srbija nemanjića i mamelucki egipat tokom xiii i xiv veka

Др Александар Узелац истраживач-сарадник, Историјски институтКнез Михаилова 36/II, Београд СРБИЈА И МАМЕЛУЧКИ ЕГИПАТ ТОКОМ XIII и XIV ВЕКА* In this article notices from Arabic texts on Serbs and Serbian Medieval state are presented, as well as reports on mutual diplomatic contacts between Serbia and Mamluk Egypt. Despite the fact they were being analyzed by a number of prominent orientalists and foreign medievalists, these notices were hitherto almost completely neglected in Serbian historiography. Kључне речи: Абулфеда, ал-Умари, Калкашанди, Мамелуци, Србија, Немањићи, посланства, XIII и XIV век. Keywords: Abulfeda, Al-’Umari, Kalkashandi, Mamluks, Serbia, Nemanjić dynasty, embassies, XIII and XIV Century . Eпоха Бахри Мамелучког султаната у Каиру (1250–1382) изнедрила је низ историографских, географских и енциклопедијских дела која садрже важне податке за историју југоисточне Европе. Арапски аутори овога доба највише обавештења доносе о Византији, a у домену њихових опажања било је и Друго бугарско царство. На средњовековну Србију, удаљену од црноморског појаса и источног Медитерана, они су обратили много мање пажње. Ипак, Срби и њихова држава нису били непознати арапским савременицима, о чему најпре сведочи спис великаша из Сирије и пасионираног географа Абулфеде (Isma’il Abul-Fida’ al-Hamawi, 1273– 1331).

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Srbija Nemanjića i Mamelucki Egipat Tokom XIII i XIV Veka


-, 36/II, XIII XIV *In this article notices from Arabic texts on Serbs and Serbian Medieval state are presented, as well as reports on mutual diplomatic contacts between Serbia and Mamluk Egypt. Despite the fact they were being analyzed by a number of prominent orientalists and foreign medievalists, these notices were hitherto almost completely neglected in Serbian historiography.K : , -, , , , , , XIII XIV .Keywords: Abulfeda, Al-Umari, Kalkashandi, Mamluks, Serbia, Nemanji dynasty, embassies, XIII and XIV Century .E (12501382) , . , a . , , . , , (Ismail Abul-Fida al-Hamawi, 12731331).

* , - : - , . (. . III 47025) , . , , , - (12931294; 12991309; 13091341). , , , (Takwim al-buldan), . 1 , , (), : ... , . , , - [?], , . , (), , () .2 , , 12411242.3 - - (1355/61418), (Subh al-asha fi sinaat al-insha).4* - (Shihab al-Din Fadl Allah al-Umari, 13011349), , .5 (Masalik al-absar mamalik al-amsar) : , , ( ) [] . -

1 Aboulfda/Reynaud, I, iiixxvii; 2009, 76-91; Abu l-Fida, EI, I, 118119. (H.A.R. Gibb)2 Aboulfda/Reynaud, II/1, 80; 2009, 113; cf. Yule Cordier 1903, 491. , , cf. Aboulfda/Reynaud, II/1, 288289, 316, 318; 2009, 113, 119.3 2009, 139, . 5.4 2002, 293; cf. 1991, 7778.5 Ibn Fadl Allh al-Umari, EI, III, 758759. (K.S. Salibi) []. . 731. [15. X 1330 3. X 1331] , , . [] , ... , , , , . [ ] [. ], [ ] , .6 - 1330/31. . - (1364/51441/2), , 7 , , . 8 ( ), . -, , , - (al-Tarif bi l-mustalah al-sharif), -, - (1326-1384),9 . , , , , , , , , , , . 10 . , - ,11 ,

6 1884, 235-236. [= 2005, 175]; Gaudefroy-Demombynes 1933, 288.7 Moufazzal /Blochet, III, 125, n.1; - 1962, 21.8 2002, 289.9 2005, 249.10 1889, 103-104; Lammens 1904, 180181; Gaudefroy-Demombynes 1933, 289; 1964, 49.11 1992, 72, . 1; 2011, 629630.(13211331) (13311355). 12 , .13 -, - ( X ),14 . , , , .15

- -, -, ( - ) , . , . , .16 , (13301331), . , a . je 731. , 1331, .17 , , , . , , .

