synthetic meat flavors - meat science

102 SYNTHETIC MEAT FLAVORS* IRA KAT2 International Flavors & F'ragrances, Inc. There is little doubt that from a technical standpoint the flavor industry has advanced more in the past two decades than in all previous history. Today, completely synthetic fruit flavors car, =- -rested that possess the odor and flavor of either fresh or cooked fruit. flavor chemists have the capability and "tools" to duplicate the metallic canned character that is cbracter+.stic of many of our canned fruits. Thus, not only has the flavor chemist duplicated nature but he is also concerned with duplicating flavors that are a result of modern food technology. food technologists is resulting in the duplication of many whole foods, especially those being used as raw materials by the food industry. Synthetic dry and wet cheeses, synthetic tomto powder are realities today. be added to the list according t o the dictates of world economic conditions. Creative Combining the talents of the flavor chemist with modern These total synthetics will improve in quality and others will Unfortunately, synthetic meat flavors have not yet attained the state of the art that exists for citrus and fruit flavors. This is not because this important area of research has been neglected but, rather because reaching a complete understanding of the colnplexity of the chemistry of the variety of types of meat and poultry flavors is one of the most difficult and challenging problems of modern flavor chemistry. The complete understanding of meat chemistry requires the combined efforts and talents of analytical chemists, organic synthetic chemists, creative flavor chemists and food technologists. doubt that this area of research is now being emphasized by every progressive flavor cmpany. be successfully applied to meat analogs are providing the impetus and justification for this research. I believe that there is little The huge potential markets that await flavors that can Table 1 shows U.S.D.A. 190 market penetration projections for soy protein products in the meat area (1). proJections that the immediate market for the next 10 years is ground beef products. 3 billion pounds which translates to 2 million head of cattle and calves and 4 million head of hogs or, 44 of the estimated 1980 production. The major impetus for partial meat replacements are lower retail prices and at least in the U.S., diets containing lower cholesterol and saturated fats. Table 2 illustrates the cost savings that can be realized when 20 and 46 of the meat In hamburgers is replaced with extruded soy protein. The calculations assume 1.00 dollar per pound for boneless chuck and 25 It is apparent from these Notice that the total meat replaced is approximately * Presented at the 26th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association, 1973.

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IRA KAT2 Internat ional Flavors & F'ragrances, Inc.

There i s l i t t l e doubt that from a technical standpoint the flavor industry has advanced more i n the past two decades than i n a l l previous h is tory . Today, completely synthetic fruit flavors car, = - -rested t h a t possess the odor and f lavor of e i the r f resh o r cooked f r u i t . f lavor chemists have the capabi l i ty and "tools" t o duplicate the metall ic canned character that i s c b r a c t e r + . s t i c of many of our canned f r u i t s . Thus, not only has t he f lavor chemist duplicated nature but he is a l so concerned with duplicating f lavors t h a t a r e a r e s u l t of modern food technology. food technologists is resulting i n the duplication of many whole foods, especial ly those being used as r a w materials by the food industry. Synthetic dry and w e t cheeses, synthetic t o m t o powder a re r e a l i t i e s today. be added t o the l i s t according t o the d i c t a t e s of world economic conditions.


Combining the t a l e n t s of the flavor chemist with modern

These t o t a l synthetics w i l l improve i n qual i ty and others w i l l

Unfortunately, synthetic meat f lavors have not yet a t ta ined the s t a t e of the a r t t h a t ex i s t s fo r c i t r u s and f r u i t f lavors . This is not because th i s important area of research has been neglected but, ra ther because reaching a complete understanding of the colnplexity of the chemistry of the var ie ty of types of meat and poultry f lavors i s one of the most d i f f i c u l t and challenging problems of modern flavor chemistry. The complete understanding of meat chemistry requires the combined e f fo r t s and t a l e n t s of ana ly t ica l chemists, organic synthetic chemists, creative f lavor chemists and food technologists. doubt that t h i s area of research is now being emphasized by every progressive f lavor cmpany. be successfully applied t o meat analogs a r e providing the impetus and ju s t i f i ca t ion f o r t h i s research.

