source sheet based on power point slides

Rav Kook’s Lamentation in Jerusalem Sourcesheet based on the PowerPoint slides Slide 2 Biographical Information on Rav Kook: Born in Griva, Latvia in 1865. Learned in the Volozhin Yeshiva in 1884, where he became close to the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin (the Netziv). In 1904, he made Aliyah and became the rabbi in Jaffa, which also included responsibility for the new secular Zionist agricultural settlements nearby. The outbreak of the First World War caught him in Europe, and he was forced to remain in London for the remainder of the war. Upon returning, he was appointed the Rav of Jerusalem, and soon after, as first Chief Rabbi of Palestine. Rav Kook wrote prolifically on both Halakha and Jewish Thought, and his books and personality continued to influence many even after his death in Jerusalem in 1935. Slide 3 The Death of Moshiach ben Yosef: בבבבב בבב בב יייייי יי ייי יייי ייי יייי יייייי ייי יי יייייייי יייייי ייי י יי ייי יייי ייייי יייי ייייי יי ייייי יייי יייי יייי יי ייייי: בב בבבב בבבב בבבב בבבבב בבבבבבב בבבבב בבב בבבב בבבבב בבבבב: 10. And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplications. And they shall look to me because of he who has been thrust through [with swords], and they shall mourn over him as one mourns over an only son and shall be in bitterness, therefore, as one is embittered over a firstborn son. 11. On that day there shall be great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon. Slide 4 The Targum’s Interpretation of the mourning of “Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon”: Talmud Megilla 3a The Targum of the Prophets was composed by Yonatan ben Uzziel… and the land of Israel [thereupon] quaked over an area of four hundred parasangs, and a Bath Kol came forth and exclaimed, Who is this that has revealed My secrets to mankind? Jonathan b. Uzziel thereupon arose and said, It is I who have revealed Thy secrets to mankind. It is fully known to Thee that I have not done this for my own honor or for the honor of my father's house, but for Thy honor I have done it, that dissension may not

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Rav Kook’s Lamentation in JerusalemSourcesheet based on the PowerPoint slides

Slide 2 Biographical Information on Rav Kook: Born in Griva, Latvia in 1865. Learned in the Volozhin Yeshiva in 1884, where he became close to the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin (the Netziv). In 1904, he made Aliyah and became the rabbi in Jaffa, which also included responsibility for the new secular Zionist agricultural settlements nearby. The outbreak of the First World War caught him in Europe, and he was forced to remain in London for the remainder of the war. Upon returning, he was appointed the Rav of Jerusalem, and soon after, as first Chief Rabbi of Palestine.Rav Kook wrote prolifically on both Halakha and Jewish Thought, and his books and personality continued to influence many even after his death in Jerusalem in 1935.

Slide 3 The Death of Moshiach ben Yosef:זכריה פרק יב

י ושפכתי על בית דויד ועל יושב ירושלם רוח חן ותחנונים והביטו אלי את אשר דקרו וספדו עליו:כמספד על היחיד והמר עליו כהמר על הבכור

:יא ביום ההוא יגדל המספד בירושלם כמספד הדד רמון בבקעת מגדון

10. And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplications. And they shall look to me because of he who has been thrust through [with swords], and they shall mourn over him as one mourns over an only son and shall be in bitterness, therefore, as one is embittered over a firstborn son.11. On that day there shall be great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon.

Slide 4 The Targum’s Interpretation of the mourning of “Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon”: Talmud Megilla 3a The Targum of the Prophets was composed by Yonatan ben Uzziel… and the land of Israel [thereupon] quaked over an area of four hundred parasangs, and a Bath Kol came forth and exclaimed, Who is this that has revealed My secrets to mankind? Jonathan b. Uzziel thereupon arose and said, It is I who have revealed Thy secrets to mankind. It is fully known to Thee that I have not done this for my own honor or for the honor of my father's house, but for Thy honor I have done it, that dissension may not increase in Israel.Why did the land quake? The meaning of the prophets is sometimes clear and sometimes secretive. [For instance,] it is written , In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon, and R. Joseph [commenting on this] said: Were it not for the targum of this verse, we should not know what it means.[It runs as follows]: ‘On that day shall there be great mourning in Jerusalem like the mourning of Ahab who was killed by Hadadrimmon and like the mourning of Yoshiahu who was killed by Pharaoh in the plain of Megiddo’.

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Rav Kook’s Lamentation in JerusalemSourcesheet based on the PowerPoint slides

Slide 6 Moshiach Ben Yosef:Sukkah 52bThis Hesped who is it for… Moshiach Ben Yosef…

Slide 8 Rav Kook on Man:God created in man a body and a soul, and corresponding to them, forces that strengthen and develop the body, as well as forces that strengthen and cultivate the soul. Ultimate wholeness is achieved when the body is strong and well developed and the soul, vital and cultivated, leads all the faculties of the body in the service of the intellect, which is God’s will in this world.

