sophia's story

Sophia ’s story

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Post on 21-Mar-2016




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Sophia lives the dream, but when her best friend starts being weird about Sophia's new friend Sophia learns the importance of friendship.


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Sophia’s story

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Is how all fairy tales start but not this one. This story is about a normal girl. Sort of.. Now let’s begin the story! Let’s not wait all the people reading this are getting impatient. So where should I begin. The lottery? New Years day? When she met Jane? Ahhh!!! When she met Jane of course! Christmas eve one month before the lottery! I think that is a good place to start and I know where I’ll end now. Now this prolouge is almost over. When this story seems sad go on. Go on in life that’s the story I want to tell you. How a normal girl faced life instead of running away. Sophia.

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Ch. 1 Sophia’s story

“ But!!!” complained Sophia. She didn’t want to meet this other girl she sounded rude and whiny. “No buts!” said Sophia’s outraged dad who did not appreciate Sophia’s fit. “Can’t we just stay home?” “No” okay maybe Sophia was overreacting, but that didn’t matter Sophia was getting her way. She tugged on her dad’s tie making him say, “fine I’ll reschedule..”. He was saying it while nodding his head looking at his watch.

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KNOCK!!! KNOCK!!! Someone was at the door. A man that was pretty short appeared he wore a button that was handmade on his suit. The button said BEST DAD IN THE WORLD. A boy stood beside the man. He looked about five years older than herself. Below the man was a little girl no taller than Sophia. The girl looked the same age as Sophia. As another loud knock echoed through the door Sophia’s father rushed to the door. He opened the door and looked at the man. “Ahh”, he said then he touched Sophia’s shoulder and said,” This is Jane would you play with her honey?” Sophia looked at Jane, and then she said, “ Sure…” Jane followed Sophia up to the playroom. “ Wow you have a really fancy house..” “I know most of this was my mothers…” realizing she was talking to a stranger about her mom Sophia bit her tongue remembering her mother’s last words, “ I’ll always love you..” Sophia had shaken her mother several times before she knew that Mom was gone.. Sophia looked at Jane who was still exploring the playroom. Wanting to break the silence Jane asked, “ Who are your family members?”

Sophia felt the feeling rush over her again,” Who’s in yours?” Sophia asked. “ I have a mom, dad, and brother ,” she said almost instantly. Jane didn’t ask about Sophia’s family again, and that was just fine.

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Jane went home later, but Sophia felt happier even though Jane was gone. Jane

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had made her laugh and feel happy again. Sophia still felt floating in midair. Could this be how it felt to make a true friend?

Ch.2 Sophia’s story

“I WON! I WON!” shouted Sophia’s dad his screams flew through the air. Sophia raced downstairs. Feeling dizzy she shouted, “We won! We won!” Sophia’s dad lifted her up. They were billionaires now. Dazed she danced around the room as happy as could be.

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4 years later

“Sophia!” complained Jane. Sophia and Jane were playing operation at Jane’s house. It was Sophia’s turn when she got BAD GAS. She had rolled on the ground laughing so hard her sides were aching. She had been friends with Jane for four years they were in 2ned grade now. For those of you who have troubles in math they were in the 3 year old class when they met. They’d made a movie, dressed up, painted together, created a detective club [along with Abby P], and had had a bunch of summer vacations together. Every day they became closer and closer making a long bond. They laughed and laughed that day not knowing that the worse was about to come.

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1 week later.

“She’s a new friend!” said Sophia’s father. They were talking about Adeline. Adeline was Sophia’s new neighbor though she looked mean. She wore a scowl on her face. Even when she SOUNDED happy. But Sophia is the agreeable type so she agreed with her father and played with Adeline. She didn’t seem as bad as Sophia thought she would be. So Sophia decided that Adeline, Jane, and she should have a playdate. So they did, but that night seemed like all they could do was stare at each other not saying an absolute word. After that Sophia started to hang out with Adeline more than Jane. It wasn’t that bad to Sophia, but Jane grew without her for a whole year. Than one year Jane came over, and asked if Sophia would come over. Sophia thought Jane had grew taller that year. She was three inches taller than second grade. Jane also had purple glasses on. Jane also seemed tougher. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. But then she asked Sophia something,” Would you like to join my club?” Sophia of course said yes, but inside she was thinking yes yes yes! Of course I do! Because it would be like old times again, and Sophia missed how that felt.

But of course friendships can’t always stay goo let me tell you about the silent treatment. Jane gave Sophia a whole silent treatment for a whole week before Sophia said sorry. Because with that stuff one friend always gives in to the other friend saying that the other friend was right. This event happened on New Years Day. Shall I tell you the story? Of course I should you want me to tell you about Sophia so this.. Is very important!

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Ch.3 Sophia’s story

The New Year’s Day party was about to begin. Jane had brought popcorn, and Sophia had the big flat screen smart TV. So it worked out where it would be and how it would go you know. It was quite obvious.. So let me get on with the story I’m probably boring you to death right now. So blah blah blah sleepover blah blah blah Adeline crashing the sleepover blah blah blah silent treatment. I honestly don’t know how this happened at all. It just honestly happened. I don’t know if Adeline and Jane hate each other it’s hard to tell, but they don’t really get along. Both have such different personalities. Jane was mostly calm, but if she needed to could be as fierce as fire. While Adeline was always fierce and hard to know what she felt about someone while Jane was easy to get along with Adeline was fierce with her opinions. I can’t tell you which one Sophia liked better! I don’t even know. So as you see I’m supposed to tell the story in equal descriptions I can’t make one sound better. I think that it’s good to be fierce about your opinions. So no one takes over you. While you should be calm and humble. See that’s equal. Now let me skip ahead. Blah blah Sophia apologizes about Adeline blah blah Sophia give Adeline a LONG SILENT TREATMENT! Blah blah after one month Sophia is friends with Adeline again blah blah Jane gives Sophia another silent treatment blah blah and then….. This would make another great paragraph okay?!

So Jane and Sophia didn’t hang out for a long time. Well you know what by then Adeline moved to another state. But Sophia and Jane still didn’t even hang out. Sure Sophia still visited Adeline, but Jane was hanging out way to much with other friends. Sophia thought she was Jane’s best friend, but Jane hadn’t played with Sophia for 3 months. So Sophia was surprised when Jane asked to hang out. And when Sophia came Jane cried and said how she missed Sophia so much. And Sophia told Jane to how much she missed Jane too. They may have other friends, but they have a really special bond.

This story may not have a ONCE UPON A TIME, but it does have a HAPPILY EVER AFTER..

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Sophia lives the dream, but her

best friend keeps

on being weird

toward Sophia’s

new friend.