structured business process modeling - lavacon 2014

Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon Structured Business Process Modeling Dr. Jackie Damrau Certified BPMN Professional @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon

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In this presentation, Dr. Damrau will cover how she uses one business process modeling (BPM) methodology to gather current and future-state content requirements. This data can be analyzed for process improvement or automation of existing paper-based workflow processes.


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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon

Structured Business Process Modeling

Dr. Jackie DamrauCertified BPMN Professional

@damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon

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About Me!

I’m a… and a …

I hold Certifications as a…

You can follow me at:



Certified ARISBusiness Architect Professional

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Class Introductions

You are... I expect to... Your goal for this workshop is to...

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What is Business Process Modeling Strategy BPM Life Cycle, Approaches, Architecture Levels Standards and Notations Modeling Basics with BPMN Tools of The Trade Want to Know More... Where Did We Get This Stuff Q&A


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What is BusinessProcess Modeling?

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon

Business Process Modeling vs. Business Process Management (BPM)

Business Process


A chain of sequences (events or activities) within an organization that defines a workflow for goods or services and drives organizational value

An approach to organizing that focuses on optimizing (streamlining) critical processes (event sequences) for purposes of efficiency and effectiveness.

Business Process


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Purpose for Modeling Business Processes Document existing processes Design a new process/approach for existing processes Describe new business operation requirements Analyze and identify improvement opportunities Understand process performance under varying loads

or when responding to anticipated changes Provide a basis for communication and discussion Use as:

A training aid An assessment against standards and compliance


Source: ABPMP, 2009, p. 39

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BPTrends 2013 Survey says…

Source: BPTrends "State of Business Process Management 2014" (

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Benefits of Modeling Business Processes Relatively fast, easy, and inexpensive to

complete Easier to understand graphical vs.

textual representation Provide a measurement baseline Facilitate process simulation and impact

analysis Leverages various standards and a

common set of techniques

Source: ABPMP, 2009, p. 39

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 10

What is a Business Process?


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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 11

"5-Why" Analysis Technique

Ask "why" five times to get past the symptoms and get to root cause

Moves the person past the obvious answers (which are often wrong) to the meaty hidden answers

Easy to use -- no forms, software, or anything else required

Can be used by everyone Can be used formally or


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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 12

BPM Life Cycle

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BPM Lifecycle

Image Source: Social BPM levels mapped to the classical BPM cycle

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Quiz Time!

What is a business process?

Do you see commonalities between business process and content strategy?

How many times should you ask "why"?


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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 15

BPM Approaches• Top-Down

• Bottom-Up• 4Cs

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 16

Top-Down Approach

Starts with a broad, architectural view of the organization

Defines organizational strategies and goals

Defines major value chains the organization uses

Allows drilling down to subsequent levels of the value chain

Methodologies: Rummler PDL, BPTrends, Hammer

One begins with the big picture (major improvement) and determines how the specific problem fits within it.

- Paul Harmon, BPTrends

Source: BPTrends “A BPM Methodology—What Is It And Why It Is Important" (

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 17

Bottom-Up Approach

Starts with a specific broken process

Looks at how this process relates to others and the organizational goals

Looks for areas of incremental improvement

Useful when no major changes are needed

Methodologies: Lean, Six Sigma

Requires that everyone speaks the same language and works with the same basic tool set.

- Paul Harmon, BPTrends

Source: BPTrends “A BPM Methodology—What Is It And Why It Is Important" (

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 18

4C’s of Good Modeling





Validated by proper modeling construction

Unambiguous and obvious from diagram as to which activities are conditional, which are performed in parallel with others, or how exceptions are handled

Show how the process starts, all its end states, and its communications with external entities

All modelers should create the same model more or less or ones that are similarly structured

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BPM Architecture Levels

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Business Process Level Architecture

Source: BPTrends "State of Business Process Management 2014" (

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Level 1 - Organizational Relationship


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Level 2 - Business Area


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Level 3 - Business Process Area


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Standards or Notations• BPMN


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Business Process Standards

Source: BPTrends "State of Business Process Management 2014" (

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Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN)


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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 28

EPC Modeling Notation

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 29

BPMN Example

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Exercise 1

Practice Time!

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Your Team Task…

Create a process using the “happy” path process ONLY Making coffee Putting on make-up or clothes Making a Starbucks order Ordering pizza Pick your own!

Present to class

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 33

BPMN BasicsLearn how to model properly

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 34

What is a Model?

Conveys meaning, specifically logic of activity flow from process start to end

Both a visualization and a data entry device

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 35

What is a Process?

A sequence of activities leading from an initial state (Start) to a defined conclusion state (End)

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 36

What is a Process Model?

A map of all the possible paths or sequences of activities from the Start to the End state that is met with Success or Failure

Reveals only the order of activities, when they happen, and under what conditions

Describes what happens next when an activity completes, but may have little to say about what happens inside the activity itself

Does not describe how an activity is performed or where or why

Barely touches on what the activity is or who performs it

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 37

What is Process Logic?

Documenting “as-is” (current state) by meeting with SMEs directly involved with the process

Does not define every conceivable possibility

Should cover the basic “happy” path and major exception paths that prevent business from occurring

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 38

What Process LogicQuestions Can I Ask? How does the process actually start? What activity triggers

it? Is there more than one possible way it can start?

