strategies for success in a global marketplace glen bracegirdle, director

Strategies for Success in a Global Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director Glen Bracegirdle, Director Synesi Training & Consulting Synesi Training & Consulting SSC Showcase, Sydney SSC Showcase, Sydney February 14th, 2006 February 14th, 2006

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Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director Synesi Training & Consulting SSC Showcase, Sydney February 14th, 2006. Instant. Fast Food. Entertainment. Information. Communication. Impatient. Traffic. Queuing. Possessions. Service. Intolerant. Mistakes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Strategies for Success in a Global Strategies for Success in a Global MarketplaceMarketplace

Glen Bracegirdle, DirectorGlen Bracegirdle, DirectorSynesi Training & ConsultingSynesi Training & Consulting

SSC Showcase, SydneySSC Showcase, SydneyFebruary 14th, 2006February 14th, 2006

Page 2: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Fast Food Entertainment

Information Communication

Page 3: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Traffic Queuing

Possessions Service

Page 4: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Mistakes Fun @ Work

Personal IssuesTime & Hours

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Major Events Redundancy

Health / Stress New Millennium

Page 6: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Decreasing staff morale

Decreasing staff loyalty Increasing staff turnover

Increasing work demands

Page 7: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

What have we created?What have we created?

After so many years of being bossed around, of working within confining roles, of unending reorganization, reengineering, downsizing, mergers, and power plays, most people are exhausted, cynical, and focused only on self-protection. Who wouldn't be? But it's important to remember that we created these negative and demoralized people. We created them by discounting and denying our best human capacities. (M. Wheatley)

Page 8: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Corporate v Employee Corporate v Employee DichotomyDichotomy

Work LifeBalance



Desire to beChallenged


Performance Pressure




Page 9: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Dual ParadigmDual Paradigm

It is becoming harder to find and hire skilled people.

People and therefore knowledge is walking out the corporate door.

Page 10: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Cost of staff replacement.Cost of staff replacement. It costs 3 to 4 times a persons

salary to replace them. The cost of hiring, re-hiring,

training, lost productivity, mentoring time etc.

At a management level it is estimated the cost can be as high as 24 times a persons salary for a hiring mistake The cost of recruitment,

preparation, compensation, severance pay, mistakes, missed opportunities and business disruption.

Page 11: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Of the 11 most successful companies in Australia – none thought they did a good job of recruitment.

Page 12: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Knowledge RetentionKnowledge Retention Most companies have the

tools and some processes in place for knowledge management, but it is not seen and used as a strategic tool.

Companies need to improve on internal knowledge transfer and knowledge capture.

Companies need to value their people resources and develop better employee recognition and retention programs.

Staff Loyalty programs are needed.

Page 13: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Knowledge WorkersKnowledge Workers Workers of the western world are now employed

largely in service industries, where they are paid for their brain rather than their brawn.

Knowledge workers, are those whose “primary tasks involve the manipulation of knowledge and information.” These people are the creators of wealth in western economies today, yet scarcely anybody is measuring their output and seeking ways to improve it.

Finding ways to improve the productivity of knowledge workers, he says, is “one of the most important economic issues of our time”.

Management's new role is to make knowledge more productive.

Thomas Davenport The Economist

Page 14: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Management AttitudeManagement Attitude Hiring outside the

organisation is better Reduced risk taking Look for scapegoats Reluctance to

communicate high level corporate information to staff. (UGR – Around here we do not trust our staff with important information)

Page 15: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Management AttitudeManagement Attitude

Management believe they have superior intellect due to their superior position in the organisation.

Therefore they rely on their own knowledge instead of utilising the brain assets of their staff, and the superior knowledge held in the organisational brain bank.

1 + 1 = 3

Page 16: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Global MarketplaceGlobal Marketplace

Through technology the global village continues to get closer

National boundaries are becoming less significant

Virtual teams are the norm

Page 17: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


The way managers are required to exert influence today has changed. The manner in which managers communicate today is moving more towards emotional engagement and away from technical issues.

Build and nurture diverse teams

Page 18: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Management ChallengeManagement Challenge Develop trust in order to

empower workforce to make decisions.

Create a learning nurturing environment.

Decision making where the knowledge is.

Create an environment of creativity

eg. Marriott story.

Page 19: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


“If the fishmongers could exhibit such a sense of joy and purpose by flinging fish and making a show out of it, what universal lessons could be learned from them to help transform the thousands of lifeless workplaces around the world?”

Play Make Their Day Be Present Choose Your Attitude

Stephen Lundin – Fish!

Page 20: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Choose Your AttitudeChoose Your Attitude People can be classified into two groups:

Luck people – Who believe things happen to them due to luck – often ‘bad luck’.

Influence people – Who believe they are able to influence most things.

I choose confidence, trust & faith (Fish! – Stephen Lundin)

Road rage – response – we can choose (Fish! – Stephen Lundin)


Page 21: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Create Your Own RealityCreate Your Own Reality

Challenging job OR Impossible task?

Rewarding job OR Thankless job?

Necessity OR Difference maker?

Page 22: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Problem SolvingProblem Solving Use staff knowledge

through an innovative environment

The one common experience of all humanity is the challenge of problems. (R. Buckminster Fuller)

Provide opportunity for staff and customers to contribute to the problem solving process.

