summer internship report final

Summer Internship Report On New Hire Analysis Submitted By - Amrsha Ghildiyal Enrollment No –A0500109058 MBA BIOTECH Class of 2009 -2011 In Partial Fullfilment of Award of Master’s Degree In Business Administration 1

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Page 1: Summer Internship Report Final

Summer Internship Report


New Hire Analysis

Submitted By -

Amrsha Ghildiyal

Enrollment No –A0500109058

MBA BIOTECH Class of 2009 -2011

In Partial Fullfilment of Award of Master’s Degree

In Business Administration


Amity Institute Of Biotechnology

Amity University Uttar Pradesh


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I Parijat Sinha, student Masters of Business Administration from

Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh hereby

declare that I have completed my Summer Internship on “New Hire

Analysis” as a part of my course requirement.

I further declare that the information presented in this project is

true and original to the best of our knowledge.

Date – 28th June Name – Amrsha


Place – Selaqui Course – MBA

BIOTECH 2009-11


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I, Dr. Chandranshu Sinha hereby certify that Parijat Sinha, student

of Masters of Business Administration at Amity Business School,

Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed Summer Internship

on “New Hire Analysis “under my guidance.

Date – 15th July, 2010


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This report on “New Hire Analysis” is entirely based on the

systems and processes at Dell Services at Noida. I have prepared

this report after a thorough analysis of the New Hiring Process and

the complete Life Cycle of a New Hire.

I would like to extend word of thanks to Ms. Ashish Kumar

(Industry Guide) who has continuous helped me to prepare this

report. She has been very flexible and has valued my efforts and

also guided me in the right direction. She has provided me her

valuable experience and the insights to the company.

I am also thankful to all the members of the SYNCOM

HEALTHCARE FAMILY who have helped in our project directly or

indirectly. They have proved to be very essential for us and their

help, support and guidance is highly value.

Amrsha Ghildiyal

MBA Biotech Class of 2009-




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Table of Contents

S: No Topic Page No.

1 Time Frame 7

  About Syncom Healthcare  

2 Introduction 8-10

  About the Industry  

5 Pharma Industry 11-13

  About the Topic  

8 Literature Review 14-16

9 Human Capital Management 17-20

10 HCM Suite 20

11 Talent Acquisition 21

12 New Hire Analysis 22

  About the Study  

13 Abstract and Problem Statement 23

14 Objectives and Parameters 24

15 Parameters Re-defined 25-27

16 Family Tree 28


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  Research Methodology -  

17 Research Design

18 Sampling Technique

19 Research Technique

20 Research Instrument

21 Scaling Technique

22 Pilot Study

23 Data Collection

24 Data Analysis

25 Interpretation

26 Analysis Report

27 Questionnaire Mapping

28 Research Design

  Data Collection -  

29 Data Collection Methodology

30 Step 2 - Online Survey

31 Data Representation

32 Step 2 - Direct Interview

33 Data Representation

34 Step 3 - Focus Group Discussion

35 Data Representation

  Data Analysis -  

36 Using SPSS

37 Analysis and Interpretation

38 Findings of the Study

39 Data Interpretation


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40 Conclusion

41 Recommendations

42 References

43 Appendix

Time Frame

“A Road Map of the Study”

Stage Duration Task

I 3rd May - 7th MayAnalysing the last year's report on

New Joiner Analysis

II 10th May - 14th MayDeciding on Abstract, Problem


III 17th May - 21st MayDeciding on Aims/ Objectives and


IV 24th May - 29th May

Research Methodology - Sample

Size, Technique, Scaling and

Research Instrument

V 31st May - 4th JuneData Collection - Telephonic


VI 7th June - 11th JuneData Collection - Telephonic


VII 14th June - 18th JuneData Collection - Focus Group


VIII 21st June - 25th June Data Representation and Analysis

IX 28th June - 2nd July Report Preparation and Presentation


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Syncom healthcare limited is a pharmaceutical company which

markets and manufactures its own products and also undertakes

contract manufacturing for various multinationals.

The products of the company are sold in OTC, GENERIC and

ETHICAL segments of domestic formulations market. The Company

is selling its formulations under its own brand name through a

nationwide marketing network spread over 26 states through a

chain of 50 distributors who in turn sell the goods to 400 appointed

stockists and 2,50,000 retailers with help of a field force of over 400

medical representatives.

With a built up area of more than 28000 Sq.ft it also includes

training cum conference room and recreation zone for the staff



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Vision & Aspirations

To achieve our Purpose and Mission, we affirm our values of Integrity, Respect for People,

Customer Focus, Community, Innovation, Teamwork, Performance, Leadership, and Quality.

We demand of ourselves and others the highest ethical

standards, and our products and processes will be of the highest


We recognize that people are the cornerstone of Syncom

Healthcare's success, we value our diversity as a source of

strength, and we are proud of Syncom Healthcare's history of

treating people with respect and dignity.


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We are deeply committed to meeting the needs of our

customers, and we constantly focus on customer satisfaction.

We play an active role in making every country and community

in which we operate a better place to live and work, knowing that

the ongoing vitality of our host nations and local communities

has a direct impact on the long-term health of our business.

Innovation is the key to improving health and sustaining Syncom

Healthcare's growth and profitability.

We know that to be a successful company we must work

together, frequently transcending organizational and

geographical boundaries to meet the changing needs of our


We strive for continuous improvement in our performance,

measuring results carefully, and ensuring that integrity and

respect for people are never compromised.

We believe that leaders empower those around them by sharing

knowledge and rewarding outstanding individual effort. Leaders

are those who step forward to achieve difficult goals, envisioning

what needs to happen and motivating others.

Social Commitments

Syncom Healthcare is involved in various projects at local level and

works with NGOs towards developmental activities. We also actively

participate in sponsoring education for children and donate

medicines and medical supplies at regular intervals.

Quality Policy


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Syncom Healthcare Limited is in the business of Healthcare since 45 years with the prime

objective to mitigate human ailments. Our relentless quest towards quality, commitment,

excellence and pride is never ending & our success has continued unabated. All the products

manufactured by us are of highest quality, safe, effective and the manufacturing operations

comply with cGMP standards. The in-built quality of the products is achieved.

Standard BMR

Best Resources

Effective cGMP

Efficient and trained Personnel

Excellent Product Design

Training Programs

Continuous Improvement

With all these factors, our commitment to quality strengthens our

conviction to provide the very best to mankind. Our march towards

perfection is continuous with the tradition of excellence in

manufacturing different formulations.

We strongly believe that the key factor for success is QUALITY and

we are committed for the same.

Pharma Industry

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is a success story providing

employment for millions and ensuring that essential drugs at

affordable prices are available to the vast population of this sub-



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Richard Gerster

Pharma industry today is in the front rank of India’s science-based

industries with wide ranging capabilities in the complex field of

drug manufacture and technology. A highly organized sector, the

Indian Pharma Industry is estimated to be worth $ 4.5 billion,

growing at about 8 to 9 percent annually. It ranks very high in the

third world, in terms of technology, quality and range of medicines

manufactured. From simple headache pills to sophisticated

antibiotics and complex cardiac compounds, almost every type of

medicine is made indigenously.

Playing a key role in promoting and sustaining development in the

vital field of medicines, Indian Pharma Industry boasts of quality

producers and many units approved by regulatory authorities in

USA and UK. International companies associated with this sector

have stimulated, assisted and spearheaded this dynamic

development in the past 53 years and helped to put India on the

pharmaceutical map of the world

The Indian Pharmaceutical sector is highly fragmented with more

than 20,000 registered units. It has expanded drastically in the last

two decades. The leading 250 pharmaceutical companies control

70% of the market with market leader holding nearly 7% of the

market share. It is an extremely fragmented market with severe

price competition and government price control.

The pharmaceutical industry in India meets around 70% of the

country's demand for bulk drugs, drug intermediates,

pharmaceutical formulations, chemicals, tablets, capsules, orals

and injectibles. There are about 250 large units and about 8000

Small Scale Units, which form the core of the pharmaceutical


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industry in India

Advantage IndiaCompetent workforce: India has a pool of personnel with high

managerial and technical competence as also skilled workforce. It

has an educated work force and English is commonly used.

Professional services are easily available.