What determines when the process is complete? Are there different end states (success vs. failure)?

How does the process go from Activity X to Activity Y? Does the person doing Activity Y somehow know when to do it?

How do you know when Activity X is done? Does Activity X always end in the same way? Are there any exceptions to how Activity X can end? Are there any specific business rules in place to prevent or guide the next action state?

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 39

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 40

Standard Recommended Objects

BPMN Poster

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 41

What Process Model Types Are Available? Simple Subprocesses (Simple, Expanded) Exceptions (Simple) Loopbacks Decision Gateways (splits and joins) Swimlanes (Simple, Expanded) Events, Activities, Data Elements,

Sequence Flows

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 42

Simple Process

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 43

Subprocess (Separate Page)

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 44

Subprocess(Simple – Expanded view)

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 45

Exception Path

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 46


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Decision Gateways(Parallel Split and Join)

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 49

Subprocess(Expanded Subprocess)

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 50

Different Events, Activities, Data Elements, and Sequence Flows

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 51

Exercise 2

Practice Time!

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 52

Your Team Task…

Revise your Team Task with alternate exceptions No coffee, make tea

No make-up or clean clothes

No Starbucks, go somewhere else

No substitutions, what now

Pick your own!

Present to class

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 53

Tools of the Trade

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GartnerPosition - 2014 Vendor Application

Leaders Pegasystems Pega BPM Appian Appian BPM Suite

IBM IBM Business Process Manager, IBM Operational Decision Manager, IBM Blueworks Live, IBM Business Monitor, IBM Case Manager

Visionaries Oracle Oracle BPM Suite Tibco Software Activematrix BPM, Nimbus, Formvine Bosch Software Innovations inubit

Software AG ARIS Business Process Analysis,

webMethods Business Process Management Whitestein Technologies Living Systems Process Suite (LSPS) Vitria BusinessWareNiche Players DST Systems AWD for Business Process Management PNMsoft Sequence

Newgen Software Technologies BPM Suite, Business Activity Monitor, Business Process Modeler, Business Rules Management System, Master Data Management, OmniFlow, OmniFlow for Case Management, Process Simulator

Kofax TotalAgility OpenText OpenText Process Suite

BPM Tools

Source: Gartner Magic Quadrant 2014 for Intelligent BPMS

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BPM Tools Survey

Source: BPTrends "State of Business Process Management 2014" (

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Want to Know More...


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You Can Aspire to become a…


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Items You Should Know How To Do…

Define scope of business problem

Define stakeholders and their concerns

Define measures to let you know you’ve succeeded in improving a situation

Define customer needs and interactions with the business

Create business process flow diagrams

Define quality controls and determine consistency (Six Sigma)

Define waste or inefficient flow patterns (Lean)

Define decision management opportunities (business rules)

Define a process using an industry framework (SCOR, APQC)

Define human performance problems

Generate job descriptions and training requirements

Define managerial performance problems

Define problems with IT support

Generate software requirements

Source: BPTrends “A BPM Methodology—What Is It And Why It Is Important" (

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• Kelley School of Business• BS, Business – Information

& Process Management Major

• Widener University• MS, Business Process


• Boston University•• University Alliance• Univ. of California – Irvine• Univ. of Illinois – Springfield• Univ. of North Carolina – Charlotte

• Association of Business Process Management Professionals (ABPMP)

• International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA)


Professional Associations

• Univ. of San Francisco• Villanova University• Widener University• Association for Information and

Image Management (AIIM)• Object Management Group (OMG)

Enhance Your BPM Skills…

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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 60

Where Did I Get This Stuff...


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Copyright © 2014. Dr. Jackie Damrau. All rights reserved. @damrauja #bpmn @LavaCon 61

Book Recommendations

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Presentation Resources

Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge (BPM CBOK®), Version 2.0 – Second Release. (2009). Association of Business Process Management Professionals.

Dyer, Lisa. (2013, January). “Information Architecture and Business Process Management: A Recipe for New Business Value.” STC Intercom (

Harmon, Paul. (2013, March 13). “What New Technology Should a Manager Use?” BPTrends Email Advisor (

Harmon, Paul, and Wolf, Celia. (2014, March). “The State of Business Process Management.” BPTrends (

Recker, Jan. (2013, March 9). “Class Notes: BPM Research and Education — How Was School Today?” BPTrends e-zine (

Rockwell, Dan (aka Leadership Freak). (2013, March 15). “Thriving Through Process.” Leadership Freak blog (

University of San Francisco. (2013). "Applied business Process Management, Book 1 of 2, Weeks 1-4. (

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Additional Modeling Options

• Flow Charting• UML• SIPOC• Swim Lanes• IDEF-0

• Systems Dynamics• Value Chain• LOVEM-E• Value Stream Mapping

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Flow Charting Notation

Source: edrawsoft.comSource:

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Swim Lanes


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Value Chain

Analysis Design Develop Implement Evaluate

• Collect • Analyze

• Delivery• Objectives• Descriptions• Collect Content• Lesson Plan• Document Types• Create Test

• Build Course• Create Materials• Type of Media

• Beta Test• Pilot• Teach

• Complete Evals• Review Evals• Make Changes

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Unified Modeling Language (UML)


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Systems Dynamics


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Value Stream Mapping


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