ict training needs for librarians library electronic technical tools electronic ddc / dewey for...

ICT training needs for Librarians Library Electronic Technical Tools Electronic DDC / Dewey for Window

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DDC database information included Schedules and tables Schedule and table summaries Manual DDC index terms (Relative Index) In addition, the database includes Additional electronic Relative Index terms Selected Library of Congress Subject Headings A sample bibliographic record for each class number that contains the most frequently associated Library of Congress Subject Headings Hierarchies for all schedule and table records Segmentation marks used by the Library of Congress Decimal


Page 1: ICT training needs for Librarians Library Electronic Technical Tools Electronic DDC / Dewey for Window

ICT training needs for Librarians

Library Electronic Technical Tools

Electronic DDC / Dewey for Window

Page 2: ICT training needs for Librarians Library Electronic Technical Tools Electronic DDC / Dewey for Window

Dewey for Window (DFW)

Dewey for Windows lets you point and click your way through DDC functions and includes

• Windows format that allows you to drag and drop information between windows

• Expanded search and display options

• An ability to display multiple DDC records from the schedules, tables, index, and Manual on one screen

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DDC database information included

• Schedules and tables• Schedule and table summaries• Manual• DDC index terms (Relative Index)

In addition, the database includes

• Additional electronic Relative Index terms• Selected Library of Congress Subject Headings• A sample bibliographic record for each class number that contains the most frequently associated Library of Congress Subject Headings• Hierarchies for all schedule and table records• Segmentation marks used by the Library of Congress Decimal

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DDC database information excluded

• Introduction to DDC (provided as part of Help)• Flowcharts• Printed summaries within schedules and tables• Relocations and reductions; comparative and equivalence tables; reused numbers• Glossary (provided as part of Help)

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Bracketed and parenthetical numbers

Bracketed numbers

Numbers in square brackets represent topics that have been relocated or discontinued, or are unassigned. Square brackets are also used for standard subdivision concepts that are represented in another location. For example,

Parenthetical numbers

Numbers and notes in parentheses provide options to standard practice. For example,

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Centered entries

A centered entry represents a subject covered by a span of numbers, e.g., 155.4-155.6 Psychology of specific ages.

Centered schedule number

Centered table number

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Manual entries

Manual entries provide information about the use of DDC numbers. This information is primarily made up of extended discussions of problem areas in an application of the Classification. In the Relative Index (Phrases), the numbers for Manual entries are preceded by M

You can display Manual records only in the DDC Number window, not the DDC Pages window.

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Built numbers

A classifier finds that to arrive at a precise number, it is necessary to build or synthesize a number that is not specifically printed in the schedules. In the Search window results area, built numbers are identified by I because in the print DDC these numbers appear only in the Relative Index. Built numbers can be displayed in the DDC Number window but not the DDC Pages window.

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Using index labels

Basic Index bi: bi:nursing bi:610.73Captions (Words) cn: cn:nursingCaptions (Phrases) cp: cp:nursing personnelDewey Number dd: dd:610.73 dd:t2--81Rel. Index (Words) it: it:library cooperationRel. Index (Phrases) ip: ip:sacred music*LCSH (Words) su: su:insurance LCSH (Phrases) sp: sp:global warmingNotes nt: nt:holidaysManual mn: mn:005Not Manual nm: nm:305

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Keyword search

Searching using one keywordType the keyword in the input field. For example, chess.

Searching using multiple keywordsType the keywords in the input field; separate each keyword with spaces. For example, oil painting.

Searching using multiple keywords with operatorsIn the input field, type the first keyword, the operator, and the last keyword. Separate the words with spaces. For example, oil or painting and oil and painting.

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Stopwords are not indexed in keyword indexes because they occur frequently and do not add to the subject content of an index. Stopwords include articles, many prepositions, and some forms of the verb to be. Exclude stopwords from keyword searches but include them in phrase searches.