Cost-effective chemical synthesis: Its track record of

development, particularly in the area of improved cost-beneficial

chemical synthesis for various drug molecules is excellent. It

provides a wide variety of bulk drugs and exports sophisticated bulk


Legal & Financial Framework: India has a 53 year old

democracy and hence has a solid legal framework and strong

financial markets. There is already an established

international.Industry and business community

Information & Technology: It has a good network of world-class

educational institutions and established strengths in Information


Globalisation: The country is committed to a free market

economy and globalization. Above all, it has a 70 million middle

class market, which is continuously growing.

Consolidation: For the first time in many years, the international

pharmaceutical industry is finding great opportunities in India. The

process of consolidation, which has become a generalized

phenomenon in the world pharmaceutical industry, has started

taking place in India.


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India's US$ 3.1 billion pharmaceutical industry is growing at the

rate of 14 percent per year. It is one of the largest and most

advanced among the developing countries.

Over 20,000 registered pharmaceutical manufacturers exist in the

country. The domestic pharmaceuticals industry output is expected

to exceed Rs260 billion in the financial year 2002, which accounts

for merely 1.3% of the global pharmaceutical sector. Of this, bulk

drugs will account for Rs 54 bn (21%) and formulations, the

remaining Rs 210 bn (79%). In financial year 2001, imports were Rs

20 bn while exports were Rs87 bn.


Indian companies need to attain the right product-mix for sustained

future growth. Core competencies will play an important role in

determining the future of many Indian pharmaceutical companies in

the post product-patent regime after 2005. Indian companies, in an

effort to consolidate their position, will have to increasingly look at

merger and acquisition options of either companies or products.

This would help them to offset loss of new product options, improve

their R&D efforts and improve distribution to penetrate markets.

Research and development has always taken the back seat

amongst Indian pharmaceutical companies. In order to stay

competitive in the future, Indian companies will have to refocus and

invest heavily in R&D.


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Literature Review

literature review is a body of text that aims to review

the critical points of current knowledge and or

methodological approaches on a particular topic.

Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such,

do not report any new or original experimental work.

AMost often associated with academic-oriented literature, such as

theses, a literature review usually precedes a research proposal

and results section. Its ultimate goal is to bring the reader up to

date with current literature on a topic and forms the basis for

another goal, such as future research that may be needed in the


A well-structured literature review is characterized by a logical flow

of ideas; current and relevant references with consistent,

appropriate referencing style; proper use of terminology; and an

unbiased and comprehensive view of the previous research on the



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Literature review discusses published information in a particular

subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject

area within a certain time period.

A literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources,

but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both

summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important

information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a

reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new interpretation of

old material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might

trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major

debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may

evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent

or relevant.

Whereas in this study we are trying to identify, map and measure

the variables that affect the organization development – favourably

or adversely. The researches conducted prior to this were focused

on recession and hence through this study we want to compare the

cause and effects of various parameters –

During Recession

Post Recession

During recession each of these defined parameters has a different

impact. People were opting for a job if they were given job security

rather than compensation and profile. All they wanted is a job, be it

in any sector, any profile. Whereas we can see that post recession

people have become more selective in terms of job. Now they look

for compensation, profile and employee growth. Priorities have

changed over the period of time. People have got flexibility and

huge range of choices, this is because of the large number of offers

that they have in hand.


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Hence in this study we shall be trying to cover up the aspects that

were not covered in the previous study or they have changed over

the period of time. This would help us to get a clear and recent

picture of the scenario and also tell us the market trend keeping in

mind the expectation of a new hire. The following aspects will be

included in the comparative study –

1. Current IT scenario and the market trend.

2. Number of people finally on board.

3. Various drivers within an organization –




4. Impact and influence of the following variable on the hiring

process –

Job Security


Job Profile

Employee Growth and Development

Personal Reasons


5. Further sub division of these parameters.

6. The impact of each of these variables on the efficiency of the


7. Data collection done in three stages so as to verify the

responses and prepare concrete analysis.

Therefore our aim is to conduct this research with the focus of

re-evaluating these parameters in the post recession scenario.

Also to do an in depth analysis on these pre-defined parameters.

This would give us a better and clear picture. This will help the

organization to build strategies for effective hiring.


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Human Capital Management

Organizations that fail to invest in their Human Capital and the next

generation work place environment will face erosion of products

and services as well as diminished capacity to compete globally as

a result of growing employee malaise. Global 2000 Organizations


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are now focusing more on optimal resource utilization and

productivity. A comprehensive Human Capital Management (HCM)

strategy addresses the organization’s need to measure accurately

measure and improve

Human Capital planning is a systematic process for identifying the

resource pool and its capabilities to meet organization goals and

developing the strategies to meet the requirements to

fulfil those goals. Organization Structure Planning is a continuous

process that ensures that an organization has the right Human

Capital in the right Jobs at the right time and in the right way.

HCM Planning involves -

• Systematic process that is integrated, methodical, and ongoing

• Determine the numbers and skills of needed workers and where

and when they

will be needed

• Identify the actions to be taken to attract and retain the number

and types of

workers that the organization needs

• Organizational collaboration

• Educating the staff on the behaviour and attitude towards the


Human capital refers to the stock of competences, knowledge and

personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labor so as

to produce economic value. Many early economic theories refer to it

simply as workforce, one of three factors of production, and

consider it to be a fungible resource -- homogeneous and easily

interchangeable. Other conceptions of labor dispense with these



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HCM helps enterprising companies by –

Improve productivity and reduce transaction costs

Provide secure, anywhere-anytime access to workforce


Accommodate multiple organizations, jobs, positions, and


Ensure an accurate, timely payroll while meeting tax

compliance and reporting requirements.

Human capital management system provides the core capabilities

global organizations need to manage their human resources

according to industry best practices and gain visibility into

workforce performance.

HCM includes –

Human Resources—secure role-based and web-based workforce

management, from hiring to retirement.

Benefits Administration—everything you need to manage

multiple progressive benefit plans while ensuring the security and

privacy of health data.

Flexible Spending Accounts—complete in-house tracking and

administration of flexible benefits programs.

Compensation—tools for formulating and driving corporate pay



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Payroll—comprehensive payroll and taxation administration


Managing Talent -

One of the major problems faced by many companies in today’s fast

paced market is how to grasp and retain labour that is of the best

caliber. In the highly competitive business environment, the best

talent quickly gets swept up by employers eager to strengthen the

quality and efficacy of their workers. That’s why it is important for a

company to stay on track by utilizing the best talent management

programs available.

Indeed, a successful venture will place a high priority on the

organization of labour pools and the effective regulation of human

capital resources. Not only will the company pick up the right

people to work for it, but also it will engender a sense of loyalt

among its employee.

The Costs of Human Resources Management-

In a company with thousands of employees, it is easy to lose track

of the processing costs for, say, a single time off request. But losing

track doesn’t mean the cost just goes away, and many business

leaders would be appalled to find out how much money is chipped

off their bottom line every time a simple employee transaction – like

a request for time off – goes through. Even worse yet is that this

type of cost (averaging nearly a hundred dollars per request in large

corporate settings) is practically a negligible sum when all of the

other human resources related costs are added up.

How to integrate HR Technology within an HCM environment


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Increasingly today, businesses are seeing the benefits of

automating their systems of human capital management. By

rethinking their HR software, they are finding their Human Capital

Management systems are already light years beyond what they

were in the decades prior to the Internet. Yet there continues to be

many companies lost in the archaic and mistake-prone system of

maintaining HR processes that are lack automation.

The days when a company can get by without integrating HCM

technology are long past. Due to competition generated by the

increased efficiencies of the companies plugged into HCM

technology, those who are not yet “on-line” find that their revenues

are being eaten up by the same costs that their competitors are

reinvesting to achieve an edge on their particular markets. Find out

how your company can integrate HR management software for

increased productivity in the workforce.

Maximizing Human Resource Management

In a corporate world wrought with scandal and threatened on all

sides by an often times uncertain economy, employers are

compelled more than ever to make sure that they are getting all

that they can from their workforce. Adding to the urgency of the

problem is the fact that the optimization of a workforce is a far from

simple procedure.

Human Capital Management Suite


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Talent Acquisition

“People are not your most valuable asset ... the RIGHT

people are”


“To attract the RIGHT people we need to offer them a

unique Employee Value Proposition”


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In the talent management universe, the new employee orientation

and mainstreaming process is known as “employee onboarding.”

