W »at A4*.

SOCIETY I.Snrprl.i- r i i i i j —Sun.laf rv.-nliiK.fit-

l.-.'ii frli-ii.ln Knvc n iiio-il uin'«iuci.-<l . nn.l iilrimaiil fu rn rlr 'r iiiiily f'»r Mr«.It. 1\ Klro.l. ci-k.t.n.llni; Ii.t kch 'Ii- tl i lh bIrllMlny. Tin. aliird lIu'Mii'iirlKi' u llll KiflH anil I..- c n niu nu.lr.ik f> -n ild -thp-finpni r r r r . r i i t - n H - n t - ----J.iyi-.I thi-,Nur|>rlHi- llllll.' ni. iiiui'h nH

m oib.'r of .Mr. S, ii, '„r -.ti,- ,M.>.NIctiolh Trniuif.T,

Kniurilny cv.-nllij; Mbm Jnil.- Mnx- wi-ll o iitrrlnlni'il iti ib r c ro t. ' n.'iir ber bniin- oil lllui- tJik.'M tinulrviir.t In hou­or. o f Mrn. A rn ili. 11 Kiu-nt ot ,\lrH. Slnivnri. nnd ,MIhh San.lrihi.n .if l.<w . AuKcli'H. A flor n mcfii d.-llKlilful iilx (iVlnck plciilc nut>|KT. niur.lo nml' iia in o i;nnaliuii(.-(l ibc lunlii.rvaiuru ut i-nteiinlnuicni.

Sniurduy nriornmm .Mm. T, I., W ar­ner onivrialiii'd nl liitr bomc 011 IvlKbili nvonu.- I'nm wiiti <, 1 :;i(i tniicb..ui. T tir 1.-1JI-J.M i>f bi>n»r n rr .- .Mbm Ihiirli'i Wnriicr nnd .Mtk, lloliun, Ixitli of r :il- Ifornla. 'rb.-..lr<'.>iii'il.>un won- n pro- ruKlou of linnk'n flow.'in Irii.tllic n r .- frpHbliik' ntimiHiihor.- I.i lln- pnrly, Tlu-rii wort- iw .'iiiy .four pn-m'iii. ,


On nci'oiint of thu Chiiufnmiun tho ili'.'llli« of Ibu WjiiniiuV rronri'KMlvu :luh ^lm« bruu iHJbiiioiitd uiilll Au«-

Ttu- M. .S, nu.l f t .cInb wltl ni.'rt IVrdni-nday. AuKUnt ^ ’1!, w llli Mrr.. ;bnrl.'H >:ir.'d, Tliu roll rn lt will 10 iinKwiTi-d wilt) n fiivortlu uIl-IiI.- rnrliK-. Ttio Jim .' plrntc wltl ho lolil n t tbo r.', II, Ltndxoy bbiiiu. Sunday, Juul- iC.

An nxJpUKtou nii'olliiK w ill• he h.-td .Vodnnmtny nl 2 p. m, nt tin- Klrul ■Vnril chni>i-l iin.lor ibo Hiiiiprvlriloii of :Blflor Kniiln, .MAftpm (nkon up wIK10 niilrllton for nmilu-r anil clilld. U-ii- — nn No. .1 with n ili'uionHirntlon »it nlnilM, Thl’ im blhtc bi curdtn |ty Invlt-d lo bo priMonl.

~TIii: r."Q'.7P::i;‘...i»in]_JH-In.'t(fiJiiL.ivin ^;lvi- a plc'Utc for llii' clitldrcn nf llii'ti: lutii' ilomhurn TurHitny ovonlni:, Anuiml I I Oiini it Illl- c ily iiark frinii f> lo H o'ct.KTk. — lolliorH nn- Invlti-d In ncc.iiutinioi IK-Ir rbltdron.

Freighter Collides w ith D ollar S team er

S,VN KIIANCISCO. Autf. 1 0 -T b it InlBim frnlKblor .Mniiun Ala Ih Htowty iVnkinK bor wny nonihwnrd lo tbi- lotdon Onto l« lay . In hmlly dnmnKid ondlllon foltawtnic n coIIIbIou w ith Iio Intor-contilnl Btfoiuor .Molvllto IJol- nr At nna off the OrcKon-Cnllfornln tn ic lino.

Tho nccldcnt occurrod In ft heavy ' oir n i C:I« n. m. Sumlny. . ,, ,Thn Mnunt A la wnn norlbw nrd boiind ?f*clHiit,liniii junl-t*uKui SiiiiiKfnonn ul wnn forced lo re ln rn lo Snn I'Vnii- Inco foIIOH-hiK thn cronh.

t T / e a l t k i ^ i n t s !

F a t h e r ' o / i

P h y s i c a l

- C u l t u r eBCKi*«^^*>. _____________ ■__In A mcrlca lo-day. U la I'o llm nl-’

r J lh a l fully ncvcnty-Ilvu p»;r c in l ' of prople Aavo Irrrgiilur t<nlt. At tbo yoraytljc DtmiAl Intlriiiary 11 haa been nhown lliat fully n la .ty - , five i«-r cunt of tbu c h lld rm p re - ' »ratlnir-thrm Brlv«a..(or—U<uuuu0t'. .. iro (hua affnctrd. Thn dimcully of ■ ;lnanaifur Icrrffu lir tt-olb ofu-n r c - ‘ lulla In decay. - . • «-O f-l.B a< • rhltitm n c jnnitn . . r hy __

t>r. A. h>r<-«Jiimn I'oole. only • I- v. n ■ ■ ■ «-rr« founU 10 nom.-iu normni ■ w lh . Dr. Foolr, In i i - r .p a r t lo . hn tV«ond IM ftrtn li.'o la l tloc-blyi If N rw York, alnted tb u t “tbo ’ ilxth yrnr molam of iiKirly cvi ry '•hlld c iam ln rij w.-ro br«k«-n .lown k'holly o r In piirt. In nmny In- tonc.-a thea.- molara »rr<' ■■••t a ) . <1 •H-low Uip Kiiui marKliiH. , S»i .■*- «n«t»e and fa r n.l»nnr.-.l w.-r- ibn . icfccta th u t 'r n rn r ltv p - tr .n ti 'n . 'I ll , :| v p n jf It u . r r ui>i.|l.-.l. would have I ■' >rrn Of lll llr vallH',"

Kiehiy-i.li t>i'r <-<'oi of in<- lo.tinncbool chll.tn'H rmnili;.-.l liy tlin I Irltlnli IViilnl • A.'woclallou wit« , I mTi-rlni: frum more c r I.-m p ro -, !0UUC.-.1 il.'ti-cla of 111,, t .- . 'lb - ll io • ^rn ilt of n .Ib'l la rk ln c lo l»i.- <ii. |f

•hich Ih.- iKiiirH and lh,' liT th <lr- i|

t_ r ro p rr nnJ_Mmi'ly OciiiIkIO'. . HN.-i-dlras tb aiiy. t 1 ~ 'm o > u r ‘ f l r 'I — ‘I

11 thla la; n n i l , Ihat rhildn-n________ : lOuTd Ik- aupplk'^V w tlh p irn iy of______ ' I lA trm i ft>r liutldlnc t . 'i th ; an4_______; ' i-xl. lh a l th ra r mrmlx'rit aboiitd________ [ •crtve thn moat •cm puloun c arr._______• , Aa K>on aa ibn child la o ld '_____ ' ,

louith <lhrr<- y.-ara. o r rvrD '_______I nin«.tV -U -»t»out-thr proiv-r, n c c l_ l __Lj

ahould Ih- ta u s lit Ih.- u».' of a l ]lUn looih-l)ru«h. o r tw iirr yet. I I in rtiortv lAnlinry tooth poll»hrr. . I• bu ttrr . and i-npounnri-d to ii»e ;-|ila n f lr r r a r h m .a l. If po-udbl,-. , Itritcu la rly lt,-forr so ln s 10 l»-U. 1

ra ptr-lally raN 'f.il to tha t . Ii«- «''h11d~prrfuriir»~TUTnau nf iciirr • •— -fo rr m ir l i ie a t tm rln. no m a ttr r ' I3W alct-py o r luaia;K.~-.t lo r» rr t : Iimarlf h r may Ih-. Kor th r .» i« h t

Ih r "tH-rtoO Of e n al.-«t .trray ," br huirr lll llr toticur und Jaira n a t rra t. and lh.- a llv n ry •rlloni nr'> not t r p i rlrriilaiinKr th t- r -a m In th r daytlni-. “ T f l l l " ------•rmlla of Ih r ' d,-vrlopni-nl of r rr fa r td lly In th r aatlvary nr. Q]Ttlona. and thn a i la rk or ilii-w I'U upon th r vulnrrahb- alkaline :t>ataAc« Of the t r r lh .


J m s S iT

1 I .'‘ill’■ 11 I ii'

- V. - •;

/> --------• -• •

S U N D A Y I S * • ". ---------• ll:

.------ (C iiniluni'd-fiofii-pnKii.J) ___ . tl

iiitiii'. a t;.m l. niii'iit, thn t I .w im m ll t , i llllll lo |>;iy iiiy Iniiiir.'iuci- li-.ti I l'trn

H e’s a Baro

TbU wee rbnp I" unnr olber tban R.nron U oald.lo bo tbc lliii»l l>pc cC tlw ru;

. . _____________________ „ - .._'n'-bttHy.


j W g

- i - y S O - S O K S E ^ ^ ^ ^

f i i i i i m i n n i l ^ M i i ^ W F. < o m p o w THIS. a u p n s v s T e A w e e e e t H L i l a d

NO STREET M G A O E A J Z ^ ^ ' M t w OM AW o n a o r v M W I M

P E K F O h M A N C E S — R A in ; 0 R - . 7 n m c - ^ ^ K ^ -

O R A N D S T A N D C H A IR S E A T S ( J O H N S O N D R W

■ ■ T W N FA LLS DAIl : ^


iiboubi run uut. Wli.-ii I cniuu lo ilo 1 111.' tusuiriiuco offirt- I mjkud for ibi. - i-iw.ilpl, - -Tbr,-lnr.uriiui)o-:-nin:i tjiln '

■ a;il,nl ll.m I .IiIICT I' imM. 1 , t.ibl llllll Ihiit my frb'iiil bnd prom- ) bii'.I lo pny IL uiiii 1 liiiew h.- wunlil UvuH

— - .T -------------- — :-------------------— ■

■on of France' . jil— I II 111 I m. ■ . an.i

I hrllc

Til nr h

; Tb, Idcnt

' mini

' ' I V•8.' • ‘ attneE ‘ ' KoclnK . ilecln

. ~ i j- i- ron Jenn Rouper. of rnrla. T h r la'Ji

rupldiy diviiidUn* vlu>* of tVonchIty.____ • '• • ..........P.Oi

k.L»LS *1 / f i U G .

O T ^J i ^ A l & B A R N E S i '■■■■■I^BapsitM&MnauKAr ^



Y TIMES " ; ' ' ^

B y P W I G L

K i ,


/ ' / . ' . . . s

•« C ‘W < r / with/ i'onn

S -S S H -H - H — ,----------I tmrt

to HO. If I llllll conridonco In tbo Aoi'd of a roni oBtntu nRvnt I .cui- n, nlnl}'_ouKbi _io. liavo-coutltlcncu.-lu nf—- bo word of Gnd AIinlKbly. . imndi

"Vou iiiiiNl Uoiicvo Tliiil Uhrlht tnnvo .viiH Ciod, Ibnt he wnn Imrn of n and ; .IrKln and tb a l ho died lo roo.lum nlriir i]ie world n r you nrc n o t .n Chrln- wlPni bill. If Chrint In no t thu non of iod. ih rn thoro It) iio Clirjnllnti’ty ■ n.l no nalvnlion nnd Ilfo la nol vortb llvliic. When I noo un un; ——; M-Ilcviir I know bu In nn evolution- nt. If you w nnl to tnko th n t viow ' , :o lull and nnnoclato wUli your ijlr- ‘''" .J >■ roIntlvi'N In tlio truon;*’ . .

Thu npenkur told vividly tho nlory ,. If hln own convornion. T iilrti-fivc 'unr» ni;n nnd h is onlrnnco lo cvim* „ wo ;ollcn1 work.

Thu ih o lm o t tho vhrloun cIiuicIimh p r . dcntlflcd with the .m lnlnlorlnl olU- 222 S inco nnnK yoBtonlny nml Ml tho ulnlhtiira of th e couniy occi'plod | caiB on tbo. pln tfonn . Ho wnB' In - . ipt n;

Sntnnlny M sh t Trtlk.Thn Chnnlnuqtin nddrc** Sntnnlny ' J

■venlnK bnd for Un mnln tbnmo iKnn o f ' di-Kcnnrncy und mffrnln. Ho ttnekr.l a ll formn of rndlcnllum nod .hi ocliilitim lind Hcorcd LniMllulto. llo eclnroil btmnnlf iiKnlni.t public —• iw iinrBblp'.of pnbllc u tlltlien nnd Inid thn t w hile DIU McAdoo wan n jrleud of hln . nnd n Krcnt flnnncler. j n Wnn n nut when It cntno to run- j luK th e rnllrondn. |

I.nnfn (.‘niwd nl Hulil. _ihtjil Inrncd on l en 'o bnnr

111- fitujnun evimsntlBi wliu aJdrcsh. d a crowd there.

T he TIm ct DT^UaMualed fo r n8w» a Southern Id ah f t^ V .,..^ ._________


T O D A Y A N D T O M O R R O W I.KlRhunm-t Klrxt MiUunal Fcalnro I L O V E O R S O d iA L P .O S IT IO N .? _ '___________ _ *. - - -

M p t t l l !


Xatldnf- lOe .M d S»c— -------E tnn la tt A A I I * . ^ M d S»e

. . OUMrfB ja e •


■ ■ ■ - ' .

• • - 3ION13AY

P E R S O N A L S j iM C

Mr. nud Mrn, Arno Roncli nrc n thi-Ir wriy' hi-rc. via Yollowntono ark. lo vlnll Mr. Iloach'u hrollicr,V. A. Flowur.MI«B Grncn W aliur o t Cblcnso iii ,

rn - tho BUont of her hrolbt-r. Hyrd -'V"!.'" M te r .* ^ n . Ilur'o M u rra y 'N o rth in hack r o ^ Ibc Idaho Tocb whnro nho wn» )t>H^iclor In thn nuniinor ncboiil. p;^i

lothi-r nri! .In Di-iivor on vnciUlon. nbout ChnrluB K. Joiion nml fnmlly nru |*'d '|

n vncatinn un i^oon crook. ,I,. C, Siullli hi back from Ciillfor. "

In ' ■ 'A. B. -Dlckry nml lln rry O'Nonl

ro h o m e 'n f te r IniiliililnK pU-clrlcnl KUiren a t tbc Hlal.i iiorii^al nchool.Q. Y. Gnnnor, liln nlnter Mrn. T . H,

lll lc r of Amcrlcnn Falln nnd ber j nuRlilPr, Bpcnt Sunday with rula- IVPB In JnrhldKc.

Mr. nnil Mrn. Jobn Carlton of * i „ | » n j: npiirh nro vlnlllnK Mr. an.i Iru. Honry TaKKnrl, wblto en ruulu ,1,,^^.^ ■t New Vorh, . ,ho

[Clan Launches Drive » ^ ij^

fo r New M embers ,_____ /ury .

WASniNQTO.S-. I), r . . AUK. 1 0 .- lidlnK ntop Ibu luipcoiuifiil 'I'-'""’'’- iirntlun MnKuil In Ibo nnilonnl capt*>I durlnK till) Innl iwii dnyn, tbn , , , :. K. K. I;i InnncblnK lo.t.iy In vr.rl- q un nectlonn of thu country a iioiv rivn for inntnbornhlp. ncilvllThu .inovuuieiit wnn lt,aili'iiriilrd

'bun ,200 now . nirmli.-rti w.tr.t lul- w nrri' ntod- Inlo Ibu liood.'d order In ihu lindow of n fiery croH« ou lliu Vlr- ^ a Inin hnnk of Uio I’otoiunc liiid iKhl. Tbo corouioiiy brnutihl tn n nncl,unlnn thn Iwo-itay ilpjnonnlrn- xj,,, on wHilfh wan Hluinxnl Snturilliy — 'Ith n ntioctnculnr pnrnilu down '1'nnnylvnnln nvonuo. I l lThu tw o dnyii tipcclncio, which him I I

mined cxirntno procnullonn on the tirt n t ixillcn unit proimriiilonH nn m p a rt of Uie nnllnnni siinrd nnd ildli-rB nt P ort Mynr. pnnncd with- Ml tm tintowored ineldnnl. 'U -lH conBUIercil poimlhlo In viuw „ ' '

f—-th r ---Bticcpnnfiil— ilnmnnKlrallnn ondonnrturii o f tlu- klnn mny lit! lovftil from Atlnnin ln.v'VnBfi[nctoiT nd a hlK 'now Inipertnl pnlnnn ron- , . triicli'd iii'Jo lo -dll Ibc Impurlal | IRinl. . . "_______________ I.nbor

.II'IUJK I'ltAl.'iKS 1"“ "",(C ontlnnnl fi*om panu 1.) .

•'.Mr. Urynn illdn'l bollove'In 'cvolii- fVimin on nnd I don’t hulli’vu In It c ltbor.'' JnhUK le jmlKo nald. • Clly“ I don 'l l,icllovf> Ond mndi* ft minor- wortb

ble monkey nnd then let nnlure ito Irln—( 10 rcnl. I hollovn In n (^ml Ihnl can cnn |i iwwcr prayom. In a real Cod. nol flenh wooden God." will '

I>r. A. - jT ^oafc r—Vool .SnnciBllBl— '"^Onc !2 SboBhono 81. wesL adr. nix «

‘A u t l i f l c d 'cUBtoiner ui i n MBCt—IC *D aaTcrtJBing mwilum. ■ (.-enulr

Joe-K S a y . : '. Some hUBbnndn hnvo a iK'n • whllu

.houao. Ell." whnlT-

i c M a i i i i O ) c g ' j T r ^ v a S B I— ^ N O W S H O W D

TiinitlHaiO F T H E

PiflDEeLDayli■ ■"............Como See TouMclf In' ll

R e s t o f th o ProE


» ________ ^ G R E A T E R 4(

i i l t o u p S i} S i r f i

i /T ,

B y A lla n D w a n k a e

I d g a r h e 'h a s p o n n x f rb i

B e lw y n th e B ig S t m t

S c re e n m e lo d n u n * — th i*

b}T o lg b t c io b t, g o n

" F a ia M y ^ S H t H - j t r t i r

•S c a o n e i a ------- 1— i s n> b i ' and c o v i

•'GREAT GUNS"—P o r - a i a f

" M f f E - T h e ^-ib.ViUiU UAV CKWIIJIU . nil week but th e re tt tX .ch « )p ro r

day lo •T'HE W HITE D E S E R T X ^ Colotada. and Friday to "UADV t f l S

___ ^ I ^ Wftlch for ou r llne-up o f DUw inter abowlnc.

-------W A T O H ID A H I

) A Y r : : a u a U S t lA - - 1 9 2 i i r r _ _ - T ^ - -


InUler'B Wlfo ll«pc» lo Mate Hoir >yhu K lllfil IUh K aliirr Preni MaU lu n n i InHunlly Wltl Uo Tic* I i R v lli-f. ______

PAKKEKSnW ^^ 1 0 -T h o

liont J . W nrren V nndcrw oort..l7 yenr Id liiKh nchool Blielk who Bliot nml tiled biB father nnd nerloiinly wouml- 1 hlH ninllicr. Prom h er hod In n lo ­ti bonpltnl Mrn. V andorwoort ncul, ord lh a l nbe iloua no t belk-vo Ihu ly m eant to do the nhootin*.••If I live, It will lie only lo flKlit

I navo m y boy," nho told nitendantir.Mrn. Vnndcrwoori. BuffcrlnK from v o -h u llo i-w o u n d a .ln tho hoad. ia nklnK .au onrouraglni: fiRhl fo r llfui iiynlRlnnB nald.AjtboiiKh police ndid nho wiinnnnp.l .10 tnnrdp'r of hor hniiband. Mru. Vnu- i-rwoorl will rcfiino lo lentliny ucnlnnt 10 lioy, It watt Risilo kitoH’R. SUk Itn- QVCB W nrrcn wnn wnlklntr In hln cep whon he (IrL-d Iho b u ild s frwtl Ib ItKhl rifle.W arrou Ih In Iho jftll a t AIIIbou. nenr

w iilii- plnnn for hiB dofonno hnvo not L-i-n completed, n plon of Inaanlly fli- J«j piitprfid, Jl wnii IniliMicd.I’irtlnp nfftclnln hnvo no l Imen aldo I dctfcnn'tno iho cniiro ror ibn ftct. nu reiiHon ndvniicejl Ifl thn t tho hoy Ki-ntod- Inicrrernnco w ith hln xoclnl ^ilvlllcH. Anolbor In th a l ho wnnled I cntk-ct bln fnthiT'n life Innurancn.’nrren d.'ule* th*-«o storlc?, Adbcr- ,K to hiB coufnnaion in which ho nnld :- wnn driven c rn iy by "tlin ctmntnnt ickorluKn" bi'twe<!u iihi pntfintu,

TltiicB \Vnnl Adp Ocia itcnuUa. '

Who Is Your Skinny —

Friend, IHaliel?. --------- .

