st. mary catholic church...2007/11/21  · 2021. no te pierdas esta gran oportunidad de for-mación....

St. Mary Catholic Church 925-891-8900 JULY 11, 2021

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St. Mary Catholic Church 925-891-8900

JULY 11, 2021

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Dear Friends,

We hear about the call of a different prophet today, the prophet Amos. He was called by God from his simple life as a shepherd to bring the word of the Lord to the people, calling them to faithfulness and fidelity.

We, too, are called by Jesus and commissioned to bring His love and peace to the world. In this day of worry, uncertainty and even fear, we need the word of Jesus to give us comfort and peace, security and joy.

Let us pray today for the grace of the Spirit to guide us in our lives as we journey in faith toward the king-dom of the Lord.

Have a blessed week. Father Fred

FAITH FORMATION 2021-2022 Registration information for the next Faith Formation year is available on line or in person in the Faith For-mation Office. A letter and forms went to all who are currently registered for Kindergarten through High School.

Vacation Bible School 2021 This weekend we will have our Vacation Bible School Wish List in the church vestibule. You can help with our supplies and easy snack list. You can bring your donations to the church next weekend or drop them off at the Parish or Faith Formation Office. We can’t do this Vacation Bible School without the help of our generous parish community. You are truly TREASURED for your generosity.

Mother Teresa challenged us to do ordinary things with extraordinary love. Basketball coach Jim Valvano said, “Every single day, in every walk of life, ordinary peo-ple do extraordinary things.” Sometimes we see ex-traordinary vocations, such as the child prodigy musi-cian. But usually those whom God chooses to call are reluctant participants who either run from the call or ignore it. Amos tells Amaziah, “I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores.” He looked after sheep and punched holes in fruit for a living! Now he was being called to prophesy. In Mark’s Gospel the apostles are sent out two by two to begin their ministry. Paul takes it further, telling the Ephesians, “In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things.” This call goes out to all of us! How are you being called to be extraordinary this day?

TWO BY TWO Did you ever wonder why Jesus sent them out two by two? Not threes, not groups of four? Perhaps it is just the most practical configuration. Recall that in last

week’s Gospel Jesus was not accepted in his own town and was astonished by the lack of faith that he found there. The disciples would be too new in their faith to know how to deal with that kind of rejection. With three you always end up two against one. With a pair, the two could support each other emotionally and spir-itually, and lift each other up in prayer. When travel-ing, having a companion was much safer than being on one’s own, and if there were treacherous spots in the journey, they could help each other through. If you were begging for lodging, two might be able to get in, while a larger group might not be so fortunate. The Gospel gives no indication of who the partners were, but presumably they were sent in combinations that made each pair the strongest proclaimers of Christ. They were able to drive off many demons and cure illnesses.

SHAKE THE DUST OFF YOUR FEET Jesus told the pairs of disciples, “Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” Jesus is preparing the disciples for the experience he had in his home town. This is how you behave when you are not accepted. He didn’t tell them to curse them or threaten them, just simply shake off the dust and move on. Rejection is a hard thing for any of us, and Jesus is teaching us how to handle it, as if to say “Pick your battles.” This is a good reminder to us all in a time and culture when the climate is so politically charged. Know when it is best to shake the dust and walk away from social media, from an angry word, or from something that won’t turn out well. Respond and stay true to your calling. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc

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Staff and Administration Website:

Parish Office 891-8900 Fax 934-1358 Fr. Fred Riccio, [email protected] Pastor 891-8900 Fr. John Blaker, 891-8900 In residence Deacon Paul Turek [email protected] Ana Lau, [email protected] Office Manager 891-8908 Aileen Baker, [email protected] Bookkeeper 891-8911

Faith Formation

Maureen Tiffany [email protected] Director of Faith Formation 962-5808 Mary Kerfs, [email protected] Administrative Assistant 891-8939 Austin Pisciotto [email protected] Coordinator K-Grade 6 891-8944 Jethro Castillo [email protected] Youth Minister Grades 7-12 891-8920 Heather Abraham, [email protected] Coordinator Confirmation 891-8934 & Community Service Tim Mannix [email protected] RCIA & Liturgy Coordinator 891-8921


Office 935-5054 [email protected] Website: Alumni: [email protected] Garrett Padia, Principal 935-5054


07/10 4:30 pm Elayne Moore

07/11 7:00 am Eleanor Tan (L)

11:00 am The People of St. Mary

1:00 pm Bishop Robert Christian

12:05 pm Pearl Frick

12:05 pm Joshy Pathiparampil (L) B’D’

07/14 6:30 am Protection of human life

07/15 6:30 am Our military and first-responders

12:05 pm Michael Baker (L) B’D’