Keeping in mind that you never get a second chance to make a first

impression, your business should make absolutely sure that new

hires feel welcomed, valued, and prepared for what lies ahead

during your new employee orientation or onboarding process.

The new onboarding process consisted of a series of learning and

on-the-job training activities delivered over a four month period.

The activities break down into the following major categories:

Manager-facilitated Training

Instructor-led Training


Job Shadowing

Manager Coaching

Talent is considered one of the most critical aspect for any

resource. As it is well said that, organizations dont hire people, they

hire talent. An effeient resource will always have the below set of

soft skills –

A – Attitude

S – Skill

K – Knowledge

Therefore any organization would ensure that they acquire the

“best among best”.


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New Hire Analysis

This is a field of research where we would be analyzing the most

significant part of - “Life Cycle of an Employee”. We would be

focussing our research on the New Hire Process. This would give us

great insights about the process and also identify the most critical

factors based on which a person joins a particular organization.

The new hire analysis is a subset of Human Capital Management

and is one of the most critical to organizations these days. The

hiring process is very exhaustive and aims to pick out the most

desired candidate among the lot. Companies are doing a lot of

research on how to invite deserving candidates. Such resources can

turn out to be critical for the business. Hence the primary objective

of the entire hiring process is to – “Find the Right Person for the

Right Job”.

The highly trained and specialised resources of the organization are

collectively known as the “Talent Pool” and companies are ready

to walk to extra mile to retain such people in business. Hence we

can see that its very important to hire the right person on the job

and in our study we would be analyzing the factors which –

1. People look for, in a Company.

2. Company looks for, in a Candidate.

Human Capital Management

Talent AcquisitionTalent



Talent Retention


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Acquiring skilled and competent talent has always been the key role

of the Talent Acquisition team in any organization. This aspect is a

very minute function under the umbrella of Human Capital

Management. This can be explained as below –

1. Human Capital Management

2. Talent Acquisition

3. New Hire On boarding

The onboarding process is a very complex and critical process as

this is the first stage when the new hire is stepping into the

organization. Every workplace comes with its own set of rules and

regulations, benefits and bonuses, nuances and traditions.

Hence it is very important for an organization to quantify the impact

of people who join and who don’t join. The latter could become a

matter of concern if it goes unchecked. In this study we would be

identifying the key factors which influence a person to join an

organization, quantify its impact and then relate it to the

Organization Enhancement.


“To acquire competent and skilled workforce – quickly and


With the growing need to hiring skilled and trained workforce,

companies are facing a lot of financial crisis. They invest a huge

amount of money into – selecting, short listing, interviewing,

training and making them ready for proficiency. Therefore it


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becomes very critical for an organization to adopt a cost effective

hiring methodology.

This study would focus on streamlining the process, critically

analyse the process and help improve employee onboarding

process across the enterprise – and unleash the potential for higher

profits. A cost effective process would not only ensure higher profits

but also acquiring the best of talent pool at reasonable cost.

Aim and Objective of the Study

1. To analyse the complete hiring process adopted at Dell.

2. To identify key factors that people look for in an organization

before they join.

3. To quantify the impact of these factors on the Organizational


4. To find out the factors why people quit organizations, mapping

these factors into

reasons why people join organization.

5. To compare the hiring scenario, pre and post acquisition process

at Dell.

Parameters for our Research

Dependent Variable

Number of people on board

Independent Variable


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Job Security

Employee Growth and Development

Job Profile



Personal Reasons

Parameters Re-defined

1. Job Security - Assurance an employee has about the

continuity of gainful employment for his or her work life. Job

security usually arises from the terms of the contract of

employment, collective bargaining agreement, or labour legislation

that prevents arbitrary termination, layoffs, and lockouts. Job

security is the probability that an individual will keep his or her job;

a job with a high level of job security is such that a person with the

job would have a small chance of becoming unemployed.

Factors affecting Job Security –

Financial Stability

Future Certainity

2. Employee Growth and Development– This could be

explained in terms of opportunities provided to an employee for his

expansion in personal and professional front. Growth opportunity is


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defined as the opportunity to invest in profitable projects.

Opportunities for growth and development help employees expand

their knowledge, skills and abilities, and apply the competencies

they have gained to new situations. The opportunity to gain new

skills and experiences can increase employee motivation and job

satisfaction and help workers more effectively manage job stress.

By providing opportunities for growth and development,

organizations can improve the quality of their employees’ work

experience and realize the benefits of developing workers to their

full potential.

Factors affecting Employee Growth and Development –

Training and Development

Equal Employment Opportunities

Career Development

Advancement Opportunities

3. Job Profile - Job profile is the gist of information about the job

for which there is a vacancy. The skills and competencies required

for carrying out that job, the challenges and deliverables of the job

and Key Performance Indicators thereto will be mentioned in the

job profile. A job description is a list of the general tasks, or

functions, and responsibilities of a position.

Typically, it also includes to whom the position reports,

specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the

job, salary range for the position, etc. The analysis looks at the

areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job. Note that a role is

the set of responsibilities or expected results associated with a job.

A job usually includes several roles. The job description might be

broadened to form a person specification.


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Factors Affecting Job Profile –




4. Brand - Brand management is the application of marketing

techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to

increase a product's perceived value to the customer and thereby

increase brand franchise and brand equity. Corporate branding can

result in significant economies of scope since one advertising

campaign can be used for several products. It also facilitates new

product acceptance because potential buyers are already familiar

with the name.

Companies devote huge budgets to brand products and services

externally however; the value of internal branding with employees

and other internal constituents is a huge factor in businees.

Company branding is key to reputation management and building a

brand begins on the inside, boosting employee satisfaction and

productivity with internal communications.

Factors affecting Brand–

Internal/ in – house Branding – Employee Satisfaction,

Engagement, Loyalty

External Branding – Customer Perception, Loyalty, Awareness

5. Compensation - Remuneration, such as a wage or salary to

pay people for their work. Compensation is a systematic approach

to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work

performed. Compensation provided to employees can direct in the


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form of monetary benefits and/or indirect in the form of non-

monetary benefits known as perks, time off, etc.

Compensation does not include only salary but it is the sum total of

all rewards and allowances provided to the employees in return for

their services. If the compensation offered is effectively managed, it

contributes to high organizational productivity. Compensation is a

key factor in attracting and keeping the best employees and

ensuring that organization has the competitive edge in an

increasingly competitive world.

Factors affecting Compensation –

Salary and Wages



6. Personal Reasons – These could be defined as the reasons

that vary with individuals and an organization can not cater to

individual needs and preferences. Company adopts a policy that is

in sync with the organizational development keeping in mind the

consensus. Personal reasons are the factors that are beyond the

control limits of the organization. Such reasons generally relate to

the personal life of an employee. Hence we can see that personal

reasons are private issues and concerns of a person which affect his

joining an organization.

Factors affecting Personal Reasons are –

Location – Distance and Commutation




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Research Methodology –

Research can be termed as a voyage of discovery, movement from

unknown to known. An attitude, an experience, a method of critical

Number of People on Board

Job Security

Employee Growth and Development

Job Profile



Personal Reasons

Financial Stability Future Certainity

Training and Development

Career Development

On Site Opportunities

Task Duties Responsibilities

Internal External

Salary and Wages Benefits Allowances

Location Family


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thinking. Its an art of scientific thinking, moreover its a systematic

approach to define a problem and reach to a problem solving state.

An effective research has following components –

1. Research Design – Design is the structure of any scientific

work. It gives direction and approach to research. We can have

either Quantitative or Qualitative Research. Here we would be

conducting a Quantitative Research.

2. Sampling Technique – Refers to selection of an unbiased

or random subset of individual observations within the population.

Sampling technique could be Probability or Non Probability

Sampling. Under Probability Sampling Technique we would deploy

Stratified Sampling as we would be targeting people from different

levels in an organization.


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3. Research Technique – Research technique is defined as

the framework which will be adopted in order to carry out the

research. There are two types of techniques available – Exploratory

and Conclusive. Here we would be adopting the Conclusive

Research Technique as the problem has been identified and now we

would be concluding its impact on the Organization Development.


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4. Research Instrument – Instrument is referred as the

process indicator which would measure our objectives. Here we

would be using a set of questionnaire which would comprise of a set

of 10 questions.

5. Scaling Technique – Scaling is a method of transforming

attributes (qualitative) into variables (quantitative). The various

scales available are – Comparative and Non Comparative. We

would be designing our instrument in such a way that it has an

effective mix and blend of both of these scales.