T rll him lu laku C>l U vur Oil for,coupli:_ut..nioutliH_iiiuUKCt,oiiouKli--------Mid bi'ullby fii-iih 'on bin bonon to

Ttdl him hu wur^t hnvo to nwnl- w III.* niinly ull \ t l th tbu iniuni'iil- .'i; flnby tnnti-. bccunn.- tho McCoy :iboratorle«, ot Nrw York, aro now iilluK up Cod Mvcr Oil In nuKur inli'.l lAhlct form,Ank I'or MrCuy'n C u d Mvor Oil

nmiMiiind 'Tnbtein a t SPlirnmm- ihuKon. Mnirnilc i’lmrmnny' nnil lly rb an m iry und evury d rucsin t ortby llm name nulln tliuin-~CO Inb- In—no citnli.— Any mnn or womnn in pu t on five poimdn of lionUhy i-nh In so ’ dayn nr yout^ drUKRlnt 111 wllllnKly 'r e fu n d ihu purcliuAo •Icc,One wninim put on 15 poundn -In X wni-kn. Cblldri.-n Krow rohimtHi MronK.•'Oct McCoy^B. Uio orlKlnnI nml nulnn f'o.< l.tvnr- Oil Tftlilot." ______

lliu olborn Krowl nil ovor tho

AIIMISSIO.NS:fh lld ren ' .....................— ...lOc

•AiliiIN .............. *_...........J llo' I l.iu n .: 2. S::io, 7 nnd »


depictures ”E

Celehratinna" tbo "MoWca”Program

O P T H E . PA R A M O U N T

I 40" . . .

[©HT LIPe 'q f ■Mj w y o r k *

ROD U ROCQUC.77 ooR O T w oiSH

U W S T T O M ^ ’AooiMTnno*ltl»C t.U H V

— a - ^ i m o n o t o O ^ i a u J t r — --------

knowi his Broatlway andrtSo wfltli lire adxT io u rsf- ------n t into this fast-itepping his comedy romance o r nn fijlits, taxi races, flirt.

j v r i ^

' N E W S

nitA TTO.VVe«I w ill b t i a s w g - ---------^rorrara chaac«s o a W «dae» i i A V ° ° * p ictnr* 'm ad* l a . f f l^ T H p .MOirr," a -blK »pe-

P ro sraw a ‘for fall u d

A S O y r -

Page 3: T W mrF JS m J C T i i P S « iis wi Movies ana Has C ; ‘ ' 5 . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER i i P..World

r ■

~ ~ 3ro>TDAT, : \U G T T s " 'r m - ’


HjROIHPiFHi- SNAPPY GAME jP iT H t 'F o n r I n n in g s W c ro A ir t ig h t j

BoeoboU w ith . N o lth o r T o am I

■ S c o r in g ; K im b o rly T o o k T w o

in t h e F i f t h a n d L o w o ry H i t

a H o rd D riv o B e tw e e n F i r s t

n n d S c c o n d in th o S ix th , S c o r-

in g T w o.

' ■ B u h l Q n 'y a ........... 0• K im b o rly ................ 4

K JM nniir.Y , A n c r lO - n y hllll’iiK In t>io plnolios nnd inkliii; oilvniitnuc* o((lie lirPAkH, K linbcrlry wnn n rlomOy

' contrHtPd immo from Iliihl on tlio In- « j l Jinll Ipl Sundny nrtcrnoon. ICiiRli j l t c h e r ,<J{d kooO w ork nnd wlilio llio . niimUcr of him won nlioiil ovon Klin- b p r lr h u Dl moro opportiino tlincn.nnd I tlivroby moiIn nil cloiiln cnunt nn In | i'Vlilcnccd by ibu fnct llinl b in one man WUI |p (l Klriindod w blloJJub l hnd fivo j who failed to find tdnnlMFI racllltloii. t

Nol one of " R « r Laccy’n wurrlorn rcacbod t)io Inlilnl nnck un lll tlm flfUi , BOKiilon when Tliompiion conncctnl ^vUb ono or I-'aiix'n bcndcni and a iiiihh to roHlor followed by a Clcnn lili liy Mlntitn roRtntm -d tw o ’ n inn—onoiijth —— to win tho cnmo. N'nt ron ton t wltb n lwo>run load Captnln CInlltorn mnn*

.. — c u vofod -raux o u i 'f l t .a DBiiu_.ln. tliu ... nixlli rrnmo, Wnlnnn ibon hookw l'ono -------

■ Tor n iilntflo nml ploiiiiril linWill tw o moro runn by n nilnKlnc h it hctwoon firm and nocond. nuhl thrcnU'nod on iwo occn*lonn bu t full- ,in„ €d lo deliver tho nw riiiiao’ punch tn p u l a run acronH ilioucli ibi-y bnd n m an a l Iho tbrce-qimrtorii. otntlnn am t • ono on tlio ha ir wiiy iiliip w ith bul nno away In tbn third. In 1lio flrflt nnd tb lrd n lonu hU In cnrli onjio wnn iinnd- “ •wIclicU aw ay hotwocn two hiirlnl cor- tiricalpA nna did llltio cood. ,

Bill Ihreo orrora wuro mndo In llir camo which In fjulto iiminiml for uma- te u r team s. Somo cxcollcnt playx wore , , . mndo by holh tcamn—tho oiitninndlnr: nnon botnir cateben by I2. ru l lo r of a - p Texan leoBUor and a lone fly off the i^rlKBllon lateral- nnd a ho i c roundcr ' back ofB M ond.hy Lowery. ,, Tho irame in de ta il: •.

____________________ 2 H « iC e - n - n - r o - A - rTodd. 3b _______ 4 0 0 1 3 0 l l " - '

• Sbow altor. H8 ___ _ 4 0 1 0 0 0W. Cox, l b .......... .......4 0 O H I Oc . Cox. 2 b ______ - \ - 2 0 0 B ,n 0Jjindholm , c f _____ 4 0 0 1 0 0YouflK. r f --------------- 3 0 0 0 0 0W nconor. I f ___ ;___ 3 0 2 0 0 0

—. W. Foux. c _____ 3 ’ 0 0 fi 1 2C. l^aux. p ........ ..... S 0 1 1 2 0

K lM DiniLY. _ V ”AU n 11 PO A i:

Clalborh, M _______ 2 1 0 2 1 1 ll'"-*'WalNOn. 3b ------------ 4 1 1 0 0 0 »lnnI^owory. 2 b ....._ _ _ _ _ 4 0 1 1 2 0 verilt10. K\illcr, I f _______ 3 0 0 .T 0 0 cHnmiTbompnon. r r _____ 3 1 1 1 0 0 nuirn.

■ rfw U r. cr ________ 2 1 0 n o . o th". ti

Johnnon, l i T I Z Z Z . 3 ’ 0 , r fi 0 0 CIi: F . I'^iUer ,p ________ 3 0 .0 0 11 0 fo r 11• Sum m ary—Slrlkm ul/i. hy Kullpr 11. ern ' Fnux 6. IlMen on ballii off I'u llo r 3. hrro nfl Faux 2. Pannod balln. W. l-'nux 2. Ihr f. iJlotcn iuuc, W nscnor. Sovon

UmDlrcfl—K lnc and Charlion. nu n 'h Scnro by Innlncii:

Duhl I .. . T- EV,Illtn ------- n o 000 110-4 FrankH un»...... ................. 000 «00 0 0 0 -0 „,nr.

Kimberly— . RocktH ll* ______________flOO 022 lOx—r.

......... ................................... 500: 0227001— 4 Tj-fl,!---------------------- — lln Jl

-■ ' ' ■■■' n n t R.1

H o\^ ,the Clubs S tan d ,' ■ .____________________ ! DB"

■ .. XHV.mV.AH h YM iV K/ - - W. I.. P e t

____ 07 35 . .r.57v v « n .n K io n _______ CO 38 .635 J™"®Chlcaco-____________ C8 60 .637 'D olrott _____________ 63 63 , J»0S t. L ouI*-__________C2 63 .495C lev e lan d ___________60 CD .453 O r'i-^Now Y o r k --------------- 46 Cl .424

-------------- II 7. JIM «KATIOXAL l.KAGL'R

W. .U P e t. ]--------PtlUiburKli -------------- 62 33 .614 INew Y ork _________ _ 63 46 .6*7 I

i a X h i r z r = i ! «c i , k u o “-------------------« ;» •< f l i S "

r i a F i c coA S T L E A orK '^11 i 1 “ ” "

w S S ™ " ,, . i f ^ — T O i E ^• ' I • — -------------------vUIen

■JIOXB KUS LKA1IEB.S----------------In t H oraabr. C w tl* -2 9 .-------------------------- n m : WlllUUBt. Brown*—24.-----------------------tlm bet U ar ta e tt . Q ib » - 2 ( . --------------------------- ed on

----------X ea«elr-y«»liew —a ---------=---------- and-jn• B ottom lvr. C a n u —21. A .blf

S lm aoaa,. AUiletics—I t . pie pe Poum U r. H otia*—IT. a ra t 8

- • Th«rO A M I.IH C PB IC 8 I » e r r . Bear 1

NEW TOBK, A ns. 8UBd&r4 tr e lMOti e o n p u r o f N«ir T ork and th e O n lt td a t R aO nlnc today rcdac«d Uw w o n tpHe* o f CMalta* tv o e e n u • xiJIon, jrMr*.

- Tbe.T «za< o o a tp u r c o t Ui« prtc* on* 4l«trie e n t & C B l k a . ■ • apara l

. . . ..

:> F THE S' They Guide"

jf :y. iW m m

LHere wu IiiiVi) IVcil ITli rUc. fnrm.-i' uiaiui buri; I’lniloa, nnd IIIII M<'K<'<'lii>l<-, in.M.-ti noora to n iwiiniitit nnd ivnrM Itilp i-j.'Ii It • h.. club to uid Ihr Drt-yfuici li

.... .

NKW—VO»K;>-'Annthrr-tPRl—rrn itw twc^n Vlii{i1c lllL-biird)i niuI Illlly Vi.i liniioii lo dorldo llio Nr>. 2 piml* .\Vhlli m oh thn A morlcan 15iivln imi:> the n im, iieliodulcil fur toilny iiI I'Viroht i|rnv< lln. Willi crillod off •>> ibn riiU d l i^u, nteii Ijiw ii Teimlii aii-iiii-li;tioM. lo .n , hnHton dofoiitod ItlehnnlK ^;;ii;i:''l.iy rorrr

ll flvc.KOl m atch :iml Him' two ;iyorii woro nnd biidly ttji.int It vim irod tboy m lcb i Iniuro liiiniiK'lvo.i

nhnihor hard 'match. Tbo iiitiio. ,,i|..-] Ulon wilt docldo lodny If any nro tout* nro to ho bold beforo Hio 10 team Ifl named on Aueiinl. 2lj.

CI.N-CINNATI. b . - P r a n k Cowdy. f-bTin to rn n ‘ enlclior for ibo New Vmk '.inuM antii. Imn boon rolont-d • > runn­e r McGriiw to ni]>(0tln l0 . fnr tho 'n.', mnjtcmonl of Ihn Columbiw Amur- „in AimoHntlnn t-Vrmlf _\Vi2l^ .V'L *r. oiitflolddr. wnn nvr.l lo tho In* mnpollH club, undi.r ojii.'on. .

IlYE. N. Y .-I Ie le n Wllln. nnllonnl nnlii irhnmplon, won thn NVw ,„u,, irk Rtntn clm m rlnnsniti hero by u fentlnc Mm. MoIU Miil’nvy. for* 'r-_clinmplon. nt 3-f>. t-'.! anil 0-2.

Cn'rCAQO.—Tlio natlonnl Junior f ] ll boyn' tenniB toiirnnm onl bocim ^ rn todny w ith 107 onlnintn. Cran. in Ilolm nn. I^liim l S un fo rd iinl- At r»lty. iK.fnvorert to w in tho jun ior • nmploniililp. W aller Thoma*. KI* Sncrn irn. N. J.. was noeeded No. I lu San I1 boyn', d lv lnbn. . ^

CIUCARO. I ll.-Q iia llfy ln c round.i • the N ational Profonnlonal 0..1f- *' aKHOclatlon to iirnu inonl' nlnrtoil ' ro today w llh llllnnlii pros flpbt* * f for n cbniico In tbo b lc nioi-t, vonty.flvo were entorod. throu lo

. ■ v™,EVANSTON. in .—The bo.ly oank lyivehiiul. northw entern track uumir, drowned Snlurdnj' n t Camji . o „ckne, W inter*. Win., pnunod. hero Verm llio form or unlvernliy nnHoclaUin t.r-a-n'HnTl"M !u lcn ujiU uoiiHmMl-I Jnnrnoy tn tb o . runnor'/i homo (jrirn

Santa FV. N. M. It w ill nrrI-.T> man •re Into today.

r)BTR01T. Mifh.—Hnndlp-nptioil b’y Onklnnoro arm . Wllllnm T im -n lonl blii s .a tllcond m atch thin nonnon whoh Hmnniiton Holmnn. 19-yonr-old • Sah nnd 1anclnco lad list him two n lrnlchl .S<<rB In nn exblbltinn m atch S.-.tur* Oakinr. 7-6. 3-7. Doth lim e* Ilolninn Soatllmo from behind w ith thp reo rc Uatft-, camrai to two nnrt won. ll.Mor, Ucad: Ired tocothcr. tho tw o boat Wn!-

W'esbnvik and lla r^ 'ey S nodsraw At Lofl A ncclcn In a 'do u b lo * mntch.

________________ _________ Salt I_______________________ :__________ , 1>» /

I IiatFighU and R gh ter* j

„Sall-l^ T CIUCAGO—Suddrn and un* Im /:>lained d iaappcaraneo of Billy Welt* UaiSnsllah n ih te r —h as m ade It nece»- r e te rT 10 call o f th e ■ehcdulcd ten- Uerir.

lia left hla tralo tn ir q n a rtr r* w ith- ?l : •xp lsna tlon {U turday n lcb t and n>I no t been heard from alnro. R a- h r th . r find a anb, ib e enUro ibow wan ' iceled. :

________________ fromflXOKK S ritK R X ’ m

(Cootfnoed frem p a n 1.) b a te, rtlcas

Msoke ncrecn, wblcb b lotted om ntiw*. Ion like a h c a r r foK. *D U>« M onst B aker n a tlo sa l rortv t m kad ta k a maay a c m or fltw iber. Porw terii at ne llla ch a m call- « on Po rtU nd beadquart«n> fo r be lp eoms1-jreppU e*.__________________ ■ ■ • ahaa.b lx M a x e w u b n r e tn ff o n th n O lr tn . U enCpenlD iuU w here a i r pa tro la w er« -------

t S n n d a r lo aaatst la ip o tt ln x f ln « . ^ iH r y o c a t Hood natloAal for««t f i n ■ If U otrnt W lU oa.vaa reported-coo? — lied. .dabo offlcUla, cDnCranted w ttb lb* re t M riM of f lro i In Uie laa t U ■ B ^ eooUnued to ca ll upon th e lo e ^ ' ■ 1 tr lc t ' fo r help. N o m en ’C«old b t . m d b u t aoppUe* w «r* M at.


SPORT Vie Pirates

f II I

h b H'. I''"

W ' r ' \ \ 11 J • f •• '■AV v •

- V'V 1

— - J

,aiuci-r niul outnpl.liT o t the Pltl»- ;iMenl jilliii, Clarke lod llio Iliia-u- s i .'Il In ItiUli nml r rm illy returiird lo | '|i

In lln 11/25 di-lvu. Clurkc la do- 1lie lofL „n.

W atching the (•); S co reboard .. •

V.'iiliTilny'ii h<ir<i;-llr.lllii 'I'liiiriiUin. 1 Vhllo Siix pllc lirr. lird lli.> iirnrc- Iti ^ lie lii-vrnllt liinln;: w llll ii rriplo niitl rnv.- In 111.; iiiu wflh n Miik-I. In ili.- . ^ih InnliiK lhat b.'ai ilu ' Yunk.-cH I i>.3. M.-uKi'1'N IionxT In >Ih- n lnili , orr.-d Ih.- i:niii<> Int.) .-xirn liinlimii.

l*arroir,i floiihl.' In tho oinhlli. n .'V,'' in«» (n Youni:. Mi;ni>.-rii .Idiibl.i an.l a hi:;li- l.y T orry iimc.-tl thr.'<- riiiui ann Iivo lh« OInntii a 6 tn l .vU:i..ry nv.-r ”

' ■ nn.Twn homcrn by Horiii'by nn.l onMTy

'hhiiiorn an.l llliiilim lii-Ip.-i'l lit.- (!ardn ■ own Iho I'hlllloB 8 to I . . Uf

“ •*“ AtTho Tndlnroi nqncorrd over n run In

ho twi-lfth Innlnc and bent lhe Sen* (

loved In tlio lonth Innlnc nftor ho lin.l <ion b it freely. ni,

Heavy lialtlnK enabled Ihe CiiKii lo \ ako a (Iniihlr- Ii.'flclrr from iln- Hraveii „

lo I and 13 1.1 .1 ren

- Kh.

C o a s t L€€tgU 6At San Frnnriiico—Mornlnk’ Kain>-: “ O'

K .ll . K-ncranicnln .................... — ...... •» « -1an 1‘ranrlnco ............ .............. 7 13 0.Hfttu-rl.'fi;- HiiiiboB, TwJich.ill nn.l

V f..rf,r,nn .l Voll^_________________AXtornooii camo: IL H . 10.

aern n io n in ....... .................- ......ti 0 oan F rnn rlnco ..............................-I lU oIlattorl.'ii: VIncl and Sh .'a; Ciock-

It nn.l Arqow.

A l Portland—Flml' kuiiio; R. II. I*. '

■ ( > r i iu n . i '~ z z r . r z “ r . 'r . ’ '. o y illatiorlen: Jrihnnnn und W hitney;

lurn* and H annah.Sccond cam o: R .H . 10. .e rnon _________ ___ ________ 7 14 0 ;.ir tland ____________________ 111....2HiiXTrnrB:— rniiJnlptir*l«nrtoot—a nd — rlffln: Sinkrn. Mocker, foU-mnn, Ori* mil and Tobin.

Al Seattle—Flr*l cam e. ^

"atllo fi 1C 2 !llnticflen: llarrM ,. I’riu-11. Delabey •

n.l liy ier: Rnmney iind llaUlwln..S.^(ind cam c: I t .I l . lJ .

akland .........- ....... - --- ------- 3 10 2eatllo .— --- -------------- --- 16 18 1IJatterlo#: I'unter. i lu ir la and cad: llan iy aud Daly.

At 1.03 AnRoU-*—r ir a t

all i J i k o ________:---------------10 J3‘ So t Ancelo* ........ . 2 6 1Ilattoric*; P lorcy-and Cook: Claa-

er. Payno, Sander* Und Spcncer.Si-c<ind inunoi * * :" •* ; ’

» l l - l .a k « .~ - ------------------------- 3 - 7 . . f * -----ot Anscle* ___10 10 J tBalterie*: >ri-Cabe. H ulvey and u

eter»; C raadall. lloo t and Sand* m

• ' g.“ T i r a s S s ' t J r t i T T w a i n r . -------^naw lek mueenm b u been enrtcbed “*

y tbe r«ecptiaao<.a.CblfiefoiK>rc«ialRrotto ■ or ahrtnfc Tbi* waa b ro asn i — rom China ao o e booOred r e a ra aco. nd Ute BrltU b n n te n m a u tb o riU aa te turaU bed U>e touew lo f .tiiXcrma*

tec*,' and la o robablj q S i# ' JwiclfaU 7 l iTlas a n s te n io n o f * m o n a u la i bribe o r p teoatin placo w ltb flcurca I f Boeb p l * c w 'w « a a d * ..BmmoBly la tb e poUertea n e a r Pal* ; naa. to Uw C a a to a . 'C e to ^ F a m l l j £ 1

i IDB||M )

^ALLS DAILY t im e s " '

^ o r l d \I TODAY’S GAMES

>.VTll>N.VI. I.KAtil i;.............. ............. -H. H. K ---------llrnriUlyn ..................................... 7 K; <l'(.’iii .-in iV ifi.................................. II ll

I lliittifrlor: Ii.h i.n i,. ali.l T a )lo r; jl.tHIuc, llra ily -unl H;iri;nvv.;M.

■ 'h . )ly .'w York .................................... in n - 1 1 CI 'l t iH i .u rc h ..................... ..............(101!.. Ill n

Ilall..i;lr,i; ;,i„| yiij-ilc.r; oMa-, Eitow» aiirl Smllii. t

j Tlini. .•ailed, ;;.l.i; i.lay r.Mmii;'!. ' ' g

H .II.K . SnriNiiii, .................................. ,... II 0 aCliU-aKr) .......... -n in I R

llalln rl'v i; Cm k 'vI.'Ii aiul CIIk 'Ui : iMlllritiul. KaiilMi.iii an.l C.iiut.i'e:!. 'E

Illc li lilt hoiii.T fli;<1 (ill. • . I

It. BI’hllailoliililn. .. ........ iio.- il . ISt. I..IIIIII ........... .. ::: -4 |

llalli-rl.'ji: Hln-.; an.l Wllric.ii; SIht- i.jell and O'Fiin-11, . . i

A M intH '.w, i , i : , \ t ; r i : . . IAl lloiilon: It. U.K. "

l)eln>lt .:....................................... K !/■' -i BIlOHlon .......... ............................... T M .

n iitlriU ’ii., .^lon-'V. \V< II>| anil lla:in- I.t : Zaliiili’i-r. I'lihr aii.l llhi.hufr.

Iloono lilt liniiMT laai Oili........... J

At l’liilnd.-li.hl,i: II, l l . i : . I'SI. 1.011111 ................................-1 l'l- " llI'lillmI.'liililii ............................... '■ I" I *•

IliiiriTloH: liii' li. \Vliii:ni'.l ami- lUx- (on. I{ei:<*: (iraj-, l!a.l>ni:arlii«r nml Y('..Chian.-. s

' Al Wn!ihln:;li.n Had Titi. . H- -------

( ? s s s k n r - ’. 2 n c• lli.tr,. 'r u V .^ 111-1 an.l I.. S.-w.Ol;

L. D. S . to P layP resby terian Team

Til.- Ollrlllnc :’.IIII|'' or (Ili- 'rv 'iM<'.ill ,1m- l'll!.... hall l'-ai;n.- Dii-. » i . I . v lll 1..- Im-iw.'.-n r>i.- I.. I> atlll Un- I 'n i . l iy thm I.-rlail llliu- toiii::lil M I.liiir.ln fli'I'lH c i. Til.- fnh iiili'V . :.iM:a- \vx iliat llili. «HI<.o*.i n-nl F-am.’ i.ml tlio .................... ‘i;!''w in 111' IIIIM-I lonlulil. I,.,,,.