Stopword list:

a but her on whichan by his or withand for in that youare from is theas had it thisat have not tobe he of was

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Phrase search

When you search for a phrase, you must be more precise than when you search for a keyword. You must:

• Begin with the first word of the phrase• Type the words of the phrase in the correct order• Include stopwords that occur within the phrase• Type the entire phrase or use an asterisk (*) to truncate the phrase to retrieve alternative endings.• When searching the Relative Index (Phrase) (ip:), always use an asterisk to end the search term.• Omit punctuation (commas, semicolons, and question marks) except hyphens

Using the Search windowip:computer security*

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Range search

Searching for a range of numbers

Type the first number of the range, a vertical bar (|), and the ending number, for example, 500|508.

Searching for a term and its variations

Type the beginning letters of the term, a vertical bar (|), and the last word that completes the range, for example, librar|library.

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Using operators

Boolean Operator

AND Finds only records containing both termsOR Finds records containing either termNOT Eliminates records containing the term following


Proximity Operator

N (near) Finds records with two or more keywords within a certain proximity but in any order

eg. malpractice n insuranceW (with) Finds records with two or more keywords within a

certain proximity and in the same order as they appeareg. malpractice w insurance

With proximity operators, use a number to specify if any words may appear between the sought terms, e.g., two words: n2, w2.

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Using truncation and masking

Using the question mark (?)Truncation masks characters at the end of a keyword, phrase, or DDC number. Use truncation to retrieve variant endings, plurals, and related concepts. The ? masks 0 or 1 character each time it appears in a term. To mask more than 1 character, add another ? for each character to be masked. Use ? to mask characters within a term or at the end of a term.Search Term Retrievessex? Both sex and sextb?at Both bat and beatlibrar??? Libraries and library, but not librarians or librarianship

Using the asterisk (*)The * masks 0 or an unspecified number of characters at the end of the term. You cannot use * to mask internal characters.Search Term Retrievessex* Sex and sext but also sexes, sexism, and


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Using restrictors

You can restrict your search two ways:

• By DDC discipline• By Table number

Restrictor Record Sets Examples1: First Summary: 10 Main

Classeswar and s1:200

s2: Second Summary: 100 Divisionstax* and s2:330

s3: Third Summary: 1000 Sectionschildren and s3:155

tn: Table number language not tn:t6

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Scanning a word index

Word indexes (keyword indexes) include each word or number that occurs in the indexed part of a DDC record (for example, the caption or the notes). The results area of the Index window shows terms in the selected index before and after the word in the Scan For: input field. For each word listed, the number in the left column indicates how many DDC records that contain the word in the indexed field(s). If the selected index does not contain an exact match, DFW highlights the closest match. (In the example, an exact match could not be found; nongoma is the closest match.)

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Scanning a word index

When you scan the Dewey Numbers index, the results area of the Index window shows numbers before and after the DDC number entered in the Scan For: input field.

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Scanning the Relative Index (Words)

If the index does not contain an exact match for the words you enter in the Scan For: input field, the closest match is highlighted. If you input two words, the second word is ignored unless it is attached with a hyphen.

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Scanning the Relative Index (Phrases)

If the index does not contain an exact match for the phrase you enter in the Scan For: input field, the closest match is highlighted.

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See also (Relative Index)

In the DDC Relative Index (Phrases) (ip:), some entries include the notation SA: (See also) followed by another term. For example:

Flutes SA: Woodwind instruments

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Scanning the LCSH Index (Words)

If the index does not contain an exact match for the words you enter in the Scan For: input field, the closest match is highlighted.

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Scanning the LCSH Index (Phrases)

If the index does not contain an exact match for the phrase you enter in the Scan For: input field, the closest match is highlighted.

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What is the Work Area?

The Work Area is a temporary storage area where you can enter information for later use. You can use it to:

• Enter DDC numbers when you are building numbers• Hold data you need for drag and drop

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Copying.. Work Area to Window Notepad

To copy information from the Work Area to the Windows Notepad,

• Click in the Work Area.• Highlight the information you want to copy.• Open the Edit menu.• Select Copy.• Press <Alt><Tab> to return to the Program Manager.• Double-click the Windows Notepad icon.• Click inside the Windows Notepad window.• Open the Edit menu.• Select Paste.

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Syed Tauseef Hussain [email protected]

Cell:03334553420Librarian, University College of Art & Design

University of the Punjab, Lahore

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