swakeleys news

Swakeleys News From the Headteacher’s Desk We continue to enjoy being in our new build although we are looking forward to having a proper car park and access via Clifton Gardens again. We had a hugely successful opening event which was attended by all staff and over 70 former staff, governors, visitors and friends. Sir John Rowling (founder of PiXL), made an inspirational speech in which he talked about the pride and passion he sees in our school. He did the official opening unveiling a brass plaque in the hall. We were treated to three fabulous performances of music, dance and drama and then toasted the new build in the canteen with fizz and canapes made by our canteen staff. On top of all that, I was able to cut a cake made in the form of the new school! It really was a fantastic event. Thank you to everyone involved. As always, it is a busy time of year with public examinations for years 11 to 13, school examinations for years 7 to 10 and many activities/trips taking place. Year 10 took part in a very successful ‘Skills for Life’ day and then went on to complete their fortnight of work experience. Year 8 took part in an incredibly interesting coding day challenge sponsored by Heathrow Airport. 12 of our Y7 & 8 Brilliant club pupils completed their programme and celebrated with a formal graduation at the University of Oxford. Humanities week is approaching at the end of term and once again, there are some fantastic trips and experiences for the girls to take part in. We are also looking forward to Sports Day which is taking place on Friday 22nd June. This is the time of year when we reflect on what has been achieved so far and what are priorities for 2018 -19 are. If you have any thoughts about what our priorities should be, please do email the school. We will be revising some of our arrangements in the light of our first year in the new build. This term, we have introduced a picnic area for outside eating. The girls have a picnic blanket and bin to sit and eat with their friends. We are also very excited to have two extra forms of Year 7 arriving in September with the new blazer as part of their uniform. They will be in two new houses – DS (Diana Spencer) and MY (Malala Yousafzai). Thank you for your continued support. Mrs Pryor Headteacher Headlines Swakeleys New Build officially opened! Our girls reach the final of the ‘Up for Debate’ competition Yasmine Amirouch performed in the top 20% of international maths challenge 541 590 574 608 461 482 HOUSE POINTS

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Page 1: Swakeleys News



From the Headteacher’s Desk We continue to enjoy being in our new build although we are looking forward to having a proper car

park and access via Clifton Gardens again. We had a hugely successful opening event which was attended

by all staff and over 70 former staff, governors, visitors and friends. Sir John Rowling (founder of PiXL),

made an inspirational speech in which he talked about the pride and passion he sees in our school. He

did the official opening unveiling a brass plaque in the hall. We were treated to three fabulous

performances of music, dance and drama and then toasted the new build in the canteen with fizz and

canapes made by our canteen staff. On top of all that, I was able to cut a cake made in the form of the

new school! It really was a fantastic event. Thank you to everyone involved.

As always, it is a busy time of year with public examinations for years 11 to 13, school examinations for

years 7 to 10 and many activities/trips taking place. Year 10 took part in a very successful ‘Skills for Life’

day and then went on to complete their fortnight of work experience. Year 8 took part in an incredibly

interesting coding day challenge sponsored by Heathrow Airport. 12 of our Y7 & 8 Brilliant club pupils

completed their programme and celebrated with a formal graduation at the University of Oxford.

Humanities week is approaching at the end of term and once again, there are some fantastic trips and

experiences for the girls to take part in. We are also looking forward to Sports Day which is taking place

on Friday 22nd June.

This is the time of year when we reflect on what has been achieved so far and what are priorities for

2018 -19 are. If you have any thoughts about what our priorities should be, please do email the school.

We will be revising some of our arrangements in the light of our first year in the new build. This term,

we have introduced a picnic area for outside eating. The girls have a picnic blanket and bin to sit and eat

with their friends. We are also very excited to have two extra forms of Year 7 arriving in September

with the new blazer as part of their uniform. They will be in two new houses – DS (Diana Spencer) and

MY (Malala Yousafzai). Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Pryor



Swakeleys New Build officially opened!

Our girls reach the final of the ‘Up for Debate’ competition

Yasmine Amirouch performed in the top 20% of international maths challenge









Page 2: Swakeleys News

Gold medals

Emily Colyer - 300m

Molly Berry - 1500m

Hannah Payne - 100m

Lily Wigmore- High Jump

Silver medals

Emily Colyer - Triple Jump

Year 10 relay

Bronze Medals

Hannah Payne - Long Jump


As a school we have attendance of 95.5% . We are proud of this and keen to hit at least 96%. All pupils must aim to attend school unless they are very unwell. Please be aware that appointments should not be made during the school day and that holidays in term time will not be authorised.