Wr-din-«duy < v. Him: tliu nirliilliinii nn.l Uk- Ihiptliita in.-r-l. •

I'rl.lny tivoiilni: Knnll rlnyn ili.‘ ;^ ' X

A R (Ji:\T ix R s i v n n n i R « iriT .‘< '

c^\r»10 c m s'N 107 ,. Franco. Aiii:._liL f f ! ! —L lllinn H arriann. Aimln.ArKonilni' . , itwlnimer. nbandono.1 nt .:40 ilil.-i t-vc* _m, n ine he r fourtli n ttc iup t tn awlni tin-. lOiiKllab chiinnel. ‘

A rior-rivo hoiirn nf iiwhiiniinc wlifi , , n fiivorabl.! ild>-, Ml»a llarrl>.on had : r.-nohed a pnlnl moro ilian n.-v.n inll-i> " ", from Orin .Vi-x. hnl tw o li.nira lat.-r xho wna ror.-i'd to riull. i',irrv

A n advcrilneraent w orth looking ove r Is never o v e rlo o k e d - la ihln oow ipaper.

Elnow Him?< V jin.r'

' >;ulli

Fn Neva

_ r'oni'L

I* nn

from : ' to Iin

llai lion I dm ff Tourj

nn (hrecl Iiu t I

ThU la a pleture-ef-& e «hap wboM i . ' i . face t i o n * t b i BuflUo nIektU now .

. w a ilU m tjiL' P i tu f r .u— RobewW — - ^ n » Mtit 'h la body bigin* .under mi)luiry

7 J P f y . i l ■ UiTOH

»teimPylOP 6R

i ■ ‘ R E if i id i i s ^ f t i

A M o n u m en t T t

._____________________ X—

■ *



Mo.int Edith CAvrll.,mor0 t’.^n ll.f l Jaipor NAlinnitl PWrU. AllM-rlu. In >Iir l.<-: U prilw bli- tlio firtt'n.onuMicnt I, a won ll i* iiamod In honor of F.Jitl. O.tvai . riei!U trd for iHo rerfoi-m.inco of Iirr cl On tho iMo of tl.e niounUin r r . '.i n «It hM tho .ippcnrnnce n( an nii'i;.-! ><ilh «>< sraph >liu.vi ihn maunlain nnd ;" r l of

N ebraska S layer |M ust Die in the i , '

E lectric Chairi-.r niI.IN<-nl,N-. NrlM-.. .\ni;. , M- Walli ; ! '

lay Slit......nil, >i..|i(iin-.I ........................... . It........ . .■Ualv h-r- .ni„.„i,.w f„i N..v..|In- mtinl.-r ..r l-'ii.iil; I'ahl. ..r S|i. ....... tlii. t.-<. hr., Ir.‘.l hl-i f^irl III,- a .MU. M l..... ....I'l-' ^ifiim.ion, . . . .........Ci.v.-rnnr A.Ialil M n'iill.ii v.'tiin.d I'.i

mm.- an.illi.-r :in .la>i; i..i,ij. v.. ii|.iiii ...... ,I f iili'.'iiulli f.r i.luliiili'lil.'i mail.' Ill ............TUT i.-r.-lv.'.l loday rn.i.i Hr. II. V.................... t:ii-iirr.ck. \V>ninliit:. wli.i:hllniH lhat a half hrrr-d Imllaii (iaii:y <l''l" ‘i -.inf.-ar.-d i.iiird.-rlni: I’alil a i.lnnt ilni.. ifler th.- miii-.l.T llin-.- yi'nri) a::o.

Sliiimt.ni.’, aiKini.-yii will aiip.-ar In- j,^.

^rnoon'io m ak f»a -^ n ! plpm flili ilirti rlhunal for ad.IKI^nal {Jiua'U> i.i-.air.' .

lal.l ho rc.uld-furnWli If'clvTii tliiio..‘Jlminoua Iixh won 2.1 iircvli.ua r .- ^

irlevi-ii. '

1.INC0I.N. N.-i.,, An::. 10-T ln - fan->t Walt.-r Iiay Sliiiiii.ina, i.rnl.-n.-.'.l i<. f lII.- In llu- .'l-'.-lrl.; chair h.-n- Innini- M•ow f.ir niiiril.-r, r.i:i<<l tn.Iny In (In- Hilri'ii;:lli r.f evI.I.-iK'c h.Od l.y Dr. II. V. Rilrlh riii.iK of Cl.-nr.x-li.'W yninln.:. R

A I.'lt.'r w rilt.'n hy Dr. MfO.Tnioll B |o Cov.-riior A.Iaiii .Mr.Miitl. ii,. r<al.l In B fi.iilain i.lat.'nii'iitH IoiiiIIiik I.i hlmw i Shat » half hr....I In.Ilaii rniiiiiilri.il f f iIn- niiir.I.-r of IVaiik I'nlil, Si..-nr.V. I f l;. lirnjka. «aa waK. il In-r.- l.y Ci.v. r- Ninr .Mc.Mull.'il nn.l iKIurn.y.i fnr Sliii- ^

''(y.)v.rnnr -M<\liilli'ii.!ui.'. rrtnincl lo

i.-'niniil iiniii iiiil.«i. ev lil.n .r atr.inT; ■" ■notuli tr. . iiiit .llml.l'a--t lu SlniiiHiii.-i :ulli la jiroiliic-i'il.

L e g e n d a n d M y s t e r yA b o u t N e v a d a L a k e A

From Ihu earliest hettl.mi.-ni t.f ^ 'Cevnda llio loK..'nd ef n Klpinlle ncr- • ^iVnl' tnlnil.UInc llnj itvi.lh« nf I’yrn- -gnld fnUi, htiK .lK.^n tuUI. The seri.eol S s nnid to e n le r”the IiiIor{lrrnn;;h a l . ^■a»t un'li-rcriiunil jiaw nfo exteniHiic >'rom Iho I’ndtle oconn nnd In *iipin>*e.l ^0 Imvo oxlnt.td *lnco lin-hlBtnrlc i1iiil-<. M

llanklnc In tho dopOix nf thc lake. Ir f lIon In w ait for Iuckli'!.n*ndveniiir.'r». B:mmi d.iwn honts nnd cnnoon nnd d.~ Bour* Ita Ticilni!!. T tie h-irend ha« been ■iv o llcn ie d . hy mnny iH.1(-nlI»tB nnd • ■omo contend th a t the ncn.ent In really Iin enurmoiis mnna oC . worinn )hiil >r e d In tlio uanully placid w aten.. .lu t thin opinion Is Jc-ercd hy lmlhin< ^nd the old whifo acttleni who linto Bgniicht neetlne cU nipiei or the mam- ,joth inake. fjhnI*yranild Inke ta nn Inland ro.i of .,> *■

synttry. S linnted WW mllo* froui iho nu.ncean, It.i lile* awnrm with m ni "nm n r ts o r *pirwjiir-nn.t'pM ic.mii.~Ttip —W"ftike recelvof the dl*chnn:e of the I”" " 'nickce river bu t ha* no ouUel—yet ie water* a re f m b eod abound laront.noiljx'>‘'^ . - ___

T to beM -w ar-tom m a r o a r o w s-b w ^ ^ m m eoa U lo t e l l ' othera about I t - i ien ih Uielr aowapaper. . ' T l

COUIHBUN J J ' S R A I N B I N J ] ^ ^ ^ ^

MHaMia— -<rr g g S - - ^ M W l

' C9 f i t

(ROS. CO.. t D A E O .

fo A W o m an

’i ' i ‘•'71 • ''■'i"'


'■ I F o u

*M H B6^ ' T O n i S t f a S S l f l a ti.atS E V E T C s a s a s s s B s s s s i .........

••'l'l.0 C»T.,.,Il.n N»ll„i.,.1 iu .i . .r< f,

11.000 f rr t Ii' rIi and lilunlril in " ‘I''l.f-arl of Il.r Can-^dinn R ock ic . ..........

,..om:>n ilm wrrld Ic s i-vrr cron. 'Ir- iili <11 .,tlio n rii:,!, tiiirx- who w>i ma.v, r cl.ity diirinR tho W nrld W ar.; x1n.it

ftlAcirr, ^vl.ich fi-Dti. .1 di&lAi.C(t,' almiit I uuUpDArd winci> Tho i.Uolo-; 1.1-t k of ihn el.tcior. ' l>ra<i'

_______________ •______________ . It

Is land .h . Am erican - ■

f III- ir.wTillna l-lnii.|-. In 'iv .'V II a-. nrl;;llially l.iK.nui i.-i,-1 :ainaraiii;"

..... .cvm li.T . isii'j, All .■\iM..I|iliiti (ca............ . ‘-•ai't. Z' lia'i IJ. nt I....1; ]i.is---.l.lll .,r 11 lu Itn- iiai.i.- ..f tin- Iln- ' ,......... U1iii:.l.iin In. 1m;j. K wiih an.■ii'.l l.y f::.-at Ilrlraln. In May, IKV.i, nl latiT hu- ami- a im,,i ...ss|.,ii .if thr. „ , ‘ iiwiiliiirl J-lartil-i. In-In:: lii'hul.-il In i.-ni u.ln.n11,..H-M ,::..N ,vIri,n1l lli.-lr' l " 0 .lwn:l.-H 1....aim. a |ia rt. n t tlu-n lu .ry ur the l.'nlted .Slalci. .

.......... — prot eiHoad Tlmos W ani ^

L 30, H nopha-iii.rr I.t im :o t:n lvrrflty . who *’ ■.nniilit».'nl ».f h i. nm rrlac^ to Lucy

ozlrallon w hrn *ha so t him "°ln l"n I . I luto. drovo 10 M oar,«. Mien:, and -■ -naJe him morry Rer brfort* he t o t i « b

I . ......

TO THE PARENTS o r SCITlie D istrict D ental Societ:

=wis!icsTo-i^H ittC T t:on-to -tHc=i den tal w ork is done fo r childrc: cations, an d as soon a s ;^ h o o l flooded with after-school appoii

lis t alike, an d could be avoided operations • leisurely done dui den tists a re n o t so busy.



McAdoo Says -Bryan Quits C abinet Because

of Passion fo r Peacel''il.I,V V .'i..i |., Cal., .\ii:;, in.—

Mlll.nn ,l. iiiiin -:'. Ilrv.’m iiliit tin- VIIm,!, i-.,|,1i„ i In iM,-. ....................

m il.,.11 '.\lr.\.:„„ ,i..,-|;ui'.! h .n -

1.. |..ili| I.. ............ ail ........ 111-I.UJU..1J..1 ..;.-iU ...-..lI.....I..,|-|.- IU..II--------------.Iinl '..\l.-. II.V.III rii.ii..u.;lily mh.nii*

I I lA- r r . a l mitnln'v. i>f lilii•ll.ivv i'..ii.ilrvm.-ri,-' M.-,\.|oo naltl.'■I' hi-, ................ar.. li.M- rnr

nml l.h. h.-lli.f that If lln- i.l.f :' lil.li t)i.. ;i.Ii<iiiilHrall<iii r.'ll Imtin.l ... rjki. u lrh i.':-ii.-.l l<. (l.-rninny . tnl;:l,r h ;al 1.. w ar that iiu.v-■I Iil.n 111 M"l,'ii i.:i ,ii‘CT.‘ta ry . . i f

"Cl.- M.-11' WllMin auil Mr, Ih J- n . u . l . .tn i,...l .ll 'liy |iri--r.i-ly th - am. |-iir|,.ii.. 11n-lr .Hfl.T.'r..-.-:.

i .n r .h ..r .i|itiii..ii t<i III..' .1 lit. U....I ,,1 a.'. .ini|i1lihlili; tti.n l.ll."

" o u r - L c a v c d C l o v e r H om

L o n g B e e n L u c k S y m b o l > •tJ'liiil a f..iir-f.-au-.| .I..;.-r »1II l.rliitf

irl: t.. th.. .>nu whu lliuln It In 'a ll iK-l.-nt •■ii|>..rnllll..n; ami tli.-ro can , 'I- in> way ..r I.-ariilns fn r ii c.ertallily .I'V It htiirte.l, <.ild wi-ltorrt nuKp-xl !iat Iin r.;.J.'iiiI.lanco tr> thn f..nu uf........ Ih Ihl* m>t of thu noll.u t••Tla> i>er:n.ii who carrl.-H a In if u(

:n- f.iiir lear.-.l criicir.inii ch.W-'r iilxiut •till I.lin,'^ niis.-rlH on.r or Ilio/u-, ••xvJII....... . . III I'lhi.v, und 'hu willrr:iin i>r hhi h.-loi.-.l, nr tli.i ninld.'M my, l.y htli.idnk* n h-af InK. her lover’s '11...t willi.iiit h h kn..kvl.'.1i;o. n* hn Is Iniui ti.,,u..t out on n J.ninivy, i«ic>iro I't U llo .and mifo ri'iu rii lo 'h n r «tu-ra '"-“ • . -

It may ho not.-d thn l tlio three*-avi-it cinv.-r alH.. hnd foini! virtue, bo-an-.-.U Hyuibullrud Ihu T f ln liy ..a ad ____ll.' iM.Ilil.'ii Ih thiit Ht. I'lttrlvk cua*

'hrl .llitiilly hy aliiiwInB'"'. Iheiii, lir..ii;:1i II... trlf.illiit.i l.iaf <.f th .. ntinin- ■ hI., i.mv 111.- iiir.-ij p.-rn'ma In 'tl io :...li.i'ni] Iiil:;l.i exUt uiid yet bo unc.

Grammatical Slipl'"i:ihi<aie.l ni.-n d..n’i nuy •don't,” '

finarlii-.! a Brcal mayor of Now York, , ow cone (o rest. Ilul tljey do. Thoy Id, even ihi-n. They also nay "aln’l"■hi-n Ihcy aro not tlilnklnc about It. ml riLiy y rt come to naylng I t delltH ralely. While they a re 'nbuut It. they iny even tnko "Ifn mo” under tbelr rotdrtlnc wlncs.*-New York World.

AllOPTKI) C lltl .(Continued on pace 3)

;nl lold tho mIMInnnIro It w ould 1ki iiwln.. to porm ll hor to nlay n t Kcw ard.-ni. Inn.Ou ii.lvleo nf the dinlrlct n ttom ey.

rn»iiln>: hnd .-nKus.-.l .Minn VlrRlnln :artln Ii> nervn iiii companion to bln . In.I.-rollii.H er morali- nhalti-rod liy tbo dla-

•Iri aiKirnoy’.! K rllllnt. Mnry waa jnU-rlcal and wopl ulmont • con- anily. -She uat (n n co m o r of tbo Um; inoin aud for liourn refunod I tiiovo from hcr chair. Sbn wan oro ch'-.-rfiil Sunday momlnif. Per- ijm ren llrln s th a t hei* brief bu t ex- tlnK caree r na Clnderollii wua near* i: nn end. nho procured n pad of fi'Au:.;iiiii..,g11<ituntriiLa-.ffliy.Jili!mry. .... .fOllll,-I.ato In Iho day a m an w ho de- - ^rlh.'.l hlini.nir nn n movlo a fen t, rrlved iit tho houno, nccompanle.1

iirownInK- Ho urKCd tho younj: • nman to allnw him to place b e r la .» movleii. i.aylnR he could naauro nr an envlnhio poalllon,Urownlni: iirspd Mny n o t lo ae- •I't tho nx.-nt’a proponltlnn. Hut0 .yount; wnman Isnored h e r ronter ihor’a eounnel nnd p repared to r■r..departure™________ _____________________/V_i*xl anortod and rn tllo In fron t-Otf-DVinnrt-rottnK**. —W nrr—«n»o--------- -il. neoomnanled 1>y tho ncenL A ■owd pal.I b e r n Iant tr ib u te aa 10 nlepped forth . H er coach had .m.-d Into n tnxlcab and h e r dr«ama he.-zeil nwny .Town tho ntreol In ,r nolny convoynnce, bor fu ture, a yMery, .llyr.l roller, oommlnnloner--bf

iil.lle weUnfn today planned to .nfr-r w ith conniil fo r Mra. A saa. Jobn of Rye, N, Y„ form or_lo«flc_________oih.-r of no ro tby Runiihlne. B ro tn i-a’a o the r ndoptwl daush tor. M r s . .................. John In a le tte r to Color la s t erk Koiichl th e riiatody of B*)rpar- d Dorothy, whom th e mUlloaalr* lopte<l five years ago. •

aA ssm ^Y aTisaii— ^■iwiwi h o tobiw'CTM iBiiiiii ‘

l^ S T --Y e n o w klttea -la_ye» icfate^ .

» L C H | t p i | .iety of SoutKerA. tdSfi<)‘ .

dren duijng summer va*u ’001 starts dentistSiare.'. pointments for -.i

led by h a v ii^ ^ 'd m i^ ^ J during J

' D E N T i ^ ' ' S O d q ^ ^ ^ ^ H

Page 4: T W mrF JS m J C T i i P S « iis wi Movies ana Has C ; ‘ ' 5 . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER i i P..World

" ; .......... ‘ ■

FO un'

TWINFALLSD'BT0TT E vcninit E icn p t Bui

' ' Com panr, T w in F

. ----------- - ' | ! n n r » a - i t - t l i* - T w ln - r n l l i i l*ontnaico

D*ll7 PubllcBlIon, i

T w i n F a l l s c o u n t y l o o k s l i y o u d r i v e f r o m o n e c n < l o f t h e d a y s . C r o p s n e v e r l o o k e d s o w

\ c e p t i n n o f a s m a l l b e l t w h e r e t t h e t r a c t i s a r e a l l ) o n a n z a a s f a : e d . W e f c 'u l t h a t t i n s l a n d n e v i t h a n i t h a s t o d a y a n d t h e f a n n v e r s h o u l d “ c l c a n u p ” t l i i s f a

T h e r e i s d a n g e r o f g o i n g t t r i n e o f f u n d a m e n t a l i s m 1)V s o f o l k s . I t s e e m s l o h e a f a i l i n g t h a t u n l e s . s y o u h e i i e v i ; a s I d< s h o u l d b e w o r k e d o v e r . V e t \ t h e r e a r e t h i n k i n g p e o p l e o n b a n d in o u r z e a l f o r o u r p a i t i e i

- ^ h o u l d b e c a r e f u l n o t t o o f f e i i d f r o m u s . B e c a u .s e a m a n I jo l ie v i ; w h y l i e s h o u l d h e d e n i e d t h e | ) r i o t h e r f o l k s r e g a r d l e s s o f h i s o p i i i s s u e i s d r a w n t o o t i g h t l y t h e n ' d r i v e n f r o m t h e c h u r c h o r g a n i z a

. l e s s a b l e t o c o m b a t t h e e v i l f r ) r c i t h o s e w h o l i e l i e v e i n e v o l u t i o n c r o w d t h e n p c i-J ja p .s t h e b e t t o r

.......o f t h e C h u r c n o r c o n i n c l t h e m t o' t h i n k i n g . B u t t h i s f a s t p r o c e .^ s u

m e n l i a v e ~ ( l i r f e r e d l o r a g e s o n- q u e s t i o n s ' a n d t o t r y t o l ) r i n g t t i e ■ 'a l m o s t h y p o t h e t i c a l . -

• ^ B i l l y S u n d n y h a s c o m e a n d p r u j t o n t J j i s c o i i i m u r i i t y i u a .so l o c u r s e a n d m a n y w i l l b l e s s h i s t h e h u m a n r a c e h a v e . a l w a y j \ d n e a r t h a n d b e g a n c x p r e . s s i n g o p i i i : r e l i g i o u s . T h e t h e o r y t h a t B i l l y i n g t o m a k e i t e a s y f o r ' m e n t o d) l o d o w r o n g i s w o r t h w h i l e . T h i s ’ o f t h p . h u m a n ' r a c e a n d t h e m o r e

■ . . ^ U i i s t h e b e t t q r o f f w e w i l l , a l l l i e . — ‘■■■R c v r S u h d a y ^ f ) c s - n n t - c o » n t - f < > > ‘-

w h i c h h e b r i n g s s l i o .u ld l i n g e r in ' T w i n F a l l s c o u n t y f o l k s f o r d a >

r e p i e m b e r h i m a s a s p o c U i c u l a r f o r g e t h i s j j e c u l i a r i t i e s a n d t r y t i s t r y i n g t o d o n n d t e a c h i s t t i e t h a t B i l l y S u n d a y i s p e r f e c t l y r s t u n t s o n t h e p l a t f o r m a n d w l i i l c n i z y a n d m a d a n d s o f o r t J i , y e t s a i d o f a b o u t h a l f t h e h u m a n n i


■ D e a r S u b s c r i b e r : A f o w d ;i , t e n o f o u r m o s t v a l u e d r e i u l e i ' s , i

s u b s c r i p t i o n s w e r e i n a r r e a i v . a t e a r / y i v n i l t t a n e e Ix f

F i v e c )f t h e m p r o n i p t l y p a i d w o u l d p a y “ n e x t w e u k ” — i) u t h i u r d a y . . A n o t h e r s a i d h e w o u l d p u s . ” H e w e n t t ) l i n d . A n . d y e t a i

------- 'w o u i d “ n m d o T M i a n d p a y s o m e-------- n i a t i s m - n u w _ a n d - t : a n - U t i . v e j i - i v a

w o u l d “ s e u s i n li— 1 f i r . ; t . ” H e .v w i l l n o t b e a b l e t o k o c j i t h e a j> ji

W c h a v e n o t l u - a r d f r o m ll t e n t h o n e h a j i p e n e d U t t i e y o u . n a m e o f f t h e l i s t a s y e t b f - c a u s e

......t o s e e ' l l t l u i r e 7 " ’ W L n K r v e l u ^ i T i ri t t h e r e a l l t h i s t i m e . W 'o i iU y n n

- a n d s e e t h a t i t s t a j - s “ p u t ” ? h e a r f r o m y o u .


