surveying practical report - cartography kevinly

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  • 8/13/2019 Surveying Practical Report - Cartography Kevinly




    Bimasena Heribowo 1206292351

    Christopher Kevinly 1206223846

    Wednesson Lawijaya 1206230593

    Date of Practicum : Friday, November 15th2013

    Practical Assistant : Danu Irawan

    Date Approved :

    Grade :

    Signature :







  • 8/13/2019 Surveying Practical Report - Cartography Kevinly


    University of Indonesia

    1 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    1. Objective of The Practical Works:This practical activity is done in order to measure the area of GK field

    and the contour of its surrounding by using geometrical data on the ground to a

    flat plane with a specific scale.

    2. Apparatus Theodolite 1 unit Pointer 4 units Umbrella 1 unit (optional) Surveying staff 1 unit Tripod 1 unit Measuring tape 1 unit Ruler 1 unit

    3. Principal TheoremCartography is a surveying activity which shows the vertical and

    horizontal aspects of the area measured. In doing Cartography, the object

    which is measured can be both natural and artificial object.

    In short, cartography can be stated as the measurement of horizontal

    and vertical aspects of a location or area which will be mapped. The

    measurement of the plane can be done by some methods; terestrical,

    photogrammetric or other methods. Terestrical method is a method which uses

    theodolite as its instrument, while photogrammetric method is done by taking

    images from the air by using airplane or balloon. Photogrammetric mapping

    cannot be done without reference which is taken by terestrical measurement,

    from setting the basic control point to scope determination.

    In this practical activity, the determination of the distance between

    points measured is exactly the same with the previous practical activities,

    which uses the following formula:

    ( )

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    University of Indonesia

    2 | C a r t o g r a p h y


    UC = Upper Crosshair

    LC = Lower Crosshair

    D = Distance measured

    While in order to determine the area of the building, the following

    formula applies:


    A = area

    L = length

    W = width

    Note that there are two methods which are used in cartography:

    1) Offset MethodIn this method, the main apparatus which are used are measuring tape and

    a geometrical shaper which is used to create prism. The offset method is

    consists of two ways:

    i. Perpendicular Line method:Detailed points which are

    projected perpendicularly

    against the ruler line AB,

    then the angles aremeasured by measuring

    aa, bb, cc and dd, the

    relative position of point a,

    b, c and d can be


  • 8/13/2019 Surveying Practical Report - Cartography Kevinly


    University of Indonesia

    3 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    ii. Interpolation Method:The detailed points are tied with straight lines on the

    measuring line. There are two methods:

    i. Interpolation of random pointsThis is done by


    random lines on

    the measuring line

    AB (point a, a,

    d, d, c and c).

    Make sure that triangle aaa, ddd, and ccc are

    equilateral triangle or isosceles triangle. By measuring the

    distance of Aa, Aa, Ad, Ad, Ac, Ac, Bc, Bc, Bd,

    Bd, Ba, Ba, aa, aa, dd, dd, cc, cc, the position of

    point a, b and c can be determined.

    ii. Side Elongation method:

    iii. Simple Trilateralization method

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    University of Indonesia

    4 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    2) Polar MethodApparatus: compass theodolite or repetition theodolite

    1. With Azimuth and distance

    2. With angles and distance

    - Angle measurement can be done from engineering principal point

    - Plane distance measurement can be done by tape or EDM

    By doing cartography, geometrical data can be gained from the

    field work. By using this geometrical data, these data will be expressed on adrawing media which possess right scaling. The drawing which is done is

    usually in form of contour map which forms contour lines. By using these

    contour lines, the field situation can be determined. This situation is based

    on the difference of height of every point.

    By definition, contour lines are lines which connect points which

    possess a same elevation. The other name of the contour line is tranches

    line. The properties of the contour line are as below:

    A contour line indicates that all elements along the line possess asame elevation.

    Contour lines are not intersecting each other and not branching. Contour lines which are densely packed indicate that the area which

    is expressed possess step elevation, while a large distance between

    the lines indicates that the plane is relatively flat.

    U shaped contour line indicates mountains back
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    University of Indonesia

    5 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    V-shaped contour line indicates a valley / canyon.

    These contour lines are used for many purposes, such as:

    Cutting and filling planning. By doing contour map, the volume ofcutting and filling works can be estimated.

    The formulas which are used in this practical activity are:

    T = (HI-CC)

    D = (UC-LC)

    ( [])

    ( [])


    T = height difference between the theodolite and the measured plane

    HI = height of instrument

    CC = Center crosshair

    D = distance between the theodolite and the measured plane

    UC = Upper crosshair

    LC = Lower crosshair

    4. Practical StepsPreparation:

    1) Make the sketch of the structure, in this case, GK field.2)

    Set the benchmark which will be used as measuring point.

