st. paul daily globe (saint paul, minn.) 1887-11-19 [p 11] · (1. g. thome leave next week...

"11 THE SAINT : PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 183/. \u25a0 i younger children, left this week to spend the winter in Eastern New York state. , Mrs. Sutton." of Alexandria, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Chamberlain, at Parker's Prairie. ....'"] Mrs. F. G. Barrows is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, at Glen- coe. _4yf-. '.-; yy Miss Jennie Partridge, of Brainerd, is a guest of Mrs. W. L. longer. ' Mrs. L. W. Gray Is a guest of Mrs. B. JJ. Warfield, Battle Lake. Mrs. G. C. Pollock is a guest of Mrs. W. B. Dean, St. Paul. - Mrs. C. D. Baker has returned from Zumbrota. -- "\u25a0. " - * Hastings. The Wednesday Night Progressiv Euchre club was organized at Mrs. W. J. Wright's Wednesday evening. The head prizes were won by Mrs. F. M. Wadleigh and G. W. Washbish, the pro- gressive prize by Miss Lizzie Howard, and the foot prizes by Miss Grace Rogers and A. A. Scott. "The meeting next week will be with Miss Linnie C. Dud- ley. Mrs. C. A. Baker and family left yes- terday afternoon for St. Paul to take tip a residence. They are among the old- est of our citizens, and will he greatly missed in society. Miss Clara 11. Allison, teacher in the Ninth grade of the Irving school, has resigned her position, to accept a place in the public schools of West St. Paul. The play entitled, "Only a Farmer's Daughter." with Marion Abbott as the Adventuress, was rendered at Teu- tonic hall last night. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Turner, of Mai- den, Mass., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gardner this week. Mrs. John Kranz and Mrs. Michael Ludwig. of Kranzburg, were visiting relatives in town this week. Mrs. J. A. Chadwick; of Watertown, Wis., is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Charles Pearson. The ladies of the M. E. church hold a sociable at Mrs. Xehemiah Martin's Friday evening. Mr. ami Mrs. Cornelius Fries, of St. Paul, were the guests of friends in town this week. Mrs. August Rehil, of St. Paul, vis- ited friends in the city Monday. Mrs. George Barbaras returned from a visit in Rice county Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Sehmitz, of St. Paul, were down Sunday. Mis. ('. H.Ocibigleft Tuesday for her new home in Stillwater. Mi. and Mis. (1. G. Thome leave next week for London. Eng. Miss Fannie Van Inmegon is visiting friends in Minneapolis. Mrs. Henry llahn visited friends in Stillwater this week. ; Mrs. Samuel Norrish has returned from Casselton, Dak. Miss Mamie B. Lemen was in Farm- ington Wednesday. Miss Lucy A. Conklin has returned from Minneapolis. Mrs. A. E. Rich visited friends in St. Paul Wednesday. Mis. Jerome Temple is visiting in Merriam Park. ' Mrs. C. T. Lange is visiting friends in St. Paul. Mrs. J. A. Ennis is visiting friends in St. Paul. Mrs. S. W. Truax left Wednesday for Glencoe. Mrs. Matilda M. Tuttle is in Langdon. Spring Valley. The following are the officers elected to fill the stations of the . new Burdick Relief Corps No, 38, of this city: Presi- dent, Mrs. W. W. Bonticou; second vice president, Mrs. W. D. Andrews ; junior vice president, Mrs. O. Gould; chaplain. Mrs. E. Goodwin; treasurer, Mrs. W. Rundell; conductor, Mrs. J. S. Lee: assistant conductor, Mrs. E. J. Sturtivant: guard. Miss Ruby Judd; as- sistant guard, Mrs. John Bar. A committee consisting of Mesdames J. S. Lee, J. C.Lee. C. C. Stoddard, Hattie Evans, J. J. Christ, J. C. Halb- kat. E. J. Sturtivant and I. Taylor, as- sisted by the ladies of the M. E. church, will give a New England supper at their church on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fanner gave a 5 o'clock tea to Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Christ, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sample, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cusick, and daughter Nellie, and Mrs. Peter De Groodt Thursday. Mrs. I. Peterson and daughters Artie and Nettie arrived from West Mitchel, 10.. on Thursday, and are at the resi- dence of Hon. and Mrs. S. A. Hunt. Mrs. F. G. Kumm, who passed 'the week pleasantly in Blooming Prairie. returned Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Kate Kellner. or that place. Miss. I*. G. Gies. one of our popular teachers in the High school, will spend Thanksgiving at her home in Austin. Mrs. Mary E. Starkweather, of St. Paul, guest of Mrs. W. W. Bonticou. returned to her home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jones, of Fill- more, have spent the week at the resi- dence of Mrs. J. B. Thayer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shut, formerly of Canton, arrived Wednesday and will make this city their home. Miss Emma Allen, of Preston, spent the Sabbath in the city with Mr. and Mrs. K. Knights. Mrs. W. W. Washburn is spending a few days in Preston, Minn., with Mrs. G. W. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Utter, of Emmets- burg. 10.. are guests of Mrs. X. Elliotts. Mrs. Samuel Starbird has returned from a visit to Whalen, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Minott left for Minne- apolis Wednesday. Crookston. The Sons of Veterans gave the second of their series of hops at their hall on Thursday evening. The ladies present were: Mesdames Dumpier, Mix, Fon- taine. Stevens, Misses Box. Mix, Mc- Kenzie, McSrew and Fontaine. Mrs. Anglimand Mrs. Judge Ives car- ried off the head prizes while Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Thorsen the lady's at Mrs. Carey's surprise party Wednesday evening. Mrs. Braley, Mrs. Mix and Mrs. Robertson captured the prizes at Mrs. Crumb's drive whist Friday evening. Miss Jayen. of Ann Arbor college.has taken charge of the High school room vacated by J. A. Churchill. The W. F. M. society of the Presby- terian church met with Mrs. W. B. Daw ley Saturday afternoon, C Mr. Lowe and Mrs. Lawrence carried offthe prizes at Mrs. Crumb's whist party Tuesday evening. Miss Gertie Marshall entertained a party of her young friends very pleas- antly Friday last. A very pleasant evening was spent Wednesday last at the residence of Mrs. Shaesgreeii. Mr. and Mrs. Wile have moved into their beautiful new home on Robert street. Mrs. Dr. Welch, of St. Hilaire. was the guest of Mrs. Judge Ives last week. Miss Inez McGrew entertained a few friends Saturday evening last. Mrs. D. 11. Turner has returned to her Home at Moorhead. Mrs. 11. M. Pierce entertained at cards Monday evening. Mrs. "Rockwood left Monday for In- dianapolis. Ind. Mrs. C. Page has returned to Fergus Falls. Albert Lea. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wigdal left Wed- nesday evening for Pasadena. Cal., stopping on their way at Salt Lake City. Utah, to visit the sister and parent, of Mrs. Wigdal. The Women's Christian Temperance union meeting was held with Mrs. W. Duel, Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. W.Williams and her daughter. Mi Bernice, are visiting friends in Blue Earth City. Mrs. J. P. Forrest, of Estherville. 10., made her friends in this city a flying visit last week. Bae Blackmer entertained a gay party of the younger misses of the city last Friday evening. Miss Edith and Agnes Smith, of the college, have returned to their home in St. Paul. Mrs. McWhorter is nicely situated in her handsome new residence on Park avenue. \u25a0 .• . v.• Mr. and Mrs. Charles are th guests of Judge and Mrs. Stacy. Dr. and Mrs. Blackmer and their son, Baa, start Dec. Ist for Colorado. Miss Nellie Rudluff, of Dele van, is visiting Miss Eva Brown. . Mrs. M. M. Luce started Saturday night for Red Cloud. Neb. Mrs. 11. F. Day is visiting relatives at Fairmont. Mrs. J, A. Fuller has returned from lowa. .'"".' f! Miss Hale is visiting Mrs. J. A. Fuller. Shakopee. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Biggs celebrated the fifteenth anniversary of their mar- riage Monday. The following guests from abroad were present: Mrs. E. Hol- land. Winona; Miss Lora Hollister, Washington. Conn.; Mrs. W. J. Dean, Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pond, Jr., and Miss Tilla Pond, Bloomington; Mrs. P. L. Uttley, Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer, Mrs. J. W. Sprague, J. B. Allen, St. Paul. The Ladies' Aid society met at the residence of Mrs. J. A. Wilder Thurs- day. Mrs. Clarence Remington, Waconia, is visiting her cousin, Miss Rosa Kohler. Mr, and Mrs. George W. Murphy, Big Stone, are visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. Josephine Schneider, Hastiugs, visited her parents during the week. Mrs. Petty and daughter, Minneapo- lis, spent a "few days with relatives. Mrs. George H. Kunsman visited Mrs. James Newton at St. Paul Sunday. Mrs. Hart-Ban, Chaska, spent Satur- day with friends in the city. Mrs. D. L. Howe spent a day at Hen- derson during the week. Miss Antonia Entrap has returned from a visit to St. Paul. Miss Emma Busse visited the Saintly City during the week. Mrs. John Buchanan and daughter are in Minneapolis. Mrs. Anna Carr, St. Paul, is visiting her parents. Mrs. Henry Schumacher, St. Paul, is visiting here. Mrs. Sarah Daily has returned from St. Paul. Duluth. Mrs. W. F. McKav. a newly married lady, has arrived in the city from River Falls. Wis., and is comfortably settled at SIS Nineteenth avenue west. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Budden celebrated the "crystal" anniversary of their wed- ding last Wednesday evening. Mrs. 11. 11. Bell is in Anoka, where she went to attend the wedding of her brother, Arthur Douglas. Mrs. George R. Stuntz leaves for Europe in a' few days to be absent about six months. Mrs. W. W. Billion gives a dinner party to a large number of guests this afternoon. Mrs. Mary J. Branch, of St. Paul, has returned home after a visit with friends here. Mrs. Frank Blackmarr entertained a large number of friends Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. F. Leopold has returned from Chicago and Milwaukee. . . . .-'. Mrs. William McKindley gives a mu- sicale this afternoon. Mrs. 11. M. Peyton is spending a week or two in Chicago. Mrs. A. C. Ely will reside"; in Chicago during the winter. Miss Edith Bostwick is touring in the Eastern states. Mrs. Will Harrington, ol Tower, is in the city. Mankato. Mesdames Long, McClelland, Slade and Hunt spent last Thursday at "Oak Cliff Farm." the guests of General and Mrs. Baker. Among the ladies who went to St. Peter Sunday to view the ruins were Mmes. Craig/Hunt. Lamb and Bond. Miss Louise Robbins. of Vermont, is spending the winter at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harrington. Mrs. W. B. Walker entertained the ladies of the Presbyterian society Fri- day afternoon. Miss Alden and Miss McClintock, of St. Peter, spent Saturday in the city. 'Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Longini re- turned Saturday from Minneapolis. Mrs. Foster entertained a few friends at (*> o'clock dinner Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Maxfield, of St. Paul, spent Sunday in this city. Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Merrill have re- turned from Denver, Col. Miss Nettie Sprague spent the week in the Twin Cities. Mrs. Georgia Weil, of California, is visiting in the city. Miss Gonsalus lias returned to Cresco, 10. Pipestone. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fay. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs.A. H. Burkdoll. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carpen- ter, Miss Ella Crippen, Charles Crip'ten, B. S. Pickett. James Murphy and A. B. Pickett, all of this county, left Tuesday for Louisiana, where they will spend the winter. The M. E. Ladies' Aid society has elected the following officers: Presi- dent, Mrs. F.I. Clement; vice president, Mrs. ft. Wells; secretary, Mrs. J. E. ("eorge; treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Jenkins; directresses, Mrs. J. Pierce and Mrs. B. Beedy. The following ladies drove to Edger- ton and back last Saturday: Misses Lizzie Hiller. Belle Brown, Lettie Joyce, Nettie M. Smith, Lillian Green, Lou Taylor and Mrs. J. 11. Nichols. Miss Mattie Whiteomb visited with the family of R. J. Butts, at Edgerton, the past week. Mrs. F. A. Marvin, of Sioux Falls, Dak., visited in the city the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Moore Sundayed at Bear Lake. Miss Addie Goetz. of Fairmont, is in the city, the guest of her brother's fam- ily. Mrs. J. A. Benjamin is visiting at Elkton, Dak. Fountain. Mrs. James Thompson and Mrs. W. Brown, of Chatfield township, called upon Fountain friends last Tuesday. Miss Grace Sloan and Miss Lula Al- lison, of La Crosse, were entertained by Miss May Dwyer a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis will take up their residence in Sheldon, 10., the coming week. Mrs. E. A. Sloan, of La Crosse, Wis., was the guest of Mrs. P. Newcomc the past week. Mrs. Omar Case left last Monday to join her husband at Fort Gibson, Indian Territory. Mrs. Daniel Ryan, with her children, joined her husband in Brownsdaie last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Blexrud passed last Sunday among friends in the country. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Case passed last Thursday among friends in Preston. Mrs. Henry Beers passed last Tues- day with Mrs. I. Rose in Chatfield. Miss Julia Welsh has gone West. St. Charles, Miss Ida Mendenhall, of Rapidan, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George. Mrs. William Wheelock left for the East last week. Mrs. Charles Gerrish started for Cal- ifornia Tuesday. Miss Maud Wheelock has returned from Northfield. Miss Lena Mills is home, from Pres- ton, Dak. Miss Lewera Gallup has returned to Winona. Mrs. V. Took has returned to Wi- nona. Miss I. Burt is teaching at Elba. Redwood Falls. ' Miss Lucy Rowe entertained a num- ber of young ladies and gentlemen at her home last Friday evening. Among the ladies were Misses Jennie Birken- meyer, Inez Baldwin, Lizzie Dunning- ton, Fannie "Everett, Maud Kerr, Rose Lichtwarck, Mable March. Flessie Rob- inson. Anna Smith, Lottie Schmahl, Ora Van Dolah, Jessie VanDolah, Minnie Warner, Mary Weber. p"j r Miss Anna Baade, ofRenville Station, visited with friends in this place the past week. ,y < -AsT . Miss Hellen McNamery. of Minneap- olis, is the guest of Mrs. James McMil- lan. Misses Rose Lichtwarck and Mary Weber left for New Ulm to-day. ; V Mrs. S. W. Hays left Tuesday morn- ing for Eureka Springs. Mrs. L. N. Rowe has returned from New Ulm. Winona. Mrs. H. D. Perkins and Mrs. F. D. Perkins gave a lunch party last Friday afternoon. Among those present were: Mesdames T. J. Preece, H. M. Kinney, R. Mcßurnie, Roscoe Doud, O'Neill, Chandler. Stewart, Brush, C. H. Mills, S. B. Mills, Parker, Stevens, Shepard, Cook, Nevions, Youmans, R. T. Lam- bertou. A. P. Lamberton. Webber, Gar- lock, McDavitt. Misses Mitchell, Nor- ton. Drew aud Moody. Miss Mary K. Buck and Miss Gene- vieve Clark gave a musicale at the mu- sic store of Dyer &Bro. Tuesday even- ing. An interesting programme was rendered by the following talent: Misses Florence Cosgrave, Kate Gregory, Hat- tie Frye, Maud While. Nettie Felgate, Annie Peregune, Jessie Slocumb.Laura Brown, Ella Esmav. Gertie Herfer, Glga Wilson. Delia Hass. Rosa Muller, Letha McClure and Gertie Frost. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Langley and Miss Langley were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Underwood, of Lake City. Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson, of Min- neapolis, were the guests of Congress- man and Mrs. Wilson last Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Story entertained about fifty friends at lunch Saturday evening. Mrs. H. J. O'Neill gave a lunch party to about fifty friends Wednesday. Mrs. Catherine Smith will celebrate her birthday Monday evening. Mrs. A. D. Ellsworth has gone to Cal- ifornia to spend the winter. Mrs. R. B. Basford is visiting friends in Milwaukee. Mrs. H. J. O'Neill gave a 5 o'clock tea Friday. Anoka. Mrs. James O'Keefe held the Episco- pal social at her home Thursday even- ing and Mrs. Crowell entertained the Congregationalists and friends the same evening. Mrs. C. L. Hathaway, of Passadum- keag. Me., who has been a guest of Mrs. Robert Whidden several weeks past, has returned home. Mrs. Lottie Goss and May Davis are spending a season in Princeton, Milaca and the pineries with their husbands. Mrs. A. L. Peters, of St. Paul, was entertained by Mrs. George W. Morrill Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Jessie B. Gorton, of Minneapo- -1 is, was a guest of Miss Stella Storms during the week. Mr. and Mrs. I). G. Gow entertained the Baptist society and friends Thurs- day evening. The Methodist society met with Mrs. H. W. Featherstone Friday evening. Miss Clara Davenport, of New York, is visiting Mrs. Frank Tilden. Sauk Center. Mrs. A. Wescott and daughter came over from Paynesville Saturday and will remain with her mother. Mrs. A. Hosmer, during the winter. Mrs. Bobert Edgar returned from West St. Paul Wednesday.accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. George 11. Hos- mer. , y - ; Mrs. Belle Townsend, of Minneapolis, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' William Boulto-n. Mrs. J. Warfield, of Eagle Bend.spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. William Par.gburn. .'-y Mrs. Dr. E. J. Lewis spent a few days in Minneapolis the first of . the . week. Mrs. William Clark, of Melrose, called on friends in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods left the last of the week for Western New York. Misses Loui Allen and Flora Truman visited St. Cloud last Saturday. Mrs. B. C. Lord has been sojourning in Alexandria for a few days. Mrs. V. A. Whipple entertained the reading club Monday evening. Mrs. E. Fairfield, of Osakis, spent | Tuesday in town. Mrs. J. H. Simouton spent Sunday at | Long Prairie. Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Lord have gone to Honolulu, Hawaii, to make that place their future home. Mrs. W. W. Ireland's home was the scene of a brilliant reception Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. W. Blakely entertained some sixty of her friends Wednesday even- ing. ~: Mrs. A. Newton entertained about fifty of her friends Monday evening. Miss Sadie Scott, of Dubuque, 10.. is the guest of Mrs. S. DeWolf. Mrs. M. Cross was at home to a large gathering Tuesday evening. Mrs. S. 11. Merrill, of Minneapolis, i- visiting friends in this city. Miss Josie Bamber entertained a small company Monday evening. Mrs. W. L. Braekenridge gave a large party Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. McGuane went to Chi- cago Tuesday. Mrs. £. M. Xowell is visiting in Chi- cago. Mamie Piatt is in St. Paul. Austin. A large company assembled at the residence of W. T. Day Saturday even- ing. Numerous presents were left to Mr. and Mrs. Day as a token of friend- ship. Miss Bickerson will give an enter- tainment Friday evening, consisting of music and recitations given by "her scholars. Mrs. Dexter arrived Tuesday from Chicago, and expects to remain 'during the winter with tier daughter, Mis. Bab- cock. Miss Jennie White starts next Mon- day for her home in Illinois, after visit- ing among her friends for a year. Mrs. Lou Robinson entertained a small company at her home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hinman. of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield. Miss Viau expects to start for her home in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Girley. of Clinton Falls, Dak., is the guest of Mrs. Lowell. Mrs. Wright is the guest of Mrs. I). H. Stinson. Mrs. Miner has returned from Da- kota. Little Falls. Miss Georgia Pickett, who has been visiting her Bister, Mrs. J. I). Maxwell, for some time, returned to her home at Pickett Station. Wis. - Rev*. S. W. Varner, of Buminisville, Minn., was in town during the week, the guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. Stone. Mrs. Stevens, who has been sojourn- ing at St. Cloud, Minn., for some time visiting her son, returned Saturday. Miss May Stillwell returned from Brainerd last week, accompanied by Miss Carrie Moors. Mr. Andrews, of Detroit, Minn., is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. B. Car. Miss May Brown is visiting friends in Brainerd: Faribault. Mrs. R. C. Meeker and daughter, of Yaquina, Or., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hatch before starting for the Pa- cific coast. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan Berry, of Mil- waukee, Wis., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Batchelder. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hatch start Mon- day next for Los Angeles,Cal., to spend, the winter. Mis. H. L Eequier, of New Orleans, La., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. 'B. Mattocks. .:-.-'W***V : 'V Mrs. W. R. Murray, of Lake City, is visiting her daughter at St. Mary's hall . Mrs. C. S. Meeker has returned from Ohio. , y PP y Preston. •-'\u25a0•_'" Miss Ada German, of. Austin, de- parted for her home Monday, after a short. visit with her aunt, Mrs. H. Weeks. . --. Miss Flora Prescott," one of the Spring Valley "teachers spent Saturday last with her mother in this place. . Miss Frank. Cook, of Minneapolis, has been spending the past two weeks with Mrs. G. W. Hard. . . Miss Adelia Pickett opened her win- ter, term of school last Thursday at Isenour.. - Mr. and Mrs. John Archer started for California last Friday to spend the win- ter. ...,.:..-. The M. A. B. society met with Mrs. J. M. Terwilleger Wednesday afternoon. The Methodist Aid society met with Miss Minnie Dayton last Friday. \u25a0 >v } ' Miss Fannie Loomis entertained at cards Monday evening. :jy;^..:j . Chatfield. T; ; Misses Fannie Whiteomb, Medora O^ * Ferrel, Messrs. "\*» illiam Wells and Milo * White, Jr., accompanied Miss Fanaie ' Willson to her home iv Rochester, last Sunday. . -J ' A pleasant surprise was given Mr. ' and Mrs. Perry McGrew Tuesday even- ing in honor of the second anniversary r of their marriage. M- ' Miss Carrie Chermack is visiting friends at Plainview this week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Langrel. : ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Easton, of ' La ' ; Crosse, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Haven this week. Mr. and Mrs. Titus, of Rochester, Minn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Haven. The Apollo Musical club was enter- tained by Miss Julia Cole Tuesday even- ing. * < Mr. and Mrs. Bandle. of Winona, are visiting friends at this place. Miss Josie Moore, of Fountain, was in town Wadnesday. Rosemount. Mrs. Barbara Dowlan. of Minneap- olis, has returned after a few days' stay with Mrs. M. Haley at Fairvview. Miss Maggie Caneff entertained her cousin. Miss Alice O'Keefe, of Leb- anon, Friday evening. " 'y Miss Mary Sullivan has returned to her home in Mendota after spending the summer here. Miss Emma dirty has returned after a few days' visiting with friends in St. Paul. C Miss Julia Mulleny spent a few days last week in the Saintly City. Miss A. O'Keefe and Miss Mary Sulli- van spent Sunday in Lakeville. MISS Annie Lingley will reside in Rosemount this winter. , Miss Kate Delaney spent Thursday in St. Paul. Waseca. Miss Ricka Catzman and Miss M. Sul- livan, of Rochester, visited friends in this city the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and family, of Blooming Prairie, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. . Miss Mary Htigunin, of Janesville, is at Mrs. Myrick's in this city. ; _ y ] Miss Sue Ayer was down from Janes- ville the past week. '. Mrs. atTiillahoina.Tenn.. for the winter. Mrs. Thomas Lynch visited Janesville the past week. •'. ;Y Mis- Emily Anderson leaves this week for Michigan. :\u25a0' <"' . Mis. A. 11. Hay ward has returned from Ohio. Miss Rose Oster is organizing a class- in music. r " "_ •--\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0-"\u25a0' -•' Miss G rover, of Water is in this city. - \u25a0\u25a0• :f, \u25a0 ; j.y-; » \u25a0'.I- '..: ''.' '.- '.:. Janesville. '.-.-.- .. •/# \ ' \u25a0 : Miss Jones left Tuesday for her home in Northfield.'" \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \r : Miss Clara Davidson, of Minneapolis, is visiting in this place. . '?".. t Mrs. Sarah Moore went to Win,dom Wednesday. . .* Mrs. Dane, of Todd county, is visiting friends and relatives in this place. *", *'• Mr. and Mrs. Dietidonne and Mr. and ' Mrs. Gnthfleiseh visited St. Peter Satur- day. Misses Breen and Ayer visited in, Waseca Sunday last. .. Miss Etta Morrill returned Saturday*' from Morgan and is the guest of" Miss Panic Peabody. r , Miss Chandler, of Mankato, was in ' Janesville Saturday. Red Win«. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bas.,ett celebrated their golden wedding at the residence of their son-in-law. Hon. F. W. Hoyt. on Seventh street. Wednesday last. They were the recipients of a purse contain- ing **7_ and many other tokens of the esteem iii which they are held. The Concordia Progressive Euchre club was very pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Webster Thursday evening. Miss Bessie Fulcrut has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. T. War- wick, at Fredericks, Dak. ;;.- - Mr. and Mrs. F. Verner left Thursday for Lake Butler. Florida, where they will in future reside. Mrs. Charles Ward, of Ada, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ashel- mau. PpPP. Mrs.A. B. Ashelman, of Ada, spent the week with friends in this city. Mr.-. Gen. Van Cleve. of Minneapolis, is the guest of Mrs. 11. A. Hobart. St. James. Mr. and Mrs. George Ratteray and Mrs.Clement Ratteray,of Martin county, have moved into the village for the winter. Miss Edith Woodhead has gone to St. Paul to sptnd the winter with her sis- ter. Mrs. J. S. Langfaorn. Mr. and Mrs. John Woodhead and daughter left for Santa Cruz, Cal.. this week. Mrs. S. W. La ('range entertained the Presbyterian society this week. Judge and Mrs. S. C. (lair will spend the winter in New England. Miss McLaren visited Mankato and Madelia last week. Miss Minnie McConncl has returned from St. Paul. . .:::.. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gage have removed to Sioux City. Northfield. Miss Belle Drew returned from Shak- opee Monday, where she was visiting Miss Emma Bucahnan. Mrs. J. C. Nutting entertained a large company of friends Wednesday even- ing. Mrs. W. Burdick. of Ohio, is at Mrs. Galen Coon's, on Washington street. | .'*' Mis. E. Williams, of Minneapolis, has been in the city visiting friends. «.' Mrs. Morgan Emery, of Minneapolis, is the guest of Mrs. B. F. Miller. :? . ih Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have gone jto Chicago. ..'_-t -.'.;- , ' > ; if, Mrs. Trusselgave an afternoorf' tea Saturday. i n , Moorhead. j -•> Miss Carrie Holcomb entertainer.' many of her friends Tuesday night, Among the Moorhead ladies present?' were Misses Marie Rogers, Sarah Bird, Julia Merritt, Mary Partridge and 'Bar- bara Inihoff. - f*s I Mrs. Andrew Holes has returned "from a visit to her early home in New York. Mrs. J. N. Margeson has gone ; to* Houghton, Mich., to spend the winter.' Miss Forsyth gave recitations in good style at the Trinity church supper. Mrs. A. A. White and daughters are with friends in Minneapolis. Miss Kate Lyon has returned to St. Paul. \u25a0PpK^ Pine Island. Mrs. : Ruth C. Jackson, of Lowell, Mass., will spend the winter with her sou, H. Jackson, at this place. " The Misses Florence Millerand cor- gia Morehouse spent Sunday with Miss -Emily Miller at Roscoe. :. - * |\u25a0 A. W. Cobb and family started Wed- nesday ' for Gordons ville, where they will spend the winter. "'- ,-~*,'. -'.:>• j Miss Anna Buchholz entertained about fifteen of her friends at a euchre party Tuesday evening. ' ' , : - Miss Cassie Wells, of Pierre.' Dak., was the guest of I Mrs. E. A. Dickey Thursday. - \ : Miss Frances Ahneman is the guest of Miss Josepnine Smith, y.. Pp--*^. PPPP Kasota. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Buel and . little daughters expect to leave Monday next for a visit of several - weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Covert, of Arkansas City, Kan. *\u25a0?&?&*. .:„•-.' Pp']' Mr. and Mrs. Lonegan and Mrs. E. Hunt, of Winnebago, have been so- journing a few days in town, the guests of Mrs. George E. Case. '\u25a0" ... .'.'\u25a0",\u25a0. -' . Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Burchard and -fain- have removed to San Diego. Cal., where they expect to make their future home. Lanesboro. ;y . y '. Mrs. A. E. Easton returned home last week from a mouth's visit with her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Narrlgang, who resides at Aberdeen, Dak. DAKOTA. Fargo. - A large number of ladies and gentle- men remembered the twenty-fifth anni- versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Regan, and gave them a surprise party. An elegant solid silver tea serv- ice was presented, the silver-tongued J. C. McKendry making the presenta- tion speech. >\u25a0;'•'*'' The social circles of Fargo sustain a less in the departure of Mrs. I). 11. Getchell and her daughters. Jennie and Gertie, to Washington territory. A large number of society people met at the residence of Miss Alice Johnson and organized a social club, with Miss Lainont as president. Mrs. De Toe added greatly to the in- terest of the niiisicale given by Prof. Smith's pupils Wednesday night. Mrs. Carditi and Misses Laura and Fannie have gone to Knoxville, Term., to spend the winter. \u25a0 Mrs. Strihes. who has been visiting her son. Attorney Miller, has returned to Philadelphia. Mrs. S. B. Bartlett and Miss Beth, of Casselton, have visited with Mrs. G. D. Ellis this week. Mrs. Sloan, wife of the popular North- ern Pacific conductor, visited in James- town this week. Mrs. Wisner, of Lisbon, has been the guest of Mrs. Col. Greer this week. Mrs. T. W. Hunt left this w >ek for Mississippi to spend the winter. Miss Bessie Smith, of Durl)in, is the guest of Miss Gertie Thomas. Mrs. Capt. Johnson, of Bismarck, is the guest of Mrs. Col. Greer. •;: .. Mrs. Raworth, of Chicago, is' visiting her son, E. M. Raworth. - ; &.'* - \u25a0'. '*'' Mrs. Dr. C. M. Bums has gOne to Illi- nois to spend the winter. Miss Lena Berry entertained the So- cial club Friday night. Mrs. W. W. Houghton has returned from Wisconsin. yV'-'y Vy Mrs. Leonard Ames lias returned to Oswego, N. Y. Mrs. M. Briukerhoff is about to leave for California. Mrs. E. B. Hance has gone to Eau Claire, Wis. Mrs. F. E. Boswell has returned from New York. Mrs. J. D. Yowl-os has gone to Den- ver. Cal. *„\u25a0: :p;.\u25a0','-':. :' : ~ Mrs. Sevier has returned from Hel- ena. -..-., T ...'\u25a0\u25a0 Huron. A small company, of friends of Mr. and Mrs.. J. W.Campbell enjoyed an evening with them. « Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Belknap, , Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie,",.Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Cady. ' <PP , y Among Huron- ladies who attended the Emma Abbott concert in Water- town were Mrs.B. K.Rouley.Mrs. Frank Eidridge. Mrs.A. Davis, Mrs. N. D. Walling, Mrs. Judge Spencer, Mrs. Dr. Alfordand Miss Hattie . McKennan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Pechin have gone to Chicago for a brief stay. They will join the passenger and freight con- ductors on their excursion to the City of Mexico. '-'-;\u25a0' * Mrs. T. E. McFarland, of Chicago, who has been here with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFarland, for the past few weeks, has returned home. y'Ppp...:' Mrs. E. E. Lewis, of Sioux City, who assisted in the concert in the Congrega- tional church, was the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFarland while here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Miller entertained a large company of friends, the occasion being the celebration of their first wed- ding anniversary. Mrs. M. C. Gans. who has been spend- ing some days with the Gans family in this city, has returned to her home in Blunt. " .. :/, ;;; Mrs. Dr. I). J. Wolf has gone to her former home in Michigan to remain during the winter. Mrs. Charles Potter, wife of the rec- tor or Grace Episcopal church, has ar- rived in Huron. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Swift enter- tained the West Side Whist club a few evenings since. Mrs. Frank Eidridge served tea to the ladies of the Guild and numerous friends. \u25a0 Presiding Elder and Mrs. Bradford are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ferry. * . Mrs. Mort Davenport, of Wessingtou, visited Mrs. (i. C. Culner this week. Mr. and Mr.. Birdsill have gone to Winona. Watertown. The Congregational social Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyden was a great success. The singing by Misses Mena Heegaard and Sarah Watson and Mr. J. D. Carle was thoroughly enjoyed. . The ladies of Trinity Guild gave a social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Sheafe Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp have re- turned to their home in Watertown, N. Y. Mrs. D. Gostelow has gone to Grand Rapids, Mich., to spend the winter. Miss Sarah Converse, of Grafton, Yt., has come to this city to reside. ' Mrs. A. McClintock and daughters have gone to lowa for a visit. Rev. Lotz and wife, of the Christian church, have taken up their residence in this city. : -"-y Mrs. F. D. Hopkins is entertai ning Miss Belle Patterson, of Henry. Mrs. O. P. Kemp and children have gone to Neillsville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mellette have been entertaining Dr. A. P. Murray, of Albany, Ind. y^,; " Mrs. C. A. Crane went to Northvilie Tuesday. P_Z::P'i± Mr. and Mrs. I. F. West and -; family have gone to Wichita, Kan., where they will reside. : ;'.-y:.^y Following are the names of the ladies who assisted in the exercises at the opening of Armory hall: Mrs. T. V. Eddy. Misses Mena Heegaard, Maud Stewart, Mabel Kingsbury, Cora Wiley, Ida Mulhall and Addie Stokes, Evans. Mrs. Mason, of Doland, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. W. Stutenroth. . Mrs. O. E Dewey entertained the Misses Murphy, of Clark, this week. The Misses Stanton, of Northvilie, visited this city during the week. Webster. , Miss Florence Wilson left for Ells- worth, Kan., Sunday night where she will join Mrs.. Lee- and family. They willspend the winter . in Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. P. S. Gallagher, of Murdock, Minn., has been the guest of her father, J. B. Prendergast, for the past week. Mrs. A. J. Lut.h departed for Ypsi- lanti, Mich., Wednesday l night where she will spend the winter. Miss Esther Small,' of Jordon, Minn., s the guest of her " brothers , Andy and Edward Small. yy-'.- I , Miss Ada Laird, of this place, has ac- cepted the position of school teacher at Harlem. Dak. Mrs. T. McKenneth - left for a short visit to friends at Columbia Friday. . Mrs. G. H. Baker departed for Britton, Dak., Monday. Mrs. J. Alby has returned from a visit to friends East. . : :P~PyPP . Sioux Falls. Mrs. Edith Sutton lias gone to Em- metsburg, 10., for a visit. * y. :.-. . * ; p Mrs. T. F. Leavitt gave a tea Wednes- day afternoon. Mrs. H. 11. Keith entertained a few friends last Friday afternoon. Mrs. R. W. Codley has gone to Deco- rah, 10., for the winter. Mrs. Park Davis entertained the La- dies' Aid society of the Congregational church Thursday evening. Mrs. Comstock, of Boone, 10., mother of Mrs. E. B. Meridith, is at the home of her daughter. N_SS Mrs. A. B. Soraers, of Massachusetts, is the guest of Judge and Mrs.. Palmer. Mrs. J. C. Cook, of Janesville, Wis., is visiting her brothers, K. G. and H. T. Parmley. ..; Misses Flora and Ella Nickel are vis- iting in Omaha. Miss Etta Mcintosh is being enter- tained by Mrs. John Macally. Mrs. R. M. Tucker, of Worthington, Minn., is at the home of Mrs. J. B. Olden for a few days. Mrs. Maj. Fullenwider has returned from St. Louis. Miss Nellie McCormack is at Water- town, the guest of Miss Kingsbury. Miss Wright ahd Mrs. Ban, of Bur- lington, 10., sisters of Hon. E. G. Wright are here on a visit. y. * pp .'* Miss Lucie Harnill, of Lochwood, was over last week. Miss Clara Doty, of Waterloo, is vis- iting in our city. Miss Ileiss entertained a few friends Wednesday night. : Yankton. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Tripp, accom- panied by Mr.Tripp's mother, of Fari- bault. Minn., have arrived and will make Yankton their home. The '-firelight" social given at Mrs. J. R. Sanborn's residence Wednesday evening was an entire success and very unique. / ' -.;'.y.y : John R. Petrie and daughter, Miss Alice, of Tvudall, were in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Henry Luebke, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Amelia, has gone to Hamburg, Germany. Judge V. V. Barnes and family, of DeSmet, Kingsbury county, have lo- cated in this city. Mrs. Rook and Mrs. Landis. mother and sister of Mrs. J. B. Wynn, are visit- ing in Yankton. Leighton Wynn and family, of Sioux City, spent Sunday with J. B. Wynn aud family. Mrs. Frank Bronson has returned from a month's visit in Syracuse, N. Y. R. J. Clemens, of Chicago, spent Sun- day with Mrs. D. W. C. Tanner. Mrs. Susan Purdy. of Fairbury, Neb., is visiting her son, L. M. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, of Chi- cago, were in the city last week. Mrs. M. E. Talcott, of Tyndall, made a visit to Yankton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kahn are in Omaha. Miss Agnes Stilwell, of Tyndall. is in town. Mrs. S.Weuzlaff is visiting in Mitchell. Ipswick. The ladies of the Catholic church give an oyster supper and sociable to-night. Among the ladies who take a prominent part are Mrs. B. Cox. Mrs. Darmondy and Mrs. J. J. Skahen. Miss Nettie Lewis, of Mina, and Miss Bertha Sims, of Roscoe, are among the young ladies who attend the institute this week. . '•':'".." "':';\u25a0. Mrs. G. W. Kyle is drilling a class of young ladies who, with her assistance, will render a cantata Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Stout are "at home" to tlieir friends, in their new home ou Fourth street. M. and Mrs. John Cox left last even- ing for Madison, Wis., to visit friends. The Congregational society met this afternoon with Mrs John Rogers. The W. C. T. U. met Thursday after- noon with Mrs. Rose Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parmley have gone to housekeeping. Mrs. W. F. Stickney has returned from Aberdeen. Mrs. A. 11. Stowe has returned from Clear Lake, 10. _____-__-——. Grand Forks. Mrs. W. E. Parsons entertained a number of ladies Monday afternoon in honor of her mother-in-law, Mrs. L. E. . Parsons, of Cummings. The C. L. S. C. held an interesting meeting at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Teel Monday evening. Mrs. J. Buttery, of Emerald, who has been the guest of her mother, left for home Monday. Mrs. Doyle, mother of Mrs. J. E. Cooley, left for her home in La Salle, 111., Monday. An elegant afternoon reception was given by Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Friday, from 3to G. ',\u25a0\u25a0'» '." Mrs. B. C. Tiffany entertained about forty ladies at 5 o'clock tea last week. Mrs. C. E. Teel entertained the Plymouth circle Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. Shields and family left- Wednesday for Great Falls, Mont. Mrs. Ed and Wild Dow are visiting Mrs. Frank Viets., of Minto. Miss Mabel Storey will spend several weeks at Devil's Lake. Mrs. Gilbert M. Walker is a guest of Mrs. 0. A. Barnes. Bismarck. . Mrs. Capt. Johnson went to Fargo Monday evening to remain about three weeks, after which she will go to Illi- nois and Tennessee to spend the win- ter. Mrs. Asa Fisher, assisted by Mrs. Judge Frances, entertained Wednesday afternoon. . -..; The Ladies Aid society met Thurs- day afternoon with Mrs. W. B. Wat- son. _;\u2666 Misses Grace Braithwaite and Julia Mclntyre visited Mandan Tuesday. Mrs. David Goodman, of Jamestown, is the guest of Mrs. Menzesheimer. Mrs. J. S. Hillyer and daughters en- tertained at Chincheon Thursday. Mrs. Anderson Healy left Thursday evening for Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Bentley entertained Monday evening. Miss Anna Louis left for Spokane Falls Monday. Ellendale. Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, a reading circle was organized at the residence of A. T. Cole. There were present Mes- dames Raleigh and Cole and Misses Alice Raleigh, Etta Denio, Cole, Nettie and Berth Parkes and others. The society met Tuesday, Nov. 15, to complete their organization at the resi- dence of George W. Parks. The Ellendale Dancing club gave a select party in the court house hall Thursday evening last. Among the ladies present were Misses Jackson, De. La Hunt, Etta and Mabel Denio, Min- nie Horton. Miss Blanche Davis has returned to her former position in the register of deeds office. Miss Ella Wells left Friday for Min- neapolis, after a week's visit in this place. Mrs. F. S. Goddard -Is visiting at her former home in McGregor, 10. - Mrs. A. Chronkite has returned from the country. . Mrs. -N. P. ' Axtell has returned from Michigan. Grafton. \u25a0> The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have decided to establish a reading - room. Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Faulkner will superintend this work. V. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rain, old residents of Grafton, left Thursday for St. Paul, . where they expect to reside. . "Aid. Weagant started Monday for Minot to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mc- Jaunet. , . . ; Miss Lottie Upham has completed her term of school at Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs have returned from Montana. ppp..' ; : ..' P..PPP Jamestown. '. ' ' Mrs. P. W. Lupher, of Edmunds, who I has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Foley, has continued her trip to Pennsylvania, where she will re- main during the winter. . Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Smith, who have : been spending the summer at James- town and Canngton, have returned to New York. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Altschul have gone to Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. R. G. De Puy and Mrs. George R. Topliff went to Minneapolis Wednes- day. Mrs. Otto Wonnenberg and Mrs. A. J. Feezer have gone to lowa. - •_• V 1; Mrs. Sam ' Matthews, of Casselton, is visiting with Mrs. J. R. Winslow. Maj. J. N. Low and family have gone to Williamsport, Pa. izpL^ Mrs. N. D. Fanning has gone to Pitts- burg, Pa. y p-^yp": PpP,PP:.P Mrs. J. C. McCrimmon and family have gone to Beatrice, Neb. . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilfillan have moved into town for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bush are visiting at Edmunds. ".'""~ ." Buffalo. Mrs. Talcott and sister. Miss Squier, will spend the winter at Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Herrington, of Canada, is our new assistant school teacher. Mrs. R. N. Goodsell and family have gone to Los Angeles, Cal. Charles McCarthy, of Grand Forks, is here visiting friends. Hon. J. Mclntyre will spend the win- ter in Canada. Tower City. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ellsbury contem- plate a trip to Taeoma, W. T., in the near future. Mrs. McConnell, of Cavalier, Dak., is here visiting her sister, Mrs. P. H. Mc- Master. .;:--* Rev. and Mrs. Baskerville went to Lisbon overland Saturday. Wahpeton. Mrs. J. W. Hayward, of Cleveland, 0., is here visiting her mother, Mrs. O. L. Loomis. X ' Miss Grace Waterbury, of Cleveland, 0.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chezick have re- turned from Chicago. Mrs. Capt. White went to Fargo Mon- day. Washburn. Miss Christina Oslin will spend a few weeks with friends in the northern part of the county. Miss Maggie Garrette is at home again. WISCONSIN. Chippewa Falls. Mrs. Benjamin Luce and Mrs. Thomas Halburt entertained a large company Tuesday evening at progres- sive euchre. The ladies present were W. R. Hoyt, 11. J.- Goddard, Levi Mar- tin, Condit, 11. 11. Rowe.l). E. Seymour, Ed Seymour, J. B. Kehl, W. F. Boland, Hector Mcßae, E. M. Miles, W. H. Le Clere, John Maxiener, W. Irvine, Sidell. N. O. Swift, J. W. Squires, Eldrich and Mary Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. George Burt were pleas- antly surprised by friends Monday evening. Tuesday evening Mrs. George Dickey was surprised. Mrs. Condit entertained Thursday evening and again to-night. Mrs. B. D. Viies gave another party Wednesday. Mrs. Campbell, of Stevens Point, was the guest of Mrs. Kate McKinna a few days. Mrs. A. J. M'GilvrayandMrs. George Earley spent a few days at La Crosse. Mrs. W. R. Hoyt and Miss Kittie Stiles spent Saturday in Eau Claire. The society of Busy Workers met with Mrs. Hockinbrock this week. Mrs. Walker, of Roolet, Minn., is vis- iting relatives in the city. Mrs. Will Seymour entertained Wednesday aftrrnoon. Mrs. Gorm W. Rossiter is visiting her father in Milwaukee. The Baptist Mission met with Mrs. W. Johnson this week. Mrs. M. E. Quinlan left Tuesday for Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. James A. Taylor is visiting in Paul. Neillsville. Miss Minnie Tolford was given a sur- prise party by about forty couples of her young friends last Saturday evening. Among those present were Misses Dimple French. Agnes McGlnnisXettie Leases, Julia Kapka, Lulu Manseur, Emma Ilendren, Maggie Ross, Stella Steams, Katie and Julia Servaty, Claude and Luttie Safford, Jacques and Gill. Mrs. T. D. Condit gave a select party, Monday evening, in honor of her daugh- ters Sadie and Amelia, who have just returned from Olivett. Misses Dimple French.Luttie Safford and Jessie Camp- bell were among those present. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Davidson and children are sojourning with relatives at Rio, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Iritis J. Glass attended the Hoskins-Trumbell nuptials at Mer- rillan. W. L. Hemphill is entertaining his sister, Jors. Alexander, of Chicago. Mrs. Fauver,of La Crosse, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Dickey. Miss Nellie Robinson gave a dancing party Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornelius visited at Chicago last week. .;-;- y v .; rpp Miss Edna Robbins was at Greenwood the past week. .:- y-"' :: Mrs. Dr. Pitcher has returned from Fond dv Lac. 'y-;v Mrs. Mary Walker is sojourning at St. Paul. Eau Claire. The Woman's Relief corps, of Eagle post, G. A. R.. gave a reception Thurs- day evening in honor of Mrs. Gertie Rogers, of Milwaukee, president of the Wisconsin department. : >:.-.- . At the Hardy school art exhibition this week, studies by Misses Noble, Gil- man, Thrane, Babcock, Bellinger, Teall and Clark were exhibited. Miss Minnie Smith gave a progressive euchre party Monday evening, at which Percy Atkinson and Miss May Kelley secured the grand prize. Miss Susie Butten succeeds Miss Emily Pratt as organist at the First Con- gregational church, -pp. ... Miss Emma Argard is visiting her brother at Grand Rapids, Mich. -.:.;,.. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jones have re- turned from lowa. P'ppip Hudson. The Episcopal' society had a very pleasant social at Mrs. H. Barlow's Tuesday evening. 1 Miss Katharine Coggswell,of St.Paul, spent the first .of the week with rela- tives. - \u25a0"\u25a0' - '.\u25a0 .*'-'; *":/-:; ;\u25a0 ppp :.pp'- ppyp.. The W. C. T. U. gave a very success- ful "old folks' concert" Friday evening. . Mrs. P. B. Lacy entertained the Bap- tist society at tea Thursday evening. : Mrs. Fratt, of Milwaukee,' is the guest of her mother, Mrs. McCartney. > IOWA. Mason City. The ladies of the Episcopal church gave a very entertaining ; social Thurs- day evening at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Clark. y-v .:"-/ \u25a0P-PPP'P'P Mrs. 0. T. Denison arid Mrs. John Cliggett gave a 5 o'clock tea last Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Deni- son. ~:- " . \u25a0-. - -.• -: v-- - -;\u25a0•":' -----•• P. Mrs. Wareham, of Plymouth, was in town attending the supper given by the Relief corps Saturday evening. .;\u25a0\u25a0. Mrs. Alba Miller and Mrs. E. D. Fris- bee entertained a number of lad^ ; friends last Thursday evening.; y Miss Kate Paxton ' left 'Thursday for Chicago, where she will take lessons in music and painting..;. _ :. •••* Mrs. S. H. Cedass left Friday for an extended visit in Cass county, lowa, and Nebraska. yy % ... y- Tuesday evening Mrs. P. P. Hinel- rich entertained the . Fourth S .Street Whist club. - -*- .-, -• .-" \ : ,p, ,-y.y Mrs. F. Telford , started .Monday for Kansas, where she will spend the win- ter. ;••;;\u25a0* ;,- , \u0084-.;;.-; Miss Carrie Elite has been engaged as instructor in the schools at Thornton. , Mrs. H. K. Perry and daughter, Mabel, left Tuesday forElsinore, Cal. . Mrs. Proctor, of Grinnell. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. W. Knapp. ' _ Mrs. W. H.Bonton returned Monday from a visit in Hardin county. j The Woman's ", club', met 'with Mrs. Moll last Tuesday, evening. .... . -* Mrs. Sarkrider started Tuesday for her home in Oakland, Cal. \u25a0.„'. ..\u25a0-•« Mrs. E. J. Walling will reside at Fort Dodge during the winter. .--.*! Mrs. B. Corey, of Waverly, is the guest of Mrs. Brett. "\u25a0 >. ' \u25a0 -. $, Mrs. Vance, of Sheffield, was in the city Saturday last. " •'• 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis have moved to Minneapolis. .;"\u25a0;\u25a0 . * ; '. *.'.""/'\u25a0 '»a Mrs. Fred Zoller left Friday for a visit in Colorado. . .... ... .. ... s Marshall town. C, A very pleasant and enjoyable ' time was had at the reception tendered Miss Mac Harris Anson, of Minneapolis, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Utz, 306 South Third avenue, last Fri- day night. The company was enter- tained with a reading by Miss Anson' and musical selections, vocal and instru- mental, by Mrs. W. W. Doolittle, Miss Anson and Messrs. E. E. Carver and H. B. Miller. Those present were Mrs. F. B. Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilson,' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. East, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Doolittle, Mrs. D. S. Manwaring, Mrs. Ella Baker, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Carver, Miss Hattie L. Brown, of Min- neapolis; H. B. Miller, Mrs. Watrous,' Mr. and Mrs. T. T." Wasson, Mrs. L. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. George Beasley, Mrs. Nathan Worley, Jr. "Them Boys" gave their third hop at Music hall, Monday night.- There were about sixty couples present. Anion' the guests from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Pickering, of Boston, and Miss Mac Harris Anson, of Minneap- olis. £ The Chautauqua circle met with Mr. Charles Trine Monday night. Afterthe regular lesson. Miss Mattie McMillan read "The Garrison of Cape Ann." Mrs. A. C. Abbott left Monday for Ogden, Utah, to visit her son James. She will go from there to California, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Binford and Mr. and Mrs. Grunnue left Tuesday morn- ing for a three months' tour of tha West. Miss Hattie flisey went to Minneap- olis Tuesday morning for a two weeks' stay, the guest of Miss Estella Shute. »., Mrs. Charles Heitchu returned Wed- nesday from a visit with her sister Mrs. David Davis, at Sterling, 111. Mrs. J. G. Hixson will entertain about a dozan of Marshalltown's elite at dinner Thanksgiving. Mrs. George Frink, of Lyle, spent Sunday night in the city, the guest of Mrs. J. L. Williams. Miss Beula Bennet, of Oskaloosa, has been visiting with Mrs. J. M. Wood- worth all the week. The Masonic club will entertain with an exceptionally fine programme Thanksgiving eve. Mrs. C. A. Harrington visited with friends at Belle Plain, Tuesday and Wednesday. .-\u25a0.--.' \u25a0 -\u25a0 The Congregational Ladies' society met with Mrs. J. G. Brown Thursday afternoon. Mrs. T. J. Fletcher gave a company Thursday night for her two young lady guests. \u0084' Mrs. L. Jennings-Hood arrived home from Minneapolis Tuesday, to remain. Mrs. C. S. Bridge returned home to Norfolk, Neb., Tuesday evening. 1 , Miss Mac Anson left Wednesday for a two weeks' sojourn at Le Mars. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith went to Grundy Center Thursday. "\u25a0 >-\u25a0 Mrs. H. D. Churchill has returned from Grinnell. Miss Carrie Moler spent Sunday at home. \u25a0 Cresco. "" : .* Miss Leila Marshall has returned from Fort Atkinson, where she spent a few days with Mrs. Daley. Mrs. J. F. Creamer, accompanied by Miss Nellie Mullen, has returned to Crookston, Minn. Miss Julia Byrnes has gone to Fox Lake, Wis., for a two months' visit. Miss Frances Quillinan, of Elma, wa? in town last Friday. Married. . Masrhalltown, Io.: B. F. Allen and Miss Lulu Mills. Charles D. Wiley and Miss Cora Hamble. Charles Gustafson and Miss Emma Nelson. Elk Point, Dak.: C. C. Blair and Miss Myra Mead. P. G. Page and Miss V. D. Creglow. Mankato, Minn.: Sanford S. Wash* burn and Miss Minnie Comstock. Sauk Centre, Minn.: E. 11. Grund- man and Miss Emily Shepard. Eau Claire, Wis.: George B. Park- hill and Miss Belle Salisbury. Chippewa Falls. Wis. : Luther Shut- ter and Miss Kate Mcßea. Albert Lea, Minn.: Dr. F. A. Twitch* ell and Miss Gassie Baron. Henderson, Minn.: Henry Thoeh. and Miss Charlotte Werner. Brainerd, Minn.: Angus M. Brown and Miss Emma F. Curry. . Tower City, Dak.: J. S. Smith and Miss Lura Douglass. . * Seneca, Wis. : Fred A. Granzon and Miss Amelia Leitner. Northfield,' Minn.: George Simpson and Miss Ida Houck. Rochester, Minn.: Oscar Rom melt and Miss Koenig. Bangor, Dak. : Ludwig Hallauer and 1 Miss Theresia Patter. Clark, Dak, : D. J. Quinn and Misa Nellie Costello.~ y. ' >M Conde, Dak.: George H. Small and» Miss Ida Price. "1 \u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 | __ SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE ! The most approved remedy for Cholera i Cholera Morbus and Diarrhea, Imported and, bottled by Miha_ovitch, Fletcher & Co-, Cincinnati, O. For sale by the following agents at wholesale : g Ryan Drug Co., Woyef Bros. & Cutler, George Bene & Sons, L Solo- mon & Co., J. A. Burrichter &Co., The Cali- fornia Wine House, Seventh and Cedar, . ST. FAUX, Minneapolis and Duluth; Lyman Eliel Drug Co., Minneapolis.', Also for sals by all wholesale and retail druggists, liattq} dealers and wiuc merchants. - ". ......