I believe t h a t there i s l i t t l e

The huge poten t ia l markets t h a t await f lavors t h a t can

Table 1 shows U.S.D.A. 190 market penetration projections f o r soy protein products i n the meat area (1). proJections that the immediate market fo r t he next 10 years is ground beef products. 3 b i l l i o n pounds which t r a n s l a t e s t o 2 million head of c a t t l e and calves and 4 million head of hogs or, 44 of the estimated 1980 production. The major impetus f o r p a r t i a l meat replacements a re lower r e t a i l pr ices and a t l ea s t i n the U.S., d i e t s containing lower cholesterol and saturated fa ts . Table 2 i l l u s t r a t e s the cost savings that can be real ized when 20 and 4 6 of the meat I n hamburgers is replaced w i t h extruded soy protein. The calculations assume 1.00 do l l a r per pound f o r boneless chuck and 25

It i s apparent from these

Notice t h a t t h e t o t a l meat replaced is approximately

* Presented a t the 26th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association, 1973.

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cents per pound f o r dry extruded soy. It is our opinion that the long term success and consumer acceptabi l i ty of these products, especial ly a t the 40 and 5c$ replacement levels , where extremely a t t r a c t i v e r e t a i l pr ices a re realized, is dependent upon t h e production of texturized protein t h a t is bland i n f lavor, and the ava i l ab i l i t y of synthetic meat f lavors t h a t function in these systems and impart a high quality, t r u e meat f lavor t o the product.

The poten t ia l use of meat analogs is obviously not limited t o the U.S. Over the Next 20 Years'' ( 2 ) i l l u s t r a t e s the estimated production of major protein sources i n the United Kingdom. Notice t h a t by 1983 f resh meat production is projected t o be l eve l while vegetable protein production continues t o increase rapidly.

As a n example, f igure 1 taken from "Trends i n the Food Industry

The first synthetic meat flavors sold by the f lavor industry were undoubtedly s k i l l f u l spice blends that were and s t i l l a re used i n processed meats. 5' nucleotides became recognized and available, they were combined w i t h spices t o supply a portion of the brothiness of meat and t o enhance the f lavor of the na tura l meat. The introduction of high qual i ty hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, which were then canbined w i t h the nucleotides and spice blends, resul ted i n t he f i rs t meat f lavors i n cer ta in areas of the food industry. For example, i n the U.S., hydrolyzed vegetable protein products have almost completely eliminated the use of beef extract i n dry soup, boullions, canned soups, and gravies. This replacement was brought about by economic conditions which resulted i n increased costs of beef ex t rac t along w i t h a consistent lowering in qual i ty . There i s no doubt that hydrolyzed vegetable protein based flavors a r e Ea7 f r o m duplications of beef extract , but t h e i r gradual introauctron and consumer acceptabi l i ty have resul ted i n a change i n t he f lavor standards of the American consumer t o an extent that many people doubt t h a t beef ex t rac t could be re-introduced i n the products where it has been replaced by hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

Once the importance of monosodium glutamate and the

As good as these f lavors ase, they a re a long way f romthe type and qua l i ty f lavor needed by the Food Industry f o r today's expanding meat replacement market. projected a need f o r t r u e synthetic meat f lavors , industry research i n th i s area began a t t h i s time. I n 1960 the pioneering work 3' 2atzer et &. (3) resul ted i n the i s o h t i o n of a glycoprotein frm the aqueous ex t rac t of r a w beef which, upon heating i n the presence of a nucleotide developed a meaty aroma. Thus, t he important concept wa8 brought forth t h a t the basic meat aroma w a s due t o the chemical interact ion of water soluble precursors. Other investigations by numerous groups led t o the conclusion that the development of meat flavor and aroma is , a t l e a s t i n part, due t o a Maillard type reaction. As a r e su l t , raw beef has been thoroughly analyzed f o r i t s amino acid and reducing sugar content and many combinations have been formulated and subjected t o various cooking conditions i n an attempt t o duplicate the cooked beef aroma and f lavor . I n an attempt t o capi ta l ize upon t h i s basic information, a large number

Since marketing predictions during the 1950's



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of patents have been g r a d e d that a r e essent ia l ly products by pmcess . Table 3 summizes some of the numerous patents t h a t have been granted in this area .