    3) Prepare the apparatus which are wanted to be used4) Measure the dimension of the field by using the measuring tape.\

    Practical Activity:

    1) Setting the theodolite rightly on its first measuring point, in this case, pointA, and then measures the height of the theodolite.

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    University of Indonesia

    6 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    2) Measure the upper crosshair, the middle crosshair, the lower crosshair andthe horizontal angle of the point B, 2, 1, 4 and D from point A.

    3) Then move the theodolite to point B, and then shoot point A, 1, 2, 3, andC.

    4) Move the theodolite to point C, and then shoot point B, 2, 3 and D.5) Move the theodolite to point D, and then shoot point A, 1, 2, 3 and C

    5. Experimental Data and Data ProcessingSituation Image:

    Experimental Data:

    Theodolite at point A:




    MeasuredUC CC LC












    (Height of


    = 149.5


    B 124.2 111 98 26.14 26.2 0.23% 38.5

    2 174.3 162.5 150.8 23.9 23.5 1.67% -13

    1 156.5 154 152.5 3.23 4 23.84% -4.5

    4 163.3 156 148.5 14.9 14.8 0.67% -6.5

    D 146.3 134.2 122.5 24.18 23.8 1.57% 15.3

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    University of Indonesia

    7 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    Theodolite at Point B:





    UC CC LCDField











    (Height of


    = 119.2


    C 166.2 158.1 149.1 17.2 17.1 0.58% -38.9

    3 168.6 161 153.5 15.17 15.1 0.46% -41.8

    2 172.4 171 169.1 4.76 3.3 30.67% -51.8

    1 177.7 165 152 24.6 25.7 4.47% -45.8

    A 174 160.3 146.9 26.8 27.1 1.12% -41.1

    Theodolite at point C:




    MeasuredUC CC LC












    (Height of


    = 120.5


    D 129.2 114.1 98.9 30.6 30.3 0.98% 6.4

    3 126.3 124.4 122.4 4.06 3.9 3.94% -3.9

    2 143.2 135.7 128.1 15 15.1 0.67% -15.2

    B 93 84 74.9 17.7 18.1 2.26% 36.5

    Theodolite at Point D:




    MeasuredUC CC LC












    (Height of


    = 152.5)

    A 172.3 160.5 148.5 24.18 23.8 1.57% -8

    1 176.5 165.6 155 21.3 21.5 0.94% -13.1

    4 176.8 171.5 166.5 10.3 10.3 0.00% -19

    3 175 161 147 28.5 28 1.75% -8.5

    C 173.8 158.8 144 30.6 29.8 2.61% -6.3

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    University of Indonesia

    8 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    Horizontal angles:

    Point A


    Measured Horizontal Angle

    B 0o0000

    2 6o4655

    1 58o1335

    4 84o4550

    D 98o3315

    Point B


    MeasuredHorizontal Angle

    C 0o0000

    3 10o2715

    2 40o1830

    1 83o2950

    A 89o5215

    Point CPoint


    Horizontal Angle

    D 0o0000

    3 58o5450

    2 92o4945

    B 101o4945

    Point DPoint

    MeasuredHorizontal Angle

    A 0o


    1 5o2305

    4 20o3430

    3 63o1415

    C 69o5700

  • 8/13/2019 Surveying Practical Report - Cartography Kevinly


    University of Indonesia

    9 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    By using point A as the benchmark (point [0, 0]):

    Point Elevation


    Xn Yn

    A 0 0 0

    B 39.8 0 26.14

    C 2.1 18.53 26.46

    D 8.45 23.88 -3.78

    1 -4.5 2.74 1.71

    2 -12 3.34 23.75

    3 -0.8 15.72 23.31

    4 -4.65 14.84 1.30

    The area and the perimeter of the field is:

    A = 12.1 22 = 266.2 m2

    P = 12.12 + 222 = 68.2 m

    6. Contour MapElevation differences between lines: 4 cm

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    University of Indonesia

    10 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    7. Analysis1)Practical Analysis

    This cartography practical activity is done in order to collect the

    geometrical data on the field and then combine all the data gained into a

    drawing plane by using a certain scale. After that, the contour map of the

    area can be determined.

    The first thing which is necessary to be done is to determine the

    area which is wanted to be measured. In this practical activity, the GK

    building is chosen as the area which is measured. After deciding the area,

    draw a simple sketch which represents the area which is measured. This

    sketch will assist the practical activity and will make the measurement

    more organized. After that, set four points where the theodolite will be

    erected. Note that, if possible, each set the theodolite should be able to aim

    for all the four side of the field and three other theodolite measurement

    points. All the positions also should possess different elevations; so that

    the data which is gained can be represent the real situation on the field.