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6. Pilot Study – Testing the study before Launching. It is the

preliminary analysis before we conduct the complete and

exhaustive research. Pilot study is conducted to check the feasibility

of the study and identify the potential flaws that might be

encountered during the research. It can reveal deficiencies in the

design and technique which might be crucial in the implementation

stage. Hence it is called a preventive measure which might identify

major loop holes in our study.

7. Data Collection – This technique allows us to systematically

collect information about our subjects of study. Data can we

collected via – Primary Data and Secondary Data Collection

methods. Here in our study we would be collecting data directly

from the respondents as well as the data collected previously.

Therefore the method would be Primary and Secondary.

8. Data Analysis – It is the process of Inspecting, Cleaning,

Transforming and Modelling data with the goal of highlighting

useful information, suggesting conclusions and eventually support


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decision making. Here we would be using the analytical software

SPSS, which would help us to analyse the data in terms of –

Correlation, Regression, Reliability and Validity.

9. Interpretation of Results – This step would help us to

relate the data analysis scores to our study. This step would help us

to interpret the statistical finding to our research. It’s a stage where

our research objectives are mapped to the research findings.

10. Analysis Report – This is the final stage in a research

study which summarises the finding and also provides

recommendations in terms of making the process more effective

and efficient. This report would provide a more concrete judgement

and provide a better and clear picture of the research topic, explain

in quantifiable terms and provide a final outcome.


Page 38: Summer Internship Report Final

Questionnaire Mapping –

S:No Question Parameter


Important reasons for joining

Syncom Services -

Reasons for

Choosing Syncom

Job Security

Growth and Development

Job Profile



Personal Reasons


According to me, Job Security is

related with –

Job Security

Consistent return in terms

of money

Assurity in terms of


Both of them

None, please specify


By employee Growth and

Development , I mean –

Employee Growth

and Development

Learning and Development

Career Growth

Onsite Opportunities

All of them

Other, please specify

4 My decision to join Syncom

healthcare is influenced by -


The feedback from

employees within the


Page 39: Summer Internship Report Final


Company’s image in the



Others, please specify


Provided with equally good offers,

I would take the decision

considering- Personal Reasons

Family Constraint

Location Constraint


Other, please specify


The Channel I have been hired

through –




Walk In

Web Portal

Other, please specify

7 Please rate the following reasons,

for leaving your previous

organization -

Reasons for


Excessive Work Pressure 

Lack of Rewards &


Page 40: Summer Internship Report Final


Poor Work Culture

Immediate Manager/



Growth Stagnation


Offers in hand at the time of

leaving the previous organization.

No of offers





More than 3


Did you receive counter offer

from the previous organization?Counter Offer




In what terms is the present offer

at Dell Services is better than the

counter offer from previous


Comparison of



Page 41: Summer Internship Report Final

Research DesignThis research study understands the mind set of the people who

want to join an organization. This study aims to identify and

measure concrete parameters for a new hire.

This the most important aspect of the research where in we have

collected the primary data from the respondents through –

Step 1 - Online Survey

Step 2 - Direct Interview

Step 3 - Focus Group Discussion

A descriptive research design was adopted in this study to analyze

the perception of the new hire in an organization. The research

went under a systematic process of finding out the potential

positive factors that support new hire analysis in these


By analyzing the responses achieved through questionnaires.

Sampling Technique – Non Probability Sampling

Sample Size – 250 Employees


Page 42: Summer Internship Report Final

Research Tools and Techniques – The research tool taken

into consideration for this study is a structured questionnaire that

has been designed carefully to minimise the ambiguity and

generate the responses from the executives and technical labour

employees. This questionnaire aims at studying the factors

contributing to the new hire analysis.This questionnaire contains the

following dimensions –

1. Job Security

2. Job Profile

3. Compensation

4. Employee Growth and Development

5. Brand

6. Personal Reasons

Scaling Technique – A Likert and Ranking scale is used in this

study have been used to give us a much clear picture. In likert

scale, the respondents are required to indicate a degree of

agreement or disagreement with each of the series of statements

about the factors undertaken. Whereas in the Ranking Scale the

respondents are asked to rate the variables of the study in the

order of their preference.

Data collection has been primary and all the information thereby

collected has been analyzed using Non Parametric Tests.


Page 43: Summer Internship Report Final

Data Collection

Data collection is considered the most important aspect of


Step 1 – Online Survey

Step 2 – Direct Interview/ Telephonic Round

Step 3 – Focus Group Discussion

Step 1 – Survey Questionnaire

Online Survey - Is a set of 10 questions which are designed online

using the application Google Docs. These questions were a

combination of Ranking and Likert scale questions. The online

survey is designed and sent across to all the respondents and the

survey was available for 2 weeks. This survey would help us to form

a much bigger picture on why people switch over organizations. The

questions were designed in such a way that it would broadly


Page 44: Summer Internship Report Final

categorize the parameters and gives us an insight about the

psychology of a new hire.

Step 2 – Direct Interview

Direct Interview – Is the second phase of data collection where we

wanted to gather some in depth information about why people

chose the parameters from our research. This was done over the

phone and we interviewed them at a suitable time where in they

gave us some more insights about their viewpoints. This step

proved to be very crucial because –

1. The information gathered here was very exhaustive

2. Response rate was 250 out of 317 i.e. 80%

3. Got information that was not covered in the Online Survey

Direct interview was a phone call of approx 5 min where the

interviewer asked certain predefined questions and wanted to seek

Data Collection

Phase I

Online Survey

Overview of the Parameters as

understood by the new Hire


Output of Phase I

Output of Phase I

Outcome of Phase I -

Employee Growth and Development is the main reason for joining an organization.

Job Profile is the second most important criteria.

Brand is the Scaling Technique – A Likert and Ranking scale is used in this study have been used to give us a much clear picture. In likert scale, the

Output from Phase I

Output from Phase I

Page 45: Summer Internship Report Final

information as to why they chose a particular parameter. Also this

step was helpful in collating the general feedback/ concerns of a

new hire.

Step 3 – Focus Group Discussion

Focus Group Discussion – Is the third and final step in data

collection. Here we have collected the information from the

respondents and have formed groups based on their preferences.

People from Noida and Bangalore location were short listed for

focus group discussion. People with the same preferences were

clubbed together so as they can give us some more insight about

the parameters. The same parameter might mean different things

to different individuals and hence the sole motive of conducting the

Focus Group Discussion was to reach to consensus among the


Data Collection

Phase II

Direct Interview

Further in-depth analysis of why a

person chose those parameters


Output of Phase II

Output of Phase II

Outcome of Phase II -

AS Vertical (87%) has the majority of the new hires in the company.

Majority of the new hires (51%) are from 2 – 4 years of experience.

Majority of the sample size (58%) are from the Bangalore site

Page 46: Summer Internship Report Final

Groups were formed from various strata of the company i.e. we had

people from various levels and various locations. This would help us

to incorporate a more detailed picture of the parameters. We played

role of the moderators and consolidated the inputs from the people

within the group. After the discussion we formed the Tipping Point

of the discussion and established the link between the results from

Phase I, II and III.

Establishing Links Between Phase I, II & III

Data Collection

Phase III

Focus Group Discussion

Consensus of the People with similar



Output from Phase II

Output from Phase II

Consolidated outcome of

Phase I, II& III

Consolidated outcome of

Phase I, II& III

Outcome of Phase III -

Adaptation of the effective training programs could lead to better Employee Growth.

Job Rotation and more on – site opportunities are important for better Profile.

Internal and External image of the company would lead to better brand building.

Page 47: Summer Internship Report Final

Relevance of Three Phases of Data Collection –

In this step we can correlate the results from Phase I, II and III.

Through these steps of data collection we have measured various

Online Interview

Phase I

Direct Interview

Phase II

Focus Group Discussion

Phase III


Results from Online Interview

Results from Direct Interview

Results from Focus Group Discussion

Linking all these results to get a concrete inference which would help us to quantify the variables

of the study

Page 48: Summer Internship Report Final

levels of the parameters of the study. Below are the key finding of

these steps –

Step I – Online Questionnaire

Employee Growth and Development is the main reason for

joining an organization.

Job Profile is the second most important criteria.

Brand is the third most important criteria for joining an


Step II – Direct Interview

AS Vertical (87%) has the majority of the new hires in the


Majority of the new hires (51%) are from 2 – 4 years of


Majority of the sample size (58%) are from the Bangalore site.

