social media session for young entrepreneurs

Social Media for Young Entrepreneurs Amman – Jordan Mohammad Tahhan

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Social Media for Young Entrepreneurs Amman Jordan Mohammad Tahhan
  2. 2. The Social Media Revolution 2014 @Tahanco
  3. 3. What is Social Media? Conversation Connection / communication Commenting Community Collaboration Contribution Sharing Content creation @Tahanco
  4. 4. Why is Social Media? Audience is targeted Participation increased Easy to use Outreach to clients Compete for revenue Velocity Flexibility Economy Transparency @Tahanco
  5. 5. LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER BEFORE AFTER Access Internet to check Emails Access Internet to share Mobiles to talk and SMS Mobiles to access New Life People were physically social Peopleve become virtually social children into outdoor activities children staying in access Users spent lesser time on Web Users spend more time on Web Businesses focused on traditional Media Business investing in social networks for advertising purposes Celebrities relied on PR agents Celebrities using social networks Employees spent lesser time online Employees using more time online @Tahanco
  6. 6. LIFE BEFORE AND AFTER WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0 Programmer User Experts create content Everyone creates content Individuals visit web pages, read content People construct shared information Tightly controlled sites Loosely controlled communities One way (one - to - many) Many-to-many (peer - to - peer) Publish Participate hierarchies Dynamic, non hierarchical Static, stable content, few changes Constantly updated content @Tahanco
  7. 7. @Tahanco Plan Your Social Media Marketing Strategy
  8. 8. @Tahanco Social Media Tips For Young Entrepreneurs
  9. 9. @Tahanco 1. Find Your Way
  10. 10. @Tahanco 2. Streamline Your Updates
  11. 11. @Tahanco 3. Share Original Content
  12. 12. @Tahanco 4. Share and RESPOND !!
  13. 13. @Tahanco 5. Merge Online & Reality
  14. 14. @Tahanco 6. Listen to Your Customers Everywhere, Not Just in Social Media
  15. 15. @Tahanco 6. Engage with Your Customers
  16. 16. @Tahanco 7. Be Human
  17. 17. "POST" Method @Tahanco
  18. 18. P = People - Who is your target audience ? - What tools are they using ? - What are they most comfortable with ? @Tahanco
  19. 19. O = Objectives - Do you want to listen, talk, raise awareness, increase website traffic, improve your reputation or collaborate with your audience ? @Tahanco
  20. 20. S = Strategy - What do you want to accomplish ? - What resources do you have ? @Tahanco
  21. 21. T = Technology - Once youve defined your audiences, objectives and strategy, then you can choose the most appropriate technology. @Tahanco
  22. 22. ADVANTAGES Idea bank Sharing ideas, links, articles Building and sustaining community Inspire thoughts Ask Questions DISADVANTAGES Frustrating Messy Not great for conversation @Tahanco
  23. 23. ADVANTAGES Promote Conversation Undeniably popular ! Friendly user Updates status, photos, videos, links, sharing Online discussions Scheduling events DISADVANTAGES Time Waster Distracters Overwhelming ! @Tahanco
  24. 24. ADVANTAGES Easy, do-it-yourself web page Reflection Post & response conversation Knowledge sharing Application for critical thinking Archiving Scheduling Metrics DISADVANTAGES Formal to learners Writing liking it Need practice Need openness for criticism @Tahanco
  25. 25. ADVANTAGES Professional Meet new colleagues/ prospect employees and employers Reputation Share knowledge Safe place to start business DISADVANTAGES Official More like resume @Tahanco
  26. 26. Tell your Story Whats unique about your business ? Share photos, videos and links Create dialogue allow people to share and engage with your message. Ask questions. Measure and Optimize Which messages have been effective? Which ones have been ineffective? @Tahanco
  27. 27. Tweet about things your Audience Cares about Link to newsworthy events that people are already talking about and relate them to your cause Tweet in the Moment Gives your voice authenticity and lets people in on the action. Quote the guest speaker, take a photoetc Use Relevant Hashtags Hashtags label your conversation and makes them searchable. If you create your own SEARCH it first. Use Call to Actions Its amazing what people will do if you ask, Check out our or Please Retweet. Include Links Tweets containing a link are three times more likely to be retweeted. Experiment with posting frequency and times @Tahanco
  28. 28. Key Takeaways 1. Social Media is a Commitment 2. You get out what you put in 3. Social Media is NOT an exact science. 4. Add Value to the Conversation 5. You NEED to respect the power of Social Media @Tahanco
  29. 29. MARKETING PROCESS @Tahanco Social Media Marketing Process Actively engage social community and customers. Turn fans into customers, drive traffic and sales. Skillfully and carefully construct promotional messages to connect with customers. Build and increase followers, publish content. Monitor brand mentions, keywords, and trends.
  30. 30. To sustainable Social Media @Tahanco Social Media Process
  31. 31. @Tahanco
  32. 32. @Tahanco
  33. 33. @Tahanco
  34. 34. @Tahanco
  35. 35. @Tahanco
  36. 36. Finally!! @Tahanco Plan Your Content: Develop monthly content strategies Check your social network(s) daily Be as visual as possible (pictures, videos, links etc) Use Social Media to conduct informal research (ask questions) Identify key influencers and engage them in conversation
  37. 37. And!! @Tahanco Questions to ask yourself before hitting Enter: Which Social Media platform is appropriate for this message? Why are you sharing this message? What is the value added by this message? Can I add a relevant link, photo or video to this message?
  38. 38. And!! @Tahanco Thank you Social Media Trainer and NGO communication specialist Mohammad Tahhan Q & A ??