M l \ Srr»lf« W riter

r_ «Jown «n .Sum*. 1;. ,V In tO 'lne to m:ik" South A m .n- "

can* Ihlnk h >• o iitlit m hai.i Initrad of o ffrrlrs llim i wIiai Ui. y TMttr 'lo wnnt. .

Ruroprona il.mU nmlir n ,i . n,l», laka. TJi'»- •tu.Iy .'U.ulh Aii'c rliui,

UJrtHi anJ nil.ij.t Itu-lr iiii'lTnrlho>]> 10 them "

-------- g o u n i A M iii.ir-AN.-.— tUTv T5 havr rr«»enl:i-vl U;o r. 11

rvictrlnf'ii »u ljr tu ihriii a . u , IIm> . cuarantr* ut tKr •Ironu |>ri>tr.ti«n

of «h» Unlird H talr., I>ut tl>r) .-.l.o N -'............ ilw ar* have Jtiti a Imi.- —ih

fkiua of II n t nitH.urii N...

'■ .inlctil •oiTM>~nimr r.'n<i.lrt u u .n it t n n t lo lnt»rfrr» in tli.-ir i .•'..u!

T hai !• IO aar. »• n iS n An . t l I ii nn u i Joint n , . . T!Ukrd th f doctrlnf. nm. „ ■North Am^rlran poI!<). ,»• ,.r i,carVM II a»>anpe. ; th ,,

7»i*f> Ih* L«cu<- of |.^ J . rta n to (AVe a ^ p * . J t louJcM am iC '■ rr.MIba V nllt.1 StatM woulJ Join ll. cmn

- w m t^ r W c u f auprr>nl<- th«- /onn ' ^ o n ro r Ik>irln>.r* - th .. t.. ..


DAILY TIMES IBtjotlar b r th e Tlm M PobU aU nf I F a lli , lUaho.

flc ti-M -S o co n (l-C T aii-M * tt» r '» i'« ~ * — , A pril 11. 1 » 1 8 ._ ^ ______ ,___

l i k e t h e G a r d e n o f E d e n a s t ie c o u n t y t o t l i e o t l i e r t l i e s e ■ w o n d e r f u l a n d w i t l r t h e e x - > t h e h a i l d i d s o m e d a m a g e , f a r a s p r o d u c t i o n i s c o n c e r n * e v e r p r o d u e e t l a l a r g e r y i e U l i r m e i - s o n t i o t i i s i i l e s o f t h e f a l l . , • .

' t o t l i e e x t r e m e in t h i s d o c - s o m e . o f n u r a r d e n t c t i u r c h ' M g o f h u m a n n a t u r e t o f e e i d o y ( a i a r e a l l w r o n g a n t i t w e s h o u l d r e m e m tV e r t l i a t

t .m th s i d e s o f t h i s c p i e s t i o n i e i i l a r s i d e o f t h e i.ssiie^ _wi*1(1 s o m e o f ' t h o s e w h o d i f f e r ■ves i n e v o l u t i o 'n is n o rea.*<on p r i v i l e g e o f w o i - s h i p i n g w i t h p i n i o n o n t h i s s u b j e c t . I f t h e ;n ' t h o s e w h o d i f f e r w i l l b e z a t i o n a n d t h a t b o d y w i l M i e , r c e s . O f c< n ii-se i f y m i c l a « ; ( m . a s b e U m g i n g t o t h o e v i l • r p l a n i s t o f o j - c e t l i e m o u i t o c o n iQ o v e r t o , y n u r w a y o f ; I s h a r d t o a r r i v e a t t x ^ c a u s e 'tan T iTTlii.'i a lU l“ o th i} r r c l i i r r n n K t i e m t o g e t l i e r o n t l i i s i .^ su e i s .u i

_____i d g o n e a n d h a s l e f t h i s im - . .s e i i .s e .’ S o m o w i l l c o n t b j i i e

l i s n a i n e a n d h i s m e s s a g e a s ^ d o n e s i n c e w e c a m e o n t h e i i i i t m s o n t h i n g s s e c u l a r a n t i l y p r e a c h e s i s t h a t h e i s I r y - d o r i g h t a n d h a r d f o r t h e m

l i s ’ i s o r s h o u l d l i e t h e t h e o r y i r e m e n w e c a n g e t t o d o i n g ) c . W h e t h e r w e a g r e e w i t h :> } '- s o - m u e h - b u t - t h e - m e s s a g t f

i n t h e m i n t l s a n t i I te a r L s o f ‘i-. l a y s t o c o m e . W h e t h e r w(> [ a r p r e a c h e r o r w h e t h e r w <‘ «ji'i V t o r e m e m t i e r t h e g o o d b e i ie m a i n i s s u e . W e t) e i le v < ‘ I;:;.

n j i U i r a l i n h i s a c r o b a t i c l i l e .s o m e m a y d c c l a r e h e is e t n e n j r l b c l e . v s i s h e in ,- / ' n i c o c i:iil ,v . '

: d t h i s __________________ „ i !

d a y s a g o w e s e n t a l e t t e r t n r e m i n d i n g t h e m i t i a i i t i e i r t,..’!'

a n d - g e n t l y h i n t i n g l h a l a n n^'i' j i v c l a t e d .l id u p . O n e r e p l i e d t h a t tu - m.-v

b e d i o d t l i e f o l l o w i n g S a l - •• 1 p a y “ i t i c n e x l t i m e l i e s a w ■ a n o l t i e r l e l e p h o n e d t t i a t b e u-i« i i c 't i i w c . '’ H e b n s t h e r h e u - .v a lk ^ — T t i e n i n t i i - r s a i d - l i e — L‘ g o t r e l i g i i m t b a t n i g h t a m i j i j i o i n t n u ' i i t .

t h e t e n t h o n e y e t . a n d ib < ‘. W e b a v e n o i t a k e n y n t n s e i t s f 'i^ n is “ s t u i e r ” n a t m a j “ [ r f e t t y goT 7d“sp ’o i'l,s l o l e a v e ~ n n t) e a n e i p i a l l y g o o d s p n r t

a r e s u r e y o u w i l l . L e t u~

FNEWslimRAm'-rlrnn I'n ilrdlrin n-r'vr rn-

T!'>i r>.r>H ‘lna. It r''-

h o 111.) to h J r lo r ttiini». iiin r •u*Wclon»—thfy r_n»l.l r.M thal fV rrrtary lluRh*^ h-iJ iinnmiiM lh»m. In, Ihflr w o n t,)rm And •tm ichtw ay iho" « rn t

■ ' : 4 ' S

Th.' •'K'lnfii.' niill.C " I ■, Wlrli imi! ImmliLil bi-aulirtil i,iiiiil iHiiKlri'il huiiilMiiiKi

i£ -U ic faiuum lU iiii;i r:li ai;i-lam l,-l;- i. Is no lln.1 11 I:. ,;ill. cl '"l'hi. li Arl ll .'umlfill,"_________ _____________ cl

----------------------^ ^ -------- r - » | „

. . . A T T H E . . .' THEATRES !

----------------------— — i;i'fii,i,ia:N M ooiii; i; v a ("i s i k im :

(»r “S A M .v IX i.vn :.s'i' i-u t i r r j "

Tlio^.c wim nijoy.'d th',' .Ui.j;,- x n - - .,r I,uh.l.nl m »- C

roKii. "Sll,!!)-." Ill «lili-li .Mi.rillyii-Mil- '• li-r iiiitrlr hrr pviiimnriir Miii'i riw »UI fhlil .-Klilrrl Joy In |-Iii:l Niillcili;tl-n

vvl'ulcill iir,lUi',i ;i|iir Jil.Ti', tlilii- 111 rln.-- r.ittr.'M ^foor.-. wt.Cili .(mi.,-. _Illl- Ori.lioiini ................... .. 'rinnMli'V. f„

l-ollrrn l>rini:» l» lln- rnl<-|,|Ilf :i K-'iihi. Il.l i.ymii;.l!i.H.-inInlrniK'liillon lIilK iiTiitih'MlnuKMyi« lll iiiiili" Olli ....... ;m ..iii-ilnn.lli.;; Iil. Ii,< hn- lom: lli.l nf ;nir.'. •;. i s, -Sail) " „ cjillr. f(ir ...... Iniflliui liilri iv(. (i.lili­es. fill' o f.lin iii-n ili.r iu nml ilrllv.iri.Il.l i.riill.innt, f'

Mi’ ll M...... ;il1 <if t'l"'''........................... >-lii i>l>l> .|rtiiiiilr;;:..1- M..I In ■•l'-|aii.lur: Ym,;iIi,...... J |„. I', i l .c l uin:i|i[.i atlll •'.•<.1 III :." ]

------------------------ ;V / e a t h e r a n d H e a l th \

niiv.'r.'iii laihU nf ».iMtiiiT iic .v i lli•lirr.T.'nl |.rn|.l.' I» .lltr.'l-rnl <vav.<, liiiiI|, r - -I - fiM-l Ih'II.t 'vlii'ii Hll- iiflll

t io ilor . fr.-'|iii'iil1y mlI.t lln lr fii- ;n •Vlu.lii;- - f .iiM tlii.y ' a

nr.- n<»v li'iirnliii; |li;il il.,< iM-ifllis <if j m

(hi-v hail tli'Hiirlil. l"'ii,ii..- II ilt:i!iui- ol „f »isii;.lly .lU ait-. „ .-Ikim;;,- of j <.|rllmali- n-. T.'tniirrjlur.-. th-- ( nlumniml nf molMim- In iW nir, llu- ; i„l.-lulil .il>.*vi' H.ii-N'V.-l — Illl iln-M- jntlilni;* rm offi'n nur Mi-nlth.............. - I m

= * t m e r ¥ a r F n Ic e r

. ' M m


— tl„




' »r

, cv>r

I ■ Tho H. ju'iiii-li- with ttini-.' h.inilnotno. uji'i! iiiiiio Ijfliulifill Uirla lliuH forI llllll lirrii (irriiiiii'fl Il(lll^lllll^ will clinrni k|,<-._ v„ii_ jd iuuU jc-U ..(:.-IIitrnn t 1111.'- Pftlir '( 1 ^' itiii:; ( 'irn i:i ciiiiii'H Id I'wlll'KnllH Kr|. dm

ilhy, Aiii-iisi 11._________________ cllll

j MAROANEWS.-iI _____ ' or II , .W ld .m V of Mm.' «*■'

I-i'l.' lU lil.f i;avi' II.-I „ MiriirlM. on Wi iliii-sOny i-v.'nln«. II lirliir liiT lilrlli-

Itliiv. Tlin-Ki iiitonillnif from Mfiron , WIT.- Mr. nitil MrH.-H. Dlrlil jiu l .Mr. roiu

llllll Mill. I„ II. nri>wii, A, .Mr. anil MrH. 11. C. Iliiypii ri'liirni'il mini Crom Ml.iuimrl Siimhiy .iiinrniiiK. Thi-y ,n,.„ i-aiiic friiMl Crnriv Hlv. r. Wynmllli:. on , on Saliivrlay. ;IT<> nillii’. , .

A. N. Itliii: h p .n t ii rotm to of .inyii a l .Mllii.-r liii.1 xv.Tit v |a |ilil« frlMi.lH,

r-.CLi«'.. w i-k... hi tie ll..', SiM- In .'ii > Ih r hniitn of h.-r li.M rnt.., .Mr, nli.1 .\lm. ‘7* ‘ lHiilii-"i nf T tvIn'l-itlhi. '

T. S. Nlrlinhmn I', (-njnvlni; H fr«- clay^ niiiiiiK In lln- iiioniiialitii i IiIh u n i : . I'uy

Mrs. A, N, Itin;; l.'i .'Xii.^-lnl tiniii.' ridiii lh .' .iiM aliniii th<- 111th. mon

.Mi-. Ilitrrv 'lliatiilnii wllh h r r houm-u<i;k fnr a .-ntll.lr nf W.rli:.. will

] It 1-. L.iiiirlnl th.il i:i:ail.;i I 'n lu n rr conn..iml;.;: lia. k 'l . . rln- nuu'li llii:. fall. oii|,i

I A. N‘ Uliii; iipi III Salui ilay ito.l Stin- imiUihiy '.vnh hh. iiaMi.;.. it.-ar lltilil, conv

'ii- 'Mi:.' ............... I .VnKiiiil IMlu. inivi-Ml..... I M-hr-.l .......... Aii;.ii»l ill. j.,

’ •. . TRk"S a tr a f r a a in / i l c d i e in e il.tnc

: Thl- ..f Ha.-i.fniB vrry ciir^y In 'hi.-1 Aiiii rl.'iin Iil-I..rv liiM aiii.» ml liiiiioriiini "“ikI Iir;lrlr .if iiicill.Iiir. I t In naiiii-llnipo ‘<r;Viii:cil the- "iisu.- Ir.'..- IIH n .Iccoctloii 'I nf lln hark uu« .iii.p.i*i.-<l lo cum tlii.I « r 1 (ilK.aM-. .Sii-.<.ilr:ii. ten. iiQ InfilKh.nI nf III.- .x.iiin;; (.h.i.ii.i ntid ro.tis, tins tone Ottn Ih.'.n a fiivorllf r.'iiinlr for coUU unilJp'rHjn luiilr, h.'iii;; ii ^ulliJrlUc und n allirni- I'He:I Innt.'---- ------- ------------ ------------- *Uili

;r“w a -y s ^ f -5 p e n d i n g '

‘ \ ^ ' \ /


BUENEWSJ)»nrJ « / K.)iifi.lJ»n o / Ilwl.1 D i'lnjs ‘

.Sriiiiol 0|>fiiliiK I'n til .U (<r Kiilr

Till' niil'lli" iii-lnvil[ will nni opi'ii llilN full lllllll Mondny, Soiilt-nilJi-r H. tlirilim irifi-IIiiirin lii-irhy 'liro l)««r<l ol c-ilnrntinn nl tliH r IbnI inn.itlnK. nc- cordUiK.lo M. M. Vnn Potten , nupor- Int.'nd.'ni of HclioolR. Thi> ri'Biinii foi tliln Mr. Vnii Pnlti'n M id. wn« on nc- count I.f cnnfll.TtliiK <lati-H of tlio cmm- ty fnlr. wlih'h will Ih- liHd <in Ki'lil.H, a. 10. 11. Tfio m'hiiol ^<la^d Jiiw found th a l nchool ntit-iiilanco .liirlnc ilio fnlr wiivk In very IrriT iitn r nml iinnnllfifiic- to ry nntl il wuh .loom. tl BilvlMnbli' tc try tlin plnn o f bCKlnnliiK Bcliool n wi-ok Ini.-i'.Tho Kcliool ImllillnEB nro licInK donn-

Cll mill r.'pnlro.l and mado romly toi III., oi.ciiltii: of Ihv fnll IiTm. An nx- p.-n from llio fncinry Vk'bli-Ii Imlll llic hi'iiiUiK pynt.-m In ibo Hrluml liul!dl:ii:ii biui hccn horo und «'!(XBiiuiI- ' lb. ,

JJi.‘ luiH HiiKeiMril «onio ro- jtiiliH w hlrb It 111 liojiud will provn of- f.xUlvo III mor.- oooiiotnlcnl o|>L-rnllon of lln- KynU'iiif. ■ Till' JunllorH nrr innhlUK tho rci.iilm nnkod for. A full cYirf* <if N-adJuT.i Jiu.h 1«;ch aocuniJ.— ICxclinnw. . , •

' — . 1 dentBETTER HIG HW AY S


Tlio liUKhioM vnluo ur^RCtllAi; poO' willj.lo liit.> tliclr BtoroK la npi>rcclnlc-d b j InjjiJl 3’Jjai la llw {fUr/wjM J*ifor whlcli Uioy. nilvcrUtc. Oneo.B pro- cent KpocilVif cuKtomcr_.|B_lnalilo_a-aiorii. i r u -■ll.orc lB opiioriunlly fo r n *nle. A mc^ nlbUcliiinc iDur liiivu D cuud Uno of ml!^ pnvlclinndlno, lila prlcpB -mny bo rcnion- typeiihiu, nn.l lilH Olnpliiy ii.uy bo lllln l^ mini,Uto ; bu t tho peopio muat, bo provided Con.w ltli II Booil rond to 'lila (itoro or tboy deniwill m u' cou.o thero. Tho rcnIdeuU uentor II clly will no t mnko tbo fullest uae Oiof. tliclr Klm-tM If tboy Bro muddy or are :diiKty. iinil-llii! n.crcbniitB will not cn- QootJoy tlio irndu thoy sboiild hnve If tlielr onopnwpectlvo enatumera cnniiot Hnd vood icctlruuda t» tbi'lr BtorLH. Oucv

Any xiroei In nn j^o innum lty cnn be oucli iniiilu iiilrnullvo by llio Blinplo vxpe>dh-nt of piivlnR It properly, and It l i lulc)to tbo iiilvnniUEu of every tnxpaycr to nienibolp lilKbway unidula or tlio town Uncacouncil pu t tlirou|:ti In.provud lilsb- Hutl'

l'e..plu'ivliu own biuHncM o r rcsldi'i.ee bcnrproperly nro li-AriiliiK-every dny tlial '••liy'icivic Improveinents Mint cnll for. ibe tba t pr.ip.-r piivinc of lun-elii nro thu be'sikind of Invi-mn.oniH—InvcmiuctiU Ibut undpuy iu ru dlvldcndK, .........

Tho tvell-puvcd 'a tree t la worth T5q .inonoy to evory inorchnnt on ll. na ‘ woll UH helntf hlKlily convenient forHliiipprm. A woll-p«ve<l huslliL-w alru-ol p],will linp.'l cimtiiiiiei-s.to Iho door.'wltU ,cnHoijiii'iit lucroau; In bufilneaa na lUe fo r tupimrlunlty Is off.-rcd cualoinem lo townii.nko lbi;lr pnrchUMoa without U.u la- i.-„ ronvi-nlonco of muddy, dirty , dusiyl.avciiioiiiB.

Cloan. plenfnnt. lieliltbfiil .Bhrromiil- ^ . .y . llTKftTr^i 1Uu«l ‘.l.-Hiral)lo in any ri.-*l- i ihincp (IlHtrlct.' Tblii coiidltlun la pnv moi,, vlilod In n woll-puvpd alreol, bonldi-s ij-j, inakli.K It Kifer fo r children ns well ua for llic nioiorlKt. Properly vnlnw-Bo m r ivhcro a wi'll-puved itrccC rrplacif*» nilti-d. lni|.iiMnblo thuronKbfnn:.LTtlos nro Judscd Avry lurBoIy by Ihe jttniitlvoneiw of Uiolr itreola. Siran- p-rH looking ulioui.. for loeuiluna urn ]iilct{ to Ju.Iso tho buHlneM nnd Bi>clnl , lUiHiJiinl",, of_iho_ coiiiniunliv by Ita g ^ ^ l


— — S Mont

»-*S-- ■ ^ IT • •on-\ , India!*• * . - of F.

a t t c -H

D S m ft 'U LJ_ _!I

------------ i

' li

^ rO ^ •D .\7

; I P o t a t o C r o p o f U ,

‘ . UnproAt«bta priecii fo r tnost o f I : m w c n t to c u t th e main cron a e r c a ^ tl , yield hus been fu rth e r v lu b e d by 'froa

to tbe Sears-Roobuek A srieu ltu ra l Koui probably will ^average f tg h e r and tlio crop nhould e x e e ^ ino rrcelpU o l laat Were bcIow"eoi<l~6f proauctSon. - Priecfl nJvunco Inte tb la aeaBon, bu t moat of bum per 11124 crop n v e ra s ^ chenper thr new crop for aouthem s ta tea waa mai sprinff. Tlie m nrket ouUook is promlal Bow 'slaTtlni; to ship.

H o w T H e P o t a t o M a i

C c t v Tcw/ewoo ‘ Y

IM iJ *j 2 £ _ i 4 - 4 —

/ 2 » , \ f I , . A i f

Ty•' V ‘IiNMrN AM <r« r %ic«s

I L i l . . T i l h i :

Ihornugbfnrca. particularly , mu roitl- lence Ktreeta. V la lton lo a wcll-piive^ ^V. -Ity will Inatantly BcnBo tlio pr<ierv»- of hi "Ivo aplrit o f tho place, tbey will lone of In remember tlio orderly Influence of biixl..- .-..•jT ifna 'nnd residence sectlnnB. nnd they ‘ ]t|; ivlll curry the s to rr of Its clean, chitnn- t)i' ine Htreota bade to the ir Iioiiiea. OK

i'ubJIc ImproromenlB c f any WniJ rent 1e*a In tbe Ionic run whero they l>okit iru-umJeJiiH niiu« i ::pBn uaneflLjiH-onii-. —£i!I dble. Tbo & nt cost of permiinent _ invlnB In no moro Uum Ineflldeut ypoH, and UiQlr mnlnteiinnce Is clilior ])„, nlnlinlzed, or e n tire ly ' ollmlnntod. ^onsequentlr the type thn t pays divl. Nn lends lo uny coinmunliy la tbo permn- ro t lent, durnble. annltury, flre-aafe lyjie. ^ f

O lber advanlnsoB of pa red alrccts ••• «ro found In lire nnd henltli protectloiL Un Jood puvlne on atreelB and ulleya I* Snlu me o f the priuie csai-ntluls lo nro pn)- cctlon. ,F lro hn turd la Brwilly ro- J,f . , luced If even,'clcun, akld-pruof thor- lUElifuri-s nro la every aecilon of tbo u„t,.] own BO tbiit any point can be reached mont lulckly nud cnslly by Uie flro depart- Ihn t n e n t Ucallli Is n by-product of clenn- of Ji: Incaa. H ealth onieem Insist tliut'aan- on th lutlun B4 reflected In tbe condliluns of h^ - w rerta—and—ttHfy s >ina u dli e<.t icnMnjf upon Ibe Ki-nerol bealth of tbe " * liy 's Inliabliantfl. Urnco, n s tree t I r -j), ba t la well piived will bo easily i^nn i Iranetl. nnd will be f rro from r u u wit: nd bolcB tbnt brood Ul i. Tj,,

-------- I— , Qtinrl

Roadway W ill Run to Ofd n f te i

French F ort Toulouser in n a ora under way for tlie build- on ll

nir o f n bishwny to tho old French Uie h 'ort Toulouse, wblch wna no Indlun ‘ own nearly ^00 ycnra nco.