Step III – Focus Group Discussion

Adaptation of the effective training programs could lead to

better Employee Growth.

Job Rotation and more on – site opportunities are important

for better Profile.

Internal and External image of the company would lead to

better brand building.

This means that overall the majority of the new hires are having the

experience of 2 -4 years and for them Employee Growth and

Development is the most important factor. Among the two verticals

at Dell Services, AS Vertical employes majority of the new hires. The

company should ensure that regular trainings and development

programs are provided to the employees. Frequent rotation of jobs


Page 49: Summer Internship Report Final

and job re – engineering would help to add new dimensions to the

current jon and thereby increasing the motivation of the employees.

Step 1 – Survey Questionnaire

The second stage of the data collection was through the survey

questionnaire. This survey was designed in such a way that it gives

a short and precise feedback of the employee. Questionnaire has

the following features –

Web based questionnaire

Easy to interpret and easy to understand

Followed KISS – Keep It Short & Simple

Set of 10 questions, objective in nature

Combination of Likert and Nominal Scaling Techniques

Following are the guidelines for an effective questionnaire –

1. A good questionnaire should engage the respondent from the

start. Technically, the quality of data depends entirely on

respondent engagement and interest in the subject matter.

Boredom, irrelevance, and questioning that are outside their frame

of reference are likely to lead to poor data.

2. In addition, justice should be done to the knowledge and agenda

of the respondent. Researchers should consider how the respondent

would feel not only at the start of the interview, but during it, and

when they have finished. How will they react - will they be willing to

help - the next time they are asked to take part in a research


3. There are occasions on which the research design requires the

precise purpose of the research to be disguised. In such cases, the


Page 50: Summer Internship Report Final

introduction need not explain the precise objectives of the research,

but must honestly explain the broad subject matter.

4. The subject of the interview should be described as precisely as

possible and be compatible with the objectives of the study. If any

sensitive data is to be collected this must be made clear to the

respondent at the time when co-operation is sought.

5. The objectives of a research project do not give the researcher a

right to intrude on

privacy or abandon normal respect for an individual’s values. This

means that sensitive questioning/subjects must be particularly

carefully handled. These could be those that are –

Sensitive to everyone because of the subject matter

Sensitive to a particular individual because of that

individual’s past history, although it could be difficult to

know this in advance.

6. Four major issues are known to impact negatively on both quality

of data collected and respondents’ attitude towards research. These

are –

Excessively lengthy questionnaires

Repetitive questioning.

Insufficient opportunity for respondents to have their say

7. Lengthy interviews can impact on response rates and hence

representation of the sample. Repetitive questions can negatively

affect the respondent’s willingness to be interviewed in the future

and hence adversely affect future response rates.


Page 51: Summer Internship Report Final

8. Respondents should feel that justice has been done to their

knowledge within the

confines of the questionnaire or subject matter. This may involve

compromise on the

part of the researcher.

9. It should also be acknowledged that for the majority of

respondents some subjects (holidays or cars for example) are likely

to be of more interest than others (household appliances or

financial services for example). Researchers should take account of

this and make particular efforts when dealing with more

problematic topics.

10. A questionnaire designed for one interview methodology may

need to be amended to be effective in another channel. However,

researchers should be aware that it may also lead to different

answers across channels if adequate care is not taken.

Online Survey Results

1. Important reasons for joining Syncom healthcare

- Job Security

Options No %



18 21



45 52



20 23


Disagree 2 2%



1 1% 51

Page 52: Summer Internship Report Final

2. Important reasons for joining Syncom healthcare

- Growth and Development

Options No %



37 43%

Agree 43 49%

Neutral 6 7%

Disagree 0 0%



0 0%


Page 53: Summer Internship Report Final

3. Important reasons for joining Syncom healthcare

- Job Profile

4. Important reasons for

joining Syncom healthcare -


Options No %



28 32



46 53



12 14


Disagree 0 0%



0 0%

Options No %



43 49



38 44


Neutral 4 5%

Disagree 0 0%



1 1%


Page 54: Summer Internship Report Final

5. Important reasons for joining Syncom healthcare

– Compensation

Options No %



13 15



52 60



18 21


Disagree 3 3%



0 0%


Page 55: Summer Internship Report Final

6. Important reasons for joining Syncom healthcare

- Personal Reasons

Options No %



11 13



28 33



24 28



18 21




5 6%


Page 56: Summer Internship Report Final

7. According to me, job security is concerned with –

8. By employee growth and development I mean –

Options No %


return in

terms of


1 1%

Assurity in

terms of


22 25%

Both of

them62 71%

Others 2 2%


Page 57: Summer Internship Report Final

9. Important reasons for leaving your previous

organization - Excessive Work Pressure –

Options No %





8 9%




15 17%




1 1%

All of them 62 72%

Other 0 0%


Page 58: Summer Internship Report Final

10. Important reasons for leaving your previous

organization - Lack of recognition –

Options No %



1 1%

Important 13 15%

Don't Know 10 11%

Not so


36 41%

Not at all


26 30%

Options No %



9 10%

Important 19 22%

Don't Know 12 14%

Not so


23 26%

Not at all


23 26%58

Page 59: Summer Internship Report Final

11. Important reasons for leaving your previous

organization - Poor work culture –

12. Important reasons for leaving your previous

organization - Immediate Manager/ Leadership –

Options No %



8 9%

Important 22 25%

Don't Know 10 11%

Not so


23 26%

Not at all


23 26%


Page 60: Summer Internship Report Final

13. Important reasons for leaving your previous

organization – Compensation –

Options No %



8 9%

Important 22 25%

Don't Know 10 11%

Not so


23 26%

Not at all


23 26%


Page 61: Summer Internship Report Final

14. Important reasons for leaving your previous

organization - Growth Stagnation –

Options No %



18 21%

Important 49 56%

Don't Know 3 3%

Not so


7 8%

Not at all


9 10%


Page 62: Summer Internship Report Final

15. My decision to join Syncom healthcare is

influenced by –

Options No %



33 38%

Important 46 53%

Don't Know 1 1%

Not so


2 2%

Not at all


4 5%

Options No %





within the


33 38%


image in the


46 53%

Both of


1 1%

Other 2 2%


Page 63: Summer Internship Report Final

16. Provided with equally good offers, I would take

the decision considering –

17. I have come through –

Options No %



15 17%



17 20%

Both of


49 56%

Other 6 7%


Page 64: Summer Internship Report Final

18. Offers received from other organizations, while leaving

the previous organization –

Options No %

Referral 29 33%

Consultancy 14 16%

Walk-In 12 14%

Web Portal 23 26%

Others 9 10%

Options No %

0 9 10%

1 24 28%

2 30 34%

3 9 10%

>3 15 17%


Page 65: Summer Internship Report Final

19. Did you receive counter offer from the previous


20. Gender Distribution –

Options No %

Yes 47 54%

No 40 46%


Page 66: Summer Internship Report Final

21. Number of daily responses –

Step 2 – Direct Interview

Options No %

Male 71 82%

Female 16 18%










Page 67: Summer Internship Report Final

The first stage involved interviewing all the new recruits in the

company. These interviews were conducted either by calling the

respondent directly and seeking information. If the respondent was

not available at that time, we took an appointment and called them

at the time suitable for them. Such round of telephonic conversation

was aimed at seeking an insight about the organization. This

interaction would give us a detailed feedback about the people and

processes within the system.

Since questionnaire can not be very elaborate, we used direct

interview as a primary mode of collecting data. Talking to the

respondent directly we can gather a lot of information that can not

be collected otherwise. While interviewing people, we had prepared

an outline on what kind of questions we shall ask. Moreover other

questions were dependent on the response of the interviewee.

Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a

participant’s experience. The interviewer can pursue in-depth

information about the topic. They are far more personal form of

research than questionnaires. In personal interview, the interviewer

works directly with the respondent unlike the mail surveys, the

interviewer has the opportunity to probe or ask in depth questions.

We got a database of 474 new hires from Jan 2010 – May 2010.

