squiz scotland seminar march 2012

> 1 Hot Topics in Web Experience Management 2012 Edinburgh, 28 th March 2012

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On Wednesday the 28th of March, Squiz hosted a seminar focusing on current hot topics in web experience management; Mobile, Social Media, Cloud Computing, Content Targeting and Optimising Online Channels.


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Hot Topics in Web Experience Management 2012!Edinburgh, 28th March 2012

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>  Introduction to Squiz!>  What is Web Experience Management?!>  2012 WEM Hot Topics!>  Live Demo – CMS & Analytics!>  Q & A!>  Lunch & Networking!

Stuart Hurst – Regional Manager"

Guy Outram – Consultant"

Alister Cattell – Pre Sales Manager"

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Who are Squiz:

>  Founded in 1998!

>  Global presence – 9 offices, 240+ staff!

>  Our Business: Web Experience Management!

>  Gartner rated – 2011 WCMS Magic Quadrant!

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Web Experience Management?

>  Web?!-  aka the internet!

>  Experience?!-  An event or occurrence that leaves an impression

on someone!>  Management?!

-  The process of dealing with or controlling things or people!

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Web Experience Management!

>  Engaging with people!>  online !>  by providing the best possible

experience.!>  Delivering your business objectives!>  through the online channel!>  WEM is about understanding your users

and delivering the best online experience possible!

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The ‘Hot Topics’ for 2012

>  So, if youʼre looking to improve the experiences you provide online... You need to care about:!

-  Mobile !-  Context Aware Content Targeting!-  Social Media!-  Online Channel Optimisation!-  Cloud!

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#1 Mobile – Why it Matters

>  Youʼre engaging with people on the web.!>  Theyʼre engaging with you on the web!>  On their phone. Or tablet.!>  And its probably an Android. Or an

iPhone. Might be a Windows Phone. Or the next big thing.!

>  Peopleʼs browsing habits ARE changing.!

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Mobile: Why it Matters

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The mobile challenge

>  WEB101 - Donʼt make me think!!! !>  Users need to be able to use your site!>  Less screen space, even more important

– work through the actions you want them to do. Or that they want to do.!

>  Maintain this user experience across a range of devices.!

>  Without killing your content team.!

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The Mobile Web?

>  There is no ʻmobile webʼ!>  There is the internet. And different

sized windows!>  Single source of content for any


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Mobile: Responsive Design

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#2 – Context Aware Content Targeting

>  Your web experience is not a brochure. !>  It is not a ʻdumb terminalʼ!>  We can understand information about a

visitor – their ʻcontextʼ when they are on your site!

>  By understanding their context, we can provide more relevant content to them!

>  Contextual content = relevant content!

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Context Aware Content Targeting

>  Relevant content helps users, in a timely way, to help them complete their tasks!

>  Context awareness can understand:!-  Language!-  Location!-  Device!-  New or returning visitor!-  Existing customer!-  Google keyword search!-  Referring site!-  Previous behaviour / purchases!-  Browsing path!

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Context Awareness reduces clutter

>  Successful WEM isnʼt about pretty pictures – its about simplicity. !

>  If you search for something, you expect relevant results. !

>  Failure to account for the context of the user is a missed opportunity to help meet your goals !

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#3 - Social Media

>  Social networking has become the worldʼs most popular online activity!

>  It accounts for 20% of Internet time and social networking sites now reach 82% of the worldʼs online population!

>  There are now more Facebook users than Buddhists!

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Social Media - £££ & ROI?

>  Social media is a key tool in your marketing mix, and more money from marketing budgets will be spent on Social Media in 2012.!

>  There will be more money!!>  There will be consultants who

can promise ROI. Metrics such as likes, retweets, followers, and more!!

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Social Media

>  You need a strategy.!>  Strategy tied to your business

goals:!-  Increase brand or product awareness to

target markets.!-  Become known as an industry leader or

expert in their field.!-  Drive traffic to the company website.!-  Listen and learn what their customers are

saying about them and their competitors.!-  Recruitment of staff via channels such as

Linkedin.!-  To provide a customer service channel!-  To sell more product and increase sales

enquiries.!>  So that when you look at

metrics – they have meaning!

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Social - Single source Publishing model

>  Provide a mechanism to allow your staff to engage through social media!

>  Publish directly from the web publishing tool!

>  Levels of governance you have on your site – you must have on your social engagement!

>  Use Social as a channel to drive traffic back to your site.!

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Social – Aggregation and Curation

>  Engage with people in their neighbourhood but bring that back into your own domain!

>  Match social interactions with your site, your back end systems!

>  People donʼt just ʻLikeʼ any more. The ʻReadʼ; they recommend...!

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Social Media

>  Social Media is powerful.!>  BUT. You need the web presence

to drive traffic to from your social activity. !

-  What will people do when they click through?!

-  Can you deliver the promise?!-  Is you site mobile ready (many social

networks have over 50% of traffic from mobile users)!

>  As an organisation social media is just one channel in your quest to meet your goals. !

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#4 - Online Channel Optimisation

Data   Analysis   Educated  Ac0on  

More  Effec0ve  Website  

Be9er  Business  Outcomes  

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#4 – Online Channel Optimisation

> Optimisation is the loop of constant improvement.!> It is the understanding of site behaviour and using this to increase your success.!> Without this, you are only doing half the job! !> Everyone has analytics. But not enough people use analytics

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Reporting to key stakeholders is important

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Squiz Tests

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#5 – Cloud Computing

>  WEM is about – innovation, adapting and improving. !

>  When thinking about this you need the ability to build and launch quickly, and scale to meet your requirements as you grow. !

>  The Cloud is the next generation of deploying your WEM platform.!

>  Removes the barriers to entry!

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Cloud delivery

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Squiz Private Cloud

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The Hot Topics for 2012

>  When planning your online strategy…!-  You must plan for Mobile !-  Understand the contexts your users will be

interacting with you from!-  Have Social Media in the mix, but ensure your

website is fit for purpose!-  Optimise, Optimise, Optimise!-  Understand how deploying on the Cloud removes

yesterdays technology concerns!

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