I 'o r t Toulouse la In KImoro county, eur Montgomery, Ala., n short dli*- saio tince from one of tbo prlncljial blgli- tbn a i:av« .ti-.MIpj* tbe cltv. pT».1 ir I. he InleiiUon of. blil(irl<bl expcrla to lhore< loke* thla point ayallublo to tourlata. bavn The plan was luundii-d l.y Potcr A.

irannon. cum tor of the Aluhniiia artm ont o f Arcblrea and Illsiory. tl 'U» only recently th a t a m arker wns Inced Rt old T.de C at Sprint;*, •'U>llie* from MoniKomrn-. whi-ru l.nfay., -------Ite Biw.nt the n lsh t-o n -h la -V n y to — lontcomory. r „ ,Fort Toulouao Is rich In bU torr. A j C ll

mnlio_«bnft_ baa been plncod lliero> ‘Comnietiiomto'tfte~Dld l* ri*llch oui-' j [oat of 1714, which la a mliilniuro n-j>- ; ,uro cn of the sha ft erocicd to General | rou.l lontBomory <m the plains of Abmbum. ; nprl t Quobee. The old Frrneh coaieicry ' T _I a t F o r t Toulouse, nnd here aoWe ) •I Jnrkson'ii mon ,won> btirled. Ihe i i lace becomloe known aa Fori Jnck- in. T ho trea ty o f 1814 by «vblcb the y,.iu idlona ceded all the ir Ihnds n.n tb nnd ( F o rt Jacksim to the CcltiHl E totes 5 aa Bicned tbere.

J A Y F E V E RT M 7*>« *»»•> •'<•« »^r." DaI th* Bttaeks wiih—

V |C | | sT e U s W h y H e

N o w Ele tte r w h ic h I r e a d in t h e j r r r r

l>.iper a b o u t _ C a r te r ’s L it l lc L iv e r P i lls f i tte d m y o w n c ase lh

— 4a-U o^ty-4iM <-4-couM ~iM X-he1p f j ^ iry inK th e m a n d a m S r e n h a p p y j l g e l I cJicl.” S o wrritM M r. F ra n lc I T r u m b u ll u f J e r s e y C i ty , N / . . I j ^ B W hose le t te r ( .n x s o n to s a y ; ‘*1 h a d h e .trd a b o u t C a rte r^s L itt le

— L>vef-Pt<l»-f<>»-.ye a r» b u t t i e v t r kn e w (hey h e lp e d oveTcom e p o o r a p jic t ite a n d so u r s to m ac h u n ti l I r e a d a b o u t a n o th e r m an in th e sa m e pH g h t w h o to o k i H H C a rte rV w ith Rood r e s u l ts . 1 U ^ S trii-il th e m .in d c a n h o n e s tly ' ^ay th .n they f re e d m e o f n a s ty r e s t a

on s tu m a c h . s o th a t I c an I w il now e a t w ith o u t ^ t t i n g bili* L iv e r ou!>, a n d th e y im p ro v e d m v 3D- - R e c

.\T, at'oust 10. iwr>; '

U. s . Reduced ' |of tho iM 4 potato crop iadticed j ^ th is Bpnnc, nnd tho priMpectiva I fro s t and dry w eather, iceonllnsr •KouDdaUoh Index fo r Ju ly . P tlee t tlio to tu l incomo fo r the t> ra«n t !“?Ly.«»r7 .w hcn .jinc« i.irw iu taU x.:_ . / j j -j :; ,: -

riecB on old potatoes had # sharp, t of the flnal ohlpment fro m -th e r than fo r tho previous year. Tha marketed eftriler than lu tial this

mlslnK from ln tonncdia t« » o c t ^

l a r l te t I'sD ehaving

5 _ j y _____

V *• ^» , _____ IQjyoe

* • N l\rMS> M WMr KS\ ^ ' ’•> !' *** • lICBS ' . X

7 T r r r < T 7 " r . ' * r i " * \ o

• .\x x ( H 'x r n .y i : s ’r^V. I.. Uunn nnnoiincon th e nponlni;

if hln offlceii tor lb^ nm era l pracilco ,)f law, Sullo 3. S m ltb -ltlco lIulldlpK.

ii(m <;iT o tT s in : im - ’i‘*>f .s a j .k o rItlJAI. 7ST.VT1: II.MIKU HKCUKBT^............o r F ouK C i.d .sia tK A x n o i u »k u OF s a m :.

.ako viow Stnt^- Ilnnk ot Cblcniso, n cortiornlion, P laln tltf. ' , .

Vnllor illnnclinrd nnd Fjitolln Hlan- churd, hhl wife; T liu F ln it Nallonnl Ilnnk nf Iliibl, I.lnlio, n co ipornllon:!•;. !■ Dunlnp. Kooolvtr for th e F irs t Nntlonnl linnk of Ihilil. Mnlio. n corporation : FeiUiml Itiniirvn Ilnnk ^ f Snn Fninr.lnco. n corporntlon. nnd J . W. Lumnion. Uofi-nduuta.Undor nnd by v irtue of nn O rdor of

iniu nnd Dwrife o f Forw toiiuro issued lilt of tlio D lsirlct C ourt ■ of tho Clovonth Jiidlelal UlHtrlcl of.Uio Stnlo if Idnbo. In nnd, fo r the Connly o t :win Falla, ilnicd tho la t .lay of Aui:- iat, ll)26, w liordn tho P la ln tllff abovo iiontloncd obtnlnod n decruu aKnlnat hn D ofondnnu horoln on tliu ,31nt d a y if Ju ly . I'JIIS. wblch Maid decrwi wnii m tho 31nt day of Ju ly , 193S, recordud n Judum cnt Ilopk T e n 'a t paso CSS of nid T^iirtrlct O ourt: l-anrjTOnurtqnded_________

nrcel of land nliuaKid In tliu County f Tw in I-'nlln. S in lo o t Idnbo, sn n d ounded nnd dcHcrlbod an folIoWH, lo- ^It:Tho N orth U nit of tbn • N orlheaat

liinrlor (N?/4 Ni:>A) <if Soctlon a*lilrty 30),'TowmUilp Nlno (U) South. Kftnito Ifteen (IS) Kant of Iho DoIbo Merld-

* l’ub1lc Notice ia liorohy itlvon: T bat in tliu 25lh dny of AiiKUat. 1D2C, n t lie hou r of 2:0S o 'c lock I*. M. (Moun- aln Tlmo) of nnld ilny, nl tbo Eaat roni door o f ibe C ourl H ouse of the ouniy o t Tw in Fnlln, S ta le o t Idaho, w ill. In obeitlonee in nald O rder of

nio and D ecree of Foreclosure, nell Iin abovo dc«crlbod properly lo nal-

n.-croo wj ib .IntorogL.________tlor^'on. toRolhcr w ltli nil ooiiln tb a t avo accriHil o r mny accrue to tbo iKhoHt blilder for oaiili, lawful mon- - y of Iho United Slitlon.Dalo.1 thin 3rd day of AuRiisI. 192S.

-M. j :. ShurJff.■ 'B Y H. F . I’lU T K Il,


Every Farm Needs PastoiB,_ .T lilii_Jii_o iio_oC aiio_bcal^m M . of ih f i ' i r n r to n ta rt n -najv -pos- ,_ tu ro. O rnss sown now (Will rou.ly fo r th e -s to c k ,1a oarly HprlnK.

L and in T am e G rass or Sw eet C lover '

- 1‘AHTDRR ■ win pay b e lter th a n m osl .crops nnd n t lens espctiae.


See UN for p rices, form ulas,!inil Bowlns InfomtaUon.

D arrow Bros. Seed & . Supply Co.

TWIN FA I.19 “ Idaho’s LesdlnK Seed H a is s "

[e C a n E a F H e a S t y

st a ssu r^ that from now on will boost Carter’s LitUe

ver PUls whenever I can.”Recoramended and for sale

Page 5: T W mrF JS m J C T i i P S « iis wi Movies ana Has C ; ‘ ' 5 . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER i i P..World

5I0N D A T, A P fiU S r 10. i:i2n.

I B n r i n c M D i r e c t o r y ■

A tto m eyt •PO R TEn—W IT H A it I ^ w y t n . O rn

Clo» Boofc Storo.___________ •

' D. 0 . H A L L - 6 te r Oloa Bool: S to f .

Ju n o t I t So thw all -> O rr Cbapman 130THW1SLL A CtiAPMAN

Wooda Bldg. Ilooma G. 6. 7. 8. », 1«

— ---------------BWHHUBY * 8WBELBY—A ttom »yir f r t t NftUonal Bonk B ulld lm

W. L. DUNN—Law otflcn*, Uoonui : u id 4, Sm lth.Iticu UudUliiK.

Shoe Repairing. nO TAL BHOB R B P A U l i^ i

- Myara, P rop . la O . Znd St. » w t

T nm aferCROZIEai n tA N S F B n COM PANT-

Phone a<8. Storngo to J crnU Pi.

KcNlCHOLS T R A N S ran * 8T0R> AOB C O .^ # rb » « * hAUlcd d iJ b Pliono 800._______________________

WARDBnO Y ftAN SFER'ft 8T 0R A 0E C O ^ to r a g o and ipecla! c»rIoa<l

‘ ab lpm aou to CalltoroU . Pbona t<a.

ChiropractorsD R a a W TATT !

Cblropraotor m , »rd A re. No. O ftlta Phono 487

. P R . BULA C. 8AWVESI 04(aopdtblQ .Pbralclan

BtilU 1 aod 2, Oen Bunldtng ftona 16tO«W ■ Hee. 1B«0»J

. Pain ts & Roofing •F A IH T B eS BUFFLIBS

' yyir B*!e—PaJnts. Olla, Mareeco C a lw a tn e tn bu lk : Boo Suppltoa B ertr boxM, AnIo Wfndabfofda, Plat< n d W ladow tflaaa and W all P apor

. r . i , ............ MQon*a.8hop. _____________

Miscellaneous• HMPWYMKNT OK-KIClJ-aoa H.Mnlt

Avo. Spnnlah Tool Utill. M n n n c tr Victor Ocamlca. .

• • ..CAIU’EN TER. a n d rONTflACTOIJn n d ‘repair, w ork In liiillilltiK line Chiui. Klufior. 241 3rd nvonuo iioiitii Pliono C25W.

SADDLK HOnSKS F lra t cloM aaddlo honiea a t -

no rnoa' Homo Ixirn, 2od avcnuo aoiilb. Phono 43KJ.

E Y E 8PEC IA M ST—Dr. Wm. D .iloy- nolds. 203. N u t door u> Goldor

. nuro.

FARMERS’ WASHINO, Cc por pound W hlta ab lrta. ISc eacb; collarn, 3c each. ..Yokotfkna Laundry. l<2 Snla re au o w eat. Phono 117._______

IW lN . - l ’A U ia ' JQNK £ 0 IJ8 B -< ^M .------;----------- r~ « la,- au»jlXf. a i m . I tL U aadT tfn i:

AfiMOOR C l t ^ S T A T I0N -U 4 M ala SoutB, Twin. Falla. Pbonet 2648 u d 2074. Sco ua bc/oro ao)]- tn » c r o a ^ p o u ltry -o r ogga. Yen, w a como ou t a fU r your* poultry

• Open S a turday nigbta unUl 1C o 'c lock. Chaa. Underwood.________

Piano TuningK . T . I.OftAN' . .

A rllntle playor and piano work.Bo» 631______________ • Phono IQS

S. Q. H U LL’SO yoftra' Ezporlencs.

Phono S17J. P . 0 . Box 808.

---- -------- T jrp ew iitera - —Wo aell ’em. R ent 'tea. F ix 'em.


218 Main St. N.. Twin Falla.

F o r S a le -M is c e J Ja n e o u sFO R S X L B -R ock ert«» c n v e L 0.

0 . U arU a-a BlAckacollh ahop. 142 4th• aTc nao w etL Photia 3<8W. ________

.......... ............ and ahitdo treca. am all fru tU . ahruba,^ • r t a « r T W ha-rad pc r« i» la la .~ B « a t • oJ

'a tock fo r low est prlcea. Baleameo w anted. C a ta lo n o la free. Kimborly

, N uraeriea. K lmborly, Idaho._________

FO R SA L E -T laod rangea. tablea, chalra. m ga, beda, aprinca, baby car- rla«ea, tenta, etc. , B argain . pHeea. All In good condlUoh. Rxchango Do- pa rtm enu A. H . V incent Co; Phone 406. 207 Shoahona South.

All rubber caao tiaHerleii. Ford aixe $13.86 ox. Dodge S1S.85 ex. P reat

, 0 - UW B atte ry SUUon. S26 ShoahoBO f , St. Phono e>.__________________

irn R N YOO KKKD Fire . H all o r Caaualty INSURANcn, a Kurety o r fidelity BOND. » farm or c ity m ortgage I.X>AN, o r to buy. aell o r leaao a HOMK. . •

________ __ 8KB DS~ W o ~ '» re ~ llc rn * e d —a n d —BONDED REL^LTORS Who deairo lo bo o t aerv .

’“ r o R 's A l X - B o c h e r n « , .J c lb. on i n f* . W ill dollv*r 100 Iba. o r m ore a t - 3 c - lb . - H - » i l ta weat. 1 aouth, H w M l o t S outb Paric Grocery. Pbono 602R1. ,__________________ ^

hoMfcaTentie ,^ C . Phone 76IW.

. FO R SALE—Ona 12 f t Bcllpae F a ir- banka V o(M windmill. One 2H h. p. F a lrbaaka U orae Z type enslne. Both a lm oat new . Cnqnlr* a t 822 No. M»ln.

• • WANTHD—OATley. W ltl pay ftbore^loAfket fo r * few tona of f lra t claaa ■liarley. C. £ . .M cO ^n .PbocB S lM l.

WANTED—T o bny o r re n t cook a h a A o c wheela. Phona 177NJ.

FO R SALE—School tm ck practical- ly new. Priced rigb t for Immritlat* raah aale . A da tKTraimfiit Company. Doiae. •


^ 9 H K ~C P ' B g i i here '

~ :ljH^DAVOFT H esiG

— BANKRoBsettv , i5H£/7c;

. iasASCNAL , 1# ToThe police.= t , ______ OUfKJUABEEK ' ___‘«y*' --------iNSTRoOEOia'' "7;-----------_ a ftC C H ISUl a LEFT HAND v - 'j f c |f e s a r ^

ov£R HIS----- HEART SO



t. V y '■-------------------3R-kll7

1^ TIME■' For Sale-Miscellaneouj

121 KOU SAM'^-SiickK nncl twine. Miv Iio Jiiiik Iidiihp. A«'rmm rioiii llio Siilc OrDiinclKr 162 2iicl Ave. nomli.

lO J ~\V1II pick Yollr.w Tnin).j.i.r.'iit up.— plon to r 2c ll>. II. M. .................. . i>i»

iiillu norlh o f lioniiltul. I’Ikimh r>7HUf.

----- I'OR SA I.n—Wlilio onnnicl ltnun<Onit raiiKr, finiicil oiik illtiliiK tnlilc. •!

llM 3 rcickom. ('niiimmlt' muliJ^* m-r. bfil. ;i}>rii}iia jihiJ nwllrcHii. SIiik'’i

itfWlriK iimrliUir. 7fi lb. ri'frlKtTnlor oil* Ktovo, ruK. Icullicr diiofold, 1351

_ Kill uvcnilo onnl. ^ _________ ,

ix )U SAI i:—I-'riilV Jiuii. ■ Kiuiulrc laiC ■Ull nvcnuo oiint., .

K<tr. J'Olt 8AI.U—Nii. 2 Cono tnKk ciiulcr ___ n r . Hnppiiil nvtiniio wc»t. I’iiiilio 77CJ

, -For -ilent- -uU i..-------------------------- :----------------------------

KOU U K N T -S fiirtilRl.cl rotiui.i “ “ Ni'iir IiIkIi Hirlinnl. 110 Otii livnitli

norUi. I’lioiiii 1027._________________. . . ~FO U U1:NT—Kiiriilnlu'cl roinnn. 2U DQ ‘ItlrnvDiiiio c.iiit. rii'one 7(ir>.

1*011 lllONT—Nl.;(> rooi roimi.----- .Wnlnut 81. Phono S2._______________

dM I'O R nUNT—All hmitrt Of houncii foi reni. II. C OiU i'rt, J H WaJJi Ko

—_ Phono 223.* V I'OR RI:NT—Mocli-rn furnlhliod3f j liimcnifnt. Pb»»c 3fi7J. .___________

■ POR RUNT—SlocplnB rooma. 22:la t- 6th ciTcnue caa^____________________J i ~ W ) R .SALE OU FOR lUCNT—Real .SSI doqt room ing bouao. 223 6 th easL

oil- FD rslshed houaekeeplnc apart- rea. n e n t^ Oaala Bomo, 403 Main Aro. i r j . WoaL Phone 971.

10 1---------------------------- :----FO R RELNT — 3 room fumlaho<:

— nparUnont, r c a a o a a U a ^ Bungalo* Apia. Clh a troot and Second avenue

FO R RENT—IIoUDckecpIng apart 108 m e n u , compelely furnU lied for llghl

houaokeeplnf, one, tw o and throi rooma clone In, and low rfttoa, by wcok o r m onlh. Tho Oxford,-A29

___ Main N.____________________________

” ^Wantdd - MidcetiAneouEiw» ' WANTRD—l ’n««ftKP by nuto lo Kin B nimli n illn o r ix polnl n m r Iiy. by

inotlior anil non. hPlwcvt) AuRiiHt H__ And 21. r iione 317J^U S ~WANTi:n—6 tcantH wlOi Inwlln ~ rnnkn. nlno & c x in men. M. N. Knud-

C. aon. mile mjndi of Hclllnl<;r.

W A N T rn—R ue and carpo t weaving. —. 8. M. Scoflnid, R 3. Tw in l^illn.

’P ' W A N TBD -O ld t lrn i ' and tubM; Tw in Falla Junk Ilouac, 1C4 4lh Avo.¥outh ,-phono 79S.--........ - ........■ -

WANTRD-^To buy hoca. Call 398. - Tw in Fnlla Shoe R epairing Shop.

lea, WANTKD FI.ORIDA rsO rK R T Y AP- P alm Bcach counly. W ill pay caah. :ea. H erbert Caralrtioll. L ake W orth. F lor-Do- Ida^_____________________ ___________

WANTED—F or caah o r trado.— houaehold fum llu re , rangea, ruga, etc. ijxe Exchange Dept.. A. 11. Vincent C a .cat 207 Shoabono South. Pbono 406.

■ WANTKD—A t once Un caah, .n**)___ n o r t C M PlMW* 247W- X B . WliJU

Co., SSI M iOnB.____________________

W A ^ E D —Csal ca tlle . J . A. Flyim '7 « w ._______ ________________

WANTED—Poultry o f a n klada. Top prtcea. H . C H untar. Phone W3W.

r v . ’¥O irBX EE=O ooa-iCcond»hand-i>o- ta to and onloa aacka a t T w la f 'a lla

___ Feed fc Ice C om pam ._______________

— Livestock and Poultry“2 ~ P O R S A L V O R T » tA D B -!0 bead ^ good milk cowa for aheep o r barley.

Ja ck F rance . Phone 612R13.

6 th ~ *~ ^V__ FOR s a l e : —6 room houae, garvge. . 1. etc. Snap. Nleeat location in the

p. c lly . P e u , c a re Tlme*|_____________H aring le ft Tw tn I ^ l a . h a re decld-

ed to se ll m y fonr room moden> n _ &n>e. eseep i bUL, |U(Ml I 'oildeuie aud ^ ^ > i d a t r e « . offered fo r » bantaln. m caah paym ent and balanea e*n be a r-— r a a c ^ W rite Mrm. M. OtlBS. 1229 N. 90k C m m r Av*.. Colorado S p rin g y Colo. —. POR aALI>>4 acrea auilable for a l - chicken m a ch .' fine ahade. Juat out- late aide c ity . Cheap and eaay, term a. T. a r . I. Robtnartn, 617 4th A rena# eaet. AIM

120 acre farm .


°E-HCRE COMES n iE n r f B B W;R£'S S>J«EnC VJE GET 9UM r - J I ^ ,

ftN9 HlS CgQ W O j ^ ]

ES WA^3U3 For Sa!e-Keal EstabMil- FOR SAI.K OU TItADR—160 ttcr Sllll' In noutlionslorh Knnna;i In oil dl

irlct. wIlU^O room houno and koi------ barns and ahnln. Ijind l« nol Iciia

«!>• for Knn and oil. W ill Irndd tor ko ■•IU' iditho fariu. AddrcuB XYZ, caro­

l s TImca.______________ ^

lunil FOU 8 A t.i:—Mo<lum f. room Lou ll'. ’> wifb Kfiraco. Pliono !)D^W.

n s r r KOR S A U v -S lo m rnnch oT 3 niur, ftcrcii C mik-a nouiliwcnl o f Uocurai 1352 Adilrcna A. l« It., caro Tlincii.

