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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Speech



Darwoto, S.Pd.

Page 2: Speech


A speech is a formal talk given usually to a large number of people on a special occasion, while a presentation is a talk to give information about something. A presentation is more interactive than a speech.To deliver a speech, you start by greeting the audience, then addressing the audience, explaining your points, making some wishes, and finally closing your speech.To make a presentation, you start by greeting the audience, introducing yourself, presenting your points, highlighting your ideas, concluding your presentation, and finally closing it.Delivering a speech or making a presentation is not an easy task but an important skill. Thus, you must be ready to take the challenge and be prepared to learn more now.

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Opening an occasionOpening an occasion

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How to Deliver a Speech

Greeting: good morning, good evening, good afternoon.

Addresses: The Excellencies Ministers, ... Distinguished Participants, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends, Dear brothers and sisters, The Honourable ...,

Opening words: I am very honoured to stand before you all to deliver a speech..., It is a great pleasure for me to deliver a speech..., etc.

Welcoming words: Let me begin by giving you a very warm welcome ..., Welcome to this very special occasion. Let’s express our warmest welcome to...


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The content of the speech: First of all, ... Firstly,... Secondly, ... After that, Then,..., Finally,...Thanking: We are very grateful that you have answered our call..., I’d like to extend my sincere gratitude to ...Opening an Occasion: I now take great pleasure to declare this High-Level Meeting open, I declare the.... officially open, let me declare the... officially open. To close an occasion: I declare the.... officially closed, let me declare the... officially closed.Wishing: I hope that this Meeting will result in constructive discussions... Here are some others: We wish you a nice stay in..., we wish you an interesting and enjoyable presentation.Closing: Thank you very much.


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How to Make a Presentations

Addressing and greeting: Ladies and Gentlemen. Good morning.Thanking: I’d like to thank...Introducing: My name is..., or I’m.... I am from...Opening remarks: The title of the presentation is..., I’d like to talk about... today. Our topic for today is..., My presentation will last for about...Planning: I have divided our talk into..., The first is..., The second is..., The third is..., The... is..., and finally I would like to talk a little about....


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Opening: I’d like to start by.... that....Moving to new point: Let me now turn to.... Now, I’d like to turn to...Highlighting: The important thing about... is... The thing to remember is...Indicating: Okay, Right, Good, Well, etc.Summarizing: Let me conclude my presentation then. The main points that have been made are...Closing: I’ll finish here, thank you. And let me finish here, thank you.


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Tips to Remember

1. The appearance of the presenters is sometimes very influential to the audience. The way they dress, the way they stand, their expression on the face or their eye-contacts with the audience may impress the audience.

2. It is very important to keep you speak slowly in spite of the nervousness.

3. A cheerful smile may give a good first-impression to the audience. Therefore, the presenter must keep smiling up.

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Tips for Managing Visual Aids

1. Use visual aids that are large enough for everyone to see.

2. Do not pass out objects or papers during a speech.

3. Keep charts, maps, and graphs very simple.

4. Look at your audience, not at your visual aids.

5. Practice using the visual aids prior to your presentation.

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I feel very honoured to say a few words in front of smart young people who are concerned with one of the serious problems the Earth is facing today.

Let me begin by welcoming you all to SMA 1 Banda Aceh. I hope that this seminar will produce some smart ideas in solving the issue and inspire other young men to care for nature.

As we know, the temperature Earth is getting higher and higher. This is caused by the global warming as the result of the depletion of the ozone layer. I’m relieved that you have put your concern on the issue. So, let’s save Earth.

Finally, I now take a great pleasure to declare this seminar open.

Thank you very much.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

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Thank you. Good morning.

I’m very proud that young people in Banda Aceh have initiatives to participate in solving the climate crisis.

To tackle the crisis, we need to take some actions. On this occasion I would like to propose two simple steps to solve the crisis. First, we need to make everybody aware of the crisis. We have to make all people in the whole parts of the planet realize the seriousness of the crisis. Second, we should take practical actions to stop the crisis. And of course the actions should involve the whole world community. Let me elaborate each of the steps.

First, there are a number of strategies that we can employ to make everybody understand the crisis. One of the strategies is …

I think that’s all I need to propose in this seminar and thank you very much for your attention.

Good morning.

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Assalamu’alikum wr. wb. Good Morning,The Excellencies Ministers, Ambassador, Member of Parliament, and Distinguished Participant.Ladies and GentlemenI am very honoured to stand before you all to deliver a speech concerning our current public security issues about bird flu.Let me begin by giving you a very warm welcome along with hope that this important meeting will result with success.Nothing is more worrying for us today than the spectre of avian flu pandemic. To date, avian influenza has infected 281 people, including 68 Indonesians.

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A flu pandemic will continue to spread, infect and kill until it has no more human flesh to live on. Millions of people around the world could die a tragic death from the pandemic. It is quiet clear therefore that the avian flu is everybody’s problem. We have been alarmed that the virus has suddenly crossed the species barrier and H5N1 human cases have been found in many parts of the world.It is therefore our duty to work together to ensure that a pandemic does not happen in our time. And it is our responsibility to ensure that all the nations of the world are prepared to prevent and fight it. This is everybody’s business, because if one is at risk, all is at risk.

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We are very grateful that you have answered our call to address the important issues concerning the international cooperation on sharing avian flu viruses. Ladies and gentlemen,I hope that this Meeting will result in constructive discussions on an issue that is at the heart of our national security.Finally, by saying “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”, I now take great pleasure to declare this High- Level Meeting open.Thank you very much.Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

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Make a speech.

1. The topics is free.

2. Deliver your speech with a visual aid.

3. Without reading a text.