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Post on 30-Sep-2020




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Page 1: St. Paul daily globe (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1887-11-19 [p 11] · (1. G. Thome leave next week forLondon. Eng. Miss Fannie Van Inmegon is visiting friends in Minneapolis. Mrs. Henry llahn


younger children, left this week tospend the winter in Eastern New Yorkstate., Mrs. Sutton." of Alexandria, is visitingher sister. Mrs. Chamberlain, at Parker'sPrairie. ....'"]

Mrs. F. G. Barrows is visiting herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, at Glen-coe. _4yf-. '.-; yy

Miss Jennie Partridge, of Brainerd, isa guest of Mrs. W. L. longer.' Mrs. L. W. Gray Is a guest of Mrs. B.JJ. Warfield, Battle Lake.

Mrs. G. C. Pollock is a guest of Mrs.W. B. Dean, St. Paul. -Mrs. C. D. Baker has returned fromZumbrota. -- "\u25a0. " -*


The Wednesday Night ProgressivEuchre club was organized at Mrs. W.J. Wright's Wednesday evening. Thehead prizes were won by Mrs. F. M.Wadleigh and G. W. Washbish, the pro-gressive prize by Miss Lizzie Howard,and the footprizes byMiss Grace Rogersand A. A. Scott. "The meeting nextweek will be with Miss Linnie C. Dud-ley.

Mrs. C. A.Baker and family left yes-terday afternoon for St. Paul to take tipa residence. They are among the old-est of our citizens, and will he greatlymissed in society.

Miss Clara 11. Allison, teacher in theNinth grade of the Irving school, hasresigned her position, to accept a placein the public schools of West St. Paul.

The play entitled, "Only a Farmer'sDaughter." with Marion Abbott asthe Adventuress, was rendered at Teu-tonic hall last night.

Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Turner, of Mai-den, Mass., were the guests of Mr. andMrs. A. W. Gardner this week.

Mrs. John Kranz and Mrs. MichaelLudwig. of Kranzburg, were visitingrelatives in town this week.

Mrs. J. A. Chadwick; of Watertown,Wis., is in the city, the guest of Mrs.Charles Pearson.

The ladies of the M. E. church hold asociable at Mrs. Xehemiah Martin'sFriday evening.