___ 11,\U<JAIX rK H 'i:S '.t liASV^TKlOlulrc On choiti' IrriKnIril fiirmii unit niii

rnni'lii'M In Siiiilli Idiilio und IOjihU' — Ori'Ki'in ncn iilrn l ilirinmli iiiortKii

o1(*r. (oi'iTliiMiri'. ( 'a ll n r w rl«’, lilu r7CJ.ISIiili; Mfo. i:iiii>lio lllock. lliilm'-. Idiil

^ For Sale-i.utom obiUtiui.i. I 'O il O ll TUADi:—TmirlI'liiii! c a r In Kouit <-oiidlllnii. K<iul]<pi'il wl

nniililicrn nml AloniHuou^ciiitliii; hj Iclil. -IOC 2ii<l uvcliuo wc:il.

1*011 SA I.i:—Cniio toiirliii; car, I, — “ Uiilrc n l-lV rrliic J'lifc.] .in , ■■! ~ 1 —

FOU SAU3—Aulo wlndnhlolila, do RlannCB, liuiidllglit Rlnnn an d ’ windi

" kix t!ln»B. Moon'a P o in t Shop. ■

iT, Help W anted— .<?AI.I:SMI:N-Iloftt mi-n inako j ;

222 weekly lu.llliii; new apfclnlly. Alt itnllcni. New mi'U KiiariintcM $:!6

leal* nlona. 8 . Api>loion Conrucllon Co., C 8L d a r .IlnpldB, Iowa.

WANTUD—Two men wnli cnm w nro libt nfralii lo unrk . \V. IJ. I

’'*■ Hliear. IIS Mnln nvonUB o a a l . .

___ 8 A I,t»M i:.V -R en t n u n mnkc $:, 1,0,1 weukly aetllnR new «|i«rlnlly. All i

U llcra. Now mi-n KunrnnleoiT »35 wcok and expcnacH DKalnnl cnmin: alonn. R Appli-tou Novcliy Co., <.

___d ar Unplda, lown. , •Ladlcn dMiIrlng profltnblo lion

work. wNlo Itnmndlnluly. oncto alamp. Unlied S itvIto, 20 lCa.nl Jacaon Ulvd., Chicago. 111._______

SA1.K.SMAN-To BiippnlHo M ai Uloh and Ncvndii le rrllo ry and mvII

jnajiiiiu 'ut'iT iiuL im iie.n lu Uuu.kiuii>. iu< need, hardw are nnd Kcnernt alorcn. V

I 'u pay aalary, cxponncn and n lionua, li you m u a own your o w n 'c a r . O

. , j merchundlflo Iiiur lic rn nol'l 30 ycAi Special dcain mnko.hiK nalim poiialli

_ _ Addreaa Sixlea Di'pl., Dr. U D. I.#cGc n,Ilo Mcdlcino Co., S t. I^jula, Mo. u'lll- I -— I I —


:___ ? u f r r M o c o 'Y R A *AO»J

V L iJO CXlo r - I ^ ' '

- i ! h R P R M T im

^ i i i i l i l l i p S i f— ilill S ' iT.. jjl'l jii |l '|f f i ^

■alia ’ I n

l y

age.lhe r f ^ i i 'I I i j i 'T f

a r- - ' 1


:N f a l l s D ArLY TIMES

j o p e T i | | _ I

L""' ^ - i

H T A P S Iate Situation Wanted 'acrea W’ANTliD—W ork by ibo hour. Cull

dlH- 7-I2W.KOod '■ --------------------------------- :--------

cnaod Money to Loanfi’4 , l ’I-U CUNT MO.S-ljy KOU TAIIM

U)ANS—Can koI y<iu lli<i ............ Inliuuiio of aiipticnllim.

C. A. Itolilnaon- — ^ 0 ” m O n T ;F tO I.dAN- Ciiy nr fiinii ;raon. C. K i ’cKi.r. U,-aI (.'(.t.iK'.

PtMno 374.

S Miscellaneous'tHau?, N O T I(;n -W « l.iiy .il’irH n -i and inner Idulio Mftlio -llmk II-'M'tc-. ArrnHU:diitio. tim in iil^ Hi- 2llil Avr.

Lost and Found -'"wUli •‘ TUAYi:0—Vn.m tlnn.si-n bnlTr, nn.

iiyii- mule. "Kiiy" p;ilnl'Ml niiIcfl jilili'. Tr'cfni 1iallIi:-H.Ue.liliy. linrric,

_____ litriO ibx„ creon |>aiu( on iilioiiiiirr;Kll- OIK* roan yimrllii:r, Imr bruuili d nn IrCl

ulioiildor. Kny fox . ‘Jit::. .Muriancli. -------- Itia. _______ _

Indow 1.0ST—2 chiTiiii in fuvor. n t H. U. . ■ Anil Afton t(»viii!;, '((ri»\vo by. uiali — — f.'witflrijcllun lU l.ojivu a l liUl.yiiliiry

I 'lrecl o r plm uf nC7VV.______________

-------- NOTICK OK sT ii: iiiK rs s a i , i : hk*2.‘0 in i .u , KSTATi; rM ti ; i t ih h ' u k i:

It r c ! 'n u n fj,i» .s ( ;n i: a m ) o itn iv it■.'.°i„” _________. . • '>- lAkP VlPW Sl.ito Hnnk of riiicaim . n'

corporatloli, Plalnlirt.I who '*’•I. Uo- W’n lle r Uftiprbnrd nnd i:«lolln IJI.m-

cbant, lll ll.v lfc ; The I-'lr»t Nalbmnl------- Hank nf Iliiiil, Idnlui, .1 ron ioraibu i:

$250 !•:. p . Dimlnp, Receiver for Ibi* n n i tII re- Nnlinnal Ilimk of lliibt. Ijlalm. n cnr- »35 a porallnn ; Kislornt Uerf.Tve Hank nr ninlii- Sun Krnnciico, a corpnralion. ami ., Ce- J . ^V. l..;iiiiiiona. DefcndBUin._____ • Under mill by virluc of iin O rder nfinmo- Sntc nnd DrcriV} of KnrcfilnMire in*

»"«’<> " l 'l of DlMflrt Courl nf lb<' Jiirlt . Klovonlli Judicial UlKirlcl of llie .stale

of fdalio. in and for (fie CViimfr «f___ Tw in Kaltii. dati-<l the I s l dny of An>;-

Idnho. u»t, 1!I2S. w licrein tlie I’ialnilff almve aell a ineniloned nUiaitied a ili-crce uKiiinHt

n. We of July. w hlcli aaid di'orcc wii»n, bul on liie nnid :ilal dny of July. ll*i:5. re-

O ur enrded In Jm lK m ini llonk Ten a l |iai:crcara. GKl of nald liin trlct Courl; 1 am com-lalbln. niandeil lo i»'il a ll llml ci'rlaln loi.fOcar pli'Co n r purccl n t land (iliuni«-d In

tho Coiiniy of T w in I'alln. .Slnlu ot

— .tU U ili !:;!K O ! N G > ' A M O 'iatt? c i

^ s«SvwaMK.i o a O l-D K ir K rtA K L ^iLO fv-ie ! 1 OM Pk O v P E .! ' I < 5 olOKACvjT f ! uX>k<»Kl’ U W t A .8 M3 Bu»>- E . ' ( NOOOe.^CBOl&y AROO*JO VJ . 1 ^ \ S o o a 7 a c s u m £ a o q o ^ T n l l l \ SA'UDC^ tw H C*jerKO»J& ^flVl \.F o P 1 ;< R \l l« & -V iO u

f e v V : q e x o f s o o a 1

r a n


M O T W tR ST c p i c s_____

s ^

f M <3or L^. voD foc ik 'Y _____ ,B8 , HlMj 6 ooBS r - r , ^

. : § cp K i / v T '

BRING 1Iclulift. nnd ixnindi'd nnc! di^urHud.'m'

_ _ foIlowH. KkwIi : ' •■•ull Hrmdl Mlllf o f Ihc- .Vnlflic ;ii (

y im .iler .N il'i) o t .v.eiidu T iilny— (nn). Towntdilp jMiii' Ci) Smiiii .itmip^r

I 'ltiir 'ii (I.'.) i:<w<i o f tb i- Il.ii:u' .Mnid. I lun: • » .

■“ 1‘iildlc Ncilii'<' i:i Iii'iiby clvi'ii; ’I'li.il mi Hll! LTi'lh day of Aii;;ii;ii. lli;T., ul

In the lio 'ir of J;'»o n'cin.-k V. .M. {.Mmin- . >‘>n- lain Time) ot unld day. »i ib r IIji/.i !

(rout ilnnr'o r lin- C«mrl llinitic At Hie , ~ Codiily nf Twin Ku1i». S lule n t I'ialiii,V I will, lu cibi.lieiu'e lo nalil O nler n(

Sale and D.'cree o t Knrericmure, iieil ' t|i» above deiici'li>ed iirnprriy lo uai- I

iiify rialnlKCn Decri'n wlili Inli'ie.it ' thi'n^im loni'thi'r >(i(lr ull cnuiu iliai

- Iui,ve aecrui'd o r may nrcru>'. In Ibe ' n e r IiW m'hI bidder fon euali. lawful iiuiney i •(iH» of-lbo trnlted .Sintra o t Amevli'u',Vve. Ualeil Ililii :!ld day AukiikI. :

-M. r;. KINt:il..Sb*'Xi(r. (— UY i;. r . i ’iL \T i:ii. i


" l.v”,ltA.M iliriVIC.V'.SO. .W ft'

nil In lill' Diiilriel Courl o t Ilie C nilid r:ie, Slul<'it, tn r - llie ili iilrlel uf lil;ilii>, i le r; SnUlliern Divixinu,le tl In Ilm Iiiulli-r of Tiioninii T. 'i’oweil. li;Ii. Ilankrn|>l.

Vnu are hereby noiltied, Tliut Iln' ---- firm liieeiinK of rreillloru of wild bank-■ II- lnl>L will 111) iield a l ........................ llie'Ulll undiTHlniinl llcter. d In Twin Kullii. ,

Counly nf T»vl»l l ‘;ill>*. .Sijiie of Jd;ibi). lit 2;im o'cin^'k I*. .M. mi Wedneuday.

—T III'' 2nd day o t Si'iilemlii.r. A. U.iiiicli mectlni: .will be beld tn r IIio ni- lowaiicn of elalmti, np|ioinUiieni ■ of '

■ iMf trni'lcL-. and cxiiniinnlinii o t Iiankruiii.' ? - ' V o u r n . k i . \n i :y.___ !!__________ In .n. n’ n7llniilirii|itr» Nn. "Ull.t •

N t i r u iv 'I'U I'llCDITdll.SIn tlu- Dliilriel Cntiil o t Uic Unll.il

'u ''" .SlJif.i-?*, for till' lils lr ie l of Idaho, ’np) Soniberu DlVIAInn.'Ill: III the .Mailer ot W. H. Miiciiiiley arid ’Iriit I*. .Miicaniey, doliiK btlidiienii nn ii

iK.rtnershiii under liio firin tinine ( aad Miyie n( Mnniuiey llrnllierii.and li.-iiiUrui>I».

Voil a re hereby nntltied ' tlinl Ibi' r n t tiint uieelini: o t l'le.Illoiii or Wild iinulc

ill- rupiii will he beld a l the otfli-.i of llie , lb<' nn<ler:>lKne<l tletcroe in Twin Kail:*,

tale Counly o t Twin Kniln. .State o f Idaho, . • (if Ilf two o'c)ork I ’. M. oil ]-'rli)ny. Ihi' ,n>;- mm day o t Auuiml. A. t). llcS i'.iiiuh , <nve iiie-'tliii; will be iiriil fnr liie aliow- iUHl iiiiee of eiulniK. ni>|iolntuieuI of Inm- '

■'...I ■■T,.t.'i.-..,Mim irT b;.nlinn'l. , *•»» •JI.'Y I- KIN.'^i;V, ■re- Ueteree in llunki'uplcy. '

All tho nowa a ll itie time la T b r lol. Ttmca.

ot Head Tlmea W nnt Ada., i

.— B y W i l l i a m s ^

J s o I 1/ MIL \ ; 1,; — ;

G o v7o»*>-: I ' ' • i5 u M , v w i u f ^ , * ' e * \ '0 <ME?. ;• J,lO w r f r t A tJS'N Ci HOVAE <

f \ '-‘Stcnw?/

11=- HI " ^ 1 '

w • '‘-'I h^ I r

_ h

' •« €A X a

_ *CcJL e

: ■ I



T H E B i n: DAILY MARfi<i'. ( llltN <;MNS M illt.lf ‘)A'IS |;r

AM) » i i i : \ ' l ' lU f ii'i ' iJ i i i i r , ’> ,ll l"

c i l ic .\ i : n . 111., AiK-r i". i)ul<iid ''n- ...... li,.iMt<ii lb'- v.iulii eiie.' on ^

tl,.' I..U1.I oi ir.Ml.' tn.liiy. WlMul " nnd o:itr< veioi.b'il (i;ull»ii^d

a....... U bi.nei.i.b . ......... . , 1

il. in:: lii" etillM- li;iillii;: : v •Inn. M»'.l -_ ,.i J'iu'rullnmi v e ie In i.iwer rmUMil.,,l Avulluide :.ilJU.iie:i iliei .-.iM-.i iJC'..- “ll,' ...... bil'l.el;>, l':\|«*tl bii:.lii.' ,,'j. Hal. . 1

• CnnTjiibctilnii 1ni,i n'r^ Hijl :.i.l'l li'-.iv-i

turn--d bli'..... u ll.r ;i lu.i.iei ;ile : . l Il.;ii-k. <;ic.«iui: MilKlilinlls iciiliuticj-

_ fnvond.1... k- tm .r. . • u::.. - ;.c,.r •

t e „ . |1. !(;I ll I 'io \l'l.i .i:i ni;oI.' f^'ir t.;,(ii: .n. ic II., i;i.o.i iKieI.lii;: Iim.im- l.iiylij:-. | |__ ' (l|,.;ll... ilb :il-.I...V ', Cl.,:„..:>

hi' |i,„. i i: ii ; i n i ^ i-;"^;i'iMay * ir.r.’-j Hm

"V 'May ....... Mt'ii :>l'.'j ! il‘i I

li- . j j ' M s - ■ 1of Sepi ....... •i:;^ ^I'H 'i__ J;it. Dee, . . ir,’i, .ir.'i -n-"*; ■ti',. j

Mi.y : . id ’i. -I7’» IS J

hviir"::^ /"iT or i 77n .- itk o - n r ,? ] ItlBS— 1

.Si-|ii iiHiii t!Mio isyii iMir. 1ItV K - , I

IO. ....... jo.s JI2 . J07>; n i 'vijec ............ iti '% m ; i i i ' . i tir.--}. ^

■' O.MAIIA i.iv j:s t (>c k . 'OMAIIV. N-li, Auk. lU .-C.'iltli—

”• Ilcecli>t!i, ir..liiiu; • niarkel iitencly; ,, yeiirlla.-!, Jsr„ u ,-,n; m.er:i, l.;.r.o-ii .

nr,ii; e„w!. Itnd hetrerii JI.7r.Vl>-.':o; ,“• moelii'Ci und ..... ler!', J:!.r,Piiii H.r.O;

calves, Jll.r.iKi '.'.i); litill-i ainl man... I «e .tera raii;;er:i. M.r.udi,

'!!' " l lo iv i i l '- e l , t s , M-Ml; {hlitiier: bulb or I.:iir>. $ I J, ln5< 1::.7.'; i Ion. j\.. ......... - Ueri'l,'!-. .................. ^T.I.-,al; .^>1-.mill-.-, ."i; I I .'.ll. ^ er«, $7 r.O'Vi:--iO Iiuni>.i. I U-li I i.“r.; v

- ewen, I 6«,?.25. , Jiir -----r - t

‘ rilll'A(J*> CASH MIAIX. . 1 ClIH'AfiO, Aui;. m —Wlleal . -.Vo. " '

red, ll.T^llifii’ l^ l; No. 3 re.I, iX ’.z':,_ 1.7<'4.; .V'>. 2 Ii»r.i:‘ l,fi7W l.7l>’i ; .\o . i,

3 tinrd. Jl.dr.V;<?M.fi7 '^. ' k Ontn—Nn, ; white. Cb^rC e; No.

3 whllo, .Vo. 4 wiille.40 ',ff41V jc,

C nrn-N o, 2 yellow i-No.—n-yf<l!<»w,-»lp.a?.^«l-,«HHT-No.-i -yeitow. J l,0fiH<71,i'r.%; No. r. yei. • low . Jl.Ofi; Nil, r. yeilnw. l.ft<f,n.OC;Xo. , i .n i lX c d .. .$ 1.07if ,in 7.H;__Nn. .3 Imixed. Jl.(lt;ifrl.fir,U; No. fl inlxr-d, JJI.Ol; No. 2 wblto, I.oflM il.liT l',; t.No, 3 wblte. ll.OC^ifil.'ir. -I,

IJnrtey—7r.f/52e. _ TImnlby—17.:r.f?S,t.ll.Clover—J19.30f f 27, ^

r i i ir A f .u p iirm rrK . • "ritiC A o n . Atiff, lo .- iii i i ie i- : n*-. «■

cslMii. 17.771;; creanii'ry. 41c: mand- I anl«, 42c; flmla. 39J#3!>%c: ncconda37ifr3HSr. r

Kee"T Ilcrelpl*. I3.r.;fi: ordlnnrl^n r ?SH«3£»c; flrnta, 31032c ; cjlraji,

Cbeopo; Twins. 23U 0 2 3 ?;c; Am- ^rrlena. 24'4 r. “

Ponllry: Rocplpl*. 12 ram : fowlii, lKW24e; nprlnca, 27o: dnrkx. 22e;aprlnga. 22e: gerne. IBo; aprlnKn. iKe; ■turkey*. 20c; roontera, iCc; broil- «era. 12Q 27c.._____________ ___________ "

POTATOES. a— flH 1 0 A 0 0 r- l» — A tnr—!A r-R rcrJp t* -p r.'J cara; Kannaa nnd .WRnouyl colv. u Mora. »2.6ftC3: Mlnneaoln Karly k Ohina. t2.:i>O2.S0: Idaho round whitea, J3J10. , ^


higher: ateer*. medium. >7-60O S J5: » common. |C0 7 .6n: helfera. medium fl atVd common. t4O 6X 0: beef cowa. . medlnm «nd common, t3.2%^1.7S; w eanner* and eu ttenv K lM e^ .S S : w bulla, c a n n e n and bo locn t. 2 6 4 : t9ra]T»«. w.jw<lntw 1»0 y flnnita _dow n. S7.60O9. ■

I to c s — Recelpta. li>60: cn rV et h i r t e r : medium, w od- eboioe IM- . 200 pounda. n4 .T B 01E M ; M4-S60 b pormda. S14JS916-60; SSO pound* v p i t m o e i S i padilBg amnoth. beMvr. i 4U-K>1»U: a lan tW er plg«. « 4 e i 5 : , feedeni and a to ek w x > 140164^ !

Sbe^p — Reeelpta.- Bwrta*

■ " ' T n r a

, — B k . T a y . l o i :

J r o o e N uT '-w iiv olON’r 1 "V V o u SIGNAL u s ? CS




i § i a


|;r.MMl; bi.id,:., X| i«,iiad;. ii..«-ii,' m e........................... . J l i . . . , - a i ; : b.-i,.>-

i i ' . h b l ' . , Iii.'.liinii aad .'ii'ur-e.' 11- etilln uml eiiiiiianti.. -i,! wi-l'Jini

welher:'.,', fi;'tf'7,.*.oV’ eiieu,

' ! I’IMI'I'I.AMI n ilK A T .L t I'oil'I 'I.ANIi. Die., Ant. Ill,—llaicl '■ '« ii ll . Jl..-,^; 1.11(1 »b ile »ir,T; wetct-,'| ••Ml ........ J l.: .? :' bui'i w inter. Ji.f.n:. -.iii.itlM'ni I'lnili;;, J l.M ; we^:lern fed

, j - t w in Tf a l l s ['.j ■ . m a r k e t s ■" l ----- flf!l-I.INO m iC K R. lsn ;;u r, cane ..............................Ifl

:S iirar.-b<—I ................ — ™ V - 2 6 _____.Cronin c ligoao___________________ SS4

V'MCelery ------- -------------------160200|l.e lln c r ..............................................11)8 .

,i.. ;New eab1.,'i;;e. |i<iiiiid ............. ............<0|C ari ol«. new ............................................ Co

>;:iii'ei)i. n e w .......................... .................... ro^ iiT urn liei. new ........................................Oo',;!lln(li:dieji. i .u n c i l ....... ............................60

IPeppvra, lb,D r e a d ______- -------- ------------------

•V Turkeya, d r a w n ______ «MI' H am . a l lc e d ------------------------- 460600. Po rk ' a a u a a g e _________________ S0«

T-lione Bleak ___ ________ xna. , S irloin a t e a k ____________ ;_ _ _ _ 2 8 o

Hound aleak - ........... .U m b .c h o p a _____________ 26 O I6d

K « h ; i . - z z = r = = - 3 i o i i ? —, . Bacon J - ..... , „ ,..lt<H

Uacon. allced «n<trTfiTTi I ■ I '

]:• m v i s o V B tcB S•» U-henl. ne 11.31

l lo n n . ........... .............................. ; »9fP|13.«!lo.ir>i . _ tCffS

" l ld tc r a - ........... ........ i____:_____ «4VC>;• Cowh ------------------------------------11 Calvea ___ _____________l_ 6 O ifl

I.juuba --------------------------„.., . ..lO oCIIICKK.NS AND FOWL.S.