Slide 9 Rav Kook on the Jewish People:So too on the collective level of Israel, God ordained these two faculties: a faculty corresponding to the physical entity, that aspires to material improvement of the nation… And a second facet devoted to the cultivation of the spirituality. In the first aspect, Israel is comparable to all the nations of the world. In the second aspect, Israel is unique…

Slide 11 Rav Kook on the Kingdom of David:The purpose of choosing the kingdom of David was that these two faculties be integrated, that they not cancel, but rather reinforce one another…Midrash Rabbah(David was a) Redhead… as if he was a killer. When Shmuel saw that David was a readhead, he was afraid that David would also kill like Esav. Hashem said to him: (David was a readhead) with beautiful eyes… Esav killed based on his own will, but David killed only based on the authority of the Sanhedrin.

Slide 12 Rav Kook on the split the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah:But it was not to last. Our sins brought about the division of the kingdom, and these two powers that should have been united, developed each in its own way, oblivious of its companion. Due to our many sins, both of the faculties were greatly damaged.

• The kingdom of Ephraim (The Northern Kingdom) founded by Yeravam, who was appointed by Shelomo over the task of Yosef in appreciation of his practical talent, turned its back on Israel’s unique sanctity… This was the source of the sin of idolatry… • Judah deprived of the material side that enlivens, was in need of a spiritual supplement to replace the missing material aspect. Unable to rise to the occasion, the spiritual power was also ruined.

Slide 13 Rav Kook on the Spiritual and Material:Since it is impossible for our nation to attain its lofty destiny other than by actualizing these two components- the universal symbolized by Yosef and the distinctive symbolized by Judah- there arise in the nations proponents of each aspect. Those who would enhance spirituality prepare the way for Moshiach ben Dovid whose focus is the final destiny. Truly the focus of life is spiritual attainment, except that the spiritual can only develop properly if it is accompanied by all the material acquisitions of which a full-bodied nation is in need. Those who redress the material general aspects of life prepare the way for Moshiach ben Yosef.

Slide 14 Rav Kook on the “Birthpangs of the Messiahs”:

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Rav Kook’s Lamentation in JerusalemSourcesheet based on the PowerPoint slides

When these forces work at cross purposes as a result of the calamity of exile, shortsightedness, and disarray, these are the “birthpangs of Messiah,” or to be exact, the “birthpangs of Messiahs”… Now since the major achievement of Moshiach ben Yosef, which is the general advancement of mankind, is accomplished by de-emphasis of the unique Jewish form, Moshiach ben Yosef cannot endure, so he is destined to be killed.

Slide 15 Rav Kook on Achab’s Strengths:Quality of love of nation was exemplified by Achab. He had such love for Israel… Even when pierced through by an arrow, Achab kept up the pretense, so that his troops not be demoralized by the loss of their commander. For this reason, he was assured the world to come…Such courage comes from a wonderful love. Though on a superficial level Achab respected Torah, nevertheless, he did not comprehend the value of Torah… Thus he followed in the ways of Izebel and the pagan rites…

Slide 16 Rav Kook on Yoshiahu’s strengths:At the other end, Yoshiahu strengthened the spiritual dimension. In this respect he was unequaled among kings. “Before him there was no king who returned to the Lord with all his heart, soul, and might.” He would brook no linking of Israel to the nations. This reached an extreme in his refusal to listen to Jeremiah's prophetic demand that he allow the army of Egypt to enter Israel’s territory…Slide 17 Rav Kook on the End of Days:At the end of days the nation will realize that it is in fact possible to combine these two areas. The hesped for Moshiach Ben Yosef, is a mourning for both the characteristics of Achav and Yoshiahu having been distorted. The purpose of the hesped for Moshiach Ben Yosef is to learn from the mistake, to rectify the mistake, and ultimately, integrate these powers.

Slide 18 Rav Kook on Zionism:The Zionist vision manifest in our generation might best be symbolized as the “footstep of Moshiach ben Yosef”. Zionism tends to universalism… It is unequipped to realize that the development of Israel’s general aspect is but the foundation for Israel’s singularity… It behooves us to take heart, to try to unify the “tree of Yosef” and the “tree of Judah”, to rejoice in the national reawakening, and to know that this is not the end goal of Israel, but only a preparation. .. Let us strive to increase the light of knowledge and fear of the Lord such. Then there will be fulfilled the prophecy, “ I will grant unto Zion salvation, unto Israel my glory.”