slide 1 la ict consortium module 2 seminar ict training for school librarians

Slide 1 LA ICT Consortium Module 2 Seminar ICT Training for School ICT Training for School Librarians Librarians

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LA ICT Consortium

Module 2


ICT Training for School LibrariansICT Training for School Librarians

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Welcome & IntroductionWelcome & Introduction

• Welcome

• Your tutors

Andy Ewers


Nick Lewis

• today’s Agenda :-

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8.30 Welcome & Introduction

10.15 Review of prep- Professional Development- Health & Safety- Legal & Ethical Issues- ICT Resources

11.05 Library Automation Systems

11.20 Research

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11.35 coffee break

11.50 Information Presentation

- Introduction

12.10 HTML Technologies

12.45 Publishing With A Purpose

1.00 lunch break

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1.45 Test & Evaluate 3 examples

2.05 Web Authoring - define exercise

2.30 Hands-On Session - exercise - create webpages- exercise - WebMail &


3.45 Compile WebSite

4.00 Preparation for Further Modules

4.30 close

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Session 1. Review of prepSession 1. Review of prep

• Professional Development

- improve professional efficiency with ICT

• Health & Safety Matters

• Legal & Ethical Issues

• ICT Resources


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ICT ResourcesICT Resources : Library Automation Systems : Library Automation Systemssome key points• hardware ‘platform’–many possibilities– unix server / standard PCs

recommended– avoid proprietary computers and

minority makes• data scanning devices– light pens, barcode readers, etc

for data capture

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ICT ResourcesICT Resources : Library Automation Systems : Library Automation Systems

• application softwaremain features include :-

– cataloguing

– acquisitions

– circulation

» issues/returns

» reservations

» fines and charges

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ICT ResourcesICT Resources : Library Automation Systems : Library Automation Systems

• other features may include :-– OPAC

– search engine

– access to community information

» clubs & societies

» advisory organisations

» newspapers

– facilities for local, specialist collections

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ICT ResourcesICT Resources : Library Automation Systems : Library Automation Systems

• list of suppliers can be found at DGXIII website :-

• also LA factsheet from :-

[email protected]

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Session 2. ResearchSession 2. Research

Locate and exploit research & inspectionevidence re ICT in the School Library

• what? reports of studies/projects

• how? use the internet

• where? relevant websites

e.g. Becta, N G f L, D f E E, Library AssociationProject Earl links

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Session 3. Information PresentationSession 3. Information Presentation

• Main ICT-based methods of presentation and communication– print oriented wp, dtp– screen oriented slide show– telecom oriented e-mail, fax–multi-media CD authoring,

Web authoring

– BUT, convergence blurs the distinction

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Presentation - Print OrientedPresentation - Print Oriented

WORD PROCESSING• increasingly sophisticated, but most users

do not exploit all the features• many come close to Desk Top Publishing

capabilities, except for :-– ease of manipulation of image elements– compatibility with electronic typesetting

Example WP products- Word, WordPerfect, WordPro

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Presentation - Print OrientedPresentation - Print Oriented


• increasingly affordable, but under pressure from improving WP products

• extending capabilities into ‘higher’ authoring levels via output filters for PDF, webpage and multi-media files

Example DTP products- PageMaker, Quark Xpress, Publisher

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Presentation - Screen OrientedPresentation - Screen Oriented

SLIDE SHOWS• very popular for training courses

and for business presentations• often projected onto large screen• relatively easy to create ‘slides’ with colour

and images• very easy to use to give a presentation

Example Slide Show products- PowerPoint, CorelShow, Lotus Freelance

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Presentation - Telecom OrientedPresentation - Telecom Oriented


• now widely used (because of the internet)

• person to person OR person to list

• designed to be paperless• can handle large & complex files as

attachments, for high resolution information presentation (the medium does not restrict the message)

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Presentation - Telecom OrientedPresentation - Telecom Oriented


• still very common

• organisation to organisation OR organisation to circulation list

• designed for paper, but paperless capability introduced by fax-modem systems

• low resolution presentation because of medium

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Presentation - Multi-MediaPresentation - Multi-Media

CD AUTHORING• widely used for ‘publishing’ electronic books

with high quality presentation• especially for educational purposes :-– schools and home study

e.g. reference books– business training

e.g. instruction manuals

Example CD Authoring products- AuthorWare, IconAuthor

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Presentation - Multi-MediaPresentation - Multi-Media


• rapidly becoming the most widely usedmethod of ‘publishing’

– over 150 million websites on the internet!

– over 800 million webpages

• designed to be very efficient over telephone lines

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Presentation - Multi-MediaPresentation - Multi-Media


• supports full multi-media capability

without complexities and costs of CD :-

i.e. mastering, reproduction and distribution

• web publishing is easy & fast

Example Web Authoring products- FrontPage, HotMetal, DreamWeaver

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Presentation : Related TechnologiesPresentation : Related Technologies

information presentation tools includetext and simple graphics …

... but use links to incorporate moresophisticated forms of information

• tables/graphs e.g. financial information or

timetables from spreadsheets

• formatted data e.g. information from a database

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Related TechnologiesRelated Technologies

• images e.g. photographs and drawings from

image management software• animation

e.g. animated gif files,video clips from AVI tools

• sounds e.g. music and voice files in ...