. lleai'j- hemi _____________________ l4o; ' LlKht h c n a --------------------------------- Ho•: I>>Khorna ---------- ------------------------ 80 •

Anronna .............................. e«Snrini:M . (Ir Klinrnl ____ 12o-sj»fn.i-'nHiiiiin'il) ‘ **rii<. ■Young c iiiio n a____________ L_19©21oUooniurtf — ......... ......................... . . .S o .D ucka --------------------------------------- MT u rk e y # -------------------- --------------- I 60

' I'RUUUCit'' llu lle rfa l .......................... ...................BOoO’ llu ltcr , ranch M

Kkkh ----------- ___________________26oliKsn, cu a t — ....________________ 23o . .

: Priaoner's Fate Left f toT nS~by OrSedl'

Aa recenlly aa the bOElonlne,of th«3 N Inelernth crn iury tho populace of

d, l l c la .i ie a r Dnii'izlif,'twice plunked'IB-'1: to thu aen an old woman re ||U ted.to

tie n a<ircorca<. who, on pcralateatly riidng to lhe aiirince. waa pronounced inillly nod Ixaien lo death. .

Gmtlua mentinni man}- InaiaBcea-ot• w ater ordcnl In Itliliynhu Sardinia, and .

o the r couiitrleii, and It waa In. OW IBI- Icrland from a 'v e ry early period.'B In the primitive JurUrprtidence o t

Ruanla, ordeal l>y iMlllag w ater'W an n rnjnlned In eaa^a of m inor UnporOmca^ a> In Oio K lerroih e m tu ir poO bora-

!ng Iron on lem l "uIicto th e matted a t a take amouniM to moro tb a a h*!!! a grtvna oC g.,|.*.-

A curtoua aurvh-at o f ordeal enpw- . : a tltlon pre4alle<l till <iulte r tcen tiy f. In aouiherc Ituaala. W h e n a the ft

w aa commltied In a hooaehold tbo

a a o rc e rm «-aa arm for. Shoold no* rm ifnaiiuu M» ii.* .y iiy~<iy r ^ | |{y | iap | , --------->• tb e w rew eaa rolled up aa m t'n r Uttl* .y bafla of bread aa th e » w cTO M poetad' o persona pm w nt.' KIA ib«>^ took « m , ;

o t tbeaa balla am T '^ddnM lflC . tb « ^ ne a res t w rra n t. nai4 tb la - f trm d f t:" I f yoa b a t« e o am lttcd 'tb e thfcft (b«

^ TMO, b o t If yoa ar* tB a o c A 't t ;w U . > - ..d n float « a tb e w n tw ." ' > . j ^a. .T b » J e e B rn r b C tU t tz ta l . t e w « n r . . '.v ^ (; v u a e ld o m ta i t iv d . n i i j n D t r i m * - ,'/■

. . r t t .

Page 6: T W mrF JS m J C T i i P S « iis wi Movies ana Has C ; ‘ ' 5 . …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014. 12. 12. · T W..VOLUME .8, .NUJIIJER i i P..World

■ ■ ■ ■ S I X ■


EXfiORSIONISI!K oU jd V lfllto ro T e l l T w in F u i

P e o p le T h a t G ro w e rs A rc M la

in f f C h a n c e b y J io i O rg u n is in

a n d M a rk e t in g P r o d u c ts ; W ou!

I m p o r u t lo n s ; I d a h o Pr-

d u c t R a n k s A m o n g B e s t in t ( W o rld .

•■Prom Kowor l» wi,,i (ii■ m otlo I.f Uio-lfirKo il.'lc;-i.iion (,r ».•<

CXpOrlM wlio vlMlIrd llic Twill I'llll I ra c t .Siinclny nrii<rnti«ii iind lliln ntt>ni ink’ nntl wtin itinrliMl on-ilK 'ir ri'ltii : Juurniyr rw itw anl tliln nfl.!rii..oti. T int in c or lv>porlctl n ra tln ,‘mnto rliilil.lii B pt«tom of imporlH. i;niii|>l<(<! rriiiii n-ctlon or farm biiri'nu nrtlvltliik Iwr

-oml t h f p roper liramtlciK nr tiwil imrtc v er ti n il iirsr<l by npi-nkmi. tii n iliii

' • . n r r junt cvcntiijt-iii (h r KriKcnion ho icl. w h o rmiilionlzc'il Illl- rncl tlm l Itn Idalto .nnrdM nru - Hupi'riot’ ntul dm tlie piirrliiini'r hIiouM i>« iiro ir ilr i from mibntltiillon. Hi’iiiiiDr FrmiU U O odillns 1111(1 CoiicrriiMiiinii Aildlaoii T Sini(l> wort* iiiiKitii; Un- niiriiki-rii.

» e i l .\tii‘! lirm Tlio nlliinUnli won oiitllncrl to i

. Tliii.'8 roprciicninllvo ln«t cKinhii;' Ij) . r . P. Httrmim, Hrcrclciry-tr.-nmin^r <n

tlin Fnlorolcri Seoil nor.vlro iiikI ninti- ncpr o f Ihu P nnn Diircnii S m l Mcrvki- w ho eonicii from I^^iialiiK.’ .Mlth.. ur

.folJowa:• U o t ProiIucU U l i i 'r r Kill. _

‘'Soiithorn crow n nci'it w ?nirr'lilllii tn n o rthern cllnmtcH. ' Wi> iirx here from tho norlhw Fsi tryhii; lo ki-i In touch of crow cni or nn r im'ru i<cid Iho t w ill irtnnil tlic ,w ln ler. ■ Hfrrt-frmn

A rU onn «Ioub no l nlnnit lh ....... . .-cllm ittm . yot imycr* In flu- no rth iln

ftol a lw nrn know ihc illf(i?riucc In"----------------- <tf-lnck-of hranilfnR. Mtirh ttf

thfl'linim rtcil h ltiI will not crow wllh u«. T lio lliillnii n m t wll] nol il«<vr]o|i. I t In hoiiKhi In Krnnrc nnd rrnlilm i' il

• hcni rrom lh a l country. aiTniiiii. i^cnndlnnvlan n<-<-rl nnd iicorl Ironi Hu* DrllUh Inien will srow liut ih r ru Ih very llt tlo of tliBl. Di-nmnd for home Itrown neod In IticrciuiInK w here It com ra from tho riKht Kcrtlonn. Thl:i 1* t ru e of bolh c lover nnd iilfnlfa. T lio ro ’ In a bDlli'f 't h n t ni!c<l hounen oflvn m ix Idftho o m l w llh im ported anil nnll II a ll on from Iiltiho. Tho romody fo r thin wonld hn the jmifiinco

■ of law compcllInK thp hm nd lns of for- d im so<ilf. Swodrn tlnln fo rc lc t nccdn

___________ r ^ , no thoy cnnnot ho in l*« l w lihmii

' triuitB Iiom o'itrown R m l can know li. You HOC many n itlcle* on nnlc- hraml- od 'M aile In n,eritinny’ o r •.'Miido In

. Japan '. Thrln In not pu t on to ndvn> (Uo (hone counlrlcn. h u l In conn '- nuonco of Ih r Iniporliilloii liiun of tlil:i

,c o iin try . Soniclhliii; o f the nninc hliid ouEhl to ho done ohoul neiilii. We wnnl (0 know wlmt wc a re hiiylnc. Arci-ii- lino nnd South A frica jiie mlnlnK a Krcat deal of (ii'i:(t hu l in hiilh c-uma 11 will no l Krow wel>. In Iho ntirlli- weni. Uy nol lirniidliiK n n d 'iir lllii .; d IriTt you loiic he ller jirlccn and timr-kclii...................

T«ki> till- .Snnii- I.hic."A l Ih r linliauet Innl n iuht Vrof.-ssnr

J . y . C H . of thn M Irhlcan S lale Col-. leKn anil D lrrclor \V. 1,. Wei-Iover nf Ihn hurrnii of p lant Induniry of ihe;

—------------ - Klate*. ntxiJiP for the vlnllur:.,. nnilHwmio- Oo.^iiruiuit:uii..ii ..iiuiffn:

Hmllh for Ihe Idaho iwnple, .Si-nHlnr Coodint; Blri-»iird orKiililxiitlnn. iiiitl p raliird the fiirm hu rn iii. f<ini;reit.i- m an Sm tili u rsed n tariff.

V entenlay nft.-rnrum fc.ilnwlni: a hm rheon h t Ihe iloK. riion tlie piirly vlHltud-thp Kiiluion trnei, u Ikti- they Jirolxed th e reel elover nf Nelson 11;,y- w ord and witnenmil n deinonnlralloii a t Ihe It. A. r * n e r farm . At lh<-____ IiiaLUcoft-.yc._llai’.KaiJl-iU»d~M«iiaui;rU .P . .Shiitileworili of th e ImlUin^ Karm Uiif.ieu rtpokc.

InJianM Had Effective f Method of Fire Makins

T h r iiioM wldi-j-iimid nirth.id <if n a k h jc (In ' p ran loed h.v ih>< A iuerinm Bhnrl|!lne« nt the Ume I'lf ihe dlno.xery Of AllXTlru l.y C'oIuiiiI.UK wa» hy ri'ijp- T oralury llicjth.n ef UC«>1 .on wnml ond iCTHllli; Ih r Brmim lefr I'arlirle-. tliniUKli hcn l cenerjieU I.v frlriiun. ll wns llio tnonl TffirrnJ uh v e il uk Ihe nie«l efTccllve inelln.d linim n lo Ihe

, «I.orlslni-«. The miiinnilux. in iit> nliii- I'lin l furin. o.nniMj* i.r u hleniler j.le rr O f.drill und a I...m t jiIc v ..r hearth , near lh.* bonier <if whieh ihe drill worke-l l.y t-vI.lIiiK l.e lu ix n Ihe |..^lln^ crcallni: u nui-kel. I'nm i the noikel Q nnm iw cnnnl 1* ru t In the n lti - «>f

^ Ihe h w rlh . iiie 'u n n h in i.f «lil<h li __________ to Pollect_the iii.>t,ler..,j_« ty_.g .ctouu j

o ffh y th e frlctlcm oi Ihe drill. n« wllh------- -— Ift“tlTe' * ifteal"the*"Jival lt>

Ih* IciUllon point. ThM l« the *lm- picul nml iC'wt «l.lH y dllTu«ed lype o f Qrc-mnkinc appaniTuii known to un- drlllxc tl man. S->me nf ihn irihi-^ nlsn U*cd illn t and Iiyrlirn ( th e pr<>senlt»r o f lllDt nnJ (tee l) . Mliteh In »iipi.<n<i-.I

__________ to haTO t w n lntn.'lur»-.1 intr. Amfrtrfithrtiufih H raDatoiitlua coetaet« o r frnm £ n rope o r Asia.

T l o o W*at A ds Octa Itcnult*.

IG fawSSlI I # Marrince Mcen-e tliil—ICrnIr ; C Y '111 Hailey „MiI Ida (.a Vnn Oli.on r I I celw d n MiiirrlaKe liti-niie Kniurdu

Sir I'ntierH of ,Mii.iU-..MI;,:i I.iit1 O Ih'Kl o f The Iialleii. ejiinr In Salilril, V I lo vl«li r . J. Ci-onKmmi and f.inilly ai \ | . \ i r . (ii'orinninii :in-l hln r.iieiii droie

I j the Crater« o.f the .Mih.ii yenleiilay.

-------— HnpprJntPnrtenl— tU>miir^lH—imrli.SiiperlnteiKh'nt i;. I). Jllooin nnd fni

Pulls lly f'oni vaeiiili.ii, .Mr, iilo'i , [Ih vl«liinK Ihe vnrhiii.i m-hooi l.till

VUas- lni:n of ihe e iiy In oider li> rejii.ri ,Ih e .u .e tl„ K -U in l« l^ _____ .

OuldI 'J'-'rtn-The iiehuI hoard nl Ihi ineetiliu’loiiiclil v l l l pro

P ro- ohiy net Ihe time for Oprnllli; r>t II InelmolH, II h (houKhl Hint the lln

. th e will liv Se|>teiii1>er 7.

,'Inny Cliryjilrp. C om e-A e.ir lo.nf CiiryHler earn hnn l.ren ri-eelved I

(He the IhiliiMitihit Mr.i.ir eompany. Tl iie<(l idillUiii'nt U'<iH delayed in arrlviil I •■nlln reiii'oii of Ihe larKe iiiiiiiher of prii i>in- orilern for Ihe uulim l.efi.re il eoiil (tnn he filled, 'i'here-wen- (wi> eiinehe :-|nt- "ixj one nmeli. four, nnd one louriiii Mil- luxr.

iwre I 'le I le i 'i-A twelve nnd ii hn iietcpi pound l.i'i't Efown -on the p roperly < lln ,. (he ('(ii/i ('i)nH(rueUoll eoiiipiiny Ih i l,f,. Ihe »vlni.low nf tho .'lV in l''nllK .lliliilt’ . (tie TniHl eompany. - lleetn u re a ll hi

Ihnt (hlif year. 1m( (IiIh one Ih n wlmlc,

; It. Off on Vnrndor—A tli.rney W. OrI Chitpainit and fnmlly nre. away on vn

enlton dllrini; whlcli time tliey w|] vlHlt IhejiarrntH nf .Mrn. Clinpiunn i Wanlilncton. nnil .Mr. Chiipninn'n iiuj

L J ‘1 th e r nJid h ro lher In lliiiley.

l'<0 rirliiri-). Tiiiil»:ht-I«lii ' ,' • neer Oay pleiiiren are here for lh

Idalio nnd u ill he nhown lonlulil i "" wa»'aun<iuiiVe<l nCternooH Ivy im -

K on his relurn from n iijer Mu _ Hprinun. They will run nil wetli ,illll While retiiniinK Innt eveiihiK Joe'ndiii lero pe»l in Ilnlley und nome fly ;;iiy drnln

in ed hia ciir. •,.,il -------------- —■■mtr — >VWng-^tarl<-t;irf - : n r. - i r n ntvn ern (n Iri'e hern rauiied hy hnd wirlllj dl) did wordi nf (inmn};i> (o Ih<

h - reHldniee of ,Mi-.i. t'oni 1 'e.' ;i:; •o f T lllid avenue Koudi.' idiorlly bcfnn ■<1> iiiidiilMht Siilurday nlithl.

IO|l. . -----------------I"''! Kiiierlnln Coloiirl KoIIN — (.'olonc

(!eor«e (). rnlllH, noioii Itoiarlnn proinlneni iiiember of (h» l<<-at:iie <.i

*" NnlionK Norlety. nnd fniimiui ndvo entc nf world .iM'iire, who upeuku ut

” ('liaiitnu(|iin loiiiKht. wll] ho eiitur- liiinril hy tho Ilotary cluh nt lunch-

•f;;- con tomorrow^___________

’r‘‘ Kspi-cl (iiMiiI MeetlnK-Thorr will ' 1: ho n larKe meulliiK of the horlicul-

turintn tonlaht »t Ihu I'arlnh hall (c ,,,* conHiiler (Uo dlmionltion of hall-

jiecUed npplen. .All- nro InvKod (o

[id- I’rii)iT—Tho midwreti■ _ prnyrr meellni: will not he heli] tlilM

Wrdnemlay cvenliiK In Ihe Klrnt I-re». ' . Iiylerian ehlireh on neroniit of the r,.; Chniilnticinn. W ednwday. Auhuhi \X I,,;, will he Iho nexl inld-week iiervlre.

llrdil >'o l.iinrh lfin -T lie wei-klv Iiiiiehi'on n f lh e IltmlnesH, nnd I'rofei- nloii.iWVomrn'n eliih will nol hold ii.-' hiiielK'on toiiiorrotv on nceouni of tin'

in.: chaiilau.iu.^____ _________

.Snin*hnp nn Jti.nil-A lluhl renl- ileiit iiiforniti the Tiiiieii ihlit n rou- pte nnnied Towney and I'rnrI had n Miinohiip nn (he ro:id nenr their

o'; home Inwn of Kller nhoiil 1 o'clock Sunday iiKernoon. l ie hinted Hint T<iwney \»an trylni: lo i'hihh n lln eof ear» when lie inrl nnolher nnd In

;"';,iili>:i.;lii— I'fiaf mu’ m i im.l HIM ..llll'll ' , i<hiil<lni: lilm ami hln ronipnniou' up " fiiiil'hr>'iilfliif: a Whrel or Ihe car but

dolni;. no furtlu-r d;imni:e,

" Kl«nnl> Timltflil—The Twinl<lwani> elnh will tiierl tonlKbl :<l il-nii at Ihe' llocornon holrl fi>r Ihi-lr Iiionriily dinner: They will have e.i

' tli.-lr i:n<'.n Monl OeorKe O. Kiilllti nf Viinemivrr who In the lefliir-T

“ Tit"n~t'lun'ilan'?'ia lonlKht:— A irVf- fnrt In brl«K niiule to i:i-l Ihe H l-r Klwatil- rlub to enme over nn.l Jolp In the <hnn'-r Ihln ev.-iilni;.

Krnilirrolf Off Ai-'iiln'-Wiiile hnnl- 'S ini: n pnrlv nf tour Io lluhl a1>«iil M

f i>-.'|o.'l( lani nlchl.-Joe r.-ath.Toff. who I,nit nn neelil.nl near All.hm hiiiii.- lim e iii;ci, rnn hln ear off n eiiiv.-il (Ull -md n hiilr ijillin thhi hide of Um-

I" w.-nl end .'Ity. Nol«v1y wan Innt murb. '»! The i ri.wil uan pi<rk.-<l iip l>y <>. 1' e-. HlrobriilK.' nn.l taken (o (lu ir d.-.HIii-II nth.n.

III. Here rnini Knnvii»— T. M.Coy.Wtii«e wife and fiimlly . aim- h. r.- iieiii.' ilm<* avo. arrlvi-d from Cnwkir Clly.

'''' KanKa". lo.lnv to J.Jn liln fniiillv ami '<■ ,is l t hln shirr... K. I 'r le e ^ U .: , An.:- l" rlrj. r.mie In ovrrlaml to vl.^l^»the Ml-

foy'f»<”H>'- ____

I.f Try Hoo»e Caie—Wllh a burk.-i. a tM.IIli-. n pllrlier anil a r.iiiall Klnra. all

1' •pn!'.^-<^inhrK'j..liirTV-ii.'ii:T'rnprirtnr ti: -,h«.-K.irt-;in. (.“I»y^-Tl.« }«Jllcc-rnl.ka

' the place and found the dcx.rn locked."■ Thoy «a'y <hev h f ltd a »wlnli In Hi.'’*■ dlrectlnn of Itie roal nlie.1- InnlJe nnd«■ whrn the .loor wa* oorned and Ih.y!o ----- -- • '

- Wanted-------------- r - W o - W i l l - H 4 T d - I t— —

Twin Falls Feeder Go.rfaoee 60-J or 7M

3 R E S C I N D S ASKED ON^EE>n re-

FACTORY DEIly and ______

ay. Snfi Ih SInrt.'il h) SU Fiirinrr V. Ciinrel (llillk'ail.ins AuKrep

:nrl.-^ | - » t ii.iww--~~<ilTfn— fn— l-nnitrr I fnm- C.inip.'iny I.i C.iiistniel r in n l illooiii Huh . \ e .e r llren K rccle.l fhii 1.ullll- In (.'omtiluhil.i.lt Io ---------

Hall tor (ho reiioliidlnK ot (rarin nn.l nllilr.iiIluiiH aKsrt-Ki

irhiiii] alioiil $20,000 w;i» n tarled I(ida> l.rob- llothtvoll •& Clinpmaii In behal: >t Ihc K. Ia JnK^H nli.I 'TU otlierM iik^

lime 1'. 11. Cox. receiver of (lie Idaho (iperiidvc Ite.^i SiiL'nr company, thu c rnund thn t nuch ol.liKnt

• load w ere eon tractcd n.i ii r.vmlt of ed by frnudiiluni repr.'ni)nlnlionn hy

Th.- rcprenentiitlve of tlie company.I |,y The plnintlfta annert Ihat in I Iirlor riiary, 1»20, I,. II, M crrifleld. iii I'oiild o f Ihe Muenr conipnny nani.'.l. lehen. r.‘ncnlRil lo tho plninlilfn tha t iriiiK. compiitly owne.l n farto ry In l'”al

- N’.-v, whlcli i l Inlcniied In mov. I'li.ir, th a t It proinln.'.! lo bu ll

hnlf fiintory n l llnnni'n, tha t U wan ■ly ..f Ihe hoard of dlr.-ctorn had vote. Ih ill htlihl II. th ln l rnclory n l o r near nl('& j i r r t and • Unit 'cach -tincl a ll i

hiK ninteinenin w ere falre a n d . v ;c. Known to hll I'O when iiuidrr- T

imy Ihnt on nccuiint ofyfaich .rej O rr lu'ntnlionii th .'y I'uhiicrJiied for va- jiini-k of wlilch thny mmle one Ji

' ‘■‘ll m cnt riieh nnd wave not.iH for «> III rent. Th.-y imy tliey look no r

In tli.i orKnnlziUlon and thn t In lenrnlnR (hut Ihit iitn(.'ment!i w un true , ninrtinnc.'d (hat ihey wo r.'Heln.l • the ir cnu lri.rl; n n .l' I thev hnvo done n .d h ln t tn Inlerf

*' w llh nnrh reneinnlnn. Th.-y n.ny. t It wnn provide! tjiat 71! por c

/ I, o f nil moiieyH pnht in for prcf.-r KlOPk Bhoum. ho placed on depi

■ lllllll fif. per c m l of III.- nmmmi n rnnary to eonM rnct the firm I lo ry nhoiild he imbiirrlbed. T

i‘‘f,B i'lhK iT llioil. Ibal till- fund In nllll I he PI-''"'""! w h '' the trunt,

...iJ T h e ’plnilillffH ank Ibat Ih .'lr nn 't.'iro CRnrelled, - (hnl they I..--v.-p

nnd th a t Ih.'lr rlalinn luny b.- ei Hider.'d pref.-rred l.l, nil olliern,

t had « \np1lcd w llh tli 'e ' .lemnndI. <'f Khow nX 'n rch wnrrniil. ..... .. toil

only puipty venneln wlHi a iimell ' u t moonnhlnr^ T hey claim 'hn l i/<'i

iiin.ie nlnteini-nlH w hlrh Ihey bc-11. 1." roiin tllu led ndniinnlnnn, I'ro;ii'ciilov

vr. Tnylor repreiioiKn Ibo m ate nn.l V. I.druoi) thu tlcfeiine,

KiincrnI T .im nrm n—Tho funeral 5*"* Kdwnrd M iller o f Hnnnen, wlio w ‘ drnK'no.1 In (hu hiKb line la(o li

wc-ok will he h.-ld lomorrow nflrrnn ‘ from the DoWllt chniiel nt 2:^1. Pi

~ tlie r parilculnrn nro iiui j i i uiinoiii

.•ret( '■* ■ -----------'thin i . |rk I 'p IhKixe M nn-T lie polfc.- a

nh .-iifrn for're Uiln ntlernonii nrn'M ‘i " ' .Meator Ilo!irl.|ii.'/, u Mrxii’-nii. in

lim-k room .if tho Blue M kIi i . in ]u nrnnlon of n .:niiri o f nlle:;.-.] nio, Mhlne. H e wmi Indccil in Jail peiiill honrlnK later.