Mr. ami Mrs. Cornelius Fries, of St.Paul, were the guests of friends in townthis week.

Mrs. August Rehil, of St. Paul, vis-ited friends in the city Monday.

Mrs. George Barbaras returned froma visit in Rice county Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Sehmitz, of St.Paul, were down Sunday.

Mis. ('. H.Ocibigleft Tuesday for hernew home in Stillwater.

Mi. and Mis. (1. G. Thome leave nextweek forLondon. Eng.

Miss Fannie Van Inmegon is visitingfriends in Minneapolis.

Mrs. Henry llahn visited friends inStillwater this week. ;

Mrs. Samuel Norrish has returnedfrom Casselton, Dak.

Miss Mamie B. Lemen was in Farm-ington Wednesday.

Miss Lucy A. Conklin has returnedfrom Minneapolis.

Mrs. A. E. Rich visited friends in St.Paul Wednesday.

Mis. Jerome Temple is visiting inMerriam Park. '

Mrs. C. T. Lange is visiting friends inSt. Paul.

Mrs. J. A. Ennis is visiting friends inSt. Paul.

Mrs. S. W. Truax left Wednesday forGlencoe.

Mrs. Matilda M.Tuttle is inLangdon.

Spring Valley.

The following are the officers electedto fill the stations ofthe . new BurdickRelief Corps No, 38, of this city: Presi-dent, Mrs. W. W. Bonticou; secondvice president, Mrs. W. D. Andrews ;junior vice president, Mrs. O. Gould;chaplain. Mrs. E. Goodwin; treasurer,Mrs. W. Rundell; conductor, Mrs. J. S.Lee: assistant conductor, Mrs. E. J.Sturtivant: guard. Miss Ruby Judd; as-sistant guard, Mrs. John Bar.

A committee consisting of MesdamesJ. S. Lee, J. C.Lee. C. C. Stoddard,Hattie Evans, J. J. Christ, J. C. Halb-kat. E. J. Sturtivant and I. Taylor, as-sisted by the ladies of the M. E. church,will give a New England supper at theirchurch on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fanner gave a 5o'clock tea to Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Christ,Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Strong, Mr. andMrs. F. V. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs.Harry Sample, Mr.and Mrs. P. Cusick,and daughter Nellie, and Mrs. Peter DeGroodt Thursday.

Mrs. I.Peterson and daughters Artieand Nettie arrived from West Mitchel,10.. on Thursday, and are at the resi-dence of Hon. and Mrs. S. A. Hunt.

Mrs. F. G. Kumm, who passed 'theweek pleasantly in Blooming Prairie.returned Wednesday, accompanied byMrs. Kate Kellner. or that place.

Miss. I*. G. Gies. one of our popularteachers in the High school, will spendThanksgiving at her home in Austin.

Mrs. Mary E. Starkweather, of St.Paul, guest of Mrs. W. W. Bonticou.returned to her home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jones, of Fill-more, have spent the week at the resi-dence of Mrs. J. B. Thayer.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Shut, formerly ofCanton, arrived Wednesday and willmake this city their home.

Miss Emma Allen, of Preston, spentthe Sabbath in the city with Mr. andMrs. K. Knights.

Mrs. W. W. Washburn is spending afew days in Preston, Minn., with Mrs.G. W. Horton.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Utter, of Emmets-burg. 10.. are guests of Mrs. X. Elliotts.

Mrs. Samuel Starbird has returnedfrom a visit to Whalen, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Minott left for Minne-apolis Wednesday.

Crookston.The Sons of Veterans gave the second

of their series of hops at their hall onThursday evening. The ladies presentwere: Mesdames Dumpier, Mix, Fon-taine. Stevens, Misses Box. Mix, Mc-Kenzie, McSrew and Fontaine.

Mrs. Anglimand Mrs. Judge Ives car-ried off the head prizes while Mrs.Adams and Mrs. Thorsen the lady's atMrs. Carey's surprise party Wednesdayevening.

Mrs. Braley, Mrs. Mix and Mrs.Robertson captured the prizes at Mrs.Crumb's drive whist Friday evening.

Miss Jayen. of Ann Arbor college.hastaken charge of the High school roomvacated by J. A. Churchill.

The W. F. M. society of the Presby-terian church met with Mrs. W. B.Daw ley Saturday afternoon,C Mr. Lowe and Mrs. Lawrence carriedoffthe prizes at Mrs. Crumb's whistparty Tuesday evening.

Miss Gertie Marshall entertained aparty ofher young friends very pleas-antly Friday last.

A very pleasant evening was spentWednesday last at the residence ofMrs.Shaesgreeii.

Mr. and Mrs. Wile have moved intotheir beautiful new home on Robertstreet.

Mrs. Dr. Welch, of St. Hilaire. wasthe guest of Mrs. Judge Ives last week.

Miss Inez McGrew entertained a fewfriends Saturday evening last.

Mrs. D. 11. Turner has returned toher Home at Moorhead.

Mrs. 11. M. Pierce entertained at cardsMonday evening.

Mrs. "Rockwood left Monday for In-dianapolis. Ind.

Mrs. C. Page has returned to FergusFalls.

Albert Lea.Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wigdal left Wed-

nesday evening for Pasadena. Cal.,stopping on their way at Salt Lake City.Utah, to visit the sister and parent, ofMrs. Wigdal.

The Women's Christian Temperanceunion meeting was held with Mrs. W.Duel, Friday afternoon.

Mrs. W. W.Williams and her daughter.Mi Bernice, are visiting friends inBlue Earth City.

Mrs. J. P. Forrest, of Estherville. 10.,made her friends in this city a flyingvisit last week.

Bae Blackmer entertained a gay partyof the younger misses of the city lastFriday evening.

Miss Edith and Agnes Smith, of thecollege, have returned to their home inSt. Paul.

Mrs. McWhorter is nicely situated in

her handsome new residence on Parkavenue. \u25a0 .• • . v.•

Mr. and Mrs. Charles are thguests of Judge and Mrs. Stacy.

Dr. and Mrs. Blackmer and their son,Baa, start Dec. Ist for Colorado.

Miss Nellie Rudluff, of Dele van, isvisiting Miss Eva Brown. .

Mrs. M. M. Luce started Saturdaynight for Red Cloud. Neb.

Mrs. 11. F. Day is visiting relatives atFairmont.

Mrs. J, A. Fuller has returned fromlowa. .'"".' f!

Miss Hale is visiting Mrs. J. A.Fuller.

• Shakopee.Mr. and Mrs. Abner Biggs celebrated

the fifteenth anniversary of their mar-riage Monday. The following guestsfrom abroad were present: Mrs. E. Hol-land. Winona; Miss Lora Hollister,Washington. Conn.; Mrs. W. J. Dean,Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pond,Jr., and Miss Tilla Pond, Bloomington;Mrs. P. L. Uttley, Mr. and Mrs. JohnSpencer, Mrs. J. W. Sprague, J. B.Allen, St. Paul.

The Ladies' Aid society met at theresidence of Mrs. J. A. Wilder Thurs-day.

Mrs. Clarence Remington, Waconia,is visiting her cousin, Miss Rosa Kohler.

Mr,and Mrs. George W. Murphy, BigStone, are visiting relatives in the city.

Mrs. Josephine Schneider, Hastiugs,visited her parents during the week.

Mrs. Petty and daughter, Minneapo-lis, spent a "few days with relatives.

Mrs. George H.Kunsman visited Mrs.James Newton at St. Paul Sunday.

Mrs. Hart-Ban, Chaska, spent Satur-day with friends in the city.

Mrs. D. L. Howe spent a day at Hen-derson during the week.

Miss Antonia Entrap has returnedfrom a visit to St. Paul.

Miss Emma Busse visited the SaintlyCity during the week.

Mrs. John Buchanan and daughterare in Minneapolis.

Mrs. Anna Carr, St. Paul, is visitingher parents.

Mrs. Henry Schumacher, St. Paul, isvisiting here.

Mrs. Sarah Daily has returned fromSt. Paul.

Duluth.Mrs. W. F. McKav. a newly married

lady, has arrived in the city from RiverFalls. Wis., and is comfortably settledat SIS Nineteenth avenue west.

Mr.and Mrs. C. E. Budden celebratedthe "crystal" anniversary oftheir wed-ding last Wednesday evening.

Mrs. 11. 11. Bell is in Anoka, where shewent to attend the wedding of herbrother, Arthur Douglas.

Mrs. George R. Stuntz leaves forEurope in a' few days to be absentabout six months.

Mrs. W. W. Billion gives a dinnerparty to a large number of guests thisafternoon.

Mrs. Mary J. Branch, of St. Paul, hasreturned home after a visitwith friendshere.

Mrs. Frank Blackmarr entertained alarge number of friends Wednesdayevening.

Mrs. A. F. Leopold has returned fromChicago and Milwaukee. . . . .-'.

Mrs. William McKindley gives a mu-sicale this afternoon.

Mrs. 11. M. Peyton is spending a weekor two in Chicago.

Mrs. A. C. Ely willreside"; in Chicagoduring the winter.

Miss Edith Bostwick is touring in theEastern states.

Mrs. Will Harrington, ol Tower, is inthe city.

Mankato.Mesdames Long, McClelland, Slade

and Hunt spent last Thursday at "OakCliffFarm." the guests of General andMrs. Baker.

Among the ladies who went to St.Peter Sunday to view the ruins wereMmes. Craig/Hunt. Lamb and Bond.

Miss Louise Robbins. of Vermont, isspending the winter at the home of Dr.and Mrs. Harrington.

Mrs. W. B. Walker entertained theladies of the Presbyterian society Fri-day afternoon.

Miss Alden and Miss McClintock, ofSt. Peter, spent Saturday in the city.

'Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Longini re-turned Saturday from Minneapolis.

Mrs. Foster entertained a few friendsat (*> o'clock dinner Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Maxfield, of St.Paul, spent Sunday in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Merrill have re-turned from Denver, Col.

Miss Nettie Sprague spent the weekin the Twin Cities.

Mrs. Georgia Weil, of California, isvisiting in the city.

Miss Gonsalus lias returned to Cresco,10.


A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Fay. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pickett, Mr.and Mrs. C. L. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs.A.H. Burkdoll. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carpen-ter, Miss Ella Crippen, Charles Crip'ten,B. S. Pickett. James Murphy and A. B.Pickett, all ofthis county, left Tuesdayfor Louisiana, where they will spendthe winter.

The M. E. Ladies' Aid society haselected the following officers: Presi-dent, Mrs. F.I. Clement; vice president,Mrs. ft. Wells; secretary, Mrs. J. E.("eorge; treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Jenkins;directresses, Mrs. J. Pierce and Mrs. B.Beedy.

The following ladies drove to Edger-ton and back last Saturday: Misses

Lizzie Hiller.Belle Brown, Lettie Joyce,Nettie M. Smith, Lillian Green, LouTaylor and Mrs. J. 11. Nichols.

Miss Mattie Whiteomb visited withthe family of R. J. Butts, at Edgerton,the past week.

Mrs. F. A. Marvin, of Sioux Falls,Dak., visited in the city the fore part ofthe week.

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Chambers and Mr.and Mrs. L. H. Moore Sundayed at BearLake.

Miss Addie Goetz. of Fairmont, is inthe city, the guest ofher brother's fam-ily.

Mrs. J. A. Benjamin is visiting atElkton, Dak.

Fountain.Mrs. James Thompson and Mrs. W.

Brown, of Chatfield township, calledupon Fountain friends last Tuesday.

Miss Grace Sloan and Miss Lula Al-lison, of La Crosse, were entertained byMiss May Dwyer a few days ago.

Mr. and Mrs. William Davis will takeup their residence in Sheldon, 10., thecoming week.

Mrs. E. A. Sloan, of La Crosse, Wis.,was the guest of Mrs. P. Newcomc thepast week.

Mrs. Omar Case left last Monday tojoin her husband at Fort Gibson, IndianTerritory.

Mrs. Daniel Ryan, with her children,joined her husband in Brownsdaie lastweek.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Blexrud passed lastSunday among friends in the country.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Case passed lastThursday among friends inPreston.

Mrs. Henry Beers passed last Tues-day with Mrs. I. Rose in Chatfield.

Miss Julia Welsh has gone West.

St. Charles,Miss Ida Mendenhall, of Rapidan,

is visiting her sister, Mrs. George.Mrs. William Wheelock left for the

East last week.Mrs. Charles Gerrish started for Cal-

ifornia Tuesday.Miss Maud Wheelock has returned

from Northfield.Miss Lena Mills is home, from Pres-

ton, Dak.Miss Lewera Gallup has returned to

Winona.Mrs. V. Took has returned to Wi-

nona.Miss I.Burt is teaching at Elba.

Redwood Falls. 'Miss Lucy Rowe entertained a num-

ber of young ladies and gentlemen ather home last Friday evening. Amongthe ladies were Misses Jennie Birken-

meyer, Inez Baldwin, Lizzie Dunning-ton, Fannie "Everett, Maud Kerr, RoseLichtwarck, Mable March. Flessie Rob-inson. Anna Smith, Lottie Schmahl, OraVan Dolah, Jessie VanDolah, MinnieWarner, Mary Weber. p"j r

Miss Anna Baade, ofRenville Station,visited with friends in this place thepast week. ,y < -AsT .

Miss Hellen McNamery. of Minneap-olis, is the guest of Mrs. James McMil-lan.

Misses Rose Lichtwarck and MaryWeber left forNew Ulm to-day. ; V

Mrs. S. W. Hays left Tuesday morn-ing for Eureka Springs.

Mrs. L. N. Rowe has returned fromNew Ulm.

Winona.Mrs. H. D. Perkins and Mrs. F. D.

Perkins gave a lunch party last Fridayafternoon. Among those present were:Mesdames T. J. Preece, H. M. Kinney,R. Mcßurnie, Roscoe Doud, O'Neill,Chandler. Stewart, Brush, C. H. Mills,S. B. Mills, Parker, Stevens, Shepard,Cook, Nevions, Youmans, R. T. Lam-bertou. A. P. Lamberton. Webber, Gar-lock, McDavitt. Misses Mitchell, Nor-ton. Drew aud Moody.