These patents are only a small percentage of the exis t ing patents t h a t teach the production of meat f lavors by reacting water soluble ingredients. great dea l of commercial success i n cer ta in areas, they are not the f i n a l answer i n meat f lavors . commercially viable f o r many years, they are essent ia l ly "stop-gap'' measures u n t i l the next generation of meat f h v o r s becomes avai lable . I n order t o place synthetic meat flavors on the same l eve l as f r u i t f lavors , the creat ive f l avor i s t must have available t o him, the individual chemicals responsible f o r the arcam and t a s t e of cooked beef. Only then can h i s creat ive t a l e n t s be f u l l y u t i l i z e d . Thus, we f ind today i n both the technical and patent l i t e r a t u r e a rapid movement toward the ident i f ica t ion and u t i l i z a t i o n of individual chemicals with meat - l ike f lavors . These are s t ruc tu ra l ly d i f f e ren t than most of the chemicals used by the f lavor chemist today and en t i r e ly new synthetic and creative learning processes must evolve i n order t o apply and commercialize t h i s new generation of meat f lavors .

Although many of these flavors have undoubtedly enjoyed a

A l t h o u g h f lavors of t h i s type w i U remain

The f i rs t report of unique aromatic chemicals i n boiled beef w a s i n 1968 when Chang and co-workers (4) reported the ident i f ica t ion of two heterocyclic compounds. These chemicals, which a re shown i n f igure 2, a r e 2,5-trimethyl-delta-3-oxazoline and 2,4,5-dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane. Although the or igin of these compounds is unknown, t he oxazoline could form from the reaction of acetoin, acetaldehyde and annnonia, a l l of which a r e present during the cooking of beef. Indeed, it i s synthesiTded i n the laboratory with r e l a t ive ease i n t h i s manner. The t r i t h io l ane could come from the reaction of acetaldehyde and hydrogen sulf ide; however, the recent report of another new aromatic chemical i n boiled beef provides a more a t t r a c t i v e pathway. and Wilson and co-workers (6) a t IFF' reported the i so la t ion of thialdine in boiled beef ( f igure 3 ) . t he t r i t h io l ane during i so la t ion and more l i k e l y during the cooking process. ammonia and hydrogen su l f ide .

In 1972 Brinkman and co-workers ( 5 ) at Unilever,

This unstable chemical w i l l decompose t o form

Thialdine could arise f r o m the reaction of acetaldehyde,

I n addition t o these cycl ic sulf'ur cmpounds, Wilson c ; -1. (6) reported the ident i f ica t ion of two other new polycyclic sulfur chemicals, namely t r i thioacetone and tri thioacetaldehyde (figure 4 ) . chemicals were ident i f ied i n cooked beef.

Both of these

Other new al i$at ic su l fur chemicals t ha t have been isolated from boiled beef a re 1-methylthio-ethanethiol ( 5 ) , 3-methyl-2-butanethiol (6), and 2-methyl-1-butanethiol (6) . report of 2-acetyl thiazol ine i n beef by Unilever workers in 1971 (7) .