    Then the theodolite is set at point A, where the benchmark is. After

    shooting point B, 2, 1, 4 and D. The theodolite is then moved to point B. in

    point B, the theodolite is meant to measure point A, 1, 2, 3 and C. note that

    in point B, the terrain is high, so the theodolite setting took some extra

    effort. After measuring from point B, the next step is moving the

    theodolite to point C. In this point, the points which are measured are point

    B, 2, 3 and D. Point 4 cannot be measured due to the presence of a tree

    between point C and point 4. After doing the measurement at point C, the

    theodolite is then moved to point D, where it measures point C, 3, 4, 1 andA. Note that every single point which is measured, the three crosshairs and

    the horizontal angles should be noted.

    After gaining all the data which is need to be calculated, measure

    the real distances of the points which are measured before. This is done so

    that the calculation can be simplified and the relative error can be


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    University of Indonesia

    11 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    2)Result AnalysisFrom the data which is gained from the field, the contour map can

    be drawn by using the elevation data. The distance in the contour map uses

    the real distance which is gained by using the measuring tape, which is

    done in order to ensure accuracy. In this contour map, it is revealed that in

    respect to point A as the benchmark, the elevation of point B is 39.8 cm

    higher, point C is 2.1 cm higher, point D is 8.45 cm higher, point 1 is 4.5

    cm lower, point 2 is 12 cm lower, point 3 is 0.8 cm lower and point D is

    4.65 cm lower. Note that the highest point measured on the field lies on

    point B, with an elevation of 39.8 cm higher relative to point A. This result

    is proven, since the area around point B is higher than its surrounding. At

    point C and D, the distances between contour lines are a bit far, which

    indicates that the plane is relatively flat. Note that all the points on the

    field (point 1, 2, 3 and 4) are relatively lower than point A, which indicates

    that settlement had happened on the field.

    In this practical activity, the geometrical data which is gained are

    plot on Autocad software. This makes the contouring drawing can be done

    more easily. The software is also capable in calculating the area and the

    parameter of the field, which are 266.6051 m2for area and 68.2734 m for

    the parameter. This value resembles the area and the parameter which is

    manually calculated (266.2 m2for the area and 68.2 m for the parameter).

    By doing cartography, the coordinate of each points which are

    measured can also be determined. The coordinates are in respect to point A

    as the benchmark and line AB as the Y axis. Setting the AB as the Y axis

    is done in order to simplify the calculation. The coordinates are: A(0;0),B(0;26.24), C(18.53;26.46), D(23.88;-3.78), 1(2.74;1.71), 2(3.34;23.75),

    3(15.72;23.32) and 4(14.84;1.30). Note that these coordinates are gained

    from the manual measurement data by using measuring tape, not the data

    which is gained from the theodolite.

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    University of Indonesia

    12 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    3)Error AnalysisIn this practical activity, there are errors which had occurred. Some

    of the errors are quite disturbing, but the data which is gained is still

    considered usable. The relative error of this practical activity is ranging

    from 0% to 30.7%. There are several errors which are able to be identified:

    Personal ErrorThis type of error is caused by the practicants of the practical

    activity. In this cartography surveying practical activity, the most

    significant personal error was when determining the measuring

    points of the theodolite. The practicants are not aware by the

    presence of a tree between point C and 4, and the problem was

    identified a little too late, so point 4 was not measured from point C.

    The next personal error was when measuring the distances by

    the tape, the tension given by the practicants was too large, which

    may cause the tape to deform. Luckily, the deformation of the tape

    may not be significant.

    Another personal error which was done by the practicants

    was when measuring point 2 from point B and when measuring point

    1 from point A, the staff which was held was tilted, so the amount of

    error of these two measurements was high.

    Apparatus errorThe apparatus error which happened during the practical

    activity can be considered as minimum. The only problem of theapparatus which may impair the measurement was the tape which

    was used had been bended before, which shorten its measurement.

    But this problem was solved by giving extra tension when measuring

    distances with the tape

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    University of Indonesia

    13 | C a r t o g r a p h y

    Parallax errorThe parallax error is the error which caused by the

    misreading of the apparatus. The parallax error that may happen

    during this practical activity was that the theodolite was not read

    precisely, which may cause the data to be less accurate.

    8. Conclusion By doing cartography and collecting geometrical data on the field,

    the data can be expressed on a drawing plane with a certain scale.

    From the height difference of the plane, the contour map can bedrawn.

    By reading the contour map, it is known that the area around point Bis higher than the majority of the area.

    The coordinates of each points can be determined [A(0;0),B(0;26.24), C(18.53;26.46), D(23.88;-3.78), 1(2.74;1.71),

    2(3.34;23.75), 3(15.72;23.32) and 4(14.84;1.30).]

    The area and the parameter of the GK field can be determined (area:266.6051 m


    , parameter: 68.2734 m)

    9. ReferencesSurveying Practical Assistant Team.Pedoman Praktikum Ilmu Ukur

    Tanah. Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping, Faculty of Engineering,

    University of Indonesia. Depok.

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    University of Indonesia

    14 | C a r t o g r a p h y


    GK Field, seen from Point B