sweaty palms, quivering voice and brain cramps delivering a painless presentation jean heilig

Sweaty Palms, Quivering Voice and Brain Cramps: Delivering a Painless Presentation How Many Errors Can You Find?

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Post on 11-Nov-2014




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Do you find the idea of speaking in front of people to rank right up there with poking your eyes out? Relax, you aren’t alone! Delivering a presentation can be a frightening experience but if you’re prepared it can be utterly painless! This session will help you size up your audience and identify their needs. You will learn how to fine tune your delivery. We’ll also address ways to make presentations painless for your audience, by reviewing common design issues, and working through ways to remedy them.


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Sweaty Palms, Quivering Voice and Brain Cramps: Delivering a

Painless Presentation

How Many Errors Can You Find?

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There are always three speeches for every one you actually gave.The one you practiced, the one you gave,

and the one you wish you gave.

- Dale Carnegie

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Top 10 Fears

Speaking Before a Group



Financial Problems

Deep Water






“I guess we’d rather be in a casket than delivering the eulogy.”-Jay Leno

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Why the Fear?

Difficult Content

Time- Management Audience

Questions Inexperience No Interaction

Distraction Nervousness Technology

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They’re Just People!

What you need to know about people:

Think Learn

Hear See

React Decide

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Audience Analysis

“A well prepared speech given to the wrong audience can have the same effect as a poorly

prepared speech given to the correct audience.”


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Who Is Your Audience?

• Sassafras – Local Chamber of Commerce• BiblioColorado – CAL Conference Presentation• Aspire- ILEAD Poster Session• Silver Surfers- Library Board

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5 Things Every Presenter Needs To Know About People

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Grab and Hold

People Don’t Multitask – They Task-Switch

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Grab and Hold

Sustained Attention Lasts About 10 Minutes

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Grab and Hold

Wandering Minds We wander 30% of the time!

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Grab and Hold

The Unconscious Directs Attention

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The Environment

The more filled a room is, the more energy people have.

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The Environment

Dark rooms put people to sleep

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The Environment

If you are out of site, you might be out of mind

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The Environment

People are affected by temperature

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The Environment

When people are uncomfortable, they can’t pay attention

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Present Yourself

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Common Mistakes

You Don’t Know Your Topic! ______________________________________________

Basics of AstrophysicsHydrostatic Equilibrium

Jean M. HeiligLibrarian

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Common Mistakes

Rehearsals Aren’t Just For Broadway!

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Common Mistakes

Hardware MalfunctionsPlan “B”

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Common Mistakes

Um, like, you know, I mean, really don’t you find it distracting when people use filler words in their presentation?


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Common Mistakes

Going Over Your Allotted Time

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Feed Back!

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