I 11-'' In tern ie iiT T lii; li .e n ln k - Inn-rim *•"' o f K alhcrln .' nieajm n. len y .n r i

diiliKbler of .Mr. nnd Mrn. C. 1-', (il< . nnn of lluiH-rl. w ill, lake p in .e II

reni- ov rn inc n fler (he a rriva l of th.- ho nil tint evoiiliiK Iraln. The Ultle k

■I I' die.i of p.TltonlllH. H i t fnlh-T n innncrr of tin- .Mililduka l.U hi a

lock i>ower plnnt.Hint ... I - ■le o f Tho TlmcH in uncqualcQ for no'

I'l in 'S o u th c n i Idolio-

np i p s g g = a = ? a = : -------

- F o o t Ti] ^ ^ * 5 ™

illlnir.-r WTAKvr-- "■ ----» ■ 'PA'NHJL------

1|..r • \ ^Join - \ ,

kv ’|| V\ ' l l ' | R soar

F R E E D E M ' T u e s d a y ,

aii.l Stnto pcTVini out of ev-CTV trn0‘-’ n u y Iw wrak or hniWrn-down'Ml-' o r l.iinion* or pruluhly a u>c t

ltc-.;3r<lk.« nf w iu t may be tl find i]iiick anil pc rnunrn t rtlii D rjurtm cnt.

' i« _ _ - ______ F o o t C o m f o r t JF o rth e heofiit of nil loot tafirt

ik d _ - 's d .o l l M iirC o T fo r the »fr%-w “J’*; cJemcnitrator*. who will (>ett*“ '! dc tnonn tra tlonvon the abovt

*:lvantase ol Ihi* exceptional 0

F r e e P c d o < g r a p h P i cIn a (rw wconds' time, withou

r I ^ t i^ r h i c t of )-our Iixx

ice i« abaolu tc ly fr«« a o J^ S o

F R E E IDo « a n t to knenr bow to i in and R t a uren le oi Dr. S <au«e oT isre*—frictkao aod

I b ' ^ r b e r S I


m — B oise"Project S ettlers l u V ote in F avor o f Ne^ ■|.M D istricts on P ro je■ k I lUllSIi.' Aiu;. in— Tliirly-thro-

IViln.t jirflJCCI ncllloni who rr p i R fiiKC'.l'lo comply with n fedorn P f l l ' '” ‘'t 'ijrilor by itlvlni; (h.i kov b r l l U e'rnmrnl n , flrnl Ilr'n nn thcl

rroim to ncciir. payincnl of .lu- lliniuenl drnfn.'iKO chnrRirn nri

nrr« ii> wilhout water. In nil If.:repiii.i«n r^ t'li^ Ib'iin nnd oth.TK wiil nmko in- Charu'cd pa>imiUn. A <|UOnHon.uii.iit.vu conducle.l hy Hin rrcln-

rniitlnn nervlce nhown overwhelm- >f ,-oM ''■•Pllinuiit In favor of orpan-

...n iiii 'Ili4 rlcln nil over the proJ-.-el. which Peeri-lary of Inir,

, Z rior Iliihort Work nnld in u pre- , , r.'iiulnllp 10 ol.inlninK thn hone-

fiiH an.i.rolk-f of ilio fact find. In I'l"- The vole on thin quM-

I ’ !i '»<"'■ "tond- Mondny nt 102a In iKminui orKmilintlon


- Tlln'y.repre- Iin.l’ Clly IHnpi.si's nf \en r ly nr III.' (IIHI tVorlh of rrnprrly .if llm li ''p n y - Kii|,rti„„ r„d..r .Uitliurlly Ihmic

■ ‘"part ''>■Inter. ” wero Order of nulo of freo anHCln o

would ■■"■“ I «'Hlnti) o f ll;.- n r n l , Nntlonii■ II,n( bunk »if lluhl van nluiie.i to.lny h; ;,.rff,rr J'i'l«" A, Habroik In tlio ill.ilric v tbnl court' li.ire, There nro throe pur ^ r .-iil chniiern trom H.-n-Wrr E. 1>. m n •r.-rn-cl I'll*' Tl"’ ordnr wan Kmntod follow lei'onlt n lienrhiK bud wrcl; In wiih'l , Jobu W. Oralmm r.-pronrnLed th , 1,-eelver. Ju.Ibo JanieM U. llo'.'iwel

T,„,y .if the tlrni ,of lloihwi-11 & Chnpman

II Iin- 1"'"<'''‘I>''1 l'“rt. of Hie iinlcr..(l.'iirKe 1), Ilunvon nn.l Molvenli

nnli'/i lliinynn of Now .I.'rn.'y. IxniKhl rer v.-iinhl lain lowU'. .rcnllli-:i for..J&IOO—lea

rnn- eerlain tn* drduilf..nn: tbo farnil'r'i rn, NalionnI hnnk of llahl. olhor (r.wr--------- pri.perllep. f.ir »::o,niHi, nlno lonn .‘ur,,1 10 tnln tnx'reduntlonn. whllo-fnrm p'op t.iiinil' 'l"n for which Tvrii-Siil.in 10 nei

'II nf ■'verc nrnntod were lKilr.;bl by Cniw. I^.n.n foril Mooro for'H iu num of Si2,ai:

tnnh,uov J. 'V '

Even If w.aUli la a burden Incif -of it In moru cu; ’

ic'Med Tiirro nr.' r^.oo niorlo actors who' in .n rnuldn'l nff,ird -a nuintncr divorce I pon- null. ____

liillni; A rt-1 ni*.' !•. nr> limc'T a nlRn o f, drink. IIP iniiv h.nv.- ii kUI wh» uiea too much r...ii;-.

•"‘'i.hl .T b rn , may I-.- n.itlilei: iu-„ under (ilen- *" ’*'*”• ‘‘ ''-I'oe niluhiy nlmm;"', II,|„ llilnirn hiii.p.-i, imdcr lliu jinmn.

.Ctvlllr.-.lic.n roiiali,t«nf (liidlnff nowT 11.I .ind |„„n<y yi.u innk" .Itx-iinH do

you balf an iiiurb eood a» Um money ■

“O** (Copyrlfiht. 1?::. NBA Hcrvlce. In a l


CPAMPtff-YV• ■ “ ---- '. - TOCT----t i .


k l O N S T R A T I O N s r , A u g u s t 1 1trn have »ome form of foot tnJ«bte._It

wn'arche*. urak anklrs, corn*, calbiuea ..c ol tired, achins, iMinfid lect. r the italiire of >-our (iifTerins, you will ' rtlict, (hU we«k. a t our Foot C ^ o r t

t^pjMiap^&u^yejroxi________iflrrrr*! thi* vtorc haa andcad-vith-The__ ___-vice* of one ol Dp.>Gefioir> meat *iulled at our»tore t o /iv c froo fo o t cocdIo r

« ve date. Evcr/foot tui^crtroboukl taka al oppoctunieW

? i c t t i r e A l a d c o f Y e a r F e e titouC tvmo\-tnir tke boar, he c m make a loot that p n itV ly above U do h«««ly e th e liwibkih a ifao tin jtiteT O iicrr .---- -----i a c n under no obUsatioo w h u c w .

E SA M P L E Sto (top corns btminff iniomtlyf Omoe '

ScboU'a Z inoiw b . T hey t ta e v * ttw ad pttMure. Tbin. «nU*q>ti^ h a fln t. ___

i im tr v tm 0 a n ln a o / /w > te o m to n .

S H O E C O . , I n c r\ to Orr>brsa



0FID.S.CHH1ICtheir.lu- ---------aril Ileail nf Mnrinon OrKnnlzntlun Ti- ir>2 nf Knrly Vlnll lo T n ln b'ullt ii

Alnii SeN T.irfh Itr llr ln i l llie 1-------- inirH .llellrN ot HU l»eJp n m

Ion- Kunllnif o IVrnnnnl UiiJ.>cln* —— —ulm- H In ycnfa nlnrn my Innl vli [fan- to thin country." 1‘rrni.lcni lij 'bcr irn ]-. O rn n l .to lil n InrKn uudh'iice In tl In ir. Orpb.ium yeniordny murninK. "ai p re- ll In nccille:u< (o nay Ilml tburu hi i<ni» heoii n mnrvelloun cbunt:e niii' Ind- then, A j.nrlj’ o f un w. nl down* i iiCH. I G reat Shonbnne f.iM|<, 1 niii.l. '1 i'

In '• no l bellevu tlinl calnriicl 190 fO' tlon IiIkIi n r (hnl the r iver In fino. f.M

acronn, I do nui (hliik thn t tl depth in morn (linn CO feet nn.l

•« cnn Ibniw n rock acroi.n (lie rivoi i I Ihri-w Ibo rock. I l w ent oul

lil lle wnyn nnd tben lurnuil di>w nnd w eni down nn.l .luwii nnd

i r never .ihl 'noo whero 'it fell hul \ r . r<-iillzp.l tlml dlHlnncuH wem Krnnt«

Ihnn \ tluw sht. f k r p I 'l i rw Inrrrnsp.K ' l ' ’"It H'xo Iho to ta l num ber iI I I inciuhrrn of (hu l.n d c r U.ty Sulnli

church no rth of lltnh did no l iiflni biir m ore-U iau .11(10, Todny Incind inK'Tlhmie’Tn Cnnndn'nnd. ilio 'norlh went KlntCH. thonc north o f . Uln

„ In - num ber lio.noo: I cnpi-cinlly wnn «sne,i cnnRrntiilnte the inemhern of th '

church hern on, Hi.dr relicloua jirn nnd on tho Piilrltuiillty of tho cliurcl otficurn.” He urRcd mi-inhorn li

f of Inko coiirnco and liclp develop tbli fine t r a d .

QnnllnK from n w urk of Sonalni " A. J . Ile.veri.lKo nhnw ins Hint-n num

i« l«’ ''«C “ f inlnlntorn of fanlilnnnlilo eanl.orn. churchrn wmilil nn) nvow hello

•iiii'i " pornonnl God. ifint JunuH Clirimti e '*•’diiomor nnd In the prriinnni ldrH'

t " y nf thf! noul n f lr r drntli. he de c l i u ^ ih n l nil 1., I), 8, ch lldret

'Ku, " Ihr^e ' 1hlnjTW“ to“ lir .'l^'iir"^ nnr , thn l.O oil AlmlRhly hi Klnrlflo.i fnnn

In whon.- llkenriin .niiin Im mnd.^1 np- prnred to Jonuph Sm ith In reaw nnf

- “T tn p rnyo rs nn .r 'in ti-od iiee il ■■■Jt'Kii! I’l''’ " Chrint nn 1H» Son. lie dw ell Vnt

lenctli nn 1.. n . S, heliefn, nnyfni: th a t ho rrnlir.r.i ihnl mnny in hln

' T n '""llPnce l.eloiiKe.1 to o the r faltlin.„. 1‘r rn ld rn l O rnnt wnn introduced hy

" '* ■ v'renldeni u 0 . Klrkmnn of Ihr - ,:il- Twin I'-ollii Inkp, T here wnn npo-

rinl munio hy • Mr, and Mm. Paynr nf llupo rl nnd by llio cholra of tho

■ Tw in Kiillk nlnkcn,1 • P rrn lden l O rnnt mnde n nrconil ^ tnlk ir>>vji crowded, houno In the ^ nflornoon. ’

S V'I.Sii .srilCIAI,^ S ell n t 15e per lli. -whllo Ihey Innl.

icif Roa.1 T lw m W nnt Adn. _____

'ho ' ,

l O l ldo . . .

t s s ^ s s

S t a n d a r d S e ( ! a

D e L u x e S e d a x

' T he plain fact o f the foilowins Itl f in t lo t months aso, every o

' ■upcT'-value Sixes sol' olKerV'Mencc, w ifl

ma'dcally douUcd. p have becQ materially the price to you Is < sealed downt Bcf. youreelf finaUy to a: (hi* price^lass. LOO: Don’t let your iuden

------------ ----------- b v ^ h e-ln rc -o fin d iprices, for prices cut

A a tn a l

____^X:aseXf i l e r

C ^ W H J / Y S ’ 0 \


r------Baptirt-Y D nnjrPsopl®1 H o ld R ally in Bul" A T he UnpllHl Intcrniw llnio 11. Y. 1 • \ . U.s or {■aiillerord. Knull. P iler lit 1 / Twin PnllH wero (ho Kucntif of tl

nuh l orKanlrjition Rundny nf(ernn.ui H < , A rally . Twin I-'iiIIh niipplied tin* np' i l l clals fo r thu proKrmn* which wc:

nolOR nn tho xylnjihon.i by Ida Wyint; . nnil-rcndhiKK by .Mni'celli-Wynn,’ Tl

Ti-lln dIffurcnt'townH ull rriiiion.led to clevi K nn.l 'dun(:i nnd a t (ho end of the pniKrni

lluhl furnlnhud rrfrnthm onln In ll:

n R v c,-ntaKe of aKondnnco. They Im.l : pr.-ni-ni out of n iiiembprnhlp of 2£ Tw in Knilll hnd lliu InrBoai dek-Kntln

vlnUicr J. -Mrn. S. It. (iwin prenided ao chai)1 th e litun o t lUo jnei-tlnK.•-„„j _i-----------------


a t r o u n d u itlio — — ~ 'i

n.l I T licrc will be ample scalinK capat Ivor.’ iiy fo f ll'c throuK which will nlirii III n ihc S i 'c n d Annual Salt l.akc I 'rontic j„w n Hnnndup. A\ikum I ! ) |o 22, U m yea ml I tliou.vaiiil^ were turned away for lac: u l i of .ivntiiii; room. Since lliut tim e . natuc .1-lCKc new siccl and concrctc !>tand ba

been conslrucU il, w hich coiuUinc w iih room nffordcil hy ihc hlcachcr. iiinurr-; |;n,id ^rat^ with IlnobNtruclci

of view for all who attenil, dnln ' ______

Itw in Agaifi to Help ' m b - P u t Over Big Rounduf

Cli.irlcy IrwinT Premier Koundur man of A .ncrica, .vi'll unite .tKaiii will:

‘ the S.-fll l.ake Hnnndup An»ociatii.r Inc., in puilinK over the annual I'ron-

‘ " tier koundup . Aukum 19 lo 22, Irwin th is i , j„ i, | h a v e -b e e n clilliuiiiasiic

abou t-tlic jihow last year, cbar^icter- a to r i*inK it as perhaps the crratcM of I n :um- kind ever ntaKcd-in tlic .en lire conn-

elief Mr. Irw in will brInR his bin outfit irint f '’om the J-fi Knneli In Clicycijnc. in­il,,. chidiuK a hrilliant band of rider-.,

drn- nc'irr* o f'fainoun mount* and a Iriho ,1,.. o f piciurcM|up redslyn*, Irwin'.-i preit-

,lr„n ence un ihc roundup arena nlwaVt in* „„,{. t urct t hu »ucccM -o t- th c - t la y i per- ,n „ . form anee, * '

mnn A newapapor f it Kr o a io r yoor bom ^ I'liiin ts ft (itllDt; p*lhco r 6 - y o u f odvortlii'-

fe ----- L--------___hln


lj MurescO' Ji n 'B u lk . B u y w b a t y o u w an

”1|"' ’ l e f t . W o w ill lo a n y o u a b n u o f p a in t a n d v a rn is h . W o u:

-------L o t U a E s t l a a t .

f l l U O l D N * ;

j a a i m^P n cS '

e d u ^ o

r ^ l O i !f.O .b *Ti

t h e m a t t e r i s t h a t , a n d r e a s o n a b l e j o t r o d u c i io n s e v e n INBVTTADLY.api y o n e o f t f a M b i s ( h c Q U A L n T o f s o ld , .h « s s o l d a n -

a “ l ° : ___ T lO A T B .- S h o a iJ . p r o d u c t i o n costs C h e c k u p o n A l ^ y r c d u c e d . N o u ', - s i» e s . .T h e a m a is c o rT tsp o n d in R ly p o in t f o ,p o ln t .« i

O O K A BO U T YOO-^ t l i e n ®d e m e n t b e c lo u d e d < bt« , to» ms l i t t l e Q d d e n i r l o w e r e d — b e e o - o f l e r e d - s o - c u t b c Y o m l tt s a n e a n d o f V A l l ^ U

n a n a n u n m t d o tc n . 5 2 «<eelcs/br tl ie

c:earker-€onF A I^S

> V B R L A N 1 > ;T 1 N E * M 0


aswEETmts ^- OF VIEfl“ OFOTHERXHAP;yinnd Tlml "3>hcy p rofit mont. w bo'iicrvo c lm 'r *“ tnHRlit hy OnoyiKrnm *^"'‘‘''1. w bo^itlrrcd to kocn la-11 tho |to re (it Ihe rbnutniiijun. crow d thin /ifl-

CTlherrd In nccklnjr iho “other foi- :ation "I'ocinl w rllo r fo r 10

yuant fo r th e ClilctiKO Trlhut»e. lUs hind the motlonH of inon and women Ik tho n a tu rn l ur«c of every human beintriodoitoniolblnR o r to ho nomii* HilnK, (n tho nplnion of Mr- Swoct. A dollKhlful iitUHlcnl proKnuii vran Riven by tho. "£lauKhmiin>Pclforl(> duo. who

' ' Rivo Uio proiudu (onisttl fo r tho loc*' , lu re on 'T h o rroliloi*n -or W orld : U P I'oftco" by Dr. GoorBo O. Hillin.

—. Thb Jun ior chBUliuiqiiiL opened Ihln ' morninR w U h'n larRo crow d preaon:,

tieiiii thc-W artipa, who f ir s t orKunlrod iniie. sa tu n la y nftornoon. foil In wllh tho ye.nr I’l'ORnuu w ith xent.

me a P / q n e t S p r e a d T*rror. The torrlfyinc u f tm "IrplnnM

UmcJ ^ ,i,n t I t anyuclcd i"“» "hould bo nmdo of (h rm ’

IQ huntlns , (hu ri-nult would bo ex- ceudlDSly diwintrous. nccordins to o

•* hiillctin df thu hhiioRlciii survey of tbo' Dopnrtniont n f Acriciilturo. yl’mbobly

lu p i>u <>tber hlnuk- ninlhuil, of p n n u lt o t wild diickH and Mllicr Rnmo bIrdK

ndup coul*'' pnrnlJel (heir .IvnJIy ctT.-ct Jn w iih rvtluclni; tbu num bor’of wild fnivl. itii.n l l Ix for Ihln reunm ihn i thobloloR- ron- lcnl Hun-cy h as ctillcd upon nil nport»-^‘= rtvin Ition nnd coniior^'uUooliils - lolert-alod

In tlio mnlntcnonco of tb ls cn iin tt^ a . V<,'" Bupiily of,.wllil fou;l,tu 'en thur and fur* onn- "■'>i*''lnBt«n occximio'

ilnfornintlon concemliii; siich viola* „ tfit tlo iis or biw.

'^BlbteTliouglityirlMauwill civo crnc-o nnd ;f lo ry : no food th ine will he w ithhold trom t l ie a ( b i t

-■tralk-opclehtly.^l**. 8403----------------

_______ Tlmoa W nnt Adn Qela Reaults.


Kaisojninewaat, bring back what yoa 'bave bruBh. Wo hre (irdoring a oarload0 uadenoU booaose . wo underbuy, nato Your jPaintisg-----

rs -> ■ -

m s

9 5*TbUdo

iblelewelipusCmemn* . ' a proportionata'Ctrrin--o f th e a ir . 6 o don 't l>e ic fia rv -v o d ib u y — ZNVB&-------- — ^np p fr -iiih A _____ ________1 ALL.au>dentc<priced m atdx ,-yoqr,fiod inga,

it;a«iiZnscdblibigOvctw an ezpcrie&cccl:.bwn« . f ’ . . n adm it th a t never b&- ole m -$895> h av e youI O iU U tJl o f - ta OALTT T — --------------------------B in ANY ftiaamobile. ^

►MPANY'4'-4 .HA O TD f- • H.- »T ^ £