Page 23: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Support analysts attitudes and perceptions of customers and problemsMemory retention and problem documentationCreating a good problem solving environmentUnderstanding client communication and key wordsQuality listening skills and questioning techniques

Gathering and using key informationUsing critical thinking in defining the problemUnderstanding the assumptions we make and their impact on problemsInformation gathering templates and toolsUnclear statements and communication

Problem recreation – making it failDrilling down on the problem – understanding what is not knownKeep asking why? and Lateral thinking techniquesTeam problem solving – Brainstorming and mind mapping toolsCommunication – keeping the client informed

Criteria for selecting a solution – client business needs consideredDecision making techniquesPlanning and delivering a solutionCommon causes in solution implementation and problem resolutionRemote communication skills

Solution evaluation – Is the problem resolved?Root cause analysisSolution documentation and knowledge base contentQuality defect reportingSupportability process






Problem Solving Problem Solving MethodologyMethodology

Page 24: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Problem Solving SkillsProblem Solving Skills Develop problem

solving skills throughout the organisation: Memory Retention Listening & Questioning

Techniques Question Assumptions Critical Thinking Lateral Thinking

Page 25: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Developing CultureDeveloping Culture

I know from experience that most people are very intelligent - they have figured out how to make things work when it seemed impossible, they have invented ways to get around roadblocks and dumb policies, they have created their own networks to support them and help them learn. (M. Wheatley)

Page 26: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Unwritten Ground RulesUnwritten Ground Rules

This is the way we do things around here

Steve Simpson – Keystone

Page 27: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Example Staff UGR’sExample Staff UGR’s We do not tell management about opportunities to

improve the business, as it will only work against you.

Opposing views are a personal attack. An individual’s standing is related to how they

relate in a social context with senior management. Keep quiet in meetings and you do not get extra

jobs. Ideas on innovation and change are welcomed as

long as they do not require extra money. The only time anyone gets spoken to by the boss is

when something is wrong.

Page 28: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Example Management UGR’sExample Management UGR’s Among the ‘trusted group’ it is alright to joke

about the incompetence of our colleagues. Staff cannot be trusted – if they get the chance

to use our corporate intelligence they will set up their own business and use it.

There are only a few staff who are committed – most of them are here for the pay cheque.

We avoid dealing with really difficult staff by offloading poor performers onto other managers.

At our management meetings the aim is to impress the boss.

Page 29: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Culture in a Global Culture in a Global MarketplaceMarketplace Developing trust and direction through

common values and shared problem solving drives a new corporate culture. This overcomes ethnic or location based cultural differences.

Page 30: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Global Support BusinessGlobal Support Business Values Decision-

Rights system

Performance Measurement

Values Trust, empowerment,

teamwork, collaboration, learning, service

Decision-Rights system Problem Solving skills,

innovative skills, agility

Performance Measurement Transparency, delivery

Page 31: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Culture – Walking the talkCulture – Walking the talk Achievement

Performance, delivery, transparency Customer-centric

External focus, service, responsive One-team

Collaboration, globalisation, teamwork Innovative

Creativity, continuous improvement, learning People-first

Empowerment, development, careCarolyn Taylor – Walking the talk

Page 32: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Customer-centric CultureCustomer-centric Culture

Good service and a polite attitude is what encourages loyalty from customers

Customers want to be loyal. Staff need to develop a culture of

rapport and trust with customers. This requires an internal culture of motivation and loyalty within, where morale is nurtured.

Page 33: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Talk to your customersTalk to your customers

Business is conducted between people – talk to your customers.

Too many businesses rely on processes and remote communication and satisfaction tools that they believe tell them all about their customers.

Service organisations can engage customers in a shared problem solving.

Page 34: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Values will direct and change our perception. At the same time, perception can change our values (de Bono)

Logic can help you decide how to do something, but values tell you what you want to do.

Page 35: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Six Value MedalsSix Value Medals

Gold – Human ValuesSilver – Organisational ValuesSteel – Quality ValuesGlass – Innovation ValuesWood – Environmental ValuesBrass – Perceptual Values

Edward de Bono – Six Value Medals

Page 36: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


Strategy that is not value driven is not a strategy at all (de Bono)




Page 37: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Strategy / Value / Culture Strategy / Value / Culture MappingMapping





ChangeManagementPeople Company Quality Creative

Personal Values

Customers Culture+UGR’s




















Page 38: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

FlexibilityFlexibility In an earthquake, the most

dangerous place to be is in a tall building that is not flexible. Yet, one of the safest places is a tall building that has been stressed for earthquakes – in other words, one that has a deep foundation and is flexible. So, too, over the coming years, large organisations that remain rigid will crumble and fall, while those that succeed in adding flexibility, teamwork and creativity to their cultures will thrive.

Page 39: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Innovative CultureInnovative Culture

All staff participate in problem solving and business innovation

Managers must recognize people's innate capacity to adapt and create - to innovate (M. Wheatley)

The human capacity to invent and create is universal.

Page 40: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


When people become interested in an issue, their creativity is instantly engaged. If we want people to be innovative, we must discover what is important to them, and we must engage them in meaningful issues (M. Wheatley)

Page 41: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

Brain BankBrain Bank Collective knowledge and

experience of all staff in an organisation.

Total corporate intellect.

Page 42: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director


It can be easy to create successful organizational change if you start with the assumption that people, like all life, are creative and good at change

Page 43: Strategies for Success in a Global Marketplace Glen Bracegirdle, Director

SummarySummary Value the people Value the knowledge Choose your attitude Create your own reality Create the right culture Value innovation