07/17 8:30 am Jon Peters

9:00 am Pearl Frick

07/12 6:30 am Souls in Purgatory

07/13 6:30 am All the sick of the parish

12:05 pm Virginia Smith

12:05 pm Peter Brandt

07/16 6:30 am Priestly and Religious Vocations

Allison Flamez Susana Jaime Rosalinda Reyes Jeanine Gordon Jake Johnstone Clarissa Gutierrez Fred & Emilia Sohn Raul Gonzalez Raquel Zittel David Toy Ana Lopez Dominador Hontucan Oralee Floria Mary McLoughlin Angela Crane Beverly Regan Josefina Zabat Audry Robinson Loretta Holmes

Nancie Campi Betty Baker

Carol Erikson Danyel Sheets

Beth Wainwright Robin Wood

Billy Silva Mary Kennedy Cheryl LaMarre Marissa Magno

Ed Regan Annabelle Semira Mary Ann McGill Maryann Moran

Bibiana Christman Carmen Bardges

Pat O’Rourke Marina de Castilla

Mark Butler

SAINT VERONICA First Century - Feast Day: July 12 .“Veronica- ‘Bernice’ in the Greek tradition, embodies the universal yearning of the devout men and women of the Old Testament, the yearning of all believers to see the Face of God. On Jesus’ Way of the Cross, though, she at first did nothing more than perform an act of womanly kindness – she held out a facecloth to Jesus. She did not let herself be deterred by the brutality of the soldiers or the fear which gripped the disciples. She is the image of that good woman, who, amid turmoil and dismay, shows the courage born of goodness and does not allow her heart to be bewildered. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart’, the Lord had said in his Ser-mon on the Mount, ‘for they shall see God’ (Mt 5:8). At first, Veronica saw only a buffeted and pain-filled Face. Yet her act of love impressed the true image of Jesus on her heart: on His human Face, bloodied and bruised, she saw the Face of God and His goodness, which accompanies us even in our deepest sorrows. Only with the heart can we see Jesus. Only love purifies us and gives us the ability to see. Only love enables us to recognize the God who is love itself.” —Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (

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Page 5: St. Mary Catholic Church...2007/11/21  · 2021. No te pierdas esta gran oportunidad de for-mación. El cupo es limitado, así que inscríbete ahora. Registration Fee / Inscripción:
Page 6: St. Mary Catholic Church...2007/11/21  · 2021. No te pierdas esta gran oportunidad de for-mación. El cupo es limitado, así que inscríbete ahora. Registration Fee / Inscripción:


Saturday, July 17 Our Lady Queen of the World Church


Saturday, November 20 St. Michael Church, Livermore

2:00 pm Confession and Adoration 3:00 pm Talk by Franciscan Friars of the Renewal with Praise and Worship 4:00 pm Benediction 5:00 pm Holy Eucharist with Bishop Barber, fol- lowed by dinner and Q & A To pre-register, contact Fr. Carl Arcosa: [email protected]


Confession and Children Question: Our Catholic grade school is doing a penance service this Lent. Do young children really need to go to Confession? How much sin can they really have? Answer: Ask any mom about her children, and see how many would say she has a brood of perfect angels! Parents know that kids do things that are wrong … and they often know they’re doing it! Even toddlers have a sense of right and wrong. The Church recognizes that their minds and consciences are not yet fully devel-oped, however, and typically waits until age seven to offer the sacrament of Confession. Around that age and beyond, most young people, when asked, can easily explain why something is wrong. Confession for children is an excellent way to help them reflect on their actions and accept responsibility for their behavior. It helps them to grow in their un-derstanding of sin and how it affects others. This helps them to form their consciences and make better choic-es in the future. Most importantly, they learn the value of forgiveness, both given and received. Rather than singling out what’s wrong, Confession offers hope and a new start! Children can grow in understanding God’s unconditional love and develop a sense of in-ner dignity that transcends their failings. Not bad for five minutes and an “Our Father” or two!




A new cycle of formation will be starting in October, 2021. Don’t miss this great formation opportunity. Space is limited, so register now.

Un nuevo ciclo de formación comenzará en octubre de 2021. No te pierdas esta gran oportunidad de for-mación. El cupo es limitado, así que inscríbete ahora. Registration Fee / Inscripción: $150 Non-refundable/No reembolsable

Total Fee/ Costo Total: $450 Balance payable by March, 2022 Saldo pagadero antes de marzo de 2022

For more information and registration: Para más información e inscripción: Jean Evans 510-267-8357


Sunday, July 18 - 3:30 p.m.

Enjoy music and deli-cious food and wine in the courtyard of San Damiano Retreat Center

Cost: $40 per person

The Cool Tones Big Band, Presenter

Everyday Graces

When you think of going to Mass on working days, it is an impulse of the grace that God wills to grant you. Follow it.