Another chemical of i n t e re s t is the



Morton, U.S. 2,934, AToyd, 37 (Lever); May 2,934,436

Giacino (IFF) U.S. 3,394,015; 3,394,016

Giacino (IFF) U.S. 3,519,437

Perret, Perret and McMahon (Pf i ze r ) U .S . 3,365,306; 3,271,167

Hack and Konigsdorf (CPC) U S . 3,480,447

O ' H a r a , Ota, Enej, Eguchi, Okumura (Ajinomoto) U . S . 3 9 524,747

Broderick and Marcus (11. Kohns tm) U.S. 3,532,525

~ a y , Soeters (Lever) U.S. 3,532,514; 3,493,395

Tonsbeek (Unilever ) Canadian 862,685

Reducing Sugar or Glyceraldehyde 1960 + Cysteine + H20 120° f o r two hours

HVP + cysteine + thiamirs ' 1968 H20 + heat at llO-l5@

T a x i n e + thiamine + HVP + 1970 H 2 0 or fa t + heat + flash heating

Reducing sugars or alpha- 1968 ketobutyric acid, cysteine o r methional + H 0 + heat; then add HVP and & and heat again f o r two hours

Amino acids (no cysteine) HW + reducing sugar + taur ine + heat 1100 for 15-20 hours

Amino acid (not cysteine) + l ac t ic acid + phosphate + nucleotide-5 -phosphate

Cysteine + 5'=nucleotide + H 2 0 + heat

Reducing sugar + cysteine + 1970 fa t + TO0 f o r 24 hours or 140° u n t i l water-free

Amino acids + lact ic acid + 1971 5 -nucleotide + heat llO-l5OO





FIG. 3



FIG .- '4


All of the chemicals that I have discussed were found f o r the first time i n nature through the investigation of cooked meat f lavor . hundreds of other chemicals t h a t have been found i n other heated foods such as coffee, nuts and chocolate have a l so been reported i n beef. include a l ipha t ic sulf ides , f b r m s , thiophenes, thiazoles , pyrazines, aldehydes, ketones, enals and dienals .

L i te ra l ly ,


Time does not permit me t o discuss these, but cer ta inly they a re important t o the creation of synthetic meat f lavors .

Another group of chemicals that are important f o r meat flavors are chemicals t h a t a r e meat-like i n fl ivor but do not necessarily occur i n beef. careful reading of the patent l i t e r a t u r e . few of the more in te res t ing patents and applications.

An awareness of these m a t e r i R l s can only be obtained through I would l i ke t o mention a

In 1968, Tonsbeek e t -- a l . (8) reported the ident i f ica t ion of t w o furanones f o r the f i rs t time in beef. These chemicals a re shown i n figure 5 . t he dimethyl compound w a s previously reparted t o OCCUT i n pineapple.

Both of these chemicals a r e in te res t ing f lavor chemicals and

In 1969, IFF f i l e d f o r patents on a group of f'urans that possess a meat-like f lavor . a r e sham i n figure 6 .

A number of chemicals t h a t a r e typ ica l of t h i s patent

Shortly thereaf te r , both Unilever and IF'F applied f o r patents that teach the reactions of t he dimethyl furnanone, previously reported t o occur i n beef, w i t h hydrogen su l f ide t o form meat f lavors .

Unilever has reported ( 9 ) that t h e m a n s and thiomenes shown i n f igure 6 a re formed as a result of t he reaction. Although these chemicals and the furanthiols i n the IFF patents have not been ident i f ied in meat or other heated foods, everything points t o the f a c t that they are present and t h e i r discovery in a na tura l system i s a challenge t o the modern ana ly t ica l f lavor chemist.

Another in te res t ing chemical that is the subject of an IF'F patent application is the discovery that dimethyl dihydroxy dithiane has a roast chicken f lavor . This chemical i s in te res t ing in that it forms from mercapto acetone a t ambient temperature ( f igure 7). revers ible upon heating and mercapto acetone is formed. The mercapto acetone and other alpha keto mercaptans have intense meat-like aromas and a re the subject of other IFF patents.

The reaction is

In conclusion, the intense investigatlan of meat flavors has led t o the discovery of a grea t number of individual chemicals that when used alone or, in combination w i t h t he previous synthetic meat f lavors , w i l l r e s u l t i n the creation of synthetic meat flavors t h a t will surpass the meat flavors found on today's market.