Miss Mary K. Buck and Miss Gene-vieve Clark gave a musicale at the mu-sic store of Dyer &Bro. Tuesday even-ing. An interesting programme wasrendered by the following talent: MissesFlorence Cosgrave, Kate Gregory, Hat-tieFrye, Maud While. Nettie Felgate,Annie Peregune, Jessie Slocumb.LauraBrown, Ella Esmav. Gertie Herfer,Glga Wilson. Delia Hass. Rosa Muller,Letha McClure and Gertie Frost.

Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Langley and MissLangley were the guests of Mr. andMrs. J. M. Underwood, of Lake City.Friday last.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson, of Min-neapolis, were the guests of Congress-man and Mrs. Wilson last Sunday.

Mrs. Jacob Story entertained aboutfiftyfriends at lunch Saturday evening.

Mrs. H. J. O'Neill gave a lunch partyto about fifty friends Wednesday.

Mrs. Catherine Smith will celebrateher birthday Monday evening.

Mrs. A. D. Ellsworth has gone to Cal-ifornia to spend the winter.

Mrs. R. B. Basford is visiting friendsin Milwaukee.

Mrs. H. J. O'Neill gave a 5 o'clock teaFriday.

Anoka.Mrs. James O'Keefe held the Episco-

pal social at her home Thursday even-ing and Mrs. Crowell entertained theCongregationalists and friends the sameevening.

Mrs. C. L. Hathaway, of Passadum-keag. Me., who has been a guest of Mrs.Robert Whidden several weeks past,has returned home.

Mrs. Lottie Goss and May Davis arespending a season in Princeton, Milacaand the pineries with their husbands.

Mrs. A. L. Peters, of St. Paul, wasentertained by Mrs. George W. MorrillWednesday and Thursday.

Miss Jessie B. Gorton, of Minneapo--1 is, was a guest of Miss Stella Stormsduring the week.

Mr. and Mrs. I). G. Gow entertainedthe Baptist society and friends Thurs-day evening.

The Methodist society met with Mrs.H. W. Featherstone Friday evening.

Miss Clara Davenport, of New York,is visiting Mrs. Frank Tilden.

Sauk Center.Mrs. A. Wescott and daughter came

over from Paynesville Saturday and willremain with her mother. Mrs. A.Hosmer, during the winter.

Mrs. Bobert Edgar returned fromWest St. Paul Wednesday.accompaniedby her daughter, Mrs. George 11. Hos-mer. , y - ;

Mrs. Belle Townsend, ofMinneapolis,is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Boulto-n.

Mrs. J. Warfield, of Eagle Bend.spentSunday with her sister, Mrs. WilliamPar.gburn. .'-y

Mrs. Dr. E. J. Lewis spent a fewdays in Minneapolis the first of . the .week.

Mrs. William Clark, of Melrose,called on friends in town Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods left the lastof the week for Western New York.

Misses Loui Allen and Flora Trumanvisited St. Cloud last Saturday.

Mrs. B. C. Lord has been sojourningin Alexandria for a few days.

Mrs. V. A. Whipple entertained thereading club Monday evening.

Mrs. E. Fairfield, of Osakis, spent |Tuesday in town.

Mrs. J. H. Simouton spent Sunday at |Long Prairie.

Rochester.Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Lord have

gone to Honolulu, Hawaii, to make thatplace their future home.

Mrs. W. W. Ireland's home was thescene of a brilliant reception Thursdayafternoon.

Mrs. A. W. Blakely entertained somesixty of her friends Wednesday even-ing. ~:

Mrs. A. Newton entertained aboutfifty ofher friends Monday evening.

Miss Sadie Scott, of Dubuque, 10.. isthe guest of Mrs. S. DeWolf.

Mrs. M. Cross was at home to a largegathering Tuesday evening.

Mrs. S. 11. Merrill, of Minneapolis, i-visiting friends in this city.

Miss Josie Bamber entertained a smallcompany Monday evening.

Mrs. W. L. Braekenridge gave a largeparty Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. McGuane went to Chi-cago Tuesday.

Mrs. £. M. Xowell is visiting in Chi-cago.

Mamie Piatt is in St. Paul.

Austin.A large company assembled at the

residence of W. T. Day Saturday even-ing. Numerous presents were left toMr.and Mrs. Day as a token of friend-ship.

Miss Bickerson will give an enter-tainment Friday evening, consisting ofmusic and recitations given by "herscholars.

Mrs. Dexter arrived Tuesday fromChicago, and expects to remain 'duringthe winter with tier daughter, Mis. Bab-cock.

Miss Jennie White starts next Mon-day for her home in Illinois, after visit-ing among her friends for a year.

Mrs. Lou Robinson entertained asmall company at her home Wednesdayevening.

Mrs. Hinman. of Chicago, is visitingher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield.

Miss Viau expects to start for herhome in Chicago Monday.

Mrs. Girley. ofClinton Falls, Dak., isthe guest of Mrs. Lowell.

Mrs. Wright is the guest of Mrs. I).H. Stinson.

Mrs. Miner has returned from Da-kota.

Little Falls.Miss Georgia Pickett, who has been

visiting her Bister, Mrs. J. I). Maxwell,for some time, returned to her home atPickett Station. Wis.- Rev*. S. W. Varner, of Buminisville,Minn., was in town during the week,the guest of his daughter, Mrs. W.Stone.

Mrs. Stevens, who has been sojourn-ing at St. Cloud, Minn., for some timevisiting her son, returned Saturday.

Miss May Stillwell returned fromBrainerd last week, accompanied byMiss Carrie Moors.

Mr. Andrews, of Detroit, Minn., is theguest ofher daughter, Mrs. B. Car.

Miss May Brown is visiting friends inBrainerd:

Faribault.Mrs. R. C. Meeker and daughter, of

Yaquina, Or., are guests of Mr.and Mrs.A. E. Hatch before starting for the Pa-cific coast.

Mr. and Mrs. Hogan Berry, of Mil-waukee, Wis., are guests of Mr. andMrs. G. W. Batchelder.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hatch start Mon-day next for Los Angeles,Cal., to spend,the winter.

Mis. H. L Eequier, of New Orleans,

La., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. 'B.Mattocks. • .:-.-'W***V:'V

Mrs. W. R. Murray, of Lake City, isvisiting her daughter at St. Mary's hall .

Mrs. C. S. Meeker has returned fromOhio. , y PP y

Preston. •-'\u25a0•_'"Miss Ada German, of. Austin, de-

parted for her home Monday, after ashort. visit with her aunt, Mrs. H.Weeks. . --.

Miss Flora Prescott," one ofthe SpringValley "teachers spent Saturday lastwith her mother in this place. .

Miss Frank. Cook, ofMinneapolis, hasbeen spending the past two weeks withMrs. G. W. Hard. .. Miss Adelia Pickett opened her win-ter, term of school last Thursday atIsenour..- Mr. and Mrs. John Archer started forCalifornia last Friday to spend the win-ter. ...,.:..-.

The M. A. B. society met with Mrs. J.M. Terwilleger Wednesday afternoon.

The Methodist Aid society met withMiss Minnie Dayton last Friday. \u25a0 >v }' Miss Fannie Loomis entertained at •

cards Monday evening. :jy;^..:j .Chatfield. T; ;

Misses Fannie Whiteomb, Medora O^ *Ferrel, Messrs. "\*» illiam Wells and Milo *White, Jr., accompanied Miss Fanaie 'Willson to her home iv Rochester, lastSunday. . -J '

A pleasant surprise was given Mr. 'and Mrs. Perry McGrew Tuesday even-ing in honor of the second anniversary rof their marriage. M- '

Miss Carrie Chermack is visitingfriends at Plainview this week as theguest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Langrel. : ;

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Easton, of ' La ' ;Crosse, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.G. H. Haven this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Titus, of Rochester,Minn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.G. 11. Haven.

The Apollo Musical club was enter-tained by Miss Julia Cole Tuesday even-ing. * <

Mr. and Mrs. Bandle. of Winona, arevisiting friends at this place.

Miss Josie Moore, of Fountain, was intown Wadnesday.

Rosemount.Mrs. Barbara Dowlan. of Minneap-

olis, has returned after a few days' staywith Mrs. M. Haley at Fairvview.

Miss Maggie Caneff entertained hercousin. Miss Alice O'Keefe, of Leb-anon, Friday evening. " • 'y

Miss Mary Sullivan has returned toher home in Mendota after spendingthe summer here.

Miss Emma dirty has returned aftera few days' visiting with friends in St.Paul.C Miss Julia Mulleny spent a few days

last week in the Saintly City.Miss A. O'Keefe and Miss Mary Sulli-

van spent Sunday in Lakeville.MISS Annie Lingley will reside in

Rosemount this winter., Miss Kate Delaney spent Thursdayin St. Paul.

Waseca.Miss Ricka Catzman and Miss M. Sul-

livan, of Rochester, visited friends inthis city the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and family, ofBlooming Prairie, are visiting relativesin this vicinity. .

Miss Mary Htigunin, of Janesville, isat Mrs. Myrick's in this city. ; _y]

Miss Sue Ayer was down from Janes-ville the past week. '.

Mrs. atTiillahoina.Tenn..for the winter.

Mrs. Thomas Lynch visited Janesvillethe past week. •'. ;Y

Mis- Emily Anderson leaves this weekfor Michigan. :\u25a0' <"' .

Mis. A. 11. Hay ward has returnedfrom Ohio.

Miss Rose Oster is organizing a class-in music. r""_•--\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0-"\u25a0' -•'

Miss Grover, of Water is in thiscity. - \u25a0\u25a0•

:f,\u25a0 ; j.y-; »

\u25a0'.I- '..: ''.' '.- '.:. Janesville. '.-.-.- .. •/# \ ' \u25a0

: Miss Jones left Tuesday for her homein Northfield.'" \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \r:

Miss Clara Davidson, of Minneapolis,is visiting in this place. . '?".. tMrs. Sarah Moore went to Win,domWednesday. . .*

Mrs. Dane, of Todd county, is visitingfriends and relatives in this place. *", • *'•

Mr.and Mrs. Dietidonne and Mr. and 'Mrs. Gnthfleiseh visited St. Peter Satur-day.

Misses Breen and Ayer visited in,Waseca Sunday last. ..

Miss Etta Morrill returned Saturday*'from Morgan and is the guest of" MissPanic Peabody. • r ,

Miss Chandler, of Mankato, was in '

Janesville Saturday.

Red Win«.Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bas.,ett celebrated

their golden wedding at the residence oftheir son-in-law. Hon. F. W. Hoyt. onSeventh street. Wednesday last. Theywere the recipients of a purse contain-ing **7_ and many other tokens of the

esteem iiiwhich they are held.The Concordia Progressive Euchre

club was very pleasantly entertained byMr.and Mrs. J. 11. Webster Thursdayevening.

Miss Bessie Fulcrut has returned froma visit with her sister, Mrs. J. T. War-wick, at Fredericks, Dak. ;;.- -

• Mr. and Mrs. F. Verner left Thursdayfor Lake Butler. Florida, where theywill in future reside.

Mrs. Charles Ward, of Ada, is theguest of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ashel-mau. PpPP.

Mrs.A. B. Ashelman, of Ada, spentthe week with friends in this city.

Mr.-. Gen. Van Cleve. of Minneapolis,is the guest of Mrs. 11. A. Hobart.

St. James.Mr. and Mrs. George Ratteray and

Mrs.Clement Ratteray,of Martin county,have moved into the village for thewinter.

Miss Edith Woodhead has gone to St.Paul to sptnd the winter with her sis-ter. Mrs. J. S. Langfaorn.

Mr. and Mrs. John Woodhead anddaughter leftfor Santa Cruz, Cal.. thisweek.

Mrs. S. W. La ('range entertained thePresbyterian society this week.

Judge and Mrs. S. C. (lair will spendthe winter in New England.

Miss McLaren visited Mankato andMadelia last week.

Miss Minnie McConncl has returnedfrom St. Paul. . .:::..

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gage have removedto Sioux City.

Northfield.Miss Belle Drew returned from Shak-

opee Monday, where she was visitingMiss Emma Bucahnan.

Mrs. J. C. Nutting entertained a largecompany of friends Wednesday even-ing. •

Mrs. W. Burdick. of Ohio, is at Mrs.Galen Coon's, on Washington street. | .'*'

Mis. E. Williams, of Minneapolis, hasbeen in the city visiting friends. «.'

Mrs. Morgan Emery, of Minneapolis,is the guest of Mrs. B. F. Miller. :? •. ih

Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have gone jtoChicago. ..'_-t -.'.;-

,'> ; if,Mrs. Trusselgave an afternoorf' tea

Saturday. i n

, Moorhead. j -•>Miss Carrie Holcomb entertainer.'

many of her friends Tuesday night,Among the Moorhead ladies present?'were Misses Marie Rogers, Sarah Bird,Julia Merritt, Mary Partridge and 'Bar-bara Inihoff. - f*s I

Mrs. Andrew Holes has returned "froma visit to her early home in New York.

Mrs. J. N. Margeson has gone ; to*Houghton, Mich., to spend the winter.'

Miss Forsyth gave recitations in goodstyle at the Trinity church supper.

Mrs. A. A. White and daughters arewith friends in Minneapolis.

Miss Kate Lyon has returned to St.Paul. \u25a0PpK^

Pine Island.Mrs. : Ruth C. Jackson, of Lowell,

Mass., will spend the winter with hersou, H. Jackson, at this place. "

The Misses Florence Millerand cor-

gia Morehouse spent Sunday with Miss-EmilyMillerat Roscoe. :. - *|\u25a0 • A. W. Cobb and family started Wed-nesday ' for Gordons ville, where theywill spend the winter. "'- ,-~*,'. -'.:>•

j Miss Anna Buchholz entertained aboutfifteen of her friends at a euchre partyTuesday evening. ' ' , : -

Miss Cassie Wells, of Pierre.' Dak.,was the guest of I Mrs. E. A. DickeyThursday. - \ :

Miss Frances Ahneman is the guest ofMiss Josepnine Smith, y..