12 Zki Pacha 1919-1920, 86; Gaudefroy-Demombynes 1933, 290294; 1964, 37, 4849; 2002, 270.13 - 1962, 21, 38, .48; 2010, 6973.14 Cf. Maoudi/Barbier de Meynard, II, 1518.15 , , , . , -, -.16 Moufazzal/Blochet, III, 125, n.1; 1991, 77, 100; 2011, 621622.17 Cantacuzenus/Schopen, I, 458459; 1986, 348, . 163; 1999, 575. (13131341), , -, . .18 1331. , , .19 1332. .20 , ., , , , -. , - , , . , , . , .21 , , . , . , - .22 , ,

18 Grgoras/Schopen, I, 455; 1986, 208209; 1960, 84; 1927, 7879, 103, 193, 199; krivani 1970, 6777; 1994, 180185.19 Cantacuzenus/Schopen, I, 458; 1944, 6972, 360; 1972, 5152.20 Cantacuzenus/Schopen, I, 465470; Gregoras/Schopen, I, 484487. 1979, 3133; 1994, 189191.21 /, 193-196; /, 146150.22 1868, 180181.

, , XIV .23 , 1330/31. . , . , VI - 1352. , (sic!), , .24 , , , , XIII , , IV .25* , XIII , . , VIII 1261. - (12601277). , 1285. 1328. , , , .26 XIII . , 1275. 1276. , , , .27

23 Soloviev 1934, 180187. .24 1992, 113114. XIV : Korobeinikov 2004, 5274; 2011, 627629.25 Bosworth 1972, 63.26 1966, 65sq; Lippard 1984, 212214; Holt 1995, 118128.27 Pach./Failler, II, 544547; Georgieva 1995, 182183. , .28 , . II (12641271),29 I (1272-1276), I (12791286).30 , I, , , , (12761316) II (12821321).31 , ( ) .32 XIV . , , , :o (), , , , , , , [ ], , , , ( ). . . : . 33 . :28 1989, 1523. , , . , . -, , , , , , - , , Korobeinikov 2008, 387. - , cf. 1884, 542.29 /, 273; /, 206.30 /, 276277, 296297; /, 209210, 226.31 /, 40, 65, 131, 140-141; /, 33, 51, 99, 105-106.32 Wansbrough 1971, 2526.33 Lammens 1904, 181; 1964, 49.... - - , , (), ( ), , , , [ ] , , , [] .34 - , -. , : (), () [ ] , [. ]. - - [ ] , ... . , , []. , ... , [] , .35 -, (, ?).36 , II . 1313. ( 1315. ) , , .37 , , , , . .38

34 1889, 105.35 1889, 104105; Lammens 1904, 181.36 , - , , 1889, 104. -, -, , cf. Lammens 1904, 181, n. 1.37 /, 149; /, 112; 1912,706,708; 1980, 27-31.38 /, 141; /, 106.

, . . , , ... . ... .39* , -, , - . , XIX .40 746. 762. A.H. (13451360), , , , : , , [ 10, 745 A.H. = 24. V 1344] (), , , . [ ] [ ] , , . , , .41 ( ), , ,42

39 /, 4041; /, 3334.40 Guest 1901, 9195.41 Guest 1913, 10471048; cf. Zki Pacha 1919-1920, 87; 1966, 90, . 223; 2011, 625.42 . , , , . . , cf. Aleksi 2007, 182. . .

, - , - (13421345). . , .43 , - .

43 Cantacuzenus/Schopen, II, 423425; 1986, 458460.

Aleksandar UzelacSERBIA AND MAMLUK EGYPT DURING THE 13 AND 14th CENTURIESIn Arabic sources of Bahri Mamluk era (12501382) several notices on Serbs and Serbian medieval state are preserved. Famous geographer Abulfeda mentions Serbs, along Vlachs (Bulgarians) and Hungarians as inhabitants of Danubian region, while Al-Umari gives detailed account on visit of joint Serb-Bulgarian embassy in Cairo in 731 A.H. (1330/31). Much has been written about the character, origin and goals of this embassy, also recorded in the number of later works. Although the most probable is the hypothesis that it was sent by a Bulgarian ruler (according to the authors opinion, the embassy was sent by Bulgarian government during the reign of Ivan Stephen, rather than his successor Ivan Alexander), Al-Umaris account is nonetheless important for Serbian history; it clearly reects the Serbo-Bulgarian conict that culminated in the battle of Velbazhd, as well as inuence of Tatar political factor on the political development of both Balkan Slavic states. Serbian kings undoubtedly established diplomatic relations with Mamluk sultan Al-Nasir and his successors. In the works of Ibn Jaish and Kalkashandi, there is a mention of Serbian ruler Istifan Farakis, who intended to go to pilgrimage in the Holy Land, and who negotiated the safe passage for himself, his queen consort and his retinue. The information might be related either to Stephen Uro II Milutin (1282-1321), or, more probably, his older brother Stephen Dragutin (12761316); according to Serbian sources, the latter was the only ruler of Nemanji dynasty who showed serious intentions to go to such a pilgrimage. Milutins grandson Stephen Dun (13311355) also sent one embassy to Cairo, laden with valuable presents and received by Al-Nasirs son and successor Al-Saleh in 1344.