M I n I



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3 4


FIG. 6


FIG. 7 c

i f C113-C-CH2-SI I




1. Marketing Research Report No. 974 U . S . Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (19721.

2 . Trends in the Food Industry Over the Next Twenty Yews, A Delphi Banfield, F. H . e t -- al. Exercise in Technological Forecasting.

(Bri t ish Food Manuf . Ind . Res. Assn ., Leatherhead , 2 , ~ . ) 1971-1972.

3 . Batzer, 0. F., A . T. Santoro, M. C . Tan, W. A . Landman and E. S. Schweigert . J. Agr . Food Chcm. 8 :498 1960.

4. Chang, S. S., C . Harai, B. R. Reddy, K. 0 . Herz and A . Kato. 1968. Chem. and Ind. p. 1639.

5 . BrinlaPan, H.I.U., H . Copier, J.J.M. dekuco and S. B. Tjan. 1972. J. Agr. Food Chm. 20:177.

6 . Wilson, R. A . , C . J. Mussinan, I. Katz and A. Sanderson. 1973. J. Agr. Food Chem. 21.

7. Tonsbeek, C.H.T., H. Copier and A . J. Plancken. 1971. J. Agr. Food Chem . 19 : 1014.

8 . Tonsbeek, C.H.T., A . J. PLascken and T. van der Weerdhof.

van der W e l a n d and Peer (Unilever) West Germany 1,932,800.

1968. J. Agr. Food Chem. 16:1916.

9 .

BILL SULZBACHER: I a m a l i t t l e b i t disturbed that t h e cured meat f lavor i s due only t o the antioxidant a c t i v i t y of the n i t r i t e s . I r e c a l l t h a t a number of years ago when we were working on cured meats w e cured some pork, lanib, rabbit and beef and gave them t o our t a s t e panel without ident i f ica t ion and t h e t a s t e panel was unable t o dis t inguish between these meats o r the species. spec i f ic t o meat flavor; it wasn't just a matter of antioxidant ac t iv i ty . There was a n ac tua l contribution of n i t r i t e t o the f i n a l f lavor .

It always seemed t o me that n i t r i t e did something

Another t h h g occurs t o me as a problem.

You s t i U . get t h i s very charac te r i s t ic You can' t say that it tastes anything l i k e f resh beef .

what about corned beef, where you cure it i n an e s sen t i a l ly anaerobic manner and it i s n ' t cured very long and you don't smoke it. change i n f lavor . I ' d l i k e t o hear t h i s ta=d around a l i t t l e b i t and h e w what other people think.

DUANE WESTERBEFG: I can make just one comment along *hat l i n e . There i s another great f ac to r that you put in to corn beef paper published along these l i nes . But w h a t e f fec t , actual ly , does seasoning have on the taste of the product7 compounds such as n i t r i t e , w h a t does seasoning contribute t o t h e final t a s t e of t he product7

I know of no

Again, eliminating some

AARON WASSEEMAN: What about the e f fec t of smoking? I think we have seen that n i t r i t e seems t o enhance smoke flavor. Have you any coments?

DUANE WESTERBEFG: The only comment I have i s that i n same of our work when we studied antioxidants we did smoke sane products w i t h arid without n i t r i t e , at l e a s t with zero and maximWm cure. We used .i 5 minute smoking cycle, measured by density with GE equipment, it would be about 8oqd. didn ' t see any difference w i t h and without the smoke.

We could ac tua l ly get the f lavor notes and aroma of smke and we

JAY FOX, USDA: The presence of oxides of nitrogen i n the air has long been known. We have been doing some color work and without using any smoke you can get a nice beautiful pink n i t r i c oxide color. l i k e t o suggest t h a t perhaps at the low levels used t o detect f lavor, the presence of any type of oxides of nitrogen with the subsequent poss ib i l i t y of n i t r i t e , almost any oxides you want t o name, could produce enough f lavor s o that you wouldn't have t o smoke it, n i t r i t e it, or anybhhg e l s e it. Now I wonder whether t h i s wouldn't have something t o do w i t h t a s t e panels sometimes having a l i t t l e d i f f i c u l t y t e l l i n g whether there is an ac tua l cured meat flavor; especial ly with scmething that has been put in to a smoke house.