We divided this database into two parts –

Information that we had

Information that we had to collect


Page 68: Summer Internship Report Final

Data We Had Data We Wanted to Collect

Name Domain Expertise

Ecode H/RH

Date of Offer Previous Organization

Date of Joining Duration

Present Location Reasons for Choosing Dell

Permanent Location % Hike

Vertical Source

Project Name Referral Name

Skill Rate the Parameters

Band Reasons for Leaving an Org

T. Exp Other Comments 

Exp. Required  

Email Address  


Apart from this, the main focus of our study was to understand –

Why people leave organization

Why people choose Dell Services

Guidelines for conducting an Interview –

Choose a setting with little distraction. Avoid loud lights or

noises, ensure the interviewee is comfortable.

Explain the purpose of the interview.

Address terms of confidentiality.

Explain the format of the interview.

Explain the type of interview you are conducting and its


Indicate how long the interview usually takes.


Page 69: Summer Internship Report Final

Tell them how to get in touch with you later if they want to.

Ask them if they have any questions before you both get

started with the interview.

Don't count on your memory to recall their answers. Ask for

permission to record the interview or take notes.

Types of Topics in Questions –

During an interview we can ask six kinds of questions. One can ask

questions about -

1. Behaviours - about what a person has done or is doing

2. Opinions/values - about what a person thinks about a topic

3. Feelings - note that respondents sometimes respond with "I

think ..." so be careful to note that you're looking for feelings

4. Knowledge - to get facts about a topic

5. Sensory - about what people have seen, touched, heard,

tasted or smelled

6. Background/demographics - standard background questions,

such as age, education, etc.

Sequence of Questions -

1. Get the respondents involved in the interview as soon as


2. Before asking about controversial matters (such as feelings

and conclusions), first ask about some facts. With this

approach, respondents can more easily engage in the

interview before warming up to more personal matters.

3. Intersperse fact-based questions throughout the interview to

avoid long lists of fact-based questions, which tends to leave

respondents disengaged.


Page 70: Summer Internship Report Final

4. Ask questions about the present before questions about the

past or future. It's usually easier for them to talk about the

present and then work into the past or future.

5. The last questions might be to allow respondents to provide

any other information they prefer to add and their

impressions of the interview.

Wording of Questions

1. Wording should be open-ended. Respondents should be able

to choose their own terms when answering questions.

2. Questions should be as neutral as possible. Avoid wording

that might influence answers, e.g., evocative, judgmental


3. Questions should be asked one at a time.

4. Questions should be worded clearly. This includes knowing

any terms particular to the program or the respondents'


5. Be careful asking "why" questions. This type of question infers

a cause-effect relationship that may not truly exist. These

questions may also cause respondents to feel defensive, e.g.,

that they have to justify their response, which may inhibit

their responses to this and future questions.

Conducting Interview -

1. Occasionally verify the tape recorder (if used) is working.

2. Ask one question at a time.

3. Attempt to remain as neutral as possible. That is, don't show

strong emotional reactions to their responses.

4. Encourage responses with occasional nods of the head, "uh

huh"s, etc.


Page 71: Summer Internship Report Final

5. Be careful about the appearance when note taking. That is, if

you jump to take a note, it may appear as if you're surprised

or very pleased about an answer, which may influence

answers to future questions.

6. Provide transition between major topics, e.g., "we've been

talking about (some topic) and now I'd like to move on to

(another topic)."

7. Don't lose control of the interview. This can occur when

respondents stray to another topic, take so long to answer a

question that times begins to run out, or even begin asking

questions to the interviewer.

Interview Questions –

Direct Interview was conducted post the online survey. This

interview was scheduled to gather the ranking of the parameters.

Apart from the other information gathered, below are the list of

questions that were asked to the respondents –

Rank the following parameters in the order of their preference on a

scale of 1 – 6 (1 being the most important and 6 being least


1. Job Security

2. Employee Growth and Development

3. Compensation

4. Brand

5. Job Profile

6. Personal Reasons

Following is the break up of the sample size used in

our study –


Page 72: Summer Internship Report Final

Telephonic Interview

Total Population 474

Not Interested 42

Number does not exist 37

Switched Off 44

People who Quit 34

Actual Sample Size 317

Total Sample Size 317

Total People Responded 250

Not Responded 67

No Response 43

Off Site 24

Total 67

Graphical Representation of the Sample –


Page 73: Summer Internship Report Final

Bar Diagram


Vertical Wise Distribution –


Page 74: Summer Internship Report Final

Bar Diagram

Pie Chart


Bar Diagram Pie Chart


Page 75: Summer Internship Report Final

Feedback or concern

Bar Diagram Pie Chart


Page 76: Summer Internship Report Final

Step 3 – Focus Group Discussion

A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of

people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and

attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea,

or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting

where participants are free to talk with other group members.

The purpose of focus group discussions is to gain knowledge about

a particular topic or need by interviewing a group of people directly

affected by the issue. Focus group data can be used to collect

information for many purposes, such as conducting a needs

assessment or evaluating a program.

In a focus group discussion, people from similar backgrounds or

experiences are brought together to discuss a specific topic of

interest to the investigator.

Homogeneous samples are preferred because mixing age/ gender

groups may inhibit some people, especially women, from expressing

their views.

Procedure -

Identify suitable discussion participants and invite a small

group to a meeting at an agreed place and time. The ideal

number of participants is six to eight.


Page 77: Summer Internship Report Final

Be mentally prepared for the session; you will need to remain

alert to be able to observe, listen, and keep the discussion on

track for a period of one to two hours.

Make sure you arrive at the agreed place before the

participants, and be ready to greet them.

Maintain a neutral attitude and appearance, and do not start

talking about the topic of interest before the official opening

of the group discussion.

Begin by introducing yourself and your team and ask

participants to introduce themselves.

Explain clearly that the purpose of the discussion is to find out

what people think about the practices or activities depicted by

the pictures. Tell them that you are not looking for any right

or wrong answer but that you want to learn what each

participant's views are. It must be made clear to all

participants that their views will be valued.

Bring the discussion to a close when you feel the topic has

been exhausted, and do not let the group discussion

degenerate into smaller discussions.

Be sincere in expressing your thanks to the participants for

their contributions.

Purpose -

To get in depth information on the parameters of the study.

To explore meanings of survey findings that cannot be

explained statistically.

To understand the common psyche of people regarding a

specific parameter.

To understand the needs and expectations of the people as a


To reach to a common consensus to a variable that they



Page 78: Summer Internship Report Final

Approach Followed –

We had 117 new associates that we had selected for Focus Group

Discussion. All of these employees were covered by the Telephonic

Interview Round and Survey Questionnaire. This was the concluding

part of the Data Collection where we would be taking some inputs

from the employee regarding his preferences.

We formed 6 groups according to the six parameters of our

research and clubbed these 117 employees under these groups.

The main idea behind conducting Focus Group Discussion was to

get the responses from whole of the group on a common topic of

concern. Also this GD aims at concluding a concrete point which will

be agreed by the whole group.

This discussion was arranged so that we can cover up certain points

that could not be covered through Telephonic Interview and Online


Following are the Group Details and their


Group 1 – Brand

Date 15th June 2010

Venue Selaqui, tower 1

Sample Size 5


Page 79: Summer Internship Report Final

Time 11 - 11:30 am

Participants Band % Hike Location

Ashish Sanwal C1 40 Selaqui

Harish Moyal B2 50 Selaqui

Medha Gupta B2 60 Selaqui

N. Akbar Basha C1 60 Selaqui

Niranjan Das C1 50 Selaqui

Transcriptions -

For them Brand means - Image of the company.

Couple of them did not have choice of offers and that’s why

they joined Syncom.

Considering offers from the equally good companies, they

would select on the basis of Profile.

In terms of conflict between internal and external branding -

most of them agreed to take their own decision based on their

opinion even if their friends don’t agree to it.

Group also raised the concern regarding Transport and

Cafeteria as they play an important role in creating a brand


Most of them got 30% hike in their salary, but despite of the

same %hike, they chose Syncom over other org. because of

the brand.

According to them, brand is formed by awareness at the local

and international level.

All of them had this perception that if its a good brand, it

would pay substantially.

Theme -


Page 80: Summer Internship Report Final

For this group, Brand is the most decisive factor keeping

other things constant.

Internal and External Branding play an important role in

establishing the Image of the Product.