Please check that any skirts are the appropriate length as pupils tend to grow over the school year. They must not be shorter than 8cm above the knee. Please also check that trousers have not become tight fitting. Please check the uniform rules in the link book or on web site carefully when purchasing skirts and trousers as we only allow certain styles. Please remember that we do not allow tight, stretchy, lycra skirts and trousers.

We are very proud of the excellent attendance and uniform of the vast majority of our pupils. Thank you for your support with this. Mrs Hare

Year Group % Attendance

7 96..1 Excellent

8 95.7 Good

9 95.2 Satisfactory

10 94.8 Requires Improvement

11 95.9 Good



Farya Mohsani Economics

Angela Kwamba

Najma Ahmed

Congratulations to the following students who

have been selected to attend the Debate Chamber

summer schools this summer, either in

Maths or Economics.

GSK STEM The following students have been selected for a place on the GSK Stem Programme Priya Flora Maria Fatima Choubedar Hazera Zannath Ayesha Hassan Anjali Kaur Congratulations!!!

Senior Borough Sports took place last Thursday at the Uxbridge track for year 9 and 10 pupils. All the girls represented the school fantastically, with lots of the girls reaching the finals in their events and the following Year 10 girls came away with medals. Well done to all involved. Mrs Croker

Teachers of the month

March Miss Clements

and Miss Stranges

April Mrs Arnold and

Miss Shah

Support Staff Mem-

bers of the month

March Mrs Robertson

and Mrs Wilcox April

Mrs Doyle and

Ms Monica Ferreira


Page 3: Swakeleys News

On Tuesday 15th May

2018 staff and

Governors past and

present joined

together for the official

opening of the New

School Building by

Sir John Rowling.

Page 4: Swakeleys News

Year 9 Parents Consultation Evening 21st June 2018

Sports Day 22nd June 2018

Performing Arts Evening 5th July 2018


Skills for Life Skills for life was a day of great creativity and an eye opener to the world of work. Five

volunteers who have had previous experience in the workplace educated year 10 students of the expectations from future employers. One of the activities provoked

systematic thinking in order to successfully build a mobile car from Lego structures. This enabled students to work together as a team under time pressure. Another informative 30

minute session prepared students for questions that may be asked during a forth coming interview. The whole day was eventful and informative and it has really excited us for the world of work! We felt that it has prepared us for work experience, whether working in a

team or doing tasks individually. Harshitha Bondili & Kareena Vairea 10EB

Brilliant Club 2018 I am pleased to say that 12 of our Year 7 & 8 students have successfully completed the Key Stage 4 Scholars Programme as part of the Brilliant Club. They have been working incredibly hard to submit a 1500 word essay on Agency and Paternalism: Who gets to decide? . The girls achieved some amazing results with 3 of our girls passing the course with 1st Class honours and all others achieving 2:1 grades! They celebrated their success with a formal graduation ceremony at the University of Oxford on Tuesday 6th May. Well done to: Ikram Abdi, Amara Bogle-Gittins, Rhiannon Eckley, Rida Kashif, Kayleigh Payne, Katie Thompson, Mahi Acharya, Zakiya Ali, Sehba Basra, Roma Bhandal, Novreet Ghotra and Sopna Shanmugathas. Mrs Laguillo

Y11 London School of Economics Summer School I am delighted to announce that six of our Year 11 girls have been successful in their application for the above programme. The Year 11 Summer School will offer these students the opportunity to spend a week at LSE after they have completed their GCSEs. They will gain first-hand experience of university life and get a taste of the subjects available to them. Congratulations to Thomika St Louis, 11JA, Harinie Sabesan, 11JA, Nicola Whittington, 11JA, Deqa Mohamud-Ali 11EB and Smriti Pahari 11AF.

What a fantastic opportunity! Mrs Laguillo

Year 10 Work Experience 2017

We currently have 170 of our Year 10 girls

experiencing their first taster of the ‘real world

of work’ from Tuesday 7th May through to

Friday 18th May. We have been able to secure

some excellent placements for our students

ranging from pharmacies, veterinary groups,

primary Schools, hotels, retail, GSK and even

the London Stock Exchange! I look forward to

hearing all about their experiences on their

return and hope that the girls will continue to

use the transferable skills that they will have

developed during their placement. Mrs Laguillo