I would

TOM BIUMER, NORTH CAROLINA STATE: There are several people here, I know, from Natick and they may not be at l i b e r t y t o comment, but D r . Gene Wierbicki was a t our place the other day and he had something on th i s n i t r i t e - n i t r a t e f lavor and I am not going t o comment on it but I know about it because I tas ted sane of the product. Natick group would be a t l i b e r t y t o speak on this or not.

I don't know whether the

AARON WASSEIiMAN: answer t o this7 Max7

Is there anyone here

MAX BROCKMA”, NATICX: I r e a l l y don’t but it is my understanding that Wierbicki’s

from Natick that wants t o

know very much about this, group has observed t h a t

i r rad ia ted meat has received a l l the benef i t s of- i r radiat ion w i t h subs tan t ia l ly l e s s n i t r i t e than is normally used. 1 imgine that i r r ad ia t ion seems t o compensate f o r a ce r t a in amount of the absence of n i t r i t e .

AARON WASSERMAN: Well, t h i s spew contrary-you should be get t ing more warmed-over f lavor w i t h al.’ %Lis i o n i z b g radiat ion and free-radical formation. Any comments on that, Harold?

TOM BWMER: I have one other question. How many methods would you indicate were su i tab le f o r running n i t r a t e and n i t r i t e . is a dynamic system and depends on w h a t kind of product you are conducting your analysis on as t o w h a t kind of recovery you ge t . number of methods I know that are being used and I’d like t o know which ones you think do the bes t job on quant i ta t ive re turns .

I how tha t th is

But there are a

AARON WASSEIIMAN: Do any of t h e panel have any coment on this7 This i s a l i t t l e off the subject we are talking about. Jay, would you l i k e t o c m n t 7

JAY FOX: We are trying t o f ind out where n i t r i t e s go and as part of our study we ran six di f fe ren t methods, which come h-ly recommended or are i n ac tua l use, and ccxnpared them w i t h the AOAC. W e used the one which EEC! (European Economic Comunity) is recommending o r using and a few others but the best r e su l t s we got were with the AOAC method. The standard deviations were e s sen t i a l ly the same, but the highest y ie ld was w i t h t he AOAC, and it was ha l f again to double what t h e other methods gave. method, too. We have a paper caning out i n the Ju ly issue of the JAOAC.

We also found there were some wierd discrepancies i n the AOAC

UNIDENTIFIED: W o u l d you care t o coment on the paucity of e f f o r t s on the oxidative changes i n phospholipids i n contrast w i t h the enormous m u n t of work t h a t has been done on the oxidation of neut ra l l ipids?

HAROLD HERRING: Most of the work on meat off-flavor development has been on the oxidation of the phospholipid f r ac t ion . occurs i s believed t o be due t o the phospholipid f rac t ion . ex t rac ts , fo r example, meat w i t h d ie thyl e ther , you s t i l l ge t very rapid oxidation of the meat residue; if you ext rac t with chloroform methanol the extraction removes any oxidisable l ipid. work does indicate the phosmolipid f rac t ion in the t i s sue is the cu lp r i t that has been disrupted, cooked o r ground.

The r ap id i ty which If one

I would think most of the

UNIDENTIFIED: D r . Katz showed us sane data on the amount of soy protein products t h a t a r e going t o replace meat products and D r . Herring had discussed ranc id i ty development. I have a question that i s going t o

cut across both of these areas i n the future . greater substi tution of meat w i t h soy proteins it seems that the subst i tute i s going t o have t o be supplemented with i ron . question-do we know how we are going t o supplement t h i s i n t e r n of chemical reactions and nut r i t ive value of the product that is produced?