Page 81: Summer Internship Report Final

Group 2 – Compensation


17th June





Sample Size 8

Time 2:30 - 3 pm

Participants Location Band % Hike

Bhaskar Sati C Selaqui B2 100

Deepak Newar Selaqui C1 50

Jyoti Kalesh Thakur Selaqui C1 35

Nippun Punj Selaqui B1 40

Gargi Singh Selaqui B2 50

Kavita Sikka Selaqui B2 30

Manohar Ronda

Reddy Selaqui B2 45

Sreejith Moothedath Selaqui B2 25

Transcriptions -

For them Compensation means - The percentage of take

home and other fringe benefits like Food Coupons.

Compensation is the most vital among all the reasons that

motivate a person to join an organization.

Most of them agreed compensation clubbed with location

affects the joining decision.

They expect the organization to be fair and transparent in

terms of appraisal.

However all of them agreed that the compensation they got

at Syncom is at par with the industry standards.


Page 82: Summer Internship Report Final

Various allowances and benefits provided by the organization

help an employee to save tax as well.

Insurance policies and other saving schemes make the

compensation a 'complete and attractive' package.

Reimbursements as per the band level is also satisfactory.

Theme -

For this group, compensation primarily means take home,

although the other additional benefits help save tax. A more

attractive pay package and better components of the

Compensation can attract more employees.


Page 83: Summer Internship Report Final

Group 3 – Employee Growth & Development

Date 15th June 2010

Venue Tower 1, LH3

Sample Size 6

Time 2:30 - 3 pm

Participants Band % Hike Location

Atul Srivastava B2 40 Selaqui

Biswa Prakash Rath B2 20 Selaqui

Dhiraj Kumar Mishra C1 45 Selaqui

Geetika Gandhi B2 30 Selaqui

Krishna M Agarwal B2 30 Selaqui

Suresh Konka B2 30 Selaqui

Transcriptions -

For them EGD means - Training programs, specialized domain

activities and technological advancements.

Brand does not matter provided good growth and

development opportunities.

Incase of budget constraint, companies can provide in house



Page 84: Summer Internship Report Final

Career advancement can be related to DAP - Degree

Assistance Program.

Trainings provided by the SME can be more effective.

Most of them link onsite opportunities to EGD.

Recreation and Work Life Balance plays an important role in

the employee growth.

Theme -

For this group, EGD can be achieved through deploying

more effective training programs and adaptation to the

latest technological advancement. Adaptation of the new

trends in the market will give the company a Competitive



Page 85: Summer Internship Report Final

Group 4 – Job Profile

Date 16th June 2010


Selaqui, tower


Sample Size 6

Time 11 - 11:30 am

Participants Band % Hike Location

Pramod Dutt Pant D1 35 Selaqui

Salil Goel B1 30 Selaqui

Saurabh Kaushik C1 22 Selaqui

Saurabh Rohilla B1 15 – 20 Selaqui

Umair Ahmed

Farooqui C1 15 - 20 Selaqui

Vijay Mahawar B2 40 Selaqui


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Transcriptions -

For them Job Profile means - good projects as per their


Most of them agreed that profile has a direct impact on

employee satisfaction.

Along with the productive tasks, support of team mates

enhances the performance. This group believes that duties

pertain to accomplishment of certain tasks, meeting deadlines

and following norms.

Responsibilities for them means, fulfilling the expectation.

Job profile is important for employee engagement as well and

shape their career path in long run.

Working on the same profile for too long leads to stagnation.

Theme -

For this group, Profile means day to day processing and is

very critical aspect for employee satisfaction and retention.

Providing frequent opportunities for Job Change and picking

up projects of your choice would induce more motivation for

a person to join the organization.


Page 87: Summer Internship Report Final

Group 5 – Job Security

Date 17th June 2010




Sample Size 11

Time 3:30 - 4 pm

Participants Location Band % Hike

Anupam Srivastava Selaqui B1 30

Deependra Mishra Selaqui B2 25

Kuldeep Singh Selaqui B1 40


Page 88: Summer Internship Report Final

Mrinal Saxena Selaqui B2 27

Harsha Venkatarama

Hedge Selaqui B2 38

Kalyan Kumar Reddy P Selaqui B1 45

Krishnaiah Gothala Selaqui C1 10

Riyas Ibrahimkutty AK Selaqui B2 30

Sam Deepak AL Selaqui B2 60

Venkatesh G.S. Selaqui C1 100

Vikram Sahadev Ram Selaqui B2 50

Transcriptions -

For them Job Security means - Consistent rate of return in

terms of money and employement opportunities.

Job security refers to the stability in the employment and

place within an organization.

This group beleieves that job security is dependent on


In times of recesssion a person would compromise on all other

factors as he just needs a job.

In times of expansion and growth, people have more offers in

hand and thereby they feel more secure.

Security can have a direct impact on employee satisfaction

and retention.

Jobs in PSU's are considered secure than the private sectors,

although we need to take risk for growth and development.

Theme -

For this group, secure jobs would directly influence the

employee's well being. An employee would prefer to settle

down for less compensation if the employer provides him

Job Security.


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Group 6 – Personal Reasons


16th June




tower 1

Sample Size 6

Time 2:30 - 3 PM


Page 90: Summer Internship Report Final

Participants Band % Hike Location

Dhirendra Kumar B1 60 Selaqui

Kapil Mohan

Gupta B2 65 Selaqui

Mansi Nanchahal B1 45 Selaqui

Seemaa Singh B1 40 Selaqui

Surjeet Thakur D1 0 Selaqui

Vimlesh Kumar C1 37 Selaqui

Transcriptions -

For them Personal Reasons means - Distance and Family


Relocating from different states is a little difficult due to the

change in culture and habits.

Some of them left their previous organization due to long

commutation time.

For women work life balance after marriage was more

important as compared to men.

Few members of the group also mentioned that the work

environment can have effects to the health of an employee.

Theme -

For this group, commutation time should be less as it

impacts the personal space of an employee. Family has been

a major concern for working women. Companies which

provide accomodation of transportation service is preferred

by a new hire.

Analysis on the parameters of our Research


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Distribution of total respondents based on Job


Job Security

Order of








1 40 16.0 16.0

2 54 21.6 37.6

3 44 17.6 55.2

4 50 20.0 75.2

5 54 21.6 96.8

6 8 3.2 100.0



250 100.0 

Inference –

The frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the parameter – Job Security. This specifies how the


Page 92: Summer Internship Report Final

respondents would rate Job Security in their order of preference (1 –

6). The graph depicts the total number of respondents and their

percentage alongwith their preference.

Distribution of total respondents based on

Employee Growth and Development -

Employee Growth Development

Order of










1 72 28.8 28.8

2 61 24.4 53.2

3 42 16.8 70.0

4 37 14.8 84.8

5 32 12.8 97.6

6 6 2.4 100.0



250 100.0 

Inference –


Page 93: Summer Internship Report Final

The frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the parameter – Employee Growth and Development.

This specifies how the respondents would rate Employee Growth

and Development in their order of preference (1 – 6). The graph

depicts the total number of respondents and their percentage

alongwith their preference.

Distribution of total respondents based on Job


Job Profile

Order of










1 50 20.0 20.0

2 59 23.6 43.6

3 47 18.8 62.4

4 52 20.8 83.2

5 33 13.2 96.4

6 9 3.6 100.0

Total 250 100.0  


Page 94: Summer Internship Report Final

Inference –

The frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the parameter – Job Profile. This specifies how the

respondents would rate Job Profile in their order of preference (1 –

6). The graph depicts the total number of respondents and their

percentage alongwith their preference.

Distribution of total respondents based on Brand


Order of







e Percent


1 42 16.8 16.8

2 46 18.4 35.2

3 58 23.2 58.4

4 64 25.6 84.0

5 36 14.4 98.4

6 4 1.6 100.0

Total 250 100.0  


Page 95: Summer Internship Report Final

Inference –

The frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the parameter – Brand. This specifies how the

respondents would rate Brand in their order of preference (1 – 6).

The graph depicts the total number of respondents and their

percentage alongwith their preference.

Distribution of total respondents based on

Compensation -











1 11 4.4 4.4

2 40 16.0 20.4

3 68 27.2 47.6

4 53 21.2 68.8

5 67 26.8 95.6

6 11 4.4 100.0


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250 100.0 

Inference –

The frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the parameter – Compensation. This specifies how the

respondents would rate Compensation in their order of preference

(1 – 6). The graph depicts the total number of respondents and their

percentage alongwith their preference.