Pp--*^.PPPP Kasota.Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Buel and . little

daughters expect to leave Monday nextfora visitof several - weeks with Mr.and Mrs. Dr. Covert, of Arkansas City,Kan. *\u25a0?&?&*. .:„•-.' Pp']'

Mr. and Mrs. Lonegan and Mrs. E.Hunt, of Winnebago, have been so-journing a few days in town, the guestsofMrs. George E. Case. '\u25a0" ... .'.'\u25a0",\u25a0. -'. Mr.and Mrs. J. P. Burchard and -fain-have removed to San Diego. Cal., wherethey expect to make their future home.

Lanesboro. ;y . y '.

Mrs. A. E. Easton returned home lastweek from a mouth's visit with herdaughter, Mrs. S. W. Narrlgang, whoresides at Aberdeen, Dak.

DAKOTA.Fargo. -A large number of ladies and gentle-

men remembered the twenty-fifth anni-versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs.S. F. Regan, and gave them a surpriseparty. An elegant solid silver tea serv-ice was presented, the silver-tonguedJ. C. McKendry making the presenta-tion speech. >\u25a0;'•'*''

The social circles of Fargo sustain aless in the departure of Mrs. I). 11.Getchell and her daughters. Jennie andGertie, to Washington territory.

A large number of society people metat the residence of Miss Alice Johnsonand organized a social club, with MissLainont as president.

Mrs. De Toe added greatly to the in-terest of the niiisicale given by Prof.Smith's pupils Wednesday night.

Mrs. Carditi and Misses Laura andFannie have gone to Knoxville, Term.,to spend the winter.\u25a0 Mrs. Strihes. who has been visitingher son. Attorney Miller,has returnedto Philadelphia.

Mrs. S. B. Bartlett and Miss Beth, ofCasselton, have visited with Mrs. G. D.Ellis this week.

Mrs. Sloan, wife of the popular North-ern Pacific conductor, visited in James-town this week.

Mrs. Wisner, of Lisbon, has been theguest of Mrs. Col. Greer this week.

Mrs. T. W. Hunt left this w >ek forMississippi to spend the winter.

Miss Bessie Smith, of Durl)in, is theguest of Miss Gertie Thomas.

• Mrs. Capt. Johnson, of Bismarck, isthe guest of Mrs. Col. Greer. •;: ..

Mrs. Raworth, ofChicago, is' visitingher son, E. M. Raworth. -; &.'* - \u25a0'. '*''

Mrs. Dr. C. M. Bums has gOne to Illi-nois to spend the winter.

Miss Lena Berry entertained the So-cial club Friday night.

Mrs. W. W. Houghton has returnedfrom Wisconsin. yV'-'y Vy

Mrs. Leonard Ames lias returned toOswego, N. Y.

Mrs. M.Briukerhoff is about to leaveforCalifornia.

Mrs. E. B. Hance has gone to EauClaire, Wis.

Mrs. F. E. Boswell has returned fromNew York.

Mrs. J. D. Yowl-os has gone to Den-ver. Cal. *„\u25a0::p;.\u25a0','-':. :' : ~

Mrs. Sevier has returned from Hel-ena. -..-., T ...'\u25a0\u25a0

Huron.A small company, of friends of Mr.

and Mrs.. J. W.Campbell enjoyed anevening with them. « Those presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Belknap, , Mr. andMrs. Oliver, Mr.and Mrs.Kent, Mr. andMrs. Mackenzie,",.Mr. and Mrs. Potterand Mr. and Mrs. Cady. ' <PP , y

Among Huron- ladies who attendedthe Emma Abbott concert in Water-town were Mrs.B. K.Rouley.Mrs. FrankEidridge. Mrs.A. Davis, Mrs. N. D.Walling, Mrs. Judge Spencer, Mrs. Dr.Alfordand Miss Hattie . McKennan.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Pechin havegone to Chicago for a brief stay. Theywill join the passenger and freight con-ductors on their excursion to the City ofMexico. '-'-;\u25a0' *

Mrs. T. E. McFarland, of Chicago,who has been here with her husband'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFarland,for the past few weeks, has returnedhome. y'Ppp...:'

Mrs. E. E. Lewis, of Sioux City, whoassisted in the concert in the Congrega-tional church, was the guest* of Mr. andMrs. J. S. McFarland while here.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Miller entertaineda large company of friends, the occasionbeing the celebration of their first wed-ding anniversary.

Mrs. M. C. Gans. who has been spend-ing some days with the Gans family inthis city, has returned to her home inBlunt. " .. :/, ;;;

Mrs. Dr. I). J. Wolf has gone to herformer home in Michigan to remainduring the winter.

Mrs. Charles Potter, wife of the rec-tor or Grace Episcopal church, has ar-rived in Huron.

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Swift enter-tained the West Side Whist club a fewevenings since.

Mrs. Frank Eidridge served tea to theladies of the Guild and numerousfriends.\u25a0 Presiding Elder and Mrs. Bradfordare the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C.Ferry. *. Mrs. Mort Davenport, of Wessingtou,visited Mrs. (i. C. Culner this week.

Mr. and Mr.. Birdsill have gone toWinona.

Watertown.The Congregational social Tuesday

evening at the residence of Mr. andMrs. C. E. Boyden was a great success.The singing by Misses Mena Heegaardand Sarah Watson and Mr. J. D. Carlewas thoroughly enjoyed.. The ladies of Trinity Guild gave asocial at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.M. W. Sheafe Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp have re-turned to their home in Watertown,N. Y.

Mrs. D. Gostelow has gone to GrandRapids, Mich., to spend the winter.

Miss Sarah Converse, of Grafton, Yt.,has come to this city to reside. '

Mrs. A. McClintock and daughtershave gone to lowa for a visit.

Rev. Lotz and wife, of the Christianchurch, have taken up their residencein this city. : -"-y

Mrs. F. D. Hopkins is entertai ningMiss Belle Patterson, of Henry.

Mrs. O. P. Kemp and children havegone to Neillsville, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mellette havebeen entertaining Dr. A. P. Murray, ofAlbany, Ind. y^,; "

Mrs. C. A. Crane went to NorthvilieTuesday. P_Z::P'i±

Mr. and Mrs. I. F. West and -;familyhave gone to Wichita, Kan., where theywillreside. :;'.-y:.^y

Following are the names of the ladieswho assisted in the exercises at theopening of Armory hall: Mrs. T. V.Eddy. Misses Mena Heegaard, MaudStewart, Mabel Kingsbury, Cora Wiley,Ida Mulhall and Addie Stokes, Evans.

Mrs. Mason, ofDoland, is the guestof her sister, Mrs. C. W. Stutenroth. .

Mrs. O. E Dewey entertained theMisses Murphy, of Clark, this week.

The Misses Stanton, of Northvilie,visited this city during the week.

Webster. ,Miss Florence Wilson left for Ells-

worth, Kan., Sunday night where shewill join Mrs.. Lee- and family. Theywillspend the winter . in Los Angeles,Cal.

Mrs. P. S. Gallagher, of Murdock,Minn., has been the guest of her father,J. B. Prendergast, for the past week.

Mrs. A. J. Lut.h departed for Ypsi-lanti, Mich., Wednesday lnight whereshe will spend the winter.

Miss Esther Small,' of Jordon, Minn.,

s the guest of her "brothers , Andy andEdward Small. yy-'.-

I , Miss Ada Laird, of this place, has ac-cepted the position of school teacher atHarlem. Dak.

Mrs. T. McKenneth -left for a shortvisit to friends at Columbia Friday. .

Mrs. G. H. Baker departed for Britton,Dak., Monday.

Mrs. J. Alby has returned from a visittofriends East. . : :P~PyPP

. Sioux Falls.Mrs. Edith Sutton lias gone to Em-

metsburg, 10., for a visit. * y. :.-. . * ; pMrs. T. F. Leavitt gave a tea Wednes-

day afternoon.Mrs. H. 11. Keith entertained a few

friends last Friday afternoon.Mrs. R. W. Codley has gone to Deco-

rah, 10., for the winter.Mrs. Park Davis entertained the La-

dies' Aid society of the Congregationalchurch Thursday evening.

Mrs. Comstock, of Boone, 10., motherofMrs. E. B. Meridith, is at the homeof her daughter. N_SS

Mrs. A. B. Soraers, of Massachusetts,is the guest of Judge and Mrs.. Palmer.

Mrs. J. C. Cook, of Janesville, Wis.,is visiting her brothers, K. G. and H. T.Parmley. ..;

Misses Flora and Ella Nickel are vis-iting in Omaha.

Miss Etta Mcintosh is being enter-tained by Mrs. John Macally.

Mrs. R. M. Tucker, of Worthington,Minn., is at the home of Mrs. J. B.Olden for a few days.

Mrs. Maj. Fullenwider has returnedfrom St. Louis.

Miss Nellie McCormack is at Water-town, the guest of Miss Kingsbury.

Miss Wright ahd Mrs. Ban, of Bur-lington, 10., sisters of Hon. E. G.Wright are here on a visit. y. * pp .'*

Miss Lucie Harnill, of Lochwood, wasover last week.

Miss Clara Doty, of Waterloo, is vis-iting in our city.

Miss Ileiss entertained a few friendsWednesday night.


Mr.and Mrs. D. G. Tripp, accom-panied by Mr.Tripp's mother, of Fari-bault. Minn., have arrived and willmake Yankton their home.

The '-firelight"social given at Mrs. J.R. Sanborn's residence Wednesdayevening was an entire success and veryunique. / ' -.;'.y.y:

John R. Petrie and daughter, MissAlice, of Tvudall, were in the cityTuesday and Wednesday.

Henry Luebke, accompanied by hisdaughter, Miss Amelia, has gone toHamburg, Germany.

Judge V. V. Barnes and family, ofDeSmet, Kingsbury county, have lo-cated in this city.

Mrs. Rook and Mrs. Landis. motherand sister of Mrs. J. B. Wynn, are visit-ing in Yankton.

Leighton Wynn and family, of SiouxCity, spent Sunday with J. B. Wynnaud family.

Mrs. Frank Bronson has returnedfrom a month's visit in Syracuse, N. Y.

R. J. Clemens, of Chicago, spent Sun-day with Mrs. D. W. C. Tanner.

Mrs. Susan Purdy. of Fairbury, Neb.,is visiting her son, L. M. Purdy.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, of Chi-cago, were in the city last week.

Mrs. M. E. Talcott, of Tyndall, madea visit to Yankton Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kahn are inOmaha.

Miss Agnes Stilwell, of Tyndall. is intown.

Mrs. S.Weuzlaff is visiting inMitchell.

Ipswick.The ladies of the Catholic church give

an oyster supper and sociable to-night.Among the ladies who take a prominentpart are Mrs. B. Cox. Mrs. Darmondyand Mrs. J. J. Skahen.

Miss Nettie Lewis, of Mina, and MissBertha Sims, of Roscoe, are among theyoung ladies who attend the institutethis week. . '•':'".." "':';\u25a0.

Mrs. G. W. Kyle is drilling a class ofyoung ladies who, with her assistance,willrender a cantata Christmas Eve.

Mr. and Mrs. Stout are "at home" totlieir friends, in their new home ouFourth street.

M. and Mrs. John Cox left last even-ing for Madison, Wis., to visit friends.

The Congregational society met thisafternoon with Mrs John Rogers.

The W. C. T. U. met Thursday after-noon with Mrs. Rose Parsons.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parmley havegone to housekeeping.

Mrs. W. F. Stickney has returnedfrom Aberdeen.

Mrs. A. 11. Stowe has returned fromClear Lake, 10.


Grand Forks.Mrs. W. E. Parsons entertained a

number of ladies Monday afternoon inhonor of her mother-in-law, Mrs. L. E.

. Parsons, of Cummings.The C. L. S. C. held an interesting

meeting at the residence of Mrs. Dr.Teel Monday evening.

Mrs. J. Buttery, of Emerald, who hasbeen the guest of her mother, left forhome Monday.

Mrs. Doyle, mother of Mrs. J. E.Cooley, left for her home in La Salle,111., Monday.

An elegant afternoon reception wasgiven by Mrs. J. W. Anderson, Friday,from 3to G. ',\u25a0\u25a0'» • '."

Mrs. B. C. Tiffany entertained aboutforty ladies at 5 o'clock tea last week.

Mrs. C. E. Teel entertained thePlymouth circle Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. C. Shields and family left-Wednesday for Great Falls, Mont.

Mrs. Ed and Wild Dow are visitingMrs. Frank Viets., of Minto.

Miss Mabel Storey will spend severalweeks at Devil's Lake.

Mrs. Gilbert M. Walker is a guest ofMrs. 0. A. Barnes.

Bismarck. .Mrs. Capt. Johnson went to Fargo

Monday evening to remain about threeweeks, after which she will go to Illi-nois and Tennessee to spend the win-ter.

Mrs. Asa Fisher, assisted by Mrs.Judge Frances, entertained Wednesdayafternoon. . -..;

The Ladies Aid society met Thurs-day afternoon with Mrs. W. B. Wat-son. _;\u2666

Misses Grace Braithwaite and JuliaMclntyre visited Mandan Tuesday.

Mrs. David Goodman, of Jamestown,is the guest of Mrs. Menzesheimer.

Mrs. J. S. Hillyer and daughters en-tertained at Chincheon Thursday.

Mrs. Anderson Healy left Thursdayevening for Winnipeg.

Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Bentley entertainedMonday evening.

Miss Anna Louis left for SpokaneFalls Monday.

Ellendale.Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, a reading

circle was organized at the residence ofA. T. Cole. There were present Mes-dames Raleigh and Cole and MissesAlice Raleigh, Etta Denio, Cole, Nettieand Berth Parkes and others. Thesociety met Tuesday, Nov. 15, tocomplete their organization at the resi-dence of George W. Parks.

The Ellendale Dancing club gave aselect party in the court house hallThursday evening last. Among theladies present were Misses Jackson, De.La Hunt, Etta and Mabel Denio, Min-nie Horton.

Miss Blanche Davis has returned toher former position in the register ofdeeds office.

Miss Ella Wells left Friday for Min-neapolis, after a week's visit in thisplace.

Mrs. F. S. Goddard -Is visiting at herformer home in McGregor, 10.

- Mrs. A. Chronkite has returned fromthe country. .

Mrs. -N. P. 'Axtell has returned fromMichigan.

