st. margarets.may.2013

21 st Century Learning: Differentiated Instruction Changing Assessment Practices St. Margaret’s School Victoria Faye Brownlie

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21st Century Learning: Differentiated Instruction

Changing Assessment Practices St.  Margaret’s  School  

Victoria  Faye  Brownlie  

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Learning Intentions: •  I  have  an  enhanced  understanding  of  what  differen=ated  instruc=on  is  AND  how  to  do  it  

•  I  have  2  more  assessment  for  learning  strategies  to  use  immediately  

•  I  can  iden=fy  effec=ve  teaching  prac=ces  in  MY  prac=ce  

•  I  have  a  plan  to  increase  the  choice  and  ownership  students  have  in  my  class  

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Differentiated Instruction …is  a  process  to  teaching  and  learning  for  students  of  different  abili=es  in  the  same  class.  

(NCAC  –  Na=onal  Centre  on  Accessing  the  General  Curriculum)  

The  intent  is  to  maximize  each  student’s  growth  and  individual  success  by  mee=ng  each  student  where  he  or  she  is...rather  than  expec=ng  students  to  modify  themselves  for  the  curriculum.”  (Hall,  2002)    

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Differentiated Instruction

Content  Process  


Learning  environment  

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Differentiated Instruction

An  approach  to  teaching  and  learning  that  gives  students  mul=ple  op=ons:  

-­‐  for  taking  in  informa=on  

-­‐  for  making  sense  of  ideas  

-­‐  for  presen=ng  ideas  

-­‐  for  being  evaluated  on  their  learning  

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Some Key Understandings: •  Access  to  the  content  •  Present  learning  goals,  learning  inten=ons  •  Focus  on  concepts  and  principles  •  Use  flexible  groups  •  Use  on-­‐going  assessment  (assessment  FOR  learning)  

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Universal Design for Learning Mul=ple  means:  -­‐to  tap  into  background  knowledge,  to  ac=vate  prior  knowledge,  to  increase  engagement  and  mo=va=on  

-­‐to  acquire  the  informa=on  and  knowledge  to  process  new  ideas  and  informa=on  

-­‐to  express  what  they  know.  

                     Rose  &  Meyer,  2002  

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Backwards Design •  What  important  ideas  and  enduring  understandings  do  you  want  the  students  to  know?  

•  What  thinking  strategies  will  students  need  to  demonstrate  these  understandings?    

                 McTighe  &  Wiggins,  2001  

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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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Teaching Approach that Differentiate

•  Open-­‐ended  teaching  •  Strategies:    connect,  process,  transform  &    personalize  

•  Workshop  

•  Choice  •  Inquiry  learning  •  Literature/informa=on  circles  

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Open-ended Strategies

•  Connec=ng  

•  Processing  

•  Transforming  and  personalizing  

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Test Prep – Socials 11 Canada in the 1930’s with Melanie Mattson •  People  Search  –  12  boxes  •  Students  made  notes  for  each  ques=on  •  Coached  and  listened  to  see  if  there  were  any  challenging  areas  

•  2  ques=ons  were  most  challenging  •  Melanie  explained  her  ‘answer’  to  each,  using  a  =meline  and  associa=ons  

•  2  addi=onal  areas  to  study  – With  a  concept  map  – With  a  chart  

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Canada  in  the  1930’s  People  Search  Find  someone  who:  

…can  describe  3  differences  between  life  in  the  city  and  life  in  rural  Canada  during  the  Great  Depression  

…can  paint  a  vivid  picture  with  words  of  relief  camps  

…can  tell  the  story  of  the  beginning  of  the  labour  movement  in  Canada  

…understands  the  difference  between  totalitarism,  socialism,  communism,  and  fascism  in  the  1930’s  

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You’re  born  with  what  you  got…  

and  that’s  that!  

It’s  fixed......or…  

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Your  brain  is  like  a  muscle.  It  can  grow…and  will  with  prac=ce    

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Do  your  students  receive  individual  feedback  from  you  in  every  class?  

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Powerful  feedback  to  build  a  sense  of  agency  

•  What  do  you  know  how  to  do?  •  Where  are  you  geeng  stuck?  

•  How  does  that  connect  to  what  we  did  yesterday?  Or….?  

•  What  do  you  remember  about…?  

•  Brifany  Stockley,  Centennial  

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•  What  angle  (between  0  and  360)  –  is  in  the  second  quadrant  and  a  sine  =  0.23?  

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•  What  angle  (between  0  and  360)  –  is  in  the  second  quadrant  and  a  sine  =  0.23?  