Distribution of total respondents based on Personal

Reasons -

Personal Reasons








Valid 1 38 15.2 15.2


Page 97: Summer Internship Report Final

6 212 84.8 100.0

Total 250 100.0  

Inference –

The frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the parameter – Personal Reasons. This specifies how

the respondents would rate Personal Reasons in their order of

preference (1 – 6). The graph depicts the total number of

respondents and their percentage alongwith their preference.

Distribution of total respondents based on Total

Experience -

Total Experience


Page 98: Summer Internship Report Final


cy% Cumulative %


2 - 4 127 50.8 50.8

4 - 6 75 30.0 80.8

6 - 8 26 10.4 91.2

8 - 10 12 4.8 96.0



10 4.0 100.0

Total 250 100.0  

Inference –

This frequency table gives the distribution of our total sample size

based on the Total Experience. This table shows the number of

people within the pre-defined groups. The chart below depicts the

percentage of people along with their frequency.


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Comparison of Parameters based on Total

Experience –

Total Exp Wise Mean




















2 - 4 3.12 5.37 3.1 3.63 3.07 2.51

4 - 6 3.06 5.33 3.62 3.18 2.93 2.69

6 - 8 3.07 3.69 5.23 3.26 2.96 2.46

8 - 10 2.58 4.16 4.33 3.33 3.58 2.58


10 3.5 3 4.2 4 2.8 2.8

Exp : 2 – 4 Years

Inference –


Page 100: Summer Internship Report Final

In this chart we have distributed the entire sample size under

groups based on their experience. In the graph we have compared

the mean for all the six parameters for the group : 2 – 4 years of


Exp : 4 – 6 Years

Inference –

In this chart we have distributed the entire sample size under

groups based on their experience. In the graph we have compared

the mean for all the six parameters for the group : 4 – 6 years of


Exp : 6 – 8 Years


Page 101: Summer Internship Report Final

Inference –

In this chart we have distributed the entire sample size under

groups based on their experience. In the graph we have compared

the mean for all the six parameters for the group : 6 – 8 years of


Exp : 8 – 10 Years

Inference –

In this chart we have distributed the entire sample size under

groups based on their experience. In the graph we have compared

the mean for all the six parameters for the group : 8 – 10 years of



Page 102: Summer Internship Report Final

Exp : Above 10 Years

Inference – In this chart we have distributed the entire sample size

under groups based on their experience. In the graph we have

compared the mean for all the six parameters for the group : Above

10 years of experience.

Comparison of Parameters based on Acquisition -

Mean Wise Comparison

Parameters Pre-Acquisition Post-Acquisition

Employee Growth 1.6 5.24

Job Profile 3.55 3.53

Brand 3.25 4.08

Compensation 3.18 3.04

Personal Reasons 2.25 2.69

Mean Values of Pre Acquistion were gathered from the last

year’s Study

Mean Values of Post Acquistion have been computed in this

year’s study.


Page 103: Summer Internship Report Final

Inference –

In this graph we have compared the mean values of all the six

parameters based on the time strap – Pre and Post Acquisition.

Findings of the Study

After the exhaustive research, we can club our findings under the

following heads –

People Quit Organizations because of –

1. Excessive Work Pressure

2. Lack of Reward and Recognition

3. Lack of Authority and Responsibility

4. Re-Organization

5. Poor Work Culture

6. Favoritism

7. Autocratic Leadership

8. Reporting Manager


Page 104: Summer Internship Report Final

9. For ‘Greener Grass’

10. Brand Name

11. Compensation

12. Limited Growth Opportunity

13. Location

Engagement Drivers –

1. Belief in the Organization

2. Desire to work and make things better

3. Understanding of Business Context

4. Willingness to Expand and work in a Competitive Environment

5. Skill Enhancement

6. Growth and Advancement Opportunities

7. Interpersonal Relationship

Attraction Drivers –

1. Job Security

2. Stability

3. Growth Opportunities

4. Competitive Retirement Benefits

5. Profits

6. Salary Hike/ Base Pay


Page 105: Summer Internship Report Final

Conclusion/ Summary

The most significant part of ‘Life Cycle of an Employee’ is hiring

which includes finding the right person for the right job. The new

hire analysis study focusses on streamlining the hiring process,

crtically analyzing the talent acquisition process and help improve

the employee onboarding process across the enterprise – and

unleash the potential for higher profits. A cost effective process

would not only ensure higher profits but also acquiring the best of

talent pool at reasonable cost.

The primary objective of the study is to explore the attraction

drivers for Dell Services. Also how the post recession period has

changed the market situations contributing the attraction drivers to


Page 106: Summer Internship Report Final

take a shift as per different age group, different skills and career


On the basis of various researches like “ Towers Perrin ” and “

Watson Towers “, we have set our parameters based on the six

variables namely –

1. Job Security

2. Employee Growth and Development

3. Job Profile

4. Brand

5. Compensation

6. Personal Reasons

Also the reasons which made the employees leave their previous

organization have been considered like –

1. Growth Stagnation

2. Poor Work Culture

3. Work Pressure

4. Immediate Manager/ Leadership

5. Compensation

6. Lack of Recognition

Data has been collected through Online Survey (Google Docs),

Telephonic Interview and Focus Group Study for the validation of

the reasearch variables.

In the literature being discussed above, we can conclude that companies are

increasingly recognizing the importance of the good match between the organization

and the candidates they would like to hire. Most companies follow the conventional

process of –

(a) Defining the job and

(b) Establishing the required qualifications for the job


Page 107: Summer Internship Report Final

(c) Job-matching process to ensure that the candidate would succeed within the


That is why Job Demand Analysis (JDA) now utilizes additional

tools to include behavioural and cognition demand aspects of the


It is recommended that organizations should continue to monitor

and measure the effectiveness of their hiring assessment

instrument for new hires. Although they have experienced very

positive results in the past 3 years, the true validation comes from

the resulting performance of their new hires using this assessment

tool in the long run. It is important to implement a standardized

performance tracking system that enables them to gain quantifiable

feedback regarding the degree of success they have attained from

using their job matching process and hiring

According to Aberdeen Group, “Best-in-Class companies report a

variety of planned enhancements to the functionality of their HR

systems: it is important that these enhancements actually provide

value, and aren’t just ‘whiz-bang’ additions. While robust

capabilities and enablers can add a great deal of value, make sure

that they are part of the mission of the organization, not just a new


The rich functionality of HR applications is of great value—and the framework itself offers

more than meets the eye. The following essentials are included in Syncom healthcare

Management framework: self-service, portals, user content, knowledge-based content from

the HR helpdesk, single sign-on, always-current organizational structures driving workflows,

event triggering, data and business process integration with core HR, and much more. A

niche vendor does not have such a holistic offering.



Page 108: Summer Internship Report Final

Based on the study conducted on New Hire Analysis, it can be

suggested that there is a direct relation between Joining and

Leaving reasons being the growth perspective. Also the acquisition

of Perot Systems by Dell Services has been a major attraction driver

because of the increased Brand Value.

Based on these observations, we recommend the following –

1. Since 80% of the sample size is having the experience of 2 – 6

years, their main concern is Employee Growth and

Development opportunities. Therefore it is suggested to provide

more onsite opportunities and customized IDP to attract young


2. The remaining 20% of the sample size is having the experience

of 6 years and above. Their main concern is Job Profile. Hence we

suggest that in order to attract/ retain such talent the company

needs to provide better/multi dimensional roles to showcase their

talent and a better platform to grow within the organization.

3. Training and Development could be improvised further in order to

accomodate – “Need Based Training” and various other trainings

which would enhance the productivity of the person as a whole.

4. As we can see here that Growth Stagnation is the topmost

reason for an employee to leave an organization, it is suggested

that the company should have various dynamic policies to cater to

the growth requirements of an individual. Frequent rotation of

roles and expansion of projects would develop/ retain the

interest of the employee in the process.

5. Post acquisition Brand Value has certainly increased and a

common perception that “post acquisition the growth opportunities

will increase and its good to flow with the progressive organization”

has helped in attracting the potential talent pool. This image can


Page 109: Summer Internship Report Final

be enhanced and maintained to act as most important attraction



The following material was referred for our Study and I highly

appreciate the knowledge and information that has been induced by

these articles in my study –

1. The importance of Cost per Hire -


2. The New Hire Cost Benefit analysis –

3. Improving New Hire Turnover –

4. Talent Drives Performance –


5. Human Capital Management –



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Cover Letter for the Survey

Sample Questionnaire