sutton 3rd draft 041913

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  • 7/30/2019 Sutton 3rd Draft 041913


    Strategic MessageDevelopment Project

    Submitted by Steven Sutton

    PurposeThe following is a result ofdiscussions held at previous Groundswell meetings during whichmembers of Groundswell renewed their commitment to the goal of "maximizing messagesynchronization'.Jt is submitted for final approval at the April 24th Groundswell meeting.The purpose of this project is to improve the message development goals ofGroundswell:I. To achieve the stated goal of Grounds well to: "Maximize message synchronization",2. To develop a strategic thematic message to be used by all Groundswell members tomaximize the impact of each organization's vision, mission, projects, and issues.3. To allow for the greatest flexibility for each member organization to incorporate the themewith their individual issues.4. To integrate each organization's message into a larger thematic strategic message, making

    the whole greater than the parts. This will enable "messages" to be "synchronized" to agreater strategic theme or vision in order to be "maximized"...the stated goal ofGround swell.

    Strategic MessageWhat is needed is an umbrella thematic message under which each specific issue can bemagnified and maximized. For those familiar with it, this is an extension and development of theLeesburg Grid (which the Left has co-opted and now uses extensively, and the Right hasignored and allowed to fall into disuse).I. Failed (Obama/Liberal) Policies Make Things Worse (or Are Failing America) The policies of the Left (whether those tried byObama in particular, or the Left in general)have fact, they make the problems they address worse ...they are failing America.

    We've tried it Obamas way during his first two was a disaster. There are numerousexamples of things that have gotten worse (or are failing America) since Obama becamePresident. The American people rejected unchecked liberalism in 2010 and we should not goback to that.

  • 7/30/2019 Sutton 3rd Draft 041913


    We should not be solely focused on Obama. The battle is larger than him. At everyopportunity, we should declare (and explain how and why) liberal policies fail those they areintended to help, aswell as allAmericans/America, by making problems worse .

    Examples of Obama/liberal failures making things worse/failing America are numerous.Actual examples are the meat on the bones. It is important to give examples to makethe thematic message come alive.

    2. Values and Vision -The values and vision of the Left (as expressed by Obama) are out of stepwith mainstream America. The policies and values they (he) pursues ...their (his) vision forAmerica ...take America in the wrong direction.

    Obama promised to fundamentally change America (essentially, to make America lessAmerican). Yet his changes will destroy America as itwas founded/as it exists. His changeswill make America unrecognizable. Liberal values are extreme. Conservative values are mainstream. Conservative values are thevalues ofAmerica.

    3- Politics over leadership. Obamas blame game divides Americans ...itpits one group ofAmericans against another. Obama is a perpetual candidate who puts politics first. He puts politics ahead of America.America needs a President, not a candidate. Rather than unite Americans with leadership,Obama divides Americans with partisanship. We need to continue to drive this message ("Stop putting politics ahead of the Americanpeople. Open the White House to tours!"). We don't need courtship, we need leadership. We (the Right) have done the best job with this theme. It is why Obamas favorable ratinghas fallen and why he is now engaged in his cynical (and political) "charm offensive"

    The above three themes are best used sequentially, rather than randornly/haphazardly/isolated.Failed policies which make things worse ...the wrong values and vision for American ...playingpolitics rather than showing leadership. But ifthe situation does not allow for all three in order,one is better than none. They can also be combined ...the most potent might be "failedleadership", "afailure of leadership", or "failingAmerica". The most important thing is to think. thematically and drive these messages.


    One strength of this strategic messaging isthe flexibility to allow each coalition member to be asstrong as they wish to be within the messages above. For example, how to characterize the"failure"of liberalism or Obama iscompletely up to the person making the point. "Epic failure","disastrous failure", "the worst failure ever","failingAmerica"...the strength (or moderation) of thedetails is less important than the commitment, dedication, and uniformity of using "failure"as atheme.

  • 7/30/2019 Sutton 3rd Draft 041913



    Issues matter. Details matter. Substance matters. But theme matters more. Substance mattersonly as it helps to reinforce the themes.We all lament the difficulty we have persuading Americans. After all, we have the facts, figures,and data to prove our points. Why can't we persuade? There are many tactics we can use to helppersuade (telling stories, finding victims, tempering tone). But these tactics pale in comparisonto the importance ofproviding a context ...a theme help people organize their thoughts andopinions.In the last election, the President's campaign slogan was "Forward". Wheres the substancethere? Of course, there is none. But the substance is provided, within the context of the theme,as the tactics of the campaign play out. We must learn to do the same.


    It is not enough to be against the other side. It is important to be for something. There needs tobe a narrative ofwhat we are for, and the narrative should include telling stories offailures (ofliberalism) and successes (of conservatism).This point should be addressed during a Groundswell meeting in order to develop a plan thatthe group will work toward. This will give additional opportunities for Groundswell membersto provide substance to the American people."Being for something" isthe positive portion of message development and should be the next stepto be addressed and developed. Yet it will be important to remain within the outline of the abovemessage (Failure ...making things worse ...extreme values/vision for America ...partisanship ...lackofleadership) once this first portion is approved.


    The focus of the strategic message is not only President Obama. It is also the institutions andvision of liberalism, including the government at large. It is certainly reasonable, and in some/many/most cases advisable (because he is the embodiment and spokesperson of the largerinstitution of the federal government and liberalism) for the focus to be on President Obama andhis policies/vision/values. But the issue is certainly larger than him. That is why it is importantto have a strategic thematic message that encompasses the larger issues.The above strategic theme that awaits the approval of Groundswell does so.