sus global

 Aviva Pension Sustainable Future Global Growth S2 January2011 This should be read in conjunction with 'Your Guide to Fund Factsheets'.  Fund objective To produce long-term capital appreciation through diversified investment principall y within global equity markets. Allocations to individual markets will vary over time. Equity selections will be based on price and long term total return prospects. Limited investment in global bond markets may be made. All investments will be expected to conform to our social and environmental criteria. Past performance Source: Financial Express, performance data up to 31/12/10, bid to bid, net income reinvested.  Source: Financial Express, performance data up to 31/12/10, bid to bid, net income reinvested.  3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr Fund(%) 7.5 11.6 6.9 -4.6 15.7 Sector average(%) 10.3 19.3 15.5 7.9 26.4 Quartile rank within sector 4 4 4 4 4 Year on year performance Source: Financial Express, performance data up to 31/12/10, bid to bid, net income reinvested.  Past performance is not a guide to future performance and the value of shares may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. All performance figures shown are assuming the indicative net charge has been taken.  31/12/05 31/12/06 31/12/06 31/12/07 31/12/07 31/12/08 31/12/08 31/12/09 31/12/09 31/12/10 Fund(%) 8.2 12.1 -20.0 11.6 6.9 Sector average(%) 7.7 8.8 -24.3 23.3 15.5 Quartile rank within sector 2 1 1 4 4 Fund manager Simon Clements Manager of this fund since November2010 Fund manager report International equities climbed sharply, more than recouping losses sustained in November, as a series of stronger-than-expected economic data releases from around the world, combined with the US government ’s decision to extend tax concessions and unemployment benefits, laid to rest the notion that the US economy was poised to slide back into recession. The rally was further underpinned by loose monetary policy in the US and elsewhere which is creating ample liquidity and spurring demand for riskier asset classes such as shares. The MSCI AC World Index rose 5.4 per cent in local currencies, equivalent to 6.8 per cent in sterling terms. The rally came as a string of positive data releases on retail sales, jobless claims and GDP all pointed to a dramatic pick-up in the pace of US economic activity. News that weekly jobless claims had fallen to their lowest level since July 2008 held particular significance, as it suggested that the recovery in the country's labour market may at long last be gaining traction. Though markets faced headwinds in the form of higher bond yields and further monetary tightening in China, these factors ultimately failed to significantly dent rising optimism. Fund information (31/12/2010) Fund size £35.0m Launch date 06/04/2001 Charges see policy documentation or fund guides SEDOL 3029585 MEXID NUSFGT Benchmark MSCI World Sector Global Equities Find out more Telephone calls may be recorded for training purposes. Calls are free from BT landline. Call charges may vary from mobiles and other networks. Call: 0800 051 6275 Web:

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8/7/2019 Sus Global 1/2


Aviva Pension

Sustainable Future Global Growth S2


This should be read in conjunction with 'Your Guide to Fund Factsheets'. 

Fund objectiveTo produce long-term capital appreciation through diversified investment

principally within global equity markets. Allocations to individual markets will

vary over time. Equity selections will be based on price and long term total

return prospects. Limited investment in global bond markets may be made. All

investments will be expected to conform to our social and environmental


Past performance

Source: Financial Express, performance data up to 31/12/10, bid to bid, net incomereinvested. 

Source: Financial Express, performance data up to 31/12/10, bid to bid, net income


3m 6m 1Yr 3Yr 5Yr

Fund(%) 7.5 11.6 6.9 -4.6 15.7


10.3 19.3 15.5 7.9 26.4

Quartile rankwithin sector

4 4 4 4 4

Year on year performance

Source: Financial Express, performance data up to 31/12/10, bid to bid, net income


Past performance is not a guide to future performance and the value of sharesmay fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. All performance figures shownare assuming the indicative net charge has been taken. 






Fund(%) 8.2 12.1 -20.0 11.6 6.9


7.7 8.8 -24.3 23.3 15.5

Quartile rankwithin sector

2 1 1 4 4

Fund manager

Simon ClementsManager of this fund since November2010

Fund manager report

International equities climbed sharply, more than recouping losses sustainedin November, as a series of stronger-than-expected economic data releasesfrom around the world, combined with the US government’s decision to extendtax concessions and unemployment benefits, laid to rest the notion that the USeconomy was poised to slide back into recession. The rally was furtherunderpinned by loose monetary policy in the US and elsewhere which is

creating ample liquidity and spurring demand for riskier asset classes such asshares. The MSCI AC World Index rose 5.4 per cent in local currencies,equivalent to 6.8 per cent in sterling terms. The rally came as a string ofpositive data releases on retail sales, jobless claims and GDP all pointed to adramatic pick-up in the pace of US economic activity. News that weeklyjobless claims had fallen to their lowest level since July 2008 held particularsignificance, as it suggested that the recovery in the country's labour marketmay at long last be gaining traction. Though markets faced headwinds in theform of higher bond yields and further monetary tightening in China, thesefactors ultimately failed to significantly dent rising optimism.

Fund information (31/12/2010)

Fund size £35.0m

Launch date 06/04/2001

Charges see policy documentation or fund guides

SEDOL 3029585


Benchmark MSCI World

Sector Global Equities

Find out more

Telephone calls may be recorded for training purposes. Calls are free from BT landline. Call charges may vary

from mobiles and other networks.

Call: 0800 051 6275 Web:

8/7/2019 Sus Global 2/2


Aviva Pension

Sustainable Future Global Growth S2


Asset allocation

Source: Aviva Investors as at 31/12/2010 

International Equities 87.3%UK Equities 10.7%Cash and Equiv 2.0%Other 0.0%

Sector breakdown

Source: Aviva Investors as at 31/12/2010 

Financials 18.8%Industrials 12.6%Consumer Goods 12.0%Health Care 11.0%Consumer Services 10.4%Technology 9.9%Basic Materials 8.6%Oil and Gas 8.3%Telecommunications 4.7%Other 2.0%Utilities 1.7%

Regional allocation

Source: Aviva Investors as at 31/12/2010 

Top 10 holdings

Source: Aviva Investors as at 31/12/2010 

Market capitalisation

Source: Aviva Investors as at 31/12/2010 

Mega (> 50bn) 18.4%

Large (3bn-50bn) 74.8%

Medium (1bn-3bn) 3.1%

Small (50m-1bn) 1.3%

Micro (< 50m) 0.3%

Cash & Equiv 2.0%

Apple 2.8%

Praxair 2.7%BG Group 2.7%

CSL 2.7%

EOG Resources 2.6%

Roche Holding AG Part. Cert. 2.5%

Roper Industries 2.3%

Li & Fung 2.3%

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. ADS 2.2%

Fresenius Medical Care AG 2.2%

Risk rating 

Funds that invest in the higher risk sectors, typically emerging markets orspecific themes, offering the greatest potential for long-term returns but thehighest price fluctuations and risk to capital. 

1 2 3 4 5

Risk factors 

Source: Aviva Investors as at 31/12/2010 

Emerging Markets Yes

Smaller Companies No

High Yield Bonds No

Geared Investments No

Long Term Investments Yes

Property No

Exchange Rate Yes

Performance Charges No

Derivative Exposure No

Aviva Life Services UK Limited.Registered in England No 2403746. 2 Rougier Street, York, YO90 1UU. 

Aviva Life Services UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services  

Factsheet produced by FundsLibrary © Aviva plc