– Sketch  the  quadrants  and  tell  me  what  you  know.  – Which  is  the  second  quadrant?  

– What  do  you  know  about  the  second  quadrant?  – What  do  you  know  about  sine?  

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Lesson Sequences

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Hot Seat The Outsiders – gr.8 with Brent Spencer

The Glass Castle – gr.12 with Amy Stevenson

•  Students  choose  a  role  •  May  generate  ques=ons  in  advance  that  ‘could’  be  asked  of  them  

•  Begin  with  teacher  as  moderator  

•  Audience  of  the  class  poses  ques=ons  to  the  panel;  can  interview  in  role  

•  Quick  write  between  groups  

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The Outsiders – S. E. Hinton •  Three  ques=ons  for  quick  writes:  – What  is  the  big  deal  about  the  Greasers?  

– Do  the  Greasers  feel  more  than  the  Socs?  – What  will  your  character  be  doing  in  10  years  =me?  

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Critical Literacy with Amy Stevenson, gr. 12

The Glass Castle – Jeannette Walls •  Analyzing  habits  of  thinking,  reading,  wri=ng,  speaking  

•  Understanding  social  contexts  and  consequences  

•  Deep  meaning  

•  Applying  deep  meaning  to  self  

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Goal: begin an exploration with critical analysis/critical literacy

•  Set  a  scene  •  Personalize  this  scene  and  sketch  •  Write  2  minutes  in  response  to  your  sketch  –  feeling,  ac=on  

•  Pass  your  paper.    2nd  student  reads  and  responds/adds  on  –  2  minutes  

•  Repeat  2  more  =mes  •  Read  your  own  paper,  others  responses,  and  discuss  –  5-­‐10  minutes  

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K – Building Connections/Response to Reading

•  Prac=ce  making  connec=ons  •  Choose  a  symbol  •  Talk  about  how  this  helps  our  reading  •  Read  together  and  make  connec=ons  •  Students  show  their  connec=ons  by  drawing  and  wri=ng  

•  with  Jessica  Chan,  Burnaby  

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Strong  Na=ons  Publishing  

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Test Prep – Pre-Calc, gr. 11 (trigonometry) with Brittany Stockley •  15  minutes  –  work  on  unit  review  ques=ons  with  a  partner  

•  Inside/outside  circle  –  5  ques=ons  •  Partner  A  explains,  B  listens,  refines,  ques=ons  •  Outside  circle,  move  2  chairs,  then  Partner  A  explains,  etc.  

•  Teachers  listen/coach  for  class  confusion  •  Model  process  for  solu=on  for  the  challenging  ques=on  for  the  class  

•  Students  reflect:    what  I  need  to  remember  

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Introduction to Mitosis •  Whip  around  –  what  do  you  remember  about  DNA?  

•  Ques=oning  from  3  pictures  

•  An=cipa=on  guide  –  with  partner  •  Read  to  find  out  and  provide  evidence  for  your  answer    

•  Sort  and  predict  –  groups  of  3  

•  With  Ken  Asano,  Centennial  

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Before                      Aoer  

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cancer        duplicate  cell  cycle      daughter  cells  cytokinesis      nucleus  interphase      proteins  mitosis        divide  replica=on      replace  spindle  fibres    func=on  for  survival  separate  

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•  Brownlie,  Fullerton,  Schnellert  –  It’s  All  about  Thinking  –  CollaboraHng  to  support  all  learners  in  Math  &  Science,  2011  

•  Brownlie,  Schnellert  –  It’s  All  about  Thinking  –  CollaboraHng  to  support  all  learners  in  English  &  HumaniHes,  2009  

•  Brownlie,  Feniak,  Schnellert  -­‐  Student  Diversity,  2nd  ed.,  Pembroke  Pub.,  2006  

•  Brownlie,  Jeroski  –  Reading  and  Responding,  grades  4-­‐6,  2nd  edi=on,  Nelson,  2006  

•  Brownlie  -­‐  Grand  ConversaHons,  Portage  and  Main  Press,  2005  

•  Brownlie,Feniak,  McCarthy  -­‐  InstrucHon  and  Assessment  of  ESL  Learners,  Portage  and  Main  Press,  2004  

•  Brownlie,  King  -­‐  Learning  in  Safe  Schools  –  CreaHng  classrooms  where  all  students  belong,  2nd  ed,  Pembroke  Publishers,  2011  

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What  are  you  going  to  try  ASAP?  

Who  will  help  you?  

Be  prepared  to  tell  others  about  it