- simple formats (wav or midi)- high quality formats (MP3)

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Session 4 : HTML TechnologiesSession 4 : HTML Technologies

• original concept :-- simple (small) files to create multi-media pages for rapid delivery over phone lines

• developments into :- - links to external applications

(via CGI common gateway interface)- allowing ‘forms’ and ‘dialogues’- software controlled pages (ASP)

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

• basic technology based on SGMLStandard Generalised Markup Language

• both use ‘tags’ to define ‘elements’ which contain information about page layout, colour scheme and page contents

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

• initially, WebPage authors needed a thorough understanding of different types of elements, how they interacted, how to control their attributes, etc

some example elements :-head, body, metatag, title, heading1, heading2, paragraph, blockquote, ordered list (numbers), unordered list (bullets), menu list, table, image, anchor (hypertext link), horizontal rule, line break

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

• today’s Web Authoring tools hide most of the technical ‘nuts and bolts’

• we can now concentrate on appearance and function by placing :-

- text - pictures- links

on the webpage - it’s more like wp/dtp

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

the TEXT elements commonly used are :-

• title - for the words which appear in the top line of the browser window

• heading1 - for the big, bold ‘headline’

• paragraph - for standard text

• unordered list - for bullet points of text

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

There is only one PICTURE element :-

• image - for any picture, but the convention is to use either

GIF filesusually low-resolution graphics

or JPG filesusually hi-resolution graphics/photos

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

There is only one HYPERLINK element :-

• anchor - for a link to

– another point in a long webpage

– another webpage on the same server

i.e. a ‘sister’ document in the same website

– a webpage on another server

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

There are three elements which areparticularly helpful for page layout :-

• hr (horizontal rule)- for a line across the page

• br (break) - to force a new line in text

• table - to create column layouts

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HTML TechnologiesHTML Technologies

• demonstration of the creation of a webpage using a specialised web authoring product– create a new page

– set basic colour scheme

– include a title, a headline, some text, a picture, a link to a ‘sister’ page, a link to a distant page, a column effect

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Session 5 : Publish with a purposeSession 5 : Publish with a purpose

• internet publishing is easy, fast and inexpensive compared with printed media

• but … think like a publisher before launching your school website!

- who are the intended readers ?- how literate are they ?

accessibility vs dumbing-down- what do they want to know ?- what do you want to say ?- what impression do you want to create ?

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Publish with a purposePublish with a purpose

• plan it with care, millions of people can read a webpage

If the TES offered you a free full page spread topromote your school :-

- you’d think long and hard about what to include

- you’d involve various members of staff, governors, etc,

- you’d hone the words and choose just the right pictures

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Publish with a purposePublish with a purpose

• plan your website with equal care, and

• plan for low maintenance

• then worry about the mechanics

- who will have editorial control ?- how often will it be updated ?- who has the technical skills ?- who has the literary skills ?- do you include pupil’s pages ?

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Session 6 : Evaluate 3 examplesSession 6 : Evaluate 3 examples

• uk - state school

– King Edward VII, Melton Mowbray

• uk - independent school


• usa - state school

– Conifer High

3 school websites


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Session 7 : Hands OnSession 7 : Hands On

• definition of exercises and reminder demonstration of web authoring

• hands-on exercises

A: use WebMail & WebBoard

B: create WebPage for a WebSite

• compilation of WebSite

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Exercise A - WebMail & WebBoardExercise A - WebMail & WebBoard

• access LA ICT WebSite

• WebMail– at home page,

select post office– read a mail

message– create and send

a message

• WebBoard– at home page,

select chat– select a

conference– read a conf

message– reply to it

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Exercise B - create a school websiteExercise B - create a school website

• each team creates at least one WebPage

• each WebPage to include :-

- a colour scheme - a title

- a table - a ‘headline’

- descriptive text - an image

- links to ‘sister’ - links to relevant pages in website www pages

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Exercise B - create a school websiteExercise B - create a school website

remember ...

• keep all files created for the webpage in one ‘folder’ use the floppy disk provided

• concentrate on the functions involved, rather than the software product in use

• pass completed floppy to tutors for website compilation part of exercise

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Exercise B - create a school websiteExercise B - create a school website

• reminder demonstration creating a webpage using a specialist web authoring tool

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Compilation of WebSiteCompilation of WebSite

• all HTML files and associated resources copied into one folder on one PC

• tutor tests functions and links

• tutor uploads to internet WebSite

using a file transfer tool

• test that functions and links operate on the internet

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Session 8 : Preparation for further modulesSession 8 : Preparation for further modules

• general points re distance learning and LA ICT materials and support

• introduction to module 3

» access module 3 info at LA ICT website