Grafton. \u25a0>The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have

decided to establish a reading -room.Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Faulkner willsuperintend this work.V.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Rain, old residents of

Grafton, left Thursday for St. Paul,. where they expect to reside. ."Aid. Weagant started Monday

for Minot to visither daughter, Mrs. Mc-Jaunet. , . . ;

Miss Lottie Upham has completed herterm of school at Acton.

Mr. and Mrs. Briggs have returnedfrom Montana. ppp..' ; : ..' P..PPP

Jamestown. '. ' 'Mrs. P. W. Lupher, of Edmunds, who

I has been spending a few days with Mr.and Mrs. P. H. Foley, has continued hertrip to Pennsylvania, where she willre-main during the winter. .

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Smith, who have:been spending the summer at James-town and Canngton, have returned toNew York.

Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Altschul have goneto Hot Springs, Ark.

Mrs. R. G. De Puy and Mrs. GeorgeR. Topliff went to Minneapolis Wednes-day.

Mrs. Otto Wonnenberg and Mrs. A.J. Feezer have gone to lowa. - •_• V 1;

Mrs. Sam 'Matthews, of Casselton, isvisiting with Mrs. J. R. Winslow.

Maj. J. N. Low and family have goneto Williamsport, Pa. izpL^

Mrs. N. D. Fanning has gone to Pitts-burg, Pa. y p-^yp": PpP,PP:.P

Mrs. J. C. McCrimmon and familyhave gone to Beatrice, Neb. .

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilfillan havemoved into town for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bush are visitingat Edmunds. ".'""~ ."

Buffalo.Mrs. Talcott and sister. Miss Squier,

will spend the winter at Buffalo, N. Y.Miss Herrington, of Canada, is our

new assistant school teacher.Mrs. R. N. Goodsell and family have

gone to Los Angeles, Cal.Charles McCarthy, of Grand Forks,

is here visiting friends.Hon. J. Mclntyre will spend the win-

ter in Canada.

Tower City.Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ellsbury contem-

plate a trip to Taeoma, W. T., in thenear future.

Mrs. McConnell, of Cavalier, Dak., ishere visiting her sister, Mrs. P. H. Mc-Master. .;:--*

Rev. and Mrs. Baskerville went toLisbon overland Saturday.

Wahpeton.Mrs. J. W. Hayward, of Cleveland,

0., is here visiting her mother, Mrs. O.L. Loomis. X '

Miss Grace Waterbury, of Cleveland,0.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. JohnJohnston.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chezick have re-turned from Chicago.

Mrs. Capt. White went to Fargo Mon-day.

Washburn.Miss Christina Oslin will spend a few

weeks with friends in the northern partofthe county.

Miss Maggie Garrette is at homeagain.

WISCONSIN.Chippewa Falls.

Mrs. Benjamin Luce and Mrs.Thomas Halburt entertained a largecompany Tuesday evening at progres-sive euchre. The ladies present wereW. R. Hoyt, 11. J.- Goddard, Levi Mar-tin, Condit, 11. 11. Rowe.l). E. Seymour,Ed Seymour, J. B. Kehl, W. F. Boland,Hector Mcßae, E. M. Miles, W. H. LeClere, John Maxiener, W. Irvine, Sidell.N. O. Swift, J. W. Squires, Eldrich andMary Richardson.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burt were pleas-antly surprised by friends Mondayevening. Tuesday evening Mrs. GeorgeDickey was surprised.

Mrs. Condit entertained Thursdayevening and again to-night. Mrs. B. D.Viies gave another party Wednesday.

Mrs. Campbell, of Stevens Point, wasthe guest of Mrs. Kate McKinna a fewdays.

Mrs. A. J. M'GilvrayandMrs. GeorgeEarley spent a few days at La Crosse.

Mrs. W. R. Hoyt and Miss KittieStiles spent Saturday inEau Claire.

The society of Busy Workers metwith Mrs. Hockinbrock this week.

Mrs. Walker, of Roolet, Minn., is vis-iting relatives in the city.

Mrs. Will Seymour entertainedWednesday aftrrnoon.

Mrs. Gorm W. Rossiter is visiting herfather in Milwaukee.

The Baptist Mission met with Mrs. W.Johnson this week.

Mrs. M. E. Quinlan left Tuesday forPittsburg, Pa.

Mrs. James A. Taylor is visiting inPaul.

Neillsville.Miss Minnie Tolford was given a sur-

prise party by about forty couples of heryoung friends last Saturday evening.Among those present were MissesDimple French. Agnes McGlnnisXettieLeases, Julia Kapka, Lulu Manseur,Emma Ilendren, Maggie Ross, StellaSteams, Katie and Julia Servaty, Claudeand Luttie Safford, Jacques and Gill.

Mrs. T. D. Condit gave a select party,Monday evening, inhonor ofher daugh-ters Sadie and Amelia, who have justreturned from Olivett. Misses DimpleFrench.Luttie Safford and Jessie Camp-bell were among those present.

Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Davidson andchildren are sojourning withrelatives atRio, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. Iritis J. Glass attendedthe Hoskins-Trumbell nuptials at Mer-rillan.

W. L. Hemphill is entertaining hissister, Jors. Alexander, of Chicago.

Mrs. Fauver,of La Crosse, is a guest ofher sister, Mrs. Thomas Dickey.

Miss Nellie Robinson gave a dancingparty Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornelius visitedat Chicago last week. .;-;- yv .;rpp

Miss Edna Robbins was at Greenwoodthe past week. .:- y-"' ::

Mrs. Dr. Pitcher has returned fromFond dv Lac. 'y-;v

Mrs. Mary Walker is sojourning atSt. Paul.

Eau Claire.The Woman's Relief corps, of Eagle

post, G. A. R.. gave a reception Thurs-day evening in honor of Mrs. GertieRogers, of Milwaukee, president of theWisconsin department. : >:.-.- .

At the Hardy school art exhibitionthis week, studies by Misses Noble, Gil-man, Thrane, Babcock, Bellinger, Tealland Clark were exhibited.

Miss Minnie Smith gave a progressiveeuchre party Monday evening, at whichPercy Atkinson and Miss May Kelleysecured the grand prize.

Miss Susie Butten succeeds MissEmily Pratt as organist at the First Con-gregational church, -pp. ...

Miss Emma Argard is visiting herbrother at Grand Rapids, Mich. -.:.;,..

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jones have re-turned from lowa.

P'ppip Hudson.The Episcopal' society had a very

pleasant social at Mrs. H. Barlow'sTuesday evening.1 Miss Katharine Coggswell,of St.Paul,spent the first .of the week with rela-tives. - \u25a0"\u25a0' - '.\u25a0 .*'-'; *":/-:; ;\u25a0 ppp :.pp'- ppyp..

The W. C. T. U. gave a very success-ful "old folks' concert" Friday evening.

. Mrs. P. B. Lacy entertained the Bap-tist society at tea Thursday evening. :

Mrs. Fratt, ofMilwaukee,' is the guestof her mother, Mrs. McCartney. >

IOWA.Mason City.

The ladies of the Episcopal churchgave a very entertaining ; social Thurs-day evening at the residence ofMrs. Dr.Clark. y-v .:"-/ \u25a0P-PPP'P'P

Mrs. 0. T. Denison arid Mrs. JohnCliggett gave a 5 o'clock tea last Fridayevening at the residence of Mrs. Deni-son. ~:- " . \u25a0-. - -.• -: v-- - -;\u25a0•":' -----••

P. Mrs. Wareham, of Plymouth, was intown attending the supper given by theRelief corps Saturday evening. .;\u25a0\u25a0.

Mrs. Alba Miller and Mrs. E. D. Fris-

bee entertained a number of lad^ ;friends last Thursday evening.; y

Miss Kate Paxton ' left 'Thursday forChicago, where she will take lessons inmusic and painting..;. _ :. •••*

Mrs. S. H. Cedass left Friday for anextended visit in Cass county, lowa,and Nebraska. yy % ... y-

Tuesday evening Mrs. P. P. Hinel-rich entertained the . Fourth S .StreetWhist club. - -*- .-, -•.-"\: ,p, ,-y.y

Mrs. F. Telford , started .Monday forKansas, where she will spend the win-ter. ;••;;\u25a0* ;,- , \u0084-.;;.-;

Miss Carrie Elite has been engaged asinstructor in the schools at Thornton. ,

Mrs. H. K. Perry and daughter,Mabel, leftTuesday forElsinore, Cal. .

Mrs. Proctor, of Grinnell. is the guestof her sister, Mrs. W. W. Knapp. ' _

Mrs. W. H.Bonton returned Mondayfrom a visit in Hardin county. j

The Woman's ", club', met 'with Mrs.Moll last Tuesday, evening. .... . -*

Mrs. Sarkrider started Tuesday forher home in Oakland, Cal. \u25a0.„'. ..\u25a0-•«

Mrs. E. J. Walling willreside at FortDodge during the winter. .--.*!

Mrs. B. Corey, of Waverly, is theguest of Mrs. Brett. "\u25a0 >. ' \u25a0 -. • $,

Mrs. Vance, of Sheffield, was in thecity Saturday last. " •'• 4

Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis have movedto Minneapolis. .;"\u25a0;\u25a0 . * ; '. *.'.""/'\u25a0 '»a

Mrs. Fred Zoller leftFriday fora visitin Colorado. . .... ... .. ... s

Marshall town. • C,A very pleasant and enjoyable ' time

was had at the reception tendered MissMac Harris Anson, of Minneapolis, atthe residence of Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreUtz, 306 South Third avenue, last Fri-day night. The company was enter-tained with a reading by Miss Anson'and musical selections, vocal and instru-mental, by Mrs. W. W. Doolittle, MissAnson and Messrs. E. E. Carver and H.B. Miller. Those present were Mrs. F.B. Garvin, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilson,'Mr. and Mrs. H. D. East, Mr. and Mrs.W. W. Doolittle, Mrs. D. S. Manwaring,Mrs. Ella Baker, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.Carver, Miss Hattie L. Brown, of Min-neapolis; H. B. Miller, Mrs. Watrous,'Mr. and Mrs. T. T." Wasson, Mrs. L.Russell, Mr. and Mrs. George Beasley,Mrs. Nathan Worley, Jr.

"Them Boys" gave their third hop atMusic hall, Monday night.- There wereabout sixty couples present. Anion'the guests from abroad were Mr.andMrs. E. N. Pickering, of Boston, andMiss Mac Harris Anson, of Minneap-olis. £

The Chautauqua circle met with Mr.Charles Trine Monday night. Aftertheregular lesson. Miss Mattie McMillanread "The Garrison of Cape Ann."

Mrs. A. C. Abbott left Monday forOgden, Utah, to visit her son James.She will go from there to California, tospend the winter. •

Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Binford and Mr.and Mrs. Grunnue left Tuesday morn-ing for a three months' tour of thaWest.

Miss Hattie flisey went to Minneap-olis Tuesday morning for a two weeks'stay, the guest ofMiss Estella Shute. ».,

Mrs. Charles Heitchu returned Wed-nesday from a visitwith her sister Mrs.David Davis, at Sterling, 111.

Mrs. J. G. Hixson will entertainabout a dozan of Marshalltown's elite atdinner Thanksgiving.

Mrs. George Frink, of Lyle, spentSunday night in the city, the guest ofMrs. J. L. Williams.

Miss Beula Bennet, of Oskaloosa, hasbeen visiting with Mrs. J. M. Wood-worth all the week.

The Masonic club will entertain withan exceptionally fine programmeThanksgiving eve.

Mrs. C. A. Harrington visited withfriends at Belle Plain, Tuesday andWednesday. .-\u25a0.--.' \u25a0 -\u25a0

The Congregational Ladies' societymet with Mrs. J. G. Brown Thursdayafternoon.

Mrs. T. J. Fletcher gave a companyThursday night for her two young ladyguests.

\u0084'Mrs. L. Jennings-Hood arrived homefrom Minneapolis Tuesday, to remain.

Mrs. C. S. Bridge returned home toNorfolk, Neb., Tuesday evening. 1 ,

Miss Mac Anson left Wednesday foratwo weeks' sojourn at Le Mars.

Mr. and Mrs. George • Smith went toGrundy Center Thursday. "\u25a0 >-\u25a0

Mrs. H. D. Churchill has returnedfrom Grinnell.

Miss Carrie Moler spent Sunday athome. \u25a0

Cresco. "" : .*Miss Leila Marshall has returned from

Fort Atkinson, where she spent a fewdays with Mrs. Daley.

Mrs. J. F. Creamer, accompanied byMiss Nellie Mullen, has returned toCrookston, Minn.

Miss Julia Byrnes has gone to FoxLake, Wis., for a two months' visit.

Miss Frances Quillinan, of Elma, wa?in town last Friday.

Married. .Masrhalltown, Io.: B. F. Allen and

Miss Lulu Mills. Charles D. Wiley andMiss Cora Hamble. Charles Gustafsonand Miss Emma Nelson.

Elk Point, Dak.: C. C. Blair andMiss Myra Mead. P. G. Page and MissV. D. Creglow.

Mankato, Minn.: Sanford S. Wash*burn and Miss Minnie Comstock.

Sauk Centre, Minn.: E. 11. Grund-man and Miss Emily Shepard.

Eau Claire, Wis.: George B. Park-hill and Miss Belle Salisbury.

Chippewa Falls. Wis. : Luther Shut-ter and Miss Kate Mcßea.

Albert Lea, Minn.: Dr. F. A. Twitch*ell and Miss Gassie Baron.

Henderson, Minn.: Henry Thoeh.and Miss Charlotte Werner.

Brainerd, Minn.: Angus M. Brownand Miss Emma F. Curry. .

Tower City, Dak.: J. S. Smith andMiss Lura Douglass. . *

Seneca, Wis. : Fred A. Granzon andMiss Amelia Leitner.

Northfield,' Minn.: George Simpsonand Miss Ida Houck.

Rochester, Minn.: Oscar Rom meltand Miss Koenig.

Bangor, Dak. : Ludwig Hallauer and 1

Miss Theresia Patter.Clark, Dak, : D. J. Quinn and Misa

Nellie Costello.~ y. ' >MConde, Dak.: George H. Small and»

Miss Ida Price. "1\u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0



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