When we go t o greater and

I would like t o r a i se the

IRA KATZ: be t o coat the iron t o protect from i t s action on t h e food.

I don't know; I am speculating, but one possibi l i ty may

KEN BEERY: For D r . Herring. On t he developnent of the warmed flavor-- apparently you have t o heat it just so much t o get developuent and i f you overheat it there w i l l be no d e v e l o w n t . temperatures below which you w i l l preclude developnent and above which w i l l preclude development.

What is the c r i t i c a l range of

HAROLD HERRING: In our experience there is no heat below which you w i l l have developent of warmed over f lavor . You have t o go t o s t e r i l i z i n g conditions t o get formation o f t h e canpounds in a canning system. Browning reaction, products will be formed a t 100°C or higher, preferably a t U O O .

I n a

I believe 1 understood ;you t o say e a r l i e r t h a t you had found i n deep fa t fried poultry no warmed over flavor and with subsequent micrarave cooking, warmed over f lavor . Is this correct?

KEN BEERY: The way it was reported was that with deep fat frying then finishing off with micrmave caused more developnent of warmed over f lavor than micrarave cooking up t o the same temperature then f inishing off w i t h deep fa t f'qdng. cooking methods that could help preclude this developmen%?

The intent of the question is--are there

HAROLD HERRING: It may have been the deep fat frying or the time i n which it was done tha t determined whether the i n i t i a t i o n of the reaction occurred. which were present i n i t i a l l y but which later may have volat i l ized. one m u s t be careful there .

And there may have been antioxidants i n the deep f a t frying o i l So

KEN BFERY: Microwave cooking the en t i re way caused l e s s warmed over f lavor than with combinations.

HAR3LD HERRING: With storage f o r how long?

KEN BEERY: This was a week's storage, I believe.

UNIDENTIFIED: I ' d like t o ask whether warmed over flavor has been confined t o ground beef and i f not how factors such as the s ize of the piece of meat, the storage i n frozen condition, whether the frozen meat i s wrapped in an oxygen permeable f i l m w o u l d af fec t the developent of t h i s warmed over flavor? Another question, how does pork compare w i t h beef i n the development of the flavor?


HAROLD KERRING: Which pork? Fresh pork? It has been observed i n our laboratory i n beef, pork and poultry--turkey and chicken. action, disruption of t he c e l l , would expose phospholipids t o the act ion of oxygen and ca ta lys t s . Any anaerobic packeging say, f o r example, with chopped beef, pre-ground beef chopped beef, does inh ib i t t he reaction as long as it is kept anaerobic because the meat systems reduce any oxygen.

Any grinding

AARON WASSEIPIAN: We'll have time f o r one more question.

BOB KAUKWAN, WISCONSIN: This is dlrected t o D r . Katz. I ' d l i k e t o have ;yau review fo r me again your projection fo r u t i l i z a t i o n of vegetable protein versus animal protein i n the f'uture and I do have a question t o ask: H a s p r ice been considered i n t h i s prediction?

IRA KATZ: Pr ice has been considered. Here is the projection taken from the da ta projected b Marketing Service Report $94 7, Economic Research Service, USDA, 1972. The projections were one b i l l i o n pounds. a r e interested i n .

the U.S. Department of Agriculture--Agricultural

I don't know w h a t aspects you

BOB KlwFEMAN : Y o u showed me a figure, not a t ab le but a f igure.

IRA W Z : That was f o r the United Kingdm, nat the United S ta t e s .

BOB KAUFEMAN: Thank pu, I did not understand t h a t . What w a s the source of t h i s information?

I R A KATZ: This w a s essent ia l ly a published survey called, "Trends in the Food Industry." w a s arr ived a t was a survey of 50 people i n the food industry on w h a t they th ink w i l l happen 20 years from now or 10 years from now.

I can send you the reference. Really how t h i s