—–Saint John Vianney

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Este domingo, la Palabra de Dios nos invita a tener en cuenta dos características: “Hoy narra el momento en el que Jesús envía a los doce en misión: Se detiene en el estilo del envío, que podemos re-sumir en dos puntos: la misión tiene un centro; la misión tiene un rostro. El discípulo misionero tiene antes que nada su centro

de referencia, que es la persona de Jesús. Y la se-gunda característica del estilo misionero es, por así decir, un rostro que consiste en la pobreza de los me-dios. Su equipamiento responde a un criterio de so-briedad” (Papa Francisco (7/15/2018). ¿Quién realmente es el responsable de respond-er al mensaje de Jesús y del Papa Francisco ? Senci-llamente, todos los bautizados somos enviados a cumplir el mensaje de Jesús, teniendo en cuenta que es su mensaje, no mi mensaje. Todos los bautizados somos llamados a dar testimonio del amor liberador del Reino anunciado por Jesús. Y en este tiempo de pandemia, de descontrol, de sufrimiento y de muerte, ¿qué anunciamos, qué misión y mensaje tenemos a cargo? Es siempre la misma misión y mensaje, un anuncio de conversión, de volver nuestra mirada y corazón al Señor. Existe tanto por hacer, mucho que sanar, mucho que curar en la familia y en la socie-dad. En resumen, reflexionemos en las últimas palabras del Evangelio de hoy: “Fueron, pues, a predicar, invitando a la conversión. Expulsaban a mu-chos espíritus malos y sanaban a numerosos enfermos, ungiéndolos con aceite” (Marcos 6:12). Seamos, pues, discípulos misioneros fieles y comprometidos a su Palabra. En cualquiera que sea nuestra vocación, siempre de dos en dos. ¡Misión y mensaje! ©LPi

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Los evangelios relatan que Jesús envió a los Doce Apóstoles y también a otros 72 discípulos (Mc 6:7, Lc10:1) “de dos en dos” a “todos los pueblos y lugares.” De esta manera le preparaban el camino. El libro de Eclesiastés (4:9-12) subraya lo sabio que es andar de dos en dos a fin de ayudarse y protegerse mutuamente. El autor lamenta: “¡Pobre del que está solo; cuando se cae, no tiene quien lo levante!” Los cristianos nunca podemos ser cristianos a solas. A Jesús le gustan los grupos. No tenemos el lujo de ser individualistas o autosuficientes. Nuestra misión requiere que vayamos por el mundo de dos en dos, porque donde están dos o tres reunidos en el nombre de Jesús, allí estará él (Mt 18:20). En el Génesis (7:2) Noé se lleva los animales de dos en dos, así las espe-cies se volverán numerosas comenzando de dos en dos. Jesús envía a sus discípulos de dos en dos para que nos amemos y ayudemos los unos a los otros y de esta manera, los que vienen después de nosotros sean tan numerosos como las estrellas del firmamento (Gen 15:5). —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

El Dinero y Otros Dones Durante la presentación de las ofrendas, junto con el pan y el vino se trae la colecta. El pan y el vino se llevan al altar y el dinero se queda en un lugar apropiado. San Justino, en el siglo II, nos recuerda que al reunirnos a celebrar la Eucaristía, no podemos “dejar de pensar en los pobres y necesitados”; este mismo dinero se da para “los pobres o para la Igle-sia” y “se considera también como dones” (IGMR, 73). El dinero como don no es sucio y tiene mucho sentido compartirlo. No hay que compartir lo que sobra; eso es limosna. La caridad como una corresponsabilidad por el pobre y por las necesidades de la Iglesia, sale desde el corazón. Damos a la Iglesia y a los pobres de lo que tenemos para vivir. Lo damos como agradecimiento por lo que hemos recibido. No damos limosna al pobre para desentendernos de él, de sus necesidades y luchas; vivimos la caridad con él o ella como hermano que es, damos desde el corazón inter-esándonos por su calidad de vida, por su necesidad humana inmediata. Vivimos la caridad por com-pasión, no por lástima, como se hace con la limosna. Dar limosna empobrece; vivir la caridad enriquece, porque sale del corazón y, como la viuda del Evan-gelio, damos cuanto tenemos para vivir. —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Lunes: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Martes: Ex 2:1-15a; Sal 69 (68):3, 14, 30-31, 33- 34; Mt 11:20-24 Miércoles: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Sal 103 (102):1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Jueves: Ex 3:13-20; Sal 105 (104):1, 5, 8-9, 24- 27; Mt 11:28-30 Viernes: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Sábado: Ex 12:37-42; Sal 136 (135):1, 23-24, 10- 15; Mt 12:14-21 Domingo: Jer 23:1-6; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Ef 2:13-18; Mc 6:30-34

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